Fencing around the suburban area is a must for a quiet and peaceful life. The erection of the enclosing structure is a laborious and costly undertaking, but the use of such unconventional materials as slate can reduce costs to quite acceptable amounts. A DIY fence will help you save a lot.

Advantages and disadvantages of slate

Colored eight-wave asbestos-cement slate sheet

Slate is roofing material from asbestos, cement and modifying additives. To make slate, the components are stirred in water until a thick mixture is obtained, which is pressed on special equipment and dried at high temperatures.

The advantages of asbestos-cement slate as a material include the following:

  • Availability - Slate has a lower cost when compared to other solid concrete and metal materials. For example, a corrugated sheet of 1750 × 970 mm with a thickness of 5.2 mm will cost only 205 rubles.
  • Strength - asbestos concrete slate can withstand a point load weighing more than 70 kg. At the same time, the material does not deform or crack, keeping the factory shape.
  • Durability - slate belongs to the group of roofing materials produced in accordance with GOST. The minimum service life of unpainted asbestos-cement slate is at least 30 years. The dyed material lasts up to 50 years or more.
  • Frost resistance - asbestos concrete is a porous material, which makes it possible for slate to withstand the effects of low temperatures for a long time. The minimum resource "freeze-thaw" is not less than 25 cycles.
  • Safety - slate is not affected by corrosion processes, is not a medium for the formation of harmful bacteria, is not afraid of moisture and high temperatures.

Six-, seven- and eight-wave slate sheet and its dimensions

The benefits described above were for slate when used for its intended purpose. When constructing slate fences, the material may behave differently. There is a high risk of sheet shock when installed vertically. A directed impact into a sheet of asbestos concrete will certainly lead to cracks or chips.

Using wave slate it should be remembered that the weight of the smallest sheet is at least 18.5 kg, and in the case of flat slate - from 75 to 350 kg. To install heavy sheets on load-bearing supports, reliable concreting of the base and the use of appropriate fasteners will be required.

When cutting and drilling sheets, safety precautions should be followed, which involves the use of a respirator, goggles and gloves. Asbestos, which is part of the roofing material, can emit harmful vapors that are dangerous to human health. What is especially dangerous when building a fence in the immediate vicinity of playgrounds and swimming pools.

Views from photo

Flat slate sheet and its typical dimensions

For the manufacture of fences, both types of asbestos slate are used - flat and wave sheet. The first one is used more often, as it is thicker and easier to attach. Wave slate has a thickness of no more than 7.5 mm, has a lower density and useful area.

According to GOST 18124–95, flat slate is produced in two types with the following markings:

  • LP-P - flat pressed sheet;
  • LP-NP - unpressed flat sheet.

Pressed slate has a higher strength index - 23 MPa (kgf / cm 3). For comparison, unpressed slate has a flexural strength of no more than 18 MPa. The denser structure of the pressed sheet increases its impact strength and frost resistance properties. LP-NP in all respects are inferior to LP-P, but have a much lower weight and cost.

Plain and colored wave slate for roofing

Corrugated slate is available in three variations:

  • VO - ordinary wavy sheet 1120 mm long, 680 mm wide;
  • VU - reinforced corrugated sheet 2800 mm long, 1000 mm wide;
  • UV - unified wave slate 1750 mm long, 1125 mm wide.

Slate with regular profile is used only for roofing works on small buildings no more than 15 m high. A corrugated sheet with a reinforced profile is used for cladding the roofs of industrial buildings. Slate with a unified profile is a universal option and is suitable both for roofing a private house and for cladding roofs of industrial buildings.

It is better to use products marked with HC as wave slate for the construction of a fence. Such material has a high density and more convenient size... The sheet weight does not exceed 27 kg, and the working width practically does not differ from the actual one. This makes it possible to reduce labor costs for trimming sheets, thereby saving on material. The optimal number of waves is 7–8.

Due to the application of a protective layer of paint, colored corrugated slate is less sensitive to moisture and better tolerates negative temperatures. In comparison, the service life of a painted sheet is 1.5 times that of a conventional product of the same thickness.

Preparation for the construction of the fence

To mark and measure the length of the fence, use a regular thread stretched between the peg

Before constructing a fence made of slate sheets, it is necessary to carry out design work, which will allow you to select the optimal amount of material. To do this, you will need to measure the length of the enclosed area.

This can be done using a long nylon thread and wooden pegs. The thread is pulled between the pegs placed around the perimeter of the site. After alignment with the house and other buildings, the thread is unwound and its length is measured.

Based on the data obtained, a project is drawn up and a diagram is drawn with the location of the main elements of the fence: support pillars, gates, a wicket. Knowing the length of the fence, you can freely calculate the amount of slate, supplies and fasteners.

The choice of material for construction

Flat slate is good for building a fence

Regardless of the type and shape, slate is a brittle material that cannot withstand a serious shock load. Therefore, as a material for the fence, there is not much difference what material will be used - the strength of corrugated and flat sheets is approximately the same.

From the point of view of convenience, flat slate is much easier to assemble. Individual sections are installed using the joint-to-joint method without overlapping. This means that when constructing a long fence of flat slate, several sheets less will be required.

Flat slate is easy enough to mount on cross rails

Before going to the store, check the SNiP adopted in your region regarding the height of the fences for private and summer cottages. According to SNiP 30–20–97, the height of the fence should not exceed 1.5 m, but upon agreement with local authorities, this value can be increased to 2–2.2 m.

If the permitted height of the fence is limited, then you can try to negotiate with the neighbors on the site. If the neighbors agree and they are satisfied that your site will be surrounded by a fence with a height of more than 2 m, then you have the right to erect a fence.

Table: basic dimensions of flat slate according to GOST 18124-95

Thicker, custom-sized sheets can be selected if desired, but 8mm sheets are sufficient for most fences. When choosing asbestos boards, special attention should be paid appearance material:

When buying slate, ask the consultant for a quality certificate for the distributed products, carefully study the marking on the product and remove the control dimensions from several sheets from the batch. If the size differs by more than ± 5 mm, and the color of the slate is dark, then this may indicate non-compliance with the storage conditions of the material. It is impossible to use such slate for the construction of a fence.

Calculation of the required material

Iron support posts for building a fence

Immediately before ordering slate, calculate the amount of material required. As an example, we will calculate the number of sheets of flat slate, supports, awnings for wickets and gates, required for the construction of a fence around the site 20 × 25 m.

To make such a fence, you will need the following material:

As a result, it turns out that for a fence with a length of 90 m, taking into account the stock, you need 62 sheets of flat slate, 40 support pillars with a diameter of 100 mm, 22 m of steel angle, 3-5 bags of M500 cement, bituminous mastic or varnish with a volume of 15 liters. For fastening, bolts 70–80 mm long and galvanized self-tapping screws with a 50 mm washer will be used.

The height of the support post is selected individually based on the height of the fence. It should be borne in mind that deepening into the ground should be at least 60-80 cm.

Required tool

An angle grinder with a disc for concrete is used to cut slate

To build a fence, you need the following set of tools:

  • rook and plumb;
  • bubble level;
  • manual or electric drill;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • concrete mixer;
  • welding machine;
  • electric drill;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • wrench 10-22 mm;
  • container for water and cement.

To cut slate, an angle grinder with a disc for concrete or metal is used. When cutting, as discussed above, you must observe safety precautions and wear protective clothing, goggles and a respirator.

A step-by-step guide to making a fence with your own hands

The construction of the fence can be done different ways... A fence on a strip foundation is considered the most reliable, stable structure with a long service life. Its construction requires the ability to expose the formwork and work with large volumes of concrete. In addition, in areas with a sharp difference in height, it will be necessary to prepare the base for the installation of formwork.

Gasoline powered drill for drilling holes in the soil

Fence on concrete supports is a simpler technology that is suitable for the construction of fences on sandy and rocky soil types. The technology for building a fence from slate without a strip foundation consists of the following stages:

  1. The fence perimeter is marked and places are marked for the location of the corner supports. For this, the estimated length and width of the fence are measured. At the control points at the corners, wooden or reinforcing pegs are driven in, and a strong nylon thread is pulled.
  2. In the designated places, soil is excavated to a depth of 70–90 cm. For this, a hand or motor drill is used. When drilling in rocky ground, be careful not to overspeed as this can damage the cutting edge.

    Preparation of support pillars for the construction of a slate fence

  3. The iron support is processed with bitumen varnish twice. After drying, you can start mixing the concrete solution. For this, ready-made dry mixes M500 from the manufacturer are used.
  4. A piece of roofing material folded in half is placed at the bottom of the dug hole under the support. After the support is lowered into the pit and fixed in an upright position. It is better to carry out these works with the help of a partner. Then the concrete is poured with periodic compaction. If desired, you can add a little stone or fine gravel to the mixture.
  5. Similar work is under way to drill and install supports at three other points along the perimeter of the site. After pouring, the markings are made for the intermediate pillars with a step of 2.5 m. If necessary, the distance between the spans is slightly adjusted.
  6. - After concreting all support pillars, wait until the concrete mixture has dried. Optimally, if you can wait at least 7 days. In this case, the concrete will gain sufficient strength to support the weight of the slate.
  7. While the concrete is drying, you can start preparing the metal strips from the corner. To do this, the product is marked on strips 20-25 cm long and cut with a grinder. Two holes are drilled along the edge of the element for the fastening of the rail. Then the bar is welded in the lower and upper parts of the post with an indent of 20-30 cm.

    When cutting, slate should be moistened with water - this will help to avoid the formation of a large amount of asbestos dust

  8. A 50 × 130 mm bar will be used as guides, which must be marked and adjusted in length. When joining the timber, the step method is used, when the upper board adjoins the notch on the lower one (see diagram above).
  9. Before attaching to the supports, the timber is treated with a wood preservative. Further, a through hole is drilled at the attachment point with a diameter equal to the cross-section of the tightening bolt. After that, the guide is mounted on the support.

    Scheme of attaching wave slate to the fence guides using self-tapping screws

  10. Then the asbestos board is gently applied to the rail and leveled. In the lower part, an indent from the ground of 10 cm is observed. For fastening, galvanized self-tapping screws with a rubber washer are used. The step of fasteners is not more than 30 cm. Before the tie, a hole is drilled in the sheet for fasteners.

Fastening of sheet slate is carried out through the crest of the wave. When joining wave slate, the ridge of one sheet is superimposed on the ridge of the previous one, as shown in the diagram above.

Photo gallery: examples of slate fences

Regular wave slate fence Fence on a strip foundation made of flat slate Fence on a strip base made of flat slate Painted Wave Slate Fence

Methods for decorating a fence

The use of colored slate is a universal solution that does not require any finishing after the construction of the fence. Such a slate fence will look no worse than analogs from rolled metal. The color is selected taking into account the main color of the building.

If ordinary gray slate was used, then acrylic paint of the desired color can be used to finish it. The composition is applied to a previously cleaned surface according to the packaging instructions.

As a rule, slate needs to be treated with a metal brush and an antiseptic. For application, an electric or manual spray gun is used. With skill, you can use a paint brush, but this will noticeably increase paint consumption. After staining, slate not only acquires beautiful colour, but also reliably protected thanks to a thin water-repellent layer.

For more reliable protection of slate, special paints are used, designed for processing asbestos-cement sheets. Usually, slate paint somewhat more expensive than acrylic compounds, but its service life is noticeably higher.

DIY slate fence: options and installation

DIY slate fence - step by step instructions with photos and videos

Currently, there is an incredible amount of various building materials on the market. There are hundreds of variations to be found for building a fence. Each of them has its pros and cons.

Some options are beautiful, but expensive, some are difficult to assemble, some imitate any material. Slate is the top choice for building fences with your own hands. Here we will consider it in more detail.

Types of slate sheets (table)


For normal continuous work on installing the fence, you need to get a grinder, a drill, a welding machine, a set wrenches, building level, plumb line, building hammer and cord.

From the materials in advance, take care of the availability of the desired type of slate, steel corners 5x8.5 centimeters, steel pipes from which the posts will be made, wooden beams 5x13 centimeters, wooden round logs, bolts, nuts, fasteners, hex screws, concrete, oil paint, bitumen and anti-corrosion compounds.

Fence base

Fence installation diagram

There are two types of base for a slate fence:

  • Columnar. Support pillars with crate are installed with some distance from each other. They are not combined with each other.
  • Tape base. This is a foundation that is made of concrete around the entire perimeter of the future fence and pillars are embedded in it.

To choose the right base, you need to clearly understand which of them is the most suitable for which type. For example, to build a fence using metal slate, it will be more economical to use a columnar base.

This lightweight construction does not require a strong base. But an asbestos concrete fence requires a strip foundation.

Moreover, if the fence is made of flat slate, then in addition to the concrete base, each of the sheets is usually enclosed in metal frames.

Sometimes an asbestos-cement fence is installed without a powerful concrete foundation, but then the supporting structures must be massive and well buried. And it happens that flat slabs of the fence are buried directly into the ground and fastened together with the same support pillars.

Tape base

Strip foundation with support pillars

This is a reinforced concrete strip, part of which goes into the ground, and part of it rises above its surface. The heavier the structure you are going to put on the base, the wider and deeper it should be.

Territory marking: schemes and drawings

Territory marking scheme

  1. In order to correctly mark the territory, you need to carefully study the site plan in the cadastral passport.
  2. Begin marking from any corner using pegs and rope.
  3. Place 2 pegs at a distance of the width of the base and connect them with a wooden strip.
  4. Measure the distance for the fence and place more pegs connected by a rail.
  5. Thus, mark all corners.
  6. Pull the ropes between the pegs. Thus, a marking of the future base is obtained.

The evenness of the entire structure in the future depends on how even the marking will be made. No need to cheat at this stage.

Digging a trench

A trench into which a sand and crushed stone pillow is poured

  1. According to the markings, it is necessary to dig a trench. Its depth should be 30-40 centimeters.
  2. Now, with the help of a drill, make holes for the support posts. The diameter of the pits should be 10-12 centimeters larger than the diameter of the pillars.

    Drilling holes for support posts

  3. If the fence is made of asbestos-concrete slate, then the distance between two adjacent supports should fit two or three sheets of slate, located with an overlap. 2-3 more horizontal logs are made between the supports, to which the slate must also be attached. The pillars of the supports should go underground by a meter.
  4. The maximum distance between the supporting structures is determined. It is 2.5 meters. But sometimes they do more. In this case, a hole must be drilled between the support posts, where a concrete reinforcement is arranged. It makes the reinforced concrete tape harder.

Fill the base

  1. Fill the trench with a sand cushion with a layer of 10-15 centimeters, on it a cushion of rubble 8-10 centimeters. Each of the layers must be tamped well.
  2. Now install the support posts in the drilled holes.

    Control their horizontalness with a building level or a plumb line.

  3. Fill the free space of the hole around the post with concrete. There you can also add a kind of spacers made of stones selected in size.
  4. Now you need to give a day for the concrete to set.

    Installation of support posts

  5. It's time to weld or screw the horizontal joists to the supports. There should be the same distance between them.
  6. It is better to equip fences made of metal slate or flat slate made of asbestos cement with lags from rolled steel. And wooden logs are better suited for wavy asbestos-cement slate.
  7. Now you need to make a sand-crushed stone pillow for the trench. Each layer must be well compacted.
  8. The next step is reinforcement. The rods are fastened to each other by wire twisting. The top of the mesh should be about 3 centimeters lower than the future surface of the foundation.
  9. Now you need to install the formwork. It can be made of wood, and removed after all work is completed. And it can be made from flat slate. Then it is not necessary to remove the formwork. It can protrude 20-50 centimeters above the ground surface.

    Formwork and reinforcement of a strip foundation for a slate fence

  10. Now, in one step, you need to fill the trench with concrete mortar.
  11. Now it remains to level the surface, let it dry (at least 8-10 days) and you can install the slate sheet.

Installation of a columnar foundation

Installation of support pillars

Installing pillars that will play the role of a frame is the first thing to do when you start work on the construction of a lightweight slate fence. To do this, dig holes around the perimeter of the future fence in increments of 300 centimeters. The pits should be about 500 millimeters deep.

Insert pipes of the same length into these holes. In advance in these pipes you need to drill several holes where the fasteners will be inserted. Metal logs are attached to these elements, and slate is already being laid on them.

The part of the pipe that goes into the ground is treated with an anti-corrosion agent and molten bitumen, to which a little solvent has been added.

Ready-made support posts

Place the pipes in the dug holes and pour concrete into the holes. So that the solution evenly fills the space of the recess and does not appear voids, pierce the poured cement with a sharp rod several times in different places.

With a building level, check whether the pillars are strictly vertical. If everything is in order, secure them with temporary supports. After the concrete has dried, the props can be removed.

Place 2-3 vertical logs between the support posts.

Fence frame with support pillars and logs

So our foundation is ready. The time has come to fasten the sheets of slate that you have chosen. If these are sheets of metal, then it is easiest to work with them. They are fixed with special self-tapping screws with press washers and rubber gaskets. The heads of such self-tapping screws are painted in different colors, so they can be matched to the color of the slate.

Self-tapping screws that attach metal slate to the crate

The metal slate is screwed to the logs with these self-tapping screws in the lower parts of the wave.

Metal slate fixing scheme

Asbestos-concrete wave slate is fixed in the upper part of the wave with slate nails or self-tapping screws, for which it is necessary to make holes in advance with a drill with a special drill. When the fasteners are driven or screwed into the slate, special rubberized gaskets are put on them.

Fixing scheme for asbestos-cement wave slate

The placement of the first row of slate is level-controlled. It should be strictly vertical, since it gives direction to the entire wall of the fence.

Flat slate in a frame

For reliable fastening of flat slate, it is not necessary to construct vertical logs between the support posts. As mentioned earlier, they can be fixed in a metal frame.

It is made according to the size of slate sheets from metal corners. First, this frame is made, then it is welded to the supporting structures and, last of all, a flat slate sheet is installed in it.

To keep the slate in place, special metal stoppers are welded to the back of the frame.

Flat slate can be mounted according to the principle of the previous types, to the logs. But then it will need to make additional holes for fasteners, which will greatly weaken it before mechanical stress.

Finishing and decorating a slate fence + examples in the photo

To the fence from metal profile for finished general view, you can add special fittings, for example, add corners different sizes, U-shaped strips, etc. They are different colors... You can buy them in the color of slate or make them contrasting.

Fittings on a metal fence

To transform flat slate, you need to pick up paint brushes. Of course, you can paint it in one color. Or you can connect your imagination and depict some kind of masterpiece on it.

Painting on a flat fence

By the way, staining of asbestos concrete slate has not only a decorative function. The paint prevents moisture from entering the porous structure of the material, which in the cold can freeze and deform the material.

Wave slate is also painted. But in today's market, you can buy it already painted.

Painted wave asbestos concrete slate

: how to make a slate fence yourself

Slate fencing, as it becomes clear, is a simple construction process that does not require large financial costs and a lot of time. He will cope well with his immediate tasks and will give the site a finished neat look. If you opted for a slate fence, then the above instructions will help you. Good luck!

  • Olga Morozova
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Source: //grounde.ru/zabor-iz-shifera-svoimi-rukami.html

How to make a slate fence with your own hands - step by step instructions, construction options and decorations with photos and videos

It is easy to build a fence from an inexpensive and reliable material. It is enough to deal with fasteners, markings and a plan for future construction. For example, a slate fence will last longer than an untreated board.

And in private households they even try to use old roofing material - from it you can make a fence for the back of the site. It turns out that both new and used slate are suitable for work.

Features of using slate for the construction of a fence

Slate is one of the simplest and inexpensive materials for making a fence. Moreover, any side of the fence will look neat. Modern slate is suitable for both countryside, and for houses within the city.

The slate is made of asbestos cement, so there is no need to wait for maximum strength. It is easy to guess that even the thinnest iron is more stable. However, there are developments in the use of slate.

It is advisable to place the front part of the fence away from the road so that accidental debris from under the wheels does not damage the sheets.

And ordinary barriers between neighboring sites are easiest to make from slate, even one person can handle such work.

This material has been known for a long time. It is obtained by mixing Portland cement, asbestos and water. Evenly distributed asbestos fibers form a strong mesh that increases the toughness and tensile strength of the material.

Advantages and disadvantages of using slate for a fence


  • low cost;
  • medium fire resistance;
  • the possibility of decorative processing with any paint;
  • simple installation.


  • asbestos in the composition is not an environmentally friendly material;
  • explodes when heated;
  • the service life depends on the specific location. And the lower the temperature in winter, the faster the cracks will appear. If protected with acrylic (paint), then the service life will increase;
  • when working with slate, protection is required. Construction respirators should be worn to prevent dust from entering the respiratory tract.

Types of slate used for fences

Corrugated sheets made of asbestos cement have a curly shape. The material has the following advantages:

  1. Does not burn.
  2. Does not deform due to weather conditions.
  3. Withstands any significant loads.
  4. Does not corrode.
  5. Does not deteriorate due to moisture or dampness.
  6. Does not overheat in the sun.
  7. Inexpensive.
  8. Sold in any hardware store.

    Corrugated slate does not burn or deform from moisture and cold

Flat slate sheets have the same composition, the only difference is in the form.

Flat slate is made from the same materials as corrugated and has the same advantages

Both types of slate have drawbacks that can be ironed out. The appearance of the material deteriorates slightly over the years, fades, fades. However, if you cover it with special substances, this can be prevented.


Flat or wave slate for a fence is a weak, more precisely, material that is brittle in bending. Do not forget about the weight of such a building unit, it is quite large in comparison with the same metal sheet.

If you decide to buy slate, and not use the old one from the roof of a house or outbuilding, then you should keep in mind that it is easier to mount and load flat sheets.

DIY slate fence installation

Making a slate fence is not difficult. On a small area, such work can be done in a few days.

Preparation for construction: marking the territory

Some important feature there is no slate fence in the markup. This working moment is the same as the layout for any type of fence. To begin with, it is worth clearing that part of the territory where construction will be carried out.

Next, you need to pull the thread and set it in such a way that it repeats the line of the future fence along its entire length. The markings are usually attached to pegs, posts, steel reinforcement, or any other remnant of building material.

Accuracy in dimensions and location of the thread along the entire length of the future slate fence is the main requirement for marking.

When calculating the building material, the required number of posts for the entire fence is determined. In the process of marking, it is necessary to accurately put a landmark in their place.

A specific distance is maintained between each pillar; with a careless attitude to this stage, further work will only become more complicated. After all, all slate sheets are the same size.

It is for him that they plan to mark the pillars.

The choice of material and its dimensions

A good construction market or supermarket can offer:

  • euroslate, aka ondulin; Ondulin is produced painted in different colors
  • asbestos cement slate; Regular corrugated slate has a natural grayish tint. There are also colored varieties of such material on sale.
  • plastic slate. Plastic slate looks like a classic asbestos, but weighs less and is easier to install

All of these materials are intended for roof installation, but are also great for fences. When choosing, you need to focus on the characteristics:

  • plasticity;
  • rigidity;
  • hardness.

When buying new fence material, many people prefer flexible slate. It probably won't be broken by a strong wind. Such construction material has a rectangular shape, its surface is either flat or wavy. The downside is the following: the declared service life is only 15 years, and every 5 years it is necessary to replace the protective layer. The interior of flexible slate is subject to burning.

: flexible polycarbonate slate

Calculation of the required amount of material

The standard sizes of wave slate are 1750 by 1135 millimeters.

The long side of the sheet is usually mounted horizontally. The wave material must be mounted on an overlapping fence, for which there is a reserve of 125 mm. This makes it easier to calculate the length of the fence. It is easy to guess that for 1 meter of the building, one sheet is needed, placed horizontally by a wave.

Interestingly, it is when working with wave slate that you should not be afraid of incorrect markings, because the sheets can hide all the errors between the posts.

Flat material is available in four sizes:

  1. Length 3 meters, width 1.5 meters.
  2. Length 2 meters, width 1.5 meters.
  3. Length 1.75 meters, width 1.13 meters.
  4. Length 1.5 meters, width 1 meter.

Most often they try to buy the third option, paying attention to the thickness. This parameter should be equal to 10 mm, then the sheet itself will weigh 40 kg. For comparison: a thickness of 8 mm is already lighter - 30 kg.

It is very simple to calculate the amount of material: you need to measure the total length of the fence and divide it into one sheet. More precisely, by the amount that remains without overlap. Having received the required number of units, you need to purchase with a stock of 2 or 3 pieces.

An example of calculating the number of sheets of wave slate

Let's say the total length of the perimeter is 40 meters. Wave slate 1750 by 1135 mm in the amount of 40 units is in operation (the working surface of one sheet is 1 m). With a margin, they buy not 40 sheets, but 42–43, because defects and mistakes in construction are inevitable.

Necessary tools for building a fence

When installing on your own, it is better to work in pairs, but without the following set of tools you cannot cope:

  • a grinder or a screwdriver with a cutting attachment;
  • drill;
  • welding machine;
  • spanners;
  • levels;
  • plumb line;
  • construction hammers;
  • mounting bolts.

A step-by-step guide to making a slate fence

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Use a hand drill around the perimeter of the marking to arrange holes for the posts. When there is no such tool, they take an ordinary shovel to work and carefully dig deep, but not wide holes. They try to make the further filling with the solution economical. Pits are made one third of the length of the posts.

    It is better to make the pit smaller, otherwise a lot of solution will go away

  2. Install the pillars. The support can be corners made of a metal profile or pieces of pipes. These components, together with the pillar, must be poured with concrete or cement in the future. The distance between the posts is no more than two and a half meters.

    A monolithic frame for a fence is assembled from a metal profile or pipes, concreting them in the ground

  3. Establish veins. Horizontal strips must be fixed between the pillars, which are usually made of timber, and when budget construction - from poles. These elements must be secured with screws. If the veins are made from a profile pipe, they are mounted using welding machine... In the absence of such a tool, you can drill holes in iron posts and fix any kind of pole with bolts. When this part of the work is completed, it is advisable to protect the frame of the fence with automotive mastic. Usually they try to apply more than one layer, then the frame structure will be completely protected from corrosion.

    In the absence of a welding machine, all connections can be made using bolts

  4. Lay out the preparation base along the entire fence line. Old brick is being used, less often a special platform is poured.

    The fill protects the slate sheets from contact with the ground and prevents the entry of small animals

  5. Install the fence. Slate sheets are alternately fixed on the frame with nails or self-tapping screws.

    The slate is attached to the frame with nails or self-tapping screws. Nails that have gone beyond the border of the frame must be bent

: how to paint fence posts correctly

Finishing and decoration of a slate fence

It is not difficult to protect, decorate and maintain this type of fence. It is enough to follow some established rules:

  1. The slate sheet is not attached to the very surface of the earth. Maintain a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the bottom point, arranging a special filling below. This will keep the material dry.

    Slate sheets are mounted at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground. Make a special bedding or concrete pouring from below

  2. To increase the service life of the fence, it is better to use slate sheets, acrylic coating. This is a paint for outdoor use, resistant to any temperature extremes.
  3. Garden crops are not planted next to the fence, because gradually growing trees can destroy the leaf or create a crack in it.

Any mechanical damage for slate is thought out in advance, otherwise its service life is reduced several times.

: installing a slate fence

Slate was invented for the roof, but it is not always worth creating reliable fences or barriers from it.

They stop at this material only if there is a large leftover after construction or there is no suitable modern material in the store.

While in the backyard of the countryside, where theft is likely good stuff is too high, nailing old slate on the poles would be the best solution.

  • Mikhail Komov
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Source: //legkovmeste.ru/stroitelstvo-i-remont/zabor-iz-shifera-svoimi-rukami.html

Economical and practical slate fence

You can protect your home or summer cottage from uninvited guests using a fence. Currently, there are many types of material that can be used to build a fence, but slate is considered one of the most popular.

A slate fence is one of the simplest structures available to every resident of the country, which could be especially often found several decades ago - during the extension, when special choice did not have.

In our modern time, the building materials market is overflowing with new, unique and practical types of the same slate, loved by everyone. But even the most ordinary slate slate has not lost its popularity and everything is also in great demand.

But before you buy slate, you need to understand exactly its types in order to make the best choice.

A beautiful and practical fence made of flat slate in a metal corner frame

Slate varieties

All varieties of slate existing in the world can be divided into several groups:

  • by the materials used in the manufacture;
  • on the manufacturing process.

In addition, each type has its own price.

  1. Natural slate slate is a slate of slate that can be different sizes... The original appearance and incomparable structure make it possible to create elite roofs on any building with its help. This type has a number of positive aspects and disadvantages, therefore, before you decide on it, you need to weigh the pros and cons.
  2. Asbestos-cement slate corrugated or flat - these are profiled or just plain sheets made of asbestos cement. Most often you can find grey colour, but today manufacturers offer color options, which, in addition, the wave can be of different sizes. More and more often, the consumer chooses the color version and all because it is additionally covered with a protective layer.
  3. Euroslate is a modern roofing material, which includes Ondulin, Nulin, Ondura, Aqualine and others. All these materials differ in production technology. It is made from compressed cellulose, and the binder is a polymer. During the pressing process, it is saturated with bitumen vapor, which ultimately makes it possible to create a waterproof structure.
  4. Plastic slate. This look is created from high-quality polymer with different physical characteristics, and most often it is transparent with a slight tint. This type is used for arranging the roof for architectural solutions where it is simply necessary to penetrate a lot of daylight, for example, in swimming pools, greenhouses or verandas.
  5. Rubber slate is created from fiberglass waste, secondary raw materials from the production and processing of rubber using the pressing method. With its high strength, this material is lightweight and is used mainly for roofing.

There are many types of slate, but asbestos-cement is best suited for arranging a hedge, but it has a number of pros and cons, and before purchasing it, it is better to weigh them right away.

Slate fence can be installed on the foundation or just on the ground

Positive sides of a slate hedge

In order to accurately identify all the advantages of slate, it is better to consider its features and characteristics:

  • Slate is a reasonably priced material, which means that anyone with an average income can buy it. Therefore, a do-it-yourself slate fence will be inexpensive, but do not forget that for its arrangement, you will additionally need to purchase support pillars, fasteners and a frame. It is also worth saying that the wave type will be cheaper than the flat type, and which one is decided by the owner of the personal plot.
  • This type of fence can last for a long time if it is not subject to mechanical stress, which he does not like.
  • It should also be said that this material does not burn, but it can crack at high temperatures.
  • He firmly endures any temperature fluctuations, does not react to changes, like, for example, corrugated board.
  • Slate is easy to care for and handle, it can be washed, brushed, including for metal, if you want, even covered with dyes. If you want to make a colored fence, then you can just look at the already colored slate, the variety of shades is huge.
  • Slate has average sound insulation properties. It will not be able to reduce the noise level from cars passing next to the house, but if rain or hail is drumming on it, then the sound is less than that of a profiled sheet or sheet metal.
  • This type of fencing can be easily repaired if needed by removing only the damaged section. In addition, slate is non-conductive, resistant to corrosion and chemicals and does not transmit light.

Despite the fact that slate has a lot of advantages, it also has disadvantages and you need to know about them before you decide on this particular material for the construction of the fence.

A slate fence does not always look presentable, so it is better to paint it

Negative sides of slate

  • The first thing every person should know is that slate is hazardous to health because it contains asbestos. But if the slate is on the street and a person does not breathe it, then it will not bring any harm.
  • The slate fence is quite heavy and all because the material itself is heavy. This can create some inconvenience when erecting a fence, but the help of an assistant will solve this problem. You also need to think about a good supporting structure, otherwise over time, due to the large weight, the fence may tilt.
  • It is also worth remembering that a slate hedge installed in a humid climate will not last long, it will begin to darken, become covered with moss and crack.
  • Slate is a rather fragile material, it will not withstand loads - any blow will leave a crack or even a hole on it, which will lead to repair work... Over time, when from its weight, it begins to roll in the base area, cracks may appear, which over time will lead to the fact that part of the fence will simply become unusable.
  • Small aesthetics. If we compare wave slate with other materials that can be used to build a fence, then it looks completely unpresentable. If you stop the choice on the color version, then you can slightly correct the situation, but it will have to be painted almost every year. But with a fence made of flat slate, everything is much better, it is more decorative.

There are many other pluses and minuses of a slate fence, but all of them are most likely individual. It all depends on installation, care, climate and other factors. After the slate is selected, you can proceed with the installation of the fence, and everything starts with the preparatory work.

A plastic slate fence looks very nice and will decorate any area

Preparation for installation work

To build a slate fence, each person can independently, it is not necessary to have special skills, because there is nothing complicated about it. Special tool also not needed, everything can be done with the tool that is available in every home.

Before proceeding with the installation of the fence, it is worth deciding on the place where it will stand.

If necessary, clean the perimeter of debris, thickets and large stones.

After that, you need to make calculations in order to purchase the entire required material exactly according to your needs. You must have at hand: metal pipes for supporting pillars, corners for making a frame, slate sheets.

You also need to purchase fastening material: bolts, nuts, screws.

In addition, you will need a tool: a grinder with abrasive wheels and a drill with a set of drills. It is also good to have at hand an apparatus for welding metal elements, a set of wrenches, a hammer, and screwdrivers.

Also, to control the evenness of the construction of the fence, you need to stock up on a plumb line, cord and level.

Professional craftsmen advise to make the base for the slate fence of concrete, so you will need to stock up on sand, gravel and cement, if after the construction it is planned to paint the fence, then paint will be required.

It is easy to repair a damaged section, while disassembling the entire fence is not required

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of a slate fence

  1. You need to start erecting the fence with your own hands with a mark.
  2. Next, with the help of a drill, you need to make holes, you can use a shovel, along the entire perimeter in the places where the posts are installed. They should be located at the same distance - no more than 3 meters, and a depth of 50 cm.
  3. After that, you can install the pillars, in our case these are metal pipes, which are treated with an anti-corrosion compound and are set strictly in level and are well fixed with concrete. Be sure to let the concrete harden well - a couple of days will be enough.
  4. After the supports have already been installed, you can start assembling the frame.

    For these purposes, a metal corner or wooden bars are well suited, and it is recommended to fasten them to the supports with screws.

  5. Although the metal corner will be fixed faster and more reliably by welding, and then it is imperative to cover it with mastic to protect it from corrosion. After the entire frame is completely made, you can proceed to the next stage - the arrangement of the foundation.
  6. You can make a foundation from brick or concrete, but you need to make a formwork for it. Experts say that a brick foundation will look beautiful, but concrete is more practical.
  7. The final stage is attaching slate sheets to the frame.

    During these works, you need to ensure that they are fastened as evenly as possible.

That's all the wave slate fence is ready, in the same way you can build a fence from a flat one. Professional craftsmen advise covering the slate with paint to protect it from various external influences.

Pre-processed metal pipes are perfect for slate fence supports

How to properly care for a slate fence?

This type of fencing is very easy to erect, and you do not need the help of a professional, in addition, it can also be easily maintained.

It is imperative to take into account all the subtleties when arranging, otherwise the fence will not stand for a long time.

Some masters advise not to use the foundation, but to install slate sheets directly on the ground, but here it all depends on how the owner of the site wishes and what his financial capabilities are.

Also, it is not advised to plant trees as close as possible to the fence, otherwise they can damage it during strong winds.

If you take into account all our recommendations, then you can build a good and practical slate fence, which will not only decorate the site with its appearance, but also protect it from intruders. In addition, it will be inexpensive, which is very important for many summer cottage owners.

There is a fence in almost every private house, well, or in almost every one. The owners thus protect their territory from prying eyes. Recently, a lot of new products have appeared, and the slate fence is one of them.

How to choose what is needed for the fence?

"How to make a fence from scrap materials"? - You will probably be interested to know the answer to this question, especially if you have your own plot, but there is no fence on it. Many have already adopted the idea with newfangled material and were satisfied. So, for those who have decided in this way to protect their personal space from the prying eyes of strangers, we will tell you about slate, which is in no way inferior to other materials that are used to install fences - brick, concrete slabs, wood, metal mesh or corrugated board.

This is a budget option for those who want the site to look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, but at the same time do not have large sums for more expensive fencing material. By the way, many people use slate sheets as a fence not only on summer cottagebut also within the city. And believe me, this option is not inferior to more expensive counterparts. And the thing is that today you can order different types of this material and different colors. So, on the construction market you can find ondulin (euro slate), asbestos-cement slate, plastic slate.

Sheets are used mainly as a roof covering, but no one bothers you to apply your skills and imagination in order to install a fence from such a product. Choosing a material for these purposes from varieties of slate, you can focus on one that has good ductility (and is often used for roofs with an irregular geometric shape), or one that has such qualities as super stiffness and hardness. Many people, of course, prefer flexible slate, which is quite plastic - this is achieved by making a product based on bitumen and fibers of different origins.

Flexible slate looks like asbestos-cement sheets, is produced in a rectangular shape and can have a wavy surface. Its advantages, first of all, are that it does not rot and can withstand a heavy load, and it can be mounted taking into account the presence of an old fence. In addition, this material can be ordered in different colors and types. However, there are also disadvantages - a short service life - about 15 years, with the need to replace the protective layer after 5 years, as well as susceptibility to combustion.

What fence options are there?

By the way, you can take a metal analogue as a basis. It is also available in a version with a wavy surface - it does not burn, it is reliable enough, it can withstand strong winds, but there are also disadvantages. It must be periodically treated with special anti-corrosion materials. If we take ordinary slate sheets as a basis, then they have the most significant drawback - they are afraid of mechanical damage, and with a strong impact of a stone, you risk being left with a hole or crack in the fence. And if you nevertheless decide to install such material, then it is better to do it in those places where there is less busy traffic.

You can safely fence off some territory inside the yard with such a product - in this case, this option is more acceptable. But if you decide to defend your territory in this way, then this is clearly a wrong choice. Ordinary slate will not save your site from penetration - this, of course, is another drawback, and an additional plus is that this material is not afraid of high and low temperatures, heavy precipitation or constant direct sunlight.

So, stopping at such an option as a fence made of wavy or flat slate, choose, first of all, based not on the appearance of the product, but on its composition and scope.

How to make a slate fence with your own hands - simple and easy!

We will give an example of how to install a fence made of slate and materials left over on the farm after the reconstruction of the roof of the house. Surely, many residents of summer cottages are faced with such a situation - after the repair, whole slate sheets remained, and you would like to use them with benefit on the farm. So why not use them as a fence? For this workflow, you need to prepare metal pipes, beams, corners - then your fence will be stable, and you will not be afraid that it will be blown away by the wind.

How to make a slate fence with your own hands - a step by step scheme

Step 1: procure materials

We buy timber, corners, metal pipes. The latter will serve as the basis for the device of the fence. With such a set of materials, it will be stable and will last for many years. The base, of course, can be replaced, but professionals still advise using metal pipes as frame posts.

Step 2: Mounting the pillars

We prepare the pits - they are needed for installing pipes. It is better to dig them to a depth of about 50-60 centimeters, and choose a distance of 2.5-3 meters from each other. Metal pipes are cut in advance according to the parameters you need - all of the same length. After that, special holes must be drilled in them - they will be needed for fasteners. In the future, with the help of a bar and a metal corner, you can fix your fence using a flat slate or its wavy analogue.

Do not forget to lubricate the lower part of the pipe, which will be in the ground, with an anti-corrosion coating, and then with bitumen (it must be previously melted and diluted with a small amount of solvent). Pipes are placed in holes and poured with concrete. Do not forget, using the building level, be sure to check the correctness of their installation.

Step 3: First steps to install

First, we install two pipes on the sides, and between them we stretch the rope. If the fence is very long, then we recommend using several intermediate additional posts. The main thing is that the stretched cord does not sag. The rest of the pipes are placed, already focusing on the stretched rope. The concrete solution itself will dry out within 14 days, but if you need to quickly install a fence, then you can continue to work in 24 hours.

Next, the bars and corners should be bolted to the posts. Previously, the corners are cut into pieces (for example, 10 cm long, with the same pipe diameter) and then holes are drilled into them for fasteners. Next, the timber should be fixed together with the metal corner at the same time. After that, all three parts - corner, timber and metal pipe - are fixed among themselves.

Step 4: Slate installation

A fence bar made of flat or corrugated slate is connected by the "end connection" method - a straight overlay in half a tree, screwed to the corners with ordinary self-tapping screws. Now you can start installing the material itself - the sheets are attached with self-tapping screws to wooden beams, and preliminarily pull a thin rope or rope between the posts for a reference point. Professionals advise be sure to check horizontality using a device such as.

So, the first sheet is mounted especially carefully - the final result will depend on compliance with the accuracy of the installation at this stage (since the first sheet is the main directional vector for the entire fence). The sheets are fixed with self-tapping screws. If you are installing a wave slate fence, try to get a correct and strong overlap at the edges. Each installed sheet should be aligned with the previous small overlap, but outwardly it should look as if the new slate sheet is a continuation of the previous one.

When installing such a fence, it is necessary to leave a ventilated space below - it is not recommended to install sheets directly on the ground. You can leave the fence in a hinged version, or you can mount a small foundation. Just teach that these are additional funds and costs.Here is your fence and ready. After the fence has been installed, it can be repainted to the desired color. Painting will additionally protect asbestos cement from bad weather and will partially help neutralize the effect of an element such as asbestos (although the harmfulness of this material is still questionable).

How to cope with the task correctly?

For those who come across this technology for the first time, we want to offer the following "cheat sheet":

It is unlikely that anyone today would think of specifically buying slate for the construction of a fence. Against the background of a variety of modern building materials, slate looks frankly poor, although at a price it is not the cheapest option. But if there is an opportunity to put into action and give a second life to the slate, which was removed, for example, from the roof, then you can build a blank fence around a dacha, a farm, a small industrial enterprise. A slate fence can be easily built on your own.

Issue price

Many remember the time when slate was in abundance on the construction market, and there was practically no competition for this building material. That is why slate fences were more common than others. And not because it is cheap or beautiful, but because other options either cost a pretty penny, or simply did not fit standard design unpretentious buildings.

Today, a slate fence is not the cheapest option. This is in the event that the material has to be purchased. Among budget types of fences, a welded mesh, a type-setting wooden fence can compete. The price of slate can be correlated with the cost of a profiled sheet. At all budget option slate will look like brick, metal or natural stone.

Benefits of slate fencing

Despite the huge number of options, a do-it-yourself slate fence is simple, fast, fairly inexpensive, neat. So, it makes sense to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of slate. It has been successfully used in construction for many decades. During this time, many advantages of this material have come to light:

  • The average price category of the material indicates its availability to a buyer with different financial capabilities. However, do not forget that additional costs will have to be borne for the purchase of support pillars, material for the frame, and fasteners.

Note! In terms of cost, a fence made of flat slate will be slightly more expensive than a wave fence.

  • Slate fencing in regions with a temperate and dry climate will last a very long time. But mechanical damage will immediately lead to the end of the service life of such a structure.
  • Slate is a non-combustible material. But at very high temperatures, it cracks. Therefore, during a fire, the fence is unlikely to withstand, but it will not emit harmful combustion products.
  • This building material is resistant to temperature extremes typical of temperate climates. This gives it advantages over another popular material - corrugated board.
  • Maintenance of a slate fence is very simple. In case of damage, individual sections are easily changed. It can be cleaned, washed, painted. Although the latter is not particularly necessary, because today you can find colored slate on sale.
  • A slate fence is unlikely to save you from street noise. But during a hail or heavy rainstorm, the noise from it will be much less compared to a professional sheet, stainless steel, tin or metal.
  • The material is resistant to aggressive influences chemical substances, corrosion, and also non-conductive. A fence made of it does not let in light and is a reliable protection from prying eyes.

Disadvantages of slate fencing

Slate, like any other material, has some disadvantages:

  • A controversial drawback is the presence of asbestos in the slate. Asbestos is harmful to human health if its dust has to be breathed during cutting or while working in a warehouse or production workshop... During operation, the slate does not emit any harmful substancestherefore it is considered a safe material.
  • The heavy weight of the material requires special attention during installation. To avoid tilting the fence during operation, you should take care of the reliability of the frame.
  • In regions with a humid climate, slate fencing is not the best option. Under the influence of moisture, it will become covered with moss, darken and crack.
  • This building material is not resistant to mechanical stress. Any damage will require replacement of sections. Over time, if the fence begins to slope, the slate sheets may begin to crack from contact with the base, as well as at the points of attachment with support posts.
  • Attractive slate fence you will not name. Made from wave slate, it looks really cheap. A more attractive option is to enclose the area with flat slate.

Which slate to choose for the fence

Thinking about how to make a slate fence with your own hands, you need to decide on the type and features of installation.

The building materials market offers two types of slate - flat and wave. Flat slate is more expensive. It is believed that the appearance of the fence made of it is more aesthetically pleasing. A kind of flat slate is pressed. It is much heavier than usual, but it can withstand a serious load. When installing the fence, it is recommended to lay flat slate sheets in metal carcass from the corners. Thus, two tasks are solved: the strength of the structure is increased and the appearance is improved.

Fence made of flat slate on a metal corner

It is much easier to mount a fence made of wave slate than a flat one. The sheets will have to overlap, carefully combining the waves.

Ready-made wave slate fence

Features of mounting a slate fence

It is quite possible to install a slate fence on your own, without the involvement of specialists, without having construction skills and complex tools. You just need to follow simple recommendations and consistently perform all stages of work.

How to make markup

The marking procedure for a slate fence is no different from the identical stage of work in the construction of other types of fences. The area around the perimeter of the future structure must be cleaned of debris, branches, stones, and then leveled. Pull the thread along the line of the not yet built fence. You can fix it on pieces of reinforcement, wooden pegs or steel rods.

Immediately you need to make marks in the places where the support pillars will be installed. In order not to encounter difficulties during the installation of the entire structure, these marks must be made especially carefully. It should be borne in mind that slate cannot be increased or increased. And in case of deviation of one slate sheet by several centimeters, you will have to move all subsequent sections with the carrying of supports. Accurate markings will facilitate all subsequent work.

How to install support pillars

Depending on which pillars and what width of slate sheets you have chosen for the fence, holes are made for the supports. The depth can vary from 50 to 80 centimeters. The deeper the pits, the less likely the fence will move to the side, especially if the structure is high.

Support pillars can be concreted in one of the following ways:

  • Fill with liquid solution
  • Cover with gravel and pour concrete
  • Install with stone or metal spacers

To protect the metal pillars from corrosion, the part that is deepened must be given special attention: wrap with roofing material, paint with oil paint or treat with grease or used engine oil.

Installation of sections

There are several ways to mount the frame and install sections on bolts:

  • Fasten two lines of the horizontal base between the posts. These lines can be a corner or a profile pipe. On such a base, the slate is screwed with bolts and nuts. Given the fragility of the material, it is necessary to reduce the load on the fasteners on the slate sheets. For this, washers are used on both sides of the mount, or silicone or rubber gaskets.
  • Another way: in addition to metal crossbars, build concrete base in the form of a border or post. Another option is a strip foundation. This will help to better support the weight of the fence, and also prevent cracking of the slate at the anchorage points.
  • The next option is to dispense with the foundation and leave a gap between the ground and the slate at a level of 7 - 8 centimeters. The fence will not come into contact with wet soil, which means it will last much longer. A metal crossbar is welded between the adjacent pillars at the required level from the ground. It should be wide enough so that the wave slate can be easily installed on it. The connection method is bolted.
  • The easiest option is to install a fence made of flat asbestos-cement sheets. They are installed on two cross members between the support posts. Flat sheets can be sealed with a corner around the entire perimeter. In this case, the base is welded to the support posts.

Methods for decorating a slate fence

Usually, a slate fence is left completely unfinished. Perhaps because they do not know how to embellish it. The easiest way is to paint or paint with a stencil. It is worth considering that with the help of acrylic and alkyd paints you can not only transform the fence, but also significantly increase its service life. In stores, you can find special paint for dyeing slate. If applied over a primer, the paint quality will be much higher.

Flat slate sheets can be embossed. Do this with cement mortar and stencils. The solution should resemble dough in consistency. The surface of the sheet is leveled using the prepared solution, and then different patterns are applied using stencils.

Unique embossed pattern can be applied using decorative plaster... It is applied by spraying onto the previously plastered surface.

A slate fence can be made simple and neat, or you can build a whole work of art. Before starting work, you need to assess the features of the site, operating conditions, as well as your own requirements for the functionality and appearance of the fence.

Slate fences have been very popular for many years. Especially among residents of private houses, since this material is considered very popular and durable, and also not the most expensive. Each building material has its own advantages and disadvantages, and slate is no exception. In addition, when choosing this material as a fence, you need to know about it some of the nuances that you will get acquainted with in this article.


Slate is considered a very popular material that is used to build fences. The material itself is simple, inexpensive and does not raise many questions during installation. A fence made entirely of slate will look very neat and will not attract too much attention.

Many domestic brands are engaged in the production of modern slate. Finding and purchasing it will not be difficult. Such material is suitable for creating high-quality fencing even in urban areas.

A slate fence is ideal for delimiting adjacent areas. You can easily install it yourself.

Pros and cons

If you decide to choose slate for the construction of a fence, then you should definitely know its main advantages and disadvantages:

  • Slate is considered to be a very durable and wear-resistant material. According to the estimates of many experts, asbestos slate can last up to thirty years.
  • This type of material is considered completely safe and non-flammable. Moreover, it is non-toxic.
  • Slate is a rather dense material, as a result of which it is very resistant to various kinds of chemical, thermal and other external influences.
  • Ideal for installation even in areas with harsh climates, because it is not afraid of not only severe precipitation, but also strong winds. In addition, slate is very frost-resistant. Even during periods when there are strong winds outside, the slate will not make unpleasant sounds and interfere with households, unlike, for example, noisy corrugated board.
  • Slate is considered a fairly easy material for installation and installation, it is easy to cut and drill. Many are engaged in installing a slate fence on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists.
  • In addition, the creation of a slate fence does not take much time and effort.

Slate is affordable for many people, however, it can be slightly more expensive than some materials from which fences are erected in summer cottages or in private estates. Nevertheless, its positive aspects are obvious, and the entire cost will pay off after many years of quality service.

To choose a worthy building material, it is worth purchasing slate with only good characteristics and a top layer that is covered with a special protective pigment. In addition to the fact that slate looks more beautiful with an additional coating, this coating protects the material itself from temperature extremes.

The small disadvantages of slate include the following:

  • Despite the fact that a slate fence is not afraid of temperature changes, it is highly not recommended for installation in regions with excessively high humidity, which can significantly reduce the quality of the material over time.
  • Asbestos-cement slate canvases are considered very heavy, they should be installed as firmly as possible so that not only the wind cannot swing them, but also so that the fence does not fall under its own weight.
  • Some buyers are reluctant to purchase slate to create a fence, because they believe that it is suitable exclusively for installation in rural areas.


If you have already decided that you will build a fence from slate, then you should familiarize yourself with all its varieties.

Most people are familiar with only two types of slate coatings, which include flat and wave, however, this is not all.

Flat slate can be:

  • Pressed.
  • Unpressed.

Pressed slate is considered to be slightly denser and heavier than unpressed slate.

According to all characteristics, it is most suitable for the construction of a solid fence that will last for many years and will not collapse from regular temperature changes.

Wave slate sheets can also please with an assortment of varieties. In addition, today more improved species appear on the market, which are especially in high demand. Asbestos-cement wave slate is considered to be stiffer and more durable than other options.

Wave slate also comes in the following varieties:

  • Standard or as it is called ordinary.
  • Reinforced.
  • Unified.

The main differences are in wave height and size.

DIY fence

In order to build a fence correctly, first of all, it is very important to calculate the amount of material that you will need for construction. The calculation itself is simple, the main thing is to correctly measure the perimeter of the territory (site), with the exception of those places where the gates and wickets will be located, as well as other possible openings.

After the measurements have been made, it is recommended to draw up a drawing where it is necessary to arrange all the supports in the corners and along the lines of the future fence. More detailed calculations should be made upon purchase of the material. If you are not sure that you can independently make the correct calculations or build a fence, then it is best to use the services of professionals who will surely meet all your expectations.


Don't forget to pick up a complete set of tools that will come in handy when building your fence.

The main ones that are used in the preparation process include:

  • Level.
  • Shovel (most often bayonet).
  • Plumb line.

Directly for the construction of the fence itself from slate, you need:

  • Concrete mixer.
  • Welding machine.
  • Drill, grinder.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Spanners.

This list is approximate and may vary slightly, depending on the type of site and the type of slate used. As for the acquisition of fence posts, it is best to use metal options. They are considered to be the most reliable and stable. In addition, they will serve you for many years.

Operating procedure

Despite the fact that on the Internet there are a lot of instructions and video tutorials on how to make a fence from slate on your own, before starting work, you should study a lot of information on this matter:

  • Before installing the fence, you need to clear the area on which it will be located.
  • It is very important to correctly pull the thread along the entire length of the fence so that the future slate fence is even. Do not forget about the marking, which is important to perform, for example, with pegs.
  • In order for the preparatory procedures not to take you a lot of time and at the same time you do not have many questions, be guided by a previously prepared drawing, which should be done on paper.
  • After you have completed the marking with pegs on the site, you need to start digging holes for the supports.
  • Further, it will be necessary to weld iron transverse strips onto the supports, on which the timber should be fixed.
  • The trench, which will serve as the base, between the posts can be laid out with bricks.
  • Special holes must be made in the bars with a drill. This is done to accommodate fasteners.
  • Slate sheets should be installed vertically on a brick base. After that, the sheets should be fixed to the fence beams.
