Hello everyone! Today I prepared an article about the blinds, just so, without reason. An article for familiarization, maybe someone will turn something fresh for themselves.

Not so long ago, we saw blinds, mainly in offices, and Tuli and Mother Curtains were hanging on the windows. But with the advent different species Blinds these designs began to outpire from home interior Curtains familiar to us.

After all, they not only reliably protect the rooms from sun rayBut and harmoniously fit into the interior design. In this article, we will look at what the blinds are on the windows, all types of these designs, talk about the materials and colors, we note the main advantages, and also refer to the recommendations and practical advice By choosing the blinds.

Window blinds are excellent protection against the sun, excessive stuffiness, street lamps and bright daylight. They are made from different materials And have an extensive range of colors. To date, there are 12 varieties of blinds.

  • Vertical.
    This kind of blinds is equipped with lamellas different size, From narrow strips to wide panels. With their help, you can somehow adjust the amount of light penetrating into the room, opening access in whole or in part. Such curtains serve for a long time and are used both in residential premises and in office institutions. Their only minus is closed access to the windowsill.
  • Horizontal. This is the first type of modern blinds that appeared on the market. Their main advantages: affordable priceEasy care, resistance to moisture and sunshine, they do not absorb kitchen aromas and are very convenient for the windowsill with flowers. Excellent look like an addition to the curtains. Horizontal blinds easily fit into any style and design of the room. Of the minuses: briefness.
  • Rolled. Rolled blinds adequately replace standard curtains, because they do not impenetrate, repel dust and very comfortable rolling into a roll. This design does not break, perfectly combined with any design and is very conveniently rolled into the roll. Chief Plus rolled blinds - A solid cloth that gently closes the window openings. The disadvantage can only be distinguished by one: they are difficult to care for them.
  • Pleated. Pliste's curtains differ original and exquisite design In the form of "harmonica", which is very convenient when folding the structure. This option is suitable for almost any interior of the room, and it's not only in the model universality. Such blinds are easily cleaned of dust and stains and initially impregnated with a special antistatic agent, which allows them to maintain the original appearance for a long time.
  • Mansard. This name speaks for itself - such structures are ideal for roofs, attics, veranda and various species of the attic. They keep well and do not savage, and for the "oblique" windows made by the defective, will serve as an ideal solution. This is perhaps the only option when you can be sure that the design will not settle, fall, fall, hang and deliver all sorts of inconvenience.
  • Arched. Excellent option if your windows are made in the form of an archer. Lamella can be both horizontal and vertical. Also perfectly fit into the design of rolled structures, which can be adjusted under the size of the arches. The last option, if desired, can be used for the drawing or ornament that is most suitable for the interior. Required condition When installing: the specialist should be engaged.
  • Interframe. Such designs refer to very rare models, as they are used, mainly for windows in old houses. Their function is saving space, the cleanliness of the windows and the opportunity to open each sash. For adjustment, a specially designed flexible control is used, which is installed between the glasses. The main plus: with minimal area, such blinds allow you to save space.
  • Photographic. The chic option, with which you can apply on the blinds any desired pattern in accordance with individual preferences. It all depends on your imagination, the main thing is not to overdo it. Consider the factor that for window openings you select the design in accordance with the common interior. You can order any pattern or drawing, but do not forget about the style of the interior.
  • Multifact. This type of window designs is considered the most spectacular, because their advantage is that the details of the blinds seem to be "at each other. As a result, original patterns and ornaments are obtained. Such types of blinds are suitable if you are a lover original solutions In the design room. The main plus: here you can experiment with the color range in accordance with the common interior.
  • Roman. This is a very convenient and comfortable view of window structures, similar to Plistes, only in this version of the blinds when folding are folded into wide folds. This model can be selected in almost every interior, since competently selected Roman curtains will perfectly fit into any design room. But there is a substantial minus - they do not like the hand washing, exclusively dry cleaning.
  • With electric drive. This species is the most modern, since it is equipped with a special button, thanks to which you do not have to turn anything manually. It is enough just to take advantage of the automatic button - and the window blinds will rise and empty when you please. This type of window designs is convenient to use and approaches almost any windows, regardless of model, textures and materials.
  • Protective. This option is mainly intended for protection functions, such as a garage or balcony. This design is manufactured mainly from metal or other no less durable material. The main function of such structures is the maximum protection, whether it is an office or a private house. Protective shutters are resistant to any temperature conditions, easy to care and have aesthetically nice look.

Materials used for blinds

We looked at all the options that are blinds, now let's talk about materials from which these designs are manufactured.

First of all, it is worth noting the main advantage: they are all impregnated with antistatic dust-repellent and water-repellent means.

Thanks to this, care for the blinds is much easier - they do not spoil from the heat and dampness, the stains are easily cleaned with a sponge and vacuum cleaner.

  • Plastic. Such curtains are universal - the lamellas are tightly closed, not missing light, the material does not heat up and is finewhearted, and the blinds themselves look great with Tyul and curtains. The color of the design can be different, and the model is not easy to choose the interior. But there is a minus - plastic prone to fragility and deformation, therefore the cost of such blinds is relatively low.
  • Aluminum. These blinds are good because they are not subject to corrosion, sufficiently strong, perfectly cleaned with spots and dust, resistant to moisture and temperature difference, look great in any interior. From disadvantages it can be noted that the lamellas in a very hot season are heated, which is stuffy in the room. Aluminum structures are often used in clinics, schools and gardens.
  • . As for these blinds, their main advantage is that they are not afraid of sunlight and do not burn out. They are easy to clean (although care for them takes a lot of time), tissue blinds are practical and very beautifully decorate the room. Thanks to this, as well as a variety of colors, window structures Fabrics are in high demand. But there is one minus: they have a high cost.
  • Wood. This is a very spectacular material, durable and lightweight, covered with a protective layer of varnish. Wooden blinds in any room create a homely atmosphere, bring comfort and comfort. But, before purchasing window structures from a tree, it is important to take into account that such curtains are not recommended to be used in the kitchen, especially close to the stove, as they do not tolerate moisture, quickly absorb fatty and food flavors.
  • Jacquard. We are talking about fabric polyester - the material is very dense and high-quality. If we talk about the outer form, then jacquard blinds are woven in the tissue canvas multicolored threads. Such structures are strong enough, ideal for plastic windows, pushed moisture and dust. Due to the fact that the blinds are made from environmental MaterialsThey are often acquired for children's rooms.
  • Bamboo. This is very lightweight and at the same time durable material, resistant to moisture. Bamboo blinds perfectly cleaned, bring the comfort atmosphere in the room, look very impressively in the interior and even, according to Eastern countries, take themselves all negative energy. Models can be anything, each of them will decorate the room. Of the minuses: Blinds from bamboo are not suiced.

We found out that all kinds are blind, and the choice of the model depends on personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Finally, we will draw your attention to the basic recommendations that will be useful when purchasing window structures.

Do not buy blinds just because you really liked it - think, and whether they are suitable for the interior of the room, will there be a harmony with a common design? Also in advance, calculate all the measurements in order not to purchase the curtains, which will not be suitable, otherwise you will have to change them.

Take into account the presence indoor plants In pots, for which access to the windowsill is necessary. And pay attention to the functionality of the lamellae, in which direction they open, it may be important.

Source: AlumDevelop.ru.

Horizontal blinds on plastic windows

Horizontal blinds have become so popular due to their ability to protect the room from sunlight. Evalnamed and other advantages of these designs: they are easy to maintain and care.

If for yours plastic windows You will choose this kind of blinds, you get rid of a number of unpleasant problems, as they do not absorb odors and fats, easily carry high temperatures and the sun, as well as comfortable and easy to ventilate.

Thanks to its small dimensions, horizontal blinds are perfect for limited and small spaces, whether it is a loggia or a kitchen. An important advantage is that they are unpretentious in care.

Horizontal aluminum blinds will become an excellent choice for the office. They can be used on the windows and as additional partitions.

The main advantages of horizontal blinds

One of the numerous features of horizontal blinds is functionality. They will help to hide from the sun, even in rooms with non-standard windows in shape due to a variety of modifications.

This will give you to choose horizontal blinds just for your windows. They were developed for those who became favorite and popular plastic windows. Due to the fact that they are mounted directly on the window, horizontal blinds save space and fit perfectly into any room.

Clear fixation gives them another advantage over vertical blinds: they are not afraid of the wind, they will not be inflated by air flows.

Horizontal blinds are unpretentious in care, convenient to manage and handling. These qualities will certainly save your time and nerves.

Device horizontal blinds

Products consist of:

  • Eaves from above, which is horizontal;
  • Thin horizontal profiled lamellas;
  • Lower cornice;
  • Control mechanism;
  • Brackets for fasteners.

Care of wooden horizontal blinds

If you prefer horizontal blind blinds, then when cleaning you will need to use a dry soft cloth. You can also turn to the soft brush of the vacuum cleaner.

In order to save money paid for the purchase of this very expensive type of blinds, you need to remember the golden rule: they require very accurate circulation.

It is worth forgetting the water when cleaning, because It bears danger not only the loss of color of the lamellae, but also swelling from moisture. Sometimes for cleaning this type of blinds, specialized agents are used to care for nonlackated tinted surfaces from wood. This allows you to wash them with softness. Also, they can also be removed from the cornice and clean the horizontal surface.

To ensure the durability design, it is necessary once a year (it is possible and more often) to lubricate the guides of the cornice of silicone lubricant.

Care of horizontal aluminum blinds

Unlike all other types of blinds, horizontal from aluminum do not require some special care. For washing you will need a soap solution and a soft cloth. Or the soft brush of the vacuum cleaner.

In the case of global pollution, the lamellas can be removed from the design and put into the bathroom with a warm soap solution, where and rinse. Then they must be returned to the window. It is worth noting that the eaves itself can not be washed with water, it can damage the moving mechanism.

Source: Gala-plus.ru.

Vertical blinds on plastic windows

Vertical blinds consist of the following main "parts": cornice, runners, weights, connecting chains, control chains and control ropes.

Cornice - carrier part to which lamellas fastened. Usually it is made from aluminum. Rarely, but there are plastic cornices.

I do not advise you to purchase: they can be brought under the weight of the lamellae, and the rotating parts inside the rotating parts will deform plastic over time. As a result, the mechanism will dwell.

Runners - Devices that are cling to the eaves on one side and move on it, and on the other hand, lamellas hang on them. It is from the quality of the runners first of all depends the smooth operation of the mechanism of vertical blinds. As far as I managed to figure out, runners make only plastic.

But runners runners retail. Even a tiny burr is able to break the smooth movement of the lamellae, and then the blinds will constantly mess, move with great difficulty and very soon can break. So, making an order for a company, with the addiction to the seller, from where the runners and other blind details from "native".

Georgians - Insert into the lower part of the lamellas so that they do not swing from the wind and hung smoothly.

Connecting chain - As follows from the name, connects the lamella at the bottom. As a rule, tissue lamellas are connected by a plastic chain through which the fishing line will be extended. Manufacturers assure that these chains are very durable. But this, of course, does not mean that they need to ruthlessly pull.

Of course, I'm more likely metal "chains" (at least because they are not so noticeable dirt and in general they are somehow more reliable). But they are mainly equipped with plastic and metal blinds. And besides, the metal is weighting and ledates the design.

The same applies to the control chain, which hangs on the side of the eaves and turns the lamella to 180 °. These chains are also mostly plastic (although they used to be made of metal before).

There is also a rope of control - it shifts and spread the lamellas.

The production of components for the blinds is engaged in a large number of firms, starting with Belarusian, Polish, Korean and ending with Israeli, Germanic and Dutch. Israeli and Dutch products enjoy good reputation.

Although its price is naturally higher. But for the quality is not sin and pay. Therefore, ordering blinds, ask where components are made, and do not share cheap prices - the miser pays twice. But, as I was explained, the quality of the work of the blinds only depends on the quality of the details and by 50% - from the good faith of the company that collects the mechanism.

Material lamella

The lamellas of vertical blinds are two sizes: "European" - 127 mm wide - and "American" - 89 mm.

Our advice: for large windows and as interior partitions It is better to use blinds with wide lamellas, for small openings - with narrow.

Usually the lamellas of vertical blinds are made of fabric or plastic, less often - from wood or aluminum.

Fabric is the most populous material for vertical blinds of us in the country, tissue blinds are most popular. Apparently, the matter is in habit and in love to all sorts of curtains and curtains.

Fabric lamellas are different in density, color, texture, but most often they are made from polyestera - durable material, which practically does not fade into the sun and easily cleaned.

Fabrics for lamellae presented in our market are produced in France, Belgium, Spain, United States, England, Poland, China, in Ukraine and in Belarus. Of course, domestic fabrics are cheaper imported. But there were cases when unscrupulous vendors were given the cheap Chinese fabric for expensive French.

In order to avoid such a life, I advise you to deal with the well-known firms that have long been on the market, which will take on all obligations under warranty service.

By choosing a choice between inexpensive nonwoven materials (at 8 - $ 10 / sq. M) or exquisite jacquard with a complex interweaving of the threads (20 to 40 $ / sq.m), it is necessary to pay attention to the material density.

Our advice. The greater the density of the tissue, the longer the lamelth will retain its product view: it is not deformed, it does not turn it out, it will not stretch.

Although the higher the density, naturally, above and the price. Nonwoven material is cheaper than woven, but but it does not tolerate moisture and is getting faster. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the fabric with a printed pattern is cheaper, but faster burns into the sun. If the drawing of the wizard on the fabric (version of jacquard weave), it is more durable.

Where elevated fire safety requirements are presented (for example, in the kitchen), it is best to hang out a fiberglass blinds, which is not lit in fire, and no matter how it sins, do not smoke and does not distinguish harmful substances.

Fiberglass does not need to be treated with dust-repellent impregnations, unlike conventional tissues, which at stage of production are necessarily coated with moisture protection and antistatic compositions (this is true, does not concern the cheapest materials - $ 5 / m2).

The main advantage plastic blinds: They do not get bend "all the winds called" and hold the form well, in contrast to fabric. But the disadvantages of plastic blinds are directly dependent on the price.

The cheapest ($ 14 per sq. M) is rather fragile and not too stable to temperature drops: under the bright rays of the sun they heat up and begin to yellow.

Blinds of good quality plastic are deprived of these minuses, but also cost from $ 20 / sq. M. Usually they are bought in offices, and at home hang in the kitchen or on glazed loggias. Such blinds are perfectly clean and static electricity do not accumulate.

It is quite expensive ($ 66-130 per sq.m). But they have a lot of advantages: natural material, environmentally friendly, durable. As a rule, it is a strong light wood breed (Canadian linden, cork tree), processed by special technology.

The vertical lamella of wooden blinds consists of a variety of thin strips of wood connected by threads in the canvas. It is very easy to care for these blinds - just spelling enough.

Metal blinds

It is quite rare on sale: they are mainly used in industrial premises. These blinds are simple in care, are not exposed to sunlight, covered with heat-resistant enamel. True, they say that even with a small wind, they thunder (zokat). And this, you see, not everyone will like it. The price is about $ 30 per sq. M with the width of the lamella 89 mm.

What should be considered when buying?

Before buying blinds in general and vertical in particular, you need to decide exactly how you will hang them. There are several options here.

  • Option One: Blinds are attached to the window opening.

In this case, the room seems more, but the windowsill will be engaged in lamellas and favorite flowers will have to move to another place - after all, the lamellas should be freely rotated.

  • Option Second: Blinds are attached to the mustache.

Most often - to the wall above the window (like a cornice for ordinary curtains) or to the ceiling.

Then the window opening closes entirely and the flowers on the window can be left.

And further. The most important thing is to order blinds, correctly calculate their so-called dimensions. How to do it?

  1. First. If you decide to hang blinds inside the window opening, take away from the height of the opening centimeter two so that the lamellas do not lie down on the windowsill.
  2. Second. If you want to attach blinds to the wall above the window, it is better for them to be slightly wider and went abroad to the windows of centimeters for fifteen.
  3. Third. The distance between the floor and the blinds should be at least 5 cm.

And one more important questionWith which you need to decide before making an order, - in which direction will the blinds be discovered? There are four lamella movement options when closing blinds:

  • lamella move towards the opposite control rope;
  • lamels move towards the control rope;
  • laminers travel around on both sides of the center;
  • lamels go to the center.

Four options for moving lamellas when closing a blindbirth. Keep in mind: right choice It is dictated not only by your tastes and preferences, but also the "production necessity." For example, be sure to pay attention whether the collected lamellas will interfere when you want to open the window.

Well, these recommendations are perhaps the most important thing to choose the right vertical blinds. Deciding with the size, installation option and opening, can be ordered. The deadline for ordering depends on the volume and complexity of the work. But on average, the day goes.

Typical errors when ordering blinds

Deputy General Director of the Firm "Osvald" Alexander Kalashnikov:

- The most common mistake, or rather carelessness, - when people are confused with a height width. This is happening if a person makes measurements alone.

And although in our application form black on white it is written: Width ___, Length ___, All the same, customers are collapsed instead of entering the width and vice versa.

Only coming home and putting ready-made blinds to the window, the buyer understands what was wrong, and returns to us again. If you can fix something, we, of course, do it. For example, add several lamellaes, and the client pays extra optional for them. If nothing cannot be corrected, it is necessary to fulfill the order again and, of course, to re-pay. So be extremely attentive, filling the documents.

Another pretty "popular" error: a person wants to hang blinds inside the window opening, but forgets to make out of the height of the opening of 1.5 - 2 cm. As a result, the cornice simply is simply not included, and the alteration entails additional difficulties and expenses.

Therefore, we advise not to give up the departure of a specialist at home. Professional will correctly remove the sizes, tell me, what blinds it is better to choose, and then install them. In this case, it is fully responsible for his work during the entire warranty period, and you only accept it.

Blinds are a popular product, although not so long ago. They enjoy wide demand, because they allow not only to limit the amount of sunlight in the room, but also to ensure the privacy of life.

This is the most optimal option of all, because Tulle from the Sun does not particularly protect, the curtains are not very comfortable in management, and the curtains are too heavy and dark.

Benefits of blinds

Helpful information:

There are three types of blinds of blinds: horizontal, vertical and rolled. The first are most universal, they are used everywhere. The second, as a rule, is acquired in offices and institutions, and the third are intended for home use or narrower tasks. We will analyze more Features of each design.

So, vertical blinds consist of the following elements:

  • narrow or wide lamellas - strips whose width is 87-127 mm, and length - depending on the height of the window;
  • metal or plastic cornice, ensuring the reliability of the design - it is best to choose aluminum frames, as they will last longer;
  • georgians - due to their lamellas hanging strictly vertically. As a rule, they are made of plastic or metal. Plastic is better because it is not corrosion;
  • runners - elements that ensure the movement of lamellas on the eaves;
  • chain for connecting lamellas at the bottom;
  • chain, controlling the movement of blinds and their position.

Horizontal blinds are the most reliable. They are best protected from the Sun, easy to install, convenient to control. Besides, this is a classic. These blinds do not occupy and can be mounted directly into the window opening. As a rule, they apply them in kitchens, office space, even in bedrooms. In addition to classic horizontal blinds, mansard and interframe should be distinguished. The first is not only at the top, but also at the bottom are attached to mansard windowinstalled at an angle not to sag. The second are distinguished by the fact that they are embedded between the frames of the glass package, and the management of them is displayed outward. Therefore, they almost do not occupy places.

Rolled blinds consist of a shaft and fabric wound on it. If it is completely spilled, it closes the whole window, sharply reducing the amount of light in the room up to the darkness. So that the fabric does not spoil from the constant exposure to the sun, it is treated with impregnation.

An interesting option is the blinds-plots. This is the same fabric cloth, but it is reflected in a special device. Thanks to him, the fabric is going to the folds of the desired form and saves appearance For a long time. A polyester is used as a material for Plisters, which is treated with impregnation for ultraviolet resistance. In addition, it allows the material to be resistant to the action of fire. Plissa, like fabric canvas, has many textures and shades. These canvases can be transparent or not at all skip the sunlight and so on.

The last type of blinds is a combined design. It is also called "day-night", since it alternate elements with different light-resistant ability. Depending on the needs, you can adjust into several movements of the flow of light into the room. These blinds will be an ideal solution for windows overlooking the sun.

What to choose material for blinds

Blinds are distinguished not only by the type of structures, but also by the main material. So, there are fabric options, plastic, metal. But none of them is an ideal solution. To understand what kind of design will be the best for a particular room, you need to consult with the designer. And, depending on the color of the walls, the size of the window and other characteristics, you can choose the option that will be perfectly combined with the room.

Fabric blinds

Recently, tissue blinds are especially valued, where instead of the lamellae, a dense impregnated canvas is used. This design is best combined with residential premises, besides, it is convenient to maintain. As a rule, the fabric canvas make Jacquard. This is a tissue characterized by a dense weave of fibers and, as a result, high reliability. No worse in consumer characteristics and fiberglass. It has fireproof, and such a risk exists everywhere. But how long will the cloth for the blinds, it depends not only on its type and the selected impregnation. It is necessary to choose blindness with a dense web - this will increase the service life.

Plastic blinds

Plastic lamellas are used in offices, kitchens, residential premises, balconies, loggias, etc. This is rather cheap and affordable option, so they are very popular. But if you want to purchase reliable design, she will cost expensive. But for such blinds almost no need to take care, because they do not absorb dirt. And if somewhere and the spot will appear - it is very simple to remove it with a wet cleaning.

Plastic blinds have high strength, resistant to temperature drops. But it cannot be said about cheap designs, so only reliable material needs to buy. After all, otherwise, under the influence of the Sun, plastic yellowes, and then it will become fragile.

Plastic blinds worth buying, if there is no desire to care for anything. After all, the lamella is enough to simply clean with a damp cloth or soapy water. Moreover, dust can be removed by a conventional vacuum cleaner - minimum energy and strength.

Wooden blinds

Those who like to use natural materials worth considering the purchase of a tree blinds. Of course, this is one of the expensive options, but it is worth it. The product looks original, peculiar and suitable for both official premises and luxurious bedrooms. Make slats from Canadian linden, bamboo and other durable materials. But the care of the product is limited - the tree can be wiped with only a dry cloth or polyrolla, since it will deteriorate from moisture.

Metal blinds

Metal blinds are easier. For residential premises, this is not a very acceptable option. Although they are also durable, even light (make them now from aluminum alloys), but have low aesthetics. But such structures will last long, will not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet and the more moisture.

What you need to know, choosing blinds

Choosing blinds, first of all, you should navigate the interior of the room. The product, first of all, should be combined with it. And then pay attention to how convenient to use the design.

  1. Blinds can be attached differently. So, if they are mounted in the ceiling or wall, then you need to drill holes and use screws. If fasteners goes to a plastic frame, it is not recommended to do this. After all, you can spoil the window itself. Then it is better to purchase special brackets or industrial bilateral scotch.
  2. It is important to choose the location of the blinds. The product can be mounted in the window opening. This is the best option for those who want not to clutter the already small space of the apartment. But then, with the windows, you will have to remove all the flowers so that it is convenient to use the design. If you attach blinds in the form of a curtain, then there will be enough space between them and the window.
  3. Not so easy to calculate all sizes. It depends on several points. First, from where the blinds will be attached. If the window opening is inside, then the height should be 2 cm less than the height of the opening. Otherwise, the slats will go to the windowsill. If the blinds are hanging on the cornily or ceiling, they should be wider by 10-15 cm than the opening of the windows to completely close it. Designs that will be lowered to the floor should hang over it at a distance of at least 5 cm.
  4. Before purchasing blinds, you need to decide how to manage (automatically or manually). If manually, the user must be able to approach them freely.
  5. If the blinds are vertical, take into account, in which direction they will roll. After all, in the assembled position, they can interfere with the opening of the window. Often, because of this, separate webs are installed on each shutter of the window.

How to install blinds yourself

Set the blinds on the plastic window with your own hands is quite simple, following a clear algorithm. The principle of installation is:

  • from the package get the blinds, unwind all ropes, chains and fishing rods, remove decorative lining, which can interfere with installation;
  • The advantage of blinds is that it is practically no need to care for him. But still sometimes care will need. For plastic structures it is a wet cleaning with a rag with soapy water. And fabric and wooden blinds are brushing from dust and dirt with dry agents. But if the tissue blinds need more serious cleaning, then this can be done independently:

    • remove weights and tightening chain;
    • remove the slotons with lamellae and turn them into rolls;
    • rolls turn into gauze and placed in detergent solution;
    • cleaning occurs by soaking - it is not necessary to rub anything;
    • when the dirt from the lamellae is gone, they are getting out of the water and spin;
    • wet slats are installed back, and under the action of weights they return to the previous form;
    • expect the fabric canvas dried, after which they check the performance of the structure - this is completed on this.

    Thus, the blinds for the house is not one type of product, but a large variety of designs, colors and materials. To choose perfect solution For your home, you need to learn from the market offers and taking into account the design and features of operation to choose the most optimal option.




    The complexity of choosing a specific type of blinds for windows is their huge variety. Depending on the manufacturing country, the company and the materials used, they have a different appearance, quality, respectively, and the service life.

    Before buying blinds, it is necessary to carefully consider such important moments as:

    • the material from which they are made;
    • type of blinds (horizontal, vertical, rolled);
    • where they will be placed.

    Video: How to choose blinds for plastic windows

    For kitchen You can choose the blinds made of plastic, since they are not scary moisture and they are well cleaned. Also for the kitchen are suitable blinds from fiberglass. This material is not lit and it is very easy to clean with a dry way.

    Bathroom and veranda Also need blinds resistant to moisture, so you can choose options with plastic slats for such premises.

    In the bedroom and living room Fabric or multifactore blinds are suitable. They are very beautifully imitating the arches, curtains with lambrequin, create the illusion of various relief parts of the port, for example, the volanov.

    Blinds consist of many different components Details:

    • cornice;
    • runners;
    • georgians;
    • control mechanism;
    • lamellae.

    When ordering blinds in the firm, it is necessary to ask what exactly is included in the price. It may be that in the advertising avenue indicated a low price, which actually applies only to the cost of lamellae. In this case, the set of components will need to be paid separately.

    Choosing certain blinds to pay attention to the quality of parts made from plastics. The fact is that most of the components in the set are made of PVC. From aluminum, eaves made from metal and plastic, lower chains and internal parts of the weights are made. The strength and durability of the entire blind mechanism depends on the quality of plastic parts.

    Whether the use of blinds is comfortable and convenient for their owner, whether they will retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time, depends on how correctly the buyer comes to their choice.

    Constructive features of the blinds

    All blinds on the type of construction can be divided into two groups:

    • vertical
    • horizontal.

    The first, the lamellas are wider and located perpendicular to the floor, in more than Operated in residential premises, kindergartens and hospitals. The second - the planks, which are located parallel to the surface of the ceiling, are used more often in trade and office premises.

    Methods for fastening blinds

    Depending on the fastening method, the blinds are distinguished, fastened with window sash and outside the window (on the wall, frame, etc.)

    Outside the window opening can be installed both vertical and horizontal blinds. Directly on the window sash can only be consolidated horizontal blinds.

    The way to open the blinds

    Choosing blinds, it is necessary to foresee what kind of opening method is most optimal for you. There are two ways:

    • electromechanical,
    • manual.

    The second control method is suitable for houses and offices - where the windows are located at an affordable level. If the window openings are located very high, or this upper part of the arched windows is the most optimal to use the blinds with electromechanical control.

    Blind manufacturing material

    From what material the blinds made will depend on their cost and quality.


    Blinds whose lamellas are made of wood - this is a significant cost of expenses. After all, the material is natural and expensive. For their manufacture, rare wood breeds are suitable: cork tree, Canadian linden, treated pine. In most cases, the blinds from the tree choose connoisseurs of eco-friendly and sophisticated components of the interior.


    • tree blinds are sufficiently persecuting, so special requirements are presented to their installation. As a rule, they are not manufactured for large window openings;
    • care of wooden blinds has its own characteristics - they can not be washed, just wipe with a damp cloth and vacuuming.


    • like any other wood products, wooden blinds are environmentally friendly and safe for health;
    • such blinds have a long service life;
    • they are not afraid of the impact of negative factors: temperature differences, solar radiation, humidity, etc.;
    • the tree is suitable for any style, it makes an atmosphere of luxury and comfort;
    • they are distinguished by high levels of strength and reliability.


    Aluminum, due to the optimal value of the price and quality, has become the most common material for the manufacture of blinds. This species Allows you to choose the most optimal color gamut for any interior. The game of light and shadows, a variety of colors and shades makes the range wide and accessible simultaneously.


    • a small thickness of aluminum lamellas leads to their light deformation;
    • their operation is undesirable in situations where windows are often open;
    • in the process of air ventilation or in the case of a draft, aluminum lamellas create noise.


    • easy to care - they are enough to wipe with a damp cloth;
    • they possess reflective effect, which is important in hot summer days;
    • they have a long service life.


    Plastic takes far from the last place in the production of blinds. This material is characterized by good wear resistance, acceptable cost, attractive appearance and variety of colors. Plastic is used in the production and vertical, and horizontal blinds. Due to the variety of forms, textures and colors, such blinds will be able to decorate any interior.


    • in the course of operation, plastic can change its original appearance under the influence of negative factors: heating, temperature differences, solar radiation;
    • non-quality plastic negatively affects health.


    • do not deform in the process of temperature effects;
    • they are easy to keep clean;
    • different with high levels of strength.

    the cloth

    In the interior of residential premises, experts recommend to give preference to fabric blinds. To a greater extent, they have vertical lamellas, differ in variety of shapes, textures and colors. Such blinds will most fill the space of the atmosphere of comfort and comfort.

    The service life of this type of blinds depends on the tissue density, the same factor affects the level of light source.


    • in the case of use of inexpensive fabric, burning blinds and a significant reduction in the period of their operation.


    • high-quality fabric does not fade and does not lose its attractive appearance;
    • fabric blinds have a high level of strength;
    • such blinds are easy to care - they can be erased.

    Choosing vertical blinds, pay attention to the following nuances:

    • whether the mechanism does not appear in the process of work - blinds should be opened easily and silently;
    • it is necessary to accurately calculate the width of the blinds - if you have decided to fix them to the wall, you need to add 20-30 cm to the main width, they must be 2-3 cm in height less than the height of the window opening;
    • before buying, you need to decide which way the blinds will be shifted;
    • blinds to the floor should not be in principle - to them it is necessary to leave 5 cm of free space.

    How to check the quality of the design installed?

    The most important thing is to do it in the presence of a master who installed the mechanism. To check, you need to close and open the mechanism by changing the slope of the lamellae. If the plastic, from which the details of the mechanism are made, high-quality, then when turning the runners do not creak and do not hurt. Lamaders should be closed smoothly and open. The easier the slats are moving when changing tilt, the longest life will be the service life of the blinds themselves.

    If defects were detected during the verification process, the Blind Installation Wizard should immediately eliminate them. In the event that it is impossible to eliminate the defect in place, the master is obliged to dismantle the whole mechanism and pick it up for repair or replacement.

    In order to avoid troubles related to the quality of component parts, it is best to order blinds in those firms that cooperate with reliable suppliers and have a good reputation in the market. Such firms necessarily provide warranty service free of charge. Each firm provides its warranty service life, as a rule, it ranges from six months to 18 months.

    How to care for blinds

    In order for the installed mechanism to serve as much as possible, the lamellas must be rotated perpendicular to the plane of the window and only after that moved them or shift them. In the event of malfunctions in the work of the mechanism, it is best to touch anything and seek help to the company that these blinds installed. By phone you can get advice on how much the question. If after the consultation to eliminate the malfunction independently fails, then you need to invite the wizard that will fix everything. The smaller the attempts of self-eliminating the problem, the faster the master will make repairs.

    The simplest is care of plastic and metal blinds. In order for them to be clean, they are enough to wipe them with a periodically damp cloth, while shooting accumulated dust. If there is stronger pollution, it is enough to wipe the lamellas with soap solution.

    For cleaning wooden blinds You can use the vacuum cleaner, even intended for wet cleaning. To clean the blinds from fiberglass, you can use the dry way.

    More difficult clean fabric vertical blinds. To ensure high-quality care, it is best to refer to specialists, but you can clean and independently. First of all, it is necessary to remove the slave. For this you need:

    1. remove the lower chain;
    2. remove weights;
    3. sequentially remove the slaughters from the runners.

    During washing, the lamella can be deformed. In order for this to not happen to the lamellas, you need to roll into rolls, wrap in the gauze so that they do not turn out and pour with soap solution. It is impossible to rub and turn the lamellas in the water. After dust and dirt come down, the lamellas need to fill with pure cool water several times. Then they still wet they hang them into place. Due to the weight of the weights and their own severity, the lamella straightened and dried. In this case, a lot depends on the quality of the fabric. Low-quality fabric lamellas can be deformed along the edges and stretch out. That is why it is best to contact the relevant firm that captures the blinds professionally and without unpleasant consequences.

    For more than a long history of its existence - about seven hundred years - blinds did not lose their popularity and even continue to take a leading position. For a long time of its existence, the blinds have undergone significant changes and differ from the first samples. Now there are a large number of blinds that are distinguished by the shape, view, material. Blinds can be combined and combine several different materials. But they all perform their main function - protect the room from the exhausting sun during the day, extraneous eyes at night.

    Blind varieties

    There is such a wide range of goods on the market, which will not work out without preparation. Each type of protective canvase has its own characteristics, strengths and weaknesses. You can select such varieties of blinds:

    • horizontal;
    • vertical;
    • rolled;
    • cassette;
    • roller;
    • plist;
    • aluminum;
    • wooden;
    • fabric.

    You can also select three groups of blinds depending on the degree of protection from the Sun:

    • light-absorbing;
    • light scattering;
    • reflective.

    Benefits of blinds

    The designs of this type are becoming increasingly popular and explain it with high performance and attractiveness, blinds on the windows are able to transform any, the most primitive view of the room. The ability to regulate the work of such structures, allows you to shade the room if you wish or open for light. Systematizing the possibilities of protective curtains, such advantages of using lamellas are allocated:

    • efficiency when protecting the room from sunlight or prying eyes;
    • functionality;
    • saving space;
    • wide range of range: material, designer design;
    • easy to care.

    Blinds are able to visually increase the room, make it lighter, harmonious and cozy.

    How to choose blinds

    Most recently, the curtains from the fabric, Tulle were in every home and it was they who protected the windows, then such curtains are still in apartments with modern design. Popular stale became popular and their diversity allows you to choose high-quality and stylish, harmonizing with the interior of the dwelling. They are used due to their functionality, availability in service, beautiful appearance.

    The choice of protective elements on plastic windows needs to be with great responsibility. Curtains should not just buy, but pick up to the interior, color gamma Rooms and shared style. Also, do not purchase the curtains for which it is recommended to drill plastic profile. No matter how neatly work was made, they would spoil the integrity of the canvas.

    To stop your choice on a particular sample, it is necessary to figure out how existing models differ and what the advantage of each of them.

    By layout, curtains are divided into two types:

    • vertical;
    • horizontal.

    The material from which the product is manufactured may be different, but plastic, tissue, aluminum, wood are most popular.

    Choosing a design to protect windows, decide what you need, answering such questions:

    • what directions you would like to buy;
    • what material should be blinds;
    • what size, width of the cloth;
    • what the desired texture of your future protective curtains is preferred;
    • what color would you like to buy.

    Horizontal blinds for plastic windows

    Vertical blinds appeared much later horizontal. The horizontal is most often used in the premises of state buildings, because they give the room strict and business style. But the versatility of such curtains is that classic kitchensAnd in modern bedrooms they look great. But to create a cozy atmosphere in private dwellings, designers are advised to complement the curtains from matter.

    Blinds, overwhelming their most, do not absorb unpleasant flavors, well carry the temperature difference, increased humidity and direct sunlight. This allows you to close any premises.

    When installing the blinds of such a design, you can select a method for installing plates:

    Determine the width of the design plates:

    • one and a half centimeters;
    • two and a half centimeters;
    • five centimeters.

    You can control the blinds with the remote control.

    The main thing when buying horizontal blinds do not forget about compliance with proportionality: in small rooms Blinds are installed with narrow slats, in large and spacious - with wide.

    Vertical blinds for plastic windows

    Vertical blinds are applied in rooms of any type and style. Such designs are durable, practical and stylish. Thanks to the longitudinally located plates, it is possible to adjust the degree of sunlight that is missing inward.

    Choosing vertical blinds, it must be borne in mind that they have two lamella widths - nine and twelve and a half centimeters. Consider, it is necessary when installing in rooms. Harmoniously look at designs with wide plates in large spacious rooms.

    Curtains are removed from the surface of the winds very simply, to move them enough with the help of a special mechanism.

    The curtains of this design are more practical and durable, since in the event of a breakdown of any of the structural elements, the part is easy to replace the new one.

    Vertical designs are suitable for any premises. They consist of such main parts:

    • the cornice - it can be plastic or aluminum, the last option is preferable, since it is much stronger and more reliable;
    • lamed or strips, there are two types: wide and narrow;
    • runners - help open and close the design;
    • georgians - protect the panels from deformation, there are three types of weights;
    • connecting chain for mounting Podnels at the bottom of the structure, the quality of the part can be found in a shade than the lighter item, the better;
    • the control mechanism - for turns of the lamella, shifting and spinging the elements.

    Blinds on windows of plastic and fabric

    If you decide to install the blinds, decide on the material from which the curtains will be made. Plastic lamellas are leading among other options, as they:

    • suitable for any style of premises;
    • the horizontal positions are combined with tissue curtains;
    • do not undergo deformations in physical effects;
    • easily succumb to cleaning procedures;
    • do not electrify.

    But you should not forget that plastic does not tolerate high temperaturesTherefore, it is not recommended to place plastic curtains in close proximity to heat sources.

    Fissure blinds can be of this type:

    • polyester;
    • jacquard;
    • cotton;
    • fiberglass.

    Fissure curtains can be of different density, it is not necessary to save here. The product from the fine material will faster will be faster in the sun, and when it loses the form. Also, the material density affects the ability to delay the light, when you need to close the windows overlooking the south, it is advisable to choose a dense material.

    Choosing among a variety of materials fabric lamellas, do not forget that:

    • the polyester strips serve longer, do not impenetrate and not bend, during the washing process does not lose the form and color, the price of such blinds is lower than that of other options;
    • natural canvases are recognized as environmentally friendly, but often "sit down" during washing and react poorly to dry cleaning;
    • jacquard curtains will give the sophistication room, items from this material are not spoiled in the sun and in the process of cleaning;
    • fiberglass designs are optimal decision For bathrooms and kitchens, they have a moisture-repellent ability, are fireproof.

    Often people refuse to shop fabric blinds, Motivating this by the fact that they quickly dust, lose their appearance and cause allergic diseases. In fact, each structural strip is soaked with dust-repellent solution and does not absorb dust.

    To wipe the blinds from the fabric, you need to disconnect the lamella and extend without applying power. Dry stripes in a vertical position.

    Buying fabric designs Do not try to purchase the most inexpensive, it is better to buy high-quality, reliable things that will serve some time and will not lose their sight after the first washing.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Aluminum Blinds, Bamboo, Tree

    Aluminum blinds can be used in the kitchen, close to sources of fire, as they are covered with a special tool, anti-foot enamel. Among the advantages of such structures, the following can be distinguished:

    • ease of maintenance;
    • wide spectrum color palette designs;
    • optimal cost of goods;
    • selecting the location of the lamellas: horizontal or vertical.

    Among the inconveniences created by aluminum blinds, it can be noted that they make unpleasant sounds at when air moves on a draft.

    Wooden designs are suitable for the interiors in the style of Modern and Country. Organically look at yourself or complete with curtains. Material for blinds are the trees of valuable rocks, they are not suiced, but very practical and durable. Wooden designs enjoy deserved recognition:

    • material is environmentally friendly;
    • not allergenic, it does not cause allergies, safe for allergies;
    • presented in a wide range of color scheme;
    • long service life;
    • ease of care;
    • protection against bright sun;
    • special coating protects the room from ultraviolet.

    But with a large number of positive moments, you should not forget that the tree is not moisture-resistant material, and in the room where the moisture indicators at least slightly above the norm are not recommended to apply such designs.

    As for the structures from bamboo, they have similar characteristics with wooden blinds, but bamboo curtains are not afraid of moisture and they can be installed in rooms with high humidity: bathrooms, balconies, laundry.

    How to care for blinds

    In order for the design does not lose its appearance, it is necessary to competently care for it. For some types of coatings, it is easy to care for others, others require a more thorough relationship. Plastic structures are easily clean with warm soapy water and dry without any problems. Wood and fiberglass need only dry cleaning and extremely negatively react to wet cleaning His surfaces. All these nuances should be considered that the wrong leaving does not spoil the thing. Fabric the most whimsical and demanding of the care:

    • before the start of cleaning, tissue fragments should be removed;
    • remove all additional designs;
    • each strip must be collapsed in a non-naval roll, immerse in a gauze bag;
    • lower all strips into a container with soapy water;
    • it is forbidden to rub or mine material, it should simply be immersed in water;
    • five later - ten minutes to immerse the bags into clean water and give the opportunity to lie down the strips in the water, rinse;
    • get stripes and immediately, not allowing to dry, install in your place;
    • under weight component parts Lamed will take their shape.

    It is necessary to approach the selection of lamellae. If you choose blinds without taking into account the characteristics of the room, then they will not only be a decoration of the house, but they will be ridiculous. Among the councils of specialists in choosing blinds, you need to highlight such:

    • for small rooms, the light designs should be installed, it will allow you to visually make a bigger room and give it notes comfort;
    • in spacious rooms with large windows, it is more expedient to use blind shades blinds;
    • choosing a color, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the room, for children's rooms and bedrooms it is recommended to use bright, gentle colors, for living rooms, kitchens, bright materials can be used;
    • during the choice of the blinds, it is necessary to correctly select the length of the product - it is better to trust this important thing a specialist who will measure window openings and take into account all the details;
    • during the purchase of structures, it is necessary to pay special attention to the serviceability of the mechanism, the plates must open and close smoothly, simultaneously, without jerks;
    • buying goods at a very low price, such a purchase will bring short-term joy, and then problems will appear that accompany cheap goods.

    Constructions are installed in two options:

    • in window opening;
    • on the window opening.

    In the window opening, the height of the design should two centimeters less than the height of the window opening. This installation will be possible only with perfectly even window sills, otherwise the blinds will look outnetic.

    On the window opening width of the design should be more windows widths for four to five centimeters. Among the largerness of the blinds, everyone can choose those that will approach specific dwelling, fit the style and preferences. If you have questions about what blinds are like choosing the most suitable. What are the main selection criteria, watch the video after the article. It is described in detail about the peculiarities of each type of blinds, about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of construction.

    Blinds have a rather long history. Translated from the French "Jalousie" means "jealousy." This is due to the fact that the windows pointed with wooden planks were characteristic of the east, which were missing enough light, but hidden from unauthorized eyes of women who went without a parandi.

    Blinds allow you to perfectly adjust the intensity of penetration into the room, sunlight and air flows. This interior detail plays a serious role in the design of the design of the room. It is important that the integrity, harmony of the color and stylistic composition depends on it. artificial lighting. In order not to make disharmony in the comfort of your room, you need to know what better to buy blinds.

    Article Article:

    Types of blinds

    On the principle of design features, blinds are divided into:
    • vertical;

    • horizontal;

    • plist;

    • rolled curtains;

    • cassette.

    "Classic genre" are. This type provides excellent protection against the effects of the Sun and an increase in the room temperature. The design of the blinds of this type is very simple and effective. It is the opinion that horizontal blinds are less reliable. However, experts argue that the only disadvantage of this type of device is the failure of the entire system when breakdown of one lamella.

    May be interferent (mounted between window Ramami.) and internal (attached to the inner surface of the windows).

    Managing opening-closure is quite simple and convenient. The blinds of the horizontal type does not create obstacles to circulation indoors from the street, facilitating the ventilation. A similar type of blinds can be used as space separators for individual zones in offices and apartments. Thanks to the selection of material and color solutions, such blinds are able to decorate any interior.

    Are more modern trees and are a clear imprint of classic curtains. They are perfectly combined with large windows, erkers, arches and sliding doors. In this type of blinds, the lamellas are perpendicular to the floor surface. They are equipped with a comfortable control mechanism, which turns the lamellas at any angle around its axis. It provides the ability to create in a room of varying degrees of illumination. Vertical blinds are lined with a cord, like a curtain. Materials for vertical blinds in most cases are soaked with antistatic and dust-repellent solutions. This prevents the accumulation of dust on them. Folded into the roll, lamellas vertical view It is very convenient to wash in the "Washing".

    - This is a curtain made of a solid piece of pleated fabric, which, if necessary, collected folds. The system is installed directly on the window and allows you to close the opening of any area and form factor. Closing-opening is implemented with the help of a cord and weight, driving the lower part of the curtains. This kind of blinds protects the room from sunlight well. The abundance of colors and textures allows you to enter these curtains in any interior.

    - Poves the leaf of perforated tissue, which is delaying sunlight, winding on a special video. This type of blinds can descend to any level, like a horizontal type device. The roller fabric creates the effect of scattering the light, in which you see what is happening outside the window remaining outside the visility zone for observers outside. These curtains do not create obstacles to open the window, help save space. They can be free on or located in the box. If the roller is equipped with guides, it allows it to fit tightly to the window, providing more effective protection. Depending on the material of this type of blind, you can achieve complete darkness indoors. This is useful, for example, to implement the intention to arrange houses watching movies on the home theater with the projector.

    There are also metallic rolling shutters. However, they provide the feature of preventing intruders and are installed outside windows.

    They have a mechanism like a roller. The difference is the prison of curtains in a peculiar "cassette" - a box with guides. The box is mounted directly on the sash, so the curtain does not prevent the windows mobility, well protecting from ultraviolet.

    In accordance with the level of light louver, the blinds can be:
    • reflective;

    • light scattering;

    • light absorbing.

    In accordance with the material of the blinds happen:
    • Aluminum - metal provides strength and reliability of the structure, has reflective properties, reflects thermal radiation, easy to maintain and clean.

    • Wooden - eco-friendly material in combination with excellent thermo- and light insulation, various color solutions Do this kind of blinds with an excellent option for any interior. Especially exotic looks at the bamboo blinds.

    • From Faux wood - the material consists of synthetic elements with splashes of natural wood, has moisture resistance and high sunscreen properties. At a price more available, rather than a tree

    • Fabric - have a good antistatic effect, easily erased and, thanks to the rich color scheme and the possibility of photographication, look stylishly, fit into the framework of any design room.

    • Plastic - their dignity is, however, the sunscreen properties of this type of blinds leave much to be desired.

    • Multifacture - are a combination different materialsthat gives them a very stylish look capable of decorating any room.

    Choice of blinds for plastic windows

    They differ from the other types of windows by a swivel-folding mechanism. Therefore, so that the blinds do not chat ridiculously and did not interfere, it is necessary to choose the corresponding design.

    For such a type of windows, the ranks with guides and cassette blinds are best suitable. The advantage of these types of blinds is the fact that they are mounted directly on the window sash. This allows you to visually increase the size of the room, while simultaneously providing effective protection against sunlight. Also stay free windowsill, which is undoubtedly very convenient in places with limited area: in the bathroom, on the balcony, kitchen and others.

    Another advantage of these types of blinds on plastic windows is the ability to carry out various manipulations with a window without removing the curtains.

    If you are not satisfied with the minimalism of the blinds of this type, you can always use them simultaneously with classic curtains and tuli.

    The choice between the rollers and cassette blinds in most cases is due to the design of the premises, the end targets of the arrangement of the room, the level of its pollution. An important factor will be the floor on which the room is located, since dust and automotive exhausts do not reach the height of 5 - 7 floors. It is also important to take into account the proximity of the windows of neighboring houses to calculate the tissue density in order to hide your private life from indiscreet views of foreign people.

    Horizontal cassettes are more resistant to pollution, high humidity and temperature drops. They are easy to clean from dirt, and they are extremely durable and resistant to burnouts in the sun.

    Because of the beauty of rolled blinds and delicacy of tissues, their preferred mounted in bedrooms and living rooms. The intensity of the light stream can be adjusted by selecting suitable tissues.

    Selection of blinds for wooden windows

    Principal differences when choosing blinds on windows with wooden sash. It is possible to use all the types of blinds, focusing exclusively on the interior design of the room and your taste preferences.

    However, several recommendations of aesthetic nature will be unlisted.

    More organically on wooden frames will look blinds from natural materials. Especially interesting and unusually combined wooden frame windows with wooden or bamboo horizontal blinds. In combination with simple eco-style furniture, this will give the room some flavor of naturalness and identity.

    In the case of a decent height of the ceilings in the room, it is desirable to acquire horizontal blinds. This visually increase the size of the room. Well, if the ceilings are low, the position will fix the blinds of the vertical type. They will give the ceilings the illusion of height.

    Optimal selection of blinds for balcony or loggia

    First of all, it is necessary to mention that the aluminum frames of the balcony glazing do not fit blinds with fastening on the sash. First, on the metal, such a type can be mounted at the cost of great effort. Secondly, constructive features Frames of the frame will prevent the normal opening-closing if there are blinds of this type.

    It should also be borne in mind that the balconies we quite often leave open for the purpose of venting. Therefore, blinds on the balcony will be exposed to frequent and intense pollutants.

    Vertical blinds Mount on the balcony are not followed for several reasons. Often the ceilings on the balcony are made by plastic, which makes it impossible to fasten the vertical blinds on them. Also, the blinds of the vertical type will shrink the tiny area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony. The presence of several balcony flaps makes it difficult to install the control unit of the blind.

    The best, as it seems to us is the choice of Roller, cassette versions of blinds and ordinary horizontal species. Their use will save space and ensure comfort when operating with balcony flaps.

    Blinds or curtains - do a hard choice

    First of all, this is of course the problem of taste and aesthetic preferences. Consider the pros and cons both curtains and blinds.

    Have advantages in the decor area. They form in the room atmosphere of comfort and comfort. You can choose the colors and texture of the fabric, which will create the desired mood and the style of the room. By minuses include:

    • rather relative protection against sun rays;

    • complicated .

    • weak variability in regulating the degree of illumination of the room;

    • an obstacle to normal air circulation when carrying out in a primary state;

    • the ability of the tissue tissue to accumulate dust, which can provoke the occurrence of body allergic reactions;

    • close of room volumes and restriction of the possibility of using the windowsill.

    Blinds have great opportunities for the implementation of designer ideas. They effectively perform the function of light and heat dissipation, prevent sunlight penetration into the room. They also visually expand the space of the room, freeing the windowsill, providing freedom of operations with window sash.

    By minuses include:

    • higher complexity in service compared to conventional curtains;

    • a tendency to call associations with an office or another official institution, which will not like everyone;

    • blinds from artificial materials can, when heated, allocate not very pleasant smell of "chemistry".

    1. In the opening of the window. The width of the blinds with this installation version should be on one or two centimeters shorter than the width of the day. We pay attention to the angle of slopes of the window, since this parameter strongly affects the width of the day. The height of the lamellas should be on one to one and a half centimeters shorter the height of the window of the window. The ability to install blinds in the opening is provided in the presence of aligned windowsides. The lack of parallelism of the window sill line with the upper edge of the window will significantly spoil the aesthetics. In this case, it is necessary to mount the blinds with a changing height. The plot of the control cord should be shorter than the height of the blinds of fifteen centimeters.

    2. Installation of blinds on the window opening. The width of the blinds in this case should be equal to the width of the window plus three centimeters. If, due to the presence of heating pipes, the blinds will be mounted with some retreat from the wall, it should be added to the width of about fifteen-twenty centimeters. The height of the lamellas is calculated by adding to height window Piece Another ten centimeters. If you need to hide the windowsill, the lamella length can reach the floor. Fasten the cornice of vertical blinds is best to the ceiling. This will ensure reliability of the design fixation.

    3. Video instructions:
