A house made of timber, according to the customer, by default should be incredibly warm and cozy. A knowledgeable person, however, understands that for this you still need to try. Experienced builders, professionals in their field know about it not by hearsay. What should be done to make a house from a bar really warm? Let's talk about this and what dangers can await kind, naive customers on the way to the dream of a country, cozy home.

Warm corner: significance, execution technology and builders' tricks

A warm corner is a way of attaching beams during construction. wooden house... Its advantages:

  • Eliminates the likelihood of cracks;
  • Does not blow out and lets the cold into the room;
  • Easy to implement and no more time-consuming than other methods.

In addition to this method, they also practice "joint-to-joint", in half a tree and dovetail... By advantages, a warm corner wins in everything and any normal customer will choose a personalized one for his home. And now the fun begins. No, resourceful builders will not dissuade you from such a choice. They will do better (for themselves) - they will tell you a tidy sum. But what if you want to get a really warm house? Refuse such well-wishers! Conscientious builders will never take an additional fee for this - this is already their work and you will definitely have time to pay for it. True, in fairness and unnecessary overpayments.

Nageli: making the house even stronger

Nagels are special pins that make the timber "sit in place" even after shrinkage. What is the principle of working with pins? In order for the result of their application to be positive, you need to adhere to the order - the pins are installed perpendicularly through every two crowns, pre-drilling holes in the bar. That is, they laid it down, fixed it with dowels every 1.5 - 2 meters and again 2 crowns. Pins are made of wood, mostly hardwood. Someone saves and instead of ready-made dowels uses improvised means: fittings, pipes or rolled metal. It is undesirable to allow this - it is impossible to predict the consequences 100%.

Today you can often hear that nagels are an outdated technology and completely irrelevant. But the fact remains that this method of joining logs or timber remains the most reliable. Moreover, it is time-tested.

Royki: we work with window and door openings

Another important stage in construction is working with swarms. Usually, these are 50x50 mm bars. A groove is cut in the wall, namely, in the opening. Swarms are inserted there. They will help keep the wall stable. In order for the shrinkage process, even with swarms, to pass without consequences, it is imperative to leave about 2 centimeters above the bar in the window opening, and 5 in the doorway. There is enough space for the bars to snap into place. If you do not leave space, one of the logs or beams will hang and thereby provoke the appearance of a gap. What is warm houseif there are cracks in it?

But this technology should not be neglected. If the swarms are not installed, deformation of the wall in the place of the opening is inevitable.

Builders' mistakes: real and possible

In order not to learn from your mistakes and mistakes that will be made during the construction of your house, look at others. Quite a real picture: a wooden block was installed in the window opening as a swarm. Shrinkage passed, and the wall curved and became convex. What's wrong? The fact is that the wooden swarm collapsed and simply ceased to fulfill its task - to strengthen the opening. To avoid such an unpleasant situation, give preference to metal swarms. It is especially important to use them when strengthening doorways - the load there is much greater.

Maybe this: greedy workers offer you to install swarms for a certain amount. You, of course, out of ignorance, will refuse. Why pay extra money? After all, "and so it will stand normally." This absolutely must not be done! Maybe in the first year nothing will happen to the walls. But the house is being built not for a year, not for 5, and not even for 10 years! Think about the future and play it safe - install swarms. Not for a fee. We will now tell you why.

Forewarned is forearmed

Be careful when proposing to make high-quality swarms for money or for a “symbolic” fee to use not a “dovetail” or “butt-to-joint” when laying beams, but a “warm corner”. This work is done by default and you don't have to pay for it!

Conscientious and responsible builders from serious companies who value their name will do everything in the best... You won't even be asked if you need a swarm or a warm corner - they will just do it. Of course, there are cases when the customers themselves refuse to strengthen window and door openings. The construction company has the right to issue a receipt, where the customer indicates that he refuses this work. So, the developer disclaims responsibility for further consequences, and the future owner of the house runs the risk of facing problematic shrinkage of the timber.

And your home will be cozy, strong and durable, because now you know exactly what pins, swarms are for and what a "warm corner" is.

It's no secret that profiled timber is a natural, living material. This is the main reason for the special love of private developers for him. Lumber houses have a lot of advantages and few disadvantages. The main ones are susceptibility to shrinkage, drying out and cracking. This is because a solid timber loses its natural moisture over time and dries out. The process is invisible to the naked eye, but building structures react to shrinkage processes. Openings for windows, doors and gates were especially sensitive to the draft of the building.

Finished projects of houses from a bar, or made on an individual basis, must provide for protective measures in order to avoid distortion of openings during operation. Alternatively, the use of a thoroughly dried timber in the construction of a house. It gives less shrinkage. More effective method - to install swings for window and door openings. It's great when the developer has the opportunity to use both methods in combination.

What are swarms?

Swarms are called beams, usually of square section. It is installed in specially cut, vertically located, slots of the end parts of a window or doorway. Royka installation in log housewhat this gives:

  • strength and stability of the configuration of the opening for a window or door block;
  • exclusion of the possibility of "sagging" of the box after the likely shrinkage of the building;
  • hassle-free installation of a wooden, metal or plastic block.

Any building product must be manufactured in compliance with certain rules, including swarms. So, what are swarms in a log house, and how to make them right?

  1. For the manufacture of this, in fact, a thorn is used only completely dry wood.
  2. The cross-section of the swarm must completely coincide with the geometric dimensions of the cut into which it will be inserted.
  3. The length of the spike is made less than the height of the opening by 60-120 mm.
  4. The difference in height of the opening should only be visible at the top.

It would seem that we are talking about a primitive piece of timber, but its functionality is significant. It reliably protects a window or doorway from bending. If you ignore the installation of the swarm, the sagging of the blocks will be inevitable and irreversible.

Opening device

To the question: what are swarms, the answer is received. Now you need to figure out how to install them correctly. It is necessary to follow the sequence of actions exactly to get the expected result. You cannot rush to fill the openings with blocks without properly preparing them. Installation of rooks in window and door openings is carried out as follows:

  • On the sides of the hole for a window or door, a vertical cut is made exactly in the middle. Its section should be even, smooth. The resulting groove should be thoroughly cleaned.
  • The cutting depth should be equal to the thickness of the swarm, and the length should be 60-120 mm more than the size of the prepared bar.
  • All openings are processed in the same way.
  • The swarms are placed in the nests prepared for them. They should fit very tightly. From below, the bar enters the groove without a gap. And the difference in height between the swivel and the opening remains free from above. The resulting space is called shrinkage. It is filled with a special insulation to avoid the formation of a "cold bridge".

Now you can safely install windows and doors in complete confidence that no shrinkage will affect their normal operation. Royki under metal doors or the gate is usually also made of a metal profile.

Deformation of door or window openings is possible. This happens for several reasons:

  • High moisture content of the wood used for the construction of the structure.
  • Extreme shrinkage of the building.
  • A serious departure from construction technology.
  • The wrong type of wood.

It is quite possible to completely level the curvature of the openings or to reduce them to a minimum. It is necessary to use wood that has undergone special processing, including drying, for construction work, and to mount swarms.

Purpose of swarms

A swarm is a simple wooden block, as a rule, having square section... It is mounted at the end of the opening just before installing doors or windows. If this procedure is neglected, then the openings can be significantly deformed or skewed.

In inclement and rainy weather, wood is able to actively absorb moisture and increase in size, and on sunny days, decrease. Over time, the opening becomes weaker, so if you do not use swings, then the window structure or door frame will dangle exclusively on the fasteners.

Manufacturing and preparation: tricks and subtleties

For the manufacture of rocky, it is necessary to choose exclusively high-quality, well-dried wood. The width and length of this element should correspond as much as possible to the size of the cut into which it will be mounted. The ideal length is usually 5-7 cm less than the height of the opening itself. Thanks to this difference, a strong stop is provided, designed to protect the opening from deformation.


  1. Use a chainsaw to cut a hole in the wall for the door frame or window construction... It must be treated with special compounds.
  2. It is necessary to make a longitudinal cut in the inner part of the opening. Make sure that its depth matches exactly the thickness of the swarm. And the length of the cut is usually 5-12 cm longer than it.
  3. Now you can start installing the rooks, and then start installing doors and windows.

A gap of 5-7 cm wide is formed between the swarm and the upper part of the opening, into which insulation is placed (for example, tow or flax fiber). They not only retain elasticity over a long period of time, but also help prevent the building from sinking. It is strictly forbidden to fill the gaps with construction foam. It is able to glue the logs together and disrupt the natural shrinkage process of the structure.


If you are planning to build a reliable and comfortable home, then do not neglect the swivel installation procedure. It seems that this is a primitive piece of a bar, but its functionality is difficult to overestimate. Only in this case you can not worry that the door or window openings in the house are deformed. Moreover, the whole procedure does not take any other time.

I want to continue the theme of installing swarms in houses and baths from a bar. Today I was at the facility where our company is building a bathhouse from a bar of natural moisture, so we built a house for this client a year and a half ago, a house for shrinkage, in the photo the house is dark brown, and the bathhouse has not yet been painted. When we were building a house for him, the customer refused in principle from swarms in the windows and doors, but over time he admitted that he was a mistake. Right now, a year later, problems with the openings began, our guys, when the weather was bad, began to fix the squeezed out openings and insert swarms, but not wooden but metal ones. I will also say that it is now much more difficult to do this than at the time of construction, it was necessary to drill the walls next to the openings and level the wall with a channel using bolts, then sawing and inserting a pipe with a profiled at least 50mm width. The photo is shown below.

If the customer did not oppose and agreed to put the swings right away, then there would be no such difficulties in the future, and the bathhouse that we are building for him also without finishing is already doing with wooden swings, not metal, since on initial stage no metal is required, but a margin of safety will not hurt. I will note as I wrote in the previous article about the swarms, they are quite thick at least 50x50mm.

I also want to say that the house and the bath are going to a spring unit and, in principle, there are no gaps in the house that has been standing for a year and a half between the timber. But this is a separate conversation in my other publications.

Conclusion, if a house is being built for you or you are working yourself, then spare no effort and money for swarms, ideally metal, and if the construction company refuses to do this or asks for money, then you should think about it. These are obvious things that must be done, whether the customer wants it or not.
