Bogdana Zhuravskaya

The production of disposable tableware is a promising and profitable line of business for an entrepreneur who is not afraid of a high threshold for entering the market. Along with significant capital investments, it is necessary to be prepared to overcome a number of risks. The main one is the lack of a large number of highly qualified technologists and open information about the nuances production process... In addition, the environmental movement is becoming more and more popular in our country. This means that it is necessary to build its activities taking into account the fact that sooner or later it will be necessary to reformat the enterprise for the production of a biodegradable product.

On the eve of the start

There are many types of disposable tableware. Conventionally, products can be divided into several large groups: plastic, paper, wood and the so-called environmentally friendly. The latter category includes both dishes made of biodegradable plastic and the latest developments, when cups and plates are made from a variety of raw materials like cereals (edible dishes), cane, cornstarch, leaves, bamboo, etc.

Before starting a project, an entrepreneur needs to clearly indicate what type of product he will produce. There are currently no universal lines, and the launch of an enterprise with a large number of installations for products from different materials will require a huge investment. Another difficulty is to obtain an efficient technology for the production of disposable tableware. It is not easy to find detailed information in the public domain, and qualified technologists are worth their weight in gold. Therefore, the easiest way to establish a process is to train personnel with an equipment manufacturer.

Next, you should enter into agreements with suppliers of raw materials. There are not so many of them on the territory of the Russian Federation, so one can consider options for cooperation with foreign partners. In any case, it is not advisable to focus only on one manufacturer, because a delivery failure can cause downtime for a new enterprise.

Having decided on the listed issues, you can start searching for equipment and developing project documentation. As already mentioned, the financial threshold for entering the market is quite high. So, just for the purchase of a minimum set of equipment for the production of plastic disposable tableware will require about 12 million rubles. Having a well-developed business plan in hand, it makes sense to start work using the funds of investors.

Basic risks

Potential clients are in no hurry to conclude preliminary contracts with a new manufacturer and are ready to consider proposals only if there is the required volume of finished products and a package of documents confirming the compliance of goods with the requirements of GOST and SanPiN.

As for competition, here you will have to deal with a pool of domestic and foreign companies, most of which hold strong positions in the market, have some experience and, what is important, customer confidence. For example, Chinese manufacturers, thanks to their huge volumes, have the opportunity to present very attractive price offers.

Another conditional difficulty is seasonal demand for products. The expansion of the assortment will help to maintain balance.

The main consumers of disposable tableware

Among the wholesale buyers that a manufacturer of disposable tableware should be guided by:

  • , canteens, pizzerias and other catering establishments;
  • seasonal takeaway food stands;
  • food delivery services;
  • markets of various formats, catering companies with their own culinary production;
  • agencies for organizing picnics and outdoor events;
  • enterprises selling vegetables and fruits.

As you can see, the list of opportunities for product marketing is quite wide. The entrepreneur only needs to form a profitable offer and convey information about it to as many partners as possible.

Types of disposable tableware

For the comprehensive satisfaction of consumer demand, the manufacturer's assortment should include disposable dishes for drinks, soups, main courses, snacks, packaging of various products, as well as salad bowls, cutlery, straws, plastic lids for takeaway glasses and stirring sticks.

For the manufacture of products, several types of raw materials can be used: plastic, including its degradable variety, special paper, wood. In addition, dishes made from natural materials are gaining popularity.

Disposable plastic tableware

Plastic dishes have a number of advantages. It is comfortable, hygienic, practical, and very inexpensive. The versatility of the material allows you to produce a wide range of products - plates, cups, cutlery, straws, stirring sticks of various colors, shapes and sizes. If necessary, you can apply a logo or a bright drawing.

Equipment for the production of plastic dishes

A standard line for the production of disposable tableware contains:

  • thermoforming machine;
  • extruder;
  • mold;
  • compressor.

The minimum cost of a set of equipment is about 3 million rubles. costs for the first batch of raw materials - from 100 thousand rubles.

Manufacturing technology + Video

Two types of plastic are used for the production of tableware:

  • polypropylene (strong, plastic, heat-resistant, utensils made of it can be used for hot meals and drinks, designated PP with the number 5);
  • polystyrene (products do not withstand heating, food cannot be stored in them, it is indicated by PS with the number 6).

The raw materials for the production of plastic dishes are granular polymers, which outwardly resemble balls from. The price per ton of pellets fluctuates in the range of 45-100 thousand rubles, which depends on the brand, diameter and other characteristics.

This raw material is used by full-cycle enterprises, where it is supposed to melt granules and make a film from which plastic dishes are made. In an incomplete cycle, the manufacturer uses finished film costing 100-190 thousand rubles. per ton.

The complete production cycle of disposable tableware includes the following stages:

  • Melting pellets... White or, if we are talking about making colored dishes, colored balls are placed in an extruder, where the raw material is heated to the melting point with constant stirring. screw press.
  • Film making... Having reached the desired consistency, the mass is fed to a press, through which a plastic sheet with a thickness of 2 mm is obtained.
  • Shaping products... The film enters the thermoforming unit, heats up to a plastic state and is drawn into molds.
  • Cut elements... The one-piece cloth with the formed dishes is moved to the trimmer, where individual elements are separated from the solid canvas. The plastic pieces are sent for recycling.
  • Next, the dishes are sorted and fed to a conveyor, where they are modified - applying logos, folding the edges, etc.
  • Packaging... The machine selects the required number of products and places them in a film.

The production of tableware made of biodegradable plastic is carried out in a similar way.

How to do video:

Disposable Bioplastic Tableware

Disposable tableware made of biodegradable plastic is positioned as "green", but the material, although to a lesser extent than its biostable counterpart, still pollutes the environment, since decomposition produces methane and carbon dioxide. However, green lifestylers welcome this “lesser evil” decision and are happy to use the product.

Main competitors

Among the giants of the disposable tableware market are the following companies: U2B, My Dishes, GORNOV GROUP, Plastic-Step, Misteria, Papperskopp Rus, Huhtamaki, Trial Market, PapStar, The Paper Cup Company.

We have firmly entered our life plastic bottles, containers and dishes. But simultaneously with "plasticization", there are more and more reports about the danger that this material conceals in itself: under certain conditions, it releases toxic compounds that, getting into the human body, gradually undermine his health.

American scientists claim that up to 80% of the "plastic" substances found in the human body get there from construction and finishing materials, in particular, from such popular plastic windows, furniture, but most of all - from dishes: from food-grade plastic all kinds of compounds pass into food. Domestic manufacturers, in turn, assure that certified plastic dishes are absolutely safe. True, they make a reservation: if you use it for its intended purpose.

The most common polymer materials (or plastics) - polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene and polycarbonate. They produce both technical and food grade plastic. By themselves, polymers are inert, non-toxic and do not "migrate" into food. But here intermediate substances, technological additives, solvents, as well as chemical decomposition products can penetrate into food and have a toxic effect on humans.

This process can take place while food is being stored or heated. In addition, polymeric materials are subject to change (aging), as a result of which degradation products are released from them. Moreover different kinds plastic becomes toxic when different conditions - some should not be heated, others should not be washed, etc.

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Any celebration, during which it is planned to serve, even if not a full-fledged dinner, but a light snack, forces the organizer to think about table setting. The use of traditional glassware is not always justified, because it is expensive, fragile and heavy, and besides, it must be washed later, which is an additional waste of time and money.

It is for these reasons that more and more people are inclined to believe that it is more expedient to use disposable dishes for feasts of various formats and directions. Today we will talk about one of the leading manufacturers of this category of goods in our country. What is Mystery? What can this company offer to its customers and how does it differ from many competitors? Let's find out.

Festive mood

So what is "Mystery"? It is a large trading and manufacturing company working in the direction of manufacturing products made of polypropylene (PP) and polystyrene (PS). What is in the assortment of the Mystery holding? Disposable tableware, plastic furniture, household and industrial goods, bags and containers, overalls, household chemicals and even cosmetics and office supplies.

For the manufacture of products, the company uses several production lines, each of which has modern technical equipment. Raw materials for the manufacture of products are used safe and exclusively primary.

All products have mandatory quality certificates (including international ones). It is extremely important feature company, because one of the most demanded items in its catalog is children's tableware "Mystery" (disposable). This line is made of thick cardboard, on which a colorful image is applied (mainly popular cartoon characters).

Delicious to drink!

Of the entire diverse range of brand products, the most popular are glasses and cups "Mystery". There is no need to explain what disposable cups are and what they are for. We will delve only into the features of each position and find out the fundamental differences between one or another type of container.

The company makes products from different materials:

  • APET - cups made of plastic sheet by forming method are suitable only for cold products (drinks, cocktails, necks);
  • cardboard is a safe raw material, suitable for cold and hot drinks, does not deform and does not distort the taste of the contents;
  • PS is a material for dishes that will not be exposed to high temperatures, if you pour a liquid with a temperature above 60 degrees Celsius into a glass of styrene foam, it will begin to melt and release hazardous substances;
  • PP - such cups and cups are "not afraid" of hot, do not react to alcohol-containing substances, when deformed they are crumpled, but do not crack.

The container can be different in volume and configuration. These are small glasses of 100 and 150 ml, and glasses from 185 ml to 0.5 liters. Product design is also represented by more than one standard solution... The range includes glasses, glasses, cups, wine glasses and glasses. Curly products are made of durable plastic, keep their shape perfectly, and therefore there is perfect solution for table setting at crowded events (weddings, corporate parties, presentations, etc.).

And it's delicious!

We have almost figured out what "Mystery" is. Let's talk now about disposable plates. The company's catalog is rich in dishes with different diameters and depths. The manufacturer offers round dishes 11, 15, 16, 17, 20 and 25 cm in diameter. These are portioned plates, bowls, salad bowls, as well as sectional (for two or three divisions) buffet containers.

Packaging rectangular plates are also available for the clients of the Mystery company. it perfect solution for canteens, retail chains engaged in the sale of food products by weight and finished culinary products.

Plates made of coated or regular cardboard or formed paper are an excellent alternative to plastic disposable dishes. Such products have bright design, optimal sizes and improved quality characteristics.

Cheaper by the Dozen

The Mystery tableware is sold to retail buyers and large wholesalers. The company not only sells goods of its own production, but also cooperates with other manufacturers from related fields. The core of the company's client base is made up of customers from the European part of Russia. It is in this region that the Mystery holding is a real leader in the market of disposable products and other goods for home and business.

A wide range of products allows the client to make all the necessary order from one seller. Experienced designers have assembled ready-made universal sets of dishes, supplemented with other accessories for table setting (napkins, tablecloth, straws). At the same time, there are kits for all occasions, the most popular correspond to the following topics:

  • "Children's Party".
  • "New Year".
  • "Picnic in nature".
  • "Elegant".
  • "Economy".

The standard set consists of glasses (1-2 types), plates (1-2 types), spoons, forks, knives, napkins, tablecloths and cocktail tubes.

Special offer

In addition to the fact that the Mystery company sells ready-made sets of disposable tableware, customers can make the most suitable selection on their own. In this case, the customer individually negotiates with the company's manager the number of items included in the purchase, as well as their design and delivery terms.

In the Mysteries catalog, customers can pick up not only all the necessary disposable tableware, but also various serving accessories:

  • skewers;
  • cocktail umbrellas;
  • a variety of straws;
  • stirrers;
  • forks for canapes and sandwiches.

A wide selection and richness of product lines allows you to create harmonious sets, where all serving items will be made in the same style. All products are made from improved material with excellent strength and aesthetic characteristics.

After direct use or by purchasing a new disposable tableware, you can give it a second life - make various crafts out of it with your own hands. Moreover, such an activity is suitable for both young children and adults, it all depends on the complexity of the idea.

Ladybug made of plastic spoons

Everyone remembers and loves beautiful red bugs with black dots from childhood. Any child, no doubt, will love making such crafts from disposable tableware.

To work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Three disposable spoons;
  • Flat button without through holes;
  • White, red and black acrylic paints;
  • Paint brush;
  • Scissors;
  • Wire;
  • Glue gun.

At the very beginning, it is necessary to paint the prepared spoons, apply red on two spoons, and black on one. After the paint has completely dried on red spoons, dots should be drawn in black. The button also needs to be painted black, and the eyes should be painted on the sides with white paint.

Now you need to cut off the handles from the spoons with scissors, trimming the edges for beauty.

The next stage is gluing the red wing spoons by stacking them one on top of the other. This is where you need a glue gun.

Then the finished wings are glued to the black spoon-body of the ladybug.

A button-head is glued to the base of the wing spoons. If you want, you can make a mustache out of wire and glue them to an impromptu head.

Thicker wire is glued to the black spoon so that the ladybug can be seated on a flower pot. Thus, our ladybug from spoons is ready, now you can send it to flowers.

You can watch the video about how to make snowdrops from plastic spoons.

Fan of disposable forks

You can create any crafts from disposable tableware, even from forks. For example, you can make a beautiful and practical fan for girls.

For this we need:

  • 22 disposable forks;
  • Red and white lace;
  • Red satin ribbons;
  • Beads;
  • Glue;
  • Cardboard or disposable paper plate;
  • CD-ROM;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors.

On cardboard or paper plate outline the CD with a pencil, cut out a circle along the contour and cut it exactly in two halves. On the outside of the semicircle, lay out the main attribute so that the heads of the forks are tightly pressed against each other. In this position, the forks are glued to the cardboard semicircle with handles, about two centimeters from the edge. And on top, a second semicircle made of cardboard is glued.

Now you can start decorating the fan. Flowers are cut out of white lace and glued to each fork. You can also thread red lace between the handles of the forks at the base of the fan, and glue lace flowers with beads on the cardboard and fasten a satin ribbon bow in the very center. This craft, despite its apparent fragility, can last a long time if you use high-quality materials when creating.

Kids crafts from disposable plates

The smallest craftsmen and craftswomen can easily make crafts from disposable plates. Having at hand white paper plates, paints, brushes, colored paper and glue, you can make interesting faces of animals or fairy-tale characters from ordinary plates, as well as assorted fruits.

For this, a plate is taken, painted in desired color and is made out with pre-cut paper elements, although you can cope with the help of some paints. Thus, a set of ordinary disposable plates turns into a whole zoo or a fairy tale.

Crafts from plastic cups

Anything can be done from disposable cups - from children's toys to interior details, it all depends on the imagination of the master. For example, having a glass, a marker and tubes, you can make a funny deer, which is shown in the photo.

And with the help of colored plastic cups, scissors and rhinestones, excellent flowers are made to decorate the walls for the holiday.

With a little more effort, a whole bunch of beautiful flowers can be assembled from multi-colored cups.

You can watch a master class on making a snowman from plastic cups in the video presented.

As you can see from the above, you can make various crafts from disposable dishes with your own hands, be it forks, spoons, cups or a set of plates.

Cups and mugs, plates of all possible depths, multi-colored knives, forks and spoons made of plastic are produced every year in millions of tons. Not one party at work, a picnic, and sometimes even a coffee break at business meetings cannot do without this simple serving. The use of such packaging is convenient and saves a lot of time - these are, perhaps, all the advantages of disposable tableware. There are many more cons.

Single-use plastic packaging does not decompose, cannot be incinerated, and when thrown onto the street, it turns the city into a trash heap. But that is not all. Plastic packaging can harm the body of its consumer. Manufacturers, of course, do not report anything about the existing danger, but this does not reduce the toxicity of products.

What are plastic dishes made of?

The most common materials for plastic disposable tableware are polystyrene, polypropylene and polyvinyl chloride.


Dishes from it white... Polystyrene is indicated by two large letters PS. This means that the packaging is only for cold food. When hot tea or coffee is poured into such a container, the plastic heats up and begins to release styrene. The same happens when heating products in polystyrene packaging in the microwave. Of course, a single ingress of styrene into the body will not bring harm, but if you constantly buy lunch in such a package and heat it in a microwave oven, a dangerous substance accumulates in the body. That subsequently can lead to disruption of the kidneys and liver.


Disposable tableware is made from polypropylene brown colore.g. coffee cups. Unlike polystyrene, polypropylene cookware with PP marking does not change its properties even when heated to +150 C, but it easily lends itself to chemical attack, while releasing formaldehyde and phenol, which are also hazardous to health. Therefore, drinking alcohol from such dishes is not worth it. Polypropylene containers are not suitable for storing fatty substances, for example, cream or sunflower oil, since when in contact with fats, polypropylene is destroyed and formaldehydes and phenol are released.

Polyvinyl chloride

But the most dangerous is polyvinyl chloride plastic containers. It is labeled with the letters PVC (PVC). This substance is usually made into containers. It actively releases vinyl chloride, a carcinogen that can cause cancer. Therefore, it is better to choose disposable tableware with the designations PS and PP.

Tableware made of melamine - a substance from which formaldehyde resin is obtained in the chemical industry. Outwardly, such dishes are similar to porcelain, but much lighter and stronger. Melamine containers - the record holder for the amount of harmful substances contained in it. Firstly, such packaging contains a lot of formaldehyde, and it has toxic properties, and its amount can be ten times more than any permissible norm... Secondly, in addition to melamine itself, which negatively affects the body, dishes may contain asbestos. Although its use for making packaging is prohibited, as it causes cancer. As soon as hot food gets into such a dish, poisonous formaldehyde is released. In addition, lead can be added to the paint for durability, which is also hazardous to health.

But what if these markings are simply not on the product?

How to distinguish polypropylene dishes from polystyrene or polyvinyl chloride?

When you press a hard object on a product made of polyvinyl chloride, a trace forms on its surface, the surface of others will remain smooth. When deformed, polystyrene dishes give out a loud crunch and crack easily, and soften when heated. Polypropylene - does not break when deformed, but only bends, and does not deform when heated.

Right choice - paper dishes

It is made from natural raw materials and is quickly disposed of without harm to the environment. In addition, paper containers retain heat longer and have a lower thermal conductivity, which allows you not to burn your hands. No harmful substances are released when heated.

Paper cups are made from thin cardboard. It can be laminated on one or both sides. Lamination of the outer layer prevents the glass from getting wet on a hot day, when condensation may form on it. Thanks to modern technologies the edges of the paper cups are glued without glue. A strong connection is made by ultrasonic or heat treatment of the laminated layer.

Compared to plastic and polystyrene cups, paper is a safe material for microwave ovens... It is made from natural wood with minor additions of other safe substances.

Rules for using disposable tableware

Disposable tableware should be disposable. Never use disposable tableware multiple times. After all, it is impossible to wash it to hygienic cleanliness after use, and microscopic damage and cracks will further enhance the release of harmful substances.

You cannot store food in plastic dishes, and even more so, reheat them in the microwave. Not suitable for microwave plastic containersfor example from ice cream. Nothing happens to them in the freezer, but under the influence high temperatures they can deform. At the same time, the plastic begins to decompose and release hazardous substances. In addition, the destruction of plastic occurs under the influence of oxygen, sunlight and room heat.
