Material prepared: Nadezhda Zimina, Gardener with experience 24 years, Engineer-technologist

Plants having a long period of vegetation are usually grown through seedlings. It helps to get a good crop from the heat-loving vegetable crops Even in adverse climatic conditions. Many popular annual flowers, which, with such a cultivation method, can be put on a flowering condition with a homemade seedliness.

The cultivation of seedlings is a responsible process that requires knowledge and experience. To get a good result, a lot of factors should be taken into account. The landing time, the composition of the soil, making feeding, watering - all this affects the quality of seedlings and for each plant has its own characteristics. Young plants at the initial growth stage are still weak, and even a small error can destroy them, so the rules should be followed to help achieve a good result when growing seedlings at home.


You can call one of the most popular cultures, which is cultivated everywhere. On your own seasy seedlings of the grained, it is guaranteed to grow loved varieties adapted to a climate of a certain area, and not to play a lottery, buying young plants in the store.

Preparation of soil

In order to grow the right seedlings of tomatoes, soil must be prepared in advance, in the fall. It is kept in the finished condition all winter, on a veranda or glazed balcony, before use on a day they will enter a warm room. There are many recipes of soils for tomatoes, but the most optimal is a classic formulation, which always allows you to get a good result:

All components are thoroughly mixed, and sieved through a sieve. In finished mixtures for seedlings implemented in stores, the magnitude of the lump does not exceed 8 mm. At home to make such a soil is difficult, and it's not worth striving for this - even if lumps will be found in it bigger sizeThey can be put on the bottom of the seedlings in the process of its filling.

Preparation of seeds

The procedure for preparing seeds for planting seedlings of tomatoes is obligatory, It helps to choose the best seed material and disinfection it. So that the sprouts do not die from the black leg, or other fungal diseases, the seeds of tomatoes are disinfected with the help of manganese, for this:

The teaspoon of granules dissolve in 1 l warm water, and seeds are placed in it. Water must be stirred, then full, most the best seeds They will be devastated to the bottom, and empty will remain swimming on the surface. All seeds of tomatoes with good buoyancy must be collected from the surface of the water and throw away. Seedlings of them fail. The remaining seeds are "marinate" in a weak solution of mangartages for 20 minutes, then placed in the corticle and washed with flowing water.

It is worth it to germinate the seed material for the seedlings of tomato - opinions are diverged. Many gardeners argue that plants obtained by direct sowing of non-severe grounds are growing stronger, and have a greater resistance to various diseases. At the same time, extinguishing the seeds for the seedlings of tomato, you can get fast and reliable shoots, selecting the very first seeds for planting the very first of the proceeding seeds, as they have a greater life force. The germination is also used for seed material, the shelf life of which came to an end.

The seeds are usually soaked in simple water, but the following solutions can be used to obtain better results:

  1. Alo juice. It acts as a natural biostimulator and has good disinfecting properties, so preliminary soaking of tomato seeds in mangartean is not required.
  2. Epin. This stimulator is diluted with water temperature in proportion of 8 drops per 1 liter. Under its exposure to seedlings, the tomato acquires powerful immunity, and high resistance to negative environmental factors.
  3. . Recommended dosages - 4 drops per 1 liter. This drug helps plants to form a powerful root system, which is very important when growing tomato seedlings.

In all these solutions, the seeds are soaked for a day, after which they are placed in a wet fabric, and waiting for shoots. Typically, the germination of tomato seeds at home lasts from 36 to 48 hours (The appearance of the root process), but if the seeds are old, it can delay for 3-4 days. The most important thing in the process of extension is not to skip the moment of flush. As soon as the seed burst, and a white tail appeared from it - squeeze, placing it down the pits, the seed up. The depth of the hole in which the sprouted tomato seed is lowered should not exceed 2 cm.

Cultivation of seedlings of tomato

Calendar of planting seedlings Tomato depends on the region and variety. All information in terms of growing is usually placed on the seed packaging. There is also a time interval from the emergence of complete germs to the maturation of the first fruit. If more than 110 days are specified - such varieties must be planted in mid-March. In colder regions - 10 -12 days earlier. Also in the middle of the first spring month, the seedlings of those tomatoes are landing, which in late April transplanted into a warm greenhouse. The secondary and early sorts with a valve of 55-65 days should be sowing in early April. This allows you to grow the right seedlings that will not deteriorate and does not boost due to lack of space and light.

After the first searches, the tomato home seedlings begin to be superfluous. For this, daylight lamps are used, which are located at a distance of 15-20 cm from the upper leaves of plants. It is not recommended to hang above, it can provoke stretching young tomatoes. It must be remembered that tomatoes grow rather rapidly, so the height of the lamp suspension should be adjusted almost every day so as not to burn young leaves.

Up. Tomatov

To grow healthy seedlings, it must be properly fed. In principle, in the presence of high-quality nutritional soil, you can get a good result and without feeding. But, additional nutrition of small tomatoes at an early stage in the future will help get a more abundant and high-quality harvest. Therefore, there is a reason to spend time at this time, and it's several times to feed young plants.

  • The first feeding is made after the plant appeared on the plant a full-fledged third piece. For it, complex fertilizers use with the predominant content of nitrogen. At this stage, young tomatoes can be filing with such drugs as "- Forward", or "Agrikola No. 3".
  • The second feeding of tomatoes is made on day 12 after dive. It is used for it, dissolving half a tablespoon of fertilizer in five liters of water. Consumption - 100 ml of solution on one plant.
  • The third feeding of seedlings - in two weeks, it completely repeats the second feeding.

The fourth dressing of the seedlings of tomato is made when the plants reach a two-month age. At this stage, they have already gained sufficient green mass, the need for declining, the need for and is increasing. For the nutrition of grown tomatoes at this stage, the following cocktail is prepared: 5 liters of water take 0.5 tbsp. Spoons of simple and 1 tbsp. Spoon of ash wooded. This composition is poured by plants at the rate of 0.5 glasses per plant.

Picking tomatoes

To increase the power area of \u200b\u200bthe tomato seedlings, she needs a picking, in the process of which young plants from a total capacity are transplanted into individual pots. Produce this procedure after the plant reaches the age of 14 days, but no later than a month after the emergence of complete germs. So that home seedlings do not get sick after the transplantation, the pots with the Earth are prepared in advance, the soil must settle. Two hours before the reciprocal of the land in individual pots and in a total capacity is spilled well with water. The press, young plants are neatly separated, and holding the kisa of the land in the root zone, tolerate them into individual pots.

Piking sequence

When transplanting the Tomato root must be shortened by a third. In the future, this will help to form a stronger and branched root system. Another feature of the picking of tomatoes is that the plant is planting deeper than it earlier. From the level of growth of seedlist leaves to the ground, more than 1 cm should not be left. This action is aimed at strengthening the root system, as an additional roots formed on the soil in the soil, providing additional powered plants.

Landing in the primer

Tomato seedlings to the greenhouse are beginning to transplant April (depending on the region), open sadWith a favorable weather forecast - from May 10. For the soil, seedlings must be pre-hardening, pulling out on the street with the onset of warm days.

Under the end of the hardening period, young tomatoes should be resting on the street all day. During the hardening period, carefully look at home seedlings. Changes in environmental conditions is a strong stress for plants, and if it lacks useful substances during this period, it will immediately become noticeable by the changed appearance of young tomatoes.

For example, if seedlings turn yellow, then, most likely, it is unoccupied by potassium. To eliminate the deficit of this element, it is necessary to make a feeder of seedlings with an ash solution - 1 cup of ash on 10 liters of water. One liter of the solution is consumed on two bushs of tomatoes.

If at the stage of hardening the leaves of tomatoes are painted purple and purple color, And begins to take a tubary shape, then, most likely, the plant lacks phosphorus. But, in a hurry to feed the seedlings of tomatoes by this element is not worth it. Most likely hardening happened too fast, and young tomatoes did not have time to adapt to the uncomfortable temperature regime, and stopped absorbing phosphorus from the soil.

In this case, they need to take a break for several days in the usual home environment. If the leaves begin to be green again, then everything is in order, and in a few days you can proceed to the progressive hardening of plants. If the tomatoes do not "move away", remain purple, then you can state the lack of phosphorus, to identify that a decrease in ambient temperature has helped. In this case, it is necessary to feed the tomatoes by superphosphate, and only after that resume hardening.

By the time of landing in the open soil seedlings of tomatoes should reach the age of 2-5 months. You can not plant younger tomatoes. Even if favorable weather conditions have been established, and the night temperatures are not lowered below 15 ° C, the plants have not yet gained the necessary life, to quickly adapt to the transplant. Yes, most likely they will come together, but the acclimatization period will be delayed for a long time, and there will be no seedlings to grow and develop at this time. As a result, the resistance of tomatoes to various negative external factors is reduced, and as a result, from this bush good harvest You can not wait.

Video: Tomato seedlings - seeds

Video: Tomato seedlings - from seedlings to dive

Video: Tomato seedlings - from dive to disembarking

Video: Tomato seedlings - landing to greenhouse


Soil for seedlings

Cultivation of seedlings is largely similar to the growing tomato seedlings. Despite the fact that these plants belong to different classes (grated and peppers), habits and needs of them are similar. Pepper also loves loose nutritious soil, heat and moderate humidity. In order to land seeds to seedlings, you can use as a purchase of soil ("Living Earth of the Travit", "Mounting", "Baby"), so and make the land for the peppers with their own hands:

All components of the soil point must be thoroughly mixed, sifted through a sieve with large cells (1-2 cm), decompose in tanks for growing seedlings, and curb for several days. Then the finished primer can be put in the room, after 2-3 days it is ready for transplant.

Preparation of seeds

Seeds to pepper seedlings are desirable to germinate. Because of the dense outdoor layer, they are hardly bursting, which affects the deadlines for the appearance of the first seedlings. Sometimes the outdoor edge of pepper seeds are caught for a quick germ, but inexperienced gardeners are better not to produce similar manipulations, since the risk is not a screw, and damage the young plant. Best way Run the process of germination is a soft heating of seeds. To do this, they are placed in a cloth moistened with warm water, and, covering the top with a small capacity, put a couple of hours into a warm place. After that, the process of germination at room temperature continues.

Before planting, pepper seeds need to disintegrate. It is possible to do this with the help of all manganese, but if you do not get it, you can use folk remedies, such as:

  • Grated horseradish. Rhizome plants need to be chopped on a large grater, wrapped in gauze obtained. Cut put on bottom cans with water in which the seeds of pepper are placed. Essential substances that are in abundance are kept in horseback, the planting material will qualitatively. After the seed procedure is completed, it is necessary to rinse and dry.
  • Mixture of mineral fertilizers. For the preparation of the solution, a manganese sulphate (0.2 g), (10 g) and superphosphate (10 g), and mixed with a liter of water. In this solution, seeds are soaked for pepper seedlings for 15-20 minutes.

Dates of planting seedlings

In different regions, the calendar of planting peppers is different, depending on climatic conditions Each specific region. But the main rule that most gardeners adhere to is that peppers must be planted for two weeks earlier than tomato. They are more tuggy than tomatoes, and if they sow them without germination, then shoots can be waiting for 2-3 weeks. And sometimes the stunned seeds may appear from the ground, even a month later, when they had already forgotten about them, and put new seeds of another culture into the pot.

Peppers grow slowly, and the area occupy a small one, so they plant them early. Already in early February, pepper varieties with a long period of vegetation are beginning to germinate in Siberia and in the Urals. IN middle lane Sat peppers start from February 15-20. Sowing varieties with a shorter period of vegetation can be made at the beginning and middle of March.


It is the opinion that pepper seedlings are one of the most unpredictable in cultivation. Young plants, which yesterday perfectly felt perfectly, and looked at five with a plus, suddenly suddenly silent, dry and can even get off. This is usually due to the fact that the peppers lack nutrition. If you urgently feed the seedlings, then in most cases it can be saved. But it is best to start feeding in advance, and continue to apply them throughout the growing season.

  1. Nitrogen-potash feeding. Young plants are first feeding after the first full-fledged leaflet appear on them. For the preparation of the nutrient solution, they take a tablespoon, and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. Before watering the land in pots sprinkled ashes.
  2. In order not to reconnect the peppers, the second feeder is produced no earlier than three weeks. Its composition is identical to the first.
  3. The third dressing is made a week before plants in greenhouse or open soil. It includes a double superphosphate, which will help the root system better transfer the transplant. The need for pepper seedlings in nitrogen is also still high, therefore, the mixture includes urea (can be replaced with any other nitrogen-containing fertilizer).

Pepper picking is produced 10 days after the first feeding. The spine pinch up for a third, and placed a plant into a new container, while the pepper seedman can not be kept deeper than he grew before. It is worth considering that peppers do not need the same extensive power area, as a tomato seedlings, so it is not necessary to take a large pot for transplant, there will be a tank of 0.5 liters.

Pendulic seedlings can be grown and without dive. For this, plant seeds need to be immediately sowed into separate containers, for example, in the cropped liter packages from the milk, with a capacity of 1 liter.

Landing in the primer

Pepper seedlings, like any other, you need to prepare in advance for transplanting into an open ground. To do this, they harde it. At home to do it gradually. At first, the pots with the grown peppers are put in the room after conducting, then put on the glazed loggia into short gaps. The next stage can be snow hardening. To do this, on the surface of the Earth in the pot of the thin layer impose the snow. On this day, the seedlings no longer watered.

Before falling down young peppers into open ground, they are beginning to be taken out into the street, passing not only to less comfortable temperature, but also to sunny rays. Make sure the plants carefully, because, under the unusual influence of the Sun, home seedlings can be lowered in a matter of minutes. If this happened, the stalks drooped, and the leaves hung up with lifeless rags, it is necessary to urgently put young punctures into the room, and pour them with warm (but not hot) water - perhaps they will come to life. For the next few days, the order procedures should be canceled.

Planting peppers into a greenhouse, depending on the region, peppers start from early May. In the open ground after a transplant, these plants feel comfortable if the night temperatures are consistently held above 15 ° C. At temperatures below 10 ° C, peppers stop in growth, so it is desirable to plant them in open soil after May 15.

Video: Pepper seedlings - seeds

Video: Pepper seedlings - from shoots to dive

Video: Pepper seedlings - from dive to disembarking


Groin for seedling eggplant

Eggplants love loose soil, slightly acidified, well-fertilous. The classic soil recipe for this culture looks like this:

  • Humid - 2 l;
  • Peat - 1 l;
  • Twisted - 0.5 liters.

For sowing seeds, eggplant can also be used as a soil refilled by mineral fertilizers. It includes:

  1. Suriable land - 10 l;
  2. Superphosphate simple - 1 teaspoon;
  3. Urea - 0.5 tablespoon;
  4. - 0.5 tablespoon.

One of the main rules in the preparation of the soil for planting eggplant - it must be disinfected, Since they are more than other plants are affected by various types of rot, and they are difficult to grow at home. There are several ways to destroy malicious microorganisms that may be contained in any of the substrate components:

Dates of planting seedlings eggplant

Traditionally, in the middle lane, eggplants must be seized already at the end of February, And in the northern regions, for example, in Siberia, these thermal-loving vegetables are often planted in the middle of the last month of winter. Seeds before planting are definitely calibrated, choosing the largest and heavy, and rolling in a weak solution of manganese. In biostimulants, eggplant seeds are better not to soak, as they tend to stretch from excess macroelements at the initial stage of growth.

Eggplants - tug-free plants, so the appearance of the first hinge will have to wait. Some gardeners to speed up the process of extension of eggplant from seeds are covered with their film, and put it to the battery. It is undesirable to do so, as excellent conditions are created for the development of clicuing rot. Better conditions For germination, eggplant can be created, the cover of them with a glass mini-greenhouse, and carrying out regular watering of the earth koma, then in 10-14 days the first sprouts will appear.

Eggplant Care

Traditionally, the care of the enemy eggplant lies in feeding, picking, loosening and timely irrigation. For eggplant, the optimal nutritional base is multicomponent mineral fertilizerswhich contribute at least five times during the cultivation of seedlings. Natural fertilizers for young plants in this case are desirable not to use, as they can cause the downstream of the stem plant.

Landing in the primer

Many sources recommend growing eggplants only in peat pots, they say, these whimsical plants are too gentle root system, and they do not tolerate the transplant. In fact, this is not so. Healthy, the correct seedlings of the eggplant calmly transplant, so it can be grown in any container. Most a budget option - Cutting plastic bottles From under milk or carbonated water, in the bottom of which holes are done using hot spokes. When transplanting tomatoes into open ground, plastic bottles are simply cut from both sides of the side walls, and open as a floral bud, pushing the earth, without damaging the roots.

As a container for growing seedlings, the cropped packets from the kefir have proven, they are illuminated on top, so they can preserve the form during the entire period of growing eggplant - from the moment of planting seedlings and to its landing in open ground. Eggplant learned and tempered seedlings planted in open soil in the twenties of May. So that young plants have been doing well, a mini-greenhouse can be built over them in the first week, using agrotectille, stretched on arc.

Video: Eggplant seedlings, agrotechnics, features


Seedlings begin to grown for 3-4 weeks before its landing in a greenhouse or outdoor ground. To speed up the process, you can soak seeds, but if the dates are not pressed, it is better to plant seeds to seed into the container dry.

The drying of cucumber seeds is preferably, but not necessarily. They are at least susceptible various types rot, than seedling tomatoes, peppers and eggplant. To accelerate the germination of the pots with seeds planted in them, they are watered with warm water, and are covered with polyethylene packages, which during the day are opened for several minutes to ventilate. As soon as the first green cucumber loops appear above the surface of the Earth, the packages immediately remove so that white mold is not formed inside.

Cucumbers should be watered moderately Otherwise they are drawn, and it is unacceptable. Home seedlings and so much weaker and thinner grown in the ground, and with abundant irrigation, the sprouts of cucumbers turn into thin threads, dry and yellow.

Soil for seedlings

Cucumbers are a bach culture, they love heat, and gracious on the ground, rich in organic. To grow seedlings of cucumbers, it is best to use soil with natural ingredients, rich in well overworked. For the middle strip and the northern regions, it is recommended to use the following soil:

  • Cherry land - 5 l;
  • Dry humus (korovyak) - 5l;
  • Wood ash - 1 cup.

This substrate does not have increased acidity, which allows the cucumbers to feel comfortable. But, before planting seeds, the soil is desirable to disinfect, destroying malicious microorganisms. Under the cucumbers, it is best to disinfect with gentle agents, such as phytosporin, or who have the natural nature of origin, and affect the ground at the structural level, without polluting it with pesticides.


Cucumbers seedlings are quite unpretentious, and patiently makes a little shading. The most dangerous for her is the lack of moisture, so the seedlings of this melting culture are watered more often than the seedlings of tomato or peppers. Due to frequent irrigation, the frequency of loosening is also needed to increase. Insufficient air intake to roots is one of the reasons for the stop in the growth of young cucumbers.

Fertilize cucumbers need twice for the period of growing seedlings. The first feeder is made after the first leaf appearance appears. To carry it out, you can take any complex fertilizer with the prevailing content of nitrogen. The second feeder, which is held two weeks after the first, should include the following components:

  1. Superphosphate double - 5 g;
  2. Potash Sielet - 10 g;
  3. Wood ash - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  4. Complex - 5 g;
  5. Water - 1.5 liters.

10 days after making this feeding, the cucumbers seedlings are planted into a greenhouse or an open ground. In the same soil you can grow seedlings of zucchini.

Landing in the primer

Peat pots are considered the best tair for cucumbers, Since the plant can be planted into the soil without getting out of the tank, and without damaging the root system. Using pots from peat, always keep in them the constant humidity of the soil, otherwise the sinking lump will go away from the walls, and all the water during watering will go to this gap, practically not to root.

If the deadlines allow, then it is possible not to resort to this rather expensive method of growing cucumber seedlings. Ordinary plastic cups will also fit, however, after transplanting cucumbers will take up longer.

In the early terms of the transplant of young cucumbers in open ground, they must be protected from the threat of returnable freezing. This can be done with the help of mini-greenhouses made of arcs with tensioned on top of polyethylene or agrotectile. But there is a less labor-intensive way - for the night every young cucumber can be covered with plastic or tin can. This method guarantees plants protection even with a small minus, and is very economical, since banks can be used for many years, and agrotectille and plastic film are rushing in a couple of seasons.

Video: Cultivation of cucumber seedlings at home

Video: Sowing seeds and planting cucumbers in a greenhouse


In many regions of our country, cultivation is possible only through seedlingsOtherwise, she does not have time to form Cochanus before the onset of frosts. Garden land, fertilized and wood ash can be used as soil under this culture. In no case cannot be squeezed in a tank made of wood - the soil in such a container begins to cry, and the cabbage does not tolerate increased acidity. For this seedling, plastic trays and pots are best suitable.

You can grow cabbage as with pickup, and without it. In the villages, cabbage seedlings very often plant in April-May in cucumber greenhouses, in a row, without departing to the transplant itself to a permanent place in open ground.

Cabbage has a rod root system, which allows young plants to be content with a small power supply at the first stage of their lives. But, in order to get high-quality seedlings at home, it must be fed, and loosen the aisle. It is not necessary to write cabbage seedlings, and with inline process of cultivation - it is undesirable, as it will begin to stretch.

First feeder seedlings cabbage -, diluted with water, in proportion 1:20. The second is ash (2 ppm) with superphosphate (1 tsp) on 1 liter of water. Two days after the first feeding, the cabbage seedlings begin to order, pulling out to the street. Healthy and tempered seedlings must withstand a temperature of 3-5 ° C. After 3-4 days after the second feeding, the seedlings of cabbage, on which there are already 3-4 real sheets, transplanted into open ground.

Video: Cabbage Growing - Seeds

Video: Cabbage growing - Sowing seedlings

Video: Cabbage Growing - Split Care

Video: Cabbage growing - planting seedlings in the ground


Separately, I want to talk about growing seedlings of popular annual colors . Most often, the velvets (TAGETES), Astra, Ageratum, Carnations, Tobacco are grown by a seaside way. Since they have a long period of vegetation, and with direct sowing seeds in the ground do not have time to flour before the onset of autumn cold. Color seedlings are undemanding to the conditions of cultivation, tolerant also applies to poor lighting, pulling out only in frankly dark places, so the windowsill can be given to tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, and there is colors seedlings on a table, moving to the window.


The most first of all popular annuals sow seeds of Astra seeds. They must be fresh, so take the seeds that are listed at least a two-year supply of germination.

Since the seeds of Astra are small, then she needs loose, summer soil. The following composition is best:

  • Peat dry - 2 l;
  • Land garden - 1 l;
  • Sand river calcined - 0.5 liters.
  • 2 tbsp.

The resulting mixture must necessarily be sifted through a sieve, with the cells of the cells not more than 1 cm. It is desirable to add perlite to the finished soil (1l per 10 liter of soil), and to displaced it with a light solution of manganese.

You can get to the sowing Astra to seedlings at the end of March. Seeds are distributed over the upper layer of the soil, leaving the distance between them 1-1.5 cm, and sprinkled with a centimeter layer of sand. It is not necessary to water, as the moisture from the pre-shedding soil falls on the sand, and moisturizes it.

Astra shoots appear a week after landing. At this time, young sprouts need very moderately to avoid the appearance of a black leg. At the age of two - three weeks, when several real leaves appear in young astrokes, the plants are divened to individual pots. 5-7 days after picking, they are fed by any complex fertilizer for colors, for example, "flora" or "color". After 14 days, the feeder repeat. Upon reaching the sediment of the astera of the height of 5-7 cm, it is transplanted into the ground, pre-hardening. The dates of landing - the beginning or middle of May, since the well-rooted seedlings of Astra is experiencing even small negative temperatures.


Tagtess, or velvets, as these flowers are called in the people - Some of the best annual for landscaping garden sites. They bloom at home, on the windowsill, and retain their flowers to the autumn itself.

Grow the seedlings of velvets easily, it is unpretentious. Seying seeds start 40-50 days before disembarking into the ground. It is advisable to do it right away in separate pots. The best taires for them will be cups from yogurts and cottages, such an earthen coma is enough to feed a young flower throughout almost two months before the transplant to open ground.

As a soil, you can take any garden land, first displacing it with a weak solution of manganese. Seeds are placed on its surface and fall asleep with their layer of land with a thickness of 1 cm. Shoots will appear in a week, during the extension of the container with the ground it is better to hold on a cool windowsill.

Feed tagtess twice. The first time is watered with a solution (1 h on 2 liters of water), ten days after the appearance of complete germs. The second time - ten days before the landing in the open ground, sprinkling the land in pots with a seedy of a thin layer of ash before irrigated. The second feeding is necessary in order to formulate and bloomed the first bud on the plant.


One of the best border plants is rightfully considered to be Ageratum. These little magnificent bushes retain their beauty throughout the summer, no wonder the second name of the Ageratum "Little Deck". It is easy to grow seedlings of flowers related to this species, the most important thing is not to lose the smallest seeds during sowing. Due to the small size, the seeds of the ageratum are imprisoned, slightly sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Also for growing seedlings from small seeds (herbs, flowers, strawberries), you can use peat pills. Best of all, they are suitable for Ageratum, Begonia, Fragrant Tobacco, Lobelia, lion zev, Petunia, Mimulyus and Portulak.

When using peat tablets, the seed of the ageratum is placed in them to a depth of 1-2 mm, they are sprayed with water from the spray with water, and covered with a film before the appearance of complete germs. After the first sprouts appear, the film is cleaned, and they continue to water seedlings of the colors from the sprayer as needed.

Ageratum in the seedlings phase - a very delicate plant, Which poorly reacts to the influence of various negative factors, such as changing the temperature or humidity of the environment. Therefore, the first weeks seedlings are better to cover with glass mini-greenhouses, then it does not fade, and does not yellow.

In the open ground, the seedlings of the Ageratum must be planted after it reaches 60-day age. Since the plants are still very small, they are planted without separating, in each well several pieces. Ten days before landing in the soil, home seedlings must be filtered with a complex fertilizer for flowers.

Video: Flowers in the garden - seeds or seedlings?

Almost all gardeners grow tomatoes, because vegetables, thanks to their characteristics, have gained great popularity. Before planting in the soil, culture is grown at home from seeds. Future harvest depends on the success of this process. Therefore, feeding the seedlings of tomatoes is very important.

You can feed tomatoes as purchased fertilizers and cooked at home.

The purpose of fertilizer depends on its composition. Some feeders contribute to the growth or ripening of fruits, others are used to prevent diseases, others simply nourish plants with mineral substances to improve their growth.

It is easy to determine the need to fertilize plants easily, to watch them enough. Appearance Culture will tell of the lack of certain substances.

If the leaves of the planted seedlings began to be pale, and the green bodies on them became even more visible - such plants need to be ground with iron.

Tomato seedlings are needed by plants whose leaves are fused, dry and fall ahead of time. In this case, it can be noted that the growth of culture is slowed down. If the reason is not in the violation of the plant's care, then nitrogen fertilizers will help.

Is the seedlings become a purple shade? It is necessary to apply phosphorian feeding.

Such observations are universal: they will help to understand the needs of tomatoes at any stage of their cultivation.

When to start feeding

Start feeding plants better when the first sheet appears. Especially effective such fertilizer will be if the cultivation conditions are far from ideal. But it is worth noting that this feeding of the seedlings of the tomato is not obligatory.

Later, when culture is growing up, she will need a dive procedure. This is "dissolving" of each plant in a separate hole. Through 12 days need to re-feed the tomatoes. If the dive is not carried out, the second feeder is carried out after the appearance of the third sheet. After 10 days you can fertilize the third time. The fourth dressing of tomatoes seedlings is held a couple of days before replancing in the open soil.

The number of fertilizers directly depends on the conditions in which vegetables grow. 2 procedures are required - the supply of plants in the formation of a third sheet and 10 days after the first feeding. After that, the culture is to grow better, it is possible to water the solution of mineral substances in 10-12 days. Do not forget about constant observation of plants.

Video "First feeding of tomatoes after disembarking"

What to use for feeding

Preparation options Under the Home Conditions, each garden can choose the most convenient for himself.


Yeast is an excellent option for fertilizer at home for many cultures. But it is often not recommended to apply them. For the season, it is enough to use yeast no more than 3 times. The first feeding is carried out with the advent of buds, following 20 days of the growth of tomatoes in open soil.

Yeasts have a very positive effect on the culture. They improve the growth of tomatoes and strengthen them due to the thickening of the stem and the root.

To get the maximum effect from feeding, you need to prepare the yeast solution correctly. It is enough to dissolve a pack of yeast in a bucket of warm water. When the mixture is imagining, it is possible to water vegetables.


You can feed the tomatoes with a cow. Such fertilizer in small quantities is used when planning seedlings. You can add a little manganese into the solution, which will improve the effect of its application. Each bush requires a couple of liters of the mixture.

Wood ash

Often for the nutrition of tomatoes at home is used wood ash. However, this raw material is better to apply as auxiliary, and not as the main one. The most productive use of ash in the greenhouse conditions of cultivation of tomatoes.


Every couple of weeks it is recommended to water the culture of iodine. Such raw materials are used to make the stalks of the plant stronger. The iodine solution is prepared as: 10 drops of iodine dissolve in the water bucket and potassium and phosphorus are added to the mixture. For each bush, you need to pour out to the mixture of the mixture, not allowing it to get fruit and leaves. After all, these bodies do not tolerate iodine, and the plant can die at all.


The most popular fertilizer remains manure that is used universally. Raw materials can be purchased and chemical origin, and natural. It is preferable to use natural manure that can be prepared and independently. To prepare a solution, you need to breed a bucket of manure in 30 liters of water and give the mixture to be broken. When 2 days goes, the finished solution can be applied, not paying attention to the "specific" smell. For each bush it is necessary to pick up the feeder.

To provide tomatoes full nutrition, you can make a system for drip irrigation. The advantage of this is several:

  1. Tomatoes do not like when moisture is not enough. And this system will provide a full watering.
  2. Fertilizer will come to plants dosed and in the same amount under each bush.

To create a drip irrigation system, it is enough to decompose between the bushes hose with holes done at the same distance from each other.


In the first stages of growing vegetable, urea can be used as feeding. It should be mixed with superphosphates and water the plants with a root with a solution when the tomato transplant is in open soil. Thanks to this, seedlings are faster adapting to the new conditions of its cultivation and earlier begins to give the first fruits.

Fertilizing urea, you should know that it is bad "getting around" with other feeders. Therefore, to feed the plants with something in parallel with the use of urea is impossible.

It is very important to comply with the quantitative ratio of fertilizers for tomatoes. After all, only then the fruits will be fragrant, juicy and sweet taste.

Video "Increase the yield of tomato, cucumbers at 20-30%. Boring acid

The video describes and shows how to feed tomatoes and cucumbers with boric acid.

Painted cultures, which belong to tomatoes - the most popular among the owners of country sites. A rare gardener does not grow in beds, bell pepper And, of course, juicy, vitamin and nutritious. In the middle lane, these vegetables give consistently high yields, especially when complying with all the rules of Agrotechnology.

Today's article is devoted to the filoffs of tomato seedlings. Everyone knows that strong seedlings with a developed root system are best shot after the transplantation to a new place, regardless of whether they will dwell in greenhouses / greenhouses or on open beds. And to provide seedlings by all necessary nutrition elements, experienced vegetables are recommended to hold at least 2 feeders at the stage of growing seedlings in domestic or greenhouse conditions.

Proper primer

Signs of deficit of certain nutrients in the tomato seedlings and ways to eliminate them

Conduct feeding should be tailored to the state of seedlings. With the full external well-being of seedlings, plants are quite high enough to organize the introduction of a weak solution of complex fertilizers for tomatoes.

If your seedlings actively moved into growth and began to be exhausted, this indicates a lack of phosphorus. Violet bodies also sign phosphorian deficiency. In this situation, feeding with a solution of superphosphate (1 tablespoon of granules on a three-liter water can) or the antlene preparation, which has the ability to stimulate the root system and slowing the development of the above-ground part of the bushes.

Deficiency of nitrogen compounds In combination with a lack of light, the fading of the lower leaves is manifested, the appearance from the bottom side of the treasures with a reddish-purple sweat, fibrousness of stems. Fix the imbalance helps a solution of ammonium nitrate (5 grams of 5 liters of water).

Lack of iron leads to the appearance on the leaves of light veins. Especially suffering, for disinfection of soil or seeds of which was used by a solution of potassium mangartee-cancer, which prevents the full absorption of iron. Such seedlings should be filled with a solution of complex fertilizers with trace elements, which necessarily present iron.

The lethargy of the tops even the field of spraying and planned irrigation can be caused by root rot developing in the soil. Her appearance is most often due to lack of media. The deficit of this trace element is observed in the cultivation of tomatoes in the neuropogrut. Watering the plants with a solution of copper (1/2 hours of copper on 5 liters of water) replenish the reserves of this substance in the soil and will contribute to the strengthening of the root system of sprouts.

  • See the best days for making fertilizers.

Knowing signs of the shortage of nutrients that are easy to detect, carefully inspecting the bushes of tomatoes, you can avoid typical mistakes Beginners of vegetables and grow strong seedlings. Abundant to you tomato crops!

Tomatoes often lack nutrients, light and moisture. Under adverse environmental conditions, their growth slows down. Is it possible to stimulate the growth of tomatoes so that they continue growth and fruiting?

The cultivation of tomatoes is always associated with certain difficulties, since this culture is quite whimping and requires constant attention. The first problems are usually associated with the fact that tomatoes begin to lag in growth. If you notice signs of growth slowdown, it means it's time to move to measures that will help to return the strength weakened by plants and will give you the desired crop.

Tomatoes need fake, which contain iron, manganese, copper, boron, zinc, molybdenum, iodine, selenium and cobalt

Why tomatoes are poorly growing

Usually, the slowdown in the growth of tomatoes is associated with a nitrogen deficiency. In the event of a shortage of this basic element, the growth of the top and side shoots is stopped, and the young leaflets begin to shut up. If there are not enough sulfur compounds, then the stem is thinning and hardens, remaining a dwarf.

For tomatoes grown in a greenhouse, it is important to maintain the necessary temperatures and humidity, as well as the feeding mode. The slowdown in the growth of tomatoes in the greenhouse occurs due to the following reasons:

  • too high or, on the contrary, too low air temperature in the greenhouse;
  • increased or insufficient air humidity;
  • high or low soil moisture;
  • unbalanced fertilizer composition.

Eliminate the first three reasons are quite easy. In particular, during polling the temperature of the air in the greenhouse should be within 24-28 ° C. With cloudy weather, it should not exceed 20-22 ° C. At night, the air temperature should not be descended below 18 ° C. Accordingly, at an air temperature of about 32 ° C, pollen loses its qualities, and at the air temperature below 15 ° C, pollination is stopped at all.

Intensive nutritional plant should be provided in the middle of summer, during fruit

The optimal level of air humidity, allowing to form marks, is 65%. Nevertheless, the greenhouse should be regularly ventilated. The moisture content of the soil must be within 70-75%, so it is necessary to provide regular watering plants with water-resistant temperatures 24-26 ° C.

It is more difficult about the case with feeding, although they are often the main causes of the slowdown in the growth of tomatoes.

Than to feed the seedlings of tomatoes for good growth

Starting the tomatoes should begin in the earliest stages, even before seeding seeds. Among the "home" funds can be used aloe juice. This is a natural growth stimulator that is easy to get at home. Cut the large lower lines of aloe, put them on 12 hours in the refrigerator, and then squeeze the juice. Put the seeds for a day into Aloe juice and then leave it to the extension in a wet environment, without flushing juice.

First feeder seedlings It should be carried out after the first real leaf appearance. With the development of the sprout, it turns into nutrition with the help of its own root system, since the supply of nutrients from the seed has already been exhausted. At this time, nitrogen and phosphorus are required for prosperous growth of tomatoes. Therefore, the following drugs are used: unifloor growth, solver, Kemira-suite. These drugs are used in the form of solutions, adding to 5 liters of water 1 tsp. composition.

At home, you can cook a light pink solution of manganese and shed them the ground for seedlings. Such a procedure will defrast the soil and protect plants from many diseases

By the time of the diverse, tomato sprouts are becoming quite early, their root system is actively developing, and the second, "real", leaves appear on the sprouts. After picking Plants should be filtered with a solution of uniflor-bud. To do this, operate in 2 liters of water 1 tsp. drug.

Among the vegetable breeding products, a zircon is one of the most popular funds. Thanks to its action, the germination of seeds increases, and the flowering of future bushes is accelerated. On average, the growth and development of tomatoes is accelerated by 5-10 days. In 1 ml of circuit-containing 40 drops, 0.1 ml, respectively, 4 drops. The spraying of plants during the growing season is carried out using a working solution - 1 ml of the preparation on 10 liters of water or 0.1 ml of the drug on 1 liter of water. The finished solution should be stored in a dark place for no more than a day.

The main thing is that you need to remember, preparing nutritious solutions - tomatoes can not be overflowing and make fertilizer thoughtless

Than to feed the seedlings of tomatoes to be plump

Two weeks later, after a successful diver, take care of the future abundant yield. To do this, at home should be organized no more than three feeders with an interval of 14 days by one of the following recipes:

  • in 10 liters of water, dissolve 20 g of superphosphate, 10 g of urea and 15 g of potassium chloride;
  • in 2 liters of warm water, add 1 tbsp. Alas without a slide and give a broken 24 hours. Strain the solution before use so that the pieces of ash do not fall on the plants;
  • The 3-liter container on 2/3 fill the egg shell and fill with water. Give the mixture to strengthen for 3 days, and then spread with infusion with water in proportion 1: 3.

Than to feed the seedlings of tomatoes in the ground

Recipes for further feeding will depend on where you plan seedlings - in open ground or greenhouse. Consider the most effective feeding for tomatoes planted in the ground:

  • when placing seedlings, put a handful of compost or humoring, a little wood ash and 1 tsp. superphosphate;
  • do not throw out bread crumbs throughout the year and dry them in the oven. Drying residues Soak in warm water and leave for the night. During the loosening of the Earth, add the resulting cleaner under the roots. It enhances the root formation, increases the endurance and yield of tomatoes;
  • for the rapid ripening of fruits, use the tincture of the following ingredients: Run 1 tbsp. Superphosphate in a glass of water and let it brew within 48 hours. After that, dilute the infusion of 10 liters of water and mix. After spraying, the leaves of tomatoes will darken slightly, photosynthesis processes will go more active, and the fruits mature before usual;
  • dissolve 10 drops of iodine in 1 l of milk or dairy serum, dilute the composition in 9 liters of water and mix. Water the tomatoes at the rate of 2 l composition of each bush;
  • take 1 tsp. boric acid copper Kaper, Kalimagnesia and add a few manganese (on the tip of the knife). Then, soda on the grater piece of the household soap and dissolve everything in 10 liters of water. Uniformly spray the bushes 1-2 times per season;
  • prepare 0.5 liters of chicken litter, 1 tbsp. Potassium sulfate and 2 tbsp. Superphosphate. Then dilute the contents of 10 liters of water. First, it is better to dissolve the superphosphate and give it to be broken within 24 hours, and then add the remaining ingredients. Under each bush, make no less than 1 liter of such a solution;
  • every two weeks feed the tomatoes with an ash infusion. Pour 1 cup of ash in 10 liters of water and give it in 2-3 hours. Under each bush, make 1.5-2 liters.

If the flowers began to crumble in hot weather, it is recommended to spray a solution of boric acid at the rate of 5 g of 10 liters of water

Than to feed the seedlings of tomatoes in the greenhouse

Tomato feeding in the greenhouse are somewhat different from the application of fertilizers in open ground. Usually, it is enough to make 2-3 feeding for the season, but if notice that tomatoes are poorly growing, an additional stimulation can be carried out every 10-12 days.

For example, one of the following compositions:

  • first feeder spend 2 weeks after the transplantation of the plant. 1 tbsp. Urea dug in 10 liters of water. Make a 1-2 liter of the composition for each young bush - it will help them increase the green mass. Also spread a few peas under each bush. In this case, during each watering, nitrogen will gradually be absorbed by the soil and flow to the roots;
  • dung alive or dry manure diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 are best suitable as organic tools. You can also use chicken litter at the rate of 200-250 g per 10 liters of water. The resulting solution is insisted during the day, and then pour tomatoes under the root at the rate of 2-3 liters per plant;
  • the growth and development of plants in the greenhouse has a beneficial effect extra-green subcords trace elements. They can be prepared on their own. You will need 4 g of manganese sulfate, 2 g of sulfuric acid copper, as much boric acid and zinc sulfate. All substances are bred in 10 liters of water and spray plants in the evening or in cloudy weather to avoid burning the leaves. Make feeders need not more often than 1 time per month;
  • take 1 tbsp. Mineral fertilizer humat and mix with 10 liters of water. Add 1 tbsp. Complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium, copper, manganese and molybdenum. Under each bush, bring about 0.5 liters of solution;
  • during the breakdown period of the third and fourth flower brush, adopt the potassium humate tomatoes (1 tbsp. on 10 liters of water). Per 1 sq.m. Greenhouses should be made up to 5 l composition;
  • last feeding can be held when green tomatoes have already appeared on bushes. It allows you to speed up the process of ripening fruit. For her cooking, lay 1 tbsp. Superphosphate in 1 l of water. Insert the resulting mixture during the day, then mix with 9 liters of water.

From the middle of July, all the feeders, as well as the abundant watering of tomatoes, must be stopped

"Miraculous" fertilizer for treasures from yeast

The leader among fertilizers and various feeders made on tomato beds are considered to be a fertilizer from yeast. The basis of biomaterial is fungi rich in proteins, organic glands, amino acids and microelements. Yeast actively assist:

  • growth of plants and extension of green mass;
  • improving the immunity of plants, since they contain a small number of its own bacteria, against which tomatoes produce immunity;
  • increasing the endurance of seedlings, especially in shaded places;
  • the formation of the root system.

Yeast rebuild the structure of the soil and activate the activities of the microorganisms living in it. Which, in turn, is distinguished in the soil of nitrogen and potassium.

Apply yeast feeding need not earlier than a week after the seedling seedlings of tomatoes in the ground. Repeat the feeder before the start of flowering.

How to cook yeast feeding for tomatoes? Very simple. Purchase bakery yeast in the store (100 g) and fill their 10 liters of water. To accelerate the fermentation process, you can add 2 tbsp. Sahara. Leave the composition to wander one day. Then mix it with 50 liters of water. After that, you can water tomatoes.

There is a more "advanced" version of this recipe:

  • water - 10 l;
  • hood from chicken litter - 0.5 l;
  • wood ash - 0.5 l;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp.;
  • dry yeast - 10 g.

Mix all the ingredients. Give the composition of the day and distribute it with water in the ratio of 1:10.

For watering, use a watering can with a pitch and make up for young plants about 0.5 liters of feeding. Closer to the beginning of flowering can be added 1.5-2 liters of fluids. At the same time, the soil should be slightly wet.

To prepare breaks, choose bakery, not beer yeast

Tomatoes are poorly growing needing additional help. Pay them a little more of their attention and care, and abundant harvest will not make himself wait.

There is no single well-established opinion about the need to feed the seedlings. Someone is confident that this is better not to do before disembarking into a greenhouse or an open soil. At home, the plant needs to water and maintain the right temperature. Sometimes this is not enough: the foliage fades and changes the color, the growth of the bush slows down. To avoid listed features, it is necessary to feed the seedlings. It is allowed to introduce organic and mineral feeding.


Tomatoes can be found almost every cottage plot. They are trying to grow even inexperienced gardeners. To multiply your favorite variety and get a decent harvest, you need to take care of growing strong seedlings.

Seeds are planted into a special soil mixture:

  • earth from the garden (it is impossible to use the soil from the point of growth of potatoes);
  • humus;
  • crumpled sand;
  • powder chalk.

So that the seeds sprout with a greater probability, they can be soaked in water. Already after 1.5 days, the first sprouts will be processed. However, some gardeners advise the seeds directly into the ground. They are confident that seedlings will grow stronger and strong. Seed seed at the beginning or middle of March (sometimes even in early April). High-quality soil and the correct temperature can ensure the health of germs. To guarantee abundant harvest and the active growth of the plant should be contacted.

Making feeding is made in 4 stages.

  1. The first feeding can be done after the development of the third sheet. It is necessary to use combined mineral fertilizers with a large content of nitrogen. "Agrikola 3" - fertilizer for better growth root system and overhead part. In addition to nitrogen, fertilizer is rich in potassium and phosphorus.
  2. The second feeding is made in the ground 12 days after dive (resetting). It is advisable to use. The main components of fertilizer - potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. 1.5 h. L. The granules are dissolved in 5 liters of water. Plants need to be watered with a half-table for one sprout.
  3. The third feeding is made on the 26th day (completely similar to the second feeding).
  4. The last feeding is necessary to achieve two-month-old tomatoes. If seedling is poorly developing, it needs nitrogen. If the green mass is sufficiently developed, it is necessary to focus on phosphorus and potassium. Prepare a nutritious "cocktail". In 5 liters of water dissolve a complete tablespoon of wood ash and half a tablespoon of superphosphate. Under each bush is made 100 ml of solution.

If the color of foliage acquires an unbelievable shade (purple, yellow, brown), an emergency feeding of missing minerals is necessary.


Eggplants love moisture and oxygen. Seedling is bad and slowly grows. Seed seed already in February. Plants need to regularly water and make the necessary fertilizers. Until the landing in the ground, 3 subject is carried out.

  1. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers will help seedlings to quickly develop the root system and greens. After the first sheet appears, you need to make a "unifloor growth" in accordance with the instructions.
  2. To the root system develops faster, you can make a solution "Live strength" on the 10th day after dive.
  3. 3 days before plant disembarking, you need to feed the EcoGel. This will allow seedlings to quickly take care.


Pepper grows almost every day. The process of growing pepper seedlings is similar to the cultivation of tomatoes. Pereza needs to provide warm temperatures, moderately water and make nutrient components. "Right" seedlings will give a decent harvest.

Unlike tomatoes, pepper seeds better germinate. They are tugs, so the landing is made in the middle or end of February. Pepper seedlings loves to present "surprises." For one night, strong healthy bushes can stumble. Timely and correctly chosen feeding will give peppers to grow better and form a harvest in the future.

How to feed pepper for rapid growth?

  1. The first feeding can be done when the bush will release the first full-fledged leaf. Dissolve in 10 liters of water 1 tablespoon of urea (carbonic acid amide). She is rich in nitrogen and potassium. Watering plants need carefully (no more than 100 ml per bus). 10 days after this procedure, the bushes need to be counted in pots or larger boxes.
  2. So that the bushes have not been overtaken by minerals, the second feeding is carried out in 21 days after the first. The composition of the solution is identical. Before watering peppers, sprinkle in the drawers with a thin layer of wood ash.
  3. The third and last prure seedlings are held 7 days before the transplantation in the ground. If seedlings grew slowly, nitrogen-containing fertilizers need to be added. By the time the landing in the soil at the plant should form a strong root system. For this, the bushes must be filing with phosphorus. Perfect option For feeding - dual superphosphate.


Cucumbers seedling grows very quickly. Seeds need to be planted a month before the landing in the ground. Salt sprouts need to pour moderately so that they do not stretch and have not weakened. If the cucumber seedlings began to grow badly and faded, the root system is not enough oxygen. The soil must be exploded for better air permeability.

Cucumbers feeding to disembarking should be done twice.

  1. For better growth, any fertilizer with a high nitrogen content is used as the first feeding. The event is carried out after the appearance of the first full-fledged sheet on the plenty.
  2. To the second feeding need to take more scrupulously. To prepare a solution, you will need one and a half liters of water, 3 tbsp. l. Wood ash, 10 g Selitra Potash and 5 g of double superfsofate. You can add a microfertilitation complex to the solution ("Master", "Sizam", "Oracle"). The mixture is made 10 days before the cucumber landing in the open soil or to the greenhouse.

According to this scheme, you can make a feeding of zucchini and zucchini.

The opportunity to plant seeds immediately into the open ground seems only in the warm regions. In most cases, gardens need to prepare a strong seedlings in advance. She needs optimal conditions for development and growth: the right temperature, good mineralized soil and timely applying fertilizers.
