Borax and sodium salt have shown themselves quite well in the fight against cockroaches. They are added to baits that are harmful to insects. Often, vinegar is used to combat the Prusaks, which is used to treat baseboards, crevices, ventilation, thresholds, kitchen cabinets and other surfaces. As a deterrent, popular rumor recommends using odorous essential oils cedar, geranium, mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus and other plants with a strong, persistent odor. For catching insects use.

It is desirable to combine the deterrent effect of aromatic substances with poisonous baits.

Inna, Saratov

Maria, Perm

Physical tricks

Sticky traps with bait will not help get rid of cockroaches forever, but you can make them yourself and significantly reduce the population size. For their manufacture, cardboard boxes or strips of thick paper are suitable, on which an adhesive is applied or attached double sided tape... An appetizing bait is placed in the center of this design. Wanting to get to the delicacy, the cockroach will firmly stick to its base.

On a note!

Recently they are popular. However, their effectiveness is constantly being controversial.

You can drive cockroaches out of an apartment literally in 1-2 days if you use professional cockroach remedies - sprays and aerosols. It is recommended to start the processing of housing from the kitchen, because usually the reasons for the appearance of insects in an apartment are in the untimely cleaning of food debris, crumbs, garbage. It is imperative to spray the preparations on the baseboards, near kitchen appliances, since cockroaches can be found in microwave oven, and near the refrigerator motor. At the time of processing the rooms of children and animals in the apartment should not be. And adults must wear protective masks when applying products.

Rapid baiting of cockroaches can be carried out with the help of an insecticidal smoke bomb. Before using such an effective remedy for cockroaches, it is necessary to exclude the penetration of air and drafts into the rooms. Further work is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. When using a smoke bomb, you will either need to light a small wick or pour ordinary water into the bowl (included).
  2. From a fire or contact with liquid, the smoke chamber will begin to emit smoke. At this point, the arsonist must quickly leave the room and close the door tightly.
  3. After 3 hours, you can ventilate the room and keep it damp.

An effective method of removing cockroaches in an apartment can be considered the use of poisoned traps. Insect poison is poured into small boxes (included in the kit). Traps for cockroaches themselves are placed throughout the kitchen: 1 piece per 2 sq. m. Deadly baits will help infect cockroaches, which themselves will die, and will carry the poison to their nests on antennae and legs. Pencils and gels are less effective and will not give quick results. And any scientist who studies insects, and the owner who used them to fight cockroaches, will call magnetic resonance traps a useless acquisition.

Folk remedies for cockroaches

Among all household methods of baiting cockroaches, the most effective is the use of boric acid. You can add it to boiled egg yolk, boiled potatoes (1 teaspoon of acid is added to 3 tablespoons of gruel from products). Small balls should be made from these ingredients, which should be spread throughout the kitchen (near the microwave, refrigerator, on tables, near the baseboards). It is important to wipe up the water drops near the sink, remove the drinking bowl for animals. This simple method of using regular powder will quickly poison the bugs.

A similar mixture can be made with alabaster and flour. The mixing ratio should be approximately 1 to 3 (flour and alabaster or gypsum). A little honey can be used to attract insects. Such natural additives to building materials will quickly attract cockroaches. After eating the bait, the cockroaches in the apartment will die.

Unusual ways to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment

Do not lose sight of such a safe method as freezing the room. It is suitable for periods when it is rather cold outside. It is necessary to open windows / doors and reduce the temperature in all rooms as much as possible (preferably to 0 degrees or below). A draft should be created in the corridors, which will completely exclude the presence of warm "bridges" where insects can wait out the freezing.

This method will help drive the cockroaches to more comfortable areas for living. High-quality closing of ventilation with a fine mesh (through which insects cannot crawl through), grouting of all cracks or holes between apartments will help to exclude their return. Quite often, cockroaches can enter housing through holes in concrete slabs near heating pipes, risers. Such ways of penetration of insects into the home must be closed.

In what cases can only pest control help to get rid of domestic cockroaches?

The use of special tools and folk methods can not always give an effective result in the destruction of cockroaches. In some situations, only pest control will help drive uninvited guests out of the apartment. Such cases include:

  • living in a house with a clogged garbage chute;
  • living in the neighborhood with people who care little about cleanliness in the house;
  • accommodation in the old apartment building (additionally, it is worth ordering pest control of the entrance and basement).

An important condition for baiting cockroaches is the maintenance of cleanliness both on the stairwells, and in the basement, and near the garbage chute. It is recommended to arrange in advance with neighbors about the possibility of calling specialists for the whole house. Then the processing will be truly rational and will not require re-solving the problem. After pest control, it is better to move to another place for a day, and upon returning home, you need to check the apartment well.

Comment on the article "How to quickly get rid of cockroaches in an apartment"

I find that sometimes it's better to spend a little more once than buying something cheap again every week. So it was with the remedy for cockroaches. I bought a spray "Baron" on the Internet. Let it be more expensive than our usual means, but very effective, I recommend it to everyone.

Total 2 posts .

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Most people shudder to imagine their neighborhood. This is especially unpleasant in the apartment, where they crawl on kitchen table and things. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of cockroaches at home is so relevant. There are many chemicals, destroying these insects, but they do not give one hundred percent guarantee. You can use proven folk remedies for cockroaches or invite specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station. Whichever method you choose, you need to do it as soon as you notice the presence of these insects. After all, they are very prolific, and over time it will become more difficult to cope with them.

Why you need to get rid of cockroaches

The presence of insects in the apartment is very unpleasant, because they crawl over things, they can crawl on the table and into the bed. In addition, such a neighborhood can be very dangerous, since cockroaches are carriers of various diseases. Crawling on the toilet and the trash can, they cling to the paws of bacteria, then carrying them around the kitchen and bedroom. Most often, they carry the eggs of worms, but they can infect a person with E. coli, dysentery, or typhoid. Many people have an allergic reaction from the presence of cockroaches in an apartment. Some especially large individuals can greatly scare the residents of the house and even bite. There were also cases when insects got into a person's nose or ear, which can lead to very unpleasant consequences. Therefore, each owner should know how to deal with cockroaches, because no one is immune from the appearance of insects.

Types of cockroaches

This is one of the most common and tenacious insects on the planet. There are many types of them, but only two of them live in our apartments: red cockroaches, or Prussians, and black ones.

What are the remedies for cockroaches

All methods of dealing with these annoying insects can be divided into several groups:

Mechanical means: you can destroy them with a slipper, cracker or vacuum cleaner. But most often they use various traps. These can be cardboard boxes with sticky floors and walls, boxes with narrow mazes, or makeshift traps.

Poisoned baits are treats that are tasty for insects and contain substances that are toxic to them. The disadvantage of this remedy is that cockroaches quickly develop immunity to them, in addition, children or pets can eat the poison.

Freezing at very low temperatures.

You can scare away insects. It has long been done with the help of plant odors that insects cannot tolerate: elderberry, tansy or flowering rye. They will also go away if you add ammonia to the water for cleaning floors or wipe the places of their frequent appearance with lemon juice. And in the store you can buy ultrasonic scarers.

Chemicals created in recent decades are the most effective means from cockroaches.

But whichever method you use, the most important thing is to keep your home clean. It has long been known that cockroaches start where crumbs, food and debris are often left behind. Therefore, even if you know how to get rid of cockroaches quickly, they can return. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow some rules.

An important stage in the fight against cockroaches

If you follow these recommendations, you will create unbearable living conditions for cockroaches. Sometimes in such cases, insects leave the room without any additional measures... But very often you have to use more effective remedies for cockroaches. This is especially true for residents of apartment buildings, where there is sure to be a dirty apartment, from where insects creep across all floors. It is good if you manage to agree with the neighbors on joint processing of the house by specialists from the SES. Otherwise, everyone will have to independently choose how to get rid of cockroaches at home.

How to fight cockroaches with boric acid

  1. The easiest way is to sprinkle the powder in places where these insects are often found, especially on the approaches to water. But the problem is that cockroaches are very cunning and will quickly understand what is dangerous there. Smelling the smell of boric acid, they will not approach it.
  2. A more effective way is to prepare a bait attractive to a cockroach with boric acid... Most often, the powder is mixed with egg yolk. Stir 2-3 bags and one yolk well and form small balls the size of a pea. They need to be spread out in places where cockroaches are concentrated. These insects are very curious and will definitely come up to sniff an object that is attractive to them.
  3. You can mix boric acid powder with bread crumb or add to any bait. The main thing is for the insect to touch this substance.

Extermination of cockroaches by freezing

In many cases, it is impossible to use chemicals and lay out baits that can be eaten by pets or children. But it is rather unpleasant when cockroaches start in the house. How to get rid of such neighbors with folk remedies, you can find out from old people who fought this scourge when there were no strong poisons yet. One of the safest methods for all living things, except cockroaches, is freezing. It is especially easy to apply in country house or in a new apartment, because in order for all insects and their cubs to die, you need to keep the room at a temperature below 5 degrees for at least three hours. Cockroaches are very thermophilic insects, and such conditions kill them quite quickly. The frost is also fatal for their unhatched offspring. It is very convenient to use this method when you have caught all the adults with traps. This prevents young cockroaches from emerging over time. The only condition for using this method is to protect radiators and heating systems from damage. To do this, you need to drain all the water from them.


It is best to use them when you just notice that cockroaches have appeared in the house. How to get rid of them using traps is not known to many. After all, only recently such devices made in an industrial way have appeared on sale. It is easy to use them: you just need to periodically change the bait or pour out the caught insects. Cockroaches are curious, they will definitely crawl where it smells good. The most attractive baits for them are pieces of cookies, sugar or some sweets and bread dipped in sunflower oil. All traps can be divided into three groups:

  1. Various boxes with bait placed inside. To prevent insects from getting out, special glue is used to lubricate the traps from the inside. Some manufacturers make these boxes with narrow, winding passages so cockroaches can't find their way out. For the same purposes, you can make a trap yourself by simply greasing the edges of a deep bowl or jar. sunflower oil and putting the bait on the bottom.
  2. The second type of traps are those that are powered from an outlet. They kill insects with an electric shock.
  3. And the third type of traps does not catch, but poisons insects. Inside they have poison, which the cockroach brings on its paws to the colony. One insect can poison everyone in this way. Many who seek the best way, how to get rid of cockroaches at home, choose such traps, because this way the poison will not harm pets and people.


Now this is the most effective method fight against any insects. This is explained by chemical substances they are guaranteed to destroy cockroaches, and they penetrate into the colony and poison all individuals there. Modern insecticides are available in several forms:

Using cockroach gel

Among those looking for a way to get rid of cockroaches, they are becoming more and more popular. The main advantages of using this product are the convenience of its application, high efficiency in killing insects and relative safety for people. All gels are available in tubes and syringes, most have a long spout for easy access into crevices and under furniture. This remedy

applied in small drops, and if there are a lot of cockroaches in the room, then you need to make paths from such drops along the baseboards, under the bathroom and in other places where these insects accumulate. You can also apply small drops in the corners to inner surface nightstands and cabinets. Gels do not contain grease and other substances that stain the surface, so after a while their remains can be easily removed with a regular cloth.

The principle of operation of this tool lies in its composition. It includes a substance, poisonous for cockroaches, which has no odor, and odorless baits that serve to attract insects. Most often it is the aroma of vanilla, honey, chocolate or anise. People do not notice it, but you still need to apply the gel in places inaccessible to children and pets. After eating the gel, and in some cases simply smelling it, the cockroach returns to the nest, where it dies. His remains are eaten by relatives and safely infected. So in 3-4 weeks it is possible to completely free the apartment from these insects. The best manufacturers gel are the firms "Global", "Reid" and "Raptor". The strongest action is possessed by "Shturm" and "Fas", they are mainly used for professional treatment of industrial premises. And in an apartment, especially if children and pets live in it, it is best to use the "Brownie" gel russian production... It contains a large amount of bitterness and attractants. These substances do not scare away insects, but the warm-blooded inhabitants of the apartment will not eat the gel because of this, even if they stumble upon it.

Is it possible to get rid of cockroaches forever

Despite the abundance of ways to kill cockroaches, there is no universal method. Even if you use the most effective remedy and they disappear, there is no guarantee that after a while they will not appear again. After all, the most prolific and hardy insects are domestic cockroaches. How to get rid of them forever

i would like to know many. But experience shows that this is possible only in a private house, subject to all conditions. In a city apartment, even if you use the most effective means, after a while they can creep in from neighbors. And then the struggle will have to start over. To ensure you get rid of these annoying neighbors, it is better to use several tools at once. For example, spray with a spray, draw lines along the baseboards with "Mashenka" chalk and spread the poisoned baits. In addition, you need to keep your home clean, fill up any gaps and close the vents with a thick mesh. Wipe floors regularly with water containing ammonia and place tansy or elderberry flowers in secluded places.

A person does not accept the neighborhood with insects and throws all his strength into the fight against the mustache. The result does not always meet expectations, it may require re-processing, especially for owners of multi-apartment buildings. In words, many people know ways to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, but how to do this so that they disappear once and for all?

Let us consider in more detail why arthropods come to a person's home and what methods of struggle can be called truly effective.

It happens that a person uses all kinds of insecticides, sets up traps, acquires expensive repellents, but nothing helps from red stasiks. What is the reason for the massive invasion?

Before you get rid of them yourself, without the involvement of special organizations, it is important to find out the reasons for the settlement.

Red-haired Prussians and black relatives come to the house, where:

  • There is no place for order;
  • The taps are dripping;
  • There are dirty dishes in the sink;
  • Many cracks in the floor and walls;
  • A coarse mesh is installed on the ventilation hole.

Dirt, moisture and ubiquitous crumbs are an excellent environment for the baleen to live. will be powerless, no matter what methods of extermination of the Prussians a person undertakes.

  • Lavender essential oil;
  • Vinegar essence;
  • Ammonia;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Kerosene;
  • Turpentine.

After washing the floors, the doors and windows are closed for several hours, then the room is ventilated. Arthropods are blown away by the wind. Intolerance to pungent odors is associated with the developed olfactory receptors of insects.

Since the times of the Union, it has been popular to breed cockroaches in an apartment with boric acid. The tool costs a penny, but it works no worse than the advertised expensive drugs.

Acid is used in its pure form, or a deadly "delicacy" for crawlers is prepared.

To attract Prusaks, boiled potatoes, egg yolk or vanilla sugar are added to the batch. Having combined the ingredients, flour is poured into the resulting mixture, bringing the mass to a thick consistency. The dough is divided into balls, which are laid out in secluded corners of the house.

Before you get rid of cockroaches at home with acid, eliminate possible sources of water. The insect must not drink, then death will come quickly.

Residents of private houses face a different problem. In the spring, individuals with two tails crawl out of all the cracks. These are insects that live underground and prefer to live in dampness.

It is worth leaving a damp rag on the threshold, hanging clean linen at home, the two-tails rush from the underground into the house. You can get rid of unpleasant insects by filling up cracks in the floor and ventilating the underground. Open vents for the summer to dry out the ground under the house.


The best way to drive cockroaches out of your home once and for all is with insecticides.

The following are used as toxic compounds:

  • Gel in a syringe tube;
  • Aerosol dispensers;
  • Powdered products;
  • Insecticidal crayons;
  • Spray made from concentrate.

Some of them will definitely help to remove pests both in and in the apartment. First, determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe proposed object.

For disinsection of large apartments, it is more advisable to use repellents or electric traps... If an insecticide is preferred, choose an economical product such as a gel.

Gel insecticide

The preparation is applied along the perimeter of the treated object, drip, at a distance of 10 - 15 cm. Arthropods are smart creatures, they will not eat poison. Running on a baseboard will cause your feet to get dirty.

Sensing that the limbs are soiled, the Prusak will begin to carefully remove the remains of the poison, which will certainly penetrate into the gastrointestinal tract. Possessing a nerve-paralytic effect, the poisonous substance will have a destructive effect on the insect, paralyzing the respiratory center.

Running in search of food, the pest will "share" the poison with its fellows. The death of individuals occurs after 7 to 10 days. To consolidate the result, repeat the treatment.

During its existence on the market, consumer confidence has been won by:

  • "Arsenal";

Low toxicity, fast response and ease of use are the main advantages of gel preparations.

Aerosol efficiency

Aerosols are good for quick room treatment. , black, stasiks, dvuhvostki die instantly. An important rule - apply the product to the place where pests accumulate.

Just spraying an insecticide into the air will not work. After 2 hours after treatment, the dead individuals are collected and flushed in the toilet.

Proven and effective against insects:

  • "Raid";
  • Raptor;
  • Dichlorvos.

Aerosols will not be able to get rid of cockroaches forever, due to the rapid volatility of the toxic substance, but it is real to destroy single individuals and quickly process the room.

Powders and dusts

Powders are used for direct baiting of arthropods. The product is scattered around the perimeter of an apartment or private house. Before pest control, bring the taps into working order to block the access of the Prussians to water.

Death occurs when a poisonous compound enters the stomach of an insect. The principle of action is similar to the gel, the consolidation of the result will require repeated processing.

Have earned the trust of consumers:

  • "Phenaxin";
  • "Clean house";
  • "Fas".

The powders are toxic; the poison should be laid out in places inaccessible to children's eyes. If a poisonous substance gets into a child's mouth, seek medical help immediately.

Gastric lavage will help. Before the arrival of an ambulance, do not feed or water the child in order to prevent the penetration of a toxic substance into the systemic circulation.


Chalk is time-tested. The notorious "Mashenka", at one time, saved millions of apartments from the invasion of barbel. It's easy to use: draw stripes on the backs of kitchen cabinets, baseboards and the bottom of the sink.

Death occurs on 10-14 days. The action of the crayon lasts up to 3 months. Re-treatment is carried out after 3 to 4 weeks, after the first application.

Most Popular:

  • "Clean house";
  • "Tornado";
  • "Brownie".

Advantages: affordability and low toxicity. Use gloves when treating insects. After pest control, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.


Ready-made sprays are sold in specialized stores. You can prepare the drug yourself: powder for baiting insects is diluted with water, and the room is treated.

Better to use the fill method. You cannot stay in the apartment after disinfestation. After the event, floors and pieces of furniture are thoroughly washed, the room is ventilated.

Almost all sprays are odorless, but if they enter the human digestive tract, there is a risk of poisoning.

Effective against crawling insects:

  • "Dr. Klaus ";
  • "Delicia";
  • "Clean house".

Lack of drugs is a big expense. When disinfesting an apartment of impressive size, it is not profitable to use sprays.

Modern methods of pest control

How to get rid of crawling insects at home if small children live in the apartment? It is dangerous to use insecticides, and odorous substances can cause an allergic reaction and bronchospasm in a child.

Use modern methods destruction. Will help glue traps and scarers. An expensive but safe way to kill Prussians is with electrical devices.

The crawler's path to the bait will be over as soon as it crosses a certain line. Discharge electric current will instantly destroy the barbel.

The scarers are powered by the mains supply. The emitted ultrasonic waves disturb the peace of the pests. The crawlers will rush away from the apartment in search of a safe haven from the intolerable sound.

Adhesive backings are effective preventive measures. It is impossible to free housing from the mass settlement of the Prussians by this method.

Calling professionals at home

If no control measures are successful, how can we kill the insects? A special disinfection will help to resolve the situation.

Professional pest controllers will treat every corner of the room without missing a single slide. High processing efficiency is due to the use of special equipment.

The fog generator allows you to apply a toxic substance to all surfaces. Fine particles of the chemical penetrate into every crevice, leaving no room for the barbel to hide from death.

Disinsection will bring results with continued cleanliness in the room. If the garbage is still not taken out in the house and the dishes are not washed, insects cannot be removed by any expensive means.

Cockroaches running around the house are not a pleasant sight. Fortunately, there are now many ways to quickly get rid of unwanted guests. Knowing how to remove cockroaches, you can return peace and cleanliness to your home.

The most common ways to deal with unwanted visitors are the following:

  • bringing complete cleanliness and maintaining order for a long time;
  • the use of folk remedies;
  • treatment of the premises with insecticides;
  • the use of special traps;
  • freezing the room.

Order and cleanliness in the house will scare off cockroaches for a long time. This does not mean that after the first harvest the insects will leave and never return. Simply putting things in order on a regular basis will create inappropriate conditions for their lives.

The most effective professional remedies

There is no universal method of struggle. The choice of method and preparations depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the degree of contamination and other parameters.

In any case, a good product must meet the following criteria:

  • Security. It is better to entrust the treatment of the premises with drugs with high toxicity to professionals. For independent work you can choose a less toxic agent that does not pose a threat to households and pets.
  • Ease of use. Instructions for use should be intuitive.
  • Efficiency. If the tool has low efficiency, there is no point in spending money, time and effort on its use.

Based on these parameters, you can choose the most suitable wrestling scheme. To kill cockroaches, special gels, aerosols, tablets and granules with insecticides are most often used. Do not forget about aids, regular cleaning and preventive measures.

Traps, devices, scarers from shops

To choose a suitable trap, you need to get acquainted with their types and features of work:

  • Adhesive. The arrangement of these traps is very simple: in a small cardboard box with holes on the sides, there is a bait located on a sticky area. Insects crawl on the smell and stick to the bottom. When the box is filled with dead bodies, it is thrown away.
  • Electrical. Such devices look like a small metal box. Inside there is a bait, walking on which, the cockroach gets inside, where it is destroyed by the current. Of the pros - safety and durability.

Such devices should be located in places of active movement of insects. Unfortunately, getting rid of the eggs laid by cockroaches in secluded places in this way will not work.

Poisonous traps, which are round boxes with poisonous bait ("Dohloks", "Kombat", "Raptor"), are considered more effective.

The insect gets inside, and through the holes it can get out and spread the insecticide further. The advantage of such devices is that they can be safely installed in rooms with high humidity. As a rule, the prices for such traps are quite democratic.

Recently, ultrasonic scarers have appeared on the market. The manufacturers claim that the waves emitted by the device cause anxiety among the Prussians, and they try to leave such a place as soon as possible.

Folk remedies for removing cockroaches

Folk remedies are less effective than modern insecticides, but they do not pose a danger to people and can cope well with a small population of Prussians.

Geraniums will help protect the apartment from the penetration of cockroaches from the neighbors. This plant has a specific smell that scares away unwanted visitors. Knowing how to get the cockroaches out, you can put them to flight while there are still few of them.

The modern market offers many effective means to combat these insects. Among them, it is worth highlighting the following drugs:


This product is often used to control potato pests. It is also well established as a fast-acting drug against cockroaches. The action begins within 2-3 hours. The insecticide is toxic, so you need to work with a respirator. Of positive qualities - lack of smell.


The drug is good because it works as a barrier agent. The solution is non-toxic, does not have a specific smell, and retains its properties for 6 months. It is enough for the insect to crawl on the surface treated with the insecticide, and within 4 weeks it will die.


The main active ingredient of this gel is amazing nervous system insects. The tool is inexpensive and significantly reduces the population of Prussians within 10-24 hours. Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to mention its quick addiction.

Boric acid.

The choice of the remedy depends on the vastness of the cockroach population. If there are few of them, you can use simpler drugs, but if the apartment is teeming with them, you cannot do without "heavy artillery".

Specialized services

If there is no desire or time to fight the Prussians on your own, you can turn to specialized services for help.

The advantages of this option are obvious:

  • Experts use potent drugs to kill insects that are not available to ordinary customers. Such funds can only be purchased by large companies that have the appropriate licenses.
  • Recently, home treatment has been carried out using hot and cold mist. This technology allows you to penetrate into particularly hard-to-reach places.
  • Professional exterminators are well aware of the habits of insects, their habitats and ways of entry.

The main advantage of this method is that the public service has the right to forcibly impose processing on neighboring apartments, whose residents fundamentally refuse to destroy harmful insects on their living space.

When choosing a service, you need to pay attention to firms that carry out pest control with a guarantee. In case of repeated penetration of insects into the house, they re-process completely free of charge.

Timely prevention of cockroaches

The main thing is to maintain order.

To prevent cockroaches from living in a house, you need to adhere to these rules:

  • Make sure that no food remains in the kitchen. Leftover food should be tightly packed and hidden in the refrigerator, and all surfaces should be wiped with a damp cloth, removing crumbs, drops of fat and sugary drinks. A crust of bread on the floor, a scattered spoonful of sugar is a supply of food for cockroaches for a long time.
  • Only available in the kitchen. You should not eat in the living room near the TV, as unnoticed crumbs can remain on the floor that will attract cockroaches.
  • Wipe dry sinks, bathtubs, condensation that accumulates on the windows. Cockroaches cannot live without water. For this reason, in the kitchen, you need to wipe the dishes without leaving them to dry on their own.
  • Thoroughly clean places where pets eat: wash dishes, collect crumbs, wipe the floor with a damp cloth.
  • Watch out for the trash can. It must always be tightly closed, and garbage must be thrown into the chute daily.
  • Seal gaps in skirting boards and parquet floors, which can serve as a shelter. Peel-off wallpaper also belongs to the category of their shelters.
  • Ventilate the room more often.
  • Be sure to pull the nets over the windows, put the grilles on the ventilation holes so that insects cannot get inside.

If, after applying the above methods, insects began to visit the house again, you need to talk with your neighbors. It is possible that cockroaches climb from them. Therefore, we will have to deal with unwanted guests together.

The presence of cockroaches is not only unpleasant, it violates elementary sanitary standards. In addition, they pollute food products waste of their life and carry various bacterial and viral diseases. Therefore, they must be fought mercilessly.
