Condensation on the windows - an unpleasant thing, it is dampness in the apartment and puddles on the windowsills. If you want to get rid of condensation and freezing of glass, you should use these tips. When there are severe frosts, the windows in the apartments freeze quite a bit, this is an unpleasant surprise especially for those who installed plastic windows... If glass is an excellent heat insulator, then metal is no less a good conductor of heat. Freezing of glass occurs precisely along the perimeter of the window. The resulting condensation flows down to the windowsill and slopes, from which numerous puddles and stains are formed. Even in spite of the fact that PVC windows are not afraid of water, this phenomenon is extremely unpleasant. How to get rid of condensation?

First of all, you need to understand the cause of freezing. This is because the temperature of the plastic windows is lower than the "dew point" in the apartment, steam condenses on the glass, because it does not warm up. When the windows are replaced with plastic or wooden ones with double-glazed windows, the window deepens significantly. A frame with a glass unit is generally 90-120 millimeters wide, although the wall thickness is 50-70 centimeters. As a result, the glass turns out to be inaccessible for the convection jet of warm air from the radiator, so that an unventilated zone appears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe window sill.

Many housewives who grow flowers on window sills, when replacing windows with plastic counterparts, try to make wider window sills so that they protrude another 5-10 centimeters. This also halves the convection flow from the radiator, and, accordingly, the ventilation worsens. And the abundance of flowers on the windowsill affects the situation is not entirely favorable. Condensation on plastic windows is a consequence of poor ventilation.

Problems such as condensation can be avoided by making sure that the glass does not cool too much. If you are just planning to replace the windows with double-glazed windows, you should give preference to the thickest frame profile in order to reduce the depth. Of course, a couple of centimeters of the windowsill will have to be sacrificed, but condensation on windows will bypass you. In addition, it is advisable to order not a double (the most popular), but a triple glass unit, or a double one with additional glass. Such a double-glazed window is not only a guarantee of excellent sound insulation, but also that the windows will not freeze even at minus 35 degrees.

You should not try to expand the window sill, the pots with plants will fit on a standard one, but ventilation from the radiators will help to avoid problems with "crying" windows. If you have already encountered a problem such as condensation on plastic windows, there is nothing left but to establish air exchange in the window niche.

How to get rid of condensation on plastic windows

  1. One of the simplest ways to prevent condensation is to burn a candle. To do this, in severe frosts, a pair of candlesticks with thick, slowly burning candles is placed by the window. When burning, a warm stream of air is created, warming the glass, and a romantic mood in the apartment will not hurt.
  2. If there are practically no plants on your windowsill, but the option with candles is disliked, you can try to build convection screens. These are small plates that will direct warm air from the battery to the window. You need to fix such a plate at an angle of 30-60 degrees. So that they do not stand out, you can disguise them under the sides of a window sill or a decorative element.
  3. The easiest way to create airflow in a niche is with fans. It is enough to turn it on at low intensity so that it covers several windows. You can also use homemade fans with micromotors and wings made of thick cardboard and tin.
  4. Some people prefer to solve the problem with chemistry. To do this, it is enough to go to a car cosmetics store and purchase anti-fogging aerosols. Before processing glass with them, they must be washed and dried. The glass will stop fogging up like that, but only for a certain time, so this method cannot be called a cardinal solution to the problem. Besides, chemical substance for auto - not the best way for living quarters.
  5. Some craftsmen manage to turn glass in their own apartment into heating ones. To do this, a foil, a conductive film or a nichrome thread is glued around the perimeter of the window, and a small voltage is applied to it - 24 volts. The part of the window that freezes the most will be warmed up; this technique works in cars as well.

Glad you came to see me again!

This winter I got a toothache. It’s unclear whether it’s pasta or water, but one even broke. While I was solving the problem with the help of visits to the dentist, I drew attention to how much the windows fog up in his office. Therefore, today I will tell you how to deal with the formation of condensation on plastic windows.

Condensation on windows: reasons, ways to fight

The most accurate diagnosis of the causes is carried out using a television survey. In general, the classification of the reasons due to which the "fog" settles on the glasses includes four points.

The problem occurs due to the following factors (one or more):

  • the microclimate of the room has been changed;
  • wrong choice of window construction;
  • the installation technology is violated;
  • defective glass unit, frame.

I propose to study in detail the problem of fogging PVC windows in order to know how to effectively deal with its causes.

The microclimate of the room is violated

What are the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station to the microclimate of residential premises?

The most comfortable living conditions are + 18 + 23 0 C, 40-50% humidity and air exchange rate at the level of 3 cubic meters for each "running" meter of the room, if it is used for rest and pastime during leisure hours.

In kitchens, air exchange should be 2 or 3 times faster. (with electric and gas stove, respectively). It follows from these recommendations that a living space can be considered comfortable not only when it is warm, but also if it receives a sufficient amount of fresh air.

Ventilation device

Apartment system household ventilation held in the kitchen and bathroom. Fresh air enters the rest of the rooms during ventilation and through microcracks in the frames. With the onset of winter, in houses with ordinary wooden frames, the natural micro-ventilation is blocked by gluing the window panels with paper strips. But even with such protection, the windows rarely fog up. After the installation of PVC double-glazed windows, the situation changes dramatically if the structures were chosen without taking into account the peculiarities of the regional climate or mistakes were made during the installation process.

What is the essence of such a phenomenon as fogging windows? There is a certain amount of moisture in the air space. And if it comes into contact with a surface whose temperature is less than the "dew point", then condensation forms. If such a surface is the glass of a window, then it fogs up. The degree at which condensation forms is not constant. The dew point is more tied to the ratio of the air temperature in the room and the saturation of the air with moisture. The larger the latter and lower the first, the higher the dew point.

Suppose that the temperature in the room is stable at +15 degrees, then the formation of condensation will begin at +13.38, +7.30, +1.53, if the air humidity is 90, 60 or 40%, respectively. Therefore, it is somehow not surprising that in damp and cold rooms the windows always fog up.

But where does the water on the glass in the home come from? We will deal further with the issue of condensation formation on PVC windows.

Condensation appears in different conditions and depends both on the factors mentioned above and on the processes of our life. Indeed, while we are outside the home, the humidity level in it is the same, and as the home is filled with households and in connection with our activities under the roof of our house, the amount of water in the atmosphere of the premises begins to grow.

Here are the approximate volumes of water generated in each hour at:

  • breathing - from 40 to 90 g from each person;
  • the presence of growing flowers - up to 10 g from one small bush;
  • cleaning and during cooking -1000 g;
  • taking a shower or bath - up to 2600 g;
  • when washing with a machine - up to 300 g;
  • the presence of a medium-sized aquarium - up to 200 g.

And how much water is contained in the building mixtures that were used to decorate your home, under washable wallpaper? Moisture can be stored inside such objects for up to two years. If the air in the apartment also rarely warms up above 17 degrees in winter, then there are all conditions for the formation of condensation in the cold season.

About the causes of condensation on the windows in the video:

How to avoid this unpleasant phenomenon?

Here are a number of tried and tested methods that you should take at least a couple of times a day:

  • keep the window slightly ajar for a long time to dry the air in the room (option only for apartments with good heating);
  • open wide open for a quarter of an hour all the windows in the apartment (a lot of heat will not go away, unlike moisture);
  • arrange a two-minute airing with opening the windows and front door (make sure that with such a drastic change in the level of humidity, all the open elements of the frame structures and the door are securely fastened, and not slammed, threatening to crumble).

In parallel with this, do not forget to make sure that warm air from the radiators flows not only into the room, but also to the frames, and the curtains are at a distance from the edges of the window sills.

Misses with the choice of PVC windows

If the condensate is tortured, and the windows are plastic, then the problem can be eliminated by replacing conventional structures with energy-saving ones.

But only on condition that the installation will be carried out by a specialist, and not by a “comrade from the street”.

Problems due to a violation of technology when assembling insulating glass chambers

If you attach a defective sealing rubber to the glass or improperly mount some elements window fittings, then the expensive double-glazed window will not meet the expectations of the owner. In some such cases, the problem can be eliminated by competently adjusting the fittings.

Problems due to illiterate installation and design of slopes

Are you one hundred percent sure of a window manufacturer? Then the reason for the "fog" on the windows may lie in poor-quality foaming of the frame or a poor vapor barrier coating. Sometimes builders generally "forget" about the last factor due to ignorance of the process of proper installation of waterproofing in the window structure. That is why I always insist that you, my reader, trust the installation of windows only to professionals and other people to advise them to do so. Correct mistakes made when installation of PVC frames in openings is very difficult.

Causes of "tears" and "sweat" on the windows

Condensation on the window glass can form both in structures with PVC panels, and with wooden ones.

The main reasons for "fogging" windows:

  • cold season;
  • a large amount of moisture in the atmosphere of the room;
  • window construction with poor thermal insulation.

You cannot cope with the cold outside, so either influence the humidity level in the room or change the double-glazed windows to modern ones. Moreover necessarily with reinforced thermal insulation (with a special coating, with double chambers).

You should not think that only modern windows sweat. Condensation appears on any windows. And the kind of material used to make the profiles is not the main reason. It's all about the tightness of the window structure.

The same Finnish windows with a wooden supporting frame and double-glazed windows sweat several times less than windows according to the European standard, but with one camera. This is due to the different thermal insulation properties of the products - thermal energy insulation is better in double-chamber windows.

When I was younger, in my house, and in all houses of that time - with rare exceptions - the window frames were wooden, the glass was rarely fogged. But if modern seals were installed in those constructions, which ensure tightness, then the windows would “cry in three streams”.

What is the cause of this inconvenient everyday phenomenon?

Water vapor is always present in the air. As the degree rises, the amount of moisture in the air increases. It is worth bringing something cold into a room with an atmosphere, saturated with moisture, as an invisible "casing" of colder air forms around the object. This temporary envelope does not have the ability to hold as much moisture as the rest of the air in the room, so the surface of the introduced object quickly becomes wet due to dew.

The more water in the atmosphere, the less "demanding" moisture is to the temperature level of objects, on the surface of which it can fall in the form of condensation. Those. they no longer need to be at the same temperature as, for example, vegetables in the refrigerator or bottles of drinks . If the air saturation with water is about 100%, then the vapor will begin to settle on all bodies, the temperature of which differs by a degree or even less from the temperature of the atmosphere itself.

The manifestation of the so-called dew point occurs when a certain ratio between the temperature of the air and its humidity is formed.

Estimated data can be obtained from the table below.

When the internal glass in the chamber of a double-glazed unit has a temperature that is the same as the value at which the race point is formed or below it, while the air humidity inside the structure also corresponds to a certain parameter, the glass begins to fog up. therefore “Tears” on the window indicate a strong humid air inside the house.

Possible reasons for this:

  • the result of your daily activities on the territory of the apartment;
  • disturbed ventilation process;
  • problematic glass unit;
  • violation of the technology for installing a glass-transparent structure into a frame opening.

If the problem is in poor air conditioning, then take the manifestation of condensation as a call to air the room. But if, after airing, the glass soon becomes cloudy again, and frequent opening of windows leads to excessive consumption of thermal resources, then it makes sense to stabilize the ventilation system and, possibly, find a replacement for the existing glass unit.

Choose a new design taking into account the temperatures typical of your region during the cold season.

If a drop in the column of a mercury thermometer to -20 is quite a standard phenomenon for winter, then purchase a glass unit taking into account the parameter of the dew point occurrence and the level of humidity and heat in the room that is comfortable for your family. If the acceptable air humidity is about 60%, and you try to keep the air temperature around +20, then under such conditions the dew point is +12. At the same temperature, but 40% humidity, the dew point is +6.

How can I use the ratios I just described in practice?

When studying the range of insulating glass units, pay attention to the indicator with the C / W value. With the above-described initial data (-20 outdoors, +20 in the room and humidity at 40%), the thermal insulation index of the window structure (Ro) should exceed 0.35-0.36 m2 ° C / W. With an increase in humidity, say, up to 55%, the lower limit value Ro \u003d 0.54 m2 ° C / W.

What else do you need to remember when choosing a glass unit?

If a basic structure with an aluminum spacer frame, cold bridges will form at the edges of metal products.

Because of this, during a cold snap, condensation may form on the glass near the lines of contact of transparent elements with aluminum profiles.

Additional measures to reduce the likelihood of condensation forming on PVC window panes:

  • find out if near all windows the heated air from the radiators gets to the glass (the very protruding edge of the window sill and the close arrangement of curtains can interfere with the process);
  • installation of a ventilation valveallowing portions of fresh air to flow to the glass surface also helps to combat condensation.

I will summarize my "lecture" on the topic of combating condensation on windows.

Tips for dealing with condensation and mold on pVC windows in the video:

How to deal with glass fogging?

Best of all, even before installing new double-glazed windows in the window openings, the data from the first table will help you navigate the choice of the desired design.

Having determined the appropriate level of tp (dew point), tell your manager that you want to buy a double-glazed unit with a tp index higher than the parameter you found in the table. To insure against ignoring your request by the order executor, ask to include it in the contract and make sure that it is actually done. If they are too stubborn, then maybe it is worth changing the executor of the order? Why do you need to buy a double-glazed window, specifications which will be similar to those of the replaced structure?

I decided everything, the glass unit is correct, the installation was done according to the instructions. But bad luck, with the arrival of cold weather, light "clouds" of condensation appeared near the profiles. What to do? Change again ?! Not. Small spots are natural and not problematic, unlike what I will discuss below.

What happens in secret from our eyes:

  • window openings disguised with decorative slopes have cold bridges, due to which moisture gradually accumulates under the panels, which can provoke the growth of mold and the loss of the technical qualities of the insulating gaskets);
  • the slopes themselves prevent warm air from entering the glass surface (you can spy on the solution to the problem without prejudice to the appearance of the window on the page about preventing moisture on the windows);
  • soviet windows were remembered for the number of cracks from which it blew mercilessly in the cold season - however, these micro-holes were involved in the natural ventilation of the apartments, disappearing when installing sealed metal-plastic windows (a significant problem, requiring the urgent invention of a new effective ventilation scheme for residential premises).

Windows first "sweat" and then become covered with an ice crust

Few of the owners of apartments with metal-plastic windows have not encountered the formation of condensation on the glass. This kind of untidiness happens for various reasons. And even a professional is not always able to quickly determine where the legs of such a problem come from. To identify the causes, some knowledge of physics and practical experience is required. But the elimination of the reason due to which the windows "cry" will help you to forget about such a phenomenon as fogged glass for a long time.

Physicists' explanation of the reason for fogging windows

When the window fogs up, you see the actual result of the conversion of atmospheric moisture in the form of vapor to liquid form due to exposure to low temperatures. After all, cold air is not able to retain a lot of water, so its excess settles on everything that has a temperature lower than that of air. If the glass of the window is the coldest part of your apartment, then this is where moisture from the cooled air will settle.

With significant volumes of condensate formed, it becomes a problem. Not only do building structures get wet, but mold can also appear. And if there is a severe frost outside the window, "icebergs" can grow on the window. And all because of the strong humidity!

However, excessive dryness of the atmosphere leads to health problems.

So how to behave in order to get rid of condensation on the windows, but not harm yourself and your loved ones? Apply the old-fashioned method - air more often.

Why are there no problems with condensation in apartments with old-style window structures?

Double-glazed windows are sealed and do not give air currents outside the window a chance to penetrate into the room. Because of this, natural ventilation of apartments disappeared, which, by the way, was taken into account as a phenomenon in the design of buildings. And the air masses, even though they penetrated through the cracks in small volumes, dried the air in the rooms and prevented condensation from forming on the windows. Replacing conventional window frames on modern ones, not necessarily with metal profiles, but with a sealed porch, natural ventilation stopped, and excess moisture began to settle on the glass.

To achieve normal humidity in a room, it must either be systematically ventilated on its own, or entrusted with this process to the windows, equipping them with double-glazed structures with delicate ventilation systems. Then the microcirculation of air masses will be restored and the windows will stop “crying”.

Additional factors affecting window fogging

Very often an excessively wide window sill is "to blame" for the formation of condensationpreventing warm air flows from radiators from reaching the vertical surface of the window opening. The presence of several vases, which are also sources of moisture evaporating, only exacerbates the problem. No possibility for normal convection? Then get ready to run with a rag from window to window and open the window more often.

If, in addition to the fact that natural ventilation does not occur due to the tightness of the window, and even the hood is broken or is completely absent, then you will encounter fogging of the windows almost all year round. So the kitchen hood over the stove is not a whim of the wife, but a useful item in everyday life that maintains a normal level of humidity in the house. Do not forget about this device when you start repairing - you should not turn it on with just pasted wallpaper. But more often activate later, when the repair is over - even when you are not preparing food.

Even more sad consequences are in those apartments where the owners incorrectly reconstructed, or even completely dismantled the existing ventilation system. Condensation, glass freezing will not keep you waiting. Although such a nuisance can also happen in an apartment with a hood - if double-glazed windows are installed cheap, not capable of providing good thermal insulation.

For example, in the northern regions, single-chamber double-glazed windows can be built only in partitions inside the premises. For window openings in the outer walls, two-chamber structures with three panes are needed. And it is desirable that one of them was energy-saving "I" or "K" type. Such glasses not only reduce the risk of condensation, but also help to avoid excessive consumption of heat resources.

To make you understand the difference between a regular glass unit and an energy-saving one, I will give an example, talking about a standard metal-plastic window and a single-chamber one, but with i-glass. Using a pyrometer, I will get the temperature data.

Measurement result (ordinary double-glazed window with a heat-shielding property of 0.54 sq. M. C / W.):

  • in the room +22.7;
  • on the street -17.2;
  • near the glass +14.

Measurement result (single-chamber heat-saving glass unit with a heat-shielding property of 0.64 sq. M. C / W.):

  • in the room +22.8;
  • on the street -17.5;
  • near the glass +19.

As you see, a single-chamber double-glazed unit can be more effective than a double-chamber unit in terms of energy conservation.

If there are any peculiarities in modern windows, why do the latter "cry" and overgrow with ice with the arrival of frost?

Yes, the aluminum spacer has a lower temperature than the rest of the window. Therefore, condensation occurs most abundantly near the edge of the double-glazed windows.

I think that you do not know this problem if your apartment has a humidity level within 60%, there is a properly working ventilation and you heat your home well. But if one of these conditions is not met, then remember the rationalization proposal: order a glass unit with a polymer spacer frame. This material will not allow the formation of cold bridges, therefore, condensation will not fall out. And if there is no condensation, then there will be no ice on the glasses either.

Another reason for the formation of condensation on the glass is the residual manifestations of a recent repair. Therefore, if a new double-glazed window was installed at a time when the room or the entire territory of the apartment was being renovated with the help of some construction work, or you moved into a new building, then it is not surprising that condensation appears on the glass. And the quality of the glass unit has nothing to do with it.

Newly erected concrete or brick walls are an additional source of moisture for 2 years. Slowly but surely dry-looking surfaces give off water through microcracks, and it is impossible to resist this process. It is wiser to adapt to it using moisture traps, using frequent ventilation and double-glazed windows with pre-installed ventilation elements. Without all this, in the apartments of new buildings, excess air humidity, which affects both the well-being and the transparency of the windows, will be present for at least a year. Especially if you live in a region where summer is not characterized by an abundance of sunny and really hot days.

And I don't think you thought at all about the connection between the condensation on the windows and the side of the world they are looking at.

It turns out that the glass of the northern windows does not dry out longer from condensation than the southern ones.

About methods of eliminating condensation on plastic windows in the video:

Installation and construction errors

It's a shame, of course, if, having spent on the purchase of high-quality double-glazed windows, you do not get the expected result after their installation due to errors in the installation of structures. Therefore, I strongly advise you to hire only qualified installers.

Typical installation errors:

  • insufficient filling of the construction joint with construction foam (the layer will become thinner under the influence of moisture and wind, which immediately or over time - depends on the thickness of the seam, will lead to a decrease in the thermal insulation properties of the structure);
  • non-observance of recommendations for the design of junction nodes leads to the formation of "cold bridges", which in winter will contribute to the formation of condensation;
  • unfilled joints between walls are found not only in buildings built under the Soviets, but also in more modern ones (if such a problem is detected during the installation of a window structure, the hole needs to be filled polyurethane foam - so that the double-glazed windows are not exposed to unwanted contact with the cooled air in the area of \u200b\u200bthe junction points).

The easiest way to eliminate condensation

The old way to freshen up the air in a room with airing works best with excess moisture in the room air. Having accustomed yourself to open the window several times a day, you are guaranteed to protect the windows from condensation, and the room from mold and musty atmosphere. Then there will be no need to change or modernize the existing double-glazed windows. You will be free from the obligation to update them until the end of the operational life of the structures!

If there is a desire to replace the windows, then I advise you to opt for two-chamber products. When replacing a balcony door with a plastic one, a single-chamber door can be installed only when the balcony is glazed. Otherwise, with the arrival of winter, condensation on the glass, and then ice, cannot be avoided. And yes, make sure that the new or old window sill does not block the access of heat from the radiators to the surface of the windows.

Determine the duration of each ventilation taking into account the humidity room air ... If the pots were not steaming in the kitchen and the washed linen does not dry out in the bathroom, then the humidity in the apartment will be much lower than, for example, after the “change” at the stove.

Don't you want to take on the responsibility of being responsible for the fresh air in your home? If the ROTO fittings are installed in the metal-plastic windows, then you can leave the vents in micro-ventilation mode - the heat will not leave the apartment, and fresh air will leak out gradually, but constantly. All you need to do is turn the sash handle 75 degrees. A small gap will rid the glass of condensation, take care of maintaining the temperature in the room at a useful 21-23 degrees and will not allow mold to grow over the surface window slopes.

The reason for fogging

Are the windows crying?

This phenomenon is encountered not only by the owners of budget double-glazed windows, but also by luxury designs.

Someone correctly defines this phenomenon as condensation, while someone mistakenly claims that the windows in his apartment began to sweat. However, the first definition is correct, and I will tell you why and how condensation forms on the windows.

The most common cases of fogging windows:

  • only in the morning, somewhere in the period from 8 to 10;
  • only with the arrival of the cold season;
  • only in one room, despite the fact that all rooms have structures from the same company;
  • the windows are sweating so much that there are puddles on the windowsill.

What does condensed glass look like?

In most cases, condensation in the form of a cluster of droplets different sizes, appears on the entire surface of the window, but at the edges near the profiles there is much more moisture. When, under the influence of the force of gravity, the drops roll down, then along the way they merge with all the oncoming ones into one trickle. If along the route of the droplet that has rolled down, it encounters many "sisters", then a small puddle will appear on the windowsill. And how to resist such an outrage? After all, it is not difficult to remove one puddle from the window. But the fact is that she will not be alone.

Perhaps you have already encountered fogging windows, and even expressed your claims to the company from which you bought the double-glazed windows. Like why they sold me a defective product, adding a catch phrase like "old windows did not sweat."

I can assure you that the sellers of insulating glass structures are to blame for the fogging of the latter only in 3-5% of cases. The rest of the incidents happen for completely different reasons.

Where does the condensate come from?

Condensation is moisture from the air that has settled on some surface. That is, this is a manifestation of a change in the state of water when, under the influence of external factors, it ceases to be vapor and becomes a liquid. And the lower the surface temperature, in our case this is window glass, the greater the volume of condensate on it. But the temperature difference between air and the surface of an object is not the only factor in the formation of condensation. It also falls out from excess moisture in the air of the room, reducing the transparency of the glasses.

If we speak purely scientifically, then this is due to the coincidence of the factors necessary for the manifestation of the dew point. How is dew visible on the grass in the morning here and there? Because low grass has a lower temperature than air quickly warmed up by the rising sun. And at a certain moment, the temperature difference creates favorable conditions for dew to fall out - converted moisture from steam in the atmospheric air.

Why condensation occurs on plastic windows in the video:

The windows in your apartment are sweating in the same way.

Using a special table, I mentioned it earlier, you can calculate at what air temperature in the room near the glass, on the street and in the room itself, condensation will occur on the inner surface of the window. Use a hygrometer to measure the humidity level in the room. Sometimes such a device is sold in combination with a thermometer and a clock - very convenient, by the way.

The old windows did not sweat, and the new ones are constantly rebuked - this statement has set the teeth on edge for all managers working on claims from customers who have purchased metal-plastic windows. The secret of the absence of condensation on old-style windows lies in the lack of tightness in such structures. And also the fact that their external and internal glasses are removed at a greater distance from each other than transparent elements in modern glass units. Therefore, the temperature of the internal glasses is higher and condensation does not collect on them. However, old windows do not take good care of the warmth of rooms.

Usually, troubles begin because of:

  • one chamber in a glass unit (if this is not a heat-saving product with a protective coating on one of the glasses, then the appearance of condensation is not far off - in this case, only replacing the glass unit with a design with a more suitable camera arrangement will help);
  • too wide a window sillbut, which prevents the heat from the battery from getting closer to the window glass (the solution to the problem lies in replacing the window sill with a narrower one);
  • room ventilation does not provide sufficient air exchange (check the patency of the ventilation grilles and passages - the former quickly become overgrown with a layer of fat and dust, the latter may be blocked by fallen plaster or even a stuck animal or bird);
  • an excessive number of flowerpots with indoor plants (a lot of moisture evaporates from the surface of the foliage, so take care of upgrading the ventilation system);
  • double-glazed windows are modern, but not switched to winter mode (when reconfiguring, the insulating properties of double-glazed windows will increase - transfer to the new mode will take a couple of minutes);
  • rare airings (if the double-glazed windows do not have special elements for micro-ventilation, then do not forget to open the doors for 10 minutes every day - when it is very cold outside, just do not open the window, but just move it a little from the main frame);
  • not correct installation (alas, there are also technical incidents when installing window structures and slopes to them, which is why the products are not able to justify the hopes placed on them - first you need to determine the type of error, and then eliminate the shortcomings made during installation);
  • your life (for example, the kitchen is always humid due to systematic cooking, washing dishes - you can avoid condensation on the windows using a good ventilation system or a double-glazed window).

I hope that my descriptions of the main causes of condensation will help you solve the problems of fogging windows.

And I hope you realized that windows themselves do not emit dew - only moisture from the air can accumulate on their surface, which has changed the vapor state to a liquid one.

Reasons for fogging plastic windows

Few of the owners of apartments or houses with metal-plastic windows have passed the fate of observing condensation on the windows. Drops of moisture impair the visibility of windows, because of it puddles form on the windowsill, and mold appears on the window slopes. The reason for this misfortune may be the unskilled installation of the window structure, the unfavorable microclimate of the room and other factors, which I will mention below.

Wherever the legs of this problem come from, an ordinary user of a PVC window hopes that it can be eliminated. Therefore, the Internet so often "sounds" the question of why windows sweat a lot and how to deal with it. Some people think structural manufacturers or installers are to blame. In fact, the latter's fault can be traced only in 5% of all cases of fogging windows.

Under what circumstances do windows sweat most often:

  • with the onset of the cold season (condensation ceases to form only with the arrival of stable heat);
  • windows "cry" only in the morning;
  • glass only gets wet in the kitchen windows;
  • you observe the formation of condensation on the window in only one room.

And no matter how much you wipe the windows, they again lose their transparency due to condensation.

But you still need to remove moisture. Otherwise, until you solve the problem, frogs will not start on the windowsill, but mold will definitely go along the slopes.

Origin of condensation

When the window glass becomes cloudy due to fogging, it means that the glass surface is covered with condensation. It appears in cases when the warm air of the room comes into contact with the window glass, the temperature of which is much lower. Promotes foggy windows and high humidity in the room.

When there were wooden windows in the apartments, there was almost no condensation on the glass. And those people who still remember what ordinary window structures looked like keep in mind the fact that such windows almost did not sweat. Therefore, the question of why modern double-glazed windows are losing in this to old-style windows is periodically voiced.

This feature of old windows is based on the significant distance from each other of the outer and inner glass. And since the second, internal, heated up more strongly from the room heat, then there was almost no condensation on it. But when comparing the thermal insulation characteristics, old frames lose to PVC structures.

Reasons for fogging PVC windows in winter and methods of struggle

Glasses begin to "cry" for various reasons. And only in rare cases, the problem begins due to the fact that the structure is defective or the installers screwed up when glazing a window opening.

Why windows sweat:

  • due to the arrangement of a thin glass unit with one chamber (if this product does not have glass with an energy-saving coating, then in winter it will necessarily be covered with condensation - to correct the situation, it is enough to change the plug-in structure itself to a more efficient one);
  • due to poor room ventilation (examine the condition of ventilation grilles, ducts and clean if necessary);
  • due to the excessive width of the window sillbut, preventing the flow of air heated by the radiator to get to the outer glass and dry its surface (eliminate the problem by replacing the window sill, connecting an additional radiator or moving the existing one a little forward);
  • due to the excessive number of plants in the house and on the windowsill in particular (do not get rid of green pets for the sake of eliminating condensation, it is better to set up a ventilation system);
  • from the fact that you forget to air the room every day (even with high-quality double-glazed windows, arrange a small forced ventilation every day by opening the vents);
  • due to errors in the installation of the window (call a specialist who will find out where there are blowing points and seal the "gap").

If the problem window is in the kitchen, then condensation is a consequence of high humidity and high room temperature. If you put a double-glazed window, the window will stop crying.

When "tears" appear on the inner surface of the camera glasses, this is a clear sign of a structural defect or an error in installation. Then make a claim to the company that delivered the defective product or provided unfortunate specialists for the installation of a normal design.

However, in most cases, neither the manufacturer nor the intermediary company that provides window installation services is to blame for the fogging of your glass unit.

He sweats due to insufficient ventilation of the room or due to the abundance of plants on the windowsill

How to solve such problems, I described in detail above.

For an example of condensation on a PVC window in the kitchen, see the video:

Dew drops on window pane during cold weather are a common problem. The opinion that wet windows inside the apartment is normal is wrong. There are specific factors, after the elimination of which everything will return to normal.

Condensation is a consequence of the structural features of the glass unit. Hermetically closing windows, on the one hand, mean comfort, warmth, absence of noise, street dust and soot, drafts. On the other hand, natural ventilation through window frames is blocked, which can lead to permanent fogging of the glass. Reasons why it is necessary to eliminate condensation from the inside of the window:

  • an unfavorable atmosphere in an apartment in the form of high humidity and poor ventilation can cause respiratory diseases;
  • high moisture content in the air will damage furniture, wallpaper and other materials;
  • the water that forms on the windowsills can cause the formation of mold and mildew, which are very harmful to health: their appearance in the children's room is completely unacceptable;
  • in winter, water quickly turns into ice;
  • misted windows look unattractive and collect dust and dirt.

High humidity due to condensation creates an unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment

According to building codes 2.04.05-91, the average temperature in living quarters should be 20-22 degrees. The approximate moisture content is 30-45%. In such conditions, condensation on PVC windows will not form, it will become comfortable to be in the apartment, it will be easy to breathe. If water continues to collect on the glasses, this indicates a poor microclimate, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause.

To better understand why condensation is collecting, let's look at a term like dew point. This is the temperature value at which the steam becomes water. The lower the humidity level in the room, the lower the dew point will be. The indicator is influenced by such factors:

  • density of materials in the "filling" of the wall;
  • temperature outside the window and inside the room;
  • humidity outside and at home.

At the dew point, moisture can accumulate inside the room, both on the wall and on the windows. Accordingly, the problem is in the wall structure, glass unit, or appears for external reasons.

Steam becomes liquid on contact with a cool surface. Condensation forms because plastic windows are the coldest objects in an apartment. We are talking about the winter period - it is at this time that the problem of moisture on the glass becomes urgent. There is always a certain level of humidity in the air. During washing, cooking, making water treatments, wet cleaning this figure is increasing. An optimal microclimate in the room is maintained by the ventilation system. It is mandatory for both private and apartment buildings.

To maintain an optimal microclimate in an apartment, it is better to take care of the ventilation system in advance.

At first glance, useless, small barred holes in the kitchen and in the bathroom perform an important function - the air gets rid of excess moisture. If the ventilation efficiency decreases, it will cause condensation. You can try to get rid of it:

  • Check the ventilation first. To do this, take a lighter, lighted match or candle and bring it to the ventilation grill. If there is a noticeable deflection of the flame towards the hood, proceed to the following steps. If the light is on directly, then the ventilation shaft is clogged, and you need to contact the utility service.
  • It also happens that condensation on double-glazed windows occurs when the mine is perfectly working. Check how well the room is ventilated - open the windows slightly. If the kitchen is actively cooking, use an electric hood. It is placed above the stove. This handy device draws out not only excess steam, but also strong odors. In winter, when the windows cannot be opened wide, the cooker hood is a real salvation.
  • If a lot of people live in the apartment, then it will be advisable to install a pull valve in the bathroom and toilet. This device will force air out of the room. You don't have to worry about the quality of work of the "native" hood in the apartment.

If water droplets form on the glass intermittently, pay attention to exactly when this happens. If during cooking or taking water procedures, an extractor hood will help get rid of condensation on the windows. If the windows fog up constantly, then the problem lies elsewhere.

Ventilators are useful devices that are widely used in residential and industrial premises. The most common is the in-line model. outer wall. The structure consists of:

  • duct - plastic pipethrough which the air comes from the street;
  • a ventilation grill that protects the device from the ingress of foreign particles;
  • the inner case where the filter is installed.

The pull-down valve is usually installed in an external wall

Inside the supply valve there is a soundproofing insulation, which prevents the wall around it from freezing and reduces the flow of noise from the street. Some models are equipped with:

  • hygro-regulation;
  • air temperature sensor;
  • fan;
  • air heater;
  • by an external electronic remote control.

The air wall valve provides an air flow of up to 30 cubic meters per hour, which is the norm for one person. Oxygen intake from outside will increase if there is less oxygen in the room. This explains the principle of operation of the valve - it occurs due to the created pressure drop. The device automatically regulates the desired flow. Benefits:

  • no need to constantly open and close windows;
  • less noise is passed than through ajar window sashes;
  • you can adjust the amount of incoming air;
  • the device is installed anywhere, for example, near a battery;
  • it is almost invisible in the room, it can be covered with a curtain.


  • you need to make a hole in the wall;
  • the installation is done by the master, since mistakes will lead to freezing of the wall;
  • not suitable for regions with strong and prolonged frosts, because the room will become cold.

If you have sufficient experience in construction works, you can install the ventilator yourself. This will require: a marking tool, a diamond drill, glue, a screwdriver, a hacksaw, PVC film, a respirator, glasses. Select the location where the device will be located. This can be near a window, a radiator, or at the bottom of a wall. Drill a hole in the wall with a drill at a slope of three to four degrees so that moisture does not accumulate inside. Make holes for self-tapping screws on the inner surface of the wall to fix the ventilator housing. Try on the duct. Insert the pipe into the hole, mark the desired length, cut off the excess pipe.

The hole in the wall for the valve is made using a drill

Place the sound absorber inside the pipe, insert the pipe back into the hole. Attach a ventilation grill to it outside - partitions horizontally and down. Assemble the inner case, close it from the side of the room decorative lattice, screw it to the wall. The inlet valve must be cleaned once a year, preferably in summer. To do this, remove the filter with insulation and rinse them. Wipe the inside of the pipe with a damp cloth, remove a large amount of dust with a vacuum cleaner.

Don't have time to get in touch with the installation of additional exhaust systems or contact the housing office for cleaning the ventilation shaft? Try the simplest method - open windows. First you need to measure the total humidity in the room. If it exceeds 60%, then the problem is a lack of fresh air.

The easiest way to get rid of condensation is to open the window.

All modern plastic insulating glass units are equipped with a function that allows them to depressurize or arrange a mini-gap. Convenient when outdoors strong wind or frost. In order for a micro gap to form between the sash and the frame, you need to turn the handle 45 degrees and pull the sash towards you. It will immediately become easier to breathe indoors, but there will be no draft.

Discreet helper - ventilation valve

What to do if there is condensation on the windows, but there is no way to constantly ventilate the room? What is the best way to be with the nursery, where the microclimate should be ideal? Install a special ventilation valve in the window. Advantages over an open window:

  • ventilation is carried out with closed windows - protection against opening;
  • increased service life of window fittings - no need to constantly open and close the sashes;
  • ease of use and maintenance - it is enough to clean the device from dust once a year;
  • no draft - convenient in case a strong wind blows, for example, at night;
  • the ability to adjust the air flow from the street.

There are three types of ventilation valves. Slotted ones are additionally divided into automatic and mechanical. Easy to install without dismantling window blocks. The machine is interesting in that it has a built-in hygro-regulation sensor. It monitors the change in the level of air humidity, opens wider or closes itself, until the window is completely sealed. The mechanics are conveniently used in tandem with a household hygrometer. You yourself monitor the moisture level and adjust the valve position. For seam valves, special cutouts are made in the window block. Air is passed less than the slot type, retains the level of sound insulation, and costs less. Overhead ones give maximum air flow and require special installation.

To eliminate the cause of condensation, when choosing a ventilation valve, adhere to the following criteria:

  • the device must provide about 30 cubic meters of fresh air per hour per tenant, otherwise its action will be ineffective;
  • the maximum level of transmitted noise from the street - 35 dB;
  • the design must be adapted to winter period;
  • the ability to regulate the air flow is important, since the temperature outside the window changes.

You can also choose between window or wall mounted valves. It all depends on the budget and your preferences.

Misting can occur due to the constant penetration of cold air. It greatly cools the glass, and a crust of ice forms on them below. How to get rid of condensation in this case? The places where the glasses come into contact with the frames are coated with silicone sealant. This procedure is suitable for both plastic and wooden windows.

Condensation can also appear due to the constant ingress of cold air into the room.

Special seals can be applied to the areas where the sash joints are located. Self-adhesive types are suitable for this. Fighting condensation on plastic windows is advisable only when it appears on their inside. If the windows are sweating from the street, this indicates the high quality of the double-glazed windows.

The classic arrangement of heating radiators in houses and apartments is under the windows. This arrangement is well thought out as the windows are the coldest part in the house. They are often the cause of drafts and lower temperatures in winter. The radiators located at the bottom provide a heat curtain that rises upward towards the ceiling. This prevents the penetration of cold into the room. The direct action of hot air from the heating pipes prevents the windows from fogging up.

If you have wide windowsills, they create a barrier to the heat generated by the radiators. The windows get overcooled and water droplets appear on them.

A ventilation hole can be made in a wide windowsill

This is not a reason to refuse a wide window sill. Holes can be easily made in plastic or wood to restore heat upward. Buy matching grates from the store building materials... Choose the desired design, size and color. Keep in mind that the strength of the window sill should not be affected, so it is best if the holes in it are narrow. Appearance some models of lattices allows you to use them as decoration. There are adjustable types on sale that make it possible to close the hole in the warm season.

Use a jigsaw or fine-toothed saw to cut holes in the window sill to the size of the purchased gratings. The markings should correspond not to the top, but to the bottom of the grille, because the first will cover the cutout like a cover. Drill the corners first, then use a hacksaw. Insert the grates into the holes, if necessary fix them with self-tapping screws. If moisture still remains after the procedure, proceed to eliminate other possible causes.

Do windows fog up on the side of the slopes? The reason lies in their insufficient insulation. Cold turns steam into water. Plastic slopes can be easily upgraded. To do this, remove the PVC panels from the slopes. They can be easily pulled out if you pick them up and pull them out of the profiles. Carefully seal the space between the opening and the window frame so that the inside of the slope is filled with foam. Cut off the remaining material along the slope. Before the procedure, clean the surface from dust and moisten. Take large hollow spaces with mineral wool - it will serve as a heater. Replace the plastic slope panel.

If the windows fog up from the side of the plastic slopes, remove the panels and foam the space between the opening and the window frame

In the case of plasterboard slopes, the structure cannot be reused. To solve the problem, you will have to dismantle the old structure, insulate according to the instructions and install a new one. If the windows are single-chamber, it will not be possible to get rid of fogging. The reason is in the double-glazed windows themselves. In most cases, they are not able to provide sufficient thermal insulation due to insufficient air space. The problem is solved by forced heating of windows or by replacing them with new high-quality PVC windows from several chambers.

Are you waiting for guests and need to quickly give a shiny look to foggy windows? Use auto chemical products. This is any anti-fog spray designed for glass in a car. First rinse the window, dry and apply. After active kitchen affairs, steam will not come out immediately. The windows will remain clean and beautiful for the entire duration of the reception.

If you need to quickly get rid of condensation before the arrival of guests, you can use an anti-fogging spray for cars

Another extraordinary way for those who like to experiment. One of the materials is suitable for it: nichrome thread, conductive film, foil. Attach any of the materials around the perimeter of the window and run a current of 12-24V through it. A little heating will save you from two problems at once - fogging and freezing.

Get rid of moisture with minimal cost

Candles or a fan will help to deal with moisture at no extra cost. Those who prefer natural and simple methods will love these methods. They are convenient if the windows fog up only occasionally. Put burning candles on the windowsill near the glass - better thick ones, because they burn longer. Fire will cause natural convection - excess moisture will gradually go away. Do not forget about safety measures, do not leave candles unattended at night. If you don't have time to find out why condensation is forming, take a regular fan and put it on near a window so that the air stream is directed at the glass.It can be positioned to handle multiple windows at once. Use the appliance at minimum power.

Houseplants are a common cause of wet glasses, if there are a lot of them on the windowsill. Any plant is a source of moisture evaporation, which is released from the soil in the pot and from the surface of the leaves. The way out of the situation is simple - reduce the number of flowers on the window, leaving the least moisture-loving species. Move plants that need to be watered frequently to another location. If you are an amateur florist and like to see your windows adorned with numerous green "friends", improve ventilation around the windows.

Window fogging is not uncommon, and you shouldn't wait for it. It is enough to carry out simple preventive measures so that it does not appear:

  • maintain a comfortable temperature regime in room;
  • provide a natural flow of fresh air;
  • insulate the building from the outside;
  • dry the basement, repair the roof;
  • install convection screens on the radiators.

A systematic approach is important in any business. You will make your home cozy if you try the basic methods in combination.

The most accurate diagnosis can be performed using a television survey, but in general, the classification of the root causes, due to which it will begin to settle on the glass, includes four points. The problem may arise due to one or several factors at once: Reasons for the appearance and struggle with condensation on plastic windows, Reasons for the formation of condensation, ways to deal with it. The most accurate diagnosis can be performed using a television survey, but in general, the classification of root causes,

General information

The problem may arise due to one or several factors at once:

We suggest that you familiarize yourself in more detail with why condensation forms on plastic windows, in order to find out later how to effectively deal with this.

Detailed analysis of the causes of condensation

Indoor microclimate violations

So, what are the SanPin requirements for the microclimate in a residential area?

Please note that the most comfortable for living is the temperature from +18 to +23 degrees, and the humidity should be from 40 to 50% and the air exchange rate from 3 m3 for each running meter indoors, if it will serve for rest and spending time during leisure.

But keep in mind that air exchange in the kitchen should be 2-3 times faster (with an electric and gas stove, respectively). From the recommendations, we can conclude that a living space can be considered comfortable not only when it will be warm, but also if enough fresh air will get into it.

Problems due to illiterate installation and design of slopes

If you are 100% sure of the window manufacturer, then there are assumptions that the reason for the "fog" may lie in poor-quality foaming of the frame or poor coating. Sometimes builders can completely "forget" about the last factor, because they simply do not know how to properly fit waterproofing into window structure... For this reason, only professionals should be allowed to install windows. Believe me, it is much more difficult to correct the mistakes that were made during the installation of plastic windows.

Other reasons

Condensation on glasses can also form in a structure with plastic panel, and with a wooden one. The main causes of fogging are:

  • Seasonal cold.
  • There is a lot of moisture in the room.
  • The window structure has poor thermal insulation.

Since you definitely cannot cope with the cold outside, it remains either to affect the level of humidity inside the room, or to replace the double-glazed windows with more modern ones, moreover, they must be with reinforced thermal insulation (with special coating and a dual camera). Do not think that only modern windows can "sweat". Condensation can appear everywhere and the type of material that was used to create the profiles will not be the main reason. It all depends on the tightness of the selected window structure.

Even the same windows from a Finnish manufacturer with a load-bearing timber frame and double-glazed windows will sweat less than windows made according to European standards and having a single chamber. This is due to different thermal insulation properties - in double-chamber windows, thermal energy insulation is much better. There is water vapor in the air, and as the degree rises, the amount of moisture in the air begins to rise. If you bring something really cold into a room that is saturated with moisture, then an invisible "casing" of cold air will immediately begin to appear around. Such a temporary shell is not able to retain a lot of moisture, as is the case with the rest of the air in the room, so the surface of the introduced object will very quickly become wet due to the very "dew".

The more water in the atmosphere, the less "demanding" moisture will be to the temperature level of objects, on the surface of which it will fall as condensation. It turns out that they no longer need to have the same temperature as vegetables from the refrigerator or a bottle of drink. If the saturation in the air is approximately equal to 100%, then the vapor will begin to settle on all objects, the temperature of which will differ by 1 degree or even less from the temperature of the atmosphere.

When the inner glass in a glass unit chamber has the same temperature at which the dew point begins to form or even lower, the humidity inside the structure will also correspond to a certain parameter, and condensation will be even greater on the plastic window. For this reason, the "tears" on the glass are direct evidence that there is a high level of humidity inside the house.

There are the following possible reasons:

  • The result of daily activities throughout the apartment.
  • Disrupted process.
  • A double-glazed window with damage or defects.
  • Violation of installation technology glass structure into the frame opening.

If the essence of the problem is that the air is poorly conditioned, then the appearance of condensation can be perceived as a call to ventilate the room once again. But if, even after airing, the glass begins to cloud again, and frequent opening of windows will lead to the fact that you will get an overconsumption of heat, then it makes sense to start stabilizing the ventilation system, and even find a replacement for the already installed glass unit.

Important! Try to select a new design for the typical temperature fluctuations in your area.

If in your area a temperature of -20 degrees in winter is quite normal, then the glass unit should be taken taking into account the parameters of the appearance of the dew point and the level of humidity and heat of the air inside the room that is comfortable for you and your seven. If the normal air humidity for you is 60%, and the air temperature is about +20 degrees, then in such conditions the dew point will be +12 degrees. At a similar temperature and humidity of 40%, the dew point will be +6 degrees. How to use this knowledge in practice?

When studying the range of double-glazed windows, you should pay attention to the indicator, the measure of which is C / W. With the initial data described above (outside -20 degrees, in the house +20 degrees and humidity 40%), the thermal insulation indicator of the window structure, i.e. Ro must be greater than 0.35 m2oC / W. With an increase in humidity, for example, up to 55%, the new value will be 0.54 m2оС / W. What else do you need to know when selecting a new insulating glass unit?

Please note that if the supporting structure with a distance-type frame is made of aluminum, then cold bridges will appear at the edges of metal products.

Because of this, during the cold snap, there is a possibility of condensation on the glass near the line of contact between transparent elements and aluminum profiles.

We offer to consider additional measures to reduce the likelihood of condensation on the glass of PVC windows:

  • Find out if near all (or not) windows the heated air from the radiator gets to the glass (the edge from the window sill and closely spaced curtains can interfere with the process).
  • Install a ventilation valve that allows a portion of fresh air to enter the glass surface, which will also help in the fight against condensation.

Now let's look at how to deal with this.

How to deal with fogging

In order not to have to deal with condensation on the glass of plastic windows again, it is better even before starting installation works in the window openings of the new glass unit to navigate with the selection of a good and robust design... Determine the ideal dew point level for you, and then tell the received data to the manager who will serve you, and tell him that you want to purchase windows with an indicator higher than the parameter that you calculated.

To be on the safe side, and your request was not simply ignored, ask to include this parameter in the contract, and make sure that everything really was that way. If sellers will be unlocking, then perhaps it is worth changing the company? Why would you buy a double-glazed unit, the characteristics of the technical type of which will be similar to the windows that are in your house and do not suit the quality?

When everything is ready, the double-glazed unit was made what was needed, and the installation was performed according to the instructions, you can rejoice, but after the first cold snaps, not earlier. Sometimes it happens that at the very first cold, small clouds of condensation appear - what to do in this case? Change again? Not. Small specks are quite natural and not problematic, unlike what we will talk about next.

This is something that may be happening in secret from your eyes:

  • Window openings, which are masked by decorative slopes, have cold bridges, and because of them, moisture gradually begins to accumulate under the panels, and this can provoke the appearance and further growth of mold, as well as the loss of the technical quality of the insulating gasket.
  • Slopes prevent heated air from reaching the glass surface (tips that describe how to prevent moisture from appearing will help here).
  • Soviet old windows were remembered for many by the fact that they have many slots, from which it blows strongly in the cold season - but at the same time, such micro-holes participated in the process of natural ventilation of the apartment. At the moment, all this is disappearing faster and faster due to the installation of metal-plastic windows (the problem is quite significant, it urgently requires the creation of a new and efficiently working ventilation scheme inside the living room).

Consider a few more possible problems and ways to deal with them.

First, the windows sweat, and then they are taken by a crust of ice

It is extremely rare that those who installed metal-plastic windows did not encounter the formation of condensation on the glass. Such a nuisance can happen for various reasons, and even professionals cannot always say for sure what caused such a problem. To identify the reasons, you will need some knowledge of physics and practice, experience. But the elimination of the reasons why the windows "cry" will make it possible to forget for a long time what foggy windows are.

Explanation in terms of physics

When the window starts to fog up, you see the real, actual result of getting atmospheric moisture in the form of vapor into liquid due to exposure to low temperatures. The fact is that cold air cannot hold a lot of water, so the excess of the latter settles on everything that has a temperature lower than that of air.

If the window is the coldest area in your apartment, then moisture from the cooled air will settle on it. With a large amount of condensate obtained, it can become a real problem, since not only will the building structures begin to get very humid, you may have mold in your house! And if there is severe frost outside the windows, then “icebergs” may appear on the window, and this is only due to the high humidity of the air. But keep in mind that with excessive dryness, problems can also arise, but already with health. How can he get rid of the condensation, but at the same time not harm either loved ones or himself? The grandfather's method would be ideal - to do airing more often.

Why is there no condensation in apartments with old windows?

The current double-glazed windows are sealed and do not allow air flow to get inside. Because of this, the natural ventilation of the apartment completely disappeared, which, by the way, was taken into account during the design of the building. The air masses, although they fell into the apartments little by little, dried the air in the room, which prevented condensation from forming on the windows. When replacing ordinary frames with modern ones (it is not necessary that they be made of a metal profile), but with sealed porches, natural ventilation is stopped, and excess moisture in the apartment began to settle on the glass.

To achieve normal humidity, ventilate the room or install windows that have a delicate ventilation system, and then air microcirculation will be restored, and the windows will no longer "cry".

Additional Factors That May Affect Fogging

It is interesting that very often wide window sills are to blame for the formation of condensation, which prevent warm air flows from the radiator to reach the vertically located surface of the window opening. The presence of flowerpots can also aggravate the situation. If you do not have the opportunity to create normal convection, then get ready to constantly run with a rag for cleaning and open the window as often as possible.

If, in addition to complete tightness, natural ventilation does not occur, and if the hood is broken or not at all, then you will encounter fogging all year round. For this reason, the cooker hood above the stove is not a whim, but a useful household item that is able to maintain a normal level of humidity inside the house. Do not forget to purchase this device when you start repairing - the main thing is not to turn it on when just glued on. And, finally, the consequences are even sadder when the owners incorrectly performed the reconstruction or even completely removed the ventilation system. In this case, freezing and condensation will not be long in coming.

Of course, we all know perfectly well that metal-plastic windows and doors can retain heat in a house much better than wooden ones.

Since wood can pass cold air through the cracks between the frame itself and the glass, just like the wood itself perfectly lets air through.

But any wooden frames - be they balcony or window frames - have one indisputable advantage, and this plus is that they are made of natural material - wood.

What, unfortunately, cannot be said about metal-plastic structures.

Yes, they do not allow cold air to pass through, but this also disrupts the ventilation process in the room.

Cooking sleigh in summer

When carrying out repairs indoors, you need to think about increasing thermal insulation, which will save you money in winter, and about proper ventilation, which will save you from dampness and mold. Providing all of the above and some other possibilities during the repair and replacement of windows in the room, you can save time, money and health.

When replacing windows in the summer, you may not be faced with the problem of condensation. In the heat of summer, the room is almost constantly ventilated, the air circulation is excellent and, whether it is damp or not, moisture on the windows can only be seen when it rains. With the arrival of cold weather, the problem becomes obvious. In the absence of heating in autumn, we often cannot ventilate the room - saving heat and trying to protect ourselves from bad weather. This process inevitably leads to increased humidity inside the room, which in turn will invariably affect your glasses.

Where does condensate come from

It is the airtightness factor, but only in conjunction with the violation of heating and air convection in the room, that is the cause of condensation. Condensation begins to appear on the glass when the room temperature drops below +18 degrees. As a rule, it actively begins to appear in the autumn-winter period, when the heating works, and the temperature outside is much lower than indoors.

How heating affects the appearance of condensation

Have you noticed drops of condensation on the glass? Moisture usually appears in the corners of frames or at the bottom of the glass. Most often, the appearance of moisture indicates insufficient thermal insulation of the room, or deficiencies in the heating system. Thoroughly approaching the solution of this issue, you can permanently get rid of water drops on glass. It is quite easy to "dry" the window surface; for this you need to install an additional heating radiator in the room. Thus, you will increase the room temperature in winter and your windows will no longer be covered with moisture drops.

We fight condensation by insulating walls

If, for technical reasons, it is not possible to install a radiator, you can consider the issue of wall insulation from the inside. True, in this case, you will have to repair the walls in the room, however, your costs will pay off already in the next heating season. External wall insulation is another solution. However, to do this, you will have to hire professionals to perform high-rise work. However, the effect of such insulation will be double. In winter you will keep warm, in summer - cool atmosphere in the apartment. And most importantly, if you live in a private house, do not forget about the attic insulation, since it is through it that a huge amount of heat is emitted.

Good ventilation prevents moisture loss!

However, you can think about the issue of indoor air ventilation in advance. Compulsory ventilation devices will help you, which you can install into ventilation grilles during repairs. Also, when ordering metal-plastic windows, you can provide for the opportunity to put the window on micro-ventilation mode, or order a ventilated glass unit profile. As we have already said, heating radiators must be taken care of in advance, without blocking the access of hot air to the room. Knowing that the room is often damp, try to minimize the presence of flowers in the room.

Means for removing mold and mildew

Answering the question of what to do and how to get rid of mold on windows, consider all possible combinations of actions. The most common ways to remove fungus on plastic windows are as follows:

  • Mechanical ways to eliminate fungus:
    • mechanical cleaning,
    • ultraviolet irradiation carried out using professional irradiators,
    • alternatively, the affected areas can be treated with a quartz lamp,
    • heat treatment with a jet of hot dry air - for example, using a hair dryer.
  • Treatment of the affected areas with special means, for this they are traditionally used:
    • Sustained-release fungicides - they treat window openings, as a result of which the disappearance of mold and mildew on assembly seams and window slopes is guaranteed for 5 years.
    • Bleach solutions are also very common and are used to permanently remove fungus on the slopes of plastic windows.
    • Among the folk remedies for destroying mold, the most common are hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, citric acid, copper sulfate, boric acid.
    • Separately, it is worth noting such a tool based on sodium perchlorate - not only is this substance itself dangerous to humans, it is completely unsuitable for the treatment of porous surfaces, for example, window slopes made of plasterboard.
    • From modern means, tea tree oil can be noted, which is very economically consumed and is suitable for processing large areas. It is enough to dilute 1 tbsp. oil in 1 glass (standard, 200 ml) of water, pour into a spray bottle and carefully treat the areas affected by the fungus. After removing plaque, in the future there is no need for thorough rinsing of the product. Grapefruit seed extract is used similarly.
    • Remedy from copper sulfate (100 gr), bleach (100 ml) and water (1 liter)
    • Good old alcohol is also used for disinfection.
    • If the depth of the lesion is high, and the fungus has penetrated the concrete, you will have to remove the damaged part using a puncher or spatula.

Preparation and treatment of the surface affected by mold

As a rule, removing the fungus is quite simple. You will need:

  1. Thoroughly rinse and clean the affected surfaces, trying to wash off the mold plaque as much as possible,
  2. Prepare and apply the fungicide or other substances recommended above,
  3. Rinse it off thoroughly with water,
  4. Thoroughly dry the treated area - it is best to use a dry rag for this (then you need to throw it away), and then a hairdryer, which will qualitatively dry the surface with a stream of hot dry air.

This algorithm applies to those cases where traces of fungus were found on the windows.

But what to do if the fungus appears on the slopes of plastic windows? In this case, the following cleaning measures should be taken:

  1. First, we disassemble the slope,
  2. Additionally, we insulate the existing voids with polyurethane foam, the excess of which must be cut off after hardening,
  3. We treat with any fungicidal agent or bleach solution,
  4. Dry the treated area
  5. Restoring the slope.

If a dark spots began to appear at the joints, you need to act as follows:

  1. First we clean the joints
  2. We check if the mold has gotten even deeper, under the slope,
  3. If not, dry the joint, treat it with bleach,
  4. Dry thoroughly
  5. We apply a suitable sealant, treating all slopes and joints with it,
  6. We finally restore the joint.

If the root cause of mold on the slopes of the windows is high humidity, there are several recommendations for eliminating the problem:

  • If the window sill is too wide: holes are made in the window sill itself and plastic grilles equipped with shutters are installed to improve ventilation. These grilles can be found in almost every hardware store. They perform the function of directing air in the direction from the heating battery to the window.
  • To control the humidity level, special hydraulically controlled ventilation valves are installed in the upper part of the window, which can automatically open when the humidity level rises. It is thanks to such valves that a continuous air flow and a noticeable decrease in humidity in the room are ensured.
  • As a last resort, an additional ventilation system does not hurt - for example, an air conditioner with a fungicidal impregnation filter that helps to destroy mold spores.

Prevention of the appearance

If mold and mildew are absent on your windows, this is not a reason to relax and forget about it. possible appearance... Therefore, it makes sense to inquire in advance about preventive measures, which include:

  1. Constant fight against dust
  2. Control of humidity in the room, prevention of its excess (especially with leaking pipes, large quantities indoor plants etc.),
  3. Availability of air conditioning and ventilation systems,
  4. Maintaining a stable microclimate (humidity is not higher than 60%, and the air temperature in the room is about 22-24 C),
  5. If you have not yet installed PVC windows, before starting installation, you need to treat the window opening with any fungicide - you can buy it in every construction market.
  6. Keep the ventilation grill in the kitchen and bathrooms open to ensure good air circulation.
  7. Check that the window frames are functional and not damaged. Eliminate breakages immediately.
  8. It is advisable to keep the interior doors open.
  9. Ventilate the apartment 1-2 times daily.
  10. Do not dry your laundry indoors with closed windows or on batteries.
  11. It is preferable to use moisture resistant materials for finishing the apartment.
  12. If you have previously encountered fungus on windows, it makes sense to treat potentially dangerous areas with a solution of some kind of fungicidal agent monthly.
  13. When installing plastic windows, it is recommended to install a built-in ventilation system in them.

We have considered in the article everything related to the fungus on PVC windows and the fight against it. It remains only to advise readers to remove fungal deposits immediately after detection, without endangering the health of their loved ones and themselves.
