Examples of facades made of aluminum composite panels

Facade made of aluminum-composite panels

Alucom designs, manufactures and supplies suspended ventilated facades (RVF) for administrative and office buildings, business centers, residential buildings, government and municipal institutions, industrial and civil facilities.

Aluminum systems for facades are made for a specific type of cladding material, therefore, for the installation of composite panels, a facade system was developed and manufactured taking into account the weight and dimensions of this type of cladding - the Alucom KP system, which is designed for fastening aluminum, composite, copper or aluminum-zinc cassettes, which are made from sheet material thickness from 2 to 10 mm.

Aluminum substructure Alucom KP is used for cladding objects of any shape, to create any geometric shapes. The range of distance from the wall is from 40 to 350 mm. Convenience of installation is added by movable elements for fastening cassettes.

Aluminum composite panel (ACP) is a three-layer sheet material, which consists of two aluminum sheets. Between the sheets there is a polymer composite material, to which a low-combustible filler with a fire retardant is added.

The construction of a ventilated facade made of aluminum-composite panels, from an architectural and design point of view, can be elegant. The ventilated facade made of aluminum-composite panels is robust and has a weight of 10-11 kg per m².

Aluminum composite façade panels are flexible and can be used to clad oval and cylindrical reliefs. The aluminum composite hinged ventilated façade requires little maintenance and will confidently retain its color for decades.

Facade cladding options with aluminum composite panels

Advantages of a facade made of aluminum composite panels

Aluminum composite panels are unique in technology, and having a multi-layer structure, they do not burn, do not break and do not crack upon impact. They consist of several layers, but the basis of the sheet is aluminum.

The advantages of facades made of aluminum-composite material are undoubtedly:

  • high protective properties,
  • anti-corrosion,
  • noise insulation,
  • durability,
  • strength.

When installing the facade and cladding with aluminum composite panels, ACP can be ordered in any color according to the NCS scale, including metallic colors, wood-like, granite and other materials.

The appearance and colors of the aluminum-composite panel are selected at the request and requirements of the customer.

Completed objects with a facade made of aluminum-composite panels

Facade systems Alucom for fixing aluminum-composite panels

Order a facade system for aluminum composite panels

Facade cladding with composite panels- this is the installation on the profile subsystems of a special coating in the form of plates, consisting of an outer, inner metal layer and a polymer interlayer.The decoration of buildings from the outside allows you to finally form the architectural style, at the same time it must have a certain set of qualities. The ventilation facades are modern look cladding, which helps to solve two problems at once: to make the building attractive and to provide a high degree of protection against the influence of any weather conditions.

What is called a composite facade?

This type is created as a structure with a number of layers, it contains:

  • cladding material;
  • frame with fastening elements;
  • material or several materials for insulation of heat, wind, moisture;
  • clearance for ventilation (between the cladding and the wall).

Ventilated facades have a mass positive properties, therefore, are gaining more and more popularity. Cladding material possible different choices.

The essence of materials is to artificially combine various materials in order to obtain products with the positive qualities of all the materials involved. Now similar technological processes brought to perfection and allow you to obtain high-quality and aesthetic panels.

The composition of the material can include from two materials or more, they can differ significantly in characteristics. Plates receive protection from sunlight, humidity, precipitation, frost. The outer layer is coated with special types of paints, varnishes, and the surface is protected from scratches and defects during the delivery period with a self-adhesive film.

Advantages and disadvantages

This material is used very widely, they do not suffer from corrosion and have a huge degree of strength. These materials tolerate dynamic loads without consequences. Due to its high levels of flexibility, strength and low weight, this type of cladding occupies its niche in our building materials market and is perfect for ventilation facades.

Ventilated facades made of this material can look diverse, since sheets are produced with different shades of color. In addition to facades, such materials are also chosen for interior spaces. Materials retain their qualities for a long time, endure both heat and frost, sedimentary phenomena, temperature drops.

High insulating characteristics make it possible to practically eliminate the influence on the structure of any external factors. Plates can be only part of the structure, for example, columns, mosaics, etc. They are used to decorate business buildings, advertising structures, pavilions for trade, and various interiors.

The cladding will be possible in a short period of time.


  • complete protection from winds, dampness;
  • weighting does not occur;
  • ease of cleaning, dirt pollution almost does not "cling";
  • increased protection against noise;
  • compliance with standards fire safety;
  • absorption of vibrations, reduction of heat loss;
  • environmental safety;
  • ease of replacing panels if necessary;
  • no expansion when heated.

Like any materials, they have their drawbacks.

The installation of the coating must be carried out carefully, since it is easy to damage the coating with dyes. Composite ventilation facades are not cheap, so these materials are not often seen in our country, but their quality is worth it.

Panel views

Aluminum (manufacturer - "Alcotek")

Aluminum materials made by Alcotek are suitable for ventilation facades, cladding works, interior decoration, as well as for the creation of advertising objects. These materials are made of two aluminum sheets, between which a homogeneous filler is placed. It is a polymer composition that includes minerals, fire retardants. A special type of composition with adhesive components allows to achieve strong adhesion of sheets and filler.

Slabs are manufactured with a width of 1220, 1500 mm, a thickness of 3-4 mm. The aluminum plates are 0.3–0.5 mm thick. Aluminum materials have a length from 2100 to 8000 mm, this allows you to choose the most suitable products for measuring structures.

Aluminum slabs have high strength, they successfully withstand winds, there is no delamination, warping during operation. This factor is important, especially for high-rise buildings. Aluminum plates have a high degree of ductility due to the use of cold rolling. This plus the absence of additional grooves allows you to perform finishing work for facades of any shape. Even for oval, cylindrical, curved structures, the material is suitable. The sheets do not lose their original shape and color and can be used for a long period, since high quality materials are used in their manufacture. No delamination occurs even in the fold zones during installation works and the entire operational period.

On the back, these materials are covered special compositionpreventing the development of corrosive processes. High adhesion between layers, resistance to any external conditions make it possible to use aluminum sheets at temperatures ranging from +80 to -50 degrees.

Steel (manufactured by "Kraspan")

Plates of the Kraspan brand are made of multilayer steel, the front part consists of a galvanized steel sheet, protection is provided on top by applying a coating. It is based on polyester or polyvinylidene fluoride and comes in a variety of shades.

The middle of the panels is made from polymer material, it is non-toxic and also not prone to burning. The back is made of galvanized steel. Riveted or cassette fastening. Panels "Kraspan" are classified as fire-resistant.

The width of the panels is 1250 mm, the length is from 2000 to 4500 mm. The total thickness is 2 mm (1.4 mm - filler, and 0.3 mm - steel sheets). Installation of panels made of steel grade "Kraspan" is made of metal U-shaped or L-shaped, it is possible to mount in the area of \u200b\u200bceilings between floors. The sheets are suitable for sunny sides of buildings, retain their shape in gusts of wind.

Aluminum panel

The panels are based on a 0.5 mm layer of aluminum, followed by polymer sheets.

The structure of aluminum panels includes:

  • coating for protection against corrosion processes;
  • composition with a primer for even greater protection against corrosion;
  • high strength aluminum sheet;
  • non-toxic plastic or other polymer;
  • second aluminum sheet, also durable:
  • a primer containing polyvinylidene fluoride resin (PVDF);
  • composition for painting with PVDF;
  • self-adhesive film.

To provide more greater degree strength, each component of the panels is coated with a special composition. There are sheets of materials that are not prone to combustion. Carbide and other non-toxic substances can be placed in the panels as additional layers. Ease and ease of installation are important for panels. For one square meter the weight of aluminum alloy panels can vary from 3 to 8 kg. Sheets are made with standard parameters, but you can place an order according to the required dimensions.

Steel panel

Steel sheets are very popular and have a lot positive qualities:

  • resistance to winds, including hurricanes;
  • strength is higher than that of aluminum products;
  • impressive service life;
  • temperature tolerance from -50 to +80 ° C;
  • perfect smoothness;
  • the possibility of installation using rivets;
  • rust protection.

Steel sheets are great for manufacturing because they can withstand high temperatures.

Steel sheets with the following structure are mainly found:

  • protective covering;
  • galvanized steel sheet;
  • thermopolymer glue;
  • composite material;
  • thermopolymer glue;
  • second sheet of steel;
  • primer;
  • enamel or PL-polyester film for corrosion protection;
  • protective film.

Application possibilities

Each manufacturer produces boards of different colors, the number of colors is no more than 20. Shades are similar, but in reality they will always have differences, the same applies to the level of gloss or mattness. In addition to the basic colors, there may be more interesting ones: for example, silver, bronze, gold, etc.

Slabs imitating various materials (wood, granite, marble, steel). You can also find slabs with chameleon flowers, which give a different effect from different angles of view, but when choosing them, you need to clarify whether they are suitable for decoration.

The most extensive area of \u200b\u200bapplication of the panels is the cladding of buildings, when the material is attached to a pre-created frame of profiles. The advantage of this method is the ability to perform installation in winter. Also, the coating can be applied on old, cracked ones. Any building gets a complete, attractive and modern look.

Construction device

The device of a ventilation facade made of panels is attractive to many, because such a facade is quite multifunctional. The main idea is to obtain a durable coating using lightweight materials.

All subsystems have a lot of similarities and consist of layers that are attached to a rigid frame. The frame is installed separately, it is attached to the outside of the walls of the building. Installation of panels is almost the same as working with steel panels. The bearing type structure consists of a set of profiles and brackets. Such systems allow you to make surfaces smooth, correct all imperfections, and all panels after correct installation the bases will lay flat.

They make ventilation facades with layers for:

  • wind protection;
  • heat insulation;
  • steam protection.

On top of the material or several materials for the implementation of the listed functions, place the very top coating - panels. They are in themselves significant protection and decorative elements.

The components of the ventilation facade are thought out so that each layer fully fulfills its purpose. The materials placed inside should not allow insulation to get wet. However, the main protection is provided by the panels, they do not allow the internal structure to be mechanically damaged, get wet or otherwise suffer from any weather conditions.

Material consumption for the IAF system

When the insulation has already been selected, its quantity is calculated in the same way as for trim panels. For private buildings, for example, they use mineral wool, polystyrene. It is not worth saving too much and taking too thin a layer of insulation, otherwise it may not "pull" the necessary functions.

When calculating the number of brackets, the area and type of panels are taken into account. Aluminum frames are lighter, and their arrangement is more economical. The heavier the selected panels, the more often the brackets are placed. For insulation, dish-shaped dowels are needed, usually 5 pieces are taken for each of the plates.

Also, do not forget that you need to hire professionals for installation, allocate funds for geodetic work, and get advice from specialists.

Technology of installation works of illegal armed groups

The process is divided into the following stages:

  • cleansing;
  • markup;
  • installation of brackets;
  • fixing the heat insulation material;
  • installation of guides;
  • milling;
  • installation of panels.

Installation of panels requires extremely accurate marking, manufacturers themselves attach instructions with requirements for the installation process. It is necessary to remove drains, air conditioners, antennas from the walls. Remove paint or plaster. They are treated with special solutions (primer, antiseptics), and crumbling coatings are also removed.

To match the correct geometry of the facade, it is important to place all the components of the structure with the utmost precision. For horizontal markings, a laser or water level was used, and for vertical markings, a plumb line is needed. The lines for the profiles are marked in accordance with the width of the panels. After marking at the desired points, holes are made for the fastener guides. The support points are connected in advance, the resulting mesh helps to accurately position the decor.

Brackets made of aluminum or steel are fixed, their design allows for adjustment of positions in the plane area. After that, the supporting profile systems will be located.

Seals are used for insulation between the wall and the panels. Special gaskets prevent deformation of the frame at extremely low or high temperatures. Brackets with a sealing layer are fastened with anchor bolts, a step of 60–75 cm is considered standard.

Insulation installation:

  • the material is placed in the spaces between the brackets;
  • make cuts to secure the brackets;
  • in the corners and in the center, the insulation must be fixed;
  • then a membrane is attached to protect against steam and wind, disc dowels are used.

For the frames, a P-, T-, L-shaped profile was used, the assembly is carried out according to the instructions. The vertically located guides are fixed with self-tapping screws or rivets; a gap of at least 40 mm between the insulation and the panels is mandatory. Then horizontal panels are mounted, the step is equal to the parameters of the cladding material. When the elements are ready, their placement in space is leveled using a thread between the first and last of the profiles. It is important to fix the frame evenly and leave adequate space.

The installation is influenced by the type of panels. With the closed type, the profile is bent and inserted into the groove. Open installation implies end-to-end location and fastening with locks.

When performing facing work, it is important not to damage the panels, the price of which can be quite high. Only correct and accurate assembly will allow achieving the properties that the structure must fulfill. The panels are fixed, starting from the bottom and moving up. It is important to avoid foreign bodies in the clearance area. High-quality installation is a guarantee of attractive appearance and long service life.

Construction cost

The panels do not belong to the class of cheap materials; you will have to pay more for their high quality indicators than for other finishing materials.

But they have lightness, give the possibility of creative design, are easy to work with the purpose of repair. Also, such a coating is vandal resistant. The cost is influenced by the components, the type of the selected panels (material), the service time will also depend on this. There are universal type panels that are fire resistant as well as premium panels.

For fastening you need to use milling machine, have the necessary knowledge, it is also desirable to carry out a cutting project.

Name Unit measurements Price
1 Geodetic survey m 2 RUB 50
2 Design work m 2 RUB 95
3 Subsystem from the graded m 2 RUB 670
4 Insulation Rockwool 100 mm + 5% for cutting m 2 RUB 350
5 Composite cassettes G1 4mm taking into account 15% consumption m 2 1390 RUB
6 Subsystem fasteners (rivets, anchors) m 2 RUB 85
7 Galvanized sills, 0.7 mm slopes, painted according to RAL m 2 RUB 380
8 1 mm thick parapet cover subsystem (primed) m 2 RUB 250
9 Parapet covers 0.7 mm painted in RAL m 2 RUB 590
10 Unexpected expenses m 2 RUB 40
11 Fare m 2 RUB 25
12 Installation / dismantling of construction hoists m 2 RUB 95
13 Installation of facade under construction m 2 RUB 560
14 Installation of insulation m 2 RUB 290
15 Installation of window sills / slopes m. 295 RUB
16 Milling / assembly of cassettes m 2 265 RUB
17 Installation of cassettes m 2 RUB 520
18 Installation of parapets m. 740 RUB

Aluminum composite panels (ACP) are a progressive, artificially created, objectively demanded, heterogeneous product of the construction industry. Original designs are actively used when facing facades and internal structures of a building. The modules are formed from two sheets of aluminum. The sheet thickness does not exceed 0.6 mm. Metal layers are pre-painted. The central part of the structure contains composite materials based on polyolefins.

Price for aluminum composite panels (ACP)

Panel Width:
1220-1500 mm
Panel length:
2440-4000 mm
Panel thickness:
3 mm, 4 mm
Aluminum layer thickness:
0.3mm, 0.4mm, 0.5mm
Flammability group:
G1, G4
Panel price:
from 730 to 1120 rubles.
Panel Width:
1220-1500 mm
Panel length:
2440-4000 mm
Panel thickness:
3 mm, 4 mm
Aluminum layer thickness:
0.3mm, 0.4mm
Flammability group:
G1, G4, FR
all colors RAL, SF, MF and other colors
Panel price:
from 460 to 1100 rubles.
Panel Width:
1220-1500 mm
Panel length:
2440-4000 mm
Panel thickness:
3 mm, 4 mm
Aluminum layer thickness:
0.3mm, 0.4mm
Flammability group:
G1, G4, FR
all RAL colors and other colors
Panel price:
from 460 to 1100 rubles.

Where are aluminum composite panels used?

High-quality chemical-mechanical connection makes ventilated hinged composite structures homogeneous and high strength. The polymer coating protects them from acidic environment, wear and corrosion processes. The rigidity of the structure, as well as resistance to deformation, guarantee the unique performance of the filler material. Due to the advantages of this material, it is actively used in facade panels, as well as in building modules for edging roofs.

Considering the many positive characteristics, the use of automatic transmission for curtain facades has become very popular. ACP is intended primarily for cladding municipal and office buildings, as well as for the manufacture of entrances, filling stations, information signs, signs, tabloids and exhibition stands. The low price of aluminum composite panels guarantees their relevance. Various fields of application of automatic gearboxes make them universal building material... To use such material, contractors need to establish mutually beneficial cooperation with reliable suppliers who work directly with manufacturing plants.

Advantages and popularity of composite panels

Numerous design advantages of this category finishing materials guarantee a high demand for interior cladding with aluminum panels. The advantages of ACP are obvious.

  • Optimum coefficient of noise absorption and thermal insulation.
  • Reliable protection of the walls of the house from mold, fungi, lichens, ultraviolet radiation and other adverse factors external environment.
  • Fire resistance, refractoriness, durability and presentability.
  • Composite facade panels are easy to clean with water from plaque and dust.
  • The ability to paint the panels in any color allows you to create an original house cladding.

We offer panels:

Goldstar Aluminum Composite Panels

Goldstar RAL-5014

Goldstar RAL-1028

Goldstar RAL-1018

Alcotek Aluminum Composite Panels

Alcotek Green Violet

Green golden oak

Grossbond Aluminum Composite Panel

Alucobond Aluminum Composite Panel

Aluminum Composite Panel Manufacturing

The AKP production technology assumes a clear and unquestioning implementation of a certain algorithm of technically complex operations. The panels are manufactured in factories where multifunctional, adapted production lines are installed to create products of this category. Powerful and high-precision equipment guarantees rationality, quality, productivity and efficiency of the production process. Technological material goes through several stages of processing.

First of all, the polymer raw material is thoroughly dried. Then this material is sent to an extruder. The homogenization and melting processes are carried out there. The composite material turns into a homogeneous mass, which enters the cavity located between the calender units. They carry an aluminum tape. As a result, it combines with the complex material of the high molecular weight polymer layer.

After forming, the aluminum composite panels are rolled. This process removes bends and other defects from the material. Next, the end surplus of composite materials is trimmed, after which the aluminum tape and the composite layer are glued under high pressure... Finally, the aluminum panels are cooled, smoothed, marked and cut.

Features and installation algorithm for automatic transmission

The inner mineral filler of the facade cladding cassettes is protected by a fire-resistant three-layer polyvinylidene fluoride coating. This coating guarantees a long service life of the modules, high resistance to fading. The polyvinylidene fluoride coating protects the structure from corrosion processes, fungi, lichens, natural disasters, ultraviolet radiation and other adverse environmental factors. Additional protection is guaranteed by a laminated and polyester coating, as well as an oxide film.

It is very easy to install and fix the aluminum panels. First of all, performers insulate building facades. The insulation is covered with a special film or hydro-terrier. The frame on ventilated facades is installed from the bottom up. The lower part is fixed as tightly as possible, and the upper segment is fixed with rivets. Thus, curtain walls will be able to reliably hold the weight of the structure and will not deform during changes. temperature regime external environment.

Where to buy aluminum composite panels in Moscow?

The STK-GARANT company offers right now to buy high-quality composite modules for cladding buildings in bulk or retail. At the same time, we guarantee the most loyal conditions for pricing and mutually beneficial cooperation. A fair indicator of "price-quality" will make an event for the construction of a house or reconstruction of a building economically profitable.

An aluminum composite panel, the price for 1m2 of which will be indicated before placing an order, will become an indispensable element of the facade, because it will make it presentable and invulnerable. If you wish, our specialists will promptly deliver materials to the property and help install aluminum composite panels for the facade.

So. Do you want to buy aluminum composite panels in Moscow at a bargain price? Feel free to contact the STK-GARANT company right now, we will definitely help! Make an order by phone:

Due to the many positive characteristics, composite panels for facades are now the most common material in various fields of application. And their decoration of buildings is far from the limit.

Installation of a ventilation facade made of composite panels (video)

Installation of composite panels

What is a composite panel ventilation facade as a structure?

It is a multilayer system consisting of:

  • frame;
  • insulation layer;
  • air gap;
  • front cover.

The constant air circulation inside the façade plays an important role, the end result of which is to increase the life of the building.

Aluminum composite panels have become the most common material for building facades due to such qualities as ease of processing and ease of installation. Such panels are easily sawn with a circular saw and cut with metal scissors. Working with aluminum composite panels is a bit like plasterboarding walls. First, the brackets are attached, then the walls of the building are insulated with any available material... After that, the frame is assembled, which will become the basis for the panels. The panels are attached directly to the frame with the same screws or rivets. The seams between the panels are sealed with a polyethylene cord.

The installation of aluminum composite cladding panels is superior to all other types, such as stone cladding. The work is done much faster and more accurately. After all, no adhesives and mixtures are needed to fix the panels.

If we pay attention to the above qualities and characteristics of composite panels for the facade, we can conclude that ventilation facades made of composite materials have the best qualities. Thanks to them, the building acquires an aesthetic appearance, the main walls are reliably protected from atmospheric phenomena and weather conditions, the reliability of the wall shell is ensured for many years. We recommend that you read the material about.

Average prices for 1 m 2 for facades made of composite panels for a section of a blind wall with an area of \u200b\u200b20-100 sq.

3300 rbl

Subsystem (Al) 1200 rbl per m 2

Insulation 100 mm 400 rbl per m 2

Installation work 2100 rbl per m 2

Total: 7000.00 rub per m 2

Average prices for 1 m 2 for facades made of composite panels for a section of a blank wall with an area of \u200b\u200b100-300 sq.

Aluminum Composite Panel 3050 rbl per m 2 (price taking into account a minimum waste of 40%, depending on the size of the project, the waste may be even more)

Subsystem (Al) 1050 rbl per m 2

Insulation 100 mm 400 rbl per m 2

Installation work 2000 rbl per m 2

Total: 6500.00 rub per m 2

Average prices for 1 m 2 for facades made of composite panels for a section of a blank wall with an area of \u200b\u200b300-1000 sq.

Aluminum Composite Panel 3050 rbl per m 2 (price taking into account a minimum waste of 40%, depending on the size of the project, the waste may be even more)

Subsystem (Al) 1000 rub per m 2

Insulation 100 mm 40 0 rub per m 2

Installation work 18 00 rbl per m 2

Total: 6250.00 rub per m 2

Average prices for 1 m2 for facades made of composite panels for a section of a blind wall with an area of \u200b\u200b1000 sq.

Aluminum Composite Panel 2794 rbl per m 2 (price taking into account a minimum waste of 40%, depending on the size of the project, the waste may be even more)

Subsystem (Al) 1000 rub per m 2

Insulation 100 mm 386.70 rub per m 2

Installation work 16 00 rbl per m 2

Total: 5780.70 rub per m 2

Detailing of prices for a facade with an area of \u200b\u200b1000 m 2

Name Unit. price, rub. Consumption sq.m. Amount, rub.

1. Aluminum composite cassettes G1, 4 mm

1.1. Aluminum composite G1, 4 mm, taking into account the minimum offset when cutting 40% (the offset depends on the size of the cassettes and may be more) sq. m. RUB 1,460.00 1,4 RUB 2,044.00
1.2. Cutting, milling, manufacturing of cassettes sq. m. 750.00 rub. 1 750.00 rub.
The cost of 1 sq. composite RUB 2,794.00
2. Subsystem (AL), typical with an extension for insulation of 100 mm.
2.1. Aluminum subsystem, typical, taking into account the offset for insulation of 100 mm, including fasteners in solid brick / concrete sq. m. 1000 1 RUB 1,000.00
The cost of 1 sq. subsystems (AL) RUB 1,000.00
3. Two-layer insulation with a total thickness of 100 mm.
3.1. Two-layer insulation 100 mm. + 2% for pruning cbm RUB 3,350.00 0,1 341.70 RUR
3.2. Fasteners for insulation 10x160 with a plastic nail pC. 10.00 rub. 4,5 45.00 rub.
The cost of 1 sq. insulation 100 mm. 386.70 RUR
4. Installation work
4.1. Installation of a ventilated facade with assembly, scaffolding sq. m. RUB 1,600.00 1 RUB 1,600.00
The cost of 1 sq. installation work 1600 rubles. RUB 1,600.00
Total including VAT 18% per 1 sq. M. RUR 5780.70
This calculation is based on prices as of August 16, 2018 as an example. All units of the ventilation facade must be worked out taking into account the design documentation for each specific object and the individual characteristics of each specific object. The calculation does not include the cost of delivery of materials to the facility, manufacturing and installation of slopes, ebbs, parapet covers.
5. Additional types of work
5.1. Additional elements
5.1.1. Manufacturing of slopes, ebbs from galvanized steel, 0.55 mm thick, polyester painting m. 450 1 450
5.1.2. Corner for attaching slopes, ebbs from galvanized steel, 0.55 mm thick, polyester painting m. 75 2 150
5.1.3. Production of slopes, ebbs from galvanized steel, thickness 0.7 mm, polyester painting m. 550 1 550
5.1.4. Corner for attaching slopes, ebbs from galvanized steel, 0.7 mm thick, polyester painting m. 100 2 200
5.1.5. Production of a roof parapet apron from galvanized steel, 0.7 mm thick, polyester painting, sweep up to 1000 mm, including substructure. m. 1200 1 1200
5.2. Installation work
5.2.1. Installation of slopes, ebb tides m. 450 1 450
5.2.2. Installation of the roof parapet apron m. 650 1 650
5.2.3. Ceiling lining without insulation with metalosophite (work + materials) sq. m. 2500 1 2500
5.2.4. Composite panels for canopies sq. m. 4500 1 4500
5.2.5. Mounting drainage system materials + work m. 1500 1 1500
5.3. Design work
5.3.1. Geodetic survey of an object (within the Moscow Ring Road) sq. m. RUB 40.00 1 RUB 40.00
5.3.2. Development of working documentation for the object sq. m. 75.00 rub. 1 75.00 rub.
5.3.3. Registration of a coloristic passport pC. RUB 150,000.00 1 RUB 150,000.00
5.3.4. Strength calculation of the ventilation facade structure pC. RUB 25,000.00 1 RUB 25,000.00
5.3.5. Anchor technology tests pC. 0.00 rub. 1 0.00 rub.
5.3.6. Development of 3D visualization of the object sq. m. RUB 50.00 1 RUB 50.00
