Last designer decisions during the construction of buildings provided transparent concrete, which preserved the strength characteristics and the long service life of the usual material. Making an aesthetic component in production technology has changed the components of the mixture than raised the preparedness for the finished product. You can reduce the cost of purchasing blocks if you make them yourself.

Such innovative development makes it possible to distinguish between the silhouettes of objects and the outlines of people, which is a unique design decision in the construction of buildings and structures. It can be made with your own hands, which will reduce costs for expensive materials. The structure will receive additional lighting without reducing the strength of the structures.

So that through the frozen solution, the light sources and their silhouettes are visible, fiber-optic conduirers are used as filler. Technology has retained as a binder fine-grained cement mixBut this specific component has made to impart monolith space-based properties.

The content of optical fiber should not exceed 5%, otherwise the bearing capacity will be reduced. The optimal Ø of one thread is not more than 2 mm. Transparent products suggest their production in factory conditions with separate blocks, which, after completing the manufacturing procedure, are delivered to the installation site. Rates are installed both individually and for 1 m2 for wholesale customers.

The main characteristics correspond to fine-grained concrete M250 (compression):

  • strength (bending) - PTBZ0;
  • water absorption - up to 6%;
  • frost resistance - F50;
  • density 2100-2400 kg / m3;
  • dispersion of light - up to 2 m.

Compared with traditional, such products have higher thermal resistance and noise insulation. If they are used for installation in responsible (loaded) structures, then in the manufacture of their own hands, plasticizers that increase strength are added to the mixture. To give the desired coloring, the pigment is poured, the facial surface is processed to the desired degree of roughness or polished. Installation technology allows fixing cement mortar, anchors, lay on glue mixtures.

Scope of using transparent blocks

The use of translucent concrete in the outer walls allows you to save electricity indoors during the daytime and receive additional lighting from the rooms adjacent to the home area at night.

In addition to facade designs are used for the original internal and outdoor decoration. It looks spectacular in such elements:

  • inner partition;
  • countertop;
  • receptionist, Bar Rack;
  • windowsill;
  • stairs;
  • fence;
  • bench;
  • lamp.

Such decisions can be successfully used both in public buildings and in individual buildings.

Independent manufacture

In order to make transparent concrete blocks, it is necessary to purchase a fiber-optic cord Ø 0.25-3 mm in the amount of about 4% to the overall cube of the planned mixture.

Technology provides such steps:

  • Collect sliding formwork for the desired size. Some masters make it a long length and subsequently cut the resulting bar into separate fragments.
  • Prepare a solution in proportion 1 part of cement, 3 fine-grained sainted sand, ½ water. It is possible to buy the finished dry mixture and create it with water to the necessary consistency. Crushed stone is not used if it is not included in the creative design designer. Water is better to take purified, with low salts.
  • The formwork is exhibited on a horizontal, smooth plane. It is poured a small amount of composition and distribute it with a thin layer.
  • Fiberglass is cut through the thickness of the block and put it in a row, indulging in concrete. The threads lie in parallel, ends to the front face, without curvature.
  • After grappling the solution, the operation is repeated until the desired height is obtained. The top layer should cover all the fibers.
  • Production of 1 form takes 3-5 days (in the formwork the element is kept 2-3 days) depending on the ambient temperature, air humidity.
  • For full operation of fiber optic, facial faces are grinning, getting a smooth transparent surface.

Wholesale fiber serves as reinforcing elements, so you can add a plasticizer suitable for the operating conditions for better adhesion.

The cost of translucent material

The LITRACON BT Creator Company sells concrete high for mass construction prices. The block with a thickness of 20 cm is sold 100,000 rubles per 1 m2. Decorative properties are used for Litrocube lamps, the price of which is 43,000 rubles at a weight of 10 kg. In the Moscow region, Mosstroytransgaz - Development LLC sells 1 m2 of Light Ston Lithing Own Production Dimension 30x300x900 mm at a price of 20,000 rubles.

Interpol company opened his own workshop, where its manufacturing is made in 4 basic colors:

  • white marble;
  • grey;
  • sandstone;
  • dark grey.

When making an individual application, the base solution can be painted at the request of the customer. The standard line of products of Interpol Illumicon is presented in such sizes:

Thickness, mm. Gabarites, mm.
300x300. 600x300 900x300 400x400. 600x400 800 × 400. 1200x400. for 1 m2
Cost, ruble
20 2790 5270 7680 4690 6870 9030 13380 27150
25 3110 5900 8690 5270 7750 10200 15130 30820
30 3490 6600 9720 5900 8670 11460 17000 34730
35 3590 6850 10090 6120 9010 11900 17660 36090
40 3760 7170 10590 6400 9450 12500 18560 37960
45 4080 7820 11560 6990 10300 13630 20280 41530
50 4400 8450 12510 7550 11150 14760 21960 45050

Concrete is one of the most popular materials in the construction, which has a long service life and high performance characteristics. The main of the shortcomings is not aesthetic appearancerequiring additional finishes. Transparent variety - completely new Productin which it was possible to combine all the best qualities of the usual composition with unique aesthetic properties.

A transparent concrete can be called rather conditionally, since only the contours of objects are visible through it and only when the light flow is directed from the back. In cloudy weather or in the evening, this material does not have significant differences with usual, all its properties are fully revealed only with sunlight either when using a special backlight.

It consists of two main components: fine-grained concrete and fiberglass, which serves as the basis for the operation of the reflective matrix. The diameter of glass fibers is preferably taken by 2 mm, and their total share does not exceed 5%.

Transparent concrete is inherent in all structural and operational parameters of traditional, such as:

  • strength;
  • hardness;
  • water resistance;
  • heat and noise insulating characteristics.

Fiberglass performs also reinforcing function, increasing some properties of the material:

  • moisture absorption - up to 6%;
  • frost resistance - to degree F50;
  • bending strength - to the brand of the PTB30;
  • compressive strength - to M250 brand.

Areas of use

Thanks to the emergence of translucent concrete, new opportunities opened in the design and design of buildings, especially in Modern and High-Tech styles.

Most often used for:

  • finishes of surfaces indoors;
  • facilities interior partitions;
  • buildings of external and bearing walls;
  • manufactured by plumbing devices (washbasins, baths);
  • making decorative benches, fountains, arbors.

Does not lose its properties and characteristics under the influence of sunlight and temperature fluctuations, and therefore can be applied not only for internal, but also outdoor work. To create blocks suitable for the construction of supporting structures of buildings and meet all security requirements, needed special technology Production implies adding to various building mixtures, resins and quartz flour.

For interior decoration The premises are predominantly selected panels from translucent concrete. They are fixed on the wall through a bolted connection or framework structures. Also can also be used as an outdoor coating.

The main disadvantage, due to which the material has not yet become widespread in construction, is too high the price explaining expensive components. For the same reason, the product is still not available for most people and is extremely rarely used when creating an interior.

Manufacturing technology

The production technique is the layer-by-layer imposition of a fine-grained mixture and fiberglass. To gain the required characteristics after grappling the solution and the set of strength, additional processing is performed. A transparent blue-conductive concrete is grinding and polishing to obtain as a smooth surface as possible necessary to maximize the ability light and the achievement of the greatest decorative effect.

The optical parameters of the material do not depend on the thickness of the products, the basic value of the laying of fibers and their percentage in the finished product is the main value. A fine structure looks more air, passing the face of the object. An increase in the location of the threads increases the effect of transparency.

The production of lighting blocks is impossible in a construction site, since special equipment requires special equipment for high-quality mixing. But for your own needs, you can try to make yourself.

Making concrete with your own hands

The main difficulty lies in the need to introduce exactly 5% fiberglass. Threads strictly strictly in one direction must be one length equal to the thickness of the block.

Materials will be required:

  • purified water;
  • fiberglass threads required with a cross section from 0.25 to 3 mm;
  • a thoroughly dried mixture of cement and fine sanded sand.

Production technology includes the following steps:

  • making a "floating" formwork moving up as well;
  • pouring the thin layer of the prepared solution to the shape mounted on a flat horizontal surface;
  • fiberglass threads are stacked in the mixture and are slightly accumulated in it;
  • the wave-needed time, the next layer is poured and another row of fiberglass is stacked;
  • pouring and styling of threads are repeated until full filling of the formwork;
  • upon completion of the frosting of the last layer, the frame is dismantled, the faces of the block of the ends of the fiberglass should be glued and polished.

According to the technology for independent production of fine-grained concrete, mixing cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. The water is added depending on the amount of cement used, not more than half of its mass.

Dry ingredients are loaded into the mixer and stirred for a minute. After the acquisition of homogeneity, water is added, and the mixing continues for another 5 minutes. In the manufacture of blocks, both in the factory conditions and with their own hands, the mobility of the solution is: the slightest offset can lead to a reduction in bandwidth, but allows you to create an original pattern on the surface.

According to the technology, finishing treatment is performed in 2-3 days after the fill. For this, the formwork is dismantled, and the resulting unit is left to "jerking", if possible, ensuring its protection against atmospheric precipitation. Incomplete frost occurs after 3-5 days after fill.

Cost of concrete in Moscow

Rates for this unique innovative product depend on the form and complexity of manufacturing, technical and operational characteristics.

Price of the most popular products in Moscow:

Manufacturer Name Dimensions, mm. Cost, ruble
Illuminart, Russia Illumicon 1 m2. 17955
Litracon BT, Hungary Litracon. 1 m2. 69800
Litracon BT, Hungary Prefabricated blocks LITRACON CLASSIC 1200x400x (25-200) 90000-320000
Litracon BT, Hungary Litracube Lamp. 221x175x175 54000
Lucem, Germany Light concrete plates LUCEM 1250 × 650x (15-50) from 90,000
Lucem, Germany Countertop Lucem. 1200x600x20. 89500

The greatest rates for products from manufacturers from Europe, and on ready-made products, and the cheapest transparent concrete is offered to purchase Russian companies - the cost is relatively small.

In the field of modern construction the most various materials. And one of the most sought-after concrete is. Today he has a lot of varieties with distinctive advantages and characteristics. Among them is a unique transparent concrete, which is able to skip the light and literally transforming the interior of the room.

History of origin

Due to the excellent performance, construction of concrete mixes is widely distributed in a wide variety of construction directions. However, traditional concrete has a rather unsightly appearance, so it's not worth the high decorativeness from it.

In this regard, building materials manufacturers began to look for new revolutionary solutions and to invent beautiful raw materials with designer appearance. A lightning (transparent) concrete is not inferior in terms of quality and strength to ordinary mixtures, but at the same time it looks differently beautiful and attractive.

In a short period of time, innovative material began to enjoy great demand and found a response in the hearts of many designers and architects. Currently, he has practically no competitors who can boast similar strength, reliability and beauty.

Creator new technology "Litracon", which allows the material to skip the light, became an architect from Hungary Aron Loskone.

Before the skillful master, the task of making wall structures with light designs, and at the same time not to harm their strength. When searching optimal solutions The architect decided to change the internal structure of concrete by adding a light-conducting optical fiber.

As a result, Arona managed to invent very original concrete blocks, which in all parameters are suitable for the construction of buildings of various purposes.

Benefits and features

The composition of the light-resistant concrete is only safe components that pre-pass environmental impact assessment and do not contain harmful impurities. This means that the use of the material does not harm the environment and health of tenants.

Only the fact that literone is almost impossible to get in the formwork on the construction site is almost impossible. Therefore, in most cases it is bought in special construction hypermarkets, and manufactured at industrial enterprises with appropriate equipment.

For the manufacture of fiber, it is necessary to apply the method of layer layer overlay fiberglass and fine-grained concrete mixture. As soon as the solution finally grabbing and pulls the desired strength, the block surface is processed again. This is required to obtain excellent lighting characteristics.

The first use of a lightweight concrete looks slightly strange. Designers tried to make a fancy lamp in the form of a cube based on the material, the weight of which was about 10 kilograms. Soon the sphere of application of the lifelon began to expand, and he began to actively capture the building materials market.

Today, a variety of decorative ideas are performed from transparent concrete and embody any design solutions In the construction of premises and interior design. Fantasy creative people can only be limited to a rather high value of the material.

Concerning independent manufactureThe difficulty in performing such a task is related to the need to include in the structure about 4 percent of optical fiber from the total mass. At the same time, all its threads should be placed in one particular direction, which complicates production.

Technology review

The production of the lighting concrete is carried out by complex patented technology, which is constantly upgraded and acquires a lot of changes. However, from transparent concrete composition can still be created monolithic structures, since there are no ideal strength parameters.

Features of technology look like this:

It should be noted that the technology of vibrolying is characterized by special simplicity, so if you wish, you can make a transparent concrete with your own hands.

Components and equipment for production

To make a lightweight concrete using vibration technology, it is important to take care of some working tools and equipment. Among them:

  1. Container for kneading solution.
  2. Formwork form.
  3. Vibrotol.

In the choice of components, you need to be guided by a classic composition for fine-grained concrete. It includes:

  1. Portland cement.
  2. Small grade sand without impurities and lumps.
  3. Additional plasticizers providing a better fluid low-volio solution.
  4. Water without all sorts of chemical impurities.

And it is also necessary to find fiber with a suitable length, which is determined taking into account the thickness of the block. Optimal diameter equal to 0.5-2.5 millimeters. The level of glass fiber should not exceed 5 percent.

Composition and preparation

To successfully create a lifone, you need to mix the above components in proportions 1: 3 or 1: 2.5. The volume of fluid in the composition should not exceed 50% of the total amount of cement.

A beginner builder can be guided by such a calculation from which one is created cubic meter Blue-conductive concrete:

  1. Portland cement - 500 kilograms.
  2. Clean sand - 1500 kilograms.
  3. Water - 250 liters.

Before entering the consistency of impurities in plasticizers, it is important to carefully read step by step leadershipwhich is provided on the packaging. Initially, bulk components are stirred until the formation of a homogeneous mass. Then the liquid is made and the solution is carefully prevented by five more minutes. If a plasticizer is entered, the time of kneading can be increased.

Operational properties and applications

Light concrete is a full-fledged composite material, which is obtained as a result of using vibrolying or pressing technology. As a result, it receives a number of technical specifications, including the following:

  1. Compressive strength - up to 35 MPa.
  2. Bending strength - more than 2 MPa.
  3. Waterproof - no less than W4.
  4. Frost resistance - no less than 75 cycles.
  5. The absorption of moisture is not more than six percent.

As you know, when creating a transmitted material, it is not customary to use a large filler. As a result, fiber plays the role of reinforcing additive.

As for the applications of such an innovative building material, they are quite extensive. And even through the wall structures from transparent concrete, the light is passed, and the person who is inside the room can see the contours, to consider the details of the items over the wall in more detail.

However, due to the high strength characteristics of composite lighting units, all sorts of inner partitions and components of bearing walls are built. At the same time, the high cost of the material makes it in demand only for decorative finishing works.

In the tile version, the light-resistant concrete is activated for finishing:

  1. Wall structures.
  2. Floors.
  3. Stairs.
  4. Interior elements.
  5. Furniture.

In addition, such concrete is often used and as the main material for the construction of buildings. And at least the cost of such buildings is excessively high, they are increasingly appearing in European countries.

Cost and brand

Currently, the Russian market offers a transparent concrete from two main firms - Litracon and Lucem. But it is important to understand that both trademarks do not produce material, but are distributors of leading European manufacturing companies. As a result, the cost of production is growing due to the need for delivery to the Russian space.

In any case, the most offers a wide variety of decorative plates with any sizes, forms and flowers. If you wish, you can buy a cloth, in which the fibers are laid out in the form of a logo or product, and the blocks are equipped with LED backlight. Of course, in this case, the price of the material will grow significantly.

As for prices for popular panel models, the Litracon Classic prefabricated design with dimensions of 1200 x 400 mm and a thickness of 25 millimeters will cost the buyer at a price of 90 thousand rubles. With an increase in thickness up to 200 millimeters, it will have to give about 320 thousand rubles.

The cost of Litracube LAMP blocks with dimensions of 221 x 175 x 175 mm and a thickness of 25 millimeters is 54,500 rubles per unit.

Creating your own hands

As you know, industrial transparent concrete, the production technology of which was described above, is quite expensive, so not everyone may afford the purchase of such a material. Fortunately, when manifesting certain efforts, litters can be created independently. To do this, you need to perform several actions:

  1. Prepare formwork S. suitable size rectangular shape.
  2. Perform the first layer of solution and slightly seal it.
  3. Lay out fiber and pressed into the solution.
  4. Wait until the consistency hardens.

Fill the shape in several stages, repeating the layers until full filling of the formwork. It should be noted that in the manufacture of concrete with their own hands, the frequency of the layers of the fiber will become several times less than that of the factory analogues. In this case, the decorativeness of the material will remain identical.

If moving mixtures are used during operation, this will achieve the effect of non-uniformity distribution. And at least this approach will slightly worsen the transmission of light, it will give a unique surface pattern.

Regardless of the composition of the solution, the laying of the next layer is carried out only after setting the previous one.

Finishing stage

It is necessary to remove the formwork not earlier than two days after the final fixation of the last layer of fill. Then the unit must be left for five days to withstand at 20 degrees and relative humidity of 95 percent.

During this period of time, the material must score about 80 percent of its maximum strength, so further processing will not worsen its quality. After getting a block of formwork, it needs to be carefully polished. Such a need is due to the fact that in the production of the ends of the beams of optical fiber is tightened with concrete milk, it prevents the free passage of the light source. For grinding the working side of the blocks, which is perpendicular to the direction of laying the fiber, you need to apply diamond discs.

Without a doubt, the translucent concrete is a real work of construction art. This material has many unique properties and characteristics, including excellent strength, reliability and decorative attractiveness. With it, you can equip the wall partitions, giving buildings unique properties and adding sunlight.

In the absence of financial opportunities to buy material in the store, you can try to create it yourself. The main thing is to follow step by step leadership and correctly calculate the proportions.

For more than half a century, concrete remains one of the most sought-after building materials. The combination of high strength, resistance to external influences and durability allows you to create a building based on this material, which exceeds 50 years.

The main problem of concrete has always been its low aesthetics and unsuitability for creating interesting design and architectural solutions. That is why transparent concrete after its appearance became a real find for many designers. The ability of such a durable and dense material to skip the light allowed to create a new generation interior.

Features and basic properties of the composite

His advent of a unique concrete is obliged to Hungarian Arone Hoshonzi. In search of ways to add light premises, retaining the structural reliability of concrete, the architect came to the conclusion that the modification of the material should be carried out from the inside, changing its structure.

As a result of numerous experiments, a transparent concrete appeared for about 15 years ago, made on the basis of fine-grained composite and fiberglass as a basic light-conducting aggregate. The created material was called "Litrakon".

The production technology of transparent concrete has undergone changes, but still very specific. Pouring massive structures with such a composite is impossible due to the complexity of the distribution of fibers. As a result, the optimal form of release has become blocks.

In fact, in the manufacture of material, the bundles of glass fibers are laid between the layers of fine-grained concrete. After hardening in the body of the material there is a large amount of conductive elements that create a unique light pattern in the body of concrete.

Despite the specific appearance, the transparent concrete is produced using the technology of a classic fine-grained composite, therefore possesses all the basic properties of this material. The main characteristics of the material include:

  • compressive strength from 20 to 35 MPa;
  • tensile strength for bending of at least 2 MPa;
  • water resistance at the W4 - W8 level;
  • frost resistance of at least 75 cycles;
  • water absorption does not exceed 6%.

The absence of large aggregate in the body of the composite increases the possibility of deformations and shear, so fiberglass for transparent concrete additionally performs the function of internal reinforcement, being a certain fiber analogue.

In production conditions, phased casting technology or layered vibropressing can be used for the manufacture of material. Both variants provide reliable fiber mount while maintaining the high performance of the composite as a whole.

Despite the seeming difficulty of execution, transparent concrete can be made with their own hands, attaching a little effort and effort.

Application of the composite

Unique material is most often used in decorative purposes. High strength allows you to erect internal partitions in rooms, providing access for more light. Such an option inland walls Especially in demand in office premises, with cafes and restaurants, as well as entertainment complexes.

A tile for finishing walls, floor or ceiling is often cut from the transparent composite. The use of material as the main in the construction of buildings in principle is possible, but it is not economically appropriate. The cost of transparent concrete is extremely high, and the performance of any technological line will not be able to ensure the needs of full-fledged construction.

In addition, the glass fiber under the influence of external moisture and temperature differences can enter into alkaline-silicate reactions with cement stone minerals, which leads to the destruction of the material.

The combination of all factors led to the fact that the unique composite remains very exotic finishing materialused to create decorative partitionsas well as decor elements.

Independent manufacture

To create a transparent concrete with your own hands, you will not need special equipment or specific skills. It is possible to make it at home. In fact, for the preparation of such a material will be required good formwork and attentive adherence to technology.

Materials and equipment

For the manufacture of a solution, it is best to use a compulsory mixer capable of ensuring a high degree of uniformity of a low-lifting mixture. When using a gravitational mixer, it is necessary to reduce the volume of the unit kneading and increase the mixing time at least 2 times.

From raw materials will be needed:

  • cement or mixed binder;
  • sand for construction work 1 class with a module of 2 - 3;
  • fiberglass with a diameter of 0.5 - 2.5 mm and a length of the thickness of the product;
  • modifiers that improve the formability of low-fat mixtures.

The use of movable mixtures implies the rapid setting of each layer of fine-grained concrete, to which the beams of glass fibers are stacked. It is easier to perform layers of sedentary mixtures capable of keeping the form after the seal.

Special modifiers contribute to the density and uniform structure of the base composite for transparent concrete. Sand should be used mid-size with a minimum amount of impurities, dust and or etched particles.

Composition and preparation of fine-grained concrete

To perform the basic composite, it is best to mix cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 2.5-3 by weight. The amount of water should not exceed half the mass of cement. AT general The composition of fine-grained concrete on 1 m3 can be represented as follows:

  • cement \u003d 450 - 500 kg;
  • sand \u003d 1300 - 1500 kg;
  • water \u003d 200 - 250 kg.

When using modifiers, their dosage is assigned in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. After loading into the mixer, the sand and cement is mixed within a minute before receiving a homogeneous mixture, the indolation water is introduced, and a mixing is ensured at least 5 to 8 minutes. After receiving a homogeneous mixture, the production of transparent concrete begins.

For the manufacture of the composite, the formwork is prepared with the base in the form of a rectangle. A kind of block is filled with a mixture of several stages. First, the lower layer of fine-grained concrete is compacted with a thickness of no more than 0.5 - 1 cm thick and compacted. Then the beams of fiberglass are then stacked so as to close almost the entire surface of the concrete.

The next layer of fine-grained concrete is stacked and compacted. From above, a new grid made of glass fibers laid across. Then the procedure is repeated before filling the formwork.

By changing the direction of fiberglass beams, the light will be able to pass through all the side faces of the manufactured unit. Of course, the frequency of conductive elements will be less common than that of the material of the factory manufacture, but the decorative properties of the composite will save.

The use of movable mixtures leads to uneven distribution and displacement of fiber beams. Such an effect slightly worsens the conductivity for light, but creates an interesting pattern in the body of the material. When using a movable mixture, the laying of the new layer is conducted after the loss of mobility of the previous one.

Finish treatment

The product is produced in 48 - 72 hours after the manufacture. Next, the block is kept at a temperature of 20 ° C and a humidity of 95% for 3 to 5 days. During this period, the concrete will acquire up to 80% of its strength and will be able to withstand the final processing.

After the platform, all fiberglass bundles are tightened with cement milk, so they do not conduct light. To give the material of the lighting properties, all side surfaces of the block must be seized diamond disks Various graininess.

If desired, the product can be cut into the tiles of a given thickness. Cuts must be carried out perpendicular to layers of laying.

Literone, literkub, illumison, hat - fabulous names for building materialwhich, as many believe, is known almost all. Durable, gray and heavy concrete could provide complex intricate forms and scale, but in the aesthetic plan, a concrete structure was still losing. An unexpected look and a stereotype is a stereotype about this most common building material, we are obliged to architect from Hungary. The invention of transparent concrete is referred to 2001.

The fiber optic threads when they are turned on in a fine-grained concrete mixture make concrete transparent, air and amazingly decorative. Requires uniformly distributed optical fiber in the range of 4-5%, and the subsequent "cut" is almost the whole idea.

The first masterpiece created from the transparent concrete was a ten-tone lamp for the interior decoration, and this item immediately caused an agenious demand. The cost of transparent concrete and is present quite high, which is mainly and restrains the fantasy of the designers. The main use of transparent construction concrete is a bold and original design in urban projects and an exclusive interior decor. The production of transparent concrete is available in many countries, and domestic manufacturers are also not lagging behind, and prices, as claimed, are significantly lower. There are enthusiasts who have mastered the small production of glowing concrete at home, although this process is not called simple - only grinding and polishing on the edges of fiber optic threads require painstaking perseverance. And "concreting" is an artistic extreme, because every thin layer of the fill of the concrete mix is \u200b\u200bnecessary to do at carefully and evenly laid fibers, and still calculate the time of setting.

Technology of light-resistant concrete innovative and very expensive. A large aggregate is excluded from the composition, but nonetheless - the strength and associated characteristics of the transparent concrete unambiguously determine this material as structural. All basic parameters are preserved - compressive strength, frost resistance and waterproof. 5% of fiberglass filaments work similarly to fibarming. Transparent concrete It has a small resistance to stretching and decent resistance to bending.

For designers, the potential of this material is huge - after all, blocks and panels are not completely transparent, they are anisotropic and give a lot of interesting black and effects. Patterns inside the concrete are magically change when changing the intensity and direction of light. In how instantly dense and heavy material of the bearing structures becomes transparent, there is something fabulous. From the illumoon and lump bearing walls, quite traditional. But as soon as light falls on concrete surfaces, the stone becomes transparent, patterns are visible in it that are not repeated, and the silhouettes of people are visible in the neighboring rooms or on the street. Very decorative lightweight concrete panels having a thickness of several centimeters, fixed in the profile frame and highlighted by the usual fluorescent light or lED ribbons. The dynamic multimedia backlight from LEDs connected to the control unit will respond to the rhythm of the steps or tact of music, and at the same time the LED lighting is most economical.

Raw materials, components and technical specifications of transparent concrete

Concrete is made on cement binder. Fillers of large fractions, crushed stone, gravel, etc. - are not applied due to the specificity of the process. Small aggregate - sand (size module 2-3). Fiber fiber fiber, protected from alkaline medium of concrete, in an amount of from 4 to 5% and plasticizing additives-modifiers, sometimes rheological additives - trimmers of hardening. It is possible to introduce plastic resins, as well as special coloring pigments, resistant to alkalis. Concrete properties Conventional:

  • specific weight about 2250-2350 kg / m3
  • variable compression strength M250 - M350
  • thermal conductivity coefficient of 2,105 W / m * hail with
  • frost resistance within F50 - F75
  • w4 Water Resistant - W8
  • water absorption up to 6%
  • soundproofing Index 46 dB
  • non-combustible, group ng
  • absolute Resistance to Usthaphiolet

The risks of the destruction of the silicate of fiber filaments in the cement alkaline medium are always available, especially in the presence of moisture and atmospheric water, but in this case they are minimal, since the cross-section of the threads is very small. Theoretically, it is possible to fill the plates of any thickness and even massive structures, but are practically limited to a thickness of 200 mm and a little higher, for the reasons for the specifics of the layout of fiber optic threads. It is believed that the main improvements in the production of luminous concretes are still ahead. Concretes react to sunny daylight, and on artificial lightingAnd always look different, especially if they are cursed by pigments.

Main applications

The main colors of the produced blocks and plates are gray, white and black, and the surfaces are treated with polishing and grinding, to a gloss or matte glitter. The use of products is decorative, for the interior or decoration of the premises. Possible stationary partitions and backlit facing. Beautiful ladders look perfectly with steps from transparent concrete slabs. Original decor and furniture objects are popular - chairs, benches, countertops, window sills, floor plates and tiles, sinks and lamps. Full frames and monolithis from transparent concrete are still not available at the price and technologies, and apply only in unique projects.

Block connection is performed by type of masonry on cement-sand and lime solutions with additive epoxy resin, polymers and quartz sand or mineral crumb aggregates, dyes additives are possible. By norms fire safety, Durability and stability This masonry meets all the requirements for the construction of bearing wall structures. Fasteners are made on anchor bolts and frame anchors.

Production of transparent concrete blocks with their own hands

Completely profitable idea - after all, the components for transparent concrete are not at all expensive than for the usual, like a formwork and mixing equipment. The main difficulty is to be put into the structure of fiber optic threads and orient them straight definitely - almost in one line. A fine-grained dry mixture for concrete (it is possible to independently selection of the composition from Portland cement M400, quartz sand and plasticizer), clean water and fiber optic threads with a cross section to 0.25; 0.5; 1.0 mm and a length of respectively thickness of future blocks or plates. The maximum thickness of the thread is 2.5 mm. Basic composition - C: P: B \u003d 1/3 / 0.5.

It is necessary to mix with a concrete mixer or a building mixer, small portions, the homogeneity of the mixture, which is almost impossible to achieve a manual kneading. The mixture must be mobile, but not fluid and without signs of bundle. Water is introduced after mixing, cement binder and sand, the total time of the kneading is not less than 6-7 minutes. Optimally take ready-made dry mixes with an accurate dosage and select a water-cement attitude on your own.

The formwork must be constructed in the form of a box, but on the principle of the sliding formwork - the walls should be able to be able to shift up as the lower layers of fillings are set. The formwork can be any configuration, but for the first experiments it is inappropriate to take complex forms, better cube or rectangle. The sustainable and even position of the formwork formwork, with strict horizon alignment, is important.

The first layer of concrete mixture is poured fine - up to 1 cm, only for fixing the "pillows", and therefore it is immediately distributed in a layer of fiber optic, a little blend it. You can lay beams, draw pictures or logos - after gaining minimum skills. As soon as the lower layer passes the first seal phase, carefully pour the next dose of the liquid concrete mixture and again lay fiber optic. It is impossible to damage the bottom layer. The seal of the mixture is almost impossible, and the additive of the plasticizer is necessary for the mobility of the mixture. The algorithm repeat, gradually shifting the box until the desired dimensions of the product are reached. After grappling the last layer, the formwork is removed. Exposure time depends on the conditions of hardening, and it is better to set them to optimum - air humidity at least 95%, temperature from 25⁰С. Keep the product in the formwork follows no less than a day, perhaps up to three days. After the set required for mechanical work Strengths (normatively seven days under normal conditions of hardening) begin to grind and polishing the edges of the product, perpendicular to the cross-section of fiber-optic threads. It is necessary to grind, this process is performed on production to open the transverse cross sections of the fiber coated with cement film and solution. Finishing requires grinding using a diamond disk.

The time spent pays off, since the handicraft transparent products are obtained exclusive and worthy of quality, and at the acquisition of some skill you can do very artistic things. It is possible to manufacture tabletops, decor elements and practical things - lamps or slabs for floor lining and walls. Transparent concrete with their own hands is a time-consuming and painstaking process, but the price of manufacturers, where prices are marked up to hundreds of thousands of rubles for one product of 1.2 * 0.6 m - is unambiguously inspired to work.

In the process there is nothing complicated - layers in laying fiber and fine-grained moving mixture, and after a set of strength to passionate - for maximum decorativeness and optimal lighting effect. Interestingly, optical characteristics depend at all on the thickness and dimensions of products, but only on the accuracy of the position of fiber optic threads and their percentage in the composition. Although it should be noted that small-scale concrete has more illusory airiness, the products of them show all their faces, the angles and the structure of the "throat". The denser the light guides are located, the greater the light effect.

Another interesting effect that is worth experimenting - a marriage in work in the form of a random displacement of the filament fiber (as a result of too much mobility, the fluidity of the mixture or from mechanical exposure during the pouring) will result in the lighting ability to decrease, but patterns on the lumen It turns out unique. But in any case, each product is unique.
