Perhaps this information will be useful to teachers working in the system of remedial education. It contains information about the principles of teaching, methods and techniques of working with such children. I prepared for course preparation, certification, I took the material on various Internet sites.


The problems of special education today are among the most urgent in the work of all departments of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as the system of special correctional institutions. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the number of children with disabilities and children with disabilities is steadily growing. Currently, there are more than 2 million children with disabilities in Russia (8% of all children), of which about 700 thousand are children with disabilities. In addition to the growth in the number of almost all categories of children with disabilities, there is also a tendency for a qualitative change in the structure of the defect, the complex nature of disorders in each individual child. The education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities provides for the creation of a special correctional and developmental environment for them that provides adequate conditions and equal opportunities with ordinary children for education within special educational standards, treatment and rehabilitation, education and training, correction of developmental disorders, social adaptation.
Getting children with disabilities and children with disabilities education is one of the main and indispensable conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities.
In this regard, ensuring the realization of the right of children with disabilities to education is considered as one of the most important tasks of state policy not only in the field of education, but also in the field of demographic and social economic development Russian Federation.
The Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Law “On Education” state that children with developmental problems have equal rights to education with everyone. The most important task of modernization is to ensure the availability of quality education, its individualization and differentiation, the systematic increase in the level of professional competence of teachers of correctional and developmental education, as well as the creation of conditions for achieving a new modern quality. general education.
Children with disabilities are children whose health condition prevents the development of educational programs outside the special conditions of education and upbringing. The group of schoolchildren with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous. This is determined primarily by the fact that it includes children with various developmental disorders: impaired hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intellect, with pronounced disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, with delayed and complex developmental disorders. Thus, the most important priority in working with such children is an individual approach, taking into account the specifics of the psyche and health of each child.
Special educational needs differ in children of different categories, since they are set by the specifics of mental development disorders and determine the special logic of building the educational process, are reflected in the structure and content of education. Along with this, it is possible to single out needs that are special in nature, inherent in all children with disabilities:
- begin special education of the child immediately after the detection of a primary developmental disorder;
- to introduce special sections into the content of the child's education that are not present in the education programs of normally developing peers;
- use special methods, techniques and teaching aids (including specialized computer technologies) that ensure the implementation of "workarounds" of learning;
- personalize learning more than required for a normally developing child;
- provide a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment;
- maximize the educational space beyond the boundaries of the educational institution.
General principles and rules of corrective work:
1. Individual approach to each student.
2. Prevention of the onset of fatigue, using a variety of means for this (alternating mental and practical activities, presenting material in small doses, using interesting and colorful didactic material and visual aids).
3. The use of methods that activate the cognitive activity of students, develop their oral and written speech and form the necessary learning skills.
4. Manifestation of pedagogical tact. Constant encouragement for the slightest success, timely and tactical assistance to each child, the development of faith in his own strengths and capabilities.
Effective methods of corrective impact on the emotional and cognitive sphere of children with developmental disabilities are:
- game situations;
- didactic games that are associated with the search for specific and generic features of objects;
- game trainings that contribute to the development of the ability to communicate with others;
- psycho-gymnastics and relaxation, allowing you to relieve muscle spasms and clamps, especially in the face and hands.
The majority of students with disabilities have an insufficient level of cognitive activity, immaturity of motivation for learning activities, reduced levels of performance and independence. Therefore, the search and use of active forms, methods and techniques of teaching is one of the necessary means of increasing the effectiveness of the correctional and developmental process in the work of a teacher.
The goals of school education, set before the school by the state, society and family, in addition to acquiring a certain set of knowledge and skills, are the disclosure and development of the child's potential, the creation of favorable conditions for the realization of his natural abilities. A natural play environment, in which there is no coercion and there is an opportunity for each child to find his place, show initiative and independence, freely realize his abilities and educational needs, is optimal for achieving these goals. Inclusion active methods learning in the educational process allows you to create such an environment, both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities, including for children with disabilities.
Rapidly developing changes in society and the economy today require a person to be able to quickly adapt to new conditions, find optimal solutions complex issues, showing flexibility and creativity, not getting lost in a situation of uncertainty, being able to establish effective communications with different people.
The task of the school is to prepare a graduate who has the necessary set of modern knowledge, skills and qualities that allow him to feel confident in independent life.
Traditional reproductive education, the passive subordinate role of the student, cannot solve such problems. To solve them, new pedagogical technologies, effective forms of organization educational process, active learning methods.
Cognitive activity is the quality of the student's activity, which is manifested in his attitude to the content and process of learning, in the desire for effective mastery of knowledge and methods of activity in the optimal time.
One of the basic principles of teaching in general and special pedagogy is the principle of students' consciousness and activity. According to this principle, "learning is effective only when students show cognitive activity, are the subjects of learning." As Yu. K. Babansky pointed out, the activity of students should be aimed not just at memorizing the material, but at the process of independently obtaining knowledge, researching facts, identifying errors, and formulating conclusions. Of course, all this should be done at a level accessible to students and with the help of a teacher.
The level of students' own cognitive activity is insufficient, and in order to increase it, the teacher needs to use means that contribute to the activation of learning activities. One of the features of students with developmental problems is the insufficient level of activity of all mental processes. Thus, the use of means of activating educational activity in the course of training is a necessary condition for the success of the learning process for SOVZ schoolchildren.
Activity is one of the most important characteristics of all mental processes, which largely determines the success of their course. Increasing the level of activity of perception, memory, thinking contributes to greater efficiency cognitive activity generally.
When selecting the content of classes for students with disabilities, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the principle of accessibility, and on the other hand, not to oversimplify the material. Content becomes effective tool activation of educational activity in the event that it corresponds to the mental, intellectual capabilities of children and their needs. Since the group of children with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous, the task of the teacher is to select the content in each specific situation and methods and forms of organization of education that are adequate to this content and the abilities of students.
The next very important means of activating the teachings are the methods and techniques of teaching. It is through the use of certain methods that the content of training is realized.
The term "method" comes from the Greek word "metodos", which means a way, a way to move towards the truth, towards the expected result. In pedagogy, there are many definitions of the concept of "teaching method". These include the following: “teaching methods are methods of interconnected activity of a teacher and students aimed at solving a complex of tasks of the educational process” (Yu. K. Babansky); “Methods are understood as a set of ways and means of achieving goals, solving the problems of education” (IP Podlasy).
There are several classifications of methods that differ depending on the criterion that is the basis. The most interesting in this case are two classifications.
One of them, proposed by M. N. Skatkin and I. Ya. Lerner. According to this classification, methods are distinguished depending on the nature of cognitive activity, the level of activity of students.
It includes the following methods:
explanatory-illustrative (information-receptive);
partially search (heuristic);
problem statement;
Another, the classification of methods for the organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities; methods of its stimulation and motivation; methods of control and self-control, proposed by Yu. K. Babansky. This classification is represented by three groups of methods:
methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities: verbal (story, lecture, seminar, conversation); visual (illustration, demonstration, etc.); practical (exercises, laboratory experiments, labor activities, etc.); reproductive and problem-search (from particular to general, from general to particular), methods of independent work and work under the guidance of a teacher;
methods of stimulating and motivating educational and cognitive activity: methods of stimulating and motivating interest in learning (the whole arsenal of methods for organizing and implementing educational activities is used for the purpose of psychological adjustment, motivation for learning), methods of stimulating and motivating duty and responsibility in learning;
methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity: methods of oral control and self-control, methods of written control and self-control, methods of laboratory and practical control and self-control.
The most acceptable methods in practical work teachers with students with disabilities, we consider explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, partially search, communicative, information and communication; methods of control, self-control and mutual control.
The group of search and research methods provides the greatest opportunities for the formation of cognitive activity among students, but the implementation of problem-based learning methods requires a sufficiently high level of students' ability to use the information provided to them, the ability to independently seek ways to solve the problem. Not all younger students with disabilities have such skills, which means that they need additional help from a teacher and a speech therapist. It is possible to increase the degree of independence of students with disabilities, and especially children with mental retardation, and introduce tasks into training based on elements of creative or search activity only very gradually, when a certain basic level of their own cognitive activity has already been formed.
Active learning methods, game methods are very flexible methods, many of them can be used with different age groups and in different conditions.
If a game is a habitual and desirable form of activity for a child, then it is necessary to use this form of organizing activities for learning, combining the game and the educational process, more precisely, using a game form of organizing students' activities to achieve educational goals. Thus, the motivational potential of the game will be aimed at more effective mastering of the educational program by schoolchildren, which is important not only for schoolchildren with speech disorders, but also especially important for schoolchildren with disabilities.
The role of motivation in the successful education of children with disabilities cannot be overestimated. Conducted studies of students' motivation have revealed interesting patterns. It turned out that the value of motivation for successful study is higher than the value of the student's intellect. High positive motivation can play the role of a compensating factor in case of insufficiently high student abilities, but this principle does not work in the opposite direction - no abilities can compensate for the absence of a learning motive or its low severity and ensure significant academic success. The possibilities of various teaching methods in terms of activating educational and educational-industrial activities are different, they depend on the nature and content of the corresponding method, methods of their use, and the skill of the teacher. Each method is made active by the one who uses it.
The concept of "training method" is closely related to the concept of method. Teaching methods are specific operations of interaction between a teacher and a student in the process of implementing teaching methods. Teaching methods are characterized by the subject content, the cognitive activity organized by them and are determined by the purpose of application. The real activity of learning consists of separate techniques.
In addition to methods, forms of organizing training can act as a means of activating learning activities. Speaking about various forms of education, we mean “special constructions of the learning process”, the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the class and the nature of the presentation of educational material in a certain period of time, which is determined by the content of education, methods and activities of students.
The lesson is a form of organization of joint activities of the teacher and students. During the lesson, the teacher can use various teaching methods and techniques, selecting the most relevant to the content of the training and the cognitive abilities of students, thereby contributing to the activation of their cognitive activity.
To enhance the activities of students with disabilities, you can use the following active teaching methods and techniques:
1. The use of signal cards when performing tasks (on the one hand, it shows a plus, on the other, a minus; circles different color by sounds, cards with letters). Children perform the task, or evaluate its correctness. Cards can be used when studying any topic in order to test students' knowledge, identify gaps in the material covered. Their convenience and efficiency lies in the fact that the work of each child is immediately visible.
2. Using inserts on the board (letters, words) when completing a task, solving a crossword puzzle, etc. Children really like the competitive moment during this type of task, because in order to attach their card to the board, they need to answer correctly to a question, or to perform the proposed task better than others.
3. Knots for memory (compilation, recording and hanging on the board of the main points of studying the topic, conclusions that need to be remembered).
This technique can be used at the end of the study of the topic - to consolidate, summarize; during the study of the material - to assist in the performance of tasks.
4. The perception of the material at a certain stage of the lesson with closed eyes is used to develop auditory perception, attention and memory; switching the emotional state of children during the lesson; to set children up for a lesson after vigorous activity (after a physical education lesson), after completing a task of increased difficulty, etc.
5. Using the presentation and fragments of the presentation during the lesson.
The introduction of modern computer technologies in school practice makes it possible to make the work of the teacher more productive and efficient. The use of ICT organically complements the traditional forms of work, expanding the possibilities of organizing interaction between the teacher and other participants in the educational process.
Using a presentation creation program seems to be very convenient. On the slides you can place the necessary picture material, digital photographs, texts; you can add music and voice accompaniment to the demonstration of the presentation. With this organization of the material, three types of children's memory are included: visual, auditory, motor. This allows you to form stable visual-kinesthetic and visual-auditory conditioned reflex connections of the central nervous system. In the process of corrective work on their basis, children form the correct speech skills, and in the future, self-control over their speech. Multimedia presentations bring a visual effect to the lesson, increase motivational activity, and contribute to a closer relationship between the speech therapist and the child. Thanks to the sequential appearance of images on the screen, children are able to perform exercises more carefully and fully. The use of animation and surprise moments makes the correction process interesting and expressive. Children receive approval not only from a speech therapist, but also from the computer in the form of pictures-prizes, accompanied by sound design.
6. The use of picture material to change the type of activity during the lesson, the development of visual perception, attention and memory, the activation of vocabulary, the development of coherent speech.
7. Active methods of reflection.
The word reflection comes from the Latin "reflexior" - turning back. Dictionary Russian language interprets reflection as reflection on one's inner state, introspection.
In modern pedagogical science, reflection is usually understood as introspection of activity and its results.
In pedagogical literature, there is the following classification of types of reflection:
1) reflection of mood and emotional state;
2) reflection of the content of the educational material (it can be used to find out how students realized the content of the material covered);
3) reflection of activity (the student must not only understand the content of the material, but also comprehend the methods and techniques of his work, be able to choose the most rational ones).
These types of reflection can be carried out both individually and collectively.
When choosing one or another type of reflection, one should take into account the purpose of the lesson, the content and difficulties of the educational material, the type of lesson, the methods and methods of teaching, the age and psychological characteristics of students.
In the classroom, when working with children with disabilities, reflection of mood and emotional state is most often used.
The technique with various color images is widely used.
Students have two cards of different colors. They show the card according to their mood at the beginning and end of the session. In this case, it is possible to trace how the emotional state of the student changes during the lesson. The teacher should definitely clarify the changes in the child's mood during the lesson. This is valuable information for reflection and adjustment of their activities.
"Tree of feelings" - students are invited to hang red apples on a tree if they feel good, comfortable, or green if they feel discomfort.
"Sea of ​​joy" and "Sea of ​​sadness" - let your boat into the sea according to your mood.
Reflection at the end of the lesson. The most successful at the moment is considered to be the designation of the types of tasks or stages of the lesson with pictures (symbols, various cards, etc.), which help children at the end of the lesson to update the material covered and choose the stage of the lesson they like, remember, the most successful for the child, attaching their own picture.
All of the above methods and techniques of organizing training to one degree or another stimulate the cognitive activity of students with disabilities.
Thus, the use of active teaching methods and techniques increases the cognitive activity of students, develops their creative abilities, actively involves students in the educational process, stimulates the independent activity of students, which equally applies to children with disabilities.
Diversity existing methods learning allows the teacher to alternate different kinds work, which is also an effective means of activating the teachings. Switching from one type of activity to another prevents overwork, and at the same time does not allow you to be distracted from the material being studied, and also ensures its perception from different angles.
Activation tools must be used in a system that, by combining properly selected content, methods and forms of organization of education, will stimulate various components of educational and correctional development activities for students with disabilities.
Application modern technologies and methodologies.

Currently, an urgent problem is the preparation of schoolchildren for life and work in the new socio-economic conditions, in connection with which there is a need to change the goals and objectives of corrective education for children with disabilities.
An important place in the educational process that I carry out is occupied by a correctional and developmental model of education (Khudenko E.D.), which provides schoolchildren with comprehensive knowledge that performs a developing function.
In the author's method of remedial education, the emphasis is on the following aspects of the educational process:
- development of a compensation mechanism for a student with disabilities through the educational process, which is built in a special way;
- formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, defined by the Program, in the context of the development of an active life position in a student, to professional career guidance, development of future prospects;
- development by the student of a set of models of educational / extra-curricular behavior, providing him with successful socialization corresponding to a certain age category.
As a result of correctional and developmental education, there is an overcoming, correction and compensation of violations of the physical and mental development of children with intellectual disabilities.
For the development of a child's personality as a whole, correctional and developmental lessons play a very important role. These are lessons during which training information is worked out from the standpoint of the maximum activity of the work of all analyzers (vision, hearing, touch) of each individual student. Correction-developing lessons contribute to the work of all higher mental functions (thinking, memory, speech, perception, attention) aimed at solving the goals and objectives of the lesson. The principles of technology are at the heart of correctional and developmental lessons:
The principle of developing the dynamism of perception involves the construction of training (lessons) in such a way that it is carried out at a sufficiently high level of difficulty. This is not about complicating the program, but about developing such tasks, in the performance of which the student encounters some obstacles, the overcoming of which will contribute to the development of the student, the disclosure of his capabilities and abilities, the development of a mechanism for compensating various mental functions in the process of processing this information. For example, in a lesson on the topic "Declination of nouns" I give the task "divide the given words into groups, add the word to the desired group."
Based on the constant active inclusion of inter-analyzer connections, an effectively responsive system for processing information that comes to the child develops. For example, in a reading lesson I give the task "Find a passage in the text that is shown in the illustrations." which contributes to the dynamism of perception and allows you to constantly exercise in information processing. Dynamism of perception is one of the main properties of this process. There is also "meaningfulness" and "constancy". These three characteristics are the essence of the process of perception.
The principle of productive information processing is as follows: I organize training in such a way that students develop the skill of transferring information processing methods and thereby developing a mechanism for independent search, choice and decision making. We are talking about how, in the course of training, to develop in the child the ability of an independent adequate response. For example, when studying the topic “Composition of a word”, I give the task - “Collect a word” (Take a prefix from the first word, a root from the second, a suffix from the third, an ending from the fourth).
The principle of development and correction of higher mental functions involves the organization of training in such a way that during each lesson various mental processes are exercised and developed. To do this, I include special corrective exercises in the content of the lesson: for the development of visual attention, verbal memory, motor memory, auditory perception, analytical and synthetic activity, thinking, etc. For example,
for concentration of attention I give the task “Do not miss the mistake”;
to a verbal-logical generalization - "What time of the year is described in the poem, how was it determined?" (animal, tree, etc.).
on auditory perception - "Correct the wrong statement."
The principle of motivation for learning is that tasks, exercises, etc. should be interesting to the student. The entire organization of training is focused on the voluntary inclusion of the student in the activity. To do this, I give creative and problematic tasks, but corresponding to the capabilities of the child.
Sustained interest in learning activities among mentally retarded schoolchildren is formed through travel lessons, game lessons, quiz lessons, research lessons, meeting lessons, plot lessons, creative task defense lessons, through the involvement of fairy-tale characters, game activities, extracurricular activities. and the use of various methods. For example: let's help a fairy-tale hero count the number of objects, sounds, syllables, etc. I offer children to read words in half letters. Half of the word (upper or lower) closes. In the lessons in the form of a riddle, rebus, charade, crossword puzzle, the topic of the lesson can be given. encrypted topic. "- We are scouts today, we need to complete the task. - Decipher the word, for this, arrange the letters in accordance with the numbers in order."
On the example of a Russian language lesson

Features of teaching children with disabilities in a correctional schoolVIIIkind

Petrenko Marina Igorevna,
teacher-organizer GBOU SKOSHI

VIIItype No. 79, Moscow

I. Introduction.

Correctional educational institutions are educational institutions that provide students with developmental disabilities; training, education, treatment, contributing to their social adaptation and integration into society.

Special (correctional) institutions in Russia are divided into 8 types:

1. A special (correctional) educational institution of the 1st type is created for the education and upbringing of deaf children, their comprehensive development in close connection with the formation of verbal speech as a means of communication and thinking on an auditory-visual basis, correction and compensation for deviations in their psychophysical development, to obtain general education, labor and social preparation for independent living.

2. A correctional institution of the II type is created for the education and upbringing of hearing-impaired children (having partial hearing loss and various degrees of speech underdevelopment) and late deaf children (those who became deaf in preschool or school age, but retained independent speech), their comprehensive development based on the formation of verbal speech, preparation for free speech communication on an auditory and auditory-visual basis. Education of hearing-impaired children has a corrective orientation, which contributes to overcoming deviations in development. At the same time, during the entire educational process, special attention is paid to the development of auditory perception and work on the formation of oral speech. Pupils are provided with active speech practice by creating an auditory-speech environment (using sound-amplifying equipment), which makes it possible to form speech on an auditory basis that is close to natural sound.

3.4. Correctional institutions of the III and IV types provide training, education, correction of primary and secondary deviations in the development of pupils with visual impairments, the development of safe analyzers, the formation of correctional and compensatory skills that contribute to the social adaptation of pupils in society. If necessary, joint (in one correctional institution) training of blind and visually impaired children, children with strabismus and amblyopia can be organized.

5. Correctional institution of type V is created to educate and educate children with severe speech pathology, to provide them with specialized assistance that helps to overcome speech disorders and related features of mental development.

6. Correctional institution VI type is created for the education and upbringing of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (with motor disorders of various etiology and severity, cerebral palsy, with congenital and acquired deformities of the musculoskeletal system, flaccid paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, paresis and paraparesis of the lower and upper extremities), for the restoration, formation and development of motor functions, correction of deficiencies in the mental and speech development of children, their social and labor adaptation and integration into society on the basis of a specially organized motor regime and subject-practical activities.

7. A correctional institution of the VII type is created for the education and upbringing of children with mental retardation, who, with potentially preserved opportunities for intellectual development, experience weakness in memory, attention, lack of pace and mobility of mental processes, increased exhaustion, unformed voluntary regulation of activity, emotional instability, for ensuring the correction of their mental development and emotional-volitional sphere, the activation of cognitive activity, the formation of skills and abilities of educational activity.

8. A correctional institution of the VIII type is created for the education and upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities in order to correct deviations in their development by means of education and labor training, as well as social and psychological rehabilitation for subsequent integration into society.

The educational process in institutions of 1 - 6 types is carried out in accordance with the general educational program of general education. Education of children in special (correctional) institutions is carried out according to special programs.

II. Features of education in a correctional school.

The main goals of correctional education of any kind are social adaptation and integration of a special child into society, that is, the goals are completely identical to inclusion. So what is the difference between inclusive and specialized education? First of all, in the ways of achieving the set goal.

1. The methodology of special education is formed on the basis of knowledge of the physiological and mental characteristics of children with developmental disabilities. Individual and differentiated approach, special equipment, special techniques, visualization and didactics in explaining the material, special organization of the regimen and occupancy of classes based on the characteristics of children, nutrition, treatment, unified work of speech pathologists, speech therapists, psychologists, doctors ... this is not the whole list something that is not and cannot be represented in a mass school.

2. The main goal of a mass school is to give students knowledge for their subsequent use. IN educational institution it is the level of knowledge that is primarily and significantly evaluated, education takes 5-10% of the program. In correctional institutions, on the contrary, first of all, most of the program 70 - 80% is occupied by education. Labor 50%, physical and moral 20 - 30%. Great emphasis and emphasis is placed on teaching labor skills, while each correctional school, in accordance with its type, has its own workshops in which children are trained in precisely those professions that are available and allowed to them, in accordance with the approved list.

3. The organization of education in a correctional school consists of 2 parts. In the first half of the day, children receive knowledge from teachers, and in the second half of the day, after lunch and a walk, they study with a teacher who has his own program. It's learning the rules traffic. Rules of conduct in public places. Etiquette. Role-playing games, excursions, practical tasks with subsequent analysis and analysis of the situation. And many other things that are not provided by the general education program.

The psychomotor development of a child is a complex dialectical process, in which the sequence and uneven formation of individual mental processes and functions are noted. At each of the increasingly complex stages of development, its connection with the previous and subsequent stages is clarified, each age stage is characterized by a qualitative originality that distinguishes it from other stages.

In modern general and correctional pedagogy, the position on the need for early detection and overcoming of deviations in the development of children has been established. Of particular importance is the problem of preparing teachers of preschool and school institutions to meet such children, their correct recognition, timely identification of their difficulties and provision of the necessary psychological and pedagogical assistance to them. In this regard, in last years In our country, the task of orientation of all teachers in the most significant defectological problems is being successfully solved.

Teachers should have an idea about the main types of violations of the psychophysical development of the child, about the causes that cause them, about ways to overcome them. Together, these data form the basis of correctional pedagogy.

Numerous psychological and pedagogical studies have shown that early diagnosis and correction of deviations in the psychomotor development of children are the main conditions for their effective education and upbringing, preventing them from more severe disorders (up to) disability and social deprivation.

On early stages development of a problem child, the main obstacle to his education and upbringing is the primary defect. In the absence of a corrective impact, in the future, secondary layers (deviations) begin to acquire a leading role, and it is they that interfere with the social adaptation of the child. There are pedagogical neglect, disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere and behavior, which are due to emotional and personal characteristics against the background of a lack of communication, comfort and a sense of failure.

Developmental disorders in children are multifaceted and multifaceted. They are expressed in intellectual, motor, speech or sensory inferiority. Deviations in development come in different forms and varying degrees of severity.

With various types of developmental deviations, the dominant is a violation of verbal communication, when the child's ability to receive and process information is impaired. This is a general pattern for all abnormal children. When analyzing a specific type of impaired development, it is important to take into account the patterns and trends common to normal and abnormal development, the manifestations of disorders common to the entire group, as well as the individual characterological characteristics of each child.

An important regularity in the mental development of abnormal children is the difficulty of their social adaptation. The upbringing of children with developmental disabilities is distinguished by its originality, which manifests itself in a correctional orientation, in the inseparable connection of the correctional impact with the formation of practical skills and abilities. Features of the upbringing of a particular child depends on the nature of the defect he has, on the severity of violations of individual mental processes and functions, on the age and compensatory capabilities of the child, on the nature of the medical and pedagogical impact, on the living conditions and upbringing of the child and a number of other factors. Some children need only psychological and pedagogical influence, while others also need serious medical and health care. All this emphasizes the need for early diagnostic and corrective work, because early detection of violations is the key to the effectiveness of their overcoming.

The problems of studying, teaching, educating and socially adapting children with intellectual disabilities are developed by one of the branches of special pedagogy - oligophrenopedagogy.

Solving the problems of vocational guidance, labor training and education of students, social and labor adaptation of graduates of a correctional school determines the close cooperation of oligophrenopedagogy with such branches of humanitarian knowledge as sociology and law. This makes oligophrenopedagogy a socio-pedagogical science.

The presence of special tasks in the education and upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities also determines the structure of a correctional school: 90% of correctional schools in the country are boarding schools. This allows for a longer organizational impact on children, not only in the learning process, but also in the system of extracurricular activities.

The presence of special correctional tasks of the correctional school is reflected in the special curriculum and programs, which differ significantly from the mass school. The main contingent of students in the correctional school are oligophrenic children.

The classification developed by the famous Soviet defectologist M.S. Pevzner. This classification is based on the clinical and pathogenetic approach.

The main form is characterized by a diffuse, but relatively superficial lesion of the cerebral cortex with the preservation of subcortical formations and no changes in liquor circulation. Clinical studies show that in this category of children the activity of the sense organs is not grossly disturbed, there are no gross violations in the emotional-volitional sphere, in the motor sphere, speech. These features are combined with the underdevelopment of all cognitive activity. Children often do not realize the task assigned to them and replace its solution with other activities. They do not understand the main meaning of story pictures, cannot establish a system of connections in a series of consecutive pictures, or understand a story with a hidden meaning.

Oligophrenia markedly differs from the main form of oligophrenia with pronounced neurodynamic disorders. These are rapidly excitable, disinhibited, undisciplined children, with a sharply reduced working capacity or extremely lethargic and inhibited, which is caused by an imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system.

In the process of schooling, difficulties are identified that arise due to poor fixation of children on the proposed task. In a letter, these are omissions, permutations, with an oral account - poor and fragmentary performance of the task.

In correctional and educational work with these children, pedagogical techniques are primarily used, aimed at organizing and streamlining educational activities. It is extremely important to develop in the child an interest and a positive attitude towards learning activities, the task offered by the teacher. For this, especially in the first years of study, didactic material and gaming activities are widely used. An important example of the correct organization of a child's learning activities is joint activities with a teacher when completing a task. In the process of working with these children, it is advisable to use verbal instruction in a phased form and speech (first of the teacher, and then of the child) as a factor organizing learning activities.

The specific features of oligophrenic children with predominant inhibition are lethargy, slowness, inhibition of motor skills, the nature of cognitive activity, and behavior in general. When working with such children, it is advisable to use techniques that increase activity. Children should be constantly helped to join the team, in common work, give tasks that they can surely cope with, stimulate learning activities, encouraging even the smallest successes.

Among oligophrenic children studying in a correctional school, there are children who, along with the underdevelopment of complex forms of cognitive activity, also have impaired speech.

These children have apraxia of the lips and tongue. In the future, the sensory side of speech also suffers. With sufficient hearing acuity, these children do not distinguish sounds that are similar in character, cannot distinguish individual sounds from fluent speech, and poorly differentiate complex sound complexes, i.e. have a persistent violation of phonemic perception. Naturally, this leads to a violation of the sound-letter analysis, which, in turn, negatively affects the acquisition of literacy and written speech.

There are also such forms of oligophrenia, in which a diffuse lesion of the cerebral cortex is combined with local lesions in the parieto-occipital region of the left hemisphere. In these cases, the clinical picture of oligophrenia is extremely complex, as it consists of a combination of underdeveloped thinking with impaired spatial perception. The latter, in turn, complicates the process of mastering the idea of ​​number. With this form of oligophrenia, children experience significant difficulties even when mastering the simplest counting operations. Corrective work with these children should be carried out in terms of developing their mainly spatial ideas and concepts.

The last group consists of oligophrenic children, in whom, against the background of underdevelopment of cognitive activity, the underdevelopment of the personality as a whole is clearly visible. In these cases, the whole system of needs and motives is sharply changed, there are pathological inclinations. The main pathological feature in this case is that diffuse damage to the cerebral cortex is combined with predominant underdevelopment of the frontal lobes.

The study reveals a gross peculiar violation of motor skills - movements are clumsy, awkward, children cannot serve themselves. A specific feature of these children is the gap between voluntary and spontaneous movements. So, with the complete impossibility of performing any movements according to the instructions, children can perform the same movements spontaneously.

These children also exhibit peculiar behavioral changes. They are uncritical, inadequately assess the situation, lack elementary forms of shyness, and are not touchy. Their behavior is devoid of persistent motives.

Correctional and educational work with children in this group should be built on the basis of the qualitative originality of the structure of the defect. First of all, pedagogical techniques are used aimed at the formation of arbitrary motor skills under the organizing principle of speech.

In some cases, such forms of oligophrenia are revealed, in which there is a combination of general intellectual underdevelopment with pronounced psychopathic forms of behavior. These are the most difficult children in terms of education. Rude with peers and elders, undisciplined, often having pathological inclinations, they do not know how to regulate their behavior by generally accepted moral and ethical standards.

The advancement of mentally retarded children occurs unevenly in different age periods. Research has established that the activation of cognitive activity is replaced by years, during which, as it were, the possibilities necessary for subsequent cognitive shifts are being prepared and concentrated. The greatest progress can be seen in the first two school years training, in the fourth or fifth year and at the end of training.

Thinking is a generalized, indirect reflection of the external world and its laws, a socially conditioned process of cognition, its highest level. It has sequentially appearing in the ontogeny of the child and then interacting practically effective, visual-figurative and verbal-logical forms.

In younger schoolchildren with deviations in intellectual development, insufficiency of all levels of mental activity is found. They are hindered by the solution of the simplest practical tasks, such as combining an image of a familiar object cut into 2–3 parts, choosing a geometric figure identical in shape and size to the corresponding depression on the surface. They perform similar tasks with a lot of errors, after many attempts. Moreover, the same mistakes are repeated many times, since children, having not achieved success, usually do not change the once chosen mode of action. The implementation of practical actions makes it difficult for oligophrenics, since their motor and sensory cognition is inferior.

Tasks involving the use of visual-figurative thinking cause even greater difficulties for students. So, having a colored picture in front of them, depicting a certain time of the year, schoolchildren cannot always correctly establish the causal relationships reflected on it and, on this basis, determine which season the picture conveys.

The tasks that require verbal-logical thinking from students, such as understanding simple texts, the content of certain dependencies - temporary, causal, etc., are the most difficult. Children perceive the material in a simplified way, omit a lot, change the sequence of semantic links, and do not establish the necessary relationships between them.

As they study in a correctional school, the shortcomings in the thinking of students are corrected, but they are not overcome and are re-discovered with the complication of the tasks presented.

The mental processes of mentally retarded junior schoolchildren are very peculiar. The mental analysis performed by them of a visually perceived real object or its image is characterized by poverty and fragmentation. Looking at an object, the student does not indicate all of its constituent parts, even in cases where he knows their names, and also does not note many of its essential properties. He usually talks about parts that protrude from the general contour of the figure. The analysis of objects will be more detailed if the child will perform it, answering the questions of the teacher. Gradually, students master the ability to characterize an object in sufficient detail in a certain order, starting with what is most significant for it. Promotion is manifested in the growing ability to use the data of one's own experience, which is already noted by the middle classes.

An even more difficult task for students with intellectual disabilities is to generalize objects or phenomena, that is, to combine them on the basis of a common feature for all of them. In carrying out this process, oligophrenics of all ages are often based on random signs. Their generalizations often turn out to be too broad, not sufficiently differentiated. It is especially difficult for students to change the principle of generalization once identified, to combine objects on a new basis. In these difficulties, the pathological inertness of nervous processes characteristic of oligophrenics is manifested.

According to learning opportunities, mentally retarded students are divided into four groups.

Group 1 consists of students who most successfully master the program material in the process of frontal learning. All tasks are performed by them, as a rule, independently. They do not experience great difficulties in performing the changed task, mostly they correctly use the existing experience, performing new job. The ability to explain their actions in words testifies to the conscious assimilation of the program material by these students. Some level of generalization is available to them.

In the Russian language lessons, these students quite easily master sound-letter analysis, the initial skills of writing and reading, and learn simple spelling rules. They understand the content of the read texts well, answer questions about the content. In mathematics lessons, they memorize the methods of calculations, methods of solving problems faster than others. They almost do not need subject visibility. Students in mathematics lessons use phrasal speech, freely explain their actions, including counting.

However, in the conditions of frontal work, when studying new educational material, these students still show difficulties in orienting and planning work. They may need additional help in mental labor activities. They use this help quite effectively.

Group II students are also quite successful in the classroom. In the course of training, these children experience somewhat greater difficulties than the students of group I. They generally understand the teacher's frontal explanation, remember the material being studied well, but are not able to draw elementary conclusions and generalizations without the teacher's help. They need the activating and organizing help of the teacher.

In Russian language lessons, they make many mistakes in reading and writing and cannot find them on their own. Rules are learned by heart, but they cannot always be put into practice. They understand what they read, but when retelling they can make omissions of semantic links.

In mathematics lessons, these students experience some difficulties. These children cannot imagine clearly enough those phenomena, events, objects and facts about which they are informed. They consciously solve an arithmetic problem only when it is illustrated with the help of groups of objects. These children are slower than students of the first group to memorize conclusions, mathematical generalizations, master the algorithms of oral calculations.

Group III includes students who have difficulty mastering the program material, in need of various types of assistance: verbal-logical, visual and subject-practical.

The success of the assimilation of knowledge, first of all, depends on the children's understanding of what is being communicated to them. These students are characterized by insufficient awareness of the newly reported material (rules, theoretical information, facts). It is difficult for them to determine the main thing in what they are studying, to establish a logical connection of parts, to separate the secondary. It is difficult for them to understand the material during frontal lessons, they need additional explanation. They have low independence. The rate of assimilation of the material by these students is significantly lower than that of children assigned to group II.

Despite the difficulties in mastering the material, students basically do not lose their acquired knowledge and skills, they can apply them when performing a similar task, however, each slightly modified task is perceived by them as a new one.

Group III students overcome inertia in the learning process. Significant help is needed, mainly at the beginning of the task, after which they can work more independently until they meet with a new difficulty. The activities of these students must be constantly organized until they understand the main thing in the material being studied. After that, they perform tasks more confidently and give a better verbal report about it. This indicates, although difficult, but to a certain extent a conscious process of assimilation.

The difficulties of teaching the Russian language in this group of students are manifested primarily where analytical and synthetic activity is required. They are slower to master sound-letter analysis and literate writing skills. Students may memorize spelling rules, but apply them mechanically in practice. The formation of coherent oral and written speech in these students is difficult. They are distinguished by the inability to construct a phrase. Their perception of content is fragmented. This leads to the fact that students, even in general terms, do not absorb the meaning of what they read.

In the lessons of mathematics, students of the third group experience significant difficulties. The organization of subject-practical activities by the teacher, the use of visual teaching aids are insufficient for them. Connections, relationships, cause-and-effect dependencies are not independently comprehended by them. It is difficult for children to evaluate quantitative changes (more, less), especially their translation into the language of mathematics. Children direct all their efforts to memorizing what the teacher says. They retain in memory individual facts, requirements, recommendations for completing tasks, but since memorization occurs without proper reflection, children violate the logic of reasoning, the sequence of mental and even real actions, mix essential and not essential features mathematical phenomena. Their knowledge is unrelated. The reverse course of reasoning is almost inaccessible to them.

When solving problems, students proceed from insignificant signs, rely on individual words and expressions. If the text does not contain, for example, familiar words everything became, this confuses them, and due to the lack of familiar formulations, they cannot solve a simple problem.

Students have great difficulty remembering mathematical rules, often because they do not understand them, there are no real ideas behind the words they are trying to memorize. These students have difficulty applying seemingly well-learned material in other lessons. For example, knowing the multiplication table, they find it difficult to use it when making calculations in social orientation classes, in labor training lessons.

In labor training, students in this group experience significant difficulties in orienting themselves in tasks and planning.

In these children, the process of forming an activity program is disrupted, which manifests itself in significant difficulties in planning future labor activities.

Group IV includes students who master the educational material of the auxiliary school at the lowest level. At the same time, only frontal training is not enough for them. They need to perform a large number of exercises, conduct additional training methods, constant monitoring and tips during the work. To draw conclusions with a certain degree of independence, to use past experience is not available to them. Students need a clear, repeated explanation from the teacher when completing any task. The help of the teacher in the form of a direct hint is used correctly by some students, while others make mistakes under these conditions. These students do not see mistakes in their work, they need a specific indication of them and an explanation for correction. Each subsequent task is perceived by them as a new one. Knowledge is acquired purely mechanically, quickly forgotten. They can acquire a much smaller amount of knowledge and skills than is offered by the program of the correctional school.

Pupils of this group master, basically, the initial skills of reading and writing. Experiencing great difficulties in sound-letter analysis, they make many mistakes. It is especially difficult for them to learn spelling rules that they cannot use in practice, as well as understanding what is being read. Schoolchildren have difficulty understanding not only complex texts with missing links, causal relationships and relationships, but also simple ones with a simple plot. Coherent oral and written speech is formed in them slowly, it is distinguished by fragmentation, a significant distortion of meaning.

When teaching mathematics, elementary school students cannot correctly count objects, they do not recognize numerical groups in three, four objects. They can perform calculations more successfully only with the help of a specific material. Children of this group do not understand the meaning of arithmetic operations (subtraction, multiplication, division), while solving problems they do not comprehend the situation proposed in it. For such children, it is typical to construct a question with the inclusion of an answer or part of a condition. Given the repeated repetition of work methods and the use of specific material, these students can be trained to perform all four arithmetic operations and solve simple tasks with small numbers.

In the lessons of labor training, the students of this group also show a significant lag behind their classmates.

Giving an oral description of the object, students do not follow the sequence of analysis, they can name insignificant features, do not indicate the spatial characteristics of the product. They are difficult to plan, and it is difficult to detect any intention in the plans drawn up. In the course of practical activities, students cannot find the right solution. Even if they understand that the work is not working, there is often a 'stuck' on the same actions. In the subject-operational plans and technological maps they understand only with the help of a teacher, they are not always guided by them during the execution of products. These children cannot fully master the program material in labor lessons.

The assignment of schoolchildren to one or another group is not stable. Under the influence of corrective education, students develop and can move to a higher group or take a more prosperous place within the group.

All students of the correctional school, divided into four groups, need a differentiated approach in the process of frontal learning. Sufficiently successful promotion of students of groups I and II allows for solving some of the tasks of learning on different subjects combine them into one group. These schoolchildren understand the frontal explanation, have a certain independence in completing tasks, and can transfer existing knowledge and skills on their own or with little help.

The teacher must know the capabilities of each student in order to prepare him for learning new material, correctly select and explain the material, help students learn it and apply it with a greater or lesser degree of independence in practice. For this purpose, methods and techniques of training in various modifications are used. Much attention should be paid to the teacher to think over what kind and what amount of help is needed at different stages of mastering the educational material. Success in education cannot be achieved without taking into account the specific psychophysical disorders that mentally retarded schoolchildren have, the manifestations of which make it difficult for them to acquire knowledge, skills, and abilities, even in conditions of special education.

These violations exacerbate learning difficulties, increase the uneven progress of children. The success of training is affected by violations of phonetic-phonemic perception, visual-spatial orientation, motor sphere, and working capacity.

Students with different levels of development of cognitive activity can have such types of disorders, and therefore, belong to one or another group. In schoolchildren with more intact intellectual development, the correction of disturbed psychophysical functions is carried out more successfully than in students whose intelligence is significantly reduced.

A special (correctional) general education school for children with intellectual disabilities, being one of the links in the general system of public education, determines the social and legal status of persons with mental retardation in society, legitimizes for them equal civil rights to education.

The task of the correctional school is the correction of defects in the development of the child in the process of teaching him general educational disciplines, vocational training and versatile educational impact on the development of students. Another, no less important task of a correctional school is to prepare its students for independent work in one of the working professions in conditions modern production, i.e. social and labor adaptation.

Finally, the correctional school conducts special health-improving work aimed at strengthening and correcting the general physical condition of schoolchildren.

Correction of shortcomings in the cognitive activity of schoolchildren is achieved mainly by pedagogical means in the process of teaching the basics of general educational disciplines and mastering labor skills and abilities.

The didactic principles of the correctional school are:

§ educational and developmental orientation of education;

§ scientific character and accessibility of education;

§ systematic and consistent;

§ connection between education and life;

§ the principle of correction in education; the principle of visibility;

§ Consciousness and activity of students;

§ individual and differentiated approach;

§ strength of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The process of education in a correctional school is primarily aimed at developing a variety of knowledge, skills and abilities among students, but, of course, during training, both the upbringing and development of students take place.

The educational orientation of education in a correctional school consists in the formation of students' moral ideas and concepts, adequate ways of behaving in society.

The developmental nature of education in a correctional school is to promote the overall mental and physical development of students. In the context of ever-increasing requirements for the level of preparation of mentally retarded schoolchildren for life, the focus of education on their overall development is becoming special meaning. However, the development of mentally retarded schoolchildren cannot be sufficiently successful without correcting their thinking and disturbed psychophysiological functions. Therefore, education in a correctional school is of a correctional and developmental nature.

For the development of students with problems in intellectual development, special conditions are needed, the most important of which is their education in a correctional school or other conditions adequate to their abilities, taking into account the psychophysical features of the development of this group of abnormal children. The implementation of developmental learning involves improving the quality of lessons by including students in active learning activities and developing their cognitive activity and independence.

The principle of scientific character in general pedagogy involves the reflection of modern achievements of science, the prospects for its development in each academic subject.

The principle of scientific character is realized, first of all, in the development of programs and compilation of textbooks, as well as in the activities of teachers and educators.

The principle of scientificity is closely related to the principle of accessibility, because in the end, mentally retarded students can only learn the educational material that is available to them.

The principle of accessibility involves building the education of schoolchildren with problems in intellectual development at the level of their real learning opportunities.

The principle of accessibility, as well as the principle of scientific character, is implemented, first of all, in the development of curricula and textbooks. The content of teaching students with problems in intellectual development is determined on the basis of its verification in many years of practice in the work of a correctional school. The content of training for individual academic subjects is continuously improved, the scope of knowledge, skills and abilities is specified by years of study based on the results of scientific research and best practices.

The principle of accessibility is also implemented in the constant activities of teachers through the use of appropriate methods and methodological techniques. It is known that the use of the most successful methodological system can make educational material relatively difficult for mentally retarded schoolchildren accessible.

The essence of the principle of systematicity and consistency is that the knowledge that students acquire at school must be brought into a certain logical system in order to be able to use it, i.e. more successful in practice.

For a correctional school, this principle has great importance because students with problems in intellectual development are characterized by inaccuracy, incompleteness or fragmentation of the acquired knowledge.

The principle of systematicity and consistency is implemented both in the development of curricula and textbooks, and in the daily work of a teacher. This involves such a selection and arrangement of educational material in programs, textbooks, thematic plans, at every lesson, when between it constituent parts there is a logical connection when the subsequent material builds on the previous one, when the material covered prepares students for learning new things.

In the activities of a teacher, the principle of systematicity is implemented in planning the sequence of passing new educational material and in repeating previously studied material, in checking the knowledge and skills acquired by students, in developing a system of individual work with them. Based on this principle, it is possible to proceed to the study of new educational material only after the students have mastered the one that is being worked out at a given time. Taking into account this circumstance, the teacher makes adjustments to the previously outlined plans.

The essence of the principle of linking learning with life lies in the close interaction of the school and the public in the education and upbringing of children. This principle is assigned an important role in the process of teaching and educating students, since most correctional schools are boarding schools and for them there is a potential danger of a certain isolation from the surrounding life.

The implementation of this principle in a correctional school consists in organizing educational work on the basis of a close and multifaceted connection with the surrounding reality, with the life of local enterprises, organizations and institutions. This principle is also realized by linking education with the productive work of students in the national economy. High school students need to be introduced to socio-economic and legal relations in production, to include them in the feasible social affairs of the basic and sponsoring enterprises.

The correctional school should also actively participate in community activities.

Only on the basis of the connection of education with the surrounding life can a correctional school gain authority among the local population and the public. And this will improve the position of school graduates and will contribute to their successful adaptation.

The greatest effect in the development of students with problems in intellectual development is achieved in cases where the principle of correction is implemented in teaching.

Only that training is good, which stimulates development, “leads it along,” and does not simply serve to enrich the child with new information that easily enters his consciousness.

Thus, the principle of correction is to correct the shortcomings of the psychophysical development of students with problems in intellectual development through the use of special methodological techniques. As a result of the application of corrective teaching methods, some shortcomings in students are overcome, others are weakened, due to which students move faster in their development.

One of the indicators of the success of correctional work can be the level of independence of students in the performance of new educational and labor tasks.

Therefore, the implementation of the principle of correction in education is to develop in students the ability to independently navigate the requirements for completing tasks, analyze the conditions and plan their activities, drawing on existing knowledge and experience for this, draw conclusions about the quality of the work performed.

To implement individual correction, it is necessary to identify the difficulties experienced by students in teaching various subjects and to establish the causes of these difficulties. Based on this, individual correction measures are developed. There may be several students in the class who require different measures of individual correction. In frontal work, it is advisable to carry out individual correction alternately, additionally working with one or another student.

The principle of visibility in teaching means the involvement of various visual aids in the process of assimilation of knowledge by students and the formation of various skills and abilities in them.

The essence of the principle of visibility is to enrich students with sensory cognitive experience necessary for the cognitive mastery of abstract concepts.

Exists general rule application of the principle of visualization in general education schools: teaching should be visual to the extent necessary for the conscious assimilation of knowledge by students and the development of skills based on living images of objects, phenomena and actions. In the correctional school, subject visualization has been used for a long time. This is due to the fact that in students with problems in intellectual development, the processes of abstraction and generalization are sharply disrupted, it is difficult for them to break away from observing specific objects and draw an abstract conclusion or conclusion, which is necessary for the formation of a particular concept.

Thanks to the wide use of a variety of subject visualization in all lessons, students create a personal sensory cognitive experience associated with the direct perception of real objects and phenomena, with subject and practical activities.

The implementation of the principle of visibility in a correctional school is carried out in stages:

v enrichment of sensory cognitive experience, which involves learning the skills to observe, compare and highlight the essential features of objects and phenomena and reflect them in speech;

v ensuring the transition of the created subject images into abstract concepts;

v the use of abstract visualization for the formation of specific images of objects, phenomena and actions.

Compliance with these stages contributes to the conscious assimilation of educational material and, ultimately, the development of abstract thinking in students with problems in intellectual development.

One of the most important didactic principles of a correctional school is the principle of students' consciousness and activity in learning, since in the process of conscious assimilation of educational material, a more intensive mental development of students occurs. However, violations of analytical and synthetic activity, characteristic of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, prevent the assimilation of educational material on the basis of its full understanding. Therefore, in a correctional school, the question of how to achieve a complete understanding of the educational material by students has been and remains the most significant. The solution to this issue is possible if each teacher applies corrective methodological techniques aimed at developing mental operations, as well as the ability to express their thoughts in words.

Conscious assimilation of educational material implies the activity of students in learning. Their cognitive activity in most cases, it does not occur on its own, so it must be activated. The activation of learning is understood as the appropriate organization of the actions of schoolchildren, aimed at their understanding of the educational material.

In the principle of the strength of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities, the results of training are reflected. The essence of this principle is that the school must equip students with solid knowledge, skills and habits, i.e. such that they become the property of the individual, the own acquisition of each student. Such knowledge, skills and abilities can be easily reproduced and used by students in their educational and later work activities.

Solid knowledge is conscious knowledge. Therefore, there is a close relationship between the principle of the strength of the assimilation of knowledge, skills and the principle of consciousness and activity of students in learning. The deeper the student understands and comprehends the educational material, the more activity and independence he shows when studying it, the more solid knowledge and skills he will acquire.

The strength of knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved by special pedagogical work aimed at deepening and consolidating knowledge and developing skills. That means is repetition. Repetition in the correctional school has a special role. Therefore, in the programs a large amount of study time is devoted to this process. Repetition is the basis of all educational work in a correctional school.

The strength of students' assimilation of knowledge is achieved through the systematic implementation of exercises, during which skills and abilities are consolidated and improved.

Repetition must be carried out continuously throughout the school year, including it in the process of studying new educational material and achieving understanding between the past and the new.

Let us dwell in more detail on the principle of an individual and differentiated approach to teaching.

Essence of the principle individual approach consists in taking into account the individual characteristics of students in the educational process in order to actively manage the development of their mental and physical capabilities.

An individual approach involves a comprehensive study of students and the development of appropriate measures of pedagogical influence, taking into account the identified features. In a correctional school, a teacher, in order to study students, has the opportunity to obtain data from a clinical and psychological examination of each student in the class and supplement them with pedagogical observations. As a result, the pedagogical characteristics of students are created, reflecting the state of their speech, attention and memory, the pace of work and overall performance, the level of development of logical thinking, spatial orientation, motor and emotional-volitional spheres. Based on these data, the teacher outlines the immediate and long-term tasks in working with each student and develops a system of pedagogical measures to solve them for use in conditions of frontal work with the class, and in some cases - individual additional work.

An individual approach is necessary for students with problems in intellectual development, regardless of their academic success. It is impossible to artificially delay the development of well-performing students, they need to be given additional tasks, sometimes, perhaps, in excess of program requirements, in order to maintain and develop their interest in learning.

If individual features characteristic of some schoolchildren are observed in others, then such features are called typical, i.e. specific to a particular group of students.

Taking into account the typical characteristics of students with problems in intellectual development occurs in the process of a differentiated approach.

To implement a differentiated approach, it is necessary, first of all, to differentiate students into type groups. In school practice, in a number of cases, a simple differentiation of students into good-average- and poor-performing students is used. To some extent, it helps the teacher to implement a differentiated approach. But this differentiation does not take into account the causes of students' difficulties in learning and does not make it possible to purposefully help students cope with difficulties and advance in the assimilation of educational material.

1. Features of mastering mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities by students of a special (correctional) school for children with problems in intellectual development.

Mastering even elementary mathematical concepts requires from the child a sufficiently high level of development of such processes of logical thinking as analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison. It is known that mathematics is one of the most difficult subjects for these children, as these children have a number of features of psychophysical development.

Lack of purposefulness, weak activity of perception create certain difficulties in understanding the task, the mathematical task. Students perceive the task not completely, but in fragments. The imperfection of analysis and synthesis makes it difficult to combine parts into a whole, to establish connections and dependencies between them, to choose the right path for solving.

For example, fragmentation of perception is manifested in solving complex examples, such as 3 + 4 + 2; 3x7-6. Here, children perform only one action.

The imperfection of visual perception and motor skills of students interferes with learning to write letters and numbers (mirror writing, mixing numbers 6 and 9, 2 and 5, 7 and 8. Mixing numbers 7 and 8 is caused by impaired auditory perception).

Often children do not write, but “build” numbers, forgetting which element to start with.

Children with poor coordination find it difficult to build an angle, draw a straight line with a ruler, etc.

Violations of visual perception and spatial orientation lead to the fact that children do not see the line and do not understand its meaning. It is difficult for such children to observe intervals, write numbers of the right size. This violation leads to errors in solving examples in a column.

Motor disturbances, disinhibition, impulsive behavior interfere with the correct counting of objects (children name one object, but move several away).

Another reason for the weak differentiation of mathematical knowledge lies in the separation of mathematical terminology from the concrete ideas of children, in a misunderstanding of the situation of the problem. Students do not represent units of measurement such as kilometers and kilograms and often mix them up.

Manifestations of inertia and rigidity of thinking are manifold. Sometimes students write down the answer of the first example in the answers of the following ones: 3+10=13; 13-10=13; 9+3=13

Inertia of thinking is also manifested in “adaptation” to one’s knowledge and capabilities:

425 i.e. from 2 tens he could not subtract 8 tens. That's why

183 out of 8 he took 2.

The stiffness of thinking is also manifested in solving actions with named numbers.

The weakness of generalizations makes it difficult to learn mathematical rules and patterns, and leads to rote memorization.

For example, a child who has mastered tabular multiplication and division is not used by them in everyday life.

Uncritical thinking leads to the fact that children do not check the answers, do not doubt the correctness of the decision.

Students in a correctional school who previously studied in a public school often have a negative attitude towards learning in general and mathematics lessons in particular.

For successful learning, it is necessary to study the composition of the class, the individual characteristics of the psychophysical development of each child.

2. Studying the state of knowledge and skills of students.

By the end of the first year, the teacher will know his students quite well. In each class of this type of remedial school, there are students who can successfully acquire mathematical knowledge. But there will be students who can acquire only a part of the studied knowledge, skills and abilities. The most reliable way to study the assimilation of knowledge by children is the study of class notebooks. By quality class work one can judge the progress of the student, the strength of his knowledge, the strength of his knowledge. For example, when adding two numbers with a transition through the category, it is important how the child got the result: by counting by one or by expanding the second term. The second way is more progressive. This means that a child who adds one unit needs timely help.

Mistakes made in the classroom independent work should be taken into account in subsequent lessons.

In addition to taking into account errors in class independent work, it is necessary to carefully analyze control work. Gradually, the teacher develops an opinion about the work of students in mathematics lessons, which helps to better implement a differentiated approach.

The organization of subject-practical activities, the use of visual teaching aids does not guarantee the formation of full-fledged mathematical knowledge in mentally retarded children. Connections, cause-and-effect dependencies are not comprehended by them. They are difficult to evaluate quantitative changes “more - less”, their translation into the language of mathematics, i.e. choice of action.

Of course, they retain certain facts, requirements, recommendations for completing tasks in their memory, but they often violate the logic of reasoning, the sequence of actions, and act impulsively. During their studies at school, they may not master the methods of abstract counting, they may need subject-based practical activities.

In addition, in each class there may be two or three children who can acquire a much smaller amount of knowledge than the program provides. Teaching such children is a great difficulty for the teacher, since these children cannot be included in the frontal work of the class. They can be trained according to a much simplified program.

Thus, the successful implementation of a differentiated approach is possible with a thorough study of the composition of the class, the characteristics of the assimilation of knowledge by each child.

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The school does not have a license to conduct exams for children with disabilities of the 8th type. Can these children continue to study at school and take the exam at a special school?


In order to conduct exams for children with disabilities, a license is not needed. It is not necessary to carry out certification in a correctional school. Educate children with disabilities and take their exams educational organization maybe, but it is necessary to create the necessary conditions for their education in the OO.

<…>To lead educational activities, it is necessary to receive .

The activities of schools and kindergartens are licensed by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which exercise powers in the field of education ().<…>

Thus, educational activities are subject to licensing.

A license is not issued for certification. Therefore, an educational organization has the right to independently conduct exams for children with disabilities studying according to adapted programs.

Programs for children with mental retardation are not subject to state accreditation, therefore, the final certification for them is not a state final certification and is carried out in the manner established by the school's local act (part 3).

However, special conditions must be created for the education of such children in the PA. What qualification requirements according to the Federal State Educational Standards are established for teaching staff teaching children with disabilities?

Any use of materials is allowed only if there is a hyperlink.

  • for students with disabilities - an adapted main educational program of the corresponding level of education (when studying in a separate class or in a separate educational organization) or an adapted educational program in co-education with normally developing classmates;
  • for children with disabilities - PEP of the appropriate level of education (if there is no conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC)) or AOEP, taking into account individual program rehabilitation or habilitation.<…>

<…>For the education of children with disabilities and with disabilities, an educational organization:

  • develops customized programs;
  • creates special conditions for learning;
  • asserts what is necessary.

AOEP of primary general education for the deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf, blind, visually impaired, with severe speech disorders, with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, with mental retardation, with autism spectrum disorders, with complex defects (severe and multiple developmental disorders) are being developed in accordance with with , approved .

AOEP for students with mental retardation are developed in accordance with the requirements approved.

In case of joint education of a student with disabilities with normally developing classmates, the educational organization develops an AEP according to the specified GEF for one year.

The grounds for creating special conditions for the education of children with disabilities and with disabilities are:

  • - for students with disabilities (Regulations, approved);
  • individual program of rehabilitation or habilitation - for children with disabilities (k).

Conditions for children with disabilities and disabilities that the educational organization provides in accordance with Article 79 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ:

  • special educational programs and methods of training and education;
  • special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials;
  • special technical training aids;
  • services of an assistant (assistant) who provides students with the necessary technical assistance;
  • group and individual remedial classes;
  • accessible environment (

What does the abbreviation OVZ stand for? The decryption reads: limited opportunities health. This category includes persons who have defects in development, both physically and psychologically. The phrase "children with disabilities" means some deviations in the formation of the child, if it is necessary to create special conditions for life.

Categories of children with disabilities

The main classification divides unhealthy children into the following groups:

With and communication;

Hearing impaired;

with visual impairments;

With speech dysfunctions;

With changes in the musculoskeletal system;

From development;

With mental retardation;

complex violations.

Children with disabilities, their types, provide for correctional training schemes, with the help of which a child can be saved from a defect or significantly reduce its impact. So, for example, when working with children with visual impairments, special developing computer games, which help to improve the perception of this analyzer (mazes, and others).

Learning principles

Working with a child with disabilities is incredibly painstaking and requires a lot of patience. Each type of violation requires its own development program, the main principles of which are:

1. Psychological safety.

2. Help in adapting to environmental conditions.

3. Unity of joint activity.

4. Motivating the child to the learning process.

The initial stage of education includes cooperation with the educator, increased interest in performing various tasks. high school should strive for the formation of a civil and moral position, as well as for the development of creative abilities. We must not forget about the impact on the development of children with disabilities, which plays a major role in the formation of personality.

It is no secret that the process of becoming an individual includes the unity of systems of socio-cultural and biological factors. Atypical development has a primary defect that was caused by biological circumstances. It, in turn, forms secondary changes that have arisen in the pathological environment. For example, the primary defect will be and the secondary - the onset of dumbness. Studying the relationship between primary and subsequent changes, the teacher L. S. Vygotsky put forward a position that states that the further the primary defect is separated from the secondary symptoms, the more successful the correction of the latter will be. Thus, four factors influence the development of a child with disabilities: the type of impairment, the quality, degree and duration of the main impairment, as well as environmental conditions.

Children's education

With the correct and timely development of the child, many deviations in the further development can be significantly mitigated. The education of children with disabilities should be of high quality. Currently, there is an increase in the number of children with severe disabilities, but at the same time, thanks to the use of the latest equipment, modern correctional programs, many students reach the desired level of development in their age category.

Currently, the tendency to eliminate the inequality of general education and correctional schools is gaining momentum, and the role of inclusive education is increasing. In this regard, there is a large heterogeneity in the composition of students in terms of their mental, physical, mental development, which significantly complicates the adaptation of children both with health problems and without functional disorders. The teacher is often simply lost in the methods of helping and supporting students with disabilities. There are also shortcomings in the use of various information technologies during lessons or extracurricular activities. These gaps are due to the following reasons:

1. Lack of the necessary technological infrastructure, software and hardware in the educational institution.

2. Lack of necessary conditions oriented towards joint learning activities.

Thus, the creation of a "barrier-free" learning environment is still a problem.

Education for all

Distance learning is confidently gaining a place of honor in teaching along with traditional forms. This way of organizing the educational process greatly simplifies getting a decent education for children with disabilities. Decryption distance learning looks like this: this is a form of education, the advantages of which are:

1. High adaptation to the conditions of life and health of students.

2. Rapid update of methodological support.

3. Ability to quickly obtain additional information.

4. Development of self-organization and independence.

5. Opportunity to get help in in-depth study subject.

This form is able to solve the issue of frequently ill children, thereby smoothing the boundaries between them and the children without deviations in health.

GEF. HIA in children

Based on the Standard, it is possible to use four types. Determination of the desired option for students is based on the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. For the successful implementation of the chosen program, the special conditions necessary for a child with disabilities are taken into account. There is a transition from one option to another as the child develops. Such an action is possible subject to the following conditions: a statement from the parents, the desire of the child, a visible positive trend in education, the results of the PMPK, as well as the creation of the necessary conditions by the educational organization.

Development programs taking into account GEF

There are several based on the Standard. The first option is designed for children who were able to reach the desired level of development by the time they enter school and who can cooperate with their peers. In this case, students with disabilities study along with healthy students. The interpretation of this option is as follows: children study in the same environment, they are subject to basically the same requirements, after graduation, everyone receives a document on education.

Children with disabilities who study under the first option are eligible to pass different types certifications in other forms. Special conditions are created in application to a specific category of student's health. The main educational program includes compulsory correctional work that corrects shortcomings in the development of the child.

The second type of program

Students with disabilities who are studying at school under this option are entitled to more extended terms. Several curricula are attached to the main program, taking into account the needs of a student with disabilities. This option can be implemented both in the form of joint learning with peers, and in separate groups or classes. An important role in teaching is played by information technologies and special equipment, which expands the possibilities of the student. The second option provides for the implementation of compulsory work aimed at deepening and expanding the social experience of students with disabilities.

Third type

Students with disabilities enrolled in this option receive an education that is incomparable to that received by students without disabilities. A prerequisite for implementation curriculum is to create an adapted individual environment. Students with disabilities, together with an expert commission, choose the forms of certification and terms of study. In this case, it is possible to carry out educational activities both together with peers and in separate groups and special organizations.

The fourth type of development program

In this case, a student with multiple disabilities is being trained in adapted program, taking into account individual plan. A prerequisite is the formation of an environment in which, to a large extent, the realization of life competence in society takes place. The fourth option provides for homeschooling, where the emphasis is on expanding social contacts and life experience within the available limits. To master the program, it is possible to use a network form of interaction using different educational resources. Students who have successfully completed this training will receive a certificate of the established form.

Those can be considered promising educational establishments which implement both basic programs and those adapted to the needs of a child with disabilities. Such organizations include inclusive classes, which allow children with disabilities to develop freely in society. Also in these schools there is continuous work not only with children, but also with their parents and teachers.

Sports as a reliable assistant. Working programm

OVZ (diagnosis) is not a reason to reduce the child's motor activity. The effectiveness of physical culture in the development of children is an indisputable fact. Thanks to sports, working capacity, intellectual development, and health are strengthened.

Exercises are selected individually or students are divided into groups depending on the categories of diseases. Classes begin with a warm-up, where, accompanied by musical accompaniment, children perform a series of simple movements. The preparatory part takes no more than 10 minutes. The next step is to move on to the main section. In this part, exercises are performed to strengthen the cardiovascular system, muscles of the arms and legs, to develop coordination, and others. The use of team games contributes to the successful functioning of communication skills, the "spirit of competition", and the disclosure of one's abilities. In the final part, the teacher proceeds to calm games and exercises, summarizes the work done.

Curricula in any subjects must necessarily comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. Children with disabilities can be corrected by appropriate physical activity, because it is no secret to anyone that by developing the body, you develop the mind.

The role of parents

How to be parents who have a child with disabilities. The decoding of the abbreviation is simple - limited health opportunities. Receiving such a verdict leads parents to a state of helplessness, confusion. Many try to refute the diagnosis, but in the end comes the realization and acceptance of the defect. Parents adapt and take different positions - from "I will do everything so that my child becomes a complete person" to "I cannot have an unhealthy child." These provisions must be taken into account by psychologists when planning a correctional program with children with health problems. Parents should know the correct forms of assistance to their child, regardless of the types of disabilities, ways of adaptation, developmental features.

A new approach to education

Joint education of children with disabilities and without deviations in health is supported and described by a number of documents. Among them are: the National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation, the Concept for the Modernization of Russian Education, the National Educational Initiative "Our New School". Working with HIA implies the fulfillment of the following tasks in inclusive education: everyday, normative, labor, as well as the social adaptation of students with their subsequent merger with society. For the successful formation of skills in special schools organize extracurricular activities, where all the conditions for the development of additional abilities are created for the children. This form of educational activity for children with health problems should be agreed with psychologists and take into account the individual characteristics of students. With long, patient work on the correctional programs developed by psychologists, sooner or later there will be a result.

Children with disabilities are children with various mental or physical deviations that cause violations of general development that do not allow children to lead a full life. Synonyms this concept the following definitions of such children can be used: "children with problems", "children with special needs", "atypical children", "children with learning difficulties", "abnormal children", "exceptional children". The presence of this or that defect (shortcoming) does not predetermine the wrong, from the point of view of society, development.

Hearing loss in one ear or visual impairment in one eye does not necessarily lead to a developmental disability, since in these cases it is still possible to perceive sound and visual signals with intact analyzers.

Thus, children with disabilities can be considered children with impaired psychophysical development who need special (correctional) education and upbringing.
According to the classification proposed by V.A. Lapshin and B.P. Puzanov, the main categories of abnormal children include:

    Hearing impaired children (deaf, hard of hearing, late deaf);

    Children with visual impairment (blind, visually impaired);

    Children with speech disorders (logopaths);

    Children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

    Children with mental retardation;

    Children with mental retardation;

    Children with behavioral and communication disorders;

    Children with complex disorders of psychophysical development, with so-called complex defects (deaf-blind, deaf or blind children with mental retardation).

Depending on the nature of the violation, some defects can be completely overcome in the process of development, education and upbringing of the child, for example, in children of the third and sixth groups), others can only be smoothed out, and some can only be compensated. The complexity and nature of the violation of the normal development of the child determine the features of the formation of the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as various forms pedagogical work with him. One child with developmental disabilities can master only elementary general educational knowledge(read in syllables and write simple sentences) , the other is relatively unlimited in its capabilities(for example, a child who is mentally retarded or hard of hearing) . The structure of the defect also affects the practical activities of children. Some atypical children in the future have the opportunity to become highly qualified specialists, while others will perform low-skilled work all their lives.(e.g. bookbinding, metal stamping).

There are so many features in development and they are so dissimilar that "special children" sometimes do not fit into the "stencil" of a particular diagnosis. AND the main problem their education consists precisely in the fact that all the children are completely different and dissimilar, and each with their own oddities and health problems. And yet, experts have established the main developmental problems or diagnoses, which are indicated by such abbreviations:

cerebral palsy - cerebral palsy;

ZPR - mental retardation;

ZRR - delayed speech development;

MMD, minimal brain dysfunction;

ODA - musculoskeletal system;

ONR - general underdevelopment of speech;

RDA, early childhood autism;

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder;

HIA - limited health opportunities.

As you can see, from all of the above, only cerebral palsy, MMD and problems with the musculoskeletal system are specific medical diagnoses. Otherwise, the names of children's features, oddities and problems are very, very conditional. What does "general underdevelopment of speech" mean? And how is it different from “speech delay”? And this "delay" is relative to what - relative to what age and level of intelligence? As for “early childhood autism”, this diagnosis is made for children so dissimilar in behavioral manifestations that it seems that our domestic experts themselves do not agree on autism, since they have not yet studied this disease well enough. And today, almost every second restless child is given the “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”! Therefore, before agreeing that this or that diagnosis will be attributed to your child, show it to not one, but at least a dozen specialists and get clear arguments and clear medical indications from them, according to which the child will be assigned a diagnosis. Such a diagnosis as blindness or deafness is obvious. But when a playful child, who gives educators and teachers more trouble than other children, is in a hurry to assign a “diagnosis”, if only to get rid of him, transferring to kindergarten or a school for "children with special needs", then here you can fight for your child. After all, a label pasted since childhood can thoroughly spoil a child's life.

Special (correctional) schools of I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII and VIII types. What kind of children do they teach?

In special (correctional) general educationalschools of the 1st type Hearing-impaired, hearing-impaired and deaf children are taught. INschools II type deaf children learn.Type III-IV schools Designed for blind and visually impaired children.Type V schools accept students with speech disorders, in particular stuttering children.Type VI schools created for children with problems in physical and mental development. Sometimes such schools function at neurological and psychiatric hospitals. Their main contingent is children with different forms cerebral palsy (CP), spinal and craniocerebral injuries.Type VII schools for children with ADHD and mental retardation.Type VII schools dealing with dyslexia in children. Alexia is the absence of speech and a complete inability to master speech, and dyslexia is a partial specific disorder of mastering reading, caused by a violation of higher mental functions. And, finally, in special (correctional) general educationalschools of the VIII type educate mentally retarded children, the main goal of these educational institutions is to teach children to read, count and write and navigate in social conditions. At schools of the VIII type there are carpentry, locksmith, sewing or bookbinding workshops, where students within the walls of the school receive a profession that allows them to earn a living. Way to higher education is closed for them, after graduation they receive only a certificate stating that they have attended the ten-year program.

Special methods for teaching children with disabilities

In general, at school, teachers work with children according to special teaching methods that relate to all stages: explaining new material, completing assignments, evaluating student work. The teacher uses the following teaching methods:

    Step-by-step explanation of tasks.

    Sequential execution of tasks.

    Repetition by students of instructions for completing the task.

    Provision of audio-visual teaching aids.

    Proximity to students while explaining the assignment.

    Change of activities

    Preparing students for a change in activity.

    The alternation of classes and physical culture breaks.

    Providing extra time to complete the task.

    Providing extra time for homework.

    Work on a computer simulator.

    Use worksheets with exercises that require minimal completion.

    Using exercises with missing words/sentences.

    Supplementing printed materials with video materials.

    Providing students with printed copies of assignments written on the board.

    Individual assessment of the answers of students with disabilities

    The use of an individual rating scale in accordance with the success and effort expended.

    Daily assessment for the purpose of deriving a quarter mark.

    Permission to redo a task that he failed to do.

    Evaluation of redone works.

    Use of the student achievement assessment system.
