Production of expanded polystyrene and - profitable business, which has an average entry threshold. Expanded polystyrene is widely used in various fields - in construction, in the food industry, in the automotive industry.

In this article, both units for the production of ordinary expanded polystyrene and equipment for the production of extruded polystyrene foam will be considered in detail, you will learn what elements the production line consists of, and the main aspects of the manufacturing technology of this material.

1 Polystyrene foam manufacturing technology

The technology for the production of polystyrene foam is quite unpretentious, and can be implemented even if necessary minimum production equipment.

However, an important factor is the strong dependence of the quality of the final product on the fulfillment of all the requirements of the technology, since even the slightest overdrying of expanded polystyrene, or, conversely, an attempt to cut insufficiently dried, raw, material can cause rejection of the entire batch of products (even if it is).

In general, the technology for the manufacture of expanded polystyrene consists of several successive stages.

At the first stage, the raw materials from which expanded polystyrene (polystyrene foam) is produced - expandable polystyrene (EPS) granules, are loaded into the pre-expander container with their own hands or using automated equipment.

In the pre-expanders, the granules are heated, as a result of which they inflate, increase in volume, and turn into hollow balls filled with air.

Foaming can be performed once or several times. When re-foaming, the process is completely repeated - the raw material is immersed in the pre-expander with its own hands (or automatically), warms up, and increases. Re-foaming is used when it is necessary to obtain polystyrene foam with a minimum density.

Its strength characteristics and weight depend on the density of expanded polystyrene. In some cases, for the insulation of facades and similar loaded structures, high-density polystyrene foam is required, however, as a rule, due to lower cost, low-density polystyrene foam is in great demand.

The density of the material is measured in kilograms per cubic meter. Sometimes strength is referred to as actual weight. For example, polystyrene foam, which has an actual weight of 25 kilograms, has a density of 25 kg / m³. This is much better than with .

Polystyrene raw material, foaming of which is performed once, guarantees a final density of expanded polystyrene in the region of 12 kg / m³. The more foaming processes have been performed, the lower the actual weight of the product will be.

As a rule, the maximum number of foaming processes per one batch of raw materials is 2, since repeated foaming greatly deteriorates the strength of the final product due to repeated foaming.

On the second production stage, foamed polystyrene enters the holding chamber, where it is aged for a day. This process is necessary in order to stabilize the pressure inside the air-filled granules.

With each repeated foaming process, the aging process must be repeated. To create expanded polystyrene with a density of up to 12 kg / m³, the raw material is subject to several repeated cycles of foaming and aging.

After the raw material has aged for the required amount of time, foam blocks are formed from the semi-finished product. This happens in a block form, inside which the granules are processed by steam supplied under pressure.

After the block is formed, the foam is re-aged for a day - this is necessary in order for moisture to leave the foam, since when cutting a raw block, the edges of the product will be torn and uneven, after which it enters the cutting line, where the blocks are cut into plates of the required sizes and thickness.

2 Equipment for production

The production line for the production of expanded polystyrene includes the following elements:

  • Area for storage and testing of raw materials;
  • foaming unit;
  • Container for aging;
  • Unit for forming blocks;
  • Unit for cutting foam into;
  • Area for storage of the finished product;
  • Waste processing unit.

2.1 Area for storage and testing of raw materials

It is important that the polystyrene raw materials used for the production of expanded polystyrene meet all quality standards, since the characteristics of the finished polystyrene foam strongly depend on it.

As a rule, the main domestic and foreign manufacturers for the manufacture of expanded polystyrene use raw materials from the following companies:

  • Xingda (China);
  • Loyal Chemical Corporation (China);
  • BASF (Germany).

Technological requirements allow for the reuse of waste (recycled polystyrene boards). The amount of recycled materials should not exceed 10% of the weight of the final product.

Polystyrene bags are unloaded by an electric car, or, in the case of small packaging, with their own hands. Raw materials should not be stored for more than three months after the date of their production. Temperature regime storage of foam at - from 10 to 15 degrees.

2.2 Foamer

This production line consists of a pre-expander (generally cyclic type), a foamed polystyrene pellet dryer, a pneumatic conveyor, and a control element.

Do-it-yourself polystyrene from bags is unloaded into a pre-expander, into which hot steam is supplied under pressure (at a temperature of about 95-100 degrees), under the influence of which primary foaming of the raw material occurs.

The process is controlled by computer equipment, which, when the polystyrene reaches a predetermined volume, stops steam supply, after which the semi-finished product enters the drying unit.

2.3 Aging container

The granules, from which excess moisture has been removed, are transported to a storage container. In the container, by means of air conditioning, the specified humidity and temperature and air humidity are constantly maintained.

At a temperature ranging from 16 to 25 degrees, the granules are kept for about 12 hours. During this time, the hollow foam granules are filled with air.

The technology of re-aging, which is carried out in the case of secondary foaming, is similar to the above method, and is carried out using the same equipment.

It is the volume of the container in more sets the nominal productivity of the production line, so the number and size of silos must be carefully calculated based on the desired production volume.

2.4 Polystyrene block forming machine

From the storage container, expanded polystyrene granules are fed by pneumatic transport into the intermediate chamber, which is equipped with a filling sensor.

Upon receipt of the required number of granules, the raw material is transported to the forming unit. The block mold is a hermetic container, which, after being filled with granules, is closed. Through the supply valve, hot steam is supplied to the block mold.

In the process of heat treatment under pressure, the granules are re-expanded, which expand, and upon reaching set temperature are sintered into a monolithic block of expanded polystyrene.

The cooling of the formed expanded polystyrene occurs in the same unit, by pumping air out of the chamber with a vacuum pump. To stabilize the internal air pressure in the expanded polystyrene granules, the block is kept at room temperature throughout the day.

2.5 Styrofoam cutting machine

After the required time has elapsed, the polystyrene block enters the cutting unit. The cutting line is a complex equipment capable of cutting both horizontally and vertically.

This equipment has two modes of operation - automatic mode for the implementation of a given program, and a mode with manual control. As a rule, the whole process takes place automatically.

The cutting element of the equipment is hot strings made of refractory steel, which are capable of quickly and efficiently forming foam plastic plates of the required shapes and sizes.

The electronic control system of the installation makes it possible to manually adjust the temperature of the glow of the strings, the speed of their movement, and the size of the final product.

2.6 Waste treatment plant

Expanded polystyrene materials damaged during the production process are not disposed of, but are subject to recycling. The processing of expanded polystyrene is carried out in a unit inside which crushing hammers rotate, which crumble the foam plates into individual granules.

The raw material obtained in the course of processing is fed by means of pneumatic transport to the storage hopper, from which the granules enter the block form in an amount not exceeding 10% of the weight of the primary raw material used for production.

2.7 Production of extruded PPS

The difference in the production line for the production of extruded polystyrene foam, in comparison with the above-described technology for the production of conventional polystyrene foam, is the presence of an extruder.

Extruder - equipment for the production of extruded polystyrene foam, which has forming dies through which the polystyrene melt is pushed.

The extrusion head gives the expanded polystyrene the required structure, resulting in monolithic products with closed cells with a diameter of 0.1 mm, which are superior to conventional expanded polystyrene in terms of hydrophobicity and vapor permeability.

This technology provides a different approach to the foaming of raw materials, which occurs due to the mixing of granules with a foaming agent in a nitrogen environment.

2.8 Foam production technology (video)


Styrofoam production

About foam density

Where do they buy raw materials for production?

How to make foam plastic with your own hands

The main properties of foam and its application

Styrofoam is a building material that consists of gas-filled granular masses. Today, foam has found wide application in the repair and construction industry. In particular, it is used as a sound-heat-insulating material for warming rooms and finishing interior walls. First foam made in Europe in early twentieth century, its industrial production was later established. The finished foam product has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities, is resistant to temperature extremes and precipitation, does not emit any harmful substances, does not decompose upon contact with microorganisms, environmentally friendly and non-toxic.

The range of application of this product is quite wide. Therefore, polystyrene quickly entered the leading position in the market. building materials. For example, foam boards are used as heat-insulating and structural materials, in the field of construction, car and ship building, aircraft building, and are also used as packaging and electrical insulating material.


Styrofoam is a plastic, lightweight and easy-to-process material that is actively used by modern artists and designers in their art, in animation and film art. Using this material, you can create, for example, entire art objects of almost any shape and texture. In addition, different figures can be cut out of polystyrene foam, painted with paints, in the end you get original toy or a do-it-yourself fake made of foam, which will be a wonderful gift for family and friends for any occasion.

Styrofoam production

Styrofoam manufacturing steps:

1. Foaming of polystyrene foam. Raw materials are placed in a special container, where the material is treated with steam of low-boiling liquids.

As a result of foaming, the granules increase in volume from 20 to 50 times. After reaching required level granules, the steam flow stops and the working material is removed from the tank. The process itself takes about 4 minutes.

The next stage is drying. After foaming, the granules must be dried from excess moisture without fail. Drying takes place under the influence of hot air, which comes from below, and continuous mechanical shaking. Drying time takes approximately 4 minutes.


Curing. After drying, the material is sent to a special aging bunker, according to the brand (15, 25, 35 and 50) where the aging process takes place. The time of the whole procedure takes from 4 to 12 hours, depending on the size of the granules and the t of the environment.

Sintering or granule formation. All the action takes place in a special block mold, where foamed granules are fed. There, under high temperature and pressure, the granules are sintered and take the form of a block. The process takes 6 - 12 minutes.

5. Curing of blocks. Prepared blocks are sorted by brand and stored.

At first, the blocks can still give off the remaining moisture. The period of ripening blocks takes from 12 to 30 days.6. Cutting foam blocks. On a special foam machine, string cutting of foam blocks into plates of specified sizes is carried out. Standard sizes make 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100 mm, other sizes determined by the individual order are possible.

The final stage is the processing of the residual material. The production of expanded polystyrene is waste-free, since all residual materials are crushed and added to pre-foamed raw materials in proportions of 1: 8. At the output, you get a finished product - foam plastic - modern, competitive insulation material, which, undoubtedly, is in demand in the consumer market of building materials. About the density of the foam The finished high-quality polystyrene foam has evenly spaced granules of the same size. If the material is of poor quality such as PSB, in this case a fracture is formed at the points of contact of balls of different sizes. Expanded polystyrene consists of fine-mesh granules sintered together. There are micropores inside the expanded polystyrene granules, and voids between the granules.

The mechanical characteristics of the material depend on the density. The higher the density, the higher the strength and the lower the water absorption, hygroscopicity, vapor and air permeability. The density of the foam depends on kilograms per cubic meter. Usually, for foamed polymers, this coefficient is not more than 50, but often varies from about 15 to 35.

For example, in ceramic brick average density close to 1,800 kg per cubic meter. Of course, the higher the density of the material, the higher the rate of transfer of thermal energy between its particles. For comparison, the thermal conductivity of the same brick is 18-20 times higher than that of foam plastic. On the other hand, its mechanical strength also depends on the density of the material, only in this case a direct relationship is visible: the higher the density, the stronger the material. If the material is repeatedly foamed, then the density of the foam will decrease.

Perhaps for this reason, foam plastic is not used for the construction of load-bearing structures. As the name implies, foamed polymers are the result of a hardened foam of a polymer mass. Most of the foam is occupied by air, which is contained in plastic cells. Therefore, such insulating properties and low density. Where do they buy raw materials for production? At present, the production of raw materials has been established all over the world.

For example, such European manufacturers as BASF (Germany), Dvorex Sintez (Poland), Italian companies. Korea, China, Turkey and Russia are also worthy producers of raw materials for the manufacture of foam plastic. Moreover, according to the observations of other manufacturers, the quality of raw materials from the Chinese manufacturer has increased significantly in recent years, including the price / quality ratio. This fact encourages the European manufacturer to increase its competitiveness in the market, including the Ukrainian one.

The only drawback of cooperation with China can be considered that delivery times can take up to 1.5 months. How to make foam plastic with your own hands Cooking foam plastic at home is still not a safe process. Such an activity is best done in special rooms, for example, in a workshop. And also prepare the necessary equipment in advance. All you need is polystyrene in the form of granules (they are quite small, so they are popularly called beads) and special equipment. To make foam plastic with your own hands, you need a sufficient number of small polystyrene granules. After that, these balls should swell and stick together.

This procedure is carried out by processing polystyrene granules with hot steam. As a result of this heating, the granules will begin to swell. After the granules are inflated, they will begin to release gas, which will push them towards each other. At the next stage, the granules are connected to each other, taking the form of the container in which they are located.

After the resulting mass has cooled down, the foam can be considered ready. But it should be borne in mind that the quality of such a self-made foam can be very mediocre. For the manufacture of high-quality foam, it is necessary to use special equipment that will provide the entire production technology. And besides, experiments with such high temperatures in domestic conditions, they can harm not only health, but also the living space itself.

Styrofoam blocks are empty boxes made from Styrofoam. The size of such a block is 25 cm in height and width and 95 cm in length. It is worth remembering that although this process is simple, it belongs to the category of chemicals and is accompanied by the release of volatile formaldehyde substances. Having reached a certain concentration, they can poison both the manufacturers themselves and all those around. Scheme and equipment for the production of foam: 1 - raw materials; 2 - pre-expander; 3 - aging bunker; 4 - block form; 5 - finished products; 6 - cutting foam blocks; 7 - pneumatic transport; 8 - steam receiver; 9 - compressor; 10 - steam generator; 11 - waste crusher. Making polystyrene foam with your own hands should be accompanied by very good ventilation. Therefore, deploy in a city apartment manufacturing process won't work at all. You need a separate room.

Best suited for this purpose is a hangar or barn on suburban area located away from residential premises. You will also need certain equipment that will have to be installed in this room. For the manufacture of expanded polystyrene, we need: granulated polystyrene; steam generator; steam accumulator; compressor; bunker for aging granules; mold for forming blocks; pneumatic transport; machine for cutting the finished product into plates; control scales; measuring utensils. spend approximately 500 thousand rubles.

Therefore, the organization of the production of expanded polystyrene should be engaged only in the case when a sufficiently large volume of products will be produced. For personal consumption, the manufacture of the material is unprofitable. The production process is preceded by the purchase of raw materials. In most cases, polystyrene granules are sold in bags that weigh up to 25 kg. The main difference lies in the size, product quality and country of origin.

In many ways, the latter factor plays a decisive role in the quality and consumer properties of the finished product. The smaller the size of the granules of the material, the more solid and dense polystyrene foam can be obtained from them. In particular, it is necessary to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the purchased raw materials. For granules that have been in storage for a long period of time, the foaming process takes much longer.

Production technology

Some types of wall polystyrene blocks: Monolithic: 1 - ordinary, 2 - end. Collapsible: 3 - 200 mm wide, 4 - 300 mm wide. The process of manufacturing expanded polystyrene itself is divided into several successive stages. To carry out this work with your own hands, you need: hot steam; electric energy with a voltage of 380 V; cold water.

Steam is supplied to the system under pressure from 0.9 to 4.5 atmospheres. Its formation occurs in a steam generator that runs on solid or liquid fuel. To accumulate a sufficient amount of steam, a steam accumulator is used, where it first comes from the steam generator. Already from it, steam enters the pre-foaming tank. Under the influence of hot steam, polystyrene granules begin to increase in volume. Careful monitoring must be carried out during this process.

Apply control weighing of a certain volume of manufactured products. To carry out this work, you will need control scales and volumetric utensils. After reaching the required density, the foamed granules from the pre-foaming tank are fed into a special hopper for drying. Drying of the material occurs with the help of air heated to a temperature of 60-65ºС.

Then it is moved to another bunker designed for aging the finished product. In this bunker, the process of product stabilization takes place. Enlarged granules absorb moisture. For this reason, drying is necessary for an effective stabilization process. During aging, the final formation of the properties of the granules, which are necessary in future blocks of expanded polystyrene, occurs.

The time of this process depends on the size of the granules and the ambient air temperature. Ceiling device using ceiling polystyrene blocks: 1 - ceiling polystyrene blocks, 2 - mounting metal beams 3 - reinforcement of the ribs, 4 - reinforcement mesh between the ribs, 5 - mounting support column (1 rack per 1 m2 of floor), 6 - ordinary wall blocks, 7 - additional blocks. Next, you can proceed to the main process, which consists in baking and shaping polystyrene blocks. In this process, you need to use pneumatic transport, with which the aged granules are fed into the molding container . After that, hot steam from the steam accumulator begins to be fed into it. Under its influence, independent baking of a block product occurs. The quality of the finished foam is directly affected by both the temperature and pressure of the steam, and the duration of its supply.

After the process is completed, the doors of the bunker open, and the resulting block is taken out. Depending on the brand of polystyrene foam, the entire DIY baking process takes from 5 to 10 minutes. Do-it-yourself ready-made blocks are sorted by brand and stacked in a dry room. Moreover, it must be in a vertical position. The aged block is divided on a special machine into sheets of a given thickness.

The most popular foam sheet sizes are 20, 30, 40, 50 and 100mm. In a modern machine for horizontal cutting, strings are installed that allow you to divide the block into several sheets at once, cutting off excess from the edges of the blanks. Finished sheets are beaten off with their own hands on vertical cutting. If necessary, blanks can be divided into sheets of the desired size.

Expanded polystyrene can not only be bought ready-made, but also made by hand. This does not require sophisticated equipment. The real benefit from such work is possible if large-scale production is planned, for example, when building a house. If it is necessary to insulate a couple of walls, then it is better to buy expanded polystyrene. Due to its thermal insulation properties, expanded polystyrene can be used as external thermal insulation of the roof, foundation and walls.

Preparation for work

To make polystyrene foam with your own hands, you will have to complete a series preparatory work in order to do everything quickly and efficiently. Products can be made in the form of plates or blocks.

It all depends on what kind of material is more convenient to use for work. For example, plates are used for insulation, they are glued to the surface. For the construction of any structural forms or for formwork, the use of blocks is required, they are additionally reinforced.

After forming, the blocks have the following dimensions:

    width 25 cm; height 25 cm; length 95 cm.

Styrofoam is 98% air, lightweight and inexpensive.

The process itself, how to make polystyrene foam at home, can be classified as simple, but demanding. The chemical reaction is accompanied by the release of formaldehyde volatile substances. If care is not taken, then cases of poisoning are likely not only for the manufacturer himself, but also for those around him.

Production scheme:

    availability of raw materials (you need to purchase special granules, which are the basis for creating the material); pre-expander, with the help of which the mass is created; bunker for work, aging of the material; block molds for expanded polystyrene; storage of finished products, cutting and sorting; pneumatic transport; steam generator ;compressor;receiver for steam;crusher for waste.

Good ventilation must be ensured during manufacture in order to vent any vapors generated during operation. It is recommended that work be carried out in a separate room.

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properties of expanded polystyrene.

Production planning:

    Organization of the workplace, preparation of the necessary equipment. Purchase of granulated polystyrene, which will be used as the main raw material. The granules are poured into a container to create a material. Saturation of the mass with steam at a certain temperature, curing, baking blocks or slabs.

Before starting work, you should ensure that you have the following tools and equipment:

    mass container; steam generator; steam accumulator (it is necessary to control the volume of steam); compressor; bunkers for granules, special forms for obtaining material of the required parameters; machine for cutting material; pneumatic transport; measuring utensils, scales for determining the finished volume.

Scheme of the expanded polystyrene panel.

An important step is the purchase of raw materials, i.e. polystyrene granules.

Today it is not so difficult to do this, manufacturers offer bags of granules of 25 kg each. It is important to choose the right size, quality of mass, country of origin. It is best to take raw materials from a trusted company whose product quality has the necessary properties.

The choice of the sizes of granules depends on what polystyrene foam is required to be made.

The smaller the granules, the harder the material can be obtained. It should be taken into account how much time the pellets have already spent in the warehouse. The longer the raw material has lain in the warehouse, the more time is needed for foaming, steaming.

Failure to follow the rules can lead to a deterioration in quality, the material will eventually be not quite suitable for use, and this is a waste of time and financial resources. It is required to correctly purchase raw materials, take into account the processing time, and fulfill all the conditions for baking. An important step is cutting, since the thickness of the plates must be the same, discrepancies are not allowed.

Polyfoam is used in almost all industries, in particular:

  • in the production of building materials for insulation, sound insulation, decorative elements;
  • in the manufacture of packaging materials;
  • in medicine for the manufacture of heat-stabilizing containers;
  • in shipbuilding of small boats to fill special compartments to ensure unsinkability.

The production of foam products is a fairly simple process, the technology does not require specialized education, although it is, of course, welcome. Equipment manufacturers make turnkey mini-factories - this means that it is completely ready for work, they also provide a full description technological process, with all proportions.

Styrofoam production

In Russia, there are not many factories producing foam products, and foreign products are quite popular, which have a high cost. All this speaks of great competitive advantages this business, since demand in this industry exceeds supply, and, therefore, the owner can receive excess profits.

Composite units of the mini-factory, their technical characteristics

Today you can buy equipment of domestic production, Chinese and European. In terms of price category, Russian and Chinese are on the same level, but it is also necessary to take into account the cost of delivery and maintenance of equipment, because often there may be questions about operation or call a service technician, and it is easier to do this with a Russian company.

The AVIS-GROUP enterprise offers a mini-plant for the production of foam plastic products of the following configuration:

pre-expander - necessary for preliminary heat treatment of polystyrene granules to a density of 10 to 50 kg / m 3. Characteristics:

  • power - 2 kW;
  • productivity - up to 200 kg / h;
  • bunker volume - up to 60 l;
  • dimensions - 220 * 900 * 1380 mm;
  • weight - 240 kg;

  • hopper for drying foamed granules - thanks to this process, the pressure in the mass stabilizes, a significant part of the moisture evaporates.


  • productivity - 25 m 3 / h;
  • body material - galvanized steel;
  • dimensions - 500 * 1350 * 2000 mm;

  • automatic block mold - necessary for forming a foam sheet. The molding process is accompanied by cooling the mass with the help of vacuum. Characteristics:
  • productivity - up to 18 m 3;
  • time of one cycle - 5 minutes;
  • dimensions of the finished block - 640 * 1040 * 2040 mm;
  • dimensions - 1500 * 750 * 2300 mm;

  • Block-form automatic vacuum unit - necessary to remove excess air in the formed sheet, with its help the forming process is accelerated.


  • power - 7.5 kW / h;
  • productivity - up to 3 m 3 / min;
  • receiver volume - 2.8 m 3;

  • machine for cutting foam into sheets and various products of the required size. Characteristics:
  • productivity - up to 7 m 3 / h;
  • minimum sheet thickness - 20 mm;
  • dimensions - 1500*Ф1300*4500 mm;
  • packaging unit - wraps the finished product with PVC film.


  • power - 1.5 kW;
  • productivity - up to 60 m 3 / h;
  • dimensions of blocks to rest - 600*1000*1000 mm;

waste shredder - necessary for crushing scraps after cutting finished sheets. This process is necessary for the organization of waste-free production, since waste can be reused by adding to the granules, but not more than 5%.


  • power - 7 kW;
  • productivity - up to 5 m 3 / h;
  • dimensions - 830 * 800 * 1300 mm.

Such a plant will cost 2,500,000 rubles.

What is needed for production and where to buy raw materials

The basis of production is polystyrene granules - PSV-S. They are obtained by polymerization of styrene, the surface is treated with substances that prevent the accumulation of electrostatic charges, which greatly facilitates storage and transportation. In Russia, polymer raw materials are produced by the following companies:

  • Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat;
  • Nizhnekamskhim;
  • ABC of polymers;
  • Plastprom.

The cost of domestic raw materials is from 56 rubles per 25 kg.

Imported raw materials from Chinese and European manufacturers will cost twice as much, but are of higher quality. When organizing production, it must be taken into account that polystyrene foam granules must be stored at a temperature not lower than +18 ° C and humidity not more than 70%. Violation of storage conditions will directly affect the foam manufacturing process.

In addition to granules, various chemical components can be added to the composition of the foam, which will additionally provide resistance to combustion. These are various chlorine- and bromine-containing substances, but their amount should not be more than 5% of total weight loaded granules.

Polyfoam manufacturing technology

The technological process of production includes several stages:

Calculation of the profitability of a mini-factory for the production of foam products

The following data is required to calculate profit:

  • the cost of raw materials is 56 rubles per 25 kg;
  • production of foam plastic from polystyrene granules - 1: 1 - waste-free production;
  • consumption of raw materials - 52 m 3 per shift (8 hours), 1248 - per month (24 working days);
  • productivity - 12 kg / m 3 one sheet, 624 kg per day, 14976 kg per month;
  • with such a productivity, 25 packs of granules per day or 600 per month will be required;
  • cost of 1 m 3 - 25 (packs) * 56 rubles / 52 m 3 (production per day) = 26.92 rubles;
  • the cost of a foam sheet weighing 12 kg / m 3 - 1150 rubles;
  • profit from 1 m 3 of the finished product - 1150 - 26.92 \u003d 1123.08 rubles;
  • profit from the daily volume of production - 58400.00 rubles;
  • income per month - 58400 * 24 \u003d 1,401,600 rubles;
  • wages, taxes and social contributions, utility bills and other expenses should be deducted from income - this is approximately 40%, that is, the business owner will have 840,960 rubles of net profit every month.

mini plant with technical specifications, which will provide such performance, costs 2,500,000 rubles. With a stable monthly profit, which is ensured by an established system for marketing finished products, the payback period may come in the first six months of the plant's operation. Of course, these are only preliminary calculations, it is clear that it takes time to establish sales and stable production, but with the right organization, you can get a net profit after the first year of operation.

Video: Styrofoam production in the Urals

» is an expert with a proven track record over the years. For each client who strives to add variety to his life, using highly aesthetic products made of expanded polystyrene for his home, office space, trading floor, garden, the leading company "TOP-Penoplast" is ready to become a reliable partner and friend.

Our products will help not only draw attention to your company, but also make the exhibition brighter, interest potential customers through the use of a modern, bright, memorable and effective advertising product.

We will help to make any of your fantasies come true, using only expanded polystyrene. With it, it is possible to recreate whatever you wish, whether it be:

  • decorative elements for finishing facades;
  • shop window logos;
  • theatrical scenery and ensembles from individual elements for performances;
  • three-dimensional letters in the form of the names of the newlyweds or signs for a photoset;
  • figured products for corporate parties, New Year's and thematic holidays;
  • model of goods sold by your company with a construction height of up to three meters.

The company's specialists are ready to provide advice on the installation of finished structures and products made of expanded polystyrene. If necessary, we can provide installation services ourselves. In addition, TOP-Penoplast includes an item for creating an individual drawing based on the wishes of the client, taking into account the scope of products.

For many years of activity, our company has managed to create its own unique concept for the production of expanded polystyrene products, which provides profitable and truly comfortable relationships with customers.

Advantages of TOP-Penoplast

Along with other competing companies, our company has a number of undeniable advantages:

Democratic prices

Artificially inflating prices, profiting from customers is not our prerogative. We are FOR the production of high quality products at the lowest possible cost. Therefore, over the many years of our existence, we have a large base with clients who turn again and again. In addition, we have managed to significantly reduce the cost of production due to the use of more modern technologies in production.

Modern equipment

Product assembly

Short deadlines

Individual approach

The wishes of our customers and the needs of our customers are of particular importance to us. Therefore, we take a responsible approach to the implementation of each order, trying to take into account the taste preferences and specifics of the business area as much as possible. At the same time, we leave a lot of opportunities for our clients for self-realization and implementation of their ideas, while simultaneously providing consultations at the request of the customer. Both legal and individuals who apply to our company can be directly involved in the creation and development of their own project, as well as make their own adjustments and supplement the drawings at any stage.

High quality products

Fast delivery


Qualified specialists

The company "TOP-Penoplast" is a team of craftsmen who have professional experience and, importantly, love their work. Our team is represented by diligent craftsmen with knowledge of different specializations. These are professional sculptors with a diploma of higher art education, and creative marketers, and experienced designers. Also, the team is complemented by qualified employees of various specialties who are responsible for the individual stages of its manufacture, so that the products fully comply with production standards and the wishes of the client.

In this material:

The area of ​​use of polyfoam is very wide. The limits of operation are not limited to packaging, as most citizens think. Styrofoam is massively used in the construction and finishing industry, medicine, various industries, etc. This leads to a logical conclusion that the activity of producing foam plastic is a profitable business project that even young entrepreneurs can implement. Required condition for a successful start - a business plan for a foam plastic enterprise, because without thoughtful step-by-step measures for organizing a project and financial calculations, an idea can collapse already at the preparation stage.

Description of the business idea, its relevance and benefits

The goal of the project is to organize a foam plastic business in a city with a population of 500,000 or more.

Type of project - own mini-factory, area 200 sq. m.

Means - a loan or attraction of a sponsor. The minimum budget is 2.5 million rubles.

Payback - from 1 year.

The essence of the business idea is simple - investing in organizing a mini foam plant, purchasing raw materials and selling the finished product through wholesale networks.

The relevance of the business is explained simply, polystyrene is used in such areas as:

  • metallurgical industry - the creation of insulated pipes and other metal structures requiring thermal insulation;
  • tailoring - the use of foam as a heater;
  • medicine - production of containers for various needs, including transportation and storage of medicines;
  • architecture - making models;
  • construction - the use of foam as a heater and soundproofing material;
  • logistics, trade - packaging material;
  • other areas of production - furniture manufacturing, disposable tableware etc.

Despite the fact that in Russia there are several large plants for the production of foam plastic, the relevance of small and medium-sized businesses of regional importance in this area does not cease to be relevant.

Project advantages:

  1. Demand for products - foam, in fact, is considered consumable used for packaging and insulation. Wide demand is explained by low cost and mass use for various needs, which cannot be said about other materials with similar characteristics.
  2. Ease of production modern equipment makes it easy to produce required amount products of any shape and quantity, depending on the wishes of the customer.
  3. Environmental friendliness - the foam is made from environmentally friendly materials, which cannot be said about the chemical compounds of alternative products with similar characteristics.

Reference. The main advantage of the styrofoam business is minimum costs on raw materials at a high margin on the final product. This results in a high income and a quick payback of the project.

Foam production technology

Styrofoam production is a fully automatic process requiring only the control of the machine operator.

The workflow looks like this:

  1. Loading of raw materials - polystyrene granules are used.
  2. Pre-expander activation - the device supplies steam to achieve the desired volume of granules.
  3. Drying - the granules are moved to a special compartment for complete drying.
  4. Maturing - after drying, the raw materials must be aged for 12 hours.
  5. Shape creation – the pellets are moved to a hopper where they are subjected to vacuum, which creates the desired shape.
  6. Unloading of blocks - the finished foam is fed to the platform.
  7. Cutting - products are cut according to the specified dimensions.

Reference. The cut off parts of the foam are not thrown away, but are reused, so we can safely say that this is a waste-free production. The ratio of raw materials and finished foam for the manufacture of new products is 8:1, respectively.

Raw material

Polystyrene granules are used for the manufacture of foam. The most popular brand is PSB-S 25F, which has a long shelf life, aging period and end product quality that is optimal for most uses.

Other grades of polystyrene:

  • PSB-S15;
  • PSB-S25;
  • PSB-S50.

The cost of 1 kg of polystyrene ranges from 50–70 rubles, which depends on the supplier (China or Russia), as well as on the brand of raw materials. For the production of 1 cubic meter of polystyrene, 15 kg of polystyrene is required. It is easy to calculate the cost of production - 15 * 70 \u003d 1,050 rubles.

In retail, the cost of foam plastic is from 300 rubles per sheet or 1,500 per package, which also depends on the thickness of the material. Again, it is easy to calculate the margin on the goods and the payback period of the entire project in the presence of regular customers.

Market analysis: target audience, competition and risks

There are several ways to analyze the market for foam manufacturers:

  • searching for information on the Internet;
  • visiting large building supermarkets of the city and obtaining information about the foam manufacturer;
  • combination of two methods.

As a rule, more than 80% of entrepreneurs involved in the sale of building materials purchase finished products from suppliers. Hence the high markup on the goods, which includes the pledged costs of transportation, inflation, wages and much more. Such entrepreneurs cannot be considered competitors, although in the end they sell the same product.

It is necessary to identify the direct producers of foam in the region, determine their level in the business (term of operation, scale of activity, price segment) and compare with their own indicators. If possible, it is necessary to set the price for products no higher than competitors, and best of all, 3-4% lower.

Target audience of the project:

  • construction companies;
  • metallurgical industry;
  • advertising business for the installation of outdoor structures;
  • production enterprises of various directions;
  • logistics companies;
  • businessmen who own catering points;
  • shops, supermarkets, shopping centers.

Depending on the scale of the project, a businessman can cooperate both with one intermediary and with several at the same time, fulfilling orders for the production of foam plastic for various fields of activity.

Possible business risks:

  • Low-quality raw materials - the problem is solved by changing the supplier, as well as constant monitoring of product quality.
  • Failure or premature wear of equipment - the risk is typical for used equipment, as well as in the absence of a guarantee from the seller.
  • The human factor - a violation of foam production technology directly depends on the employees of the enterprise, therefore, in order to exclude any emergency situations, it is necessary to carefully select personnel, conduct training and periodically test knowledge of their duties.
  • Competition is a serious risk, especially if a competitor appears after the start of the enterprise. In this case, the entrepreneur needs to review in detail the financial plan of the business project, analyze the possibilities for reducing the price, as well as launch an advertising campaign and form new offers on the market.
  • The financial crisis in the country and the world - the solution to the problem is to regularly monitor the state of the economy in the country, the exchange rate and other nuances, including the political situation, which can directly or indirectly affect business.

Reference: 99% of all existing and potential risks are absolutely solvable if the business plan of the project is observed, market and competition analysis is carried out both in the region of work and in the country as a whole.

Setting up a plastic foam business

Activity registration

The production of foam plastic provides for work in the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The choice between the two forms depends on the entrepreneur and the scale of the business. For example, for a mini-factory with an area of ​​200 sq. m, the status of an individual entrepreneur is quite suitable, but some problems may arise with the sale of products. Large companies fundamentally do not work with individual entrepreneurs, but in fact, multimillion-dollar contracts are “too tough” for small businesses due to the limited budget of the project.

A legal entity (LLC) is optimally suited for the operation of a larger enterprise, which in the future is aimed at reaching customers not only in the region of location, but also in neighboring regions of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for registering entrepreneurial activities in both cases is almost the same - collecting documents, submitting papers to the tax service, waiting for a decision. The certificate of entrepreneurial activity is issued within 5 days.

OKVED code - 25.21 (production of plastic products).

Taxation system - USN or UTII.

Production room

The optimal area for a foam plastic workshop is 100 sq. m. In this case, it is worth considering the administrative part of the premises (up to 25 sq. m) and the warehouse (40–60 sq. m). As a result, the entrepreneur needs to rent a building of at least 200 sq. m.

Room requirements:

  • lack of moisture;
  • the absence of rodents and other pests (an appropriate treatment is carried out before starting production);
  • small remoteness of the enterprise from urban infrastructure - if possible, you need to rent a room within the city, but it is allowed to be located up to 5–10 km from the settlement;
  • availability of a convenient access for freight transport, including multi-ton trucks;
  • the presence of nearby municipal transport links for the convenience of staff.

Search for raw material suppliers

Polystyrene in Russia is produced and supplied by several large factories, as well as intermediary firms. The exact addresses and contacts can be found on the Internet, as well as to study the reviews of each supplier and the product supplied.

An alternative option is to order raw materials from China. Today it is maximum affordable option, and Chinese polystyrene is no different from domestic, but it is cheaper. As always, the entrepreneur needs to choose.

Purchase of equipment

The technical equipment of the mini foam plant can be purchased as a set or separately. For a standard type workshop whose products are foam sheets different thickness and forms, you will need:

  • pre-foamer;
  • bunker for receiving raw materials;
  • block compartment;
  • tables for cutting products;
  • steam supply devices;
  • shredders of unused foam;
  • vacuum device;
  • system control panel;
  • additional equipment for mounting the machine and equipping it with separate blocks.


For a mini-factory for the production of foam plastic with a quantity of equipment of 1-2 units, at least 4 people of service personnel will be required. Provided that the work will be carried out in 2 shifts, the number of workers increases to 8 people.

Minimum staff:

  • handyman - 8 people;
  • technologist - 1 person;
  • accountant - 1 person;
  • cleaner - 2 people;
  • watchman - 3 people.

In the future, it makes sense to purchase trucks and hire 2-3 drivers to deliver products to the customer.

Search for sales channels for finished products

You can sell foam in several ways:

  • wholesale trade with non-permanent customers;
  • retail trade through own network;
  • custom foam production.

Considering that more than 75% of business target is the construction industry, it is necessary to focus in this direction. A wide advertising campaign will help in finding customers:

  • commercials on TV and radio;
  • own site;
  • outdoor advertising in the city and suburbs;
  • advertising in building catalogs;
  • leaflets, booklets in hardware stores;
  • contact with construction companies.

Reduced prices, the availability of profitable offers and high quality products will quickly find customers for a long time.

Financial calculations

Investments to start production

Initial investments (in rubles):

  • 150,000 - conclusion of a lease agreement for premises;
  • 200,000 - repair and preparation of the building for work;
  • 1,000,000 - purchase of equipment;
  • 100,000 - arrangement of the manager's office, purchase of office furniture and equipment;
  • 150,000 - purchase of raw materials;
  • 15,000 - registration of entrepreneurial activity;
  • 50,000 - advertising;
  • 50,000 - market analysis and search for distribution channels.

Result: 1,715,000 rubles.

Current expenses

First month expenses:

  • 150,000 - rent of premises;
  • 400,000 - wages (15 people);
  • 40,000 - utilities;
  • 100,000 - reserve fund.

Result: 690,000 rubles.

Income and profit calculation

The income of the polystyrene foam business consists of the volume of finished products and turnover. On average, the mini-factory produces 50 cubic meters of polystyrene per week. The cost of one cubic meter of products is 5,000 rubles. Profit per week - 250,000 rubles. Monthly income - 1 million rubles.

The net income of the enterprise is 200-250 thousand rubles, since it is worth deducting mandatory monthly expenses and taxes from 1 million rubles.

The payback of the project will take a period of 10-12 months.

When planning to open a foam plastic business, you need to remember not only the many positive aspects of the project, but also the potential risks. Perhaps the selected region or a specific locality is not suitable for this kind of activity. It may also be that the funds taken on credit are not enough to complete the initiated activities. There are many nuances, so a business plan is not just an important and necessary thing, but a direct solution to potential problems.

Order a business plan

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