We spend about a third of our lives in sleep. If it takes less time, then in the remaining period of time we dream of getting enough sleep. And for this reason, each of us tries to equip a place to sleep so that it is always cozy, comfortable and easy to fall asleep there.

No matter how modest our home may be, there is always room for a bed. This means that the design of even the smallest bedroom must perform several very important functions. One of which is healthy sleep.

And at the same time, the bedroom for most of us also becomes an office, workshop, studio, boudoir, and also includes not only a bed, but also a writing or computer table, work surfaces, all kinds of wall equipment and, of course, cabinets for storing things. Therefore, our already small bedrooms seem even smaller than they are.

Small room interiors: ideas

Unfortunately, small bedrooms are a frequent occurrence in small apartments, popularly called Khrushchevs. And that is why most of us are faced with the problem of arranging such a small room in area, where every square meter counts. Therefore, the issue of optimal and optional interior in these rooms is more acute than in any other.

Although not only in Khrushchev there are small bedrooms. After all, such premises can be located in the attic or in a country house. They can be guest rooms or non-main rooms, provided as additional sleeping places. But this does not mean that they should be given less attention... After all, every room in our home is a reflection of our soul. And if you have the opportunity to make her more cheerful and pleasant, do it.

To begin with, it is worth looking at the original layout of the existing bedroom in order to understand what are its main advantages and what are the disadvantages. So, playing on strengths and hiding weaknesses, we can create an ideal design even in a room with an area of \u200b\u200b10 square meters. m.!

And it doesn't matter which room you got - with two windows or without a window at all, with hidden spaces in the form of a niche that can give 5 sq. m. in excess of the available area, or an empty, but regular square. Any bedroom can be made cozy and comfortable. The main thing is to want.

How to equip?

The main rule in arranging small bedrooms is the principle of decluttering. After all, the more the room is made, the tighter it will be. And if, looking around the walls and floor in your bedroom, you did not see a single free space or baseboard, then you will never feel comfortable in such a room.

Therefore, refuse bulky furniture, decorative trifles, as well as additional storage that take up a lot of space. Small rooms do not tolerate a large number, albeit useful, but large interior items. After all, this is how they turn from a bedroom into a closet, where sometimes you can lie down for a minute and breathe in the dusty air, and not fully relax after a hard day's work.

In addition, many of us try to combine them with the office, so that we can always return to work after sleep without being distracted by other trifles.

Every thing in a small bedroom should be in its place. And if you think about it as much as possible comfortable arrangement, start by purchasing multifunctional furniture.

Beds with drawers for storing linen, dressers and deep baskets, hanging shelves and a small but roomy wardrobe - all this will free the surfaces from decorative little things that create "creative disorder" and imaginary comfort in the room. And they will artificially expand the space, making the bedroom freer and brighter.

Therefore, give preference to built-in shelving, tables with additional shelves, furniture with drawers and baskets to store things, bedding and small devices like chargers for phones away from eyes.

But don't clutter the room too much with non-sleep items. After all, armchairs, chairs, bookshelves and various decorative elements will again return the cramped space in which it should be easy to breathe. However, you shouldn't go to the extremes of excessive minimalism either. This will not give the room any charm or real home comfort. Look for your golden mean between functional furniture and a small set of petty little things.

Color solutions

Color plays an important role in expanding space and creating comfort in a small bedroom. And this is not surprising, because a bright room, no matter how small it is, will seem more spacious.

Therefore, give preference to white, beige and pastel colors, which visually expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, filling it with a lot of light. Will look great on the walls and brown colors, imitation natural wood, leather or skins will give the room a special ethnic charm.

But if you think that your bedroom is doomed to soiled colors, then we are in a hurry to cheer you up. After all, this is the simplest, but not the only solution in order to make small room cozy and beloved.

Bright and bold colors will give the room no less space and light. And use combined wallpaper, where one wall will be executed in turquoise or blue, for example, tones, and others in more muted shades will also expand the space and give a healthy, pleasant sleep. The main thing - the right combination colors and their arrangement. For instance, excellent solution there will be a panel above the bed with wallpaper with a large pattern or a bright print, and in addition to them, pick up a monochromatic companion wallpaper that allows you to add dynamics to the interior.

If we have convinced you that only light or bright colors will create sufficient space and comfort in the room, then we is in a hurry to retreat with a proposal to paint the walls in something darker. After all, a bedroom in gray tones will not yield to light rooms in terms of a visual increase in space, but rather, will expose it in a more advantageous light.

As practice shows, a dark color perfectly conceals corners and dissolves borders, creating a chamber atmosphere. So don't be afraid to use colors like dark gray, blue or brown in your bedrooms. They will allow you to give the room your own special comfort and space.

Although if you doubt that a dark solution will suit you, then try a more democratic approach - make only one wall contrast. And so you will be able to artificially increase the space without giving up the most necessary pieces of furniture.

Do not forget that not only walls play a special role in the color scheme of small bedrooms. Floor and ceiling are also important. Therefore, give preference to the same colors that you choose for the walls. This will help to remove the abrupt transition and the oppressive feeling (especially felt in rooms with low ceilings).


No matter how small the room is, the decor will be able to transform it and put it in a winning light, if you approach this issue correctly.

But do not forget the main rule for designing small-sized bedrooms - everything should be not only beautiful, but also optional. Therefore, if you want to decorate the room as organically as possible, give preference not only to cute little things, but also really useful ones.

Of course, we do not force you to abandon your favorite paintings, posters or large photographs, but we encourage you to post them correctly. After hanging a large image at the head of the bed, you can make it a focal point, distracting attention from the small area of \u200b\u200bthe room itself.

Light also plays an important role. And therefore, try to adhere to the rule of three-level lighting - general, decorative and applied. So, to help the spotlights and chandeliers located on the ceiling, connect floor lamps and nightlights to illuminate the walls, and also do not forget about table lampsserving as assistants at desktops.


How to visually increase the space?

A small bedroom is not a sentence, but special conditions for testing your capabilities and design vein. Therefore, driving into the classic Khrushchev, where there is a struggle for every free square meter, do not give up.

The layout itself can tell you many great solutions for decorating a room so that it is pleasant to be in it and not feel the eternal pressure of the walls. Even if for the bedroom you have chosen a room with a balcony, niche or other hidden spaces, then you have already taken a step forward to your own bright and comfortable sleeping area.

After placing the bed in a niche and painting it in contrasting light, you will be able to give the whole room depth and the desired volume. And by insulating the balcony, you will be able to carve out a couple more additional square meters in favor of the room.

Wall murals will also help to visually enlarge the bedroom, since choosing calm city and wild landscapes, large flowers or just a haze hanging over the field, you will expand the space of the room without much effort.

Another tricky move, mandatory for use in small bedrooms, is the use of mirrors when decorating individual sections and even entire walls. After all, they do an excellent job with the main task facing us - visually expanding the boundaries and increasing the available space. And no matter what you choose - a free-standing large mirror, mirrored panels on the sides of the bed, or an entire headboard - any of these solutions will put the room in a winning light.

By the way, mirrors not only artificially make the bedroom larger, and the ceilings are higher, but also perfectly hide behind them secret cabinets located along the wall, shelves and other everyday items that usually spoil general form premises.

Low ceilings, too, will not be able to stop you in an effort to make the room more spacious. Just when choosing a bed, give preference to lower models, for example, in the Japanese style. So you artificially raise the ceiling without resorting to the services of architects and builders. And this will make the bedroom even brighter and larger.

Suitable styles

Do not forget that the style of the bedroom also affects its coziness and comfort for sleeping. Therefore, not everything that is suitable for large, spacious rooms will look good and give you pleasure in small areas.

As we said, white color Is a universal solution for those who want to make an island of comfort and blissful sleep out of a tiny bedroom. And most often it is combined with the increasingly popular high-tech style. After all, the minimalism of things and colors is an ideal and simple combination that is not difficult and pleasant to implement.

Although the white color blows not only with space, but also with coolness, therefore many are trying to abandon it for the sake of greater comfort that has come to us from the West. So, a bedroom decorated in a rustic style or shabby chic, made in soft, pastel colors and complemented by small scuffs or, at first glance, bulky furniture, makes the room warmer and more pleasant for people with a subtle emotional attitude.

If you are limited not only by space, but also by finances, but want to squeeze the maximum benefit and comfort out of each square meter, then you should think about designing a bed in the Ikea style. The Ved products of this Swedish furniture factory, which blew up the world with bold designs within any budget, are a great solution for those who are ready to try something new, but remain true to environmentally friendly and durable furniture.

Ikea has long gone beyond one style or color, which is captivating more and more people planning renovations and a complete change of scenery. And their airy beds with practical storage boxes, racks with variable shelf heights, tricky wardrobes with a dozen hidden shelves will be great helpers in renovating and changing the interior towards space and light. However, charming decorative baskets in which you can hide little things, roomy poufs and bedside tables with a secret will also become not only a wonderful decor, but also a practical addition to the room.

Spectacular project in an ordinary apartment: examples, new items

And yet style is not the main thing. Although it plays a special role for those who still cannot quickly navigate the novelties or have not decided what, apart from spaciousness, they want to see in their bedroom. Our main goal is a simple, cozy and comfortable room where it will be pleasant to sleep, create and live.

And that's why every bedroom needs individual approach, creating not only the atmosphere, but also emphasizing the character of its owners. And for this we need all the methods and tools under our control.

Another difficulty in decorating a small bedroom can be its shape. So, in old buildings, rectangular rooms are more common than others, allocated for sleeping rooms. And in a narrow room it is more difficult to organize the space competently and ergonomically than in a square one. Therefore, it is worth adhering to certain rules that were invented long before us and have received rethinking in our days.

So, modern designers recommend trying something new, placing the bed with the headboard not against the wall, as has been traditionally accepted for many years, but by the window. This bold move will save plenty of space and delight with a sunny awakening day after day.

Many owners of small bedrooms, having purchased the furniture necessary for the bedroom, realize that there is not so much free space in the room.

Of course, if you are not a designer, it will not be easy to rationally use the available space and create a complete design for a small bedroom.

However, a small bedroom does not mean a sentence to your ideas; even nine square meters is enough to create a unique design.

Experienced designers always have a few tricks in stock that allow you to visually enlarge the room, while maintaining its functionality.

Light is the main weapon

Lighting is the main tool for enlarging small rooms. A bedroom in a small room should have a large window, the window sill should not be cluttered, there should be maximum access to natural light.

It is better not to install massive cabinets near the window.

As curtains, you should choose economical blinds and set them as high as possible to save space, but if the interior of a small bedroom does not imply blinds, you can choose curtains.

Now let's talk about artificial light, there are several functional options. Each has its own characteristics and tasks:

Spotlights. If you place them around the perimeter of the bedroom, then you can visually move the walls.

Ceiling chandelier. It should not be massive, the light must be directed to the ceiling, this will not only not blind people, but also move the ceiling.

Several bedside sconces are a great option to create a pleasant atmosphere.

Wallpaper in a small bedroom

Many people blindly believe that dark colors promote healthy relaxation and comfort. Of course, this is partly true, but modern small bedrooms do not tolerate dark shades.

For a large room, this would be good choice, but in a small bedroom they reduce the space, the room becomes more like a closet.

It is better to choose wallpaper for a small bedroom in light colors; all colors with shades of white would be an excellent option. This helps to expand the space and also adds coziness.

Ideal shades for small spaces are:

  • cream;
  • pink;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • light yellow;
  • orange.

In addition, it is not always appropriate to play on contrasts. However, if the design provides for their presence, try to soften the transition as much as possible, the colors should not change too abruptly.

Furniture selection

This is a rather non-trivial task, because we need to keep the style of a small bedroom, but not to allow clutter. Therefore, you need to choose furniture

If possible, give up massive closed cabinets and cabinets, light shelves and wall shelves are a great option. However, if you are determined to buy a massive sliding wardrobe - give preference to wardrobes with a lot of reflective surfaces.

When choosing a bed, it is better to choose options on small supports, or lying on the floor. Any tall furniture visually overloads a small room, which creates a feeling of compactness and discomfort. It becomes really hard to breathe freely indoors.

Mirrors will not be superfluous, but small ones, it is better to purchase several small ones and install them on different walls.

Glass furniture, coffee tables, and glass wall shelves are also great options.

Of course, any bedroom has textiles. The peculiarities of choosing it in a small bedroom is that you do not need to choose large drawings or patterns, give preference to plain materials and small prints.

Optional accessories

The bedroom is a room only for relaxation, which means it should be filled with pleasant to the eye little things.

But, if you have a small bedroom, you should immediately forget about large paintings and appliques, this will only reduce the space. An excellent option would be small figurines and figurines, as well as pictures in beautiful frames on bedside tables.

If you want to hang pictures - then only small in size and in elegant frames. When choosing a rug, give preference to round, bright options.

Choosing a design

Now on the Internet, there are enough photos of a small bedroom made in different styles, but remember that not all styles are suitable. For example, styles such as:

  • rococo;
  • country;
  • art decor;
  • baroque.

These options are not appropriate in a small room, because they involve a lot of bulky furniture and additional things.

Do not despair ahead of time, all other styles are great for small bedrooms. Choose wisely and the cosiness and comfort of your bedroom is guaranteed!

Photo of a small bedroom

Small bedroom design difficult task... Indeed, most often the bedroom in modern small apartmentsah also combines the functions of a wardrobe and a home office. However, taking note of some useful tips, you will be able to competently use every meter and turn your small bedroom into a cozy and functional resting place.

When the bedroom is small, it is necessary to simultaneously combine two tasks - to accommodate the necessary furniture and things and visually increase the space. What needs to be done to visually expand the size of the bedroom? What colors are best for this? How to decorate a small bedroom? What kind of furniture would fit best here?

The smaller the bedroom, the lighter the shades

Of course, for a small bedroom, it is recommended to use light shades, as they significantly expand the space, while warm ones visually reduce it. That is why in a small bedroom the walls should be painted with paint in neutral light tones or pasted over with light colors.

To make the interior of a small bedroom more interesting and creative, you can add bright accents - multi-colored curtains, carpet, pillows and bedspread.

What furniture to choose for a small bedroom

Since there is not enough space in a small bedroom, you should not clutter it up with furniture. In this case, when developing the design of a house or design of an apartment, it is best to apply the minimalism style in the bedroom.

The main place in the room is the bed, and even in a small bedroom it should be emphasized. You can choose an option without legs, so that visually it seems smaller in size. To focus on the bed, you need to make the headboard taller and more prominent.

In some bedrooms there is so little space that it will not even be enough for a wardrobe, and therefore it can be safely replaced with a chest of drawers. In addition, high shelves can be installed near the bed instead of bedside tables.

A built-in wardrobe with mirrored front doors is an excellent option for a small bedroom. A lot of things are placed in it, which is very important in such a situation. Furniture must be positioned in such a way that there is a maximum of free space, and there is no empty space between objects.

How can you visually expand the space of a small bedroom? What advice should you heed in this case?

  • You should not clutter up the bedroom with objects that do not affect sleep in any way - you do not need to use many decorative elements, bookshelves, chairs, etc.
  • Do not obstruct the bedroom entrance.
  • Instead of placing several shelves, you can choose a compact rack, where you can fit everything you need, and there will also be a lot of free space.
  • Light-colored paint or wallpaper should be used, and dark colors are not recommended.
  • Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern perfectly expands the space.
  • It is recommended to use textiles and curtains without large patterns.
  • Do not hang numerous photographs and paintings in massive frames on the walls. It is better to hang just one picture in the bedroom above the head of the bed.

Bedroom design with balcony - expanding space.

There are also cases when tenants, desperate to experiment with the visual expansion of a small bedroom, decide to increase its space due to the area of \u200b\u200bthe balcony or loggia.

The idea is realistic only if the balcony is glazed. The design of a small bedroom with a balcony is of two types: using a loggia as an additional area - an extension of the bedchamber; a room with an adjoining part is a single space. In the first case, you can put a tiny sofa on the balcony and coffee tableby building a seating area or book shelves. The main thing is that the interior of the loggia is a continuation of the bedroom design, obeying a single style, and not discord with it.

In the second case, you will have to take care of insulating the adjoining part and removing the window and balcony door... You should not remove the bearing walls and transfer the batteries to the balcony - for the safety of the whole house. The second option is suitable for those who have a very small bedroom. The balcony can be turned into a cozy terrace, a study (if it is located on the north or west side), a library (for those who like to read). You can also organize a sleeping place here, putting a narrow ottoman and a dressing room, equipping the area with wardrobes. Contrary to popular belief, a tiny room is not a sentence. Correctly selected furniture, lighting sources, colors, textiles and a minimum of decor will add space and freedom to the room. We hope that now you will be able to design a small bedroom with your own hands. Feel free to resort to interior tricks and tricks in order to make the relaxation and sleep area the most pleasant corner in the house.

Try to choose a wallpaper with bright interesting patterns, your kid will be delighted to see heroes of your favorite cartoons on the walls. If you are afraid that the child will show his talent as an artist right on the wallpaper, leave one wall white for creativity.

Children's bedroom must be divided into zones:

  • Game room;
  • Working;
  • For sleep.

If the room is intended for several children, a bunk bed will help save space.

The play area includes not only a space for games, but also elements such as a ladder and a horizontal bar for sports exercises. Use photo wallpaper, they will revive the space of the bedroom and significantly increase it.

The working area should be a table comfortable chair, shelves for books. The child should be comfortable doing homework and nothing should distract him, it is better if, sitting at the table, he will find himself with his back to the playing area. If a balcony adjoins the room, the play area can be placed there, just try to insulate the walls, windows and floor as much as possible.

Small room design can be quite creative, for example, make a nursery inside a nursery. Something like a huge low cabinet can serve your child play area or a dressing room, and a bed will be located at the top of this cabinet.

We spend at least a quarter of our lives in the bedroom. This means that this room is especially dear to each of us. It is very important that you feel calm and confident in a small bedroom. When decorating the interior, try to create the most comfortable atmosphere. The furnishings of a small bedroom should not bother you, on the contrary, it should become a familiar quiet haven where you can always gain strength before the next hard work day.

Photo idea:

Many people dream of a spacious bedroom where all the necessary pieces of furniture could fit. However, even a small room can be made cozy and functional. It is only important to properly organize the design of a small bedroom. Providing all the features and nuances, you can fit into a limited space necessary furniture and avoid crowding and clutter.

There are basic styles that can be implemented in a small bedroom:

    • Provence. Helps bring the southern French atmosphere to your bedroom. To create this style, a pastel color scheme is chosen. For textiles, choose chintz that has faded slightly, as if it had faded in the sun. The fabric can have an ornament in the form of flowers, polka dots, a cage. Furniture should be used simple. No pretentiousness, in bright colors;
    • Style. It combines absence finishing materials on the walls, spaciousness, large windows and high ceilings. For a small bedroom, several useful ideas can be adopted from this style. On the walls, you can leave a simple laying of their bricks. There are many finishing materials available to simulate this effect. The bed should be chosen without legs. It is installed on an uncovered floor. A characteristic feature of the loft is giving the room the appearance of a free artist's haven. Any decorative elements should be missing. To visually add space to the room, you can place a sliding wardrobe in the bedroom with doors with a glossy metallic effect. Blinds should be used as curtains;
  • Minimalism. This style is most optimal for small spaces. Minimalism consists in the absence of any frills and decorations. All surfaces are perfectly smooth, furniture is clear, no more than two bright accents in the room;
  • Scandinavian style. This design is associated with coolness and transparency. Mostly white shades are used. Suitable for the style of rooms in which the windows face south. Scandinavian design suitable for warm climates.

Finishes and materials

All suggested styles for the design of a small bedroom are based on the use of light shades. For walls, it is better to choose pastel colors. This will help visually expand the space. If you want a pattern on the wallpaper, choose a small one. Large design elements on the canvas should be discarded.

You can create a stylish ornament on one side of the wall. To do this, you need to purchase two types of wallpaper. A harmonious contrast will emerge in the bedroom. The ceiling should also be made white. This will additionally visually increase the space. For example, you can make a suspended ceiling with LED lighting. You determine the location of the bulbs yourself.

For the floor, it is preferable to use a laminate that is laid diagonally. This arrangement creates the effect of increasing the area. Before purchasing all the materials necessary for the repair, it is important to correctly measure all the parameters of the bedroom. This will help you calculate the exact amount required.

Placement of furniture, appliances and accessories

It is recommended to use compact furniture in a small bedroom. An excellent option would be a bed that can be stowed away in the closet. With a convenient and practical placement of all pieces of furniture, clutter can be avoided already small space... This will free up all the aisles. Thanks to this, you can freely move around the room.

Putting the bed in the closet during the day will give you a large amount of free space. This solution has the following advantages:

  • Comfortable and comfortable sleeping place;
  • You will not only have a sleeping place, but also a closet for storing things. In this case, the structure will take up a little space;
  • Putting the bed into the closet frees up space in the bedroom;
  • You do not need to purchase a chest of drawers. All bedding will be stored in the closet with the bed;
  • The corner type of construction is characterized by increased capacity.

In addition to choosing furniture, it is also important to arrange it correctly. It depends on how organically and freely it will fit into the general style of the room.
To do this, you can use useful recommendations:

  • Buy furniture without tall legs. It is best that they do not exist at all;
  • For storage, choose a wardrobe. It is spacious and saves space due to sliding doors;
  • The mirrored surface of the cabinet doors will visually increase the space;
  • If you cannot do without dressing tables and cabinets, they must necessarily have compact dimensions;
  • You should not buy floor lamps, they take up too much space. Better stop the choice on models that are attached to the walls;
  • A small bedroom should be completely free of items that you do not use.

When thinking over the design of a small bedroom, special attention is paid to the layout of the arrangement of furniture. It depends on how spacious and free your room will look. In addition, the more competently the objects are located, the more convenient it will be for you to move around the room.

If you need a TV in the bedroom, then you should definitely not place it on a curbstone. It will only take up more space. Many modern models are wall-mounted. This is ideal for limited space.

For storing various little things, a shelf is suitable, which is placed on the wall. This will allow you not to purchase a table and leave more free space.

Small bedrooms color scheme

The bedroom is a resting place. A man sleeps in this room. That is why it is important to use calm and peaceful shades when designing. If the room is small, it is best to use light colors. They visually add space to the room. On the other hand, dark colors will make the bedroom even smaller. In this case, it is not at all necessary to stop at a white or beige tone. Choose any light, calm shades.
The location of the windows in the bedroom matters. If they face the north side, then it is worth considering a warm color scheme. If the windows face south, then it is permissible to use cold shades. If you think that such solutions in the design of a small bedroom are boring, you can add some bright details. It can be a beautiful carpet, painting, plants or one wall decorated with photo wallpaper. It is only important that it be combined with the general interior of the room.

Furniture in the interior of a small bedroom

Don't use too much furniture. Only the most necessary. If you are not going to use some kind of bedside table, it should not be in the room. All small items can be stored on the shelf. It is hung on the wall and does not create clutter. It will be much more convenient to move around the bedroom.

Furniture without legs, including the bed, allows you to visually increase the height of the ceilings. It has already been noted that ideal option is a combination of bed and wardrobe. If this is a small children's bedroom, then choose a bed with several tiers. Use the space you have upward.

Small bedrooms have long ceased to be something unusual. Designers have long been successfully developing and producing many models of furniture, compact and functional especially for small spaces. For example, many beds are equipped with special drawers... It is convenient to store things in them, it does not take up extra space, and there is no need to purchase additional cabinets.

Small bedroom design

To combine originality, functionality and comfort in the bedroom, one should take into account the color scheme, the furniture used and the general decor. If you don't like the idea of \u200b\u200ba completely light room design, you can combine bright colors and pastels. It is not recommended to use only dark ones, as the room will look too small. And when you combine light and bright, you get an unusual combination that does not lose its main function - to visually expand the space.

Photo wallpaper helps to add zest to the bedroom. This will liven up the overall interior. With the help of these wallpapers you can create a certain, unique atmosphere in the bedroom. Do not use deep saturated tones and purple hues. These colors can trigger feelings of anxiety and are not suitable for the bedroom.

In addition to the walls, the design of the ceiling should also be carefully considered. From matte stretch ceiling should be discarded if the height of the room is less than three meters. Better to make a glossy finish with spot light. For a small bedroom, curtains made of lightweight fabric without draperies are suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of a small bedroom

Typical housing layouts are not encouraging for many. Including the owners of small bedrooms, it seems that it will take a lot of work to make the interior beautiful and practical.

Small rooms have much more advantages than it might seem at first glance. Among them:

  • In a room with a small area, it is much easier to create a cozy atmosphere;
  • Lack of large financial investments. Than smaller room, the more economical the repair budget will be. Not only will you need less material, but many pieces of furniture can be discarded;
  • It is much easier to equip a small room for a non-professional. In addition, when the dimensions are small, you will think about how to make each corner functional and beautiful. In large rooms, however, you often have to decide how to fill a large amount of free space;
  • Created in a small bedroom beautiful and original interior is much more admirable than the same design in a large room. This is because the more space, the easier it is to arrange it in a non-standard and attractive style.

The main disadvantage of a small bedroom is the lack of space. Because of this, you will have to give up some pieces of furniture and think carefully about the entire organization of the area so as to preserve functionality and beauty.

How to furnish a small bedroom means to visually increase the space

If your bedroom isn't as big as you'd like, you can use various optical illusion elements. Among the main ones:

    • Glass and mirror details. It has long been known that mirrored surfaces reflect light and help to visually enlarge the space. Be sure to choose wardrobes with doors that will have mirrors. You can place several small rooms on the walls. Visually, this will add volume to the area. Be sure to place everything not next to the window, but against it. Reflective light will fill the bedroom and provide additional lighting. If you can't use mirrors in your bedroom, replace them with mirrored surfaces. For example, stained glass windows and panels. The visual lightness and transparency of the mirrors does not clutter up the space;
    • Glossy surface of the ceiling and walls. Special glossy paint can replace the mirror surface. It is only important not to go overboard with color. Bright tones can cause anxiety and aggression. Choose pastel shades that will not pressure you, but will only give you peace. Before using the paint, the surface must be perfectly leveled. The glossy mirror surface will begin to refract light. This will expose any bumps and pits that are present. As a result, you will get the effect of untidy painting. If you combine the glossy surface of the ceiling and well-arranged lighting, you get the effect of infinity;
  • Special wallpaper. To change the perception of space, you can use photo wallpaper. There is a huge assortment of such coatings. The most commonly used wallpaper depicting a landscape or city. Stick them on only one wall. This will become the main focus of the room. If the room is rectangular, a narrow wall is not suitable for photo wallpaper. This will additionally stretch the room even more, and the desired effect will not be achieved. If you need to change the proportions of a room, add harmony to a disproportionate room, use striped wallpaper. A covering with horizontal lines glued to a narrow wall helps to expand it. To increase the height of the room, strips are used vertically;
  • Lighting. This decorative element is important because it can be used to change the atmosphere in the room and create various visual effects. For a small bedroom, the classic version with bright lighting in the center is not suitable. So you can't achieve comfort. It is recommended to do area lighting. Lighting for each area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom;
  • If there is a balcony. Some apartments have a balcony in the bedroom. And it plays an important role as it helps expand the space. It can be incorporated into the overall interior of the bedroom. Additional furniture can be placed on the balcony. It is suitable for creating a separate area.

There are many ideas for decorating a small bedroom. The use of a large amount of light, mirror surfaces, light colors helps to visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Many manufacturers produce special pieces of furniture for such premises, combining functionality, convenience and beauty. You will be able to organize the space so that all things fit, and at the same time there is no feeling of clutter. Warning systems are widely used in various fields of human activity - in security, in industry, in transport, in sports, in culture. This is an important point, therefore, to resolve this issue, you can buy broadcast amplifier.

Video: Examples of small bedroom design

Photo gallery: 30 photos of design options for a small bedroom

Making mistakes in the design of a small bedroom is much easier than in a large one. Do not choose more than 1 accent color and make more than 1 accent wall. The point is in bed linen and curtains, which draw a lot of attention to themselves, which means that if you overreach with the walls and ceiling, we get porridge and not design. But first things first.

Deciding on the style and finish

First, let's put forward a few important points. We'll reveal some later, we'll have to believe in some.

  1. Choose white as the main background color. Not gray, not beige, not coffee. White.
  2. Maximum 1 additional accent color in decoration. Better 0. Bed linen, curtains, clothes - everything has its own color and these colors are enough. There is no point in adding color to the finish.
  3. Bed linen is the first most important in a small bedroom. Whichever cool design you make, choose regular floral bedding and nothing will be left of the design. Only one color. Look at the pictures.
  4. Don't be smart with the ceiling. Best ceiling for a small bedroom - smooth white matte without complications.
  5. Lighting color temperature 3000K. This question from a biological point of view will be disclosed further.

Choosing a design style

The main thing is to decide whether we are making a bedroom in a modern style or classic. Our deep conviction is that you should always choose modern styles. If for large apartments this is just an opinion, then for small apartments it is the rule.

In a small area, you should always choose modern design styles.

This is also true because of the money. Let's be honest absolute majority people do not have an unlimited budget. Actually, if that were the case, why would we have small bedrooms? And since money does matter, modern styles should be chosen. in addition to their main advantages, they are also cheaper.

Here is a photo perfect design for a small bedroom:

Modern interior design styles blend well and there are no clear boundaries between them. TOP of the most relevant small bedroom design styles in 2019:

  1. Minimalism
  2. Scandinavian style

Except classic loft, the basic pattern for most modern styles is minimalism. Other styles are obtained by adding details to it. We advise you to start acquaintance with modern design bedrooms exactly with, and then consider others.

Choosing the color of the walls

Typically, the accent wall is behind the bed. But the selection criterion is workload. The less the wall is loaded, the better it suits the accent role. Because there is always a door on one wall, and on the other a window, either the wall behind the TV or behind the bed is chosen as an accent. Attention to her is riveted either by some cool wallpaper, or just by a bright color. But be careful with, although this material has been used longer than others, it is with it that the most nuances are.

In addition to the walls, the bedroom has bedding, curtains, possibly a carpet and other items. All of these items have their own colors. If we also make the walls bright, we get porridge.

Decorative plaster has been around for a long time, but it was used only in classic styles... By 2019, this material has experienced a rebirth and burst into modern styles. This is the most practical material, he is not afraid of anything, easy to clean. Can be of any texture and color. The only drawback is the high cost. But we do not need to finish all the walls in the bedroom with them, it is enough to apply it on the wall behind the bed. This is the most modern way of decorating the wall behind the bed, without any implementation restrictions. Price per meter of application decorative plaster turnkey $ 10-30, considering that our bedroom is small, the wall area behind the bed is approximately 3 × 2.7 \u003d 8.1 square meters. Not cheap for one wall, but worth it.

The basic color of the walls, when there are no special preferences, is white. It is always relevant, will never go out of style. The perfect neutral color to go with anything. Because in the bedroom there is minimal danger of smearing the walls, it is here that the white color is in maximum safety.

By the way, we are in:

Floor and ceiling in a small bedroom

The biggest mistake in a small bedroom is to be smart with floors and ceilings. The floors are almost invisible, because most of the area is occupied by a bed. Ceilings, if made too complex, draw back an unreasonable amount of attention. A good place for tiered plasterboard ceilings - living room, but not a bedroom.

Ceiling in a small bedroom

Since we make the ceiling simple, any material will do. The shape of the bedroom, even in non-standard apartments, is usually rectangular or square. The combination of a small area and a regular shape is ideal for a stretch ceiling. In this version, there will be no seams or ugly corner cuts on it (since all angles are 90 degrees). So there is no point in overpaying for plasterboard ceilings.

In a small bedroom, we make a simple, minimalistic ceiling.

Here good examplewhen they thought that the design was too simple and decided to complicate it with a ceiling. It might not be so bad in a vacuum, but in a specific example, such a ceiling design is completely out of topic.

Many recommend choosing glossy ceilings for a small bedroom, supposedly this increases the space. We are the other way around we strongly advise against making glossy ceilings in a small bedroom... In addition to reflecting light, gloss reflects everything else. As a result, we get x2 of all objects concentrated in a small area. This is chaos, not design. Interior design is about balance, not complexity. And in general, the glossy ceilings look like a collective farm. According to the price / appearance the absolute first place is occupied by stretch matte white ceilings.

Small bedroom floor

The most insignificant point is that the floor in the small bedroom is practically invisible. Choose any parquet or beveled laminate you like - you won't be mistaken. The only recommendation you can give is to look at dark colors. Ideally, if you can make the illusion of a gradient from a dark floor to a light ceiling - it looks very stylish. Otherwise, there are no rules.

How to start renovating a small bedroom

There are things that can always be changed or redone. And there are those that need to be laid at the very beginning of interior design even before the start of the repair, because they cannot be redone. And no matter how cool interior design you make for your small bedroom, if you make a mistake in them and it is impractical, no appearance will worry you anymore. Let's start with them.


The bedroom is one of the most undemanding rooms in terms of area. Unlike other rooms, here our activity is minimal - to fall asleep and wake up. In fact, the minimum sufficient area is 9 sq.m. For a square room, this is 3 × 3 meters along the walls. Standard size mattresses 160-180 × 200. This means that any place where it can be shoved can already be turned into a bedroom.

The minimum sufficient bedroom area is 9 sq.m.

But you always want more. If your apartment has opportunities for redevelopment and enlargement of a small bedroom by moving walls or, for example, joining a balcony, then why not. We are constantly we recommend considering redevelopment options for small apartments... Many have an irrational fear of redevelopment, and in vain. It is not that expensive and difficult, and the advantages are significant, both in terms of design and practicality.

The most common design option for expanding the space of a small bedroom is joining a balcony. For this, the balcony is insulated, and the wall between it and the bedroom is either demolished entirely, or simply removed window frame and the door. The advantage of the second option is that there is no need to carry the battery and an additional table (in place of the former window). But keep in mind that it is almost impossible to legalize the joining of the balcony to the bedroom.

We sorted out the redevelopment of the bedroom. What else is important to do at the initial stage of the repair.

Electrical wiring in the bedroom

Switches in a small bedroom

What you definitely won't be able to redo is the electrical wiring. Wrong here, and even a small bedroom can cause big problems.

By 2019, for professional builders and designers, some things in bedroom design have already become the standard. One of them - walk-through switches in the bedroom... Pass-through groups of switches are called that independently of each other can turn on and off the same light circuit. This is especially true for corridors and bedrooms, even small ones. Agree, it is convenient to be able to turn on and off the light without getting out of bed and without going to the door.

Wiring for pass-through switches must be done immediately, then it is impossible to add them.

Sockets in a small bedroom

In 2019, it is no longer possible to imagine yourself without gadgets. Phone, eBook, tablet - things that are constantly used in the bedroom. Things that tend to discharge at the most inopportune moment. Accordingly, on each side of the bed, in addition to the pass-through switches, there should be at least 2 sockets.

Don't forget the TV sockets. Moreover, it is advisable to know in advance whether it will stand on a pedestal or suspended on a bracket, because the height depends on it. We advise you to make a group of at least 3 sockets - you never know what else you want to connect.

Place another 1-2 sockets at the bottom at a height of 15-30 cm from the floor. May come in handy for a vacuum cleaner or climatic technology, which by the way is actual. The humidity in the bedroom is an important parameter, but you don't think about it while it is in order. If, for some reason, the air is too dry, you should be able to and sockets for connecting a humidifier.

Much has changed in the design of sockets and switches. Now the choice of outlets both in appearance and wallet is simply huge. Any colors, any styles. If at some point you run into the need to support an additional accent color in the bedroom with some kind of accessories, think about sockets and switches. It is quite possible that they exist in the color you need.

Lighting in a small bedroom

One of the most important moments in which even designers do not understand.Light affects the quality of sleep. Every person has an internal biological clock (circadian rhythms). 2-3 hours before sleep, the body begins to produce the hormone melatonin, which plays an important role in sleep quality. And here there is an important nuance - light suppresses the production of this hormone. And what could be more important in bedroom design than its effect on sleep?

In order to normally go to sleep, bedroom lighting must meet two requirements:

  1. Minor dim light sources.
  2. Color temperature is not more than 3000K.

This is necessary because the suppression of melatonin production depends on the intensity and wavelength of light. Therefore, you should be able to use additional sources lights that won't dazzle. Complete darkness is also not an option - when watching TV, being in the dark is harmful to the eyes.

Warm or cold lighting in the bedroom also matters. The colder the light appears to us, the shorter its wavelength. And it's the short wavelength light that makes sleep worse. therefore in the design of the bedroom, it is important to use lamps with a color temperature of 2800-3000Kthose. warm yellow lighting .

Furniture in a small bedroom

How to place the bed

The size of the mattress is 160-180 × 200, respectively, the size of the bed is slightly larger, depending on its design. Standard placement where space allows - in the middle of the room, back to the wall. The advantages of this placement of the bed in the bedroom are the ability to make bedside tables, sockets and switches on both sides.

When the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is small and there is no place for such "chic", we put the bed against the wall or window. Some inconvenience arises from the inability to climb on it from both sides, but the small bedroom does not start to look worse from this. It is quite standard version, many have already used it and the interior of the bedroom is not particularly affected. You can rate in the photos:

If the sides of the bed are narrow, then you will have constant contact with the wall against which the bed is pressed. It is desirable that this wall is not too light, or at least made of a material that can be washed well, for example, decorative plaster.

Because our bedroom is small, we can hardly fit a bunch of wardrobes in it. Therefore, you may need to consider options where there is storage space in the bed. This will slightly worsen the design of a small bedroom by overloading it, but practicality is more important.

Wardrobe and cabinets

Small or large room, but things need to be stored somewhere. Of course, I would like to have small light bedside tables at the edges of the bed, but in practice it would be a good idea to make them up to the ceiling. Unusual, but practical. Fortunately, they can now do anything to order. And because of the high competition in the market for custom-made furniture services, prices can be found quite humane, the main thing is to look.

Go around as many bedroom furniture shops as you can - prices vary widely.

Many deliberately reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe bedroom to 10-12 square meters in favor of the wardrobe. This is a redevelopment in which we move the entrance deep into the bedroom, and use the vacated space as a wardrobe. At the same time, the area is not used rationally, but from the point of view of design, such a bedroom interior looks better.

If the meters are still limited and there is no desire to exchange them for the appearance, then choose either a sliding wardrobe or a regular wardrobe with hinged doors. In the trends in bedroom design in 2019, the second option is even preferable - wardrobes are no longer in vogue.

This proposal sounds a bit wild, but it's better than the constant mess from the inability to put things in their places. And everyone has a lot of things and their number does not in any way correlate with small size rooms. In this version, it is imperative to choose light colors for such furniture, preferably without texture. Pure white or beige furniture is standard. This is also important because dust is not visible on light, and it is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to constantly climb under the ceiling of the bedroom to wipe it.

Dust is not visible on light.

Our task is to adapt everything we can for storage. Bed, open areas walls - everything.

Now you have all the information on the design of small bedrooms, drag ideas from the photo and good luck with the renovation!

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