Decorating the kitchen interior so that it looks beautiful, stylish and modern is the natural desire of everyone who starts renovating an apartment. As a rule, wallpaper is chosen for wall decoration in the kitchen. How to combine wallpaper in the kitchen correctly and what textures are best to choose - a few practical recommendations.

There are many types of wallpaper that differ from each other in appearance, material and quality characteristics. These include:

  • paper;
  • non-woven;
  • vinyl;
  • washable vinyl;
  • glass wallpaper;
  • fabric.

Each type of wallpaper has its pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. Before starting repairs in the kitchen and deciding on a combination of wallpaper, you need to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen.

Types of wallpaper (video)

What wallpaper is right


Paper wallpapers are good because they are absolutely safe for health and do not emit harmful substances into the air. However, they cannot be washed and if they get dirty, the wallpaper can be considered hopelessly damaged. Such wallpaper in the kitchen, where there is a constant risk of droplets of water or food falling on the walls and where changes in humidity and temperature are frequent, are not very appropriate. Roughly the same can be said about fabric wallpaper.


Vinyl wallpaper is beautiful and practical. They can be safely wiped with a damp cloth, and washable - even washed. By cons vinyl wallpaper This is because they "do not breathe" and can release PVC, which is considered potentially harmful, into the air. Such wallpapers are best avoided in the bedroom and in the nursery, but in the kitchen they are more than appropriate. It is easy to remove dirt from them.


Non-woven wallpaper is breathable, resistant to high temperatures and fire, easy to carry wet cleaning, do not fade in the sun, are hygienic and do not absorb dust. In addition, they are convenient in that they can be repainted in a different color, changing the interior as soon as it gets tired. They can also be used successfully in the kitchen.

Glass fiber

Glass fiber is resistant to any dirt, water, temperature. They can be safely washed with detergents. They are resistant to damage, breathe and do not attract dust. Their most important plus for the kitchen is fire safety. They are also quite appropriate here, especially with the right combinations of materials.

All about fiberglass (video)

Why combine wallpaper

Wallpapers are chosen in different textures, patterns and types in order to solve practical and aesthetic problems.

By combining materials you can:

  • to do functional zoning premises, highlighting visually a recreation area, a dining area, working area;
  • visually combine or, on the contrary, separate the kitchen and living room when they are combined into a studio;
  • hide wall defects;
  • to beat the layout and mask its shortcomings - for example, to make the kitchen in the form of a pencil case not so narrow and dark;
  • visually make ceilings higher or lower;
  • give the interior dynamics;
  • place accents and draw attention to certain walls, niches.

Important: To prevent the room from looking "wild", do not use expensive and cheap types of wallpaper in the same room.

How to combine wallpaper

The combination of wallpaper in the kitchen must obey general rulesthat are used in design.

The interior looks most organic when it is based on the use of materials of the same quality and approximately the same thickness. If the selected wallpaper differs significantly from each other in thickness, then an ugly scar will appear between them. We'll have to use additional devices and materials in order to hide it from sight.

It is important to choose the right color. Wallpapers can complement each other in color, being in the same color scheme, or contrast with each other. The combination of monochromatic and colored wallpapers looks very interesting, while the color of monochromatic wallpapers can be repeated in the motives of the drawings on the wallpaper.

Important: A combination of wallpaper with different patterns can be used if you have good taste. This is a very complex combination and it is easy to slip into kitsch here. The kitchen will look flashy and tasteless. The only patterns that are easy to combine with each other and with other patterns are stripes, cages. Geometric and abstract designs also work well.

It is good to combine motives on the wallpaper and their color scheme with the motives and color of furniture, interior items, textiles.

Bright colors are best paired with muted colors.

Vertical combination

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen in the form of vertical stripes of different textures and colors can solve the problem of a low ceiling. Also, such a combination is ideal in order to visually expand the space - this solution is good for use in narrow kitchens, pencil cases, in small kitchens.

Here you can combine wallpaper with patterns with plain, contrasting color wallpapers. The combination of contrasting colors helps balance the lengths of the sides of the room.

You can apply the principle of asymmetry and alternate stripes different color and different widths. This technique helps to visually shorten one of the sides and bring the room closer to the square one.

With the help of a vertical solution, you can get rid of the monochrome interior.

Important: Black and white, blue and yellow, white in combination with any other color and pattern, yellow and blue, green and yellow are considered safe combinations of contrasting colors. Combinations of black and red, gold and red, black and purple look more dramatic and binding.

Horizontal combination

Wallpaper can be used to paste over the kitchen in a different way, making the top of the room one color, and the bottom of another. Very often, dividing a room horizontally is used when it is decided to combine wallpaper with another material - tiles, cork, wood and bamboo panels, decorative plaster.

As a rule, the lower part of the room takes up 1 part, and the upper part takes up 2 parts of the wall height. This is considered the most optimal proportion, pleasing to the eye. It looks quite harmonious when the border between the wallpaper runs along the line of the window sill. If the ceilings in the apartment are high, then the lower part can be made in two-thirds of the wall height.

It is better to place a plain wallpaper on top, and a patterned wallpaper on the bottom. If monochromatic wallpaper contrasting in color is combined, then a lighter tone is more appropriate on top. If wallpaper is combined with a pattern, then a small pattern looks more harmonious from above, and a large one from below. In principle, if a different design is conceived, you can do exactly the opposite, but this will require more taste and exact observance of all proportions.

Only with horizontal division can you safely use materials of different thicknesses and textures. For example, wallpaper and cork or wallpaper of different textures. The joint in this case can be masked with a molding, curb, wooden plank, which will play the role of a separate decorative element.

Vertical division with the use of cleaning materials or decorative plaster is logical when you want to protect the lower part of the walls, which most often suffer from scratches, dirt and splashes.

Accent wall

In kitchens, pencil cases look very interesting accent color on one wall, which is pasted over with wallpaper in a contrasting color or with a pattern. In general, highlighting one of the walls with color immediately makes the interior bold and memorable. But such a step also obliges a lot. Highlighting one wall without color support in another part of the room will make the interior inharmonious. Therefore, when choosing a wallpaper color, you need to support it in furniture or textiles.

With the help of an accent on the wall, you can also highlight various parts of the kitchen - niches, columns. Color highlighting of columns, ventilation ducts and other structural protrusions will be especially interesting. People often try to hide them. Meanwhile, when it is impossible to get rid of them, it is better to focus attention on them and turn them into a decorative element of the room, into its zest, and not an annoying lack of planning.

Art to the masses

Wallpaper with a pattern and photo wallpaper can be used to make the interior of the kitchen original and piece. With the help of such wallpaper, the kitchen turns into an art object.

In this case, you can make original posters from the wallpaper on the wall, decorating them in frames.

The combination on the selected wall of several types of wallpaper, folded into a kind of patchwork, patchwork pattern, looks quite unusual. However, such work is rather laborious and requires great care. In this style, you can decorate the kitchen in ethnic style.

Options for combining wallpaper in the kitchen (video)


Combining wallpaper in the kitchen is an exciting and rewarding activity. As a result, you can get an interior that you will definitely not find anywhere else.

Examples of combining wallpaper in the kitchen (photo)

Wall decoration with wallpaper is the most effective method make the kitchen cozy and stylish and even correct some room imperfections. For example, they can be used to create the illusion of spaciousness if the kitchen is small. The main thing is to choose the right shade and wallpaper pattern.

  • The main guideline in choosing the color of wallpaper for the kitchen is the color of the headset. After all, it is the walls and kitchen furniture that occupy most of the space.

Our guide will help you make your choice and show you some professional tricks for combining wallpaper and furniture. Also here you will find 112 photos of kitchens with wallpaper of different colors, in which you can see ready-made color solutions and ideas.

7 main rules

Whether you are planning a kitchen design from scratch or just want to replace the wallpaper to refresh the interior, these 7 recommendations will definitely help you.

  1. Make friends with the color wheel. When deciding on the color of wallpaper for the kitchen, you can use the favorite "tool" of designers - the color wheel. You can buy it from a craft store or search the internet for an online version.

The principle of working with a circle is quite simple - you need to play with color combinations according to ready-made color schemes.

Scheme 1. Monochromatic combinations: colors from one segment of the chromatic circle are combined. That is, the wallpaper is matched to the headset. So that the monochrome gamut does not seem too boring, it is better to choose wallpaper with a pattern (see photo below). You can also complement the interior with contrasting accents, an abundance of light colors or simply expressive textures / materials.

Blue kitchen with blue patterned wallpaper

Brown wallpaper without a pattern in the interior of the kitchen

Scheme 2. Contrasting combinations: the opposite colors are combined. So, for example, you can choose wallpaper with an orange print for a blue headset, since in the circle blue stands opposite to orange. And so that the combination of contrasting colors does not seem too harsh, it is better to use complex shades (for example, in addition to the blue headset, you can choose not pure orange wallpapers, but terracotta ones).

Scheme 3. Harmonic combinations: "neighbors" are combined in a circle. On this principle to green kitchen set you need to choose wallpaper in a yellow-green or blue-green hue. You can dilute this range by including contrasting or neutral tones in the interior.

We have listed three main schemes, but in fact there are many more of them (the principle of triads, distant pairs, intermediate tones, etc.). Below you can see several diagrams.

  1. If there is not enough sunlight in the kitchen, then the wallpaper should be chosen light and warm. For example, white, cream, cream, light coral or pastel pink. Bright wallpapers of pure warm colors (for example, orange, yellow, red, etc.) can also be used, but in small quantities and provided the headset is neutral in color. The photo below shows a good example of how the northern and small kitchen made lighter and "sunnier" due to yellow wallpaper and white furniture.

  1. In the interior of a small kitchen wallpaper works best white, possibly with a small and not catchy pattern. White wallpaper in combination with a white set will give the effect of a boundless and airy space, even if it is very cramped.

White wallpaper reflects light, brightening the space and visually pushing the walls apart.

Light wallpaper with a white set in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

It turns out that dark wallpaper no place in a small kitchen? This is not entirely true. If you stick, say, black wallpaper on one wall, and paste over the rest of the partitions with lighter wallpaper, then you get the effect of a deeper space, the black wall seems to move deeper into the room.

  1. Wallpaper of cool colors (blue, light blue, turquoise) is shown for rooms that are flooded with sunlight most of the time. Otherwise, the walls will look dull and literally "freeze" the space. However, in a small dose and in combination with a large proportion of warm shades (for example, if the floor is wooden) "cold" wallpaper is acceptable.

  1. In general, wallpapers of warm colors are most suitable for the kitchen and dining room., since they have a good effect not only on appetite, but also on communication between households.

Wallpaper of cold tones, on the contrary, reduces appetite, against their background food seems less appetizing. For those who strive for a moderate diet, this can play into the hands.

  1. In order not to miscalculate with the choice of color, after looking at cute wallpapers, do not rush to buy them right away, but rather ask / order a sample for testing. The fact is that the option that you liked in the store may open up a little differently at home due to different lighting. Plus, it may simply not match your headset in shade.

Most often, samples are provided free of charge, and online stores deliver them to your home for a fee.

Wallpaper testing is carried out as follows: the sample is hung on the wall and then simply observed at different times of the day. Ideally, it should look good in dim light, bright sunlight, and artificial lighting, and at natural.

By the way, it is useful to check a sample wallpaper for compatibility with other interior elements: floor tiles, an apron, upholstery, etc. Having collected and laid out all the samples on one board, you will see if your idea is successful or if something needs to be changed. Drawing up these boards (also called mood boards) helps professional designers create the most harmonious combinations of colors, prints and textures.

  1. And the last and very important practical advice. After choosing wallpaper, check if all the rolls are from the same batch, and also make sure that you have taken at least 10-15% of the stock of material.

Wallpapers of the same color and article, but released in different batches, are always slightly different (due to the nature of production). The difference in shade may seem minor, but on the walls it will be quite noticeable.

For this reason, wallpaper should always be bought with a margin. If suddenly there is not enough material, it will be problematic or impossible to find rolls of the same batch.

How to choose wallpaper for the color of the kitchen - gallery of photo ideas with tips

If you are in a hurry, click on the color of your headset to go straight to reading the information you need.

For a white kitchen

Choosing a wallpaper color for a white kitchen is both difficult and easy at the same time, because absolutely any shades are suitable for it.

  • For traditional white cuisine, wallpaper in natural and calm colors is best suited: blue, gray, beige, brown, blue, green, mustard, terracotta and burgundy.

  • For a modern white headset, you can choose wallpaper not only in the shades listed above, but also in more contrasting, dark and pure colors. For example, it can be wallpaper in bright yellow, lime, black, purple, turquoise or hot pink.

Green floral wallpaper in a small white kitchen

Wall murals will also be good in a modern white kitchen.

Our choice: We like the combination of a white headset with yellow, yellow-green or beige-yellow wallpaper. It will be sunny in such a kitchen even on the most cloudy day.

For beige and cream kitchens

A beige kitchen set is best suited: white, green, beige, brown tones, as well as blue, turquoise and blue wallpaper.

Classic beige kitchen with beige wallpaper

Provence beige wallpaper in the kitchen

  • Our choice: a combination of a beige kitchen with white and blue (see photo example below), blue or gray-blue wallpaper.

For brown kitchen (wenge, all shades of wood)

If you have a brown kitchen, then you can choose wallpaper of any warm shade - from vanilla to mustard. Also a good background for brown furniture the walls will be green, olive, blue, turquoise and blue.

For blue and blue cuisine

Depending on the color of the walls and the degree of illumination in the kitchen, with a blue or blue set it can be calm and fresh or cold and uncomfortable. For the best results, choose a beige or milky white wallpaper. Wallpaper with a yellow or orange print will also work well.

Our pick: We especially like the blue / light blue kitchen combination with sand or yellow wallpaper.

For gray kitchen

The gray headset tends to ennoble its companions and pacify a little. Most successful combinations gray kitchens will have wallpaper in white, pink and yellow colors.

For a green kitchen

A green kitchen will be pleasing to the eye when paired with: red, burgundy, orange, yellow, brown, blue and light blue wallpaper.

For yellow kitchen

A yellow kitchen matches perfectly with white. This duo works especially well in dark kitchens with north-facing windows. You can also choose black and white wallpapers for the yellow headset as in the photo below, pale lilac, blue, light blue, turquoise, brown, red, coral and green.

Want to make yellow stricter and more elegant? Then we advise you to choose wallpaper in light gray or beige.

For orange kitchen

Orange is one of the most invigorating and active colors, so all additional shades should balance and "extinguish" it. Blue, turquoise and blue wallpapers will refresh orange kitchen, gray - will make it more elegant, and green and white - will bring coziness. Also, red, yellow, pink, purple and lilac colors are combined with orange and its shades.

For red and burgundy cuisine

Red furniture nowhere looks so harmonious as in the kitchen, as this color whets the appetite and makes the space cozy. However, in large arrays, red can be annoying, so it should be combined with more good-natured shades (white, green, beige) or with cool restrained tones (blue, blue, turquoise). Also, wallpaper in the red kitchen can have a print in yellow, orange, brown and burgundy.

For black and black and white kitchens

In fact, for a black headset, just like for a white one, wallpapers of any color are suitable. But, so that the interior does not turn out to be too dark, it is better to use wallpaper in light colors, wallpaper with a white background and a colored print, or wallpaper of cheerful colors that can dilute the gloom of black. For example, it can be yellow, white-yellow, pink, white-green wallpaper.

Our choice: black kitchen with yellow or yellow-white wallpaper as in this collection of photos.

Wallpaper in the kitchen is not just a way to disguise boring bare walls, but a complete tool in the hands of an interior designer. With the help of wallpaper, you can create a very unusual, bright and memorable kitchen design, if you approach this issue correctly and creatively. Today it is not necessary to just paste over all the walls in the kitchen with one type of wallpaper - in the modern perception it looks rather boring.

A new trend in interior design is the combination of wallpaper in the kitchen in various ways. By combining different colors, shades, textures, patterns on the kitchen walls, you can get a very stylish and sophisticated look.

In the understanding of many people, especially the older generation, the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining several types of wallpaper in color and pattern seems unusual, but it is worth your attention.

Seeing several unusual and original ideas combinations, you can easily light up and come up with your own options for combining wallpaper in the kitchen. The main thing is to adhere to several basic rules for combining colors, zoning and combining textures and types of material.

The main thing is to choose a harmonious combination and pay attention to accents

Basic rules for combining

All the ideas that you can find on the Internet or in interior design magazines can be repeated exactly, or you can simply use a fresh idea and adopt the principle of combination. Today there are no strict dogmas and laws in design, and each apartment owner can decide for himself how to decorate the interior with wallpaper.

But you should still remember a few important rules:

  • pay attention to the main parameters of the room - size, side of light, illumination, presence / absence of zones dividing the room, and choose a solution in accordance with the basic physical characteristics of the room;
  • combine materials similar in type and price, do not combine expensive vinyl with cheap paper - it looks frankly tasteless;
  • do not overdo it with a set of colors - it is better to use two, maximum three primary colors, otherwise the kitchen will look oversaturated, and your design idea will be difficult to understand;
  • proceed from the style and color scheme of the kitchen and choose wallpaper that match in color and shade with floor covering, furniture, appliances, tiles in the work area.

When we combine wallpaper in the kitchen, many of us find it difficult to adhere to the middle ground between the desire to be unusual and original and the ability to stop choosing colors, textures and patterns. But it is better to always opt for restraint, especially if this is your first experience of independent kitchen interior decoration.

The main methods of combining

In the magazines dedicated to the design of the home, you can find many interesting combinations. Despite the abundance of ideas, they are all based on several basic principles of combination:

  • accent wall decoration;
  • symmetrical and asymmetrical color combinations;
  • combination of plain and patterned wallpaper;
  • vertical and horizontal combination;
  • zoning of the room using wallpaper of different color, texture and pattern.

You can adopt one of the basic principles, relying also on the physical parameters of the kitchen, described above. It is important that the combination of wallpaper in the kitchen does not worsen the visual impression of the design of the room, does not emphasize the shortcomings and weaknesses of the layout, make the decoration of the room original and at the same time functional and justified.

Room size

For small and large rooms, different principles are used for choosing colors and textures, combining shades with each other.

For example, large and spacious kitchens can give you almost unlimited freedom in color and pattern. But for a small room, it is advisable to choose suitable materialsthat visually expand the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Ideal in this regard are light wallpapers with a slight shimmer, which make the kitchen visually more voluminous and spacious. The same applies to rooms with low ceilings.

It is advisable to choose light - white, sand, beige, cream with a vertical stripe, which will visually increase the height of the walls. It is better to stick them on the wall on which the light from the window falls - so the room will seem larger and more spacious.

Use accents to visually change your kitchen layout

Side of the world

Light level is another important parameter to consider when choosing wallpaper for a combination. Naturally, the combination of wallpaper in the kitchen on the north side involves the use of brighter and lighter shades (yellow, white, sand), and on the south and east side of the apartment you need to choose calm and balanced tones.

They look universally - harmonious light green, light green, yolk, lemon, as well as gray, metallic, pearl, pearl shades.

Features of the layout

Before combining wallpaper in the kitchen, it is also important to evaluate the features of its layout device. Zoning a room with different colors and textures is a great option, especially for a studio layout.

In the working area, you can use dark colors - blue, purple, and in the dining area - brighter and lighter - yellow, orange. The bay window itself asks to use a different type of wallpaper than in the rest.

And if the dining table is located near the front wall, then it can be accentuated by gluing bright ones with a pattern, and the rest of the walls can be made in a calm pastel tone.

Examples of combining wallpaper

To get a successful design using a combination of materials on the walls, it is enough to buy two types of material. Depending on the idea, it can be plain and with a pattern, color and monochrome wallpapers, photo wallpapers with a macro photograph, panoramic photos.

Accent wall decoration

This is the most popular and versatile way to combine two wallpapers in a kitchen. If there is a relatively small wall less than 5 meters wide, then it can be used as an accent by gluing bright and colored, patterned, textured ones.

The rest of the walls are decorated in a neutral key - using simple muted shades without eye-catching patterns and details.

You can design an accent wall like this:

  • choose bright wallpaper with a pattern, variegated (the main color should be in harmony with the rest of the interior elements);
  • choose plain colors without a pattern, but bright and saturated color, combining them with calm wallpapers in the same or contrasting colors.

The second option can look very stylish and complete, especially if you choose wallpapers of the same brand and series, but in different colors. For example, after making the accent wall bright yellow, take the wallpaper from the same manufacturer, but light lemon, banana, yolk and other less bright shades of yellow.

You can also go according to the principle of contrast, using materials of different colors. But this must be done carefully, because the contrast of colors in the interior requires a very balanced approach.

An example of an accent wall in the kitchen

A good example a purple accent wall and light yellow wallpaper on other walls, or an orange one against a background of light green walls can serve. It is easier and more convenient to choose options for combining wallpaper in the kitchen using computer modeling tools

Symmetrical and asymmetrical combinations

There is another popular way to combine wallpaper in the kitchen - use different types, sticking them on the walls in different ways - with symmetry and asymmetry. For example, using wallpapers of different colors, you can create shapes on the wall - squares, rectangles, sticking them along the edges of the walls.

You can simply make wallpaper for the kitchen in the form of stripes of various widths, combining shades of the same tone, one-color wallpaper and with a pattern. Asymmetry gives the room visually additional square meters.

Combination of plain wallpaper and patterned materials

This way of combining wallpaper in the kitchen echoes the accent of one wall and asymmetry, but in an expanded form. A great idea is to stick one type of wallpaper symmetrically on the corner walls, and on the contrary (in a different corner) - another. You can decorate the adjoining walls of the kitchen with different wallpapers in color and pattern, which will look very elegant.

The contrast principle can also be used effectively in this case. Stick one wall with bright orange wallpaper, adjoining it with peach wallpaper with a pattern (floral, vegetable, geometric), and on the contrary, with plain blue, as well as light blue with a similar pattern. This is very stylish solutionthat your guests will surely appreciate.

An example of a plain wallpaper with a pattern and vertical stripes

Vertical and horizontal combination

Another interesting way to combine wallpaper in the kitchen is to arrange them horizontally or vertically on the same wall. Such a solution will look original if you choose the right wallpaper in color, pattern and texture, and also do not forget about the homogeneity of the material and the general price category.

Horizontal zoning is an excellent choice for a kitchen with high ceilings, which helps to balance and visually make the room more compact. Most often, designers choose an asymmetrical horizontal combination of wallpaper for the kitchen, placing one type of wallpaper at the height of the window sill, and the other on the rest of the wall.

It is better to make the lower part of a darker shade, which allows you to achieve a feeling of harmony and stability on a subconscious level (the base in the lower part should always be darker). Material options for horizontal combination in the kitchen in the choice of wallpaper can be different:

  • the lower part is with a pattern, the upper part is plain;
  • the lower part is plain, the upper part is with a pattern;
  • two parts are monochromatic, the lower one is darker, the upper one is lighter in a general or contrasting color scheme.

There is a variant of using wallpaper similar in color and even tone on the upper and lower parts of the horizontal, with the difference that on one of the parts the wallpaper will be textured, with a small pattern, embossing and other decorative elements.

Vertical combination can also be asymmetrical and symmetrical, contrasting and in the same color scheme. The narrow stripe in the outer part of the wall, combined with a wide part of a different color, looks very unusual. You can emphasize it with a picture of the color of another part of the wallpaper, a clock, a shelf and other accessory.

And the option of wallpaper in the kitchen in a symmetrical layout is an even bolder option that requires careful thought through the arrangement of furniture. After all, if a sofa, table, picture or wardrobe will go beyond one color of wallpaper to another, then it will be a real “hell for a perfectionist”, causing latent irritation in the viewer.

Zoning a room using wallpapers of different colors, textures and patterns

Zoning a kitchen with wallpaper is a common solution in interior design. Depending on the selected zone in the kitchen, wallpapers can be completely different in style, color, texture, observing only the price category, so as not to get a tasteless design. Most of the space for creativity will be in the spacious kitchen, which has a work and dining area, as well as a place to relax.

In the work area you can use simple wallpaper no pattern, or geometry, floral motifs and ornaments. In the dining area, you can decorate the wall with a macro shot (juicy fruit, foliage, flower). In the recreation area, you can use retro-style wallpaper, a red brick pattern to imitate a loft-style wall, an oriental ornament, and other options. The main thing is to adhere to the general color scheme and not overdo it with the number of colors, especially contrasting ones.

How not to combine

Many people, carried away by creativity and a wide field for creativity, make many mistakes and mistakes when combining wallpaper in the apartment and in the kitchen. The most common ones are:

  • a combination of incongruous shades (for example, red and green, blue and yellow);
  • combining two patterns of different styles (for example, geometric abstraction with floral patterns);
  • style conflict (for example, urban-style New York wallpaper and rose-colored retro wallpaper);
  • too many different patterns and textures (some use more than three types of patterns - a cage, peas, a flower), which looks too colorful and interferes with concentration;
  • a combination of materials of different price categories - this has already been mentioned as bad taste.

If you do not know how to correctly combine colors and patterns, then use the universal principles:

  • by color: red - with pale pink, white, gray; orange and yellow - with brown, ocher, terracotta; green - with light green, emerald, lime; blue - with blue, light lilac, light purple;
  • geometric shapes (squares, triangles, circles) - with an abstract background (large stripes, lines, but not flowers);
  • floral motifs - with ornate patterns, monograms, with plain wallpaper;
  • photo wallpaper - with a single color neutral shade;
  • macro photo - also with solid colors (for example, the image of the veins of a green leaf must be combined with light green or green wallpaper);
  • vintage or retro (strip, polka dots, checkerboard - with plain wallpaper of the prevailing color in the picture).


Adhering to these simple rules, you can avoid many mistakes and do right choice when combining wallpaper of different colors and patterns. But this does not mean that you are limited in creativity.

Instead, you can practice using computer simulations to get a visual idea of \u200b\u200bwhat your kitchen will look like after a facelift.

When you think over the entire interior of a room, great attention is paid to the design of the walls. Today, there are a lot of options for their decor: wallpapering, painting, tiling, and so on. It all depends both on the style in which the entire interior is designed and on the financial capabilities of the customer. Still, most people prefer wallpaper.

Types of wallpaper for the kitchen

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account some factors that will help determine the most suitable option. Let's consider some of them.

Vinyl wallpapers. The most popular type. They have such an important property for the kitchen as moisture resistance. Do not fade when exposed to sunlight. Easily glued, while well masking uneven wall surfaces. Resistant to mold and mildew. The disadvantage is the inability to pass air. Frequent ventilation of the kitchen should be carried out.

Texture wallpaper. In another way, they are also called compact vinyl. Their main purpose is imitation of stones, brickwork, plaster. Easy to clean and not scratched. Available in a wide variety of designs and colors. The main disadvantage of these wallpapers is their high price.

Wallpaper that can be painted. This type of wallpaper is based on vinyl. It tolerates sunlight well and prevents color fading. Also tolerates moisture and temperature changes well. The wallpaper can be repainted several times.

Non-woven wallpaper. A significant advantage of such wallpapers is the fact that you do not need to apply glue to them, but only to the walls. Do not wrinkle or tear when gluing. They also do a good job of masking wall irregularities. They are made from cellulose fibers, therefore they are quite ecological. Good air permeability and moisture transfer. The disadvantage is the high price. Also, dust collects on the textured layer, which from time to time will have to be vacuumed.

The modern look of wallpaper is glass fiber. They have a number of advantages: they tolerate moisture and temperature changes well, are fireproof, resistant to the appearance of fungus, do not deteriorate when various acids come into contact with them.

Plain pre-impregnated paper wallpaper. Their main advantage is their low price. The quality leaves much to be desired: crumpled, torn, fade, not resistant to water and alkalis. However, it is quite an ecological option, since air is easily let through.

What kind of wallpaper to avoid

The kitchen is the place where food is prepared and consumed. Therefore, fat, moisture, heat constantly affect the wallpaper. The most inappropriate solution for the kitchen would be paper wallpaper. They quickly deteriorate due to the impossibility of cleaning or painting them.

You should also avoid wallpaper made from natural materials: linen, cotton, silk, bamboo, wood. They quickly and permanently absorb all kinds of odors and smoke.

Wallpaper with a relief pattern will not look very practical in the kitchen. The corrugated layer will quickly collect all dust and dirt, and it will be impossible to wash it without harming the pattern.

What color to choose

Color plays an important role in the perception of the entire interior. It also helps to hide some flaws.
The most suitable color scheme for wallpaper will be the choice yellow color and all its shades. But it is worth remembering about the rest of the style of the kitchen. For everyone, their own color is preferable: country and Provence love green and other colors of nature, modern - white, black.

Any wallpaper color is suitable for large kitchen areas. Even darker shades that are visually reduced will look very impressive. But with a small kitchen, it is best to give preference to light tones of wallpaper. On the contrary, they will visually enlarge the room.

Now let's dwell on some colors and their effect on humans.

Yellow, light beige, orange, golden, whet the appetite. The person feels home comfort. All this disposes to sincere conversations. However, everything is in moderation. An excess of this color can tire the eye.

Red color and its shades. In addition to increasing appetite, they can also act as an irritant to the nervous system.

The blue tint of the wallpaper reduces appetite. An excellent option for those who are watching their figure and are afraid of overeating.

Blue has a calming effect. Looks great in a nautical theme of interior design. Such wallpaper should not be glued in countries with cold climates. This will create even more coolness.

Green color as well as yellow, it is conducive to communication. A great option for those who love nature. This color is able to calm and create a friendly atmosphere.

White color. It gives the kitchen some airiness. However, a perfectly white kitchen will look more like a hospital room. Therefore, this color is diluted with bright objects.

Black and purple are not welcome in the kitchen.

Drawing on wallpaper

Not everyone likes plain wallpaper. Some people prefer to glue wallpaper with a relief or other pattern. Here are some tips for choosing these wallpapers:

  • It is better to paste over a kitchen with a low ceiling with wallpaper with a vertical or diagonal pattern. This option will significantly increase the height of the ceilings and give the room a large area.
  • If the kitchen furniture is without bright frills, then it is better to choose wallpaper with a wild pattern that will attract all the attention to yourself.
  • For small areas of the kitchen, it is better to avoid any pattern on the wallpaper. This will further visually reduce the kitchen.
  • As for the pattern itself on the kitchen wallpaper, it can be very diverse: geometric patterns, animals and plants, birds, hieroglyphs, stripes, and so on.


For many people, photomurals are still associated with those that were still in soviet time: poor quality, fast fading, heavy gluing, small assortment. However now modern technologies allow you to create amazing beauty photomurals plus high quality.

For the kitchen, you should choose a special type of photo wallpaper that perfectly tolerates moisture, fat, temperature changes. therefore the most suitable photo wallpaper for the kitchen will be vinyl or non-woven.

They are impregnated with a special solution that protects them from fading and dirt, and allows repeated cleaning with water. If the wallpaper is placed in front of the work kitchen area, then it is imperative to protect such wallpaper with an additional layer of glass or a water-repellent coating.

Wall murals are separate element interior. Therefore, they should be placed on a free wall, away from the cooking area. You should not choose too bright wallpaper. This can quickly lead to eye fatigue.

If desired, you can glue not only walls, but also doors and other elements kitchen furniture... This will create a deeper interior. For small kitchens, a photo wallpaper with a picture of a window will serve as an excellent decorative element.

Combined wallpaper

There is no more suitable place for combined wallpaper than the kitchen. This is a great opportunity to designate a work area and an area for eating and rest in this way. More and more often, designers are resorting to this type of wallpapering. To make everything look beautiful and harmonious, you should follow some tips:

  • All wallpapers must be of the same quality and price segment. Their main difference will be in color and texture.
  • Combined wallpaper should have the same thickness. This will avoid difficulties when gluing and joining wallpaper.
  • If some wallpaper is plain, then others should be chosen with a bright pattern.
  • Bright colors go well with neutrals.

The most common option when combining wallpaper is the vertical division of the kitchen walls. It can be symmetrical when wallpaper with wide stripes, but different in color, is glued to two opposite walls.

This technique allows you to make the room more square. The asymmetric version means that one wall is glued with wallpaper with wide stripes of one color, and the opposite one with narrow ones of a different color. Such gluing will shorten the kitchen, but at the same time give it volume in width.

Modern wallpaper for the kitchen

With all the variety of wallpapers, there are modern tendencies, which are worth considering, since the renovation of the kitchen is done for more than one year. Today, kitchens are decorated in a modern style: modern, high-tech.

This option involves the use of minimalism and rigor. Therefore, the wallpaper should be bright enough to attract the main attention, but at the same time be restrained in order to fit into the entire style of the interior.

More and more preference is given to wallpaper in light shades or just white. This option allows you to expand the kitchen, add airiness and rigor. You can also choose a plain light wallpaper with bright motifs or patterns.

Since now a lot of attention is paid to quality, then the best option for the kitchen there will be a choice of glass wallpaper or vinyl. It is also allowed to combine different wallpapers in color. As for the style, oriental motives are very popular lately. And for lovers of home comfort, modern wallpaper with a pattern on a vegetable theme.

The latest trend of the year is wallpaper with a pattern in the form of decorative plates. Various stickers are still in vogue. They will perfectly complement the wallpaper in any style, but the main thing here is to choose everything correctly in order to avoid pretentiousness.

Wallpaper for a small kitchen

As stated earlier than smaller room, the more light shades should be present in the interior. This will help visually increase the area. However clean white kitchen not worth doing. This will create the illusion of being in a hospital room, and will also create the need for frequent and very thorough cleaning.

The best option for a small kitchen would be bed-colored wallpaper with a very small pattern. If you have chosen photo wallpaper or 3D drawing, then you need to glue them on a free wall, which serves as a dining place. This will make a bright accent.

When choosing wallpaper, you should also focus on the entire kitchen interior. So, for example, if the furniture has a glossy sheen, then the wallpaper should also be glossy. In this case, the color should be neutral.

As for quality, wallpaper for a kitchen, especially a small one, must necessarily be washable and withstand sharp changes in temperature and steam well.

Wallpaper is the most common material used for wall decoration in any room, including the kitchen. The popularity of wallpapers is due to their versatility, a wide range of types, a variety of colors and patterns. Not everyone knows that finishing materials of different colors can be combined. Such a design can make the interior unique. To achieve this effect, it is necessary to correctly select the tones of wallpaper for the kitchen. Photos of combined wallpaper in the interior of kitchens demonstrate how fashionable and exclusive some combinations look. To independently create the correct combination of wall coverings, you should familiarize yourself with the rules for their successful combination.

Hollywood scenes on the walls of the dining room kitchen

Reasons for combining wallpaper

Most kitchens have the same type of wallpaper. This option for finishing the premises is the simplest and fastest. But if the owners want to create an extraordinary stylish design, which stands out against the background of the interiors of most kitchens, then it is worth trying to combine several types of materials for wall decoration in one room.

Accentuating the wall near the dining area

The main reasons for combining:

Attention!When choosing combined wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account not only their combination with each other, but also their combination with all elements in the interior of the kitchen.

Below in the photo you can see beautiful combined wallpapers for the kitchen-living room.

Wallpaper with a large pattern in the dining area

Combination methods

In the process of creating combinations, the final result depends only on the imagination of the owner of the kitchen or designer. To obtain a harmonious combination, you must have taste and a sense of proportion. In order to choose the right finishing materials, you first need to decide on the way to combine them.

Wallpaper in the dining area with a vertical pattern

Vertical combination

Vertical combination can visually raise the ceilings and make them higher, and the kitchen is more spacious. This finish is recommended for narrow and small kitchens. With this method of combination, the walls are glued alternately vertical stripes wallpaper of different colors and textures. The stripes can be of the same size, or of different lengths and widths. It all depends on design idea... An asymmetrical combination can revive the interior and make it more dynamic.

Vertical zoning of walls in the kitchen

With vertical combination, plain wallpaper is often combined with a pattern. The alternation looks unusual finishing materials the same colors, but different in texture - glossy and matte. The combination of wall materials in contrasting shades makes it possible to effectively highlight the walls of the room. One of the best options is classic combination white and black. Safe combinations include combinations of white with any other color and yellow with green, blue or light blue.

Multi-colored kitchen spoons with open cabinets

Vertical combination is actively used in monochrome interiors. Combining strips of wallpaper in different tones of the same color, you can create the illusion of shadows in the kitchen. The photo shows the design of wallpaper for the kitchen with a vertical combination.

Zoning by combining wallpaper with a vertical pattern

Horizontal combination

This type of combination is considered traditional and versatile. It is suitable for interiors of all styles. In this case, the wall is divided horizontally into two parts. Standard proportions for horizontal combination: 2/3 is the wall covering at the top of the wall, 1/3 is the finishing material at the bottom. The interior looks harmonious, in which the border between the two types of wall materials runs at the level of the kitchen window sill. Interior design with combined wallpaper for the kitchen is shown below in the photo.

Zoning the dining area with wallpaper with a horizontal pattern

Usually horizontally combine wallpaper with other types of materials. For the kitchen in classic interior a combination is selected: wallpaper on top, wood panels on the bottom. Instead of wood panels, cork, ceramic tiles, decorative plaster can be used. The joint can be covered with a decorative element - a molding made of wood, plaster, metal or polyurethane.

The combination of wallpaper with a pattern and plain colors in the interior of the kitchen

There are several options for combining wallpaper horizontally:

  1. The top of the wall is pasted over with a monochromatic material, the bottom - with wallpaper with a pattern;
  2. With a contrasting combination: top - light, bottom - darker;
  3. When combining wallpaper with a pattern: top - small pattern, bottom - large;

All these combinations can be performed, on the contrary, but this must be done with care so as not to visually make the room smaller.

Combining wallpaper in the dining area

Select a wall

One way of zoning a space is to create an accent wall. To do this, three walls in the kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room are pasted over with wallpaper in a calm monochromatic color or with an unobtrusive pattern, and the fourth one stands out with bright colors or a large pattern. Usually the wall that accentuates the attention is located in the dining area. But you can also highlight the wall along which the kitchen set is located.

Wall decoration in the kitchen with open shelves

Attention!It is recommended to duplicate the color that dominates on accent wallpaper in interior elements - furniture or decor.

Any architectural elements of the room can be accentuated: niches, ledges, columns, ventilation duct. Thus, inappropriate parts of the interior that were planned to be hidden will become its decoration, a highlight.

Highlighting the dining area with wallpaper with different patterns

Usually an accent wall is highlighted with a material of bright saturated color, which shapes the mood of the entire room. This type of combination is often used to dilute the monochrome kitchen interior. Juicy wallpaper for the kitchen is shown in the photo below.

Bright wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen


An original way to create wall decor is a patchwork or patchwork combination. The wall is pasted over with small pieces of wallpaper of various colors. Outwardly, this design resembles a quilt. Patchwork is not suitable for all interior styles. It is most appropriate in country and ethno styles. Below in the photo you can see wallpaper for the kitchen in the interior of the country style.

Combined wallpaper in patchwork style

The basic rule of patchwork is the choice of wallpapers that have the same texture, similar elements of a pattern or ornament. The finished wall should combine no more than 3-4 types of different patterns.

Patchwork technique for combining wallpaper in the kitchen

Self-creation of such a combination is not easy. Firstly, cutting the pieces and pasting them will take a lot of time, and secondly, choose harmonious combinations colorful wallpaper not everyone can. It is better to entrust the creation of such a composition to an experienced designer. But the easiest option is to purchase ready-made wallpaper with a patchwork pattern.

Wallpaper "patchwork" in the dining area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen


One of the simplest options for highlighting one of the walls is to apply a photo wallpaper. Their theme should depend on the style of the interior in which the kitchen is decorated and the desired effect.

Photo wallpaper in the interior of the kitchen

Traditional subjects for the kitchen are images of fruits, vegetables, graceful glasses filled with alcoholic drinks, cakes, etc. Such wallpapers are not recommended for those who are afraid of gaining excess weight, as such photos whet the appetite.

Photo wallpaper in the dining area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen with a pattern showing lemons

To create an atmosphere of closeness to nature, it is recommended to choose a wallpaper with a picture of a forest, a waterfall, a flowering meadow. To make the interior fresh, relaxing, photography with nautical theme... A panoramic image of a city will visually make the kitchen more voluminous.

Calm light photomurals with engraving

The bright colors of the image on the photo wallpaper can stand out in contrast against the background of other walls. Another option involves the coincidence of the shade of the background finish and the main color on the wallpaper.

The photo below shows the interior design with photo wallpaper for a modern kitchen.

The south side of the kitchen will be slightly cooled by a photo wallpaper with a plot on a blue background

Combination rules with other finishes

Wallpaper can be harmoniously combined with many types of finishes: tiles, decorative plaster, wood panels, cork, paint, mosaics, brickwork.

Fragment of wallpaper in a frame in the decor of the kitchen wall near the dining area

  1. All materials must have an echoing color;
  2. Both materials should shine equally, that is, it is necessary to select glossy, not matte tiles for glossy wallpapers;
  3. Absence of sharp transitions between materials of different types;
  4. In combination with other materials, wallpaper always acts as a background, and other material as an accent;
  5. The need for zoning in the kitchen-dining room or kitchen-living room: if inserts from another finishing material are located on the walls around the entire perimeter of the kitchen, an imbalance will arise in the interior.

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen with brick-like tiles

Thus, combined wallpaper for the kitchen looks original in the interior, as in the photo below. The combination of finishing materials of different colors or textures allows you to create a unique design with your own hands with minimal financial costs. And uniting various materials on one wall you can make the interior richer. The main thing when combining wall coverings is to adhere to certain rules that allow them to harmoniously fit into the style of the interior.

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