Nevertheless, there are a huge variety of solutions to diversify this decor.

One of the most simple options creating an interior that embodies this theme - using wallpaper in nautical style.

Natural and rich shades, thematic patterns on the walls, compatibility with many accessories - all this makes the marine style holistic and harmonious, and therefore such ideas are increasingly being implemented in design.

Features of creating a marine style

The marine theme can be associated with different elements on the walls: many manufacturers produce entire collections depicting sea, ships, underwater world, corals and other motives. But wallpaper of this type is not suitable for all interiors: for example, living room walls decorated with wallpaper with starfishwill look too childish.

That is why the key sign of nautical style in interior design is not the character, but their color.

Moreover, it is not necessary to purchase a plain wallpaper of a blue or blue shade: it can be lavender tones, greenish shades, and even smooth overflows.

When choosing the right color for marine design consider the size and lighting features of the room.

Dark walls will cause the interior to be too cramped, so this type of wallpaper is used more often as separate accents, and not as a background. But on the walls they look pleasant and harmonious, therefore easily form color range any room in your home.

Wallpaper of too bright and saturated colors is not recommended to be glued in darkened rooms. Firstly, such an interior will be perceived as uncomfortable, and secondly, you will not be able to convey all the beauty of the selected color. Therefore, make sure that wide windows or comfortable lamps provide maximum illumination in the room.

To the features of blue and of blue color possibility also applies.

A plain bedroom is sure to be decorated with stylized accessories. Wallpaper with patterns is decorated to a lesser extent, so as not to create visual overload. Moreover, against the background of bold and bright prints, it is better to use something neutral: for example, mirrors or small shelves.

Traditionally created behind the bed. Marine wallpapers of any colors and patterns are suitable here.

You can go beyond the traditional design and glue wallpaper with large patterns on the sea: order them from specialized firms.

One of the best ways to create an accent in the bedroom is to use it next to tulle curtains. With this approach to wall decoration, the impression of an open space will be created. And installation of photowall-paper in niches will create the effect of a small window.

Marine style in the nursery

The easiest way to implement the marine theme is in the children's room.... Moreover, it is not necessary to focus on the gender of the child: both boys and girls perceive this style perfectly.

Age when decorating such a bedroom is also not a hindrance: psychologists say that blue, greenish and blue shades have a beneficial effect on the internal state of children.

The children's room should be cheerful, so don't be afraid to combine shades: marine colors are in harmony with pink, yellow, brown,... In the play area, you can pick up wallpapers in brighter shades with any patterns from this theme.

For older children, wide ones are suitable. Stick them by the bed - and, falling asleep, your child will gain new knowledge.

Do not forget that soft shades should be present in the recreation area.

Plain pastel wallpapers can look boring here, so look for collections with ships, steering wheels, pirates, and fish.

Wallpaper in a marine style in the vertical and horizontal direction. A combination of patterned wallpaper and striped coatings will be very successful in this design. Plots with boats or fish will create an atmosphere of lightness and playfulness, and calm, straight lines will balance it.

Children also like it very much. They can stick around the entire perimeter of the room or use on one of the walls.

Thanks to the brightness and the presence of several shades at once in the picture, you will create a powerful accent, so the rest of the walls can be left monochromatic.

Kitchen accents: how to emphasize style

When decorating a kitchen with a marine theme accents are formed on shades... Such interiors are dominated by cold colors, diluted with white, yellow, green, sand inserts.

Since most kitchens are limited in size, a large number of themed accessories would be out of place here. It is enough to decorate the walls with one or two small accents - and the sea style will be felt in the room.

Remember! Furniture and furniture in the interior of such a kitchen should not merge with the walls. Use light furniture against the background of bright and rich walls, and vice versa.

In addition to monochromatic wallpaper of marine shades, you can use beach-themed photo wallpaper. The perception of the realism of the plot will directly depend on the size of the canvas., so try to clear the entire wall - and across its entire area.

Such drawings can be used instead of an apron: for additional protection this part of the kitchen is covered with glass... In modern marine interiors The accents in the pictures can be emphasized with neon lighting or special designs in the form of frames.

So how do you create the most comfortable and harmonious marine design?

Choose only pleasant shades that do not put pressure on the interior and evoke associations with the lightness and freshness inherent in the sea.

When correct selection wallpaper and accessories, you can achieve the desired result - and note that the cost of creating such masterpieces will be very small.

A non-trivial choice for use in the interior - wallpaper in a marine style, color palette which will bring harmony and sophistication to your room. The abundance of marine images, their various combinations will allow you to emphasize the individuality of the decoration without resorting to auxiliary means. The color of the sea, the depth, the relief of its waves will help you evoke the widest range of desired emotions.

Where to buy wallpaper with a marine theme in Moscow?

Decided to create your own sea? An extensive range of wall coverings in this area is provided by the Artique company. The presented color palette will allow you not to be content with something ready-made, but to create your own personal universe. Therefore, the main feature of the nautical style is colors, not patterns. Marine wallpaper for walls is famous for a variety of patterns:

  • life forms of the underwater world;
  • geographical features;
  • seascapes;
  • pirate theme.

You can also use simple canvases, such as stripes. These products can be combined with any image, color scheme to create a motive, which is based on wallpaper on a marine theme.

Wave patterns can be a great alternative. Their smooth transitions incredibly accurately emphasize the lightness, freshness, airiness inherent in the sea element. Using various combinations of shades, ornaments can really be created unique interior... These colors are suitable for any room. Especially popular when decorating children. Today wallpaper on the wall with the sea is in trend, because in any bad weather they allow you to have a good rest on the sea coast.

The spirit of adventure, new discoveries, freedom and boundless space - this is what you will feel when looking at the wallpaper with ships in the photo in the interior. Expressive thematic prints directly related to the marine theme are suitable as decoration for:

  • an avid traveler's office;
  • teenager's rooms;
  • a magnificent spacious living room;
  • excellent bathroom.

You should buy wallpaper with ships, if you are always fascinated by the look at the sea and at the sails straightening from the wind, if the waves delight in your soul, and sailing ships are associated with conquest distant countries and incredible adventures.

What can you combine wallpaper with ships

Browsing the ship wallpaper catalog, you will see the most amazing creations of interior designers here. This is a raging sea with a light boat under sail, a pirate ship laden with treasures, and a romantic quiet harbor with scarlet sails. Among the proposals there are original children's drawings, unobtrusive and stylish, and large detailed images of ship's gear, creating a complete illusion of being on deck.

By the way, the price of wallpaper with ships is quite acceptable, it is perfectly combined with monochrome blue canvases or with wallpaper with blue-red-white stripes. With the help of such combinations, you will create a unique, colorful interior.

When choosing the design of a children's room, it is necessary to proceed not only from the wishes and requirements of the child himself. Of course, they must be taken into account. However, caring parents pay attention to other things. For example, such as comfort, environmental friendliness and practicality of wall coverings. This becomes especially relevant when it comes to children's wallpapers for a boy. In fact: if for girls in the first place was and remains beauty and external attractiveness, then for the room for the boy there is much more essential become thoughtful and functional.

In our today's article, we will look at the most popular types of children's wallpaper that are used in children's rooms for boys.

Vinyl baby wallpaper in the boy's room

It's not a secret for anyone that with age, the interests of a boy can change. Therefore, when designing a nursery for your child, you need to take into account several nuances.

The main advantages of vinyl baby wallpaper:

  1. The wall covering should be easy to clean, because the baby is constantly getting dirty, playing with paints and pencils.
  2. They must be resistant to mechanical damage.
  3. The cost of paintings should not be high.
  4. The originality of the coating also plays an important role. The little explorer will love to live in an original, themed room.

Based on the above facts, we can conclude that vinyl wallpaper will be the optimal covering for the walls in the nursery.

How to choose the right one

Caring parents should pay attention to several factors when choosing wallpaper for children's interior design:

  • Your child's safety is paramount. Wallpaper made from natural, environmentally friendly materials is best suited. You can judge the quality of products by their labeling. For example, on high-quality European vinyl wallpaper, manufacturers put a designation on the absence of harmful and hazardous substances in their composition. In addition, there is also a special marking about the presence of micropores in the product, which allows it to "breathe".
  • The size of the nursery plays an important role. They must be taken into account when choosing a design for walls, since wallpaper with a massive pattern will reduce the room, and an image with horizontal stripes or patterns will visually make the nursery wider and more spacious. Dark tones in the interior of your child's room are undesirable, as they can “eat up” space.
  • The color scheme of the nursery should be well thought out. Vinyl wallpapers of black, burgundy, gray and purple colors should not be used for glueing the walls of the nursery. Yellow and green will promote creativity. An abundance of light gray, blue, or white can be depressing. Pink, so beloved by girls aged 5 to 13, should not be too aggressive, as this color can interfere with relaxation and rest. Orange - stimulates activity, it should be used in the play area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Here, too, we must pay tribute to vinyl canvases. Not only does the variety of their types never cease to amaze, they are also an excellent background for a variety of applications, posters, and other decorative elements.

If your boy is over 5 years old, he will prefer themed wallpapers with cars, planes, space or ships. The main thing is to correctly outline the circle of interests of your child, and even better take him with you to the store. Let the baby also participate in the selection process.

Wallpaper type

In any store finishing materials can find wallpaper different types: paper, non-woven, silk-screen printing, liquid and others. Each of them has special characteristics that are worth focusing on:

  1. Paper ones can be safely called classics, since they have been used for wall decoration for several centuries. Since they are made of paper, they are completely safe from an environmental point of view. They also have a porous structure, which means that the material "breathes", excluding the formation and accumulation of condensate, and, as a result, the development of bacteria and fungus on the walls. Adhesives for such coatings can either be purchased at a store or made on your own. As for their cost, it is very attractive, therefore, if it is necessary to change the wallpaper, the family will not experience an increased financial burden. Among the obvious shortcomings, only fragility can be called, which, however, does not really matter in a children's room.
  2. Vinyl - paper or non-woven material is used as a base, and the upper part is made of PVC (vinyl). The debate about the safety of this wallpaper is still pending. If the technologies were not violated during production, then the amount of pharmacaldehyde fumes is reduced to a minimum. Otherwise, your son may be exposed to negative effects from chemical fumes. Well, since these wallpapers do not allow air to pass through, condensation can accumulate under them and a fungus can form. Of course, such canvases have their own positive aspects, such as resistance to moisture, so they can be wiped with a damp sponge without fear of damaging the drawing, and in general, the surface.
  3. Non-woven - this coating is a non-woven material similar in composition to paper. But they themselves have a number of advantages over paper ones. They are more waterproof, durable and resistant to mechanical stress, as well as being able to hide a number of irregularities and wall defects. But as for the price, it is much higher than that of vinyl or paper coverings. Due to the large width, not everyone can cope with gluing wallpaper on a non-woven base, so you have to invite a specialist to paste over the surface.

A photo: classic combination with white in the interior

Non-woven wallpaper color

Having made a choice in favor of wallpaper on a non-woven basis, it is necessary to decide on their color. The color of the child's room, its drawing and ornament should please the boy. However, it should be remembered that color scheme should only have a positive effect on his psyche.

Know! If your boy is hyperactive, then you should give preference to a more relaxed color scheme in the nursery. Well, those children who are distinguished by increased calmness will feel great in a room with bright, rich drawings.

Wallpaper in the children's room can be combined, especially for spacious children's rooms, where you can highlight a play area and a place to relax. In this case, in the sleep zone, you need to pick up quieter canvases that will dispose you to sleep, reducing children's activity, which often increases to the maximum level in the evening. Game Zoneon the contrary, it is pasted over with brighter canvases that promote activity and play (for example, canvases with fragments from your favorite cartoons).

Well, in small children's rooms it is worth choosing a single color scheme, and all bright accents perform using separate accessories, placing them in each of the zones (carpet, photo frame, night light, etc.).

Among the main manufacturers of non-woven wallpaper for children's rooms are companies from countries such as: Germany, France, Italy.

Style and plots

  • With cars.
  • With planes.
  • With dinosaurs.
  • With boats.
  • With pirates (nautical theme).

Let's take a closer look at the canvases with pirate ships and fabulous treasures that share common maritime themes.

Marine wallpaper for baby boy's room

What could be more important for loving and caring parents than the comfort and tranquility of their child. It's no secret that a child needs his own personal space from the very early age... And this space should not only be comfortable and functional, but also meet the interests of the growing baby.

What can you combine with marine-themed wallpaper

Recently, the design of a nursery in a marine style has become increasingly popular. After all, who of us has not dreamed of feeling like a young captain of a huge frigate or a brave pirate.

Interest in the marine theme is constantly fueled by films and books about the sea, vacation trips, magazines and programs about the inhabitants of the deep sea.

By decorating a room in this style, you not only create an interior, you contribute to the development of the child by:

  1. Images of marine life on the wallpaper.
  2. Examples of various knots on the walls.
  3. Decor elements imitating parts of the ship.

Varieties with a nautical theme

The use of children's marine wallpaper for space zoning

Wallpaper with a marine theme is also good for dividing the space in joint rooms, as they go well with the pastel-colored walls and will help create a separate individual corner for your baby.

Photo: drawings with fish are suitable for both boys and girls

But here the main thing is not to overdo it with the rest of the marine elements, if you have chosen colorful wallpaper, then the furniture should be bought in calmer shades and, preferably, without various decorative excesses.

Blue wallpaper in the nursery

The life of a child mainly takes place in the children's room, and, for sure, everyone will agree that in this space the baby should feel as comfortable and safe as possible. This color is traditionally considered optimal for boys. In this case, the boy will feel more confident. The child begins to perceive his personal space literally from infancy, and the first thing that comes across to him is life path Are the colors that prevail in his room.

What colorchoose for nursery

The first thing parents face when arranging a nursery is its color. They need to decide what it will be in saturation, closer to bright or neutral tones. In an overly calm color environment, your son will experience a strong "color starvation", and he will lack bright, saturated colors. Moreover, most of the time, most of the toys are taken out of the cupboards and dressers only for the duration of the game, and then they hide in their place again.

Bright colors, such as blue, can stimulate mental development, and therefore in the interior of the nursery, in addition to calm tones, you need to use bright children's wallpapers, correctly combining and combining them.

As for the various combinations with blue in the children's bedroom. If the boy is still small or even a newborn, then a combination of light yellow and light blue children's paintings in the baby's room is perfect. Psychologists believe that this color combination creates the effect of security and comfort for the child. Well, in order to achieve psychological development, as a colorful color complement, you can use bright butterflies, animals, flowers. Contrasting objects are best emphasized with purer and richer tones (green, blue, red).

Preschooler's room

As the child develops, you need to think about changing the color scheme. To actively cultivate fantasy, zest for life, and curiosity, purer primary tones should be used. Wallpaper blue, red and yellow flowers create a lively atmosphere, play and show energy. Moreover, it is best to use live, natural shades when decorating (the color of fruits, sea, vegetables, etc.), which, despite their richness, will never have a negative effect, overloading the psyche of your baby.

The child must choose the color of the room on his own, without prompting the parents. If he himself finds it difficult to express his preferences, then you can watch what colors he prefers to play with.

Teenage boy's room

Its color should be chosen personally by the child so that the created environment is inspiring. It can be a combination of yellow, green, light green, blue and yellow and other colors. As a rule, for an older child aged 10-12 years old, the same wallpaper or photo wallpaper that is well suited for a newborn baby or a boy aged 3-4 or 5 years old will not work.

In fact, each age assumes different themes and plots of wall decoration. What is good for a boy at 6, 7, 8 or 9 years old should not be used in the interior of a nursery for a child aged 3 or 4 years old - keep this in mind.

So, today you learned about what to consider and how to do the right thing when you choose children's wallpaper for a boy's room. wishes a successful renovation!

Often the walls in the nursery are pasted over with wallpaper depicting the sea, ships, fish. The drawing is chosen depending on the gender of the child, his age.

For kids, sea wallpapers with cartoon images of fish and the sea from the collection Family Places, Resort, Just 4 kids are suitable. They are made of paper - the material does not cause allergies and prevents mold. Bright drawings will be interesting for both boys and girls.

For older guys, realistic drawings of ships and maps from the Handsome, Fregate, Cape Cod collections are suitable. They are made mainly of vinyl and non-woven, they are easily glued to the wall, resistant to mechanical damage. Drawings do not fade in the sun. One of the walls in the girl's room can be pasted over with wall coverings with realistic images of an aquarium from the Totally for Kids collection. It can be combined with matching wallpaper.

To order children's marine wallpaper, visit one of our salons in Moscow or order a product on the website by adding it to the basket. You can pay for your purchase in cash, by bank transfer, electronic money or by card. We will deliver in Moscow and Moscow region within 3 days, to other cities of Russia - up to 7 days.
