Professional insulation of a house is a complex and lengthy process that will delight residents with a comfortable and warm room in the winter. Thanks to the insulation of a brick building, you will be able to reduce energy costs for home heating.

Insulation brick walls differs from the insulation of concrete or wooden structures. To identify the material for thermal insulation, you will need to install the type of brick.

There are two types of brick by density:

  1. The hollow one weighs less; inside there are voids filled with air.
  2. Solid - solid type of brick.

There are two types of masonry: solid and construction with the formation of air voids. During the second type of masonry the heat-insulating element is poured into the inside of the wall- special air pocket.

Why is thermal insulation needed?

The main function of thermal insulation is energy saving and payments for housing and communal services. The walls and ceiling can be covered with heat-insulating material on both sides, and the windows and floor - on the inside.

Additionally, you can seal window and door cracks, as well as cover the walls separating the house from the street with insulating material.

Thermal insulation of the room will help get rid of mold and other fungi that live inside damp and cold walls.

Mold formed due to a large difference in temperature external and inner surface walls. It is better to insulate a brick wall on both sides.

Modern materials

The strength of the finish depends on the choice of materials and degree of thermal insulation. Some materials are better suited for finishing the inside of walls and cracks, while some are produced specifically for the outside.

The materials used for insulating brick houses are:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • plaster;
  • thermal panels.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is a substance consisting of fused silicone fibers mixed with metallurgical waste.

The most important advantages of mineral wool are its high heat conductivity coefficient, as well as no flammable elements in its composition. Vata is a durable material, it is difficult to tear or break its integrity.

cotton wool easily repels water and does not absorb rainfall. The substance ideally isolates the room from sound signals and noise. The material does not melt or deform under high temperature. It is resistant to chemicals and biological agents. Mineral wool is easy to install.

Resins, phenol and heavy metals, which are part of cotton wool, may adversely affect the human respiratory system. Expanded polystyrene, silicate fiber and polyurethane foam are considered less hazardous materials for construction.


Foam plastic occupies a leading position among materials used for insulation of residential premises.

He low cost, easy to install. A thin layer of polystyrene foam is enough to insulate a living space and isolate it from external noise.

Styrofoam has the following advantages:

  • does not deteriorate under the influence of chemicals;
  • has increased density;
  • does not absorb moisture, rain and precipitation;
  • does not lose shape under the influence of mechanical damage;
  • it is enough to lay a layer of foam plastic that will be ten times thinner than the wall to prevent the cold from penetrating into the room;
  • the material is durable and can last up to half a century;
  • weighs little;
  • resistant to decomposition processes;

Polystyrene foam is used as a heat-insulating material for insulating roofs, walls, facade structures, foundation slabs and basements.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene is produced by mixing polymer metal particles with a foaming agent. A sheet is melted from a liquid mixture of these substances. After hardening the sheet becomes light and durable.


  • the material is durable and can withstand heavy loads;
  • resistant to action chemical substances And high temperatures;
  • does not allow or absorb moisture;
  • lasts a long time;
  • does not allow harmful fumes to pass through;
  • ecologically pure;
  • does not ignite.

Due to its low vapor permeability, expanded polystyrene promotes the formation of mold and mildew.

This feature promotes destruction load-bearing structure Houses and deterioration in the health of residents. This material is used only for insulating facades in buildings whose height does not exceed nine floors.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane is a type of plastic. He has a foamy texture, and the gaseous substance in its composition reaches 90 percent.

Polyurethane is easy to manufacture and can be made directly on the construction site.

The advantages of this material include:

  • adheres well to any type of wall: brick, concrete, stone, wood, etc.;
  • there is no need to carry out additional treatment of the wall surface;
  • increases the strength of walls and partitions;
  • does not respond to temperature changes;
  • forms a single solid structure without gaps or seams.

Material may wear out quickly as a result of the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. This material must be protected with plaster.

The insulation does not burn, but will begin to melt under the influence of high temperatures, so you should not use it near smelting shops and in production.

Warm plaster

Plaster is inexpensive has adhesion to different surfaces , does not ignite, has a bactericidal effect, is non-toxic, resistant to moisture penetration.

If water gets on the plaster it can cause it to freeze and development of fungal formations inside the wall.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels give the facade a respectable appearance, as well as perfectly insulate a residential building. They consist of several layers of polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam with the addition of air. Artificial stone is used for decoration.

The benefits include:

  • environmentally friendly solution for thermal insulation;
  • installation does not depend on the time of year and weather conditions;
  • their use reduces the installation time.

The disadvantages include:

  • Before installation, the wall surface must be carefully leveled;
  • They are not cheap, especially the corner elements.

What is the best way to insulate a living space?

The insulation is selected depending on material, from which the walls are made.

Concrete slab housing thermally insulated with foam plastic or mineral wool. Stone house insulated using the same mineral wool or polyurethane foam.

It is good to insulate walls made of gas silicate blocks with mineral slabs or polystyrene. These materials have good thermal insulation properties and have a long service life, they will be good protection from the cold for walls made of gas silicate.

For insulation of houses made of foam blocks the following materials are used:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • cork;
  • penofol;
  • polyurethane foam.

For insulation of residential premises made of aerated concrete good fit:

  • plaster;
  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam.

These materials perfectly protect walls aerated concrete house from freezing and will increase the service life of the building.

Brick walls insulated with the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane foam;

How to properly insulate a brick house from the outside with your own hands?

It is not difficult to insulate a living space using foam plates. It is enough to adhere to the following algorithm of actions.

Previously from the wall surface debris and dirt must be removed. Then level it with plaster.

Important: treat the wall with primer to achieve evenness, and then wait for it to dry. The foam plates will lie firmly on the primed surface.

Then you need nail the starting profile horizontally. The plates are glued to the wall starting from the bottom edge. You can treat the wall with glue or apply the substance directly to the slabs using a spatula.

The laying of the plates must be done staggered. When the glue dries, the boards should be secured with dowels. The gap between the plates must be sealed with the same material or filler.

At the last stages of masonry the slabs are secured using a mesh, and the dried facade must be covered with plaster.

Insulating a house with your own hands is not an easy task, but it can be done with some preparation. Depending on the material of the walls, insulation is selected. The choice of material is also influenced by its cost, heat-insulating and waterproof qualities, as well as environmental friendliness and safety for the health of residents.

Insulating a brick house with your own hands: video instructions.

Brick is a traditional material for private construction. But unlike wood, it necessarily requires high-quality insulation. If this is not done, then life in the house is unlikely to be pleasant and comfortable, especially during the cold season.


Insulation of a brick house is a large complex of works. It is not enough to perform them only on the walls of the facade; you will need to carry out certain manipulations with the roof, other walls, base and floor. You should definitely take into account what specific type of brick was used, how the masonry was made, and in what climatic region the construction or repair is being carried out.

It will not be possible to insulate solid blocks from the outside using the same method that is suitable for parts with air cavities. The method of laying (continuous or providing an internal air gap) is also important.

When assessing thermal conductivity, you cannot rely only on tabular indicators that can be found on the Internet or in specialized literature. Technologies are changing rapidly, and each manufacturer is trying to introduce their own know-how, vary the recipe and processing modes. Therefore, you should only rely on official information from suppliers.

If you plan to lay the brick in a continuous layer, the insulation can be placed on one side or on both sides at once. The use of facade panels and intra-wall insulation of hollow masonry have their own subtleties.

Best materials

The thermal conductivity coefficient is a decisive indicator for any thermal insulation material. It is equal to the thermal energy that passes through 100 cm of coating in 60 minutes. If we proceed only from this parameter, then it is best to cover the brick wall with polystyrene foam and mineral wool.

But other nuances need to be taken into account, because if a material holds heat well, this does not mean that it is suitable for all possible cases. It is very important to pay attention to the intensity of moisture absorption - depending on this indicator, no material can compare with extruded polystyrene foam.

The same method of protection is also the most dense among all. If we take into account flammability (minimum class G1 - combustion stops after the fire ceases), then EPS and polystyrene foam are in approximately equal positions. It is not always possible to use expanded clay; it is only suitable for houses with well masonry.

Such thermal protection is created very simply, but over time it can become heterogeneous, which negatively affects the characteristics. Drywall can be used for insulation only indoors, because manufacturers’ claims about the resistance of some options to high humidity should not be taken seriously.

Using polystyrene, including penoplex, is relatively simple. Large slabs are sometimes equipped with a tongue-and-groove system; they can be glued from the base profile. This solution is suitable for siding, but few people will be satisfied with the level of permeability of the finishing layer for steam. If you still want to choose just such insulation, it is worth equipping the top with a full-fledged ventilated façade.

You can lay penoplex in the most different ways. A typical sheet has a width of 600 mm, a length of 1.2 or 2.4 m. In different modifications, the thickness of the sheet varies from 20 to 100 mm. Among all versions, the “Facade” modification deservedly takes first place, specially designed for finishing and thermal protection of permanent external walls.

Some amateur builders choose to insulate brick walls with aerated concrete blocks. Such a measure is recommended if there is a suitable support point and the entire structure is thought out very well. It is worthwhile in advance, in the process of preparing the load-bearing wall, to install fiberglass reinforcement in the form of releases.

It is not worth using expanded clay concrete for thermal protection of brick structures, since its thermal qualities are not good enough. Insulate a wall from sand-lime brick basalt wool is justified because it lasts a long time and is a completely natural solution. Instead of the loose or rolled version, it is best to take cotton wool slabs; they are considered the most reliable.

They began insulating houses with granulated foam glass back in the 1930s, but then it was very expensive and not very practical. The porosity of such a material obtained by modern technology, ranges from 80 to 95%. Coloring depends on what specific raw materials were used. Despite its lightness, the compression resistance of this material is very high, and the loss of heat to the outside is noticeably faster than even wood.

The advantage of foam glass is excellent damping of external noise; but we must not forget that it is quite expensive and can be destroyed by mechanical stress.


The standard thickness of insulation for brick walls is determined using simple formulas. It is better to focus on the standard of thermal resistance established for a specific region of the country. The second indispensable parameter for an accurate calculation is the thermal resistance of the main load-bearing surfaces, and the third is the same, but for thermal protection.

A half-brick wall is assumed to be 12 cm, one brick - 24 cm, and for a three-layer structure the calculation is carried out at a thickness of 0.8 m. A three-layer structure is a very rare and rather expensive option. The main part of the structures is made of one or one and a half bricks, and if there are less than three blocks, then throughout the entire post-Soviet territory it is impossible to do without insulation. This rule also applies to the coast of the Black and Azov Seas.

A common mistake is to insulate walls from the inside; it leads to condensation and other negative phenomena. For siding or ventilated facades, mineral or glass wool with a density of at least 40 kg and 17 kg per 1 cubic meter is most often used. m. respectively. When do you plan to insulate the walls? decorative bricks, it will be necessary to strengthen the foundation by adding mortar.

Whether the wall, after finishing with insulation, will be permeable to water vapor or not depends on the personal preferences of the owners. An exception is made only for the steam room, where the release of fumes to the outside is mandatory.

Which to choose?

Having familiarized yourself with the basic information on insulating materials, it is easy to understand that their choice cannot be dictated solely by financial considerations. An attempt to save money on insulation only results in additional costs during the operation of the building. Please note that depending on the option chosen, the following changes:

  • composition of the required hand tools;
  • types of machinery used;
  • list of components;
  • sequence of work;
  • execution of the foundation.

A very light base will easily withstand the load created by the foamed polymer, but if ceramic granules are used, it will no longer be reliable. You also need to pay attention to whether external decorative finishing or the thermal protection parts themselves will turn out to be quite attractive in design.

If you need to install siding, facing bricks or plaster, you will also need adhesives, fasteners, geotextiles, and so on. This circumstance will significantly complicate the work. You should carefully separate materials for internal and external insulation.

In the second case, the requirements for environmental safety are much lower, but the danger of the destructive effects of moisture and wind increases. External insulation is preferable for another reason: they allow you to leave all load-bearing wall in the area of ​​positive temperatures and completely eliminate its freezing.

Application of internal insulation materials becomes mandatory in the following cases:

  • by decision of state supervisory authorities, this is the only way to do it;
  • immediately behind the wall there was an unheated Utility room(this is not relevant for the facade of the house);
  • very severe frosts are likely, which require the most intense protection of the habitable space.

Mineral wool, while not bad in itself, quickly becomes saturated with water. Therefore, you will need to cover it from the outside with waterproof films. If you want to make the thinnest possible “pie”, you should pay attention to extruded polymer mixtures, because they are almost impervious to moisture and differ increased strength. When assessing flammability, it is recommended to compare the actual performance of the material with the requirements established by the fire department.

The advantage of roll and sheet coatings over liquid options is that they can be easily installed even by non-professionals who do not have specialized tools.

Current technologies

The best solution is not to look suitable option among all possible approaches to insulation in principle, but focus on modern methods. They fully meet all regulatory requirements and, in addition, have incorporated concentrated centuries of experience. There are two key areas that are most in demand now:

  • Sandwich format. A frame (made of wood or metal) is mounted on completely finished walls, into which insulation is inserted. Superimposed on the frame from the outside decorative material. The advantage of this method is its high strength and reliability, but the foundation of the building must also be strong and solid.
  • "Wet façade" The insulation is glued with special mixtures, then it is covered with a reinforcing mesh and finishing. It is worth paying attention that polystyrene foam will be correctly mounted as a substrate for vinyl siding and other finishing materials.

The fastening method when choosing a “wet facade” is approximately the same as when working with foam plastic, namely:

  • the first step is to clean the walls from dirt, dust and plaster;
  • large cracks are covered with putty, and the surface as a whole should be covered with a layer of primer;
  • a starting profile is placed and secured around the perimeter using dowel nails. You should definitely check horizontal lines building level;
  • in addition to gluing polystyrene foam, sometimes it is attached with anchors or special pastes;
  • fastening in the central part of the panels using dowel-nails increases the rigidity of the structure;
  • slab joints need to be sealed polyurethane foam, and take a reinforcing mesh that is not destroyed by acids and alkalis.

If well masonry is being made, roll materials can be used to waterproof it from the inside. The actual insulation is carried out by filling with special reagents - lightweight concrete, slag, expanded clay and some others. The material must be compacted every 50 cm.

Much attention should be paid to insulating the corners, and the effect of a thermos should be achieved. It is recommended to study carefully chemical composition the coating being installed or the mixture poured inside, in order to be completely confident in their safety and reliability.

How to do self-installation?


Even the most modern methods of insulating brick walls are available to ordinary people. The main condition for their use is accurate and competent design calculations. Only it allows you to simultaneously guarantee heat retention inside and minimal costs for performing work. In many cases, the simplest and most effective solution is to insulate walls with extruded polystyrene foam. Calculating the required indicators is quite simple.

For example, a wall is lined with full-weight bricks, each 30 cm thick. Heat transfer resistance is determined by dividing this thickness by the thermal conductivity of the material. This results in the difference between the normatively prescribed and actual thermal resistance.

Now you need to multiply this difference by the thermal conductivity coefficient of the selected insulation. The calculated result must, if necessary, be rounded to a whole value (since roll and slab thermal insulation is produced in multiples of 1 cm in thickness).

When several layers are used at once, their energy characteristics must be added together to avoid errors.

The insulation of the end wall in a house or apartment also has its own subtleties. IN apartment buildings such manipulation is rarely carried out externally, since it is very expensive and impractical. This must be preceded by a thorough search for possible cold bridges. As in other cases, it is recommended to use polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or basalt-based materials.

Sequence of work

Ceramic brick not only insulates the facade, but also looks attractive and serves reliably. But this is carried out only on the condition that the masonry is done according to the rules, its seams are completely even and not dirty. The slightest cracks or stains of mortar on the blocks are unacceptable. The mixture for fixing the masonry is formed with M-400 cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 3.

It is worth noting that river sand cannot be used, because it leads to rapid shrinkage of the solution if a plasticizer is not added. It is not at all necessary to create a classic gray seam: a wide variety of pigments are readily sold in sets with facing bricks.

The first step in the process will be preparing the waterproofing. For it they take either roofing material or thick polyethylene. Laying begins from the corners, leaving an air gap to the main wall (40–50 mm). The prepared solution should be relatively dense, but not too heavy for working with a trowel. A metal rod with a cross-section from 8x8 to 12x12 mm is placed on the front edges of the masonry.

Next to it, the solution should be level, and on the back side - about 1 cm higher. A vertical seam is created in a similar way. All stripes will need to be rubbed with a small brush after 120–180 minutes, covering any holes or nicks that are found. This will prevent water from getting inside from the external environment.

Reliable thermal insulation helps reduce heat loss and create comfortable conditions in a brick building. Insulation of a house made of sand-lime brick is necessary and is due to the instability of the material to moisture. Additional thermal insulation corrects this drawback. Insulation is selected depending on the type of brick and type of masonry.

How are they insulated?

Moisture absorption and moisture permeability of structures in buildings made of sand-lime brick is eliminated by insulating them. In addition, thermal insulation keeps your home warm in winter and cool in summer. The insulation of walls depends on them. There are two types of insulation:

  • from the inside;
  • outside.

Internal insulation of structures in houses made of sand-lime brick is rarely done, since the dew point moves inward, which contributes to the formation of condensation on the walls and requires installation effective system ventilation. In addition, the slopes, floor and ceiling will need to be insulated. The insulation can be basalt slabs made of fiber and foam glass.

To insulate walls from the inside, only environmentally friendly materials with low flammability are used to avoid the release of harmful substances into the room.

Otherwise, the house can be insulated with polystyrene foam.

The outside of sand-lime brick is insulated using the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane;
  • expanded polystyrene.

Material calculation

To effectively insulate a house and avoid moving the dew point inward, you need to correctly calculate the thickness of the insulation. The thickness of the material depends on its thermal resistance. The average indicator of this value for walls in private and multi-storey buildings should be at least 3.5. The lower the thermal resistance of the wall, the thicker the layer of insulation material will be. The calculation is performed using the formula: R=d/k, where d is the thickness of the material, k is the thermal conductivity coefficient. Indicators k are a constant value and are given in the table.

For polyurethane foam, you need to calculate the thickness of the insulation.

For example, calculate the thickness of a layer of polyurethane foam to insulate a structure made of sand-lime brick with a thickness of 0.5 m. First, determine the thermal resistance of the wall: R = 0.5/0.7 = 0.71. This indicator is calculated for polyurethane foam: R (p) = 3.5-0.71 = 2.79. The insulation layer is found using the formula: d = R (p) x k = 2.79 × 0.02 = 0.0558 m. Thus, the polyurethane foam layer must be at least 55 mm.

Energy saving programs are gaining popularity, and many are thinking about optimal option for their home. How to insulate sand-lime brick? Which insulation options are better: outside or inside? What features of brick should be taken into account when choosing insulation?

Insulation for a house made of sand-lime brick must be selected based on the type of construction and type of masonry.

Insulation of walls should begin with an examination of their features, the type of masonry that was used during construction. So that home insulation suits everyone modern requirements, you need to take into account the following parameters:

  1. Brick shape. This indicator directly affects thermal conductivity, on which the required level of insulation will depend.
  2. Type of brick. For example, for m-150 sand-lime brick, a minimum insulating layer is sufficient.
  3. Type of masonry. The thickness of the wall and its need for insulation will depend on this indicator.

Expert advice! If the house has solid masonry, then it needs to be insulated inside and outside; if hollow masonry is used, then the material is laid only inside the walls.

What insulation materials are available on the construction market

Today, a chain of construction supermarkets offers a wide selection of materials for insulating walls made of sand-lime brick. They all have their own characteristics that need to be known and taken into account in order for the insulation of the house to be of high quality and reliable.

  1. Mineral wool.

Despite the fact that this material has been used for a long time, it has not lost its popularity. Buyers prefer it for:

  • optimal price;
  • ease of installation;
  • light weight;
  • environmental safety;
  • long period of operation;
  • complete absence of an environment for the reproduction of rodents, fungus and mold.

Among the disadvantages of the material, the following indicators are distinguished:

  • rapid absorption of moisture;
  • easily ignites;
  • does not retain its shape during deformation processes.
  1. Styrofoam.

Many experts suggest insulating sand-lime bricks using polystyrene foam. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is slightly lower than that of mineral wool. But among the advantages we can highlight the following:

  • the material is resistant to moisture;
  • easy to install, no special tools required;
  • a light weight;
  • environmental Safety.
Polystyrene foam has special water-repellent properties.

If a decision has been made to insulate a sand-lime brick house with polystyrene foam, then you need to know that it easily ignites and releases toxic substances when burned. There have been many cases where a fire ignites and spreads instantly, and the owners only have time to save their lives.

Expert advice! Today the construction market offers the new kind polystyrene foam, which has improved characteristics and greater fire protection.

  1. Expanded clay.

This material can be used to insulate a house during the construction phase. It is added to cement mortar, which will be used when pouring floors and plastering walls. Expanded clay has a lot of advantages that make it popular in the construction market:

  • minimum weight;
  • environmental Safety;
  • mice do not gnaw it, fungus and mold do not develop in it;
  • has high rates of heat and noise insulation;
  • does not react with moisture, so it is ideal for the bathroom, kitchen, and toilet.

Among the main disadvantages is the high degree of dust emission.

  1. Polyurethane foam.

It is increasingly recommended to insulate a house made of sand-lime brick with polyurethane foam, since this material has the highest thermal insulation and strength. The material itself can be used in the form of slabs or sprayed onto walls. Polyurethane foam requires additional finishing, preferably with fire-resistant mixtures.

The main disadvantage is the high cost.

  1. Warm plaster.

This material provides the room with the highest thermal insulation values. Using warm plaster you can easily cover sand-lime brick. Among the main advantages are the following:

  • the walls have high levels of heat, noise and sound insulation;
  • the material is not subject to combustion;
  • does not absorb moisture.

The main disadvantage that prevents the material from gaining popularity is the cost and methods of application to the walls. Warm plaster is applied using special automated equipment. Only a professional team has such systems, which will charge a lot of money for the work.

In addition, the maximum layer of plaster is up to 5 centimeters. The large mass of the layer that is applied to the wall requires the construction of a massive foundation or additional strengthening of an existing one.

  1. Fiberglass.

This material has excellent characteristics and is recommended by many experts. The main thing that everyone needs to remember is that this material should be installed only by professionals. It is toxic, therefore, if installed incorrectly, it can harm the health of not only the worker, but also everyone who will live in such a house.

  1. Ecowool.

It is used only for internal insulation. The material has optimal thermal conductivity and quickly absorbs moisture.

Insulating the house from the outside

How to insulate a house made of sand-lime brick must be decided individually in each specific case.

If the house has been built and is functioning for a long time, then the insulation of the walls will be external. This type will protect the structure of the house from precipitation and sudden temperature changes, while the dew point will move closer to the insulation. Such insulation of the house makes it possible to increase the service life of the entire building.

Mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polyurethane, and expanded polystyrene are suitable for external insulation. Sand-lime brick covered with insulation must be additionally plastered or covered with facade panels.

Before insulating the house from the outside, you need to carry out horizontal waterproofing of the foundation. For these purposes, you can use waterproofing or roofing felt. Unfortunately, the latter material does not have a long service life. The installed waterproofing layer should not be on the walls of the first floor.


How to insulate a house from the inside

For sand-lime bricks, insulating walls from the inside is considered only in the most urgent cases. In addition to the fact that the useful area will be taken away from the room, when the walls are insulated from the inside, the dew point changes and moves inward. This causes the formation of condensation on the walls, which can only be eliminated after installing a productive ventilation system.

If a decision has been made to insulate the house from the inside, then it is necessary to use the material not only for the walls, but also on the ceiling, floor, and slopes. If you do not carry out such work, then there will be places in the house where freezing will appear.

When choosing a material for insulating sand-lime brick from the inside, you must first of all pay attention to environmental safety indicators. When heated, all components will be released into the room, which can be harmful to human health.

When insulating sand-lime brick from the inside, you do not need to use a vapor barrier.

It is enough to cover the material with plaster. If there is a need for additional fixation of the insulation, then reinforcing mesh can be used.

When choosing a material for insulation, you should pay attention to the indicators fire safety. All walls inside the house are equipped with a large number of wires and various devices that can catch fire.


Insulating a house made of sand-lime brick is a necessary and important process that will help save the family’s heating budget, create coziness, comfort, and optimal temperature throughout the entire house. Only conscious choice material will provide the desired result for each specific home.

Private house, walls 38cm, white brick facade, metal-plastic windows. The house is cold, in severe frost the walls and ceiling in the corners are wet and covered with fungus. It is necessary to insulate the building from the outside mineral wool or polystyrene foam. To meet the standards, it is necessary that the insulation be at least 10 cm for polystyrene foam and 12 (with a slight stretch, due to the fact that for small volumes it may be difficult to select slabs of the required thickness, it will be possible to take 10 cm) for mineral wool.
If you insulate with mineral wool, pay special attention to the glue, plaster and paint - they must allow steam to pass through.
In any case, around windows and doors there must be insulation with mineral wool (fire safety requirement).
The density for mineral wool should be 145-150 kg/cub.m, for foam plastic 25 kg/cub.m
In the attic, it is probably easiest to lay logs and fill the space with mineral wool or, as an option, “ecowool” (Cellulose insulation). Or blow it out with polyurethane foam (the last two are flammable). There must be a layer of vapor barrier under the insulation. If the attic is heated, then it is necessary to insulate it from the roof side.
Regarding flammability: please note that polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam burn and at the same time release harmful substances.
Particular attention should be paid to junctions and corners, so that everything fits well there and there are no cracks or gaps.

Insulating your home is always the most important undertaking. Indeed, in this case, it is necessary to correctly evaluate not only the long-term issue of energy saving (energy savings), but also operational issues (durability, maintainability, fire resistance, environmental friendliness, vapor permeability, efficiency, etc.).
For certain reasons, we will not recommend that you insulate with foam plastic - because this is NOT the most the best choice for a private home (poor vapor permeability, flammability, mice infestation).
If you are planning to make a ventilated facade, then basalt or mineral wool mats with a thickness of at least 100 mm using protective films (vapor barrier and wind barrier) are best suited for insulation.
If you want to get durable, vapor-permeable, monolithic insulation, then you should pay attention to warm plasters. This is a new direction in insulation - it has been used on the Ukrainian market since 2007 and has proven itself quite well. Allows you to simultaneously level, insulate, and dry already soaked walls.
Corresponds to insulation practitioner Vitaly Zagorniy
You can insulate yourself in many ways, the choice of which depends on your beliefs about environmental friendliness, price and other factors. The best thing in your case is to choose a variety of wool: basalt, mineral and others, but these wool should be pressed slabs that are made specifically for external use. Why cotton wool? This is because in order for the walls to breathe, this is easier to do with this material; the thickness of the insulation (cotton wool) in this case should be no less than 15-20 cm! You can also insulate with polystyrene foam, but you should remember that the softer the foam, the worse it is as a heat insulator and the less durable, while its thickness for insulation is: soft - 15 cm, hard - 10 cm, extruder (Penoplex, Sterodur) - 5 cm.
It is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the foundation to the freezing depth (at least 50 cm), if this is not possible for some reason, then you need to make a warm covering, that is, around the house for a width of 1 meter you need to dig the ground to a depth of 15-25 cm, pour a 5 cm layer of sand and thoroughly compact it, add a layer of dry sand-cement mixture, as when laying paving stones, put a film 2.2-2.5 m wide (cut the sleeve), insert it so that the ends remain longer, then there is one end to the wall, wrap it with a tolerance of 15-20 cm, lay foam plastic slabs (hard) 1 m wide, then wrap the film so that the slab is protected from moisture and contact with the ground (for durability) pour over the film concrete screed with a reinforcing mesh (of any thickness for screed) or add fiber to the concrete, it is better to use both components together. In this case, your floor will never be cold, even in winter, and will not drop below +8 heat.
It is better to insulate the ceiling (attic) with rolled mineral wool more than 10 cm thick.
The next step is to install good ventilation; this is perhaps the most the main problem fungus and wet corners. Buy hoods for the kitchen and in each room, also install any absorbent device, from the usual Cerazit-Box, to power tools; the lower the humidity, the warmer it will be in the house. Also install proper heating.
