The choice of insulation for interior wall decoration is a task that today has many solutions. At the same time, many prefer widely known materials such as styrofoam or mineral wool.

However, there is a less traditional way of warming, which has not yet gained particular popularity due to high cost of composition. We are talking about a material called "warm plaster", the features of which will be presented for consideration in this article.

What is this material?

Heat-insulating plaster - a combined material that combines ordinary rough plaster and insulating components.

Mineral additives contained in the mixture, give the solution heat-insulating properties. Warm plaster contains the following types of fillers:

  • porous (polystyrene foam granules, perlite, foamed glass, etc.);
  • binders (cement, gypsum, lime);
  • polymeric materials - plasticizers.

Heat-insulating plaster - highly porous material due to which it is sometimes called "draining".


Depending on the filler, which gives the composition thermal insulation qualities, warm plaster divided into several types, each of which has its own characteristics.

with perlite

Perlite is a material based on expanded perlite sand. It is one of the varieties of volcanic glass and has a pearl-like texture, but contains more than 1% water in its composition.

The feature of the material is ability to increase (5-20 times) and swelling (10-12 times) as a result of heat treatment. Perlite plaster is used for facade decoration and internal walls both in industrial and residential areas.

Advantages of perlite mixture:

  • high heat and sound insulation properties;
  • high-quality adhesion when applied to various mineral surfaces;
  • plaster is fireproof and gives additional fire resistance to the treated surface;
  • has good vapor permeability;
  • environmentally friendly and harmless to health;
  • differs in plasticity and convenience in work.

The downside is high gyroscopicity, that is, the ability to absorb moisture four times its weight, which is why the surface needs to be finished.

Applying warm plaster for interior work with your own hands

Walls need to be prepared cleaning them from dust and dirt and removing the old coating (wallpaper, tiles, paint, etc.).

For better adhesion the surface can be impregnated with a primer deep penetration. The honeycomb structure, as well as the presence of reinforcing fibers in the composition, give warm plaster resistance to cracking, so that the surface to be finished does not need to install a reinforcing mesh.

Before applying the composition walls should be thoroughly moistened warm water for high-quality coupling of the solution with the surface.

Next you need knead the solution with an electric drill and mixer, following the instructions on the package. You can check the readiness of the composition by typing the mixture on a spatula and turning it over. If the solution does not fall, then it is ready for application.

The application process itself is the same as finishing with conventional cement mortar. Beacons are installed on the wall, between which they throw the mixture and align it with the rule. The thickness of the layer, as a rule, is no more than 5 cm.

For applying the final leveling layer a more liquid solution should be used, which is smoothed with a plastic float, thereby eliminating minor defects, pits and irregularities. After 48 hours, the plastered surface can be veneered.

Applying warm plaster: video instruction.

Plaster intended for facade works, must meet the criteria of quality, strength, durability.

Plaster for outdoor decoration is popular precisely because of the increased quality indicators.

In addition, facing materials of this type have a long service life, are produced in a wide range, and also withstand natural influences well.

It happens in different textured options ("", "lamb"), has a different composition (,), and also has certain functions (decorative, heat-insulating). To increase the thermal insulation of the walls, warm plaster is used.

The basis of this type of facade plaster is a dry mix, which includes various plasticizers, glue, cement sand. The main substance in the composition of this material is hollow substances (granulated polystyrene foam, foamed glass particles, sawdust), due to which the plaster has thermal insulation properties.

Plasticizers help maintain the elasticity of the material and resistance to temperature extremes, and prevent cracking.

The polymers that make up the mixture contribute to resistance to mechanical stress.

Insulation of the facade with plaster mixture

Warm facade mixture is much lighter than conventional facing mixtures, but when applying several layers, its weight increases significantly, therefore foundation needs to be reinforced. Like any other material, warm plaster has its advantages and disadvantages.


The main advantage of this facing material are heat-insulating qualities. The composition helps to preserve the heat of the walls and prevents the ingress of cold air into the room.

In addition, warm plaster:

  • easy and quick to apply;
  • does not require the use of reinforcing mesh, which reduces costs;
  • does not require alignment of the walls;
  • has good adhesive properties to any surface;
  • when coated, no cold bridges are formed;
  • prevents the appearance of rodents;
  • the main composition of the mixture is of natural origin;
  • frost-resistant;
  • possesses vapor-tight properties;
  • waterproof;
  • has soundproof properties;
  • is an environmentally friendly material.

In addition, the facing mixture is durable and does not require special care. Thanks to the insulation with such a composition, it is possible to reduce the thickness of the insulation.

Sectional device


The main disadvantage of heat-insulating plaster is the additional design: after its application, the surface should be coated with a primer, and then a decorative coating should be applied.

Besides, total weight material after application has a fairly significant weight.

The cost of warm plaster, which does not require additional coating, is quite high.

Areas of application for warm plaster

Insulated plaster is used not only to decorate the facade of the building, it can also be used:

  • for the purpose of sealing cracks;
  • for insulation of the walls of the building;
  • when sealing joints of floors, as well as for warming floors and ceilings;
  • for the purpose of warming the basement of the building;
  • upon registration window slopes, doorways;
  • for insulation of sewer risers of cold and hot water supply.

In addition, this mixture is used not only for outdoor decoration, but also for internal works.

Types of warm plaster

Warm plaster is classified according to the composition of the mixture. Thus, it is customary to divide the material into types:

  • containing granulated polystyrene foam. Suitable option for facade and outdoor works;
  • containing sawdust impurities. The composition of this type includes paper, cement, clay. It is advisable to use such a mixture for interior work;
  • containing vermiculite (or perlite). This mixture has good antiseptic properties, it is optimal for use outside.

If the binder in the composition of warm plaster is gypsum, then this mixture is only suitable for interior work.

For external (as well as for internal) work, the most suitable is a mixture, the main component of which is cement.

Preparatory work

Before applying warm plaster to the walls, they should be prepared for work.

For this you need:

  • remove protruding elements in the wall: pieces of reinforcement, brick or concrete ledges;
  • if there was an old coating on the wall (paint, putty), it should be removed;
  • if there is insulating material or sand in the panel joints, everything must be cleaned;
  • if there are gaps in the wall, they must be sealed with sealant;
  • degrease and clean the surface of the wall from dust;
  • treat the wall with a primer liquid.


In order for the adhesion of the mortar to the base to be high, it is recommended that after the primer has dried, apply a thin layer (from 3 to 5 mm) of the mixture.

Complete drying is achieved after 24 hours in dry weather, then you can start applying the main layers of the putty mixture.

Mixture consumption

The consumption of the facing mixture per 1 m² is indicated on the packaging of the material.

Depending on how thick the layer is laid, the amount of material required is determined:

  • with a layer thickness of 2.5 cm, the material consumption will be 10 - 14 kg per m²;
  • with a layer thickness of 5 cm, the material consumption will be 18 - 25 kg per m².

In addition to material consumption, you can determine its cost per 1 m².

The effectiveness of sound insulation is achieved with a warm layer thickness of 0.5 cm or more. However, the heat-insulating mixture is more often used as a heater, and it is recommended to use fibrous materials to suppress sound.

Do-it-yourself technology for applying warm plaster

For facing work on the facade, you should choose warm, low-wind, dry weather.

The solution should be mixed immediately before application: in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer, dissolve the dry mixture in a large container, mix for several minutes. Then wait ten minutes and mix the composition again to obtain its uniformity.

The prepared mixture retains its properties up to four hours.

warm mix

The solution is applied as follows:

  • beacons should be installed at a distance of 50 cm to obtain an even layer;
  • it is advisable to first apply the solution with a small spatula, then with a large one. The mixture is applied from the bottom up. After covering a meter - one and a half walls, the applied mortar should be aligned with the rule;
  • surplus removed by the rule can be reused;
  • after coating beacons should be removed, holes from them - close up with mortar and level the surface.

Despite the plasticity of warm plaster, a thick layer may crack. The recommended layer thickness is two centimeters: this way the mixture will not slide down. Each layer is applied on top of the completely dried previous one, so it will take a sufficient amount of time to complete the coating in several layers.


If, nevertheless, the thickness of the first layer is 4 cm or more, it is necessary to continue work in sequence:

  • the first layer is covered with a reinforcing mesh two hours after its application;
  • apply a thin layer of the mixture on the armnet and profile with a notched trowel;
  • after 24-48 hours, a second layer of the solution should be applied similarly to the first.

As practice shows, a layer of 5 centimeters is enough to ensure that the result meets the requirements. Such a layer has thermal insulation and other properties inherent in this type of coating.

If the need arises, after the facing coating has completely dried, it is decorated with additional materials( , ). You can decorate the surface ceramic tiles, granite chips and other decorative facing materials.

Before using them, the dried surface of warm plaster should be covered with a primer.


Thus, warm plaster is not only an external coating that protects the facade, but also an additional heat-insulating material that can reliably insulate the walls of the building. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the cost of the main insulation layer, as well as decorate the walls with an additional decorative coating.

It will not be difficult to carry out work on applying warm plaster. Besides, this species coatings are well suited to any walls, do not require their additional alignment.

Useful video

Applying warm plaster with your own hands:

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It was worth a little change in the composition of the usual, as a completely new material- warm plaster. Manufacturers attribute unique qualities to it and declare that the material can be used as an independent one. So what is it Is it true or just another gimmicky marketing ploy? How to choose the right warm plaster for the facade and interior work, how to apply it, and in what cases can the material really be used as a full-fledged heat insulator?

No. 1. Composition of warm plaster

Warm plaster was named due to its low thermal conductivity compared to conventional plaster compositions. Similar results were achieved by replacing the usual with special heat-insulating additives.

The composition of warm plaster includes such components:

Material is usually supplied as a dry mix and must be diluted with water before application. Craftsmen prepare warm plaster on their own, but the composition “works” in any case according to one principle: heat-insulating additives, together with air bubbles, create a powerful barrier to cold. Tests show that a layer of warm plaster of 5 cm is equivalent in terms of thermal insulation to a wall of two.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of the material is about 0.063 W / m * 0 C. This indicator is somewhat worse than that of extruded polystyrene foam and even, which introduces some features into its application. In regions with cold winters, warm plaster cannot be used as independent thermal insulation - it is usually applied as an additional layer of insulation and plays a crucial role in eliminating the "cold bridges" that occur during the installation of tile and roll insulation. In areas with mild winters, warm plaster may even be used as the only thermal insulation material, but much depends on the thickness and material of the walls. In the future, we will check all this in the calculations.

No. 2. Advantages and disadvantages of warm plaster

Warm plaster has become widespread due to its significant benefits:

Now oh shortcomings:

No. 3. Types of warm plaster fillers

The type of filler strongly influences the properties and scope of use of warm plaster. The following materials can be used:

  • sawdust. The composition of sawdust warm plaster, in addition to sawdust itself, also includes clay, paper and cement. The use of such "gentle" and sensitive to negative factors external environment components does not allow the use of the composition for facade insulation, but such warm plaster is excellent for interior work, especially since it can even be applied to wooden base. Internal thermal insulation will improve efficiency;
  • crushed perlite obtained from obsidian, which swells during high-temperature processing with the formation of a mass of air bubbles inside, which increases the thermal insulation properties of the material. The only negative is the increased hygroscopicity, so such plaster needs reliable waterproofing;
  • expanded vermiculite obtained from mica, the material withstands a wide temperature range, has antiseptic properties, is light in weight, absolutely resistant to fire, can be used for exterior and interior decoration, but, like perlite, it is afraid of moisture, therefore it requires enhanced protection;
  • balls from foam glass obtained from foamed quartz sand. This is the most preferred material for filling warm plaster, as it is not afraid of moisture, fire, has good thermal insulation properties, can be used for facade and interior work, does not shrink;
  • as mineral aggregates, in addition to vermiculite, perlite and foam glass, they are also used expanded clay chips and pumice powder. These materials cannot boast of high moisture resistance and are inferior to analogues in many other qualities, therefore they are used infrequently;
  • polystyrene foam used in warm plasters together with cement, lime and some other additives. These are relatively inexpensive compounds for universal use, but due to the flammability of polystyrene foam, they are not used so often. In addition, the surface of the plaster comes out too soft, so it requires mandatory finishing.

No. 4. Calculation of the thickness of the layer of warm plaster

To determine whether warm plaster can be used as an independent insulation, you will have to perform a simple calculation, taking into account the region where the house is located, the thickness and material of the walls:

  • the calculation begins with the determination of the value normalized resistance to heat transfer of the outer walls of the house. This is a tabular value, predetermined by regulatory documents (for Russia - SNiP 23-02-2003). For Moscow, according to the table, this value is 3.28 m 2 * 0 C / W, for Krasnodar - 2.44 m 2 * 0 C / W;
  • determine resistance to heat transfer of the walls of the house, for which we need to divide the wall thickness by the thermal conductivity of the material. Let's do the calculation for two houses. One is located in Moscow and is built from, the wall thickness is 0.5 m, the thermal conductivity coefficient from the table is 0.58 W / m 0 C, therefore the heat transfer resistance is 0.86 m 2 * 0 C / W. The second house is located in Krasnodar and is built from D600, the wall thickness is 0.4 m, the thermal conductivity coefficient from the table is 0.22 W / m 0 C, the heat transfer resistance is 1.82 m 2 * 0 C / W;
  • calculation additional insulation. For a house in Moscow, this is (3.28-0.86) \u003d 2.42 W / m 0 C. For a house in Krasnodar (2.44-1.82) \u003d 0.62 W / m 0 C;
  • calculation layer of warm plaster, its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.063 W / m * 0 C (maybe a little more - depends on the composition and manufacturer). For a house in Moscow 0.063 * 2.42 = 0.15 m, for a house in Krasnodar 0.063 * 0.62 = 0.04 m. Since it is better not to apply warm plaster with a layer of more than 5 cm, and its weight is decent, then for a Moscow house, it is better to look for another option for insulation, and warm plaster can be used in addition. For a house in Krasnodar, warm plaster can be used as an independent insulation.

A more accurate calculation can be carried out if we take into account the heat transfer resistance of all finishing wall materials, as well as take into account the number and size of windows and a lot of other parameters. It is easier to do this in special construction calculators, but you can already understand whether it is worth considering warm plaster as an independent heater from the above calculation.

Despite the manufacturer's assurances and calculations proving the effectiveness of warm plaster, it is not very often used as the main insulation in residential buildings. Usually, dachas are used with it to eliminate cold bridges, to process window and door openings. It is better to use insulation on the outside, but if this is not possible, it can be applied inside to complement the external thermal insulation.

No. 5. Warm plaster manufacturers

You can save and make warm plaster with your own hands. The most versatile and inexpensive mortar is obtained using perlite or vermiculite. It is necessary to mix 4 parts of vermiculite or perlite and 1 part of dry cement. The thoroughly mixed mixture is diluted with a solution of water with a plasticizer. The latter can be purchased at the store, or you can replace it with PVA glue at the rate of 50-60 g of glue per 10 liters of plaster. The mixture is diluted with a water-adhesive composition and constantly stirred for uniformity. The solution should have a thick consistency. After cooking, he is allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes, and you can start applying the plaster.

No. 7. Applying warm plaster

The process of applying warm plaster is simple and easy to do with your own hands:

  • getting ready required amount solution;
  • the wall is also cleaned for better adhesion, but many builders simply moisten the surface with plain water;
  • it is better to carry out plaster on beacons, although some neglect this rule. As lighthouses, an aluminum profile is used, which is fixed with putty, it is allowed to use prepared plaster. The evenness of the exposed beacons is checked by the building level;
  • modern ready-made compositions of warm plasters make it possible to do without additional reinforcement with a mesh, but when applying a thick layer of insulation and at corners, the use of a mesh is desirable;
  • the process of applying warm plaster is not original and identical. The solution is placed on a trowel with a spatula, after which it is applied to the wall with rubbing movements from the bottom up between the beacons. The surface is leveled by the rule;
  • within 2 hours after application, the solution remains plastic, so flaws are easy to fix. During this period, beacons are removed, the cracks are rubbed with the same solution. If desired, the surface can be treated with a decorative spatula or structural roller to achieve an interesting effect. If a flat surface is needed, then after the plaster has dried, it is necessary to apply a thin leveling layer and smooth it with a plastic float;
  • the thickness of one layer should not be more than 2 cm, otherwise the plaster will begin to fall off. If it is necessary to apply it in several layers, then after installing the first one, you must wait at least 4 hours. The surface dries completely after 48 hours, then you can proceed to its final finishing. If you need to process a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall, then it is better to use the machine method of applying plaster.

Warm plaster today is used for, for outside and inside, for insulation of facades and ceilings, as well as for sealing cracks and cracks, for processing window slopes. At proper preparation, application and calculation of the composition fully meets expectations.

Warm dry compositions for interior decoration are today considered one of the most popular products in the building materials market. The reason for this success lies in the fact that such materials can achieve excellent thermal insulation properties. They are used for cladding and restoration of old buildings, as well as for thermal insulation and protection of new construction projects. Warm plasters for wall cladding inside the house are in special demand. The reason for the demand is related to ease of use. You do not need to drill anything under the dowels at all, you should not use complex plaster systems. All you need is just to find an experienced specialist for interior decoration.


Before deciding on the choice of dry plaster for interior decoration, it is necessary to consider criteria such as advantages, disadvantages, properties and types of material.

The article describes such a building material as well as other data characterizing this material.

Warm plasters are classified into the following types:

  1. Based on perlite. Such a material is characterized by such a disadvantage as the accumulation of moisture. As a result, the thermal insulation properties of the material are reduced. Over time, cracks will appear on the facade. If not taken additional measures then it just collapses. But there is such a plus as the excellent sanitation of the wall, as a result of which all the moisture is literally sucked out onto the surface of the wall. Provided that measures were immediately taken to hydrophobize and ventilate steam, the coating will serve for a long time for sanitation and thermal insulation.
  2. Based on expanded polystyrene. they assure that as a result it is possible to obtain warm plaster, but completely non-environmental, not fireproof. Another disadvantage is considered poor vapor permeability.
  3. Based on foam glass balls. This is presented in the form of granules that are not sorted. They do not concentrate moisture in themselves, so they conduct steam perfectly. This filler is characterized by high fire resistance, thermal conductivity, strength and durability. Today, this option of warm plaster is considered the most popular.

As for the advantages of warm plaster, the following can be distinguished:

  • high tenacity with different kind surfaces, while the walls do not have to be leveled;
  • there is no need to use metal fasteners, as there are no cold bridges;
  • high sound insulation and tightness;
  • ease of application and fast installation time;
  • resistance to fungi and mold;
  • natural vapor permeability;
  • additional protection of walls from seasonal temperature fluctuations.

You can find out about that for the bag by reading the article.

Installation of warm mixes for interior decoration is no different from applying ordinary plaster. The mixture is used for various purposes: for leveling, thermal insulation, restoration of buildings. If you have purchased a completely different composition, then you should definitely grab the warm plaster that you will need to complete the processing of internal slopes.

They produce certain brands of heat mixtures that need additional waterproofing and can be used as a top coat.

When planning to carry out repair work indoors, you should think through and take into account all the details, because in such work there can be no trifles. Warming the room is one of the most important processes, it should not be ignored. Warm plaster is one of the options for solving this issue.


Many residents of apartments and private houses hear about warm plaster for the first time, so you should understand in more detail what it is, for what purposes it is used and what its varieties are.

All Construction Materials have certain thermal insulation properties. Using ordinary plaster, you can only warm the room a little. To achieve stronger insulation, use warm plaster.

When applying warm plaster to the surface, the wall turns out to be more even, while its thermal insulation increases.

Use this material in construction and when performing repair work started not so long ago, so few people know about the composition and properties of warm plaster.

With its help you can:

  • level the wall
  • decorate the surface
  • ensure the temperature for a comfortable stay.

In addition, this material has a soundproof function.

Thermal insulation materials have a porous, fibrous or cellular structure, which is filled with air, gas or vacuum. When applied to the surface, a kind of “fur coat” is created.

Since ancient times, natural materials have been used to insulate walls. For this, straw, sawdust and clay were used. Coating the walls with a mixture of these materials, diluted with water, they achieved their insulation. Perhaps this technique is still used somewhere in the villages because of its cheapness and ease of use.

Modern technologies do not stand still, and today a large number of materials are produced that are used to insulate walls. The basis for warm plaster are various fillers and a binder, as well as other additional ingredients.

Filler for warm plaster may consist of different materials. Consider their description and characteristics:

  1. The filler may contain polystyrene foam. This material has a high level of thermal insulation, besides it is inexpensive. In addition to the undoubted advantages, polystyrene foam has a drawback - it is able to ignite quickly, and toxic substances are released during the combustion of the material.
  2. The cheapest, and also the most environmentally friendly material can be called sawdust. They are often used in self-manufacturing material, although sawdust does not have high heat-shielding properties.
  3. Perlite. When processing perlite high temperature get a material with a porous structure. Perlite has good resistance to temperature extremes, it is easy to work with this material. It also has resistance to harmful microorganisms.
  4. material made from mica vermiculite. It is very durable, has a high level of hygroscopicity, has biological safety and fire safety.
  5. Foam glass. For its production, quartz sand is taken. This material is recommended for use in rooms with high humidity, which is undoubtedly its advantage. Its thermal insulation properties are lower than those described above.

Gypsum or cement is used to bind these materials. The use of cement in the work allows you to achieve a more durable surface. Mortar with cement has grey colour, from the side it will be noticeable. In order to get rid of the gray tint on the surface, it can be covered with gypsum putty.

Instead of cement, you can take gypsum. Usually it is used only indoors.


You should figure out where warm plaster is used, how easily it is applied to the surface indoors.

So, this material is applicable for:

  • for leveling walls and creating additional thermal insulation;
  • filling voids, insulating water pipes, sewers;
  • insulation of slopes of windows and doors - such an insulating surface will prevent the ingress of cold air and drafts;
  • often heat-saving putty is applied when insulating a ceiling or floor.

Thermal insulation putty has a lot of advantages:

  1. First of all, it should be noted that it is easy to work with this material, plus you can immediately solve the issue of both insulation and surface finish.
  2. The material has excellent properties, has high adhesion to many surfaces.
  3. When working with warm putty, it is often possible to do without priming the surface.
  4. When applying the solution to the surface during operation, no seams or so-called "cold bridges" remain on it.
  5. Using modern plasters, you can not be afraid that over time the material can be damaged by insects or eaten by rodents, moreover, pathogenic bacteria will not divorce in it.

If the composition consists of gypsum, perlite and vermiculite, it is not recommended to use it for internal insulation rooms with high humidity, as these materials have a high hygroscopicity.

Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the walls. The surface should be cleaned from the previous layer and remove hooks, nails and other small parts that may interfere with work. Next, the walls should be primed and left for a couple of days to dry completely, and only then carry out work on the insulation of the premises.

Given all the advantages of the material and its disadvantages, we can say that the use of warm plaster indoors is fully justified. It is used in combination with other heaters, but it should be applied in places where it is really needed.

  • In order to prepare a solution, take 1 kg of the mixture and 0.5 liters of water. The composition is not recommended to do in large portions as it dries very quickly. To mix, take a construction mixer and stir until the mixture looks like sour cream.
  • When mixing a dry mixture with water, pour the liquid little by little, stirring constantly. When using a moisture-resistant composition, it is enough to take 200 liters of water per 1 kg of the mixture. Before starting work, the solution is left for a few minutes to soak.
  • When applying putty, they take a trowel with a rule. The layer should not be made thick, it should not exceed 5 cm. When applying the material to the ceiling, the layer size should be reduced to 3 cm. By applying putty on the walls, you can immediately level the surface and remove minor defects.

  • After covering the entire surface, wait until the wall is dry. This may take a little over an hour. After that, it is cut using the rule. To check, you can take the building level. At this stage, possible shortcomings such as depressions, irregularities and roughness are eliminated.
  • If after applying one coat the walls remain uneven, they are left to dry and then another layer is applied again. When applying more than one layer after complete drying of the surface, it is primed and sewn up with a reinforcing mesh.
  • On final stage do glossing or glazing. To do this, the surface is moistened with water and cleaned with a sponge grater. When cement or gypsum milk appears, the wall is rubbed with a soft wide spatula. You can leave the wall in this form, it no longer transmits heat, but more often it is painted facade paint, sew up with siding or apply any other decorative work.

High-temperature putty is an easy-to-use material that is used for interior work. When choosing this material, it should be borne in mind that the mixtures are quite expensive, and for work you often have to buy several packages.

To avoid additional waste, you can use a putty prepared by yourself. Homemade solutions absolutely not inferior in quality to store options.

As part of the putty of our own production:

  • one part sand;
  • one part of cement;
  • four parts perlite / vermiculite;
  • the required amount of water to make the mixture creamy.

When making a solution with expanded polystyrene, vermiculite and perlite, the ratio should be 1: 4, that is, if 0.5 kg of sand and cement are taken, 2 cubes of perlite and about 500-600 liters of water should be added.

Sometimes PVA glue is added to this composition, but it is not used in large quantities - it is enough to take 2% of the total amount of water. When adding glue to the solution, it must first be diluted. Instead of glue, you can take a plasticizer, for example, polyplast.

For self-preparation of putty, you will have to experiment a little in proportions. It is not recommended to knead a lot of solution at once, it is better to make small portions. When applied to the wall, it will immediately become clear how correctly the proportion was chosen and whether the material is convenient for use.

If perlite or vermiculite is used for cooking, a large amount of liquid must be added. If there is not enough water, the solution will immediately harden and will be unsuitable for work.

For interior work, it is better to knead masonry mortars on gypsum.


One of the most popular companies that produce putties is the company Knauf. This name is known to many and deserves to pay attention to the products of this company. The composition of this plaster contains cement with polystyrene, as well as special additives.

When applying the solution to the surface, a strong structural layer is formed. After it dries, you can use textured paints to beautify the surface. Apply a layer of plaster from 10 to 30 mm, you can work with your hands or by machine. Supplied in packs of 25 kg. When applying a minimum layer of 10 mm per 1 sq. m need to take about 12 kg.

When using this putty indoors, it should be borne in mind that it contains polystyrene, which has a high degree of flammability. Knauf putties are used both outside and inside the premises.

Choosing quality material for indoor work, you should pay attention to thermal insulation plaster "Umka". Russian manufacturers were able to make a dry mix that has excellent characteristics. The composition was developed taking into account the harsh climate.

After applying the solution to the surface, finishing is usually carried out. Finishing work. The dry mix is ​​packaged in packs of 7 kg. When applying a minimum layer of 10 mm, take 4 kg of the mixture per 1 sq. m.

Dry mix is ​​also used for indoor wall insulation. "Bear". A layer of this mixture of 2 cm in its thermal conductivity will be equal to brickwork 50 cm. Before applying the mixture "Bear" on the wall, the surface is leveled and primed. They produce a mixture for indoor wall insulation in bags weighing 14 kg.

Other most popular dry mix companies include:

  • Unis;
  • Paladium;
  • ThermoUm.
