Fiberglass reinforcement originates its history in the 60s of the last century. It was then, in the USSR and the USA, work began on its creation. In the 70s, several dozen buildings, structures and other objects were built in the USSR using fiberglass reinforcement as a reinforcing element. Unfortunately, in the USSR, the introduction of fiberglass reinforcement was rather slow, and with the collapse of the USSR, it generally stopped for many years. At the same time, outside of our country, the study of the properties and the introduction of this reinforcement was in full swing. So, in the USA in the mid-70s, mass production of fiberglass reinforcement was launched. Here are just some of the American manufacturers of non-metallic fittings:

  • Marshall Vega Corporation, USA, Arkansas. Produces fittings since 1974;
  • Hughes Brothers, Inc., USA, Nebraska. Produces fittings since 1984;
  • Pultrall, Inc., Canada, Quebec. Produces fittings since 1987;
  • TillCo Company, USA, Arkansas. Produces fittings since 1996.

Fiberglass reinforcement appeared earlier than other types of composite reinforcement due to the fact that at the time of its appearance, fiberglass was the most accessible of all types of non-metallic fibers. As technological progress developed, new types of non-metallic reinforcement began to appear based on other types of fibers: carbon, basalt, aramid, etc. After that, all types of such non-metallic reinforcement were named by one general term: COMPOSITE REINFORCEMENT.

Manufacturers, certificates, patents and quality.

The first Russian manufacturers of fiberglass reinforcement were forced to independently develop and manufacture equipment for its production, then proposals from Chinese manufacturers appeared on the Russian market. Equipment of European and American production was not on the market, as it is not now. Starting from 2010, the number of manufacturers of fiberglass reinforcement in Russia began to grow like an avalanche. At that time, there was a real demand for equipment for the production of composite reinforcement, but reinforcement manufacturing companies capable of manufacturing such equipment, having not only experience in its manufacture, but also knowing all the subtleties and nuances (from their own experience of working on it) - usually refused potential customers due to unwillingness to produce competitors. As a result, in the current situation, it was possible to buy far from the best equipment, made handicraft by people who do not understand anything in the intricacies of the production of composite reinforcement, or the first "raw" samples of Chinese-made equipment that are not distinguished by reliability, performance, or scalability for the production of large diameter reinforcement. There was no need to talk about service maintenance and the availability of spare parts for such equipment.

Later, equipment manufactured in Russia began to appear on the market. It was reminiscent of the first Chinese designs - unreliable, low quality, low productivity, ill-conceived, usually made quite handicraft, by companies that understood little about the production of composite reinforcement. And, as it usually happens, the most disgusting samples were most actively offered in this market segment.

Today in Russia fiberglass fittings are not produced only by the lazy. One gets the feeling that it is made in every basement. These are one-day businessmen, spoiling the life of normal manufacturers, each other, themselves and discrediting the idea of ​​​​customers about composite reinforcement. How does this happen? It’s very simple - the next “businessman” is suddenly visited by a “brilliant idea” and he, (at the same time, as a rule) understanding nothing either in chemistry, or in machine tool building, or in construction, or in economics, decides that he has found a “gold mine” !" He sees a banner ad on the internet offering to buy a "little used composite rebar production line with a business plan as a gift." He reads this plan, in which he is asked to compare the cost of raw materials with the market value of composite reinforcement. Of course, in this “brilliant” business plan, no one will tell a potential “industrialist” that composite rebar is a seasonal product, that rebar is not sold in winter, and staff still have to pay salaries, that you have to pay rent, that the cost of a meter of rebar directly depends on the productivity of the line, that most of the lines are unreliable and there are no spare parts for them, that the lines consume a lot of electricity, that the given prices for raw materials are achievable only in case of purchase by container norms, that the market price falls annually and the profit margin tends to zero, since the market is filled with one-day manufacturers who have brains only for one way of competition - DUMPING. As a result, our newly minted entrepreneur acquires a low-quality, low-productivity used line, buys the raw materials that the person who sold the line recommended to him and, without understanding anything, begins to drive low-quality fittings like most people like him. A month later, he is already completely in debt, the armature is not for sale, because it is impossible to look at its quality without tears, and he begins to reduce prices for it. By the end of autumn, they not only stop buying rebar, but even stop being interested in it. His money is frozen in the form of a pile of low-quality, useless fittings produced by him. Winter begins, there is no money for rent, no money for salaries, etc. And since January, he has advertised the sale of a “brilliant business” in the form of “a little used line and a business plan as a gift.” A kind of field of miracles in the country of fools. The problem is that the number of these one-day manufacturers is not decreasing, they are just replacing each other. The fact that they suffer themselves is half the trouble. Worse than the other - they bring down market prices with their dumping, which also affects normal large producers, as the buyer does not understand that "not all yogurts are equally healthy." Moreover, by selling their low-quality composite reinforcement, they undermine the confidence of the entire market in composite reinforcement in general!

Certificates for composite reinforcement

Unfortunately, the modern Russian reality is such that the fact that a manufacturer of composite reinforcement has a certificate does not at all guarantee the quality of its products. Today in Russia, these certificates can simply be bought for about 30,000 rubles. And this is not about buying a fake certificate, but about buying an "honest" certificate. Certification has long been a common dishonest business in Russia. In the market for certification services, there are a huge number of licensed companies that have the right to conduct certification, which not only do not have their own laboratories, but also do not want to contact third-party laboratories to conduct the necessary tests of the products they certify. These companies simply issue an invoice, fill out a form, and sell the completed form. Often they have never even seen the products for which they issue a certificate. But any quality certificate for composite reinforcement should be issued only on the basis of a positive test result carried out in an appropriate, accredited laboratory.

Nevertheless, if you are inclined to believe various pieces of paper with seals, then we can tell you what certificates of conformity can be. "Certificate of Conformity", as the name implies, is a document confirming that the quality of the product (for which it is issued) corresponds to something .... And now attention ...! Read what exactly is written in the certificate - what exactly corresponds to the quality of the product. There can be TWO options:

  • ... corresponds to TU ...
  • ... corresponds to GOST 31938 ...

THAT is short for "Specifications". Specifications are produced by the manufacturer and, accordingly, the manufacturer indicates all the quality characteristics at his own discretion. Accordingly, the quality requirements in TS can be set "below the plinth". Another problem is that most likely you will not find technical specifications data on the Internet, and the seller will not provide them to you either, respectively, you will not be able to find out at all what quality requirements are indicated in them (if they are indicated there at all).

GOST this is already an official document that you can find on the Internet and read. The requirements specified in it are equal for all manufacturers. Therefore, a certificate for compliance with GOST requirements is already much better than a certificate for compliance with TU requirements. However, these certificates are also sold for money without any testing. In reality, in order to obtain a certificate of compliance with the requirements of GOST 31938 for composite fiberglass reinforcement, it is necessary to conduct a fairly large number of different tests (their list and procedure are indicated in this GOST itself). This series of tests is very costly. Based on the results of these tests in an accredited laboratory, protocols are issued to the manufacturer (separately based on the results of each type of test).

Based on the foregoing, you can more or less believe in the veracity of the provided certificate for composite reinforcement if you are provided with the following:

  • certificate of conformity of the quality of composite reinforcement to the requirements of GOST 31938;
  • test reports (SEPARATE FOR EACH OF THE DIAMETERS OF PRODUCED REINFORCEMENTS!!!) of composite reinforcement (an integral part of any certificate), certified by the seal of an accredited laboratory. EACH test report must contain the following information:
    • Appearance
    • Geometric dimensions:
      • outside diameter
      • nominal diameter
      • length
    • Tensile strength
    • Tensile modulus
    • Compressive strength
    • Shear strength
    • Tensile Strength of Adhesion with Concrete
    • Reduction in tensile strength after soaking in an alkaline environment
    • Tensile strength of adhesion to concrete after soaking in an alkaline medium
    • Limit operating temperature
  • a copy of the accreditation certificate of the laboratory that issued the valve test reports;
  • compliance with the name of the manufacturer indicated in the certificate - the name of the manufacturer indicated on the tags on the valve itself

Composite reinforcement patents

Today, patents for composite reinforcement in our country are dust in the eyes of the buyer. The fact is that the presence of a patent for composite reinforcement has absolutely nothing to do with product quality! Moreover, if the seller tells you at all that he has a patent and in this his competitive advantage, and all other manufacturers that do not have a patent produce counterfeit products - run away from such a seller, because he is already lying to you! If you are interested in getting a detailed explanation of this statement, read this article: "Patent law in Russia is nothing more than a means of unfair competition." This is not just an article on the topic of patent law, this article is just completely devoted to patents for composite reinforcement. Remember - the fact that the manufacturer has patents for fiberglass composite reinforcement not only does not affect and does not confirm the quality of the reinforcement produced by him, but also often characterizes the manufacturer (who owns these patents) as dishonest, using patent law as a means of unfair competition. Believe me, if you read the contents of most of these patents, you will simply cry with laughter. So, in one patent, the right direction of winding is patented as a “brilliant” idea, and in another, “no less ingenious invention”, the left direction of winding, etc. But the funniest thing is not in this, but in the fact that in In some patents, as a formula of invention, something that is physically impossible to obtain is patented!

High-quality and low-quality fiberglass reinforcement - how to distinguish?

Let's talk about whether it is possible to distinguish high-quality fiberglass reinforcement from low-quality "by eye". Yes, in some cases it is possible. The fact is that there are several characteristic signs of low-quality reinforcement that can be easily identified visually. As soon as you notice at least one of the signs listed below, you should know that you cannot buy low-quality fittings and fittings from this seller or manufacturer. Visual signs of low-quality composite fiberglass reinforcement, illustrated with photographs provided from the website of composite fiberglass reinforcement

  • All rebar must have the same color (we are talking about the color of the body of the rebar, not the color of the helical coil). If it is fiberglass reinforcement, then its color should be uniform, light yellow (not brown). Significant differences in the color of the rebars indicate uneven temperature regime. The darker the reinforcement, the more it was exposed to heat, which leads to loss of strength and deterioration of other properties of the reinforcement. This usually happens when a production line stops for some reason and some section of the armature stops inside the furnace and, as a result, overheats there ( in simple terms: "burns up").

  • Longitudinal and transverse cracking or delamination of the rods is not allowed! According to GOST 31938, such cracking or delamination is clearly considered a marriage!

  • The winding pitch must be absolutely uniform not only within one bar or coil of reinforcement, but also between different bars / coils!

  • Gusts, peeling winding is not allowed! It is not allowed to knot gusts of external winding (which are present in the photo below)!

  • If you see that there are fractures in the bay of fiberglass reinforcement, this is definitely low-quality reinforcement. Typically, such reinforcement breaks while in a coiled state (stressed) under the influence of heat. Such heating can occur when the bay with reinforcement is under the rays of the sun, especially in cases where the bay with reinforcement is also covered with something.

According to GOST 31938:

Pros and cons of fiberglass reinforcement

The main advantages of fiberglass reinforcement are the following:

  • Fiberglass reinforcement has approximately 2.5 - 3.0 times greater tensile strength than steel reinforcement with the same diameter. For this reason, the concept of “equivalent replacement” has been introduced, in which steel reinforcement is replaced with a composite one with a smaller diameter, but the same tensile strength;
  • Light weight. Composite fiberglass reinforcement weighs 12 times less than "equal strength" steel;
  • Fiberglass rebar has a much lower price than steel rebar. Moreover, prices for steel reinforcement in 2016 doubled in the first 4 months of 2016, while the price for composite reinforcement did not change.
  • Composite rebar can be rolled into coils. Usually composite fiberglass reinforcement is sold in this way - twisted into coils of 100-200 meters. In this form and given its low weight, it can easily be transported in the trunk of a car.

  • The fact that the rebar is wound into coils in long, continuous rods of 100 meters or more makes it possible to reduce the amount of waste, since you cut off pieces from the coil of exactly the length that you need and you will not have any offcuts.

But, it must be remembered that composite reinforcement has significant disadvantages. Most Russian manufacturers do not advertise these cons, although any civil engineer can notice them on their own. The main disadvantages of any composite reinforcement are the following:

  • the modulus of elasticity of composite reinforcement is almost 4 times lower than that of steel reinforcement, even with the same diameter. For this reason, its application requires additional calculations;
  • when heated to a temperature of 90-100 ° C, the compound that binds the fibers of the reinforcement softens and the reinforcement completely loses its elasticity, becoming brittle. To increase the resistance of the structure to fire in the event of a fire, it is required to take additional measures on thermal protection of structures in which composite reinforcement is used;
  • composite reinforcement, unlike steel, cannot be welded by electric welding. The solution is to install steel tubes (at the factory) at the ends of the reinforcing bars, to which it will already be possible to apply electric welding;
  • such reinforcement cannot be bent directly on the construction site. Solution - production of reinforcing bars of the required shape at the factory according to the customer's drawings;

Fiberglass reinforcement or steel? Price per meter.

The price of fiberglass reinforcement became the most attractive after the ruble exchange rate against foreign currencies collapsed twice in 2015. This was immediately followed by a twofold increase in ruble prices for steel rebar in early 2016. The reason is very simple. The fact is that Russian factories have two sales markets - internal, where fittings are sold for rubles, and external, where fittings are sold for foreign currency. The average cost of metal in the foreign market, expressed in dollars, is quite stable and amounts to approximately 1,000 USD per 1 ton. Therefore, when the exchange rate of the ruble against the US dollar was 30 rubles for 1 dollar, a ton of steel reinforcement cost 30,000 rubles, which was equivalent to 1000 USD. But now the exchange rate of the ruble against the US dollar has collapsed and amounted to 66 rubles per 1 dollar, so it has become unprofitable for factories to sell steel reinforcement and other metal products for domestic Russian market at the old price of 30,000 rubles per ton, since the dollar equivalent of this amount is now 454.54 USD. The situation has developed in such a way that it has become more profitable to sell steel reinforcement for export abroad at the old price of 1000 USD/ton. In order to maintain profits, sales within the country should either be stopped altogether, or the selling ruble prices should be raised to 66,000 rubles/ton.

I hope you will not become indignant and indignant at this fact, citing as arguments that this is dishonest, since Russian producers use Russian iron ore and consume domestic electricity, the prices of which have not increased either by 2 times or 1.5 times. And wages in Russia also did not grow either twice or one and a half times, and often decreased at many enterprises. This is just business plus banal greed, which neither the FAS nor the Russian government notices, but this is no longer the topic of this article.

The current price ratio between composite and steel reinforcement is clearly in favor of composite. Today it is already becoming possible for the same price to purchase steel and composite rebar of equal diameters, and sometimes even composite rebar with a larger diameter than steel. In this case, you get composite fiberglass reinforcement with a large advantage in strength characteristics.

Fiberglass reinforcement - application features.

How to transport fiberglass reinforcement?

If you decide to transport fiberglass reinforcement in the cabin or in the trunk of your car, then take into account the fact that this reinforcement is made from a bundle of fiberglass, each of which has a thickness comparable to the thickness of a human hair. The armature can be covered with these "splinters" that are almost imperceptible to the eye. Therefore, if you decide to transport it in the car, then take care in advance to put something on the seats.

How to cut fiberglass rebar?

If we're just talking about everyone options, then composite fiberglass reinforcement can be cut in different ways:

  • Snack;
  • hack;
  • Saw with a hacksaw for metal;
  • Cut with a grinder.

But most the right option of all those listed above, is the use of a "grinder" with a conventional abrasive or diamond wheel. The fact is that the first two methods have a strong mechanical effect on the adjacent areas of the reinforcing bar, leading to its deformation, chipping and splitting in these areas. Thus, the adjacent ends of the reinforcing bar will be strongly split, approximately, as shown in the photo below. Don't be alarmed, in fact, this photo shows a piece of composite reinforcement that was destroyed as a result of a compression test, however, the nature of the destruction of the edge in the form of longitudinal cracking is the same as when biting composite reinforcement with a bolt cutter or chopping with an ax. Such splitting is highly undesirable, since the resulting cracks may not be visible to the naked eye, but go quite deep into the body of the reinforcing bar. Such cracks in the body of the composite reinforcement rod will be capillary channels for water and alkali to get inside the rod when pouring concrete. In the first case, there is a risk further development cracks due to freeze and thaw cycles. In the second case, the destructive effect of the alkaline environment of concrete on the reinforcing bar is aggravated (now this effect is not only from the outside, but also from the inside).

Please note that before cutting fiberglass reinforcement, take care of protecting your eyes, hands and respiratory organs. And pay special attention to the latter! Do not forget that you are going to cut glass or basalt fibers and the resulting dust will be a completely unnecessary guest in your lungs! You can protect yourself from this dust using a respirator.

To protect hands from thin, almost invisible splinters in the form of glass or basalt fibers, having a thickness comparable to the thickness of a human hair, it is not suitable to use ordinary cotton gloves! You will need the so-called "split" gloves, or at least cotton gloves with a continuous layer of PVC or latex applied to their inside.

How to knit fiberglass reinforcement?

We are often asked whether it is necessary to knit fiberglass reinforcement with plastic clamps? No, of course not! The fact is that the purpose of tying the reinforcement is to fix the spatial reinforcement cage for its subsequent pouring with concrete and until the moment of complete solidification of this concrete. After the concrete hardens, it does not matter at all whether the frame is connected or not. In other words, even if, after the concrete had hardened, all the knitting wire (with which you connected the reinforcing cage) evaporated, nothing would have happened to the finished structure!

Composite fiberglass reinforcement is knitted in the same way as traditional metal reinforcement. Usually knitted with annealed knitting wire. Well, in general - in any of these ways:

  • Traditional steel annealed knitting wire;
  • Using pistols for knitting reinforcement (pictured below);

Fiberglass reinforcement - reviews

On the Internet you can find both positive and negative feedback about fiberglass reinforcement. Indeed, it has both pros and cons. We know a large number of objects (including unheated houses on slab foundations, reinforced with fiberglass rebar), built using composite fiberglass rebar, which have stood for more than 6 years and with which nothing has happened - no cracking! At the same time, we know a considerable number of objects built using steel reinforcement, which cracked in 1 year. There is a joke on this topic that partly explains the situation: “Technology in the hands of a savage is a pile of scrap metal!”

To date, a huge number of objects and structures have been built all over the world, including bridges using composite reinforcement. Fiberglass reinforcement and basalt-plastic reinforcement are used more and more widely not only abroad, but also in our country. With its use, entire villages are built and no problems arise. However, it is worth remembering that in case of non-compliance with building codes and regulations, no fittings will save you! So, for example, if during the construction of the foundation slab you break all conceivable and unthinkable rules and pour the foundation slab directly on top of the clay layer, then it will crack regardless of the type and diameter of the reinforcement used in it!

In construction, as in other industries, they are increasingly resorting to the use in the production of goods and services. the latest technologies And innovative approaches. Fiberglass rebar is an example of such an alternative solution. It quickly replaced traditional metal parts, overtaking them in terms of economic and technical parameters. From this article you will learn what fiberglass reinforcement is. The characteristics of this material will be presented in comparison with others.

Fiberglass reinforcement - what is it?

The reinforcing agent, or non-metallic fiberglass reinforcement, is a kind of rod with a ribbed surface of glass fibers. Its profile is spiral, and its diameter varies from 4 to 18 mm. The length of the reinforcement can reach up to 12 meters. Sometimes it is found in the form of twisted bays, the diameter of such a building material is 10 mm.

Abroad, fiberglass reinforcement, the use of which is as widespread as in our country, is called polymer equipment. It is reinforced with continuous fibre. In Russia, you can often find the abbreviation AKS.

What is fiberglass reinforcement made of?

The physical body of the AKC consists of several parts:

1. Main trunk. It is made from parallel fibers that are connected by a polymer resin. The main shaft provides the strength of the reinforcement.

2. Outer layer - is a fibrous body. It is wound in a spiral around the barrel of the AKS. It occurs in the form of sand spraying or bidirectional winding.

Exist various variations fiberglass, it all depends on the manufacturer's imagination and the expediency of know-how. On sale you can find fittings, the main trunk of which is made in the form of a pigtail made of carbon fiber.

Basic properties

To determine the properties of fiberglass, a lot of research and testing has been carried out. The obtained results characterized AKS as a high-strength and durable equipment for construction, which has a number of advantages over other materials:

  • light weight (fiberglass is 9 times lighter than metal reinforcement);
  • resistance to corrosion in acidic and aggressive chloride environments (10 times higher than the properties of steel reinforcement);
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • profitability (it is more profitable to transport it, and replacement is carried out less often);
  • magnetoinertia;
  • radio transparency;
  • armature is a dielectric.

Fiberglass reinforcement: disadvantages

In addition to the indisputable advantages of AKS, thanks to which it has gained great popularity among construction companies and ordinary people, it has its drawbacks. Of course, it is very difficult to call them critical. However, it is worth bearing in mind the negative characteristics of the material, which can affect the construction process.

So, disadvantages:

  • short ;
  • insufficient indicator of heat resistance;
  • others.

Due to its low elasticity, AKC is easy to bend. For the manufacture of the foundation and paths, this is not a serious disadvantage. But in the case of the production of floors, additional calculations need to be made, taking into account this feature fittings.

Insufficient heat resistance is a more serious disadvantage of ACS. The fact that fiberglass itself is heat resistant does not mean anything. plastic connecting link does not withstand high temperatures, however, the fittings belong to the group of self-extinguishing materials. This property is valid up to a temperature of 2000 degrees Celsius, after which the AKS loses its strength. Therefore, the use of fiberglass together with concrete is prohibited. Such fittings can be used only in those areas of construction where temperature differences are completely excluded. However, these requirements are almost always met in ordinary residential and some industrial buildings.

Fiberglass reinforcement, the disadvantages of which were listed above, has a number of negative sides. Over time, its strength is destroyed, and under the influence of alkaline compounds, the reaction rate increases several times. But modern technologies make it possible to overcome this shortcoming. Rare earth metals are added to the composition of ACS, which make fiberglass less sensitive.

Some experts note the fact that such fittings do not tolerate welding. Therefore, many prefer to "knit" fiberglass lashes.

Fiberglass production

We very often use fiberglass reinforcement at home, for example, in pouring the foundation, etc. The production of AKS does not have to be in-line. Many car tuning shops produce this material in various configurations. - a common thing for services: they can make a new bumper and other parts out of it. But in this case we are talking about small-scale production. Only large industrial enterprises put AKC on stream.

There are several basic manufacturing methods:

  • stretching;
  • winding;
  • manual way.

The first method is used for the manufacture of various profiles. Glass fibers are unwound on a continuous flow line. Most often, parallel bundles of material are unrolled from the bobbins that do not twist together. Experts call this element of production roving. Before the bobbins come into action, the fiberglass is lubricated with a resin containing substances for its polymerization at high temperatures. Gradually, the material will harden, and this effect is achieved due to the chemical reaction that has occurred. Then the fiberglass passes through filters that free the material from excess resin, and the ACS takes on its usual cylindrical shape. Until the reinforcement has hardened, a special tourniquet is wound around it in a spiral. It is he who provides strength in contact with concrete. Due to this property, fiberglass reinforcement for the foundation is increasingly being used. Reviews left by builders are often positive.

After all the manipulations, the ACS passes through the furnace, where, at high temperature she hardens. Next, the finished reinforcement is cut into pieces of the desired length (they are called whips). Sometimes AKS is wound on reels, but this is only possible if it has a small diameter. Thick lashes are simply impossible to twist. Such fiberglass reinforcement, the use of which is very common, is produced in large quantities when it comes to large-scale production.

Most often they are produced by the winding method. They are made according to the same principle as whips. Fiberglass impregnated with resin is wound on a special machine. The winding device, due to its rotation, makes it possible to obtain a cylindrical surface. Next, the fiberglass passes through a high-temperature furnace and is cut into pipes of a certain size.

The manual method is most often used in small-scale production. Fiberglass reinforcement, the shortcomings of which do not affect the final result so much, makes it possible to obtain a durable car body, bumper, etc. The craftsmen create a special matrix with a pre-applied decorative and protective layer. Usually, a sprayer is used for this, which allows you to achieve a uniform effect. After that, glass material is laid on the matrix, which is cut in advance to the desired dimensions. Fiberglass or glass mat is impregnated with a mixture of polymer resin. It is best to use a brush. Using a roller, the remaining air is squeezed out of the material so that there are no voids inside the fiberglass. When the fabric has hardened, it is cut, given the desired shape, holes are drilled in it, etc. After that, the matrix can be reused.


Fiberglass reinforcement is characterized by the following parameters:

  • winding step;
  • inner and outer diameter.

Each profile number has its own indicator value. The only parameter that remains unchanged is the winding pitch. It is equal to 15 mm.

According to the specifications, fiberglass reinforcement, the characteristics of which differ depending on the profile, is produced under the following numbers: 4, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18. These values ​​correspond to the outer diameter indicator. The weight of the profiles varies from 0.02 to 0.42 kg / 1 p.m.


Construction fittings have many varieties. There are classifications that subdivide it into:

  • piece;
  • grid;
  • frames;
  • designs.

Reinforcement is also divided into groups:

  • working;
  • distribution;
  • mounting;
  • reinforcement used in reinforced concrete structures.

In addition, the rods are divided into longitudinal and transverse, smooth and round, fiberglass and composite, etc.

Scope of application of composite reinforcement

The scope of the material under consideration is quite wide. Very often, composite (fiberglass) reinforcement is used for the foundation, namely for reinforcement elastic bases. In this case, we are talking about the production of road slabs and slabs. Reinforcement with fiberglass reinforcement is used for the production of conventional concrete structures, drainage pipes, dowels, etc. With its help, they improve the characteristics of walls, make flexible connections between brickwork. AKS is used to reinforce automobile canvases, embankments for a weak base, monolithic concrete etc.


Fiberglass reinforcement is produced in the form of coils that can be rolled up. This became possible after the manufacturers removed self-tightening ties. The AKS bays can be safely deployed, after which the fiberglass is straightened and becomes suitable for work.

The material is packed and transported in a horizontal position. The main thing during transportation is to follow the basic rules for the transportation of goods.

Comparison of fiberglass reinforcement with steel

AKS's main competitor is steel reinforcement. Their characteristics are largely similar, but in some respects fiberglass is clearly superior to the usual type of metal equipment.

Let's compare fiberglass with steel according to certain parameters:

1. Deformability. - elastic-plastic, AKS - ideally elastic.

2. Strength limit: for steel - 390 MPa, for fiberglass - 1300 MPa.

3. Thermal conductivity coefficient. In the first case, it is equal to 46 W / mOS, in the second - 0.35.

4. Density. Steel reinforcement has a value of 7850 kg / m 3, AKS - 1900 kg / m 3.

5. Thermal conductivity. Fiberglass is not thermally conductive, unlike steel.

6. Corrosion resistance. AKS is a stainless metal, steel corrodes relatively quickly.

7. Ability to conduct electricity. The dielectric is fiberglass reinforcement. The disadvantages of steel rods are that they are 100% current conductors.

This type of composite reinforcement is used in many construction works ah, but more often it is used when working with concrete to increase strength. The materials produced at our factory not only help to increase the reliability of the structures under construction, but also reduce construction costs.

You can profitably use fiberglass reinforcement at various stages of construction, namely:

Use in foundation slabs allows you to keep the reinforcement step similar to that of metal reinforcement due to the fact that in this type of products the equally strong replacement of metal products with fiberglass is completely preserved. And this despite the fact that the joints of the reinforcing frame are overlapped. The weight and ease in work with this material allow to save time for installation considerably.

Use in strip foundation will give us savings of up to 45% on the cost of replacing materials. The knitting of the reinforcing cage in the strip foundation is carried out with a knitting wire, or according to our recommendation ...

in concrete floors according to the installation principle, it is no different from concrete floors using metal. It is best to cut fiberglass reinforcement with a grinder. Don't forget about the equal-strength substitution rule!

Use of fiberglass reinforcement V blind area will give our offspring absolute immunity to corrosion and increase protection against cracking.

UsageV armored belt block and/or brick walls gives unsurpassed seismic resistance and good protection against destruction with uneven shrinkage of the building.

Use in monolithic construction significantly increases the life of the entire structure as a whole due to non-corrosion of monolithic concrete. Prevents the formation of chips and cracks in the structure.

Trading and manufacturing company Nano-SK manufactures and supplies building materials to the Russian market a large number of goods made of composite materials, however, the lion's share of attention in our production is paid to the production of fittings, which can be bought directly from the assembly line of our plant at a bargain price and very inexpensively. The quality of this material is subject to the highest requirements set forth in national and international standards. Products manufactured at our factory fully comply with them, which is confirmed by certificates.

Interesting fact!

If Nano-SK rebar is used in the road slab, then the service life of the road will increase, and the number of necessary repair work will be reduced.

Even with a small rod diameter, fiberglass reinforcement is significantly superior to metal counterparts. The metal version of the reinforcement is able to provide greater strength only with an impressive diameter and, as a result, more weight, which complicates work and transportation.

By purchasing our products, you get high-quality products with excellent characteristics, compliance with which is guaranteed by the manufacturer. The use of products from Nano-SK will increase the life of buildings and structures. Thanks to cooperation with many transport companies, the order will be delivered anywhere in the country.

Interesting fact!

Buildings and structures reinforced with polymer reinforcement save their owners about 30% on the operation of the structure.

Our products make it possible to significantly reduce the time of work and significantly reduce the cost of reinforcement. When using metallic materials, the cost of reinforcement will be on average higher from 30 to 60%. Thus, we provide customers with the opportunity to save on construction.

Our product range is one of the main indicators of our capabilities. At our factory, you can order fittings with a periodic profile and fittings with a sand coating. Composite products are always popular among our customers and buyers.

You can also buy fiberglass rods from us chemical composition, basalt and carbon fiber reinforcement.

Interesting fact!

Fiberglass reinforcement has a thermal conductivity 100 times lower than steel.

Our production uses innovative equipment, and a wide range of products is constantly expanding. First of all, we are trying to develop the production of the most indispensable and popular building materials, which include composite reinforcement. different types. We are one of the leaders in the production of this material in our country and successfully compete with well-known foreign companies.

Our products overshadow analogues made of metal. It is characterized high reliability and the quality of our fittings. Each individual batch is carefully checked for compliance with the high quality requirements set forth in the regulatory documents, and receives its own certificate.

Interesting fact!

If we compare composite reinforcement and steel reinforcement, then in terms of tensile strength, carbon steel actually loses to composites by 2.5 times.

To this end, rebar test specimens are regularly subjected to rigorous testing under harsh conditions. Nano-SK technologists are working to further increase the quality of manufactured products, and especially this concerns increasing strength.

The materials produced by our company are used for the construction and installation of facilities using concrete. Most often, composite products are used when working in areas with seismic activity, since the structures located in these areas must be resistant to earthquakes. In addition, valves of our production are used in industrial and agricultural facilities, it is also used in railway work and the construction of highways.

Interesting fact!

Today, composite reinforcement is loved and actively used not only in the house-building and road industries, but also in shipbuilding, aircraft construction and railway construction.

Composite materials of our production are excellent for the manufacture of concrete slabs and floors town-planning objects. Being resistant to moisture, fiberglass reinforcement is indispensable for the arrangement of structures located near the coastline. Our materials are purchased for farms. Our composite reinforcement is excellent for pouring concrete, so it is indispensable for the installation of structures with increased strength, including industrial buildings.

The main and main advantage of fittings from Nano-SK is resistance to a variety of aggressive and harmful effects. Also, it is not subject to mechanical damage, does not break, is not prone to corrosion and damage by mold fungi.

An important advantage is high resistance to strong chemicals, including acids and alkalis.

Interesting fact!

High corrosion resistance and active protection against chemicals allows the use of composite reinforcement in places exposed to aggressive environments.

Our company has a flexible pricing policy. The service life of our products significantly exceeds the service life of metal products.

Choosing plastic fittings, you make a completely reasonable and justified choice, reducing the cost of building materials in several directions at once, saving your time and at the same time gaining advantages that you simply cannot turn a blind eye to:

  • Simplicity, lightness and savings in transportation

Fiberglass reinforcement is much lighter than metal reinforcement, this property should and will be considered an advantage, allowing its use even in light structures, for example, from porous concrete in the appendage, reducing the weight of the entire structure by 5-7 times.

Interesting fact!

Did you know that all polymer reinforcement has a lower density compared to metal and therefore is 4 or more times lighter than similar steel reinforcement.

  • Saving money on the subsequent insulation of the building

To reduce the cost of construction, it is possible to use modern substitutes for traditional building materials. In our case, this is fiberglass reinforcement instead of steel.


Composite fiberglass reinforcement is used for:

  • reinforcement of foundations;
  • industrial floors;
  • strip foundations in private houses, cottages, light industrial buildings and structures;
  • in ceilings on corrugated board;
  • roads and road construction;
  • in land management (for example, strengthening the coastline).

Advantages of fiberglass reinforcement

The main advantage is the reduction in the cost of construction work, which is provided by the following factors:

  • prices are 40-50% lower than for steel reinforcement;
  • produced in coils of 50 and 100 meters (except ASK 14 mm, which comes in 6 m whips), which reduces the amount of trimmings and waste;
  • easy to cut and install on site;
  • loading and delivery is cheap, because the reinforcement itself weighs 9 times less than steel.

There are 8 bays in the car (ASK 10 - Ø 10 mm) of 50 m each, which are necessary for pouring the foundation of 1 house.

At the same time, the total weight of 400 meters of rebar is about 48-50 kg and is easily loaded by 1 person in 10 minutes.

For more dense placement during transportation, we make bays of different diameters. For example, 2 bays of 50 meters each with reinforcement 8 mm thick:

Features of fiberglass reinforcement manufactured by VZKM

  • We produce in accordance with GOST R 31938-2012 from Owens Corning's Advantex fiberglass, which meets high European standards.
  • You can buy fiberglass reinforcement from us with a diameter of 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 14 mm in coils of 50 and 100 meters.
  • It is possible to produce rebar thicker than 14 mm by special order.
  • Resistance to chemical and mechanical influences - it is possible to store for a long time (fiberglass retains its properties for more than 80 years).
  • We can launch 800,000 meters of rebar per month. There is always a stock of 20-60 thousand m.p. in stock. various diameters for implementation.

Prices for fiberglass reinforcement VZKM

Prices are for the purchase of 1 rebar coil. If you want to buy fiberglass reinforcement more than 1 bay, then call us and we will try to provide you with a more interesting price.

Name and markingEqually strong metal diameter. fittings AIIIDiameter
bays, m
(according to GOST)
ASK 4 - Ø 4 mm, 100m*6 mm1.0 or 0.89 rub.
ASK 6 - Ø 6 mm, 100m*8 mm1.0 or 0.814 rub.
ASK 7 - Ø 7 mm, 50m*10 mm1.0 or 0.815 rub.
ASK 8 - Ø 8 mm 50m*12 mm1.0 or 0.818 rub.
ASK 10 - Ø 10 mm 50m*14 mm1 26 rub.
ASK 12 - Ø 12 mm 50m*16 mm1 36 rub.
ASK 14 - Ø 14 mm 6m*18 mm- 46 rub.

Wholesale prices for fiberglass rebar

If you represent a hardware store or a wholesale base building materials or you are a major construction contractor (you need at least 1,000 m of reinforcement at a time or there will be regular purchases), then we can offer special much lower prices with individual delivery conditions.

Get a wholesale price tag for fittings possible on request

Today at construction industry emerging technologies and modern materials, while reinforced concrete structures remain the most popular in construction. Metal fittings were replaced by cheaper and high-quality composite products. Reinforcement of concrete with composite reinforcement without the use of steel elements allows not only to achieve savings, but also to obtain more durable and resistant to external environment designs. Moscow Plant of Polymer-Composite Structures offers buy fiberglass reinforcement in Moscow and any other city in Russia.

Fiberglass reinforcement is a long product of circular cross section with a spiral winding. The reinforcement is made from a filler (solid fiberglass) and a matrix (cured thermoset or thermoplastic polymer). For winding, fiberglass or basalt thread is used.

The product is widely used for reinforcing concrete, embankments, slopes of roads, railways, steep banks (gabions), in the bearing structures of submersible dowels. The use of composite reinforcement is especially effective in places of increased exposure to aggressive environments, where steel will not last long. This monolithic structures erected in winter period when substances are introduced into the composition of concrete that prevent freezing and accelerate hardening or foundations at the groundwater level. It is also advisable to reinforce road slabs with fiberglass, which will be treated with anti-icing reagents in operation.

Why us?

Delivery is free!

When ordering from 10,000 m.p. in the betrayal of Moscow and the Moscow region!

Best price

We are the manufacturer, our prices are lower than resellers + we give a volume discount!


Our products have been successfully tested and have a certificate of conformity.


We are constantly improving the production technology of composite materials.

Fiberglass reinforcement not so long ago began to be introduced into building technologies. Officially, for its production in the Russian Federation, an interstate standard was adopted only in December 2012. Now domestic, not inferior in quality to foreign brands composite reinforcement, you can buy in Moscow. new material almost immediately became popular due to the low cost, which is on average half that of steel, and a number of technological characteristics.

Advantages of fiberglass reinforcement over steel counterparts

  • The lightness of the product allows you to save on the cost and time of transportation, loading and unloading.
  • Corrosion resistance makes the material suitable for use in aggressive environments and outdoor storage.
  • Tensile strength is twice that of steel reinforcement.
  • Reinforcement AKSp due to the coiled ribs has excellent adhesion to concrete.
  • Low thermal conductivity makes the material attractive for the construction of "warm" houses.
  • The coefficient of thermal expansion of fiberglass and concrete is equal, therefore, with temperature differences, the integrity of the structure is maintained.
  • During assembly, the structure is connected with knitting wire or ties, so there is no need to use a welding machine.
  • The material is environmentally friendly.

Some argue that composite reinforcement has the disadvantage of being excessively resilient and brittle when subjected to strong bending. But given the technological purpose, these characteristics do not matter, since the reinforcement inside the concrete must work in tension, in which it is significantly superior to its steel counterparts.

Products manufactured at our plant comply with GOST 31938-2012, and the quality is confirmed by test reports and certificates.

When buying more than 10 thousand meters in Moscow and the region, delivery is free of charge. Rebar deliveries up to Ø12 mm inclusive are carried out in coils, and above - in whips of 6 m. If necessary, cutting of 3, 4, 5 or 6 m can be ordered.

Our company is a manufacturing organization, so we offer to buy fiberglass reinforcement at the manufacturer's price, as well as wholesale from 1000 m.p. at an even more favorable cost. We look forward to long-term cooperation and will consider your suggestions.
