Let's find out what kind of fuel is best to heat the fireplace. Namely, the best dimensions, moisture content and type of wood.

Wood burning fireplaces can be called the most comfortable thing for any summer cottage. But in order for its beautiful-looking fire and warmth to give joyful sensations, you need to choose the right fireplace fuel. Today we will discuss what kind of wood to heat the fireplace with, what kind of fuel is not recommended to use and other important issues.

All about wood for the fireplace

Fireplace stoves can be distinguished by the type of fuel they use: liquid fuel, combustible gas, briquettes. Moreover, wood is the most environmentally friendly, most frequent and most economical option.

However, when choosing a wood fuel, there are some things to consider, such as:

  • wood moisture level;
  • dimensions;
  • type of tree.

Let's consider all these points separately.

Wood moisture

It is better not to take raw wood for kindling. This is due to the fact that the consumption of most of the energy will be directed not at the transfer of heat, but at the moisture that is released when burning raw wood. Also, the chimney and glass in the oven itself accumulate a large amount of condensate pollutants. For the same reasons, wood is the best choice for use in fireplaces with a moisture content of 15 to 25%.

Simply put, stumps of the past or the penultimate year. If possible, fresh wood should be dried for at least six months ( perfect option - from half to two and a half years) outside, but under a roof. Wood with a moisture content of 15% has the most optimal heating value - which is required for a fireplace stove.

Pay particular attention to how the logs are stored. Do not store wood in one large deck as it will take much longer to dry. Fuel does not need to be stored on the floor or it will rot, but you should also avoid placing airtight materials such as polyethylene or concrete underneath. This will prevent condensation from evaporating. In this case, it is preferable to use metal grates, etc. And before using them, dry them in the room.

Dimensions of wood

To get a more persistent heat, it is better to use firewood, the size of which does not differ much from each other, the most optimal size - 7-10 cm, and the diameter and length are 2/3 - 3/4 of the dimensions of the firebox (about 35 cm.) Preliminary bark removal will help reduce the amount of soot.

Often, what matters is not what better firewood for fireplaces, and how exactly the kindling takes place. For example, you do not need to stack the logs too tightly during loading. The firebox should be loaded only for a third part - this is about 4 kg. A good air supply is required for efficient burning of wood. Firewood should be put in several pieces with an open flap. It is difficult to say how much one tab will burn, as it depends on the type of fireplace, its quality and technical characteristics... In addition, the type of wood affects the burning time.

Type of wood for kindling the fireplace

What kind of wood is better for stoking the fireplace? Birch, needles? It's hard to say for sure. Note that many people choose a tree not at all by what species it is. More often the stoves are “fed” with trees taken in their garden or elsewhere. In fact, all of these raw materials can be used as fuel!

It is definitely not worth using furniture debris, fences, etc. for fireplaces. Firstly, such materials burn rather poorly, moreover, they emit harmful substances, since they are impregnated paints and varnishes on the cover.

What cannot be used as fuel

Opening hours and appearance a fireplace stove, in particular a closed glass heat-resistant alloy, depends on the type of wood. Just as wood species are recommended, there are fuels that should not be burned in your heating equipment:

Coniferous trees - pines and spruces, have deposits inside themselves in the form of a resinous substance. It is burned and soot is released in large quantities. When combustion begins in pockets of resinous material, “micro-explosions” occur. Therefore, coals can escape from the oven.

It is not worth starting a fire from a pine tree for another reason. When burning in gaseous combustion products, in addition to tar, there is a large amount of soot, which can spoil the operation of the chimney. Often, spontaneous combustion of soot occurs in the chimney, which can lead to poor chimney performance. Therefore, it is not recommended to light up spruce and pine. Garbage use - fireplaces are of such a design that they require fuel to be made from valuable varieties of wood. In fact, everything that burns in the firebox can affect the indoor climate of the room. In the case of using painted boards, you can easily earn poisoning due to excretion heavy metals, which make up most of the composition of such a coating. Garbage should be in a container, not on fire.

Wood with a high degree of moisture - raw wood should be used very rarely. Wet wood is the release of many combustion products that settle on the walls of the chimney. This significantly reduces the operating time of the entire fireplace.

Coal is a type of fuel burned with specific functions. The bottom line is that the maximum percentage of heat transfer begins at the moment when the fuel begins to smolder. When smoldering, the amount of heat generated is much greater than when wood is burned.

More air is required to burn coal. A traditional oven cannot be used for such raw materials. Therefore, you will need enlarged grate bars and replacing them with another material - cast iron (steel will not withstand and burn, look at coal stoves).

Are the briquettes suitable for kindling

Briquettes, also called Eurowood, are types of one fuel, characterized by good heat transfer rates and a longer combustion process. Briquettes are made from wood that has passed the grinding process, as well as from coal and peat raw materials.

Briquette furnaces have several characteristics:

  • This fuel burns perfectly and can maintain the temperature for up to two hours;
  • When peat briquettes are used, you need to start by lighting a small amount of wood so that later they can burn well;
  • Peat logs can burn for up to 4 hours;

The heat obtained from any type of briquettes is almost twice as strong, in contrast to the use of wood, as well as Eurowood burns twice as long.
When comparing briquettes and wood, the manufacturing process is usually considered. When processing fragmented raw materials, moisture is removed in full. The pressed particles of briquettes are created in such a way that empty parts remain inside, which allow them to burn evenly without creating a spark.

During production, resinous stains are removed, which allows you to burn coniferous briquettes. Coniferous fuels give off heat less than harder woods. A small amount of smoke is observed during combustion.

The choice of how to light a fire using briquettes or ordinary wood also depends on another difference: visual or aesthetic. A real flame and the crackle and smell familiar to everyone, can only be from ordinary firewood. But the choice is always yours, your preferences and the features of the fireplace! published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask the experts and readers of our project.

Pechnik (Moscow)

Firewood for a solid fuel fireplace is an integral part. The correct choice of logs directly affects the quality, speed of heating the room, uniformity of heat distribution, consumption and time for which one full load is enough.

If you do not know which firewood is better, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the materials presented in this article in more detail and view the best selection of thematic photos.

Briquettes and classic options for the firebox

Not knowing which firewood is best for the fireplace, you can opt for one of the following varieties:

Fuel type

Firewood produced as briquettes are distinguished by their environmental friendliness. The composition includes various compressed processing products (coal, peat, wood).

Euro wood for the fireplace, capable of burning for a long time, unlike simple ones.

Firewood is classified as a classic solid fuel. This option is quite economical.

However, you cannot use simple and freshly prepared logs for the firebox. Before loading them into the hearth, it is necessary to dry them well for a sufficiently long period and only then use them for their intended purpose.

Main features of briquettes:

  • Wood-based briquettes are capable of burning in the hearth for a short time; it takes about two hours for them to completely flare up and burn out. Such flames are distinguished by their intensity and uniformity;
  • Burning wood in the fireplace may have a peat base. To improve the combustion process, at the first stage, you need to light a fire from a small amount of briquettes and only then report all the rest to the hearth. The combustion time in this case is from 3 to 5 hours.

Important: if youfirewood required for fireplaces, and at the same time you want to make the combustion process longer and more intense, we recommend opting for briquettes. They have a higher flame intensity 20-60 percent higher than plain logs. The burning time of euro wood is also several times higher.

More about Eurodrops

Since the burning temperature of firewood in a fireplace is always very high, it is important to know that the finished purchased solid fuel is not only able to make it as high as possible, but also provides a longer and more uniform heating, for a minimum period of time.

Purchased eurowood, the price of which is higher than for ordinary solid fuel, have the following distinctive characteristics and features:

  • They are distinguished by their environmental friendliness, since only natural and natural ingredients are included in the composition. Briquettes are pressed using special equipment at the plant;
  • The presence of foreign impurities that can release during combustion is completely excluded bad smell;
  • This fuel is produced in one shape and size, which makes it possible to use them for hearths and combustion chambers of any volume;
  • The crackle of firewood in the fireplace in this case, as well as the characteristic color of the flame, remains and partially corresponds to the original;
  • Such Euro wood can be used not only for kindling classic stoves and fireplaces, but also for large boilers, outdoor grills, barbecues;
  • Pre-pressed firewood burning in the fireplace has a reduced percentage of humidity, not exceeding 10-12 percent, which makes the consumption of such fuel more economical and safe.

Important: if you don't knowwhat kind of wood to heat the fireplace and want the visual component, all sounds and smells to match the original as closely as possible, buy ordo it yourself make the preparation of classic fuel.

Interesting to know: when choosing products based on conifers, remember that heat transfer in this case is not high enough. However, at the same time, all resins and other impurities capable of releasing and forming sediments and plaque on the surface of the structure are completely absent, since they are artificially removed during processing and pressing.

Tip: if you decidewhat kind of wood is better to heat the fireplace, it is strongly discouraged to choose coal. Since although it has a high heat transfer, in order to get it, you need to spend a lot of time. Coal can only be used in fully modified combustion chambers. To do this, stove-makers specifically replace standard grates with ones made of cast iron and, raising them, set them higher. Metal and steel chambers are not suitable for charcoal firing, since the metal partially or completely burns out from strong and prolonged heating.

Choosing firewood for the fireplace

Ceramic firewood for fireplaces, of course, is very popular, but still, preference is often given to classic logs. Most often, the following tree species are chosen for the firebox:

  1. The most popular and convenient to use are considered to be beech and oak. They have high heat transfer, provide continuous and uniform burning, and do not create sparks. Oak, unlike beech, has a higher cost and strength. Due to this, splitting them is quite difficult and problematic;
  2. The sound of burning firewood in the fireplace will help to recreate logs prepared from various fruit trees (pear, apple). These species have a stable, pleasant characteristic odor and emit a minimum of smoke;
  3. Poplar and linden, despite the characteristic, pleasant smell, completely burn out quickly enough. They have low heat transfer and are not suitable for full heating of premises and houses;
  4. Alder and aspen during the heating process does not emit a large amount of smoke and other unpleasant odors... These rocks are mainly used for control heating in order to clean the chimney and the inner surface of the hearth from soot, soot and other formations;
  5. Acacia, cherry, birch and other deciduous trees burn well and split easily. However, to prevent the occurrence of tar, the presence of good ventilation in the hearth and the unhindered penetration of oxygen is necessary.

Important: if you don't knowhow to properly heat a fireplace with wood, remember a few basic rules. Be sure to carry out preliminary preparation of such fuel, it must be completely dry and not rotten. This will ensure a longer and more uniform burning, without unpleasant odors, with a minimum amount of decomposition products and sparks.

Tip: for convenient storage logs it is not at all necessary to use a special firewood. Small amounts of fuel can always be kept close at hand.Firewood stand by the fireplace can be made on their own from any non-combustible materials or bought in a specialized store. Alsofor fireplace wood stand if necessary, it can be replaced with a larger and more capacious basket, bag or woodpile.

For fireplaces with a door made of heat resistant glass, you must select a special fuel:

  • Choose wood that emits a minimum amount of smoke during combustion. The best options would be beech, oak, aspen or alder. Aspen is distinguished by a high intensity of the generated flame and is mainly used for preventive heating and cleaning the hearth from soot and soot;
  • It is important that the moisture content of the selected logs does not exceed the specified limit. The lower the humidity, the less smoke will be emitted during heating. It is not recommended to use firewood with a moisture content exceeding 15 percent for fireplaces with a glass door;
  • Do not use spruce and pine. These species give off a large amount of resin.

Rules for laying logs in the hearth

In order for the combustion process to be as long as possible, and the flame intensity is maintained in a given mode, it is necessary at the first stage to carry out the correct fuel filling. The following instructions will help you with this:

  • The logs should be approximately the same size. Prepare the fuel in such a way that the size of each element does not exceed five centimeters of depth itself combustion chamber;
  • First, you need to lay the seed, represented by dry chips;
  • After that, the logs themselves are laid, the distance between each element should be 10 to 15 centimeters. Next, the second row is laid. Outwardly, the design should resemble a simple "pioneer fire".

You can familiarize yourself with the process of laying firewood and the rules for lighting in more detail by watching the video in this article.

We carry out melting

The danger of improper heating of the fireplace installation lies in the fact that in the process of burning firewood begins to stand out carbon monoxide, which is dangerous to human life and health. In order for this gas not to enter the room and exit through the chimney, carefully monitor the correct operation of the traction mechanism. It is equally important to observe the following rules and recommendations:

  • Fuel moisture content should not be higher than 15-20 percent;
  • During ignition, the temperature should rise gradually;
  • When preparing or buying on your own, choose wood species that have a completely cleaned surface (without knots and bark), which can become a source of strong smoke;
  • During operation of the furnace unit, do not completely close all the dampers. This can lead to improper operation of the traction mechanism and will prevent oxygen from entering the interior of the structure;
  • Do not forget about the need for regular cleaning of both the hearth itself and the chimney. Carefully check and monitor the serviceability of each element and mechanism of the heating structure.

Advice: if you have not heated the stove for a long time, it is recommended to use a simple newspaper for lighting, which should slightly warm up the walls of the chimney and the hearth itself. If the room is very cold, for gradual melting, first load about one third of the logs into the firebox, after they have completely burned out, you can carry out a full load.

Simple firewood for a fireplace is more affordable at its cost. However, their preparation takes much more time than purchasing finished ceramic products, briquettes. When choosing a solid fuel, remember that only natural wood is capable of fully transmitting all the brightness and shades of a burning flame, as well as a characteristic smell and crackling. And purchased analogs are safer, do not cause smoke and leave the surface of the hearth as clean as possible. To do right choice, first define for yourself the criteria that are especially important.

Many owners of private houses as additional source heat and decorative element choose fireplaces for themselves. Whichever type you choose, the fireplace stove must be heated with the type of fuel to which it is adapted.

There are a huge number of fireplaces that use wood, coal, peat, gas and even electricity as fuel.

In our country, wood-fired fireplaces are most widespread. This is due to the availability of this type of fuel and the traditions of our people.

What do our compatriots use to heat their fireplaces? Dry wood should be preferred hardwood... Firewood with a high moisture content emit a lot of smoke and tar during combustion, and contribute to the appearance of condensation. It is quite simple to distinguish dry firewood from damp firewood. Well-dried logs tend to have a clear sound, are darker in color and have cracks at the ends. The recently felled wood cannot be called dry, its moisture content exceeds 50%. They will become dry only after they have been lying outdoors or indoors for a whole year. In the first case, there is a decrease in humidity up to 25%, and in the second - up to 15%. It is recommended to store firewood in a woodpile. To increase the speed of their drying, each next row should be laid perpendicular to the previous one.

Alternatively, a special firebox can be made in the fireplace body. Firewood will be stored in this special niche. This option requires a solution to the problem of the safe location of the firebox. As a rule, it is done under the firebox, at the bottom, isolating it from the furnace part. In this case, the main thing is to avoid fire. If you are not sure that the technique fire safety observed in full, it is better to abandon this method and make a storage for firewood away from the fire.

What kind of wood is better to heat the fireplace

It is recommended to store firewood in a split form. It is desirable that all the logs are of almost the same length. The thickness of the logs is considered optimal if it is 6-10 centimeters, and their length should be 3/4 of the width of the firebox. It is not advisable to use firewood, the length of which is more than 30-40 centimeters.

The highest heat transfer is in hardwood: yew, hawthorn, pear, apple, birch, beech, oak. Beech, oak and yew are difficult to chop and not easy to melt, yet the rest of the species are pricked easily and burn well. Hardwoods burn more slowly.

Average calorific value is typical for medium-hard wood of fir, cedar, elm, cherry. Elm, fir and cherry wood is heavily smoked. Soft hardwoods contain a lot of resin. The heat transfer of these tree varieties is minimal. In addition, in the process of burning such logs, a lot of soot is formed, it tends to settle on the inner walls of the fireplace stove. Pine and spruce wood splits easily, burns well, but often sparks. Burning wood gives off a pleasant aroma.

Birch firewood is very popular. They are easy to crack, contain minimal tar and burn well. This fuel is available to the majority of the inhabitants of our country.

Dry branches of a cherry tree, pear, juniper, apple tree are often used to fire a fireplace stove. When burned, they give off a pleasant aroma.

Here we have given the most preferred types of wood, but each owner for himself and his loved ones can decide which firewood is best to use for the fireplace, choosing the best option.

How to properly heat a fireplace

It will not be difficult to light the fireplace if you familiarize yourself with the operating rules of the heater beforehand. If the device has not been used for a long time, then the cold air that has stagnated in the chimney can significantly complicate the kindling. It will, as it were, create an obstacle to the ascending flows of hot gases. Before starting kindling, it is necessary to warm up the air that is inside the pipe. To properly fire the fireplace, you first need to light a newspaper and, putting your hand into the firebox, bring it to the entrance of the chimney. In this case, after a short period of time, a thrust should be formed. Only then can the fireplace be considered ready for use. The firebox can be started.

Very often, improvised means are used to kindle a fireplace: shavings, wood chips, unnecessary newspapers. If coal or brown coal is used as fuel for the fireplace, special means can be used for kindling. Under no circumstances should flammable liquids (kerosene, gasoline, etc.) be used to light the fireplace. If today you learn how to heat a fireplace, then this science will be remembered for a lifetime and can be useful at any time.

It is quite easy to light a firewood-fueled fireplace. It is necessary to lay out an even layer of shavings on the grate, then old newspapers. A row of quarters of firewood is laid out on top. The starting material is ignited and, as soon as the fire is ignited, the halves of the wood are added.

The correct heating of the fireplace stove involves the horizontal laying of firewood, with gaps between them about 10 millimeters. The layer of firewood should not exceed 30 centimeters. The draft in the fireplace is regulated by the blower door and dampers.

Charcoal fireplace insert

Before putting coal in the stove, you need to light the fireplace with wood chips or newsprint. A small layer of small firewood is laid, then a 5-centimeter layer of coal. The kindling is ignited from below. As soon as the fire starts, add large pieces of coal and adjust the draft in the fireplace with the damper.

It is better to heat the fireplace with coal, using special chemical tablets for kindling. They are placed directly into the coal bed. If a gas igniter is used, then it must be added to the coal and not removed until the end of the furnace. To light coal with an electric igniter, it is placed next to the fireplace, directing it onto the coal bed. As soon as the fuel has ignited, the device is turned off.

Fireplace with old newsprint

Each user decides what is the best way to heat the fireplace. You can use old newspapers to light the stove. Newspapers 10-15 centimeters thick are placed on the embers. Air draft is artificially increased. The calorific value of newspapers for four to six hours is 1-3 kW. It is necessary that the burning process is slow and takes place in the center of the stack of newspapers.

Gas fireplace insert

How to properly heat a gas stove fireplace will be considered further. Today, fireplaces of both domestic and foreign production, operating on gas fuel, are on sale. This type of fireplace has a built-in burner and a nickel-plated reflector providing efficient radiation. For the efficient operation of the fireplace for 85 hours, one cylinder of liquefied gas is enough. In all models, automatic shutdown occurs when the gas is extinguished. Some models have “burning” ceramic firewood as a decoration. Excellent props can create the feeling of a real blazing fire. You can familiarize yourself with the rules of the gas stove fireplace insert in more detail by studying the instructions attached to the product.

Fireplace stove "Bavaria"

What are the main advantages of a fireplace for a summer residence? Of course, it should be efficient, affordable, aesthetic and convenient. The Bavaria fireplace stove is a typical example of this combination. Despite small size, it has a fairly high power - 9 kW, and is capable of heating an area up to 90 sq. m, if the ceiling height is not more than 2.5 m.

If you heat a Bavaria fireplace stove, observing all operating conditions, then the unit is able to serve up to 10 years.

Up to 80% of the heat emitted by wood goes to heating the room. The high efficiency is ensured by the rational design of the furnace. The room will warm up in less than two hours.

How to heat a fireplace stove bavaria? Firewood with a moisture content of no more than 10-15% should be used for the furnace. It is strictly forbidden to heat the stove with shavings, cardboard, coal. Only paper can be used to light the logs. Thanks to the long-term burning system, the stove works up to 5 hours on one tab of firewood.

The fireplace stove will be an excellent source of heat and, at the same time, a decorative element that will decorate any home, create a cozy atmosphere both in wet autumn and frosty winter.

A competent approach to the question of which firewood for the fireplace in the house will be the most suitable and effective will not only create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the room, but also significantly extend the service life of the entire structure.

The fireplace in the house performs not only a decorative, but also a practical function. It is a unit for heating a room, the efficiency of which will depend on what kind of wood to heat it with.

There are basic requirements for firewood that are designed specifically for the fireplace. It is important that when burned, they must generate enough heat and create heat so that the heat remains for a long period of time. It is also necessary to take into account the specific characteristics of specific types of wood.

What to choose?

Most fireplace owners are wondering what better breeds wood to enjoy. You can heat with different types of wood - beech, oak, birch, aspen, maple. However, you should be aware that not all known firewood for a fireplace burns out in the same way - the rate of combustion of a tree mostly depends on its density.

Apple wood firewood for fireplace

Chopped hardwood firewood - hornbeam, beech, maple, oak - with small pores, will burn out more slowly, and at the same time retain heat for a longer period of time.

The most common and affordable are distinguished by good indicators of heat dissipation. chopped firewood from birch. However, it is important to remember that pine and birch burns quickly enough. Taking into account the high fuel consumption of the fireplace, be prepared for the constant need to put firewood in the firebox.

Better to give preference to oak firewood without bark. The perfect solution - chopped logs harvested from fruit wood species. When burned, they will spread a favorable aroma in the room, thereby creating a cozy atmosphere. A good choice - apple, pear and cherry.

It is also important to know which logs are undesirable for use. You should be careful with the plum, as it will give off a slightly bitter odor during combustion.

Firewood for fireplace

Too soft wood - willow, poplar - it is better not to use it as a kindling agent. Also, conifers are not recommended, since the high content of resin in them during combustion will form a lot of soot, which contributes to the rapid clogging of the chimney ducts. Moreover, such chopped logs during burning can "spray" sparks of fire. As a result, it can provoke the ignition of objects that were accidentally left in the immediate vicinity of the fireplace.

Basic principles

When it has already been decided what is the best way to heat the fireplace, there are several important points to remember.
It is undesirable to use damp wood for the fireplace. They will flare up badly. Moreover, often after using raw wood, condensation accumulates on the inner surface of the chimney, impairing the operation of the entire structure.

The best firewood for kindling is those with a moisture level of less than 20%.

In order for a freshly cut tree to reach this state, it is necessary:

  • for two years, store it in closed rooms with good ventilation or subject it to forced drying in specialized conditions.

What should be the logs themselves? They shouldn't be too thin. The best option - chopped firewood, the diameter of which varies from 6 to 8 centimeters. Wood intended for the firebox should be stored outdoors under a canopy. This storage method guarantees the required moisture level.

An important point is that the logs should not be too dry. If the wood is dry, then it is highly likely that instead of uniform burning, you will get a "jumping" fire.

It is important - you should not heat the fireplace with various chemical-based compounds.

Exclusive approach

Greenex is a popular brand in the Russian market, specializing in the manufacture of firewood for fireplaces. Its products are used not only for their intended purpose. Distinctive feature Greenex is a decorative purpose, certain types of products are additionally scented with various essential oils.

Round flavored logs of the same length from the Greenex brand will make your stay by the fireplace not only pleasant, but also unforgettable. The aroma released by burning wood will promote relaxation and restful sleep. Quality firewood from Greenex guarantees proper burning, which favorably affects the grace of the flame itself and the release of the necessary heat.

Selection of Greenex products - flavored logs of the same length, as well as firewood, cleaned from dirt, required level humidity.

The quality of the flame and the level of heat in the fireplace will directly depend on which wood was chosen as fuel. A competent and reasonable approach will not only increase the efficiency of using the fireplace itself, but also extend its life.

Video: Firewood for the fireplace

01.08.2018 13:03

Movies have firmly put into consciousness the idea that a country cottage cannot do without a fireplace. In general, an open fire in a house is a sign of comfort. It really is. It is also much more economical to heat a house with solid fuel than, for example, electricity. After all, the latter will never fill the house with the pleasant smell of a burning tree.
But the range of firewood for the fireplace is wide and it is quite difficult to choose the ideal the first time.

Features of the choice of firewood

Each type of wood has its own characteristics. Some of them burn brightly and quickly, but do not heat up much. Others, on the contrary, smolder and give off heat for a long time. And the third have all the advantages of the second, but at the same time they also give a smell. In addition, you should never forget about individual preferences. Someone intuitively likes oak, but doesn't like burning aspen. But, even taking into account the personal requirements for fuel, do not forget that any firewood must meet four main factors:

  • heat dissipation,
  • humidity,
  • the size,
  • age.

An ideal log should have a high heat transfer, in order to heat the house longer with less fuel, be properly dried (about 15–20%), its size should correspond to your needs, and age is somewhere between youth and old age.

Firewood for an open fireplace

For hearths with an open firebox, logs with long burning and a pleasant smell. In this case, it is worth paying attention to non-sparkling wood. For example, coniferous trees definitely will not work - they give too much smoke and crackle, and also burn out rapidly. But at the same time they give a pleasant smell that will be appropriate in the bath. So, how to heat a fireplace with an open hearth?

  • Oak. It has good heat dissipation as well as a long burning time. But its main disadvantage is the price and scarcity.
  • Alder. Gives a pleasant smell when burning, a small amount of smoke and has a fairly high level of heat transfer. It has no critical flaws.
  • Birch. Smells good, flares up well, gives off heat well. The only thing is that soot accumulates in the chimney from the use of birch logs.

Firewood for a closed fireplace

A closed hearth allows you to use not only the above options, but also those that are not suitable for open fireplaces. That is, sparkling and fuming.

  • Ash. Of all the firewood, they are distinguished by increased heat transfer. Disadvantages like oak - hard to get.
  • Needles. It gives off heat well, the burning period is average, but the smell can neutralize all the shortcomings. Pine is best suited for the home. There is only one drawback - from use in the chimney and on the door, soot and soot will accumulate.

Why is it worth ordering a yard from us?

We strictly monitor the quality of wood and its moisture content. Our logs will burn for a long time and give off their heat in order to warm your home.
Our consultants will always help you in choosing the right fuel.
