Many summer residents have seen this grass growing along with weeds on their plots more than once. Pulling it out is quite difficult, because powerful long roots tenaciously hold the plant in the ground. It is impossible to touch it without gardening canvas gloves, as the tough, speckled leaves are covered with many sharp, prickly spines. When it grows up, it begins to bloom with small pink flowers.

This plant is one of the subspecies of the thistle and is found almost everywhere as weed grass: along roadsides, in fields, wastelands and dumps, in gardens and orchards. It is completely unpretentious to soils, climatic conditions growth and rainfall. All the more surprising is the fact that this rather aggressive weed, which gardeners spend a lot of effort to combat, is a valuable medicinal plant.

What is milk thistle?

This is what milk thistle looks like, photo

Many people know this herb as marin, milk thistle, or mottled thistle, and its scientific name is spotted thistle. This is enough tall plant reaches a height of 1 to 1.5 meters, belongs to the aster family and can be grown as an annual or biennial. The birthplace of milk thistle is considered to be the Mediterranean coast, from where herbaceous plant and has spread all over the world.

oblong large leaves have a wavy shape and patterned edges, and their glossy green surface is covered with intricate white patterns. It is this “marble” pattern on the leaves that distinguishes milk thistle from other types of thistles. It blooms from mid-summer to autumn, and although the flowers are not very decorative, the spectacular leaves of this plant, covered with long sharp thorns, can serve as a decoration for any garden.

In addition to its decorative qualities, milk thistle also has a number of medicinal properties, which are due to the presence of rare biologically active substances and healing components in the plant, in particular silymarin. It is useful for the liver, as it protects it from intoxication, the destructive effects of alcohol, heavy metals and other aggressive substances, helps restore liver cells and strengthens cell membranes.

In historical documents, there are references to the use of milk thistle as a medicinal product. healers different countries successfully used medicinal properties milk thistle for the treatment of diseases not only of the liver, but also of other organs. In the second half of the last century, interest in the plant resumed after scientific research on its healing qualities.

Medicinal properties of milk thistle - why is it useful?

The main active ingredients contained in this plant are unique natural compounds: flavonolignans, which protect the liver from toxins, and flavonoids, which have antioxidant and antibacterial effects. They prevent the penetration of toxins into the liver cells, weaken and suppress the action of toxic substances and begin to decompose them before they can exert their detrimental effect.

In addition to them, milk thistle contains macro- and micro-elements (zinc, copper, selenium), proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and K, alkaloids, saponins, amino acids, fatty oils, tyramine, histamine and other biologically active substances. Ripe milk thistle seeds are used as the most effective medicine, but all parts of the plant have medicinal properties.

Preparations made on the basis of milk thistle help protect the liver and strengthen cell membranes, improve the function of this organ, normalize digestion, neutralize the effects of harmful compounds on the body, stimulate the formation and excretion of bile, and improve metabolism.

The beneficial properties of milk thistle are widely used to treat diseases of the liver and gallbladder: acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and toxic liver damage, colic, diseases of the bile ducts. In addition, the tool has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin, respiratory tract, hemorrhoids and a number of gynecological diseases.

The use of milk thistle in medicine

In addition to people with diseases of the liver, thyroid gland and spleen, milk thistle is recommended for use by people who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation, as well as to eliminate the effects of intoxication in the presence of alcohol and drug addiction, food and other poisoning.

As a prophylactic, milk thistle preparations are indicated for people living in unfavorable environmental conditions and polluted areas, working with toxic materials in hazardous industries. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, all parts of this amazing plant. Various medicines are obtained from them:

  1. Milk thistle seeds. They are the most valuable part of the plant, because they contain silymarin. Powdered seeds are used to prepare medicinal infusions and decoctions.
  2. Milk thistle meal. It is a cake left after oil is obtained from seeds. It is a powerful antioxidant, which has practically no contraindications. Modern medicine recommends the use of milk thistle meal for the following indications: as maintenance therapy for hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, for the treatment of cholecystitis, dyspepsia, disorders of the stomach, intestines and gallbladder.
  3. Milk thistle oil. Produced from seeds by cold pressing or extraction. It is characterized by a high content of valuable polyunsaturated acids, fat-soluble vitamins and silymarin. It has a hepatoprotective, tonic, choleretic, laxative, wound healing, antiulcer, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Effective for healing wounds and burns, as a prophylactic against frostbite and chapping of the skin. As part of facial skin care products, milk thistle oil has a rejuvenating effect, improves skin condition, its elasticity and complexion.
  4. Alcohol and water extracts. They are used to enhance the formation and excretion of bile, relieve spasms of smooth muscles, treat functional liver pathologies and mild digestive disorders.
  5. The pharmaceutical industry produces many preparations from milk thistle for the liver: Bonjigar, Gepabene, Silibor, Karsil, Legalon, Zdravushka, Hepasil. You can buy any of these medicines at a pharmacy, and take it as prescribed by a doctor at a dosage recommended by the manufacturer. These drugs normalize the amount of bile produced, facilitate its flow through the bile ducts, protect liver cells from toxins and help restore them, and normalize liver function in various pathological conditions.
  6. Herbal tea based on fruits. It is used to prevent diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, as a general tonic, giving strength and increasing vitality. Herbal tea can also be prepared from the leaves of the plant, brewing them with boiling water and insisting for 10-20 minutes.
  7. Milk thistle syrup. It is used as one of the means of complex therapy in the treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach (gastritis), cardiovascular diseases.
  8. Root decoction. Taken as a gargle for toothache, and inside - to treat diarrhea and inflammation of the gastric mucosa, as well as a diuretic.

For a decoction of the roots, take 1 tablespoon of dried and crushed roots of the plant, place them in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes in a water bath. Then the broth must be filtered, poured with boiling water to a volume of 200 ml and drunk 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon 20 minutes before meals.

Milk thistle powder (meal), flour or seeds ground in a coffee grinder should be taken for the liver, one teaspoon three times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals, with plenty of warm water. Apply this remedy for a course of 40 days. If necessary, the course is repeated after 2-3 weeks.

For preventive purposes, ground seeds, flour or meal are consumed once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, one teaspoonful, washed down with plenty of water. Milk thistle powder can also be used for cosmetic purposes, adding to the composition of face masks, peeling or ubtan.

As a general tonic, to increase immunity and body resistance to colds and infectious diseases ethnoscience recommends drinking milk thistle tea.

To prepare it, one teaspoon of the product should be poured with a glass of boiling water in a glass or ceramic dish, cover and insist for 10-15 minutes, strain. Drink this tea should be 1/3 cup three times a day. The course of taking this prophylactic is 1 week.

To prepare a decoction, you need to take 30 grams of milk thistle seeds, grind them in a coffee grinder, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook in a water bath until the volume of liquid decreases by 2 times. Then the broth should be filtered and taken 1 tablespoon every hour during the day, from 8-00 to 20-00.

This tool is recommended for toxic liver damage, cirrhosis, hepatitis, during radiation and chemotherapy. The course of admission is 3 weeks, then you need to take a two-week break and repeat the course of treatment.

Contraindications and precautions

Those who hear about the medicinal properties of milk thistle for the first time will certainly be interested not only in its beneficial properties, but also in contraindications. Like any medicinal product used in traditional medicine, milk thistle must be used with caution. Although this drug has practically no contraindications, uncontrolled use will not give the expected results.

Before starting use, you should seek the advice of a doctor, and during treatment, you must follow the dosage indicated by the manufacturer. It is not recommended to take milk thistle during pregnancy and lactation, as well as give it to children without a pediatrician's prescription.

Should not be consumed medications from this plant with blockage of the bile ducts, the presence of stones in the gallbladder and with individual intolerance to the product.

In general, milk thistle is well tolerated by the body. However, in case of deterioration of health or the appearance of pain, you should stop using it.

If you decide to grow this herbaceous plant on your personal plot, rest assured that its cultivation will not require any effort or time from you. This herb will grow almost like a weed, decorating your yard with beautifully patterned rosettes of its large, spotted leaves.

Milk thistle is very unpretentious to weather, climatic conditions and soil composition. The only thing she doesn't like is heavy waterlogged soils. It is better to allocate a dry sunny area for planting. This large plant requires a lot of space, so do not plant seeds or seedlings too densely. The distance between rows should be at least 0.5 m, and between plants in a row - 0.4 m.

Milk thistle begins to bloom in July, and in August you can start collecting seeds. All parts of the plant have beneficial properties, but it is milk thistle seeds that contain miraculous silymarin. Boxes with fully ripened seeds are carefully cut and dried.

  • The roots and leaves of the plant are harvested in late autumn, after the end of the flowering period.

Today we will find out the beneficial and medicinal properties of milk thistle for healing the whole body, especially the liver, recipes based on it, their use in official and traditional medicine, contraindications for use, learn its benefits and possible harm, get acquainted with the photo of the plant, watch the video.

By the way, below you can see a photo of what this plant looks like:
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I have a favorite thorn - milk thistle, here is my story about it today. We will find out the medicinal properties of milk thistle, in what form it can be taken, how to use it correctly, and for what problems of the body it is an indispensable healer.

The milk thistle plant also has such names as gostropestry and Mary thistle, Virgin Mary thistle (Mariendistel), silver tartar.

Spotted milk thistle (holy or milk thistle) has long been revered by many peoples of the world as a super healthy remedy. Traditions say that it was the Virgin Mary who presented people with a healing milk that can cure various diseases (white spots on the leaves of milk thistle). When the stem or leaves are broken, a white liquid is released, which was previously used by those who did not have milk to feed the baby.

History documents say that 2000 years ago, the Greeks used a decoction of the seeds of this plant to treat various diseases. Modern recipes of traditional medicine convey the same information to us. Flour from milk thistle seeds and meal is especially popular. Meal is the seeds of milk thistle, pomace, which remained after the extraction of milk thistle oil.

It is hard to believe that such a nondescript plant can have such a great restorative effect, but I have seen it myself.

I will tell you how I got acquainted with the effective action of this medicinal plant. In a past life, before blogging, I was engaged in phytocomplexes, which I still take to this day. And there is such a phytocomplex, which I often mention in my articles - Lifesafe (from English. Liver in the safe - that is, liver protection).

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It was developed by scientists of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine under the guidance of Professor Lapshin and includes:

  • ground fruits of milk thistle
  • immortelle sandy
  • lemon balm
  • yarrow
  • corn silk

Each of the listed medicinal plants performs its own function, but the main one belongs to milk thistle - namely the seeds of this herb contribute to the restoration of diseased liver cells, acting as a phyto-hepato-protector.
Thanks to milk thistle, I repaired a lot of things in my body, which at that time began to lose ground - my health began to bother me (10 years ago).

What I got rid of thanks to milk thistle:

  1. my liver began to work normally - I stopped getting sick often, and if I happened to catch something, it passed quickly and without complications, since the liver is our inner healer
  2. the extensive light brown spots on the face in the region of the cheekbones, chin and forehead disappeared, which appeared as soon as the sun became more active in the spring - I was pockmarked and hid it in foundation
  3. the surface of the skin itself has improved significantly - it has become smooth and even, without a single pigment spot or pimple
  4. emotional outbursts and mood swings have significantly decreased, I have become much calmer and do not get turned on half a turn from any nonsense
  5. the work of the intestines improved and bloating disappeared, the rumbling and seething in the stomach and intestines disappeared
  6. bitterness in the mouth in the morning is gone forever and my tongue is now never whitish and coated, I also got rid of bad breath

The result that I got is enough to recommend this plant to everyone - suddenly you have similar troubles that ruin your life.

The use of milk thistle. In what form can it be applied

Milk thistle is an edible medicinal plant. In the pharmacy and distribution network, you can purchase various milk thistle derivatives:

  • oil pressed from seeds
  • milk thistle seed tincture
  • syrup
  • seeds and flowers, powdered
  • meal - the remains of seeds after squeezing the oil
  • fresh leaves and flowers - an additive to salads and raw materials for tea

At home, milk thistle is used to make teas and infusions, decoctions.

Milk thistle capsules produced by various manufacturers of herbal medicines ( food additives). I myself use milk thistle in encapsulated form.

The oil is used for burns, they treat eczema. Well softens dry skin, used as a remedy for wrinkles in cosmetology.

Meal and leaves, plant stems are an excellent sorbent for poisoning of any kind: chemical, food, alcohol. Restoring and regenerating function, choleretic - has no equal.

Chemical composition

To find out what medicinal properties milk thistle contains, you need to look at its composition and find out what, according to reference books on herbal medicine, is hidden in the depths of this green treasure.

Relatively recently, it was "deciphered" chemical composition substances that give the plant its natural color. As it turned out, these substances, called flavonoids, have not only a “coloring” effect, but also a therapeutic one. This is achieved due to the antioxidant properties of flavonoids.

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Not only the leaves, but also the tissues of milk thistle also contain flavonoids, including the so-called silymarins, which include silydianin, silybin, and silicristin. It is these compounds that give the plant its main medicinal properties.

The plant has a rich vitamin composition, contains rare substances necessary for a person, many microelements. Most often in medicinal purposes use plant seeds or their meal - as a food additive, it is also used in dietary nutrition.

Silymarin restores hepatocytes - the main building material of the liver. After removing part of the liver, it is able to regenerate its own tissue and the first assistant in this is silymarin, which contains milk thistle.

It strengthens the walls of the liver, making them less permeable to various harmful factors, and gradually the liver is regenerated. It is known that milk thistle seeds significantly accelerate this process. That is, after liver damage, the use of milk thistle preparations leads to a faster recovery.

Milk thistle has an antioxidant effect: silymarin protects the membranes of liver cells from the aggressive effects of free radicals than prevents cells from becoming cancerous.

Iron, zinc, B vitamins and a large number of trace elements have made milk thistle famous in folk and official medicine.

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The plant has a number of useful substances in its composition:

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Milk thistle has a large set of micro and macro elements:

Data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="microelements" width="232" height="363" srcset="" data-srcset="https://i2.wp..jpg?w=232&ssl=1 232w, https://i2.wp..jpg?resize=192%2C300&ssl=1 192w" sizes="(max-width: 232px) 100vw, 232px" data-recalc-dims="1">!} The presence of vitamins B, K, F, E, A, D, C helps to quickly restore vitality and body functions, using milk thistle in any form, especially in the form of meal and seed flour.

The leaves and stems of a young plant are similar in composition to vegetables - they contain a large amount of plant fibers, which helps to cleanse the intestines and remove toxins.

Milk thistle seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and can adequately replace that of fish.

Its most valuable components are: silymarin (flavonoids), silybin and silidonin (flavanolignans), mineral compounds and the presence of unsaturated fatty acids.

Silymarins and other flavonoids are not the only components of milk thistle tissue that are beneficial to humans. Here are just some of the most widely represented substances in the composition of this plant that can significantly enhance the therapeutic effect:

  • Tyramine and histamine are substances that stimulate natural biological processes.
  • Metals and other inorganic elements such as iodine, selenium, chromium, manganese, boron and the most "weighty" components, copper and zinc. All these substances are present in extremely small doses, from 0.09 micrograms per gram to 1.16 micrograms. At the same time, the content of such components as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and magnesium is already measured in milligrams per gram - from 0.08 mg to 16.6 mg.
  • A whole bunch of vitamins - firstly, group B, secondly, A, K, D, F and E.
  • The so-called factor T is an enzyme that promotes the resorption of blood clots.
  • Phospholipids, tocopherols and acylglycerols, we can talk about a whole complex of lipids.
  • Essential and fatty oils (the latter in high concentration, in some cases around 32%).

And this is only a small part of the composition of milk thistle tissues, useful elements a lot more.

Useful medicinal properties of milk thistle and contraindications

Consider milk thistle in terms of medicinal and beneficial properties for our body, why it should be introduced into your diet as a dietary supplement or in the form of salads from the leaves and stems of the plant.

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Milk thistle: medicinal properties for our health

To find out what medicinal properties milk thistle contains, we examined its composition described above. According to reference books on herbal medicine, the bowels of this green treasure contains more than four hundred useful elements.

A plant with a wide spectrum of action to improve human health. It has the following healing properties:

  • Antiviral
  • Antiallergic
  • Antioxidant
  • Immunomodulatory
  • Hepatoprotective and cytoprotective
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antitoxic
  • Anticancer (antifibrotic)
  • Laxative
  • Choleretic
  • Diuretic
  • Wound healing
  • Cholesterol-lowering
  • Antispasmodic

Based on this list, we can conclude that Maryina's thorn is excellent for inclusion in her complex therapy many types of diseases. Most often it is included in herbal mixtures against such ailments:

  1. diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocarditis, varicose veins)
  2. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (hepatitis, fatty hepatosis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, colitis, chronic constipation)
  3. pathologies of the spleen and pancreas (splenitis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus)
  4. skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, acne, allergic dermatitis)
  5. diseases of the lungs and bronchi (pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema)
  6. diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis, radiculitis, plexitis)
  7. disorders in the genitourinary system (prostatitis, urethritis, cystitis, nephritis)

Also, decoctions and infusions from various parts of milk thistle are used to reduce weight and normalize overall metabolism, to prevent or eliminate anemia, and to maintain healthy vision. But the main highlight of this plant lies in its unique and inimitable healing power from liver diseases, we will deal with this in more detail.
First, I offer a short video about the benefits of milk thistle:

Healing properties of spotted thistle for the liver. How Silymarin Works

The hepatoprotective or liver cell regenerating property of milk thistle is based on its unique substance called silymarin.

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Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is the only natural complete preparation produced by nature for high-quality and comprehensive restoration of hepatic tissues and functions.

It is possible that silymarin is also found in plants related to milk thistle, for example, in common tartar, but this fact has not yet been confirmed. Thus, it turns out that Maryina spine is the only comprehensively studied source of silymarin today.

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Liver tissues are approximately 60-80% composed of cells called hepatocytes. These cells take the hit from toxic substances that enter the body, as well as aggressive free radicals. Under these influences, first of all, the cell membrane suffers. Thus, to save the liver, you need to do the following:

  1. Block the entry into cells and tissues of the most dangerous poisons that harm the hepatocytes themselves.
  2. Stop further destruction of already damaged membranes and start the mechanisms of natural cell repair.
  3. Neutralize free radicals and minimize exposure to substances that destroy hepatocyte membranes.
  4. Remove painful inflammation of damaged tissues.

The silymarins found in milk thistle are effective in all four areas. Even such a strong toxin, which contains the pale grebe, is successfully blocked by silymarins. At the same time, RNA polymerase is produced, which, in turn, significantly intensifies the process. natural cell renewal.

Silymarins sharply weaken the processes of oxidation, which reliably protects cell membranes.

A wide range of healing effects of silymarin makes the use of milk thistle simply an indispensable tool for the treatment or prevention of many liver diseases.

Here is a list of these diseases:

  • acute and chronic bacterial hepatitis
  • fatty hepatosis
  • viral hepatitis C
  • cirrhosis of the liver of toxic or viral origin
  • acute poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, compounds heavy metals, halogenated hydrocarbons, drugs for chemotherapy
  • acute or chronic disorder of general or hepatic fat metabolism
  • acute and chronic cholecystitis, cholangitis and tendency to stone formation in the gallbladder and bile ducts

But in a barrel with healing honey, that is, silymarin, there was also an annoying fly in the ointment, this component is extremely difficult to dissolve. However, this unpleasant fact was circumvented by enclosing the medicinal potential of milk thistle in tablets and capsules.

Saturated and unsaturated fats. Useful and medicinal properties

Milk thistle contains approximately 32% oil, which is made up of a unique complex of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids.

When they enter the digestive system in humans, they provoke a choleretic effect, namely, a choleretic effect (the uniform synthesis of bile improves) and, in part, a cholekinetic effect (the outflow of bile improves). This primary action of milk thistle fats contributes to the disinfection of food, its better assimilation and the reduction of manifestations of intestinal dysbacteriosis.

When fatty acids enter the blood, they have anti-inflammatory, anticancer, hepatoprotective activity. They are also used as a source of energy. Since an integral part of milk thistle oil is vitamins A and E, the spectrum of action of milk thistle is significantly expanded. But only if you take the fruits of milk thistle correctly - at one time approximately 10 grams of fruit. Then the described effect from the use of milk thistle fruits is invariably achieved.

If you use a smaller amount of crushed fruits of the plant, then these actions may not appear. With gallbladder dyskinesia, chronic pancreatitis, the desired effect can also not be achieved from the fruits of the plant, since it is necessary to use certain features in the nutrition system for these diseases.

Milk thistle seed carbohydrates. Useful and medicinal properties

Despite the fact that there are a lot of carbohydrates in the fruits of the plant, according to this indicator, the fruits are not contraindicated even in diabetes mellitus, on the contrary, they are indicated. How can this be? Just the main polysaccharide is starch and its content is approximately 15%.

It is able to slowly turn into glucose in the digestive system and, getting into the blood, does not create problems for either the liver (even with fatty hepatosis) or the pancreas (even with manifestations of type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus).

The rest of the polysaccharides that are in the fruits of thistles (mucus, pectins, fiber) are not able to break down into simple carbohydrates and be absorbed into the bloodstream, causing stress on the pancreas or liver. Moving through the intestines, mucus, pectins, fiber enhance intestinal peristalsis, and together with fats that provide a choleretic effect, contribute to the elimination of frequent constipation.

There is not a rough cleansing of the intestines, as some laxatives do, but cleansing of the intestines in the full sense - due to swelling of the mucus. Mucus is able to swell indefinitely in the aquatic environment. If there is enough water in the diet, then the mucus swells in the intestines and collects not just water, but water with toxic substances dissolved in it. A similar action is performed by pectins, fiber.

On insoluble carbohydrates, saprophytic (beneficial) intestinal microflora develops more actively, which produces additional portions of vitamins. Competitively suppressing pathogenic microflora, it helps to improve the intestinal microflora.

And if we remember that the choleretic function of vegetable oils helps our liver make room in the gallbladder for new portions of bile (and this is the dirt that the liver found in the blood), then there is a global purification of the blood and purification of our body as a whole. As you can see, the effect of the correct use of polysaccharides - in the presence of a sufficient amount of water - is quite serious and important for health.

Proteins in fruits - useful and medicinal properties

An important component in thistles for health is proteins. They contain about 6%, and according to this indicator, the plant lags behind cereals and cereals by about two times. True, due to the high fat content, the fruits have a high calorie content - about 370 kilocalories.

The presence of protein in milk thistle makes it beneficial for people who have switched to a vegetarian diet. Adding crushed flour from milk thistle seeds will help to partially compensate for the protein deficiency in their body.

We figured out the beneficial properties of Maryina's thorn, now let's look at contraindications and side effects, because they also have a place to be, and they need to be known and remembered.

The main contraindications to the use of milk thistle

Although most users of medicines based on milk thistle claim that there are no contraindications to the use of the plant, they still exist.

Here are some contraindications to taking thistle spotted:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the herb
  • the presence of serious mental illness (epilepsy, depressive-manic state, protracted neurosis)
  • exacerbation of gallstone disease, when the risk of stone movement is high, or stones are large
  • heart disease, where the leading role is played by the level of calcium and phosphorus (more often it concerns the work of heart valves)
  • bowel diseases accompanied by diarrhea, and in general a tendency to loose and frequent stools

According to some reviews, when taking oil or meal, pain in the liver, bloating, mild nausea may occur. But in most cases, all these phenomena disappear within a couple of days after the start of the reception.

With great care, pregnant women and nursing mothers should be treated with preparations from Maryina thorn, since this spotted herb can cause the expulsion of the fetus or cause severe diarrhea in the baby.

Contraindications to the use of milk thistle for the liver are mainly related to the use of alcohol tincture. It is worth supplementing this list only by indicating that milk thistle for the liver is unsuitable for nursing mothers, pregnant women and "cores".

The use of any parts of milk thistle is also undesirable for children under 12 years of age, this contraindication is associated with the instability of the young organism and the danger that the useful actions of the plant will turn into troubles in the form of diarrhea, heartburn and upset digestion.

In pharmacies, you can buy tablets and capsules made from milk thistle, which are more familiar to many patients. Medicines "Legalon", "Gepabene", or "Phosfonciale" are represented by capsules protected by a layer of gelatin, inside of which there is a powder.

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Tablets look no different from any other drugs. It can be Sibektan, Legalen, the more familiar Karsil and Karsil Forte, as well as Salimar. All tablets are sold with precise instructions for their use.

In addition, meal is also sold - in fact, already prepared powder from milk thistle seeds.

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Experts believe that in this form, the plant will not bring benefits, since silymarin is easily destroyed by exposure to light, oxidation in air, and also when heated. So prepare decoctions and brew " healing tea»absolutely pointless(this is the opinion of pharmacists).

The listed medicines (drugs) can be easily found in any pharmacy, the price of tablets with the medicinal properties of Maryina thorn varies from 250 to 900 rubles per box, designed for a monthly course. The drugs are grouped under common name plant hepatoprotectors.

All medicines of the group of herbal hepatoprotectors work quite well. in an interesting way. When they enter the stomach, they are absorbed into the bloodstream and then enter the liver through the bloodstream.

There they are taken by hepatocytes in about half of their total volume, and the rest of the drug goes into the bile. From the gallbladder, the rest of the drug is released into the duodenum, enters the small intestine, where it is once again absorbed into the bloodstream and goes to the liver, where it is absorbed.

It turns out that one herbal tablet brings benefits 2 times more than synthetically created. By the way, herbal tablets are popular only in Russia and the CIS countries, and in Western Europe and the United States practically do not use them due to insufficient research into the composition of raw materials.

Of course, the doctor should prescribe the dose and duration of taking pharmaceutical preparations, based on the individual condition of the patient and the indicators of the tests taken from him.

Inflammatory processes are stopped due to the fact that the body produces prostaglandins under the influence of fatty acids contained in milk thistle.

Self-preparation of medicinal preparations at home

Milk thistle for the liver is used in various types, and the most simple options allow self-preparation of medicines. Actually, there are basically two options:

  • tincture
  • powder.

In both cases, crushed milk thistle seeds are used. The only difference is that to make a tincture, the powder is poured with vodka (ideally alcohol) and infused for a week. Vodka should be five times more than powder.

The convenience of a tincture compared to a powder is that the tincture can be stored and consumed gradually, but the prepared powder must be taken immediately and made in single doses each time.

The action of the tincture is more pronounced, so it is best to take it only with the consent of the doctor. Tincture is contraindicated for those who should not drink alcohol. So with alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, this method is unacceptable. The use of tincture is also excluded in the presence of acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis and liver failure.

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Dosage for milk thistle tincture is- from one to 20 drops (it is better to find out the exact dosage from the doctor, after all), and for powder- one tablespoon a day. Take the powder before meals.

Overdose can cause pain in the right side. It can be caused by blockage of the bile duct by stones. Also, an overdose can cause the movement of previously static gallstones. Therefore, remember the recommended dose of milk thistle tincture or powder above.
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Milk thistle for the liver: how to take

The liver will not fail if you eat foods that enhance the secretion of bile. Milk thistle will help out - an excellent choleretic agent. It will cleanse and restore liver cells.

This is a powerful weed that is cultivated in many countries of the world. It is used not only in traditional medicine - the plant provides the necessary raw materials for the medical industry. Included in the composition of choleretic agents, nutritional supplements, known throughout the world.

It is known that the liver is an important, multifunctional organ. It's like a small laboratory where enzymes are constantly created that are important for the functioning of the whole organism.

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  • find and remove toxic substances from the body, purify the blood
  • break down fats, ensuring the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
  • control, maintain the energy balance of the body
  • The liver is a kind of storage for all the substances necessary to nourish the different cells of the body.

At the first signal about the lack of any element, the liver immediately replenishes it - but only if it is not weakened and can quickly respond.

Any malfunction in the liver can be identified by such unpleasant symptoms:

  • flatulence, constipation or diarrhea
  • constant weakness, drowsiness
  • irritability, emotional jumps for no apparent reason
  • cardiopalmus
  • decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • blurred vision

Digestion is a complex activity. Poorly digested foods cause metabolic disorders. Without the participation of the liver, digestion is impossible.. During the day, a healthy organ produces about a liter of bile.

What is bile for?

For the daily production of a bitter yellow liquid - bile, minerals, proteins, and water are consumed. Bile is stored in the gallbladder.
During digestion, food moves from the stomach to the duodenum to continue the process. At this point, the bubble is released required amount bile - provided that at least a small amount of fat.

This liquid helps to process food, to absorb all the useful substances from it. Bile removes toxic compounds formed in the body or received from external environment.
Bile stimulates the intestines, destroys putrefactive processes in it. In case of violation of the outflow of bile, digestion worsens, the work of the whole organism is disturbed:

  1. food is poorly processed, digested, metabolic processes are disturbed
  2. increased production of gases
  3. constipation appears
  4. lack of bile impairs the functioning of the pancreas, which can cause its disease.
  5. papillomas, spots appear on the skin
  6. accumulated toxins, excess salts are not excreted in the urine, feces. This leads to disease in the joints.
  7. increased pain in the temporal part of the head

Stagnation of bile in the gallbladder causes stress, fear, irritability, sedentary lifestyle, infections, fatty foods.
Due to the fact that the bile has become thick, there is no outflow of it, sand appears in the bladder, stones begin to form. There is pain in the right side.

Cleansing and restoration of the liver

Milk thistle preparations improve liver function. The secretion of bile increases, the ducts are cleared, sand comes out of the gallbladder.

The chemical composition of milk thistle includes a rare compound that easily decomposes toxins, preventing them from entering the liver - silymarin. This substance helps the liver to form new cells instead of those destroyed by disease or alcohol.

Oil, milk thistle tincture cleanse the liver, blood, removing toxins and excess sugar from it. The intestines are also cleansed, constipation disappears. The pain in the joints goes away. Improves the work of the pancreas, kidneys.

To protect the body from intoxication with poisons in hazardous industries, it is recommended to use preparations from milk thistle for preventive purposes. The use of these drugs gives good results in the treatment of hepatitis.

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Crushed milk thistle flowers and seeds can be used in a dish, not requiring heat treatment. Add to salads, sandwiches.
Or, a few minutes before a meal, eat a teaspoon of the product with water. This will enhance the choleretic effect. After a month of taking drugs, take a break.

Self-administration of choleretic agents is recommended if the gallbladder is clean, without stones. In the presence of stones, it is necessary to consult a doctor and observe him while taking the behavior of the stones.

How to Take Milk Thistle Seeds for Liver Disease

The seeds of the milk thistle plant have the greatest healing power of the whole plant, their beneficial effect on the liver and other organs was used many centuries before the birth of Christ. It is from the seeds that tablets and extracts are made, lying on the pharmacy shelves. It was this part of the milk thistle that was carefully and repeatedly subjected to various experiments and studies.

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In the process of processing from seeds, three main products are obtained that are used in cooking, folk and official medicine - these are:

  1. oil

seed oil Virgin herbs can be added to baked goods, dressed with salads and drunk to treat or prevent diseases of the liver and pancreas. For preventive purposes, use 1 teaspoon of oil - on an empty stomach 15-30 minutes before breakfast, doing this daily until the entire vial is over, repeating such courses every six months. With a therapeutic purpose, between the described courses, they take a break of 1 month and drink the oil again until the next vial runs out. So alternate reception and breaks until the disease disappears or freezes.

Flour is obtained from the unpressed mature seeds of the plant.. They are most often used for baking bread and adding to dishes and some confectionery products intended for people with diabetes and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

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Flour, as well as butter, is useful to take 1 teaspoon 15-30 minutes before meals, the allowed amount is up to three times a day. The course, depending on the state of health of the liver and other organs, can be from 10 to 30 days, it is advisable to consult with your doctor about the period of admission.

And a special place in this trinity occupies meal - floury powder from pressed milk thistle seeds. It is believed that it contains a concentration of the healing properties of Mary's thorn. From myself I will say that this statement is by no means an exaggeration, I was convinced of this on personal experience and on the example of one of her friends, who suffers from sharp jumps in blood sugar and a state of prediabetes.

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At one time I took meal courses, completely cleansed the liver and for many years I have not been going to the clinic, I do not get colds, I do not get fat and I look great for my age. And my friend, having experienced a clinical death a year ago, on one of the tests she found out that her blood sugar was 2 times higher than normal. I recommended that she take milk thistle meal, and a week later, she boasted to me that sugar had dropped from 13.7 to 8.5 units.

I believe that every person, especially city dwellers, both sick and healthy, should include oil, flour or meal of Maryina thorn in their diet. Agree, it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it, especially since the price of oil, flour and milk thistle meal is only 80-120 rubles per box or bottle for a monthly course, and their healing properties are truly priceless.

How to be treated with milk thistle herb: decoction, juice, tincture

Milk thistle grass, like its seeds, is widely used to treat diseases of the liver and other digestive organs. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from it, both for drinking and for external use in the form of lotions, compresses and baths for skin diseases.

Juice is also prepared from milk thistle leaves, according to healing actions not inferior to the above-ground part of the plant. And now - a few recipes.

Herbal decoction for oral administration

Take 1 tablespoon of chopped milk thistle herb and pour it with a glass of boiling water. Then heat for 15 minutes in a water bath, then remove the broth from the heat and let stand for another 45 minutes, wrapping the container in a towel. When the broth is infused, strain it and take a third of a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals, the course lasts 30 days.

This decoction helps not only to treat the liver, but also to improve metabolism, normalize stools and cleanse the skin of acne. It can also be poured into ice molds and, after freezing it into cubes, wipe the skin of the face with them after morning and evening washing to eliminate acne and oily sheen.

To get juice, the leaves are passed through a meat grinder, and then they are placed in gauze, rolled up in 3-4 layers, and the liquid is carefully twisted into an enamel bowl. Another, easier way is to run the leaves through an ordinary household juicer. Maryina thorn juice is used for many diseases of the liver, skin, constipation, hypovitaminosis, digestive and metabolic disorders.

Jpg" alt="Juice treatment recipe" width="300" height="218" data-recalc-dims="1">!} The classic version of the use is drinking fresh juice, 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. If pure juice is difficult to drink, it is mixed with 50 ml of water, the course of treatment is 15-30 days.

Juice can be preserved by making a tincture out of it. To do this, 100 ml of 70% alcohol or good vodka are taken per 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice, mixed thoroughly and allowed to stand for 3-7 days. The resulting tincture is taken 1 teaspoon per 50 ml of water on an empty stomach - 30 minutes before breakfast, the course is 30 days. Use tincture to treat the skin with wounds, sores, pustules and other inflammatory processes.

Considerable healing power is possessed by spotted thistles and flowers. For the treatment of ailments of the liver, gallbladder, intestines and skin, decoctions and infusions are prepared from them. To obtain infusion 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flower baskets is poured with a glass of boiling water, wrapped and left overnight.

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Prepare a decoction: take raw materials and water in the same proportions as for the infusion, and boil over low heat or in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. The finished medicine is filtered and taken in thirds - quarters of a glass 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

By the way, hardworking little bees collect amazingly tasty honey, the medicinal properties of which are used in medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. It should be eaten 1-2 tablespoons a day, preferably in the morning, 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch.

This honey can also be added to tea or milk, just make sure that the temperature of the liquids does not exceed 40 degrees. In too hot drinks, honey quickly breaks down and loses its healing abilities and can even decompose into harmful and dangerous carcinogens.

If you are worried about acne, acne and oily sheen of the skin of the face, then thistle honey can make an excellent mask. Without further ado, apply the product in a thin layer on the face, hold the mask for 10-15 minutes, and then wash your face with warm running water without soap. Do this procedure 2 times a week, and in a month you will forget about the mentioned skin troubles.

Attention, milk thistle honey, like any other honey, is an allergenic product. If you have an individual intolerance to bee products, then you will have to refuse treatment with thistle honey, and look at the photo for how it looks.

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Milk thistle root - how to use

The root of the plant does not lag behind in healing properties from the rest of the Maryina thorn. Infusions, decoctions and tinctures are also prepared from it for the treatment of the diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract mentioned more than once. Here is how to properly prepare the medicine from the specified part of the plant:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed roots, place them in a refractory enameled container and pour one glass of boiling water.
  2. Then, for 30 minutes, heat the infusion in a water bath, and then, after wrapping it, insist the medicine for about an hour.
  3. When this time is up, strain the infusion through a four-layer gauze and bring it to its original volume.

Take an infusion of the root for 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, the course is from 15 to 30 days. By the way, when preparing medicines, you can mix any parts of milk thistle with each other, for example, seeds and roots, or grass and flowers, so the effect will be even brighter. Now let's see when which parts of the plant need to be harvested.

Milk thistle for other internal organs

Milk thistle is used primarily for therapy and repair of liver cells. The liver, as you know, suffers greatly from poisoning itself. different kind as well as hepatitis. It is these diseases that are “profile” for milk thistle. However, silymarins help to restore cells and other internal organs:

  • kidneys, which allows the use of milk thistle in nephrolithiasis;
  • pancreas, which indicates the possibility of treating cholecystitis;
  • ureters and biliary tract, which indicates the use of milk thistle against diseases such as uraturia and dyskinesia (for the biliary tract).

Since some drugs have unpleasant side effects in the form of effects on the tissues of the kidneys and liver, milk thistle should be used in these cases as a rehabilitative agent in parallel with drug treatment.

When to collect seeds. Instructions for collecting different parts of the plant

Just want to warn you if you don't know appearance plants, live in a polluted area and do not have the opportunity to leave for an ecologically clean area, then it is better to buy raw materials in pharmacies. Fortunately, the prices for dried grass, meal and milk thistle oil are budgetary, and even grandmothers with a small pension can afford such drugs.

But if you know the plant well and still decide to start collecting it yourself, here is a small instruction for collecting different parts of milk thistle.

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Adhering to it, the medicinal properties of the plant will come to you in the most complete composition:

  1. The aerial part, that is, the grass, is harvested when the plant is in bloom;
  2. The flowers are harvested when they are fully opened;
  3. The leaves are torn just before the start of flowering, when the buds are already swollen to the maximum, but have not yet opened;
  4. Seeds are removed after they are fully ripe, around the end of August - beginning of September;
  5. The roots are dug up in the fall after October 15, or in the spring after April 15.

Now you know at what period of the plant's growing season it is better to collect different parts of milk thistle in order to preserve their greatest usefulness.

It remains to find out how practicing doctors and ordinary people speak about Maryina Thorn.

Seeds of the milk thistle plant are rich in flavonoids, micro and macro elements, fiber, which allows them to be used as a healing, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating agent. Milk thistle is able to strengthen cells and restore liver function.

Milk thistle will help strengthen the liver, immunity and digestive tract


milk thistle is a medicinal plant that looks like a thorn from a number of weeds. In the people, the medicinal herb is also called milk thistle. It grows in Ukraine, in the European part of Russia, in the west of Siberia and in the Caucasus.

The plant reaches 2 meters in height. From below, the stem is densely surrounded by fleshy oval-shaped leaves brightly Green colour with white spots in the middle. The top of the thistle is decorated with small baskets from which purple flowers can be seen. The inflorescences, leaves and stem of the thistle are protected by large sharp spines.

The most valuable part of the plant are grains, which at the time of full ripening have a dark brown color. Fruit picking begins in mid-August. After that, leaves and roots of useful grass are harvested.

What milk thistle looks like is shown in the photo.

Milk thistle flower is used in various fields of medicine.

The most valuable part of a flower is the grain

Milk thistle flower is rich in fiber

The chemical composition of the plant

Milk thistle contains most of the nutrients in the seeds. Almost 30% is therapeutic vegetable oil, the rest includes:

  • proteins;
  • lignans, flavonoids, alkaloids;
  • disaccharides, monosaccharides;
  • resins, enzymes, saponins;
  • micro and macro elements - magnesium, calcium, boron, iron, manganese, vanadium, zinc, potassium, chromium, copper;
  • vitamins E, K, D, group B;
  • flavolignans - silymarin and silybin.

The unique composition of milk thistle fruits allows using the remedy as an effective hepatoprotector - it protects the membranes of liver cells from alcohol intoxication, the effects of free radicals, toxic substances and poisons.

Useful properties of milk thistle

Milk thistle seeds are very useful for the human body.

Healing properties of the plant:

  • improvement of digestion and metabolic processes;
  • cleansing of vessels from sclerotic plaques and preventing their appearance in the future;
  • improvement of blood circulation and elimination of stagnant processes in the vessels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • reduction of inflammation in tonsillitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease, stomatitis;
  • acts as a mild diuretic, normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

Thanks to special compounds - flavolignans - the medicinal properties of the fruits of the plant are replenished with hepatoprotective, antioxidant and choleretic effects. Liver cells are strengthened, the growth of new hepatocytes is stimulated, the supply of tissues with useful components is improved, fatty degeneration of the organ is prevented.

Benefits for Women

The medicinal properties of milk thistle for women are:

  • increase in lactation during feeding;
  • improvement in well-being during menopause - hot flashes, headaches, nervousness and irritability decrease;
  • stimulation of the normal process of blood circulation and strengthening of the venous walls with varicose veins;
  • reducing inflammation and fighting infections and bacteria in diseases of the genitourinary system - cystitis, colpitis, vaginitis, cervical erosion;
  • increased pressure with hypotension;
  • getting rid of bad cholesterol;
  • restoration of skin cell regeneration processes in eczema, vitiligo.

Milk thistle is applicable for rapid skin regeneration after eczema

Regular intake of decoctions or infusions from milk thistle seeds has a positive effect on sleep, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relieves fatigue and drowsiness.

Medicinal properties for children

Milk thistle is recommended to be given to children for coughs that are caused by bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, or are the result of frequent colds. The fruits of the plant fight inflammation and strengthen the immune system by creating a barrier against viruses and bacteria.

The positive effect of the seed medicinal herb on the digestive tract of a small organism, helps to get rid of constipation, removes toxins and toxins, improves appetite.

For men

Replenishing the male body with the missing substances, milk thistle products increase potency, help eliminate the manifestations of gout, and stop premature baldness.

Milk thistle is widely used for liver problems and for the prevention of diseases associated with it.

The beneficial effect of milk thistle on the human body is achieved by cleansing the liver, gallbladder, kidneys, blood vessels from toxins and toxins, as well as maintaining their normal functioning.

How to prepare a remedy from milk thistle?

In folk medicine, meal is most often used, which is produced in the form of a powder, and flour from seeds. Flour and meal are different concepts. The first product is easy to prepare at home using a blender or coffee grinder, and the second is obtained under production conditions from oil cake after pressing the seeds to obtain oil - it can be purchased in specialized stores and pharmacies.

Decoctions, tinctures, infusions and teas are made from milk thistle. Raw materials from seeds are used exclusively, in rare cases, the root and leaves.

milk thistle recipe

In 1 cup boiling water, brew 1 tsp. flour from seeds or meal, cover and leave for 15 minutes. Before drinking, be sure to strain the drink and add the required amount of boiled water to replenish the required volume.

A decoction of crushed fruits

The most commonly consumed decoction of milk thistle seeds

Flour from seeds in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. mix with 0.5 l of boiling water and cook in a water bath until half of the broth boils away. Separate the cooled medicine from the thick sediment with gauze.

A decoction of meal

In 200 ml of boiling water, brew 1 tbsp. l. powder, place everything in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes. 10 minutes after removing from heat, filter the broth and combine with boiled water in the amount missing to the initial 0.2 liters.

Meal tea

To prevent gallbladder disease, drink ordinary milk thistle tea.

Pour 1 tsp into a mug of boiling water. powdered mass and leave for 20 minutes, strain.

Vodka tincture recipe

Meal or flour from seeds pour vodka - 50 g of raw materials per 500 ml of alcohol liquid. In a dark place, the agent should be insisted for at least 14 days. Store the strained tincture in the refrigerator.

Milk broth from meal for children

In a glass of hot milk, brew 1 tsp. powder and insist in a closed container for 30 minutes, then strain.

Milk thistle seed oil

On low heat, boil for 20 minutes a homogeneous mass of 6 tbsp. l. crushed seeds and 500 ml olive oil. Strain the product half an hour after removing from heat. Store the product at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

For the preparation of medicines from milk thistle, ripe seeds are suitable, which are pre-ground into flour using a blender or coffee grinder, as well as ready-made supplements purchased at a pharmacy. In pharmacies, preparations based on milk thistle are sold in the form of:

  • powder (meal);
  • seed flour;
  • dragees, tablets, capsules;
  • oil extract from fruits.

Milk thistle can be made into butter

Before using milk thistle medicine, be sure to read the instructions for use and follow the daily doses, as well as methods of application. This will help to avoid side effects and get the maximum effect from the folk medicine.

How to use milk thistle?

In order for folk recipes to help cope with a particular disease, you need to know from what and how to properly take the crushed fruits of milk thistle.

Table "Indications for the use of milk thistle and doses"

To normalize the work of the stomach, remove toxins in case of alcohol poisoning, to cleanse the blood of harmful substancesDrink 125 ml of milk thistle infusion half an hour before meals three times a day. Therapy is 2-4 weeks
To cleanse the kidneys, improve the functioning of the gallbladder, eliminate inflammation in the genitourinary system and bile ducts, with gout, sciatica, arthritis, eczema and vitiligo, hemorrhoids, hepatitis, colitisA decoction of meal to use 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before each meal. Course of treatment - 3 weeks
To improve liver function, restore hepatocytes, strengthen the protective shell of the organ, to cleanse the gallbladder, to increase the body's defenses and inhibit pathogenic cells in oncologyA decoction of the crushed fruits of the plant drink 1 tbsp. l. every 60 minutes. The course of taking the medicine depends on the improvement of the patient's well-being, but should not exceed 40 days
With diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis, hepatitis, exacerbation of psoriasis, for weight loss, purification of toxic and harmful substances, for eczema and allergiesUse 1 tsp. oil or plant extract 3 times a day. Reception is best done 20-30 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts at least 3 weeks.
To cleanse the kidneys, urinary and gallbladder, liver, strengthen the body as a wholeDrink vodka tincture 20-25 drops before each meal. The duration of treatment is 20-40 days.
To normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen immunityEvery day for a month, drink 1 glass of warm milk thistle tea. The number of doses per day is 3, half an hour before meals. To improve the taste, add 1 tsp to the drink. jam or honey
To restore liver function in children and normalize metabolic processes, from constipation, cough, coldsGive the child ¼ cup milk thistle broth 3 times a day. Treatment continues until the condition improves.

Milk thistle infusion is prepared from fresh and dry herbs.

When using milk thistle in treatment, it is important to observe the dose, frequency and duration of use of the drug. Violation of the instructions for use can lead to adverse reactions and be harmful to health.

Side effects of the medicinal plant

Uncontrolled intake of milk thistle seeds is very dangerous for the body - it leads to malfunctions in the internal organs, which manifests itself in:

  • intestinal disorder;
  • spasms or aching pains in the stomach;
  • skin rash;
  • asthmatic manifestations - shortness of breath, cough.

Intestinal upset is one of the side effects, in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is better to consult a doctor

If side effects occur after drinking milk thistle, treatment folk remedy better stop.


Long-term use of milk thistle or exceeding the permissible dose often provokes an overdose, which manifests itself in:

  • aching pain in the right hypochondrium and stomach;
  • nausea, bloating, diarrhea.

Be prepared for diarrhea if you overdose

With such signs, you need to stop taking milk thistle, use enterosorbents, rinse the intestines. In the future, you should not use the fruits of the plant for medicinal purposes without prior agreement with a specialist.

Alcohol compatibility

Drinking alcohol while treating milk thistle is acceptable. The plant reduces the load on the liver and reduces the harmful effects of alcohol.

Milk thistle will reduce the harm from the effects of alcohol on the body

Compatibility medicinal herb with alcohol does not mean that you can drink alcohol in uncontrolled doses. To achieve the greatest therapeutic effect at the time of treatment with milk thistle, completely exclude alcohol from the diet.


Crushed fruits and preparations based on milk thistle should not be taken by people suffering from:

  • the presence of stones in the gallbladder - with urolithiasis, there is a risk of provoking a blockage of the bile ducts;
  • allergy to the components of the product;
  • epilepsy;
  • severe depression;
  • ulcerative processes in the digestive system.

The presence of gallstones is a contraindication

Milk thistle (tatarnik) is a plant of the thistle family. Its thorny stems up to 2 m high and no less thorny flowers are found everywhere in wastelands, in yards, in fields, on roadsides, along the edge in forest belts in the steppe regions. This plant brings people invaluable benefits, prolongs longevity and improves the quality of life.

The history of milk thistle treatment goes back thousands of years. She was used in Ancient Rome(treated gallbladder, liver and melancholy), in ancient Greece (used for poisoning and bites of snakes, spiders, poisonous insects). Among the famous references to the medicinal properties of milk thistle are the treatises of the ancient Greek doctors Pliny the Elder and Dioscorides.

During the fight against witches and healers, much knowledge about how to use the plant was lost. However, even the surviving fragmentary information prompted the healers of the Middle Ages to use seeds in medical practice. So in Medieval Europe milk thistle seeds become the main effective cure for hepatitis.

Modern medicine uses milk thistle to treat gallbladder and diseased liver. For medicinal purposes, seeds and sometimes roots, leaves of the plant are used. The components of the seeds and roots strengthen the old cells of the biliary tract, regenerate new ones, treat hepatitis and poisoning, improve the outflow of digestive bile and enhance the filtering function of cells. How simple weed treats such an important organ of the human body?

The content of medicinal components in milk thistle

The medicinal properties of milk thistle are determined by its biochemical composition. The first official studies of the components of the seeds of the plant were carried out in 1968 in Munich at the Institute of Pharmacy. They made a real boom in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry. It turned out that the seeds of the plant contain more than 200 different components - trace elements, vitamins, acids.

But most importantly, they contain a rare and extremely useful substance for liver cells - silymarin. This natural component restores damaged liver cells and provides the main beneficial properties of milk thistle.

Silymarin is a collective term. In fact, this is not one component, but a group of substances called flavonolignans (silybin, silibinin, silicristin, silidiadin).

The silymarin group provides the following action:

  • Antioxidant(silybin produces an enzyme to counteract free radical damage).
  • Protective(counteract the toxic effects of poisons, alcohol, antibiotics). Silymarin is a well-known antidote for pale grebe mushrooms.
  • Anti-inflammatory(removes toxins and thereby relieves inflammation).
  • Antiallergic(cleanses liver cells and thereby reduces the severity of allergic reactions).
  • restorative(strengthens the membranes of old cells and forms new ones).

The maximum content of silymarin is in the fruits of the plant (up to 3%). In addition, it is found in stems, leaves and roots (in a smaller amount).

In addition to silymarin, the seeds of different parts of the plant contain:

  • Micro and macro elements.
  • Vitamins: A, B, D, E, K.
  • Fatty acid.

Efficiency and benefits for humans

The benefits of milk thistle are most effective in the following diseases:

  • Liver diseases - hepatitis of any origin, dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, cirrhosis.
  • Diseases of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract - most of the diseases of the stomach and intestines are due to a diseased or contaminated liver. Restoration of the normal functioning of the gland, regeneration of new liver cells to replace the old ones improves the functioning of other digestive organs. Therefore, milk thistle is indicated for gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, as well as for hemorrhoids and ulcers.
  • Allergy (the strength of the manifestation of an allergic reaction depends on the contamination of the liver cells).
  • Skin diseases - also often determined by the functioning of the liver. If the main gland of the body cannot cope with the elimination of toxins, then the skin is involved in the process, through which ballast substances are excreted (this is how acne, pimples, rashes are formed). Food poisoning.
  • Alcohol and drug poisoning.
  • Industrial and industrial poisoning.
  • Medicinal poisoning.
  • Poisoning by poisons of animal and vegetable origin: bites of snakes, spiders, arthropods, poisoning by mushrooms and poisonous plants.

Why are milk thistle seeds so effective for any poisoning?

Poisoning and effects on the liver

The liver is the main gland of the human body. It performs three life-defining functions:

  • metabolism;
  • digestion;
  • detoxification.

Liver cells are permeated with blood vessels. In 1 minute, they filter 1.5 liters of blood and purify it of toxins. Thus, the liver protects other organs of the human body from pollution and poisoning.

With complete death of the liver, the body dies after a few days.

With partial cell death, toxins enter the blood vessels and other internal organs. This is how diseases of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis), digestive organs, bone tissue(arthritis and arthritis are a direct consequence of a malfunctioning liver).

Chronic poisoning or who should take milk thistle

Technological progress gave people not only metal and electricity. We pay for the comfort and convenience of life chronic poisoning. Residents of cities receive daily doses of industrial and automobile emissions. The rural population suffers from a large amount of herbicides.

The tradition of cultural drinking provides periodic poisoning of most of the population with ethanol. Plus, traditional antibiotic treatment, components of childhood vaccinations are also factors of poisoning the human body.

Therefore, milk thistle is necessary for almost every representative of a civilized society:

  • People who work in hazardous industries live in industrial centers.
  • Agricultural workers.
  • Alcoholics and people after feasts and holidays.
  • Those who have problems with excess weight, metabolism or just want to lose weight. Milk thistle for weight loss is an excellent remedy of natural origin.

Liver cells have an amazing property - they are able to recover.

When 70% of the gland tissues are removed, the liver restores its size in 3-4 weeks. The rate of recovery of liver cells depends on the availability of the necessary components (" building material"). Milk thistle for the liver is that unique remedy that supplies the liver cells with all the components necessary for regeneration.

Application in the form of drugs

The widespread distribution of the plant as a weed makes it possible to obtain inexpensive raw materials for the production of medicinal preparations.

Do you want something interesting?

What types of medicinal substances are produced on the basis of milk thistle?

  • Powder (meal).
  • Oil (bottled and in capsules).
  • Extract.

How the powder or meal is applied

Milk thistle powder is obtained by grinding the mature seeds of the plant after they have dried. You can get a powder medicine at home (grind the seeds in a coffee grinder). Or buy ready-made powder in a pharmacy. Other names for the powder are meal, flour.

In addition to treating the liver and gastrointestinal organs, milk thistle meal effectively reduces weight, sugar and reduces the manifestations of varicose veins.

The use of milk thistle meal is shown both by official and alternative medicine. How to take milk thistle powder for the liver? The dose of meal (powder) for an adult is 1 teaspoon three times a day (before meals). For a child under 12 years old - from 1/3 to ½ of a teaspoon (depending on age).

The meal does not have a bitter aftertaste, therefore, when treating children, it can be given separately before meals and then washed down with water. However, if the child is small (2-3 years old), milk thistle powder can be mixed with a drink or added to porridge (to prevent powder particles from entering the respiratory tract).

Medicinal and cosmetic properties of oil

Milk thistle oil is obtained from the mature seeds of the plant and is used as a wound healing and anti-burn agent. Cold-pressed product has the highest biological value. It is obtained without heating the seeds and their oxidation. Therefore, such a tool contains a full range of substances.

Milk thistle oil (in capsules or bottled packaging) contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, water-soluble B vitamins, fatty acids (omega 6 and omega 9), silymarin, chlorophyll (thanks to which the oil has a greenish tint), trace elements (zinc , selenium, magnesium and manganese). The contained components determine the medicinal and cosmetic effect of the oil. What are the benefits and harms of milk thistle oil for various diseases?

The benefits of a natural preparation are manifested in various systems vital activity. The use of milk thistle oil in gynecology is necessary in the treatment of erosions, vaginitis (the oil is used internally and externally - in the form of tampons). In addition, the oil inside is indicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers (for the healing of erosive formations).

With sclerosis, the components of the oil clean the vessels and make them more elastic. In dermatology, oil facilitates the elimination of toxins through the skin, resulting in reduced manifestations of psoriasis and acne. In cosmetology medicinal oil nourish skin tissues, maintain their elasticity, prevent aging, sprains, spider veins, cellulite.

How to take milk thistle oil? The oil medication is prescribed three times a day, 1 teaspoon (5 ml or 5 g) half an hour before meals. The use of the drug before meals ensures its complete absorption and maximum medicinal effect. The course of treatment is from 3 to 4 weeks with a break of 1-2 weeks and a second course.

For preventive purposes, oil can be added to salads, soups, cereals and other foods (added to a cooked dish so as not to expose the components of the oil to thermal heating).

The harm of the oil is manifested only in rare cases due to individual intolerance to silymarin.

Milk thistle in capsules is a dietary supplement (BAA), a form of oily preparation that is convenient for transportation and consumption. The capsules contain the oil in gelatin form. Each capsule contains 300 mg of oil.

Extract - as the basis for tincture

Plant extract is an extract of its useful components. Water or alcohol is used as the basis for the extract. Milk thistle alcohol tincture is prepared from 50 g of powder and half a liter of vodka. Take it 20 drops 30 minutes before meals.

Rathoropsha in tablets and capsules

The drug extract can be produced in tablet and encapsulated form. Here are some medicines that contain milk thistle extract and are in the form of tablets or capsules:

  • Gepabene- each tablet of the drug contains 50 g of silybin and an additional choleretic component. The package contains 30 capsules.
  • Karsil forte- a Bulgarian preparation that contains 90 mg of silybin in each capsule and 35 mg in each tablet. In 1 package - 80 dragees.
  • Legalon- in each capsule - 140 mg of silybin (single dose of an adult). The package contains 60 capsules.
  • Silimar- a domestic drug, in the package of which there are 30 tablets of 70 mg of silybin.

How to take milk thistle tablets? The optimal dose of the drug is 400-420 mg of silybin per day. The indicated number of milligrams is divided into several doses (2-3 per day).

Harm of milk thistle: is it possible to worsen

Instructions for the use of milk thistle describe the effect of the herbal preparation and a list of diseases in which the remedy is most effective. Milk thistle seeds are said to stimulate the flow of thickened bile and the release of toxins from liver cells. Therefore, during treatment, sensations of heaviness in the right hypochondrium, pain, loosening of the stool are possible.

If a painful condition occurs during treatment with milk thistle oil, meal or tablets, then it is necessary to reduce the dose of the medicinal substance (powder, tablets or oil). If the deterioration of the condition is pronounced, accompanied by severe pain, the preparation based on milk thistle is canceled. This does not mean that milk thistle treatment is not suitable for this patient. Most likely, a large dose was chosen.

For people with severe diseases of the digestive system, milk thistle is administered in small portions.

The first intake of powder or oil is a few grams of powder (“on the edge of a spoon” or a few drops) once a day (in the morning 20-30 minutes before meals). If there is no painful reaction, then after 2-3 days the dose of the drug is increased. So bring the drug to 1/3 teaspoon 2 or 3 times a day.

In addition, milk thistle should be used with caution in mental disorders, as well as in patients with shortness of breath (components of the plant can provoke an asthma attack).

Contraindications to the use of milk thistle:

  • Pregnancy and lactation: plant components stimulate the cleansing processes in the liver, so they can cause premature birth or miscarriage. When breastfeeding, milk thistle stimulates the release of toxins that enter the blood and milk of a nursing mother, and then into the baby's digestive system.
  • Acute injury to the bile ducts. Milk thistle seeds stimulate bile formation. If the bile ducts are affected, this can lead to their overload and internal bleeding.

Milk thistle - then natural remedy to whom you can sing songs of praise for a long time. It really deserves approvals, positive reviews and other compliments. Be slim and healthy with a natural natural preparation!

Alternative medicine recommends using milk thistle seeds for the treatment of diseases of the liver, spleen, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and even the skin. The properties of this product have been known since ancient times. The seed of this plant was actively used in medicine not only in Rus', but also in Rome, Greece, Scotland, America, India and other countries.

What are the medicinal properties of milk thistle seeds? How to use this plant for the treatment of various diseases? Alternative medicine will give an exhaustive answer to this question. So, read on!

Milk thistle: a brief description of the plant

The popular name of the above plant is milk thistle, or silver tartar. It refers to This composite annual or biennial plant, characterized by a sufficient height - more than two meters.

Milk thistle has the following characteristics:

  • straight branched stems;
  • beautiful pinnate leaves of dark green color with yellowish spines on the sides;
  • purple flowers collected in baskets;
  • fruits - seeds of black or dark brown color.

The medicinal properties of milk thistle seeds have been known for a long time. Very often in the people she is called a prickly doctor. This plant is widely used by alternative and official medicine in many European countries, as well as in Russia, Ukraine, and the USA.

There is a belief that the Virgin Mary pointed out to people the healing properties of milk thistle seeds. Interestingly, historical documents have been preserved confirming the use of this plant for the treatment of many diseases in ancient Greece.

Also, the Romans actively used milk thistle seeds in alternative medicine. Their beneficial properties were used by these people to treat liver diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Useful composition of the seeds of this plant

Milk thistle seeds are used for medicinal purposes. Their beneficial properties are so high due to the unique healing composition. Scientists have studied that the seed of this plant contains more than 200 various components that are especially valuable for the human body. This:

  • macronutrients (calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron);
  • trace elements (copper, zinc, manganese, selenium, boron, chromium, iodine);
  • vitamins (retinol, D, tocopherol acetate, K);
  • silymarin is a promising agent for the treatment of liver diseases.

Scientists have proven that silymarin is able to suppress the development of peritonitis and polyarthritis. Besides, given substance prevents the penetration of toxic compounds into liver cells. Silymarin decomposed poisons before they entered the above organ.

Milk thistle seeds also contain flavolignans (silybin, silicristin, silidianin), essential and fatty oils, biogenic amines, resins, factor T. Thanks to the latter component, the level of platelets in the blood increases. The main flavonoid in the seeds of this plant is quercetin.

The lipid complex consists of phospholipids, acylglycerols and tocopherols.

Medicinal properties of milk thistle seeds

The seed of the above plant has the following effect on the human body:

  • cleans it from toxins, nitrates, toxins;
  • enriches with useful substances;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • regenerates liver cells;
  • prevents aging processes;
  • normalizes bile secretion, the work of the digestive system, metabolism;
  • lowers the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • contributes to the active fight against extra pounds;
  • produces a healing effect.

The medicinal properties of seeds are actively used by alternative medicine to treat the symptoms of such female diseases as vaginitis and erosion.

Application of plant seeds

Milk thistle seeds are actively used in both alternative and official medicine. The pharmacy offers this product in different forms:

  1. Shrot - grated milk thistle seeds.
  2. Decoctions.
  3. Whole seeds.
  4. Alcohol tincture.
  5. Milk thistle seed oil.

Summary of Medicinal Milk Thistle Seed Products

The meal is produced by grinding milk thistle seeds and undergoing a cold pressing procedure. It is sufficiently enriched with fiber, vitamins and trace elements. Schroth is used to normalize blood pressure, regulation of fat metabolism, activation of intestinal motility, prevention of liver and kidney diseases. This product is indicated for people with diseases such as respiratory problems, spleen, kidney and liver diseases, hemorrhoids, colitis, stone formation.

Schroth produces a hepatoprotective, laxative, choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Milk thistle seeds are also used to obtain oil. The medicinal properties of this form of preparations of the above plant help with diseases of the ENT organs, heart, skin, gastrointestinal tract, liver.

Oil from the seeds of the above plant promotes cell regeneration, thereby producing a rejuvenating effect. Also, this remedy normalizes the functioning of the reproductive system, improves vision, prevents the development of gallstone disease, and neutralizes allergic activity.

The oil from the seeds of the above plant has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, bactericidal, analgesic, anti-sclerotic, anti-burn, hepatoprotective and choleretic effect.

Milk thistle honey is the most valuable type of honey, has extremely high healing abilities. It optimizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and liver, soothes nervous system, normalizes sleep, reduces abdominal cramps, stabilizes blood pressure. It should be noted that honey from the above plant is actively used in cosmetology:

  • heals burns and wounds;
  • eliminates acne;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • saturates the skin with vitamins and other useful macro- and microelements;
  • regenerates skin cells, thus preventing the aging process and producing a rejuvenating effect.

Alternative medicine recommends taking alcohol tincture from the seeds of the above plant for diseases of the gallbladder, liver and spleen, as well as for chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, chronic bronchitis and articular rheumatism.

Milk thistle for weight loss

Fiber from milk thistle seeds is actively used as a dietary supplement to the diet of a person who is overweight. She happens to be natural product nutrition with high biological value.

Fiber from milk thistle seeds contains biogenic amines, silymarin, useful macro- and microelements. It works like this: when it enters the human stomach, it swells. Vegetable fiber from milk thistle seeds sorbs and effectively removes toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

For people who are obese, it is advisable to consume fiber instead of bread, since it does not contain yeast and white flour, which contribute to this diagnosis. They are recommended to add the above additive to a variety of dishes. Fiber already soon normalizes the intestinal microflora and contributes to the full absorption of food.

Therefore, alternative medicine advises people who are overweight to consume milk thistle seeds. Weight loss occurs as follows: the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, as well as bile pigments, excess ammonia, cholesterol. As a result, a person loses extra pounds, and his weight normalizes.

For the production of fiber, only high-quality and fresh seeds are used. It is forbidden to use the above product for people with diseases of the duodenum and stomach (ulcer, erosive gastritis), as well as children under 12 years old, pregnant women and nursing mothers. With individual intolerance to the components of this product, its use should be discontinued.

Fiber from the seeds of the above plant is available in tablet and powder form. The course of therapy is no more than one month. Instructions for use states that tablets should be taken 5 capsules every 12 hours, at least half an hour before eating any food.

Fiber in powder form is taken in a tablespoon every 8 hours, also before meals.

Milk Thistle for Liver Treatment

The seeds of the above plant have a hepatoprotective effect on this organ. They contain special substances that contribute to:

  • from slags and nitrates;
  • regeneration of its cell membranes.

They also enrich the liver with useful vitamins and elements, protect it from toxins.

With the help of milk thistle seeds, such liver diseases are effectively treated:

  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • various organ damage as a result of the action of radiation, alcohol, toxins or drugs.

Alternative medicine draws attention to the fact that it is with the help of the above product that you can get rid of the symptoms of poisoning and survive.

Folk recipes for the use of seeds of the above plant

Russian healers make decoctions and infusions using milk thistle seed. Read on to find out how to take these funds.

  1. For toxic liver damage, as well as hepatitis and cirrhosis, you need to take 3 tablespoons of the crushed product and pour half a liter of boiled water. Keep this mixture on a steam bath until half of the liquid has evaporated. Strain the tincture. Russian healers recommend using a tablespoon of this remedy every hour until the patient's condition improves.
  2. With alcoholism, varicose veins and impaired digestion, it is important to take a teaspoon of crushed seed and steam with a glass of boiling water. Let the drink stand for about 20 minutes. Alternative medicine advises to use the resulting infusion in the third part of a glass before bedtime and 30 minutes before lunch and breakfast, that is, three times a day.
  3. For toothache: it is necessary to pour a tablespoon of seeds with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for a short time - up to 15 minutes. Use this infusion for rinsing. You can also make lotions on a bad tooth.
  4. With atherosclerosis, traditional medicine advises to use a tablespoon of meal from the seeds of the above plant every 6-8 hours. You can also use milk thistle oil at the same time: Russian healers recommend adding it to food. This combination of these two products produces an incredible healing effect.
  5. For trichomonas colitis and cervical erosion: 3 ml of oil from the above product is injected into the vagina. The course of such therapy is 12 days.
  6. With an exacerbation of psoriasis, alternative medicine recommends using a tablespoon of meal before meals every 6-8 hours.
  7. In case of poisoning, Russian healers recommend using a tablespoon of meal every 4 hours until the symptoms disappear completely.


It should be noted that the above plant does not cause side effects. But still, there are some recommendations and warnings when using milk thistle seeds for medicinal purposes:

  1. It is not advisable to use them for lactating and pregnant women.
  2. Children under three years of age should not consume milk thistle seeds.
  3. In case of individual intolerance, the use of the above plant should be discontinued.
  4. In case of stone disease, it is necessary to use milk thistle seeds under the strict supervision of a doctor, not to exceed the indicated dosages.

Contraindications to the use of milk thistle seeds:

  • cardiovascular diseases (due to the high content of phosphorus and potassium);
  • epilepsy;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • mental illness;
  • severe depression.

In any case, you should consult a doctor for advice before consuming milk thistle seeds. Medicinal properties in this case will be much more effective. After all, self-treatment does not always lead to the desired result. In most cases, it's even the other way around.

Milk thistle seeds: reviews

There are quite a lot of responses about the use of the above product for medicinal purposes. They testify exclusively to the positive results of the use of milk thistle seeds for the treatment of various diseases.

People share their observations and feelings during the course of treatment. They claim that already during the first week of regular use of milk thistle seeds, they noted relief and normalization of the digestive tract.

A separate group of reviews concerns the use of milk thistle seeds to eliminate skin problems. Patients note that this product contributed to the rapid cleansing and rejuvenation of their skin. In addition, the rash and fine wrinkles disappeared.

Also, people using milk thistle seeds did not observe any side effects during therapy. Therefore, they insist that milk thistle seeds are a completely safe product with incredible healing abilities.

Many of the patients share their recipes for the preparation of medicinal products based on milk thistle seeds. People are sure that it is thanks to the above product that they have successfully got rid of many health problems.

Milk thistle seeds have a beneficial therapeutic effect on the digestive organs, contribute to the normalization of their system, successfully cleanse the body of various kinds of pollution. But before using the above product, it is necessary to discuss this issue with the doctor. Although there are no special contraindications to the use of milk thistle seeds, and there are no side effects during therapy, there are still a number of recommendations and rules that must be followed. Also, do not exceed the dosage of the product.
