In the history of the Christian world there are historical characters who managed to make a significant contribution to the development of Western civilization through their actions and deeds. Such characters, of course, are the knights of the Knights Templar - members of one of the most powerful political and religious organizations of medieval Europe.

Despite the rather short period of existence, the activities of the Order have acquired many legends that continue to disturb the community of historians, religious scholars and theologians to this day. The main questions that are of interest to the historical and scientific community today are as follows:

  • did the Knights Templar actually exist;
  • what is the secret knowledge that the Templars possessed;
  • where did the templars get huge wealth;
  • where did the countless treasures of the Order go after its abolition.

Who are the Templars? Where does this movement originate?

The history of the spiritual and knightly order of the Knights of the Temple is closely connected with Christianity, which at the turn of the first and second millennia was going through difficult times. Christendom in early Middle Ages was in a very disorganized state. After the collapse of the Empire of Charlemagne, civil strife reigned in Europe. On the fragments of the once mighty Frankish empire, new kingdoms, duchies and principalities arose, which tried to take a leading position in European and world politics. At this moment, the influence of the church, which had previously acted as a cementing material for any monarchy, significantly weakened.

The Catholic Church urgently needed a new idea that would not only restore the influence of the church, but also become a unifying factor for the entire Christian world. Such an initiative was soon found. In 1096, at a church council in Clermont, Pope Urban II proclaimed the idea of ​​liberating Jerusalem and the entire Holy Land from Muslim rule. From this moment in the history of Europe begins new stage development associated with the beginning of Christian expansion.

It was during this period that the Templars appeared on the political arena on a wave of religious enthusiasm. At the same time, under the flags of the struggle for the Christian faith, other knightly orders appeared - military-political organizations of a religious persuasion. Each of the newly formed orders pursued its own goals, but it was the Templars who secured the glory of the true defenders of the Holy Sepulcher.

The created orders were both monastic and knightly at the same time, i.e. had a religious connotation. However, unlike the Order of St. John (Hospitallers), which was directly subordinate to the Pope, the new religious-military organization was independent. The knights, united in a religious-knightly congregation, did not obey either the Pope or fell under the influence of secular power. The creation of the Knights Templar coincides in time with the current events taking place in the First Crusade, which turned out to be the only one of all subsequent such events. In the Middle East, the crusaders managed to defeat individual Seljuk detachments, weakening Muslim rule for a short time.

Historians attribute the foundation of the Knights Templar to various historical figures. According to one version, in 1099, Gottfried of Bouillon, who proclaimed himself king of Jerusalem, initiated the creation of a new military-religious organization.

According to another version, the initiative to create a knightly order belongs to the associates of the King of Jerusalem Baldwin II - the French knights. In 1118, nine knights, led by Hugh de Paynes and Saint Omer, offered their services to the King of Jerusalem to protect the shrines. The first later became the master of the order. By the way, these figures appear in the Charter of the order as the date of foundation of the brotherhood.

First of all, the emphasis was placed on the military component of the new organization, since it was necessary to create some kind of royal guard, a powerful and well-trained paramilitary unit. The origin of the new military organization, despite the propaganda of high ideals, is explained by banal needs. Christian shrines on the land of Palestine and thousands of pilgrims needed constant protection not only from Muslims, but also from the attacks of robbers and robbers who appeared on these lands with the arrival of Europeans. The new order became a real military force capable of defending the gains of Europeans in the Middle East.

Corresponds to the stated goals and the name that the order received. Initially, the knights united in a brotherhood in the name of a lofty goal - the protection of Christian shrines. King Baldwin II, accepting the proposal of the poor knights, determined the location of the new brotherhood to be the place where the temple of Solomon was supposedly once located. The new spiritual brothers equipped their headquarters and barracks on the site of the former Muslim mosque Al-Aqsa. The population of the city, in view of this location, quickly dubbed the new brothers templars. As a result, the Europeanized name of the order appeared. temple on French called "temple". Accordingly, the subsequent name of the participants in the new brotherhood follows from here - the Knights of the Temple, the Templars or the Templars.

Officially, the order had a number of other names, one way or another related to the main mission - the protection of the Holy Sepulcher and other shrines. At different times and in different places, the templars were called the poor knights of Christ or the poor warriors of Christ and the Temple of Solomon. The name Order of the Poor Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem sounded less often.

A Brief History of the Organization of the Templars

The word "poor" deliberately emphasizes the ascetic way of life of the members of the brotherhood, who put the service of Christ above the earthly goods received during life. This is echoed by the legend surrounding the history of the creation of the order, according to which 9 poor knights became the founders of the organization. The symbol of the brotherhood was the emblem, which depicts two horsemen sitting on one horse, which once again emphasizes the image of the poor champions of Christ.

Some sources claim that the reason for the appearance of such an emblem is more of an economic motive. Due to the difficult financial situation, the templars could not afford to have their own horse. This fact is actively disputed today because the knighthood implies the obligatory presence of one's own horse. Probably the combination with two riders on one horse is a successful publicity stunt that the Templars resorted to, deciding to create around themselves an aura of asceticism and disregard for material values.

During the period of persecution of members of the brotherhood, the emblem of the Knights Templar was used by opponents of the Templars as evidence of a deadly sin - sodomy, which is link between members of the brotherhood.

The number of members of the order at the time of its foundation was small. The founders included nine French knights who were members of the first crusade. Among them, along with Hugh de Payne, de Saint-Omer and André de Montbar, were other comrades-in-arms of Gottfried of Bouillon.

As befits any serious organization, its activities were regulated by the charter of the Knights Templar, which was adopted in 1128. The text explicitly states that this document was adopted 9 years after the creation of the brotherhood of knights, i.e. all the previous 9 years the order existed in a semi-legal position. The leading role in the formation of the brotherhood was played by St. Bernard, the abbot of Clairvaux, to whom the knights turned for help in organizing a new order. He took an interest in the undertakings of the knights who took the vow of monasticism. The abbot developed a charter for the brotherhood of warrior monks and took on the hassle of the Pope for the legalization of the new institution.

Among the merits of the abbot of Clairvaux is the commitment of the templars to wear white capes over their armor with a red eight-pointed cross in the region of the heart. White vestments strikingly distinguished the Templars from the knights - the monks of the Order of the Hospitallers in black cassocks. The abbot kept this promise and in 1128, at a council in Troyes, Pope Honorius II announced the formation of the Order of the Knights of Christ and the Temple of Jerusalem. The new monastic and military order was headed by Hugh de Paynes, who received the status of Grand Master.

Emphasis should be placed on the existing hierarchy in the Order. The head of the brotherhood (Order) is the Grand Master, followed by the following positions and titles:

  • commander of the Order - he is also the head of a large military unit;
  • priors - the level of the governor or commandant of a certain region (territory);
  • officers - military commanders of the middle level;
  • sergeants are ordinary members of the order.

Promotion through the ranks was carried out taking into account military and other merits to the order. The knights formed the basis of the military units and administration of the order. The service of the brotherhood was carried out by servants and grooms, who performed the functions of squires during campaigns. In less than 200 years, 23 Grand Masters have been chosen.

If we talk about the content of the charter of the order, then it more than accurately conveyed the entire organization of the brotherhood from the inside. The usual monastic vows of obedience were based on a commitment to worldly poverty and chastity. It is these two aspects that have become the main motto of the brotherhood of the templars. In the charter, instructions were given regarding the abstinence from earthly goods and excesses. Along with the obligatory attendance of mass, the brothers had to regularly engage in physical exercises and military affairs. Meat was allowed to be consumed three times a week, while maintaining the purity of spirit and thoughts.

Along with the main provisions set forth in the charter of the order, there was an oath that all members of the brotherhood took. The main provisions of the knightly oath were as follows:

  • help the poor;
  • at the cost of their own lives to help brothers in the order who are in trouble;
  • do not respond to insults and provocations of a knight of the Christian faith;
  • be able to take on three opponents at once.

Violation of this oath was severely punished, up to the use of corporal punishment. It should be noted that it was the Knights of the Temple who were considered the most consistent in their beliefs. Thanks to the contribution of Abbe Bernard, the Catholic Church received a powerful military and political tool in its hands. We can say that Bernard managed to achieve the impossible. Using the militant ardor and enthusiasm of the knights, Bernard managed to direct these qualities to the service of the holy cause. From now on, the knights not only fought for honor, but were forced to go into battle for religious reasons.

The heyday and power of the order. Secrets and mysteries of the templars

With the continuation of the Crusades, the authority of the monk-knights of the Order of the Temple only grew stronger and stronger. Templar warriors in white cassocks with a purple cross on their chests took part in all major battles and battles of that time, often appearing in the most dangerous areas. Many of them became legendary figures, going down in history as consistent and brave soldiers of Christ. With the end of the crusades, which ended with the expulsion of Christians from Palestine, the activities of the order did not stop. After the loss of the last Christian strongholds in the Middle East in 1291, the Templars briefly settled in Cyprus, where they stayed for less than 20 years.

It was no longer a religious-military brotherhood of poor knights. For almost a hundred and fifty years of its existence, the order has transformed into a huge corporation, where, along with military craft, other services were provided, including financial and transport services. This led to the fact that the religious-military brotherhood was able to turn into such a powerful and powerful organization. Many historians and theologians associate the power of the Templars with the finds made by the monks during their stay in the Holy Land. According to some historians, possession of the Ark of the Covenant allowed the Templars to find a way to countless treasures. The sudden appearance at the disposal of the Order of huge financial resources is the main secret of the Knights Templar.

The won and well-deserved prestige that the brotherhood gained is the main reason why, over time, the Templars became the most popular monastic order in medieval Europe. This became possible thanks to the strict observance of the hierarchy within the order and the very organization of the brotherhood. High military skill and valor only enhanced the achieved effect. Almost all French nobility and aristocracy were members of the Order. Many of the secular gentlemen preferred the attire of a simple monk and the ascetic life of a warrior to a rich and prosperous life.

France was not the only country in Europe where the Templars settled. Throughout Europe, the templars built their castles and fortresses. Great was the influence of the Templars in other countries, especially in Spain and Portugal. The order had political weight in England and in the German states. Their financial empire entangled all the royal houses of Europe with its networks. The templars had the broadest legal and religious powers, which were granted to the order by the popes and sovereigns, on whose lands the brotherhood had its possessions and interests. In the XII-XIII centuries, the Knights Templar became the envy of many powerful people of this world, the main banker of Europe. Material values, huge land holdings and usury were the main factors that led to the subsequent destruction of the Knights Templar.

The return of the Templars to France marked the beginning of the end of their reign as the military, political, and financial power of medieval Europe. The fact is that, despite the patronage of the Pope, the Order in some aspects exceeded its powers, becoming a state within a state, living by its own laws and often ignoring the interests of the sovereign master.

Defeat of the Knights Templar

Despite the fact that the order had colossal power and influence throughout Europe, this organization had many opponents and enemies. Although initially main goal The institution of the brotherhood was the military protection of the Christian states created by the crusaders in the East, the order in its subsequent actions went far from this. Having moved to Europe, the knights - monks made their main headquarters in Paris. The French port of La Rochelle, located on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean, the order made its main naval base.

Although the Templar empire had a fairly strong position, in Europe there were many opponents of the influence of the order. During its existence, the brotherhood repeatedly fought against conspiracies, the purpose of which was to achieve the abolition of the order or reduce its influence. This trend was especially pronounced in France, where King Philip the Handsome decided to do away with a powerful organization.

The reasons that prompted the French monarch to start persecuting the templars are banal. The French kingdom at the beginning of the XIV century experienced a deep economic crisis. The royal treasury was empty, and Philip IV had to constantly borrow funds. One of the main sources of funding was the Order. As a result, the debt of the royal court to the Templars reached enormous proportions. To destroy the order was the only solution for the French monarch to get rid of creditors. Not having his own forces to fight directly with the Templars, Philip turned to the Vatican for help. The Roman Catholic Church had its own accounts with the templars, and therefore the Roman high priests zealously seized on the idea to put an end to the recalcitrant brotherhood once and for all. Despite the fact that the order was officially under the auspices of the Roman Church, Pope Clement V quickly responded to the request of the French king by joint efforts to destroy the order.

The beginning of the drama falls on October 1307, when, by order of the king, the top of the Order, headed by Grand Master Jacques de Molay, was arrested. The Temple Castle in Paris, the main headquarters of the Order, was also captured. The day after the arrests began, Pope Clement V ordered all the abbots and bishops in France to start arresting the knights and to confiscate the property of the Templars. The repressions against the representatives of the order initiated by the King of France were supported not only by the authorities of the Vatican. Many large feudal lords of Europe supported the French monarch and opposed the Templars. The persecution of members of the order in France was the most severe. Throughout the country, the Inquisition's trials began on the arrested Templars, which resulted in the torture of the Templars and subsequent death sentences.

The main accusation, voiced at the trials and brought against the Templars, was the support of heresy, Satanism and the spread of sodomy. Despite the fact that initially many of the arrested high-ranking Templars admitted their guilt, the tragedy of the destruction of the order did not end there. In France, the actions of secular authorities and the Vatican were opposed by many supporters of the order, including those in the Vatican itself. The period of persecution and struggle against the Templars falls on the years 1307-1314. In 1312, Pope Clement V with his bull abolished the Order of the Temple and transferred all its property and powers to the Order of St. John - the Hospitallers.

The last Grand Master of the Order, Jacques de Molay, being under investigation and torture for four years, was burned at the stake on March 18, 1314. As a result of the destruction of the Order of the Knights of the Jerusalem Temple, neither the king of France, nor other persons from among the persecutors of the Templars, were able to unravel the great mystery of the brotherhood - where did the enormous wealth of the Order come from and where did it disappear.

You know about these calls, you often use them. Find out where they came from and what they mean.


The cry of the Roman legionnaires. So they imitated the cry of elephants. The cry was rarely used, mainly to cheer up newcomers or on the battlefield with a very weak enemy - to smear him mentally without raising the sword.

“Why elephants?” the curious reader will ask. This is because the Romans found elephants to be strong and powerful animals. And they also understood: if the enemy is superior in strength and weapons, then they “bar-rr-ra!” - like a dead poultice.


No passaran!

Famous call. But not everyone knows his story. So: imagine the year 1916, the First World War. German troops clashed with the French at Verdun. Bloody battle. The French general Robert Nivel shouted out the phrase “on ne passe pas!” (no one will pass! “) and rushed to the battlefield to cut down the enemy.

This phrase was heard and actively used by the artist Maurice Louis Henri Newmont - he painted it on all propaganda posters. A year later, the phrase "on ne passe pas" became the battle cry of all French soldiers, and then Romanian.

In 1936, “they will not pass!” sounded in Madrid - from the lips of the Spanish communist Dolores Ibarruri. In Spanish, the phrase is “No pasaran!”. It was Spain that immortalized the already legendary battle cry. But slightly different sounding.

“No pasaran!”, by the way, often rumbled in World War II, and even in the civil wars of Central America.

Source: Sonic R. System

Allah Akbar!

Painfully familiar Arabic expression meaning "Allah is great." It had nothing to do with war until the Muslims took up arms and began to die in the name of their god.

Source: Cunoaste lumea


In the 7th-10th centuries AD, China was ruled by the Tang Dynasty. The local residents greeted each other and especially the emperor with the phrase “wu huang wansui”, which in translation meant “may the emperor live for ten thousand years”.

Over the years, only the ending “wansui” remained from the phrase. Then the Japanese came running and borrowed it. But they pronounced it in their own way, it sounded like “banzei”. It meant the wish to live for many years.

And then came the 19th century, which changed the sound of the word. Now it was “banzai!”. And it was used not only in relation to the emperor, but also by Japanese soldiers during the Second World War. It was especially popular among kamikaze.

The Knights Templar and their activities are still not fully understood and even a mysterious chapter of history. Dozens of historical works are devoted to them, the Templars somehow appear in fiction.

Speaking of the mysterious knights, they certainly remember their symbol - the red Templar cross. Let's look at the meaning of the "Templar cross" symbol, the history of its appearance and how it is used by the modern generation.

The Order of the Templars is a mysterious society that formed at the beginning of the 12th century and existed for about 200 years. This union of knights was founded after the first crusade, and they originally called themselves the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ. Subsequently, they had many names:

  • order of the Templars;
  • order of the poor brothers of the Jerusalem Temple;
  • order of the Temple;
  • Order of the Knights of Jesus from the Temple of Solomon.

The original purpose of the Templars was to protect the pilgrims who were on their way to the holy land of Jerusalem.

Like any other order, the Knights of the Temple were supposed to have distinctive signs: a coat of arms, a flag, and also a motto. This is how the banner of the Templars appeared in the form of a red cross on a white background. The cross was not chosen by chance, because the members of the order were crusaders.

Why "poor knights"? There are several explanations for this. Firstly, poverty in Christianity is considered a great virtue, and the crusaders who fought for their faith on holy land thus emphasized their “holiness”.

According to some reports, the first knights of the order were indeed poor. So much so that not every one of them could afford to buy a horse. One way or another, but after some time the order became incredibly rich and acquired vast lands. And for the right goal and deeds in the name of the Lord, the Pope awarded all members of the union with special privileges.

The original purpose of the Templars was to protect the pilgrims who were on their way to the holy land of Jerusalem. After some time, the order began to take part in the military campaigns of the states, on the territories of which separate parts of the brotherhood were located.

By the end of their existence, the knights were carried away by trade, because this activity brought good profits. They are also credited with the creation of one of the first banks: merchants, travelers or pilgrims could give valuables in one representative office of the order, and receive them in another country, presenting an appropriate receipt document.

The desire to get rich did not cause delight among the rulers different countries. Therefore, knights began to be expelled from the territories of states, and then arrested and executed. Needless to say, the wealth of the order was confiscated in favor of the state. Pope Clement V in the 20s of the XIII century declared the Knights Templar illegal, and his followers - heretics.

History of the Templar Cross

There is one legend about the appearance of the classic image of the coat of arms of the medieval movement: when the Pope of Rome blessed the knights on the first campaign, during prayer, he tore his scarlet mantle into pieces and distributed it to each warrior. And they, in turn, sewed these pieces on their white clothes.

Later, the patch began to be made in the form of an equilateral cross, but the colors remained the same - red and white. In this case, the red color symbolizes the blood that the Knights Templar are willing to voluntarily shed for the liberation of the sacred lands from the infidels. Warriors wore the sign on their armor and military paraphernalia.

Why the order chose the cross as its own distinctive symbol is not known for certain. There are several versions of how the main symbols of the Templars appeared:

  1. The equilateral cross is taken from the culture of the Celts. Because of the bifurcation of the rays, it is also called the "Clawed Cross". In Celtic culture, the sign was enclosed in a circle and today is known as.
  2. It was the type of Templar sign known today that was invented specifically for this movement. The basis for the creation was pagan symbols. In paganism, the sign meant boundless love and reverence for the creator god.
  3. The symbol is something between the signs of paganism and the Christian Orthodox cross. Some historians argue that the sign was invented as a transitional sign to facilitate the people getting used to the new faith.

In any case, the Templar cross is still used not only in magic and the occult sciences, but also by ordinary people.

The meaning of the Templar cross

Many centuries ago, the Indo-Europeans used the sign of two crossed lines as a symbol of life, heaven and eternity. Modern scholars interpret the meaning of the Templar symbol as the union and interaction of opposites: feminine and masculine, good and evil, light and darkness. It is believed that no extreme can exist on its own.

The Templar cross will protect its owner from negative energy ill-wishers and envious people.

The main task of the Templar banner is to protect its owner from evil. Today the symbol is known as the converter of negative energy into positive. For this reason, ordinary people turn to the Templar cross amulet for:

  • protection from the evil eye and ill-wishers, envious people;
  • removal of spoilage;
  • removal of gossip and bad rumors;
  • transforming the negative directed at the owner into a positive force and joining it to one's own energy.

The shape of the cross has not only the ability to capture the negative and turn it into a positive. Good energy does not go into space without a trace, the talisman directs it to replenish the natural energy resource of its owner. Due to this ability, the sign is often used by magicians in rituals that require high energy costs.

The symbol must be worn so that it is not seen strangers. At first, it is better to wear the amulet under clothing so that it is in close contact with the human body - this is how the amulet establishes a connection with the owner.

Types of crosses

In historical books, in paintings depicting the Templars and other works of art related to the history of this order, a wide variety of symbols are found. Interestingly, the cross on them is not always painted in red - sometimes it was black, and some adherents of the Templar movement still claim that the true combination was black and white.

On the signs preserved to this day, the rays were bifurcated, on others additional symbols were applied. The location of the patch on the clothing of the Templars also changed during the time that the order existed. So there were several different types of coat of arms of the Templars:

  1. Lorraine Cross. Has two horizontal bars. According to legend, it was created from the fragments of a wooden crucifix on which Jesus Christ was executed.
  2. Celtic cross. Sign in the form of a cross enclosed in a circle.
  3. Cross of the eight beatitudes. This symbol has a very unusual shape, it was rarely used - 4 arrows were connected to the center.

Today the Templar sign has the following appearance: an equilateral cross enclosed in a circle:

  • the cross is the unity of the four elements;
  • the circle is the meaning of the Sun.

For its owner, it carries the meaning of spiritual strength, abstinence from sinful temptations, prudence, a sense of justice and the possession of Christian virtues.

Templar cross with a five-pointed star.

The modern Templar symbol can often be seen in combination with a pentagram - two triangles crossed, forming a five-pointed star. The pentagram is the strongest talisman against obstacles on life path. Connoisseurs of ancient symbols claim that the pentagram contributes to the achievement of life goals, protecting a person from those difficulties that may interfere with him.

How the medieval symbol is used today

To date, in many countries of the world, small movements of followers of an unusual medieval order have appeared, the history of which is shrouded in secrets.

Those who wish to receive the protection of the medieval knightly sign put the Templar cross on the amulets. They can take different forms:

  • embossed medallion;
  • signet;
  • elegant pendant.

Sometimes an ancient symbol is used as an element of a complex tattoo or applied to the skin as an independent drawing. The amulet is used for their own spiritual and physical protection, as well as strengthening faith.

In the Middle Ages, the Templar cross was embroidered on clothing and applied to household items, but today such use is very rare. Sometimes it is applied to the surface of the threshold at front door- he will give residents protection from ill-wishers, and the housing itself will protect from fire and robbery.

To enhance the effect of the medieval magic sign of the Templars, you can use other symbols that were used by the order: a seal with a special sign of the Templars (crescent, horseman, lotus, holy grail or chalice), additional Celtic symbols on the back of the amulet.

The amulet with the Templar cross is used for spiritual and physical protection, as well as strengthening faith.

Before you decide to purchase an amulet, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with general rules its usage:

  1. A charm purchased for personal use should be worn constantly at first - about two weeks. Then it can be removed, but not for long, so that the connection between the sacred sign and the energy of a person does not weaken.
  2. The talisman is recommended to be worn on the chest: knights of the order for protection and patronage higher powers wore a patch on the chest and back.
  3. It is better to choose an amulet from alloys of high-quality wear-resistant metals. Most often, amulets decorated in a medieval style are used.
  4. The talisman is best purchased for personal use.
  5. The Templar Cross can be worn by both women and men. But children do not need such an amulet - the immature energy of the child will not cope with the effect of the knightly sign.

If you decide to get a tattoo, apply it on the chest, forearm or upper back. It is worth noting that the Templar cross in the form of a pattern on the skin is activated immediately after application, giving its owner the strongest protection for the rest of his life. Some owners of such a tattoo note that after applying it, they began to feel more confident, became more successful in their career advancement and were less likely to get sick.

Popular from existing warcries.

The most famous war cries

One of the most famous and formidable warriors of all times and peoples - the Roman legionnaires - shouted "Bar-rr-ra", imitating the roar of an elephant.

In addition, the cry “Nobiscum Deus!” that is, God is with us in Latin.

By the way, there is a version that the legionnaires did not use their cry all the time, but only as an encouragement for recruits or when they realized that the enemy was so weak that he could be suppressed primarily morally.

The use of battle cries by the Romans was mentioned in the description of the battle with the Samnites, but at the Battle of Mutina, the legions fought in silence.

An intermediate conclusion can be drawn as follows: the Romans seemed terrible elephants, and they were also fully aware of the fact that if the enemy is superior in strength, then no battle cry will help here.

By the way, the same Romans used the word baritus to mean the cry of elephants, as well as the war songs of the Germanic tribes. In general, in a number of texts the word "barite" or "baritus" is an analogue of the phrase "battle cry".

And, since we are talking about the military cries of the ancient peoples, it would be useful to mention that the Hellenes, that is, the Greeks, shouted "Alale!" (in their opinion, this is how the terribly scary owl bird screamed); "Aharai!" was the cry of the Jews (translated from Hebrew, it means “Follow me!”), And “Mara!” or "Marai!" - it was a call to murder among the Sarmatians.

In 1916, during the First World War, French General Robert Nivelle shouted the phrase: "On ne passe pas!" It was addressed to German troops during the clash at Verdun and translated as "They will not pass!" This expression began to be actively used by the artist Maurice Louis Henri Newmont on propaganda posters. About a year later, it became the battle cry of all the French soldiers, and then the Romanian.

In 1936, "They Shall Not Pass!" sounded in Madrid from the lips of the communist Dolores Ibarruri (Dolores Ibarruri). It was in the Spanish translation of "No pasaran" that this cry became known throughout the world. He continued to inspire soldiers in World War II and the Central American Civil Wars.

The emergence of the cry "Geronimo!" we are indebted to the Indian Goyatlai from the Apache tribe. He became a legendary figure, because for 25 years he led the resistance against the American invasion of their lands in the 19th century. When in battle an Indian rushed at the enemy, the soldiers cried out in horror to their Saint Jerome. So Goyatlay became Geronimo.

In 1939, director Paul Sloane dedicated his western Geronimo to the famous Indian. After watching this film, Private Eberhard of the 501st Airborne Regiment jumped out of the plane shouting "Geronimo!" while making test parachute jumps. His co-workers did the same. To date, the nickname of the brave Indian is the official cry of American paratroopers.

If someone hears "Allah Akbar", then the imagination immediately draws hard-hitting pictures of radical jihadists. But this phrase in itself does not carry any negative connotation. "Akbar" is the superlative of the word "important." Thus, "Allah Akbar" can be literally translated as "Allah is Great."

In ancient times, when China was ruled by the Tang Dynasty, the inhabitants widely used the phrase "Wu huang wansui", which can be translated as "May the emperor live 10 thousand years." Over time, only the second part of "wansui" remained from the expression. The Japanese adopted this wish, but in the transcription of the Land of the Rising Sun, the word sounded like "banzei". But they continued to use it only in relation to the ruler, wishing him a long hello.

In the 19th century, the word changed again. Now it sounded like "banzai" and was used not only in relation to the emperor. With the advent of World War II, "banzai" became the battle cry of Japanese soldiers, especially kamikaze.

It is interesting that war cries used to be a kind of marker of the genus. As an example, we can recall the Kazakh "uraniums". Each clan had its own "uranium", most of them cannot be restored today, since war cries outside the battlefield were considered taboo vocabulary and were kept secret.

Of the most ancient Kazakh "uraniums", the national one is known - "Alash!" We know about the battle cry of the Kazakhs from the Baburname manuscript, which was written by Tamerlane's great-grandson Babur.

In particular, it says: “Khan and those who stood near him also turned their faces to the banner and splashed koumiss on it. And immediately roared copper pipes, the drums were beaten, and the warriors lined up in a row began to loudly repeat the war cry. From all this, an unimaginable noise arose around, which soon subsided. All this was repeated three times, after which the leaders jumped on their horses and circled the camp three times ... ".

This fragment of "Baburname" is important in that it shows that the battle cry was used not only in battle, but also before it. It was a kind of mood formula for a successful battle. The then uranium of the Kazakhs "Urr" was shouted out like our triple "Ura".

There are many versions of the etymology of the battle cry "Hurrah". Philologists are inclined to two versions of the origin of this word. It is used in English and German cultures. There are consonant Hurra, Hurah, Hooray. Linguists believe that the call originated from the High German word "hurren", that is, "move quickly."

According to the second version, the call was borrowed from the Mongol-Tatars. From the Turkic "ur" can be translated as "beat!"

Some historians elevate our "hurrah" to the South Slavic "urrra", which literally means "we will prevail." This version is weaker than the first. Borrowings from the South Slavic languages ​​mainly concerned book vocabulary.

Isn't it time for us to start, as some odious figure used to say national history, famous for advertising Louis Vuitton leather products? I think it's about time!

Hello dear! Here I am, Igor id77 I'm starting a watch on Oleg's blog.

Since time is even earlier (everything in the world is relatively certain, as old Einstein used to say, but still .. nevertheless ...), then first of all, you should cheer up with something like that, from which the soul will first unfold, and then curl up into a tube . And I know such a remedy! Honestly! It's….(pause like before an Academy Award)…a battle cry! Yes, darlings, you heard right! I suggest that everyone urgently move away from their four-legged friends (well, there are chairs, couches, sofas, and not what you thought about) slowly and with dignity to stand up, clear your throat, take more air into your lungs and announce the walls of the room surrounding you with a loud and joyful battle cry. Happened? Are you happier and happier? That's it! Uncle id77 will not advise bad only stupid.

Well, now, while colleagues, relatives and relatives, and just strangers frantically dial 03 and call orderlies with a straitjacket, we have time to figure out a little about what a battle cry is ... and what it is eaten with.

They have already left for you.

If you believe various dictionaries and reference books (and there is no reason not to believe in this particular issue), then a battle cry is a loud call, cry or exclamation before, after or during a battle, with the goal of: a) cheering up comrades in arms, b) distinguishing friends from strangers, c) intimidate and (or) humiliate the enemy, d) create a sense of unity of all of their own, and e) turn to the Mountain Forces for support.

When and from which people the battle cry appeared for the first time, it is not possible to find out in principle, even if you really, really want to. If only because, in my humble opinion, the first battle cry originated with the first armed conflict between clans or tribes. And the ancient Egyptians had their own cries, and the Greeks and the Romans. This topic has not been ignored by the most frequently published book in the history of our planet - the Bible. Here is an offhand Exodus 32:17 - “And Jesus heard the voice of the people making noise, and said to Moses, The cry of war is in the camp.”. In general, you understand, the topic is old.

It is quite understandable and natural that for each nation, ethnic group, group, these battle cries or, as the ancient Irish and Scots would say, slogans, were different.

Is it weak to shout at the Na'vi?

What battle cry first comes to mind is, of course, our domestic "Hurrah". Good cry, short, powerful, in general healthy! But where it came from and what it means exactly is difficult to say. There are several main versions, and everyone can choose the one that he likes best. Version 1 - the famous Russian cry comes from the Tatar word "ur" - that is, beat. Version 2 - "urrra" - is a South Slavic term for the term "take over". Version 3 - from the Lithuanian word "virai (vir)" - "husbands, men, boys" ...

Version 4-Bulgarian term "Urge" - that is, "up, up". Version 5 - from the Turkic exclamation "Hu Raj", which can be translated as "In Paradise!". And finally, version 6 - from the Kalmyk "Uralan!" (remember, probably, still such a football club), which translates as "forward." me this latest version likes more than anything. Somehow it is closer to reality, and it began to be used in the Russian troops under Peter, who heard how the irregular Kalmyk cavalry greeted each other and him with this cry.

“Friend of the steppes” (c) Uralan shouts joyfully!

Whatever it was, this combat slogan turned out to be so successful that the Germans “hurra!” began to use it through the Russian troops. and the English "hurray", and the French "hurrah!", and the Italians "Urra!"

It is clear and natural that the rolling “Hurrah!” not the only battle cry in the world. Here are some other very famous ones:
Allah! (God) - so the soldiers of the Ottoman Empire shouted
Acharai! - (Follow me!) in Hebrew - the battle cry of the ancient Jews
"Bar-rr-ah!" - the cry of the Roman legionnaires, in imitation of the trumpet cry of war elephants
Marga! (kill!) - the battle cry of the Sarmatians
"Montjoie!" and "Saint-Denis" (abbreviated from "Mont-joie Saint-Denis" - "Our protection Saint Dionysius") - these were the cries of the Franks
Nobiscum Deus (God is with us!) - so the Byzantines shouted
Caelum denique! (Finally to heaven!) and "Deus vult" (God wants it) are the battle cries of the Crusaders.
Bosean! - the cry of the poor knights of the Order of the Temple of Solomon, who are commonly called the Templars.

Meet Bossean! No, not a man ... that's what the banner is called

Santiago! ("Saint James with us"!) - the call of the Spanish caballeros during the Reconquista, and also the conquistadors shouted like that
Alba gu bràth ("Scotland forever")! - the war cry of the Scottish fighters
"Saryn on a kitchka!" - the cry of the earmen
"Rebel yell" is the Confederate war cry during civil war in USA.
"Forwarts!" - "Forward" - so shouted the Prussians and Austrians.
"Alga!" (forward) - the cry of the ancient Kyrgyz, as well as the Kazakhs. There is even an anecdote when a Kyrgyz is asked how his ancient ancestors (and they were settled throughout Siberia and had big influence and strength) went on the attack? He answers - they shouted "Alga!". Then they ask him - how did they retreat? He thought for a few seconds and says - they turned the horses in the other direction and shouted "Alga!"
"Horrido!" - experts of the Luftwaffe (named after St. Horridus, the patron saint of pilots).
"Brunette"! - the cry of the Romanian border guards
"Savoy!" (in honor of the ruling dynasty), the Italians shouted until the end of World War II.

I wonder if he managed to shout Horrido!...

All of the above calls have basically already sunk into oblivion and now, if used, it is extremely, extremely rare. Unlike the ones I list below:
Allah Akbar (God is great) - everything is clear here
Banzai - (10,000 years). An ancient and still used battle cry of the Japanese. Most often they shout "Geika banzai!", which can literally be translated as "Many years to the emperor!"
The same thing (about 10,000 years) is shouted by the Koreans (both southern and northern), as well as the Chinese. Manse - the cry of the Koreans, wansui - the Chinese
Jai Mahakali, Ayo Gorkhali! - ("Glory to the Great Kali, the Gurkhas are coming!") - the battle cry of one of the most effective and cool units of the British army (and the Indian too), recruited from the men of the Gurkha tribe living in Nepal
Viva la France! - (Long live France!) - so the French shouted, shouted and will shout


Bole So Nihal, Sat Sri Akal" - "Victory belongs to those who repeat the name of the Almighty!" - Sikhs.
Ho-hoy!" - Kurds
"Sigidi!" - Zulus
"Hurra" - this is how the Finns shout
"On the knife!" - the cry of the Bulgarians
Polundra! - (from Dutch fall - fall and onder - below) - this is the battle cry of all sailors of the former 1/6 of the land.

The most interesting thing is that the US Army does not have an official battle cry. But some of its divisions have it. US Navy SEALs yell Hoo, but the paratroopers "Geronimo!" If everything is clear with the latter - this is the name of the leader of the Apaches, famous for his fearlessness, then not everything is clear with the former. Most likely, their Hooah comes from the first letters as an answer to the team - heard and understood. By the way, if you are interested in how the American special equipment differs from each other, I can advise you to go over here anyway, it will be interesting.

The stern Apache leader Geronimo is watching you...

In general, this is all I wanted to tell you about. I hope you haven't fallen asleep reading these lines. And now "attention is a question" (Vladimir Voroshilov's voice). Maybe any battle cries you use in Everyday life, moreover, self-composed and endowed with a special meaning. Share, feel free! Also, maybe I missed something, and you know something else from the battle cries of the peoples of the world. I will wait for your opinions.

P.S. I'll go prepare another topic for now ....
