Lining - popular facing material which is affordable and attractive to look at. He is often referred to when finishing various surfaces in wooden houses. With clapboard, interiors invariably acquire a more comfortable and attractive look. Today we will understand what coatings should be used to process lining in conditions country house.

Why is impregnation necessary?

Some owners of private houses do not see the point in treating the surface of the lining with impregnations. In fact, if thin boards are not covered with anything, after a certain period of time, not the best changes will appear on them. If there is insufficient ventilation, the inlet will be covered with a kind of blue, and if it is intensively affected by the aggressive sun, then it can become dark gray.

The blueness on the lining is due to the action of microorganisms, which can be eliminated with the help of special oxidizing agents, for example, chlorine.

The procedure will not be the easiest and fastest, it will be accompanied by characteristic unpleasant odors.

If a grayish coating appears on the lining from exposure to sunlight, then it will be possible to get rid of it by turning to mechanical grinding. But the positive effect of these procedures is unlikely to be enough for a long time. It is more expedient to resort to the processing of the finishing material immediately after its installation. In this case, problems in the future can be avoided.

Impregnations suitable for lining not only protect it from negative external factors but also make it more aesthetically pleasing. With this addition, the interior looks nicer, neater.

The lining, on which there is a waterproof treatment, will last much longer, even if it is in a damp or irregularly heated room.

Varieties of compositions

In specialized stores, you can find many different tools that are ideal for processing lining inside a country house. Each composition has its own characteristics and characteristics. Let's get acquainted with them.

flame retardants

The lining, which is installed in the interior of the country house, may be in close proximity to heating systems, heating devices. In this case, it is important to protect the wood finish from possible ignition with high quality. Special flame retardant impregnations are ideal for this. In self-application, they may not be the most “pliable”.

It is easier to purchase for a summer residence such a lining, which was initially impregnated with the compositions in question. In rooms where the moisture concentration is not more than 70%, the material may be treated with solutions of moderate stability. In the conditions of the interior of the dwelling, such compositions will last for a long time and are cheaper than weatherproof options.

Antiseptic formulations

A serious risk factor for any wood is exposure to dangerous microorganisms. Forgetting about this common problem will turn out if you turn to suitable antiseptics. Special antimicrobial compounds, which are ideal for impregnating wood with them, easily cope with biological pollution, prevent the appearance of fresh foci of decay and mold.

Antiseptic formulations often have a characteristic pungent odor that does not disappear for a long time. This feature of these impregnations should be paid attention to when choosing a suitable antiseptic for lining.

Preparations that have a higher cost can not only protect the lining from microorganisms dangerous to it, but can also simultaneously make the material more aesthetic and attractive.

Wood stains

They are specialized liquids based on water or organic solvents that can penetrate into the very depths of the tree, while creating a certain color shade. Stains are also called "stain" - this is a foreign term. The products in question are not designed to protect the car. They can only tint it, although more functional products with a noticeable protective effect can be found on sale, but they are more expensive.

Often on wooden planks dark spots appear, the formation of which is not always clear. It is permissible to process such areas with bleach, but for this you need to correctly select the concentration and exposure period. It is worth testing the composition on lining waste to see how the material behaves and changes.


They are characterized by an excellent protective effect on wood. They are allowed to be used for lining lining in a private or country house. The same compositions are addressed to give the finish a more attractive appearance. Lacquer solutions based on acrylic can decorate the surface of the lining, as well as form a special barrier on it.

Special scuba diving has a minimum level of allergenicity.

It can be safely used to process wood inside the building. This composition dries longer than organic liquids, but is safer for the health of households. With the help of scuba lacquer, it will be possible to create either a completely, or a slightly matte, glossy surface of the cladding.

If you add the color you like to the solution in question, the result will be a coloring agent of a certain shade. From the outside, such a composition on the cladding will not be able to hold out for a long time, therefore it is not recommended to use it for street application. Water-based varnishes form a barrier to steam.

Components are added to other lacquer compositions to protect the base material from exposure to ultraviolet rays. With such options, it makes sense to treat surfaces that are exposed to the sun for most of the day. Alkyd varnish composition is distinguished by good resistance. After drying, the coating from it can stay on the material for more than 10 years. Often, inside a country house made of wood, it is advised to process a floor board with such means. Lovers of interesting color solutions apply alkyd solutions to the walls in the dwelling.


To process the internal wooden cladding V country house, you can use a variety of coloring mixtures for wood. "Veterans" in operation are oil paints. They are presented in different colors and shades.

On a dry base, such coatings can last about 7 years. As soon as this period comes to an end, the layer may discolor or even peel off.

In this case, the painting will have to be repeated. In order to improve the fixing of certain pigments on the wood, it is advisable to resort to pre-treatment with drying oil.

If there is a blockage of wood pores, the microclimate in the dwelling becomes worse. During the painting of the lining, there is a significant evaporation of the solvent component, which is not characterized by the most pleasant smell.

Organic fumes can harm human health, so painting should be resorted to only in summer and with open windows and doors.

Acrylic paints also have a specific smell. It is also necessary to paint the lining with them carefully, ventilating the room. In application, this paint turns out to be simpler and more pliable than oil formulations. It creates an elastic film on the base.

Oils and waxes

In addition to drying oil, which is made from drying oils, wooden lining is also covered with other oil solutions, which are perfectly absorbed by the lining. Such compositions create either a matte or glossy surface on a tree. They need to be gently rubbed into the base, and then polished. Wax mixtures have the same chemical structure, the difference lies only in the replacement of ester glycerol with monohydric alcohol.

Waxes are characterized by high stability. With their help, a perfectly flat surface with a pleasant sheen can be formed on the surface of the lining.

Wax coatings can stay on wood for decades if they do not experience significant stress.

Wax glaze is sold in a ready-to-use state. Solid types of waxes will first need to be softened by resorting to melting under the action of a water bath. So that the wax can be distributed evenly and efficiently over the lining, it is recommended that the base be carefully primed beforehand. A good result can be obtained if the lining is treated with a combination of varnish and oils.

Features of impregnation application

The lining is divided into several types. Miscellaneous materials differ from each other in the number and structure of joints. Based on these parameters, a different amount of effort is required for its high-quality preparation.

Wooden lining in our time has become very popular, especially when it comes to baths or saunas. It is used even for finishing apartments and houses, a corridor. The entrance hall, finished with clapboard, has a very good view. You can find out the dimensions of the lining by clicking on the link. But before you start buying this material, you should find out that in addition to finishing the room with clapboard, it needs to be processed in the future. This will give the lining an aesthetic appearance and extend the service life. There are several processing methods, in this article we will talk about some.

Processing lining in the bath

Why do you need to process the lining?

Lining made from natural wood needs further processing, the reasons are obvious. If, for example, lining is used for exterior finish its condition will be influenced by atmospheric factors - these are temperature, humidity, wind, direct Sun rays. All this can lead to her deplorable state:

  • Deteriorating appearance
  • Mold and rot develop
  • color changing
  • Material deformation occurs

Not even all the changes that can happen to your lining in a year are listed here, without additional processing. Of course, if the lining is used for interior cladding rooms, the environment is softer and therefore changes will occur more slowly.

Lining preparation

Before proceeding with the direct processing of the lining, you need to prepare it for this procedure. First of all, you need to walk with fine sandpaper to remove all the bumps and roughness from the tree. After that, you need to clean the lining from dust, a small brush is suitable for this. When all this is done, you can proceed to the direct processing of wood.

Stain application

If you are going to cover the lining with a clear varnish or wax, you first need to use a stain. It will allow not only to even out the color of the tree but also to keep it for many years. Modern materials allow not only to change the color of the tree but also are excellent antiseptics that will protect the wood from mold and moisture penetration.

Water-based, alcohol-based and oil-based options are available for sale. They come in the form of a powder that should dissolve or ready-made - in the form of a liquid. In the end, you will have a liquid that is applied with a brush to the tree.

Applying wax to lining

If the lining will be used in the steam room of the bath, then here you can’t do without waxing it. After all, at high temperatures and high humidity there is a risk of getting poisoned when not using the right materials. And wax is a natural material that does not carry any troubles.

Wax is applied with a cloth, a small amount is applied in the direction of the fibers. The procedure is repeated several times. After polishing, the lining will acquire a deep, even color.

There are various wax impregnations on sale, they are also well suited for processing lining. You can learn the subtleties of their application from the product instructions.

Lacquering lining.

Lacquer is a proven means for protecting wood from an external aggressive environment. To date, there are many different products of this type. If earlier only clear varnish was used, today you can purchase varnish with a different shade.

You need to use waterproof varnish, buy not the cheapest - the most best option this is the average price range. It is applied in several layers, two or more. Between each layer you need a period of time to dry. Depending on the type of varnish, drying can take from 8 hours or more.

It is advisable to go over the lower layers of varnish with fine sandpaper to remove the raised pile of wood from the surface.

Processing lining inside the house - instructions

A huge number of people around the world are engaged in finishing their homes, and of course they prefer a beautiful and natural material - wooden lining. This is both environmentally friendly and natural beauty will surround you, and such material not only creates beautiful impressions, it also affects the favorable microclimate in the room.

But in order for this natural material to serve for a long time, it needs to be looked after, and most importantly, it must be done correctly. You cannot take it and paint it with ordinary paint - you will spoil all the attractiveness, the material will stop breathing, and after a short time the paint will begin to crumble.

Inside the house includes a complete set of works based on four stages:

  • Preparation.
  • Primer.
  • Protection.
  • Decorative staining

Preparing the lining for painting

If you use eurolining, then you can skip this step, because European manufacturers operate according to special standards, which require the mandatory primary processing of decorative wood panels with protective compounds.

For those who bought a standard domestic-made lining or will install a non-new, and already processed lining, this stage is mandatory.

Preparing a new lining

Preparing a new lining made of wood, which you purchased in one of the stores building materials, includes the following activities:

  • A batch of lining, as a rule, allows regrading up to 10%, which means that the material of the first grade may contain a small amount of second-rate board. In order not to disturb the holistic appearance of the surface, the material must be carefully examined and sorted.
  • The lining that you purchased before installation should be perfectly dry. Also, it should lie down in the room where the installation will be carried out for 2-3 days, so that its temperature evens out.
  • Elimination of defects. Defects on the surface of the lining include bumps, blue or white spots, knots. Part of the defective lining can not be touched, because in the process of work you will need a short piece of material - for finishing above doors and windows, and you will have something to cut from. But before starting the installation, the front surfaces of the material must be cleaned of stains by bleaching.

Important!!! For such work, it is recommended to use a good bleach. Grease stains can be removed by deresining, for this they are wiped with a 25% acetone solution. Small ridges can be removed with sandpaper or a wire brush.

Unfortunately, painting a wooden lining is not a process that can be performed only once during the entire period of its life. This procedure must be repeated periodically.

Before painting or varnishing the lining, it is necessary to pre-treat its surface.

As a rule, re-painting of lining is necessary in the following cases:

  1. the bottom layer of paint has peeled off;
  2. lining has lost color;
  3. paint or varnish has lost its luster;
  4. a significant defect has appeared on the surface, for example, fungal damage;
  5. the existing lining color is not suitable for the new interior of the house.

How to clean the lining from varnish, paint and dirt?
There are two ways to remove old varnish or paint from the lining surface:

  • Chemically. This includes the use of various synthetic fluids and forms - washes and emollients that help the paint peel off the surface. Keep in mind that chemical method pretty aggressive. After removing the top layer, the lining should be washed with water or wiped with white spirit.

Important!!! To carry out activities using these means, the room must be well ventilated and you must have personal protection.

  • Mechanical. In this case, the top layer is removed with a metal brush, scraper or building hair dryer and spatula. To completely remove paint from wood, you can treat the surface with a solution of soda. The big disadvantage of this method is the possibility of damaging the smooth surface with a brush or scraper.

Important!!! If you can't decide which surface cleaning method is best, check out these tips:

  • The mechanical method of cleaning the lining is the most suitable for removing oil paint.
  • If you plan to cover it with clear varnish after cleaning the surface, then it is more profitable to prefer mechanical way, because washes can bleach the lining unevenly.

If there are deep defects in some places of the material, they should be repaired with wood fillers.

To give a uniform structure to the wooden coating, the primer is applied with a gun or brush.

If a primer is applied before painting, it will give wooden clapboard several undeniable advantages:

  • improve the "adhesion" to the future surface layer - varnish or paint;
  • protect the tree from moisture penetration;
  • will close the pores, allowing you to apply top coat more evenly;
  • will reduce the consumption of decorative coating - paint or varnish.

Important!!! Some types of wood, such as pine or spruce, can release resin for quite a long time. To avoid this, the lining must be treated with a special primer that will close the wood pores.

Types of primers for lining
Varieties of primer depend on the composition. On modern market building materials, you can find the following types of primer coating:

  • Alkyd. This coating is suitable for both outdoor and internal use. The material is adapted to different tree species, so the choice here is the most diverse.
  • Acrylic. This composition is a reliable protection against all damage except rot and rust. Such a primer is suitable for use in internal repair work.
  • Polystyrene primers. Due to the high toxicity, they are only suitable for outdoor work.
  • Primer with PVA glue. This option is well-deservedly popular, a solution of PVA glue is prepared in a ratio of 10 drops of glue per 100 ml of water, it is applied in two layers. This is necessary in order to avoid the appearance of unprimed areas that will be visible only after complete drying.

Important!!! The disadvantages of the latter method: a whitish coating may appear on the wooden lining, such whiteness is not visible on raw wood, but on a tinted surface, this is very noticeable. It also partially hides the structure of the wood.

  • Gelatin primer. As a primer, some recommend using edible gelatin. Gelatin is soaked in cold water in a ratio of 1 part gelatin 2 parts water, then heated in a water bath until the granules are completely dissolved. The composition is cooled to a slight thickening and the lining is treated with it in 2-3 layers.

Important!!! The best chemical industrial primers for the restoration of lining are deservedly considered compositions from the following manufacturers:

  • Tikkurila (Tikkurila);
  • Belinka (Belinka);
  • Lacra;
  • Pinotex.

In order to protect the surface from scratches and other damage, it must be covered with special chemical compounds. These products are designed to protect wood from moisture, rot, fungal infections, insect pests and UV rays.

Methods and means for protecting wood

The specificity of such protective agents is that they become invisible when dry and penetrate deep into the structure of the tree. The use of such forms is a very important stage in the protection of lining. Manufacturers of eurolining do it at the pre-sale preparation.

Important!!! Protection and processing of lining, it is better to do it on both sides. The ends of the material should be given special attention. This is due to the fact that after installation, the end side is not stained.

You can choose these solutions to protect the material inside the house:

flame retardants. Compounds that are the basis of aqueous solutions of salts. They are designed to protect wood products from fire.

Important!!! The decorative elements made of wood that you use must definitely increase the fire resistance.

Antiseptics. These are chemical compounds that have an active antifungal effect. They are designed to protect the lining from the biological activity of various fungi and pests.

Important!!! Before installation, lining must be treated with an antiseptic. This is due to the fact that the reverse side of the plank, ends, locks also need to be treated with this tool.

Choice of finish

Natural resins, oils and waxes

IN last years people are becoming more and more inclined to choose natural or so-called natural material. However, you should be aware that manufacturers and sellers can simply lure their customers with this weakness. The reason is the very vague line between "natural" and "synthetic" coatings: natural is supposed to be made from raw materials derived from renewable sources, and only a slight chemical change is allowed in these raw materials. This product must also be biodegradable and its production, use and disposal must not adversely affect the environment.

In general, we can say that buyers are mistaken when they think that natural substances are always absolutely harmless. And among them there are those that are toxic and dangerous to human health. Many of the substances that plants contain are deadly.

Of course, such dangerous compounds do not exist in natural coatings, but you should be aware that "natural" or "bio" by itself does not provide complete safety for your health. It should also be emphasized that ordinary natural finishes, compared to synthetic paints and varnishes, have lower physical and chemical properties, and they need to be restored more often.

The natural oils that are most commonly used for surface treatment are:

  • linen;
  • tung;
  • castor;
  • hydrogenated;
  • hemp;

The drying time of natural, untreated linseed oil is very long - more than a week, so it is not convenient for practical use. Thus, a special varnish is made from it, containing a heat-treated linseed oil, and add desiccants to it to speed up curing.

The best-known natural wax is beeswax, but it is quite mild for practical use. Therefore, surface treatment waxes always include the so-called carnauba wax, which increases the final hardness.

Paraffin is a synthetic product of the distillation of oil, it is also very similar in physical properties to wax - but naturally it is not a natural product.

Natural wood finishes often include various natural resins such as shellac, sandarac, or rosin as one of the ingredients.

Nitrocellulose coatings

The binder for these coatings is nitrocellulose obtained by nitration of natural polymers - cellulose. Thanks to the quality of nitrocellulose (NC) varnishes, we can include them in our list of natural materials.

NC varnishes contain acetone, ethyl acetate, butyl acetate, ethanol, aromatic alcohols and the like as solvents and thinners. Rejection physically occurs simultaneously with the volatilization of these substances. Nitrocellulose varnishes - when used on finished surfaces - are often superior to more modern varnishes, but they also have a major drawback: poorer resistance to some solvents - acetone for example.

In its manufacture, a high content of volatile organic solvents is important and, as a result, an inadequate impact on the environment.

Polyester varnishes

Polyester (PE) varnishes were popular in the old days, because their main feature is strength - (hardness, elasticity), the ability to achieve glossy surfaces ... But today they are little used, as they contain styrenes, which are very harmful. Yes, they are attached to wooden surface not very good, especially on small details.

Polyurethane varnishes

Polyurethane varnishes are products from which water-based varnishes are made. We can find them for sale at various forms- one-component and most often two-component. these varnishes are strong, with good elasticity, good adhesion, durability, high water resistance and chemical resistance.

Unfortunately, many polyurethane varnishes can change color when exposed to ultraviolet light. As for using them for floor coverings or furniture then this is an excellent material.

One-component polyurethane varnishes contain 20 to 30 percent dry matter and are in fact the melting of the PU prepolymer, they become hard by absorbing moisture from the air, allowing them to chemically react with carbon dioxide.

One-component PU varnishes are versatile and easy to use and should be applied in a thin layer (80 to 100 g per square meter), otherwise the surface quality will be poor.

Polycondensation varnishes with acidic binders

These varnishes are also called "acid-resistant varnishes" or "acid-resistant varnishes" in everyday speech. They contain formaldehyde resins as binders. The rejection is physico-chemical, that is, it refers to the disappearance of volatile components and the polycondensation reaction.

The catalyst that speeds up the reaction is the organic acid on which this coating group is applied. By themselves, these varnishes are hard and brittle, so alkyd and other resins are often added to them.

Polyacrylic varnishes

The binders are polyacrylates, which are used to make water-based varnish. In combination with polyurethane binders, they are also very popular as indoor treatments.

There are many different derivatives of this material, from physically drying ones that are thermoplastic to those modified compositions intended for UV curing.

Alkyd varnishes

Alkyd resins are rarely used indoors as they are most often applied to metals. However, alkyd binders are increasingly being used for outdoor wood protection as well as solvent-based clear glazing.

Lining - exclusively comfortable material for wall cladding. It does not need special preparation: it does not need to be leveled, putty or plastered. Moreover, lining is environmentally friendly and creates a favorable microclimate in the premises. But how to preserve its qualities, how to process and emphasize the beauty of the texture?

There are quite a few different products that are designed to protect the lining from moisture, fire, sun, fungus, mold, bugs, etc. As a rule, they form a translucent coating on the treated surface, which can highlight the texture. Let us consider in more detail how to process the lining before its practical use.

Protective equipment is usually divided into two groups:

  1. having a purely protective function;
  2. In addition to the protective function, they also have a decorative function.

Protecting the lining from all sorts of adverse effects includes several mandatory steps:

  • cleaning from mold, dirt and other things;
  • primer;
  • impregnation;
  • coating with varnish or paint.

Primary processing of lining

protective treatment of lining

Clapboard is possible, including with high humidity. Even before the start installation work the material needs to be processed: it may have white stripes, it may lose its original color, someone may want to change its shade, etc.

The primary processing of lining requires drying, removing roughness, sanding the surface with a fine sandpaper. The surface can be cleaned with a brush, steel or hair.

Wood bleaches

If there are darkened (wood blue, etc.) or fungus-damaged areas on the surface, carry out deep cleaning using special bleaches for wood.

Consider a few examples of domestic production.

"Senezh Neo". To obtain a working solution, its components (A and B) are mixed in proportion: one part A is taken for four parts B. With a brush, sponge, spray, the solution is abundantly applied to the lining in several steps with a frequency of 20-40 minutes (the solution is active 2- 3 hours), then washed.

"Frost". It consists of two compositions: a liquid, which includes active chlorine and a water-soluble powder, which is used as a solution (30-35%). The processing of the lining is first carried out with the first composition, then after at least 4 hours, with a solution of the second. If necessary, the bleaching cycle is repeated. Then washed with water.

If the surface is absolutely not amenable to bleaching, a stain (stain) is used to lighten it. Its particles, reflecting light, do not allow the wood to darken.

The consumption of bleaching compositions determines the degree of damage and the properties of wood.
The final result of bleaching can only be assessed after the washed lining has dried.

To remove greasy stains, resins are deresined. The easiest way to do this is to use acetone: the boards are lubricated with a 25% solution, then they are washed in warm water.

Primer: which one to choose and how to apply

The primer is applied to fill the lining floors. When choosing a primer, two points are taken into account: the type of wood and what kind of primer, transparent or opaque, is supposed to be applied. It is important that during the drying process it “does not sag” and provides ease during subsequent grinding.

Among the primers, one can note the products of Belinka Belles, Tikkurila, Nobel, Rogneda, Palitra Rusi, Lakra and others. Because these biocide-containing, colorless products do not form a film on the treated surface, they penetrate deep into the wood.

The primer is applied with a roller, brush or sprayer. It improves adhesion protective composition and, at the same time, significantly reduces its consumption, and, on the contrary, increases its service life.

Impregnation of lining with antiseptics or flame retardants


An important stage of protection work is its treatment with antiseptic compounds, which are a simple and cheap remedy fight against decay and the development of fungi. The latest antiseptics are not only able to prevent damage, but also stop the process that has already begun.

They are divided into two main groups:

  • antiseptic impregnations are solutions of salts or other substances (algicides, fungicides and combined products);
  • antiseptic coatings - they form a protective film.

For drugs of the first group, subsequent surface treatment is required, its isolation in order to prevent the antiseptic from washing out or evaporating, and also, due to the toxicity of some components, direct contact with the human body.

Film-forming antiseptic coatings are used for external lining or when contact with moisture is not excluded. Sometimes it can be dictated by aesthetic considerations.

Among the popular drugs designed to combat biocorrosion, one can note the products of Tikkurila, Belinka Belles, Akzo, Rogneda, Senezh-preparations, etc.

flame retardants

With all its, unfortunately, it burns and supports combustion. Therefore, the issue of enhancing its fire-retardant properties is also important.

Flame retardants are divided according to the principle of action into two groups:

  1. block access to the flame high temperature) - work on the principle of a fire extinguisher: in direct contact with an open fire, they swell, forming a foam layer on the surface of the lining;
  2. prevent combustion by releasing gases - they contain salts that react on contact with fire and release gas.

Antiperens containing orthophosphoric, tripolyphosphoric and pyrophosphoric acids, as well as sodium salts, are considered the most effective.

As a rule, firms that produce antiseptics also produce antiperenes in parallel (Senezh-preparations, Rogneda, etc.).

Coating with varnish or paint

For guard ( decorative finishes) use varnishes, glazes, decorative impregnations, paints. Most often, varnishes or “breathing” paints that have appeared recently are used for these purposes. These paints are available in both matte and glossy versions. When choosing a paint finish, you need to consider that the natural texture of the wood is lost under it.

Varnishes for lining, in turn, can have shades or be colorless. They are selected according to the purpose of the finishing material. They are:

  • alkyd - they can be used for both indoor and outdoor use;
  • polyurethane - also universal, available in glossy and matte versions, protect against UV rays and yellowing;
  • acrylic-polyurethane - resistant to atmospheric phenomena, mold and fading;
  • water-based - they are used for interior work;
  • acrylic water - they process the surface of the interior decoration, they are matte, glossy and tinted.

Biomoisture protective compounds

These are preparations designed to combat mold, fungus and other pests, while at the same time giving the lining water-repellent, protective and decorative properties. The appearance of such compositions is quite logical: why cover the treated surface with, say, an antiseptic, stain and varnish, if you can do the same thing at a time? This is what biomoisture protective impregnations owe their popularity to.

They have a complex composition, which includes cross-linking, binding (film-forming) agents, solvents, pigments and additives that improve the technological properties of the drug.

Among the manufacturers can be noted: Tikkurila, Rogneda, Sadolin, etc. One of the proven compositions of this type is Pinotex Extra, which is used for indoor and outdoor use. It has over 100 shades.

Security measures

When working with biocidal preparations that are designed to treat lining and protect against the effects of fungi and insects, it should be borne in mind that all of them, without exception, are poisonous to humans.
Therefore, it is imperative to use rubber gloves, a respirator and goggles when working.

Increasingly, people, choosing a finishing coating, prefer natural materials. Wood is considered very popular. It is environmentally friendly, healthy, saturates the air with a useful aroma. Except useful properties, the tree has such qualitative characteristics as excellent heat and sound insulation. That is why, as a material for interior decoration often choose lining.

Wooden lining is an environmentally friendly material, but requires special processing to protect the tree from destruction.

However, there are some drawbacks. Wood is considered a flammable material, it is prone to decay, various fungi and insects can start in it. To prevent all these processes, as well as to protect against mechanical damage and adverse environmental influences, lining is processed. This is an accompanying process in this case, and one cannot do without it.

When choosing a wooden finish, many do not know how to process the lining inside the house and how often it needs to be processed. We will consider the processing of wooden coating inside houses further.

Necessary materials

Lacquer coatings for lining protect the tree from moisture and sunlight.

Before you go to the store for a treatment agent, you should find out what products are and what they are for. Indeed, with the help of some you can change the color, some serve to shine and protect, and some only to protect the tree from the adverse effects of the environment and to protect against damage. But it is worth noting the fact that manufacturers, trying to please the buyer, are constantly releasing new building materials.

To process the lining inside the house, you only need to choose quality materials safe for human health. So, you can process it in the following ways:

  1. Primer for wood.
  2. Antiseptics for wood:
    • opaque antiseptic (cover);
    • translucent antiseptic (glazing).
  3. Fire retardant impregnation for wood.
  4. Acrylic paint.
  5. Oil paint.
  6. Bio oil.
  7. Wood wax.
  8. Varnishes for wood:
    • alkyd;
    • water based.

If the wood has old coating, a product to remove the old coating will be required. Antiseptics and primers are designed to protect wood as a preliminary step before painting.

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Antiseptic coating is relevant for country houses, it will reliably protect the wood from insects and mold.

Antiseptic for wood - a product designed to protect wood from the process of decay, from pests and mold, protects from the sun. The antiseptic is absorbed into the wood by a few millimeters. Divided into translucent and opaque antiseptic. A translucent antiseptic preserves the natural pattern of the wood and saturates the natural color, giving it a shine. An opaque antiseptic preserves only the woody relief, the color of the tree is hidden under it. The antiseptic not only destroys existing organisms, but also protects against their appearance for a long time.

The same functions as an antiseptic are performed by a primer for wood. Wood primer is an essential step in wood processing before painting or varnishing. Thanks to the primer, the consumption of varnish and paint is significantly reduced, since the primer forms a protective surface and protects the wood from moisture and corrosion.

Modern manufacturers produce antiseptic primers that combine the properties of a primer and have bioprotective qualities. Next come the decorative finishes. They completely hide the natural color of the wood, leaving only its natural relief.

For impregnation of large volumes of lining, it is convenient to use a manual spray gun.

Oil paint. It penetrates deep into the surface of the tree, thereby retaining its external quality for up to eight years. After 7-8 years, the surface loses its luster, the color becomes less saturated, and re-treatment of the surface is required. The disadvantages of this coating are a long drying time and an unpleasant strong odor. So paint oil paint lining inside the house is possible only in the warm season, so that you can ventilate the room.

Acrylic paint has an almost imperceptible smell, unlike oil paint. It is evenly applied, does not spread, dries quickly and is safe for health. Therefore, processing the lining inside the house with acrylic paint is considered one of the most acceptable options. But it has one drawback - the high price.

Acrylic scuba is the most environmentally friendly product. The coating is durable, strong, the structure of the tree is visible. It is possible to process lining inside the house, with the exception of the floor. Aqualac dries very quickly, even after multiple coats. Variety of varnish is alkyd. It is great for handling internal surfaces However, it must only be applied to a completely dry surface.

If the appearance of the lining is especially important to you, it is recommended to use decorative glaze. It protects the tree well and at the same time, under this coating, the structure and relief of the tree is preserved. It is possible to mix the necessary colors to achieve the desired shade. If you only need to change the shade of the wood, use a stain. However, staining requires a perfectly flat surface.

If it is necessary to completely hide the structure of the tree, use opaque enamel.

It is applied in three layers. Thus, the consumption of material is quite large. Treatment with a special oil or a product containing oil (not to be confused with oil paint) is very popular. Oil does not issue bad smell, but at the same time, due to the fact that it penetrates deep into the tree, it reliably protects the tree from pests and adverse factors. If you use ordinary colorless oil, the material will get a golden hue.

How to process the lining inside the house - this question worries many who use this product to decorate various rooms. Of course, the material can be left in its original form, but then it must be borne in mind that the service life of the coating will be only 5-6 years. This perspective does not seem entirely appropriate.

It is necessary to process the material in order to increase its operational properties and maintain an attractive appearance (enhance the visual impression). It should be noted that work with lining consists of several stages, each of which is important.

So, lining processing is necessary to improve the following characteristics:

  1. Fire resistance. This characteristic allows you to increase the duration of the spread of the flame over the surface, the time of ignition, or completely prevent the occurrence of a fire.
  2. Protection of the product from mold and fungi, which lead to destruction. Especially this indicator should be increased in places of high humidity.
  3. Increased resistance to mechanical damage. This property is necessary for those areas that are constantly exposed.
  4. Immunity to ultraviolet. Minimizes fading and drying.

Processing lining allows you to extend the life of the material

Not to mention the decorative factor. It consists in the fact that a substance is applied to the surface of the material, which improves it decorative characteristics. Moreover, the surface can remain the same as it was originally, or completely transformed.

Various types of formulations for processing

The modern market of construction and finishing materials offers a wide range of different compositions that can be used for this type of work. Processing lining inside the house is done independently, without the use of special equipment.

The processing of the lining must be carried out with special compounds

On a note! To get a good result, you need to purchase products that have the necessary certificates, and are also produced by trusted manufacturers. The fact is that there are many fakes on the market that are not only useless, but also harmful to the human body.

Antiseptic solutions

Such substances are used in order to protect wood from the occurrence of living organisms (mold, fungi, insects and even mice). The material is treated with this preparation before cladding, due to the fact that it must be applied to the entire surface of the product. This procedure is especially indispensable when it is planned to use lining on objects with a high level of humidity.

The application of an antiseptic allows you to protect the wood from mold, microbes and fungus

It should be borne in mind that this solution performs exclusively protective functions. Therefore, it is applied before using decorative components. When choosing antiseptics, pay attention to the place of application. The label must indicate that the product is intended for indoor use.

The work is carried out as follows:

  • Each fragment is processed separately. Surface treatment on only one side will not bring the desired effect.
  • As a tool, a brush and a roller are used.
  • The antiseptic is applied to the entire surface in a thin and even layer. It is advisable to process all areas - notches, corners.
  • Each element is left for a while - until completely dry. It is necessary to avoid that the material is in contact with each other during drying.

Work on processing the lining with an antiseptic must be carried out separately with each element

Thus, wood is obtained that will be resistant to various microorganisms that multiply in a humid environment.

flame retardants

These compounds are necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of fire. Applying this material is quite difficult. Impregnation of lining with flame retardants will be much more effective if it was produced at the enterprise. Although it is impossible to exclude self-application of the substance.

The composition is divided into two groups, which differ in the mode of action:

  1. Flame retardants that prevent combustion by releasing non-flammable gases.
  2. Substances that form a protective film on the surface of the product.

Impregnation with flame retardant reduces the likelihood of ignition of the material

It must be understood that these solutions cannot completely protect against the effects of fire. They only increase the time it takes for the processed elements to ignite.

To know! Now there are solutions that combine the actions of an antiseptic and a fire retardant. This is a combined composition that has a combination of their positive properties.

Priming compositions

The primer is applied before applying decorative substances to the lining. This is necessary in order to increase the adhesion of materials, as well as reduce their consumption.

Before applying varnish or paint, the lining must be treated with a primer

The outer parts of the product are processed. It should be borne in mind that priming can be single-layer and two-layer. It depends on whether the treatment was performed with other compounds, as well as what kind of wood is used.

On a note! Currently, it combines a lot positive qualities. It will not only reduce the consumption of subsequent materials, but also serve to protect against fungus and mold.

wood stain

The stain is used as an impregnation if it is planned to use a colorless varnish or wax in the future. It evens out the color of the wood and protects it from changes. Currently, this material has another protective property. It includes the functions of an antiseptic.

Stain allows you to improve the color of wood, and is also used as an antiseptic.

Before work, it is necessary to decide on the choice of solution, which can be on a different basis (alcohol, water and oil). The composition is available in finished or dry form. But the method of application is completely the same.


The main task of wax is to protect the surface from damage, as well as to eliminate the likelihood of poisonous fumes. The last factor refers to cases when lining is used for lining saunas and baths. That is, it is necessary to prevent the release of toxic substances when exposed to high temperatures.

Waxing should be done with a soft cloth.

A purely decorative effect cannot be ruled out. The treated surface acquires a deep and even color.

The work is carried out according to the following principle:

  • A certain amount of material is applied to the surface.
  • Rub it with a soft cloth until it is completely penetrated.
  • Several layers should be applied.

Some manufacturers specify additional conditions that are necessary for wax application.


Lacquer is needed in order to give the surface beautiful view and protect it from damage. The inner perimeter of the premises is best treated with water-based acrylic compounds. This solution is transparent and translucent. If required, it can be dyed by adding color.

Lacquering allows you to give the lining a more spectacular look and protect it from damage.

The following application technology looks very nice:

  1. Initially, the first layer is applied - a completely transparent composition.
  2. The second layer is a translucent solution. It forms an interesting shade.

This principle allows you to preserve the natural texture of the tree.

Paints can also be used, but they are rarely used, as they completely hide the natural surface of the material.
