Most correct option the porch is when its foundation is cast along with the house. In this case, there are practically no problems. Sometimes when planning a building, they forget about it. Then the porch is attached to the house. They make an extension mainly from three materials: wood, metal and concrete. If the house is brick, they can build it out of brick. Another option is to make from building blocks with subsequent finishing. In any case, when planning to make a porch with your own hands, you must immediately decide what kind of foundation to make and whether or not to connect it with the base of the building.

How to calculate parameters

First you need to decide which side the steps will go to. They can be on one, two or three sides. Determine this based on personal preferences and finances that you can / want to allocate for construction. The height of the porch depends on the height of the plinth and should be 50-70 mm below the edge door leaf. This small step prevents precipitation from entering the house. Perhaps more importantly, it prevents the doors from being blocked if the porch rises from frost heaving (if the doors open outward).

Determine the dimensions of the top platform

The layout of the porch begins with determining the size of the upper platform. If the doors open outward, you should be able to open the doors while standing on the platform. That is, its depth should be 30-40 cm more than the width of the door leaf. According to the recommendations of GOST, the dimensions of the site should be 1.5 times the width of the doorway. More is possible - less is undesirable - inconvenient.

If your doors are 80 cm wide, then the depth of the upper platform at the very minimum is 120 cm. You determine its width based on the tastes and proportions of the house, but it must definitely be greater than the width of the doorway.

We count the number and size of steps

You know the height of the porch: 50-60 mm below the door leaf. The recommended step (riser) height is 15-20 cm. Divide the height of the porch by the height of the steps, you get the approximate number of steps. The number is rarely whole. The remaining centimeters can be divided between all the steps or make one of them higher. Another option is to make a small step at the bottom, although this can be inconvenient.

The optimal step width (tread) is 25-30 cm. Knowing the number of steps, the depth of the upper platform, the depth of the steps, you can calculate the dimensions of the porch completely. According to them, it is already possible to develop the foundation for the porch.

When choosing the parameters of the steps, one must adhere to the recommendations of SNiP: the sum of the prosup and the double riser should be in the range of 600-640 mm. For example, you calculated that the height of the step (risers) is 17 cm, the tread (depth of the degree) is 280 mm. After completing the calculations, we get: 170 mm * 2 + 280 mm = 620 mm. We fit into the recommended parameters, so nothing needs to be changed.

What foundation is needed

If the porch is planned to be light - wooden or metal - the foundation is most often made of pile or column. Specifically, they are chosen based on geological conditions. On well-draining soils with a low level of groundwater, it is enough, with a tendency to heaving, it is necessary already.

For a heavy porch - made of brick or monolithic concrete- make a strip foundation or. The type of foundation is most often similar to that on which the house is built.

Then you need to decide whether you will tie the porch foundation to the house foundation or not. Decisions are made based on the planned mass of the extension and the type of soil. Both options have disadvantages. If there is no connection, cracks often form at the junction of the porch and the house, and the porch can warp due to frosty heaving. Owners of summer cottages often face such a problem - basically the porch to the summer cottages is made wooden and incoherent. After the earth thaws, it may itself “sit down” in place, or it may require some additional measures.

When arranging connections, the formation of cracks is also possible, but not only at the junction, but also in the “body” of the extension. This happens if the arranged reinforced connections cannot compensate for the uneven load created by the house and the extension. Therefore, a connected foundation for the porch is made if it is attached to a heavy house and itself is heavy and massive, made of reinforced concrete. The second difficulty with this decision is to make the connection of high quality. To do this, use ribbed reinforcement with a diameter of 12-16 mm, under which holes are drilled in the foundation with a given diameter. Reinforcement is hammered into them and on its basis a frame for the porch is knitted.

There are two main designs of stairs: on bowstrings and on stringers. They can be made from wood or metal. There are also combined options- metal + wooden steps or metal + concrete steps.

Stair structures - on bowstrings and stringers

On bowstrings

Ladders on bowstrings are the simplest. For a porch - a good option, especially if the house is wooden or a small country house. Support bars are attached to the inside of the bowstring. If you work with metal, the bars are welded horizontally (you can use minimal slope 1-2° in order for water to flow from the steps). In the case of wood, either supporting bars can be nailed, to which the step will then be attached, or recesses are cut in the bowstring (no more than 1/2 of the thickness of the board), into which the step boards are inserted.

On kosoura

The ladder on the stringers can also be of a simple design - with open supports. In this case, triangles are cut at the required angle in the upper part of the board. Their lower part serves as a support for the steps.

When cutting the stringer, the height of the step and the width of the tread are set aside. They are connected at right angles. According to the marked markup, a template is made, with the help of which all the steps are marked.

The number of stringers in a staircase depends on its width and on the thickness of the boards used for the steps. The thinner the board for the steps, the more often you need to put stringers. If you are using 25 mm boards, then there should be a distance of no more than 50-60 cm between the two supports. If you need a large width of the stairs, but do not want to put three stringers, use thicker boards. It is important that they do not bend under your feet.

If you decide to weld a ladder on stringers from metal, you will need to be patient: you will have to weld many small segments, but the principle of formation is the same.

Ways of fastening parts

The lower edge of the porch stairs can sometimes rest directly on the ground. This option is simple but unreliable. Firstly, the soil may settle, the staircase will begin to collapse. Secondly, when in contact with the ground, both wood and metal are destroyed faster. There are special impregnations for wood (Senezh and Senezh Ultra, for example), and metal is well formed with a primer and painted in several layers. Nevertheless, it is better to make a base - to fill in a shallow-depth tape, on which the bowstrings or stringers will rest.

K iron concrete base there are two ways to fix the stairs for the porch - to the bed - a beam with a section of at least 75 * 75 mm or to a mortgage beam of a smaller section (in the photo on the left).

Difficulties may arise with the installation of porch pillars. There are several ways. There is one very simple and effective one that works great even on heaving soils (clays and loams). Holes are dug under the pillars with a depth of 50-60 cm. A bucket and a half of sand is poured into them at the bottom, and it is well tamped. On top of the sand, rubble is poured from half a bucket and also rammed. They put a pole, level it to the level, put spacers that will hold it in a given position. The space between the wall of the hole and the pillar is gradually covered with rubble, carefully ramming it. The hole is filled flush with the ground, the top can be concreted (so that the precipitation does not drain), but not spilled to the very bottom. The poles installed in this way do not lead even with strong heaving. A significant part of the water goes into the sand, and the rubble takes over the remaining forces of frost heaving, neutralizing them.

If piles, strip foundation or monolithic slab, the columnar base is folded, then studs or special glasses are walled up in concrete to fasten the wooden racks. After the concrete has matured, the bars of the racks are attached to them with capercaillie or bolts.

If the racks are metal, a corner with a wall thickness of at least 3-4 mm is laid in the concrete so that it can be easily welded to it later.

When building a wooden porch with your own hands, questions may arise about attaching railings and balusters. They can be assembled on ordinary nails, but if desired, you can use bolts or capercaillie. In this case, holes are pre-drilled, then fasteners are installed in them and tightened with an angle wrench. Such a connection is certainly more reliable than just on nails.

If the porch is attached to a freshly cut wooden house, in which shrinkage has not yet been completed, and the design of the porch provides for a canopy, it is necessary to mount the racks on special adjustable plates.

We draw your attention to the fact that both the metal and wood that you will use to build the porch require careful processing. The porch is exposed to all climatic influences and the materials require good protection.

Monolithic concrete stairs

The most durable stairs are made of monolithic concrete. They take longer to make than metal or wood, but their service life is calculated in decades. The types of stairs made of concrete are described in detail in the video. The basis of the calculation is also given.

How to make a concrete staircase on stringers with your own hands, see the next video.

wooden porch

A wooden porch is one of the most common options in our country. Wood is plastic, easy to work with, costs relatively little (in our country), forgives many mistakes. That is why it is a favorite building material.

It also has disadvantages: it requires good protection before starting construction (antibacterial impregnations and fire retardants), as well as regular care - updating the protective paintwork. Then it looks attractive for a long time, otherwise it quickly loses its decorative effect.

One of the options for building a wooden porch with a staircase on bowstrings can be seen in the video. Please note that the porch is being built on sandy soil, so the method used to install the pillars is not suitable for everyone. Everything else is clear.

brick porch

Since brick is a dense and heavy material, a serious foundation is required for a brick porch. Usually it is a monolithic slab, and with double reinforcement, and it is better if it is larger in size than the planned porch.

When calculating the parameters of the steps, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the brick and the thickness of the seam between them. Then it will be easier to lay the work - no need to cut the brick. If you are not going to clad the porch, for the outer rows use quality material. The inner rows - backfilling - can be made from battle or building blocks and their remnants.

Brick porch with wooden steps

If the house is on a high plinth, making a monolithic brick porch is too expensive. Then the columns or walls are folded, leaving empty space inside. It can then be used for business purposes or closed decorative shields. If you need an upper platform, these columns / walls are covered from above with a concrete slab - homemade or finished - this is your choice. Then a ladder is attached to the resulting base. It doesn't have to be brick. It can be metal, concrete or a combination.

Photo report: wooden porch on a metal frame

Theory is only a theory, and in construction too. You always understand the essence of the matter better if you observe the process yourself, because you can see how others are doing and learn something for yourself.

At the request of the parents, an exact copy of the old porch was made. The only difference is that a metal frame is welded for the new one.

In place of the demolished porch, a pit was dug 25 cm deep. Sand was filled in layers and rammed into the bottom, crushed stone - 10 cm each. A metal mesh with a cell of 10 cm was laid on top and all this was filled with concrete.

Welded according to the previous dimensions of the porch metal carcass(from the corner 70 * 5 mm). Sidewalls are exposed vertically and fixed on hairpins. Further, a base for benches is welded to them. All metal treated with a rust converter, primed and painted twice.

The wood used for construction is dry. Planed boards were cut to size (the width of the porch) and treated with impregnation for direct contact with the ground.

We lay the dried boards on the frame. You have to drill a hole for each fastener - you can’t just take a corner.

At this stage, two mistakes were made at once. The first is that the sheathing was not started from the sidewalls. Immediately began to lay the steps. As a result, water constantly flows into the joints of the side sheathing and steps and the wood is distorted. It is necessary to start the sheathing from the sides, and make the steps a little longer so that they protrude beyond the side sheathing by at least a couple of centimeters. The second mistake is that the boards on the porch are stacked close to each other. With high humidity, they swell and the surface becomes uneven. When laying the porch sheathing, make gaps of at least 5-8 mm.

After all the boards are fixed, they are polished. First with a belt sander with a coarse grain, then with a disc sander with a fine one. The process is lengthy. At the same time, the task is to remove green color impregnation. It does not overlap even with three layers of tinting.

After sanding, we start painting. Apply three times. Each layer after complete drying of the previous one. The resulting color is dark mahogany.

While the paint dries completely, we proceed to the manufacture of benches. We cut boards under them, grind off an oblique chamfer (for beauty), cover with impregnation.

We do the backs with small decor- rounded edges.

We saw along the marked lines with a jigsaw, then grind to a smooth edge.

The sides are covered with plywood, which was painted in the same color. The porch is ready.

Do-it-yourself finished wooden porch - side view

Do-it-yourself brick-concrete porch: photo

The walls of the landing are preliminarily made of bricks, on top of which a monolithic concrete slab is poured. Along the edge, a frame of corners is monolithic into it - so that the stairs and railings can be welded.

Porch plan: how everything should look

From a corner of 70 * 70 * 5 mm we cut blanks of the desired length. Then we treat them with a rust converter. We start cooking after the reaction has stopped and the metal has dried up.

We welded the first bowstring from metal.

The finished sidewall was attached to the concrete base with two pins.

fastening to concrete support support

In the same way, we cook the second bowstring and fix it. When working, make sure that the two bowstrings are in the same plane.

We begin to weld the support bars. It is important to constantly monitor the horizontal position so that the steps are not oblique.

We weld the transverse pieces of the corner to the supporting bars so that we get a shelf.

The corners are welded so that they form a frame. We put a piece of sheet slate in it. On the slate we lay out the reinforcing metal mesh. The edges of the mesh are welded to the frame.

Pour concrete into the prepared steps. We make it high-quality - so that the steps do not wear out longer.

While the concrete is gaining strength, we take on the racks that will support the canopy over the porch. For them, we take a profiled pipe 70 * 40 * 3 mm. From it we cut four columns. Two are slightly longer - they will be near the wall of the house, two are 15 cm shorter - they stand along the outer edge of the porch, creating the desired slope - so that the water and snow go off normally. For railings and crossbars, we use a profiled pipe 40 * 40 mm.

All metal is also treated with a rust converter.

First, we set up the racks, grab them, set temporary stops

To avoid lateral stresses, it is important to set the racks strictly vertically. We expose them, grab them, in several places with short seams, again we check whether they are standing correctly. We weld temporary stops and only after the next check we weld according to all the rules.

After all the racks are exposed and welded, you can assemble the railing. At the desired height, they are fixed strictly horizontally.

Then we proceed to the installation of the roof. We also cook it from profile pipe 40*40 mm. First, the strapping around the perimeter - at the level of shorter racks, then - the rest of the structure. It is not difficult, but it takes a lot of time - a lot of intersections.

Then it was the turn of the railings and decorations. And again, there are no difficulties, it can be done easily if desired.

Everything, the porch is ready for finishing work. Rough tiles for outdoor use were purchased for the steps and landing. She also trimmed the sidewall of a monolithic slab.

The metal was painted with matching paint, the roof was covered with corrugated board left after the installation of the roof. The do-it-yourself porch turned out to be quite good.

Porch design photo ideas

Porch to wooden bath or dacha - a ladder made of logs

Porch sheathed with WPC - wood-polymer composite

The design of the entrance in all cultures was given special attention. The construction of an external staircase leading to the porch can be approached in a non-trivial way by modern standards, referring to the experience of our ancestors, who protected the entrance of the house from evil people and witchcraft with various magical symbols. This metaphysical function was performed by the entrance group, which included a canopy, stairs and a porch with a terrace.

How to sign in to modern house and how to make a staircase to the porch with your own hands beautiful, comfortable, functional, and also bringing prosperity and comfort to the house? Perhaps our ancestors were too superstitious when placed near front door and on the steps various symbols and decorated the entrance with ornamental decor. But these decorative elements will help create a special mood and give the author's look to the design of the entrance group.

Design of the entrance group to the house: basic principles

The appearance of an external staircase as a functional part of the house is largely due to the architectural and functional features of residential buildings. With the help of a ladder structure, unhindered access to the premises was provided on inclined sections, as well as a convenient approach to the door, which was on a hill because of the foundation. This functional element was given exquisite forms. Entrance groups began to include flower beds and adjoining terraces.

3 main functions of the entrance group and external stairs

The main functions of the outdoor stairs include:

  • functional: to easily overcome the rise to the front door;
  • decorative in relation to architectural project Houses;
  • decorative in relation to landscape design.

When choosing the design of the entrance group and the stairs to the house, keep in mind that, according to tradition, in big houses There are two entrances: front and backyard. The entrance group of the main entrance fully corresponded to the main purpose and was carried out with the monumentality inherent in Russian architecture. The main chambers of the nobility were located above the basement, so the main staircase, as a rule, went to the 1st floor and had a high rise. The entrance to traditional Russian estates was combined with a terrace; such a canopy protected not only the residents of the house in bad weather from precipitation, but also the house itself from moisture.

Drawings of external staircases: simple, convenient and affordable options

The choice of staircase and porch design depends on the house, the size of the front door and the canopy. The main task when designing a staircase is to provide a convenient and safe entrance. The angle of the outer staircase should not exceed 24 degrees according to architectural standards, a maximum of 45 degrees. If the conditions of the site do not allow for a comfortable slope, the dimensions of the entrance group are increased, bringing the slope of the staircase to the recommended one and designing it according to the principles of internal structures.

Construction is desirable to start with a project. You can develop it and make drawings with Google SketchUp 8 - a very simple and affordable program. When designing an entrance group, keep in mind that any design element must be relevant and functional - redundancy harms good design.

The choice of staircase design will depend on practical and decorative functions, materials - on the budget, requirements and design of the house. In the construction of stairs, materials available in the region are often used.

Photos of outdoor stairs: interesting solutions

The photo shows the most advantageous projects of external stairs to a private residential building, the design of which depends on the height of the foundation and the characteristics of the entrance. General principle design should consist in the moderation of the design elements used and in the creation of a single compositional solution for the entrance group of the house in combination with landscape design.

Outdoor stairs: the best solutions

The material for the construction of the stairs depends on a number of parameters and the finish of the building. A house built of brick or with a “brick-like” facade decor is better to decorate in a single style and use clinker, Bavarian or Flemish brick for this purpose. Proposed a budget option stairs 40-50 cm high built of clinker bricks and fine granite stone.

How to make a small round staircase out of brick and stone:

The result is a staircase with a slight rise in the old style, which can be made from leftovers. building materials. Depending on the budget, you can make a brick staircase, which, when right choice construction, reinforcement and high-quality cladding will serve indefinitely for a long time.

The front staircase to the Russian estate: 2 video lessons

The front staircase to the house, which fully meets the requirements for appearance, must be made of appropriate materials. For these purposes, we suggest paying attention to the clinker tiles for stairs from Gres de Aragon from the Terra Natural collection. This staircase is perfect for a wooden and stone house.

The tiles are made in Italy, and the series is fully consistent with the traditions of the design of mosaic steps. Their key feature is the ornamental and mosaic risers, which, according to old beliefs, protect the house from the evil eye.

The installation of such stairs is done using formwork and concrete and tiling. Please note that it is recommended to use a vibratory compactor for dense concrete mass in high stairs.

How to make a porch with your own hands: video

Installation of a concrete external staircase.

Laying clinker tiles.

original wooden stairs

Wooden stairs to the porch with proper care can last a long time. Of all the options for outdoor stairs, two of the most advantageous can be distinguished: a traditional wooden staircase with wrought iron railings and a rustic-style log structure.

Stairs made of wood with forged trim: diagrams, tips, videos

Device diagram wooden stairs

Wooden stairs and terrace decking budget house or in a Russian-style estate, you can do it yourself using home tools, quality wood and modern protective coatings. To reduce the cost of forged fences, we recommend going in two ways:

  • purchase a basic kit for cold forging metal (cost about 1.5 thousand dollars) and make forged decor and railings;
  • buy ready-made forged decor from the manufacturer and assemble the fence using welding machine.

Ladder to the porch with your own hands made of wood: photo

Video instruction: how to make a porch with your own hands wood video

A rustic-style staircase made of logs can be done completely with your own hands. Here is a detailed video tutorial on the preparation and assembly of the structure. All structural elements of such a staircase are cut into a bowl by hand, similar to the construction of a Russian log house. The steps are fastened with anchor bolts, which securely hold them on the base.

The railing of such a staircase can be made of stair poles or ordinary branches. Woodcarving in Russian ornaments contains Vedic amulets, which will also become a successful design element.


A deeper understanding of the functions and principles of constructing architectural elements, as well as the use of traditional finishing methods, allows us to create practical and affordable author's designs of outdoor stairs. The review considers three original traditional options with photos and videos of the manufacturing process, which will help to make an interesting entrance group to your home.

Particular attention is required to the arrangement of the stairs at the entrance to the house. This is primarily due to the high operational load on it. In addition, a ladder to the porch made of wood with your own hands can emphasize or spoil the overall exterior of the porch.

The article discusses the answers to questions related to the selection of the shape, color and material of the stairs so that it harmonizes well with the porch, and how to build it yourself.

Compared to other materials used to make porch stairs, wood is a natural material that remains environmentally friendly even after processing.

The main advantages and disadvantages of such structures can be seen in the table:

Advantages Flaws
  • Easily machinable;
  • Light weight, which facilitates the transportation of materials;
  • Originality and decorativeness of the produced structures;
  • The design possibilities of a wooden staircase are limited only by the imagination and material resources of the owner.
  • The price of the material is quite high;
  • After prolonged use, the steps of the stairs darken, which is reflected in the appearance of the entire structure;
  • The stairs to the porch made of wood are highly susceptible to decay;
  • In terms of strength, it is significantly inferior to metal and concrete;
  • Balusters and railings, over time, will begin to loosen, and repairing them will not always be easy.

Tip: If you want to make the porch in your house original, you should choose a tree. And some of the disadvantages of wood can be eliminated by choosing the right wood species.

The choice of wood species

Any structures operated on the street are usually made of pine or larch. However, they have some distinctive features.


  • It often needs to be treated with a protective compound from decay;
  • It has a lower density than larch;
  • The material is easier to process;
  • The cost of the material is lower;
  • You can buy it almost anywhere in the world.

Features of larch:

  • High density of wood;
  • High resistance to decay, which makes it popular among materials for the manufacture of porches and stairs;
  • Great cost;
  • Inaccessibility to the general public. It does not grow in many regions. And when purchasing goods imported from afar, the cost of transporting the material increases, which still significantly increases the price of the structure.

From what material the wooden stairs to the porch will be made with their own hands, everyone decides for himself. Pine is suitable for an economical budget, and if finances allow, it is better to choose larch. In this case, the wooden staircase to the porch will last a very long time.

Drawing development

Before you make a wooden staircase to the porch, you need to carefully carry out all the calculations and draw up a drawing.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account such design parameters as:

  • Product height. To obtain it, the distance from the ground to the top of the porch platform, or to the height of the doorway, in the case of building an entrance staircase to the house, is measured. In the latter case, when calculating, you need to indent from the doorway to the top step. This is due to the fact that, under the influence of moisture, the tree swells and can, over time, block the passage;
  • Ladder angle. After measuring the height of the stairs, its optimal slope is calculated. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a very steep staircase will be inconvenient to use, and a very flat one takes up a large space in the yard. The slope of the stairs can be adjusted by lengthening or shortening the length of the flight of stairs;
  • The length of the bowstring or kosour. A bowstring is an element with special grooves that serves to fasten steps, and a stringer is a supporting structure for a flight of stairs, which is a beam with a comb placed on it for installing steps.

In the outdoor version, a wooden staircase uses only one of these two options. At the same time, their calculations are identical. The length of the kosour directly depends on the angle of inclination of the flight of stairs, which can vary from 27º to 45º.

Tip: Do not make the stairs too steep, or flat, the length of which is 5 meters.

The length of the stringer is calculated by the formula c=a/sin(α), where:

  • a is the height of the stairs;
  • c is the length of the stringer;
  • α - the angle of inclination of the flight of stairs.

Knowing the angle of the march, you can determine the distance to the first step from the porch, using the formula:

  • a is the height of the stairs;
  • b- the required distance to the first step from the porch;
  • c is the length of the kosour.


  • Staircase width. This value is usually equal to 900 mm or more, so that at least 1 person can freely fit on the stairs. If there is free space and sufficient funds, it is better to choose a large width, which will allow two people to climb the stairs conveniently and comfortably.
  • The number of steps and their dimensions. To determine the number of steps for the entire structure, you must: select the amount of tread, usually it is 250 - 320 mm, and divide it by the distance between the base of the stairs and the porch. So, if this distance is 1.5 meters, and the size of the tread is 300 mm, 5 steps will be required. The height of the riser is taken in the range of 150 - 200 mm.

The height of the steps and the depth are calculated. These indicators determine how convenient a wooden staircase with your own hands to the porch will be during operation. The height of the steps and their depth affects the total number of elements, and the slope of the stairs.

From the table you can see the dependence of the parameters of the steps on the angle of inclination of the stairs:

The angle of the stairs, in degrees Step width, cm Step height, cm Slope factor
30,5 29 17 1,7
32 28 17,5 1,6
33,5 27 18 1,5
36,5 26 19 1,36
41 23 20 1,15
45 21 21 1
  • Calculation of the dimensions of steps. The depth of the step should be such that the foot of the foot is placed on it completely, without hanging down. Excessive step height makes climbing quite uncomfortable, especially for children and elderly family members.

According to SNiP, the most convenient sizes for climbing and descending wooden stairs are: depth - at least 300 mm; height 150 - 180 mm.

Instructions for calculating the dimensions of the steps are as follows:

  1. The whole calculation begins with determining the height of the porch, or the distance between the threshold and the ground level. For example: at a height of 0.5 meters, in order to get a comfortable slope of the stairs, the length of the march must be at least one meter. In this case, the slope or the ratio of the length of the march to its height will be 1:2, or 45º.
  2. According to the norms of SNiP, the minimum step depth is 300 mm.
  3. Based on this, it turns out that with a span of one meter, only 3 steps will fit, each with a depth of 330 mm, which corresponds to building codes.
  4. Compliance with these standards is checked. To do this, the height of the stairs - 0.5 m is divided by the number of steps. It turns out the step height is 50 / 3 = 16.5 cm.

After receiving and checking all calculations, the dimensions are transferred to the drawing or sketch.

The photo shows some designs of wooden stairs:

Preparing for the installation of stairs

A few simple steps can make a wooden staircase much more reliable.

To install the structure on the porch, you will need to purchase:

  • Bars and boards are the main materials of the product;
  • Hacksaw for processing parts;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws for assembly;
  • Building level;
  • Components for the manufacture of cement mortar;
  • Crushed stone or large stones;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Protective agents against fungus;
  • Lacquer or paint.

Before you make a wooden staircase for the porch, you need to lay a separate base for it. In places, mates wooden parts with soil, three-layer insulation is made: sand, gravel, cement mortar.

Stones are laid under the beams to support the railing. This will protect the wood from decay, and will not allow the structure to sag under its own weight.

  • Blanks for the manufacture of steps and risers of a rectangular shape;
  • Pieces of bars for balusters and fencing;
  • Kosoura are made. For this, marking is done using cardboard, plywood or hardboard patterns;
  • All wooden blanks are treated with protective compounds;
  • Tools and materials are located in an accessible, convenient place for work.

Ladder Installation Procedure

Before proceeding with the installation of the structure, it is better to preview the video in this article.

During the construction of the entire structure, it is worth adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Start the installation with the installation of stringers. They are attached to the upper part of the porch platform, on a piece of timber, which can be additionally reinforced with metal corners. At the same time, on one side the beam will be adjacent to the flooring of the site, and on the other - to the stringer;

Tip: To increase the reliability of the structure, the installation of stringers should be combined with the design of the base of the stairs. In this case, the lower part of the stringers is connected to the first riser, the evenness of the structure is checked, the remaining parts are applied, and fixed with cement mortar.

  • Do not use nails when installing steps and risers. This will lead to rapid loosening of the wooden stairs. You need to use self-tapping screws, but it is better to fasten elements of the "thorn-groove" type, but it will be more difficult. The easiest way is to install the first step on top of the lower riser, and rest the next riser on it;
  • If this is a simple ladder for a do-it-yourself wooden porch to the terrace, at this stage you can finish the installation, and when making the porch, after installing the steps, you need to proceed to the installation of the canopy and railings. Support posts for them for reliability can be fixed in places where they fit to the stringers;
  • The weak point of the design is the fastening of the railing. They should be reinforced with connections on self-tapping screws, and all joints of parts should be additionally glued.

Finishing stairs

After the installation of the stairs on the porch is completed, all the details are carefully sanded, and finishing is carried out - the structure is painted.

Tip: When painting pine wood, keep in mind that the resin in solid wood is impregnated unevenly. Before painting the product, it is necessary to remove excess resin with a solvent.

For processing wooden structure are used:

  • impregnation;
  • enamels;
  • Lucky;
  • Paints.

When choosing a paintwork composition, one should take into account the type of wood, and choose a shade that is as close as possible to the natural color. After choosing a color scheme, it is necessary to determine the type of paint, given that pigmented mixtures are able to hide defects well and are applied only to puttied areas. But they hide the naturalness of the wood.

We briefly talked about which outdoor stairs to the terrace, porch, attic or attic are the most convenient and frequently used. Which design to choose is up to you. The main thing is that the wooden staircase for the porch should be correctly calculated and accurately executed, which will guarantee both safety and ease of use.

It is important not only to build a large and beautiful house, but also to provide a convenient, functional and attractive approach to it. Since most private houses are built on a basement, it becomes necessary to add a porch with steps. This is an important stage in construction, since the stairs must be easy to move, safe, and also not spoil the appearance of the house.

In this article, we will consider the basic standards and technology for erecting stairs with steps for the porch with our own hands, consider the main materials used for construction, as well as the variety of shapes and designs of these structures.

Veranda stairs

The porch is a platform with steps, located directly in front of the entrance to the house. The design can be of any shape and size (narrow, or spacious wide, which is already a full-fledged terrace). For convenient ascent by steps and ensuring the safety of the residents of the house, the platform and stairs can be framed with railings.

Beautiful steps to the porch, photo

Calculation of the dimensions of the structure

To make the entrance and exit from the house comfortable for all its visitors, before its construction, you should learn how to calculate the dimensions of the structure. For this, there are certain building standards.

When building stairs, the following points are taken into account:

  • the height of the steps of the porch - the riser;
  • step width - tread depth;
  • march angle.

To make it comfortable for a person to climb the stairs with any size of shoes, the width of the step should be in the range of 25-30 cm. Comfortable for climbing is its height in the range of 12-20 cm.

The angle of inclination of the march is also very important. Stairs should not be too steep as they are difficult to climb and increase the risk of injury. The permissible tilt angle is 25-45 degrees.

Schematic calculation of steps for the porch

Materials for manufacturing

Various materials can be used for the construction of stairs, you can also use standard and original variants their design. Many companies offer ready-made porch solutions for country houses, but it is quite realistic to build steps for the porch with your own hands.

The main materials for the construction of steps of the outer porches:

  • concrete;

If you want to emphasize the environmental friendliness of a house made of natural wood, timber, and preserve its special energy, you can build a wooden staircase to the veranda. The main advantage of steps for a wooden porch is their presentable appearance, comfort and warmth that they give to the house. They are also convenient because you can pick up material of different price categories (prestigious oak or beech, or inexpensive needles).

Advice: for the construction of a wooden structure, it is preferable to use coniferous wood, larch.

However, the wooden porch is vulnerable to precipitation and temperature changes. Therefore, it should be treated with special protective impregnation, and additionally varnish on top.

Beautiful wooden steps for the porch, photo

Metal structures are more durable. They do not lend themselves to deformation, withstand heavy loads, they can be mounted even without laying the foundation. Flaw metal stairs- its susceptibility to rust. Therefore, metal products should be treated with a special anti-corrosion compound, as well as periodically tinted. Metal entrance steps can be of any configuration, they cost more than wooden ones.

Metal ladder with forging elements

Please note: if you decide to make metal steps for the porch, this will require skills in working with a welding machine.

A brick staircase is also reliable and stable. Brick is a durable material that tolerates environmental influences well. At a cost, this material is slightly higher than wood, and it will take more time to build a porch from it.

Advice: for the construction of steps it is better to take clinker bricks, they look more presentable.

Unusually, but a completely brick porch looks very beautiful

If you like a solid monolithic coating, build concrete steps for the porch. They are made by pouring the solution into a specially constructed formwork. In terms of cost and volume of work performed, steps for a porch made of concrete are compared with wooden ones, but in terms of strength they significantly exceed them.

Concrete structure tiled

A new material that can be used as a substitute for wood for the construction of outdoor stairs is wood-polymer composite (WPC). Products from it do not crack (unlike ceramic), do not absorb moisture, do not slip, do not need additional processing, painting.

Luxurious deck and steps for the porch made of DKP

Staircase decoration

The choice of the type of porch and materials for its construction and decoration should be approached very carefully, because the comfort and convenience of all residents of the house depend on it. In addition, the design must be in harmony with the house.

How to line the steps of the porch? The naturalness and natural color of the wooden staircase will emphasize the design of the house in a traditional style, and for building more modern design suitable for metal construction.

On a note: a combination of light and dark shades always looks advantageous, forged inserts in combination with red clinker bricks.

For cladding outdoor structures, materials that are resistant to weathering are most suitable - tiles, stone, porcelain stoneware.

Usage ceramic tiles for porch steps, photo

A porcelain stoneware staircase will be reliable, durable and safe. The material is very durable, does not slip, does not require additional protection, tolerates bad weather and frost well.

If you want to make a beautiful and practical staircase to the veranda, pay attention to a natural stone. Granite steps for the porch can have a different pattern, shade. For outdoor work, plates with special heat treatment are used that do not slip.

Beautiful porch, a combination of granite and forging

A brick building can be decorated with inserts of stone, multi-colored glass. Free space will fill hanging planters with flowers, decorative forged elements.

The style and design of the porch reflects the taste and preferences of the owners of the house.

Possible forms of entrance steps

As for the shape of the stairs, it can be different types. The span can have a rectangular, trapezoidal, semicircular shape. More unusual solutions are also possible.

Do-it-yourself semicircular steps of the porch, paved with paving slabs

The entrance to the house can be equipped not only on one side - stairs for a veranda with two differently directed marches can be used. And if you add a railing to the structure, this will make the platform and stairs safer for children and the elderly.

Step-by-step technology for building concrete stairs

How to make steps on the porch of concrete? The flight of stairs can have a type-setting or monolithic base. For a monolith device, you should know how to pour the solution into the formwork. It is built from beams and boards.

Important: so that the structure does not deform under the pressure of concrete, it is reinforced on all sides with spacers.

Formwork erection for porch steps

The next stage is the concreting of the structure - pouring concrete. After it has completely dried, the formwork is removed and the cladding of the finished staircase is started.

Finishing work - laying tiles on the steps of the porch

Advice: before covering the concrete surface with tiles or stone, it should be cleaned from the saw and treated with a primer for better adhesion.

Step-by-step technology for building stairs for a wooden porch

The manufacture of wooden steps requires certain skills in working with wood. Before you build a structure, you should draw up a project by determining the dimensions of the steps of the porch.

For work, it is necessary to prepare boards with a thickness of 50-60 mm, nails and self-tapping screws for their fastening, as well as tools (level, tape measure, hammer, screwdriver, saw), as well as special antiseptic and protective agents for wood processing.

First from wooden board cut bowstrings (stringers). Then they are attached to the porch and the details of the steps are mounted on them. For fastening use nails and screws. At the end, a railing and a canopy are installed.

Finished wooden steps are treated with an antiseptic and then varnished

Additional options

In addition to the application various kinds finishes, floor heating can be arranged on the porch. The heating system is laid before tiling the surface under the floor covering.


Outdoor steps are an important element of the house, because they make the entrance to the home more comfortable and beautiful. Having made their calculation correctly, choosing the form and materials for construction and decoration, in the end you will get a comfortable and functional entrance group of the mansion.

A private house cannot do without such an important exterior element as a porch. It is customary to climb stairs. They must be in harmony with the facade of the building. Porch steps can be made from various materials such as metal or wood.

The most popular material for them is traditionally concrete. Such steps on the porch are easiest to decorate with tiles or stone. At the same time, they have a longer service life, do not crack over time, do not sag, in a word, they retain their linear dimensions.

Arrangement of stairs

Before making steps, it is necessary to form a construction plan, which will indicate all the parameters of the structure. These include both overall and technological dimensions, and the materials used.

The overall design is selected based on the available territory, financial capabilities and the general style of the house. Also, plastic, wooden, concrete steps for the porch or from other materials must have ergonomic characteristics, thanks to which they will be convenient to use. These options include:

  • width and height of steps;
  • the total angle of inclination of the march;
  • the coating used, which should not slip in winter and overheat under the summer sun;
  • correctly selected colors that do not cause negative after a short time of operation;
  • the presence of comfortable railings;
  • parameters of a platform or terrace formed near the door.

For the formation overall dimensions steps (height, width, general angle of inclination) must be guided by building codes.

According to GOST 8717.1-84 "Concrete and reinforced concrete steps" for street, apartment straight stairs, the following dimensions are defined:

  • riser 148 mm,
  • tread - 300 mm,
  • step width - 800 mm,
  • the number of steps in one march is up to 15, and their number must be odd. A person must step on and go down the stairs with the same foot.

In public buildings, basements and attics, as well as on spiral staircase inside the house, the sizes of the steps are different.

Special attention is paid to the corner of the march, so that it is comfortable to move up the stairs. According to GOST 8717.0-84 "Reinforced concrete and concrete steps" for apartment and street structures, choose a more gentle angle from the range of 25-45 °.

Excessive lifting can lead to injury. If it is assumed that there will be children or elderly people in the house, then you should not make high steps. The area adjacent directly to the front door should be 45-55 mm below the level door sill. This will always ensure a convenient opening, which is especially important in the winter season.

VIDEO: Porch of dreams

Varieties of forms and materials

During the manufacture of the porch and stairs, builders use a variety of materials. The main thing is to balance the relevant functionality and possible design finds. In some cases, you can use ready-made products that are offered in hardware stores.

Combined option - wood with concrete

There are several popular types of steps. Differences in them are noticeable by design features:

  • Closed - having risers. The front vertical wall is closed and the impression of integrity and massiveness of the structure is created.
  • Open - without risers. The perception of lightness and weightlessness of such a product is formed.
  • Ordinary straight lines - a classic type of steps with a simple form of execution.
  • Zabezhnye - curly models with the formation of a turn, where the width of the step is not the same for each horizontal platform.
  • Radial - the basic design is similar to the concentric circles or semicircles located at each of the levels. Rounded shapes imply the presence of a virtual single axis.

Materials can be:

  • Wood - a positive characteristic is ease of processing and availability of material;
  • Metal - unlike wood, has a longer service life and better strength characteristics.
  • Brick or concrete is characterized by a massive structure and a high degree of wear resistance.

Finishing with clinker tiles

In addition to these materials, there are also more exotic options, for example, rubber steps for the porch. They can be relevant for winter time so that the shoes do not slip on the surface.

Do-it-yourself wooden steps for the porch

A wooden porch is a traditional design used in our country. For its manufacture, you can use a woodworking household machine or a hand saw and a jigsaw. The material is purchased based on the draft.

According to the above figure, we determine the number of future steps. According to these calculations, we prepare all the necessary elements:

  • stringers,
  • steps,
  • risers,
  • Mauerlat.

Mauerlat is usually made from a rectangular beam with dimensions of 150x70 mm along the length of the stairs. Plus, you need another piece of roofing material for waterproofing.

Of the tools you will need:

  • jigsaw;
  • perforator;
  • anchor bolts;
  • construction stapler and staples.

Instructions for assembling wooden steps

  1. Since wooden steps cannot be placed directly on the ground, a small foundation is first made under the Mauerlat. To do this, 2 pits are dug along the edges of the future structure (see fig.). The depth of the pits is up to half a meter, the dimensions are 35-35 cm.

Crushed stone mixed with sand (air cushion) is poured to the bottom and concrete is poured.

To prepare 0.5 m 3 of concrete you will need:

  • sand - 0.5 m 3;
  • cement - 170 kg;
  • crushed stone - 0.45 m 3;
  • water.
  1. Bundles of reinforcement are inserted into the pits to reinforce the structure, their ends should not protrude from the pit. They will be either flush or lower by 3-5 cm.
  2. Pour concrete and leave for several days until completely solidified.
  3. Next comes assembly. First of all, a roofing material is laid on the foundation, and a Mauerlat is screwed on top.
  4. The supporting column of the stringer is attached to it with a stapler (see fig.).

  1. From the bottom up, risers and treads are attached to the kosuors with self-tapping screws.

metal structure

Home owners who want to have durable and stylish steps at their disposal choose metal for their manufacture. When making a metal porch, you cannot do without a welding machine, so you need not only to purchase it, but also to practice working on it beforehand.

In the manufacture, you can use one of the methods:

  • Frame. In such a situation, the metal serves as a "skeleton" or power structure, complete with which wooden, rubber or even concrete elements are used for tread.
  • Use of sheet metal. This option is considered more rude, brutal. The platform and the entire structure remain completely metal, and the treads should have a raised metal texture to minimize the formation of a slippery surface.

Unlike wooden steps for a porch, metal proper care and timely protection against corrosion lasts much longer.

VIDEO: Practical metal steps

Outdoor staircase with concrete steps

Very often, the step for the porch is made of concrete. There is a simple explanation for this - stronger than concrete there is nothing specifically for stair structures yet. At the same time, it is not difficult to do them, especially if you follow a certain sequence.

  1. The site is preliminarily prepared and a foundation pit is dug under the foundation with a depth of 30-40 cm. A flat area is formed inside it, which must be covered with sand and gravel by 20-30 cm. concrete screed, which will serve as the basis for the steps. The composition of concrete is indicated above in the instructions for building a wooden structure.

  1. We form a wooden formwork, inside which it is planned to fill. We fix the opposite sides with strong struts. To increase the strength, reinforcement is inserted around the perimeter.

Work with the concrete mixture should be carried out at an air temperature of at least 15-17 ° C, otherwise the material will not be able to dry properly.

Also, do not choose too hot weather for this (more than 30 ° C), because the water from the solution will quickly evaporate and you will have to regularly irrigate the surface.

  1. After pouring the mass into the formwork, it must be evenly distributed and compacted with reinforcement. This will be the first (entry level). Curing time is 3-5 days.
  2. Then we make the next level, for which we connect the reinforcement and install the formwork. Its size is less than the foundation by 25-30 cm, depending on the tread, taking into account finishing material(stone, tile, etc.).
  3. Subsequent steps are formed in the same way, but beforehand, time is given to dry each level made.
  4. Formwork is removed completely after 2 weeks minimum. You can make oval or semicircular steps, for which a sheet of metal is bent under a certain radius.

It is customary to decorate the outer surface with natural or artificial materials. Tiles are often used for outdoor steps. It is selected in the style of the overall design. It is desirable that the tiles for the steps of the porch are not too slippery, as this can contribute to increased injuries.

VIDEO: concrete porch do it yourself
