You always want to make the porch in a private house spectacular, because the main entrance begins with it. Particular attention is drawn to the design of the steps. To make the porch look more luxurious, some owners give the steps a semicircular shape. True, the lining will have to work hard. The arched shape of the steps is a headache for the tiler, because he will have to cut almost every tile. Consider step by step how to properly lay tiles on a semicircular porch.

Preparatory work

Things to Consider Before Cladding a Porch

It often happens that some builders (or the owners themselves) fill in the steps, and others finish them. And when facing, you have to simultaneously correct the flaws of the base. It is good if, during concrete work, the steps were calculated taking into account the dimensions of the future decorative coating. The most common size of outdoor tiles is 30 x 30 cm. This means that the depth of the step should be 28 cm (+2 cm is the gap, which will then be closed by the riser). Then, when laying, you will have to cut pieces less.

You can also make the step depth 31 cm. Then you need to buy a 33 x 33 cm tile. But it is more difficult to find it. The best option- buy facing material in advance, and from its size to dance when pouring steps.

When choosing a coating, pay attention to the degree of its roughness. The surface should not slip, even if it is wet.

Another nuance is color. On the street, those colors that hide dirt and traces of dust indoors work differently. For example, light gray betrays every stain of earth brought on shoes, since the soil has a brownish color. Black is covered with a light coating, which is clearly visible under the sun's rays. It is best to take a few tiles of different designs and try them on your porch. Then you will know exactly how this or that shade will work in your conditions.

We learned about the flaws in the flowers after the cladding. Now the hostess has to do daily wet cleaning porch so that the tiles do not lose their spectacular look.

Materials and tools for laying tiles

For facing the porch, you will need the following materials:

  1. Tiles of two colors (for steps and risers) + decor for the plinth.
  2. Adhesive mortar for tiles (bag 25 kg).
  3. A fugue for filling joints (in tone with the main tile).
  4. Mounting tape.
  5. Cement for leveling flaws in the base.


  1. Grinder for cutting tiles with diamond disc.
  2. Level to control a flat plane.
  3. Rope for marking.
  4. A bucket or other container for mixing the adhesive solution.
  5. Drill with a nozzle "mixer" for mixing glue.
  6. Notched trowel for applying adhesive to tiles.
  7. Rubber spatula for grout filling tile joints.
  8. Sponge for washing off excess grout from tiles.
  9. Construction pencil for marking.
  10. Crosses for laying between tiles and plastic wedges for risers.
  11. Reinforcing mesh to equalize the curvature of the risers.

Porch tiling

Getting started: fitting and cutting

Since the steps are semicircular, the first step is to carry out a fitting layout of the tile so that after laying its pattern looks beautiful. We decided to lay out the tiles so that whole squares alternate with pieces. In this situation, the edge of the step does not look like an ideal semicircle, but with small edges, but you will have to cut much less.

  • Whole tiles were laid out on all 4 steps so that they were located strictly one under the other (created straight lines from top to bottom).
  • Tiles were placed between them, which will then be cut. Moreover, the whole should lie on top, and the future pieces - under them.

  • With a construction pencil, they marked the place of the cut on each tile that would have to be cut.

Important! First, we draw the cut point along the edge of the whole tile, which lies on top, and then we transfer the markup 2-3 mm to the center so that there is room for the seam.

  • On the reverse side of all tiles, alternately put numbers with a marker so that after cutting you do not confuse where each part should lie.
  • For cutting, use a small grinder with a diamond blade.
  • Before cutting, glue adhesive tape or adhesive tape along the lines marked on the tile; during cutting, the pencil is almost invisible on a gray or dark surface.

You need to cut away from yourself so as not to be injured by fragments.

Spread the prepared ceramics on the steps to see if you cut the individual tiles correctly.

Laying tiles on round steps

First of all, they cover the area near the entrance doors. They begin to lay from the outer edge of the site so that the pattern looks symmetrical.

The first outer row is laid out according to the markup, pulling the thread from one edge of the site to the other. The thread serves as a guide for the center of each tile.

To make the seams even, use crosses.

The thickness of the adhesive layer may vary at different edges of the site if the concrete was poured unevenly. The plane must be checked with a level.

At a time, the entire site is laid out only if they will not go to the house for a day.

The tiles on the steps are laid out in the order in which they signed, starting from the top step to the bottom.

Riser decoration

For the risers on the semi-circular steps, they chose black tiles of the same design as the gray one.

Since the gray tiles protruded a lot, and it is undesirable to lay the risers on a very thick mortar, it was necessary to correct the flaws in the base. A reinforcing mesh was screwed to the concrete.

A cement leveling mortar was laid on the grid. Left to dry for a day.

When laying from below, plastic wedges were substituted under each piece so that the tile would not slip on a fresh solution.

The outer edge of the platform was reinforced with a metal corner so that the coating would not break off when walking.

The inner wall of the site was decorated with a plinth of red tiles, cut into pieces of the same height. From above they were covered with white plastic corner.

The same red tiles covered the window sill of the window overlooking the porch.

The light gray fugue was diluted to the consistency of thick sour cream and, with the help of rubber spatula all tile joints have been filled.

We waited for the fugue to dry and washed off the excess with a wet sponge.

It remains to wait a day until the fugue is completely dry and thoroughly wash the porch so that it shines with brand new tiles.

This article provides step-by-step instruction for high-precision calculation of the radius steps of the porch. You will learn how to properly design a concrete porch and take out the dimensions on the ground. The article provides a universal step-by-step method for calculating any of the indicators of a radius plate.

The entrance to the house with beautiful semicircular steps is the dream of many stone house owners. Indeed, this is a spectacular solution that will perfectly fit into the design of the facade, provided that it already has rounded elements - the top of the openings, the roof or just a pattern on the facade. We will talk about how to correctly calculate the steps and create a porch project.

The most common conditions for the use of concrete for steps:

  1. Stone house. This requirement is not only aesthetic - wood and concrete have different shrinkage rates. concrete stairs V wooden house will "break away".
  2. The difference between the levels of the slab of the 1st floor and the ground is not less than 300 and not more than 1500 mm.
  3. March width - not less than 1500 mm. Narrow radius steps are inconvenient for climbing.

This design will repeat the filling porch with concrete steps, only the side walls will be turned at 180 °. A significant difference will arise in the method of reinforcing and flanging steps.

In order to do everything right, we need a project. The presence of a set of ready-made drawings is rare, so we will proceed from the fact that there is only the edge of the house slab with external walls and the difference between it and the ground level is at least 300 mm.

Initial data

  1. Place doorway(entrance) is defined, or the opening exists.
  2. The method of the device is a filling ladder without boards (full segment).
  3. The difference between the plate and the ground level - take 450 mm (3 steps).
  4. The size of the steps is standard 150x300 mm.
  5. Platform length — 1800 mm.

At all stages of development and calculation, you can resort to the method of constructing a drawing to scale according to a sketch - dimensions are taken from nature and transferred to the drawing. For a correct calculation, first of all, it is necessary to determine the anchor points and axes, from which further dimensions will be plotted.

The first binding is the vertical axis of the opening

Following the traditional logic, the vertical axis of the porch coincides with the axis of the opening. That is, the edges of the steps are located symmetrically, at an equal distance from the axis or sides of the opening.

The second binding is the extreme point of the site removal

Next, you should determine the most important (if not the main) operational indicator of the porch - the length of the site *. It should be large enough for a comfortable passage inside the house, taking into account the opening side of the doors (if they open outward). Think carefully about this element before moving on with the project - all further parameters will depend on its size. Suppose that in our case, 1200 mm will be sufficient.

* Platform - a concrete slab into which the upper (last) step passes

The third binding is the junction point of the site to the wall

We will immediately consider the most complex and time-consuming case - the adjunction of steps to bearing wall. In the case of the installation of restrictive walls on the sides, only the final stage of design will change - applying them to the drawing.

In our case, these points should be determined based on the realities of the facade. Steps should look organic. Determining the binding of these points will give us the second indicator necessary for the calculation - the distance between the junction points, or the length of the chord of the segment. Assume that this distance is 4200 mm.

Basic sketch of the porch: h = 1200 mm; C = 4200 mm; Rpl = 2440 mm; 1 - wall; 2 - opening

Single Formula Precision Design Method

Based on two indicators - length ( h) and width ( c) of the platform, we can calculate the radius of the platform (last step) using the formula:

  • R = h / 2 + c 2 / 8h

In our case, the site radius will be equal to:

  • R pl \u003d 1200 / 2 + 42002 / 8 x 1200 \u003d 600 + 17640000 / 9600 \u003d 2437.5 \u003d 2440 mm

If the walls have not yet been erected, you can determine the center of the circle and carry out further calculations. The marking is made using a cord fixed in the center of the circle.

However, it often happens that walls and openings already exist, and the length of the site h significantly different from the radius R. That is, the center of the circle is deep inside the building and the boundaries of the opening do not allow to operate with the cord in full size. To determine the points of the circle that lie in the zone inaccessible to the cord, you can use the following technique.

Platform length h is divided into a convenient set of segments (an amount that is a multiple of the length index). In our case ( h = 1200) it is convenient to take 6 segments with a step of 200 mm. If we draw lines parallel to the wall through these points, we will get 7 segments of a circle with a known height (division step - 200 mm) and radius. This data is enough to calculate the length of the chord using the previous formula.

The chord length will be:

  • C 1 \u003d √ (R - h1 / 2) x 8h 1, where h 1 is the height of the 1st segment (200 mm). The height of each subsequent segment will be equal to the height of the previous one + 200 mm;
  • C 1 \u003d √ (2440 - 200 / 2) x 8 x 200 \u003d √ 2340 x 1600 \u003d 1934 mm;
  • C 2 \u003d √ (2440 - 400 / 2) x 8 x 400 \u003d √2240 x 3200 \u003d 2677 mm;
  • C 3 \u003d √ (2440 - 600 / 2) x 8 x 600 \u003d √2140 x 4800 \u003d 3204 mm;
  • C 4 \u003d √ (2440 - 800 / 2) x 8 x 800 \u003d √2040 x 6400 \u003d 3613 mm and so on.

Thus, it is possible to calculate a set of indicators of the chord length of the segment WITH and, setting aside this distance from the axis in certain place(position h), to find a point lying on a circle extremely accurately. This will give the exact outlines of the boundaries of the radius of the site, from which you can postpone the rest of the steps.

Splitting a segment to determine the points of the circle: 1 - the desired points; 2 - opening; 3 - axis of the opening and platform; 4 - wall

In the same way, you can calculate the radius of each step and establish the location of the points of the circle with high accuracy. Each next radius will be equal to the previous one. R+300mm(tread length). The transfer of points on the ground is carried out with the help of cords and a plumb line.

This method of professional breakdown is relevant if it is planned to create uncoated concrete steps (from a special brand of concrete). It is extremely undesirable to make a mistake, because additional processing can worsen the appearance of the porch.

This calculation is universal and valid for any type of radius - steps, slab, fence. Using the formula given in the article, you can calculate any number of radii and apply them to the terrain. In the next article, we will talk about how to implement high-precision calculations, as well as provide an adapted way to create radius steps.

Any owner of a private cottage or estate at least once thought about what kind of porch project country house choose that it matches the general architectural style of the building, is comfortable, safe, convenient, cozy, and demonstrates the hospitality of the owners.

Countless options for the porch of a country house, photos of which are generously replete with the Internet, show us how extraordinary, creative, but at the same time practical and rational the owners approach this task. But such a variety does not add clarity, it is very easy to get confused in abundance.

Semicircular porch with closed vestibule

In the article, we systematize information about what types of porches for a house are in shape, style, size. We will discuss the pros and cons of open outbuildings, we will analyze the question of how best and right. And we will try to fully answer the question of what it should be, photos will help us illustrate the most successful ideas for extensions.

Mandatory conditions

The porch, in essence, is a platform with a ladder adjacent to it. It can be built-in, designed together with the main building, after the completion of the construction of a private house, with its own foundation, or attached-cantilever, it does not differ in fundamentality and solidity.

An original idea for a private house, a built-in vestibule and open steps made of natural stone

Regardless of the stage at which the porch for a private house was built, relative to the horizon 23-45 o, everything above is a ladder, below is a ramp.

Views of the porch of a private house, a photo of a competent combination of a side staircase, an open terrace and a glazed veranda

Of course, the porch must resonate with the main architectural design of a private house, comfortable, meet all the needs of the owners.

Original views of the porch wooden house, photo of an extension-fortress, where logs and rubble stone are successfully combined

But among other conditions, first of all, the porch should be ergonomic, which means comfortable and practical. All the main parameters for a private house are regulated by SNiP. So, according to the standards, 270-300 mm, and the height is 120-180 mm, the sum of the corresponding dimensions of the tread and riser should be 450 mm.

Porch in a semicircle, photo of a small open extension for a private house

For a comfortable passage of one person 600-900 mm, at a distance of 1200-1450 mm 2 people will easily disperse. If the porch consists of three or more steps, then it is recommended that it be 900-1200 mm high; in private construction, the height of the fence is not strictly regulated.

Photo of the front porch of a private house, the semicircular lines of the steps visually smooth out the massiveness of the extension

Particular attention is paid to the organization of the upper platform, it is made below the threshold level front door 50 mm, as required by fire regulations. The recommended depth of the platform is one and a half times the width of the door, but in practice this criterion is often neglected.

Eclecticism, in the photo is a project of a porch of a wooden house with a high plinth, a terrace and a covered entrance hall are provided in the extension

The width of the upper podium is limited only by the place in front of a private house and personal preferences, so it can be a tiny patch, or a full-fledged terrace encircling the perimeter of the building.

The extension-patio allows you to organize a comfortable place for outdoor recreation, and at the same time not clutter up the architectural ensemble, semicircular curvilinear forms “dilute” the clear geometry of the main private house

Shape, size and design features

It should be noted that the technologies of modern private construction make it possible to build a porch of almost any shape: rectangular, semicircular, curvilinear with smooth or vice versa sharp lines, trapezoidal, multifaceted, etc.

A semicircular porch to a brick house, in addition to smooth rounded lines, the steps have a fuzzy trapezoidal shape, coupled with massive railings, this design balances the dimensions of the building

A semi-circular porch smooths out corners and straight lines; such steps provide a comfortable entrance to the home from all sides. The soft outlines of the entrance ensemble further emphasize the hospitality of the hosts. Private rectangular ones look very impressive, or the highlight here is the lowest step, laid out in a semicircle.

A semicircular step made of rough material looks spectacular and original

They balance the dimensions of the building, they can decrease in size, but sometimes, on the contrary, they expand, and smoothly move into the upper platform. A square or rectangular porch gives the structure a rigor and graphic quality.

Corner porch of a private house, photo-idea, how to simply and compactly divide the stairs into two entrances

Depending on the size of the upper platform, the porch can be:

  • terrace - this is a large open;
  • patio - most often without a fence;
  • veranda - this is the same terrace, but;
  • or just a small extension that protects the entrance to the house from dirt, dust and precipitation.

A large carved private terrace with a porch, eclecticism in the photo, a mixture of Russian and romantic styles, high steps and semicircular arched columns in the compartment formed an authentic gazebo for a pleasant stay

It should be noted that private houses are often built with a high base, this may be due to several criteria. Firstly, the project, which provides for a technical floor, secondly, the climatic zone, in snowy regions a high porch is simply a vital necessity, thirdly, complex relief terrain. An extension on piles allows you to fully use even uneven areas, excluding labor-intensive and sometimes inappropriate land work.

Closed porch of a wooden house, photo of a veranda on a plot with uneven terrain

As for the main site, they can adjoin strictly perpendicular to the facade of a private house, approach from one or two sides, encircle the site in a circle.

Two-flight porch of a house with a high plinth

If there is not enough space in front of a private house, a porch is usually placed along the facade, or a staircase with several flights is made, with terraces-platforms at different levels.

High turning three-flight Russian porch

Ladders located on the sides, on both sides of the site - the best way out for narrow outbuildings. Such designs are expedient and justified, if there is practically no space in front of a private house, it is necessary to make a narrow extension, and at the same time provide a comfortable entrance for several people.

Small, narrow two-sided porch for a private house

It is very convenient when the steps are located in a circle from the main platform. Usually this technique is used in the construction of small, low porches, when it is necessary to provide an entrance from three sides.

Porch of a private house with steps arranged in a circle

Sometimes simple, but unusual and noticeably enliven and decorate the architecture of a private house. As a rule, such an extraordinary approach is required to solve several problems at once, the photo below is a vivid example of this.

The corner round porch provides entry to the house from different sides, and at the same time levels the sloping area in front of the house

One of the most spectacular solutions for the porch of a private house, but it is almost impossible to make it as a separate extension, is when the porch is placed under the same roof as the house, or the second floor or balcony is a canopy for the terrace. This configuration is most typical for, where the entrance is most often located on the side.

Corner wooden porch for a Finnish frame house lined with siding

As a rule, such a porch is combined with a veranda or terrace. This design of the entrance group looks solid, it is very practical solution for private houses with a small personal plot.

Finnish-style open porch-terrace

Style and materials for a private porch

When developing a style for the porch of a private house, you can use almost any materials suitable for outdoor use, as long as they resonate with the design of the main building.

Concrete porch for a private log cabin

For private construction, as a rule, it is used, and, and carving is not only a decorative decoration, but often also significant technical elements of an extension, for example, a porch with openwork and canopy consoles, or carved wooden poles and balusters.

Wooden extension in Russian style

Sometimes it is the combination of several styles at once and different materials as a result, it gives a stunningly beautiful, original and very practical architectural composition of the entrance group.

Semi-circular closed porch made of polycarbonate

For example, a combination natural stone and a rough board gives the structure solidity, color and originality, which are inherent in mountainous areas. Usually this design technique is used to create a chalet style, and it should be noted that it is very popular in Russian latitudes.

Porch-veranda in the style of a chalet, the rounded edges of the stone in an original contrast with the clear geometry of the roof

The Mediterranean style of the entrance architectural ensemble is also very popular in modern design private properties. It should be noted that it can be divided into two types. One has absorbed the notes of Greek and Roman culture, this style is characterized by a large stone courtyard with gently sloping multi-tiered steps, beautiful finish sandstone, heavy metal elements.

The combination of natural flat rubble stone with sandstone elements is always stylish and sophisticated

Another direction of the Mediterranean style synthesized the flavor of Italian, Spanish and French culture. As a rule, this is inherent in coastal areas with uneven sections. The extension consists of open terraces on several levels, paved with paving stones or clinker, interconnected by small stones. The site near the house is usually lined with a deck board, which protects it from the sun, which is held by columns. The perimeter of the terraces is surrounded by massive concrete balusters and this splendor is decorated with sculptures, fountains and flower tubs.

The Mediterranean style of the porch is suitable for rectangular-shaped private estates located in areas with uneven terrain.

Separately, I would like to say about the porch-fortress. As a rule, these are relatively small, which are held by overall pillars-supports: stone, brick, made of thick logs. Such designs give the impression of the reliability of a private dwelling; abundant vegetation gives a special charm to the porch.

closed porch brick house, the photo conveys well how simple and concise forms can enliven the appearance of a building

For rural and country houses small porches with a glazed veranda are ideal. This design allows you to be closer to nature, and at the same time protects the recreation area from precipitation. In addition, for small private houses, this is an additional opportunity to expand the living space.

Photo of the closed porch to the house, glass partitions allow you to protect the site from precipitation, and at the same time not block beautiful view from the veranda

When choosing a look and, do not be afraid of extraordinary ideas. A well-planned architectural ensemble of the entrance group can radically change the exterior of the house, add sophistication, sophistication, individuality, and at the same time comfort and coziness.

There are a lot of design solutions, and each private porch has its own characteristics, due to architecture, landscape, materials and the needs of the owners. And what will be the entrance to your house, it's up to you.

This article provides step-by-step instructions for creating a reinforced concrete porch with radius steps. You will learn how to correctly and simply set the radius of steps, how to reinforce and concrete them. The article will tell about professional techniques for fast and high-quality work.

In the previous article, a method was given for accurately calculating the porch on paper. With the help of a geometric formula, steps can be cast, which will remain concrete during operation. However, in 70% of cases, such accuracy is not required, since it is planned to finish the surface with tiles, granite or marble.

An easy and economical way to create steps

In most cases, straight steps are made at one time - the entire march. You can also make a semicircular staircase. But this will require a lot of formwork material and time to install the formwork. This method is fast for concreting and is resorted to if concrete is ordered from the factory and a one-time pour is required.

A simplified method boils down to the fact that the march is not completely concreted, but one step at a time.


1. The minimum amount of material per formwork.

2. One person will do it.

3. The work is logically divided into stages/steps.

Flaw:lower strength (by 20% at absolute load) compared to a porch poured in one go.

According to the principle of the device, a concrete porch is best done on a soil cushion. We talked about how to make such preparation in the article "How to make a monolithic infill ladder with your own hands."

Preparatory work

To create steps, you need a tool:

1. Concrete set - concrete mixer, buckets, shovel, trowel, trowel.

2. Set for fittings - grinder, crochet hook, "poker" *.

3. Carpentry set - a circular saw or a jigsaw, a screwdriver with screws or a hammer with nails, a nail puller.

4. Measuring and marking - plumb, level, cord, tape measure, marker.

* "poker" - a home-made fitter's tool, consisting of a lever with a pair of pins welded on the end - for bending reinforcement.

Radius marking

As in any work, it is necessary to “see” the finished result and, if possible, fix it on paper, at least in general terms. This will greatly facilitate the process of thinking and breakdown. First you need to create supporting walls, or prepare existing ones. They must be reliable, at least 1 brick thick.

If walls or piers already exist, steps should be entered into them by drawing the sides. The junction of the stairs to the wall will have the outlines of an ordinary march with rectangular steps. In cross-section they are the same. The cut should also have a bottom line "on concrete". The drawing on the supporting wall will serve as the starting element from which further actions will proceed. The silhouette of the steps is modeled and applied with an ordinary square and a pencil.

Slope definition

This indicator directly depends on the size of the step, more precisely, on the height of the rise. It is better to set this parameter immediately, based on the standard 150 mm. Dividing the height difference from ground level to the top of the site, we get the number of steps. To do this, you need to know the extreme point of the upper platform. If it has not yet been concreted, you can do this last.

The slope can also be adjusted by the length of the tread - the longer it is, the more gentle the slope will be. This may be necessary when designing a march based on the realities of the landscape: the extreme points are determined (the corner of the first step and the corner of the platform), then the distance and elevation difference in the plan are divided into an equal number of steps. It turns out the size of one step (close to 150 × 300 mm).

An easy way to set a radius

After determining the main elements (step, platform, slope), you can begin to set the radius of the starting step. To do this, you need to know the extreme point of the radius - the farthest point of the march (determined by the slope and length of the tread). It should be in the middle between the walls. In total, you get 3 points through which you need to draw a part of the circle.

Instead of a circle line, it is proposed to use elastic reinforcement Ø 10–12 mm. It can be bent at two ends through three points quite accurately along the radius (these are the properties of the rod). Having thus determined the edge of the first step, we fix the markup by driving rods into the ground. Set aside the length of the tread - this will be the beginning of the backfill. The upper point of the backfill can be determined by modeling the radius of the site and focusing on the sketch of the steps along the board.


You can fill the bosom with anything - construction waste, dump, but. The main thing is that it must be carefully rammed. Ideally, it is better to use a vibrotamper, but you can do it manually.

Advice. To create a simple manual rammer, screw a pair of door handles to a chock (hemp).

When manually tamping, spill the soil with water for better shrinkage. Before the next steps, polyethylene or geotextiles should be laid on the ground so as not to mix the concrete with the soil.

First stage

According to the obtained radius (according to the driven bars) and the starting point of the backfill, we can clearly determine the location of the main (lower) single reinforcing mesh. It should be tied together, because. steps will be separate. The transverse bars of the mesh must be built into the walls (through hammered pins or anchors).

Flanging for steps can be made from any flexible sheet material- thin plywood, OSB (6 mm). You can bend two reinforcement bars and attach a galvanized strip to the wire to them. A reliable board is made from a strip of thick plywood - transverse cuts are made on the reverse (outer) side and the sheet is bent under any radius. At the same time, the possibility of attaching the top remains. Emphasis of the first stage - pins driven into the ground (or into the track).

Reinforcement of the first stage is made according to the scheme below. The lower part must be deepened to create a "tooth". For reinforcement, the same standard elements are used as for a regular march:

1. L-shaped - repeat the shape of the step, attached to the lower grid.

2. Cross rods - unite and distribute L-shaped elements.

3. Masonry mesh - covers the tread to give strength to the outer layer.

The flanging is set along the radius and the level of the horizon. This is convenient when concreting - you do not need to monitor the level.


Concrete can be laid without a vibrator. Given the small thickness of the element, tapping the formwork and bayoneting will provide sufficient shrinkage. Concrete should not be thick - excessive "coolness" can trap air in the mixture.

The flanging can be removed the next day (at a temperature not lower than +5 °C). Subsequent steps are concreted in the same way.

Installing the bead on the second and subsequent steps

The radius of subsequent steps can be determined by the first, which will serve as a "beacon". The rearrangement of the side can be done 3 days after the concreting of the previous stage.

Given the known length of the tread, you can accurately set the stops for the next side. To do this, you need to postpone the length of the tread from the edge of the previous step at a set of points. However, it is more convenient to set aside marks for the length of the tread minus the thickness of the bead. Thus, the sides will be immediately installed with an orientation to the border of the concrete.

A concrete march is a reliable companion for the entire “life” of your home. Properly performed once, it will serve for 100 years, and this is not an exaggeration. By using a vibrator, you will increase the service life of any concrete structure by 30-50%.

Vitaly Dolbinov, -

Can you imagine your cozy corner where do you live without a porch with a canopy? After all, the porch is not only an element of the interior, but also serves to protect against rain, hot sun rays. Therefore, the construction of this element must be taken responsibly, the porch must be strong and fit the size of the house so that the design looks beautiful and appropriate against its background.

The view of both the house and the porch depends entirely on your imagination and material capabilities. Of course, to build a porch, you can hire a highly specialized team of builders, but you can also make a porch yourself.


Before purchasing material, tools and everything necessary for the construction of this structure, you need to determine the size of the porch itself. The ideal parameters, according to many experts, are considered as follows:

  • the width of the stairs must be at least 80 centimeters “for convenient movement of 1 person”;
  • the angle of inclination of the stairs should be equal to 45 degrees or less;
  • The number of steps is odd;
  • the width of the step is not less than 25 centimeters, and the height is 12-20 centimeters;

Materials and tools:

  • Materials: ready-mixed concrete or cement, reinforcement, wire, formwork boards and beams, nails and roofing material;
  • Tools: perforator, grinder, vibrator "for compacting the solution", saw, shovels, hammer, concrete mix trough, spatula, tape measure and level.

Foundation preparation

This stage includes cleaning up the territory, cleaning up debris and vegetation, the preparation process also includes digging a foundation pit, mounting the formwork base + reinforcing the territory. At the end, everything is poured with concrete and compacted with a vibrator and left for several days to dry. This completes the preparation process.

The stage of manufacturing and mounting formwork for steps

In doing so, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Formwork must be equipped with stiffeners;
  • At an angle of 90 degrees, treads and under steps are designed;
  • The formwork must be made as airtight as possible, and roofing material should be laid out at its bottom.

Pouring concrete, here the question already arises, how to pour concrete on the porch with your own hands, without turning to professionals with high quality and reliability? - experts advise to perform this procedure in one go. At the same time, be sure to fill the porch, it is necessary to tamp the solution and remove air bubbles. To do this, it is better to use a vibrotamper.

There is a porch behind the form various forms: trapezoidal, round "semi-circular", square or rectangular, as well as designs can be different "open, closed, in the form of a veranda."

You can choose any shape of the porch of your house, focusing on your taste and preferences, because there will be no influence on the parameters of the porch. It is only necessary to remember one thing, that the construction of a semicircular concrete porch with your own hands is a little more complicated than the usual rectangular version. The most inexpensive, convenient and popular material for construction is concrete. The advantages of this material are that, in addition to its not too high cost, it is very convenient to sheathe in the future. various materials, closing durable material, beautiful externally cladding.

Formwork construction. This is the first point that you should pay attention to, because the complexity lies in the rounded shape. The simplest, cheapest and most affordable solution to this problem is the use of pieces of galvanized sheet metal. They have the flexibility to help shape them and are strong enough to support the weight. concrete mortar while maintaining the desired shape.

Site preparation and foundation pouring

I would like to note that the weight of the porch itself is quite large, therefore, it requires a powerful foundation. Due to the mass of the porch, a hole must be drilled in the concrete strip, into which the reinforcement of the frame of the new extension is later inserted.

During the pouring of the concrete solution, it is necessary to constantly level the surface, so that the buildings are firmly connected, and when the extension shrinks, cracks do not appear.

Construction of a semicircular porch

The most common and simplified method is the layer-by-layer installation of the deck, and pouring the steps one by one. This process takes place in several stages:

  • Mark the contour along which the installation of the curved formwork takes place. The height of the step and the formwork are equal. The formwork must stand very firmly in order to withstand the weight of the solution well along the entire contour, for this it must be fixed with wooden spacers;
  • The frame connected with the reinforcement is placed in the formwork, this frame is several rows metal mesh, which connects them with vertical elements.
  • After that, the frame of the structure is poured with concrete so that in monolithic construction there were no voids, for verification, a stick is taken, with which the solution is pierced in several places to remove possible voids;
  • The solution must dry and gain strength, after it dries, the formwork is installed again, and the whole process is repeated with a new row. As a result of this process, all steps are erected, and this design is gaining strength, what you want to pay attention to is the moment that all steps are being erected from the bottom to the top, due to this pressure, the strength increases.

If you followed all the directions, then your porch will be strong enough to last for many decades. I would also like to note that knowing how to fill the porch in a semicircle with your own hands, you can decorate your house in a very original way, a non-standard entrance, railings and much more.

Final processing

Of course, you can leave your porch in this form, but despite its strength and durability, even a very strong material needs protection: protection from water, wind, sun, temperature, frost, snow, moisture and other natural and human factors. To do this, it is enough to install a durable cladding that will help to last much longer, but at the same time will help decorate your home in an original and bright way. Exist different types tiles, the price, the colors of which are different, each of the options has both pros and cons, you also need to make a choice not only by appearance and cost, as well as ease of operation.

At first glance, the construction of a porch seems to be a completely simple matter, but I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you need to strictly follow the instructions and follow the technology, take a responsible approach to the construction process. Some difficulties may arise, but the result of your work will be a source of pride for many years, regardless of the shape of the porch, use finished projects so that you do not have to spend extra materials, draw up the drawings correctly and accept only right decision.

A well-built and high-quality porch will help your home look solid.
