Many gardeners widely use ground cover plants to decorate their plots. Love for them is easy to explain, because nothing beats a lawn or a flower bed on which perennial flowering "rugs" grow. When growing them, you don't need to spend much effort. It is enough just to choose the right place for planting, prepare the soil and do not forget to water and feed. It doesn't matter if the garden is in the South, Central or North region. You can choose your own ground cover flowers for any site.

Perennials ground cover for garden decoration

Beautifully flowering and variegated creeping flowers are best decoration for flower beds, rabatok, borders... They are widely used to decorate rocky gardens and tree trunks. Ground cover plants that bloom all summer long and weave their colored rugs on the site are especially good.

However, decor is not the only function of such plants. Growing ground cover crops in your garden offers a number of benefits:

  1. Colored rugs are great helpers in weed control. Growing densely, they simply displace most of the weeds from their area.
  2. Plants prevent the rains from washing away and blowing away the fertile soil layer.
  3. Low-growing crops saturate the soil with oxygen and improve its fertility, thereby performing the role of mulch.
  4. Ground cover flowers grow and create a bright carpet in a fairly short time, while hiding site defects.

When the right choice species of plants can easily make your garden well-groomed and clean. You just need to pay attention to the fact that most of the stunted perennials prefers sunny areashowever, many of them do well in the shade.

Ground cover plants blooming all summer

One of the advantages of creeping perennials is that they bloom from early spring to late autumn. In May, when muscari, crocuses, daffodils and early varieties tulips, a stormy flowering of the garden begins, in which charming "rugs" appear in all their glory.

Sedum or sedum

This low-growing perennial plant is a great find for the garden and rock garden. Sedum form "creeping rugs", bloom profusely and have many varieties:

By planting different types of sedum in your garden, you can get blooming all summer rock garden or mini-garden... Sedum can be used to decorate paths or make living compositions out of them on logs, stumps or in decorative pots.

Sedum is undemanding to growing conditions, therefore it can grow even on occasional deposits of soil. It does not require top dressing and abundant watering. In order for sedum to bloom beautifully and for a long time, it should be planted in sunny areas of the garden.

Ground cover subulate phlox

Growing up to 15-20 cm in height, the plants create a green dense cover with flowers of raspberry, purple, red, white or pink shades... For the first time, phlox bloom in early May, and delight summer residents until the end of June. The second time they begin to bloom in September.

These ground covers are suitable for sunny places and love loose mineral soils.

  1. The subulate phlox is 10 cm high and has long, pointed leaves that look like needles. It picks up color in May, and blooms profusely until mid-June.
  2. Douglas phlox is a low, compact plant that blooms in the second half of June.

Several varieties of phlox planted in the same flower bed will look very beautiful and bloom for a long time.

This extremely unpretentious plant loves dry soils and is afraid of waterlogging. When planting it, the soil must be mixed with dolomite flour and sand.

Phlox are versatile colors, which can be planted on almost any type of flower bed. Plants will look gorgeous instead of a grassy lawn, along garden path, in rockeries and on an alpine slide. On flower beds, it is better to combine them with dim alpine plants and decorative deciduous perennials.

Kotula or Palm tree

The cootula comb, cinquefoil and rough is very popular among gardeners. This groundcover blooms with small, bright yellow flowers that exude a delicious scent. The brilliant foliage of the palm of the hand contrasts beautifully with the flowers blooming all season.

Kotula grows in moist soils and shallow water, and feels comfortable both in partial shade and in the sun. This plant is perfect for areas with a small pond. It reproduces well by seeds, creating around the reservoir bright spectacular border.

Corydalis yellow

So far, a herbaceous perennial plant, rare in culture, is distinguished by long flowering. In early spring, when even snowdrops have not yet bloomed, the corydalis already pleases gardeners with its yellow flowers. But even in the absence of flowers, the plant looks very attractive. The openwork foliage makes the corydalis decorative.

It is best to plant a ground cover on light, poorly compacted soils. The plant blooms profusely in sunny areas, but it feels good in partial shade. It can be transplanted at any age, in any weather, and even in a flowering state.

Growing up, the corydalis creates rug 15-30 cm high, which will look good in a rock garden and in the shade of shrubs and trees.

Highlander kindred

A ground cover perennial that blooms all summer long is suitable for decorating borders and looks great in group plantings.

The plant grows to a height of 20-25 cm, has beautiful heart-shaped foliage and collected in numerous small flowers inflorescences. A truly magnificent sight can be enjoyed when the highlander is in bloom. At this time, the crown of his bush is very similar to a white bedspread.

The crop grows well in sunny and shady areas, and loves drained soil... The highlander does not like acidified areas, on which he looks depressed and stunted. The plant tolerates frosts well, but in a winter with little snow it requires protection by spruce branches or covering material.

Carnation herb

Throughout almost the entire growing season, the herb carnation blooms. Its small, bright red or red-white flowers resemble those of a common carnation. The herb has a height of up to 15 cm, low creeping ascending stems and small elongated gray-green leaves.

Carnation does not like stagnant watertherefore it is better to plant it in light, well-drained and fertilized soil in sunny areas of the garden.

Many gardeners use the herb to decorate the trunk circles. It not only looks beautiful, but also useful for fruit trees.

Ground cover plants blooming in early summer

In order for the garden to delight with flowering not only in the middle, but also in early summer, as well as in spring, beautifully flowering creeping perennials can be planted in flower beds, rock gardens or on lawns.

Already in June, you can enjoy the bloom of saponaria or soapwort, which forms dense elegant pads with pink or red flowers. Most often in the gardens, you can see the pink flowers of the basilicum, which can reach a height of 4 to 15 cm.

Beautiful "rug" up to 5 cm high forms filamentous veronica. On its thin creeping stems are rounded light green leaves and blue flowers with dark veins. Veronica blooms in May and June.

Bogorodskaya herb, thyme or thyme are spicy medicinal herb 2 to 8 cm high blooms from May to July. There are many varieties of thyme, so the color of the leaves and flowers of this herb can be very different. Thyme varieties with green-white and green-yellow leaves and pink, red, white and light purple flowers are very popular among gardeners.

In late spring, it forms a beautiful silvery carpet of white flowers and leaves of Yaskolka or cerastium. This ground cover plant, about 25 cm high, has thin creeping shoots that grow well and strengthen, covering large areas.

Burachok or alyssum blooms profusely in May. Its stems are covered with small grayish leaves and lush racemes with yellow flowers. The plant has many species and varieties that vary in height. So, for example, rock alyssum has a height of up to 35 cm, and mountain - from 5 to 10 cm.

In late spring and early summer blooms obrieta or aubretia... Among gardeners, deltoid aubriet is very popular, simple or double flowers of which can be of the most varied colors. A flower bed with various varieties of aubre planted on it looks very beautiful.

Arabis or rezuha in early May blooms in simple or double red, white and pink flowers... Arabis has variegated leaves and looks good in a planter or on a slide. A cascade of flowers falling from the retaining wall can charm anyone. Most often found in gardens caucasian rezuha 20 cm high... Much lower is the equally popular ciliate ciliate, whose height reaches only 7 cm.

There are many ground cover flowering contenders for a place in the flower garden. Having picked up plants according to the flowering time, and supplementing them with long-flowering perennials or annuals, you can get a lawn, flower bed or rock garden blooming all summer long.

The so-called green rugs, or plants creeping along the ground, are in great demand among flower growers. Such popularity can be easily explained by the simplicity of cultivation, care and high decorativeness. In just a year, many of the ground cover species form so-called pillows that easily cover all the imperfections of the site, decorate it and prevent the spread of weeds.

Use in design

It should be noted that representatives of a wide variety of plant groups, including bulbous, dwarf shrubs, lianas, perennial grasses, succulents, etc., have the ability to creep along the ground and braid everything around. Each of them has its own characteristics, flowering time and growth rate ... In general, garden creeping plants (photos of representatives - in the text) are in great demand among landscape designers... They are used when decorating small areas (alpine slides, rockeries, individual stones with recesses, space along paths, flower beds). We offer several recommendations from experts on how to plant creeping plants:

  • Choose different varieties, species groups and plant them in the neighborhood to create a contrasting combination of leaves, shapes, shades.
  • Plants of the same variety look best in group planting or as a frame for paths, flower beds.
  • Consider the growth rate of plants and control their population in the designated area. Plants creeping along the ground (photos and names will help you make your choice) are able to braid the entire flower bed in a short time, drowning out other flowers.

We offer you the most popular and original views for the decoration of flower beds. They are distinguished by high decorativeness and unpretentiousness, good growth rate. In just a couple of years, you will get amazing colorful islands.


The genus of perennial plants owes its name to its amazing ability to grow in the most inaccessible crevices of rocks. The height, depending on the species and variety, ranges from 5 to 70 cm. Leaves of various shapes are collected in a basal rosette, star-shaped flowers, as a rule, are collected in a panicle inflorescence. The color in nature is from white to pale pink, yellow. A large number of varieties have been bred, they are valued not only for the formation of "pillows" from but also as an ornamental deciduous plant. Large variability of sizes allows using these creeping plants for alpine slides and borders, flower beds with other perennials.

Sedum, or sedum

This is a genus of plants in the jumbo family. Perennial succulent plants are extremely unpretentious in culture and can grow even in the presence of a tiny lump of earth. These are very diverse plants: from small leaves with a decorative rosette to tall ones with lush multi-colored inflorescences. The combination looks especially impressive different types stonecrop in one place. This is a real find for the garden. Among the numerous species, it is worth noting white sedum, false, acrid, mountain, rocky, Eversa, Lydian, thick-leaved. Semi-shrub forms look luxurious in group and single plantings along paths, on a lawn and on a rocky hill.


Another genus of unusual garden plants from the bastard family. They can be identified by a beautiful rose-shaped rosette made of dense, leathery leaves. The color can be different: green, crimson, with brown edging, etc. The flowering looks no less impressive than the plant itself. Tall and thick peduncles covered with flowers of various colors rise above the rosette of leaves. These are unpretentious plants capable of growing in a crevice of stones, creeping along the surface and multiplying by small "children".


A perennial garden plant used to decorate rockeries and rock gardens. Forms dense cushions of silvery-green leaves, which in the middle of summer are covered with many star-shaped snow-white flowers. One of the most unpretentious and hardy plantsthat covers the soil with an even and resilient carpet in a short time. Choose the sunniest and warmest areas for it. The soil for shingles requires loose and nutritious. The creeping plant is not afraid of drafts and winds, it is resistant to freezing even in the coldest winters.


Perennial with a long flowering period. Characteristic feature periwinkle is its tenacious and durable leaves, which survive even under the snow. It blooms one of the very first. Charming and cute plants that creep along the ground are most often associated with periwinkle. Varieties with different leaf colors have been developed, but these forms are not as resistant to freezing as traditional ones. Distinguish periwinkle large, small, pubescent. Plants are completely undemanding, thrive well in the sun and in the shade, in the near-stem circles of fruit trees. Any soil is suitable, but loose and nutritious is preferable. You can use periwinkle to strengthen the soil on the slopes, complement shrubs, as an ampelous plant.

Phlox subulate

A carpet plant with narrow and stiff leaves, pointed at the end and resembling an awl in appearance. The plant is not tall (15-17 cm) with large purple, white, pink, lilac flowers in a wide variety of colors. Forms spectacular and bright evergreen rugs on alpine slides and flower beds. The plant is very unpretentious and able to adapt to the most unfavorable climatic conditions. However, for normal development and flowering, plants creeping along the ground prefer sandy and rocky landscapes with good lighting and a lot of solar heat. Phlox subulate is distinguished by drought resistance, does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Iberis evergreen

Perennial ground cover plant from the cabbage family, growing up to 30 cm in height, the diameter of one specimen reaches 40 cm.Dark green leaves of a whole-cut shape, smooth, up to 7 cm in length. Abundant flowering continues for a month, but decorativeness remains throughout the season ... The plant has been known in horticulture for a long time, it was introduced into culture in 1679, since then many varieties and forms have been bred, differing in size and shades of flowers. Iberis is unpretentious and will grow on almost any soil. Looks especially good in rabatkas, on lawns, along curbs, in company with other perennials of a contrasting color.

Bell of Portenchlag

Uncommon in ours possessing a unique appearance... forms dense cushion bushes (up to 30 cm in diameter). Decorative leaves are leathery and glossy, blooming at the beginning of summer, flowers of a characteristic star-shaped, bright purple hue. A relatively winter-hardy species, but in the northern regions it requires winter shelter... It develops best in sunny and warm areas, on fertile and non-acidic soil.

These are not all ground cover plants. The creepers presented in the article are the most common in our climatic conditions, unpretentious, resistant to many external factors, and therefore perfect for an experiment. Plant them in groups or singly, fill in rock garden and rockery, create a bright spot in the middle of a bright lawn. Picturesque and bright flowers, together with emerald and unusual greenery, will create spectacular islands that attract attention.

Ground surface in the garden or on personal plot should not be empty. Therefore, flower beds, beds and lawns are arranged on it.

For registration flower arrangements ground cover plants are also widely used.
They are used to plant tree trunks, decorate the inconvenience and unevenness of the site, diversify the lawn.

Ground cover plants are irreplaceable when creating alpine slides, etc. Successfully performed when organizing flower beds and beds.

Form pillows of white, pink, red flowers, grow on sunny places, drought-resistant, early spring flowering.

Plant with overwintering shoots that take root easily and form solid carpets. Flowers are numerous, white, pink, red, lilac. They bloom early; when cut after flowering, re-flowering is possible in mid - late summer.

Milkweed cypress and capitate

Loose cushion thickets, yellow flowers. Grows on light poor alkaline soils (you can add lime), unpretentious.

Mountain burachok (alissum)

Creeping shoots, abundant branching. Collected in a brush, four-petaled yellow flowers with a honey smell appear in May.

Prized for its beautiful shiny leaves that form a bright carpet. There are variegated varieties.

Saxifrage (saxifrage)

Long blooming pillows, growing in the sun and shade, varied in color.

A hardy alternative lawn grasses... Resistant to trampling, blooms all summer, very low.

Landing rules

Delenki hosts

Decide on the range of ground cover perennials in advance. It is recommended to draw a diagram color scheme plot.

The diagram takes into account all future plantings: trees, shrubs, tall and medium-sized perennials, annual plants and ground cover. Allocate shady and sunny places. The location of the plants is the choice of the owners of the garden, their design solution.

Most often, perennials are planted in cuttings from adult overgrown bushes. This is done in the fall, until the end of September, then the plants will immediately take root well and bloom in the spring and summer.

If seeds are sown, follow the manufacturer's instructions. Usually seeds to prevent sprouting in the fall (read what perennial flowers can be planted in the fall).

In spring, seedlings are thinned out if necessary. Seedlings bloom in the second - third year.

Important: when planting, it should be borne in mind that ground cover plants have a tendency to capture territory, grow in breadth. Therefore, arrange them freely. In the early years, the spaces between them can be filled with annuals.

Plant division

In the first year, the soil is weeded and its moisture is monitored - with a sparse planting, the earth dries up quickly.

Top dressing is not required for most ground cover. In autumn, you can mulch with a thin layer of sleeping tea - a natural potash fertilizer that promotes flowering the next year.

After a few years, overgrown perennials will need thinning. In the fall, the sod is dug up, divided, planted. Surplus is given to acquaintances and neighbors in the country or sold.

Perennial ground cover flowers are an important ingredient landscape design... These plants make any garden, park or backyard uniquely decorative.

Video about ground cover garden plants:

There are a lot of stunted perennials that can retain their beauty from early spring to late autumn. Among them there are ground cover perennials, which are beautiful and bloom profusely, have decorative foliage, and flaunt their well-honed shape. Which plant to choose for suburban area is a matter of taste, desire and idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer.

Features of ground cover

In addition to decorative qualities, perennials have an extremely important role: when they grow, they protect the covered soil from drying out, overheating, frost. Their root system helps maintain soil structure. When leaves and stems die off, they fill the soil organic matter... Due to the dense plant cover, weeds will not appear at all.

It is very difficult to give advice on where and how best to plant ground cover perennials, without knowing in advance the place of the proposed sowing. It is worth paying attention to those that most often decorate country gardens... All these plants do not require a lot of planting time or special care.

Phlox subulate

Already in early spring, this groundcover perennial, blooming all summer, blooms with pink, blue and white flowers with small needle-shaped leaves

If someone wants to have a solid color of the flower bed, then they just need to plant one variety. And to get a bright flower bed, you need to plant this place with different varieties of phlox.

Phlox subulate - a beautiful framing of a garden path, a flower garden. It will not spoil the overall picture of the garden even after flowering: the phlox flower bed remains neat until the end of the season. The plant reproduces well and grows quickly. Grows best on open areas... When buying several plants, after a year, you can have enough to implement your ideas.

A good analogue is the splayed phlox. It blooms a little later, and its flowers are located a little less often, but is an excellent addition to the styloid phlox ... Before planting a plant, it is worth taking into account some rules:

Creeping shard

A perennial groundcover that blooms all summer with creeping shoots, about 15 cm high, forms many small white flowers that bloom in early May. The chrysalis is very easy to care for and also able to withstand low temperatures.

The plant grows rapidly and expands over a large area in a short time. It is not difficult to get a shingle from seeds by planting them in spring or winter for seedlings. But it will bloom only next year.

The basic requirements for growing are simple:

Carnation herbal

It doesn't even make sense to characterize this creeping plant for the garden in more detail, because its main features are reflected in the name. Carnation - because the plant blooms very beautifully and somewhat remotely resembles flowers. Herb - because it looks like low grass.

In late spring, low shoots of grass are adorned with single small red flowers visible from afar. It doesn't take much effort to successfully grow this plant:

Ducheney, or Potentilla

Another neat and beautiful perennial with creeping shoots. The dark green leaves and small red fruits strongly resemble strawberries. Unfortunately, the fruit cannot be eaten.

Cinquefoil feels good in sunny places, it is not demanding on the soil. Basic requirements for care and cultivation:

Stachis woolly

Herbaceous ground cover with creeping shoots and dark silver color. Spike-shaped flowers, consisting of burgundy or purple flowers, are often cut before flowering. This is done so that the flowers do not interfere with the outlines of the gray carpet, spreading over a long distance. Perennial grows well in sunny areas with light soil with moderate watering. Other cultivation features:

Creeping thyme

Amazing and cute ground cover perennial. A bright pink plant that blooms several times a year if pruned after each bloom.

Gardeners prefer pruning thyme during flowering to prepare an aromatic herb for use as a seasoning and as a healing agent. Thyme can be easily obtained by sowing seeds. It grows very quickly already in the first year of sowing. If you cut off some of the peduncles in time and throw them away at the planned place for growing the plant, then after a short period of time you can get a fragrant thyme rug. Thyme is a very expensive plant, but its scent is worth planting in your garden. Growing requirements:

Creeping clefthoof

This ground cover perennial has large dark leaves very similar to the shape of the hoof. You will not find everywhere a plant that loves to live in shady areas as well as a clefthoof.

The plant is unpretentious and will not take a lot of time from the gardener, except for regular watering. The plant looks very beautiful in a flower bed if it is planted in large quantities. No one can compete with him when the clefthoof covers the entire area. The culture is not particularly demanding on the conditions of care and maintenance:

  • The quality of the soil does not matter.
  • Prefers to grow clefthoof in shady and humid places.
  • The plant does not like drying out of the soil.
  • Propagated by seeds and dividing bushes.

Frost-resistant periwinkle

A plant loved by many gardeners with creeping shoots and hibernating leaves. After a snowy winter, a cute green carpet adorns a large number of small blue flowers... Periwinkle is not at all demanding, but prefers to live partially in the shade in wet places. The plant is often used to decorate flower beds, walls, borders. An evergreen ground cover perennial is unpretentious:

Creeping insect

It is a tenacious and creeping perennial with green leaves and dark blue flowers looks like a candle. Such a plant grows everywhere, covering the entire soil with a dense blue carpet. An extremely tenacious culture. It can even live on rocky slopes. There are known types of tenacious with pink and white inflorescences. The red tenacious is also prized for its purple leaves. The brightest shade of inflorescences is acquired by a flower if it grew in the shade. Basic care requirements:

Sedum, or sedum

This group includes more than 500 species of various perennial plants. There are even creeping shrubs in the catalog. But only sedums alone can make a beautiful garden. Beautiful view the garden is given not only by flowers, but also by leaves with a wide variety of shades. Such flowers look beautiful in a large group on rocky slopes.

Almost all species of this perennial like to grow on the sunny side, but there are species that prefer a shady surface. Flowering begins in June. The plant is unpretentious and requires minimal maintenance time. Almost all species are drought tolerant. Watering should only be done during a very hot period. Other care requirements:

  • A perennial does not need a certain soil; it can even grow on rocky and sandy terrain.
  • It is best to choose a bright and warm permanent place.
  • The flower needs watering only during severe drought.
  • Propagated by dividing the bushes. You can also grow from seeds, but this takes a long time.
  • Only elite and expensive species should be protected from frost. Simple stonecrops do not need shelter.

Purslane plant

Purslane is a perennial plant, but our winters are not able to survive. But, thanks to its self-seeding, it is enough to plant it only once. In the coming years, you can simply enjoy the large pink and yellow carpet. This plant is completely unpretentious to care for. It will be enough just to plant seeds and water. The rest of the time, this flower will only delight its beautiful flowers... When growing, consider the following:

You can also consider for growing in the garden such perennial ground cover: mountain goat weed, strawberry, garden geranium, bryozoan, rejuvenated, garden forget-me-not, fragrant violet. For indoor cultivation, there are also ground cover indoor plants: selaginella, tradescantia, callisia and many others.

Many types of perennials do not require a lot of attention when compared to most annuals. Be sure to remember what conditions perennials like. In the right place, they will feel great and delight the eye for a long time with their beauty.

Groundcover perennials

Today, ground cover plants can be found in any garden plot. They are indispensable both on country estates lovingly cared for by qualified gardeners with a complex design and on ordinary summer cottages, where residents of megacities go on weekends not to dig in the ground, but to relax. enjoy the well-deserved love of landscape designers. In garden centers, they are presented in dozens of varieties. We will try to help you understand their diversity, suggest some ideas for using them.

Types and purpose of ground cover plants

  • Short shrubs with long, flexible shoots, which, when rooting, form new plants and quickly take over the territory;
  • Creeping plants that grow with daughter rosettes and whiskers;
  • Groundcover perennial plants, in which the bush grows;
  • Flowers that form a kind of pillows from numerous creeping shoots.

Groundcover garden plants varied and numerous, their use is universal. In this article, we will not consider tree shrubs and annual flowers, but we will give short description most popular ground cover perennial plants.


Arabis or rezuha is a groundcover flowering plant about 20 cm high with white, red or pink flowers and decorative leaves... It is suitable for flower beds, alpine slides, vertical gardening... Loves dry places, blooms well in the sun, grows better in shaded places. Can propagate by seeds, cuttings or layering. Views:

  • Arabis Caucasian;
  • Arabis Ciliated;
  • Arabis Alpine.


Lesser periwinkle refers to ground cover plants that can grow both in the sun and in deep shade. He prefers moist soils, grows quickly, blooms twice a year with blue flowers. It can even grow in the shade of a walnut.Periwinkle reproduces by layering.


Low-growing varieties of Veronica are surprisingly unpretentious, they can grow in the sun, in the shade, near water bodies, on dry soils. It is undemanding to the soil, but there are species that prefer only alkaline soil. These groundcover flowering plants form a dense carpet of blue flowers. There are varieties with pink and red color. Veronica propagates by seeds, layering, dividing the rhizome. Low-growing species:

  • Veronica is threadlike;
  • Veronica Armenian;
  • Veronica is outstretched.

Loose mint

This ground cover plant is also called meadow tea, it gets its name from the round, often yellowish leaves. Its flowers are large, yellow. The plant grows well in the sun and in partial shade, loves moisture, but will put up with drought, just its rapid growth will stop somewhat. Propagated by cuttings and layering.

Perfect for creating a grassy lawn, for decorating paths, slides, rock gardens.

Garden geranium

The ground cover forms of this plant are truly magnificent. Perennial, frost-resistant, shade-loving, drought-resistant, they even reproduce independently. Not only flowers are beautiful, but also leaves. It is used in rockeries, flower beds, to create solid massifs in natural areas of the garden, among trees and shrubs. It reproduces best by dividing the bush.

Types of garden geraniums:

  • Geranium is Magnificent;
  • Geranium Blood-red;
  • Geranium Oxford;
  • Geranium Dark brown;
  • Geranium Large-rhizome;
  • Geranium Lugovaya.


When we talk about ground cover plants, one cannot but recall the saxifrage, which is, as it were, created in order to grow among stones in the bright sun. She herself looks like a mossy bump blooming with white, pink or red flowers. Its leaves are also decorative, which grow to form a carved rug. Propagated by seeds, daughter rosettes, dividing the bush.

The most common types:

  • Saxifrage Younger;
  • Saxifrage Kolearis;
  • Saxifrage Dummy leaf;
  • Saxifrage Soddy mossy;
  • Lush saxifrage.


It is a creeping perennial that retains its greenery even in winter. Aubrieta is unpretentious, thermophilic, loves light, but grows in partial shade, prefers alkaline fertile soils. In cold regions, it requires shelter for the winter.

Propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings and seeds.


There is not a single ground cover plant that can compete with sedum (sedum) in hardiness. Their leaves can have a wide variety of colors - green, red, yellow, blue, silver. They are extremely resistant to drought, even if not watered at all, they will survive, bloom, forming a solid carpet. Stonecrops sometimes bloom so profusely that leaves are not visible at all behind the flowers.

The easiest way to propagate them is by cuttings - just pick a twig and stick it into the ground.

There are many types. Most Popular:

  • Sedum Caustic;
  • Sedum Mountain;
  • Sedum False;
  • Sedum Spatulate;
  • Sedum Rock
  • Sedum of Evers;
  • The sedum is thick-leaved.

Sedum can be tall. There are many plants belonging to this genus.

Phlox subulate

One of the most beautiful ground cover flowering plantsis undoubtedly subulate phlox. Already in May-June, it pleases us with its abundant flowering. There are many varieties of subulate phlox. The color of flowers can be white, pink, blue, blue, red, purple. There are even bicolor varieties.

Subulate phlox look great as flowering islets in rockeries, in flower beds, under crowns large trees or between large tree-like landscape groups, where they form flowering cushions. If you create a clearing from some phlox of different colors, then during flowering it will be the most beautiful place on your site.

Reproduces well by dividing the bush and cuttings.


If you need to plant a large array of beautiful groundcover plants, choose a shingle. It blooms in May-June with numerous beautiful white flowers, silvery leaves. It grows very quickly, easily multiplies by dividing the bush and cuttings, does not tolerate waterlogging. The most famous types:

  • Felt Yaskolka;
  • Jaskolka Biberstein.

The chimney is suitable for creating solid arrays, for decorating "hopeless" places where little will grow due to lack of moisture . Just remember that it is easier to plant a shrapnel than to remove it from a place where it is already growing.
