Before purchasing any material, each consumer considers the disadvantages. Polyurethane foam is no exception. Every builder has heard a lot of information about this material, which is otherwise called PPU.

What material to choose

If you have ever thought about insulating your home, then you probably paid attention to this option as thermal insulation. Perhaps it is he who will be the best solution, because along with the shortcomings he has many advantages.


Polyurethane foam, the disadvantages of which you should be aware of before starting insulation work, is a type of plastic. Products made from it have a cellular structure. The composition of polyurethane foam contains a gaseous substance, which is contained in a volume of 85 to 90%. The entire structure consists of small cells that are well insulated from each other by walls, and it is these cells that are filled with gas. The remaining percent of the volume is the solid part, namely the walls themselves.

The disadvantages of polyurethane foam as insulation are worth considering. Varieties of polyurethane foam are used quite often today, the material is popular among consumers, since it is very simple to manufacture it, it can be done directly at the construction site. In this case, the two liquid components must be mixed, after which they enter into a chemical reaction. If the necessary proportions of the ingredients are observed, a polymer will be synthesized, which is represented by a hardened foam. If you slightly change the cooking technology, then you can get polyurethane foams that differ in characteristics from each other. Some of them are suitable for insulating doors and windows, while others are suitable for thermal insulation of reinforced concrete or brick buildings. As for the third varieties, they are widely used for pipelines. Thus, depending on the proportions of substances, polyurethanes can be obtained at the output, which consist of many cells of different sizes. Their walls can have different thicknesses and strengths.

The main disadvantage of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam, the disadvantages of which will be presented below, can be used in many areas of construction. However, before purchasing it is important to familiarize yourself with the cons of the material. The main negative impact is sun rays on the surface, which can cause rapid wear of the products. In order to exclude the destruction of the heat insulator, it is necessary to provide for its protection. To do this, you can use plaster, ordinary paint and all kinds of panels. It is these methods that experienced builders advise.

The disadvantages of styrofoam as a wall insulation will let you know if you should use it. Protective composition can protect the insulation from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, and also make the polyurethane foam more attractive. If we consider this minus in more detail, then it can be noted that preserving the properties of PU foam will require more funds than we will carry out work on insulation, where materials that do not require appropriate protection are involved. Among other things, not all home craftsmen know how to produce and apply dye compositions with high quality. As a result, the surface may turn out to be even less attractive than before the refining.

Additional disadvantage

If you decide to choose polyurethane foam, the disadvantages of which may be too impressive for some consumers, then it is worth considering that this material is thermal insulation, which, when exposed to fire, begins to smolder. This drawback is noted by experts. Despite the fact that PPU acts as a slow-combustible material, it is not able to cope with fire at 100%. According to the classification, this insulation belongs to the G-2 flammability group. This indicates that no ignition will occur when exposed to low temperatures. The flame will go out, the process will stop as soon as the surface of the material can be cooled. If there is a possibility of strong heating or the possibility of ignition of a certain zone of insulation, then in this case, you should not use polyurethane foam.

Why you shouldn't choose polyurethane foam for home insulation

The disadvantages of polyurethane foam insulation undoubtedly exist. If you decide to make thermal insulation, then this is important to consider. If you use the wrong technology in the process of carrying out work, this can negatively affect the operational characteristics of the building. In order to exclude this, it is necessary to take into account some properties of the described substance. So, polyurethane foam has low vapor permeability - this refers to a rigid type of material. If you apply the composition to the walls, during processing or other panels, this will certainly lead to dampness on the internal surfaces and in the structure. Dampness and mold can be mentioned as the consequences, but if freezing occurs, then the bearing elements will constantly collapse. This moment is often noted in their reviews by experienced builders.

The need for protection from fire

If you decide to purchase polyurethane foam, customer reviews should describe the shortcomings in detail. After all, it is the negative moments that people note in the first place. Thus, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that over time the structure will lose its heat-insulating qualities, at best they can only decrease. This is the result of not only aging of the material, but also temperature changes, as well as exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Quite often, the spraying method is used, this provides for protection from the effects of open fire. If there is no desire to create an additional fire hazardous situation, then appropriate safety measures must be taken. They also become a source of additional expense, which does not always suit consumers.

Cons: the need to take into account the strength of the structure

Polyurethane foam, the shortcomings, reviews of which were analyzed in the article, provides for the need to correctly determine the strength of the structure. This is true when the work involves blowing thermal insulation into the space between the walls. After this, the structure begins to expand, and subsequently the foam can cause destruction. Owners of private houses do not always have the opportunity to make correct calculations.

Why sometimes consumers refuse to use polyurethane foam

If you decide to apply PPU, the shortcomings, feedback on the material should be appreciated by you. So, it is undesirable to use it for insulation inside the building. This can cause movement towards the room. In this case, the wall begins to freeze, the resulting dampness causes the spread of mold, after which the wood begins to rot. In this situation, the walls remain damp even in the summer, which negatively affects the microclimate of the premises. Experts advise, if it is not possible to use analog materials, to use semi-rigid polyurethane foam. In this case, a layer with a thickness of 30 millimeters will be enough.

Polyurethane foam can with good reason be called a new generation of insulation. IN last years This technology of thermal insulation of buildings is gaining more and more popularity among owners of private houses. Do-it-yourself polyurethane foam insulation is quite possible, but only if available necessary equipment, the master studied the technology of applying this material well enough.

Polyurethane foam is suitable for insulating buildings both from the outside of the walls and from the inside. The material has a large number positive qualities, therefore, it has been used more and more recently. Nevertheless, it is necessary to be aware of the negative aspects that may arise when using this type of thermal insulation.

How is polyurethane foam used for insulation

Insulation with polyurethane foam is most often done by spraying a heat-insulating layer onto almost any surface. Adhering well to it and gaining volume, the foamed composition increases in size several times. Expanding, polyurethane foam penetrates into all, even the smallest cracks, creates a dense and almost airtight coating, thanks to which the walls and roof are not afraid of cold and wind.

The most common method of using polyurethane foam is by spraying it onto walls.

Most common the method of its installation is spraying, but it should be noted that the pouring method is sometimes used. Most often, this technology is used even at the stage of production of thermal insulation structures. Polyurethane foam is poured into special forms, and the resulting parts are applied only after complete solidification.

Another option for pouring is the filling of individual horizontal areas or voids with the foam composition, where spraying is impossible. For example, this method is used when you need to fill the cavity between the already installed or erected walls, or the space between the installed layers of finishing material.

Polyurethane foam is a mixture of two of its constituent polymers, which are usually in liquid form, polyol and polysocyanate. These components mix together without air access during the spraying process, foaming when exposed to carbon dioxide and heating to high temperature.

The finished mixture is fed through hoses to the spray gun and applied to the structure due to the high pressure generated. The foamed composition adheres perfectly to the prepared surface and begins to actively expand, forming an insulating layer of the required thickness.

Video - Modern method of thermal insulationai - spraying polyurethane foam

Properties of polyurethane foam

This material is used for insulation of both industrial and residential premises. Spraying polyurethane foam is carried out on the floors of houses, inner surface roofs, various partitions, floors and walls. It is especially popular for wall insulation of frame structures.

Polyurethane foam is universal - it can insulate walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, etc.

During the period of its active use, it has shown its unconditional effectiveness not only as a heater, but also as a waterproofing and soundproofing material. It perfectly protects the premises of the house from freezing, moisture penetration and external noise.

The main advantages of polyurethane foam

So, the remarkable properties of polyurethane foam include:

  • Excellent adhesion, that is, reliable adhesion to almost any surface, be it concrete, wood, metal or other roofing materials.
  • The low thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam allows you to keep the accumulated heat in the premises, if the insulation is done from the inside, it creates a reliable barrier against the penetration of cold air if the material is sprayed from the outside of the walls.
  • Polyurethane foam tightly fills all holes and gaps, which helps to isolate the room from extraneous sounds streets. When it is sprayed onto the inner surface of the roof, the insulation is able to drown out the sounds of rain drops, which is especially important for rooms located in the attic of houses.

  • This insulation counteracts the appearance of corrosion on metal structural elements and protects the surface from the negative effects of an external aggressive environment.
  • When spraying polyurethane foam, it not only covers large surfaces, but also neutralizes cold bridges that arise at the locations of the crate guides. They cannot be closed as reliably by any other types of material, therefore, even if insulation is used in mats or plates (for example, mineral wool or expanded polystyrene), cold bridges are still treated with polyurethane foam.
  • Spraying can be carried out on the structures that are most complex in their configuration, on which it is simply impossible to install conventional heaters.
  • Polyurethane foam is a low-combustible material, since one of its components contains a polyol substance A. fire retardantsgiving the insulation the ability to self-extinguishing, to termination burning even when material enters the fire zone. Combustion of polyurethane foam is possible only at temperatures not lower than 450-500 degrees.
  • The low weight of polyurethane foam allows it to be sprayed on any roofing material from the attic side or on the attic floor, without fear of weighting these structures of the building. Moreover, the applied layer of insulation after complete solidification will also give them additional rigidity.

Video - The use of polyurethane foam for roof insulation

  • When sprayed, the material forms a seamless surface, which cannot be done with the help of other insulation materials without using additional means for joining them (mechanical or adhesive).
  • Polyurethane foam is applied very quickly, expands and hardens in a short time. Therefore, the whole process of insulation will take a little - only one to two days, depending on the area and complexity of the structures to be insulated.
  • Due to the moisture resistance of polyurethane foam and the ability to seal surfaces, when using it, there is no need to use a vapor barrier and windproof film.
  • Polyurethane foam is resistant to decay, mildew, damage and insects.
  • Leading manufacturers establish a 50-year guarantee for the service life of polyurethane foam. However, judging by its components and application technology, the insulation will last much longer without losing its qualities if the PPU spraying and its external finish are arranged correctly.
  • Such high rates does not possess not alone existing insulation material, because not alone of them does not possess such adhesive properties.

Material disadvantages

It should be said about the disadvantages of polyurethane foam - with self-insulation them and during further operation:

  • The big drawback of this insulation technology is its price, since buying or even renting equipment for applying polyurethane foam is not cheap.
  • To work on spraying, you need to purchase personal protective equipment - a special suit and a respirator to protect against injury respiratory tract... All areas of the skin, mucous membranes, and eyes must be covered.

  • In the absence of experience in installing such a heater, the work may take a long time, and its quality will not be guaranteed.
  • Polyurethane foam is not flammable, but it smokes a lot when it comes into contact with fire. the smoke contains a large amount of substances harmful to humans.

Polyurethane foam should never be left open for a long time to sunlight - ultraviolet light quickly "kills" the material
  • If the insulation is applied from the outside of the building and is not covered finishing materials, then it quickly begins to break down under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, while decomposing into monomers that are hazardous to human health.

How to insulate with polyurethane foam

Many would like to carry out the process of warming their own home with polyurethane foam on their own, however, you need to know that this is quite possible only theoretically, but in practice you will need specific equipment, materials and certain work skills. It should also be noted that technological equipment requires a certain setting before starting spraying, and it is necessary to be able to do this correctly.

One of the main difficulties is the need for special equipment for spraying polyurethane foam

If you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the entire system works, but there is no equipment, you can rent it, for which, however, as mentioned above, you will also have to pay a lot.

So what's the conclusion? Probably, it will be easier to invite a master with his equipment - he will quickly, without delay, complete all the technological stages of insulation, freeing the owner of housing from a lot of problems.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to test your own strength, then you need to take into account some of the features of such a process:

Warming with this material can be carried out during the construction of a building or in an already built house. In addition, spraying is carried out on individual areas or on the entire surface. Or, if necessary, fill the cavities with polyurethane foam.

We insulated the house outside, and now find out, and also consider options on how to choose the right insulation from our new article.

When carrying out work, it is necessary to take into account the region of the location of the building, since from climatic conditions the thickness of the sprayed layer of insulation will depend.

The measures for insulation with polyurethane foam include the following actions:

  • Insulated surfaces require some preparation. For example, walls need to be cleaned of existing old coating if it is clearly unstable (such as old flaking plaster or peeling paint).
  • Further, on the wall it is necessary to arrange a crate made of wooden bars or metal profiles... The thickness of the guides is selected depending on which layer of insulation should be applied to the surface.

  • In addition, the lathing can play a leveling role for the wall. It is mounted on the wall surface according to the level and plumb line, and the openings between its elements are then filled with polyurethane foam, which will fill in the irregularities and bring the coating to the proper level.
  • Foaming insulation is sprayed onto the prepared plane using a special gun.
  • The intensity of spraying also needs to be adjusted, since if a not too thick layer is needed, then it is necessary to adjust the apparatus in such a way that the composition is sprayed in very small jets. The lathing, in this case, must be made of beams or and profiles that have a small thickness, as they will determine the thickness of the insulation layer.
  • The spraying of polyurethane foam always starts from the bottom of the wall, and is applied to the surface between the sheathing elements.

  • The polyurethane foam is applied in a thin layer, which immediately gains volume. If the thickness of the first layer is not enough, then another layer of insulation is applied on top.

  • After the polyurethane foam hardens and the hardened coating is aligned along the lathing guides by cutting off the protruding reliefs of the insulation, it is fashionable to install siding, lining. Nothing prevents you from doing the outside and brickwork or plastering the walls of the house.
  • If it is conceived to plaster the wall after insulation, then it must be tightened with a netting, fastening it to the railings of the crate. Then, using the throwing technique, apply to the wall cement mortar... After its setting and initial hardening, it will be possible to apply any leveling composition of the plaster, since it will fit well on this base.

Video: the process of self-applying polyurethane foam on the wall

In conclusion, I would like to note that in any work on insulation, two factors are very important - the quality of the material used and the experience of the master. Therefore, it is best to entrust the work to a trusted specialist who will relieve you of unnecessary worries and carry out the spraying quickly and efficiently.

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Step-by-step instructions for insulation with polyurethane foam using the disposable PENOGLAS ™ KIT

The appearance in the assortment of stores of disposable kits for applying polyurethane foam has significantly expanded the horizons of using this effective insulation. It is possible to do without inviting a team of specialists with their equipment. The kit includes everything you need, up to personal protective equipment, without which it is not recommended to work with polyurethane foam.

One of the striking examples of such equipment is a set of domestic production - "PENOGLAS ™ KIT".

The whole set is placed in three boxes, with a total weight of about 30 kilograms. Everything is very compact, so a regular trunk of a car is enough to transport the entire set.

The manufacturer declares the following physical and operational characteristics of the created thermal insulation:

  • The system is two-component, producing foam with a closed cell structure, which minimizes possible water absorption.
  • The density of polyurethane foam after complete hardening is from 35 to 40 kg / m³.
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.024 W / m × ºС.
  • The number of closed cells is at least 85%.
  • The total volumetric expansion of the PENOGLAS ™ KIT-400 kit is 1 m³, which will correspond to an area of \u200b\u200b20 m² covered with a 50 mm thick thermal insulation layer.
  • The period of complete curing of polyurethane foam is 1 hour.

The kit includes:

  • Two cardboard boxes, each containing a container with one of the components. Both the boxes and the cylinders themselves have clear color and letter marking: component "A" is marked in red, and "B" in blue. The components are in cylinders under a pressure of 8 atmospheres.

When working with a set, the cylinders are not removed from the boxes - the packaging design itself allows all operations to be carried out without completely removing it.

  • The third box contains all the accessories, tools and spare parts necessary for the work. It contains:

- A spray gun, in which the components are mixed. The gun is connected to two flexible transparent hoses, ending with union nuts - for connecting to cylinders. Usually the hoses are also color-coded to avoid confusion with the "polarity" of the connection to the cylinders when reusing the kit. Each hose is 3 meters long.

- To spray a mixed composition, special interchangeable heads with a spray nozzle are put on the gun. The set includes ten such heads.

Silicone grease is used to facilitate the connection of the heads to the gun and ensure a reliable seal of this connection - a small package of it is included in the kit.

Connecting hoses to cylinders requires tightening the flare nuts with a wrench - this is also provided in the accessory kit.

- The manufacturer has thought about the observance of safety measures - the basic kit always includes a set of personal protective equipment - gloves, glasses and a respirator.

Working with the PENOGLAS ™ KIT-400 system is quite simple and does not require any special user qualifications. The entire assembly and preparation of equipment for use takes a few minutes. There is no need to use any power sources - the kit is completely self-contained. More details about this are in the instruction table below:

IllustrationBrief description of the performed operation
The kit is delivered to the work site.
A small box is opened - you need to get out and immediately put on protective equipment.
Gloves can be made of rubber or polyethylene.
You can, of course, use your own, but the use of means of protection - required condition, since the components of polyurethane foam are very toxic, and the resulting foam is very difficult to wash off the skin.
The kit is not included, but it is strongly recommended to use a disposable work suit as well - it is impossible to wash off foam that has got on ordinary fabrics.
Boxes with cylinders are being prepared for work.
You can open the top box lids completely by cutting a strip of adhesive tape with a knife ...
.. and then - loosening lock connection cover.
Or you can even just push in the windows on the lid, perforated along the perimeter.
By the way, these windows are also convenient for carrying boxes - right below them are the metal handles of the cylinders.
There is another round-shaped window on the side wall of the box.
It is also easy to push it inward - there is perforation of the cardboard around the perimeter.
Directly behind this window is the nozzle of the bottle with the PPU component.
The illustration well shows the threaded connection of the cylinder and the valve for opening the supply of the PUF component.
A spray gun with hoses attached to it is taken out of the box.
Coiled hoses must be unwound along their entire length.
The ends of the hoses with connecting fittings (with union nuts) are near the windows of both boxes.
Please note that the hoses may be color coded and are recommended to be followed.
Of course, by and large, there is no particular difference which hose to which cylinder is now connected to. But it so happens that the work must be suspended, postponed (it is allowed to use the contents of the cylinders for one month) or move to another object.
In this case, the system can be temporarily disassembled.
It is also practiced that during large-scale work, several pairs of cylinders and one set of accessories are purchased.
This is where it will be extremely important to maintain the same "polarity" that was in the original assembly. And color coding will help you with this.
By the way, there are kits that do not have a color marking on the hoses - you should pay attention to this.
The ends of the hoses are fed into cardboard boxes through round windows.
Then the union nuts of the hoses are screwed onto the fittings of the cylinders with PPU components.
Initially, as far as possible, tightening is done manually ...
… And then tighten the connection with the supplied wrench.
The operation is repeated in exactly the same way on the second balloon.
Next, you need to make sure that the trigger of the pistol is locked.
The spray nozzle should not be on it yet.
After that, open both taps on the cylinders to the end.
It is necessary to take an empty plastic bag (or any other unnecessary container), and make a trial release of the components in it, within two to three seconds.
This ensures that the components flow in both hoses is even and that nothing prevents them from flowing freely through the gun.
Next, you need to put the spray nozzle on the gun.
To facilitate this operation, use the included special silicone grease. She is smeared with the end of the pistol ...
... and the cylindrical part of the removable nozzle and the nozzle at the edges.
Then the spray nozzle is inserted into the gun and pressed firmly, so that the connection is securely fixed by the stopper located at the top of the gun (well shown in the illustration - yellow).
The cylinders are placed in a place convenient for work, taking into account that the length of the hoses is three meters.
It is allowed to move the cylinders only by the metal handles located on their bodies.
Carrying by the crane is strictly prohibited!
You can proceed to the application of polyurethane foam.
The gun is directed to the area to be insulated. The optimum distance from the spray nozzle to the surface of the building structure is considered to be 600 mm.
Spraying is carried out sequentially, in a thin layer, gradually moving a stream of polyurethane to untreated areas.
They often start from places that are traditionally inaccessible or vulnerable from the point of view of the formation of "cold bridges".
This illustration shows that the wizard first machined the corners between the floor joists and the subfloor and then proceeded to fill. free space between them.
And this illustration shows the filling of the often overlooked section of the connection of the Mauerlat, floor beams and rafter legs with foam.
The use of polyurethane foam allows you to cope with this task.
This technology is also excellent for filling other voids formed at the joints of building structures.
For example, the figure shows the insulation of the junction of an old partition with a newly erected ceiling - filling this gap with polyurethane foam will provide both insulation and the necessary sound insulation.
Polyurethane foam adheres perfectly and on metal constructions, which, due to their very high thermal conductivity, are always the most pronounced "cold bridges".
Do not try to apply a thick layer of thermal insulation immediately.
The foam grows very quickly in volume, and, without experience with such a material, it is very easy to make the mistake of unnecessarily overspending the material.
The optimal solution is to apply a thin layer, and after about 20 minutes assess the expansion of the foam.
If necessary, then briefly bring the insulation layer to the thickness required by the calculations. (The calculation of the thickness of the insulation will be discussed below).
In the process of work, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the applied foam.
So, if it does not rise well or has changed in color (it has become darker or a pronounced brown tint has appeared), then the mixing proportions are violated.
If the cylinders are not empty and the hoses are okay, there is a good chance that one of the channels in the mix / spray head is clogged.
There are spare heads in the kit, and therefore need to be replaced.
For this, the release lever is locked. Then the interchangeable head stopper rises.
The head is gently pushed forward with your fingers.
Its cylindrical guides come out of the channels of the gun, and then it is removed completely and retracted as unnecessary.
To install a new head, the already mentioned above lubrication of the mating areas with silicone grease is carried out. Then the head is inserted into place ...
... and sits down with your fingers to the end, so that the upper stop, securing the sprayer in the gun, is activated.
After that, you can go back to spraying polyurethane foam - normal mixing of the components and good spray will be restored.

When working, you must monitor the constant observance of safety precautions. In case of contact of components or ready-made foam on unprotected areas of the body or, even worse, on mucous membranes, it is necessary to immediately rinse with plenty of clean water. Regular soap can be used when washing off skin. Foam frozen on your hands will not give in to soap - you can wipe it off with a rag dipped in an organic solvent based on a nitro-based (acetone or 646).

What should be the thickness of the sprayed polyurethane foam insulation?

In order to determine this parameter, you can independently carry out a heat engineering calculation. Its meaning is that any building structure (wall, floor or roof covering) after insulation must have a total resistance to heat transfer not lower than the normalized value established for a given area, taking into account its climatic features.

The initial data will be:

  • Parameters of the insulated structure. This refers to its thickness and coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material of manufacture. In addition, the structure can have a multi-layer structure. For example, a wall (floor, inner side of a roof slope) has a solid finish (cladding) made of a material that also contributes to the overall thermal insulation. Those layers that are separated from the outside of the building by a ventilated gap (ventilated facade or roof) are not taken into account.
  • The normalized value of the resistance to heat transfer. It can be determined by the proposed map-scheme - for your region.

Schematic map for determining the normalized value of thermal resistance for building structures

Please note that there are three values \u200b\u200bfor each location - separately for walls (purple numbers), floors (light blue) and coverings (red). They differ significantly, and it is necessary not to confuse the values \u200b\u200bwhen calculating the thickness of the insulation of a particular structure.

Knowing the listed values, you can use a special formula to calculate. The formula, however, will not be given, because below is a convenient calculator for quick and accurate calculations. All necessary dependencies and table values \u200b\u200bhave already been entered into it.

Polyurethane foam - polymer number 1 in the world!

The material belongs to the class of gas-filled plastics or, as they are also called, foam plastics. Among the latter there are also rezole, urea, polystyrene and other varieties.

Polyurethane foam was first synthesized in 1937 in Germany. Since then, he has found the broadest application in various fields of activity. One of the main directions is as a thermal insulator with a closed porous structure. PUF has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient in comparison with analogues and minimal moisture absorption.

The popularity of polyurethane foam is due to the fact that it can be obtained directly at the place of insulation by mixing liquid components. As a result of a chemical reaction, foaming of the mixture occurs.

The foam material is 85-90% inert gas phase. The initial components for its production are polyol and polyisocyanate, which are processed on specialized equipment for polyurethane foam.

PU foam equipment series

Applications of polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is produced by two main methods:

  • spraying with the help of special polyurethane foam equipment on the surface directly on the object;
  • casting on equipment for the production of polyurethane foam in the production of molded products in the workshop.

Polyurethane products have a wide range of applications: automotive, furniture and design industry, building renovation, waterproofing and thermal insulation of building envelopes, insulation of refrigeration equipment, isothermal vans and much more.

More about the production methods of polyurethane foam:

Scopes of polyurethane foam:

  • Construction of pre-fabricated industrial and civil facilities (sandwich structures);
  • Construction and overhaul residential buildings, individual houses, cottages (insulation of external walls, foundations, internal insulation of the roof, window openings, doors, etc.);
  • Industrial and civil construction (external heat and waterproofing of roofs with rigid sprayed polyurethane foam);
  • Pipeline transport (thermal insulation of fuel oil and oil pipelines, highly efficient insulation of low-temperature pipelines at chemical facilities under a pre-assembled casing);
  • Heating networks of settlements (thermal insulation of hot water supply pipelines with filling PPU during new laying or during major repairs);
  • Refrigeration equipment (heat and cold insulation of household and commercial refrigerators and freezers, warehouses for food and agricultural products);
  • Transport refrigeration equipment (thermal insulation of refrigerated trucks, railway refrigerated cars of the "thermos" type);
  • Radio and electrical engineering (imparting vibration resistance to various electrical devices, waterproofing of contact connections);
  • Automotive industry (molded parts of the interior of a car based on elastic, semi-rigid, integral, thermoformed polyurethane foams);
  • Furniture industry (manufacturing upholstered furniture (foam rubber), body and decorative elements made of rigid polyurethane, varnishes, glue, coatings, etc.);
  • Light industry (production of synthetic leather and products, duplicated fabrics, etc.);
  • Car building and aircraft building (molded elastic products with increased fire resistance, noise and heat insulation based on special grades of raw materials);
  • Mechanical engineering (products made of thermoplastic polyurethanes, as well as special grades of PU and polyurethane foam).

Much of the above can be obtained with the help of modern PPU equipment from NST: installations for spraying PPU and equipment for pouring PPU.

We are ready to transfer you the technology, install and set up equipment for the production of polyurethane foam, help you select the necessary raw materials: components for pouring and components for spraying polyurethane foam, equip with knowledge and skills, in a word, do everything so that you can set up your own production.

Physical and mechanical properties of rigid polyurethane foams:

PPU products and chemical compounds:

Advantages of polyurethane foam as insulation

Polyurethane foam is considered one of the most the best heaters thanks to a set of high assembly and performance qualities. The structure of polyurethane foam is cellular, filled up to 90% with gas. It provides the insulation with a low weight, eliminating excessive stress on the thermally insulated object.

The solidified polymer has a thermal conductivity of 0.020-0.035 W / (m K), which is better than mineral wool and gas glass. Unlike expanded polystyrene, such products are resistant to all chemical environments, moisture, external factors... Polymerization prevents the corrosion process, therefore the pipeline system insulated with polyurethane foam does not rust. Moreover, its moisture absorption is extremely low.

From point of view fire safety this polymer has no equal. The material is non-flammable, self-extinguishing, does not spread smoke. According to environmental standards, it is completely harmless. Insulation serves for at least 30 years.

Due to the high adhesion strength, there is no need to use fasteners or adhesives - the polyurethane foam sprayed with the help of special equipment adheres securely to the surface. At the same time, you can thermally insulate a surface of any geometric shape, slope and size.

Polyurethane foams also provide high acoustic insulation, so they can be simultaneously used as sound protection.

The customer can independently choose a system of liquid components, on which the density of the finished polyurethane foam insulation layer depends.

Foamed polyurethane is used for insulation of industrial and civil objects made of reinforced concrete products, bricks, foam and aerated blocks, wood, metal and other materials. Due to the seamless application of the composition, there are no so-called cold bridges through which heat leaves the room.

Insulation by spraying polyurethane foam

If the ingredients (isocyanate and polyol) are mixed with air, a fine aerosol is formed, which is applied to the surface. This process is called polyurethane foam spraying. To do this, you must use a spray gun (shown in the photo below in work and large).

The work is very similar to painting with a spray gun: the operator moves along the surface that needs to be protected with thermal insulation (be it a wall, floor, ceiling or even a pipe).

Polyurethane foam insulation technology

Polyurethane foam spraying technology is currently one of the most demanded methods of rapid surface insulation. With the help of polyurethane foam equipment and a spray gun, liquid components are positioned in the form of an aerosol, which in a few seconds goes through the stage of expansion and solidification.

Insulation using polyurethane foam significantly saves money on the transportation of materials, since the production of polyurethane foam can be carried out on the required scale right at the construction site.

Unlike other methods of insulation, polyurethane foam spraying has undeniable advantages:

  • dew points, where conditioned moisture is collected, are excluded due to the ideal filling of all cracks, even in hard-to-reach places;
  • adhesion comparable to professional construction adhesives;
  • the sprayed layer does not leave seams, joints;
  • cooling of the material is weak due to the diffusion process of penetration of cold air (gradual cooling of the gas in the cells).

Such polyurethane foam insulation creates the effect of a thermos. In addition, high sound insulation is provided. The only thing is that you need to provide protection from UV rays.

Facade for cladding
Hangar, inside view Attic floor
Heating main

Polyurethane foam is a highly efficient, technological, high-quality, affordable and unique thermal insulation material.

Pouring polyurethane foam

If the ingredients are mixed without air access, a monolithic, even stream is formed, which can be injected into a confined cavity. This process is called polyurethane foam casting. To do this, you need to use a filling head (shown in the photo below in work and large).

A distinctive feature of this technology is efficiency. It is enough to cover the bottom of the mold with the mixture of ingredients, and after 20-25 seconds the composition increases in volume, filling the entire space. Other distinctive feature - the ability to receive products of any relief.

Due to this, the technology of pouring polyurethane foam allows producing a wide range of different products:

  • insulating shells;
  • slabs, sandwich panels, cladding panels, thermal panels;
  • thermolari, refrigerator elements;
  • graters, baguettes, stucco molding;
  • elements of furniture;
  • bee hives;
  • elements of air ducts and ventilation systems ...

And much more!

Shells and furniture decor in forms
Construction floats Thermal insulation boards
Shells Half cylinders
Slab with cladding (roof element) A window (element of the ventilation system)

Panel with clinker tiles

Another promising direction is the production of insulated polyurethane foam timber, which has long been known abroad. Polyurethane foam is poured between two boards, which, foaming, "sews the boards" together. Subsequent processing on the machine gives imitation of logs. Advantage: such a 150 mm thick beam corresponds in thermal conductivity to a real 800 mm thick log! But a house built from such a bar is lighter, cheaper and warmer!

Polyurethane for casting

When pouring polyurethane foam, in contrast to the spraying technique, it is required not only pumping station for mixing the components in the filling head, but also the molds, in which the process of giving the desired appearance to the finished product takes place. With the help of molds, shells for pipes, facing sandwich panels, decorative and furniture parts, plinths, etc. are made.

The technology for the production of insulation involves pouring a thin layer of polymer raw materials, after which the form is tightly closed. It takes up to 20 seconds to increase in volume and harden, after which you can begin the process of PPU insulation - installation of molded products.

So, by pouring polyurethane foam, it is possible to obtain any product. The main thing is to choose the right components and mix the composition with high quality. This will provide the NST equipment. Our company also supplies the necessary molds.

Polyurethane foam (PPU) is a liquid heat insulator that is applied directly to the surface using special equipment. Thanks to the spraying technology, an integral uniform layer is created, the energy efficiency of which is much higher than when using classical insulation materials (mineral wool, basalt wool, foam plastic, glass wool, extruded polystyrene foam). Reviews of polyurethane foam insulation confirm the effectiveness, for example, a 2-cm layer of polyurethane foam is comparable in efficiency to a 20-cm mineral wool.

What are the opinions?

“According to reviews, insulation by means of polyurethane foam spraying is an economical and durable method. Of personal experience I can say that it allows you to reduce the cost of heating industrial buildings by 30%. For my hangar I used the method of internal application, since it is resistant to biodegradation, inert to chemical environments and high strength, which makes it indispensable for thermal insulation of such buildings. "

Alexander Boyko, Moscow.

“Reviews of polyurethane foam are rather ambiguous: the material is strong and durable, but expensive to install. I want to say that it is better to spend money on insulation once than to constantly lose on payment for energy resources. I have my own service station, with such a building, it should be remembered that not every insulation is able to maintain its characteristics in contact with gasoline vapors and engine oil. I opted for polyurethane foam as it is resistant to chemically aggressive environments. "

Vasily Arkadievich, Samara.

“Polyurethane foam is a universal insulation material that is suitable for various structural elements buildings. Used a liquid thermal insulator for insulation wooden house with an attic, as it does not exert additional load on the structure and allows you to create a uniform layer for structures with a complex configuration (walls and ceiling of the attic). "

Igor Vlasov, Ufa.

“Reviews and opinions about polyurethane foam indicate high protective properties. I decided to buy a material for insulating a metal garage, since the thermal insulator is applied thinly, which saves usable floor space and protects the metal from corrosion. "

Sergey, Leningrad region.

“As a person who has been working with a liquid heat insulator for a long time, I want to say that it is impossible to spray polyurethane foam with your own hands, since you need special spraying equipment. It is best to entrust this to professionals: a team of 2-3 people is quite capable of insulating a hangar with an area of \u200b\u200b1,000 m 2 in 2-3 days. "

Kirill Korshun, Smolensk.

A review of polyurethane foam insulation indicates the possibility of using it for buildings constructed from various materials... Polyurethane foam has high adhesion, which provides reliable adhesion to the insulated surface, therefore, there is no need for additional fasteners. In addition, the insulation has sufficient vapor permeability and hydrophobicity, which makes it impractical to install hydro and vapor barriers.

Advantages and disadvantages of polyurethane foam

The advantages of the material include:

  • high vapor permeability;
  • low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • fire safety;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability;
  • biological and chemical inertness;
  • hydrophobicity;
  • adhesion, making it possible to mount it directly on the surface without a frame and the use of fasteners;
  • light weight;
  • small layer thickness with its energy efficiency;
  • application for external and internal insulation;
  • uniformity and integrity avoids the formation of cold bridges.

Polyurethane foam is easily applied to various surfaces, suitable for structures with complex configurations.

The main disadvantages are the high price and the impossibility of performing thermal insulation work by spraying polyurethane foam without special equipment. As for the cost, it varies depending on the material of the insulated plane, as well as the configuration of the building.

What are polyurethane foams and where are they used? Advantages of rigid polyurethane foam for thermal insulation of buildings and communications. What you need to know about sprayed insulation? We will also consider the preparation of polyurethane foam from industrial components and calculate the cost of 1 m2 of thermal insulation.


Polyurethane foam - a promising synthetic insulation consisting of hardened polymer foam, which is superior in quality to most modern counterparts.

Polyurethane foam is a synthetic substance of a cellular structure from the group of gas-filled plastics, widely used in construction. It has minimal thermal conductivity, is environmentally friendly, durable and easy to use.

Composition, brands and GOSTs

Foamed polyurethane foam (PUF) is produced by mixing two liquid polymers: polyol and polyisocyanate. The frozen foam contains up to 90% gas in its cells, which ensures high thermal insulation properties of PU foam. Depending on their proportions and the presence of flame retardant additives, the final product differs in structure, technical characteristics and field of application.

Soft and elastic foam is used as a filler for furniture and household products. Foam rubber brands have different densities (from 5 to 40 kg / m 3) and hardness:

With the exception of the last brand, foam rubber refers to highly flammable substances according to GOST 30244, according to GOST 30402 - to highly flammable, according to GOST 12.1.044 - to smoke-forming and toxic during combustion. For these reasons, foam rubber is not used in construction.

PU foam with flame retardant additives is called rigid polyurethane foam. It has a high density (30-86 kg / cm 3), in finished form it loses its elasticity, but it has a lot of other advantages. It is used in construction for heat and sound insulation, and superdense types (from 70 kg / cm 3) are used for waterproofing in the foundations of buildings and on other surfaces.

Construction PU foam is prepared from two components: polyol (component A) and isocyanate (component B). Isocyanate serves as a base chemical process and its composition does not change, and different polyols are used, which affects the foaming rate, density and flammability. According to GOST 307302-2006, PPU belongs to the G3 flammability class (self-extinguishing, hardly flammable, hardly combustible) and is recommended for thermal insulation of buildings and pipelines.

As an insulating material, polyurethane foam is easy to manufacture and can be mixed on site, and components for polyurethane foam to buy and deliver to a construction site are often cheaper than transporting a finished product.

With a professional foam generator high pressure and compliance with the proportions of the components, such polyurethane foam is in no way inferior to the factory one. Foam can be sprayed onto various surfaces or made into sandwich panels.

Forms of PPU release

The chemical industry produces the following types of polyurethane foam:

  • Foam rubber - in rolls and mats;
  • Rigid polyurethane foam - in sheets, panels and cast shells;
  • Liquid polyurethane foam - in the form of a sprayed coating.

Thermal insulation panels made of polyurethane foam produce different thicknesses and with a variety of protective coatings. For sheet polyurethane foam, the price for 1 m 2 is as follows:

Technical characteristics of polyurethane foam

For standard PU foam insulation panel medium density the following characteristics are inherent:

Characteristic, unit of measurement



Compressive strength with deformation up to 10%, MPa

An excellent indicator, for comparison, for foam concrete the coefficient is 0.4-1.2, for expanded polystyrene (PPS) 0.06, for mineral wool 0.002 MPa.

Bulk density (density), kg / m3

Ultra-light material, for mineral wool the density is 150-250, for foam concrete 250-400 kg / m3.

Shrinkage, mm / m

No shrinkage of the cured foam was found.

Thermal conductivity, W / m * K

Minimum, lower than that of analogues: PPS - 0.035-0.042, mineral wool - 0.035-0.6, foam concrete - 0.08-0.13 W / m * K.

Frost resistance, cycles

A very high rate.

Water absorption,%

Excellent value among analogs: foam concrete 15-20%, PPS 0.5-1.5%.

Water vapor permeability, mg / m * h * Pa

Virtually absolute vapor barrier. For PPP, the indicator is 0.002-0.005, for mineral wool, 0.29, for foam concrete, 0.23.

Fire resistance

Hardly flammable, self-extinguishing substance.

Cost rub / m2

The price of PUF panels depends on the thickness and protective layers (paper, foil, galvanized steel, etc.)


It is similar to PPS, superior to foam concrete and mineral wool.

Toxicity (environmental friendliness)


Does not emit harmful compounds, dust, odorless. It is used in food refrigerators.

Service life, years

One of the most durable types of thermal insulation.

Unique qualities

  • High adhesion (adhesion) to most surfaces. PPU is sprayed onto concrete, metal, wood, brick, glass;
  • Installation without fasteners;
  • Absence of "cold bridges" with seamless thermal insulation;
  • Anti-corrosion protection of pipes and metal structures;
  • Possibility of manufacturing heat-insulating "shells" of a given shape by pressing liquid polyurethane foam;
  • Work in the temperature range from -200 to +200 о С;
  • Inert to most acids, alkalis and soil salts.

Liquid polyurethane foam allows you to fill cracks and inter-wall spaces where other insulation is impossible. Due to its light weight and adhesion factor, it does not make structures heavier and strengthens them.


  • It is destroyed by ultraviolet radiation and needs isolation from the sun's rays. This is a completely solvable issue, the modern range of sandwich panels provides for any coatings for sheet polyurethane foam.
  • Foam applied only to dry and warm surfaces, which limits its use on open construction sites in winter period.
  • PPU does not burn, but it can smolder from high temperatures, which affects the strength of the thermal insulation. Not recommended for boiler rooms, baths and saunas.

Is polyurethane foam harmful to health? The finished product is safe for humans. In the process of mixing and spraying insulation, it is necessary to observe safety precautions, work in a protective suit and only with tested equipment and certified reagents.

Application area

Foamed polyurethane foam is widely used in construction. For clarity, it can be noted that 10 cm of polyurethane foam is equivalent to 2 meters of brickwork. In the refrigeration and instrumentation industry, this efficient and compact thermal insulation is indispensable. It is used in the space and rocket industry, the automotive industry and furniture production.

Installation methods

Spraying polyurethane foam insulation is a quick and high-quality installation method. For successful spraying of thermal insulation, you need:

  • Dry clean work surface;
  • Lack of atmospheric precipitation (rain, snow, fog);
  • The wind is not stronger than 5 m / s;
  • Working surface temperature from +10 о С;
  • Mixture temperature + 18-25 о С;
  • The thickness of the sprayed layer is 3-5 cm.

Work is carried out in a protective suit and mask, in a ventilated area, starting from hard-to-reach areas (pipes, ventilation hatches, etc.). The sprayed layer in one pass is about 15 mm; for reliable insulation, the surface is treated several times.

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