Today I.Q. Review publishes production history. Few people want to do this, because the “buy-sell” scheme requires much less skills and labor costs. However, daredevils are found. This is the story of an "ideological" married couple who wanted to make the world a little better. You'll learn what mistakes they made and what it takes to be successful in production.

How we decided to engage in the production and sale of cabinet furniture from chipboard

My name is Irina, I live in Irkutsk, my husband and I were 26 years old at the beginning of the business start in 2013, we are closing soon (2.5 years of activity).

Production of cabinet furniture

My husband and I had a dream - to run our own business. But not just buying and selling, but production the right people things to be useful. My husband was good at designing and making cabinet furniture from chipboard (laminated chipboard), he really liked to translate his ideas into tangible objects and make familiar things convenient.

At first it was furniture for my home and for friends and relatives, and then there were small private orders from other people. After that I had experience as a furniture project manager in industrial production. And we decided, that's it - it's time to start doing furniture production on our own, and not work for the "uncle". Of course, we had no experience in running our own business, and we began to study this issue.

In general, a manufacturing business involves a complex system. It is necessary to immediately have premises, equipment, qualified personnel, transport. Think about, suppliers and many other things, and at the same time, so that not a single element falls out of sight.

With regard specifically to the production of furniture, these rather bulky items also require a lot of space: for large machines, storage of materials and finished products, as well as space to work at different stages of production.

Many people told us about the high competition in this segment - and indeed, the furniture market is one of the actively growing ones. Volume Russian market cabinet furniture is already more than 4 billion dollars a year (author's data, as of the end of 2015 - ed.). But furniture production is mostly concentrated in the Central District of Russia, and only 2.9% of the total is produced in our region.

We have decided on our target audience - these are low- and middle-income clients. The main material for our production is relatively inexpensive (chipboard) and widely used, and fittings and furniture facades were already chosen for each project, depending on the customer's budget.

We planned to engage in the production of only cabinet furniture (it includes models with a rigid body and the absence of soft parts) in the following areas, including built-in furniture:

  • Kitchen sets
  • Bedroom furniture
  • Living room furniture
  • Hallway furniture
  • Cabinet furniture

We had several options for the concept for the project: the manufacture of furniture for private orders for individuals and legal entities, creating collections of typical furniture for different segments of customers and selling it through shops in the city and region. They even wanted to create an online store of ready-made furniture solutions (they started doing it), and then their own chain of stores. But we decided that at first we would focus on working on an individual order, and then we would think about a line of typical pieces of furniture.
At the same time, they were going to work actively to create and promote their brand, focusing on quality, ergonomics and non-standard design (as far as possible with such materials).

Business plan for furniture production

We did not have our own initial capital - only ideas, a desire to change the world and a small client base. They hoped only for themselves and believed in luck. Since we had nothing to hire workers, we divided work responsibilities among ourselves: my husband completely covered production at all stages, took orders, worked with suppliers and communicated with clients personally. In addition, he was engaged in the overall strategy and the search for points of sale. And I got marketing, advertising, public relations, taxes and future personnel.

It was planned to invest 5-8 million rubles in the business within five years at the expense of profits, loans and investments from outside. These funds were supposed to gradually purchase the necessary equipment and premises. By the end of the investment, the total number of employees was going to be increased to 18 people (director, accountant, sales manager, designer-technologist, storekeeper, 11 production workers and two loaders). The minimum planned sales volume at the end of the first year of operation was to be 400 thousand rubles per month.

How to get a subsidy of 300,000 rubles for a small business

We were not going to write a real business plan (we thought that everything would be calculated), but just at that time the city administration announced a competition for projects to provide subsidies to small and medium-sized businesses. We were very interested in investing in a business of 300,000 rubles with virtually no obligations, and we decided to try to participate in the competition.

To do this, my husband registered as an individual entrepreneur, and we began to collect the necessary documents and draw up a business plan. 15% USNO was chosen as taxation - the most convenient option for high-cost production.

It was important to find suitable premises and equipment at the beginning of the work. We were very lucky that we managed to agree on the lease of a workshop with the necessary machines of the former existing production. There was everything you need for normal operation for the first time. Of course, not in excellent condition, but it was possible to work. My husband taught himself how to repair machines. We made a contract with the landlord, negotiated the price for a long time, but we decided that we could handle everything. The advantage of this premises was the close delivery of the main material for production. We carried out the delivery of small items by personal transport, which, of course, affected its quality.

We did all the paperwork and wrote the business plan ourselves. We barely managed to collect documents confirming the expenses for the required amount (15% of the requested subsidy - 45,000 rubles) from the start of IP registration. I remind you that we had no money at all, so it was necessary to have time to fulfill several orders for furniture and from that already enter the costs. We barely had time to collect everything, handing over documents for a subsidy in the last minutes. We won the competition for a subsidy, but in addition we got obligations for constant reporting and the official hiring of three people within six months.

Our biggest business mistakes

The amount of a subsidy of 300,000 rubles was requested for a new edge banding machine (a thing that quickly glues the edge and reduces the time it takes to make furniture). It was assumed that it would increase the volume of production and profitability. It was the choice of this machine that became one of our main mistakes. Looking back, we understand that it was worth spending the received subsidy on the rent of the workshop, on the purchase of materials or on the main machines that will be used frequently. But we bought something that stood idle almost all the time. I wanted to buy more new equipment for not very big money. The machine turned out to be inconvenient, problematic to maintain, and some problems constantly arose with the supplier company. Our inexperience and their irresponsibility did their job, the money was spent nowhere.

The quality of work and active promotion really made a name for us, and there were always orders. But the husband simply could not physically produce the necessary volume of products to cover the basic costs. Income was rarely more than 100 thousand per month instead of the planned 400 thousand. The debt for the rent of the premises began to accumulate - our largest expenditure part. And quarterly taxes, pension contributions and force majeure were also added (somehow our workshop was flooded and a lot of finished products and materials were destroyed by water). And there were also rash decisions, such as renting an office where we didn’t work a day, and buying a domain for the site.

We decided that it was time to hire workers, especially since the deadline for obligations for the subsidy was approaching. Our expectations that people will come who are just as well versed in technology and who want to work hard and earn based on the results of their work, of course, did not come true. Then we began to look for just capable students without experience, but again - nothing. As it turned out, not everyone wants to earn money, most people just want to get money. So my husband had to work with varying degrees of success alone without days off, and sometimes even without sleep.

Since we were still bound by subsidy obligations and had to employ people and pay at least the minimum wage and all deductions from it, we found ourselves in an even greater financial hole. If it were possible to guess what the receipt of a subsidy would lead to in our case, we would hardly have gone for it. They would work quietly in the shadows without any taxes and deductions and would collect capital for business development. But what's done is done.

We got into fixed costs:

  • rent,
  • IP insurance premiums.

into variables:

  • purchase of materials
  • electricity bill,
  • payroll and payroll taxes,
  • USNO tax,
  • other general business and production expenses.

Due to financial problems, we lost the workshop, the new machine had to be given away to pay the rent debt. We found ourselves without funds for production, and even with obligations to customers. They began to cooperate with another workshop for cutting material, here the husband did the main work. Correspondingly, the productivity dropped dramatically, and we lost the trust of customers due to non-compliance with the deadlines for the production of the order. After all, now the chain of actions for creating a finished product has become very long, and almost every element had its own problems.

In fact, we never had a profit, we always ended up in debt to someone, borrowed and re-borrowed money. Now we are delaying the fulfillment of the last orders in order to pay off the most urgent obligations and close our activities. It was not worth hoping for the opportunity to work in production without any capital. Alas, the dream of creating a strong production remained only a dream.

  • Recruitment
  • Sales organization
  • How much can you earn

Recently, there has been some growth in the furniture and furniture production market in Russia. In many ways, this is facilitated by two circumstances - an increase in the number of new buildings put into operation and an increase in the income of the country's population. The main influence was individual orders, that is, orders for the manufacture of furniture according to original author's sketches. The expected annual growth of the furniture market, according to experts, is 8-10%. The main prerequisite for the development of the furniture market is the growth of the real estate market.

How to start a furniture manufacturing business

You can open your own furniture manufacturing business in one of two ways:

  1. Manufacture of furniture according to individual orders;
  2. Serial release.

These areas differ sharply in a number of important parameters, namely in the general approach to the organization of production, distribution channels, profitability (in serial production it is no more than 15%, and in individual production - more than 25%).

Today, many furniture factories offer sofas of the same design, but of completely different quality and at different prices. This is because becoming Russian production furniture began with the copying of Western models. The point is that designing, producing prototypes, and researching demand on your own is expensive. Only a large enterprise or a highly specialized company operating in the premium segment can afford this.

Thus, copying furniture samples until recently was a profitable business. Factories were not very eager to produce some original models, because the consumer was already well aware of what was being done for the masses.

However, recently the situation has changed somewhat. Buyers are increasingly paying attention not only to price and quality - now they are also interested in furniture design. Therefore, more and more manufacturers are beginning to introduce their own developments, opening design bureaus at their production facilities. In general, the serial production of designer furniture is a promising business. A striking example is Italy, the birthplace of furniture design. For Italians, the price of furniture is largely determined by the name of its author or brand.

How much money do you need to start a business

The size of the initial investment entirely depends on the "manufacturability" of production. The simpler the technology, the less money is needed to launch furniture production.

The cheapest way to produce furniture from laminate - both cabinet (cabinets, walls), and upholstered. The amount of investment for opening a business (purchase of equipment, repairs, rent) in this case will be 2-3 million rubles.

You can purchase equipment on lease - this is an excellent alternative to bank loans. Leasing does not require collateral, which is very important for a novice entrepreneur who does not have real estate on his balance sheet. In addition, lease payments reduce the taxable base.

Turn to the state for help - today there is an opportunity to receive gratuitous financial assistance from the state, including receiving a grant for starting a business, subsidizing part of the cost of paying interest on a loan, under leasing agreements, etc. For more information about the forms of support in your region, please contact the local administration or the websites of the relevant ministries.

What equipment to choose for the production of upholstered furniture

For production upholstered furniture will be required Sewing machines(one three - four different types), a panel saw and a pair of pneumatic guns with a compressor.

Such a set of equipment is enough to organize production with a monthly turnover of 1.5 million rubles.

Technology for the production of upholstered furniture

  1. saw cut board materials according to the frame shapes and cutting foam rubber for soft elements.
  2. Assembly of the frame and fittings.
  3. Upholstery of details and tailoring of covers.
  4. Final assembly of upholstered furniture.

What equipment to choose for the production of cabinet furniture

The set of equipment for the production of laminate cabinet furniture is slightly different. You will need to purchase an edge bander, panel saw and hand power tools.

Cabinet furniture production technology

  1. Cutting board materials.
  2. Edge banding of furniture parts.
  3. Assembly and fitting of fittings.

If the company plans to work with veneer, MDF boards and solid wood, then an additional planer and milling machines for processing solid wood, grinding and calibrating-grinding for processing solid wood and board materials, hot and cold presses for veneering board materials with veneer, varnishing and painting booth for finishing finished furniture.

The technological process in this case is somewhat more complicated, and will include three stages: veneer, sanding and varnishing with painting. The organization of such production is many times more expensive, since it requires more technology. Work with chipboard ( laminated chipboard) requires the purchase of expensive packaging equipment, as well as large warehouses, since the sales volumes of laminated chipboard furniture with the same monthly revenue turnover are several times higher (by 300-400%) than the sales volumes of solid wood furniture and MDF boards. The cost of producing furniture from MDF plywood is five times higher than the production of the same model from chipboard, not so much due to materials, but due to higher labor costs.

If there are very few funds for the purchase of expensive equipment, then the main part of the production processes, including veneer veneer, can be outsourced to third parties. Although this increases the cost of the final product. Outsourcing is beneficial when an enterprise specializes in the manufacture of cabinet furniture from laminated chipboard for individual orders, but occasionally they come across customers who want to buy something more expensive and prettier, and it is not unforgivable to miss such a customer. In this case, it makes sense to order semi-finished products on the side, and only assemble them ourselves. But only very small “handicraft” shops work this way.

Choice of premises for production

Finding the right space for furniture production is not an easy task. The thing is that the room must meet a number of stringent requirements, which are dictated by the specifics of the technological process: high fire hazard, high energy consumption, the need to maintain a certain temperature in the room (not lower than 16-18 degrees). So, at the request of the fire inspection, the main production (furniture finishing) should be located on the first floor of the building. There should be free access roads to the building itself.

The room must be equipped with a system fire alarm, the installation of which will cost about 500 rubles. for 1 sq. m. In addition, the installation of an industrial ventilation system will be required, which is also far from cheap. Do not forget about the presence of a stationary water heating system - without this, it will not be possible to organize a normal production process.

What documents are needed to open a furniture manufacturing business

  1. Certificate of conformity for finished products. Issued for three years non-profit organizations having the appropriate accreditation;
  2. Sanitary and hygienic certificate. Issued by Rospotrebnadzor for a period of five years;
  3. Certificates of conformity for materials used in furniture production. Their copies are issued by any bona fide supplier. Passing the certification procedure with these documents is not difficult - it will take no more than three months.


One of the most efficient and simple ways personnel search - placement of advertisements in newspapers.

Please note that an experienced carpenter will ask for a salary of at least 35 thousand rubles per month. You won't have special choice, as there is a shortage of qualified personnel in the labor market. The system of vocational education in our country is in an undermined condition. Even those young people who want to work in production have received such poor training in schools that they do not even know basic safety rules.

The only way to somehow solve this problem is to divide the production process into a number of simple operations and assign several workers to them. In this case, the number of specialists potentially ready to work in your production will increase. However, you should be aware that cabinet makers will not completely replace cabinet makers.

The success of a furniture company largely depends on the availability of highly professional engineering and technical specialists. However, there should not be more of them than the workers directly at the machine. As the company grows, IT specialists will also be required, as modern machines have software.

As for increasing labor motivation, it is necessary to introduce a piece-bonus form of remuneration - this greatly increases the efficiency of staff work. But no one has canceled the “carrot and stick” method either - an elementary fine improves the quality of production and responsibility for observing safety regulations.

Sales organization

Not a single normal production will function without well-developed distribution channels for products. In the case of furniture production, there are several ways to sell products:

1. Work with private customers. With such a scheme, in order to ensure a normal flow Money, more than 15 large projects need to be completed annually on a turnkey basis. When cooperating with private clients, be prepared for their temporary insolvency, missed deadlines for approvals, etc.

2. Opening your own outlet in a shopping center. This is the easiest way to start selling your own products. The presence of a retail outlet in the shopping center ensures a constant influx of customers, while the company incurs fewer costs (for security, repairs, advertising, etc.). But, the organization of trade, especially for novice manufacturers, can take a lot of effort. In addition to the actual production problems, it is necessary to solve a lot of tasks that are unusual for a production worker, including the search for a retail space, sales personnel, the introduction of trade standards, training in sales techniques, etc. Despite this, having your own retail point of sale (and more than one) is very useful.

3. Sales office or head office. Having our own sales office allows us to serve home furniture customers (designers and architects), and also allows us to process transactions via the Internet. While the World Wide Web cannot yet provide a large number of remote sales (no more than 10% of the total number of orders), nevertheless, more and more manufacturers are beginning to trust this sales channel and consider Internet sales to be very promising.

How much can you earn

I think everyone is very interested in how much you can earn in the furniture industry? First you need to understand by what criteria the cost of a particular furniture is formed. Most often, actual manufacturers calculate the final cost of finished furniture, the cost of materials (spent on the production of this piece of furniture) and all this is multiplied by a factor of 2x. As a result, this amount will be enough for:

  • expenses (purchase of parts, materials, accessories);
  • wages for employees;
  • rental of premises and warehouses;
  • delivery.

As a result, the manufacturer has a small percentage of profits. In the process, everyone is satisfied, both customers (due to the rather low cost) and manufacturers (clientele is increasing). As a result, receiving a small percentage of each sale (and since there are many customers, which means sales, respectively), the manufacturer has a good income. At the same time, there are “furniture makers” - these are people who do not have high-quality production, equipment, enough workers, warehouses, etc. (they are also called “garage workers”) calculate the cost of furniture in a completely different way than the above-described “normal” manufacturers . Thus, due to the lack of organization of production, "furniture makers" have production costs much higher than those of the official organization. In prices, they take additional costs for accessories, sawing and processing wood (and other parts), making doors, shipping, wages to workers (furniture assemblers, etc.). And all the costs, "garage" multiplies by a personal coefficient, the degree of which depends entirely on his personal views. As a result, the cost of the goods will be higher than that of the manufacturer "everything is according to the rules." But they also have their worst enemy - competition. Each "furniture maker" wants to earn as much money as possible, but due to the fact that their number is growing every day, they begin to reduce prices so that they take goods from them, after a certain period of time their business goes into complete bankruptcy and they have to close.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the production of furniture

For registration of furniture production, the main OKVED code is 31.X. Under the symbol X can be used various industries furniture production. For example:

  • for the production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises, the code is used - 31.01;
  • production kitchen furniture — 31.02;
  • production of other furniture - 31.09;
  • if furniture is traded, then the main code is 52.X.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

It is impossible to say exactly which system of taxation to choose. It all depends on some factors. If you have a large number of legal clients. persons, then undoubtedly LLC - it will be easier for them to work with you. If you want to create furniture based on a patent, then you should choose an individual entrepreneur, but this will limit the number of possible workers.

Do I need a permit to open a furniture production?

Yes need. To do this, the employer needs to take some kind of permit that allows you to carry out high-risk work, as well as the use of various high-risk machines, mechanisms, and equipment. You will also have to take a short course on labor protection and conduct safety briefings.


Working staff.
Sales Manager.

Types of advertising.
Sales of products.

Financial plan.

production options.

Manufacture of custom-made furniture.
Business development prospects.

Despite the fact that you won’t surprise anyone with the production of furniture for a long time, the demand for these products is not falling. There is no oversupply in Russia, but production facilities operate in a highly competitive environment.

Not everyone can withstand the competition, someone works for a long time and fruitfully, constantly delighting customers with new models and design solutions. Someone is unable to keep the business in a strong flow and crashes, not having time to really find their place in the market.

Starting a furniture manufacturing business is serious business. Requires mandatory legal registration, clear calculations of investments and plans for the sale of finished products. And in order for the business not to go down in history, it is imperative to follow all the points and make every effort to implement them.

When registering a business, it is best to assign it the status of an LLC. The status itself already speaks of the seriousness of intentions and will help attract investors from outside or as founders. The amount of planned investments is not small and it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without additional injections. The LLC status provides an opportunity to generate additional income through the register of additional activities and expand the business in the future.

Also, this legal status gives prospects for participation in profitable tenders and cooperation with serious chains of furniture supermarkets, which positively affects the reputation and income of the enterprise.


After all the design actions, it is necessary to organize the room where the workshop will be located. The industrial zone of the city is best suited. The room you need is not small - about 300 m2. Hangar structures are perfect.

The problem of finding a suitable room is quite urgent, so you need to start doing this in advance. It is best to seek help from companies that specialize in this. They already have offers. They know for what purposes, which premises are suitable, which technical specifications must be met and what rules must be present.

When concluding a lease, be sure to pay attention and stipulate the terms of the lease. You need a long-term lease agreement in order to avoid troubles with moving and re-registration of the production address in the future. Sometimes premises with some equipment already available there are rented out. If you have such an option, that's great.

The rental of production equipment is added to the lease agreement - and you have less costs, and the owner has less headache where to put it and what to do with it.

Equipment for the production of furniture.

To start production, you will need special machines. Buying them is not a problem.

Edge banding machines are necessary for processing synthetic (melamine, PVC, ABS) and natural materials (veneer, paper).

The edge banding process takes place after the cutting process of the material on the format saw. We'll talk about it a little lower. Without fail, the equipment for facing the edges must be selected depending on what kind of furniture you intend to manufacture.

For more understanding here short description machine process:
- Manually or by means of an automatic module, glue is applied to the surface, heated to the desired temperature.
- The machine applies an edge according to the dimensions of the workpiece. It is possible to cut the edge with a technological margin.
- Further, with the help of the machine, the edging material is pressed against the surface to be treated.
- After the operation of the machine, the applied edge is finished - removing excess glue, processing the edge, grinding and polishing lines and corners.

It is not superfluous to repeat that the configuration of the machine must be selected according to the type of furniture being manufactured.

They are produced in various formats - both for small-scale production and for batches of industrial volume. Direct purpose - cutting furniture parts from sheet materials(plywood, chipboard, fiberboard).

In order for the work to be carried out without chips, two cutting units are used - the main and the scoring. Perfectly cut laminated material with high precision thanks to the body of the saw unit mounted at an angle. The presence of a scoring saw in the machine provides an absolutely clean cutting, without chips and notches.

Machines are produced in several types, each of them has its own characteristics and special purposes. Your task is to choose from a wide range of proposals exactly the one that is ideal for production. The main difference is the way the workpiece is placed - horizontally or vertically, that is, a transverse or longitudinal cut. And another difference is the type of carriage. Machines are made either with a ball or roller carriage.

Regardless of which equipment you choose, pay attention to the availability additional tables. They are indispensable when cutting full-fledged sheets of material. An important point is the clamping upper beam and the upper pneumatic clamp. They will provide reliable fixation of small workpieces, which is necessary in the production of furniture of exclusive design with small details.

The main purpose of the equipment is a more thorough preparation of the part. The machine saws the material to the desired thickness.

The workpiece is installed on the work table exactly with the pre-treated base surface. The workpiece is fed to the rotating knives automatically. Main specifications:
Rated supply voltage - 220 W;
Rated power consumption commutator motor— from 1500 W;
The frequency of rotation of the planer shaft with planer knives - 8000 rpm (idle);
The average height of the workpiece processed on the machine is 15 cm, the width of the working table is from 25 to 50 cm, with the corresponding width of the workpiece being processed up to 45 cm.
average speed automatic workpiece feed - 8 meters per minute.
The average planing depth is 2.5 mm. Depends on the width and properties of the workpiece.

Thicknessing machines are divided into one-sided and two-sided. Unilateral have one knife shaft located above, over a desktop. Double-sided, respectively, have two knife shafts. The second is built into the desktop and performs the function of processing the lower part of the part. The working table itself is movable, with the help of it the required height is set for processing the material to the required thickness. Machines are also distinguished by the power and maximum lifting of the desktop, its width and depth of planing.

Pretty wide price fork is convenient for selection necessary equipment depending on the buyer's budget. The price depends on the country of manufacture and technical parameters.
When choosing a thicknesser, pay attention to the safety features. The design must necessarily be protected from overloads by a power interruption unit. When an overload occurs, the thermal relay must be activated and the power supply to the machine must be interrupted.

Choose machines with quiet operation that a belt drive can provide. It also protects the engine of the machine from overloads.

For additional safety of machine operation, network switches are often used. In addition to direct functions, they are equipped with a protective function against unauthorized activation during the absence of the operator.

In furniture production, wood or any other material goes through many technological processes, and a four-sided machine is the basic equipment for many of them.

The main function is profiling molded products, cutting boards into lamellas for furniture board. For a furniture production workshop, sufficiently powerful equipment with a large throughput is required. When choosing a four-sided machine, first of all, you need to pay attention to its dimensions. For example, in order to process a workpiece with a size of 40 cm, a milling cutter of the appropriate parameters (about 80 mm.) is needed. In order for the equipment to cope with the processing of materials large sizes power feed function is required. The worktable must be robust and wear-tested for stable operation under constant load.

Best of all, strength is shown by machines with cast iron tables. Very convenient and often necessary is the function of increasing the supply and reception tables. To do this, the characteristics of the machine must indicate the presence of a function of manual or automatic regulation. If you are planning a serious production, then your four-sided machine must have a high feed rate - up to 30 meters of processing per second.

Some manufacturers produce universal four-sided processing machines. That is, with the possibility of resmusing and profiling functions. With an easy move planer knives direction, you can easily change the working function. Such a machine will help to significantly save money on starting investments. But for the full-fledged operation of the workshop with maximum output, you still have to pay special attention to each process - this will increase quantitative indicators, which is important.

To fully support the furniture production workshop, there is a fairly large number of different machine tools, but the four most important and mandatory are described above. The purchase of such a kit will cost approximately $40,000.

An enterprise in the LLC statue has obligations of mandatory staffing.

Appointed by the meeting of founders. The candidate may be one of them, or an outsider who meets the requirements of the position.
Full-time accountant. Person with liability. He can easily perform the functions of an employee of the personnel department. Must be familiar with the articles of the Labor Code. Maintain personnel records and related reports.

Working staff.
Operators are needed to maintain production equipment. One for each machine. Workers are also needed to assemble furniture. That's 3 other employees. In general, for a complete staffing of the working staff, you need seven people - this is quite enough for the full-fledged process of the workshop. Workers performing assembly functions can go to the customer's home to install finished orders.

Such a specialist is definitely necessary for the enterprise, but it does not have to be full-time at all. Design may well perform the function of "coming". Cooperation is formalized by means of an agreement with an agreement on the number of working hours per week or month and the corresponding salary. A designer can collaborate with several companies at once, have several projects and easily implement them. It would not be superfluous to prescribe in the cooperation agreement a clause not to disclose the plans and concept of the enterprise's work in order to withstand fair competition and without violating one's interests.

Sales Manager.
Don't be skeptical about this much-needed staff. At the first stages of launching production, an employee who will be responsible for sales is more than necessary. Try not to save money and look for an experienced manager with your own client base and a good reputation. This will be of great help in promoting your business. Moreover, the manager also performs the function of an advertising medium. And you need advertising like air.
There are several algorithms for calculating wages for a sales employee:
Fixed amount (rate).

As a rule, a fixed rate is quite rare and is usually accompanied by the official registration of labor activity. Often the amount of the rate is equal to the minimum wage established by law. Someone like this option, we wish them good luck.

Rate +% of sales;
This payroll algorithm is very common among companies. It is actually very convenient for both the owner and the worker. The rate, again, is minimal and the percentage is small because the volume of sales per month (or the planned volume) can be very large. With such volumes, the salary is not higher than 0.5% of this amount, but mainly 0.2-0.3%. The rate, as in the previous paragraph, is the minimum or below the minimum. There are companies that offer a bet of $100. and add to this money% a little higher than usual.

Rate + % of cash receipts for the current month;
In this case, the guaranteed payout amount may be different. The % figure is no more than 1. But, pay your attention to one “BUT” - the manager earns his hard-earned% from the amount of money coming into the company, that is, from the amount that the accounting department sees on the account at the end of the current month. Many beginners confuse or simply do not pay attention to this condition when applying for a job. Naturally, then the problems begin.

% of sales;
One of the most common algorithms. The most profitable % of sales is calculated. Depends on the amount of planned sales for the reporting period. The larger the amount, the lower the percentage. Furniture is an expensive commodity, so the maximum salary for a manager is 3%.

% of the receipt of money for the company for the current month.
Accrual according to the same principle as in paragraph No. 3, only without a guaranteed rate. In this case, the % depends on the planned sales volume - the higher it is, the lower the %. Not the worst algorithm in the event that the manager came to an already established client base, that is, there were already sales in the past period and money for the sold goods will be received this month. This is important, because the majority of clients work with deferred payment, especially for large retail outlets - where the delay can reach up to 3 months.

Basically, according to this algorithm, the sales agent begins to receive a salary not earlier than the third month of work. Let it not surprise you if you agreed to such an algorithm - take it as it is, nothing can be done about it. Before the money for sales begins to flow into the company, you can offer a fixed rate, but it will be minimal or increased - this algorithm is described in paragraph No. 2.

% of profit;
This algorithm is probably the most difficult for the employee to perceive, but very beneficial for the owner.

The bottom line is to pay a commission of 10% of the net profit received from sales. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the profit is calculated from the price at which the product entered the sales department, and not from the cost.

The salaries of employees are determined by the average salaries of employees of the relevant categories and profile of the region in which it is planned to launch production.


Advertising is the most important process in the promotion of furniture production. It is important that a potential client knows about you before the finished product enters the market. There is a lot of competition in this type of business, and if you want to make yourself known, you need to do it in advance.
If you are seriously thinking about fruitful and long-term work, forget about "black" and "gray" production. Develop and register your own trademark with Rospatent Russian Federation. The registered trademark of the promoted brand is heavily protected from counterfeiting and, in which case, you can always defend your rights.

To do this, you must submit an application and pass a designation check for similarity. The plus from registration is obvious - the right to use TM for 10 years (after it is successfully renewed) has a positive effect on the company's image and, accordingly, on the reputation and degree of trust on the part of a potential client. For the illegal use of your TM brand, you can claim compensation for material damage through the court.

If you do not have time to do this, there are companies that will take over all the administrative duties for a fee and register the trademark as soon as possible. The cost of such services is about $ 500.

After entering TM in the general register of the State Patent, immediately start advertising the enterprise and its products.

The very first thing to do is to clearly define the market segment and clearly imagine who your customers will be. Who do you want to see in your customer base.
An advertising company is an expensive business, but it does not make sense to save on it. It is necessary to direct it as accurately as possible to the segment that you identified as potential in the first place.

In order for advertising to be of high quality and work correctly, it is imperative to study the market and your competitors. Carefully analyze the pros and cons of their work and products. Analyze the pros and cons of your production. Why is it necessary?
First of all, such an analysis will allow you to clearly define the advantages that you will use in the development of advertising campaigns. It can be quality materials, natural wood valuable breeds, solid fittings, qualified staff, latest equipment and production technology. Be sure to indicate the work of the designer in the development. Often this fact is able to quickly and permanently form a customer base. There are many connoisseurs among potential customers design work. Moreover, who, if not a designer, constantly monitors the latest global trends in the furniture industry.

In addition to "black" and "gray" manufacturers, Chinese manufacturers of furniture and components remain your competitors. This is another serious niche in the furniture industry and occupies a significant place in the market. It is not worth underestimating such a competitor and not paying attention to him.

Companies representing a Chinese manufacturer are distinguished by fairly cheap offers, but not always of high quality. You can use the advantages in the form, quality, possibility of individual ordering according to the sizes specified by the customer in your advertising campaigns aimed at similar customers.

What are the options:
Manufacture of cabinet furniture;
Children's furniture;
Cushioned furniture;
Office furniture;
Bathroom furniture;

With any variant of the direction of production, advertising should maximally meet the needs of a potential client and attract his attention.

Types of advertising.
Advertising on billboards ranks first in terms of memorability. It is expensive, but at the beginning of the production path, business definitely needs it. Post information about yourself in several places, or at least in one, but the most effective. Advertisers own the intricacies of placements. Don't be afraid to trust them. It is in their interest to make your advertising effective.

The next step in promoting a business should be creating a company website or a professional landing page. This required condition. As Bill Gates said: "If your business is not on the Internet, then it does not exist at all."

Actively promote the site and the ledding on the network - this will add enough customers to the company.
Building a good website costs about $500. Form an accessible interface and make it understandable even for inexperienced users. Without fail, the site must contain information about the company, its data, contacts. Create a colorful eye-catching catalog and order button. Describe all the benefits of the proposals and customers will not keep themselves waiting long. Create a wide range of payment methods.

Take advantage of our printing services. Colorful booklets, flyers, business cards. These are mandatory advertising attributes for starting any business.

You can place information about the new company in the media. It is better if these are specialized publications. Don't skimp on the best seats - this is the first and last spread of the magazine. It's expensive, but justified by the result.

Create a beautiful catalog. It will be useful both to the manager and in several other sales options.

Sales of products.

As mentioned above, the sales manager will deal with the sale of products. It may be one or more. But the owner must be directly involved in the development of the action plan.

You have already implemented advertising that attracts a potential client to you. You can, of course, stop there and fulfill those orders that come to you from these sources.
But if possible, do not miss the opportunity to increase sales.

One of the most the best options is opening your own store. Better yet, a small network. If the production is located in a metropolis, then several districts of the city can be used for the operation of stores. If the production workshop is located in the region, the regional center is perfect. It can be a very small room, with an area of ​​20 square meters. You can place several types of products there and work according to the catalog.

Cooperation with furniture supermarkets can be called a very profitable type of sales. For young companies, this option is ideal. Because supermarkets fully ensure the operation of the workshop according to the entire price list provided by the production.

Undoubtedly, in such cooperation there are not only pluses, but also minuses. The main disadvantage is the clause in the agreement on exclusive rights to representation in those regions where supermarkets are located. That is, you will not be able to sell your products in parallel with them. The second minus is the price. All networks try to negotiate the lowest prices from the supplier and, by the way, they are not bad at it.
In principle, if you cooperate with them on the rights of exclusive sales, then this is not scary. They will not compete with you in terms of territory. And in the price you can enter any price that you agree on. A significant disadvantage of cooperation with networks is the payment by installments. This is a prerequisite for cooperation. If it is unacceptable for you, refuse and do not offer yourself as a supplier at all. Installments in different networks sometimes reach up to six months. But mostly three months.
Despite the disadvantages in working with such networks, they are justified by big pluses. A serious and undeniable positive point is the wide representation in many regions. As a rule, networks are very developed or rapidly developing and open their stores wherever possible.

Another important positive point is advertising through representation. Super- and hypermarket chains release their catalogs of seasonal offers. Catalogs are distributed free of charge. Thousands of potential customers will find out about you. Another plus of cooperation can be considered from the side of logistics. Customer demand will guide your production in the right direction. You will always be aware of new trends and bring new ideas in technology and design solutions.


These are the companies that will sell your products in their regions. This is a great way to promote and cover as wide an area as possible. The process of finding a dealer is similar to general distribution. Be sure to create a beautiful, viewable commercial offer. Describe the benefits, the proposed terms of cooperation and send it to all relevant companies. A sales manager can handle this very well.

The two methods described above are possible only if the status of your enterprise is not lower than LLC. Because the status indicates the seriousness of your intentions. It is rare when dealers agree to cooperate with companies of lower status. In this case, there is no need to talk about networks. They do not even consider such proposals.


No matter what kind of furniture you produce, there will always be customers who are potentially interested in your products. For example, if production operates in a resort area, these are sanatoriums, recreation centers.

If you simultaneously produce a line of children's furniture, these are kindergartens, various kinds of children's institutions that need constant furniture updates. Do not be afraid to declare yourself, participate in tenders. There are sites that specialize in collecting complete information about all ongoing commercial tenders separately for each region. Subscribe to the newsletter of such a site, connect industry and regional settings, and you will constantly receive email all information related to this issue. The information is constantly updated.

You will always be aware of the ongoing events in this area. The distribution is absolutely free.

You can unsubscribe at any time if you don't need it. Of course, it is up to you to decide, but you should not refuse such opportunities. Again, the status of an LLC can greatly help you with this. In addition, if you have a need for quality consumables for production, you can place your tender. Terms of participation and placement of tenders in the public domain. Do not miss any opportunity to make your business even more profitable.

Financial plan.


It's time to carefully calculate the required investment.
Registration of LLC ______________________________________________ 110$;
Registration of TM in Rospatent ______________________________ 500$;
Rent of premises _______________________________________ 1000 $ / month;
Purchase of equipment ____________________________________ 40,000 $
Consumables __________________________________________ $40,000;
Advertising ________________________________________________ $10,000;
Office equipment ______________________________________________ 1000 $;
Taxes, salary _____________________________________________ 30% of profit;
Total at the start ________________________________________________ $ 100,000.
The total investment in the launch of the production workshop is about $100,000.


The payback time of such an enterprise directly depends on the profit that you will receive as a result of the sale of finished products.

Even if we assume that the difference between the cost and the price of finished products is 100%, it will take more than one month and a year to pay back the invested funds. The production of the first batch of furniture, starting from development and ending with the date of receipt of funds from the sale, will take at least three months.
Summing up the monthly expenses and minus them from the profit received, it is clear that in order to pay off only the consumable material, at least two full-fledged sales of all products made from the entire batch of consumables will be needed.

IN ideal with a full workload of the workshop and the full sale of finished products, taking into account the installment payment for the products supplied to the buyer, it will take at least 8 months to pay back the consumables. And besides this amount, there is another $60,000 of invested money. If $ 40,000 paid off in 8 months, then the rest in proportion will pay off for another 2 years.

It can be concluded that the full payback of the invested $ 100,000 will occur no earlier than in 2.8 years or 32 months.

production options.
At your disposal are several options for the production of furniture and each of them is worthy of attention.

A very common type of business in the Russian Federation and beyond. This includes the manufacture of dressing rooms, wardrobes, wardrobes (a type that is very popular for its characteristics), children's rooms, hallways, etc.
The equipment that has already been described above is used. Therefore, it is not worth dwelling on this point separately. You can complement this list with an ultra-modern line of serigraphy. The equipment is intended for drawing drawings on pvc film. It is used as decoration in the manufacture of wardrobes, furniture for the kitchen, hallways, cabinets and many others.

Materials - laminated chipboard (laminated chipboard), covered with a decorative protective layer. Used in the manufacture furniture facades about hulls.
PVC edge is a finishing edge based on polyvinyl chloride. The material has increased wear resistance, has a protective function of the ends of chipboard parts from various kinds of damage. Perfectly blocks the ingress of moisture on open material during operation.

PVC film is a film based on polyvinyl chloride. Are applied to vacuum and membrane pressing on facades. Advantages - heat resistance, withstands household scratching well, retains the original color well (does not fade). There are film materials with antibacterial and antifungal treatment provided.

MDF - specialized environmental material, made from small dried wood fibers. Treated with binders. It has a finely dispersed structure over the entire cross section and is easy to machining, shape milling and various types finishes.

The production process is in many ways similar to the manufacture of cabinet furniture. That is, children's furniture is also mostly cabinet. The same equipment and many similar materials are used.
A feature of furniture for children should be the use in the production of natural materials. You can use solid wood, MDF, veneer, chipboard or tambour. Metal, glass or plastic - from these materials you can also often find furniture for children. Without a doubt the most suitable material for such furniture - it is a wood massif. It is natural, environmentally friendly, durable. Wood is very difficult to process, so products made from it are quite expensive, but it allows you to make real masterpieces of designer fantasy.

Children are subject to rapid growth. Therefore, the production of children's furniture is often profitable due to the increased demand for it due to frequent replacement. If you manage to secure even a few customers, this can be a good start for the further development of children's furniture lines.

It is also worth adding that materials should be used that are easy to hygienically process the finished product. The reasons are clear - the health of the child is above all!

This is a separate category of furniture. Features of such production are in the widest range finishing materials and design possibilities. Sofas and sofas, poufs and ottomans. Variety of chairs. In such production, design abilities will be able to manifest themselves in all their diversity.

According to GOST, the definition of "upholstered" furniture includes structural elements with flooring materials with a thickness of at least 20 mm.
base materials - boxes, panels and frames made of wood, plywood and fiberboard. The main element that gives the product softness are the springs. Snake springs, tapes made of rubber and rubber fabrics, tapes twisted from rubber threads in a cotton winding are used.

If it is planned to produce expensive upholstered furniture, then an elastic beam made of wood is used for the frame. If not, then you don’t need to invent a bicycle - materials such as plywood and chipboard are perfect. They are cheaper and easier to process. They are quite durable and there are no complaints about low quality.

To create soft elements, foam or polyurethane foam is used. What exactly to use is up to you. They differ from each other in production technology and density.
The upholstery uses both woven materials (natural and artificial fibers), and leather, leatherette. For the production of inexpensive upholstered furniture, it is not advisable to use leather as upholstery. Use fabric - it's cheaper, more practical and easier to process.

Nothing new can be added to the production moments. The process almost completely duplicates the described item “cabinet furniture”.

The only thing you can pay attention to is the simplicity of the manufacturing process. Easier not where. There are almost no decorative elements. Strict appearance. Classic colors of materials, a high level of convenience and practicality - these are the main criteria for office furniture.

In the manufacture should be used only high-quality materials. Mostly used chipboard, MDF, decorative plastic, glass and some others. But the use of metal is unacceptable. In conditions of high humidity, it will quickly begin to rust, despite any processing and preparation. The use of wood is also not desirable - it practically does not tolerate constant temperature fluctuations and high humidity in the room.

Under such conditions, wooden furniture quickly delaminates and warps. MDF and chipboard use special coatings that guarantee long-term operation. With the help of MDF, you can make furniture of almost any shape. This can even be called an advantage, because such furniture, in comparison with office furniture, is more suitable for design performances and experiments.

Another material that is used daily in the manufacture of bathroom furniture is plastic. He's not expensive. Just as easy to play various forms. But its difference from MFD in a wide color scheme, makes it a favorite both in production and in operation.
There are also some fashion trends in the design of furniture, especially when it comes to glass products. This is arttoning and sandblasting drawings. All this is done with special equipment. To tint glass elements, a tinted vinyl film is used.

Sandblasting drawings are applied to glass using a stencil. Most often, the stencil material is used oracle. For applying such decor elements, sandblasters. You can apply drawings not only on glass, but also on mirrors and any other glass surface. On the Internet, there are entire catalogs of drawings for sandblasting in the public domain. There are so many of them that you can draw new ideas from there and not be afraid to be unoriginal.

Such furniture, too, for the most part, belongs to the cabinet. But production is easier due to the fact that the needs of a summer residence differ from a full-fledged residential building in their simplicity. We mainly produce various tables, chairs, shelves. Wall compartments, built-in and external, are very popular.

Popular due to their practicality in application. Easily mounted from a niche. At the peak of popularity are models in which you can mount a sleeping bed. For a day, it folds up, becomes almost invisible and frees up a lot of space for household chores. And there are quite a few such examples. In principle, such a business will always be relevant, but its seasonality may alert.

Manufacture of custom-made furniture.

As an additional service and increasing the interest of a potential client, the company needs such a service as the manufacture of furniture according to the size of the customer. A very relevant service for the simple reason that residential and commercial construction has long gone from the standards of layout, size and shape of premises. If you want more interest from customers, be sure to include this service in the general offer register.

Business development prospects.

In the future, when you fully recoup your investment, you can think about expanding the business. What could it be? For example, you can set up the production of consumables and furniture fittings (hinges, screws, self-tapping screws, nails, handles, films, laminate, and everything that production cannot do without. Of course, these are additional investments, but they will significantly reduce the cost of furniture. And this will directly proportionally increase the income and profit of the enterprise.

We wish you success and prosperity in this complex but creative business!

Nothing lasts forever, including furniture. People regularly update it in their apartment and spend a huge amount of money on it. Today we want to talk about how to open a furniture production. This is a rather interesting business, which in the future can bring very good profits. What needs to be done so that the profit is really good and the investment pays off, we will tell below.

About the market

Not many people know how to open a furniture production from scratch. minimum investment and fast payback. It is necessary to draw up a business plan, carefully study the market, potential competitors, select premises, find experienced employees

Modern furniture manufacturing has the following main areas:

  • Manufacture of classic office furniture- Particular attention is paid to functionality, rigor. Partitions, cabinets, tables, and other structures are produced.
  • Kitchen production- it is in the kitchen that people spend most of their time, so you need to take care of convenience and comfort. No wonder the demand for headsets is so high.
  • Creation of custom-made furniture- such furniture is made at the request of customers, taking into account the specified parameters.

You can choose one of these activities or combine several activities.

It should be borne in mind that in megacities one has to face high competition. It is profitable to launch such a business in small towns, offering customers interesting ideas. It is important to find out if there is a similar production workshop in the region. It is necessary to study the pricing policy of competitors, their main features. This will allow you to take care of making interesting offers to customers.

Business registration

You can open an IP furniture production or choose an LLC. The choice always depends on the scale of the project. If you plan to work with individuals, it is enough to register an IP. Cooperation with organizations, various institutions provides for the opening of an LLC.

Choose OKVED codes that relate to the production of furniture, retail trade, wholesale.

To register a business, you need to provide certain information:

  • company name;
  • information about the director, accountant;
  • decision to start your own business
  • Bank details;
  • charter;
  • check for payment of duty to the treasury.

What kind of furniture to produce?

One of the most important issues, which the entrepreneur must decide before starting production, and what kind of furniture should he produce?

There are the following most popular categories that potential buyers are looking for on the Internet:

  • Soft
  • Cabinet
  • Kitchen
  • Office
  • Furniture transformer
  • Loft furniture

Regardless of whether you are writing a business plan for the production of kitchen furniture or some other, all its paragraphs will be approximately the same, except for the sales paragraph.

To give a simple example, not everyone likes loft-style furniture. If you spin targeted advertising on VKontakte for everyone, then the number of conversions will be much less than if you find a target audience that is interested in the loft style and spin ads specifically for it.

Cabinet furniture

There is a business plan for the production of cabinet furniture, and it will help a budding entrepreneur. It is necessary to study the intricacies of release and organizational issues. The production of cabinet furniture has the following features:

  • project development;
  • cutting materials, forming suitable parts;
  • drilling holes, places for fasteners;
  • cutting edge trim;
  • assembly.

The technology is selected taking into account the peculiarities of the automated process. Through the introduction of CNC, it is possible to reduce the percentage of human labor involved. An experienced operator is required to enter the parameters, and the machine performs the main work. This is an advanced and economical way of manufacturing cabinet furniture, which is often used in workshops.

It should be borne in mind that the programs will have to be constantly reconfigured while working on individual orders. If you have to deal with such applications, it is better to refuse to use CNC machines. In large companies, you have to spend a lot of time on reprogramming, which is not profitable.

You can organize semi-automatic lines with the involvement of several machines. Here it is partially involved human labor which allows you to quickly and most importantly efficiently cope with the tasks.

Need to buy necessary tools, machines:

  • format cutting equipment;
  • edge banding machines;
  • drilling and filler equipment;
  • grinding machine;
  • perforator;
  • screwdrivers, drills, cutters, knives.

You can produce up to 400 units of products per month. This list may include cabinets, cabinets, tables, racks. The expenditure part consists of the purchase of materials, advertising, electricity costs, rent of premises, depreciation of equipment.

The approximate income from 400 products is up to 1660 thousand rubles, of which the profit is approximately 1060 thousand rubles.

Cushioned furniture

To quickly open the production of upholstered furniture, just look at examples of successful businessmen. This will be a good support during the launch of the business. Upholstered furniture occupies about a sixth of the entire furniture market, so this niche is considered quite attractive for entrepreneurs.

IN last years there is a growing trend towards the production of custom-made armchairs, sofas. Many small businesses successfully compete with large companies. They are ready to carry out small batches of sofas, armchairs. For this, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment. Almost all work is done by hand.

Small, medium-sized entrepreneurs can follow fashion trends and apply them to the creation of upholstered furniture. Large companies will not be able to quickly adapt to customer requirements.

A small company is ready to provide several variations of fittings, upholstery, material, which allows you to achieve exclusivity. The production of upholstered furniture requires the purchase of such machines:

  • milling;
  • combined,
  • grinding;
  • edged;
  • trimming;
  • turning.

They will cost 160,000 rubles. We also need to purchase equipment for drying, sewing machines, cutting tables. It still requires up to 40,000 rubles.

The technology for creating upholstered furniture will require 200,000 rubles. To this amount, you need to add the purchase of office equipment and additional furniture - 90,000 rubles. As a result, it will be possible to organize a business that will allow monthly production of up to 100 sofas. Income - from 750,000 rubles, production costs - 580,000 rubles, profit - up to 290,000 rubles. The average payback is four months.


The proposed business plan for opening a furniture production workshop can be effective. It is necessary to successfully select a room that will meet certain requirements, have several departments. On its territory should be located:

All these premises must be located in the same building, but may be located in different parts of the city. It is better to choose an office with product samples in the center, where there is sufficient traffic of people. Warehouse should be located next to production shop to cut down on transportation costs.


Opening a business begins with finding money to purchase equipment. You should not cooperate with other workshops for cutting materials, which will entail additional waste, an increase in cost. In this case competitive advantages are reduced to nothing. It is worth knowing in advance how to open a furniture production workshop and invest money profitably.

To save on waste, you can purchase used equipment, which will cost 30-50% cheaper. You will need to purchase the following machines:

  • Drying - if you plan to use natural wood in your work, which is pre-dried.
  • Band saw - performs precise cutting of wood, chipboard, MDF.
  • Machines for decorating, which helps to give the desired shape to the tree, cut chamfers.
  • Devices for working with glass.
  • Machine tools for working with metallic materials.
  • Sewing machines.
  • Tools.

During the work, sheets of chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, fittings, fasteners, varnishes, paints will be used.


Organize visualization production process possible by implementing computer programs. They will allow you to quickly model various objects in 3D format. Designers will always be able to demonstrate furniture to the customer. You can use the Pro100 program.


It is quite possible to organize the production of furniture to open a business and receive a stable profit. Success will largely depend on the employees themselves. For work you will need:

  • Manager- accepts orders, draws up contracts, accompanies projects;
  • Production line manager– control of all stages of production;
  • workers- up to four people for small production, the number of employees increases with the volume of work;
  • Driver– delivery of furniture to a warehouse or a customer.

This is the minimum number of people that can work. The number of employees depends on the scale of organized production.

Customer acquisition

We need a business plan for the production of furniture, it can be viewed from trusted sources. It is important to develop a marketing plan that will help sell the product profitably. It is important to properly organize events to search for potential customers.

To successfully sell finished products, you must:

Sales of products

This item should also be included in an effective business plan for the production of furniture with calculations. It is important to think about distribution channels. Typically, a furniture shop produces goods for:

  • individuals;
  • customers of your own store;
  • furniture stores.

The production plan is developed taking into account demand. According to statistics, cabinet, office, kitchen, upholstered furniture is popular. A well-designed advertising and marketing campaign will allow you to get the desired income.

Sales of office furniture

Business is not just a mechanical repetition of actions, but also the use of creativity. You have to be creative in how you sell your products and come up with some unusual ways to sell your product.

Let's take an example. Do you have a business plan for the production of office furniture and you are puzzled, but to whom to sell it? Just driving around your city, you will count at least a few office centers under construction. Just knock on their door and offer them your furniture at a bargain price!

In exactly the same way, you should sell furniture for the kitchen, living rooms or bedrooms.

Expenses and income

The concept of "furniture production" is quite extensible. One grandfather who assembles furniture at his dacha and makes money on it is already considered a full-fledged production. Therefore, it is impossible to determine exactly how much money you need to open a business. You can start working alone, or you can immediately hire several employees and then the monthly expenses will increase.

We will calculate the initial investment and monthly expenses for a small business in this niche.

Name Sum
Initial Costs
Equipment 1.500.000r
Premises renovation 300.000r
Consumables 300.000r
Business registration 20.000r
Advertising campaign 50.000r
other expenses 50.000r
Total: 2.220.000r
Monthly expenses
Staff salary 180.000r
Premises for rent 80.000r
Public utilities 20.000r
other expenses 30.000r
Total: 310.000r

The net profit of such a business should be approximately 100,000 rubles per month. This is taking into account the fact that the revenue will be 410,000 rubles, from which we will deduct the monthly expenses in the amount of 310,000 rubles. Payback will be 23 months.

Cabinet furniture is used by a fairly wide target audience - both budget and wealthy buyers purchase structural elements for home or office furnishings, as well as enterprises. Definitely, if we consider such a business idea as a start-up, then there is a rational grain here - there will be customers, there is no need to spend too much on development, and the product is in demand. Therefore, further we will talk about how to open a furniture production, draw up a business plan and what income you can count on.

How to develop a furniture manufacturing business?

Today, most of the niche in this direction of entrepreneurship is occupied by medium and small businesses, as well as small workshops and workshops. If we analyze consumer demand, then the demand for furniture is as follows:

  • Cabinet.
  • Office.
  • Kitchens.
  • Cushioned furniture.
  • Children's upholstered and cabinet furniture.
  • Furniture for a summer residence.
  • Specialized custom-made furniture - for production, enterprises and similar places

It is impossible not to note the appearance of the furniture - design trends change almost every season, and therefore small industries have a significant advantage over large-scale production - you can quickly switch to the release of a new line.

The main target audience for the products of the furniture workshop is as follows:

  • Young families, including those with schoolchildren.
  • Elderly people, citizens of pre-retirement age.
  • Owners of small and medium-sized businesses - for office furnishings, workshops, and so on.

And since people in these categories are in the majority, it is possible, subject to good work, to secure a stable influx of customers.

Starting a business - first steps

In order for the furniture manufacturing business to be effective, you need to carefully think through and prepare everything beforehand, and only then launch your project. In this case, we are talking about the following specific features:

  • In most cases, small or medium-sized businesses do not maintain warehouses for finished products, in any case, large areas, and therefore the best option will work on order. But, on the other hand, you need to provide yourself with a stable flow of orders in order not to work to zero and not pay employees downtime.
  • Advertising must be, even if we are talking about a small workshop, or medium-scale production. But, it’s not worth putting large amounts of money into the business plan for the production of cabinet furniture right away - it’s better to put most of the budget into production.
  • It will not be superfluous to open your own small store for the sale of ready-made samples. But, it is better to do this a little later, after you have studied the preferences of your target audience well.
  • A huge plus will be the presence of its own delivery service and a team of assemblers. Thus, you will, in fact, provide a full range of services, and this is an advantage over competitors.

Furniture manufacturing as a business requires a mandatory preliminary analysis of competitors and the market as a whole. Preliminary work includes the following:

  • Evaluation of the work of firms-main competitors. This will help you identify their weaknesses and "play" on it - what they don't have, you can (of course, in a good way).
  • Analysis of the solvency of your target audience - this will help you build a flexible pricing policy, and therefore provide the most favorable conditions on the market.
  • Analysis of start-up costs, as well as monthly expenses.

All this will be needed in order to draw up a detailed business plan for furniture production with calculations.

Please also note that the business plan will necessary document in the event that you intend to take a loan from a bank for the development of your business.

How to write a furniture manufacturing business plan

A business plan for the production of furniture is, in fact, a fundamental document for the development of a business. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to its compilation.

The structure of this document is something like this:

  • The purpose of opening a production is the type of products produced, the proposed range to start with (later you will expand it, remove some positions). You also need to enter here technological process production, estimated payback periods.
  • Financial plans: spending own funds, attracting credit funds or co-founders' funds.
  • Organization of production - rent or purchase of premises for a workshop, availability of a warehouse, office space, purchase of equipment and materials, accessories.
  • Target audience - intermediaries, retail and wholesale buyers, individual customers, creation of their own network.
  • Sales of products - own store, work only on individual orders, cooperation with furniture stores, intermediaries. You can also consider tenders.
  • Business promotion and advertising. The item of expenditure on advertising should be prescribed no less carefully than the cost of arranging production, since at first it is advertising that will give customers, and hence profit to the enterprise.
  • The documentary part is the costs of registering the enterprise.

A little advice - it is better to lay down the amounts for expense items a little with a margin, and you also need to separately lay in the business plan for the production of furniture the amount for force majeure.

Marketing part

It can be thought out and worked out at the stage of drawing up a business plan for a furniture factory. The essence of this section of the furniture workshop business plan is, in fact, business development and includes the following steps:

  • Opening an office with an exhibition center or a small shop.
  • Conclusion of contracts with furniture stores for the implementation or exhibition of their samples.
  • Work with tenders - it gives good orders.
  • Build your customer base.
  • Advertising - the development of your site, a group in a social network, the design of outdoor advertising.
  • Launch of an advertising campaign in the media.

Separately, it should be said about advertising: you don’t need empty promises like “the lowest prices and the best quality”, “the deadline for any order is 2 days”, and so on - you need to do everything with high quality, at a reasonable cost, and promise your customers the same in promotional items.

Starting costs

Actually, the purpose of creating a business plan for the production of furniture is just to calculate the financial part. If we take into account the average check in the market, then the starting costs are as follows:

  • You will have to spend about 50-70 thousand rubles per month on renting a suitable building. About 1 million rubles will have to be spent on the purchase of a similar premises, but, in fact, in the long run it is more profitable.
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment, installation with delivery - about 600,000 rubles.
  • Repair of the premises, documentary registration of the business - about 300,000 rubles.
  • Purchase Supplies- at least 250,000 rubles, but the price can fluctuate greatly - depending on what kind of furniture you will produce.

Do not forget that you need to calculate salaries as a separate article in your furniture shop business plan - also the final cost will depend on how many employees you will have, as well as their specialization and workload.

Features of the production of cabinet furniture

The peculiarity of the production of cabinet furniture is that with the proper use of materials, there will be a minimum of waste. But, if we are talking about upholstered furniture, then there will be more manual labor– upholstery, filling, finishing and so on. Therefore, additional equipment will also be needed - specifically for sewing.

Schematically, the development of furniture production as a business can be divided into the following main stages:

  • Company registration.
  • Room selection.
  • Purchase of the necessary equipment.
  • Hiring.
  • Calculation of income and expenditure.

Premises selection

Ideally, if the room for a furniture factory will have a workshop and an office building (no need for a large one). Also, don't forget about private room for workers - where they can rest, have lunch, clean up after work.

If we consider this issue only from the technical side, then the requirements for the premises under furniture workshop are:

  • Compliance with fire safety requirements.
  • Absence of dampness.
  • Ability to maintain optimum temperature regime- in our case, this is a range of 18-20 degrees.
  • Availability of necessary communications - heating, electricity, sewerage, plumbing, ventilation system. Separately, it should be said about electricity - here you will need a three-phase 380 W, as powerful equipment will be used for work.
  • Availability of convenient access roads.

If you want to immediately open a furniture factory, and not just a workshop, then the premises must be selected based on the fact that there should be an opportunity to equip:

  • Samo production room, preferably divided into several zones.
  • Office - for managers, management, accounting, meetings with clients.
  • Household room for workers.
  • Shower room and bathroom.
  • Stock.

Convenient access roads must be mandatory - both for unloading materials and for unloading finished products.

It is not critical if all these premises are located in more than one place - for example, a warehouse can be rented further from the office, somewhere on the outskirts of the city - it will be much cheaper to rent, and it is easier to find premises for such purposes in a remote area of ​​​​the city.

Necessary equipment

If the budget is limited, then you can buy used equipment - this way you can save 30-50%. But, also take into account that you need to be well versed in the machines, otherwise you can buy not just used equipment, but simply decommissioned.

To get started, you will need the following equipment:

  • Band saw - it will be needed for sawing sheets of MDF, chipboard, as well as precise cutting of wood.
  • Drying - it is only necessary if you intend to work with natural wood.
  • Machines for fine woodworking as well as decoration - for edging, shaping, chamfering and more.
  • Equipment for working with glass - engraving, drilling, cutting, sandblasting.
  • Devices for working with metal - drilling, for welding, cutting, polishing.
  • Sewing equipment - but only if you work with soft structural elements.

In addition to equipment, you will also need hand tool- drills, screwdrivers, staplers, hammers, planers, saws and so on.

The purchase of consumables must be done based on the established assortment.


The well-known phrase “cadres decide everything” in production is more relevant than ever - the quality of the services provided, and hence the efficiency of your furniture production, will depend on the professionalism of your employees.

The classic scheme for such production is as follows:

  • About 5 workers who will be directly involved in the manufacture of furniture, but in some cases there may be more - up to 8 people.
  • A manager who will search for orders, work with clients.
  • Director of operations.
  • Furniture delivery and assembly team.
  • Accountant.

At first, some functions can be performed independently or delegated to outsourcing. This is often the case with accountants.

Calculation of income and profit

We have already calculated the starting costs for the production of furniture. But, do not forget about the monthly expenses:

  • Utility bills - about 30,000 rubles.
  • Salary - from 180,000 rubles.
  • Advertising expenses - from 20,000 rubles.
  • Payment of taxes, small expenses - from 30,000 rubles.

Thus, to start, you will need at least 2 million rubles, and this is not counting monthly expenses.

Now for the profit:

  • On average, the workshop sells furniture for 600-700 thousand rubles per month.
  • If you subtract planned expenses, then the profit will be about 400 rubles.
  • Thus, furniture production will reach full payback in 21 months.

The profitability of such projects is approximately 60%, which is very good. And if we take into account the purchase of the building, then the figures are more than optimistic.

Summing up

Furniture production as a business is an expedient project, but only if you approach this issue correctly. In this case, first of all, you need to work out a good business plan, as well as a marketing strategy.

The profitability of a furniture factory, subject to the purchase of a building for a workshop, is 60%, and this is an excellent indicator in an average city. Special attention should be paid to hiring staff - the quality of work depends on their skill, and hence the efficiency of your business, profit growth.

In view of the fact that the main target audience of cabinet and upholstered furniture are young families (including those with children), owners of medium and small businesses, subject to quality work, there will be no shortage of customers.
