Ready-made solutions for the installation of security alarms, video surveillance and access control in business centers are the most common options for standard turnkey projects, which include the necessary list of equipment, its supply and installation, cable work and system setup. At the same time, any of the proposed solutions can be changed or adapted to the specific needs of the customer. We give a 1-year warranty for all installed equipment and the operation of the system as a whole. Consultation, departure of an engineer and preparation of a calculation of the cost of installing security systems - FREE OF CHARGE!

Ready kits

    Fire alarm

The main purpose of the installation fire alarm in the business center is the timely detection of fire and ensuring the fastest possible evacuation of people from the building. For this purpose, ceiling-mounted smoke detectors are installed in all rooms of the business center, which provide high accuracy in detecting smoke sources. At the same time, it is possible to use other types of detectors, for example, those that respond to changes in temperature or air composition. To manage the evacuation and warn people of danger, voice alarms and light displays are installed in the offices and corridors of the building. The cost of installing a fire alarm and warning system for a business center is calculated individually for each project. The cost of the solution we proposed is about 700 thousand rubles.

Maintenance of commercial real estate- the basis of a favorable indoor climate. Business centers have a system engineering communications, which needs regular diagnostics, replacement of worn parts and adjustment for correct operation. One of these networks is security and fire system . It guarantees the safety of personnel and property.

Business centers (BCs) are a special class of buildings, which are characterized by a large number of closed and adjacent offices. Fire emergencies are a great danger in buildings of this type. Maintenance of the security and fire system guarantees the safe use of the premises.

Regular maintenance of network elements is the basis for the smooth operation of the fire extinguishing system and fire alarm system (OPS). It must be done daily.

The main function of the alarm system is the detection of fires. The main parts of the fire alarm:

  • evacuation management system;
  • safety system;
  • perimeter security system;
  • monitoring system;
  • control devices;
  • notification system;
  • alarm message transmission system;
  • auxiliary equipment;
  • detectors.

Business centers of any class should be equipped with OPS. There are five main types of alarms:

  • Photovoltaic flue.
    They serve to recognize massive smoke, are not very susceptible to changes in climatic parameters in the room.
  • smoke video detectors.
    The camera is used as a sensor for rapid response to smoke.
  • Multitouch.
    They are aimed at detecting a number of problems, so multi-sensor systems are equipped with: gas detectors, heat and smoke sensors.
  • Thermal.
    These detectors turn on when the temperature rises.

Operation of security and fire systems

main function security and fire alarm- prompt detection of the source of fire. To maximize the likelihood of timely activation of the alarm, increase the sensitivity of the detectors. But it is determined new problem: False alarm. To avoid untimely notification, it is necessary to maintain the level of humidity and temperature, to ensure dust filtration. OPS maintenance can prevent false positives. This is a huge advantage, as a failure and the activation of an alarm can damage the plant and stop business center operation.

Fire protection systems are equipped with remote programming devices, which makes it easy to check its performance. The device records a number of readings: thermoelement parameters, alarm threshold, date of the last Maintenance, contamination of the chamber and the presence of a system for remote testing of work. Each OPS is tested and certified, and its compatibility with other engineering systems is also checked. A prerequisite use of the system is the availability of documentation from the manufacturer.

Energostar has been engaged in maintenance of low-voltage building systems. The main networks of buildings that have low voltage.

ACS in the business center security system
Sergey Kryl, General Director of the company "SMT - Implementation Center" ("SMT - VC")

Today it is difficult to imagine a business center that would not use an access control and management system (ACS). Having appeared on the domestic market in the form in which we are accustomed to seeing it now, more than 15 years ago, this equipment has become an integral part of office buildings. And there are many reasons for this.

Every day, business centers "receive" thousands of employees of different companies and a large number of visitors, which is why it is important to record and control who enters and exits the building, as well as to delimit the access of persons to different zones. Strict control is carried out both to ensure the safety of employees and visitors, and to reduce the risk of threats associated with the theft of property of tenants and building owners, theft of cars from parking lots, etc.

But the access control system in the business center performs not only the functions of controlling people entering and leaving the building and delimiting visitor access. Using this equipment, you can keep track of working time, unlock escape doors (when there are emergencies) and not only. For example, you can still track people who smoke in places where it is forbidden to do so: on balconies, evacuation stairs and in halls. Or, let's say, the following situation occurs: one of the tenant companies orders a pass for its visitors, but they do not arrive - only the ACS can confirm whether they really did not come or whether they entered the building, but for some reason did not reach tenant. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the importance of ACS in the event of various emergency situations, when you need to know exactly whether people remained inside the building or left it - otherwise you will have to go around the entire business center to find out this information and spend a lot of time, and in such every minute counts.

ACS includes such components as software and a server (the "heart" of information processing), a controller that decides whether to let a person into a particular zone or not; an identifier (card) that stores a code that determines the rights of the cardholder; a reader that receives the identifier code and transmits it to the controller; actuators (electrolatches, electric locks, turnstiles, barriers, automatic gates).

In general, all access control and management systems are of several types: autonomous (when the controller is not combined with anything and does not send data for reporting), centralized (controllers are combined, displayed on the ACS server and provide users with information about the passages through each door) and network (centralized system based on IP controllers). But the owners of business centers, as a rule, do not use autonomous access control systems, since they are not mobile and manageable, and this is important for a business center.

ACS in the business center is installed not only by the owners of the building, but also by the tenants themselves. The ACS helps the first (owners) control such areas as the entrance group (reception), parking areas, as well as internal common areas: elevator and stair halls, exits to the evacuation stairs, rooms with building life support systems. Tenants use ACS to control and manage access to the territory of their office.

As a rule, small tenant companies use the services of a business center owner who offers the installation of the system in their offices. But larger organizations that have their own rules and standards usually install access control systems in the leased area on their own. Accordingly, in the first case, the ACS of the owner of the business center and the tenant are managed together, in the second - separately.

Autonomous installation of access control systems is a very difficult task, and there are many nuances here. Very often, in our practice, we encounter the following problem: the tenant installed his own access control and management system, started using it, and only then discovered that it was not compatible with the ACS installed in the business center. This may be because, for example, the tenant has chosen ACS with HID standard identifiers, and the building owners have chosen the EM Marin standard. In principle, you can “live” with this, but the employees of the tenant company will have to carry several cards with them at once: one for the entrance group, the other for entering the office, and the third, for example, for entering / exiting the parking lot. It is very uncomfortable. In addition, this is an additional expense item: the tenant will have to spend money on the purchase of other identifiers.

To avoid such a situation, to minimize tenants' costs and make the process of using ACS more convenient, the way out can be as follows: the owner of the business center should warn the tenant in advance what type of access control and management system is installed in his business center - we recommend that this be done in the form technical requirements when concluding lease agreements. There are interface converters, and the problem can be solved - just the tenant must know all the information in advance and transfer it to a contractor that performs work on the creation of a separate tenant's ACS. By warning customers, the owner of the business center thus shows his customer focus.

I note that when self installation equipment in the leased areas, the tenant must ensure that his access control system is unblocked at the evacuation sites when a fire alarm is triggered, installed in the building by the owner of the business center. This entails the mandatory coordination of project documentation and technical solutions.

I also want to draw attention to some of the most common mistakes that are often made when forming terms of reference and design of ACS in the business center. One of them is the misestimation of the number of employees and visitors, resulting in "traffic jams" when entering / exiting the building, and people have to queue to get into the office or leave the business center. Why is this happening? Most often, this is due to the fact that the landlord did not initially take into account the peculiarities of its anchor tenants. If, for example, they are companies providing services on their premises, it should be foreseen that a large number of visitors will come to their office, who need to provide quick and convenient access to the building, etc. In business centers where there are many visitors, you can even make a separate turnstile group for guests and place it in another place, dividing the zones, for example, with a column. This will allow you to increase control and receive better reports.

Or you can regulate the flow of people with the help of artificial obstacles - for example, thanks to the organization of the movement of elevators. Suppose we know the throughput of the turnstiles: during normal operation of the system, one pass takes 2 seconds. So, if you put 10 turnstiles in the building, then 10 people will pass in 2 seconds. Thus, if we have 3 elevators, each of which can enter 10 people, and in the evening rush hours they go down at the same time, then it turns out that 30 people come to the turnstile group at the same time - it will take them about b seconds. It is more difficult to calculate throughput during the morning peak hours, as it is difficult to understand how many people will come to the business center at the same time. But if the business center organizes the transportation of people on corporate vehicles, this makes the task easier: you can calculate how many buses will arrive, at what time and how many people they will bring.

Some companies do not pay attention to the type and design of the devices to which the actuators are attached. If, for example, there is a room wooden door, whose weight is less than 90 kg, then it is not advisable to put on it an electromagnetic lock designed for metal door, - to do this, you will need additional plates. If, for example, the door is fireproof, then immediately when ordering it, you need to make a special fastening, since it is not allowed to make changes to the design of the door or the solution of this problem “results” in additional costs.

Often we are faced with the fact that when installing ACS, business center owners and tenants do not take into account from the very beginning the important fact that the access control and management system is equipment designed not only for management, but also for reporting. The fact is that these reports are in most cases formalized and do not meet the requirements of customers. It turns out that the system is installed and only then they look at the report and understand: “There is not much in this report!” or “The information in the report is not presented the way we want it to be.” And this means that the delivery of the project has to be postponed, to make improvements, which is no longer so easy to do. It would be much easier if the customer initially had information about what is needed and in what formalized form this or that report will be presented. If necessary, you can individually resolve the issue with the manufacturer or implement an additional solution that allows you to receive information in the required individual format.

Mistakes include the fact that many owners of business centers do not integrate ACS with a video surveillance system. This is a big drawback when you need to quickly find one or another emergency situation from video recordings: you have to search manually, which is inconvenient. If these two systems are integrated, everything can be done automatically: in the event of an alarm, it is possible to immediately view the video image and see who and for what reason caused the alarm. The integration of access control systems with burglar alarms, which has recently become increasingly popular, also allows you to more quickly resolve many work issues.

In conclusion, I will say that only with close interaction between the customer and the integrator company at the design stage, it is possible to subsequently install an access control system that will be best suited for a particular business center. The customer must clearly understand: what control points and doors will be, what groups of users will pass through, how many of them will be and how exactly they will enter / exit, how access to tenants will be delimited, etc. The fact is that in the case of a business center, it is especially important not only to install the equipment professionally, but also to correctly set the task for the integrator from the very beginning and calculate everything - which, unfortunately, does not always happen.

The material below has the following structure:

Description of the object

The business center is located in a four-storey detached building with a total area of ​​about 2800 sq.m. The total number of employees of the business center, excluding employees of tenant firms, is 25 people. The surrounding area is fenced. In front of the building there is parking for employees of the business center and visitors, the parking is not fenced. The entrance to the territory of the business center is controlled by a barrier controlled by a remote control. At the entrance to the business center is installed metal-plastic door filled with glass.

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The lobby is located on the first floor of the business center. There is a reception desk in the lobby where there is an employee on duty at all times, and workplace a security guard on duty who guards the business center during the day. 6 out of 12 classrooms on the first floor are rented out. The other six rooms house the administration of the business center. One room (1-5) is given over to the central security post, where there is a duty shift of guards around the clock. Three offices (1-1, 1-2, 1-3) are occupied by business center managers who receive visitors.

First floor:

There are 14 offices on the second, third and fourth floors; all 42 premises are leased. Each floor has public access areas and two corridors.

Second to fourth floors:

Access from the first floor to the other floors is by stairs. In the second corridor of each floor there is a fire exit leading to the fire escape, which is installed on the outside of the building.

The windows of the business center are not equipped with protection.

The ceilings of all rooms are sheathed with ceiling panels made of non-combustible materials at a distance of 5 cm from the main ceiling. Behind the panels is only the wiring of electric lighting.

The business center is open from 8 am to 9 pm without a lunch break. At the end of the working day, all premises of the business center are handed over to the employees of the central security post (CPO).

Setting the tasks of ensuring the safety of the object

To ensure the safety of the premises, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  1. Installation of a security alarm
  2. Installation of access control equipment in the premises occupied by the administration of the business center
  3. Organization of a checkpoint in the lobby of the business center
  4. Installation of access control equipment at the entrance to the business center and at the entrances / exits to the floors
  5. Installation of CCTV cameras in the foyer, rooms on the 1st floor and corridors of other floors to assess the situation in case of a threat of fire or theft
  6. Organization of the reception of visitors in the offices of the heads of the business center
  7. Organization of issuance of permanent and temporary access cards
  8. Organization of withdrawal of temporary passes
  9. Organization of protection of the external territory of the business center
  10. Organization of a video surveillance system in the adjacent territory of the business center
  11. Organization of video surveillance in the parking lot during working hours
  12. Organization of time tracking for employees of the administration of the business center; on request – organization of time tracking for employees of tenant firms

Technical proposal for solving the set tasks of the facility

Fire alarm installation

The presence of a large number of premises leased to various organizations requires an accurate determination of the place of ignition. Taking into account the specifics of the facility, as well as the presence of a central security post in the business center, an analog addressable fire alarm system should be used to organize a fire alarm system.

To organize a fire alarm system, taking into account the characteristics of the office, 4 fire alarm loops are required, one each PERCo-PF01-1-02 for each floor.

The fire alarm loop consists of fire smoke detectors and manual call points.

The number and installation locations of fire detectors are determined in accordance with the airbag.

To control the fire alarm loops and indicate the status of the detectors, a control panel is used PERCo-PF01-1-01, which is installed in the premises of the central guard post.

To ensure the uninterrupted operation of the fire alarm loops and the control panel, uninterruptible power supplies will be required.

Installation of a security alarm and organization of access control in the lobby

The entrance to the business center is equipped with a controller PERCo-CL02, to which the ML500 electromagnetic door lock, proximity card reader is connected PERCo-IR01 and a burglar alarm. The burglar alarm loop consists of security detectors of the "Photon 12" type.

To organize a checkpoint in the lobby of the business center, two electronic checkpoints PERCo-KT02 are installed. To organize the collection of temporary passes, 2 card readers are installed PERCo-IC01. Employees of the administration of the business center, as well as employees of tenant firms, pass through the checkpoint using contactless access cards. To automate the work of issuing access cards, software is installed Release Bureau PERCo-SM03. Visitors pass through the entrance on temporary passes, which they receive at the reception desk. Temporary passes are collected in the following way: when leaving the enterprise, the visitor first lowers the pass card into the card reader, and only after that can he pass through the turnstile. Employees of the enterprise who have cards with the right of permanent access use the card capture reader as a regular reader.

Installation of a security alarm and organization of access control in the offices of the 1st floor occupied by the administration of the business center (1-1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6)

Each office on the first floor, occupied by the administration of the business center, is equipped with a PERCo-CL02 controller, to which a security alarm loop is connected. The burglar alarm loop consists of security detectors that control volume and glass breaking. An electromechanical lock is also connected to each controller.

Contactless card readers PERCo-IR01 are connected to the controllers of rooms not intended for receiving visitors (1-4, 1-5, 1-6). Access of employees of the administration of the business center to the offices is carried out using contactless access cards.

Contactless card readers are connected to the controllers of the offices (1-1, 1-2, 1-3) of the business center managers who receive visitors PERCo-IR02 with mnemonic indication and indoor units indications PERCo-AI01 with IR receiver. The owner of the cabinet controls the access of visitors to his cabinet, without getting up from the table, using the remote control PERCo-AU01. Employee access to the offices is carried out using contactless access cards.

Installing a security alarm and organizing access control on floors 2-4

To ensure the protection of floors 2-4, video surveillance cameras with motion detectors are used. Security alarm loops consist of detectors that control the volume and are installed in the corridors. Security alarm loops are connected to PERCo-CL02 controllers that control the entrance to the floor.

To organize access control to the floors, the doors leading to the landings are equipped with electromechanical locks. Each lock is connected to a PERCo-CL02 lock controller. The controller is installed from the side of the landing. Exit control is not needed as these doors must be provided with an emergency door release button in case of fire.

Visitors and employees of tenant firms go to the floors using contactless access cards.

Video cameras installed on floors 2-4 in the corridors are also used as security devices during non-working hours.

Organization of a video surveillance system

Organization of a video surveillance system inside the business center:

Video cameras installed in the business center have a deterrent effect on visitors to the center, preventing theft and vandalism. The cameras also allow the business center security guard to quickly assess the situation in the event of an alarm during working hours. Video cameras installed in the offices of the administration of the business center create the effect of the presence of the head. Video cameras installed on floors 2-4 in the corridors are also used as security devices during non-working hours.

Surveillance cameras are installed in all company premises on the 1st floor, with the exception of toilets. When installing cameras, you must be guided by the requirement to view the entire room. Cameras are not installed in offices on floors 2-4.

To organize a video surveillance system, dome analog video cameras KT & C KPC-510D are used, connected to A-Linking 7910 IP video servers. Video servers are connected to a computer network.

In the event of an alarm situation, information from CCTV cameras is displayed on the monitor of the security guard on duty.

Information from video cameras is also displayed on the computer of the head of the administration of the business center in the "transparent building" mode. The manager has the ability to control the work of his employees.

Organization of a video surveillance system in the adjacent territory:

To analyze the situation on the territory of the business center and in the parking lot, it is necessary to install 4 outdoor video cameras WAT-300DH. The cameras are connected to A-Linking 7910 IP video servers, which are connected to a computer network.

Organization of a computer network

All system equipment is connected to a single Ethernet computer network. Since the load on the computer network and security tasks require high fault tolerance and high bandwidth, in this case it is required to organize a separate Ethernet computer network for the security system.

To configure the system and set its parameters, software is installed on the computer of the system administrator of the business center "Basic Software" PERCo-SN01 , "Administrator" PERCo-SM01.

Organization of time tracking for employees of the administration of the business center and employees of tenants at their request

The software is installed on the computer of the accountant of the business center URV PERCo-SM07. Information about the time an employee arrives at work and leaves work is stored in the system's memory. The system compares the employee's presence at the workplace with his individual work schedule, identifying lateness and early departure from work.

If necessary, the responsible officer enters supporting documents and overtime work orders into the system. Timesheets according to standard forms T-12 and T-13 are generated automatically.

Organization of the central guard post

The software is installed on the computer of the guard on duty "Central post" PERCo-SM13. By using software a graphic plan of the facility is created indicating all technical means of protection. The plan is displayed on the monitor of the guard on duty. In the event of an alarm situation, the system devices notify about the alarm. When a security or fire alarm sensor is triggered, the security guard's monitor automatically displays the image from the video cameras closest to the sensor. The security guard evaluates the event from the images displayed on the screen, weeding out false alarms and deciding on the degree of threat. Then the employee performs a rapid response: remotely controls the equipment and attracts freelance response forces.

Required Software

  1. "Basic Software" PERCo-SN01 , "Administrator" PERCo-SM01 is installed on the computer of the system administrator of the business center
  2. "Personnel" PERCo-SM02 , Pass Bureau PERCo-SM03 installed on the office administrator's computer
  3. "Transparent building" PERCo-SM15 installed on the computer of the head of the business center
  4. URV PERCo-SM07 is installed on the computer of the business center accountant
  5. "Central post" PERCo-SM13 is installed on the computer of the guard on duty

Hardware Installation Requirements

  • The reception and control panel PERCo-PF01-01 is installed in the premises of the central security post.
  • PERCo-CL02 controllers are installed indoors, next to the door at a height of 2 meters.
  • PERCo-IR02 readers are installed at a height of 1.3 meters next to the door.
  • Blocks of internal indication PERCo-AI01 are installed indoors above the door.
  • Remote door opening buttons are installed in all rooms. They are located next to the door at a height of 1 meter.


Equipment Qty
PERCo-PF01 1-01 1
PERCo-PF01 1-02 4
PERCo-CL02 14
PERCo-IR02 3
PERCo-IR01 11
PERCo-AU01 3
PERCo-AI01 3
PERCo-KT02 2
PERCo-IC01 2
BIRP 12/5A 15
Surveillance camera KT&C KPC-510D 29
Surveillance Camera WAT-300DH 5
IP video server A-linking 7910 34
Smoke detector APOLLO 55000-620 101
Manual fire detector APOLLO 55000-905 15
Light and sound annunciator "Lightning" 9
Volumetric security detector "Photon 12" 35
Detector DRS "Harp" 14
Remote control buttons 14
Electromagnetic lock ML 500 1
Electromechanical lock 13
BaseLine Switch 2016 10/100 2
Basic software 1
Administrator 1
Pass Bureau 2
transparent building 1
Staff 1
urv 1
central post 1
Disciplinary Reports 1
