Fire alarm - in the business center

In a modern city such as St. Petersburg or Moscow, business centers, large and small, play a very special role, but they are all a concentration of purposeful business people who organize the working environment to suit their goals.

But this environment must first of all be reliable and secure, right? And fire alarm systems play a key role in ensuring safety. But the presence of a fire alarm in such an object as a business center has its own characteristics, namely:

Integration of fire alarms into the infrastructure of a business center

there are several parallel existing engineering infrastructure circuits: this is a fire alarm system, and an automatic fire extinguishing system that is very closely connected with no, and a no less closely integrated voice warning system, and a ventilation system, and video surveillance systems, and access control systems. These infrastructure elements are very closely integrated with each other and it seems quite logical to create a service for centralized management of these subsystems, including the aforementioned fire alarm system. They come to help modern systems dispatching, automated control and management systems. Quite interesting are such systems using PLCs and specialized industrial servers, this allows us to provide high reliability and minimize the number of dispatchers and maintenance personnel.

Efficiency of fire alarms

  • another important feature is the critical reaction time to an alarm event: an abnormally rapid increase in the temperature in the room, which is monitored by heat detectors, the occurrence of smoke, which is instantly detected by a smoke detector, the activation of a manual fire detector, all such events are transmitted to the fire control device, which is more commonly called " fire controller. And already the fire controller initiates the activation of fire alarm mechanisms and automation responsible for interaction with other engineering systems of the business center. In any case, an alarm signal with the help of advanced technical means is communicated to the key persons in charge of the business center, who decide on the activities to be carried out.

Construction materials in the business center

  • no less important factor is the problem of materials from which the decoration and construction of business centers is carried out. For example, highly flammable plastics are very often used in interior decoration, which, in addition, emit toxic smoke during combustion, which can cause poisoning of personnel up to death. To avoid such situations, the use of fire alarms is mandatory when designing and deploying engineering infrastructure in business centers and other public buildings

Maintenance of commercial real estate- the basis of a favorable indoor climate. Business centers have a system engineering communications, which needs regular diagnostics, replacement of worn parts and adjustment for correct operation. One of these networks is security and fire system . It guarantees the safety of personnel and property.

Business centers (BCs) are a special class of buildings, which are characterized by a large number of closed and adjacent offices. Fire emergencies are a great danger in buildings of this type. Maintenance of the security and fire system guarantees the safe use of the premises.

Regular maintenance of network elements is the basis for the smooth operation of the fire extinguishing system and fire alarm system (OPS). It must be done daily.

The main function of the alarm system is the detection of fires. The main parts of the fire alarm:

  • evacuation management system;
  • safety system;
  • perimeter security system;
  • monitoring system;
  • control devices;
  • notification system;
  • alarm message transmission system;
  • auxiliary equipment;
  • detectors.

Business centers of any class should be equipped with OPS. There are five main types of alarms:

  • Photovoltaic flue.
    They serve to recognize massive smoke, are not very susceptible to changes in climatic parameters in the room.
  • smoke video detectors.
    The camera is used as a sensor for rapid response to smoke.
  • Multitouch.
    They are aimed at detecting a number of problems, so multi-sensor systems are equipped with: gas detectors, heat and smoke sensors.
  • Thermal.
    These detectors turn on when the temperature rises.

Operation of security and fire systems

main function security and fire alarm - prompt detection of the source of fire. To maximize the likelihood of timely activation of the alarm, increase the sensitivity of the detectors. But it is determined new problem: False alarm. To avoid untimely notification, it is necessary to maintain the level of humidity and temperature, to ensure dust filtration. OPS maintenance can prevent false positives. This is a huge advantage, as a failure and the activation of an alarm can damage the plant and stop business center operation.

Fire protection systems are equipped with remote programming devices, which makes it easy to check its performance. The device records a number of readings: thermoelement parameters, alarm threshold, date of the last Maintenance, contamination of the chamber and the presence of a system for remote testing of work. Each OPS is tested and certified, and its compatibility with other engineering systems is also checked. A prerequisite use of the system is the availability of documentation from the manufacturer.

Energostar has been engaged in maintenance of low-voltage building systems. The main networks of buildings that have low voltage.

Business center- this is one building or a combination of them with office space provided on a lease or property basis.

Administrative buildings- these are buildings or complexes of buildings designed to accommodate the offices of government, public or commercial structures.

In an office center (business center) or an administrative building, the installation of a fire alarm is mandatory (according to Federal Law No. 123 and SP 5.13130.2009).

Designing a fire alarm in a business center

The design of the fire-fighting system of the business center takes place at the request of the customer, based on existing documentation and the results of an inspection of the facility. At the initial stage of studying the schemes and surveys, it is possible to determine the order of costs for an automatic fire alarm. A project for an automatic fire alarm and a warning and evacuation management system is developed as soon as possible with the proper organization of interaction between the customer and the contractor.

The administrative and economic department or the chief engineer of the building is responsible for the safety of projects, acts and the maintenance of logs of regular maintenance of the APS and SOUE business center.

Installation of an automatic fire alarm

According to the agreed specification, smoke, heat, manual and other detectors, control panels, backup power supplies, cable products, elements of the warning and evacuation control system are purchased. Installation and commissioning is possible without disturbing work processes in offices. To do this, evening or night schedules for the installation of fire alarms are coordinated.

Fire-fighting automation operates autonomously or with the output of signal 01 to the monitoring station of the fire department (FC) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or a security company.

The automatic fire alarm system can be combined with automatic fire extinguishing into a single system fire safety in the business center. As part of the maintenance of the APS, we also carry out maintenance work on the fire water pipeline.

Regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements";
  • SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations. Design norms and rules.";
  • SP 3.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Warning and evacuation control system in case of fire. Fire safety requirements".

The capabilities of our company, equipment and 18 years of experience of employees allow us to offer customers different classes of burglar alarms, guaranteeing the security of private apartments and financial institutions where there is an increased risk of attack.

Reliable burglar alarm for business

Even if the office is located on a high floor of a modern business center, this does not guarantee its safety.

We are not even talking about placing offices and shops on the first floors of residential buildings - the risk of emergency in such rooms is very high! Fortunately, the problem is solved simply - it is enough to install a burglar alarm, which will promptly inform the desk officer about the incident.

We install a complete set of equipment for our clients:

  • control panel;
  • panic button;
  • motion and door opening sensors.

They instantly respond to any violations and send a signal to the duty operator of the Caesar Satellite company. Within 10 seconds, our rapid response team is sent to the scene, and government agencies (police, emergency services, ambulance) are notified about the incident.

Switching the burglar alarm to active mode is quite easy and any of the employees can do it.

Installation of an alarm in a commercial premises

If your company is visited by a large number of customers every day, if it is impossible to restrict their access, and it is impossible to verify their identity, there is only one thing left - to protect yourself by installing an alarm in the room. Banks use this service credit organizations, quick loan services and other companies that may have an attractive amount for a robber in the cash register.

How to install a burglar alarm

  • 1. Specialists conduct an inspection of the building to identify weak spots and offer their recommendations for improving the security of the company's premises - additional gratings, strengthening walls, installing armored glass.
  • 2. Next, you choose the optimal set of equipment for installation security system. Based on our experience, we are ready to offer everyone an ideal option in terms of cost and efficiency - motion and door opening sensors, an alarm button, a system control panel.
  • 3. Be sure to sign a contract for installation and maintenance.

How much does it cost to install a Caesar Satellite alarm?

Our company develops, improves and installs reliable security alarms for various types of commercial premises: shops, banks, pawnshops. We offer our clients solutions of various complexity, depending on the security requirements.

What determines the cost of a burglar alarm?

The price depends on what set of equipment you order. Depending on the number and type of sensors in the kit, the monthly cost of their maintenance also changes. You get qualified assistance, which is much cheaper than indemnification and litigation with insurance companies.

How much does it cost to install an alarm?

Based on need and experience, we offer customers three different types security equipment.

  • Alarm button. Your office or shop has a control panel, a wired or wireless button that sounds an alarm, and a warning label. This kit is enough for small banks, pawnshops and shops. The price of equipment is 4,500 rubles or 6,500 rubles for wired and wireless options, respectively. The cost of maintenance is 4,500 rubles per month for offices and 5,000 rubles per month for shops.
  • Security alarm. The room contains a control panel, a motion sensor, a door open detector and a keyboard. The price of equipment is 9,500 rubles, the cost of maintenance is 4,000 rubles per month for offices and 5,000 rubles per month for shops.
  • Panic button + Burglar alarm. Combines the previous 2 options and is suitable for the protection of main offices in banks and vaults. The price of wireless equipment is 10,500 rubles, the cost of maintenance is 5,600 rubles per month for offices and 7,500 rubles per month for stores.

If in doubt, please contact us for a preliminary consultation. We will help you choose a kit that meets your requirements and offer an affordable price for installing an alarm system. Fill out the form to leave a request, or request a call back in one click!

We equip facilities fire alarm systems various types depending on the tasks facing the customer: unaddressed And targeted(threshold and analog) systems.

Unaddressed systems OPS are the most common and accessible of those listed, in the event of a fire detector being triggered, the alarm on the control panel will display a fire message throughout the entire loop.

Address systems are more progressive and allow more flexible adjustment of the fire alarm operation mode, taking into account the specifics of the room, the level of interference, and determine the location of the fire with an accuracy of the detector and at the same time cut off false alarms.

Installed systems

What do we offer:

The Grand Prix company offers a range of services to ensure fire protection your object. Using proven and effective solutions, we carry out fire alarm installation in strict accordance with established requirements and standards. Wherein fire alarm design performed taking into account all the features of the object.

The range of services also includes maintenance fire alarm, which includes routine maintenance in accordance with the norms TO-1 and TO-2, repair work. Fire alarm systems , from the Grand Prix Company will be an excellent guarantee of the safety of your facility!
