What to do in the garden, in flower beds and in the garden in October.

List of works in the country in October

October is the second month of autumn, and the hassle continues. (We must have time to remove late harvest - the first frosts begin, ice appears on the water. It's time to get ready for winter.

Signs of October

Foliage from birch and oak begins to fly around at the same time - by the harsh winter.

On Pokrov the wind blows from the east - winter will be cold.

Thunder is thundering in October - winter will be short, mild, snow-white.

In October the first snow fell - in 40 days wait for winter.

If the north wind blows on October 3, it will be cold, if the south wind is warm, if the west wind is sputum, if the east wind is a bucket.

October 14 - Pokrov, wedding season begins. If the wind is changeable that day, the winter will also be changeable.

Works on the lunar calendar for October

New moon... On the new moon, you cannot plant and transplant plants, but this time is perfect for foliar feeding home plants.

Waxing Crescent... Favorable time for planting and replanting shrubs and trees, a good time for winter sowing. Take care of disinfecting greenhouses, replanting plants, and pruning bushes.

In the middle of the waxing moon phase, you should rest for a couple of days - you can neither plant nor sow. And at the end of the phase, you can start planting bulbs and herbs for forcing and winter sowing. Also, this time is suitable for pest control.

Full moon... You can not engage in planting and planting plants.

Waning moon.The first few days of the waning moon are favorable for feeding seedlings and planting winter crops - garlic, onions, hyacinths.

The next few days should be devoted to sowing vegetables and flowers in winter, as well as carrying out sanitary work in the garden to harvest and trim unnecessary plant residues. Use this time to water and feed the plants - they will winter better, the main thing is not to touch the aboveground part.

At the end of the phase, the remaining crop is harvested, unnecessary branches are cut off, excess shrubs and trees are cut down, and order is put on the site.

List of works in the garden and vegetable garden

They collect apples and pears that have not yet been removed, sort out and put the fruits for storage. Bad fruits are harvested and burned along with the foliage. Also at this time, the root crops of carrots, beets, radishes are harvested for winter storage.

After the leaves fall off, the trees are treated with a 3% solution of Bordeaux mixture. It is also good to water the entire depth of the rhizome, which will serve as a good moisture charge for the tree. It is necessary to insulate the root system of trees with manure, dry leaves and humus.

Early October is a good time to plant fruit trees several weeks before the start of frost. Saplings are planted in pre-prepared planting pits, where the soil will not be flooded in spring. The roots are covered with earth, compact the earth, irrigate, protect against rodents.

To scare away hares mix 300 g of naphthalene, 100 g copper sulfate, 2 l vegetable oil, 3.5 kg of soap and 400 g of turpentine, this mixture is diluted in 10 liters of water. The solution is applied to the bark.

If there are clutches of viburnum leaf beetle and hawthorn on the trunks, it's time to get rid of them. Contaminated parts are cleaned or cut and burned.

Sowing vegetables in winter

To receive next year good harvest onions you need to plant sowing onions with a diameter of 1 cm.

In October, the remaining harvest of white cabbage, red cabbage, and Brussels sprouts is harvested.

October - good month for digging up horseradish rhizomes. Leeks are harvested at the same time. Dig the onion, cut off the feathers, leaving the tip up to 20 cm, cut the root lobe, tie the onion into bunches. It is best to store onions in a cool, ventilated, dry and dark place.

Before freezing, the remaining herbs and perennial onions can be transplanted into pots and taken home, so that there will always be fresh herbs in winter.

In October, the time comes to prepare the beds for winter sowing of dill, radishes, carrots, parsley in the frozen ground. They store up the earth for filling the seeds, make grooves 1 cm deep.

Although most of the harvest has already been harvested, there is still late cabbage in the beds, which continues to grow. Therefore, it needs to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and do not forget to water.

Shrub Care in October

This time is suitable for planting shrubs. Black currants are planted with a slope, the roots are buried 8 cm in the ground. Gooseberries are planted without tilting and deepened only 6 cm. In October, they finish trimming raspberries. The shoots of this year are carefully bent to the ground, fixed and covered so that they winter better.

Currants and gooseberries in October are spud 12 cm and covered with material.

Strawberries need protection if the beds with them are located on a hill. It is covered with shavings, sawdust, spruce branches or other covering material with a layer of up to 15 cm.

Flower garden workers in October

In flowers with basal leaves (bluish aster, heuchera, carnations, gravilat, daylily, lupine, polypetal, primrose, pyrethrum), leaves and faded stems are cut low.

In order for evening primrose to grow, it is necessary to cut off the stems, leaving small rosettes with green leaves.

The leaves of the iris must be cut off, leaving 15 cm high.In the oriental poppy, the root green leaves are not touched, only the stems are cut off, the soil around is loosened and composted to a height of 5 cm.

After the first frost, the gonia tubers are harvested for winter storage. Begonia is well examined, the damaged ground part is cut off, the tubers with roots are placed in boxes and put in a cool, dry, ventilated room.

They begin to prepare roses for wintering. They huddle, cut off the buds and tops of the shoots. After the first frost, you can do late gladioli. The plants are cut off from the leaves and stem, leaving only 1.5 cm, the resulting bulbs are laid out in boxes with ventilation, put to dry at a temperature of + 20-25 ° C. After a couple of days, they are put for a week in a place where the temperature is about +35 ° C. When the bulbs are dry, they are peeled and dried at a temperature of about +20 ° C for another 1 month.

This time is suitable for galvanic work. It is necessary to cut off the stem at the base, then dry the resulting bulbs for 1-2 weeks in a dry, dark, well-ventilated area. Dried bulbs are put in a cardboard box and stored at temperatures up to 12 ° C.

You can also do acidantera. The stems are cut to the base, the bulbs themselves are dried at a temperature of +20 degrees, then stored in a well-ventilated room.

October is suitable for perennial flowers that remain in the ground for the winter. In astilba, aster, cornflower, catchment, Gaillardia, gypsophila, delphinium, goldenrod, bellflower, coreopsis, lily of the valley, lyatris, lily, lychnis, milkweed, monarda, peony, rudbeckia, scabiosa, yarrow, phlox and stubbly leaves only about 3 cm.

We need to take care of the dahlias. After the first frost, when the flowers are damaged, you can already dig out the tubers for winter storage. The dahlias are unstuck, cut off the stems, leaving 10 cm, make a groove around the dahlia, dig up the tubers with a pitchfork. Carefully shake off the tubers and wash off the soil, dry a little. When the tubers are dry, they are examined, small roots are cut off, damaged and diseased areas are removed, the cuts are sprinkled with chopped charcoal. Then the tubers are placed in a cool place with temperatures up to + 10 ° C for 2-3 weeks. The dried tubers are placed in a box covered with paper, sprinkled with sawdust, river dry sand, and covered with paper on top. The boxes are placed in a cool and dry place with a temperature of +5 ° C and humidity up to 60%.

Clematis are removed and cut, leaving only a knot from the ground. They are also fed with fertilizer and sprinkled with compost under the flowers.

Bulbous perennial plants (daffodils, lilies and hyacinths), prepared for winter, are covered with dry foliage, opiates and spruce branches, which will protect the bulbs from frost in winter. And spruce branches will also protect the bulbs from rodents.

Vineyard Care in October

After harvesting, it is time to fight pests and diseases, so the grapes are treated with drugs. Then they plant strong seedlings from the school, since at this time they are better accepted and develop the root system. Young shoots are covered with peat and spruce branches, old bushes are cut off, laid in grooves prepared in advance. Pruned unsuitable plant parts of the vineyard are dried and burned.

Outside the window, leaves are already falling in full, which means that autumn is gaining momentum and very soon the cold will come. We have compiled for you a list of things to do in October. That this autumn month remembered for the whole cold winter... And so, what needs to be done in October.

To-do list:

1. Buy a bright umbrella. If you don't have a bright umbrella yet, then you should rather get one. Yellow and orange umbrellas will keep you warm in the heaviest rain.

2. Bake cookies in the form of autumn leaves. Delight your friends and loved ones with delicious cookies in the form of autumn leaves, cones or acorns.

3. Replenish stocks of delicious and aromatic tea. It is better to serve cookies with delicious tea. Discover new flavors of aromatic tea.

4. Throw a fun Halloween party. The end of the month promises a fun and scary life. Be sure to throw your Halloween party and invite all your friends to it.

5. Prepare a pumpkin dish. The crop has already been harvested, which means that culinary experiments can be arranged. Pumpkin can be used to make a delicious soup or bake a large pie.

6. Choose a warm October day and have a picnic in the park. You need to have time to enjoy the last warm day of autumn. Bring a warm blanket, hot tea and sandwiches with you.

7. Rustle with autumn leaves. It's so amazing to step on fallen leaves and hear them rustle beneath you.

8. Get plenty of cycling. We use the last October days to the maximum, we ride a bike because winter will come very soon.

9. Watch the birds fly south.

10. Arrange an autumn photo session. Treat yourself to the memories of this fall. Arrange an autumn photo shoot in the open air or in the autumn decoration of a photo studio.

11. Collect a bouquet of autumn leaves. A bouquet of autumn leaves can be used as a props for a photo shoot or as a gift to your parents.

12. Collect and dry the herbarium. Remember how in childhood we collected a herbarium and laid it out in books.

13. Enjoy a new harvest of honey. The bees have been working all summer and collecting delicious honey, now it's time to enjoy it. And hot milk with honey will help not to get sick this fall.

14. Bake cinnamon apple pie. We continue to improve our culinary skills and our next turn is to cook the most delicious charlotte.

15. Arrange a romantic evening with your loved one. Don't forget about your loved ones. Give them a romantic evening with candles and a warm blanket.

16. Cook mulled wine. The most warming drink of autumn and the coming winter is Mulled wine. Come up with your own unique recipe and surprise your loved ones with it.

17. Get a warm sweater. Perhaps many of you have already completed this point, and who have not yet, then forward into the closet in search of the warmest sweater.

19. Go to a cafe with friends. Invite your friends to an interesting cafe, which you have never been to. And be sure to order a new drink for you.

20. Arrange your October Fest. Have a lot of fun at your October Fest.

21. Get your favorite rubber boots. Not all footwear can withstand heavy rains and rubber boots will come to the rescue. If you have not yet acquired this wardrobe item, then you urgently need to arrange shopping.

22. Draw an autumn landscape. Add a little creativity to your soy life. Very golden - this is a great opportunity to learn how to draw.

The summer season has come to an end, but, my dear summer residents, this does not mean at all that we can now relax and sit back. You will drink tea with jam and look at summer photographs in winter, but for now you need to prepare for it.

In the garden and vegetable garden in October still a lot of work. We are slowly preparing the beds so that in the spring we can only sow them, if you have been going to plant trees or bushes all summer, and only now have acquired them - plant, do not pull.

But in the regime of chronic time pressure it is possible (and it is more correct!) To dig in the seedlings. So they will perfectly survive the winter, and in the spring, plant them in prepared pits.

This is better than doing all the "tyap-blooper" and condemning the plant to a difficult winter. And in general, do not do everything in a hurry, think over the planting and work in advance, because then remodeling is more expensive for yourself. In general, more than one fine day is still needed to work in the garden and in the garden.

In early October, warm days of golden autumn can still please us with their bright bliss. This is the time when foliage falls from the trees and covers the cooling earth with a lush warm carpet.

And at the end of the month "manna" from heaven is already pouring into the beds. And then even the most persistent summer residents will want home comfort.

Summer was generous, warmth was enough for us, and flowers, and harvest. And now we need to have time to prepare the plots for winter so that the frost does not spoil the bushes and trees, and does not destroy perennials.

So what do we need to do so that the new season will please with an excellent harvest and how not to miss something.

October - "garden month"

In the garden there is a dance of falling leaves. How wisely nature is arranged! So that the roots do not chill in the ground, the trees themselves make sure that they are at least a little warmer.

From this observation, we, dear summer residents, can draw a very useful conclusion: before the arrival of winter, it is good to cover perennial plants with a feather bed made of fallen leaves. Birch foliage is best suited for this.

If you haven't finished yet, hurry up to make them in the first half of October, because the frosts are not far off.

We remove the last harvest of apples and pears of late varieties

In order to keep them longer, we collect the fruits dry, immediately after the dew recession and always with a stalk. We will carefully inspect the harvested crop and all the fruits that do not have mechanical and other damage, we put them in boxes lined with paper, sprinkle with sawdust, or you can wrap each fruit in parchment paper or paper napkins, which will significantly improve the storage mode, since if any the fruit and rot, then it will not infect the rest.

I advise you to put the boxes with fruits in the shed first, and only then, with the onset of cold weather, transfer them to the basement, where they will be further stored at low positive temperatures.

If we immediately put the apples and pears removed from the tree in storage, then due to the temperature difference, the fruits can sweat and the likelihood of their spoilage increases. It is best to put boxes in the basement when the temperatures in the basement and outside are equal.

Early October finishing cleaning chokeberry ... Its berries make excellent jam, as well as jams and juices.

We also finish cleaning remontant varieties of raspberries.

The last of fruit crops we remove the quince, as it ripens rather late - only in mid-October. It is not edible fresh, because the pulp is very tough, but still there are lovers who really like it, especially for its unique aroma.

But quince can be used to prepare delicious processed products: preserves, jams, jam, juice with pulp.

Saplings of fruit trees in the nursery

We continue planting fruit trees and bushes, but we are trying to complete it by mid-October, since the plants planted later fall into the risk zone.

Autumn is the best time to buy planting material. At this time, in all nurseries, there is a massive digging of seedlings, so in the fall there is the most diverse and large assortment of planting material and, accordingly, the best opportunities for choosing.

In the spring, only that planting material remains that could not be sold in the fall.

If you plan to rejuvenate or expand the garden, then purchase the seedlings right now, in the fall. Winter hardy varieties apple trees, raspberries, currants, gooseberries are best planted immediately in a permanent place. And the seedlings of the rest of the less winter-hardy fruit crops will be better to dig in for spring planting.

Many amateur gardeners still prefer to buy seedlings in the spring, because they do not know how to properly preserve them until spring. And it’s not that difficult.

So that the seedlings are well preserved until spring, dig them in on your site, choosing a well-warmed high place for this, which will not be flooded with melt water either in spring or in winter during thaws.

Then, in the selected area, we dig a ditch in the direction from east to west, about 50 cm deep and 100-120 cm wide (the dimensions depend on the size of the seedlings).

We make the southern wall of the ditch inclined, and we fold the excavated earth to the north side. We lay the planting material obliquely in one row, so that the entire root system and a third of the trunk are in the groove.

The crown must be oriented to the south. This arrangement greatly reduces the risk of burns to the stems of seedlings from the bright sun in February-March. Carefully spread the roots along the southern sloped wall of the groove.

Do not forget to just write down the sequence in which the varieties are located and the amount of each variety in the direction from east to west. Then in the spring you can easily determine the variety of each seedling. As a safety net, you can also hang a thick foil label on each seedling with the name of the variety squeezed out on it.

Now you can cover the seedlings with earth, trampling it tightly to the roots. If the weather is dry at this time, then the ground must be well watered.

General cleaning of the lawn

In winter, the most difficult thing is for the lawn, in this regard, we will try to prepare it well for the cold weather.

If, after the last haircut, the grass has grown a lot, then it is necessary to cut it, but not too short, leaving a height of 5-8 cm.

Sprinkle seeds on the formed "bald patches". The ants will not have time to take them apart, and in the spring the seeds will have time to rise before the first haircut.

Be sure to feed the lawn with potash fertilizers, thanks to which our lawn can safely survive even severe frosts.

There is no place for fallen leaves, grass felt and debris on the lawn, so we take a frequent rake and thoroughly "comb" our lawn.

If the fall is too rainy, then it is necessary to pierce the sod with a pitchfork to the maximum possible depth. This is done in order to drain excess water into the lower soil layers.

Otherwise, as soon as frost hits, the wet lawn will be covered with an ice crust, and by the spring ugly bald patches will form on it.

October pruning

There are plants that do not tolerate spring pruning well. These are many berries, including actinidia, in which sap flow begins early in the spring.

Therefore, it is better to cut them off at the beginning of October, since by this time the plants have finished all vital processes and they are ready for winter. But there is still time for the healing of wounds (before the onset of stable frosts).

We talked about pruning currants, gooseberries, raspberries in previous articles, so now we will learn how to do the annual pruning of actinidia. The procedure for pruning actinidia:

    first, we cut out all thin and broken shoots, and then weak and thickening the crown;

    remove 1-2 vines that have been bearing fruit for 3 years, cutting them out to a powerful branch of a young vine located lower to the ground;

    we shorten vegetative shoots to the desired length when they occupy the intended for them free space on a support;

    we cut the generative-vegetative shoots, which are formed on last year's growth, up to 30 cm long;

    evenly distribute on the trellis all the shoots remaining on the vine, so that they can grow freely in the future and diffused light passes through them in a leafy state.

Work in the garden

Gardeners are trying to complete all seasonal work by mid-October, because not everyone had enough time in September to cope with harvesting and preparing the garden for winter.

Harvesting late vegetables

At the beginning of the month, we dig out the remains of cauliflower, and then, after the Intercession, and late white cabbage. We cut down the heads of cabbage and carry them away from the garden.

If frozen water with ice is found at the top of the leaves, then remove the covering leaves, dry the heads of cabbage and put them in storage.

And if there are foci of rot, we fill them with a mixture of sand, slaked lime and chalk. After the white cabbage, we start harvesting the late Brussels sprouts. To keep it better and longer brussels sprouts, it is recommended to dig it out with the roots and dig it in the basement into a large deep box in wet sand, or hang it with the roots up on the crossbar. The temperature in the basement must be maintained at a level of +1 ... + 2 degrees.

Having determined the cabbage for storage, we return to the site and dig out all the stumps with roots remaining in the ground. Don't leave a single root in the ground!

And the point is not only in the cleanliness of the site (although this is also very important), but also in the fact that cabbage fly larvae winter on the roots of cabbage. And if we do not remove the stumps, then in the spring, as soon as the earth thaws, these larvae will warm up and on the same roots will begin a feast, invisible to us summer residents.

And in June, as soon as we plant fresh cabbage seedlings, young cabbage flies that have just come out will attack it.

We dig out radishes, parsnips and celery, and small roots of parsley and celery can be left before winter so that in early spring you can already have fresh herbs on your table.

At the end of the month, we collect Jerusalem artichoke tubers. Be sure to leave some of the tubers in the ground for the winter - new plants will grow from them in the spring. Jerusalem artichoke grows well in one place for no more than 5 years, then it is better to transplant it to a new place. It is better to store the tubers in the basement, layering them with earth so that they do not dry out.

After the onset of frost, you can dig up horseradish, because it was by this time that the plant had accumulated the greatest amount of nutrients and it turns out fragrant, sweetish and not so vigorous. We select the roots cleanly, otherwise horseradish will grow throughout the entire area, dry them and put them in the refrigerator in a plastic bag.

To dig or not to dig?

Digging the earth is another mandatory autumn procedure. Although more and more recently, doubts about its expediency have been spoken about. Many supporters of natural farming believe that digging the soil leads to the death of beneficial soil microorganisms and promotes the growth of weed seeds. And our attempt to give the roots air, sometimes these very roots and ruins.

To understand to dig or not to dig the ground, of course, it is best to experiment yourself. But you should still take into account the type of soil. So, for example, heavy clayey and uncultivated soils require digging in autumn. While light and loose soils, it is enough to deep loosening with a flat cutter.

To cultivate the soil in the garden, you should start immediately after harvesting, while carefully removing the weeds and applying the necessary fertilizers.

And if, nevertheless, we decide to experiment, then let's take several beds for our experiment and, without digging, process them with a flat cutter, and then cover them with a thick, even layer of mulch (hay and straw), level them well and tamp them.

The layer should be at least 10 cm. This is not so much, since in spring, when the snow melts, this layer will not be so large.

From autumn to spring, ideal conditions for the active growth of soil microflora, which will inhibit the development of pathogenic microbes, will indeed remain under this layer.

In addition, earthworms will "fatten", which in the course of their life provide food to the soil and loosen it.

Proponents of natural farming believe that seedlings and seeds should be planted in spring without removing the mulch layer, but only slightly raking the mulch and digging holes for the seedlings.

And we sow the seeds in this way: we rake the mulch, make furrows, put seeds in them, lightly sprinkle them with earth, and then return the mulch layer to its place.

Moisture is well retained under such a layer of mulch, so the seeds and seedlings can be watered less often, and in the early spring period it is generally not worth watering, since the mulch retains snow moisture well in the soil.

Also, a favorable microclimate is created under the mulch, which contributes to the rapid germination of seeds and the rooting of seedlings.

Finally, the decomposition of the mulch provides excellent root dressing. And all this with minimal cost for fertilization and watering. Moreover, we will save our strength, and this is very important for any summer resident.

Getting ready for winter crops

In the first half of October, we plant winter garlic on prepared beds.

In areas with unstable, frequently changing weather, it is very difficult to predict the timing of planting, but the plants must have time to root well, but at the same time not give green shoots, otherwise they may freeze. And later plantings can also suffer from frost, since they do not have time to form a root system.

It is best to plant garlic at a time when the average daily air temperature no longer rises above 10 degrees.

For planting, we use chives, bulbs and one-tooth. We plant the cloves to a depth equal to three diameters of a clove or bulb.

After a slight freezing of the soil on the plantings of garlic, it is advisable to mulch them with peat compost or cover them with a small layer of fallen leaves.

From mid-October to early November, we start sowing vegetable crops before winter: carrots, parsley, dill, lettuce, spinach, radishes, turnips, rutabagas, celery, onion seeds for a turnip.

It is best to start sowing in the pre-winter season, when the soil temperature drops to 2-3 degrees, and experienced vegetable growers are already sowing when the soil begins to freeze 2-5 cm in depth and only thaws a little during the day. Of course, we will prepare the beds in advance in September and cover them with covering material so that the grooves are not washed away by rains.

It is very important that the seedlings do not appear in the fall, as in this case they will freeze.

But if the seeds leave unsprouted before winter, then neither winter frosts nor spring cold snaps will adversely affect the sowing. And in early spring, more friendly and even shoots will appear, and the harvest can be obtained 2-3 weeks earlier than with spring sowing.

Another advantage of podzimnogo sowing is that in the spring we will have free time for other work and sowing other crops in more favorable terms.

It is important to pay attention to the following rules for winter sowing:

    We choose high areas with loose fertile soil, which dry out quickly in spring, warm up, and most importantly, do not flood.

    Seeds are sown dry.

    The seeding rate should be higher than in spring, as most likely not all seeds can sprout.

    Sprinkle the seeds not with earth, but with a mixture of good humus and sand, which must be prepared in advance. From above, the planting can still be covered with dry leaves.

Digging out useful roots

Let's pick a fine day in early October and start collecting roots medicinal plantsthat grow in or near the garden. it best time for collecting the roots of dandelion, burdock, wheatgrass, chicory, angelica and calamus.

We wash the dug roots in running water, blot with a napkin. Then we cut them into cubes and dry them in a well-ventilated area. We store dry roots in a kitchen cabinet in a tightly closed glass jar no more than three years.

It is also important to do:

We remove and burn vegetable waste

    We dig (in the second decade of October) old, no longer fruitful trees, while trying not to leave roots in the soil. Then you can saw them and burn them. Next, you need to treat the soil with a solution of copper sulfate (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) in those places where they grew and dig it up. In place of dug old trees, fruit crops are not planted for 3 years, but it is better to sow legumes (peas, beans, lupine). Seedlings can be grown nearby.

    We will feed those plants that did not have time to feed at the end of September, then, if the autumn is dry, we will carry out the autumn water-charging irrigation of berry and fruit crops, ornamental perennials.

    We weed rhubarb, sorrel, asparagus, onion and other perennial crops, cut off old leaves, loosen and feed. To do this, it is best to mulch them with compost with a layer of 2-3 cm.It is possible to make a complex around the plants, in the grooves. mineral fertilizer and immediately embedded in the soil.

    If your garden is located on a slope, then in order to prevent soil washout, we dig deep intermittent furrows across the slope or we make earthen rollers.

    We prepare pits for planting seedlings in spring and fill them with fertilizers.

    We will prepare the soil in the beds for spring crops - we add potassium and phosphorus, manure, ash. It is good to cover the finished beds with black film to protect the soil and better warm up in spring.

    You can not weed the beds heavily overgrown with weeds, but simply cover them with a dark film and by the next season the weeds themselves will die.

    We drain the water from the vessels, barrels, drain the water from the pipes, fold the hoses and bring everything into the utility room.

    We remove all plant debris, dry fallen leaves and tops and put everything in compost heaps.

    We clean the ditches, gutters, drainage system from pollution. If necessary, we repair the drainage system, water supply, paths, buildings.

    On a dry sunny day, we will collect all the sticks and supports that we put under tomatoes, beans and other crops. They will still be useful to us in the next summer season. Before folding them under the canopy, treat them with a solution of copper sulfate and dry them thoroughly.

    Regularly, starting in October, we inspect stored cabbage, root crops and potatoes and remove spoiled fruits.

    We hang bird feeders in the garden.

    Tightly tie the stems of young trees with spruce branches, roofing felt, synthetic bags, deepening the lower end of the harness into the ground. Just do not use straw or reeds for tying, as they are an excellent refuge for overwintering many harmful insects.

These are, perhaps, all the main works. Work at the dacha this season is almost completed and now you can relax a little.

See you soon, dear friends!

In early October, there are several urgent works in the garden, the implementation of which is a guarantee good growth and plant development next year. Have time to do everything!

Although it got colder, and outside the window it rains and winds, but it is still good autumn garden - variegated asters and chrysanthemums, scarlet "blackberry", fiery marigolds and tender octobrines replace the sun with personal plot... And the weather clears up a little, throwing on a jacket, the gardener is armed with a pruner, then a shovel - there are still many things to do in October.

Before the snow, it is necessary to prepare the site for wintering.

Planting trees and shrubs

The best times to plant deciduous trees and shrubs with open roots are from late September to 15 October. Planting is best done in pits prepared in advance and filled with fertile soil and fertilizers (preferably in 2 to 3 weeks), since by the time of planting the soil has time to settle, and the fertilizers mix and dissolve.

Good survival of seedlings will be ensured by the use of root or heteroauxin when planting. To protect new plantings from freezing (in case of unexpected severe frosts), it is advisable to mulch the trunks after abundant watering with peat chips or bark.

Planting tulips

If the second half of September is the time for planting small-bulbous, then October is tulips. According to a previously developed planting plan, they begin to lay out the bulbs in flower beds, and then to plant them. It is better to plant with a scoop or special planter to a depth of about 10 cm.

Pruning plants

There are a number of plants that do not tolerate spring pruning well (eg maple, birch, actinidia). It is better to cut them off in early October, since by this time the plants have finished sap flow, they are preparing for winter, and before the onset of stable frosts there will still be time for wound healing.

After falling leaves, you can cut currants, gooseberries, raspberries. At this time, they begin to rejuvenate the raspberry bushes, removing the fertile stems.

Autumn digging of tree trunks

The best time to complete this work is the beginning of yellowing of the leaves, that is, before the active growth of roots in autumn.

The depth of digging under the trees is 8 - 10 - 20 cm (to the level of occurrence of the suction roots, which is determined by the control excavation according to the crown projection), and under the bushes - 5 - 8 cm. Digging the soil reduces the number of pests that winter in the soil. Once on the surface, they die from frost.

Top dressing

As a rule, the digging of near-trunk circles is combined with the application of fertilizers. Most often this is done in September and early October. Fertilization rates depend on the type of soil, culture, age and condition of the plantings.

Organic fertilizers are applied at the rate of 4 - 8 kg of humus or compost per 1 sq. square meter. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are also applied: 30 - 40 g of superphosphate and 15 - 20 g of potassium nitrate or potassium salt.

On acidic soils, lime 150 - 300 g per square meter is added for digging. meter or wood ash - 300 - 500 g per sq. meter.

Winter watering

In autumn, the root system begins to grow intensively in trees and shrubs, and for normal root growth it is required good watering... It is usually held in the second decade of October, taking into account, undoubtedly, the weather conditions, as well as the proximity of groundwater.

However, when choosing the timing of watering, you need to consider the following. If October is warm, then it is necessary to shift these dates to a later one, since a large amount of moisture, combined with good, warm weather, can have the opposite effect - the buds will begin to bloom, the secondary growth of young shoots will begin and the winter hardiness of the plant will sharply decrease.

Watering is especially important if there was a dry summer and early fall. Abundant watering is carried out to a depth of 50 - 60 cm, when the average daily temperature drops +5 - +2 C. It is called podzimnim.

Podwinter watering is of great importance, since a large amount of moisture in the soil does not allow it to freeze quickly, thereby improving wintering conditions for plants, minimizing deformation of the root system and providing a sufficient amount of moisture in spring.

Autumn spraying of plants

  • if there were fungal diseases on the trees and bushes, as well as for their prevention, then it is good to sprinkle them with a 6 - 8% solution of ferrous sulfate;
  • spraying branches, trunks and soil under trees and bushes with a 1% solution of copper sulfate will also help against fungal diseases;
  • if on fruit trees there was a scab, then they are sprayed after removing the fruits, but before leaf fall with a 4% urea solution.

Collection of fallen leaves

Fallen leaves must be removed from the lawn and from the orchard. Leaves should not be left on the lawn, as the grass under the foliage begins to deteriorate with the onset of autumn rains.

If the foliage is healthy, then it can be composted, and if there are signs of fungal diseases, then it is better to burn such leaves. IN fruit garden be sure to destroy the carrion, since it is a source of infections at the site.

Lawn care

As a rule, the last mowing of the lawn is carried out on October 15-20, depending on the weather, the mowing height should be 1 to 3 centimeters higher than usual. You should not let the grass unmown in winter, because during the winter dead plant parts will cause the appearance of rot, mold and other fungal diseases.

However, it is not recommended to mow the grass just before frost so as not to weaken it. After mowing, the lawn must be combed, thus removing the dead felt, which interferes with the vegetation of plants in winter.

Garden decor ideas in October

The bright pumpkin will be especially noticeable on garden bench under a deserted tree.

Large stones and boulders are mysterious in early spring and late autumn. The trimmed grass around will only emphasize their monumentality.

IN garden gazebo: throw a handful of bright beads or pebbles on a flat plate, put a couple of apples nearby - a simple still life will cheer you up on a cloudy day.


October is one of the best months for a vacation in Mauritius. At this time, the hot season begins there and there is no rain, at least in the northern and western parts of the island. So you can bask on the beaches, swim in the warm Indian Ocean, dive, surf and enjoy the Mauritian nature in its very colors.

  • Air temperature: 26-27 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 22-25 ° C.
  • Visa:
  • Cost of living: from 938 rubles per night.
  • : from 113 277 rubles.


Galapagos is another great island destination for an October getaway. There, as well as in Mauritius, at this time the weather is warm and dry, but most importantly, the unique nature of these places is still in all its glory.

The “peak” season for birds and fish lasts until the end of October, but the number of people on the archipelago is noticeably less. Therefore, you can enjoy snorkeling and diving in peace and simply explore the islands, almost all of which are national parks.

  • Air temperature: 25-27 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 23 ° C.
  • Visa: .
  • Cost of living: from 881 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 22 671 rubles.


Although the Canary Islands are considered a year-round resort, beach vacation it is better to go there in summer or not too late autumn. October is perfect: the ocean is still very warm, which means you can swim and lie on the sand all day long. It can be black (volcanic), yellow or white depending on the island.

The easiest way to get to the main island of Tenerife: there are direct flights from Moscow.

That is why there will be many compatriots (and tourists in general) there. The second most popular island among vacationers is Gran Canaria. For a more secluded getaway, head to Lanzarote (and be sure to visit the local volcanic national park with alien landscapes) or relaxed Fuerteventura, an island favored by windsurfers thanks to steady winds.

  • Air temperature: 20-23 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 18-19 ° C.
  • Visa: not required within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 514 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 11 661 rubles. But you can save on buying tickets if you use Aviasales.


Hot and crowded Istanbul empties by mid-autumn, and the temperature in the city drops to a very comfortable one. So at this time you can explore the ancient city and surroundings without fuss.

If you are a connoisseur contemporary art or are you related to design, there is another reason to go to the Turkish capital. This is the Istanbul Design Biennale. It will take place from September 22 to November 4.

Of course, only the bravest will be able to swim in the sea. But it is quite possible to drive along the empty coasts, sunbathe and, perhaps, get into the water on a particularly fine day in October.

  • Air temperature: 27–31 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 26-27 ° C.
  • Visa: not required within 90 days.
  • Cost of living: from 974 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 20 355 rubles.


October is ideal for visiting Israel: the sweltering heat is gone, and the water of all three seas washing the country warms up to a very pleasant temperature. You are free to choose any coastal city for your vacation, but Tel Aviv will be one of the optimal options... There you can swim and dive into the cultural and nightlife: after all, this is the Israeli capital of entertainment.

In addition, Jerusalem is located about 60 km from Tel Aviv. It, along with other ancient sights, is worth visiting in October, when there is still no such influx of pilgrims as in winter.

  • Air temperature: 14–20 ° C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 1 836 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 12 593 rubles.


October in Paris is rich in events. First, a large-scale gastronomic event - the Week of Taste - is taking place in the culinary capital. During it, French food tastings, master classes and themed days: shukrut, spice, cider and fish holidays. The week ends with the chestnut holiday, which is celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country.

If you go to Paris primarily for taste, put a separate line in your budget for this.

Assume that you can have a snack within 10 euros, but a full lunch or dinner will cost 20 euros and more.

  • Air temperature: 17-22 ° C.
  • Visa: Schengen.
  • Cost of living: from 1 542 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 15 793 rubles.


Another great culinary feast is taking place in Perugia, Italy. The period from 18 to 27 October is the time of the Eurochocolate chocolate festival, when sweet tooths and chocolatiers from different countries come to the city.

The program is rich: there is a show, and the creation of sculptures from chocolate, and festivities, and, of course, fairs and tastings where you can taste chocolate products of all stripes. If you decide to visit a holiday, take loose trousers: they will probably come in handy.

  • Air temperature: 10-17 ° C.
  • Water temperature: 13 ° C.
  • Visa: Irish or British.
  • Cost of living: from 1 102 rubles per night.
  • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 7 933 rubles.


Dublin is another European destination worth seeing in October. In the first half of the month, the Irish capital hosts an annual theater festival, and towards the end - the Bram Stoker festival, dedicated to the creator of the gothic novel "". Of course, at this time, the city is filled with a vampire atmosphere; themed performances, film screenings and parties are held at different venues - just before Halloween.

From Dublin, you can also go north to Belfast, where an international art festival takes place for almost the entire month, or south to Cork, where a traditional jazz festival will take place in late October.

4. Delhi, India

  • Air temperature: 30–33 ° C.
  • Visa: Indian, you can get it online.
  • Dashahra.

    The celebrations last almost 10 days, this year they start on October 8th. At this time, Indians have fun, exchange gifts and perform a number of beautiful rituals.

    Do you dream to see how the city is filled with colors, light and fireworks? Then go to Delhi. Although the celebrations will take place in all corners of India, so wherever you are at this time, you cannot hide from beauty.

    • Air temperature: 0-10 ° C.
    • Water temperature: 7-11 ° C.
    • Cost of living: from 500 rubles per night.
    • The cost of a flight from Moscow and back: from 20,032 rubles.


    In October, the weather on Lake Baikal is relatively comfortable, but there are practically no people due to the end of the tourist season. At the same time, the golden autumn creates real miracles with the Baikal nature. If you are a photographer, romantic, mushroom picker or just a person tired of the bustle of the city, then here you will definitely be able to fully.

    You can stop very close to the lake, for example, in the village of Listvyanka, or in the more lively Irkutsk - and make excursions to nature from there. It is better to take care of excursions in advance (after all, the end of the season, the programs will be curtailed), but at the beginning of the month many of them are still available.
