Autumn is not only about harvesting. Favorite time is the time of work, caring for the land and plants. The harvest of the next year depends on the autumn work. All owners of summer cottages know: how to prepare for winter, you can harvest such a crop in autumn.

The autumn period is important with preparatory work before the onset of cold weather. Any owner of even a small land area wants to save his garden and plants on the site in the winter months. What kind of work is most important, how to properly build preparation for the winter, what must be done - this is only part of the necessary knowledge.

Harvesting and harvesting for the winter

The right approach to harvesting will ensure a successful conclusion to the season of labor and excitement. Collection rules are simple. The main requirement is to have time to collect all ripe fruits before frost. Lowering the temperature for most plants is reduced to spoilage, rotting or complete destruction. Basic rules for collection and procurement:

  1. Prepare storage space and containers... Each type of grown product requires its own storage location. What kind of room it will be, the owner decides. But in any place, everything is arranged according to the established order. Disorderly piling up leads to the need to find the desired workpiece.
  2. Create a neighborhood. Banks, dried foods, fresh fruits cannot be just around. Some aromas interrupt the neighboring ones and spoil their individuality and special taste. Therefore, for blanks, it is supposed to create cells, shelves, compartments. Why are plastic containers prepared, for other types of wicker baskets or wooden boxes.
  3. Study the features of maturation. Many berries, vegetables and fruits ripen gradually. Therefore, they do not collect everything at once, but in parts. Then it is easier to carry out processing, there will be no blockage in economic problems.
  4. Careful inspection before placing in storage containers... One damaged fruit can kill the entire batch.

How to store is a priority only for the owner of the site and his family members. The pleasure of the harvest will be provided by the type of harvesting that is most preferred.

The right approach to harvesting will ensure a successful conclusion to the season of labor and excitement

Transplanting shrubs and trees

Autumn transplanting requires accuracy and careful preparation. In order not to damage the plant when changing its location, carry out the following actions:

  • clean the root collar;
  • spill abundantly with water;
  • find the contours of the location of the underground part of the bush;
  • dig around the outlines;
  • prepare a cart or other container for transporting the plant.

If the movement is long, then a tissue bag is required, where the root system will be placed. In addition, it is necessary to tie the upper part, especially if it is spreading and wide.

In the place where the new plant is supposed to be planted, also spend preparatory work:

  • a hole is being prepared;
  • the earth is fertilized;
  • let the soil settle (calm down from mechanical actions).

Immediately after the delivery of the bush to a new site, you should not rush to transplant. First you need to assess the compliance of the size of the hole and the root system. The pit should be slightly larger. So as not to cram the roots, but calmly lay them out at the bottom of the prepared depression. The earth is not tamped, but simply covered up. If they dug a tree with a lump of earth, they do not try to recapture it. Everything that was brought from the old place is placed in a new hole. After the first sprinkling with soil, the bush is watered. Then the earth is added, watered again and left until morning. You shouldn't feel sorry for water: it is easier for a plant to gain a foothold in moist soil. The next day the tree is checked. Should lookwhether the bush is formed correctly. If there are weak shoots, extra branches, they are removed. Experienced gardeners cover young fruit trees with a special cloth, which is harvested only in early spring.

How to prepare a garden for winter (video)

Autumn feeding

By sharing the harvest, the plants in the garden become weaker. This can be compared to people after a working day. Leaving weakened crops for the winter means leaving them unprotected in the face of the problems of the coming snow season. What fertilizers to apply, the quality of the soil will tell. It must be returned to the state of the beginning of the fruiting season. It should be fed with purchased ready-made compositions of trace elements and homemade mixtures:

  • humus;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium salt.

Strawberry varieties require mandatory feeding. Immediately after collecting the last sweet berries, they cut off old leaves, loosen the soil, and remove the weeds. Then fertilizers of the mineral composition are applied. What can be used:

  • ammophos;
  • humus;
  • peat.

There are special ones that contain a whole range of necessary substances. Proper feeding will strengthen the plants, they will more easily survive the winter and give a new harvest.

Proper feeding will strengthen the plants, they will more easily survive the winter and give a new harvest

Cleaning the garden from foliage and grass

Autumn leaf fall is beautiful, but also adds a lot of hassle for gardeners. A huge amount of foliage covers the ground. The question arises whether it is necessary to remove the foliage and where to put it. There are several approaches to the problem. Everyone chooses their own solution:

  1. Creation of compost pits. Scientists warn about the multiplication of pests of horticultural crops in fallen leaves. To save the site from diseases, a place is chosen to create humus. Experienced gardeners are advised to dig a hole at the end of the plot, in the shaded part of it. A box is created on the surface, up to the level of the fence. Foliage, weeds, and other unnecessary plants are put there. Anything that falls into the pit rotates and makes it possible to obtain excellent fertilizer for most plants.
  2. Creation of a protective layer. The foliage is collected in small piles, distributed under the garden trees. The root system receives additional protection and trace elements that fall into the ground in the long winter. Leaves protect flower crops well, so foliage can cover flower beds.
  3. Covering material for strawberries. There is a described experience when strawberries are covered with foliage, between the beds.

It is imperative to clean lawns of foliage. It is dangerous to cover such areas. If you leave the leaves, then in the spring in the places of its location will be visible yellow spots from damping lawn grass.

It is imperative to clean lawns of foliage

Mulching and sheltering garden plants in autumn

The mulching method will help winter the most fastidious crops. Pros of an autumn shelter:

  • containment of moisture;
  • loosening the soil;
  • overheat protection;
  • preservation of trace elements useful for roots and stems;
  • containment of weed growth.

Mulching creates the right crop environment. The ground remains moist and warm.

How can you mulch the soil:

  1. Fallen leaves: during the winter period, the foliage rotted, there is a natural fertilization of the soil, an improvement in its quality. In autumn, when digging, the foliage gets inside, improving the condition of the root systems, increasing the access of air and moisture.
  2. Needles of coniferous trees: do not allow the earth to freeze and dry out. The needles are not used for the land that will be used for growing tomatoes.
  3. Wood shavings and bark: better such material is not suitable for full mulching, but for partial mulching. Only one lowest layer is created from wood residues, the upper one from others (needles, foliage).
  4. Remains of plants bearing fruit in summer: Heaps of old plants are rolled up and placed on top of the soil in a thin layer.
  5. Sawdust: only old ones that have stuck for more than one season are suitable. Sawdust is placed where frequent digging and loosening is not required.
  6. Bark: maintains the desired temperature under itself, does not allow cold air, maintains the desired level of humidity.
  7. Newspapers: inhibit the growth of weeds, keeps you warm. The newspaper is stacked whole, you can tear it into small pieces. It is not worth choosing only black and white or color. The quality of the printing does not affect the desired effect; any newspaper editions are suitable.
  8. Hay: holds back the weight of the snow, keeps air gap, does not allow the roots to freeze or dry out.

Any layer of mulch requires control when it loses its quality or is renewed or changed. Autumn mulching is designed so that any material used will bend over the winter and in spring will not interfere with the soil, naturally warming up under the sun.

Autumn work in the country (video)

Preparing a vegetable garden for winter

Any site must be prepared for the winter cold. The frosty season can damage bare trees. For preparation, rules have been developed, there are many tips that can help experienced and novice gardeners.

Harvesting in autumn

Collecting everything that the land gave after the labors put into it will delight. But real pleasure will be received only by the one who will carry out all the affairs in a measured manner, without haste, without tension and fear that he did not do everything and did not. All September and August are scheduled by experienced gardeners for a particular culture. There are even precise dates:

  • onions - September 20;
  • vegetables - September 28;
  • cabbage - late and mid-September;
  • October 1 - the end of the collection.

In October and November, they no longer work with plants, but with buildings. They are also prepared for winter. These are the days for the last pieces and their storage.

Collecting everything that the land gave after the labors put into it will delight

Fertilizing and planting green manure in the fall

The practice of agricultural work in the autumn period confirms that some of the actions can become laborious and useless. These include plowing the land with the introduction of fertilizers and manure into it. In the spring, everything will have to be repeated again. Manure and fertilizers are simply spread over the surface, without covering them with a new layer of soil. Ash is considered one of the best soil helpers before winter. Therefore, it is advised to collect it in advance. Any remnants of paper, branches, boards are burned and stored in buckets. Ash - organic fertilizer, capable of saturating the soil with important trace elements.

Siderata create crop rotation in the field. Immediately after the snow melts, they will delight their owners with the first greenery. Special compatibility tables have been created for siderates. They explain what kind of culture can be planted one after another. The roots of green manure crops will fulfill the task assigned to fertilization, they will improve the condition of the soil, restore its quality and characteristics. Types and roles of siderates:

  • loosening: rye, mustard, oats;
  • disinfection: radish, calendula, oats;
  • improvement of fertile characteristics: legumes, oats, alfalfa;
  • protection against pests: marigolds, lupines, calendula.

The soil will be fertilized and fertile if mustard, beans, rye and rapeseed are sown before the snow cover.

Ash is an organic fertilizer capable of saturating the soil with important trace elements

Autumn planting in the garden

Part of the green manure is planted before winter, such work will speed up the time until harvest. There are several advantages of autumn plantings:

  • planting early garden crops;
  • loosening the soil;
  • additional saturation of the soil with the necessary microelements;
  • protection from the spring sun and unexpectedly returning spring frosts;
  • transition to mulch.

What is better to plant before winter:

There are some plants that, when planted before winter, will give the desired harvest and early shoots.

  • Garlic;
  • Carrot;
  • Parsley;
  • Dill;
  • Parsnip;
  • Sorrel.

In autumn, they work with grafted rose bushes. They have time to take root and winter more easily.

The summer cottage season is drawing to a close closer to autumn, but gardeners still have a huge amount of work to do. This is the period not only for harvesting, but also for preparing plants and soil for wintering. At the same time, the weather is often rainy, abruptly turning into cold. Therefore, work in the fall in the garden and vegetable garden must be carried out strictly on time in order to have time to complete them on time.

The importance of preparing the garden and vegetable garden for winter

Preparing the garden for winter for novice summer residents does not seem to be a particularly important process. In fact, the yield of all crops in the next year directly depends on it.

The land plot can be easily compared with a living organism. If you prepare it well for winter period, the number of extinct and diseased plants that did not survive the cold will be significantly less. Waking up in the spring, they will delight the gardener with the dense flowering of the garden and garden greenery. For a considerable number of crops, frosts are destructive. Frosty weather is a signal for their immediate warming.

Only if you properly take care of the garden and garden in the fall, the plants will plunge into a healthy sleep. Thanks to this, it will be possible to count on a rich harvest.

Completion of harvest and destruction of plant residues

Autumn works in the garden and in the garden, start with harvesting the remains of the crop. During this period, vegetables are already subject to harvest. It is noted that if you start collecting them in September, they will be much better stored. The weather is still sunny and it is possible to harvest a dry crop, thereby avoiding rotting.

The garden is freed from fruits in the fall also in the first month. The fruit is already full. It is extremely important to pick all the berries, plums, apples and pears.

Cleaning of all plant residues is carried out at the summer cottage in September. In the garden and vegetable garden, foliage, weeds and other plant debris are removed. In this case, several options for getting rid of obsolete vegetation can be used:

  • compost pits. In order to avoid damage to crops by pests, a place is selected where humus is created. As a rule, a hole is dug in the far corner of the site, in the shade. At the same time, a box is made on the surface, the height of which corresponds to the level of the fence. All plant residues are spread there, which rot and are used as fertilizer;
  • protective layer. Foliage is collected in small heaps and spread under the trees. Due to this, the roots are additionally protected, and trace elements continue to enter the soil even in winter;
  • shelter material. Fallen leaves can be used to cover strawberries and flowers.

Preparing the soil and beds for the next season

In the process of caring for the garden in the fall, you need to prepare the beds and soil for the next season. The earth is dug and fertilized. In addition, a number of other important works are also carried out in the autumn.

Sowing green manure

Siderates are designed to create crop rotation. When sowing them, in the garden in spring, when the snow just melts, the first greens will already appear. The roots of these crops perform the same functions as fertilizers. With their help, the condition of the soil is improved, its characteristics are restored.

Depending on the role played by the siderates, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • disinfection. Calendula, radish and oats will cope with this task;
  • increased fertility. Sow oats, legumes and alfalfa;
  • loosening the soil. Mustard, rye and oats are used;
  • protection from all kinds of pests. Marigolds are used, as well as calendula and lupines.

It is noted that to fertilize the soil and increase its fertility, it is better to sow beans, rapeseed, mustard or rye. These manipulations are performed in middle lane in October, before the first frost.

Digging land and fertilizing

To prepare the soil for winter, you need to dig it up. Due to this, its structure improves, pores are formed, and oxygen freely penetrates through the air voids. In addition, in this way it is possible to reduce the risk of damage to the site by diseases and pests and to reduce the number of annual weeds. The emerging seedlings die almost immediately.

Digging must be completed before the long rains begin. The best time for these manipulations is the first half of October.

Fertilizers used during this period should not contain nitrogen. As a rule, organic matter and compost are used. It is also allowed to fertilize the soil with the help of mineral and complex fertilizers. Most often, in early October, they resort to using the following:

  • manure humus... It is being introduced in those areas where vegetables, as well as fruit and berry crops will be grown next year;
  • peat... It contains quite a few useful elements, but when it is introduced, the characteristics of the soil are improved. You need to use peat in the autumn, but in addition it can also be used in the spring;
  • lime or ash, chalk, dolomite flour... Liming of the soil is carried out exclusively in preparation for winter. This is due to the fact that with the introduction of such substances, the assimilation of phosphorus slows down, and it is necessary that a sufficiently long time period passes before active vegetation;
  • mineral dressing... For perennial plants in the autumn, potash fertilizers and superphosphate are needed.

Winter landings

Most often, root crops are planted before winter. You can sow in October the following of them:

  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • radish;
  • garlic.

It is imperative that the seeds are placed in the ground prior to the onset of frost. You can cover it with spruce branches or use mulching materials.

Preparation for the winter of fruit trees and shrubs

Caring for the garden in autumn includes pruning and feeding trees, protecting plants from all kinds of pests and a number of other important manipulations. The work is carried out strictly on schedule, following simple rules.


Garden plants need systematic care. Otherwise, various diseases begin to develop and hope for good harvest not worth it. One of the unimportant points is the pruning of bushes and trees. Such actions are performed at the end of September or in the first half of October.

Weak, diseased branches, as well as those that grow inside the crown, are subject to removal. They should be pruned to healthy wood. You cannot abuse such manipulations. They are solely aimed at stimulating the growth of branches.

After carrying out the work, you need to process all the cuts with garden pitch or a mixture of manure and clay. Due to this, the plant will be able to be protected from pests.

Procurement of planting material for the next season

Before the onset of cold weather, you need to harvest cuttings that will be grafted next season. By November, they had already hardened, partially lignified - a suitable period has come for performing these manipulations.

Shoots are cut from healthy plants that yield good yields for several years. At the same time, branches are chosen that grow freely and are not in the shade. They are tied in bundles and transferred to the basement. In order for the planting material to remain in proper condition until spring, it is placed in an upright position in wet sand or sawdust.

Planting work

Often, young seedlings are planted in the autumn. The following plants are placed on the garden plot:

  • apple tree;
  • quince;
  • cherries;
  • plum;
  • pear;
  • currant;
  • strawberries;
  • gooseberry.

The main condition for the successful performance of work is compliance with the rules of agricultural technology. Young seedlings need to be processed, prepared and watered systematically. Some plants will need covering material. The optimal period for planting is September. Active frosts have not yet been observed, and the seedlings will take root well.

Top dressing

After the crop has been harvested, the garden plants need to continue to be looked after. They are weakening and need feeding. Works are carried out in the last days of September or early October. At the same time, the following fertilizers are applied:

  • potassium salt;
  • superphosphate;
  • humus.

The introduction of nutrients into the soil is extremely important when growing strawberries. In September, the soil is loosened, weeds are removed and fertilizers are applied:

  • humus;
  • ammophos;
  • peat.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Autumn whitewashing of trunks is recommended in October. Due to these works, the bark will be protected from bright sunlight, which provokes its cracking on frosty days. Lime is used for this. It is also allowed to add Farmayod or Ecogel to the solution. These agents have a bactericidal effect and protect plants from infections. If you add more sulfur, then protection from hares and rodents will be provided.

Shrubs and trees are additionally sprayed with Lipidocide or Bitoxibacillin. It is extremely important to remember about the trunk circles. If the pests remain on the ground, they will soon return to the plants.

Moisture charging irrigation

In late October or early November, before the onset of frost, it is imperative to water all garden plants... It is advisable to perform these manipulations several times so that the soil is moistened to a depth of 70 centimeters.

These works are especially important, since with an insufficient amount of liquid in the ground, shrubs and trees dry out and it is difficult for them to survive the winter. Due to the additional reserve of moisture in the soil, the winter hardiness of plants will increase. In addition, if there is no snow cover in severe frosts, the risk of freezing of root systems increases. Watering in the winter minimizes such consequences. Moisture will also become a potent remedy for pests in the upper layers of the earth.

Mulching and shelter for the winter

Plants overwinter much better with the mulching method. Thanks to these actions, the soil remains warm and sufficiently moist. The procedure is performed closer to November. The following materials can be used in this case:

  • fallen leaves... Over the winter, it will rot and naturally fertilize the soil, improve its quality. In addition, the condition of the root systems will improve, and moisture and air will penetrate them unhindered;
  • coniferous needles... Prevents freezing and drying out of the soil;
  • bark and wood shavings... It is used for partial mulching. The lower layer is made from the remains of wood, and the upper layers are made of other materials;
  • remnants of fruiting plants... They are rolled up and placed in a thin layer on the ground;
  • sawdust... Those that have lain for several seasons are used. It is recommended to mulch with sawdust areas that do not need frequent loosening and digging;
  • newspapers... Prevents weeds from growing and keeps the soil warm. Lay them whole or tear them to pieces;
  • hay... With its help, it will be possible to preserve the air gap and prevent freezing and drying out of root systems.

In the autumn, gardeners have to perform a huge amount of work. Only if the schedule for these manipulations is observed, adhering to the basic recommendations, it will be possible to help all crops to survive the frosts more easily and ensure high yields in the next season.

Autumn is coming and every gardener is preparing to carry out the maximum number of cases that will bear fruit in the spring. It is important not only to harvest, but also to prepare the beds, store vegetables, and carry out autumn work in the garden. In the article we will tell you about the most important works in the country, which must not be forgotten in September.

Autumn work in the garden

In the garden, as in the garden, you need to perform a number of activities:

  • prepare trees and shrubs for the winter period;
  • apply the necessary fertilizers;
  • to make a number of landings, which in the next season will please us with high results.

Everything takes time. Therefore, do not stretch the pleasure, let's get started.

Preparing trees and shrubs for winter

  1. Early pruning in September garden trees, the formation of shrubs. But it is worth complying with sanitary standards. Remove broken and dry branches. Treat the cut points with either garden varnish or a mixture of clay and manure. Do not leave open areas... Insects will definitely take advantage of your negligence.
  2. If leaf fall has passed (depending on the region of residence, this is observed in some areas), do not try to remove the foliage. Only burn litter if it has been affected by pests or disease. Leaf litter will act as an organic fertilizer if it is decomposed in a near-stem hole. In addition to laying under the crown of a tree, fallen leaves are also suitable for a greenhouse, greenhouses or a compost heap.
  3. You can produce. Why are trees painted or whitewashed? In winter, the sun heats up brightly and sometimes damages the bark. Cracking occurs after freezing. In order to prevent the influence of the sun's rays of the winter and spring seasons, it is worth protecting the bark. Whitewashing is carried out with lime. Some experienced gardeners add Ecogel and Farmayod to the solution. The drugs have a bactericidal effect and protect the trunk and skeletal branches from infections. If you know how much, then add sulfur. This substance will scare away rodents.
  4. Spray the bushes and trees with the following drugs: Bitoxibacillin or Lipidocide. For any processing, remember about. If the remaining insects, thanks to your actions, remain on the ground, they will certainly seize the moment and return to the tree.

Top dressing and watering

  1. Fill the stem circles with water. Spill liberally, especially if no more watering is expected. By hydrating the roots, you will keep your trees and shrubs hydrated for a long time.
  2. Apply fertilizer. If you need to reduce the acidity of the soil - dolomite flour, if there is not enough organic matter - compost or humus. Minerals are recommended to be applied in the spring. Do not feed trees and shrubs with fresh manure. It contains gases: ammonia and propane, which do not fertilize the soil, but cause irreparable harm. Microorganisms and worms do not live in such land.

Vermicompost must be prepared from fresh manure... Spread the valuable fertilizer on an allowable area 20 cm high. Pour with water, then with M-preparations, pierce with a pitchfork and cover with straw or sawdust. The future fertilizer will begin to breathe, steam will go. The formation of beneficial aerobic bacteria began, and the decay process began.

When the gases are gone, disappear bad smell, and the mass will acquire an earthy color - your fertilizer is ready. It is in this version that it is safe and even useful for your land. Can be applied both under trees and in.

Autumn work in the garden (video)

Autumn planting in the garden

Most summer residents are adherents of autumn plantings. What can you plant in September?

  • raspberries;
  • currants;
  • gooseberry;
  • fruit trees: apple, pear, plum, quince, sweet cherry;
  • garden strawberries.

The main thing when planting in autumn is to act according to agricultural technology... Process the seedlings, properly prepare the soil, spill the earth. Some plants require sheathing with sheeting or spunbond. September is a good time for planting. There are still no active frosts and temperature drops.

Preparing a vegetable garden for winter

There is more trouble in the garden in the fall than in the garden. You need to collect vegetable crops, clear the beds from weeds, prepare the ground for the coming season. But we are practically experts! We will act thoroughly!

Harvesting and preparing for storage

Vegetables that need to be harvested in September last longer. In most cases, gardeners are favored by warm and sunny weather. It is possible to collect dry roots and avoid rotting processes. When picking vegetables, be sure to dry them in the sun for several hours, shake off excess soil, sort: large - small, whole - injured.

Collected in September:

  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • potatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • and a number of other vegetables, depending on the timing of their ripening.

To ensure their long-term preservation, it is worthwhile to provide boxes, preferably wooden. Lay the roots in rows: small at the bottom, large at the top.

Some summer residents sprinkle carrots and beets with sand. Do it or not, you decide. On the one hand, the sand retains moisture and the vegetable does not deteriorate longer. On the other hand, there are many harmful bacteria and microorganisms in the sand, which cause a rapid decay process if an injured root crop is caught.

How to cover plants for the winter (video)

Cleaning the garden in autumn

  1. The first step is to get rid of the remains of cultivated plants. If they were sick, we burn them. Only necessarily in an old barrel or other metal container, but not on the ground. Use ash in spring as fertilizer.
  2. We clear the garden from grass. In September, not all weeds bloom, you can have time, if you did not do it in separate areas.
  3. We spread rotted manure, peat, compost prepared in advance in the beds - the future fertilizer for plants.
  4. We disinfect the territory of spring plantings. You can use a solution of potassium permanganate for processing: 10 gr. for 100 liters of water or baking soda: 1 heaped tablespoon for 10 liters of water. Spill thoroughly. Use Fitosporin in the second step. Follow the instructions.
  5. Change the soil in the greenhouse and greenhouses. Do not want to change - use bleach: 150 gr. by 1 m 2. Such processing is enough not to remember her for three years.
  6. Remove the drip irrigation system to avoid freezing. Remove thermostats from greenhouse doors and windows.

Planting green manure and feeding

Oats, white mustard, rye are widely used in the country. If you have sandy soil on your site, you should not use rye. She will dry up the earth. It is better to sow it on clay and loamy soils. White mustard, on the other hand, is perfect.

After 20 - 25 days you can mow tops with a flat cutter or a hoe useful herbs, and embed them in the ground. Not worth digging up. Siderat roots make a great treat for underground residents: worms and other insects. Eating the lower parts of plants, they will process them into vermicompost. You will get two benefits: organic fertilizer from tops and loose soil from decay products.

In addition to planting green manure, you can mulch the ground. Suitable mulch:

  • rotted sawdust;
  • hay;
  • straw;
  • compost;
  • peat;
  • humus.

What is the use of mulch in the fall, you ask?

  1. You will provide the earth with natural organic fertilizer.
  2. Mulch will act as a barrier for melt water to drain, which in spring wash out the top fertile layer of the earth.
  3. Winter plantings can be preserved under such a “blanket”.

Provided that they grew up in your garden in summer and autumn and pleased with flowering marigolds, use them as fertilizer... Grind as much as possible and dig up the ground. When planting flowers in the ground, remember that they will save your future plantings from nematodes, wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle. Marigolds have a frightening aroma. Many insect pests cannot tolerate it and leave such places. Such fertilization will improve your site.

Dry some of the "orange" ones. In the spring and summer of next season, you can make an infusion of them and spray on cultivated plants that are susceptible to the influence of onion flies, aphids, whiteflies and pest butterflies.

Autumn planting in the garden

What can you plant in the fall before winter? Often these are root crops. Having prepared the beds, you can sow radishes, carrots, beets, onions, garlic in the fall. This should be done before the first frost. Use mulch or spruce branches. If the frosts in your area of \u200b\u200bresidence are severe, prepare a covering material. For planting before winter, carefully select the planting material, disinfect it and, only after the above procedures, plant it in the ground.

Autumn work in the country in September: what else is worth doing

In the fall, at the dacha, many gardeners are engaged in business, the results of which will be seen only in spring or summer next year:

  • clean, sharpen and sanitize inventory
  • carry out minor repairs of garden houses: whitewashing, painting
  • repair fences, hedges, gates, utility rooms
  • canning vegetables and making jam
  • dried apples and pears, grapes and plums
  • cleaning greenhouses and household premises
  • compost heaps

They try to have time to complete as many things as possible so as not to be distracted in the spring, and to prepare for the winter. They do not postpone until tomorrow what they can do today. After all, springtime is completely different chores: sowing seeds for seedlings, grafting, applying fertilizers, preparing plants and planting them and many more worries for a hardworking summer resident.

What fertilizers to use in the fall (video)

Having done all the work, gardeners can breathe a sigh of relief and a sense of accomplishment. The harvest has been harvested, the land has been prepared, and sanitary measures have been taken. It remains to drink a cup of green tea with the neighbors, say goodbye and go on a well-deserved winter vacation. After all, there are three working seasons ahead, a new harvest, pleasant chores, sun and good mood.

Autumn is the time of fogs and drizzling rains, rare sun rays with regret they give their warmth to the yellowed leaves that have chilled in the wind. It gets colder every day, so look, one morning the first frost will appear on the grass.

But the owners of dachas do not have to succumb to despondency, the autumn time is the time for the completion of all field work and harvesting, active preparation for wintering. Fruitful work in the autumn garden often turns out to be the key to a rich harvest next year.

September in the country, work in the country in September

There is a lot of work in the garden and in the beds in September, all of it needs to be done in a short time, sometimes it is difficult even to determine what to do first and what can be left for later. The main goals are harvesting and preparing garden plants for wintering.

garden care

September is the month of harvesting apples, in the first decade it is necessary to collect late summer varieties, in the second - autumn, the third - to devote to harvesting winter varieties.

In early September, late varieties of plums and pears are also harvested. They do this focusing on the ripening period, in most cases they are processed for the winter, but some are left for fresh consumption. Winter pears can also be stored.

You will need to pay attention to trees - so that the wood on the shoots of young non-fertile plants has time to mature by the beginning of winter, you will need to pinch the vigorous shoots.

Organic matter will need to be added to the soil and mineral fertilizers, the soil itself is recommended to loosen, cover with a layer of mulch. It is advisable to perform this work during the period of yellowing of the leaves, i.e. before the roots begin to actively grow. It is advisable to dig the earth with a pitchfork; they should be positioned so as to minimize damage to the roots of the tree. The depth of digging the soil around the trunk of pears and apple trees is about 12 cm, of plums and cherries - 8 cm.

Until the rains begin, holes should be dug for planting trees, autumn and planned for the spring. Planting of seedlings can be carried out in the last decade of September, during the same period you can start planting raspberries and currants.

If a spring planting is planned, then the seedlings should be dug in for the winter.

Spoiled fruits falling from trees should also be removed, burned or deeply buried.

In the event of the appearance of scab lesions, it will be necessary to spray the apple trees with urea before leaf fall, 400 g of urea is taken for a ten-liter bucket of water, 600 grams of urea is bred into the same ten-liter bucket for soil cultivation under the trees.

Fishing belts are removed from trees, pests that can be detected are destroyed. All branches should be carefully examined, diseased ones should be cut and burned.

The land under the trees can be mulched with rags or peat, it is advisable to moisten them with pungent-smelling substances - they will scare away rodents.

If August and September turn out to be dry - the trees need to be watered abundantly - a dehydrated tree can dry out in severe frosts, annual growth suffers most of all from a lack of moisture.

harvesting vegetables

From the beginning of September, harvesting of late varieties of potatoes begins. The tubers are carefully sorted out, dried well. Cellars and cellars are used for storage.

Carrots are dug up with the onset of the first frost.

If it is removed earlier, then it is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. The cooling stage is mandatory, it will prevent germination during storage.

When harvesting beets, you should clean them so that a small amount of its aboveground part remains.

Cauliflower should be harvested by pulling out plants with roots, they are set in a box and lowered into a cellar. In the process of growing, the size of the inflorescences will increase significantly. If the cabbage is left in the garden, it is covered with a layer of non-woven fabric, thereby providing protection from the cold.

planting garlic

In early September (or within a month, depending on weather conditions), garlic is planted:

  • the beds are digging
  • make a bucket of humus and ash, in the amount of 1 liter per 1 square meter
  • sand - 1/2 bucket, if the soil is clay
  • in the evening the garden is watered

To plant garlic, you need holes 12 cm deep, the distance between which should be 15x15 cm.It is advisable to add a tablespoon of sand and ash to each hole, the planted clove should be covered with sand, the soil should be leveled.

The garlic should have time to take root before the onset of frost, it is desirable that it does not sprout. But the plant itself is cold-resistant, especially not afraid of frost. For the winter, it is advisable to "insulate" garlic beds with straw, peat, or fallen leaves. You can also spread the branches - for snow retention.

In the same way, you can plant some onions in the fall - at the very beginning of spring, it will give green feathers that can be used to make vitamin salads.

Garlic does not like excess moisture, if it floods the garden, you will need to take care of the arrangement drainage system... To do this, you can dig a groove 45-50 cm deep between the beds - the water will leave the beds.

As you can see, a lot of tasks are set, so experienced gardeners recommend planning the order of work in advance, this will help avoid haste. Summer cottage owners should also take time for rest - work should bring healthy fatigue, but not be a burden.

Autumn garden work, October

Since October is the month that ends the golden autumn in the middle lane, it is on this month that the peak of temperature instability falls, during the day it can be almost summer-like warmth, and at night there can be frosts. Those. gardeners will have to systematically monitor the weather forecast.

Even in one region, the temperature can differ significantly - near large cities it will be higher; in villages located in open spaces, frosts are usually noted earlier. Those. gardening schedules may drift slightly over time.

But it is still recommended to familiarize yourself and take into account the traditional list of works - in order not to forget or miss anything, choose the optimal time to perform this or that work.

preparing flowers for wintering

In the garden, continue planting bulbous flowers such as tulips, hyacinths, lilies of the valley. Both freshly planted and previously planted plantings are recommended to be mulched with peat, the layer thickness can reach 5 cm.

If the weather permits, and you have not dug bushes of dahlias, begonias and gladioli before, then you should do this at the beginning of October, at above-zero temperatures, on a sunny day. Wintering should be organized in a room with low humidity and a temperature of about +5 C, basements, attics, glazed balconies are suitable.

Perennial flower crops can be left for wintering in the open air, it is recommended to cut off their stems, those affected by diseases should be burned, healthy ones can be placed in a compost pit. The soil on the flower beds should be loosened, do not forget to fertilize.

Cereals need not be cut, they will add decorativeness to the garden in winter, and at the same time they will retain the snow.

Don't forget to pay attention to the rose bushes. From it should be cut in accordance with the recommendations for the care of a particular variety, the shoots that did not have time to ripen should be removed, the lash of climbing roses should be shortened to the beginning of the lignified part.

Common to all types of roses is the need for mulching. You can use a mixture of sand with peat, about a bucket of mixture will be required for each bush. You can devote time to this work at the end of October or in November, when the temperature will be stable at sub-zero levels.

we continue to work in the garden

In gardens with fruit trees, work should continue, which began in September:

  • remove leaves and diseased fruits that have been left on the tree
  • loosen the soil in near-trunk circles
  • remove detected diseased and broken branches

You can also whitewash tree trunks. However, you can often find advice to abandon whitewashing - abundant autumn rains quickly wash away the paint layer, therefore, protect the tree from sunburnreceived from the bright February and March sun, enhanced by snow, will not be able to.

Instead, it is recommended to wrap the trunks with polypropylene cloth (sugar bags, after removing the polyethylene lining). In spring, the bags should not be quickly removed - they protect well from the sun, allow air to pass through, the bark under them is not moistened.

By the end of the month, it is advisable to plant all shrubs and trees with an open root system, with a closed one - you can plant it throughout the year, including in winter.

Before the onset of severe frosts, you can produce the formation of the crown of trees by pruning, remove infertile old branches and dry ones.

lawn care

Remember that in the fall it is necessary to apply fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium, nitrogen should be abandoned: stimulating growth on the eve of winter is absolutely undesirable.

Aerate the lawns using a pitchfork or spiked sandals.

preparing an artificial reservoir for winter

Preparation for winter will require an artificial reservoir on the site. We thoroughly clean it from fallen leaves and debris. To ensure the purity of the water, you can pre-stretch a protective mesh over it.

It is also recommended to drain the water, but not all, in particular - if there are fish in the reservoir. To prevent ice from exerting destructive pressure on the walls of the reservoir, plastic containers half-filled with water should be immersed in the water.

All equipment must be removed from the pond, cleaned, dried and stored.

Heat-loving aquatic plants should also provide high-quality wintering, they should be stored throughout the winter in containers, in ventilated basements with a temperature of about 0 C.

we work in the beds

Harvesting at such a time is usually already completed, but if October is warm, then you should not remove zucchini and squash, they can please with fruits even in October.

IN open ground leeks can winter, but it is advisable to mulch the garden with humus, peat, sawdust.

The tops of tomatoes and potatoes should be burned, this will prevent the reproduction of late blight next year.

Work can be carried out with a significant decrease in temperature, but the soil should not be frozen, it is better if it is 2-3 degrees.

The beds intended for the spring planting of plants should be dug up, while clods of earth from under the shovel do not break - they contribute to the retention of snow, saturation of the soil with oxygen and moisture. In addition, deeper freezing of the soil will lead to the death of the larvae of pests in the garden and vegetable garden.

But digging the beds after snow falls is not recommended - too deep soil moisture will create problems with moisture evaporation in spring, which can delay planting work.

don't forget about houseplants

From the beginning of October, it is recommended to remove all indoor flowers in the house - it will be too cold for them outside. Although no less stress awaits them there - the beginning of the heating season, and with it an increase in temperature and a decrease in air humidity, which is quite harmful for plants.

November at their summer cottage

From the beginning of November, the temperature may drop to negative levels, i.e. it's time for the final harvest. With the onset of November, the latest varieties of cabbage are harvested. The soil in the garden bed can be dug right away without breaking large clods of earth.

winter sowing of vegetables and flowers

Noticing that the ground has begun to freeze - sow seeds:

  • parsley and dill
  • lettuce and cilantro
  • radishes and carrots

After snow falls, the beds can be covered with a layer of peat or straw.

In early November, but if the weather is cold enough, you can plant seeds in winter:

  • matthiol and rudbeck
  • poppies and asters
  • cornflowers and escholzia
  • scented tobacco and calendula

A prerequisite: the temperature of the ground must be so low that the seeds do not begin to germinate in the fall. The main criterion for the readiness of the soil can be the freezing of its surface layer.

flower care

Clematis are prepared for wintering by cutting off the shoots of the third group, leaving three nodes above the ground. The ground part of rudbecky, phlox, aconite, echinacea is cut, leaving the length of the stems about 10 cm.

With the onset of frost, rose bushes can be covered. To protect perennial flower crops from freezing, you can sprinkle them with earth.

You will need to check the stored dahlia and begonias tubers, gladiolus bulbs - remove any on which you find defects.

making stocks of soil

Do not forget to prepare the soil for growing seedlings. Of course, you can buy it at a gardening store, but using soil from the beds has some advantages - when planting, the seedlings will take root better.

general work

Upon completion of work in the garden and on the beds, all equipment should be cleaned, washed and repaired, and hidden in a dry room.

Collected seeds vegetable crops and flowers are sorted out and placed in paper bags, marked and folded in a cool dry place.

Before frost starts, it is recommended to drain the summer water supply. All containers, buckets, barrels, etc. should be turned upside down. All drains should be cleaned of fallen leaves. If there are unheated greenhouses and hotbeds, they are dismantled and preserved.

ornamental shrubs - how to properly organize wintering

Before the first heavy snowfalls, it is necessary to tie the branches of thuja and juniper - snow and wind can break and ruffle them. It is too early to cover rhododendrons with frames with covering material, but it is recommended to tie the fragile branches of the plant.

Young conifers also need protection from wind and frost.

To prevent hares from damaging the bark of young fruit trees in winter, they are tied with spruce branches, elderberry branches, wormwood.

harvesting cuttings

In the second half of November, you can prepare cuttings for spring planting. In the period of a significant drop in temperature and the absence of fruits and leaves, cuttings acquire special strength, which will give rapid development with the beginning of spring.

It is quite difficult to organize high-quality storage of cuttings, because winters are now quite unpredictable, both in terms of precipitation and temperatures. If the cuttings are harvested a little, it is best to keep them in the refrigerator. Large farms also use the method of storing cuttings in special refrigerators, with controlled temperature and humidity.

The main task of November can be called cleaning the territory of the cottage and the garden - they should plunge into a winter sleep clean and tidy.

Autumn is the period when we need to prepare the garden and vegetable garden for the winter period. It is at this time that we need to lay the foundation for a successful and fruitful harvest next season.

In this article, we will talk about what work we need to do in the garden and vegetable garden in the fall.

What work to do in the garden and vegetable garden in September?

Garden... In the first month of autumn, we need to collect the remaining crop (with the exception of some subwinter species) and start preparing the plants for the winter period. Many inexperienced gardeners often make the same mistake: the apples on the tree are overexposed, as a result of which they overripe and crumble.

Such fruits very quickly lose their taste, and they cannot be stored for a long time. In addition, if the harvest is late, the tree will spend additional energy, which of course will affect its health in the winter.

Also, do not forget that winter apple varieties must be removed from trees before the onset of consumer maturity, they will ripen during storage.

September, one might say, is a kind of transitional period, that is, instead of the work that we performed in the summer, we begin to switch to autumn work.

Already at the end of the month it will be possible to start digging the soil in the near-trunk circles, as well as to start applying fertilizers.

In the first ten days of September, we plant rooted currant cuttings (white, red, black).

After the gooseberries and currants are harvested, you can begin to thin out the bushes. We prune raspberries in this way, remove fruit-bearing shoots and new, underdeveloped ones.

Dig up the soil around the berry bushes, at the same time applying organic and mineral fertilizers.

At the end of September, for planting, we begin to take tree seedlings from the nursery, rooted cuttings of berry cuttings.

In the first half of September, we begin to plant head lettuce seedlings in a heated spring or winter greenhouse. For a given plant great importance has an irrigation regime that will be carried out in the autumn - winter period, that is, in order to avoid the appearance of rot, watering should not be too frequent.

In September, we begin to stock up on soil, peat, compost and manure. We continue to actively look after autumn plants tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers, etc.

We begin to disinfect the walls and shelves of the greenhouse, frames, using for this purpose a 40% formalin solution or an infusion of bleach (for 10 liters of water 400 g).

In the first half of September, parsley can be sown in heated winter film greenhouses. By January, you will already have 2 crops of parsley. We do the same with celery.

You can also do the harvesting of rhizomes of perennial vegetable plants.

Garden in the open field... In September it will be possible to start picking carrots, tomatoes, onions, courgettes, parsley, celery. This work is the most important in the garden in this autumn month... We begin to clear the beds that have been freed from vegetable crops of plant residues, weeds, and then proceed to digging.

By this time, all preparatory work on the storage of vegetable crops should be completed.

In the first half of September, we continue to look after the late varieties of cabbage.

What work to carry out in the garden and vegetable garden in October?

Garden... In October, it will already be possible to start pruning trees. We begin to clear the stems of fruit trees from dying bark. With the help of a lime mortar, we whitewash boles and skeletal branches.

We spray the crowns of trees with the same solution. After the leaves fall, we treat the trees with a 6-8% solution of ferrous sulfate.

We continue to cultivate the soil in the near-trunk circles, adding organic and mineral fertilizers, and, if necessary, lime.

October is also a better time to feed fruit and berry plants. In cases where the autumn was without rain, and the fruit trees were watered not so often, we carry out water-charging podzimny watering along the near-trunk circular ditches. The soil itself must be moistened to a depth of 50-60 cm.

Also, after a period of leaf fall, you cannot leave fallen leaves under the trees (we collect them and burn them).

Heaps with grass and manure, twigs and brushwood, if possible, take out of the site. Thus, you can eliminate the likelihood of attracting mice to the site for wintering.

So that the branches of young trees do not break under the weight of snow, we connect them together.

In order to protect the bark in early spring from rodents and from sunburn, we tie the trunks with roofing material, tar paper or spruce wood.

We begin to cover the near-trunk circles with humus, peat, we spud them with soil from the row spacing. With the first snow falling, we throw it as much as possible on the trunk circles.

We are also starting to prepare the berries for the winter period. We carry out soil cultivation, while necessarily introducing organic and mineral fertilizers.

We tie young bushes of currants and gooseberries so that they are not broken by snow. We untie the raspberry shoots from the trellises. We bend and pin their tops to the ground or connect adjacent bushes to each other.

After finishing the processing of berry plantations, cover the plantings with peat or humus, but so that the middle of the bushes are not covered.

A vegetable garden in a greenhouse or greenhouse... In October, we sow new varieties of parsley for greens. So that fresh herbs appear on our table for the New Year holidays, we plant root vegetables with petioles and keep them at a temperature of 4-8 ° C

We carry out preparatory work for growing vegetables in the new season. We begin to wipe the wire frame with kerosene, on which the spring greenhouse film was all this time.

To disinfect the wooden parts of the greenhouse, we use a 10% solution of copper sulfate.

In October, you must definitely stock up on fresh soil, peat and humus, since in the future you may not have such an opportunity.

Garden in the open field... In October, we need to complete all harvesting work with crops grown in the open field.

We remove all plant residues from the vacated beds and begin to dig up the soil, but at the same time applying fertilizers. During digging, we also remove the rhizomes of perennial weeds, and destroy the larvae of pests (if any).

What work to carry out in the garden and vegetable garden in November?

Garden... This month of autumn, all works on garden plot must be completed. Every day the soil begins to freeze deeper and deeper. Before the onset of frost, we will need to drain the water from the external water pipes and barrels, remove the irrigation hoses from the garden, clean and dry all gardening equipment.

To prevent the fertile soil from washing away, we make furrows across the slope existing on the site. We place shields and other means of snow retention in the areas that are blown through.

Snowless period for the roots of fruit and berry crops can be very dangerous, and therefore you need to take care of their safety. With the help of peat and spruce branches, we cover the trunk circles. For this purpose, you can also use a special covering material.

Garden in greenhouse and greenhouse... In November, the period of fruiting of autumn-winter crops - cucumbers, tomatoes and head lettuce - ends.

After disinfection, the greenhouse can be used for forcing green onions, sorrel, celery, parsley.

Garden in the open field... In November, we insulate perennial vegetable plants, check and calibrate vegetable seeds. We monitor how vegetables are stored in our cellar or basement.

Also, do not forget about the organization of food for the birds remaining for the winter. We hang feeders in the garden and garden, not forgetting to periodically add food there. In the future, the birds will thank you by the same that they will destroy caterpillars and larvae of insects - pests.
