The scenario of the event dedicated to the "World Day of Aviation and Cosmonautics" for senior group preschoolers

Antonova Julia Vladimirovna, librarian of the Children's Library, Neya
Relevance: April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is traditionally celebrated in our country. Who has not dreamed of becoming an astronaut or astronomer in childhood? The cosmos has always attracted people, because there, in its endless expanses, there are so many mysterious and unknown things. And as we all know, this is what attracts children.
Goal: to acquaint with the holiday of aviation and cosmonautics, to give an idea to children about space, the life of astronauts.
Expand the horizons of children in the field of space science;
Develop speech, logical thinking (by answering questions asked);
To develop the physical activity of children through outdoor games.
Materials used: slide presentation, 2 balloons, rope + candy, Whatman paper + stars (made of paper or cardboard), glue stick or double-sided tape.

Event progress

The universe is the entire world around us. All the vast expanses of outer space with stars, planets, galaxies - this is the entire Universe. It includes our Earth, and everything that exists on it, and the stellar worlds infinitely far from us.
Our planet revolves around the Sun at great speed. Each star system has its own sun, around which other celestial bodies also revolve: planets, their satellites, comets, asteroids. Collectively, this is called the solar system. And the Sun is the star at the center of this entire system. It is even impossible to determine exactly how many solar systems there are in our galaxy - a huge star system called the Milky Way, there are about 150 billion of them. Can you imagine how much it is? And besides our galaxy, there are many others, and there are also more than a billion of them. And in order to understand all this, people had a dream of traveling into space. Who can name the planets in our solar system? (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune)
The founder of the science of space and space flights was Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, an outstanding researcher, scientist in the field of aeronautics, aviation and cosmonautics. The date of birth of the space age is October 4, 1957. On this day, a space rocket flew into orbit - this is the first artificial satellite of the Earth. The chief designer of the first spacecraft was Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. The first living creatures that flew into space and returned safely to Earth were two little mongrels - Belka and Strelka. They were trained for flight for a whole year, like real cosmonauts. The first people to land on the Earth's satellite Moon were American astronauts.
On April 12, the whole world celebrates the Day of Aviation and Astronautics. This is a special holiday for all those involved in the space industry. On this day in 1961, Major Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin made the first orbital flight around the Earth on the Vostok spacecraft. The spacecraft made one revolution around the Earth in 108 minutes and landed in the Saratov region. The cosmonaut received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and April 12 was declared a public holiday - Cosmonautics Day.
The name of Yuri Gagarin is now known to everyone - both children and adults. He is an ordinary, disposing, smiling person. This is true. But not just cheerful, not just courageous, not just strong-willed. In the name of a dream he lived, in the name of this dream he accomplished his feat, in the name of this dream, continuing to work, he gave his life.
Before the flight, he said: “To be the first in space, to enter one on one in an unprecedented duel with nature - can you dream of more? But after that I thought about the colossal responsibility that fell on me ... to be the first to pave the way for humanity into space ... tell me a more difficult task than the one that fell to me. This is not a responsibility to one, not to a dozen people, not to a team. This is responsibility before the entire Soviet people, before all of humanity, before its present and future ... "
With the flight of Yuri Gagarin into space, a new chapter in the history of our planet began - the era of human conquest of the solar space. Why do you think it was so important? (children's answers).

I remember the sun sparkled that day:
What an amazing April it was!
And joy shone with pride in my heart:
Gagarin flew in from space!

Everyone recognized him by his smile -
Such a smile was not the second!
The whole world applauded! Everyone was jubilant:
Gagarin circled our globe!

Since then, unknown distances have approached,
Ships are exploring space ...
And he started out as a Russian, nice guy,
I. Levchenko

Game "Restore the letter"
In this game, children have to guess with what words they need to continue the started sentence.
“You, kid, do not forget: you are holding into astronauts ... (the way)! Our main rule is to carry out any ... (order)! If you want to become an astronaut, you have to do a lot ... (know). Any space route is open to those who love ... (labor). Only a friendly spaceship can take with it in ... (flight). We will not take the boring, gloomy and angry to ... (orbits)! "
Well done!

Do you guys think it's easy to be an astronaut? And who of you dreams of becoming one?
Physical education.
We're going to the cosmodrome
Together we walk (walking in place).
We walk on our socks
We walk on our heels.
They checked the posture
And they brought the shoulder blades together (straightened the back).
Let's run guys together -
We all need to warm up (running in place).

An astronaut is a person who tests and operates space technology in space flight (in the United States they are called astronauts). The first candidates for cosmonauts were selected from among military pilots, test pilots, because people of these professions had the ability to make decisions instantly, they tolerated noise, vibration and acceleration well. Later, engineers and scientists were accepted into the crew.
In space, a person and all objects are in a state of weightlessness. What does it mean? In space, weightlessness is when a person, objects are very light and fly (image of an astronaut in a state of weightlessness).

Game "Weightlessness"
You will need two balloons to play. Children must blow on the ball, and whose ball will stay in the air longer, he won. Through hot air balloon you can visually show children how objects in a state of weightlessness behave.

As you might have guessed, a person cannot leave a spaceship without a special protective spacesuit (demonstration of the image of the spacesuit). Inside such a spacesuit, the astronaut finds himself in an artificial atmosphere that supplies him with oxygen for breathing and maintains the necessary pressure. Although it looks bulky, you can walk, jump and bend freely in it.
Did you guys know that you can live in space for weeks, months, and even years? For a long stay in space, there is the International Space Station - ISS. This is how our planet Earth is seen by astronauts from space (image of the planet Earth). Blue is water, green is plants, brown is land. And what is needed for a long stay in space? (children's answers). Of course, astronauts need food, but they don't prepare it themselves. It is prepared for astronauts on Earth, then the astronauts take it with them into space. She is in cans and tubes, you can't use plates in space. Why? Of course, because of weightlessness. There are almost no differences from ordinary earthly food. Space food is quite varied. Astronauts choose it themselves from a special menu. Immediately before the flight, they give a tasting and make a list of wishes for what they want to eat in space. The menu of Russian cosmonauts looks like this:
* First breakfast: biscuit, tea with lemon or coffee.
* Second breakfast: pork (beef), juice, bread.
* Lunch: chicken broth, prunes with nuts, juice (or milk soup with vegetables, ice cream and chocolate).
* Dinner: pork with mashed potatoes, cookies, cheese, milk.
The bread is packaged in small pieces so that they can be sent whole to your mouth. Water is in bags, it is drunk through a straw. In zero gravity, while eating, astronauts must also make sure that pieces of food do not fall, otherwise they will float around the ship and it will be impossible to catch them.
Game "Dessert for an astronaut". This will require any string to which sweets are hung. small size by the number of children. I blindfold the child, and he must randomly cut the sweetness from the string. This will show babies how not easy to manage with food in a state of weightlessness.

How do astronauts sleep in a weightless state, your options? Astronauts sleep with their seatbelt on, because there is zero gravity in space. Sleeping bags with zippers are attached directly to the walls.

Did you like our "space flight"? (children's answers) But it's time to return to Earth, home. And now we will all together make our own map of the starry sky as a keepsake. (This will require a Whatman paper, or half of it, the size depends on the number of children, pre-prepared paper stars, each must be signed with the name of the child. Children stick each of their stars to the Whatman paper).

Thank you for attention! Come to us again!

List of sources:
Ian Nicholson "Universe", scientific and educational literature for children;
Sergey Yuryevich Modestov "Cosmos", a school student's guide;
Planets. Stars. Constellations. Comp. Kiseleva N.Yu.
Holidays in Russia. Comp. Yatsenko I.F.
Yuri Gagarin - I see the Earth ...

Scenario for the Day of Cosmonautics for senior preschoolers


- to consolidate the existing ideas about the role of the Baikonur cosmodrome in the exploration and study of space;

- develop creativity, independence, initiative when performing movements;

- evoke a positive emotional attitude.

Equipment: plaques with the names of the planets of the solar system and known constellations, six chairs, small parts constructor, drawings depicting an astronaut, cut pictures depicting a spacesuit, two balloons, colored pencils, paper, two large tubes of toothpaste, riddles on cards, a dice.

Educator... Guys, on April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day ... On the day when man first ascended into space, and it happened in 1961 - exactly half a century ago - the Baikonur cosmodrome became known to the whole world. We live in the city with the same name. How many knows what the word "Baikonur" means?

Children... "Bai" from Kazakh is wealth, and "kennel" is brown. The name of our city indicates the presence of large deposits of copper ores in the area.

Educator. And how many knows what the name of the railway station "Tyura-Tam" means?

Children... Translated into Russian, "Tyura-Tam" means "sacred place." Once in these places there was a mazar - a grave monument to the saint, which predetermined the name of the station.

Educator... In 2010, our city celebrated its 55th anniversary and in honor of this event, I invite you to go to our "cosmodrome" and take part in a small sports competition.

Divide into two teams. Each team is the crew of a spaceship. What will be the names of your spaceships?

Preschoolers split into two teams and come up with names for their starships.

Stage 1. Exploring the star map

An adult distributes to the teams 12 tablets with the names of planets and constellations.

Educator. Dear starship pilots, you need to plan your space flight route. To do this, you need to arrange your plates in order: planets - separately, stars - separately.

During the performance of this and subsequent tasks, the adult observes the actions of preschoolers, if necessary, gives them a hint and records the time spent.

Educator... After the route has been drawn up by the teams, it is necessary to start preparing the flight.

Stage 2. Upside down

When preparing to perform various tasks in space orbit, in order to feel comfortable in a state of zero gravity, you need to practice well. To do this, each player in conditions "as close as possible" to the flight will try to collect as many scattered parts of one of the solar panels spaceship.

Before starting this exercise, three chairs are put together for each team. Team members lie down on them in turn so that their heads hang from the last chair. Closing their eyes with a blindfold, the participants collect the constructor in a box, scattered on the floor within reach, within a certain period of time. The victory is awarded to the team whose players do not leave behind any "space debris". For safety reasons, this exercise is supervised by two adults (one for each team).

Stage 3. Preparation for flight

Educator. So that cosmic radiation does not harm the body, the astronaut must put on a spacesuit. Which team will finish this task faster?

Each team receives a drawing depicting an astronaut in a tracksuit and a cutaway part of the suit details. At the signal of an adult, it is necessary to fold the picture of the spacesuit in the figure with the astronaut as soon as possible.

Stage 4. Flight

Educator... Before launching a rocket into space, scientists calculate the trajectory of its flight. Is it possible to make you move balloon along a predetermined trajectory? What do you guys think? Let's check it out in practice.

Before the relay, the players of each team receive a balloon. It must be carried from start to finish, giving it acceleration with one hand and being careful not to touch the floor. The winner is the team whose players finished the relay first and at the same time made fewer mistakes.

Stage 5. Work in zero gravity

Educator. Is it easy or hard to work in zero gravity? There are many opinions on this. Everyone knows that any statement is tested in practice. Let us and you and I check on our own experience how it works in "zero gravity" in the terrestrial conditions of a kindergarten. The artists of each team have to draw a space rocket of the future. The winner will be the artist whose rocket will seem to everyone the most convenient for space flights.

Team artists must draw a rocket on sheets of paper pasted above their raised hand. To get the next touch, they have to bounce. The participant with the most beautiful rocket wins.

Stage 6. Breakfast of the astronaut

Educator... It takes a lot of energy to work in space orbit. And for this you need to eat right. But eating in zero gravity is not an easy task. To provide the astronauts with maximum comfort, all food for them is packed in tubes - you unscrew the lid and here you go, borscht or mashed potatoes for lunch, and for dessert an apple jam is waiting for the astronaut in a small beautiful tube. Since we are still preparing for a future flight into space, we will have fake tubes of space food, "training". A tube of apple jam will replace a tube of toothpaste for us. Which team can squeeze the contents of the tube onto the saucer as quickly as possible? This is what we will find out with you now.

Two representatives of the teams are given the same volume of tubes of toothpaste. At a signal from an adult, preschoolers unscrew the lid and begin to squeeze out the contents onto the saucer. The winner is the participant who is the first to complete this task, and his tube will be completely empty.

Stage 7. Contest of riddles

Educator... Guys, in your opinion, what qualities should an astronaut possess?

Children name the qualities inherent in an astronaut: strong, brave, agile, courageous, etc.

You are absolutely right, an astronaut must have both intelligence and courage, and he must also be savvy. Savvy in any job is the first thing! Do you have savvy? Let's check it out.

On the table, with the text of the riddle down, the cards are laid out, on the back of which their serial number is written in large size. The cards are carefully shuffled. The captain of the team who had the first chance to start the "Contest of riddles" calls any card number. The adult flips the card with the indicated number and reads the riddle aloud to the players of the other team. Then another captain chooses and names the number of the puzzle card for his opponents. The competition continues until all the puzzles have been solved.

Sample riddles:

This eye is a special eye.

He will quickly look at you -

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you. (Camera.)

On the squares of the board, the kings brought shelves together.

The regiments have neither cartridges nor bayonets for battle. (Chess.)

A giant stands in the port, lighting up the darkness,

And he signals to the ships: "Come visit us!" (Lighthouse.)

Wooden road.

She goes up gently,

Every step is a ravine. (Stairs.)

It happens ozone, black, large. (Hole.)

About crystal palaces

And about the distant stars.

You lie down and in your ear

Dreams whisper to you. (pillow).

He has a rubber tail,

A canvas stomach.

How his motor will hum

He swallows both dust and dirt. (Vacuum cleaner.)

And from the wind, and from the heat, from the rain will cover you.

And how sweet it is to sleep in it! What is it? .. (Tent.)

At the end of the event, the teacher and preschoolers recite a poem about their hometown of Baikonur by heart.

Wonder town

Hiding in a gray cloud,

Far from all worries

Forgotten in a serene dream

The miracle town is slumbering.

Can't find it on the map

He was lost in the steppe -

But glorified starts

They were able to fly around the whole world.

And once upon a time for fiction

The miracle town was considered;

And even the sky did not dream

Guests of the ghostly earth.

But it is not in vain that it has been sung for centuries

Bold geniuses dream:

Here under the explosions of the whole planet

The height has conquered.

On a carpet of variegated tulips

Hundreds of fiery hearts

Erected under a starry sky

Cosmonautics Palace.

Shone with a bright light

Miracle town fate:

Courage of cherished aspirations

Life has come true in full.

First launch, first satellite

Illuminated the last century:

And after them victoriously

The man rushed.

Sometimes sadness flipped

An inconsolable calendar -

Only the glory has not faded

And she sparkled like it used to be.

How many joyful moments

Remembers the wonderful town

How many festivals, noticeable days

He kept it in his heart.

There were ups and downs

Desolation and prosperity;

Generation chains

They found warmth and light here.

And to a meeting from everywhere

They are in a hurry with the wonderful town:

Walk through crowded squares,

That history is kept.

And while it shimmers in people

Star gave a light

Will not be abandoned, will not be forgotten

A glorious miracle town.

Educator... Guys! This concludes our competition. You are all great, and each of you deserves to go into space. And now we are waiting for a festive tea party.

During the tea party, the most distinguished players are awarded.

Compiled by G.N. Arkhipova, educator, preschool educational institution d / s number 26 "Little Red Riding Hood", Baikonur, Republic of Kazakhstan

April 12 is a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day. Once upon a time, space seemed inaccessible, and now after some tens of years anyone will be able to go there. Maybe these will be our children?

Before April 12, classes in kindergarten many educators devote to stories about space, space games and competitions. We offer a snippet game activity "Fast rockets are waiting for us" on Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten. The lesson was prepared by the methodologist N.A. LOGINOVA.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten can be divided into several cognitive and creative blocks:

  1. Space knowledge: poems, riddles, stories about space and astronauts, informative conversations where children learn about the planet Earth, about the Sun and the stars, about space flights.
  2. Igrodrom: space games in kindergarten and relay races, contests and quizzes.
  3. Exhibition of thematic drawings and crafts.

Themed classes in kindergarten before Cosmonautics Day are the introduction of children to space in the form of a game. The scenario of a lesson in kindergarten can be different: a trip, a competition between teams, a flight to the moon, to Mars, and so on.

Fragment of a game lesson in kindergarten "Fast rockets are waiting for us"

- Imagine that you are future cosmonauts and we are going to the cosmodrome.

The teacher conducts introductory exercises:

- We are going to the cosmodrome,

Together we go in step.

We walk on our socks

We walk on our heels.

They checked the posture

And they brought the shoulder blades together (walking on toes, on the heels).

Let's run guys together -

We all need to warm up.

The astronaut comes out:

- Hello guys. Do you want to become astronauts? Did you know: in order to become a real astronaut, you need to be healthy, hardy, courageous, dexterous, quick-witted and be able to make decisions, because in space different situations can arise and you need to rely only on yourself.

Children answer:

- Of course we know!


- And let's ask the guys: what training should an astronaut undergo before the flight?

Reader 1:

- He is an example for all the guys,

They call him a hero.

Proudly worn by an astronaut

The title is.

To become an astronaut,

You have to work hard:

Start the day with charging,

Study well.

Reader 2:

- See a doctor too -

Here the exam is strict.

Weaklings can't handle

Star Roads.

They can take on the ship

Only strong, dexterous.

And therefore it is impossible

Here without training.

Reader 3:

Pressure chamber, pool,

Where we are weightless ...

This is for astronauts all

This is very familiar.

Here's a carousel cockpit

Circles round and round.

Not a shell, but just a beast

This centrifuge.

Reader 4:

- There is a lot to come

Different tests.

The one who flies into space

They must go through.

He is any profession

Should know the secrets -

After all, at such a height

Don't ask for advice.


- Are you ready to take the test? Forward!

You can buy children's costumes on the theme of astronautics in a specialized store for kindergartens: Cosmonaut costume (jumpsuit). Children's cosmonaut costume (vest).

Mobile game "Fast missiles are waiting for us"

Rocket hoops are spreading around the hall. In terms of their number, there are several fewer than those playing. Children join hands and walk in a circle with the words:

- Fast rockets await us

For flying to planets.

Which one we want

Let's fly to this one!

But the game has one secret:

There is no place for latecomers!

After the last words, the children scatter and take places in the "rockets" (if there are many children, then you can sit in one rocket for two or three people) and assume different space poses. Those who did not get a place in the rocket choose the most interesting and beautiful postures of astronauts. Then everyone is back in a circle and the game starts over.


- All the guys are great, they did their best!


- Well done, we have guys: strong, skillful, friendly, funny, fast and brave.

Reader 1:

- So far we are only children,

But the desired hour will come -

On a space rocket

Let's fly to Mars together!

Space puzzles


- Challenges await you. At the cosmodrome we have several training centerswhere you can show your skills. Indeed, in order to fly to Mars or the Moon, go into outer space, you need to know a lot, be able to and train. In flight, astronauts must follow special space rules. I will say the beginning of the rule, and you finish it.

Astronaut, don't forget
In the universe you hold (the way).

Our main rule is
Follow any (order).

Do you want to become an astronaut?
Got to know a lot.

Any space route
Open to those who love (labor).

Only friendly starship
Can take with you (in flight).

Boring, gloomy and angry
We will not take to (orbit).


- Posters are hung around the hall: "Dodgers", "Clever people", "Experts", "Daredevils", "Craftsmen" and so on. For winning trials, you will receive astronaut tokens. You can exchange your tokens in the space store for real space souvenirs, gifts and space sweets, but only after you finish passing all the tests. All the guys who have passed the tests will receive medals and the title of Honored Cosmonauts.

Children can split into groups and visit any center station if they wish.



- Do not yawn around!

You are an astronaut today!

We start training

To become strong and dexterous.

General developmental exercises

  1. Rockets fly up - hands up through the sides, 3 claps over the head - 6 times.
  2. A rocket in space - feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended overhead, palms closed. We tilt right-left-back-forward - 6 times.
  3. Astronauts put on a spacesuit, fly into outer space - imitation of putting on a spacesuit.
  4. We fly in zero gravity - an exercise for balance. Hands to the side. We alternately raise our legs, bent at the knees - 6 times.
  5. We quickly and quickly circle in place, keeping our hands to the sides, at the signal "stop" we stop with our eyes closed. Who will be able to maintain balance longer than others? Repeat 2 times.

Charging attention

  1. Lazy eights - we describe eights with our hands in the air.
  2. The right hand makes circles to the left, the left to the right.
  3. The right hand draws a triangle in the air, and the left hand draws a circle.
  4. The right leg draws squares in the air, and the left hand draws triangles.

Game "What has changed"

There are objects on the table: a thermometer, a pencil, a pen, a notebook, a compass. You need to look carefully at what is where. At the signal from the leader, everyone turns away. At a signal they turn. To the question "what has changed", children must give an answer.



- Before answering questions at the Umnyashka station, you need to put on a “hat of reflections”.

Children imitate movements, as if putting a hat on their head, and begin to massage their ears, wrap and unfold the lobes.

The teacher announces the first competition:

- Who will build a spaceship out of geometric shapes faster?

The base of the rocket is made up of rectangles. Another rectangle is placed above the rectangles. There is a square above the rectangle and a triangle on the square.

The teacher announces the second competition:

- Take the most essential items, the names of which begin with certain letters. The word SPUTNIK has been given. For each letter of the word, come up with any object you need in space. Prove that these items are really needed.

- For example, a spacesuit. This is the clothing of an astronaut. In space, there is both intense cold and unbearable heat. It gets hot in the sun, and everything freezes in the shade. The only way out is a spacesuit. A spacesuit is a special sealed suit. It has a temperature like a room and breathes easily. If the sun is shining brightly, you can lower the curtains in your helmet. The spacesuit has a radio on which you can talk with the comrades who remained at the station. It would be more correct to call the spacesuit a separate cabin. Only this booth is made of soft material and is stitched for height.

Physical education-game "Cosmonaut's suit"


- Astronauts need a special space suit - a spacesuit. It protects the human body and allows breathing. We, too, are now in space and are wearing spacesuits.

- The cosmonauts have a helmet on their heads (tilts and turns of the head).

- The overalls should be comfortable and not hinder movement (turns and inclinations of the body).

- Hands are protected with gloves (rotation of the hands, squeezing and unclenching of the hands).

- Astronaut's boots with very dense soles (walking in place, jumping).

- On the back behind the shoulders a knapsack with important devices and balloons with air (raising and lowering the shoulders, inhale-exhale)


Competitions are held.

For example, you need to transport passengers to a distant planet with music. Passengers are transported in a hoop - running in pairs. The team that carried passengers the fastest wins.

Quiz "Space Training"

The educator announces:

- And now we will play -

we will solve all the secrets!

Let the questions not be logical

But quite cosmic.

Prior to this event, kindergarten classes, in which the teacher talks about space, the first cosmonaut, animals that have been in space, stars and planets, the Universe.

- Any astronaut should know what space is. The word "space" came to us from the ancient Greeks. With them this word meant "peace." The cosmos is the same as the universe. This is the space that we see around our Earth, with all the celestial bodies in it, various particles and radiation. A slender system of planets that revolves around the Sun, tailed comets, meteorites - all this is space. On April 12, 1961, the first cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin ascended into space. Since then, April 12 is Cosmonautics Day.

- The cosmonauts have a second home - in space. The space house is special. It's called an orbital station. Astronauts live and work here. The space house looks like a huge bird that has spread its wings and flies above the ground. But wings are not needed for flight - this is a "home power plant". Shiny plates collect sun rays and turn them into electricitythat powers all scientific instruments, illuminates and heats.

The teacher checks the children for the assimilation of the material:

  1. What is the name of the cosmonaut house?
  2. Why is it needed?
  3. What does a space house look like?

The teacher conducts a quiz:

  1. What was the name of the world's first astronaut? - Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin.
  2. What is the name of the aircraft in which they fly into space? - Spaceship.
  3. The fastest mode of transport created on Earth? - Rocket.
  4. What is the name of the astronaut suit? - Spacesuit.
  5. What is the name of both the animal and the constellation? - Bear.
  6. What were the names of the dogs that were the first to return from space? - Squirrel and Streka.
  7. What planets do you know? - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto.
  8. The biggest and hottest star in the universe? - The sun.

Game "Confusion: Jump and Jump"


- Let's put your game-jumping-hopping energy and cosmic attentiveness to the test! If I shout: "Jump", then you, jumping up, loudly and amicably respond: "Dap!" And if I shout: "Jump!" - then you all jump up and answer: "Jump." Do you remember? Getting started!

LOVKACHI station

At this station, tests are carried out for agility, agility and endurance.

For example, playing with pins. 6 (4, 5, 7) people start the game. They walk to music around 5 pins (3, 4, 6). As soon as the music stops, you need to grab the pin. Who did not have time - sits down.


Endurance (balance) tests are carried out at this station. Children are doing the Swallow exercise.


To start testing, the guys have to say the password. This is the answer to the question: what was the name of the first woman astronaut? Passwords for different groups can be changed.

The game "Crawl into the ring"

Children are divided into two teams of 5-7 people. Each member of the team reaches the hoop, crawls through it and runs back to his team. The team that came first wins.

Station MAGIC


- Who will receive the task first, we will find out if we count.

"Astronomical rhyme"

The stargazer lived on the moon,

He counted the planets.

Mercury - one, Venus - two-s,

Three - Earth, four - Mars.

Five is Jupiter, six is \u200b\u200bSaturn,

Seven is Uranus, the eighth is Neptune,

A. Usacheva

Space puzzles

The clear sky is beautiful

There are many fables about him.

They won't let you lie,

As if animals live there.

There is a beast of prey in Russia,

Look - he is in the sky now!

Glows on a clear night -

Big ... (Bear).

And the bear - with the child,

A kind, glorious bear cub.

Next to mom is glowing

Small ... (Bear).

A planet with a crimson tint.

In military paint, boastful.

Like a pink satin

The planet is shining ... (Mars).

To arm the eye

And be friends with the stars

To see the milky way

We need a powerful ... (telescope).

Until the moon the bird cannot

Fly and land on the moon

But he can do it

Do it fast ... (rocket).

The rocket has a driver

Weightlessness lover.

Astronaut in English,

And in Russian… (cosmonaut).

Relay game

Children are divided into teams of 5-6 people. The first player squeezes the ball between his knees and jumps to a certain place, then runs back and gives the ball to the next player.

STRONG station

A tug-of-war competition is held.

Game "Who will collect space debris faster"

Scattered on the floor are cardboard figures, crumpled pieces of paper, and small toys. On command to music, children collect "space debris" in baskets. The winner is the one who collects the most.



- In Moscow there is an unusual monument - an eleven-meter space rocket, ascended to a hundred-meter height. It rests on a "train" covered with shiny titanium plates. At its base is the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics. And our museum is your drawings and crafts. I invite you to the workshop. Choose what you would like to do for our little museum.


- But to control the rocket,
You need to become brave and strong.
The weak are not taken into space,
After all, flying is not an easy job!
Don't yawn around
You are an astronaut today!
We start training
To become strong and agile
Turned in a circle to face
Let's start the exercises! (Do squats, side bends, arm rotations, etc.)

- Do you know that ... the first rocket in the world was invented by a Russian scientist - Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. He lived in the city of Kaluga and worked as a school teacher. Konstantin Eduardovich loved to observe the stars through a telescope, studied them and dreamed of flying to them.

The teacher accompanies the story with a demonstration of the portrait of K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

- He conceived to design such an aircraft that could fly to the planets. The scientist carried out calculations, made drawings and came up with such an aircraft that could fly outside the Earth. But, unfortunately, he did not have such an opportunity. And only many years later another Russian scientist, S.P. Korolev, was able to design and manufacture the first space satellite, in which a dog first flew around the Earth, and then, in 1961, a man flew.

The teacher shows a portrait of S.P. Korolev.

Crafts in the form of rockets


You can make several rockets, come up with a name for them and send them into space.

First you need to make a square accordion.

Bend the top corners to a line just above the middle of the square.

We "overlap" the right side of the rocket.

We carry out the assembly of the rocket, as shown in the photo.

We cut the tips of the wings of the rocket.

We glue the portholes on the rocket.

Making a bookmark in the shape of a rocket.

Making a rocket for application.

The rockets are different, but they consist of the same parts: a hull with portholes, wings.

In order to make a rocket, you need to fold the rectangle in half along the length and cut off the corner. For the wings, cut out a circle and cut it in half. Fold the rectangle in half, draw a half of the rocket (middle on the fold), cut it out along the contour, glue the windows. We draw the body with a rounded nose. For the wings, fold the rectangle 3 times and cut out details like flower petals. We glue the windows. Cut out a rounded body, but with a pointed nose. Cut the wings out of a large semicircle.

Craft "Cosmonaut"

- Dawn. They didn't know anything yet ...
The usual "Latest News" ...
And he is already flying through the constellations,
The earth will wake up with his name.
Without asking for help from anyone,
Itself, rising from the ashes and from the dust,
My country that knows no fear
Sends his son into space!

- Did you know that ... Cosmonautics Day was established in honor of cosmonauts, designers and everyone who takes part in the creation and construction of rockets, spaceships and artificial earth satellites? Surely you know who was the first astronaut on Earth? On April 12, 1961, the planet was shocked by unexpected news: “Man in space! Russian!". On a sunny morning, a powerful rocket launched the Vostok spacecraft into orbit with the first person on board. It was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. More than an hour The first flight lasted 108 minutes (1 hour 48 minutes). During this time, the ship circled the entire globe and landed on the ground. Gagarin returned to earth safe and sound.

- After Yuri Gagarin's flight, a lot of cosmonauts visited space, including women. The world's first woman cosmonaut - Valentina Tereshkova.

The teacher shows a portrait of V. Tereshkova.

The teacher invites the children to make a paper craft "Cosmonaut".

Held finger gymnastics.

- Luno, luno, lunar rover
Goes into flight.
Ready, set, ignition:
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,

The teacher asks the children questions about the material covered:

  1. What is the name of the first cosmonaut?
  2. How many minutes did the first flight last?

Craft "Belka and Strelka"

- Open the book:
Do you know who they are?
Arrow with Belka in the portrait!
Take a closer look -
Two scouts in a rocket
We went straight to the stars.
That's about them
This time
And I will begin my story. ... ...

- Did you know that ... the dogs flew into space after the mice. Not every dog \u200b\u200bis suitable for flying. It should be slightly more cat, weigh 4-6 kilograms, she should be 2-3 years old, the coat should be light. Pedigree dogs were not suitable for difficult trials. Affectionate, calm mongrels were best suited for space experiments. In the dog squad, training took place every day. Dogs were taught not to be afraid of shaking and noise, to endure heat and cold, to eat at the signal of a light. The best of all was the smart and courageous dog Laika. A rocket was built for her, and on November 3, 1959, the brave scout rushed into space.

And on August 9, 1960, the dogs Belka and Strelka flew into space from the Baikonur cosmodrome. The dogs have passed all kinds of tests. They can stay in the cab for quite a long time without moving, they can tolerate large overloads, vibrations. Animals are not afraid of rumors, they can sit in their experimental equipment, making it possible to record the biocurrents of the heart, muscles, brain, arterial pressure, the nature of the breath. On television, footage of Belka and Strelka's flight was shown. It was clearly visible how they tumbled in weightlessness. And, if Strelka was wary of everything, Belka was happily furious and even barked. On August 20, it was announced that the descent vehicle had made a soft landing and the dogs Belka and Strelka returned to the ground safely.

The Belka and Strelka craft toy is very easy to carry out, does not require effort - you just need to cut, fold and glue.

Assembling the dog paper craft:

Step 1: Cut out all the elements of the toy.

Step 2: Cut out the head of the dog, but not completely, only along the selected line. Bend each element of the toy following the dotted lines. Glue all the elements of the tabs with a glue stick and assemble the dog's body by gluing the tabs one by one. Glue the dog's tail to the back over the hind legs.

The craft is ready, you just need to let it dry and you can play with it!


- While your crafts are drying, we will play!

The teacher asks questions about the material covered:

  1. How were dogs prepared for space flight?
  2. What was the name of the first astronaut dog?

Game "Who will collect more stars"

The teacher scatters multi-colored stars, and the children collect them in different baskets, sorting by color.


- Guys! You perfectly passed the tests and proved that you know a lot, can do, and most importantly, you helped each other.

Space flight


- Tell me, what should be a real astronaut? (Hardworking, intelligent, kind, brave, resourceful, attentive, decisive, smart, healthy, caring, hardy, patient, observant.)
Well done! And you get the title of honored astronauts. And now that you have every right to be called astronauts in our lesson, let's imagine how you will fly into space.

The astronaut reads the text, and the children depict what they hear about.

- Imagine that you are about to fly into space. You need to do a special space gymnastics. You raise your arms up, inhale, then exhale. And now - squats: one - two. They sat down, got up. Excellent! Run on the spot: run! Faster…. Even faster…. Very fast! Stop!

A loud signal sounds:

- It's time for you to go to KOSMODROM. You slowly, with difficulty, put on a spacesuit, fasten many buttons, zippers and buttons. You put on a large transparent helmet on your head. You are walking slowly towards the rocket. In one hand you have a special space suitcase, in the other - a very heavy cylinder of compressed air. You open the hatch in the rocket, go inside. Turn on the control panel: many different buttons. The rocket starts to hum. You sit down in your space chair. Prelaunch countdown begins: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Start! The rocket takes off with a roar ... You are in zero gravity. You swim up to the window and look into the distance. Meteorites fly by. You see the constellations: here comes the Big Dipper. Hounds are galloping. The constellation Libra is swinging. The Archer draws the bow and shoots your rocket! The rocket shook. You fall to the floor. The light goes out. Groping you make your way to the exit, you open the hatch. It turns out that you have landed on an unknown planet. See how unusual and beautiful it is here (space music sounds). You photograph the planet and return to your ship. It's time to go to Earth!


- What are you, son, so gloomy?
Have you changed your mind about becoming an astronaut?

- Now I understand - this is not easy work
Space to fly.
I have not changed my mind to become an astronaut,
But I'm not ready yet
To such space loads.
Being an astronaut is not easy!
Of course I will not lose heart
I will develop strength in myself,
Do exercises in the morning
And go to bed on time.

The song "Young Cosmonauts" is played. Words and music by Elena Ponomarenko:

1. We are looking at blue sky,
And in the sky we can see the stars.
Comets sparkle, flying
And give the boys dreams.


Wish to have time to make a wish,

2. We know that Yuri Gagarin
He made his dream come true.
He became a real hero
And he flew into space.

Our country is proud of Gagarin.
And the moon smiles at us from the sky,
We know that the sun is big star,
And the boys' dream can become closer.
We all want to visit space
And take just one step to the moon.
Hurry up to make a wish,
Seeing a star falling from the sky.


- Now you can visit the space store! You can have a tea party.

These and others teaching aids at low prices, can be purchased in the specialized store "Kindergarten" -

Game program for children

Design and props: poster "A Journey to Unknown Planets", large photographs of Y. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova, Belka and Strelka dogs; multi-colored paper stars for competitions and stars-awards for the winners, a fabulous chest with "magic" things; paper, pencils, paints.

Leading. Hello dear guys! It is nice to see brave dreamers and dreamers in this room, from whom outstanding people later grow! Who can tell me which World Holiday falls on April 12? That's right, it's Aviation and Astronautics Day!

The mysterious, mysterious world of stars and planets from ancient times attracted the attention of people who dreamed of penetrating into it, mastering it. More than one generation of earthlings puzzled over how to build a spaceship to fly higher than the stars. This dream was made possible by an unprecedented technical progress. Only with the penetration of man into outer space, the distant mysterious world became closer and more accessible.
Since people sought not only to set a record of heights, but to thoroughly learn, scientifically study the sky, then in spacecraft they needed eyes that could see through thousands of kilometers, they needed ears to hear the universe, they needed hands that could control a point - a ship lost in the infinity of the world's oceans. "Eyes" were created by locators, "ears" - by radio astronomers, "hands" - by specialists in automation. Thousands of inventive minds were included in the common work, and thousands of skillful, talented hands created spaceships that carried out long-awaited flights.
Now, guys, tell me, which of the people was the first in the history of mankind to fly into space in a spaceship? (Children answer.) Right! It was our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (portrait of Gagarin), who flew into space on April 12, 1961 on the Vostok spacecraft. But even a few years before the immortal feat of the pilot-cosmonaut Gagarin, on November 3, 1957, a living heart beat in the lifeless, cold, always black space of space. A dog lived, breathed, flew over the world in the hermetic cabin of the satellite ... Who remembers her name? That's right, Laika. And after Laika, two more famous dogs followed into space. What were their names? That's right, Belka and Strelka. (Show photos of dogs.) Guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits have also been in space - all of them honestly served the realization of the great dream of mankind. Years will pass, a grandiose all-human museum of the conquest of space will be created, one of the halls of which will certainly be dedicated to the four-legged heroes of space - the selfless partners of astronauts in the exploration of the unknown world.
Heroic flights were carried out on spaceships not only by men, but also by women. And the first woman - an astronaut was ...

(Children call Valentina Tereshkova, photo show.)

Since then, many astronauts different countries have been in space: Americans, Japanese, Chinese, French, etc.
Previously, only specially trained and professionally educated people flew into space. And today, imagine, you can fly into space as a tourist, having paid, however, a hefty sum for it. It's like making a hiking trip.
Let's go on such an exotic "hike". Hands up, who wants to go into space? Excellent! And we will fly with you on the SPACE. What sounds does the device make when flying? W-w-w-w-w! Let's fly, let's fly! Have arrived! Muffled all motors!
Here we are with you and got to the first planet. A human has never set foot here before us. Let's come up with a name for it. (Children come up with a name, and depending on it, the Leader names the inhabitants of the planet.) They live here. We need to learn to speak with them. They do not understand the language of earthlings, but since we flew to visit them, we must somehow greet them. Now we will try to learn this with you.

Game program for children

(He invites several people to the middle of the hall. They should greet each other with gestures, and these gestures should not be repeated with each other. A competitive game is held, the Host encourages the winner and invites everyone to fly to the next planet. Team to fly.)
Have arrived! And this planet is called Alphacentaurus. Whom do we see! Look guys, we are met by an alien named Vertunchik!
Vertuychik... This is cool! We have guests! Very happy, very happy! So you say, did you come from the Earth itself? So, probably, they are smart and understand space problems. Let's check now. Guess the riddles!

1. A blue fur coat has covered the whole world. (Sky.)
2. At the grandmother's hut above the hut Hangs the sky edge.
The dogs are barking
But they can't get it. (Month.)
3- On clear nights
Mom is walking with her daughters.
She does not tell her daughters:
Go to bed, late!
Because the mother is the moon,
And the daughters - ... (Stars.)
4. I grumble, grumble, -
I'll fly to heaven. (Helicopter.)
5. There are no clouds on the horizon,
But an umbrella opened in the sky
A few minutes later, he dropped down .... (Parachute).
6. Wonder bird, scarlet tail,
Flew into a flock of stars. (Rocket.)

Well done, earthlings! All my riddles have been guessed! Happy flight onward! (Leaves.)
Leading... Let's fly! F-f-f-f ... We fly ... we fly ... We arrived! We are on the planet Zvezdalia. It got this name because of the large number of stars falling on its surface. They keep falling and falling ... (Scatters multi-colored paper stars on the floor.) Let's collect them as souvenirs from outer space.

The game "Who will collect the stars faster"

5 people are participating. While the Leader is counting to five, the guys should pick up as many stars as possible from the floor. At the command "Stop!" stop. After counting the stars collected from each participant, the Host names the winner and awards him an Honorary Star (a large red star). He advises the losing guys not to be upset, because they are left with the stars they have collected. Children return to their seats.

Leading. Let's continue our journey. Let's fly! F-f-f-f ... We fly ... we fly ... We arrived! This time, guys, we got to the moon. The moon is a satellite of the earth (image of the moon), and we are currently lunatics. And, therefore, we will play with the air "moons".
(Two teams of 6 people are recruited. The guys stand in columns and raise their hands up. The leading players of each team are given a balloon, which they, without turning around, must hand over to the player standing behind, he to the next, etc. The team wins, in which the last player gets the ball first and the Honorary Star is awarded.)
Let's fly! .. We've got to the Fabulous planet. (A "fabulous" chest is brought to the stage.) Look, guys, what a wonderful fabulous chest we found here!
(He opens the chest and invites the children to play the game "Guess which fairy tale is it from?" Then he takes out of the chest one by one "magic" objects that appear in the plot of a particular fairy tale as one of the leading moments.)

What is this fruit in my hands? (An Apple.)

What fairy tales do you know where the apple is present? ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs.")
What do I have in my hands now? (Red flower.) In what fairy tale does such a beautiful flower appear? ("The Scarlet Flower".)
What are these shoes in my hands? (A boot.) Well, and to which fairy tale character does he belong? ("Puss in Boots".)
What is it? (Egg.)

Name fairy tales in which the egg plays an important role. ("Ryaba Chicken", "The Frog Princess".)

Guess what it is? (Nutshell.)

In what fairy tale is she found? ("Thumbelina".)
And what is this thing? (Thermometer.)

And what fairy-tale character uses it? ("Dr. Aibolit".)

What do I have in my hands now? (Goroshina.) In which fairy tale did she play a certain role? ("Princess on the Pea".)
Well done boys! Do not lose face in front of the inhabitants of the planet Fantastic - you know fairy tales well. Now let's continue our journey in the Spaceship. Let's fly! F-f-f-f ... We fly, we fly ... We arrived! We turn off the motors! So we have reached the last point of our wanderings, landed on our home planet - Earth. As you know, innumerable species of living beings live here: people, animals, birds, fish, insects ... Some of them fly, others walk, others crawl ... I suggest you play the game "Flies - does not fly". If I name an object or creature that flies, you raise your hands up; if it doesn’t fly, you don’t raise your hands. Be careful!
(Examples of questions: Eagle flies? Goat flies? Helicopter flies? Hippo flies? Table flies? Chicken flies? Etc.)

Great guys! And now a serious creative competition is announced. Break up into several teams and draw those fabulous planets that we never had a chance to visit. Try to give them interesting names and explain how they are especially different.
(The children begin the task, then the Leader will reward the children.)
Our journey to unknown planets has ended. We are back in our hall, on our native land. As the saying goes, "visiting is good, but at home is better." So let us love and protect our home - our Earth! Until next time, guys!

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The topic of space is always interesting for children. Therefore, on April 12, the day of cosmonautics, educators hold holidays, contests, educational activities on the topic: Cosmonautics.

We suggest you spend for preschoolers cognitive activity in the form of a thematic conversation.

Thematic conversation dedicated to the Day of Cosmonautics "Man ascended into the sky"

goal: to expand and deepen the knowledge of preschoolers about space.


- to introduce children to the Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the history of the creation of the first space rocket, the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin;

- expand the horizons of children and develop their imaginations;

- to foster a sense of patriotism and pride for the Fatherland.

Equipment: paintings depicting the starry sky, outer space, portraits of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, S.P. Korolev and Yu.A. Gagarin, photos of the launch of rockets from the Baikonur cosmodrome, photo albums about the conquerors of space.

Preliminary work: conversations about stars, planets, space and astronauts.

Educator... Many centuries passed before mankind found a way to overcome gravity and ascend into outer space. Guys, remember fairy tales and legends. What fairy-tale heroes did not fly on! (On bats and eagles, on flying carpets and wizards' beards, on the Little Humpbacked Horse and magic arrows ...).

A few centuries ago, no one could have imagined that the most convenient "transport" for moving is a rocket. Powder mini-rockets have long been used for setting fireworks or signaling in military affairs. In Russia, in the middle of the last century, the general of artillery K.I. Konstantinov. Its missiles could cover a distance of up to three kilometers.

The first person to see a projectile in a rocket capable of carrying earthlings into interplanetary space was the great Russian scientist K.E. Tsiolkovsky. He said so about this: "The earth is our cradle, but you cannot live forever in the cradle." A rocket does not need air, which means that it can fly in void, in space, and develop tremendous speed there. It took a lot of work to create the first rocket. It was built by Russian scientists, workers, engineers. It was in our country that the first artificial Earth satellite was launched. Guys, do you know who was the first astronaut? What do you know about this person? When was the first space flight?

An adult listens to the answers of children, asks clarifying questions.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin first ascended into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. His callsign "Cedar" was recognized by all the inhabitants of our planet. Although Gagarin spent only 108 minutes in space, having completed only one orbit around the Earth, this was only the beginning - the beginning of human exploration of outer space. Half a century has passed since then, but during this time cosmonauts from many countries, both men and women, have visited space. The first manned flight into space opened the era of international space stations, the desire to master the planets closest to Earth - Mars and Venus. Hear how the poet Alexander Tvardovsky speaks about the day of the first flight into space in his poems.

Ah, this day is April twelfth,

How he swept through people's hearts.

It seemed that the world involuntarily became kinder

Shocked by his victory.

What he thundered with universal music,

That holiday, in the motley flame of banners,

When the unknown son of the land of Smolensk. Earth-planet was adopted. Inhabitant of the Earth, this heroic fellow,

In your cosmic vessel

Circular, unprecedented forever,

In the depths of the sky he swept over her ...

Dynamic pause "Cosmonauts"

The teacher shows some physical exercises, involving children in their actions.

To become an astronaut, children.

It is necessary from an early age

Accustom yourself to order:

Make your bed


Let's stand up straight, shoulders are wider,

Hands up, keep straight.

From exercises like this

You will become stronger and stronger.

Didactic game "Pick a rhyme"

To add variety to the conversation, the didactic game "Pick a Rhyme" is held.

Among the field of blue -

Bright shine of a large fire.

The fire walks here slowly,

Bypasses mother earth,

Shines merrily in the window.

Of course it's ... (sun).

On clear nights

Mom is walking with her daughters.

She does not tell her daughters:

- Go to bed, it's late! -

Because the mother is the moon

And the daughters ... (stars).

Letter A, letter A -

Alphabet head.

Vova knows, knows the Light,

"A" looks like ... (rocket).

Educator... Sunny morning April 12, 1961. The rocket rushed into the sky, leaving a trail of burning fuel behind it. So from the Baikonur cosmodrome the first spacecraft with a man on board was launched. And our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin became the first cosmonaut on Earth.

Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934. At first there was nothing unusual in the fate of this young man. He dreamed of the sky since childhood. But which of the boys did not want to fly then? And Yuri became a fighter pilot. And when in 1959 he learned about the recruitment of new technology testers to the detachment, he immediately submitted a report on enrollment. The selection for cosmonauts was tough: out of 3000 volunteers, only 20 were taken. Everything was taken into account: good health, height, weight, endurance, knowledge of technology ... Preparation began. The pressure chamber created conditions that a person had to endure when launching a rocket. On a madly rotating centrifuge, we simulated "cosmic" overloads, testing the body for strength ... The training was very hard. But Yuri Gagarin endured everything and even joked at the same time, encouraging his comrades. The chief designer of all the first space rockets, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, looked closely at Gagarin and decided: "This calm, cheerful guy will be the first cosmonaut." And so it happened.

Today, space flights have become a completely normal thing for us, the inhabitants of the Earth. It is believed that the development of other planets is not far off. But this was started by our Russian cosmonaut. American astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first earthlings to visit the Moon, said about Yuri Gagarin's flight: "He called us all into space."

The teacher invites for discussion next questions: What do you guys think was difficult in the first space flights? What qualities do you think an astronaut should possess? Do you want to become astronauts yourself?

There is a song performed by Y. Gulyaev “You know what kind of guy he was ...” (music by A. Pakhmutova, lyrics by N. Dobronravov), during which children look at Yuri Gagarin's photographs in albums dedicated to the exploration of outer space.

You know what kind of guy he was

The one who opened the star trail?

There was fire and thunder

Measured the cosmodrome,

And he said softly.

He said: "Let's go!"

He waved his hand

As if along Piterskaya, Piterskaya,

Swept over the Earth.

Video. "Do you know what kind of guy he was"
