- this is calmness, well-being and stability. This is one of the most positive cards. But, being next to other Tarot symbols in the layout, it can acquire a completely opposite meaning.


The card depicts two young men in wreaths, raising bouquets of flowers... This drawing represents the achievement of success, joy and celebration. Let us consider in more detail the meaning of the card, depending on its position in fortune-telling.

In an upright position

If 4 of wands were in a straight position, then she indicates complete satisfaction with her own life. This card is considered a symbol of harmony, peace of mind, happiness and joy. In the scenario, it means the completion of problems, recovery, reconciliation, a positive attitude and a sense of confidence in the future.

In Tarot Thoth, this card characterizes the appearance of the first fruits from one's work, confidence in the future, finding peace.

At the same time, the map does not indicate any dynamics or development. Most likely, it indicates a stable period of life, well-established principles, a person's awareness of their own destiny and right choice paths.

Four of wands promise a time of peace that you just need to enjoy... You shouldn't start something big, start new projects and make important decisions. It is best for a fortuneteller to relax, rest and gain strength.

If the card characterizes a person, then this a person who is self-confident, quite successful and authoritative... He values \u200b\u200bhimself and his time, knows what he wants from life and clearly follows the set plan.

In inverted

The inverted 4 of wands have no negative meaning. The energy potential of this card is so powerful that even in the opposite position, it predicts success and peace of mind.

However, there are still differences in meaning between the straight and inverted Four of Wands. If the direct map predicts an early resolution of problems or speaks of an already accomplished success, then an inverted tarot symbol indicates a positive result, pushed back in time.

The reasons for the delay, most likely, are the person's laziness, his excessive ambitions or excessive compliance. Do not take this card as a prediction of your failure.... It is more expedient to listen to her, as she advises to be vigilant in business, firmness in character and hard work.

Value in layouts

To obtain a truthful prediction, Tarot cards must be interpreted depending on the situation of interest to the fortuneteller.


The straight line of 4 wands symbolizes good health and high energy potential. If the alignment was made in order to receive a response about treatment, then the card speaks of soon recovery... Sometimes she predicts pregnancy and childbirth.

In an inverted position, the card indicates a lack of vital energy and a waste of energy.... The four of wands, most often, speaks of undermined health due to bad habits. It can also symbolize the natural aging process and health problems associated with age-related changes.

Love and relationships

If 4 of wands lay down in a straight position, then she predicts harmony between partners, happiness and complete satisfaction with the relationship. Past quarrels and problems are left behind, stability, idyll and only positive emotions await lovers ahead.

In fortune-telling for the prospect of a love affair, this symbol indicates that the partner of interest has quite serious intentions in relation to the fortuneteller.

The inverted position of the card can mean the disruption of some important event in personal lifesuch as weddings or marriage proposals. Also, 4 of wands can indicate a secret admirer who, due to some circumstances, hides his true feelings.


In the layout of the situation, the card speaks of a favorable period of time, full of vivid emotions and impressions... The problems are behind us, so it's time to celebrate the successful completion of business. Four of wands - positive cardthat promises relaxation, a well-deserved reward and a sense of complete satisfaction. What will happen in the life of a fortuneteller will completely suit him.


The card promises positive changes and prospects. If the question is about promotions, the Four predicts a greater likelihood of career growth. In the near future, you can expect success from professional activities, new projects, increased income and new business acquaintances. In fortune-telling for a new place of work, the card indicates the correct choice and perspective.

In the inverted position of 4 wands means incoordination of actions, lack of organization of activities, lack of results and unjustified hopes. The card advises to make more effort.

Combination with other tarot

In order for the prediction to be complete and detailed, it is necessary to take into account the meaning of the card in interaction with the Tarot symbols lying next to it in the layout. What does 4 of wands mean in combination with other cards?

With major lassos:

  • FROM Jester - the decision to give up everything, the loss of the accumulated work.
  • Magician - gaining valuable experience, study, new knowledge.
  • Priestess - an unexpected gift, surprise.
  • The empress - celebration, fun, a holiday associated with the completion of a certain stage of life.
  • AND emperor - family idyll, harmony, good relations with relatives, family holiday.
  • The hierophant - reconciliation, family reunification, a long-awaited meeting.
  • Lovers - harmony in relationships, happiness in personal life.
  • Chariot - associated with the purchase of a vehicle. It can also mean honeymoon.
  • Force - temptation, the desire to follow your own emotions and feelings, the forbidden fruit.
  • Hermit - loneliness, in which a person is comfortable to be. Harmony with yourself.
  • Wheel of Fortune - holiday, fun, alcohol.
  • Justice - a successful deal, corporate party, meeting with colleagues in an informal setting.
  • Hanged - loss of credibility, damaged reputation.
  • Death - sad news, parting, tears.
  • Moderation - the need to limit yourself to anything, giving up bad habits.
  • Devil - drunkenness, bad habits, binge.
  • Tower - problems with alcohol, poisoning, depression.
  • Star - promotion.
  • Moon - illusions, dreams and self-deception.
  • The sun - rest, joy, relaxation.
  • Court - increased income.
  • World - a holiday, a fun feast.

With wands:

  • Ace - the beginning of a new stage in life, a change for the better.
  • 2 of wands - search for yourself, desire to find your destination, self-doubt.
  • 3 of wands - a good deal, getting positive results.
  • 5 wands - litigation, division of property, disputes related to real estate.
  • 6 wands - success in studies and career, gaining new knowledge and experience.
  • 7 wands - conflict related to property. Also, the card promises controversy over the family budget.
  • 8 wands - good news, meeting with relatives.
  • 9 wands - negative experience, error.
  • 10 wands - promises that are difficult to fulfill, empty talk, encumbrance.
  • Page - a manifestation of talent and abilities.
  • Knight - an unstable state of affairs, deliberately failed deals, betrayal and deception.
  • Queen - the desire to stand out and prove yourself, success in work.
  • King - a large deal, profit, great financial prospects.

With cups:

  • Ace - cardinal changes in life, the birth of a child.
  • 2 cups - wedding, meeting with your soul mate.
  • 3 cups - marriage, family holiday.
  • 4 cups - fun, happiness and harmony.
  • 5 cups - problems in relationships with loved ones, quarrels, lack of respect.
  • 6 cups - the appearance in the life of a person who in the past played an important role in the life of a fortuneteller.
  • 7 cups - bad habits that will soon negatively affect health.
  • 8 cups - relocation, change of residence, quarrel with relatives, escape, removal of burdens from oneself.
  • 9 cups - stable financial position, good relationships with people around, success.
  • 10 cups - a holiday in the family, good news.
  • Page - pregnancy, great offer, good news from afar.
  • Knight - marriage proposal, signing of a profitable contract.
  • Queen - domineering, but kind woman, mistress of the house.
  • King - the opportunity to take a leading position in the family.

With swords:

  • Ace - harmony in the family, reconciliation, reunification.
  • 2 swords - resolution of family troubles, peace and quiet.
  • 3 swords - disputes over the division of property, conflicts over financial issues.
  • 4 swords - laziness, irresponsibility, escape from problems, unwillingness to take initiative.
  • 5 swords - deception and betrayal of a loved one, betrayal of a partner.
  • 6 swords - changing of the living place.
  • 7 swords - fraud, deception, financial loss.
  • 8 swords - moving, solving the housing problem.
  • 9 swords - family troubles.
  • 10 swords - disputes over real estate.
  • Page - unexpected guests, conflicts, indifference on the part of relatives.
  • Knight - rivalry.
  • Queen - domineering, greedy.
  • King - an authoritative person, an assistant in resolving controversial issues.

With pentacles:

  • Ace - an expensive gift, inheritance.
  • 2 pentacles - material difficulties, financial losses.
  • 3 pentacles - making a profit, passive income, easy money.
  • 4 pentacles - longing for a loved one, separation, parting.
  • 5 pentacles - financial losses, large losses.
  • 6 pentacles - taking on financial obligations.
  • 7 pentacles - financial investments, investments, benefits.
  • 8 pentacles - construction, hard work.
  • 9 pentacles - financial well-being, stability.
  • 10 pentacles - harmony with yourself and the world around you.
  • Page - a holiday on the occasion of the completion of a life stage.
  • Knight - dispute resolution, reconciliation, real estate purchase.
  • Queen - birth of a child.
  • King - a generous person, owner, head of the family.

If in fortune-telling for a day 4 wands fell in an upright position, then this promises a good mood and good news. The card advises on this day to pay more attention to loved ones and try to help them in solving their problems. You should not close yourself off from the world and the people around you, as the day promises to be eventful and fruitful.

Basic Interpretation: Completion. This card speaks of the completion of any business or relationship. The peculiarity of amrakh is that the final stage will pass quietly and peacefully, without scandals, assault and aggression. For example, some period in life will end - good or bad. From one map it will not be possible to understand what event is in question, because this image does not say how the situation will develop. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the cards that are located around the 4 wands.

4 of wands indicates the completion of any business or relationship

Value of the card Four (staff) of Wands

4 of Wands in an upright position

This card is used in layouts for various life situations, for love relationships, as well as for financial issues. But it is necessary to consider other amrachi lying near the four.

Four of the staffs - in the hands of a specific situation, may indicate that stability will appear in business.

During the alignment of a person, the card describes him as a self-confident person, in whom everything is always according to plan and under control.

Also, the Tarot card of the Four of Wands, testifies to a good ability to draw conclusions not by "stuffing your own bumps", but based on the experience and life of other people. This can be an example of both a positive situation and a negative one.

When fortune-telling for financial well-being - Four of Wands is a very good sign. She points to high wages, a large cash supply and a rich life.

Combined with other cards:

  • The Four of Wands, in combination with Moderation, indicates the presence of willpower in a person. She also says that a decision has been made to go in for sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • 4 of Wands in combination with the Chariot - warns of great risk, but you should not worry, because in the end a person will have great luck and success, as the results will meet even the most daring expectations.

4 of Wands upside down

Four of Staves of Tarot Wands, in an inverted position, does not bear a bad sign. On the contrary, amrah is a sign of a strong resource reserve, which indicates high performance in the future. It is possible that a fertile outcome awaits in the distant future, therefore, the card advises against being "in standby mode". If we talk about the reasons due to which luck will be temporarily postponed, then they may be elementary laziness and doubt.

Card combined:

  • The Four of Wands in combination with the Jester means that all forces will be wasted. She says that a person does not follow any plan, but acts spontaneously and thoughtlessly.
  • Four of wands in combination with the Arcanum Death have the following interpretation: due to laziness and lack of interest in the case, something will have to be redone over and over again.

Four of Wands in divination for love and relationships

Direct position

In a relationship between a man and a woman, the tarot card indicates:

  • to successfully resolve conflicts;
  • for complete harmony in the union;
  • to satisfy sexual needs;
  • mutual love;
  • for complete understanding and trust in the union.

If this tarot card fell on the partner during fortune-telling, then this is very good sign... After all, this suggests that the person on whom the alignment is made has serious intentions in relation to the fortuneteller. If a girl is wondering about her boyfriend, then she can be sure that her man is crazy about love for her, and he also sees their joint future, where they will become happy parents of adorable kids.

If a man reads fortunes on a girl, and the Four of Wands of tarot falls out, then this testifies to her love, to him. Be sure that the girl dreams of a wedding, where she is with her beloved in the role of bride and groom. And then a quiet and happy life, where he is a caring husband and father, and she is a loving mother and wife - the keeper of the family hearth and comfort.

Inverted position

The Four of Wands, when divining on the relationship between a guy and a girl, may talk about the need to postpone a certain event for a while. This could be a wedding, a move, or a planned long trip. Amrach also indicates shyness, awkwardness, modesty. Thanks to such character traits, a person hides his true dreams and fantasies. Another interpretation option is that a person silently endures because he is afraid to express his opinion or point out the partner's mistakes in order to avoid conflict. Due to this, the person experiences internal inconvenience and resentment. The card recommends not to keep emotions in yourself, but to tell your partner in a mild form about your grievances and problems.

Amrah indicates shyness, awkwardness, modesty

Combined with other cards

The Inverted Four of Wands, in combination with the Hierophant, suggests that one of the partners in the union lacks openness and liberation. And because of this, a misunderstanding arises in the couple.

Inverted Four of Wands and Amrah Moon - indicate jealousy or any doubt in relation to a partner. But the person does not dare to open the secret curtain, but prefers to live in conjectures so as not to spoil the relationship with the soul mate.

Four of Wands for a career

Direct position

For professional action, the card 4 of the Tarot Wands of Thoth is an honest distribution of resources (duties, positions, bonuses). Amrach can also indicate:

  • friendly team;
  • high profit payment;
  • effective performance of direct duties.

If a person makes an alignment for the job he is looking for, then the dropped Four of Wands is an excellent incentive and gives confidence that future work will be promising.

If the fortuneteller is afraid of losing his job, then the dropped card in the situation convinces him that there is no reason for panic.

Combined with other cards

The dropped pair "Four of Wands and Justice" testifies to a completely legal and successful transaction.

Four of Wands and Chariot - this combination of cards gives advice - not to be afraid, but to take a chance and take the initiative in own hands... Then luck will not be long in coming.

Inverted position

In an inverted state, when divining a career, this Arkan indicates a fruitless result of work. Or that little effort was made to achieve the goal. The Inverted Four of Wands speaks of laziness and low working capacity of the entire team.

Combined with other cards

Inverted Four of Wands and the Emperor - this combination indicates discord and lack of discipline in the team.

The Inverted Four of Wands and Justice - such a pair suggests that in the work collective everyone thinks how to “fill their pocket” and because of this, the project or business plan cannot give a good result.

Four of Wands card of the day

When laid out on the "card of the day", the fallen Arkan gives several recommendations:

  • A person can fully realize his plans and not get a reprimand for this.
  • Today, you can completely trust your feelings, and take the initiative into your own hands. Throwing away all doubts and negative thoughts, give your loved one flowers or another gift. The result should be a pleasant surprise.
  • And if any business was postponed for a long time "in advance", then today you can carry out all your plans.

Card tip:

  • You need to open up to love relationships and new perspectives.
  • Caveat card:
  • Remove the mask of lies and deceit from your face. After all, benevolence and politeness should come from the heart.

If, during fortune-telling, 4 staves fell on a partner, then this is a very good sign

A little about the history of the origin of the Tarot Tota deck

The deck of Tarot cards Thoth was created by the magician and mystic from England Aleister Crowley, together with Frida Harris - she was a very talented English artist, as well as an occultist and mystic.

According to statistics, of the hundreds of tarot decks created by professional tarot readers, the most popular is the Ryder-White Tarot deck, followed by the Thoth Tarot deck.

Aleister Crowley in 1898-1900, was a member of the Order of the Golden Dawn, training in which influenced his future activities. Crowley reached the proper level and became a Junior Adept. Modeled on the McGregor Mathers deck, it was necessary to create your own, unique deck of cards. And Crowley coped with this task at the highest level, changing the meaning of the cards and the structure of the deck.

The Thoth deck was developed over five years, namely from 1938 to 1943. During this time, Frieda Harris, at the direction of Aleister Crowley, painted 78 canvases in watercolors, which were transferred in a reduced form to a deck of cards. The exhibition of watercolor paintings was held three times:

  • june 1941 - at the Randolph Hotel, Oxford;
  • july 1942 - in London, at the Berkeley gallery;
  • august 1942 - in London, at the house of the Royal Society of Artists.

The exhibition work was titled: "Exhibition of 78 Tarot Pictures by Frida Harris".

In those days, there were rumors that Crowley had made a fortune on the circulation of the Tarot Thoth deck, and Harris was left with nothing. But this was not the case in real life, since neither Harris nor Crowley lived to see the years when watercolor paintings were transferred to maps and began to bring a lot of money and popularity.

Brief description of the card: The four wands in the foreground are decorated with garlands of flowers. On the contrary, two figures, dressed in light tunics, greet us and, as it were, invite us to take part in the joint fun. A holiday awaits us! Life is Beautiful! This is a symbolic holiday, which ended all business, such as harvesting. Therefore, this card is associated with all ceremonial rites: engagement, wedding, graduation from school or university, anniversary, feast in honor of the award. In general, all the ritual holidays associated with the transition to new stage... Celebrating good luck in this way express your gratitude to fate and the gods.

This period of rest and relaxation is needed in order to gain fresh strength in order to move on. This relaxation will facilitate your further ascent.

And if the Three of Wands spoke of departure, then the Four of Wands portends the arrival, arrival of guests or returning home. This is a return to yourself, your roots and origins.

Castle behind - how reliable protection, security and symbol of success.

The bridge over the moat leading to the castle is a symbol of the achieved goal.

A garland of flowers and fruits - prosperity, celebration.

Keywords: Relaxation. Harmony. Rest on our laurels. Prosperity. Rest in the countryside. Completion of work. The joy of life. Nice talking... Truce. Small reward. Prize. Banquet. Solid base. Housewarming.

Astrology: Venus.

Internal meaning: The four symbolizes a strong stable structure, very reliable and stable. That is why this card brings peace, the joy of communication, and a sense of security.

Personal relationships: Joy and love, a very positive period, which in the future will be remembered with warmth in the heart. It is possible to bond or move to one territory.
If there was a quarrel, then the 4 of Wands clearly indicates reconciliation and spiritual consent.

Business, finance: The intended business will be crowned with victory. Success in negotiations, successful agreements, beneficial acquaintances.

Study:It's time to put the acquired knowledge into practice. Successful passing of the exam.

Advice: Be open and friendly.

Warning:Showy politeness can hurt.

Day card: The card foreshadows flirting, a date, a pleasant pastime. If there was some complicated matter, for example, an unpleasant telephone conversation, just today it can be successfully carried out. You can safely take the first step and openly express your feelings.

Characters: An open, positive person, the soul of the company, infects with optimism. As a partner - reliable, you can rely on such a person. In a negative aspect - a person moves away from friends and relatives, a skeptic, does not believe in the sincerity of feelings, they say about such people - "as if not native." Also, a characteristic negative feature of 4 of Wands is dissatisfaction with what is available. You always want more or what others have, but your own is not appreciated.

Profession and field of activity: Toastmaster. Wedding planner. Work in the entertainment industry. Artist. Singer.

Main meaning:

A holiday after a successfully completed business. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. This card corresponds to a period of rest and rest. This is a peaceful, quiet and calm period, during which we can calmly leave the fortress walls towards the joys of life. The 4 of Wands gives a favorable answer to all questions. She says that a person has a place of peace where they are waiting for him, he has reliable friends and can count on the help of his family. Meeting worldly needs, the happiness that money can buy.
No trouble threatens you, you can relax and unwind. Inner deep satisfaction from a job well done. Problem solving in the best possible way. A good ending for all undertakings. Way: won-won.

Negative, inverted position:

Mental imbalance. No warranty of any kind. A person has a period of disappointment and depression, or too much with holidays and parties. In combination with 5 or 3 Cups, it can indicate a binge or a hangover. With 5 Coins - about waste and extravagance. Spending on yourself and your pleasure, shopaholism.

A person now cannot mobilize, gather his strength, he is too relaxed and careless.

Forced simple, when a person is limited from outside.

Interpretation of the card in layouts:

4 of Wands in layouts - the keeper of powerful positive energy. Of course, she cannot neutralize the negative from the major arcana, but it may well improve the forecast for the minor arcana. This is one of the cards that indicate the favorite of fate. Falling out in divination, the Four of Wands portends a holiday on your street. With pentacles, he talks about buying real estate and everything that can provide a solid foundation for the future.

  • With Pages -wedding invitation

With major lassos:

Dear home, in a wonderful land,
Town by the river
Home, where they love with their hearts,
Despite all the separations.

This card defines total value layout, is one of the significant. Minor lasso Tarot card Four of wands (staves, sceptres) carries a positive and powerful energy. Such a card falls out to the lucky ones. This is a sign of the grace of fate, a person easily bypasses and overcomes all difficulties on his way. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in the relationship of a straight and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in the layouts of love, health, career and work.

Four of wands can mean the way home, good trips, travel, connection with loved ones.

The overall value of the card Four of Wands

The card carries with it benevolence and prosperity, well-deserved success. Recognition, happiness rolled over. A person enjoys the result of his labor, self-confidence, balance and harmony. Peace, rest, tranquility, no troubles or difficulties. All adversity is over, you can relax and enjoy life. The map shows that a lot has been done, life experience has been acquired, but there is no desire to go further. Four of wands, the meaning of the card is favorable in most cases.

Enjoy the fruits of your actions, the result. Life is beautiful, joy and fun. The man has worked hard and now fate gives him a well-deserved holiday, vacation, a break in business to recuperate. Time to enjoy life. Enjoy the little things.

Tarot Card Four of Wands means peace and tranquility. A person gets freedom, freed from responsibility, the completion of all the work begun, bringing them to the end. Do things that are pleasant for you, hobbies, hobbies will restore the vitality spent on achieving goals.

Unexpected luck, completing business in the best way for the questioner. As a result, success, prosperity and stable development of the started business. The card symbolizes a fateful event in life. Implementation of all plans and goals. Business development, the conclusion of a profitable contract. Good, lucrative deals. Marriage. A case in which a lot of effort and energy has been invested is approaching its climax. Life offers a person a lot of opportunities and new ideas. It is necessary to use and act, fortune is on the side of the lucky ones.

Personality description

The card indicates an optimist, a person with positive thinking. The Four of Wands of the Tarot personifies development, opportunities, abilities, internal resources. A person is socially oriented, inspires confidence in others. The inner light of confidence and positiveness emanates from him. Very strong internal energy. Knows how to win over, a good speaker. Mass entertainer.

Positive features

The Four of Sceptres indicates balance, harmony in the soul. Serenity and safety. A person lives a happy time, it flourishes. Everything works out, everything works out, the energy pours over the edge. There is a painless parting with the past, you have learned your lessons and are ready to move on. You have received the freedom you have long dreamed of. You easily get away from problems and boring obligations. The card personifies new acquaintances, parties, going out, a new friendly company or meeting a good friend with whom a long close relationship will be established.

A state of peace and quiet. Life gives you new opportunities, and you accept them. You are open to a new life that has already entered your doorstep. The limitations and boundaries that did not allow you to breathe freely collapsed, and the fears disappeared. You are free and you feel it. You are ready to move mountains. New discoveries, new people, the river of life has changed its course.

You have ceased to be afraid of the world and to expect attacks from it. You are open to life, and it favors you. The rise in social terms. Recognition, success, prosperity. You are satisfied with your activities, work. You go your own way. At the same time, people are drawn to you and follow you. You are a good helper, know how to encourage and give good advice. There is spiritual stability, order, fullness inside.

Negative traits

The situation requires the pursuit of stability and the establishment of boundaries in order to maintain a state of happiness and prosperity. Enjoy life, victory, rejoice in the fruits of your labor, but do not forget about deeds and life. It is worth holding back a little in terms of entertainment. And do not forget that everything has its own measure. Walked, and that's enough, you need to move on.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

The period when a person enters a new stage in his life. Parting with the destructive situations of the past occurs, parting with people who have a negative impact. A person gets into a new company.

Creative energy rises, new projects inspire new feats in life, but at the same time new life sets its own framework and boundaries. You need to find a balance in life. Dynamics and energy will balance you if you find yourself in a new social structure that will clearly shape your future actions.

Four of Wands - a card of family, home and well-being.

Tarto card of the Four of Wands, the meaning indicates mental stability, self-discipline and order in thoughts. You have found like-minded people, strive for order and feel yourself at ease, complete involvement in the structure and what is happening. You have learned the lessons of life in the past, become wiser, gained experience. Now it helps you materialize ideas that seemed unrealizable, the impulse of energy you received from life guides you in the right direction and helps you.

The card shows that a person should be happy with what he has. He may not yet fully realize what is happening and how lucky he is. He sees life through the prism of the past and is afraid, but firmly steps forward, realizing that the future is realizable only through actions. A person is internally ready for action, changes and awareness have occurred within the soul. A new round of energy has formed, which moves a person. Everything conceived is feasible with the help of like-minded people.

Despite the energy, a person faces obstacles. He did not fully realize his place in society. It seems to him that all his merits are not duly recognized. He gets what he was going to, but not in the form he dreamed of. He needs to accept reality as it is and to realize that all human dreams pass through the prism of reality and come true in the form in which they should be.

Even if a person does not agree with this, in fact, everything turns out in the best possible way, his task is to accept the "gifts of heaven" in precisely this form. All feelings and emotions of a person are aimed at social recognition. His passion and love are his goals.

Stability in the family and at work. The harmony has become established and ordered. Satisfaction with the world, joy from what is happening. Conflicts and contradictions are measured. All situations were resolved. But if you rest on your laurels for a long time, then degradation will occur. And everything that a person has achieved will pass without a trace. You need to be happy, relax and start moving on.

The man has achieved his goal. Wisdom and experience of life has been received, all lessons of life have been passed. In order to go further, you need to analyze the knowledge gained and apply it in practice. At the same time, the person does not want to move on, he only needed stability. But we must remember that the energy that has been released is needed precisely for the next stage.

The meaning of the Four of Wands in different layouts

For a career and work

Successful completion of the project, pride in achievements. The joy of a completed task. Successful passing of exams. The card means exoneration of responsibility, usually voluntarily. Tangible results of fruitful work have appeared. Four of staves, meaning indicates festive events, award ceremonies, pomp. Also sometimes personifies retirement, retirement. Carelessness and peace in life.

If the alignment is made for a career, then the card shows success, the achievement of stability, the implementation of projects, the achievement of goals. Good job in a team of friends, like-minded people. Creation of a friendly, hardworking team. Labor is pleasant, it is not taken for granted, but as creativity, art. Work is fun. Mutual trust with colleagues, friendly atmosphere.

The Four of Wands means a formalized and ordered situation, harmony in relationships. Colleagues do not gossip, do not have evil intentions. Problems at work are resolved through compromise and open dialogue. In a particular case, the card indicates the professions associated with gardening and agriculture.

If the alignment was made for the success and implementation of the project, then everything is implemented. The project is successful, creative, after the completion of the project there will be successful contracts with a large profit. Results are achieved without much difficulty, insoluble situations can be overcome and, in principle, they do not arise. It's a good time. There are people who help you, show their patronage. As a rule, this is someone with a certain power, or relatives, friends. The negotiations are successful. Acquisition of reliable partners.

For finance and property

Two Sceptres, the value of the card is financial well-being, huge profits, stability, prosperity. All investments will pay off and be successful. A good time to do business. An opportunity to find good sponsors for your projects. Receiving a reward, a fee.

Earlier, money was not important. Now man looks at life from a material point of view. Prosperity, comfort, wealth. Waste money on your desires. Favorable environment. Real estate acquisitions will be successful. The four wands on the map represent the four corners of the house.

For love and relationships

Four of tarot wands, meaning in relationships indicates that a person attracts people like himself into his life. Relationship development, happiness, stability. Perfect partner compatibility, satisfaction intimate life... Harmony in the family, a prosperous union. There is warmth and sympathy of partners for each other. The coincidence of hobbies and values. A joint hobby, passion, pleasant pastime. The prosperity of the hearth.

The map indicates promising acquaintances. A person is ready to go to a meeting, show initiative, open up his feelings. The Four of Wands represents a return to our roots. Perhaps returning home after a long separation, reconciliation if they were at odds with relatives, returning to oneself, to one's original origins.

The card shows marriage, engagement, romantic relationships. The Four of Wands is a harmonious union card. Four columns with a flower garland symbolize the marriage canopy and family ties. Romantic relationships will grow into something more serious, marriage and family.

For those who wish to divorce, the card indicates a happy resolution of the divorce proceedings. Relationships have outlived their usefulness, you need to part, so as not to destroy those friendly relations that still remain between partners.

If there are negative cards in the layout, then the union exists for show. Partners appreciate each other for their gloss and beauty, there is no love in such a relationship. Creation of a union under the pressure of parents.

For health

The card symbolizes recovery, excellent health. For a woman, it can mean pregnancy, a quick and successful resolution of childbirth. The four of wands can also indicate a waste of life force. Undermining health due to constant festivities, fun. The inevitable aging process. Extinction of vitality.

Map board

Relax, celebrate your victory. The map indicates the need for a vacation. All trips will be successful. Also, the Four of Wands gives an owl, to those who devote a lot of time to entertainment and pleasant pastime. A person does not want to do anything, it is convenient for him to “go with the flow of life”. Don't overestimate your ability and importance. The water must move, otherwise it can become a swamp.

The meaning of the Inverted Four of Wands

In an inverted position, the card retains a positive value. But if we are talking about big plans and hopes, then they are not destined to come true. The partner will deceive your feelings, expectations about him will not come true.

An inverted four of wands means not a good time for amusement. You need to put all your strength into work, the implementation of goals. There are obstacles that prevent it from being completed. Partners, people who surround a person, bad company for him. He wants to get away from them, but something gets in the way. He seems to be running in place.

The person has ceased to feel the joy of life, trust in his destiny. Unwillingness to communicate with friends, loved ones. Postpone all your affairs until the balance in your soul is restored. Lack of calmness and harmony. Your position is precarious, you cannot hope that everything will resolve itself. You need to make an effort yourself to correct the situation. The solution should be non-standard.

Skeletons in the closet emerge, both yours and those of those around you. Masks come off, exposure, disappointment. Gatherings with close friends turn into conflict, quarrels, scandals, up to a break in relations. All secrets become apparent. Not wanting to come to terms with other people's shortcomings.

If the straight Four of Sceptres carries the energy of completeness, the inverted one can indicate that the project needs improvement. In something that seemed already completed and brought to an end, gaps and shortcomings suddenly appear, and it is not possible to put an end to it. Your projects need improvement.

You missed something important, although you yourself thought it was a trifle. Analyze everything again and only then act. Unforeseen situations and shortcomings arise. Go back to the beginning and correct your mistakes.

The person is in a relaxed state. The card indicates vanity, instability, "hurry up, make people laugh." It is difficult to gather your strength and start or finish something. The Four of Staves indicates laziness and lack of faith in oneself. You tried to do what was best, but it turned out as always bad.

The card symbolizes a break in relationships, lack of happiness in personal life, division of property, divorce. Your expectations for marriage or marriage will not come true. A person feels ingratitude on the part of loved ones. He is angry that he did a lot for them, and they do not want to help him. The lack of stability and guarantees in life scares you. Possible loss of property, real estate.

Combinations with other cards

How the Four of Wands is interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Wheel of Fortune - a feast, a cheerful holiday;
  • With Strength - inspiration, inspiration, euphoria;
  • With the Devil - dependence and lack of freedom, which outwardly may look decent;
  • With the Ten of Wands - a heavy burden and being in a difficult situation;
  • With the Three of Cups - celebration, spirituality, happiness;
  • With the Four of Cups - apathy, indifference;
  • With an inverted Ten of Cups - troubles that caused quarrels in the house;
  • With the Two of Swords - reconciliation;
  • With the Six of Swords - a quiet haven;
  • With an inverted Ace of Pentacles - a find of money;
  • With the Two of Pentacles - fun parties, carelessness.

Every person walking the path of spiritual development has heard of the Tarot cards. Those people who started working with cards understand that Tarot is not only cards for fortune-telling, although they are usually used for this purpose. It is also a metaphorical language, with the help of which a person enters into contact with his spiritual center, receiving a hint from there.

These tips, if correctly understood, help to find a new direction in life, avoid annoying mistakes, and most importantly, a person becomes the master of his own destiny.


Wands, or Staves, are associated with power, with the management of people. The Wands are in charge of politics and administration. This is primarily a social suit, therefore social relations are associated with it.

The negative side of the suit of Wands is manifested in bureaucracy, in asocial personality behavior, for example, fights, conflicts between neighbors, gossip.

Four in numerology

Four is an important number in numerology, denoting the root of all things, the basis from which order arises. In different manifestations of our life, we meet this number: the seasons, the elements, the sides of the horizon, the square has four corners, and in the month there are 4 weeks. Stability, strength, solidity, fundamentality, constancy - this is what the four carries in itself.

Map Image

Among those initiated into occult knowledge, there was a rule: a student who understood the language of Tarot images had to draw his own deck of cards. Therefore, there are many options for the image of the same card. Most often, the four of Wands card depicts four long staffs connected at the top with a garland of flowers and leaves. The staffs form a kind of tunnel, inside which there are figures of two women (or four in some decks) with wreaths on their heads and holding bouquets of flowers.

Behind them is a medieval castle. In some images of the card, a pair of lovers is drawn in the center between the staffs, and in some cases there is also a child with them.

The general meaning of the Tarot card four of Wands

What does the card mean? Even from the images, you can determine the main key meanings of the four of the Tarot Wands. These tips, if correctly understood, help to find a new direction in life, avoid annoying mistakes, and most importantly, a person becomes the master of his own destiny - victory, triumph, return, holiday, love, family, home.

Completion of some important stage in life, consolidation of success, a long period of well-being, new plans and beginnings, creative worksatisfying - this is the main characteristic of the Tarot card four of Wands.

Spiritually, the card speaks of the readiness of the individual to go out into the outside world, about the disclosure of your inner self.

Direct position in the layout

The meaning of the card of 4 Tarot Wands in the upright position is as follows: the bulk of the work has been done, everything is going well in the professional sphere, in business there is complete order, in personal relationships there is mutual understanding and harmony.

Fulfillment of the most intimate desires, success in all endeavors, an unexpected gift of fate - all this promises the direct position of the card.

This lasso has one more meaning - the card of the four of Wands of the Tarot indicates that there is a person in your life who is your helper and patron. If the suit of Circles is nearby, then help, including financial, is provided to you unselfishly, and the suit of Cups, standing nearby, warns that you may have to pay for the service.

Inverted position in the layout

Even in an inverted position, the meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card of the Four of Wands remains positive. If success has not yet come, you need to wait for it, the reward and recognition will still find you. The most important thing is that success does not turn your head.

At the same time, this card carries a warning - you shouldn't rest on your laurels. If you stop there, you can lose everything that was created with such difficulty. Rest should not cause stagnation.

The inverted card has another meaning - the four of Tarot Wands indicates that you do not know how to manage your time.

Personality characteristic

Any card in the Tarot deck can give accurate assessment the personality of the one who is guessing or the one about whom they are asking.

The Tarot card of the four of Wands indicates people who are able to generate new ideas, but at the same time adhere to the usual outlook on life. It is very difficult for them to change their point of view, so it can be difficult to convince them, although it is possible. They may well be called stubborn. They love and know how to argue. They work well in groups and are popular when their love of debate is kept in check. They are not afraid of hard work, especially if they enjoy it.

The Four of Wands also indicates that these people need constant support and approval from others. The vital task of the Four of Wands in the spiritual plane is to accumulate and store knowledge.

Alignment for work

When it comes to work, the four of Wands card promises you many pleasant surprises. You can easily change jobs or take on a new position. The most important thing is that this work will be promising, you will have a circle of like-minded people, a team, the matter will argue, and labor activity will bring you not only financial profit, but also the joy of creativity.

An inverted card in the layout for work suggests that there may be some stagnation in business, the reasons for which can be both external, beyond your control, and internal, associated with the characteristics of your character. An inverted four of Wands may indicate a delay in the implementation of the plan, for example, that recognition and help will come later, just like money. To do this, you need to analyze not only the situation, but also yourself, your words and actions.

Relationship alignment

This card, which fell in the layout of the relationship, shows that peace and harmony reign in this area. The key meaning of the four of Tarot Wands in a relationship can be summed up in one word - partnership. This applies to both business contacts and personal connections.

When it comes to love, the meaning of the four of Tarot Wands - stability and reliability. The card can mean that lovers have a stable union, which is built on mutual respect and trust. It can also mean an early marriage.

If a person is lonely or has problems in relationships, the meaning of the Tarot four is new opportunities. The card informs that soon someone will appear in life who will fill life with meaning, become a soul mate.

The meaning of the four of Tarot Wands in a relationship with an inverted card is in the nature of a warning and reminds that in any union you must respect the interests of your partner, be able to hear not only yourself, but also the other, be more flexible and patient and constantly work on yourself.


The Four of Wands of the Tarot indicates good health. If the question is related to an illness, then the card speaks of a speedy recovery or a successful operation, as well as a successful birth. An inverted card means that the healing process may be delayed.

Combination of the Four of Wands with the Major Arcana

In order to more accurately read the information that the cards carry, you need to know how the suits and arcana are combined with each other and in what relationship they are.

The meanings of the 4 Tarot Wands in combination with the major arcana can be as follows:

  • Being near Joker - incomplete education, abandoned studies.
  • Next to the Empress - a family holiday associated with the birthday of family members or with the receipt of a certificate, diploma of education.
  • If the Emperor is nearby - a corporate holiday, a collective event.
  • Hierophant - suddenness, unexpectedness, most often pleasant.
  • Lovers next to the four of Wands - a romantic relationship that will lead to the creation of a family union.
  • A chariot is the purchase of a valuable item, such as buying a car.
  • Strength is temptation, temptation.
  • Hermit - the need to be alone with oneself, the enjoyment of solitude.
  • The Wheel of Fortune is a festive feast.
  • Fairness is a good deal.
  • The Hanged Man - to appear before someone in an unfavorable light, to lose face.
  • Death is a commemoration.
  • Moderation - you need to start leading a healthy lifestyle, limit yourself to anything.
  • The devil - to get involved in revelry, drunkenness.
  • The tower is poisoning.
  • Star - To celebrate a promotion.
  • Moon - to be in an illusion about the real state of affairs.
  • The sun is to enjoy your vacation.
  • The court is to receive a well-deserved reward.
  • Peace - to celebrate the anniversary.

Combinations of the four of Tarot Wands with minor arcana

Let us dwell on combinations that warn of unpleasant situations that may arise very soon.

The Four of Wands and the Four of Swords are a warning that your plans cannot be realized.

Paired with the seven of Swords, the cards offer you in some situations to be more cunning, more careful. This applies to both business and personal relationships.

The Four of Wands next to the Three of Pentacles recommends that you take your time in making decisions. Consult with knowledgeable people, consult.

The most disturbing combination is the Four of Wands and the Five of Pentacles. This is a call to the fact that you need to be very careful about financial issues, inattention can lead to bankruptcy.

Card of the day

If you are in a quarrel with a friend or loved one, if an unpleasant conversation awaits you, if you cannot complete what you have begun, then you should know that the four of Tarot Wands that fell out says that today you can solve all the problems. New acquaintances may await you, which over time can become the basis for partnerships in business or develop into romantic relationships.

Instead of a conclusion

When a person starts working with a deck of Tarot cards, he often thinks that you can get all the answers to the questions if you remember the meanings of the cards and their combinations or put an open book-guide next to it. But this method only makes the cards harder to read. In the books on the Tarot, you can find different interpretations of the same combination of arcana. It is important to understand that there can be no ready-made answers, since working with a Tarot deck is a mystical, individual process.

Communication with Tarot is a dialogue with a wise interlocutor who gives useful and instructive advice. You need a calm, thoughtful study of each card, concentration on it.

To get an answer, you need to formulate the question very clearly. The more accurate the question is, the more accurate the answer will be. Then you need to focus on the dropped cards, carefully look at those key-images that are depicted on them and listen to the voice of your intuition, opening your mind to receive information.

And most importantly, after the fortune-telling, do not forget to thank the cards.
