Such a dream usually predicts news, but in some situations it predicts the appearance of this state and the dreamer herself. Most often, such dreams often come true literally, sometimes the day before the news, and then the dream ends up in hand.

The dream book writes a lot about what a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of. To understand the meaning of such a dream, pay attention to the various nuances and how likely such a turn of events is in reality. This is what a friend's pregnancy dreams of most often.

Male dreams

If you have such a dream, then the dream book does not always interpret it at all. The fact is that most often it reflects fears, because the relationship between a man and a woman is rarely really friendly. Especially if there are fears of such a turn of events in reality. If a guy dreamed of a pregnant girlfriend with whom he slept, then the dream book writes that such a dream means that, most likely, she will tell him such unpleasant news.

However, the dream book does not indicate who may be the author of such problems. In another situation, the dream predicts you trouble with her or because of her, as well as the illness of this woman, disgust for her, even at a subconscious level.

If you dreamed of a pregnant girlfriend with whom you study together and you did not have an intimate relationship, then such a dream predicts an unexpected turn in the relationship. It is possible that at the moment she is not happy and carries a burden and grief under her heart.

The dream book also writes that having a dream in which a girl you know is pregnant often predicts you receiving bad news about her or from her or a scandal in which she will be to blame. Sometimes the dream book writes that such a dream predicts her tears and misfortune, unrealistic plans or ideas that will require great efforts and time from her.

For an adult man, a dream that his girlfriend is pregnant predicts scandal and blackmail. Chances are your relationship will get worse. Very often, to see her on the street in such a position dreams that you will have a scandal, a quarrel and various troubles. Especially if you had an intimate relationship. Even if you protected yourself and a misfire came out, then the woman may actually be pregnant or will begin to use her condition in certain interests. So it is worth waiting for a big deterioration in relations with her or her ill health, but for a different reason.

Female dreams

Very often they are prophetic. Seeing a pregnant friend if she is sexually active or it can happen is a sign of sadness, bad news and quarrels. Sometimes such a dream turns out to be prophetic and you learn about your friend's pregnancy or abortion.

If you know for sure that she does not have a boyfriend and she cannot even, due to age, enter into an intimate relationship with someone, then the dream book writes that such a dream predicts great trouble for her or you. Pregnancy in words, if the girl herself told you everything, often dreams of fears and worries, troubles and tears. Sometimes such a dream means punishment of parents or difficult experiences, often because of unhappy love.

Every day a person has dreams that are difficult to decipher. What can a pregnant friend dream of if in life this condition has nothing to do with her? Basically, the interpretation of such a plot speaks of the excessive influence of public opinion.

Total value

In a dream I dreamed of a pregnant friend - it means that something new will happen soon. If the friend is close, then the changes will affect the dreamer. If the friend is unfamiliar, then the events will not affect you. The nature of events depends on the emotional state of sleep:

  • If the dream left terrible and unpleasant emotions, then the future event is not entirely expected. But with the support of loved ones, you will be able to get through everything with ease.
  • The joy and bright emotions of sleep predict a happy event.

Dreamed of a pregnant girlfriend

  • If you dreamed of a pregnant girlfriend who in real life will soon become a mother, then this portends an easy and successful birth. The child will be strong and healthy.
  • Sudden labor. He talks about worries about his girlfriend. In such a situation, you need to see her for your own reassurance.
  • Death of a pregnant girlfriend during childbirth. This portends congenital diseases of the baby or a complication process. But not all interpreters agree with this interpretation, so you should not worry too much.
  • Easy and painless delivery. Indicates that in reality everything will pass the same way. It can also promise the birth of a girl or twins.
  • Another sleep current symbolizes a signal of health problems. Attention should be paid to abdominal pain. Such a dream does not portend serious problems, so recovery will occur in the near future.

I dreamed that a friend was pregnant

Your girlfriend is pregnant in her sleep, but in reality she is not. This plot dreams of a quick marriage, childbirth, or great love that will lead to the birth of a child.

  • If a friend's childbirth urgently began, while she was greatly tormented, then this is a sign of problems with the stomach or intestines. And it was in a dream that the dreamer had bouts of pain, which were transferred to the image of a pregnant girlfriend. A pregnant girlfriend is an excessive dependence on other people's opinions, the media, the opinions of loved ones.
  • Another interpretation of sleep is the personification of ideas and plans. It can be creative ideas, arranging your personal life, planning an event. In this case, you will be very passionate about these matters.
  • Miller's dream book claims that such a picture speaks of dissatisfaction with life.

If a man dreamed of a pregnant girlfriend

  • If a man had to see his girlfriend pregnant, then this is a good sign. It means that she is doing well in her relationship with the dreamer. This plot means sincere feelings on your part, as well as a desire to create a family and children. Sometimes such a dream promises the dreamer's sympathy for a loved one.
  • If a married man dreamed of a pregnant girlfriend or mistress, then this promises problems with the health of his wife. For businessmen, such a dream speaks of failures that lie in wait for him due to the dishonesty of partners.

Other interpretations

  • According to Hasse's dream book, a pregnant girlfriend is a sign of trouble for both the girlfriend herself and the dreamer. At the same time, the problems are not as harmless as they seem at first glance. If a pregnant girlfriend needs help in a dream, then you need to help her in real life. The dream in which you hide your pregnant girlfriend from adversity means your own weak character, lack of faith in yourself and the ability to formulate thoughts.
  • Miller's interpretation says that the arrival of a thin pregnant girl portends success and fame. You don't have to make an effort to do this. It is enough to be able to present yourself favorably and soberly assess the circumstances.
  • Dream Interpretation Tsvetkov interprets someone else's pregnancy as impending misunderstandings and troubles.
  • According to the philosopher Antonio Meneghetti, such a picture in a dream means finding the dreamer under the influence of other people. In such a situation, you need to devote more time to your life.
  • Loff's dream book talks about the dreamer's desire to become pregnant, but due to some circumstances, this is not possible. It could be a subconscious fear of getting pregnant.
  • And the esoteric dream book foreshadows the intertwining of pregnancy with financial affairs, for example, you will have to borrow money.

This is an ambiguous dream, which has several different interpretations, depending on the age of this girl, her personal life and goals. Every woman can see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream. But what does this mean in your case? Here is what modern books write about this.

What does pregnancy mean in general

Dreams about her are often literally fulfilled. At the same time, a pregnant girl who, indeed, carries a child under her heart, but does not even know about it herself, can be seen by others. And if her family relationship is tense, there is no affection and trust in them, then the friends with whom she spends time and whom she trusts can see such a dream. And it can come true literally, even if the friend does not want to tell the dreamer anything and secretly makes an abortion from everyone.

But if the relationship between girlfriends is really trusting and sincere, then modern books write that pregnancy can come true and symbolically. Usually a big belly means difficulties, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, and also troubles. Much depends on what pregnancy means in the life of a particular woman. If this is a young girl who has not even kissed a guy yet, then pregnancy in a dream promises her a family scandal, especially with strict parents. Many may suspect her of being too loose, which can lead to pregnancy and interfere with her studies. The scandal can be related to the girl's sexual behavior or acquisition, as well as gossip. For example, her strict parents may be whispered that their daughter is visiting a married man or seen her getting into someone's car, which can lead to a family scandal. But in some situations, such a dream can mean a scandal due to a real pregnancy.

If your friend is a careerist and does not think about procreation yet, pregnancy in a dream is a dream of an illness that can significantly disrupt her immediate plans. To see what a married friend is wearing a child under her heart is to her passionate, but so far unrealizable desire to become a mother. Although in some situations, the gestational age can indicate the time when changes can occur in her life. Such dreams are usually seen by unmarried girlfriends who want a family and children. Seeing in a dream a pregnant girlfriend who is not married, but meets with guys - to expect motherhood. If the gestational age is indicated in a dream (for example, 6 months), then after this time there will be changes in her life. It is possible that she will marry and become a mother. However, in some cases, pregnancy means a painful expectation of some event or the implementation of a plan.

Whether to tell this dream or not

Both a young girl and a completely mature woman can see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream. However, in the interpretation of such a dream, it is worth listening to your intuition and to how much pregnancy is desirable for this person. Then you will understand how to interpret the dream and whether it can turn out to be prophetic.

Almost every night, any woman sees in a dream various pictures that the mind subconsciously gives out. Most often, such visions have a developed plot, therefore they resemble watching a movie with you in the lead role, and sometimes dreams are rather confused and incomprehensible.

However, for quite some time, people have noticed that in this way the subconscious speaks with the owner, protecting him from trouble or predicting a joyful event.

The dream about pregnancy is both of these cases. Such dreams are always characterized by a rather large emotional component, because the joy of motherhood appeals to almost every woman, but often pregnancy speaks of an overtaking grief. Exactly what such dreams speak of in different interpretations, and will be discussed in this article.

According to almost any dream book, your pregnancy has a rather double meaning - both happiness and grief.

However, in general, such a dream portends something good, but it is worth familiarizing yourself with the various options.

Why does a woman / girl dream of her pregnancy:

Why dream of a loved one's pregnancy

Opinion of interpreters about dreams with pregnancy

In fact, we can easily say that, as there are interpreters, so many opinions can be adapted for yourself. Why dream of pregnancy according to different dream books:

Why dream of pregnancy, depending on the day of the week

One of the most interesting options a more detailed interpretation of this type of dream is its dependence on the day of the week on which he dreamed.

What does it mean if you dream about a pregnancy test

The interpretation of such a dream depends on any smallest detail that appears on this instrument and even on the personality of the dreamer. Dreams associated with pregnancy are dreamed not only by women, but can also appear in men, and then the definition will be different.

If you saw a positive test in a dream, then there may be several interpretations. If the desire to have children has long appeared in your life, then often such a dream has a predictable meaning. But there is also an option that very global changes in life will await you, their direction already depends on your attitude to sleep. This is especially true for virgins and older women - for them, such a dream can be a rather disturbing warning.

However, a pregnancy test can also show a negative variant. In this case, for women who do not want children, this will be a harbinger of future pregnancy. We must clench our teeth and do not under any circumstances have an abortion, because the future life will be a change of fate.

If a pregnant woman already dreams of a negative test, then there is the possibility of a rather difficult or premature birth.

What dreams predict pregnancy

And what do you usually dream about before pregnancy / pregnancy, besides fish? Usually, a woman's desire to have a child is quite natural, which is why various precursors of pregnancy are often quite easily deciphered. However, it is best to know which signs, besides fish, can predict such a joyful event.

The first step is water, which represents life and motherhood. If you see in a dream a reservoir with such transparent water that the bottom is visible through it, then this is the clearest sign that pregnancy is coming soon.

The vision of future children is also an understandable sign, their age is completely unimportant. Usually, such dreams provide an opportunity to see not only the gender and appearance of the child, but also the moments of his life.

Quiet family harmony is also a sign of imminent conception, especially if you are just walking in these dreams. The peace and harmony of such a relationship suggests that a happy event awaits your life.

Pregnancy dreams should be treated with special attention, especially when you consider that they have a fairly diverse meaning.

And a few more interpretations - in the next video.

It is necessary to interpret dreams about a pregnant girlfriend from the point of view of whether she is really expecting a child in real life.

What does it mean if a pregnant girlfriend dreamed

If a friend is, in fact, expecting a baby, then such a sign suggests that the birth of a child will take place normally and safely. The baby will be born healthy and strong. If in a dream you saw a picture of a friend having a premature birth, this indicates your worries and worries about your friend. Consider meeting her, if only for your own peace of mind.

If you dreamed that a pregnant girlfriend suddenly dies during childbirth - a sign indicating possible congenital pathologies in a child or some complications with his health. Just don't worry ahead of time! Some interpreters of dreams do not quite agree with this interpretation of a dream, based on the fact that such a dream is only the result of worries and fears due to the new state of a friend - carrying a child or you yourself are expecting the birth of your own baby.

A dream in which you see that a friend's birth was easy and without any pain - everything will be fine in her real life. Such a dream can also predict the birth of a girl or twins.

If you dreamed that a friend was pregnant

A pregnant girlfriend seen in a dream (in real life she is not pregnant at all) may indicate your imminent marriage, the birth of your own child, or sudden strong feelings that will lead to the birth of a child.

Many dream books decipher such a dream as a sudden and painful childbirth with a friend in the following subtext: you have stomach or gastrointestinal problems. You may have experienced a seizure in a dream severe painbut don't remember this. On a subconscious level, it appeared to you in the form of a pregnant friend, and your real pain was transferred to her image.

The interpretation of a dream, where you see a pregnant girlfriend, can be interpreted in another way: your girlfriend is highly dependent on outside influence, for example, highly dependent on public opinion, pressure from her relatives or relatives, and the media.

Another meaning of such a dream: a pregnant girlfriend is the personification of your general ideas and plans. For example, your general creative ideas, planning your personal life, or you decide to host a party and the like. In a nutshell - you are very carried away by the implementation of these plans.

Miller's dream book claims: a pregnant girlfriend seen in a dream is her real personal life not quite perfect. Perhaps soon she will find herself in an awkward situation or she will have some kind of trouble. But if in real life she is really expecting a child, the dream indicates that the birth will take place without any complications.

If a pregnant girlfriend dreamed of a man

For a man to see his pregnant girlfriend in a dream - everything in her life is wonderful. She is quite happy with you, and content with her own life. In addition, such a dream may indicate your real deep feelings for her, you practically do not mind starting a family with this girl, having children.

Apparently, you still do not understand this, but on a subconscious level, treat your friend in this context. Much less often, such a dream, where you see your girlfriend pregnant, may indicate the sleeper's ability to empathize and understand another person.

A dream in which married man sees his girlfriend or mistress pregnant, indicates an early illness his wife. For businessmen, such a dream portends a complete collapse in their affairs. The reason for this failure is hidden in the bad faith of business partners.

Interpretation of a dream about a pregnant friend according to Hasse's dream book

According to the interpretation of Miss Hasse's dream book: a friend's pregnancy in a dream - expect your own troubles, or some negative events will happen to a friend. Moreover, these problems will be much deeper than it was assumed at the very beginning of their appearance. If you dreamed that a pregnant friend asked you to help her relatives, it means that in real life she really needs your help.

To give shelter to a pregnant friend in a dream (she is hiding from the anger of her parents) indicates your weak character, self-doubt, inability to clearly compose your own thoughts. A pregnant girlfriend who died in a dream - expect trouble.

If you dreamed that a friend became pregnant from your boyfriend or husband, in real life you will find unfair slander or unpleasant gossip. To dream about the departure of a pregnant girlfriend to the hospital is good news.
