Onion - along with carrots, potatoes and cabbage, it is the most popular vegetable crop, which has been widely used by people for more than five thousand years.

Onions are used in cooking, medicine, and even in genotoxicological research.

The healing properties of onions are recognized by all peoples of the world, therefore it is often used in folk medicine for the preparation of various medicines, as well as in the cosmetic industry.

Planting onions on personal plot probably every gardener does.

When is the best time to land?

What kind of soil is suitable for onions?

Let's take a closer look at these issues.

Varieties and features

The genus of onions has more than 500 plant species... In cooking, only 18 of them are widely used.

Also popular and decorative specieshaving original and beautiful flowers and leaves. But we will pay special attention to the types used for cooking.

The most common of all, of course, is onion. It is a biennial plant with long tubular leaves, very unpretentious and resistant to short-term frosts.

Batun is perennial plant, also has tubular leaves. Very picky about the structure of the soil, does not tolerate darkness.

Leek is one of the typical winter vegetable crops, has flat leaves, similar to garlic, but much denser and larger.

Among other types, they often use also shallots, tiered bow, chives, slime, fragrant, oblique, bearish, Star of Persia, aflatunian, gigantic, Sicilian, yellow, Drumsticks, blue and McLean.

Onion seeds begin to grow at a lower temperature mark of 5-6 ° C... Seedlings can easily survive light frosts.

At the beginning of its development, the plant is very demanding on soil moisture - a lack of moisture, like its excess, inhibits the ripening of the bulbs. To successfully grow bulbs at home or in the garden, you must use fertile soil that has a neutral composition.

As a rule, planting is carried out in those areas where the introduction was previously made organic fertilizers ... The preparation of the soil cover begins with its digging to the depth of humus after the crops previously grown in this place.

In the spring, before planting, you can apply mineral fertilizers consisting of superphosphate - 60 g, urea - 10 g, potassium chloride - 20 g (the amount of fertilizer is indicated per 1 m2).

Planting onion sets

The easiest way to grow onions is to use sets - small bulbs that grow in the first year after planting the seeds. You can buy sevok as seedlings in specialized markets or stores.

Sevki are planted in rows approximately 10-15 cm apart... Each row should be 30 cm apart from the other.

A small onion is buried 1-1.5 cm in the ground so that its top is visible. It is not recommended to press the seedlings into the ground; it is best to first make small holes with a garden trowel.

Seed planting

When choosing the time to plant onions, you should monitor the temperature.

The most suitable time is mid-springwhen the danger of severe frost passes.

Sowing should be done directly into the soil, previously well moistened, but in dry weather. On the site, you need to make shallow holes of 2-2.5 cm. The distance between the holes is 30 cm. The seeds should be laid out 3-4 pieces for every 20 cm. Then the holes must be carefully buried and the ground rolled in.

If you sow the onion with a continuous ribbon, then the seedlings will often have to be thinned out. The germination period depends on the soil temperature and can be about 20 days. Sowing can also be carried out in the soil covered with a film, then the planting dates will be postponed 2-3 weeks earlier.

Talking about how to properly plant onions, one should not forget about the preliminary preparation of the planting material. Seeds are tested for germination a month before planting. Then they are placed on a gauze cloth and kept in hot water for 15 minutes, and then in cold water for 1 minute.

Then the seeds are left on a damp cloth soaked in warm water for a day. Before planting, the seeds are kept in water at room temperature for two days.

Sevok must be sorted by size for even seedlings... The largest bulbs are planted first, then the medium ones, and the small ones last.

A few days before planting, you need to warm up the seedlings at a temperature of 35-40 ° C. If the onion is not heated, it will grow into arrows. For the prevention of various diseases, sets can be placed in a solution for 10 minutes. copper sulfate.

Care consists in timely weeding and watering... It is necessary to loosen the onion beds 2.5-3 cm deep every two weeks. Regardless of the planting method, watering in hot weather should be done once a week. In strong sunshine, it is worth treating watering with special care so as not to hurt the green feathers from the bulbs. Otherwise, they will quickly turn yellow and dry out.

Depending on the scheme and technology of landing onion heads either grow large, emitting thin tall feathers, or remain small, giving rise to leaves that grow tall and thick.

Onions are harvested when the growth of new feathers stops, and the old ones stick to the ground. As a rule, this period falls at the end of August - beginning of September. If it is not removed in time, it will resume its growth, but then the bulbs will no longer be suitable for storage and will quickly rot.

After harvest, each onion must be washed, peeled from feathers and husks, and then spread on paper in a dry, ventilated place. After 2-3 weeks, the naked onion will acquire new golden scales, and you can safely put it in the basement for storage.

Onions are no longer exotic for summer cottagerather, on the contrary, it is strange when he is not. Despite its wide distribution and popularity, not all gardeners know how to grow it. This is a rather capricious culture and any deviation in agricultural technology leads to a deterioration in the quality of the crop. Excessively "evil" onions grow with a lack of moisture at the beginning of the growing season, a shallow head is formed with a thickened planting and at the wrong depth, non-compliance with crop rotation and violation of the rules of care leads to the development of diseases and affects keeping quality.

Often summer residents get such a harvest, half of which is not preserved until the middle of winter, and the other half is suitable only for borscht because of its pronounced pungency. What features need to be taken into account in order to plant onions correctly and avoid many problems?

Onions love lighted areas and do not tolerate lowlands with heavy waterlogged soils. Good predecessors for him will be cabbage, cucumber and nightshade. These crops do not have common pests and diseases with onions, and since their cultivation is accompanied by the introduction of high doses of organic and mineral fertilizers, then the soil is still sufficiently nutritious.

Also, onions can go after zucchini and peas, but it is undesirable to occupy them with areas that were previously under carrots, since fresh organic matter is not introduced under this culture, and onions require fertile soil. Also, the site after it is released late, you may not have time to prepare it for a new planting. You can plant carrots after onions, good joint landings and the close location of the beds (they scare away pests from each other).

The plant can be returned to its original place no earlier than after 3 years, and with high disease damage - only after 5 years. Planting onions on the head in the spring should be carried out in loose and moderately moist soil, therefore, in the fall, the site should be dug onto the bayonet of a shovel, and in the spring it should only be raked and leveled.

If necessary, compost or humus and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are introduced in the fall. Chalk or lime is added to neutralize the soil solution on acidic soils. It is recommended to occupy the plots where fresh manure was introduced with onions only for 2 years.

In poorly heated areas with heavy clay soil, wide ridges are cut in autumn, on which planting will be carried out.

When is onion planted?

The exact dates of disembarkation are determined by the prevailing weather conditions and ground temperature. Onions are cold-resistant crops, but when planted in cold soil, they will shoot, which will reduce the quality of the crop.

On the other hand, the procedure must be completed when the soil still has a supply of moisture, the needs of which are high for onions at the beginning of growth. And the relatively long growing season of this culture does not forgive delay.

Preparation of planting material

Planting material (sets), stored warm way (18-20ºC at 60-70% humidity), does not require any procedures to activate growth processes. A week before planting, it is sorted out, rejecting dried, sprouted and decaying bulbs, and sorted, dividing into 2-3 fractions.

It is recommended to sow the finest fraction (diameter less than 1.5 cm) at an earlier date, since it does not give shooters. Sevok from the middle fraction (diameter 1.5-2 cm) gives the most good harvest, but provided that the planting is made in sufficiently warm soil. Large onions (more than 3 cm in diameter) can be used for growing onions on a feather or for obtaining turnips for canning, as they often give arrows, which affects keeping quality.

If the planting material was stored at low temperatures (in the attic, in the cellar, etc.), then 2 - 3 weeks before planting it must be transferred to a warm room and dried (the container with the set can simply be placed near the battery, but not very close).

The calibrated set is heated at 40ºC for 8 hours to destroy internal infection (can be put on a battery in a cardboard box). Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in hot water for 12-24 hours. Instead of water, you can use a weakly concentrated solution of complex fertilizers.

Immediately before planting, the planting material is treated with a pale solution of potassium permanganate or a fungicide (for example, copper sulfate) for 15 minutes. After processing, rinsing in clean warm water is required.

Some summer residents prune the "tails" at the set to accelerate germination. However, such a procedure damages the protective barrier and opens the door for infection, so it is better to do with soaking, which will halve the time to germination.

Planting technique of onion sets

On a leveled bed, shallow grooves are cut. The distance between the grooves should be 15-20 cm so that it is convenient to care for the plants. If the soil is not moist enough, the furrows are shed with water. Onions respond well to the introduction of wood ash and sand into the furrows.

In the prepared bed, you can plant the treated seed. The bulbs are buried with the bottom down to the "shoulders", and then sprinkled with earth, so that a layer of 2 cm is obtained on top. Surface plantings will give earlier shoots, but with this technique, you will not get a good turnip.

Sevok is placed in a row at a distance of 6-10 cm (depending on the variety). Some summer residents advise planting it tightly with a "snake" in order to get not only bulbs, but also greenery from one garden bed. As the plants grow in the row, they are thinned out, removing the bulbs along with the feather. This method is convenient in a small garden bed, when there is confidence that it will be thinned out in time.

How to grow a head from seeds in one season?

Growing onions for a turnip in the Non-Black Earth Region, on Far East and in Siberia, it occurs in a two-year culture, that is, first, a seed is obtained from seeds, from which a turnip is grown the next year. In the southern regions and Central Russia, some sweet and semi-sharp varieties and hybrids can form a marketable bulb from seeds in one season. To get a turnip immediately from seeds, you need to carry out early spring and winter sowing or use seedlings.

If weather conditions permit, then onions can be sown already at the end of April immediately in open ground... To speed up the germination of seeds, they must be placed in warm water or a solution of growth stimulants for 1-2 days.

Sowing is best done in high ridges. Seeds are sown to a depth of about 2 cm, using a belt method with a distance of 20 cm between the belts. Thus, if the ridge is 1 meter wide, then 4-5 rows can fit on it. Seedlings need regular watering and double thinning. The first time is thinned out a few days after mass shoots, leaving an interval of 2 cm between plants, and the second time - in the phase of 2-3 true leaves with an interval of 6 cm.

In winter, seeds are sown from late October to mid-November. Podzimny sowing is distinguished by an increased seeding rate (3 times) and mulching of crops with peat. Seedlings appear earlier, so the bulb ripens earlier.

Mainly sweet salad varieties are grown through seedlings. Sowing seedlings in a heated greenhouse is carried out in early March. It is possible to grow seedlings at home, but only with sufficient lighting. When sowing in nutrient soil, seedlings only need regular watering. Plants are planted in open ground at the age of 55 days (they should already have 3 - 4 true leaves). To do this, choose a cloudy day or evening. They are planted with a row spacing of 25 cm, between plants in a row they are kept at 6 - 8 cm.

The best varieties and hybrids

Onions are very sensitive to the length of daylight hours, therefore, for planting, you need to choose only zoned varieties or achievements of local selection. Varieties bred in the northern regions, in the south, with a short daylight hours, may not form a bulb at all. When creating your collection of favorites in the garden, include representatives from different groups in it. Spicy varieties are distinguished by high keeping quality and productivity, semi-sharp and sweet ones have good taste.

A guaranteed yield can be obtained by planting old local varieties. IN different regions Strigunovsky, Rostov local, Bessonovsky, Spassky, Mstersky, Pogarsky, Timiryazevsky received popular fame. They are zoned quite widely and are known among gardeners throughout Central Russia and beyond.

Of the widely zoned acute varieties and hybrids, it is worth noting Zolotisty Semko, Centurion and Stuttgarter rizen.

Golden Semko - early ripe with a large rounded golden bulb, which is formed in one season immediately from seeds; gives a high yield; cultivated in all regions of Russia.

Centurion - a little shooting hybrid with a medium early ripening period; bulbs are golden, medium in size, slightly elongated; resistant to disease.

Stuttgarter rizen - mid-season with large, slightly flattened bulbs.

Semi-sharp varieties for Central Russia: Zolotnichok, Odintsovets, Sputnik, Myachkovsky 300, Red Baron.

Spool - medium early with golden rounded bulbs.

Myachkovsky 300 - early high-yielding with medium-sized flattened yellow bulbs; suitable for growing turnip directly from seed.

Red Baron - early ripening; dark purple bulbs, rounded, weighing up to 150 g.

Good varieties and hybrids of sweet onions: Exibishen, Ritmo, Comet.

Exibition - medium ripening with large oval bulbs yellow color; suitable for growing in annual crops from seeds; has a high yield, but low keeping quality.

Comet - late ripening with large white onions; disease resistant and suitable for long-term storage.

It can be difficult for novice gardeners to decide which onion to plant on the head. After all, not only taste and yield are important here, but also keeping quality and resistance to diseases. Moreover, one and the same variety in different soil and climatic conditions can show different results. Therefore, select up to 5 different varieties in order to highlight your favorites in 2-3 seasons.

The subtleties of plant care

Young seedlings need regular (1-2 times a week) and moderate watering, followed by loosening the row spacings to restore root aeration. With the beginning of the formation of the head, the frequency of watering is reduced, and a month before harvesting, they are not carried out at all for the successful ripening of the bulb. However, in severe drought, it is recommended to spray with a small amount of water.

For seedlings, they pose a serious threat weedstherefore weeding must be timely. Hilling plants and close loosening are not allowed. Weeds in a row are removed by hand to avoid damaging a bulb with a weak root system.

Many summer residents are advised to carry out one or even two dressings per season. However, there is no need for them on fertile soils, filled with organic matter since autumn. On poor soils, the first feeding with liquid organic fertilizers (horse manure, bird droppings, mullein) is carried out about a month after planting. The second feeding is carried out during the formation of the turnip, while using phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. To exclude root burns, top dressing is carried out after moistening the soil and before watering.

When growing onions on your land plot, it must be remembered that a properly planted seed will be the key to an excellent harvest. Usually, the dates for planting any garden crops fall in the spring. And the bow is no exception to this rule. This article will be devoted to the question of how the onion sets should be planted in spring.

Landing dates

Naturally, spring will be the most optimal time for planting any plant. But for each crop, the timing of planting in the ground differs in a fairly wide range. As for the onion, there are no specific deadlines for it that gardeners can easily rely on. Usually it is recommended to plant sevok during a period when the land is on garden plot warmed up to a depth of about 6-10 centimeters. As a result, you just need to be guided by the weather to determine when to plant onion stock.

In warm and early spring, you can plant a set at the end of April. It should be remembered that you cannot plant onions in cold ground. But you shouldn't delay the landing too much. Therefore, in order not to miss the right time, you should focus on the soil temperature. It should be at least + 12 ° С.

Another point that must be taken into account when determining the timing of planting seed is the size of the seed. If it is small, then it should be planted very early. In such a situation, possible spring frosts the onions will not be afraid and he will tolerate them perfectly, without prejudice to the future harvest. At the same time, small specimens, when planted early, quickly form arrows.

Larger planting material should be planted a little later. In this case, the time when you need to plant the sevok comes after the final warming. Planting such specimens early will result in abundant arrow formation.

Remember that choosing the right planting time significantly increases the chances of getting an excellent and, most importantly, tasty harvest at the end of the growing season.

Video "Planting Onions in the Ground"

How to grow onions is described in the video.

Preparation of soil and planting material

In addition to the correct timing of planting the seed, its preparation is important. In this case, preparation is carried out not only for seed material, but also for soil. If this is not done, then there is a high risk of the formation of a large number of arrows, which will negatively affect the taste of the onion head. In this regard, it is necessary to plant the sevok only after thorough preparation.

Let's start with how the soil is prepared. Naturally, in this matter, the most important point will be a properly selected area for growing a crop. It is recommended to plant onions in such an area of \u200b\u200bthe garden or garden that is freed from snow early. Moreover, this plant loves well-lit and ventilated areas. Both of these factors will serve as a natural defense against powdery mildew.

The land on the chosen plot must be free of weeds and sufficiently fertile. It is also necessary to avoid areas where there is frequent stagnation of water. Excessive amounts of water will have a detrimental effect on the head of the onion. Because of this, it can start to rot right in the soil.

When choosing a site to plant onions on it, you must take into account the acidity level of the earth. In an acidic environment, this culture does not develop well. Therefore, with high acidity, lime should be added to the soil. Thus, it is possible to quickly and effectively reduce the acidity of the medium to a neutral level.

It is also worth knowing that you cannot plant onions in the same place for two years in a row. It is imperative to follow the rules of crop rotation. The following crops will be the best predecessors for onions:

  • beans;
  • peas;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • squash or pumpkin.

The very preparation of the soil begins in the fall, after harvesting. In order for the planting of seed to be successful next year in the spring, the following preparatory steps must be taken in the fall:

  • digging the site. Reforging should be done to the depth of the shovel. Usually the digging depth is 15-20 cm;
  • after that, the land is leveled;
  • some gardeners recommend fertilizing during this period. Often unripe manure is used for these purposes. Peat compost can also be used for feeding in this situation. Remember that it is strictly forbidden to apply fertilizers (especially humus and chicken droppings) before planting the seedlings. Otherwise, there will be intense growth of greenery and inhibited development of the head. In addition, there will be many more weeds.

After that, the site is left alone until the next spring.

Before planting onion seed, it is necessary to properly prepare not only the soil, but also the seed itself. Please note that only those specimens are allowed for preparation that have a beautiful and healthy appearance, without various mechanical defects.

When buying planting material, it must be dried well. In a situation where the set was obtained with his own hand, it should be stored in winter at a temperature not lower than + 18 ° C. It is necessary to plant such seed only after warming up.

Warming up a set is a laborious and time-consuming process, which consists of the following stages:

  • sowing at a temperature of + 20 ° C should be kept for 15-20 days;
  • after that, we put it in conditions with a temperature regime in the range of + 30-40 ° C. Under these conditions, the set should be for about 8-10 hours.

Please note that at the second stage, warm the onion, it is important not to overexpose it. Before planting the planting material heated in this way, it is recommended to treat the seedlings with a growth stimulator.

If the seed material cannot be heated in two stages for any reason, then it must be soaked in water. The water temperature should vary between + 45-50 ° C. The soaking time is only 10-15 minutes. As soon as this period has expired, we place the set in cold water for the same 10-15 minutes. After that, we immerse the planting material in a solution prepared from a complex mineral fertilizer. In this solution, the seedlings should be 5-6 hours.

Whatever method of preparing seed material is used, it must be disinfected. For these purposes, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable. You can also use a solution of copper sulfate, dissolving 35 grams of blue powder in 10 liters of water.

In addition to the above methods of preparing the onion head for planting, there is another "grandmother's" method. It involves the following manipulations:

  • the sets must be dried at a temperature of + 20-25 ° C for one week;
  • planting planting material can only be done after pre-soaking the bulbs in a saline solution. To prepare it, you need to place 2 tablespoons of salt in 2 liters of water. In such a solution, the planting material should stay for 3 hours;
  • then it is removed from the saline solution and washed well;
  • for disinfection, immerse the seed in a dark solution of potassium permanganate. The bulbs should stay in it for 2 hours;
  • after that, we rinse the sets again well.

At this stage, the preparation of both the soil and the seed is finished. Now you can safely plant onions in open ground.

Landing technology

Many people think that planting onions is easy. What is difficult to lower the head into the hole and cover it with earth on top. Of course, this can also be planted, but the harvest in such a situation will be far from ideal. If you want to get a bountiful and tasty harvest, then you need to correctly and strictly adhere to the technology of planting and caring for onions.

Planting the prepared sevka is as follows:

  • before planting the planting material, the surface of the bed must be slightly rolled. As a result, you should get a flat surface, which will greatly facilitate the landing;
  • after that, on the surface of the bed, we form shallow grooves. Their depth should be about 2-4 cm. This parameter is determined based on the size of the head. If the depth was significant, then the grown bulbs will have an elongated shape. A shallow depth will lead to a poorly developed root system, and this, in turn, to a shallow and tasteless harvest;
  • the distance between furrows should be approximately 20-25 cm;
  • the distance between adjacent plants should be 7-8 cm;
  • first, small onions should be planted, the diameter of which does not exceed one centimeter. They will not form an arrow;
  • after that, after 1-2 weeks, we plant larger specimens of the seed. Their diameter will be 1-2 cm. If you plant them at the same time with small sets, they will go to the arrow;
  • then it covers the heads with earth from above. The thickness of the top earth layer should be approximately 2-3 cm.

Once planting is complete, all that remains is to properly care for the onions so that you can reap an excellent harvest at the end of the season.


When the seed has been planted, the planting needs care, which is as follows:

  • thorough watering is necessary at first. The bed should be constantly wet and not dry out;
  • after watering, the soil is loosened;
  • loosening is carried out between the rows after the appearance of the first shoots;
  • periodic weeding, as they can slow down the growth of onions;
  • the arrows that appeared during the growth must be removed, but only after the development of the thickening at the base of the seedlings;
  • top dressing. For the first time, it is carried out when the feathers reach a height of 10-15 cm. At this time, urea and superphosphate are added.

As you can see, planting onion sets is not difficult. But you need to follow all the recommendations and steps in order to get a tasty and good harvest.

Onion Planting Video

This video tells about planting onions in the garden.

The most common vegetable in the garden, of course, after potatoes, is onion of various varieties and types. From green feathers in early spring to large, succulent bulbs in the rest of the year, it delights us with its vitamin composition. In addition to its inherent nutritional properties, onions are indispensable in folk medicine, especially in winter time years with his period of colds viral infections. It is impossible to replace it with another product that has the same set of useful qualities.

When to plant onion sets in the ground

To get a good harvest of onions, it is necessary to scrupulously adhere to the agricultural technology of its cultivation. From the moment of sowing seeds to obtaining a full-fledged vegetable, it usually takes at least two years. In the first year, in the open ground, seed is grown from seeds, which are small onions no more than 3 cm in size.When they are planted next year on a garden bed, a full-size product is obtained at the output.

Factors affecting the yield of onion sets

  • growing temperature;
  • onion planting site;
  • soil preparation.

Onions are frost-resistant plants. Adults are able to withstand frosts down to minus five degrees, and young seedlings give their first shoots at minus 1 degrees. Therefore, early sowing and late harvesting are not an obstacle to growing onions. The normal agrotechnical temperature range is 12-26 degrees. With an average growing season of three months, any type of onion fits into favorable temperature conditions.

Choosing a landing site, you need to give preference sunny placesavoiding lowlands and shade. Sandy loam and loamy soils are ideal for good yields. Determining what kind of soil is on the planned site is quite simple. When digging a bed, pay attention to how the soil sticks off the tool blade:

Crop rotation is of great importance. It is not worth planting sevok in the same place for more than 3 years. Regularly alternating it with potatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, legumes, you can create favorable conditions for its growth in the open field. If you plant it next to carrots, it will help. both of them fight the neighbor's pests.

The preparation of the soil for planting onions is carried out in the fall by adding ripe manure and mineral fertilizers to the site, followed by digging the site with a shovel. Organic supplement options range from chopped up weed debris but no seeds to rotted compost heaps. Possible application of natural fertilizer based on peat - humate. Of the mineral, it is preferable to use nitroammophos, which has a complex of necessary elements for plant nutrition.

Fertilization in autumn in the soil is more preferable than adding directly under the plant during growth. The second option leads to an increase in the green mass, and not the turnip itself. In spring, only seasonal soil replenishment is performed.

If the soil has an increased acidity, then it is necessary to add components to it that reduce its level. These are ash, lime, chalk. But it should be borne in mind that the simultaneous introduction of these elements and organic fertilizers is unacceptable, since the result of their interaction leads to a decrease in the nitrogen content in the soil. If the processing still needs to be carried out, then it must be spaced out in time for autumn and spring.

The time when you need to plant onion sets in the ground

There are no categorical requirements for the time when to plant onions. It can be planted both in spring and autumn. If you have to do this for the first time, then you should try both options and evaluate the result after harvesting.

It is possible to plant in spring only as the soil warms up. Having sorted the bulbs by size, preference should be given to smaller ones and planted early. Large bulbs are planted later, preventing premature planting of the bulbs. In case this is the first try growing sets, it is better for beginners to play it safe and choose medium-sized onions. So there will be at least some guarantee of a harvest. Before planting, the seed must be processed according to the following method:

If the seed has a weak root system, then it is advisable to treat it with growth stimulants. This will allow reaching 100% of onion germination..

In the fall, it is advisable to plant the smallest set, which runs the risk of not remaining until spring during storage. Being in a dry room and not having a sufficient supply of mass, it will simply dry out and disappear until spring. Two weeks before the arrival of frost, the seedlings are planted in the ground, where it is located before the onset of heat. The storage conditions in the soil do not allow it to lose its nutrients during the winter, and the extended growing season contributes to an increased yield.

Planting technology sevka

Landing in previously prepared soil is carried out in rows with a distance of 25 cm between them. This is quite enough for performing various agrotechnical measures of weeding, loosening. Depending on the size of the bulb, the distance between them is chosen within the range of 8-13 cm. The depth should be 2-3 cm. It is in this position that the roots of the plant will be in the moist soil layer. A shallower planting will lead to active growth of the green mass to the detriment of the development of the root system. Greater depth will make it difficult for seedlings to germinate and move the ripening period. Non-compliance with the recommended parameters will inevitably affect the results in the fall.

Plant care

After the appearance of the first greenery, caring for the onion consists of regular weeding, watering and loosening the soil. Periodically, it is necessary to water with infusion of mullein, fermented grass or poultry droppings. The concentration of these dressings is important, which should not exceed 1 liter of tincture per 10 liters of water. In case of non-observance of the proportions, there is a possibility of burning the plants with an increased content of fertilizers.

As the greens lodge, you need to check the condition of the bulbs. If their roots have begun to dry out, then you can start harvesting. Having dug up the onion, it must be well dried in the shade under a canopy until the tops and roots are completely dry. Folded in boxes, can be sent for storage.

It is quite possible to get a good harvest of onion sets. One has only to make some effort, spending the minimum amount of time growing an unpretentious vegetable.

Not all novice summer residents know when to plant onion sets in open ground in order to see an enviable harvest of not only greens, but also heads. This is the name of the bulbs collected in the first year of their germination. They are then used as seeds for the production of onion heads or greens.

When to plant onion sets in open ground?

You can plant onion sets in open ground in spring and autumn on a feather or on a turnip. First, small onions are rooted and they are seated again next year. Before disembarking, the heads must be sorted, selected:

  1. The smallest ones are up to 1 cm, they are rooted early, such bulbs are not able to form an arrow.
  2. Later, the best onion sets are planted 1-2 cm in size.
  3. Sevok larger than 2 cm is grown to obtain greens per feather. For the most part, massive bulbs give out an arrow, and a high-quality dense turnip is not formed from them.

Planting dates for onion sets:

  1. The backlog is planned for the middle spring. Onion sets are often sown in late April - early May. The main thing is that the earth at this time was heated 10 cm down. Onions up to 1 cm in size are always planted first, after 1-2 weeks more massive heads are rooted.
  2. It is recommended to plant onion sets in the fall. This should be done 30 days before the cold snaps, so that the soil is still warm. It is important to know when to plant onion sets in the fall in open ground. Having reinsured and sowing it early, it is likely to see green arrows even before frost, and the onion will die from frost. Embedding too late in open ground is also bad. The root system will not have time to develop and the seedling will freeze.

When to buy onion sets for planting?

It is important to understand when it is better to buy onion sets for planting, so as not to keep them in the net for a long time. When the storage temperature changes erratically, the heads can go into the arrow. The sale of sevka starts in February, with such a purchase it is important to pay attention that the sevka is not frozen. The peak of onion sales is in March, when you can find the whole range of onions. It is best to buy a set in April - then you will not have to keep it in the house for long and with less losses. Keep the heads until immersed in open ground in a ventilated mesh and with heat deviations no more than 1-2 ° C.

Soil temperature for planting onion sets

It is unfavorable to delay sowing onions, as well as sowing them in unheated soil. Suitable temperature regime - the fundamental component of planting sevka, it depends on it will give a strong turnip or frail arrows. It is important that the heat is:

  1. About + 20 ° С when keeping onions with a warm storage option and -2 ° С - 4 ° С - when cold.
  2. Around + 40 ° C before planting - for this, the seedlings must be held in the sun or even soaked in warm water.
  3. From + 10 ° C to + 15 ° C there should be a soil temperature for planting onion sets in spring in open ground. If it is slightly higher, in the region of + 20 ° С, the feathers will germinate more likely, but they will not be so juicy and will probably become bitter. With cooler indicators, the harvest may not be seen at all.

When to get onion sets from the refrigerator?

Sometimes gardeners store onion sets in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. It is double wrapped - first in a paper bag made of highly absorbent paper, which is also placed in a perforated film bag. The paper packaging will have to be changed periodically so that the bulbs do not fog up. It is advisable to adapt canvas bags for storage, the main thing is that the container provides the heads with excellent air circulation.

Before using the cold storage option for onions, it must be warmed up for 14 days at a temperature of + 32-36 ° C. When the springtime comes and the time of planting is approaching, 2 weeks before touching the open ground, the seedlings are taken out of the refrigerator and heated at the same temperature. Only then will the raw materials be prepared for sowing on the site.

When to plant onion sets according to the lunar calendar?

When it is better to plant onion sets in open ground this year will tell you. He will help you to correctly plan work in accordance with the position of the heavenly month and the signs of the zodiac and see a decent harvest. Planting onion sets in spring lunar calendar - favorable days:

  • in February 18, 21 - 26;
  • in March 1, 3 - 5, 20 - 21, 24 - 26, 29;
  • in April 1, 18, 21 - 22, 25 - 29;
  • in May 18 - 19, 22 - 28.

The timing of planting onion sets on a turnip

Large turnips grow from small bulbs, and sowing material more than 2 cm in size always shoots arrows - it is used for. The smallest set on a turnip is best planted before winter, because it can dry out during the winter. The best period for disembarkation is from late October to early November (30 days before stable cold weather). You can focus on an external thermometer: when the temperature has dropped to + 5 ° C and does not rise for several days, it is time to plant onions.

It is not too late to do this in early spring - it is rooted very first. The timing of planting onion sets on a turnip in spring depends on the weather. The procedure is carried out when the ground warms up and the risk of recurrent frosts disappears. When focusing on the clues of nature, the time of the groundwork is established by the flowering of crocuses and bird cherry. Dates of planting sevka on a turnip:

  1. In the south - the end of March - the beginning of April.
  2. In the Volga region - from late April to early May.
  3. IN middle lane - in May during the whole month.
  4. In the Urals and Siberia - in late May - early June.
