At all times, weaving flowers for the garden were popular with the owners of estates and estates. Wealthy owners from different parts of Europe and the world brought plants to create their own luxurious greenhouses and decorate their summer residences. Time passed, but the love for winding and weaving cultures remained. Professional and amateur gardeners are still trying to diversify their plot, make a unique composition, etc. with their help.

It is almost impossible to imagine a garden, even the most modest, without weaving. Arbors and pergolas twined with greenery, vertical landscaping of walls and hedges - all this adds coziness and originality, besides it helps to hide some imperfections of the terrain and buildings, to zone the space.

Annual and perennial climbing plants

All weaving plants that are used in garden design can be divided into two large groups: annuals and perennials. The classification is based on their growing season. Perennials can grow in one place for decades and every year delight you with their flowering with renewed vigor. Annual plants have a limited growing season and die, as a rule, with the onset of the first frost. However, they have one feature for which gardeners love them so much - this is the most magnificent and abundant flowering. They, in comparison with perennials, are able to give the largest possible seasonal increase.

What to choose weaving flowers for the garden? And those and others. Thanks to the current variety of planting material, you can, firstly, achieve the effect continuous flowering, and secondly, to use each type where it is most appropriate. Of course, don't forget about climatic conditions Moreover, when choosing colors, you should be guided by this factor in the first place.

Let's start with annual weaving flowers for the garden - as the most simple and versatile to use. We offer you a selection of the five most popular and spectacular plants.

Sweet pea

In our opinion, sweet peas are underestimated, as they are practically not in demand among landscape designers. And it’s completely in vain, because the plant has its own unique charm. Without it, it is difficult to imagine such a popular style of Provence and an English garden. At the moment there are 10 groups of varieties and more than a thousand varieties. Powerful hybrids grow up to 2 m in height in 1-2 months, and from mid-summer the bushes are decorated with large “moth” flowers (characteristic of all representatives of legumes) of a wide variety of bright colors, exuding a delicate aroma. There are also medium and undersized varieties. This diversity allows you to create a harmonious multi-level composition.

Sweet peas belong to the group of wicker flowers most commonly used for arbors. It is unpretentious, requires only regular watering and timely garters of lashes. Prefers shady places where the sun hits in the afternoon. In the photo above - sweet peas planted with clematis.


One of the most unpretentious climbing annuals is, of course, morning glory. With her strong green embrace, she will embrace everything that gets in her way. This genus of flowering plants from the Bindweed family includes more than a thousand species, but several main varieties are used in ornamental horticulture, which gave rise to numerous hybrids.

Ipomoea prefers sunny, well-lit areas. Easy to care for and undemanding. In dry summers, it needs frequent watering.

Ipomoea - weaving flowers (photo above), most often used to decorate fences and hedges. At the same time, the type of support does not matter at all: a neighboring tree, a wall of a house, etc. Ipomoea creates a living carpet, decorated with many large (up to 10 cm in diameter), intricately curved funnel-shaped flowers. The palette of shades varies from white to dark blue, burgundy and deep purple. Against the background of green foliage, a bright contrast is obtained.


Kobe can rightly be called the queen of annual weaving flowers (photo above). It stands out among a wide variety of hybrids with large flowers in the form of wide bells, reaching a diameter of 8 cm. A palette of shades: from white to rich, deep purple. The plant is characterized by a high growth rate and the ability to quickly increase its green mass, it may well stretch up to 4 m per season. The shoots are very tenacious with sensitive tendrils, do not require additional garters and can crawl on any surface on their own. Flowering continues until the first frost. If desired, morning glory roots can be dug up and stored until next spring in room conditions. However, as a rule, gardeners prefer to use it as an annual.

In terms of use, kobe is universal. With its help, you can hide the most unsightly buildings and walls, decorate pergolas and arbors, the walls of the house. True, there is one caveat: the green mass built up by the plant seems light only at first glance, therefore it is better if the support has sufficient strength.

Dolichos, or hyacinth beans

Can there be something brighter and more exotic in Russian gardens than blooming dolichos? These magnificent weaving flowers are a novelty that deserves close attention. Gardeners often refer to it as "curly lilac", referring to the stunning large clusters of flowers that form on the plant in mid-summer. Closer to autumn, no less decorative glossy pods of a purple hue appear in their place, which are also a kind of decoration.

Dolichos is a thermophilic plant. Under good weather conditions, it is able to grow up to 4 m in height over the summer. Due to this professional designers prefer to use it for pergolas and arbors. The plant is not demanding to care. However, in middle lane Russia is recommended to grow it through seedlings and plant it in a permanent place only after warm weather is established without the threat of frost.


Nasturtium in its homeland, in Central and South America, is a perennial. However, in our climatic conditions, these are annual weaving flowers for the garden. The photo clearly demonstrates the magnificent warm golden range of shades characteristic of nasturtium. The plant is unpretentious and even in cool summers can grow up to 3 m in length. Prefers sunny and warm areas.

The shoots are strewn with flowers, harmoniously combined with rounded bright green leaves. Experts recommend using it to decorate gazebos, as nasturtium is a natural remedy for annoying insects.

The listed types of annuals are only a small part of the plants that can be used for vertical gardening. In addition to beautifully flowering specimens, there are many deciduous-decorative ones. However, the palm still belongs to perennial weaving flowers for the garden. Photo, name and short description the most common crops you will find below.

climbing roses

If ordinary standard roses are the queens of the garden, then climbing roses are its princesses. They have long hanging shoots (2.5-9 m), for the normal development of which a strong support is simply necessary. Varieties can be remontant, that is, blooming almost throughout the entire season, or ordinary - with a single flowering. The flowers are simple or semi-double, collected in a large inflorescence, do not have aroma, painted in a wide variety of shades of pink, red, white and yellow.

Climbing roses are the children of the sun, so it is best to plant them on the south and southwest sides of the exposure. Warmth and plenty of light contribute to the maturation of growth, on which buds will appear next year. Roses are demanding on fertility and need care, so just planting them and, as they say, forgetting will not work. Otherwise, you will not see the abundance and beauty of flowers. Weaving roses take center stage in the garden's vertical landscaping. They are perfectly combined with small architectural forms, and are also indispensable for creating pergolas, arches, arbors, pyramids, columns, decorating the walls of a building.


Herbaceous liana clematis is one of the most popular garden plants. Delicate and charming, in beauty it competes with many exotic species. The plant is quite picky and requires constant care. But in return, it will thank you with lush flowering. The spectacle is truly delightful when up to five hundred large fragrant flowers up to 15 cm in diameter bloom on a vine. Depending on the variety, weaving flowers can be double or simple, and the color can be red, purple, pink, white, yellow, blue.

Clematis have good frost resistance, especially zoned varieties. This feature allows them to be used in the gardens of the Urals and Siberia with proper shelter for the winter. Use the plant to decorate creating a shadow in the yard, braiding arches and arbors, masking outbuildings.

Honeysuckle Brown

Not all perennial weaving flowers for the garden can boast of such original look like Honeysuckle Brown. It reaches its highest decorative effect during the flowering period, however, the rest of the time the bush is beautiful thanks to large dark green leaves, densely located on shoots up to 2-3 m long.

The shrub in summer is completely covered with dense greenery and beautiful flowers reminiscent of fuchsia and have a delicate pleasant aroma. The most common shade is red-orange. The flowers are large (up to 5 cm in length), not collected in inflorescences, so the bush looks even more elegant. The plant is unpretentious, patiently tolerates adverse environmental conditions.

Honeysuckle Brown prefers well-lit places, without drafts and strong winds. The shrub is sensitive to dry soil, so it requires regular watering and mulching of protruding roots. It is not capable of self-pollination, so it is recommended to plant several specimens nearby.

For landscape design, these perennial weaving flowers, or rather, shrubs, are used in several ways: creating hedges, vertical gardening (pergolas, arbors), trellis, separate single plantings with support.


Wisteria, or wisteria, is a perennial species of climbing garden plants belonging to the legume family. It is a very popular beautiful flowering vine and is widely used in landscape design regions and countries with mild climates. In Russia, it can be found on the Black Sea coast or in the Crimea. You can not pass by her spectacular inflorescences up to 50 cm long, which can be painted in pink, white, blue, purple.

Until recently, this splendor was inaccessible to central Russia. Bushes simply freeze in cold winters. However, plant breeding, including weaving garden flowers, does not stand still. In the American, a frost-resistant variety of macrostachia wisteria called Blue Moon was bred. The plant can withstand temperatures as low as -40°C.

The main thing for a liana is warmth. Therefore, experts recommend planting it closer to buildings and walls. They will serve not only as a support, but also additional sources heat.


Campsis is the champion in growth rate among all other climbing perennials. Literally in a couple of seasons, under proper conditions, its shoots stretch up to 3 m in length, completely braiding arbors and arches. It is resistant to adverse weather conditions, cold and at the same time has a modest but dignified beauty that pleases the eye. Kampsis on your site will grow "by itself", requiring little attention, except perhaps periodic watering. For the winter, the root system is covered.

The plant has beautiful flowers of an unusual shape, usually orange in color, odorless. Liana is sometimes called "aggressive" due to the fact that it gives abundant root growth, which develops by leaps and bounds. This feature can be used for good. It is enough to plant campsis where nothing else grows (the farthest corners of the garden, unsightly buildings, etc.).

What to choose?

When choosing weaving flowers (photos and names of the most popular ones are presented above) for your garden, first of all compare the possibilities with the goals. If you want a lush green carpet adorned with flowers in a short amount of time, then resort to annuals. They will literally braid a gazebo or fence before our eyes, at the same time hiding all the defects of the site. If you are planning to set up a place to stay for a long period, then it makes sense to think about perennial climbing flowers. They will grow longer, but the annual question of what to plant this time will disappear.

Inclining to the choice of one or another option, you need to take into account some of the nuances in advance. So, climbing plants, such as campsis, do not require special support. They will perfectly climb on their own on the walls of stone or brick.

clinging garden plants, such as sweet peas, are suitable for thin lattices or stretched wire, for which their thin antennae will cling.

For leaning vines (wisteria, honeysuckle), you will need to build trellises or arches, pergolas. They cannot independently gain a foothold on a vertical surface, but they wrap it around it very tightly and tightly. Semilianas in particular climbing roses, require not only supports, but also additional fastening and garters.

Curly flowers for the garden are often used in various design solutions. With their help, it is possible to make vertical walls attractive, which, without green decorations, do not look neat and do not give home comfort. That is why these flowers are planted. Climbing plants give life and greatly decorate the territory of the patio, the external walls of the house and fences.

Curly flowers for the garden - description and photo

This is a vine that does not require significant maintenance. It belongs to perennial crops that grow rapidly and with its help gazebos and vertical facades of the building are decorated, creating impenetrable green thickets there.

Parthenocissus occupies almost the first place in the landscaping of park areas; it looks especially beautiful and romantic in autumn. At the first cold snap, the foliage of the grapes begins to change its color from dark green to yellow-red. And such foliage burns with a bright crimson, attracting the attention of people with its beauty.

The plant has such a type of hardiness that it is quite easy to start it in your area, and in order to bring it out, you need to make great efforts. In the first year, he develops his root system, quickly occupying the entire area allotted to him in the ground. And in the second year of his life, he begins to actively increase his vegetative mass.

Outwardly, this is a perennial liana, dropping onto winter period its leaf mass. Leaf plates look like an open palm with five fingers. Closer to autumn, small tassels with blue non-edible berries appear.

There is a variety of girlish grapes, in which the leaves are initially painted in rather decorative colors of white and green; on the borders of mixing colors, they do not go in a straight line, but there are places with a scattering of green and white freckles.

This is a perennial vine, whose homeland is Brazil, grows and blooms all the warm season. Since it is a rather heat-loving plant, it is brought indoors for the winter and grown as indoor plant. But all summer season, if you roll out the container and put it near front door and direct the branches to trail along it, as a result, you will get a unique and unforgettable arch of decorative foliage.

Liana requires care:

  • Timely watering;
  • Pruning carried out twice during the warm season;
  • In reinforced fertilizer during the growth of the vegetative mass.


This is a close relative of clematis, but blooming a little earlier than him. They also have a significant difference in the structure of flowers. In princes, this is not a fully opened drooping bell, and in clematis, wide-open flowers of large size. The inflorescence is attached with young leaves. When growing this plant, it would be good to install a support near it, consisting of a grid made of either wire or rope.

This unpretentious will delight its flowering in late spring and early summer. For the winter, the plant is not insulated, but left to winter on a support, which also has a significant plus in the cultivation of princes. Therefore, in the spring they wake up faster, and when other plants just start to awaken their buds, the princely creepers are already covered. dense foliage and getting ready to bloom.

petiolate hydrangea

This is a rare variety of hydrangea, which is very different from its bush counterparts in the structure of its bush. So it's a pretty fast growing vine, with long lashes that lands along fences and gives them a pretty eye-catching look.

Liana is absolutely not whimsical, but needs regular watering and requires regular disposal of weeds that grow at her feet. Otherwise, instead of a beautiful openwork bush, you end up with a clumsy shrub surrounded by weeds.

With proper care, the liana grows into a tall shrub reaching the windows of the fourth floor. At the same time, it takes the form of objects on which it climbs up. Does not require insulation for the winter.

This is a very delicate and beautiful plant that is planted along fences or arbors. Growing, it covers with a continuous flowering blanket those objects where it is planted, and in the evening, the enchanting aroma of its flowers is added to the beauty. Read about here.

The plant has many varieties with different flowering periods, so you can choose plants planted around the gazebo so that they will delight the gardener with their blooming fragrant flowers for quite a long time. It must be remembered that the fruits of honeysuckle cannot be used for food.

Varieties of curly honeysuckle:

  • Tatar;
  • honeysuckle;
  • Brown;
  • Telman;
  • Serotin.

This is a very welcome guest in any garden, as it can be used in single plantings, or it can be used by planting along walls. A bush consisting of two varieties of clematis with contrasting colors of flowers looks very nice. For example:

  • Burgundy and white;
  • Blue (purple) and cyan.

This is a perennial liana that has strong frost resistance and has conquered the souls of flower growers in different countries. When it's time to bloom, they fascinate people with their huge flowers against the backdrop of dense green foliage. It is not necessary to tie this plant up, as it climbs the vertical walls by itself, clinging to the support with its leaf petioles. Along the planted bushes, you just need to put a net, to the height of which you should decorate with flowering branches of clematis.

In order for flowering to continue for a longer period, the plant must be properly cut, watered regularly and faded buds removed.


This perennial liana considers Southeast Asia to be its homeland. It is not whimsical and grows rapidly, and at the same time its beautiful foliage attracts the eyes of people. Especially if these are variegated varieties:

  1. Kolomikta.
  2. Polygam.

Moreover, variegated varieties initially have ordinary green foliage. Leaf plates begin to color about 15 days before the vines begin to bloom. At first, only the ends of the leaf plates are painted in White color, a little later they become crimson. It looks very nice from the side.

With careful cultivation, actinidia shoots can grow up to 2 m in one warm season, and this is not an unimportant detail when growing it on a plot.

Roses have always been frequent guests of household plots. And without a climbing rose, you can’t do at all. And because it is often used in design projects, many varieties of remontant climbing rose have been bred, with some of the varieties having an amazing aroma.

All this will allow you to admire the bushes and inhale the aroma of roses for almost the entire warm season.

But there is a significant drawback of this beauty. Long whips cannot attach themselves to the frame and will have to be tied up during their vegetative growth.


It is a perennial hardy plant and does not require removal from trellises or other fasteners to shelter it for the winter. During the season, it grows with numerous shoots to a height of up to 2-3 m. At the same time, the leaf plates fall off for the winter, and the liana itself remains to winter. In the spring, the frostbitten ends of the vine should be cut so that they do not spoil appearance plants. Liana flowers have the shape of a bell, painted in Orange color. There are different varieties of Kampsis that have other color variations:

  • yellow;
  • Yellow-orange;
  • Red.

In length, the flowers reach 6 cm and are collected in brushes of 3-5 flowers in one brush. And therefore, when the campsis blooms, this is a very beautiful sight, so the flowers lie almost like a continuous carpet. In place of flowers, later seeds appear, which are located in a pod, resembling a pod of peas or beans.


Modern hybrids of this southern beauty have significant winter hardiness to low temperatures. Anyone who has ever seen wisteria in flowers will not forget this amazing sight until the end of his life.

IN Krasnodar Territory this plant grows quite large and does not need winter shelter. In the northern latitudes of Russia, wisteria must be sheltered from the winter cold, and it grows not so tall and beautiful.

Under favorable conditions, wisteria is covered with flowers that flow in a waterfall of inflorescences reaching a length of 33 cm. The main shade of flowers is light purple, but there are varieties with other shades of flowers.


It is a perennial evergreen that has a remarkable ability to grow where other climbing flowers cannot reach. There is an explanation for this, since roots are located along the entire vine on the trunk, with the help of which they are attached to the imperfect surface of walls and trees.

The flowers are almost invisible behind the highly decorative carved green ivy leaves. If a support is not placed near the planted ivy, then it will spread along the ground with a continuous carved carpet of leathery leaves.

This perennial grows in one place up to 20 years and does not require transplantation or rejuvenation. Its long stems-whips reach 8 m. and at the same time it always climbs up any support that a branch can find.

The most interesting thing is that, having found support, the plant always wraps around it clockwise. Spikes are located on the hollow stem, with the help of which it is attached to vertical surfaces. The leaf blades are rough to the touch and are on long petioles.

The beautiful hop flowers begin to appear in mid-July and resemble loose buds. The plant is quite unpretentious and grows almost without any care.


This perennial plant retains its green plates almost until the end of autumn. This plant is not suitable for areas where it rarely rains. But if it is regularly fed and watered, then the plant has rich and large foliage. It blooms with attractive tubular flowers after which fruits ripen in appearance resembling cucumbers.

This vine is considered quite frost-resistant. True, sometimes the ends of young shoots freeze slightly, and then in the spring it is worthwhile to carry out a formative pruning, at the same time removing the ends of the branches blackened from the cold.

This is a perennial graceful vine, the lashes of which grow up to 17 m in length. If you take care of the plant, making timely watering, loosening and removing weeds, then over the summer it will be able to grow new lashes up to 3 m in length.

Lemongrass is not only a beautiful plant, but also has healing properties. When growing, it is better not to use metal supports, since it is almost impossible to remove the plant from them without damaging them. So strongly it is attached with its roots to the surface of the support. For the winter in the colder regions of Russia, it requires shelter for the winter, and only in the southern coast does it grow without any restrictions.


This is a shrub with long shoots that grow very quickly and the support intended for this plant can become small even in mid-summer. The support should be quite strong, since by the second year of life the main vine will become quite heavy.

Almost all summer the plant is shrouded in a white cloud of flowers. Pruning of damaged vines should be carried out in the spring before the appearance of the blossoming buds of the highlander.

Fortune's euonymus has aerial roots that are able to hold the plant on a support. Among the euonymus there are also variegated varieties that attract attention with variegated foliage. The plant grows very slowly and in winter it will not be able to winter without snow cover. Therefore, in order for the shrub to survive the Russian winter, it will need to be removed from the support and covered with spruce branches for the winter.


This vine grows rather poorly for the first three years, but subsequently grows, so it will be necessary to limit its growth. Liana has five-fingered leaves and in the spring yellow brushes of female flowers bloom on it. Male flowers on the vine are much smaller and colored in pink color and have a light fragrance. In order for the liana to show all its beauty, it is necessary to carry out timely top dressing with a complete mineral fertilizers and do timely watering with loosening.

To increase the bushiness of the bush, some shoots should be cut 20 cm from the base. This will give a significant thickening of the bush.

Read about here.

A cozy garden, decorated with colorful islands of flowering flower beds, harmoniously combined with neatly shaped tree crowns, is the pride of any summer resident. Overgrown climbing plants for the garden, admiring their splendor, give the site a special attraction. After all, with their help you can give your favorite place of rest a special charm. We bring to your attention some examples and useful tips.

Perennial climbing flowers are one of the most popular elements of vertical gardening. With the help of weaving plants, you can successfully decorate any unsightly walls of buildings, and mask trees.

Using climbing plants for summer cottages, you can wrap the fence enclosing the site in an openwork "blanket" of flowers and leaves

Winding all kinds of pergolas and trellises, they act as a kind of screen that protects the place for privacy from gusts of wind and sunlight.

In addition, the vines that have grown on the supports act as a “living” barrier that protects the territory from dust and noise from the street and thereby improves the ecology of the site.

By using climbing plants you can create a picturesque elegant alley that meets and leads the hosts and their guests from to the door of the house.

The gazebo, entwined with flexible stems of climbing plants, always looks fabulously beautiful. Decorating the building, openwork foliage helps to keep a refreshing coolness in the summer heat.

Annual climbing plants for the garden are good for arranging flower beds and creating multi-level plant compositions. The excellent ability to quickly increase plant mass allows the grower to create real masterpieces and picturesque landscapes in the garden.

Hanging from hanging planters blooming creepers, the lashes of which spread over the flower garden, giving it a special charm

Blooming vines hanging from hanging planters look very attractive, the lashes of which spread over the flower garden, giving it a special charm. Variegated cascades of flowering vines are also often used in the design of loggias and balconies.

Novice gardeners among the variety of choices of perennial climbers flowering plants it is better to give preference to varieties that are not particularly demanding on growing conditions.

Among the annual climbing plants, morning glory and sweet peas are the least picky. In just one season, the height of plants can reach three meters.

Ipomoea stems are decorated with numerous gramophone flowers, and sweet pea- bizarre "dogs", exuding an exquisite aroma. Unpretentious light-loving, but freely tolerated by a slight shading, plants will delight with abundant flowering from mid-June until the end of autumn.

A little more care requires lemongrass and actinidia. These perennials annually form climbing shoots, gradually increasing their green mass.

Lemongrass has beautiful foliage and delicate white-cream flowers with a delicate pleasant aroma. reminiscent of vines. Lemongrass shoots can reach a length of 10-15 meters. Young vines of woody climbing vines in one season can reach a length of 3.5 meters, while old shoots do not exceed a length of 6-8 meters. Both plants have not only an attractive appearance, but also tasty, and also useful fruits.

Among the unpretentious climbing plants in the care, it is also worth highlighting the campsis.

A small seedling of Kampsis in just one or two years turns into a chic tree-like vine 3 to 5 meters high, dotted with orange gramophones

Wisteria, climbing hydrangea, are famous for their special attraction. But these plants are more picky and require more care.

The best varieties of flowering plants

Option #1 - Clematis

Clematis feels comfortable when the aerial part of the plant is located on a support and is well lit. sunbeams, while the soil at the base of the root system remains in the shade. Since clematis is afraid of frost, for the winter period it is cut and covered with agrofibre, peat or old leaves.

It's hard to take your eyes off the star-shaped clematis flowers. Delicate white, pink-burgundy, rich purple flowers, delighting with lush flowering from the first days until the end of September, fascinate with their beauty

Clematis has many varieties that differ in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors of flowers. The most decorative varieties are famous: Alyonushka with lilac flowers in the form of bells, Maidwell Hall with large purple semi-double flowers, Błękitny Anioł with bluish slightly wavy petals, Romantika with almost black velvet flowers and Hagley Hybrid with pale pink flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm.

Option #2 - climbing roses

Roses do not leave anyone indifferent, charming with their beauty, tenderness and unique aroma. Breeders never cease to delight fans of these flowers with new varieties of roses that stand out with marvelous shades and the shape of the petals.

Climbing roses occupy a separate niche in this family. They are most popular in the design of fences, pergolas, decorative columns and all kinds of arches.

Depending on the intensity of shoot growth, climbing roses are divided into three groups:

  • Semi-climbing, the height of which does not exceed 2-3 meters;
  • Climbing, the height of the shoots of which reaches 3-5 meters;
  • Curly in height from 5 to 15 meters.

From the many thousands of varieties with different heights of shoots, the shape and size of flowers, every gardener will be able to choose a rose bush that will be a spectacular addition to creating a picturesque landscape design.

So, all rabmlers are distinguished by abundant and long flowering, as well as beautiful shiny foliage that retains its decorative effect until the very frost. These are frost-resistant varieties that are resistant to diseases. Roses can grow in partial shade, but the flowers are most decorative in open sunny areas.

Among the rabmlers are groups of roses on which flowers are formed only on last year's shoots, the most popular varieties are Excelsa with flowers of raspberry-red shades, Dorothy Perkins with pink double flowers, as well as White Dorothy and Wartburg

Roses with two-tone flowers always look especially festive and elegant. The most beautiful varieties among them are Kleine Rosel with purple-red flowers adorned with yellow stamens, American Pillar with pink fringes, General Testard and Evangeline with red edges.

Decorating the walls of the gazebo with rose bushes, you can get a great opportunity to enjoy not only the unique beauty of numerous inflorescences, but also the wonderful delicate aroma that spreads throughout the garden.

Material on how to create a garden of aromas on the site may also be useful:

Option #3 - wisteria

Wisteria is not famous for its frost resistance, but new varieties bred by breeders are able to withstand fairly low sub-zero temperatures. For example, Wisteria floribunda calmly tolerates temperatures as low as -21°C, and Wisteria macrostachya as low as -40°C.

The most beautiful plant, brought from the southern camps, today adorns the gardens of many suburban areas.

Popular ornamental vines

Option #1 - ivy

Choosing among decorative leafy climbing plants, which, although they do not bloom with luxurious buds, but delight the eye with beautiful foliage of an unusual shape, it is worth highlighting the ivy known to most gardeners.

A completely unpretentious plant in care is able to form dense thickets on any vertical surfaces, clinging to them with aerial sucker roots.

The evergreen plant looks extraordinarily beautiful at any time of the year, acting as a backdrop for flowering flower beds in warm weather or soloing in a winter garden among the snow cover.

Material about the most unpretentious varieties of climbing plants will also be useful:

Option #2 - wild grapes

Wild grapes are well suited for decorating the northeastern walls of buildings.

Clinging to the supports with the help of sucker roots, it literally digs into stone walls or plaster buildings

Among the variety of species of this plant, which differ in the shape and color of the leaves, Japanese and girlish grapes are most widely used. The dark green foliage that covers the walls of buildings with a dense carpet turns into a rich burgundy color in autumn, giving the building a new, but no less spectacular look.

Other options

No less attractive are also known hops and aristolochia. Plants that are not demanding on special conditions easily take root even on depleted soils.

Flowers are wonderful. They are used all over the place. Of course, their the main objective is a decoration of any object and any territory. With the help of beautiful vines and climbing annuals, you can create charming flower arrangements, or you can completely change the look of a house or any gazebo. Also, these lovely plants can make a stylish fence or hide the jambs of builders on the house. Garden climbing plants have the ability to build small architectural elements such as small arches, hedges. In this article, we will list climbing flowers for the garden for you. Here you will find their photos and names.

Quite often on garden plots plant vines. One of the main advantages of vines is the ability to protect a small area located near the highway from unbearable noise or unpleasant dust. At the same time, these plants give a magnificent effect to the facade of the house. In addition to vines, there are a great many different and charming plants that can improve your home and yard.

Vertical gardening. Some rules and nuances

For any loach flowers, some kind of support is required. The shape and dimensions of such an oprah depend on the properties of the plant itself, on the location of the structure. Here are the requirements that the design must satisfy:

  • The support must be strong. Its strength depends on the mass of the plant. For example, for annuals, an ordinary plastic mesh from under cucumbers is also perfect. But massive vines require a rigid metal support that can withstand harsh weather conditions.
  • Less demanding creeping plants. They can independently find support in ordinary brickwork. decorative plaster able to replace plants such as parthenocissus or ivy. They will create excellent spectacular finish for a small house.
  • Clinging varieties (sweet peas or morning glory, for example) will easily fit a thin (reinforcing) mesh or even an ordinary thin wire on a wooden frame.
  • For leaning plant varieties, a support is required, located either strictly vertically or at an angle of forty-five degrees. Arched ceilings or trellises are perfect for honeysuckle, clematis and other beautiful plants.
  • Some plants themselves cannot gain a foothold on a support. Therefore, for them you need to prepare twine or special clothespins.
  • It should be noted that climbing plants do not like permutations. If they put them in one place, then it's forever. Otherwise, the plant is simply exterminated.

The most popular and interesting hedges and flowering arches

If you want to pick up beautiful climbing flowers for the garden, then you should pay attention to climbing plants. It is worth noting that such plants can grow very quickly. They grow so that in a couple of years they are able to create absolutely hedge. Varieties must be chosen that are most suitable for your climate and region. There are so many types of bindweed that it is enough to plant trees and shrubs in almost any region of our vast country.

On a note! The roots of vines perfectly take moisture from under the base of the foundation of the house, and its walls protect from rain and wind.

Some selection rules:

  • In the southern regions, roses, grapes or honeysuckle grow well.
  • In the east, we recommend planting actinidia, Chinese magnolia vine or kirkazon.
  • Ivy, unpretentious to the shade, and parthenocissus will perfectly settle on the north side.
  • It is necessary to plant loaches in the garden, taking into account flowering and demanding moisture. Moisture-loving varieties should be placed better in the area where the irrigation system is equipped.


These plants require too much attention, but at the same time they will bring a lot of joy and admiration. One-year-olds do not need any kind of support. They can easily stick to the surface. Perfectly wrap around a fence or gazebo without your help. Just pull the rope or twine in the right direction, and you're done.

Do you like to experiment? Such varieties of plants are perfect for you as experimental subjects.

It should be noted that many species are sown on their own. And very plentiful. This property must be taken into account.

Here are examples of garden climbing plants suitable for the middle part of Russia:

Ampel gloxinia is a one-year-old. Undemanding to yourself. Its flowers have a huge number of different colors and shades. Flowering period: early summer - first frosts. Afraid of cold and drafts. It should be planted in early May in sunny and calm places. The most popular varieties are "Barclay" and Azarina climbing.

Bell-shaped grapes, in a different way - kobeya. Gives off an enchanting honey scent. Inflorescences have a palette from delicate blue to purple. Buds bloom from July, persist until about October. Moisture-loving, require regular watering and fertilizer. Suitable for decoration of hedges, arbors.

Ipomoea - has bright and beautiful flowers of blue or crimson. In favorable conditions, it can perfectly decorate the fence. Grows until the first frost.

Hyacinth beans or dolichos have purple-white flowers that turn into purple pods by the end of summer. Such a plant is suitable for decorating a garden in the style of "Oriental motifs", especially suitable for brick or stone walls.

Bright yellow vineyard - in a month it is able to decorate a five-meter wall with its interesting yellow flowers. It should be noted that it loves the southern sunny sides, is not demanding on watering and soil composition.

Sweet peas are unpretentious. It has delicate tones and an absolutely delicate and wonderful aroma. He is rightfully the king among climbing garden plants.

Do not forget that there are varieties of plants that are used to decorate flower beds and borders.

Perennials are emerald garden builders.

Above for you were given interesting curly annual flowers for the garden. These plants are considered annuals. But there are also perennial curly ratsnia. They should be treated carefully and responsibly. They are able to create beautiful and creative designs for the garden, which must be durable and reliable.

In central Russia, wisteria, clematis, ivy, bean and others are popular. Let's talk briefly about each of them.

Wisteria - this plant is perfect for creating arches, pergolas and garden paths. Multi-colored inflorescences will give a wonderful effect. They can be blue, purple or pink. If you take good care of them, and close them well for the winter, then wisteria will calmly endure a twenty-degree cold.

Advice: In the northern regions, it is better to plant a plant in a masonry made of wood. Then you can bring it home for the winter.

Clematis are sun- and heat-loving plants. They are also afraid of the cold. Paradoxically, the roots should be in the shade, completely hidden from the sun.

Ivy - loves shade. In one season, he is able to create a stylish living fence on suburban area.

Curly garden bean, otherwise alpine bean - resistant to frost, shade-loving, is a bush with long flowering branches. Has poisonous berries. Therefore, if there are children, then planting a plant is not recommended. The plant is only suitable for southern regions. Already at -10, the alpine beaver completely freezes out.

Versatile climbing rose bushes - great for vertical gardening. The plant has the most beautiful flowering, which occurs only at the beginning of summer. Another disadvantage is the presence of prickly.

Tree pliers - is a universal liana for the northern regions. Requires regular watering and loosening. Feels good in the shade.

Girlish grapes - flowers are completely absent. But it makes up for it with charming bright green foliage. Absolutely unpretentious plant. The only thing to do is prune the plant in the fall. More girlish grapes do not require anything from you.


Now you know what curly flowers can be planted in the country. I would like to note that more and more gardeners are planting climbing plants in wooden tubs, which gives minimal care and the ability to save the bush from frost.

As you can see, with the help of these wonderful plants, anyone can turn their site into a piece of paradise. The main thing is to make a little effort and everything will work out. Everything is in your capable hands. Good luck!

One of best jewelry fences, buildings - these are curly flowers for giving. They create a feeling of solitude, hide from prying eyes, enliven the summer cottage.

Almost all climbing plants for the garden easily mask unsightly objects - outbuildings, old bathtubs, things for water can not disguise an old tree, stump, outbuildings, water tank.

Curly vines, complete with beautiful supports in the form of lattices or trellises, create charming in the garden. At the same time, lianas can be used not only for vertical gardening, but also grown in hanging planters or in a flower bed. Without support, the shoots will crawl along the flower bed, giving it a peculiar charm.

What exactly to choose for your garden? There are perennial and annual curly flowers for summer cottages. On initial stage it is better to plant both. Later, when the perennials grow, you can leave only them. For perennial climbing garden plants require more care and attention, so if you are a beginner grower, then start growing vines. Let morning glory and sweet peas be your choice initially. Then add actinidia and lemongrass to them, and then it will be easy to add clematis, climbing roses, wisteria, climbing hydrangea to your collection.

The best climbing flowers to grow in the garden

Clematis. Perennial climbing plants for summer cottages, the flowers of which are large, reaching a diameter of 20 cm. The color is usually blue-violet, but there are also white, blue, pink flowers. They bloom on young, growing shoots. It is best to plant clematis in places protected from the wind. For the winter, the shoots need to be cut (the method of pruning clematis depends on their pruning group) and covered. Flowering time: June - August.

Climbing roses. The arches wrap around wonderfully, small roses are especially beautiful. They bloom profusely, to prolong the duration of flowering - remove faded roses. Climbing roses curl only if you help them, they need to be guided. Flowering time: June - August

There are two groups of climbing roses:

  1. Small-flowered Ramblers - form thin, flexible shoots, bloom in early - mid-summer with small double and simple flowers, as a rule, once, but for a long time. Flowering occurs on the shoots of the previous year, which should be taken into account when pruning and sheltering these roses, be sure to keep the entire young replacement shoots. Ramblers are unpretentious and quite winter-hardy.
  2. Large-flowered Climbers are climbing roses with strong, thick and stiff shoots of somewhat shorter length. They are obtained by crossing Ramblers with roses from other garden groups. They bloom, as a rule, repeatedly, profusely and for a long time, on shoots not only of past years, but also of the current one, so they can be cut short for the winter. The flowers are large and some are very fragrant.

Sweet pea. Already in the 19th century, there were many varieties of sweet peas, now there are even more of them. The most popular are still tall varieties, but you can find a plant with a knee-high and even dwarf ones. An annual plant that perfectly adorns arbors, pergolas and fences. Grows great along fences. It grows up to 2.5 m. It blooms from July to September. It can even be grown on a balcony.

IN color scheme there is no pure yellow. Modern large-flowered varieties are not so fragrant, therefore, more often in gardens, varieties famous for their aroma are grown more often. small flowers. Used to create screens and braid old trees.

Flowering time: June - September.

Tips for growing sweet peas from seeds. Seeds are pre-soaked. At a height of 10 cm, pinch the tops of the seedlings. Provide support. Watered in dry weather. Faded flowers are regularly removed.

This is a climbing annual plant for giving, which grows quite quickly. On thin stems winding along the supports, flowers bloom in autumn - gramophones. Each flower lives only 1 day, but the flowering of the whole climbing plant is long. Any well-drained soil is suitable for planting. Preferably a sunny location.

It grows up to 3 - 4 m. This vine is unpretentious, and easily grows near the walls. Closes any ugly place quickly. Afraid of cold winds.

Flowering time: July - September.

Climbing plants for the garden necessarily require support, along which the shoots will crawl up. The choice of support depends on the plant, different flowers, cling to different parts during growth.

Curly shrubs for summer cottages

Many gardeners also like to grow climbing shrubs in their summer cottage. They quickly and picturesquely decorate any corner in the garden, cover everything unsightly and are undemanding to care for. Among the loach shrubs it is worth noting:

  • Parthenocissus is a very common plant in our vegetable gardens. Known for its unpretentiousness and winter hardiness. Despite the fact that the plant gets along well in the shade, in direct sunlight it will grow better and luxuriantly.
  • Campsis is an unpretentious liana with beautiful bell-shaped flowers.
  • Lemongrass has beautiful foliage and delicate white-cream flowers with a delicate pleasant aroma. reminiscent of vines. Lemongrass shoots can reach a length of 10-15 meters.
  • Actinidia is a climbing vine, shoots that grow 3.5 meters in one season, while old shoots do not exceed 6-8 meters in length.
