The production of cabinet furniture is enough profitable business, since the demand for this species furniture stable throughout the year. For this business you will need:

  1. Premises: workshop and office;
  2. Employees: designer-technologist and furniture assembler;
  3. Suppliers of materials and accessories;
  4. Intermediaries to increase sales: furniture stores and design studios.

Depending on the planned volume of investments and experience in this area, you need to choose a way to organize production. Production can be organized in three ways depending on the length technological process and the amount of investment:

  • Full cycle production;
  • Medium cycle production;
  • Short cycle production.

A full description of the technological process is presented in other sections of this business plan.

To organize a private business from scratch, you do not need to try to cover all stages of furniture manufacturing. It is better to start with assembly from ready-made components in your own workshop. In this case, you will have time to build a system of work with a client, establish relationships with suppliers, research the market, and also develop a customer base. And as soon as the flow of customers becomes stable, it is possible to consider the possibility of expanding the business by covering other technological processes.

The range of cabinet furniture consists of office furniture (chairs, tables, racks, etc.) and home furniture (cabinets, wardrobes, chests of drawers, tables, chairs, stools, benches, etc.).

Initial investment - 640,000 rubles.

The average monthly profit is 86,615 rubles.

Break-even point - 4 months.

The payback period of the project is 11 months.

2. Description of the business, product or service

According to the companies operating in the market, the demand for cabinet furniture is distributed between office furniture and home furniture.

The range of offered products includes:

Office furniture: racks, cabinets, chairs, tables, cabinets;

Furniture for home: kitchens, dining tables, chairs, stools, cabinets, storage boxes, shelves, benches.

Due to the seasonality factor, the assortment may change. For example, in the summer, furniture is ordered in large quantities for relaxing in the country: benches, stools, tables. In autumn, the demand for school desks and chairs, racks for papers and documents increases. Demand for kitchens remains consistently high throughout the year.

The production of cabinet furniture can be carried out in three different ways, depending on the duration of the production cycle.

  • First way implies the presence of a full cycle: from the manufacture of the material that acts as the basis for cabinet furniture (chipboard, chipboard, MDF) to the release of the finished product.
  • Second way eliminates the material manufacturing process, i.e. Ready-made sheets of chipboard, fiberboard, MDF are purchased. It remains to cut them, make an edge and assemble until ready.
  • Third option production is organized on the principle of a short cycle and includes only the furniture assembly process. Furniture is assembled from custom-cut chipboard, chipboard, MDF.

For organizing a small business from scratch, the best option is to work on the principle of a short cycle. In this case, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment, and the workshop works under a specific order.

Once you have established a customer base and the company has a steady flow of orders, you can expand production to cover other cycles. By this time, you will already have enough accumulated funds to purchase sawing and edge banding machines, which will allow you to increase the process chain.

The sale of finished products will be carried out in several ways:

  1. Forming applications through your own office, which is also a showroom;
  2. Through intermediaries: furniture stores, design studios. This way of cooperation will allow you to cover a geographically larger market;
  3. Sales through an online store. Delivery in this case can be carried out by a third-party transport company.

3. Description of the market

Consumers of this type of business can be divided into three target groups:

Retail end consumers. These are the people who will use your furniture. They can be divided according to the age criterion and the frequency of purchases:

  1. Young working people aged 25 to 30 who purchase furniture for the first time;
  2. People aged 30 to 50 who update cabinet furniture in their homes and offices every 4-5 years.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​wholesale clients. As a rule, these are private and public organizations that buy the same type of products in large quantities. This type of consumer includes schools, kindergartens, hotels, office centers, etc. As a rule, depending on the volume of the order, they are given a certain wholesale discount.

Intermediaries. These include interior showrooms and furniture stores. They are interested in long-term cooperation and work with you for a certain percentage of the order. Many of them exist in the showroom format, which allows them to host exhibition samples of their own products.

The competition in the market for the production of cabinet furniture is quite high, so you should not initially invest a lot of money in this type of business. The demand for your products will mainly depend on the quality, delivery time, as well as the price of the finished products. An important factor will also be the provision of guarantees for products within a year from the date of installation and start of operation.

The high level of competition is due to the fact that your competitors are not only the same private workshops, but also large companies. For example, the international network IKEA offers a large selection of cabinet furniture. However, a favorable factor is that with the appreciation of the dollar, the prices of Swedish furniture have increased significantly.

Let's highlight the main advantages that will allow your company to occupy a stable niche in the cabinet furniture business:

  1. Work under the order. No need to organize a warehouse and store large stocks of materials;
  2. The minimum set of tools. At the first stage, you do not need to invest in the purchase of expensive equipment;
  3. Small staff. To get started, it will be enough for you to hire two employees in a permanent staff;
  4. Availability of own showroom and exhibition samples in interior and furniture showrooms;
  5. Possibility to change the range of products depending on the trend of demand;
  6. Large selection of materials and accessories for customers with different income levels;
  7. Creation of an online store with delivery in the region;
  8. Manufacture of designer furniture according to author's drawings.

4. Sales and Marketing

Marketing channels

5. Production plan

Stages of creating a business for the production of cabinet furniture

Creating your own production consists of the following steps:

  • State registration

To open a small workshop with a short cycle production, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. In this case, you do not need to open a current account and create an authorized capital.

However, if you intend to soon expand production and work with large suppliers and customers, it is better to register as an LLC right away. Optimal taxation system when working with orders coming from individuals- STS (15% income minus expenses). In this case, you will need a CCP installation.

  • Rental of premises for workshop and office

Since at the first stages you will not need to install large-sized equipment, it will be enough to rent a room of 200 sq.m. At the same time, 150 sq.m. accounts for the workshop and warehouse, and 50 sq.m. to the office space, where exhibition samples will be presented, as well as workplaces for the designer and manager.

An additional advantage when choosing a room will be the opportunity to increase the rental area up to 300 sq.m. during a year. Subsequently, increasing production, you will need additional square meters to organize a warehouse for materials and finished products, as well as a place for machine tools and equipment.

Room requirements:

  • Non-residential premises

The most suitable for this type of activity will be the premises industrial purpose. This is due to the fact that the work of the workshop is accompanied by a high level of noise.

  • Ground floor, two entrances

You will need to organize two separate entrances: to the office and to the workshop. In the second case, it is necessary to have access roads for trucks.

  • Three-phase electricity 380W.

Some equipment has a high power consumption. This needs to be thought out in advance.

  • Absence of moisture and high humidity.

This is a fundamentally important factor. Since the main material for work is wood, high humidity will immediately affect the quality of finished products.

Stages of working with a client

The implementation of the order is carried out in several stages:

  • Client's contact with the company

At this stage, the manager or leader identifies the needs of the client and draws up a list of pieces of furniture that he needs. Further, the designer-technologist begins to work with the client. He helps the client decide on the design of the product, the number and size of drawers, the material, color and texture of the facade, etc.

  • Cost calculation, ordering

After agreeing on the type and composition of products with the client, the designer-technologist calculates the cost of the order. Then the manager or manager agrees this cost with the client, places an order, and takes an advance payment. The term of the order is indicated as standard and ranges from 30 to 45 working days. In this case, early production of furniture is possible.

  • Purchasing materials from suppliers

At this stage, the manager or manager orders individual components from suppliers.

Main material. In its role is chipboard, MDF or solid wood. You need to order not only a sheet of the right material, but also its sawing to size and edge. You can place an order from one supplier, or you can purchase sheets separately from one supplier, and processing from another.

facades. Kitchen facades, as well as cabinet doors are separate furniture elements. Their main function is decorative, so the range on the market is huge. You can choose to work with several suppliers by comparing prices for specific products.

Countertops. They can be made both from laminated chipboard sheets, and from natural and artificial stone.

Back walls and bottom of boxes. These elements are made mainly of HDF, the color is selected according to the main material of the furniture.

Furniture fasteners. These are metal products that act as connecting elements: furniture corners, wooden dowels, eccentric ties, euro screws, etc.

Accessories and guides. This category includes furniture hinges, lifting mechanisms, door handles, legs for furniture, as well as guides for sliding doors wardrobes.

To compare suppliers of materials, two criteria should be followed: price and production and delivery time. As a rule, lower prices are accompanied by longer lead times. It is of fundamental importance for the company that all individual elements were made in one time, and also that the entire order as a whole was completed as quickly as possible.

  • Main job: assembling the furniture body

This work is performed by the furniture assembler in the workshop. It accepts the delivery of components and assembles the main body of products. Small and mobile products are fully assembled. These include bedside tables, chairs, small tables. Large-sized furniture involves partial assembly in the workshop and final installation on the object.

  • Delivery and installation of the finished product

This is the last stage, which requires the presence of an assembler and a supervisor. The manager accepts the finished work, transfers it to the client and receives full payment. The order is considered completed.

6. Organizational structure

To start the organization, you will need three people: a manager, a designer-technologist, a furniture assembler.

With an increase in the scale of production, the staff will be replenished. In the future, the composition of the state.

The increased demand for high-quality and inexpensive furniture is one of the main reasons for the emergence of a significant number of new manufacturers on the Russian market. Today they account for over 70% of all furniture sold in the country. The profitability of the furniture industry quite often causes a misconception among aspiring entrepreneurs that this business is simple and does not require much effort to create and further development. In fact, even for organizing the simplest furniture production, which provides for the manufacture of frameless and cabinet furniture, requires a high level of responsibility and a sober assessment of one's capabilities.

One of the main motivating factors for opening a small business for the manufacture of simple furniture from the most common materials is the relatively low financial costs. Using a business plan furniture shop with calculations, the founder of the enterprise will be able to present all the upcoming work and procedures that he will have to perform, and measure his financial capabilities with the expected scale of the future company.

For the initial stage of organizing furniture production, the best solution would be to focus on the production of cabinet furniture made from chipboard. Financial investments in this direction are not so large, the production technology is simple and accessible for mastering by low-skilled workers.

Before proceeding directly to the creation of an enterprise, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the general situation in this market in your region. If it is saturated with companies that produce furniture from chipboard, then perhaps it is worth dwelling on the idea of ​​organizing custom-made furniture. In this segment, the competition is not so high, but this option will require the search for qualified craftsmen, who are not so easy to find now. But if you manage to find such specialists, then your company will become in demand among lovers of exclusive furniture made according to unique projects. Such production will not be mass-produced, but the cost of executed orders fully compensates for the lack of production volumes.

The enterprise is expected to be launched within two months from the start of the project. To do this, you must perform the following activities:

  1. To study the state of affairs in this industry and analyze the regional market for furniture production.
  2. Get advice from representatives of this business, if necessary.
  3. Draw up a detailed business plan with calculations specifically for your business organization option.
  4. Conclude an investment agreement and get a loan.
  5. Register a business.
  6. Conclude contracts for the purchase of materials, furniture fittings and other furniture components.
  7. Select the necessary production premises and conclude a lease agreement.
  8. Acquire technological equipment, make its installation and adjustment.
  9. Select and, if necessary, train company personnel.
  10. Establish markets for products.
  11. Organize an active advertising and marketing campaign.

These activities are scheduled to be completed within the following timeframes:

Stage/month, decade 1st month 2nd month
Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 1 Dec 2 Dec 3
Registration of a company, opening a current account + + +
Signing a lease + +
Acquisition of process and auxiliary equipment + + +
Premises renovation + + +
Issuance of permits and approvals + +
Installation, adjustment and testing of production equipment + + +
Preparation of documents for the range of products + +
Selection of specialists + + +
Conclusion of contracts with consumers of products and suppliers of materials and components + + + +
Enterprise launch +

Participants in this market testify that those entrepreneurs who have already gained experience in the furniture trade have the greatest chances for success.

Market analysis

According to economic statistics, in the world for last years there was some stagnation in the development of furniture production. At the same time, the data of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and the real indicators for the industry differ significantly. They are corrected by information about chipboard production supplied to furniture enterprises as a starting material for the manufacture of final products. In addition, official statistical information does not always correctly reflect the state of affairs in individual sectors and at individual enterprises in the industry.

The annual volume of domestic furniture market is approximately 590-600 billion rubles. Of this amount, 54% falls on the products of domestic manufacturers. According to a number of experts, this figure can be doubled, because a significant proportion of furniture is sold according to "gray" schemes. Russian market furniture manufacturers - this is a huge number of medium and small enterprises that regularly pay taxes, but work on the simplified tax system, thus not getting into statistical reports.

Over 50% of the furniture sold in the country is imported illegally and sold at inflated prices. As a result, it is difficult for established companies to maintain margins while maintaining the high quality of their products. The resulting product niches in this situation are easily filled by Western competitors.

In the country, the fastest growth is observed among manufacturers of office furniture. Sales of these products are growing by 15-20% annually. This is due to the fact that enterprises, opening production, start with inexpensive cabinet furniture made from laminated chipboard. Gradually improving technology and gaining experience, they then become significant market players in this segment. An additional advantage for them is a sufficient amount of chipboard produced in Russia and sold for quite affordable prices. Chipboard and MDF board also remain the main materials for the manufacture of built-in kitchen furniture in small businesses. Such products are on average 50% cheaper than foreign analogues, practically not inferior to them in quality.

In the production segment upholstered furniture Exactly the same situation is observed in kitchen sets. It is believed that an average-income Russian changes armchairs and sofas in the kitchen once every 3-4 years. Domestic upholstered furniture occupies a market share of 70%, while it is noted that consumers follow fashion changes, and this practically guarantees the demand for these products. For small businesses, the production of upholstered furniture is attractive from the point of view of the absence of the need to purchase expensive technological equipment, because. most operations in the manufacture of furniture are performed manually. The profitability of enterprises here is supported mainly by the production of small batches of specialized furniture. According to analysts, this niche of the Russian furniture market is practically free.

According to the reports of the Association of Furniture and Woodworking Industries, the most profitable area in the furniture industry is work on individual orders, where the profitability is 130%. In the mass production of wooden furniture, the profitability does not exceed 10%. This indicator noticeably increases (up to 170%) only for enterprises that have been able to establish mass production.

To date, the country has the following prices for the main types of furniture:

View Cost range (in rubles)
Cabinet 1 560 – 2 000
From laminated chipboard 975 – 1 300
From glass 3 900 – 5 500
Made of bog oak and plastic 4 550 – 6 000
Specialized furniture 13 000 – 20 000
Furniture restoration services from 500
Furniture restoration services from 39 000

According to leading market experts, domestic producers have great prospects. They are connected, first of all, with the growing demand for furniture made from natural materials. At the same time, it is noted that the segment of the use of chipboard will gradually narrow.

Technical and economic description of the object

Financing the creation of a furniture manufacturing enterprise is carried out at the expense of a commercial loan in the amount of 8,360,000 rubles. This amount is the total cost of the project under consideration. The loan is provided with a two-year repayment period at 14% per annum. During the investment period, the bank will receive a profit in the amount of 537,939.83 rubles. The payback period of the project is 2 years.

The repayment of the loan and the payment of interest on it begin from the first month of the operation of the enterprise. This condition will significantly simplify the method of calculation and regulation of cash flows.

The enterprise will enter the break-even mode for the 5th month from the date of opening. The first amount of profit is estimated at 3,120,492.29 rubles.

The amount of expenses for the implementation of the project per month will be 847,493.33 rubles.

The annual structure of expenses is presented in this table:

Gross profit of the project for billing period will amount to 313,440,000 rubles.

Organizational and legal form and taxation system

Business registration is carried out in the form of an LLC (limited liability company). This will enable transactions with legal entities and will significantly expand the company's ability to sell its products and expand production.

Main taxes paid:

Tax Applicable base for taxation Periodicity Bet amount
For the amount of profit The amount of profit received M-ts 20%
VAT The amount of VAT charged M-ts 18%
For property The value of the acquired property According to the schedule 2,2%
Income FOT M-ts 13%
Social payments FOT M-ts 34%

It is important to keep in mind that in some regions of the country there may be different requirements to the list of required documents for registering an enterprise, so you need to find out about this in advance.

Industrial premises

To create an enterprise for the manufacture of furniture products, you need to rent:

  • Production hall with an area of ​​about 200 sq. m.
  • Premises for a warehouse of finished products (area - about 250 sq. m).
  • Office space 80-100 sq. m.
  • Premises for placing the company's trading facility (area - about 30-40 sq. m).

The office space and the company's store are located in the central part of the settlement, which will improve the sale of manufactured products.

Selection and purchase of equipment

To equip the newly created enterprise, it is necessary to buy domestic machine equipment (CNC machines) of the following models:

  • "KZ-Furniture".
  • Astra Furniture Designer.
  • "Astra Open".

This technique is practically not inferior in its technological characteristics to foreign analogues, but is much cheaper.

In addition, to equip the enterprise, the following are purchased:

  • Retail store equipment.
  • Jigsaws.
  • Turning and milling machines.
  • Format-cutting complex.
  • Drilling and filler machines.
  • Veneer-groove router.
  • Edge banding machine.
  • Glueless fastener.
  • Computers.
  • Office furniture.

Thanks to this equipment, the company will be able to produce furniture not only from tile material, but also from solid wood. All equipment must comply with applicable safety standards and requirements.


In the furniture industry, there are high requirements for the training of specialists. This primarily applies to CNC machine operators. For the stable operation of the enterprise, the following full-time specialists are involved:

  • CNC machine operators.
  • Fitters-assemblers.
  • Designers.
  • Glaziers.
  • Drivers.

As an administrative support staff, it is necessary to involve in the work:

  • Administrator.
  • Store seller.
  • Courier.
  • Accountants.
  • Programmers.
  • Technical specialists.

The recruitment of employees of the main specialties is carried out on a competitive basis using industry-specific criteria for professional suitability.

Marketing and Advertising

The marketing policy of a furniture manufacturing company is aimed at shaping the opinion among consumers that the products they produce have excellent performance characteristics, have a lower cost than their main competitors, and that the company is ready to consider any options for long-term cooperation with consumers on the basis of providing them with significant price preferences.

To this end, the following activities are organized:

  • Preparation and publication of messages about the enterprise in local media.
  • Development of a targeted advertising scheme by sending letters to specialized furniture stores and salons.
  • Development of the company's own website with the possibility of online ordering products.
  • Activation of consumer demand by developing attractive commercial offers and holding promotions.

The main marketing resource of the enterprise is the high quality of its products, which can be purchased directly at the manufacturer's store.


An example of this business plan shows that with proper planning, an enterprise will be able to fully recoup all costs in 2 years of work when performing the following furniture production volumes:

Period Products Physical volume of sales in m-c (pcs.) Price (in rubles) Revenue from (in rubles)
1-12 months (investment period) Cabinet and office furniture 6 000 1 560 9 360 000 rubles
7-12 pm

(investment period)

Furniture made of laminated chipboard 4 000 975 3,900,000 rubles
13-24 m-ts

(production period)

Cabinet and office furniture 7 000 1 700 9 000 000
13-24 months (production period) Furniture made of laminated chipboard 5 000 1 050 5 250 000

The profitability of this business after reaching the break-even point will be 125%. This will bring the founder profit, which can be directed to the further expansion of the enterprise.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Furniture manufacturing business ideas are among the most popular in our country. The entire range of presented furniture can be divided into three main groups: office furniture, household furniture and special-purpose furniture.

On the market household furniture The leading place is occupied by the production of upholstered furniture and cabinet furniture. According to various estimates, this segment brings over 58% of the industry's turnover. A third of the market is occupied by kitchen furniture and bedrooms. The demand for these positions is directly related to the development construction industry- they are bought much less frequently than ordinary cabinet and upholstered furniture, and, as a rule, they are rarely updated.

The smallest percentage (no more than 3.5%) in this market is occupied by the production of furniture for hallways, gradually giving way to more comfortable and modern built-in wardrobes. In addition, analysts note that in the last 2-3 years, the demand for youth furniture and bathroom furniture has sharply increased. Depending on the type of furniture, its price category also changes. So, for example, in the lower price category it is difficult to find furniture for bedrooms, children's furniture and bathroom furniture.

In this article we will consider the main points that relate to the organization of furniture production. This is a relatively new direction for our country, and there is little competition in this segment (although, in general, the furniture manufacturing business is highly competitive). Until recently, most Russian manufacturers produced low and medium price furniture.

According to surveys of Russian consumers, most of them (76%) still have a firm conviction that foreign-made designer furniture is much better and of higher quality than domestic. And since furniture is a long-term consumer product, buyers approach its choice very carefully, giving preference, first of all, to quality, reliability and durability. In the Soviet years, our furniture production was focused solely on meeting the high demand of the population, and in conditions of shortage, quality and appearance products did not play a big role.

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It would seem that now there are new materials, modern equipment and technology, but, unfortunately, many Russian manufacturers are still guided by Soviet standards. As an alternative to enterprises producing faceless and low-quality products, small domestic companies have appeared that specialize in small-scale production of exclusive pieces of furniture. They are above average unusual design and are usually made from natural materials. Some of this furniture is produced as part of small collections, and some is made to order.

For the production of furniture, well-known domestic, and sometimes even foreign designers. Business for the production of designer furniture is associated with much higher costs than the production of conventional cabinet furniture, has its own specifics and its own pitfalls. However, in spite of everything, experts and entrepreneurs themselves are sure that this particular direction is the most promising in the domestic furniture market.

What hinders the development of the furniture market? First of all, the high cost of furniture production. Key items of expenditure are the rent or organization of your own carpentry workshop, the purchase of special equipment for working with wood, the rent of a warehouse for storing bulky products, which, unlike Ikea furniture, cannot be disassembled and packed compactly, wages to employees.

The second main difficulty, in addition to large investments, is associated with the search for those very workers. Furniture manufacturing companies are usually founded by young people with a creative approach and inexhaustible enthusiasm. When looking for workers in production, young thought leaders are faced with the fact that among their peers it is very difficult to find qualified specialists- carpenters, woodworkers, painters, etc. The situation is also bad with the search for technologists, designers and, oddly enough, industrial designers, who are one of the most important people in the furniture industry.

Ready-made ideas for your business

These specialties are in little demand among today's youth. Experienced specialists, as a rule, are 2-3 times older than their potential managers. On the one hand, this greatly complicates personnel management, and on the other hand, older masters rarely understand modern trends, are used to working with long-mastered technologies and are not ready to change their approach. A designer who is developing a future product must take into account changes in consumer demand, modern tendencies, keep abreast of all industry news, track the collections of other major manufacturers of such furniture around the world.

The third problem of furniture production is associated with high cost. As manufacturers of designer furniture themselves admit, there is practically no competition in this segment, respectively, pricing is also not amenable to regulation. The cost of one piece of designer furniture can be from 20 thousand rubles and more.

Moreover, there is also no maximum price - it can be 100, and 300 thousand rubles. Partly for this reason, Russian designer furniture and companies that produce it are still little known to domestic consumers. Most of them do not have their own showroom, as its rent in good location will cost a fortune. Such products are sold, as a rule, through a few specialized stores located in large cities (they are most concentrated, of course, in Moscow), as well as several online stores that also work mainly for the capital.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Opening showrooms in the regions and cooperating with local stores is unprofitable due to the very limited number of potential buyers who can afford to purchase expensive furniture. And delivering it to customers from other regions is not always possible due to the large size (often designer furniture is not disassembled, weighs a lot, as it is made of solid wood, and requires special transportation conditions due to the presence of a large number of small and fragile parts).

In any business that is associated with the production of furniture, not only the quality of the product itself, but also the accompanying service, comes first. This is even more true when it comes to selling designer furniture. For the buyer, an important role is played by the possibility of individual delivery of furniture from the manufacturer to the consumer, the offer of the manufacturer's services for assembling furniture, the ability to fulfill individual orders ...

Customers do not want to purchase one table or chair. They expect to receive a ready-made interior solution (especially when it comes to the production of furniture in a certain style - for example, Scandinavian). But in order to offer complex furniture solutions, you need to have a large start-up capital.

At a minimum, you need to develop a whole complete collection of furniture, put it into production, rent a room and take high-quality photographs, compile catalogs. Most designer furniture manufacturers cannot meet this demand. Their assortment is very limited and often includes only a rather narrow range of products - for example, only armchairs or only chests of drawers, tables and chairs, etc. Selling individual items is not always profitable. As the companies themselves admit, they receive profit only from the fulfillment of large orders, for example, the manufacture of furniture for a chain of restaurants or clubs.

Ready-made ideas for your business

And such orders are rare. Russian manufacturers of designer furniture are in limbo - on the one hand, they are not able to compete in terms of production volume with the giants of the market (for example, Ikea), and on the other hand, they cannot offer products as sophisticated as the products of large Italian companies, although the price is often not inferior to them.

Another problem of furniture production is caused by the taste of Russian consumers. All players in this narrow segment complain that domestic buyers have a very vague idea about design. That rather narrow part of the target audience, which can afford to purchase expensive furniture, prefers not minimalism and natural texture, but an abundance of decor, gilding and varnish.

Furniture manufacturers have not only to solve organizational issues, develop new models, monitor the quality of work, establish sales, but also form a market by actively placing their advertisements and articles in specialized magazines, taking part in exhibitions, etc. This also takes a lot of time and funds, and young companies, as a rule, do not have the latter.

Designer furniture made from natural wood. This is explained not only by the environmental friendliness and versatility of the material, which can be given almost any shape, but also by the cost of organizing such production.

Ideally, Russian designers would prefer to place orders for the manufacture of their products at third-party enterprises, so as not to spend money on renting a workshop, buying furniture, and salaries for workers, but only developing the design itself and drawings and selling the finished product. However, although Russian furniture companies are trying to gradually improve the quality and design of their products, for many reasons, including objective ones, they cannot ensure the required level of production of other people's orders. According to various data, up to 65% of the equipment at such enterprises is older than 15 years, and more than 20% is over twenty years old, so it simply does not meet the requirements of modern furniture production.

Many people even have to buy fittings for furniture production abroad, since there is practically no production of fittings in our country. Even in the production of budget upholstered and cabinet furniture, the cost of imported materials can be up to 70% of the cost of production.

So, if you still decide to open your own production of designer furniture, then it is best to start this business by looking not for premises for production and workshop, but for employees who will work there. Even for a small-scale production, ideally, at least 15 people are needed: shop specialists, workers, technologists, designers, storekeepers, service personnel, loaders, accountant, administrator, estimator, etc.

In practice, the work of such a company begins with 4-5 people, including a designer, technologist, carpenter, woodcarver, and a visiting accountant. At the same time, each of the employees performs several functions at once, being engaged in the purchase of raw materials, promotion, marketing, etc. Much depends on where you will locate your production. The best option- in outskirts of Moscow. On the one hand, you can find logging companies here and negotiate with them on the supply of raw materials, and on the other hand, you can significantly reduce the cost of transporting finished products to Moscow stores. However, you should not be tied to one region. Other things being equal, give preference to those areas where there are no problems with raw materials.

You will need to rent space for a workshop and a warehouse. The minimum area of ​​the workshop should be at least 60 square meters. meters (and preferably 100 square meters). At the same time, it should be heated (in autumn and winter, the temperature in the working room should not be lower than 15 degrees Celsius) and have good system ventilation.

It is best in the production of furniture if materials and finished products are stored in separate rooms, but in the absence of such an opportunity, everything can be placed in one area. Since furniture is a complex product, and designer furniture is mostly made by hand, the productivity of your workshop will be low, therefore, for the organization of warehouse space at first, you can get by with the same area as the workshop - 60-70 sq. meters. Be sure to have a convenient vehicle access to your warehouse so that you can load the furniture.

For the production of furniture will also require special equipment. The exact list depends on what kind of products, from what raw materials and what complexity you plan to produce. There is a mandatory minimum of equipment and tools that you cannot do without when working with natural wood.

In particular, you will need an electric drill, a screwdriver (both mains-operated and battery-powered), a jigsaw, manual frezer, miter and circular saw, grinder, puncher, industrial hair dryer, decorative carving tools, clamps, moisture meter, caliper, electric planer, coloring tool (in some cases an airbrush is also required), fan with bags to collect sawdust, moisture meter etc.

There can be no general recommendations on the choice of tools. Someone prefers to purchase the cheapest power tools, while someone is ready to spend more money on quality products from leading manufacturers. But here's what you definitely shouldn't save on, so it's on various automated lines, if any are suitable for use in your enterprise.

These furniture production lines include presses, tenoners, calibrating sanders and panel saws. Such equipment is not cheap (from 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles per machine), then often such expenses are quite justified. The main problem of workshops for the production of designer furniture is the small volume of manufactured products. Automated equipment will help increase these volumes and reduce the cost of finished products.

The additional costs of furniture production, in addition to renting production and storage facilities and purchasing equipment, also include advertising and promotion. And just for this item of expenditure, most domestic producers do not have enough funds. Unfortunately, you can’t do without advertising, but you can use non-standard promotion methods, actively promote yourself on social networks, take part in various exhibitions, distribute your catalogs (which will require high-quality photos of your products). Don't forget about your own website. The cost of a full-fledged online store with the help of a specialized agency is at least 30 thousand rubles (the easiest option), although it is quite possible to do it yourself.

To demonstrate finished products to potential buyers, you can open your own showroom, but in this case, the costs will increase by at least 200 thousand rubles (rent of space in a shopping center or in a separate building and repairs). As an optimal organizational and legal form of doing business, a limited liability company is suitable, but for starters, you can simply open an individual entrepreneur.

So, the main expenses for implementing a business idea for the production of designer furniture include: the purchase of equipment for production shop and retail space (if any), the purchase of office equipment, computers and software (including special software for industrial designers and constructors), the remuneration of your employees, the purchase of raw materials and accessories, the cost of advertising, promotion, photography and creating your own site plus a margin for contingencies.

The minimum amount to start a business day is at least two and a half million rubles. At one time, the profitability of furniture manufacturing enterprises was over 50%. Unfortunately, now you should not count on such indicators, especially when it comes to the manufacture of designer furniture. In the latter case, the profitability is unlikely to exceed 20% (and even then at best). This indicator depends on the type of product and on the season. Investments in the organization of such production pay off within one and a half to two years if there are distribution channels.

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Each person strives to ensure that his home is cozy, harmonious and unique. The latter is usually provided by furniture that no one else has, made to order according to an individual drawing. That is why the production of cabinet furniture is the business that will always be in demand and profitable. Investments in it are not too large, but depend on some factors and aspects.

Investments in business

The first is to register your business. How exactly is up to you. It is usually more profitable and cheaper to open an individual entrepreneur, because the package of documents for it is smaller, and registration is faster. On average, it costs about 10-15 thousand rubles to register in the country.

Secondly, the room. There are options here. Do you want large scale production? Buy or rent space for special workshops. Do you want to open a small workshop on personal plot? Get all the necessary permissions and go for it. The last option is the most convenient for middle lane, in small towns. Making cabinet furniture is profitable in any type of city, provided that you have studied the competitors and the price threshold for products well. Price for initial stage better not to exaggerate. It is important to focus on quality, gradually raising the price. You can indicate in advance the moment that your individual projects are more expensive.

Thirdly, this consumable. It is better to buy it at a wholesale price from those manufacturers that are closest to your workshop. This means that less money will be spent on transportation.

Fourth is the hardware. It can be both expensive automated and designed for manual work. The latter is relevant when your workshop is small and your plans are to work only on individual orders. This is beneficial only when the population of the city does not exceed 300-500 thousand people. Equipment for the production of cabinet furniture in the minimum set includes:

  1. jigsaw;
  2. plane;
  3. fraser;
  4. lathe machine;
  5. electric saws;
  6. material cutting machine.

On average, high-quality equipment will cost about 50-70 thousand rubles. This applies only to small production. If there is a huge workshop in the plans, then on automated lines With software it will take about 300-400 thousand rubles.

In addition, if two workers are enough to work in a small workshop, then about 5-7 workers are required for a large production. At the same time, wages should also be included in the monthly expenses. This is about 10-13 thousand rubles for each.

The total investment will be:

  1. documents (15 thousand rubles);
  2. premises (from 10 to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the size and location);
  3. consumables (each region has its own price threshold);
  4. equipment (from 50 to 400 thousand rubles, depending on the type of production).

Income, profitability, payback

The production of cabinet furniture pays off depending on the scale of production. A large one can pay off in 1-3 years, or maybe in six months. This is determined by the number of orders, sales and price. The more unique and original the sketch, the higher the price. Typical cabinet furniture is cheaper, although the demand for it is consistently high. A small workshop can pay off both in six months and in a couple of months. It is important that your work is always stable. Ideally, you should take into account the wishes of potential customers, even before they contact you. So, you can explore the many models on the market.

Do not forget that it is worth putting a little money and effort into advertising. Without it, it is quite difficult to stand out from the background of other manufacturers. In addition, it is desirable that you have an office where

Own business: production of cabinet furniture

orders are accepted. Ideally, all office furniture should be the result of the work of your workshop. You will also need a portfolio, customer reviews, a motto. The latter should be bright and memorable.

Large-scale production can generate net profit from 150 to 300 thousand rubles. It is important that you have regular large and wholesale customers who will always provide you with work.

In a small workshop, it is more logical to engage in the production of custom-made furniture. That way you won't work at a loss. Although a couple of orders should be made and put up for sale so that customers can appreciate your work, quality and originality. You can earn from 10 to 80 thousand rubles.

Fortunately, this work is not seasonal. You can sell and make furniture at any time of the year. In addition, you can hire a creative young specialist to help you design your projects.

  • Recruitment
  • Sales organization
  • How much can you earn

Recently, there has been some growth in the furniture and furniture production market in Russia. In many ways, this is facilitated by two circumstances - an increase in the number of new buildings put into operation and an increase in the income of the country's population. The main influence was exerted by individual orders, that is, orders for the manufacture of furniture according to original author's sketches. The expected annual growth of the furniture market, according to experts, is 8-10%. The main prerequisite for the development of the furniture market is the growth of the real estate market.

How to start a furniture manufacturing business

You can open your own furniture manufacturing business in one of two ways:

  1. Manufacture of furniture according to individual orders;
  2. Serial release.

These areas differ sharply in a number of important parameters, namely in the general approach to the organization of production, distribution channels, profitability (in serial production it is no more than 15%, and in individual production - more than 25%).

Today, many furniture factories offer sofas of the same design, but of completely different quality and at different prices. This is because becoming Russian production furniture began with the copying of Western models. The point is that designing, producing prototypes, and researching demand on your own is expensive. Only a large enterprise or a highly specialized company operating in the premium segment can afford this.

Thus, copying furniture samples until recently was a profitable business. Factories were not very eager to produce some original models, because the consumer was already well aware of what was being done for the masses.

However, recently the situation has changed somewhat. Buyers are increasingly paying attention not only to price and quality - now they are also interested in furniture design. Therefore, more and more manufacturers are beginning to introduce their own developments, opening design bureaus at their production facilities. In general, the serial production of designer furniture is a promising business. A striking example is Italy, the birthplace of furniture design. For Italians, the price of furniture is largely determined by the name of its author or brand.

How much money do you need to start a business

The size of the initial investment entirely depends on the "manufacturability" of production. The simpler the technology, the less money is needed to launch furniture production.

The cheapest way to produce furniture from laminate - both cabinet (cabinets, walls), and upholstered. The amount of investment for opening a business (purchase of equipment, repairs, rent) in this case will be 2-3 million rubles.

You can purchase equipment on lease - this is an excellent alternative to bank loans. Leasing does not require collateral, which is very important for a novice entrepreneur who does not have real estate on his balance sheet. In addition, lease payments reduce the taxable base.

Turn to the state for help - today there is an opportunity to receive gratuitous financial assistance from the state, including receiving a grant for starting a business, subsidizing part of the cost of paying interest on a loan, under leasing agreements, etc. For more information about the forms of support in your region, please contact the local administration or the websites of the relevant ministries.

What equipment to choose for the production of upholstered furniture

For the production of upholstered furniture you will need Sewing machines(one three - four different types), a panel saw and a pair of pneumatic guns with a compressor.

Such a set of equipment is enough to organize production with a monthly turnover of 1.5 million rubles.

Technology for the production of upholstered furniture

  1. saw cut board materials according to the frame shapes and cutting foam rubber for soft elements.
  2. Assembly of the frame and fittings.
  3. Upholstery of details and tailoring of covers.
  4. Final assembly of upholstered furniture.

What equipment to choose for the production of cabinet furniture

The set of equipment for the production of laminate cabinet furniture is slightly different. You will need to purchase an edge bander, panel saw and hand power tools.

Cabinet furniture production technology

  1. Cutting board materials.
  2. Edge banding of furniture parts.
  3. Assembly and fitting of fittings.

If the company plans to work with veneer, MDF boards and solid wood, then an additional planer and milling machines for processing solid wood, grinding and calibrating-grinding for processing solid wood and board materials, hot and cold presses for veneering board materials with veneer, varnishing and painting booth for finishing finished furniture.

The technological process in this case is somewhat more complicated, and will include three stages: veneer, sanding and varnishing with painting. The organization of such production is many times more expensive, since it requires more technology. Working with laminated chipboard (laminated chipboard) requires the purchase of expensive packaging equipment, as well as large warehouses, since the sales volumes of laminated chipboard furniture with the same monthly revenue turnover are several times higher (by 300-400%) than the sales volumes of furniture made of solid wood and boards MDF. The cost of producing furniture from MDF plywood is five times higher than the production of the same model from chipboard, not so much due to materials, but due to higher labor costs.

If there are very few funds for the purchase of expensive equipment, then the main part of the production processes, including veneer veneer, can be outsourced to third parties. Although this increases the cost of the final product. Outsourcing is beneficial when an enterprise specializes in the manufacture of cabinet furniture from laminated chipboard for individual orders, but occasionally they come across customers who want to buy something more expensive and prettier, and it is not unforgivable to miss such a customer. In this case, it makes sense to order semi-finished products on the side, and only assemble them ourselves. But only very small “handicraft” shops work this way.

Choice of premises for production

Finding the right space for furniture production is not an easy task. The thing is that the room must meet a number of stringent requirements, which are dictated by the specifics of the technological process: high fire hazard, high energy consumption, the need to maintain a certain temperature in the room (not lower than 16-18 degrees). So, at the request of the fire inspection, the main production (furniture finishing) should be located on the first floor of the building. There should be free access roads to the building itself.

The room must be equipped with a system fire alarm, the installation of which will cost about 500 rubles. for 1 sq. m. In addition, the installation of an industrial ventilation system will be required, which is also far from cheap. Do not forget about the presence of a stationary water heating system - without this, organize a normal manufacturing process will not work.

What documents are needed to open a furniture manufacturing business

  1. Certificate of conformity for finished products. Issued for three years non-profit organizations having the appropriate accreditation;
  2. Sanitary and hygienic certificate. Issued by Rospotrebnadzor for a period of five years;
  3. Certificates of conformity for materials used in furniture production. Their copies are issued by any bona fide supplier. Passing the certification procedure with these documents is not difficult - it will take no more than three months.


One of the most efficient and simple ways personnel search - placement of advertisements in newspapers.

Please note that an experienced carpenter will ask for a salary of at least 35 thousand rubles per month. You won't have special choice, as there is a shortage of qualified personnel in the labor market. The system of vocational education in our country is in an undermined condition. Even those young people who want to work in production have received such poor training in schools that they do not even know basic safety rules.

The only way to somehow solve this problem is to divide the production process into a number of simple operations and assign several workers to them. In this case, the number of specialists potentially ready to work in your production will increase. However, you should be aware that cabinet makers will not completely replace cabinet makers.

The success of a furniture company largely depends on the availability of highly professional engineering and technical specialists. However, there should not be more of them than the workers directly at the machine. As the company grows, IT specialists will also be required, as modern machines have software.

As for increasing labor motivation, it is necessary to introduce a piece-bonus form of remuneration - this greatly increases the efficiency of staff work. But no one has canceled the “carrot and stick” method either - an elementary fine improves the quality of production and responsibility for observing safety regulations.

Sales organization

Not a single normal production will function without well-developed distribution channels for products. In the case of furniture production, there are several ways to sell products:

1. Work with private customers. With such a scheme, in order to ensure a normal flow Money, more than 15 large projects need to be completed annually on a turnkey basis. When cooperating with private clients, be prepared for their temporary insolvency, missed deadlines for approvals, etc.

2. Opening your own outlet in a shopping center. This is the easiest way to start selling your own products. The presence of a retail outlet in the shopping center ensures a constant influx of customers, while the company incurs fewer costs (for security, repairs, advertising, etc.). But, the organization of trade, especially for novice manufacturers, can take a lot of effort. In addition to the actual production problems, it is necessary to solve a lot of tasks that are unusual for a production worker, including the search for a retail space, sales personnel, the introduction of trade standards, training in sales techniques, etc. Despite this, having your own retail point of sale (and more than one) is very useful.

3. Sales office or head office. Having our own sales office allows us to serve home furniture customers (designers and architects), and also allows us to process transactions via the Internet. While the World Wide Web cannot yet provide a large number of remote sales (no more than 10% of the total number of orders), nevertheless, more and more manufacturers are beginning to trust this sales channel and consider Internet sales to be very promising.

How much can you earn

I think everyone is very interested in how much you can earn in the furniture industry? First you need to understand by what criteria the cost of a particular furniture is formed. Most often, actual manufacturers calculate the final cost of finished furniture, the cost of materials (spent on the production of this piece of furniture) and all this is multiplied by a factor of 2x. As a result, this amount will be enough for:

  • expenses (purchase of parts, materials, accessories);
  • wages for employees;
  • rental of premises and warehouses;
  • delivery.

As a result, the manufacturer has a small percentage of profits. In the process, everyone is satisfied, both customers (due to the rather low cost) and manufacturers (clientele is increasing). As a result, receiving a small percentage of each sale (and since there are many customers, which means sales, respectively), the manufacturer has a good income. At the same time, there are “furniture makers” - these are people who do not have high-quality production, equipment, enough workers, warehouses, etc. (they are also called “garage workers”) calculate the cost of furniture in a completely different way than the above-described “normal” manufacturers . Thus, due to the lack of organization of production, "furniture makers" have production costs much higher than those of the official organization. In prices, they take additional costs for accessories, sawing and processing wood (and other parts), making doors, shipping, wages to workers (furniture assemblers, etc.). And all the costs, "garage" multiplies by a personal coefficient, the degree of which depends entirely on his personal views. As a result, the cost of the goods will be higher than that of the manufacturer "everything is according to the rules." But they also have their worst enemy - competition. Each "furniture maker" wants to earn as much money as possible, but due to the fact that their number is growing every day, they begin to reduce prices so that they take goods from them, after a certain period of time their business goes into complete bankruptcy and they have to close.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the production of furniture

For registration of furniture production, the main OKVED code is 31.X. Under the symbol X can be used various industries furniture production. For example:

  • for the production of furniture for offices and trade enterprises, the code is used - 31.01;
  • production of kitchen furniture - 31.02;
  • production of other furniture - 31.09;
  • if furniture is traded, then the main code is 52.X.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

It is impossible to say exactly which system of taxation to choose. It all depends on some factors. If you have a large number of legal clients. persons, then undoubtedly LLC - it will be easier for them to work with you. If you want to create furniture based on a patent, then you should choose an individual entrepreneur, but this will limit the number of possible workers.

Do I need a permit to open a furniture production?

Yes need. To do this, the employer needs to take some kind of permit that allows you to carry out high-risk work, as well as the use of various high-risk machines, mechanisms, and equipment. You will also have to take a short course on labor protection and conduct safety briefings.
