Monumentality and restraint - this is what characterizes the premises, decorated in the Greek style. Huge spaces, grandeur and freedom with modest finishes and décor - these are the features that fully explain the Greek style in the interior.

You will have to give up not only the abundance of furniture, expensive decor and many elements usually used in the design of a room, but also from most of the usual finishing materials and accessories inherent in living rooms and halls. Their requirements apply to the colors and textiles used.

One of the oldest interior styles. It was created and changed in a natural way, under the influence of time, climatic characteristics of the region and, of course, culture. That is why it is almost impossible to recreate the classic Greek style in a modern living room. In any case, it will be a stylization; only its reliability and depth can differ.

This is due to the change in some traditions, the inability to use authentic materials, and also to lead the same lifestyle as the ancient Greeks. The climatic conditions in which the interior will be recreated play an important role. In addition, any living room requires modern technology and electronics. All this makes us look for compromises between the present and the possible.

What is typical for the Greek interior

Greek style in the interior is a unity with nature. Natural materials and colors are used in design, decoration, decor. Greece is fertile land, constant sun, endless sea and bright greenery. All this was reflected in the arrangement of dwellings. Any room is a continuation of the desire for endless freedom, which is why interiors decorated in the Greek style are so attractive and similar. They are characterized by:

  • Large area and open plan;
  • High ceilings, which are the main element of the interior;
  • Columns or pilasters in the room are a mandatory attribute of the decor;
  • An abundance of windows, a maximum of natural light, a minimum of curtains and window textiles;
  • Finishing with natural materials, dominated by stone, tiles and plaster;
  • Stucco moldings, bas-reliefs, frescoes, hand-painted, meander patterns - expensive, but discreet;
  • Natural natural colors without bright and flashy spots;
  • The furniture is rough, bent legs and legs are allowed, expensive upholstery is excluded;
  • Vases, sculptures, figurines, amphorae are used as decoration;

All decor elements, decorations, every detail of the furnishings should visually stretch upward. With this technique, all attention is directed to the high ceiling, decorated with great care. Vertical lines visually enlarge the room, but only the one that really has rather big dimensions. In small rooms with low ceilings, this effect will only aggravate the situation.

Possible colors

All those shades that we meet outside the window can be safely used in the interior. Just keep in mind that the window from which you need to look out must be located in Greece, and not in any other region where the stylized apartment or house is located.

Most often, the interior will look quite dull, because the colors used are mostly delicate and pastel shades. White is appropriate here, color ivory, sand, yellow, green, olive, turquoise, any blue. However, this does not mean that the interior cannot be contrasting. Bright white combined with deep blue gives a very fresh and dynamic effect. Lemon yellow can be combined with a delicate olive shade and light blue. And turquoise itself will be bright and eye-catching.

A significant part of the interior, decorated in the Greek style, should be given even to the colors that are not used, but to their combination and the harmony of the overall picture. After all, even the pastel monochrome of the entire room can play differently in combination with dark natural marble, which is laid on the floor.

Room decoration and decoration

For each surface in the room, special materials must be used. This will allow you to achieve more realistic styling and competently recreate the interior in the Greek style. If it is impossible to use authentic materials and textures, it is worth replacing them with modern counterparts.


The ceiling in a room decorated in a Greek style is the most important element of the room. It must be of sufficient height. It is very good if it is possible to complement it with a horizontal window. The window in the ceiling will give an even greater sense of freedom, as well as fill the room with natural light.

Used for decoration decorative plaster, painting or whitewashing of the surface is also allowed. Contemporary interiors can use technology stretch ceilings... Being the ideological center of the room, the ceiling can be richly decorated. For this, meander patterns are used, which are not easy to apply in a different color, but are performed in volume. Along the perimeter, the ceiling is decorated with stucco, modern conditions you can use plastic or polyurethane skirting boards.

The color of the ceiling is most often monochrome, white, light yellow, sand. Often, the ceiling and walls are a single whole in terms of decoration. The ceiling in the Greek interior can be decorated with hand-painted, mosaic, and in the case of installing stretch ceilings, you can use photo printing.


Very few materials can be used for wall decoration. For example, the usual wallpaper should be deleted from the list altogether. Fabric wall upholstery is unacceptable. The ideal option is decorative plaster. It is allowed to simply paint even prepared walls. Inserts from tiles, mosaics, natural stone and wood panels.

The walls and ceiling form a single whole in the overall ensemble. There should not be any special wall decorations and decorations, however, you can use decorative and functional niches, as well as a relief plinth or real stucco.

The element that decorates the walls can be pilasters - an alternative to real columns. They are made from real materials or from polyurethane panels, plasterboard. There are even ready-made designs on sale that can be glued to the wall, and then painted in the desired color, masking the joint. Pilasters can be located in a colonnade, frame window or door openings, niches, or in pairs decorate a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe wall.

Possible interior delights when decorating walls are hand-painted, created mosaics, applied intricate floral or meander patterns. The whole composition should be directed upwards so that the gaze slides over the surface and smoothly passes to the ceiling.


Another feature of the Greek style is the use of natural stone for flooring. Marble, granite are perfect, porcelain stoneware is allowed. Tiles, natural or artificial stone for floor decoration can perfectly replace the classics from modern materials.

The use of such materials was quite justified in Greece. During the constant heat, the stone floors in the house were always cool, and it was very pleasant to lie on them, to walk barefoot. The use of cold marble coverings in Russian conditions will be very uncomfortable, given that the Greek style does not favor carpets. One of the possible ways out of the situation is the system of warm infrared floors.

In some interiors, decorated in the Greek style, it is possible to refuse cold stone. Styling is possible when using laminate or parquet. Self-leveling floors will be a good alternative. A photo printing, perhaps even a 3D image, will complement the picture quite well.

In Greek interiors, multi-level floors are very often used. This is a great way to zone a space. In the living rooms and halls, various podiums are set up, ascents one or two steps. In a room with high ceilings, it is much easier to play with space than in small rooms.


Windows should be large and open. A panoramic glazed wall, windows in three quarters of the wall, windows in the ceiling will look great. The more light and space, better view the surrounding landscape, so much the better.

The window in the interior of the room, decorated in the Greek style, should attract attention no less than the ceiling. However, decorating it in traditional ways, such as curtains, is not recommended. Curtains and window textiles should generally be used to a minimum or completely abandoned this method.

But columns, real or fake structures, will look great as decoration. They will allow not only to architecturally highlight the opening in the room, but to give it the necessary significance. In the event that there are few windows in the room, and the space is large enough, you can use a photographic picture or a panel with a 3D drawing, which will not only simulate a window opening, but also demonstrate a real Greek landscape.


Greek style light is very dependent on the time of day and the style of the room. Possible options design: from bright warm lighting that floods the room, to intimate twilight, where light and shadow play.

For lighting, a central chandelier is necessarily used. It must be a piece of art, one of the most expensive furnishings. The ceiling height allows very bulky structures to be centralized. Instances suspended on chains look great. The light must be from a warm range, mainly yellow tones.

Sconces, wall lamps, table lamps and lamps and floor lamps are used as local lighting. The Greek style is characterized by symmetry, so most often the lighting fixtures are used in pairs or create whole ensembles.

To achieve cozy chamber lighting, you can use lED backlight simultaneously with local lighting. The sconces included in complete darkness give a good effect. By the way, correctly positioned lamps with vertical and horizontal beams of light allow you to increase or decrease the room, depending on the tasks. Luminaires with vertical orientation are more suitable for the Greek interior.

Light colors in room decoration, table with curved legs and nautical accessories indicate belonging to the Greek style Pair of wall lamps, simple furniture, light colors and meander patterns - signs of the Greek style in the interior, photo For the living room, decorated in the Greek style, high panoramic windows are characteristic, photo


The main rule is that there should not be a lot of it. The most necessary things will be enough in the interior. An upholstered area consisting of sofas, armchairs and a coffee table, a dining area where a table and chairs will be placed, although the classic Greek style invites you to enjoy the dishes reclining. You can place modern appliances and electronics in wall niches or lockable wardrobes.

When choosing furniture, preference should be given to very simple, even primitive things. Sofas and armchairs without excessive pomp, simple rounded contours and calm lines. Upholstery in light colors with a soft print. Expensive fabrics such as leather, silk, velvet should be avoided. Greek-style furniture is more popular with those who value practicality than luxury. But it is precisely such furniture that is more suitable for a stylized interior.

Wood is most often used for cabinet furniture, but other materials are also possible. Tables and chairs have bent legs, coffee tables and furniture for the living room - openwork patterned paws. It is the roughness and negligence of each item that can create the illusion of handmade. Low cabinets and dressers will complement the living room furnishings.

Decor and accessories

The Greek style in the interior requires special taste and measure in decorating the room. Do not get carried away with the details, you just need to create a mood. Small figurines placed in wall niches will help to do this. It's nice to complement a spacious room with a minimum of furniture floor vases and large amphorae. Live plants can also be used for decoration purposes. There are never many of them.

Paintings and accessories look good nautical theme... A few prints or posters on the walls will create just the right mood. Curtains should be used only when necessary, and in such case, give preference to Roman designs. If you need a textile decoration, you can place several hand-embroidered napkins on the coffee table.

The atmosphere of the Mediterranean style is a casual cosiness, a welcome coolness on a hot day and a resort mood. It is necessary to approach the design of housing in the Greek style armed with precisely these sensations, then the room will really turn out to be light and sincere.

The Greek style bedroom is one of the most popular. The fact is that this version of interior design combines modesty, turning into asceticism, with convenience and comfort.

As a result, the owner of the premises manages to combine elements of modernity and antiquity, which creates a unique atmosphere of Ancient Greece in modern bedroomlocated in the same standard panel high-rise. At the same time, the room becomes a real center of attraction not only for the guests of the house, but also for all family members, which contributes to its unity.

Fashion and design historians believe that the Greek style originated in the 8th-6th centuries BC. Our contemporaries have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of ancient architects by studying the samples of architectural creativity of the inhabitants of Hellas that have come down to us. In addition, many elements of ancient design have entered the decoration of modern Greek homes, especially in the countryside.

Unlike Ancient Rome, the interiors of the premises of Ancient Greece are distinguished by simplicity and minimalism. Excessive luxury is alien to them, and therefore if you want to have something flashy and expensive in the bedroom, the Greek style is not for you. But for lovers of antiquity and practicality, it will undoubtedly suit, "in Greek" you can furnish almost any dwelling, be it a dacha or apartment, a village house or a mansion.

For the described style of interior design, the following common features are characteristic:

  • the presence of high ceilings;
  • the use of natural and pseudo-columns with stucco molding;
  • the use of so-called meander patterns;
  • applying frescoes to the walls;

  • the absence of gilding with the simultaneous use of colors exclusively from natural shades to decorate the room;
  • refusal to use wallpaper in favor of using only plaster.

On a note! The Greek-style bedroom is finished exclusively using natural materials such as marble, granite and ceramic tiles.

All artificial materials are strictly prohibited here. Furniture must also be made of natural wood by hand. In this case, all the details of the room should have straight lines and a vertical orientation.

As for the decor items, the use of various items and accessories in the antique style is encouraged - amphorae, vases, figurines, sculptures. They should be exposed to the outside and placed on special shelves or stands. The windows here should be as open as possible, and the fabrics on them should be used as little as possible.

Before you start decorating the room, you need to make sure that it is suitable for this. So, for example, if it is not possible to install or execute columns in a room, as well as vertically oriented architectural elements, such a room will not correspond to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Greek style.

In order to prevent this from happening, it makes sense to consult in advance with an experienced designer who will tell you whether or not your bedroom is suitable for decoration in antique style.

Greek bedroom interior

If you liked a Greek-style bedroom, you should choose a photo of it in advance in order to make the arrangement of the bedroom in your home as easy as possible. This style is characterized by the design of the walls, floor and ceiling in colorscharacteristic of the Greek nature. Due to this circumstance, the dominant color here will be white with various shades. In addition, various shades of blue, green and yellow are additionally used. Since the Greek style, unlike the Roman, does not welcome gilding and bright colors, all tones should be slightly muted.

As for the finishing materials, apart from natural stone, wood and mosaics, the described style of interior design also allows the use of glass. At the same time, there must be columns in the Greek bedroom. If the room is small, you can install two of them, and in a large area it is worth placing a whole colonnade.

In the event that it is not possible to decorate the room with columns, they can be replaced with pilasters.

Another characteristic element of the style is the presence of arched niches. Usually they are made of gypsum plasterboards, but such a design move "eats up" the usable area in the room. In this case, niches and columns should be combined in appearance with wall decoration. In the Greek style, wallpapers are fundamentally not used, which are replaced by rough decorative plaster.

A wide variety of ornament is applied to such plaster. It can be a "wave", a meander, or just double lines. In order to emphasize the specific features of the Greek style, the walls in the bedroom are sometimes decorated with a wooden carriage in order to give them a sun-bleached look.

As for the most expensive type of wall decoration, these are frescoes that can become the center of your bedroom. If you do not have the opportunity to order them, it makes sense to purchase wallpaper imitating the surface of a plastered wall with a fresco.

The floors are also decorated in an original way using pebbles, stone, marble and granite. At the same time, carpets are not used, therefore, only the floors themselves can please the eye with patterns and drawings. This is something to keep in mind when planning your bedroom in a Greek style.

On a note! As for the ceiling, it is considered the final chord in the design of the entire bedroom.

Moreover, its design can be absolutely any, for example, plasterboard or tension suspended. At the same time, the ceiling can also be painted with painting or their imitation using photo wallpaper. Experienced designers do not recommend combining ceiling painting with wall painting, as this can cause disharmony. To illuminate the ceiling is worth using lED lamps or sconce.

A Greek-style bedroom requires space, so there should be a minimum amount of furniture in it. In this case, the bed should have a calm color and curved legs. At the same time, designers advise avoiding velvet, leather and velvet upholstery of both the bed and the whole upholstered furniture... All couches, sofas and armchairs in the Greek style are perfectly combined with wicker furniture, which for this reason would be quite appropriate to place in the room.

Of alternative options equipping the bedroom with furniture, you can call it combined optionsfor example, the same table with stone legs and a wooden top. For storing things in a Greek bedroom, designers advise using aged, rough wooden wardrobes and dressers. Moreover, they should not have unnecessary decorations, but can be finished with wooden or forged overlays.

As for the decor of the bedroom, the Greek style usually does not use textiles to decorate the premises. All fabrics are used for their intended purpose - to protect the room from the sun's rays, and not to decorate it.

Important! Window curtains must be selected so that they have natural shades and are made of natural materials: cotton, bleached linen, jute.

If the side is sunny and it is not possible to install shutters, they can be replaced with curtains and blinds.

Accessories and small decorative items in the Greek style must fully comply with the spirit of antiquity, so it makes sense to place in the bedroom:

  • small to large amphoras;
  • various figurines and busts made of marble and plaster;
  • old unclear mirrors;
  • floor and table Greek vases.

In addition, you can use lamps that simulate torches, as well as a pendant chandelier.

The subtleties of the Greek style

If you were able to master the basic principles of furnishing a bedroom in the Greek style, you should pay attention to some of the nuances of this process. So, for example, in any bedroom the bed is considered the center. In a Greek bedroom, it should be done with a canopy, since at home this technique allows you to protect the owners of the premises from the sweltering heat. In temperate climates, the canopy creates coziness and comfort while sleeping.

In no case should you abuse mirrors when creating an interior. This is especially true for the ceiling. It is better to paint it or leave it pure white than to place a mirror on it. If the presence of a mirror is necessary, you should age it a little or take a ready-made, unclear one.

There is no place for modern electronics and equipment in a Greek bedroom, so all equipment will need to be hidden in closets. The more the spirit of antiquity and antiquity, the more your bedroom will benefit in terms of design. If you do not want to give up the achievements of civilization, place the same hair dryer or tape recorder in a separate niche, decorating it with a linen curtain.

The more antiquity the interior of your bedroom evokes, the better. At the same time, it is worth furnishing other rooms accordingly. So, for example, if your living room is made in classic style, it will be necessary to remove various elements of luxury from it. This will bring it closer to the Greek style, and the contrast between the two rooms will not be so noticeable.

I like

The remarkable history of Greece, especially Ancient Greece, its cultural wealth, expressed in art, architecture, to this day does not leave millions of its fans indifferent to themselves. The Greek style in architecture and interior design has become an object of imitation for many. Since the main feature of the Greek style is the absence of any elements of luxury, the simplicity of decoration, which has an almost ascetic appearance, it is quite natural that the fans of this style are practical and economical people, but at the same time, who love comfort. The Greek style perfectly combines elements of antiquity and modernity. He is characterized by cold colors, presence ceramic tiles and marble.

History of the Greek style

The history of any culture is inextricably linked with the stages of development of its own state, and often of the neighboring one. It is believed that the Greek style originated between the 8th and 6th centuries BC.

The history of the development of the Greek style has several periods. For the early periods of the history of development, the style was characterized by a mythological orientation, in which the main place was given to the ancient mythological gods, who symbolized the power and flourishing of the Greek Empire. At the earliest stage (VIII-VI centuries BC), the formation of basic principles took place. In the period from the 6th century to 470 BC. a gradual change began in the principles and elements introduced from Egypt, Asia, into a form corresponding to the religious outlook of the people of Greece, its spirit, and form. In the period from the 5th century to 338 BC. dramatic changes are taking place in the Greek style. The style is becoming more noble, harmonious. Elements of luxury appeared in materials, forms, ornaments. For the next period (IV century - 180 BC), the history of the Greek style is characterized by the influence of the East. Buildings are being created more magnificent and spectacular. AT last period, after Greece falls under the rule of the Roman Empire, the Greek style merges with Roman art. But still, he retained its main features - simplicity and practicality, while luxury and pomp was inherent in the Roman style.

The Greek style is characterized by:

  • high ceilings
  • columns with stucco
  • meander patterns
  • frescoes
  • color range of natural shades, no bright colors, minimum gilding
  • granite, ceramic tiles, marble
  • furniture - simple in shape, made of natural wood, handmade, upholstered in leather, velvet are excluded
  • vertical orientation of all interior details
  • textured plaster walls, wallpaper excluded
  • decor items - vases, amphorae, figurines, sculptures
  • minimal use of fabrics on windows

Before realizing your dream of a Greek-style apartment, be sure to check if your apartment is suitable for its decoration in this style. Otherwise, no matter what is done, the apartment will not correspond to the classical idea of \u200b\u200bthe Greek style.

Greek style ceilings

The ceilings should be high, give those in the room a sense of freedom, space, and draw the eye up. To emphasize the grandeur of everything in the room, the ceiling is supported by monumental columns with stucco molding.

Sometimes meander patterns are superimposed on the ceiling

The ceiling is often framed by skirting boards made of artistic stucco molding.

If possible, a square-shaped window is mounted in the ceiling, which improves the illumination of the room.

The heart of the ceiling is usually a massive chandelier hanging on gilded chains, while small fixtures around the perimeter of the ceiling will highlight the skirting board.

The ceiling is finished with textured plaster. The tonality of its color should be in harmony with the color of the walls. But most often the color of the ceiling and walls is the same.

The Greek style does not exclude multilevel ceilings, which allows you to get out of the predicament with different ceiling heights in the room.

Greek style walls

Walls require a special approach, because not everything is suitable for their decoration. Only textured plaster is used, which gives asceticism and simplicity to the room.

Occasionally used panels of wood or some other facing material (ceramic tiles, stone "plastushki", etc.)

The Greek style allows for niches in the walls, which are done with drywall. This is often done to the detriment of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Sometimes, the owner's desire to install columns cannot be realized due to the small area. In this case, the Greek style solves this problem by installing polyurethane pilasters.

Greek style color

Only natural colors are used - lemon yellow, white, all kinds of shades of blue and green.

Greek style floor

The Greek style does not set clear rules for flooring. But carpets are not welcome.Classic floor is laid with marble, mosaic tiles in the form of meander patterns,

But it does not exclude other types of coverage.

A combination is allowed different coatings, which does not in the least reduce the beauty and originality of the floor design

The furniture in the Greek style is characterized by:

  1. simple but solid upholstery of armchairs and sofas. Leather, velvet not applicable
  2. the legs of chairs and tables are curved to the outside.
  3. made from natural wood.

Greek style accessories

Interior accessories of the room are usually represented by ceramic, marble amphoras, jugs, figurines of ancient heroes,

mythical beasts,

wall ornamented lamps.

The fabric on the windows is rarely used. It is mainly found in sleeping rooms in the form of natural cotton, linen. Flower vases are very rare in the Greek style. Pottery is abundant.

We wish everyone who likes simplicity and asceticism in harmony with the past, the ancient beauty of the Greek style, to make their dream come true, fortunately, it's not so difficult and therefore possible.


An antique pearl, lost between the three seas, evokes different, but invariably pleasant associations for everyone.

The Greek style evokes memories of the Mediterranean breeze and delicacies, famous thinkers, mythical gods and heroes, sports battles and theatrical performances, rich history and unique culture that we inherited from the ancient Hellenes.

All this is fully embodied in the interior design in the Greek style.

Its recognizable features have become a harmonious combination the smallest details and sophistication in simplicity. That is why even in a modern apartment of a classic lover, you can find a completely different era.

Interior design basics

The culture of Ancient Greece went through a rapid process of development and liberation from Egyptian influence in just a hundred years.

Already in the 5th century BC, in the design and architecture of Hellas, one can observe the triumph of the "golden mean" - the ideal balance of beauty and practicality.

Each detail had its own special meaning in the aesthetic composition. The basic principles remained unchanged even after several centuries:

The white color at the heart of the room design is combined with the natural shades of the environment: most often it is blue. sea \u200b\u200bwave and pastel, as if faded in the sun, tones.

Decorating the walls with plaster, stone and rough whitewash - the main thing is that they are not smooth. Gypsum stucco molding, frescoes or ornaments, various niches for decorative elements are also welcome.

Traditionally, the ceilings were painted with images of mythical characters. This is available in modern rooms with high vaults, but if you have low ceilings in your apartment, it is better to just whitewash or paint them.

Advice! Try to decorate the walls and ceiling in the same color scheme to create the impression of continuous endless space.

The material for the floor is related to the decoration of the walls and ceiling: if the whole room is decorated with wood, then flooring will also be wooden, brickwork the walls are complemented by stone floors, and the plaster is complemented by rough tiles. In order to make the room authentic, the floor is laid out with mosaics.

Natural materials for textiles are also one of the foundations of the Greek style. It is important to remember that any thing, be it a pillow or a curtain, should have not only a decorative, but also a practical role.

Simple lighting with no frills

The decor should contain objects reminiscent of a bygone era - the ancient history of the Greeks: amphorae, thematic sculptures and images.

Colors and patterns

There are three basic color combinations for decorating a room in the Greek style: white + blue, sand + olive, white + beige.

In this case, one should avoid bright accents and keep the whole room in one palette. In order to diversify the main colors and add Greek flavor, a variety of ornaments are often used. These famous patterns are always associated with Greece:

  • A circle inscribed in a square as a symbol of harmony and perfection of forms.
  • Zigzag or graphic wave are the most common for decorating textiles.
  • Floral motives straight from the painted Greek amphorae.

Room decoration

Walls. In addition to the already described finishing methods, you can also decorate the room with columns, built-in niches and decorate the walls with mosaics or stones. It is permissible to put a fireplace in the living room.

Ceiling. For small rooms will do simple painting, but the owners of spacious apartments can afford bolder solutions: decorating with stucco molding, hand-painted decoration or finishing with wooden beams.

Floor. Depending on the size of the room, natural materials (pebbles, wood) are usually used for finishing the floor or fancy tile and mosaic patterns are laid on it.

Textile. The decorations should have a national flavor. These can be carpets with a thematic print made of dense woven fabrics, bedspreads with patterned edges, light thick curtains.

Lighting. Choose simple lighting fixtures made from natural materials - pretentious heavy chandeliers and lamps can spoil the picture of graceful restraint.

Decor. There are usually few small ornaments in the Greek style. The main role is played here by architectural and sculptural ensembles in the form of arches, niches, stucco moldings, fountains and statues. The mood of the seaside promenade will help to recreate live plants, vases of flowers and fruits.

XXI century allows using modern materials in the design of the premises. The main thing is that the original purpose of the interior does not change - nothing overloaded, harmonious and cozy corner Greece at your home.

Photo of the interior in the Greek style

The Greek style in the interior belongs to the classics. It is characterized by the clarity of lines and borders, decoration in the form of stucco molding, frescoes on the walls, large mirrors, an abundance of white, natural decoration Materials, classic furniture and other features.

Before starting to create an interior in the Greek style, it does not hurt to find out the history of its appearance.

A brief excursion into history

The homeland of the style is ancient Greece. The time of its appearance dates back to the third millennium BC. after the liberation of the lands between the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas from Egyptian influence.

The Greeks strived for excellence in everything, including architecture. Gradually they began to replace the rough stone with more noble marble. In the interior of dwellings and facades, sculptures depicting an athletic man, as well as busts and graphic images faces in profile.

Gradually, the Greek style began to prevail even in the neighboring Roman Empire. In turn, the Greeks took pomp and splendor in the form of gilding from the Romans. It was applied to stucco and furniture elements.

Signs of modern Greek style

Over the millennia, the Greek interior has acquired a number of characteristic features.

The advantage of white, which is complemented by natural tones. White is present in the design of floors, ceilings, walls and even furniture, while other colors are presented in decor items and textiles.

Especially popular is the combination of white with sea or olive shades, which are also typical for Greece. Paired combinations of shades are welcome: white with blue, sand with olive, beige with white.

The brightness of the second shade against the white background is not required. The tones are calm, discreet.

Finishing materials with a rough texture. For the decoration of walls and ceilings, they use natural raw stone, unapplied plaster, careless whitewashing and other materials, so long as the walls are not smooth.

Use of statues and fountains in niches as decoration. The living room can be laid out with a white fireplace with tiles for decoration.

Greek interior design is not possible in a small space with low ceilings. Initially, the architecture of Ancient Greece consisted of buildings with high ceilings, which were decorated with bas-reliefs and high-reliefs depicting ancient heroes and gods.

In a modern apartment, such decorations are possible only with a sufficient ceiling height. The absence of such decorative elements does not allow to fully represent the Greek style.

The ceiling can be simply whitewashed and painted. Illustrations to the legends and myths of Ancient Greece can be used as subjects for painting. A typical ancient Greek ornament in a strip can go along the perimeter.

If you want to decorate the interior in a more modern Greek style, decorating the ceilings with beams is permissible.

The unity of the textures of the ceiling, walls and floor. All of them can be either smooth or rough, texture combinations are not used. Mosaic is often used for flooring - a decorative material typical of the Greek style.

Only natural textiles: linen, cotton, bamboo fiber. The style of the curtains is the simplest, no complicated draperies and flounces. The fabric is either plain or with typical Greek patterns. None of the textiles should be purely decorative. Each has practical applications.

Photos of interiors in the Greek style give an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the lighting works. There should always be a lot of light. During the day, it penetrates through huge window openings, and at night it comes from numerous lighting fixtures... In addition to the central chandelier, it can be sconces and floor lamps with shades of simple configuration made of natural materials.

Decorative items from ancient times. Of course, we are not talking about authentic amphoras and frescoes. But their plausible imitations are perfectly valid. It can also be statues and figurines, columns, floor vases, stucco and pseudo-splendor.

Ornaments typical for Ancient Greece in the design of borders on walls, textiles, furniture, the central part of the ceiling and floor, prints. Typical patterns are a circle in a square, zigzags, right angles even when depicting waves and spirals, and plant motifs.

So, the Greek style in the interior can be called luxurious. Accordingly, it requires quite large cash costs. But the result will meet all expectations, and the interior will give the owners a pleasant pastime and allow themselves to be the hero of ancient legends about Gods and Goddesses.

Photo of the interior in the Greek style
