Always keep it short - just the point. This is the conversation of a real man. A pair of ears is a lonely tongue. Listen and listen twice - open your mouth only once.

Man is the truth of the world, a crown, not everyone knows this, but only a sage.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He reaches with his nose where his soul has not grown.

The source of joy and the sea of \u200b\u200bsorrow are people. As well as a container of filth, and a transparent spring. A person is reflected in a thousand mirrors - he changes his face, like a chameleon, while being insignificant and immensely great.

You don't even notice that your dreams are coming true, everything is always not enough for you!

A fool seeks happiness far away, a wise man raises it next to him.

The drop began to cry that it parted with the sea, the sea laughed at the naive grief.

When you throw dirt at a person, remember - it may not reach him, but it will remain on your hands.

Better to gnaw bones than to be seduced by sweets at the table of scoundrels who have power.

If the vile medicine pours you, pour it! If a wise man will pour you poison - accept it!

In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved one even dignity irritates.

Love can do without reciprocity, but friendship never.

You better starve than eat anything, and it is better to be alone than with just anyone.

I have never been repelled by the poverty of a person; it is another matter if his soul and thoughts are poor.

In this perishable Universe, in due time, a man and a flower turn into dust, if the dust evaporated from under our feet - a bloody stream would pour down from the sky onto the earth.

Passion cannot be friends with deep love, if it can, then they will not be together for long.

Do not grieve about the future and the past, Know the price of today's happiness.

"Omar Khayyam"

Khayyam's quotes in verse:

In this unfaithful world, don't be a fool:
Do not try to rely on those around you.
Look at your closest friend with a steady eye
The friend may prove to be the worst enemy.

Dealing with a fool will not lead to shame.
Therefore, listen to Khayyam's advice:
Accept the poison offered to you by the sage
Do not take balm from the hands of a fool.

One will not understand what the roses smell like.
Another of the bitter herbs will extract honey.
Give bread to one - he will remember it forever.
Sacrifice life to another - he won't understand.

Some people are deceived by earthly life,
Part - in dreams turns to another life.
Death is a wall. And during life no one will know
A higher truth hidden behind this wall.

What the Creator once measured for us, friends,
You cannot increase and cannot decrease.
We will try to make good use of it all,
Do not charge for someone else's, without asking for a loan.

Nobility by suffering, friend, born,
To become a pearl - is it given to every drop?
You can lose everything, save only your soul
The bowl will fill up again, it would have been wine.

I am an atheist. This is how God made me.

Sinners would be glad to paradise - but they do not know the roads.

God gives, God takes - that's the whole story for you!
What's what - remains a mystery to us.
How much to live, how much to drink - they measure by eye,
And even then they strive to underfill every time.

Better to drink and caress cheerful beauties
Than to seek salvation in fasting and prayers.
If a place in hell is for lovers and drunks
Who do you command to be admitted to heaven?

Do not let me into the temple of God.
I am an atheist. This is how God created me.
I am like a harlot whose faith is a vice.
Sinners would be glad to paradise, but they do not know the roads.

The image of the great poet of the East, Omar Khayyam, is covered with legends, and his biography is full of secrets and mysteries. The ancient East knew Omar Khayyam primarily as an outstanding scientist: mathematician, physicist, astronomer, philosopher. In the modern world, Omar Khayyam is better known as a poet, the creator of the original philosophical and lyrical quatrains - wise, full of humor, slyness and insolence of the Rubai.

Rubai is one of the most complex genre forms of Tajik-Persian poetry. The volume of the rubai is four lines, three of which (rarely four) rhyme with each other. Khayyam is an unsurpassed master of this genre. His rubai amaze with the accuracy of observation and the depth of comprehension of the world and the human soul, the brightness of images and the grace of rhythm.

Living in the religious east, Omar Khayyam reflects on God, but resolutely rejects all church dogmas. His irony and free thinking were reflected in the rubye. He was supported by many poets of his time, but for fear of persecution for freethinking and blasphemy, they also attributed their works to Khayyam.

Omar Khayyam is a humanist, for him man and his spiritual world are above all. He appreciates the pleasure and joy of life, pleasure from every minute. And his style of presentation made it possible to express what could not be said out loud in plain text.

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever in which the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What are the safest medicines?

Why do you expect benefit from your wisdom?
You will wait for the milk from the goat sooner.
Pretend to be a fool - and more use will be,
And wisdom these days is cheaper than a leek.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

Noble people, loving each other,
They see the grief of others, they forget themselves.
If you desire the honor and shine of mirrors, -
Do not envy others - and they will love you.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

Nobility and meanness, courage and fear -
Everything is embedded in our bodies from birth.
We will not become better or worse to death.
We are what Allah created us!

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

Brother, do not demand riches - they will not be enough for everyone.
Do not regard sin with the gloating joy of a saint.
There is God above mortals. As for the neighbor's business,
Then there are even more holes in your robe.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

It is not worth looking into the future,
Be glad for a moment of happiness today.
Because tomorrow, friend, and we will be considered death
With those who have gone seven thousand years ago.

Rubaiyas of Omar Khayyam

You will be in the company of proud learned donkeys,
Try to pretend to be a donkey without words
For everyone who is not an ass, these fools
They are immediately accused of undermining the foundations.

Giyasaddin Abu al-Fatah Omar ibn Ibrahim al-Khayyam Nishapuri is the full name of the person who is better known to us as Omar Khayyam.
This Persian poet, mathematician, philosopher, astrologer, astronomer is known all over the world for his quatrains "rubai", which delight in their wisdom, cunning, audacity and humor. His poems are just a storehouse of the eternal wisdom of life, which were relevant during the life of the poet (1048 - 1131), and have not lost their relevance today. We suggest reading verses and quotes by Omar Khayyam and enjoy their content.

Having endured hardships, you will become a free bird.
And the drop will become a pearl in the dungeon pearl.
Give away your wealth - it will return to you.
If the cup is empty, they will give you a drink.

Only those who are worse than us think badly of us,
and those who are better than us ... They just have no time for us

Hell and paradise in the heavens are claimed by bigots;
I looked into myself - I was convinced of the lie.
Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe;
Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

If you become a slave to base lust, -
You will be empty in old age, like an abandoned house.
Look at yourself and think about
Who are you, where are you and where then?

We are the source of fun - and sorrow is the mine,
We are a repository of filth - and a pure spring.
A person, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
He is insignificant - and he is immensely great!

Life is forced upon us; her whirlpool
It overwhelms us, but one moment - and now
It's time to leave, not knowing the purpose of life ...
A pointless arrival, a pointless departure!

Dawn is always followed by sunset.
With this life, short, equal to a sigh,
Treat as given to you for a rental.

Whoever was beaten by life will achieve more
Having eaten a pood of salt, he values \u200b\u200bhoney higher.
Who shed tears, he laughs sincerely,
He who has died knows that he lives.

Everything is bought and sold
And life openly laughs at us.
We are indignant, we are indignant
But we buy and sell.

If you can, do not worry about the running time,
Do not burden the soul with either the past or the future.
Spend your treasures while you are alive;
After all, in that world you will appear to be indigent.

Omar Khayyam was a great man! I have always admired his deep knowledge of the human soul! His statements are relevant to this day! It looks like people haven't changed much since that time!

The scientist wrote his rubyes all his life. He drank little wine, but describes his great wisdom. We do not know anything about him either personal lifebut he subtly describes love.

The wise statements of Omar Khayyam make us forget about all the fuss and at least for a moment think about great values. We offer you the best quotes from Omar Khayyam about love and life:

About life

1. One will not understand what roses smell like. Another of the bitter herbs will extract honey. Give someone a trifle, they will remember forever. You will give your life to someone, but he will not understand.

2. Whoever is beaten by life will achieve more. A pood of salt who ate higher values \u200b\u200bhoney. Whoever shed tears laughs sincerely. Whoever died, he knows that he lives!

3. The lower a person is in soul, the higher his nose is. He reaches with his nose where his soul has not grown.

4. Two people looked through one window. One saw rain and mud. The other is green ligature foliage, spring and blue sky.

5. How often, making mistakes in life, we lose those whom we value. Trying to please strangers, sometimes we run from our neighbor.

We exalt those who are not worthy of us, but we betray the most faithful. Whoever loves us so much, we offend, and we ourselves are waiting for an apology.

6. We are the source of fun and sorrow. We are a repository of filth and a pure spring. Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces. He is insignificant and he is immensely great!

7. We will never get into this world forever, never meet friends at the table. Catch every flying moment - you will never lie in wait for it later.

8. With this life, short, equal to the breath. Treat as given to you for a rental.

9. Do not envy the one who is strong and rich, the sunset always comes after the dawn.

About love

10. Giving yourself doesn't mean selling. And sleeping next to it doesn't mean sleeping. Not to take revenge does not mean to forgive everything. Not being close does not mean not love!

11. Woe, woe to the heart, where there is no burning passion. Where there is no love of torment, where there are no dreams of happiness. A day without love is lost: it is dimmer and grayer than this barren day, and there are no bad weather days.

12. To live life wisely, you need to know a lot. Two important rules remember for a start: you better starve than eat anything and it is better to be alone than with just anyone.

13. In a loved one, even flaws are liked, and in an unloved, even virtues irritate.

14. You can seduce a man who has a wife, you can seduce a man who has a mistress, but you cannot seduce a man who has a beloved woman.

15. The plucked flower should be presented, the poem begun should be completed, and the beloved woman should be happy, otherwise you shouldn't have taken on something that you cannot afford.

Life will fly by, like one moment
Appreciate her, take pleasure in her.
As you spend it, it will pass,
Do not forget: she is your creation.

Do not forget that you are not alone: \u200b\u200bin the most difficult moments, God is with you

What God once measured for us, friends,
You cannot increase and cannot decrease.
Let's try to spend the cash properly,
Do not charge for someone else's, without asking for a loan.

You don't even notice that your dreams come true, everything is always not enough for you!

Life is a desert, on which we wander naked.
A mortal full of pride, you're just ridiculous!
You find a reason for every step -
Meanwhile, he has long been predetermined in heaven.

To blind your life from the smartest deeds
I didn’t think of it there, I didn’t manage it at all.
But Time - here we have a quick teacher!
As a slap on the head, you have grown a little wiser.

Nothing upsets or surprises me at all.
It's okay anyway.

Know that the main source of being is love

It is difficult to comprehend the plans of God, old man.
This sky has no top or bottom.
Sit in a secluded corner and be content with little:
If only the stage was at least a little visible!

Those who did not seek the way are unlikely to be shown the way -
Knock and the doors to destiny will open!

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The drop began to cry that it parted with the sea,
The sea laughed at the naive grief.

We are a source of fun - and a mine of sorrow.
We are a repository of filth - and a pure spring.
A person, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
He is insignificant - and he is immensely great!

When you throw dirt at a person, remember - it may not reach him, but it will remain on your hands.

How complete darkness is needed for a pearl
So suffering is needed for the soul and mind.
Have you lost everything and your soul is empty?
This bowl will refill itself!

Silence is a shield against many troubles, and chatter is always harmful.
A person's tongue is small, but how many lives he has broken.

If you have a nook for living -
In our mean time - and a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
You are happy and truly high in spirit.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He stretches his nose where his soul has not grown.

Since your mind has not comprehended the eternal laws
It's funny to worry about small intrigues.
Since the god in heaven is invariably great -
Be calm and cheerful, appreciate this moment.

Give someone a trifle and he will remember forever, you give someone life, but he will not remember.

Isn't it ridiculous to save a penny for the whole century,
If you can't buy eternal life anyway?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while -
Try not to waste your time!

The discouraged dies ahead of time

We are with God - all the toys of creation,
In the universe His only possession is everything.
And why our competition in wealth -
We are, isn't it, all in one confinement?

To live life wisely, you need to know a lot,
Remember two important rules to start with:
You'd rather starve than eat anything
And it is better to be alone than with just anyone.

Whoever is beaten with life will achieve more.
A pood of salt who ate higher values \u200b\u200bhoney.
Whoever shed tears laughs sincerely.
Whoever died, he knows that he lives!

The wind of life is sometimes fierce.
In general, however, life is good ...
And it's not scary when black bread
It's scary when a black soul ...

Why is the almighty creator of our bodies
Didn't you want to give us immortality?
If we are perfect, why die?
If they are imperfect, then who is the bungler?

If omnipotence was given to me
- I would have cast down the sky like this long ago
And would erect another, reasonable heaven
That only the worthy would love it.

Let's get up in the morning and shake hands with each other,
Let's forget about our sorrow for a minute,
Let's breathe in this morning air with pleasure
With full breasts, while we are still breathing, we will inhale.

Before you were born you didn't need anything
And having been born, he is doomed to need everything.
Only throw off the oppression of a shameful body
You will again become free, like God, a rich man.

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Aphorisms of Omar Khayyam occupy an important place in world literature for a reason.

After all, everyone knows this outstanding sage of antiquity. However, not everyone realizes that Omar Khayyam was, among other things, an outstanding mathematician who made a significant contribution to algebra, a writer, a philosopher and a musician.

He was born on May 18, 1048 and lived for a long 83 years. His whole life was spent in Persia (modern Iran).

Of course, most of all, this genius became famous for his quatrains, which are called the Rubai of Omar Khayyam. They contain deep meaning, subtle irony, exquisite humor and amazing and sense of being.

There are many different translations of the rubaiyat of the great Persian. We bring to your attention the best sayings and aphorisms of Omar Khayyam.

Better to fall into poverty, starve or steal
Than in the number of despicable dishes to get.
Better to gnaw bones than to be seduced by sweets
At the table at the bastards who have power.
The wind of life is sometimes fierce.
In general, however, life is good
And it's not scary when black bread
It's scary when a black soul ...

I am a schoolboy in this best of the best worlds.
My work is hard: the teacher is too harsh!
Until gray hair, I go to life as an apprentice,
Still not enlisted as a master ...

Isn't it ridiculous to save a penny for the whole century,
If you can't buy eternal life anyway?
This life was given to you, my dear, for a while -
Try not to waste your time!

You have to be good with a friend and an enemy!
Who is good by nature, you will not find malice in that.
If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy,
You embrace the enemy - you will find a friend.

If you have a nook for housing -
In our mean time - and a piece of bread,
If you are not a servant to anyone, not a master -
You are happy and truly high in spirit.

The ocean of drops is great.
The continent is composed of dust particles.
Your coming and going does not matter.
Just a fly flew through the window for a moment ...

From godlessness to God - one moment!
From zero to total - one moment.
Take care of this precious moment:
Life - neither less nor more - one moment!

Wine is prohibited, but there are four "buts":
It depends on who, with whom, when and in moderation drinks wine.
Subject to these four conditions
All sane ones are allowed wine.

Two people looked through one window.
One saw rain and mud.
The other is green ligature foliage,
Spring and the sky is blue.

We are the source of fun and sorrow mine.
We are a repository of filth and a pure spring.
Man, as if in a mirror, the world has many faces.
He is insignificant and he is immensely great!

Whoever is beaten with life will achieve more.
A pood of salt who ate higher values \u200b\u200bhoney.
Whoever shed tears laughs sincerely.
Who died, he knows that he lives!

How often, making mistakes in life,
we lose those we cherish.
Trying to please strangers
sometimes we run from our neighbor.
We lift up those who are not worth us
but we betray the most faithful.
Who loves us so much, we offend
and we are waiting for an apology.

Do not envy the one who is strong and rich
sunset always comes after dawn.
With this life, short, equal to the breath.
Treat as given to you for a rental.

And a speck of dust was a living particle.
Black curl, long eyelash was.
Wipe the dust off your face carefully and gently:
Dust, perhaps, was a clear-faced Zukhra!

I once bought a talking jug.
“I was a shah! - the jug screamed inconsolably -
I became ashes. The potter summoned me from the dust
He made the former shah a joy to have fun. "

This old jug on the poor man's table
He was an all-powerful vizier in the old days.
This cup held by the hand -
A dead beauty's chest or cheek ...

Did the world have a source at the very beginning?
Here is the riddle that God asked us
The sages talked about her as they wanted -
None of them could really figure it out.

He is too zealous, shouts: "It's me!"
In a wallet he strumbles like a gold: "It's me!"
But barely has time to get things done -
death knocks at the window to the braggart: "It's me!"

See this boy, old sage?
He amuses himself with sand - he builds a palace.
Give advice to him: “Be careful, youth,
With the ashes of wise heads and hearts in love! "

In the cradle is a baby, the deceased is in a coffin:
That's all that is known about our destiny.
Drink the cup to the bottom - and don't ask too much:
The master will not reveal the secret to the slave.

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses,
Do not measure today's affairs by tomorrow's yardstick,
Do not believe in the past or the coming minute,
Believe the current minute - be happy now!

Months passed months before us,
Sages were replaced by sages before us.
These dead stones are under our feet
They used to be pupils of captivating eyes.

I see a troubled land - the abode of sorrows,
I see mortals hurrying to their grave,
I see glorious kings, moon-faced beauties,
Gleaming and prey worms.

There is neither heaven nor hell, oh my heart!
There is no return from the darkness, oh my heart!
And there is no need to hope, oh my heart!
And there is no need to be afraid, oh my heart!

We are obedient dolls in the hands of the Creator!
This is not said by me for the sake of a word.
The Almighty on strings leads us around the stage
And shoves it into the chest, completing it.

It's good if your dress is without tears.
And it is not a sin to think about our daily bread.
And everything else is not needed for nothing -
Life is dearer than wealth and honor of all.

Having become a beggar dervish, you will reach heights.
If you tear your heart into blood, you will reach heights.
Away, empty dreams of great deeds!
Only having mastered yourself - you will reach heights.

Surely you liked aphorisms of Omar Khayyam... Reading the rubaiyat of this great man is interesting and useful.

Pay also attention to - get a lot of intellectual pleasure!

And, of course, read to get to know the geniuses of humanity better.

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Quotes and aphorisms:


Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) is an eminent mathematician and astronomer. It was he who developed methods for solving quadratic and cubic equations, gave the definition of algebra as a science, and considered issues related to irrational numbers. In astronomy, he developed the solar calendar. That was more accurate than the Julian calendar and formed the basis of the Iranian calendar, which is still used in Iran and Afghanistan.

This amazing man is revered in the East as a sage. He was born into a family of a merchant in the city of Nishapur (670 km east of Tehran). At the age of 16 he lost his parents. They died from the epidemic. The young man received the qualification of a doctor and left for Samarkand. In those days it was one of the largest scientific centers in the world. After several years, young Omar moved to Bukhara. He lived in this city for 10 years and wrote many serious works in mathematics.

Then a very fruitful 18-year period began for Khayyam. He was invited to the city of Isfahan (340 km south of Tehran). At that time it was the capital of the powerful Seljuk sultanate. The state was headed by Melik Shah. His chief vizier Nizam al-Mulk personally recommended to Vladyka to take a young and intelligent man into his entourage, and very soon Omar became the spiritual mentor of the formidable sultan and headed the palace observatory.

It was during these years that the main work in astronomy and mathematics fell. But, as follows from life practice, happiness and well-being rarely last long. In 1092, Melik Shah died. Nizam al-Mulk had been killed by the Ismailis a month earlier. The already middle-aged scientist was left without patrons.

The son of the late ruler Mahmud was proclaimed sultan. But the boy was only 5 years old, so his mother Turkan-Khatun concentrated all power in her hands. For her, astronomy and mathematics were empty words. Omar Khayyam was demoted to the position of an attending physician, and a paltry salary was paid for his work at the observatory.

In 1097, the scholar's service at the court ended. The capital was moved to the city of Merv, and the observatory in Khorasan lost its dominant importance. Soon it was closed, and the scientist was out of work. On the eve of old age, he was kicked out into the street, without giving any pension benefits.

Very little is known about the subsequent period of the life of the outstanding sage of the East. There is information that Omar became a freethinker. The servants of Islam even equated him with apostates. To somehow justify himself in their eyes, an elderly scientist made a pilgrimage to Mecca.

The last years of his life, the venerable elder lived in Nishapur. Only occasionally did he visit Balkha and Bukhara. He lived on the money that he earned by teaching in a madrasah. He regularly met with various philosophers and scientists. They themselves sought meetings in order to enter into scientific disputes with him. The elder had several disciples. As for family life, Omar Khayyam never married and did not have children. This amazing man devoted his entire life to science.

The great scientist died on December 4, 1131. He lived a long and interesting lifebut was quickly forgotten by descendants. They remembered him only in the 19th century, thanks to the English poet Edward Fitzgerald (1801-1883). He began to translate the quatrains, the so-called rubai, of the famous scientist.

In addition to mathematics and astronomy, he was fond of lyric poetry. One of its forms is rubai - quatrains. They are widespread in the East.

There was so much wisdom and humor in them that they instantly became very popular. In 1934, admirers of the outstanding scientist and poet erected an obelisk for him. They put it in Nishapur near the mosque in memory of the venerable Imam Mahruk. Below are the most famous and interesting quatrains. The translation from Persian was made by the Russian poet and translator German Borisovich Plisetskiy.

Monument to Omar Khayyam

Poems by Omar Khayyam

For many years I have pondered over earthly life,
There is no incomprehensible thing for me under the moon,
I know that I do not know anything -
Here is the last secret I have comprehended.

I'm a schoolboy in this best of the best worlds
My work is hard: the teacher is too harsh!
Until gray hair, I go to life as an apprentice,
Still not enlisted as a master ...

He is too zealous, shouts: "It's me!"
In the wallet, the little gold strumming: "It's me!"
But he barely has time to get things done -
Death knocks on the window to the braggart: "It's me!"

In the cradle is a baby, the deceased is in a coffin:
That's all that is known about our destiny.
Drink the cup to the bottom - and don't ask too much:
The master will not reveal the secret to the slave.

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses,
Do not measure today's affairs by tomorrow's yardstick,
Do not believe in the past or the coming minute,
Wen the current minute - be happy now!

Know, born in a shirt, favorite of fate:
Rotten pillars propel your tent.
If the soul is covered with the flesh like a tent -
Beware, for the tent stakes are weak!

Those who believe blindly will not find the way.
Those who think are always oppressed by doubts.
I'm afraid that a voice will be heard one day:
“O ignoramuses! The road is not there and not here! "

Better to fall into poverty, starve or steal
Than in the number of despicable dishes to get.
Better to swallow bones than to be seduced by sweets
At the table at the bastards who have power.

It is not worthy to strive for any plate,
Like a greedy fly risking itself.
Better let Khayyam not have a crumb,
Than the scoundrel will feed him for slaughter!

If the worker is in the sweat of his brow
Producing bread, did not acquire anything -
Why should he bow to nothing
Or even someone who is no worse than him?

The mortal did not gain victory over the sky.
Everyone in a row is devoured by the man-eating earth.
Are you still whole? And bragging about it?
Wait: you'll get the ants for lunch!

All that we see is only one appearance.
Far from the surface of the world to the bottom.
Consider the obvious in the world unimportant,
For the secret essence of things is not visible.

Even the brightest minds in the world
Couldn't disperse the surrounding darkness.
Told us a few bedtime stories -
And they went, wise ones, to sleep as we did.

He who follows reason milks the bull
Wisdom is now unprofitable for sure!
Nowadays it's more profitable to play the fool
For reason today is the price of garlic.

If you become a slave to base lust -
You will be empty in old age, like an abandoned house.
Look at yourself and think about
Who are you, where are you and where then?

In this perishable universe on time
A person and a flower turn into dust.
If the ashes evaporated from under our feet -
A bloody stream would pour down from the sky!

Life is a desert, on it we wander naked.
A mortal full of pride, you're just ridiculous!
You find a reason for every step -
Meanwhile, he has long been predetermined in heaven.

Because own death you can't delay
Since the path is indicated to mortals from above,
Since you cannot blind things to eternal things from wax -
Now you shouldn't cry about it, friends!

Having beheld the frailty of the world, wait a minute!
Believe it is not for nothing that the heart pounds in the chest.
Do not grieve about the past: what has been has drifted away.
Do not grieve for the future: the fog is ahead ...

Having become a beggar dervish, you will reach heights.
If you tear your heart into blood, you will reach heights.
Away, empty dreams of great deeds!
Only having mastered yourself - you will reach heights.

If the guria passionately kisses the mouth,
If your interlocutor is wiser than Christ,
If a musician is more beautiful than the heavenly Zukhra -
Everything is not a joy, if your conscience is not clear!

We will leave without a trace - neither names nor accepts.
This world will stand for another thousand years.
We weren't here before - we won't be here after.
There is no harm or benefit from this.

If a mill, a bathhouse, a luxurious palace
Receives as a gift a fool and a scoundrel,
And the worthy goes into bondage because of the bread -
I don't care about your justice, Creator!

Is this really our insignificant lot:
To be slaves to your lusting bodies?
After all, none of the living in the world
I couldn't satisfy my desires!

We got into this world like a sparrow.
We are full of anxiety, hope and sorrow.
Into this round cage with no doors
You and I didn't come by our own will.

If all states, near and far,
The conquered will roll in the dust
You will not become, great lord, immortal.
Your lot is small: three arshins of land.

The sheikh shamed the harlot: “You, dissolute, drink,
You sell your body to everyone who wants it! "
“I,” said the harlot, “I really am.
Are you who you say you are? "

I did not come to the mosque for the righteous word,
Not trying to get used to the basics, I came.
Last time I took off a prayer rug
It worn out to holes - I came for a new one!

Do not believe the inventions of those who do not drink quietly,
As if drunkards in hell await fire.
If a place in hell is for lovers and drunks
Paradise will be empty tomorrow!

There is a trap at every turn in this world.
I didn't live a day of my own free will.
They make decisions in heaven without me
And then they call me a rebel!

Nobility and meanness, courage and fear -
Everything is from birth in our bodies.
We will not become better or worse to death -
We are what Allah created us!

The world is fraught with both good and evil:
Everything that builds is immediately scrapped.
Be fearless, live for the moment
Do not bother about the future, do not cry about the past.

Than for general happiness it is useless to suffer -
It is better to give happiness to someone close.
Better to tie a friend to yourself with kindness,
Than to liberate humanity from fetters.

Drink with a worthy one who is not stupider than you
Or drink with your beloved moon-face.
Don't tell anyone how much you've drunk.
Drink wisely. Drink parsingly. Drink in moderation.

“Hell and heaven are in heaven,” say the bigots.
I, looking into myself, was convinced of the lie:
Hell and heaven are not circles in the palace of the universe,
Hell and heaven are two halves of the soul.

In this world, truth will not grow up.
Justice did not rule the world forever.
Do not think that you will change the course of life.
Don't hold on to a chopped branch, man.

Don't be a fool in this world hostile:
Do not try to rely on those who are around
Look at your closest friend with a sober eye -
The friend may prove to be the worst enemy.

Do not envy someone who is strong and rich.
Dawn is always followed by sunset.
With this life, short, equal to a sigh,
Treat as given to you for a rental.

The one who believes in his own mind from his youth,
He became, in pursuit of truth, dry and gloomy.
Claiming from childhood to knowledge of life,
Without becoming a grape, it turned into raisins.

You bring shame on me in front of everyone:
I am an atheist, I am a drunkard, almost a thief!
I am ready to agree with your words.
But are you worthy to pass judgment?

For the worthy - there are no worthy rewards,
I put my belly for a decent glad.
Do you want to know if hellish torments exist?
To live among the unworthy is real hell!

I asked the wisest: “What have you learned
From your manuscripts? " The wisest uttered:
"Happy is he who is in the arms of a tender beauty
At night, from the wisdom of the book is far! "

You, the Almighty, in my opinion, are greedy and old.
You strike slave after blow.
Paradise is a reward for sinless people for their obedience.
Would give me something not as a reward, but as a gift!

The world is ruled by violence, anger and revenge.
What else is reliable on earth?
Where are the happy people in the embittered world?
If there is, it is easy to count them on the fingers.

Beware of being captivated by your beautiful friend!
Beauty and love are two sources of anguish
For this beautiful kingdom is eternal:
It strikes hearts - and leaves the hands.

Oh sage! If God gave you a rental
Musician, wine, brook and sunset -
Don't grow mad desires in your heart.
If all this is there, you are immensely rich!

You and I are prey, and the world is a trap.
The Eternal Hunter is poisoning us, driving us to the grave.
Himself to blame for everything that happens in the world,
And he accuses you and me of sins.

Oh sage! If this or that fool
Calls midnight darkness dawn
Pretend to be a fool and don't argue with fools
Everyone who is not a fool is a free-thinker and an enemy!

Consider that you will change the course of the planets.
Consider that this light is not this light.
Hope you get what you want.
Consider so. But no - consider that not.
