From year to year modern systems autonomous heating are becoming more and more popular among owners of suburban real estate. For one reason or another, traditional gas heating units are rejected by the owners of private houses (mainly due to the high cost and inaccessibility of gas) and they are being replaced by universal combined boilers.

These are surprisingly reliable, functional and productive devices, thanks to which you can provide heating for a house or any other property.

Combined heating boilers: electricity and wood as the main fuel

At present, wood-fired and electric heating boilers are in the greatest demand among combined equipment. A feature of this technique, as you can already see from the name, is the simultaneous operation of both solid fuel (wood, woodworking waste) and electricity. Such versatility is provided due to the unique thoughtful and rather practical design of the equipment.

By and large, heating boilers for wood and electricity differ from traditional solid fuel boilers only in an additionally built-in heating element (installed in the heat exchanger tank). It should be noted that such heating equipment also uses an automation system that allows you to change the boiler power, operating modes, and also provide switching between fuel types.

Heating technology: accessories and functionality extensions

A variety of combined heating boilers, gas, firewood and electricity are often equipped with special sensors and other systems, due to which the performance of the equipment is significantly increased. Such sensors allow equipment to automatically turn on electric heating elements, thereby ensuring the continuity of heating.

Such versatility is especially effective in cases where the power of the equipment in the combustion mode of firewood or other solid fuels is not enough.

Any heating boiler on electricity and wood is also good because it copes well with low-power operating modes. The instruction for such a technique assumes that even with irregular operation of the boiler, it will be able to effectively maintain a constant minimum temperature in the room, eliminating the possibility of freezing of the liquid in the heating system.

Design features of boilers

Any heating boiler for wood and electricity, as a rule, has a rather simple, but at the same time well-thought-out design. Often, a firebox is installed at the bottom of the unit, where any solid fuel is loaded, whether it be firewood, coal or peat.

The heat released during the combustion of the fuel heats the heat exchanger with the liquid, which subsequently enters the heating system.

Heat source: firewood - electricity in the house

If you switch the heat source to the mode of operation on electricity, then the coolant in the system will be heated by heating elements. Yes, and with low-power operation, it is electricity that allows you to automatically maintain a constant minimum temperature of the coolant.

Installation and operating conditions of combined boilers

Unlike traditional heating units, boilers using a combination of several types of energy require special installation and maintenance conditions. It is especially important to consider these requirements for the installation process if the work is done by hand.

To begin with, it is necessary to indicate the fact that a special separate room must be allocated for such heating units in a private house. Also, it is necessary to provide a concrete cushion for the unit, equip the chimney and ventilation system. On our website you can see photos and videos of installed boilers in various houses.

Advice. If you are not confident in your own abilities - entrust the implementation of all installation work qualified specialists. Real masters will perform the entire range of work in the shortest possible time, ensuring their high quality and compliance with requirements and standards. In addition, you will have a guarantee for the work performed.

Advantages of solid fuel and electricity boilers

When comparing combined heating equipment country houses with traditional gas or simple solid fuel boilers, their advantages become simply obvious:

  • Availability and low price of fuel. Due to the possibility of working on solid fuel, it is possible to ensure the combustion of almost any waste from the woodworking industry, the cost of which is simply a penny;
  • Versatility. Due to the presence of TEN heaters in the design, it is possible to receive heat from the boiler even when there is no possibility of using firewood;
  • Profitability. Wood and electricity are the most affordable types of fuel in our time, and therefore you can save a lot on installing a combined boiler and heating your home. Savings are especially relevant in the light of the regular rise in gas prices;
  • Ecological cleanliness and absence of harmful emissions from the heating system;
  • Availability of automation systems and special programmers. Such equipment makes possible job heating equipment in automatic mode in the absence of owners in the house;

  • High quality heating. Woodworking industry products, like electricity, emit a lot of heat, and therefore the heat carrier will be heated as quickly and efficiently as possible. In addition, there are no significant energy losses, as the combined equipment has a well-thought-out design;
  • Duration of trouble-free operation.


Combined heating systems are a great choice for any private home. The availability of fuel, reliability, versatility and high performance favorably distinguish the units from the total number of heating boilers on the domestic market.

By and large, heating with wood and electricity country house provides more than a dozen different combinations and each of them brings certain benefits or conveniences. The thing is that there are also a lot of heating systems that run on solid fuel and electricity, and, in fact, you can combine any of them, and in the combination that you like the most.

We will now consider different heating devices and try to choose the most acceptable combinations, as well as show you a video clip.

wood burning fireplace

Types of heaters


Wood burning brick oven with hob

A fairly common heating option in Russia is a wood-burning brick oven with a hob, and such a structure can be either with or without a water boiler, which radically changes the principle of heating a room.

That is, if there is no tank for heating water, then other rooms are heated either with the help of a coarse, which is built into the partition, or with the help of natural air circulation. In the event that a water tank is provided in the furnace, then it is possible to mount a heating circuit.

Wood burning fireplace with water jacket

The same can be said about fireplaces, which can only heat one room and still serve as a decorative decoration, but can also have a boiler or tubular heat exchanger. The second option implies the possibility of arranging radiator heating or even a floor heating system, although both are possible together.

Buleryan. Photo

Buleryan systems are very effective, where the heating of the room occurs due to hot air, which circulates from bottom to top through steel pipes installed outside around the furnace compartment. Now they make a variety of modifications of such stoves, but their principle remains unchanged - this is the secondary burning of firewood in another chamber. Moreover, their laying is carried out 1-4 times a day, depending on the modification.

Conventional solid fuel boiler

Domestic solid fuel metal heating boilers are also produced, for which firewood will also be a good source of energy, although the highest efficiency will be when used coal. Such units are produced with a water jacket, which is a tubular-type heat exchanger, but some of them also assemble such structures from sheet steel using a special container to heat water, as can be seen in the upper figure.

Gas generating solid fuel boiler

But the most productive in the wood-burning line can be called gas-generating boilers, which work on the principle of a buleryan furnace - afterburning of pyrolysis products (smoke from burning wood) is used. Such units can have an efficiency of up to 96%, and the laying of firewood, depending on the modification and the specified settings, can be done from one to four times a day.

Note, most solid fuel units different type can work not only on wood, but also on charcoal or coal.


The principle of operation of the heating element boiler

Sufficiently compact and having an excellent design can be called electric boilers that work on heating elements, and you can see the principle of their functioning in the upper image. different models can have from 4 to 28 kW and even more when connected to a network either from ˜220V or from ˜380V. The water pressure in the tank can be from 0.8 to 3 bar, although the optimal mode is recommended in the range of 1-2 bar, and their efficiency is about 85%.

The principle of heating the coolant by ionization

Fundamentally differ in the method of heating the coolant electrode boilers(in Russia they are known as a product of the company GALAN), they are also called ion boilers. The liquid here is heated due to the polarity of the two electrodes installed inside - we have a current frequency of 50 Hz, therefore, the ions change their direction of movement at the same speed that contributes to heating. Models can operate from the network either from ˜220V or from ˜380V, rated power from 2 to 25 kW and at the same time a very affordable price.

Film radiant electric heater (PLEN)

PLEN is also found on sale under the abbreviation IPO (infrared film heater), which, in fact, is the same thing, just different manufacturers can make such a film with different parameters - more details in the table below. Do-it-yourself instructions allow you to mount the PLEN on the floor, ceiling and walls.

Film width 0.35 m Film width 0.51m Film width 0.65m
Length/tension Power Length/tension Power Length/tension Power
1.0m/73V 60 W 1.0m/110V 87 W 1.0m/110V 111 W
1.0m/110V 60 W 1.5m/220V 130 W 1.5m/220V 166 W
1.5m/110V 89 W 2.0m/220V 137 W 1.9m/220V 210 W
2.0m/220V 119 W 2.4m/220V 208 W 2.5m/220V 276 W
2.5m/220V 149 W 3.0m/220V 260 W 3.0m/220V 332 W
3.0m/220V 179 W 3.4m/220V 295 W 3.4m/220V 376 W
3.5m/220V 208 W 4.0m/220V 347 W 4.0m/220V 442 W
4.0m/220V 238 W 4.6m/220V 399 W 4.4m/220V 486 W
4.5m/220V 268 W 5.0m/220V 434 W 5.0m/220V 552 W

Note. There are also electric underfloor heating, infrared spot heaters, oil fireplaces, electric convectors and air blowers.

Starting a solid fuel boiler

  • First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the simultaneous insertion of an electric and wood-burning boiler into the heating circuit (as a rule, they are connected in parallel). Of course, you will not run both units at the same time - this is redundant, since such a combination is done for interchangeability, and not to create a more powerful node.
  • So, when one boiler is started, the taps on the second must be closed so that hot water does not enter the cold heat exchanger of another unit. It was noticed that the excessive consumption of electricity with a running electric boiler and open taps for a solid fuel unit is about 50 rubles per night, not taking into account the other half of the day! If you operate the nodes in the boiler room in this way for a month, then this overrun will be 50 * 2 * 30 = 3000 rubles.
  • It is very convenient to have PLEN as backup heating in a country house, since in such cases space heating is possible for only half an hour, which is impossible with other heaters.
  • But in order to warm yourself while the wood-burning unit picks up power, you can use an electric fireplace or a spot infrared emitter.

As you already understood, you can combine electric-wood heating in the most different options using the devices that we talked about in this article. Here, the main requirements for units can be called interchangeability, efficiency and sufficient power, and the final choice will be yours.

Combined electric-wood boilers for a private house

  • Conclusion

The most profitable and convenient in operation is heating equipment that can operate on several fundamentally different types of fuel. This variety includes heating combined wood-electricity boilers that are very popular today. Next, we will discuss the design of these units, as well as their advantages in comparison with other types of boilers.

Combined boiler

What are the advantages of electric wood burning boilers?

The main fundamental disadvantage of any solid fuel boiler is that the homeowner is more or less attached to it. After all, this device, unlike its gas counterpart, has to be “fed” only manually. This problem is partially solved in boilers with an automatic fuel supply system, but they can only work with fine coal (with the size of individual parts from 5 to 25 mm), pellets or bulk fuel - shavings, chips or sunflower seed husks. If the owner of the house plans to use ordinary firewood as fuel, the automatic feed system will not help him in any way.

Boiler with automatic fuel supply system

On average, firewood is added to the boiler every three hours. What happens if you can't make it on time? Of course, the coolant in the heating system will cool down, and with it the air in the rooms. You will also have to forget about a good rest: you will have to get up at least twice during the night to renew your supply of firewood, otherwise you will wake up in the refrigerator in the morning.

The owner of a combined boiler that runs on wood and electricity can only dream of such problems in a nightmare. If the supply of firewood in the firebox is not updated in a timely manner and the temperature of the coolant begins to fall, smart automation itself will turn on the electric heating elements and the operation of the heating system will thus be resumed.

Another advantage of this type of boilers is that they are quite simple to manufacture, and therefore relatively cheap. For people with a limited budget, such equipment is the most suitable.

Separate boiler room

Electric wood boiler device

The design of heating boilers for wood and electricity is very unpretentious. It consists of just a few elements:

1. Combustion chamber

It is located at the bottom of the boiler and has dimensions that allow you to lay firewood up to 600 mm long. Fuel is placed on a grate, under which an ash box is installed.

2. Heat exchanger with heating elements installed in it

The heat exchanger connected to the heating system is located above the firebox so that the hot gases formed during the combustion of firewood blow over its surface.

3. Simple control box

This component monitors the temperature of the coolant and, if necessary, supplies voltage to the electric heaters.

4. Housing and flue pipe

Heating element for the boiler

This list refers to the simplest version of the electric wood boiler, but many of the modern models have various improvements. For example, the boiler can be equipped with an automatically controlled air damper, through which the control system doses the amount of air entering the combustion chamber and thus regulates the boiler output.

More functional than basic design are also double-circuit combined heating boilers. Such models have a second heat exchanger, which is connected to the hot water circuit (DHW). This improvement eliminates the need for the homeowner to purchase a separate heater for cooking. hot water.

How to choose an electric wood-fired boiler?

Before buying a boiler of this type, you should decide on some of its parameters:

1. Boiler power

Power selection is carried out in the same way as for any other boiler. It is best to order a thermal calculation and a heating system project from a specialized company. If this is not possible, you can use the average value of the specific power of heating systems, which is 130 W/sq. m for houses with an area of ​​​​100 - 150 sq. m and 85 W/sq. m for houses with an area of ​​400 - 500 sq. m. By multiplying the specific power by the heated area, you can determine the required power of the boiler. So, for example, for heating a house with an area of ​​125 sq. m you will need a unit with a capacity of 125x130 \u003d 16,250 W or 16.25 kW.

Do not forget that an electric-wood boiler makes special demands on home wiring. Make sure that it will be able to "pull" the unit you like.

Devices of this type, especially powerful ones, are quite massive. Before buying a boiler, evaluate bearing capacity floor and the possibility of strengthening its structure in the room where the boiler room will be installed.

3. Material and design of the grate

In the case of the predominance of wood fuel, a boiler with a cast-iron grate should be chosen. If you plan to use bulk fuel frequently, choose a model with a honeycomb grate, which is made of ceramic and steel.

4. The presence of a second heat exchanger

Today, a combined wood-electricity boiler with the ability to connect to DHW circuit- A fairly popular product, but it is not suitable for everyone. The fact is that at the time of using hot water, all the attention of the boiler switches to it. At the same time, the heated coolant ceases to flow into the heating system, since it is it that is used to heat water in the second heat exchanger. If for some needs a crane with hot water you will have to open for a long time, installing a double-circuit boiler does not make sense. In this case, you will simply be left without heating.

5. Heat exchanger material

The most preferred are cast iron heat exchangers. They are not subject to corrosion, due to their high heat capacity they can smooth out short-term drops in boiler power and do not have weaknesses in the form of welding seams, because they are prefabricated. The steel heat exchanger is a welded structure, it is less durable and is afraid of rust, but, unlike cast iron, it does not collapse during sudden temperature changes.


The advantages that combined boilers on electricity and wood have are undeniable. In a house equipped with such a unit, it will always be warm, even if the owner for some reason forgot to put firewood in the firebox. Buying a boiler of this type, you get a reliable assistant who will not let you and your household freeze under any circumstances.

Combined electric wood heating boilers - the principle of operation of a hybrid installation

Heating of a private house » Boilers and boiler equipment

wood burning boiler

Far outside the city, where there are no gas pipelines, it is difficult to organize efficient heating houses with one type of water heating equipment. After all, domestic power lines do not always have the necessary power, and solid fuel boilers do not have autonomy. Some manufacturers have tried to solve this problem and have offered potential buyers electric wood-fired boilers. Using them, you do not need to be afraid of a power outage and you can count on certain indulgences in terms of maintenance of the installation.

When is it worth buying a hybrid?

It is clear that the combination of several principles of work for the buyer will be expensive. Electric wood boilers are not cheap, so their purchase can only be justified if it is necessary to use several types of fuel at once in one heating season.

In some regions of Russia, preferential tariffs for electricity are established, and if they are exhausted, the cost of electricity increases significantly. In such a situation, it is economically unprofitable to use electric boilers, therefore, here, combined units can be the best way out.

Note! Some models are able to work on almost all types of solid fuels. By choosing the right equipment, you can heat the house not only with firewood, but also with pellets, briquettes, sawdust and even coal.

Working principle of hybrid equipment

How is an electric wood-fired boiler arranged? How does he work? The principle of operation of the installation is based on the use of several combustion chambers and electric heaters. A separate heat exchanger is connected to each furnace. It is this design feature allows you to use the type of fuel that is at hand.

If electric heating elements are turned on, they do not heat the coolant, but the water that is in the boiler. There are many advantages to this heating option. At any time, you can use the most affordable type of fuel, for which you just need to change the burner. Doing it yourself is not that difficult. Detailed description The wiring diagram is in the manual.

Series AOTVK 22-6

Practice shows that in most cases, the owners of hybrid installations for heating a country house use electricity. But when it is turned off, the house will not cool down. The hybrid stove can be fired with wood, charcoal, and even woodworking waste.

Any electric wood-burning boiler is able to work offline for several days, without requiring the presence of a person. If the electric heating option is chosen, the installation does not need to be monitored at all. The time of its operation will be limited only when the supply of current to the network stops.

Note! When installing the described equipment, experts recommend starting an electric wood-burning boiler from heating the furnace, and only then transferring the unit to network operation. This will help to significantly save on electricity and warm up all the rooms in the house in a matter of minutes.

A huge range of the described equipment is on sale. In order to choose suitable model several important factors must be taken into account.

Features of the choice of model

Electrical installation

Modern manufacturers offering to evaluate the features of electric wood-burning boilers produce series for domestic and industrial services. Among them are compact floor installations, and mini-boilers. Each unit has its own equipment and its own scope.

Therefore, when choosing a specific model, it is worth considering:

  1. Installation power.
  2. The number of contours.
  3. Unit dimensions and weight.

Protherm BOBER series

The number of coils that will allow you to heat water using the combustion chamber is also important to consider. In some wood-burning electric boilers, hot water is heated mainly with the help of heating elements. And this is not always convenient. After all, electricity can be turned off at any time, and then the owners of the property will be left without hot water.

When purchasing an electric wood-burning boiler with several combustion chambers made of cast iron, you must be prepared for the fact that such equipment will weigh too much. The total weight can sometimes reach several centners, so a powerful foundation will have to be prepared for the equipment. And these are additional costs, and considerable.

When buying a hybrid model, it is useful to ask what material the grate is made of. Experts recommend choosing units with cast-iron or steel grates coated with ceramic enamel.

What else is important to know about hybrid boilers?

hybrid model

Before buying hybrid boilers for heating a country house, you need to consider that such installations will require a professional connection to the mains. It is possible to install equipment only after receiving all permits, and when a separate line is connected to the residential facility, designed for 380 volts.

To ensure the necessary safety during the operation of hybrid equipment, it is necessary not only to connect the installation to the devices, but also to perform grounding. However, you can't experiment. The only correct option is when the grounding is connected to a special circuit dug deep into the ground.

Basic installation requirements

Experts warn that the efficiency and reliability of an electric wood-burning heating boiler will largely depend on a well-executed installation. Here are its basic rules:

Pellets Fuzzy Logic

  • All elements of the floor structure must be securely installed and properly connected.
  • Directly in front of the firebox, it is necessary to lay a large metal sheet on the floor.
  • It is advisable to place asbestos cardboard under the bottom of the installation.
  • In addition to the correct connection to electricity, it is necessary to install a chimney, observing all safety rules, as well as the norms of SNiPA.
  • As a rule, an electric wood-burning boiler designed for heating a house is installed in a separate room, where, in addition to electricity, there should be a good forced ventilation.
  • When installing, it is important to choose a pipe diameter that will correspond to the power of the heating system.

Note! Failure to comply with this paragraph will provoke a different level of pressure. This will lead to leaks and even gusts. Therefore, it is advisable to install locking mechanisms along the entire length of the circuit, blocking the system without stopping the operation of the boiler.


Aesthetic appearance

Any electric wood-burning boiler is able to solve the problem of heating a country house. Sometimes it is not economically feasible to use an electric unit or it is impossible due to frequent power outages. And I don’t want to heat the house with firewood - it takes too much time to maintain such installations. Manufacturers took into account these shortcomings and offered potential buyers a good compromise. Many people use it successfully today.

Out-of-town construction has recently been carried out at an active pace. Special requirements are imposed on an individual house: it must be not only reliable and durable, but also comfortable. A colossal role in this matter is played by life support systems, incl. and organization of high-quality heating.

Universal water heaters

Today, many consumers prefer to use powerful multifunctional equipment for space heating, so they install combined heating boilers at home. Such devices make it possible to use gas and electricity (or other combinations) as an energy carrier.

These are technological units that have the ability to switch to another type of fuel with minimal modifications. Some models combine solid fuel components, while others combine solid fuel with liquid or gaseous fuels.

Internal organization

Particularly popular with combined devices for heating a private house was their versatility, thanks to which any type of fuel can be used. This effect is due to the special design of the device:

  • two cameras for various kinds fuels (solid, gas, electricity);
  • integrated heater;
  • several outputs for different heating circuits;
  • inflatable burner.

Additional outputs for connecting the heating system make it possible to heat several rooms at the same time, besides, they reduce the main length of the radiator pipes.

Device advantages

Universal models have the following advantages:

  • operate simultaneously on different fuels;
  • reliable;
  • operate offline;
  • can serve as a backup heating option;
  • comfortable to use.


Experts note that combined boilers provide complete autonomy. So, you can use the main and bottled gas for heating until the system is connected to the central gas supply.

The universal design will keep the house warm if the electricity is turned off. Solid propellant units with structural elements to switch to gas or liquid fuel, reduce the complexity of their maintenance process.

If you run out of liquid fuel, then with the help of a combined boiler you can heat the house with firewood. If, due to bad weather, it is not possible to prepare firewood, then using the built-in tubular electric heaters, you can heat the cottage using electricity. This will prevent the system from defrosting and keep the inhabitants of the house from freezing.

Technical design features

At the moment of transition from solid fuel to electricity, heaters (heaters) mounted in the heat exchanger tank come into operation. The maximum power consumption can be limited arbitrarily. Full control of this type of heater is carried out using an automatic system.

Solid fuel and gas

A combined boiler for a private house (TG marking), which alternately runs on solid fuel and gas, is of two types: with one and two fireboxes. In a double-circuit boiler, the lower firebox is designed for a gas burner, and the upper one, equipped with a chimney, is for firewood.

This option is convenient in that with any working firebox, the entire structure warms up evenly. The control process of universal mixed-type boilers is carried out in manual or automatic mode.

Gas and electricity

Combined heating boilers, which are designed to run on gas or from the electrical network, are most in demand in the area where the laying of a gas pipeline is planned in the near future. Thus, you can switch from one heating mode to another at the earliest opportunity with absolutely no problems.

Gas and liquid energy carriers

Inflatable and diesel devices work on the same principle, but changing the type of fuel requires replacing the burner. The transition from one energy carrier to another provides the presence of one- or two-stage burners.

Combined boilers include a monoblock with chambers that stand one on top of the other. Gas burners have a fan blower, which guarantees their uninterrupted operation, regardless of pressure drops in the gas network. When dismantled, the burner is inserted into a special hole and fixed with screws. Using a union nut, connect the liquid fuel or gas line.

To switch the equipment from gas to liquid energy, you must wait until the boiler cools down. This procedure will take several minutes, but no automation will be able to perform it on its own.

What to choose for a private house?

When choosing a combined boiler, you should focus on your own material capabilities and operating conditions. High-quality and productive Russian models that operate on two types of fuel can have a very reasonable price - from 7,800 to 30,000 rubles.

Foreign-made units, in which four types of fuel are combined at once, will require 200,000 - 400,000 rubles from the family budget. Before making an expensive purchase, you should consider how appropriate the equipment is for a private home.

Combined boilers are designed for space heating and are distinguished by the fact that they can run on fuel different types. These are electricity, liquid gas, firewood and coal. Such a design adds efficiency to the heating system and makes it independent of the presence of some type of fuel resource. If electric solid fuel boilers for some reason can no longer work on electricity, solid fuel is used: firewood, coal.

There are various modifications of combined heating devices. They can be two-chamber, that is, they have compartments for gas and liquid fuel, and the device can be operated on these two types of fuel at the same time. Varieties of combined boilers differ in combinations of types of fuel. Gas is combined with solid fuel or liquid fuel, that is, diesel fuel, and sometimes all three types are used.

This universal boilers used for heating country houses and other premises with unstable centralized heat supply. Combined heating devices eliminate dependence on one type of combustible material as a source of heating. If there is coal, then you can save on diesel fuel or gas. At the same time, coal or wood has to be heated manually, and if this is not possible, gas is used. Devices only require regular maintenance for their long-term operation.

Combinations of fuels in boilers

The combination of solid fuel and electricity helps to quickly turn on the heating in the room. Solid fuel combined boilers, which also work on electricity, have so-called heating elements in the heat exchanger tank - tubular electric heaters. The device is adjustable, having switches for fuel modes and for changing power. As a rule, there are temperature sensors that perform the alarm function when the power of the solid fuel unit decreases.

In this case, the heating elements turn on automatically. Like any other boiler that uses wood, peat and coal, this device needs a chimney that provides draft when burning. The design consists of a furnace, above which heat exchangers are placed, containing liquid inside. Water is heated by burning fuel or by means of electricity to the desired level.

After that, it passes through the heating system. If no one is at home, then such a heater can operate at low power, while preventing the batteries from freezing for an extended period. Such boilers are economical, safe enough, but the disadvantage is big sizes unit. Solid fuel boilers when combined with electricity are very popular, as they are convenient and reliable to use.

Rice. 1 Combined boiler on solid
fuel and electricity AOTVC 20+6

If solid fuel and gas are combined in the heating unit, then the device requires attention to safety. It has no automatic systems to ensure safe operation.

With a combination of gas and liquid, that is, diesel fuel, heating is effective. To switch to another type of fuel, it is necessary to change the burner. This boiler can heat large rooms.

Gas and diesel heat up quickly, but if electricity is included in the combination, it will be possible to maintain the set temperatures.

Solid, liquid fuel and gas combined makes the boiler versatile. The heating system acquires reliability and independence from fuel problems. If equipped with such a boiler Vacation home, then it is not quite easy to operate it, but the device will be multifunctional.

A combined boiler for four types of fuel: solid, liquid, gas and electricity is not only universal, but also allows you to save on heating your home.

Advantages of universal boilers

  • If the gas supply to the house is not regular, and there are also problems with electricity, then with a combined universal boiler, it is possible to use other available fuels.
  • Sometimes the transition between modes occurs automatically, but sometimes it is necessary to adapt a different type of burner.
  • There is the prospect of saving a more expensive energy resource by using a cheaper variety of fuel when it is available in abundance.
  • The installation is inherent in durability, as well as reliable equipment. It can be repaired and do all kinds of prevention, extending the service life.

All this list of advantages allows you to give preference to combined boilers in comparison with other types.

Solid fuel and electricity boiler

A combined solid fuel boiler, which also runs on electricity, is not much different from a conventional heating solid fuel boiler. You can heat with firewood, coal, peat in the form of briquettes, combustible household waste. Under the firebox there is a cavity for ash, and in the upper part of the firebox there is a heat exchanger tank. The heat during combustion is transferred to the heat exchanger. Water has the ability to expand in a highly heated form and rises to the pipeline, and then to the heating circuit.

There is also a return pipeline, through which water with a lower temperature returns to the heat exchanger. So, by means of circulation, the operation of a solid fuel boiler is carried out. But the fuel supply eventually comes to an end, the temperature transmitted to the heat exchanger decreases and the circulation becomes slower. At a certain value of the reduced temperature, the automatic sensor in the tank turns on the heating process with the help of electricity.

To do this, tubular-type electric heaters are built into the heat exchanger.

Even if the power decreases, the heating efficiency, the heating continues to function for a long period. This thermostatic switch and heaters distinguish the combined boiler from a conventional solid fuel boiler. And since their price is low, the cost of these two types of boilers is almost the same, modification in design does not require large expenses. Switching to another type of heating occurs automatically.

Rice. 2 Heating boilers on hard
fuel and electricity in operation

The electric heater helps to set the mode of maintaining a specific temperature in the heating system. As a rule, this is the acceptable temperature minimum, but this does not replace the unit with a full electric heating. For the heating mode, a box is equipped with a solid fuel unit in a building structure, filling it with basalt wool. This is a chimney that should be galvanized with the exception of flammable materials, wood.

Good draft in the chimney improves the combustion process. A pipe with this function is commercially available. It is connected to the boiler through an additional part - an adapter. Since the heating unit is massive, it will be correct to install it on a separate foundation. The distance from the walls should be more than fifty centimeters, and the walls near the boiler must be galvanized.

Rice. 3

Solid fuel electric boiler with mode long burning differs in high efficiency, duration of work in some days at one laying of firewood or coal. In addition to electric heating elements, it often has an electronic control unit that regulates air supply, ventilation, power, and can compare temperatures over periods of time. Such combined boilers are safe to use. For example, during power outages, the system is transferred to the appropriate mode.

Some models have room temperature sensors. Electric and at the same time solid fuel boilers differ from other combined designs with two types of fuel in terms of cost, which is much lower. In fact, you have to pay for one boiler, which often amounts to no more than 15 thousand rubles. The electrical components are of negligible cost compared to a second boiler or switching device. Circulation pumps are also not needed in some modifications of the type of combined boiler in question, because circulation occurs naturally.

Are there disadvantages?

  • The high cost of electricity consumed during heating. This problem is offset by the fact that in solid fuel mode, savings can be made by using wood or coal, resulting in a low total fuel cost.
  • Bulky and heavy, as a result of which only floor versions are produced. It is impossible to hang the boiler on the wall.
  • For buildings with more than two floors, a solid fuel boiler is not suitable due to the inability to equip a chimney. It is also impractical to heat too small houses with a bulky unit.
  • Regarding the use of electricity, a three-phase connection is required and coordination with the electricity service regarding increased power.
  • For preventive maintenance, contact professional specialists and do it regularly.

Rice. 4

To install this type of boiler at home, it is best to allocate a separate room, as well as a place to store firewood or other solid combustible material. This method of heating is gaining popularity, representing an autonomous system with which it is possible to heat a cottage or a country house, regardless of the regularity of fuel supply by centralized services.

Solid fuel boilers, despite all the obvious advantages and disadvantages, have another hidden aspect that you have to pay attention to over time. Systems with manual boot mode do not work in maintenance mode. The fuel in the furnace has run out - the boiler stops working, respectively, the coolant begins to cool. This problem is well known to residents of the private sector and owners of country houses.

Constantly throwing up coal or firewood, filling the furnace, is not always possible, and stopping the boiler in winter is fraught with sharp decline temperatures in all residential areas.

The best option to prevent such a situation would be a heating system in which an electric boiler is tied to a solid fuel boiler.

Functions of an electric boiler in a heating system with a solid fuel unit

Connecting an electric boiler to the system in conjunction with a solid fuel heater is a fairly common engineering solution. This option eliminates the possibility of cooling the heating system, prevents hypothermia of the main heating unit and maintains a comfortable temperature in the house. An electric boiler often acts as a backup heating device, the task of which is to equalize the temperature of the coolant in the heating system.

The layout of solid fuel and electric boilers when used together in the heating system

The operation of solid fuel boilers needs periodic human control - all models of such units need to be loaded with fuel.

On a note: for traditional boilers, the number of downloads can reach up to 2-6 times per day. The situation is different with pyrolysis boilers and long-burning units. Here, frequent human intervention is not required. One load of fuel is enough for 12-24 hours of boiler operation, and for some models - for 48 hours of operation.

The main task for the owner of the house with the heating turned on is to prevent the boiler and heating system from cooling down. An electric boiler paired with a solid fuel boiler successfully solve this problem. Let us consider in detail the combination of a solid fuel boiler with a heating device powered by electricity.

The working one is as follows: a solid fuel unit with a power of 50 kW must be combined with an electric boiler with a power of 28 kW. The operation of the electric heater is periodic. The unit must be on the pickup - be ready to turn on immediately after the main equipment stops. The electric boiler starts when the fuel in the solid fuel boiler runs out and the temperature of the coolant in the system drops to 50 0 C. In this case, there must be a water tank for the hot water supply system in the circuit, which in this case acts as a heat accumulator.

The main elements of the circuit that consume the power of autonomous heating boilers are:

  • heating radiators - require 30 kW;
  • heating system "warm floor" - up to 15 kW;
  • storage capacity for the DHW system - an average of 300 liters.

Attention! Automation for adjusting the switching of circuits in this situation - a bunch of units is not required.

An electric boiler, working together with a heat accumulator, is a group that prevents a coolant with a temperature that has fallen below a critical level of 50 0 C from entering the main heating unit.

The pump installed in the system periodically drives the coolant through the pipeline, signaling the temperature in the heating circuit. When the temperature of the coolant drops to a critical level, the electric boiler equipped with heating elements is put into operation, taking on the task of supplying heat to the house. A thermostat and a three-way valve provide temperature control of the hot water tank. When the water temperature in the DHW system circuit drops, the coolant is launched into the coil to heat hot water. A properly connected electric boiler, competent piping with a solid fuel boiler, will make your system completely controllable.

In the described design of the heating system, all heating equipment, including the pipeline, is reliably protected from defrosting when the main heating device is stopped and does not cause interruptions in residential heating and hot water supply.

Combined heating boilers

Another, less expensive option is the installation of a combined unit, which is a solid fuel boiler and an electric unit at the same time.

Such devices use solid fuel and electricity to heat the coolant, being designed for the interchangeability of these energy carriers during operation. A feature of such units is the installation of electric heating elements in the tank of a solid fuel boiler - heating elements provide the necessary heating of the coolant passing through the heat exchanger. Idea to combine electrical device with a solid fuel unit is not new, but it became possible to establish the production of the corresponding heating equipment only after the appearance of combined automation devices and new generation materials.

The principle of operation of combined heating mechanisms is that, while combustion chamber free from the main type of fuel (wood, coal, peat, etc.), the main work on heating the coolant for. Thanks to the installed control sensors, the equipment independently reacts to changes temperature regime, turning on and off as needed.

In practice, it looks like this: the fuel filling has already completely burned out, respectively, the boiler went out. The boiler water accordingly begins to lose its temperature. Solid fuel is being replaced by electric heating. Now the heating mechanism works like a regular electric boiler until the firebox is filled with the next batch of firewood or coal.

After the main unit reaches the optimal operating mode, the control unit turns off the electric heating elements, the heating again works on solid fuel.

Advantages and disadvantages of combined heating equipment

Despite the high cost, combined boilers have undeniable advantages. These include not only complete control over the state of the entire home heating system, but also a number of others:

  • the device does an excellent job of heating rooms with low energy consumption;
  • combined boilers are environmentally friendly heating units;
  • lack of condensate, since the first heating of the device is carried out in both modes - main and auxiliary;
  • the entire heating complex is constantly in working condition, which is important in the event of a long absence of the owners of the house.

However, this technique also has disadvantages.

A significant disadvantage for combined heaters is energy dependence. In the absence of voltage in the network, the system loses its efficiency and versatility.

Important! When installing equipment, it is necessary to take into account the potential of home electrical wiring, which may not be designed for the power of the equipment being installed. The presence of low-amperage circuit breakers will lead to constant power outages in the house. Before installation, make sure that the power consumption limit allocated for you is able to satisfy the operation of the heating equipment.

Unlike traditional solid fuel appliances, in which the efficiency reaches 70-80%, combined products have a lower coefficient - by about 3-5%.

How to achieve joint operation of electric and solid fuel units

If you are faced with a choice of which individual heating option to prefer - a solid fuel boiler, an autonomous electrical unit or a combination of these two devices, the latter option has advantages. To install the circuit, you will need a connection diagram for both units, similar to a gas-solid fuel heating complex. Properly done piping of equipment is a guarantee of the efficiency and safety of operation of this equipment.

The proposed video describes in detail how and in what way to connect heating devices on a solid together with electric heating elements

What to pay attention to when installing:

  • both devices must have a reasonable power ratio, a coal-fired or wood-burning heater is the main source of heat, so its power must be twice the power of an electric boiler;
  • both units are connected in parallel, which gives the independence of the operation of one from the other;
  • the solid fuel unit is the main one and is connected to a large circuit, while the electric boiler is responsible for the temperature in a small one;
  • the main heating unit is equipped with a three-way valve;
  • to save energy and ensure the safety of heating, the installation of a heat accumulator is required;
  • each heater is set to a certain heating temperature - for solid fuel equipment, the operating temperature should be 60-70 0 C, while on the electric unit the temperature is set to 40-50 0 C, since due to the presence it will cool down more slowly, and the electric boiler will start with a delay in time.


In each case, the homeowner himself decides how to organize an autonomous heating system. Suggested technical solutions will allow not only to eliminate the unpleasant consequences of the attenuation of the main heater during a severe winter, but also give some energy savings.

The efficiency of operation of solid fuel units and electric boilers in pairs has been proven by practice - the interaction of these devices gives greater comfort and guarantees the reliability of heat supply.
