Artem Shavelsky


Most smokers need an open flame to heat the sawdust or a smoke generator to work. But there are smokehouses that do not need fire. The device is heated by electricity. If there is no desire or opportunity to purchase a proprietary device, then you can make an electric smokehouse with your own hands.

Combined electric smoker

These settings are convenient to use in a city apartment. They have advantages over conventional devices:

  • installation on a balcony is possible;
  • no gas stove required
  • heating the apparatus with electricity allows you to automate the process by installing temperature sensors and a time relay.

The step-by-step assembly instruction consists of the following items:

  1. at a height of 20 mm from the bottom, a hole Ø 10 mm is drilled for the wire;
  2. the plug is disconnected from the electric stove;
  3. the tile is placed on the bottom of the barrel, and the wire is passed into the hole;
  4. the plug is connected to the wire;
  5. a frying pan without a handle is placed on the electric stove, on which sawdust will be poured.

Cold smoked smokehouse with smoke generator

have a more complex structure. In these devices, smoke is produced separately, in a smoke generator, and enters the smoking chamber through the chimney. Passing through it, the smoke cools down and enters the smokehouse.

Its device does not differ from conventional installations. This is made from any and electric smoke generator.

It is a hermetically sealed cylinder with a capacity of 3 liters. In the lower part of the body there is a heating element, and sawdust and wood chips are poured into the upper part by 2/3 of the volume.

When heated, the wood chips emit hot smoke, which enters the chimney and further into the smokehouse to the products. The temperature of the smoking process depends on the length of the chimney.

The power of such a device is 0.1-2 kW, and the average power consumption is 4 kWh per day. The greater the power of the heating element, the faster the heating occurs, but at the same time, hotter smoke is released. Therefore, it is advisable to install a thermostat in the smoking chamber that turns off the heating when the temperature is exceeded. There is enough smoke inside the chamber so that smoking does not stop.

A variety of electric smokers is. Like other devices, you can make it yourself.

Interesting! In the first half of the 20th century, similar installations were installed on some cars instead of a tank of gasoline, only wood chips were heated not with electricity, but with wood.

Factory-made electric smokehouses

There are many companies that produce electric smokers. Among them are the smokehouses "Dymka" and "Zolinger".

Hot smoked smokehouse "Dymka"

Electrosmoker "Dymka" Russian production It is made of food grade stainless steel with a thickness of 0.8 mm and is capable of smoking 7 kg of products at a time. Inside the body there are grates and trays for chips and fat. The lid is sealed with a water seal, there is also a smoke outlet. This design ensures that there are no odors in the room.

The smokehouse has a built-in heating regulator and a thermometer mounted on the lid. This allows you to maintain the required temperature during the smoking process. The power of the heating element is 1 kW, which ensures that the wood chips are heated up to 250-300°C.

Some models are equipped with an additional tank, which is installed instead of the cover. According to the description of the manufacturer, this allows you to smoke fish and sausage up to 80 cm long in a suspended state.

The installation has the following options:

  • smoking chamber capacity 20 l;
  • diameter 25 cm;
  • height 41 cm;
  • construction height 63 cm;
  • weight without food and wood chips 7.8 kg.

Smokehouse "Solinger"

The Zolinger smoking chamber is made of stainless steel. The tank capacity is 20 liters, which is enough for the simultaneous smoking of 5-7 kg of products.

The smoker has a 2mm thick flat bottom for even heat and is suitable for use with stovetops different types- gas, induction and conventional electric.

Smokehouse - equipment for cooking meat, lard, fish, sausages by processing hot or cold smoke. Usually, the process is delayed from 4 hours to several days (depending on the method) and it can be reduced only when choosing a unit powered by current. An electric smokehouse cooks semi-finished products 2-3 times faster, the products in it acquire an equal golden color and juiciness.

Device, purpose and use of an electric smokehouse

The device of the electric smoker for heat treatment of the product with smoke is a metal container with a hermetically sealed lid. A sliver is placed at the bottom, which, when heated, smolders and produces smoke. Inside the container, grates for semi-finished products are arranged, as well as a tray for collecting fat. Small models are produced for the apartment that do not take up much space on the work surface. kitchen table. They process few products. Also, a household smokehouse is made independently, using improvised means.

Purpose of smoking equipment - fast cooking fish and meat products with the preservation of useful microelements and proteins, especially with the cold processing method.

Units are used at home and in production. The professional model has huge advantages, expressed in wide functionality and automatic process control.

Features and Benefits

For a smokehouse with a heating element, certain operating conditions are not created. A home electric container for processing a product with smoke is appreciated by culinary enthusiasts for its simplicity and ease of use on a balcony, loggia or plot. The main condition is free access to a 220 V outlet.

The advantages of a do-it-yourself electric smokehouse include:

  • Durability. household models made of stainless steel that resists corrosion;
  • Compact and light weight (up to 5 kg). Having built a small unit or bought it in a store, he can easily fit in a car and prepare fragrant delicacies at their summer cottage;
  • Safety. Using a ceramic electric heater and reliably isolating the wires, the unit is safe to operate;
  • Cooking low-calorie food. Since the products are prepared without adding fat and, on the contrary, they are freed from it when smoked, the food is low-calorie, healthy and tasty;
  • Possibility to be absent during the preparation of the product. Set up your device and go about your business!

By purchasing household appliances in the store, the lover of smoked meats gets more advantages, since they have automatic or semi-automatic control modes, as well as the option of temperature control. For those who can install the thermostat and thermometer on their own, do-it-yourself smokehouses are no worse than store-bought models.

Types of electric smokers and a brief description of cold and hot cooking devices

Electric smokehouses are divided into devices with an open heating element and a closed one.

Units with a closed heating element are multifunctional. The wide heating surface allows you to smoke semi-finished products using any raw material, while it is used in smaller quantities than with an open heating element. The price of such equipment is 1.5–2 times higher than its counterpart. Not only a professional, but also an ordinary layman with basic knowledge of electrics can independently make an electric smokehouse with their own hands.

According to the method of cooking smokehouses differ:

  • cold cooking;
  • hot.

The difference is the type of processing. A hot smoked electric smokehouse (45 to 120 ⁰С) cooks products thermally processed, when, with a cold method, food is dehydrated due to a long stay in the smoke at a temperature of 20–45 ⁰С. Do-it-yourself stationary or mobile cold-smoked installation increases the shelf life of delicacies up to 2 weeks.

The cooking time also differs: for the hot method - 2-4 hours, for the cold one - 1-2 days.

Some purchased models can combine 2 modes, and can also be used as an oven.

Do-it-yourself electric smokehouse - simple and fast

Almost anyone can build an electric smokehouse. For example, consider a device for cooking smoke and electric stoves:

Before operating an electric smokehouse, it is recommended that you first check it: determine the quality of the heating element, the concentration of smoke, the absence of ignition of sawdust and the location of the grates relative to the products.

The video below shows an electric smokehouse made from a gas cylinder

Features of cooking meat, fish and sausages

Any product is smoked in an electrical device, but before that, the product must be trained.

  • Fish. It is soaked gutted, in weak brine (for 4 kg of fish - 250 g of salt). Mackerel or horse mackerel is rubbed with salt each separately, wrapped in cling film, is pressed with a lid and aged for 1-2 days. Further, the fish is dried for 1–2 hours, cooled, laid out on grates and smoked for 1–3 hours (depending on the size of the fish).
  • Meat. Requires pre-salting. Large pieces are best boiled first, and then smoked. Do the same with homemade sausage. Simmering meat in an electric smoker takes 2-6 hours. You can reduce the time by rubbing pieces fresh meat salt.

The product must be kept until fully cooked, since re-smoking is unacceptable. Meat or fish are turned into inedible food.

There are 3 ways to salt products before smoking:

  • Dry;
  • Wet;
  • Mixed.

The first extends the shelf life of the delicacy up to 2 weeks, even with a hot heat treatment method. For lovers of tender and juicy meat, it is recommended to use the second or third method.

Sometimes you really want to treat yourself to smoked dishes, but the price of these products is not affordable for everyone, and even if you still fork out for such a pleasure, there is no guarantee that it is safe for the body. Avoid consumption harmful additives, to preserve the natural taste of the product, as well as save money, a home-made electric smokehouse will help.

Pros and cons of a homemade device

An electric smokehouse, assembled on its own, has a number of advantages, the main of which is the ability to build equipment from improvised materials and unnecessary things at no extra cost. This unit can work autonomously, and the thermostat will provide temperature control. Smoking products in this device does not require special culinary skills, which makes the process accessible to everyone who wants to treat themselves to such delicacies.

However, this kind of device has its drawbacks, the main of which is power. It can be less than that of a professional electric smokehouse, which makes the cooking time longer. Also, devices in stores look much more aesthetically pleasing than do-it-yourself ones.

Shop models allow you to smoke at home or on the street, regardless of weather conditions, they can be placed in the kitchen or balcony. There is also an opportunity to purchase a smokehouse that does not need sawdust: they are replaced by special fuel briquettes. Making such a device yourself is much more difficult.

Necessary materials and features of the equipment

To understand what materials and equipment are needed for assembly, it is worth understanding the design of an electric smokehouse. It includes a housing and a heating element, which is powered by the mains and raises the temperature in the sawdust container, as a result of which they begin to smolder. It is important to determine the number of products that will be smoked, the size of the device depends on this.

The housing must be airtight, with a well-fitting lid. For this purpose, a metal bucket or barrel, a 20-liter pan, a tank and other objects of a similar shape are suitable.

Give preference to those containers that are made of stainless steel, ideally use food grade stainless steel.

When assembling the structure, it is important to provide for the presence of several chambers in the main tank: one for products, the other for sawdust. A heating element or a potbelly stove is suitable as a heating element.

You will also need the following materials and tools:

  • small wheels - 4 pcs. to move the smokehouse to the right place;
  • thermostat - will provide temperature control inside the device (it is better to choose devices with a temperature range from 20 ° C to 90 ° C degrees);
  • electrical cable;
  • a container into which fat will drain (bowl, pallet);
  • thermometer;
  • a pallet in which wood chips are placed;
  • drill for metal with a diameter of 10 mm;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • metal scissors;
  • screwdriver;
  • a lattice or bar with hooks on which products will be placed.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

An electric smokehouse can be built from metal barrel, gas cylinder and refrigerator.

From the barrel

Most often, an electric smokehouse is assembled from a barrel, since this is the most available material. Production takes place in several stages:

  • You need to prepare the body of the device. The container is cleaned of the remnants of the contents and thoroughly washed with soda or detergents for dishes. This will protect the products from getting into and impregnating them. harmful substances that were stored in a barrel. After that, it is checked for tightness.
  • Wheel attachment. Using a tool, drill holes in the base of the barrel and fasten the wheels to the bottom of the container.

  • Preparation and installation of the heating element. Remove the cover from electric stove and remove the heating element (if you did not purchase it separately) by disconnecting the wires. Use screws to attach it to the base of the barrel in the center.
  • Mounting thermostat and thermometer. The thermostat must be installed above the place where the heating element is located, and connected in series. The sensor itself is best placed in the upper zone of the barrel in the place where the products will be. When connecting, opt for wires with a cross section of 2.5 to 3 mm. To attach the thermometer to the container, drill several holes in the wall and screw it inside the device. A thermometer will help you find out the temperature in the smokehouse, and a thermostat will help you adjust it.

  • Placement of the pallet in the device. In the process of smoking, fat is released from the products, which must drain into a special tank. They can serve as a baking dish with a diameter of 50 cm. This tray is installed in the middle of the barrel, making several holes in its walls.
  • Arrangement of smoke outlet and air intake. Drill several holes in the barrel lid (diameter - about 5 mm), or one (diameter - about 5 cm), and install the chimney. For this purpose better fit a metal tube to allow smoke to slowly escape from the container. It is important to ensure that air enters the structure. Several drilled holes in the base of the barrel will ensure this process. At the moment when the smoke only appears, it is necessary to close the hole on the lid, otherwise the smoking will be of poor quality.
  • Fastening capacity for sawdust. Both a mesh and a pot with a capacity of about 5 liters will do here.
  • Installation of grating or hooks. You need to decide how you will place the products for smoking in the device, and mount a grate or bar in the upper part, which has holes for attaching hooks to it. The latter can also be made with your own hands from small twigs with a cross section of 3 to 5 mm, twisting them.

  • Device check. It is better to immediately check your brainchild to identify any shortcomings or breakdowns, while adhering to safety rules.

From the fridge

If there were no barrels at hand, but gathering dust in the garage old refrigerator, then it will fit for assembling an electric smokehouse. It is better if it has small dimensions.

What is needed for this:

  • Get rid of the cooling system and insulating components by disconnecting them from the device.
  • Install an electric stove or heating element on the bottom of the refrigerator.
  • Lead the terminal block out through the hole where the compressor used to be and connect to the switch.
  • Heat-resistant dishes (baking tray, tray) are placed directly above the electric stove.
  • A container for sawdust is placed on the heating element. Ideally, this should be a 5-liter pot, which will ensure the operation of the electric smokehouse for ten to twelve hours.
  • In the upper part of the refrigerator, you need to make a hole with a cross section of about 5 cm and insert a tube into it to let the smoke out.
  • Place one or more grids, attaching it from the inside to the walls of the equipment. If you do not plan to place products on the grid, but want to hang them, then you need to fix the bar with hooks.

  • Close the appliance door tightly and turn it on.

There is a small catch in this method: products can only be hot smoked.

For the convenience of adjusting the temperature, you can bring the switch from the stove out and attach it to the side. It is better to install such a device in places protected from strong wind. If you are going to smoke products in the winter, you should take care of additional warming of the device. To do this, use pressed mineral wool.

From a gas bottle

WITH gas cylinder will have to move. First you need to check it for the presence of gas residues. To do this, apply a soapy solution to the opening of the cylinder. The absence of a reaction indicates that the container is empty. If bubbles form, it means that there is gas left in the cylinder.

To clear the contents of the cylinder, you need to turn the tap on it with a gas wrench No. 5 and No. 3. It is better to perform such a procedure at a distance from residential premises. When all the propane has evaporated, attach a small tube to the hole and pour water into the container - this will allow you to safely saw off the lid with a hacksaw. Next, the balloon is washed with a mixture of water, ammonia and ammonia.

It is very important to wash the container well and several times and only after that proceed with further manipulations in order to avoid an explosion.

Remove the sawn-off cap from the cylinder. Make a hole in it and attach a metal pipe. You can purchase a special module, which is made of stubborn corrosion steel. Weld a handle to the lid for ease of use.

Next, weld small legs to the base. Now you need to find dishes for sawdust and fat that flows from food. You can make them yourself using metal circles. To secure them, make a couple of notches in the container. At the top is a container for fat, and at the bottom - for sawdust.

After you need to fix the mesh or bar with hooks, making several holes for their fastening at the top of the container. A heating element is installed at the very bottom. It can be removed from an old stove or iron, or purchased separately from a store. Make a hole in the balloon for the cable to exit so that you can connect the device to the network.

When everything is fixed, you need to check how the smokehouse works. Place the sawdust in a special bowl, close the lid and plug the appliance into the mains.

Other options

There are other household items from which you can build an electric smokehouse. For example, this is an old iron, heating tank, washing machine old model (not automatic).


An electric smokehouse can be a dangerous device, so it is imperative to check it before use.

You need to pay attention to:

  • smoke concentration;
  • did not the fire start in the sawdust;
  • whether the heating element is working properly;
  • are the grates for products correctly positioned;
  • Are the wires insulated?

It is also important to consider the following points:

  • in the place where the assembly takes place, the humidity should not exceed eighty percent;
  • it is not allowed to touch the products to the walls of the smokehouse and the electrode grid;
  • the electrical elements of the device must be isolated from its walls;
  • do not touch the body of the equipment during operation;
  • products are removed only when the equipment is unplugged.

Electric smokehouse, assembled by hand, will bring to your diet festive, with an exquisite aroma, and most importantly - safe for health dishes. This device will be a source of pride and joy for you and your family.

The idea is simple but effective: the principle of operation of this home-made electric smokehouse is that when the wood is charred by an electric heating element (also made by hand), smoke is generated.

My old friend Alexander was born and raised in the village. From his ancestors, he was given an irrepressible craving for keeping various domestic animals in the courtyard. Despite being busy with his main job, he kept a horse with a foal, two cows with calves, pigs with piglets, a dozen laying hens, several geese and turkeys, rabbits with rabbits, up to 50 broilers and someone else. On a small personal plot all living creatures were located literally on two floors.

But his worries didn't end there. It was necessary not only to grow these living creatures, but also to process the products obtained on their mini-farm and sell their surplus. A particularly profitable business in the perestroika years was and has remained to this day the sale of smoked meats. Smoked products on the market are simply torn off with hands. Even through acquaintances, they are enrolled in a queue for a month ahead for a paycheck.

At first, Alexander used the traditional method of cold smoking. Installed smokehouse wooden cabinet, laid a long chimney in the ground and built a pit with a fire. He hangs well-salted blanks in the closet, in the early morning he kindles a fire, lays the burnt coals with raw chruki and goes to work. At lunchtime, he will throw up a chock, in the evening he will add more, at night he will follow the progress of the process. But once, in dry windy weather, a fire broke out from a smokehouse, and part of the yard with a bathhouse burned down! This loss and the danger of open fire prompted the owner to get rid of the fire when smoking.

And he had an idea, to test which he connected in series two air electric heater- Heating element, put them on a trough of galvanized sheet and installed this device on bricks under the smoking cabinet.

Then he put raw apple chocks on top of the heaters and plugged the cable into the mains.

The experiment was a success. The heating elements heated up, the pieces of wood began to smoke, the smokehouse started working.

I also found out about this convenient way smoking and after a while I decided to make myself a similar yard homemade smokehouse.

Taking Sasha's idea as a basis, he implemented it with his own hands in his own way.

For my smoking cabinet, a box from an old electrical panel with dimensions of 1200x600x250 mm was ideally suited for me.

It has a door and ventilation holes at the bottom and under the top cover (photo 1).

The refinement was expressed only in the arrangement of a latch for a padlock, the installation of support legs and the making of two pairs of holes for a reinforcing bar for hanging hooks with semi-finished meat (photo 2).

The finished cabinet was installed in a permanent place in the corner of the yard away from the buildings. He enclosed the heating elements in a special portable case in the form of a trough with legs. The heating elements are connected to the mains with a long cable.

Such a heater (Fig. 1) is convenient to maintain and store between smokings in a dry place on a shelf in the garage.

Making a smoke generator with an electric heater with your own hands is quite simple.

From a rectangular billet of sheet metal 1 mm thick, we bend the trough. Its length must correspond to the dimensions of the heating elements. We cut out two cheek-legs from the same metal and weld them to the trough by electric welding. In the cheeks we drill two holes according to the diameter of the heating elements, and then we cut the vertical grooves into which these heaters are laid.

Using copper jumpers, we assemble a serial circuit for connecting heaters to the cable. A positive result of such a connection is that the heating temperature is optimal for slow smoldering of wood in the trough.

In addition, the fins of the heating elements do not allow to lay the chocks tightly (photo 3), which achieves excellent convection of hot air, which is necessary for their smoldering. The power of the heaters must be consistent with the size of the smokehouse and correspond to the permissible load of the home electrical network. In my case, the power of two heaters of 1.5 kW turned out to be optimal.

To protect against accidental contact with electrical contacts, we close all connections with protective boxes, which we attach with screws and nuts to the cheeks of the heater housing.

The third, very important, part of the design is a dripper, which prevents melted fat from getting on the chocks and the hot heater. Wood soaked in grease can ignite.

Let's make a dropper from three rectangular blanks of sheet metal of the same size. Trays should be slightly longer than the width of the cabinet. We connect the dropper into a single whole by spot welding trays with corner triangular ribs in such a way that the upper tray overlaps the edges of the lower ones, and the ribs are inclined towards draining the fat. The sloping fins allow smoke to pass easily and even mix the flow.

The attached drawings will help you understand the simple design of the smokehouse (see Fig. 1-3).

Homemade electric smokehouse - drawings

Drawing 1: Device homemade smokehouse and a scheme for smoking products.

1. Wardrobe 2. Door. 3. Cover 4. Constipation assembly. 5. Hinges. 6. Legs 7. Support plates 8. Bar for hanging meat and fish with subsequent smoking 9. Door handle 10. Hook for smoking meat and fish

Drawing 2: Electric smoker heater.

1. Housing-trough 1 PC
2. Legs - cheeks 2 pcs
3 Protective covers 2 pcs
4. Air heating elements 2×1.5kw
5. Bolt M5, nuts, washers 4 sets
6. TZN spacers in place 4 things
7. Jumper ТЗН copper 1 PC
8. Nuts M4. mounting washers 4 sets
9. Copper radiator 2 pcs
10. Screw M4, nuts, washers for fastening the cable 2 sets
11. Diselectric rubber in the lid 1 PC
12. Cable with plug set

Drawing 3. Smokehouse dripper.

In any case, after the assembly of the product, a period of testing begins. Having hung a couple of pieces of salted bacon on special powerful hooks, I put several bird-cherry chocks in the trough and turned on the heater in the network. After about 30 minutes, smoke poured out of all the cracks in the smoker cabinet. The process was easy to manage.

There is little smoke - I put wooden chocks, but there is no such thing as a lot of smoke in smoking! There will be a summer rich in all kinds of fish - we will catch a few buckets of it, salt it and smoke it.

USB Strip Wire Heater Electronic Cigarette Lighting Accessory Smoker Metal ...

An electric smokehouse allows you to simplify the smoking process. You do not need to pickle for many days before cooking meat products, and when smoking, constantly check and adjust the temperature. In this device, you can cook homemade smoked fish, meat, sausage or vegetables directly in the apartment or on the balcony.

Home appliances are designed for a load of 2-3 kg (although manufacturers write up to 5 kg), restaurants and for private mini-workshops - up to 10-15 kg. There are also industrial electric smokehouses for business. These are the size of a room, designed for 500 kg of products.

What are the types of electric smokehouses? What is the difference between models for hot and cold smoking? How to make a device with your own hands or which manufacturer to prefer when buying a finished smokehouse? Which features are important to make your work easier, and which ones are just a marketing ploy? Read the detailed review below.

Hot smoked electric smoker

The hot method involves fast high-temperature processing of the product. This type of smoking allows you to keep moisture in the finished product, so that the dish turns out to be quite juicy and fatty. However, without the use of stabilizers and preservatives, the product can be stored for only a few days.

The process takes several hours and goes at a temperature of 35 to 150 degrees (90 is usually chosen), depending on the dish. The time depends on the amount of initial production and the power of the electric smokehouse. The most productive types in the home segment (3-5 kg) have a power of 500-600 watts. Processing time - from 2 minutes with a minimum load of vegetables to 30 minutes with a maximum filling.

Some models are combined, that is, they allow you to smoke products in a hot and cold way. But more often the manufacturer focuses on one thing. Hot working devices are always mobile and compact. They only require an electrical connection. Some are able to work car battery. There are even variations with removable power units that you can take on a picnic to cook food on a fire.

Cold smoked electric smoker

The cold method allows you to extend the shelf life of the finished dish up to several months. With low-temperature processing from 20-25 (for meat) to 40 degrees (for large fish), the initial product is evenly fumigated for several hours. Before starting work, it is necessary to salt the raw materials.

Scheme of a cold smoked electric smokehouse

Technically, this method is more difficult. The unit must be connected to a hood. Cold smoked models are usually less mobile. But in them, manufacturers often offer additional features that will make the dish tastier and reduce energy consumption. For example, a liquid smoke generator.

How to do it yourself?

Of course, it is difficult to make a full-fledged modern electric smokehouse with a timer, a water seal and a smoke generator on your own. But simple models can be assembled from improvised materials. It is easier to achieve hot smoking.

The electric smokehouse contains 2 functional parts - the body and the heating element. The heater is powered by the mains and heats the container with sawdust to a smoldering temperature. The meat is cooked under the influence of heat and smoke.

To assemble a powerful smokehouse you will need:

  • metal barrel n 200 liters with a lid;
  • electric stove and cable;
  • 4 wheels;
  • capacity for wood chips;
  • metal grating;
  • container for collecting drained fat;
  • thermometer and thermostat.

Homemade electric smokehouse from a barrel and an electric stove

  1. First, clean the barrel and attach the wheels to it.
  2. Make 6-7 holes in the bottom.
  3. Separate the heater from the body of the tile and attach it with screws to the bottom of the barrel. Connect to thermostat.
  4. Attach a container with sawdust 7-8 cm above.
  5. Closer to the top of the barrel, place a grill for meat, under it - a container for collecting drained fat.
  6. Close the barrel with a lid with a small hole to let the smoke out. You can attach a chimney to it and bring it closer to the hood.
  7. Attach a thermometer to the outside to monitor the temperature during the smoking process.

Electric digital smoker

Homemade electric smokehouses and non-electric devices must be constantly monitored. Digital units can be safely left for several hours, having previously set the cooking mode, time and temperature. Microelectronics itself will monitor and correct all parameters, and after the time has elapsed it will automatically turn off. Full process automation! You will only have to put new sawdust briquettes.

Appearance of a small digital electric smoker

Most models allow you to separately turn on the smoke generator, separately - the smoking chamber. Some require an accurate temperature and time setting, others (more expensive) offer to select the mode: “meat”, “fish”, “vegetables” and others, and the parameters are set independently.

Additional functions

The presence of additional functions does not greatly affect the final result, but it greatly facilitates the smoking process, especially if you use the electric smokehouse in the kitchen, and not in a separate ventilated room.

First of all, these are such variations as the presence of a built-in or removable smoke generator, a water seal, a smokehouse unit for heating from an electric or gas stove and a special device designed for use in an apartment, which emits a minimum of smoke and odors. Also, additional functions include mode selection, a digital thermometer and a timer, although now they are present by default in most models.

Modern electric smokehouse for cold and hot smoking with setting of power, temperature and heating time

Smokehouse for electric stove

Stove model - compact solution for smoking without outside interference. The heater in it is an electric or gas stove, and the chimney is a kitchen hood. Devices are often equipped with a water seal. Then the hose through which the smoke flows will need to be led out into the vent (for example, through the window).

The hermetic case is made of durable stainless steel, the wall thickness depends on the model and overall dimensions. The device is completed with lattices, a cover, pallets for collecting fat.

To get started, you need to put the case on the stove, pour water into the water seal, lay wood chips and products. Then adjust the power of the stove so that the wood chips smolder, but do not burn. Until the work is completed, turn off the electric stove.

With smoke generator

Scheme of a smoke generator with an upper ejector
The smoke generator is intended for the cold fumigation mode. Its main elements are an ejector, a combustion chamber and an air pump. The smoke generator for an electric smokehouse is usually made removable, it is often sold separately. The device allows you to turn a hot smoking chamber into a cold fumigation device.

There are models with an upper and lower ejector. The first one is more functional. The second is well suited for small smoking chambers, but does not have natural draft, therefore, it requires constant operation of the pump, and the chips in the smoke generator often go out.

With water seal

A water seal, or a water lock, is needed for the safe operation of a smokehouse in a confined space: in a house, apartment, garage ... It captures odors and smoke and prevents them from entering the living space. Smoke is exhausted exclusively through a fitting in the lid, to which a chimney pipe is attached. Its tip should be brought out into the hood, vent, or simply into an ajar window. Of course, devices with a water lock can also be used outdoors.

Scheme homemade device with water seal

Smokehouse for an apartment

A smokehouse for an apartment differs from models for restaurants or small private workshops only in size. Most modern units have all the additional functions: a timer, temperature selection, a water seal, sometimes even a smoke generator. But cameras for apartments are usually designed for a small load - up to 3 kg of meat or fish.

Cheaper options are also popular when the smokehouse is not equipped with a heating element. Such models are heated from an electric or gas stove, they are used only for hot smoking.

Factory home electric smokers and their prices

Prices for electric smokehouses differ significantly. A small sealed box without a heater and a timer costs from 500 rubles. A simple domestic device for hot smoking - about 1.5 thousand. Combined units are slightly better in quality - about 3 thousand. Equipped with a water seal - from 4000 and above.

You can’t put such a smoking cabinet in an apartment
The price is highly dependent on the manufacturer and design solution, while the performance of the device may be the same. Finnish models usually cost 2.5 times more than Russian ones.

Electrosmokehouse smoke (aka greentechs)

"Dymok", or "greentechs" - simplest model for a small price. Structural it is just a sealed box with 2 grates and a heating element, there is not even a thermometer. The manufacturer warns that the device is only suitable for cooking fish, wings or lard. He does not advise turning on smoking for longer than 40 minutes. The weight of the original product is up to 5 kg.

Electric smoking shed "Dymok"

The main disadvantage of the unit is absolutely uncontrolled heating. Of the benefits - the minimum price (from 1800 rubles and above).

Electric smoking shed "Elektromash"

The two-level smokehouse "ElectroMash" with an enamel coating is also designed for short-term switching on. Up to 5 kg of products can be placed in the chamber, and 2 levels of grates allow you to cook different dishes at the same time. TEN is protected from hit of drops of fat. However, the unit is still not suitable for cooking meat, you can only smoke fish, cheese or vegetables.

helia electric smokehouse

High price home electric smoker "Helia smoker"

The Helia model is much more expensive and more functional than the previous ones. The double-walled chamber reduces heat loss and, as a result, energy consumption. The device is suitable for cooking various meat and fish dishes. You can put frozen food in it. The internal elements (deep and shallow trays, 2 trout grids and 2 flat grids) are made of stainless steel.

The temperature is set automatically, the smokehouse is turned off by a timer. The chamber can simultaneously cook up to 14 kg of roast, or 8 chickens, or 48 small or 24 large trout. But the cost is also high.

Electrosmoker "Eku"

Universal electric smoker with removable heater
The universal model "Eku" from TM Elvin is equipped with a removable power unit. It can be plugged into the network, heated from the stove, or even taken with you on a picnic. Of the additional functions, there is a power regulator and a power indicator. The electric smokehouse is designed for loading up to 20 liters. It contains 3 slatted trays and a fat collection cup. Perhaps this is a good option for a large family that loves various smoked meats: meat, vegetables, fish. The price of the unit is approximately 3 thousand rubles.

Electric smokehouse "Aroma"

The Aromat unit from the TEMP company cannot be called compact, but it is the only one on this list that can be used for hot and cold smoking without purchasing additional devices. For the first time the device began to be produced more than 20 years ago, and the design, apparently, has remained the same.

"Aroma" is an inexpensive universal smokehouse, designed for semi-industrial loading. Suitable for use in the country, in a private house. The apartment will take up too much space due to the height and cylindrical shape.

Smoking in an electric smokehouse - features, advantages and disadvantages

Home products from an electric smokehouse
Fatty foods are best cooked by cold smoking. At the same time, they are fumigated with smoke and dried, and excess fat flows down. Such dishes are prepared for a long time, but they can be stored for several months. For fish, wings and vegetables, the hot method is more suitable. Heat leads to a quick crust formation, and the product remains tender and juicy. But you can store the dish for no longer than a week.

The electric smokehouse allows you to cook delicious smoked dishes quickly and safely. You have full control over the process and are confident in the quality of the finished product. Today they are inexpensive, although general interest has led to a price increase that is not always justified. The only drawback of electric smokehouses is the lack of versatility, but most compact models with a removable heater are deprived of it.
