Many consider a smokehouse to give an indispensable thing. It's hard to argue with this. And if you are a hunter or a fisherman, then such a product is simply priceless for you. It is always a pleasure to eat smoked meat, fish or game cooked in nature. If you need a smokehouse, then you have two development options. The easiest is to go to the store and buy a smokehouse for yourself. But, not everyone can afford it. Therefore, many choose the second option - to make a smokehouse for a summer residence on their own. I would like to say that this does not need to be experienced master, and the tools and materials needed for the work are quite affordable.

Many have a barrel in the country, which is lying around idle. If you don’t have one, then you can purchase it, because it will be our raw material for the smokehouse. It is desirable that the barrel was 200 liters. This will allow you to smoke a lot of meat. So, if you're in the mood, let's find out how to make a barrel smoker.

The concept of cold and hot smoking

To begin with, you must understand that there are two types of smoking that your machine can perform:

  • hot smoking;
  • cold smoking.

The point may be clear to you. In the first case, the method is quite fast, safe and of high quality. Raw materials placed inside are treated with smoke, the temperature of which reaches an average of 70 degrees Celsius (range from 45 to 120 degrees). In such an environment, smoking should be performed starting from two hours, ending with two days. As a result, you will get a juicy, fragrant and tasty finished product. It can be eaten immediately. This is the main difference.

If we talk about cold smoking, then such a process takes much longer. Ready-made salted small slices of the product are placed in the oil lamp, which are processed there for 4 days (at least 2, it all depends on the result). As for large pieces, they can be inside even a week. The average smoking temperature reaches 40 degrees. What is the essence of this method? Moisture from meat or other product is removed gradually, saturating the raw material with a smoked taste and aroma. The dish will be moderately dried and with a particle of fat.

Note! This type of smoking is good because the original product can be stored for a long time.

As you understand, a cold-smoked smokehouse and a hot-smoked smokehouse differ only in the operating temperature, and, accordingly, in the final product. Let's find out what it is, a do-it-yourself hot-smoked smokehouse. In addition, you can make an aggregate of two barrels to increase the amount of raw materials that can be processed. So you can make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands and hot. But what it will be, decide for yourself.

Preparation of tools and materials for creating a smokehouse

The first thing our work begins with is the preparation of everything necessary for work. As mentioned at the beginning, all the tools are simple and anyone can work with them. Yes, and the material for the arrangement will take a little. Here is a list of the entire arsenal:

This is quite enough for you to have an excellent smokehouse of cold or hot smoked barrels. It remains only to consider the instructions for creating the structure. We will consider two options for barrel smokers: made without a welding machine and using it. After all, not everyone knows how to use it or even does not possess it. This will help you bring everything to life.

We make a smokehouse from a barrel without a welding machine

This method has a huge advantage, because only a limited number of people can and are able to use welding machine. This is not a grinder, professional skills are needed here. This is the option chosen by most users. So, let's get down to work on creating a smokehouse from a barrel.

First of all, you need to prepare the barrel for work. What does it mean? Its surface needs cleaning. A grinder or a special attachment for a grinder will help you with this. Carefully treat the surface of the barrel so that there are no traces of rust and paint on it.

Important! Don't neglect the safety rules. During operation, small particles will be generated that are harmful to the eyes and respiratory tract. Therefore, you need to work in a respirator and glasses.

Look at the photo. This is the structure we will build with you. Drawings do not need to be done, as the photo will help you orient yourself.

Here it is used as a stand metal structure. It could also be corners. You decide. Now the entire instruction for creating a smokehouse barrel will be given step by step:

That's all, now smoke as much as you like. Such a design is inexpensive, and it will take a maximum of half a day to create it. Everything is pretty fast, simple and cheap. And no welding was used. The photo shows how everything looks in finished form.

Note! You can also make a barrel smoker in an upright position. The essence of the work is exactly the same, only the type of design changes.

Do-it-yourself smokehouse from a barrel, option number 2

If you are a welder, or if you know how to use a welding machine, you can simplify your life and do everything much faster. You just need to choose a barrel that is clean both outside and inside. If previously stored in it chemical substances, then it is better not to use it. In this option, we will consider the vertical arrangement of the smokehouse. This is what a barrel smoker and the process of smoking in it will look like.

Manufacturing instructions:

Look at the photo, which schematically shows the smoking process and the smokehouse itself, made by yourself.

Smokehouse option number 3 - cold smoking

If you are interested in the cold smoking scheme, then the design can also be done by hand. This is a universal smoking apparatus, which is made without a built-in firebox. Its peculiarity is that the barrel can be used both for one smoking method and for another.

You need a barrel that has a solid bottom. You need to make small holes (holes) in it. The firebox is constructed as a separate structure. It can be made of metal or brick. Make the top of the firebox open.

A smokehouse will be made on top of the firebox, and the products that are inside will be processed according to the hot smoking method.

Now you need to make a firebox for cold smoking by making a chimney and a hole for the pipe to enter from below. In fact, the insides of the barrel are made according to the same principle, only without a collection of waste and combustion products. The cooled smoke will enter the barrel through the pipe and do its job. Look at the photo to see how this can be done.


Now you know how you can make a smokehouse in your country house from a barrel. You could see that the method is simple and quite realizable. You just need to prepare everything you need and set aside a few hours for work. But in the near future you will be able to enjoy delicious dried fish, sausage or other meat. This taste will help you forget all the hard work you have done. The design will definitely leave you indifferent. And to help you with the task, we have prepared a video.

A barrel smoker is a common smoker that is made to make a great barbecue on your own. In this article, you will learn how to make a hot smoked smokehouse from a barrel.

Good cold-smoked smokehouses in the store cost around 15-20 thousand rubles, and the price for top-quality smokehouses reaches 60-70 thousand rubles, although they do not differ much in quality from a home-made smokehouse from a barrel, which we will build with our own hands for 5-6 thousand.

Step 1: Required materials and tools

For the main barrel:

  • The barrel itself: you can find it for 1-1.5 thousand, it’s better to look for a restored one, it will come out cheaper.
  • Lid: I used a grill lid that someone threw away. Any with the same diameter as the barrel, or a little larger, will do.
  • Ball valve: I used a 1/2" forged brass ball valve. If you are not using a supercharger, then such a tap may not be enough. In this case, it is worth taking a larger crane. (300-400 rubles)
  • A 1/2" cast iron spigot that connects to the ball valve from inside the drum. If your faucet is a different size, then you need to take the appropriate sleeve. (100-120 rubles)
  • Washers M20: to strengthen the connection of the tap with the barrel - 2 pcs. (40-50 rubles)
  • Brass guide rails: 2 pieces are enough because they can be cut in half. Note: If you are using a different barrel, you need to calculate required amount guides - 2 pcs. (300 rubles)
  • Clips that are inserted into the guides from above - 12 pcs. (1 pack) (150-200 rubles)
  • Nuts and bolts: for fastening the rails to the inside of the barrel - 9 pcs. (3 for each guide) (100 rubles)
  • High Temperature Paint: Any paint will do. Some craftsmen draw flames or various logos on their barrels. (300-400 rubles)
  • Handles I used a metal handle with screws. (200-300 rubles)
  • Steel grating(s). Grill grates with a diameter of 50 cm are perfect. In the store you can find for (800-1000 rubles)

Charcoal basket:

  • Expanded steel. If you take two pieces of 60x30cm expanded steel, the result is a large basket. You can take one such sheet and cut it in half to make two pieces 60x15cm. Then the basket will turn out to be small, and it may not be enough for 10-12 hours of smokehouse operation.
  • Smaller grid. It is well suited for making a charcoal basket. It should be smaller than the grate on which the food will be cooked.
  • 100mm bolts + nuts. For basket legs.
  • Washers that fit 100mm bolts.
  • 12mm bolts, nuts and washers for fastening the ends of expanded steel. Any size / caliber. I used 8mm hex bolts and nuts.
  • Wire. Used to fasten expanded steel to the edges of the grate. You can try using paper clips. I also used wire to create the handles.
  • Drill and drill to drill 22mm holes.

Step 2: Remove old paint and apply new

If your barrel has a non-removable top, it needs to be sawn off. You can use a saw.

The next step is optional, but if the paint on your barrel is not heat resistant, it will peel, crack, and give off a pungent odor when cooked. It will ruin lovely fragrance barbecue from your smoker when it is running.

There are several ways to remove paint. I used paint remover, then torched the cask, and sanded it down. When the coating is removed, you need to apply a couple of layers of your heat-resistant paint.

Step 3: Cut a hole and mount the ball valve

Use a suitable drill and drill a hole in the side near the bottom of the barrel. The hole should be as close to the base as possible. Be sure to leave enough space for the pucks.

Attach the ball valve by screwing it to the spigot through the hole with an M20 washer on each side. The washers will help hold the faucet in place and seal the seal.

Also attach the handles.

Step 4: Installing Shelves

My 200 liter barrel smoker uses adjustable racks so I can adjust the height. This way I can set up multiple shelves at once if I want to make a lot of ribs, or remove them if I'm cooking multiple pork hams which take up a lot more space. The downside is that I have to be careful when removing the grill or charcoal basket not to drop the staples. It's very annoying when the brace falls right into the middle of the burning coals.

Cut the rack rails to barrel size and fit them into the smoker, then insert the racks.

If you don't need to adjust the grates, you can make one and bolt and nut it directly onto the barrel.

Step 5: Charcoal Basket

Show 5 more images

Let's make a charcoal basket:

  1. Take one piece of expanded steel and bend it until it lines up with the curvature of the lattice.
  2. Cut 6-10 pieces of wire and bend them into a "U" shape.
  3. Use the cut pieces to attach the trim to the grate. Twist the wire several times to make it tight.
  4. Bend the second piece of expanded steel and bolt it to the first.
  5. Using a large piece of wire, attach the second piece of steel to the grate.
  6. Screw the legs with 100mm bolts.
  7. Attach the wire as a handle and you're done!

Step 6: Where's the thermometer?

Every smoker needs a thermometer, and you may have noticed that my build doesn't have a built-in device. I have designed my own automatic thermostat with thermometers that you can build. If you don't want to create it, you have two options:

  1. Buy a wireless thermometer like the Maverick ET732. It shows the exact temperature and it has an extra thermometer to monitor your meat. It also has an alarm and wireless connection, so it is perfect for night gatherings. If you end up using the smoker a lot, it will come in very handy. The disadvantage is that it costs about 4000 rubles. If you decide to get yourself one, then the easiest way is to make a small notch on the top edge of the smoker and run the wires through it under the lid.
  2. Use an onboard thermometer like the one shown. I do not recommend taking one because they are inaccurate, and the temperature at the edges can be higher than in the center. The thermometer needle can also interfere with the grates. The only advantage is that they are inexpensive.

If you're going this route, drill a hole in the side just below the top grate and insert a thermometer.

Step 7: What to do if you don't have a spout grill lid

If you do not have such a cover, you need to make one. The best option it would be to buy a barrel with a removable lid and attach a pipe to it.

There are few today who have never tried smoked meats or are not their fan. When purchasing a product of this type in a store, it is difficult to be sure of its high quality. Someone uses liquid smoke to speed up the process, someone uses what is at hand instead of high-quality sawdust. To save money and have exactly what you want, a smokehouse can be assembled from a barrel with your own hands. The article will give several options for both hot and cold smoking.

Why smoke

Smoking not only improves and makes the taste of meat and other products unique. Thanks to smoking, pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, which reduced the shelf life of meat and fish. A cold smoked product can keep its freshness for several months or more. There are adherents of hot smoking. During this process, the meat more baked than dried. This is due to the temperature inside the smoking chamber. It can reach 100 degrees. The taste of meat and fish is somewhat different than in the case of cold smoking. In this case, the temperature inside the smoking chamber barely reaches 30 degrees. Meat undergoes deep processing. Such smoking can take several days and even a week. Everything will depend on the piece of meat that is being smoked.

Note! Prunes are obtained only by cold smoking. With hot smoking, it will lose its properties, vitamins and simply deteriorate.

For hot smoking

The smoke temperature during hot smoking is achieved due to the proximity of the fire source. Most often, such a smoking chamber is installed directly on the fire, electric stove, gas or petrol burner. That is why such a smokehouse cannot be made of non-heat-resistant materials. The ideal option there will be a metal base that will quickly give off the resulting temperature.

Vertical option

The vertical version of the hot smoked smokehouse is one of the most common, it is easy to make it yourself. The main element that will be used for the smokehouse is a metal barrel of 200 liters. Most often, such containers are used for some purpose, for example, for storing automobile oil and other liquids. This means that before you build a smokehouse out of it, you need to take care of the initial preparation of the barrel. To begin with, it must be washed well with various soaps and disinfectants. It may not take a day for this to happen. If the surface of the barrel is painted, then the paint must also be removed. This can be done in a long way using a building hair dryer and a spatula or grinder. Some prefer to do things faster. It is enough to kindle a good fire and singe the barrel in it.

During such processing, the paint will burn out and fall off in tatters. A blowtorch that can produce high temperatures is also suitable. After heat treatment of the future smokehouse, it is necessary to allow it to cool. The next step is to clean the barrel using a vibrating or eccentric machine. This will make it possible to get rid of soot, as well as rust. The outer walls of the barrel can be cleaned to metal if it is planned to cover it with refractory paint later. Further assembly of the smokehouse will require the following tools and materials:

  • welding machine;
  • Bulgarian;
  • roulette;
  • chimney pipe;
  • marking tool;
  • metal fittings;
  • sheet metal 4 mm thick;
  • sheet metal 10 mm thick.

Usually the barrel is soldered at both ends. You will need to get rid of the end in which there is a hole for taking oil or other liquid. The barrel for the smokehouse is placed on its side, fixed so that it does not roll over and the upper part with the lid is cut off. It is better to mark with a chalk so that the cut is uniform. Throwing away this part is not worth it, because it can be used later. It is most convenient to place the firebox directly in the barrel. In this case, you do not have to constantly install the smokehouse on the source of fire. At a distance of 5 cm from the bottom, the door is marked. It can be 25x20 cm or larger. With the help of a grinder, a marked rectangle is cut out in a barrel. It will serve as a door for the firebox, so it must be made movable. The door is tried on on an owl and fixed. Loops are applied and tacked with a welding machine. The operability of the door is checked and the hinges are fully welded. The handle is also mounted.

In order to maintain combustion, air must enter the furnace. For these purposes, it is necessary to drill several holes in the bottom for inflow. The furnace must be structurally separated from the chamber where smoking will take place. To achieve this, it is necessary from the prepared sheet material cut out a circle that will fit inside the barrel. It must be fixed with a welding machine at a height of 25 cm from the bottom. You can level it with a short level. Several tacks are made, level adjustments are made, and then it is boiled in a circle.

Several legs must be welded to the bottom of the smokehouse. They will create a gap between the smokehouse firebox and the ground so that air can flow freely. On the opposite side of the door, another hole is made through which the chimney will be led out. It must be raised to a sufficient height so that good combustion is maintained in the firebox, but so that its intensity is medium. Otherwise, this will lead to a rise in temperature in the smokehouse and fat will be abundantly dripped from the meat, which will dry it out.

Note! If you want to increase the internal space of the smoker itself, then there is no need to take away one third of the firebox. You can build a small brick pedestal for the smokehouse, which will serve as a firebox.

In the process of smoking, fat in any case will accumulate. If this happens on wood chips, then at some point it will simply flare up and ruin the entire product in the smokehouse. To prevent this from happening, you need a pallet. It can be crafted from the top that has been cut off the barrel. Stands are attached to the pallet, and it simply falls to the bottom of the smoking chamber. This will make it possible to clean it if necessary. Now it’s worth taking care of the grate or holders for smoking. If this is a smoking grate, then several loops must be made for it, which will hold it at the required level. To do this, several holes are drilled and a bent wire is threaded through them. You can do otherwise and, having drilled holes, insert metal rods into them, on which meat will be hung for smoking.

One of difficult stages will be the manufacture of the cover. It should not only close the smokehouse, but also create conditions under which air will not seep inside. To do this, it will be necessary to make a water seal on the smokehouse. To implement it, it is necessary to cut a strip of metal 5 cm wide with a grinder. It is welded closer to the top of the barrel, along its perimeter at an angle of 45 degrees, to make a small groove where you can pour water. A cover is cut out of sheet material 4 mm thick. Its diameter should be 1 cm larger than the diameter of the smokehouse barrel. A strip 10 cm wide is cut out of the same sheet material. It is welded to the lid to form a bowl-like structure. A handle is attached to the top of the lid for the smokehouse.

Advice! A special thermometer can be installed in the lid, which will monitor the temperature inside the smokehouse. He will tell you about the need to throw firewood or let the structure cool down.

Horizontal option

The smokehouse can also be made in a horizontal version from a barrel. It is not possible to provide a water seal here, so smoking in it will take place at a lower temperature. The processing of the barrel does not differ from the previous version. In the horizontal version, there is no need to cut off the top wall. The barrel fits on its side and is well fixed. After that, the opening of the smokehouse is marked, which should occupy 80% of the barrel wall. For example, it can be made 70 × 40 cm in size. A rectangle is cut out. With the help of a welding machine and hinges, it is fixed so that it can be opened. So that the lid of the smokehouse does not fall inward, it is necessary to make limiters. To do this, two strips with a width of 3 cm are cut out of 4 mm sheet metal. They are bent along the arc of the barrel and welded along the edges of the smokehouse opening.

From metal rods or from lattices from the refrigerator, a structure is assembled on which meat will be placed for smoking. The resulting design is fixed approximately in the middle of the barrel. It must be removable so that you can freely add wood chips for smoking. A tray is installed under the grate, which will collect the fat dripping during smoking. From below, you can make small legs on which the structure will be installed on the fire. Under such a barrel for smoking, you can also build a brick firebox. The advantage of such a solution would be fast warm-up and uniform distribution of meat during smoking.

Advice! You can not cut a hole in the barrel. Instead, the barrel can be split in half so that the top of the smoker opens up to serve as a lid. This will save you a lot of hassle. Also, such a device can be used as a barbecue.

Two barrels

The smokehouse from two barrels is very interesting option not only in terms of convenience, but also functionality. In appearance, it will resemble similar to the letter "T". In order for the upper horizontal barrel, in which smoking will be carried out, to lie down without any special difficulties, it will be necessary to make a seat under it. To do this, on paper, you can draw two full-size semicircles of the barrel and attach them strictly opposite each other to the barrel, which will stand upright. After that, using a jigsaw, in which a nail file for metal will be installed, a cut is made according to the drawing. Barrels for smokehouses must be cleaned of paint, which can be done using sandblasting or fire.

The horizontal barrel is placed in its place and tacked with a welding machine to fix it. The metal of the barrels is quite thin, so you will have to use electrodes with a diameter of 2 or 3 mm. In a vertical container that will act as a firebox, a door is cut out according to the example described above, but it can be made large sizes. To prevent the door from deforming from constant exposure to fire, it must be reinforced around the perimeter with a corner or sheet metal. A metal strip substrate should also be made in the place where the hinges will be fastened. A handle is also attached to the door.

Note! Strictly speaking, this smokehouse is not one in the classical sense. It also includes barbecue.

In a horizontal barrel, a door is made according to the scheme, as described above, a meat grill is mounted inside. Additionally, several holes are made with a diameter of 10 mm. They are necessary so that the smoke from burning firewood seeps into the chamber where smoking will take place. Three holes are made on the side face of the horizontal barrel, which are located side by side. A circle is cut out of the sheet material that can close them. Holes are also made in it so that when it is displaced, it can close the holes in the side wall of the container. To give good appearance the structure is covered with black refractory paint.

For cold smoking

Designs from barrels for cold smoking, which you can assemble with your own hands, are very similar to those that were given for hot smoking. The main difference is that the combustion chamber is moved away from the smoking chamber so that the smoke has time to cool. For cold smoking, a greater variety of materials is available due to the lack of high temperature. Smokehouses can be made from metal or wooden barrels.

From a metal barrel

For such a smokehouse design, you will need some free space in the backyard. The first step is to dig two holes and connect them with a small trench where the pipe will be laid. The bottoms of both pits are filled with concrete. The walls are reinforced with refractory brickwork. One hole will serve as a firebox. The pipe is inserted into it and the junction is sealed so that the smoke does not escape. If the pipe is not metal, then boards can be laid on top of it and covered with earth so that it is not pushed through while walking. Separately, you can buy a cast-iron door, which is usually used in stoves, and wall it into the firebox. A hole is made in the bottom of the barrel for a pipe that will go from the firebox. To connect the barrel and the pipe, it will be necessary to weld a corner at 90 degrees to the pipe. The smoking chamber is mounted on a prepared brick base.

The smokehouse is equipped with a tray for collecting fat, as well as grates or rods on which meat will be laid for smoking. The lid must not be sealed. Instead, you can use burlap. The fabric is quite dense, so the smoke will not go away too quickly. Additionally, you can install a thermometer to keep track of the situation. In exactly the same way, a smokehouse is made from wooden barrel. The latter will complement the meat with a pleasant aroma, especially if alcoholic beverages were previously aged in it.

Universal smokehouse

A universal smokehouse for cold and hot smoking is made only from a metal barrel. Everything is done in it, as is the case with vertical option for smoking from one barrel, but without a firebox. Additionally, a hole is made in the wall through which it will be possible to lead a pipe from a smoke generator. A hole can also be made from below if it is planned to install a smokehouse on a prepared site, but you will need to come up with a way by which you can tightly close the hole during hot smoking. Another example of the design of such a smokehouse can be viewed in the video:


After reading the article, now you know how to make a smokehouse for cold or hot smoking from a barrel. Of particular interest is universal option, which will allow you to enjoy two types of smoking, with only one device. You can always make a camping version of a smokehouse from a small barrel, which you can take with you when going out into the countryside with friends or family.

Smoking gives various products a special taste and aroma. Smokehouses are used for this cooking method. You can make such a unit yourself from a barrel, there are several versions of the device.

Necessary materials and tools

To make a smokehouse, you need a fairly roomy barrel. The optimal volume is 200 liters. The container must be metal and heat resistant, especially when used for hot smoking. It is better to find a stainless steel barrel. If it is covered with paint or other composition, then this coating must be removed.

The use of fuel barrels is not recommended. If there is no other option, then the container must be thoroughly washed and kept on fire so that the remaining fuel burns out.

In addition to the barrel, you also need to prepare a tool and auxiliary materials. The specific list depends on the method of manufacture of the smokehouse and may include the following items:

  • Bulgarian;
  • welding machine;
  • sheet iron - for a cover, strengthening of individual sections;
  • corners as guides for grates and baking sheets;
  • fittings;
  • handle, hinges and lock (latch) for the door;
  • pipes, fittings, chimney couplings;
  • ruler and chalk for marking;
  • thermometer.

Manufacturing options

Making a smokehouse with your own hands is quite simple. There are several options for the execution of such a device - for this it is not even necessary to have any special skills.

Horizontal smokehouse for hot smoking

To make such a smokehouse, the barrel must be placed horizontally. If she does not have a top, then it is necessary to brew it with sheet iron. Then they act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Cut out the lid. It will open up. Its upper part should be located along the upper edge of the barrel.
  2. Attach the resulting cover to the hinges. Weld the handle for convenience, if necessary, make a lock or valve.
  3. Fix the edges of the hatch with sheet metal, slightly extending beyond the edges of the hole, which will prevent the cover from falling inward.
  4. From any side of the smokehouse body, make a hole at the top and use pipes or fittings to make a small chimney.
  5. Inside the smokehouse, just below the bottom of the hatch, weld or bolt guides for installing the grate.
  6. To facilitate cleaning, you should also make a pan for collecting fat and make guides for it. Chips can be poured directly onto the bottom of the smokehouse.
  7. Make a smoker stand. To do this, you can make a stand in the form of a stool without a seat. For stability, the legs can be made crosswise.
  8. The finished smokehouse can be put on an open fire. You can install it on a large brazier or a firebox made of bricks - in this case it is not necessary to make a stand, but two corners should be welded to the bottom for the stability of the body.

Smoking products in such a smokehouse is carried out in a standard way:

  • Pour wood chips into the bottom of the smoker.
  • Install the grates and put pre-prepared products on them.
  • Close the smokehouse lid.
  • Kindle a fire.
  • First, to dry food, keep the temperature at 90°C, then raise it to 120°C.

With internal firebox

The device is used only for hot smoking. The smokehouse is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Install the barrel vertically.
  2. Make several holes in the bottom - such perforation is necessary for blowing.
  3. Cut out a rectangular or square fragment in the lower part of the body - the hatch will be used to load firewood. Attach the cut out part to the side with loops. Reinforce the free edges of the hole with a strip of iron. You can also make a series of holes in the bottom of the door.
  4. Step back from the bottom of the barrel about a third of the height and make a second bottom, it should be thick enough.
  5. Install a chimney in the side of the body - make a hole and attach the pipe.
  6. Make a pan to collect fat. It should be on legs, and for convenience, a handle should be made, which will make it easy to remove the container for cleaning.
  7. In the upper part of the case, make fasteners for the grille.
  8. Make a perforated lid. To do this, you can use a sheet of metal or a wooden circle.

For smoking products, it is necessary to act according to the following algorithm:

  • Sprinkle wood chips on the bottom.
  • Install the drip tray.
  • Install the grate and lay out pre-prepared products.
  • Close the lid tightly.
  • Start a fire and keep it going while smoking.

Using the same algorithm, you can make a smokehouse with a separate firebox. To do this, you do not need to make a second bottom and perforation at the bottom. This provides more free space inside the smokehouse, which allows you to install grates in several tiers or use a rack with hooks for hanging.

From a barrel and a blowtorch

The design is very simple, and a blowtorch is needed already in the smoking process. The smokehouse is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. Prepare a suitable barrel. If it is solid, then the top must be cut off.
  2. Weld rods in the upper part, on which it will be possible to hang products for smoking. Instead, you can make a mobile stand - make a tripod out of three rods and weld hooks or short rods to its top for hanging.
  3. Make a hole in the bottom and weld the socket with an internal thread.
  4. Prepare a pipe of a suitable diameter, weld one end tightly, and make a thread on the other for screwing into a coupling. It looks like a glass.
  5. Make a lid out of sheet metal. To do this, you can cut a circle slightly larger than the diameter of the barrel and weld a strip of metal perpendicularly around its circumference, make a handle for convenience.
  6. You can install such a smokehouse on bricks or specially make a stand.

Smoking products in the resulting smokehouse is quite simple:

  • Hang the prepared products in a barrel, close the lid.
  • Set the smokehouse on bricks or a stand.
  • Pour wood chips or sawdust into the glass from the pipe and screw it into the sleeve.
  • Point a blowtorch at the glass.
  • It takes 40 minutes to cook the fish, the meat is smoked for at least an hour.

From two barrels

In this embodiment, one barrel is installed vertically and serves as a firebox. The second barrel is installed horizontally and serves as the main body of the smokehouse. Such a device is manufactured according to the following algorithm:

  1. Cut off the top of the vertical barrel. It is better to leave cone-shaped fragments protruding upward.
  2. Make a hole in the bottom of the horizontal barrel.
  3. Boil both barrels.
  4. Make a door at the bottom of the vertical barrel - cut out a square fragment and fasten it to the hinges. Run the valve, if necessary, fix the edges of the hole with a strip of iron.
  5. In a horizontal barrel, make a hatch - the algorithm is the same as in the manufacture of a horizontal smokehouse. Grills with a drip tray for collecting fat are installed in the same way.

A distinctive feature of such a smokehouse is the use of a filter. It must be installed at the junction of two barrels. Use burlap or a wet cloth as a filter.

Smoking is carried out simply - in horizontal barrel install a tray to collect fat and a grate on which products are laid out. Close the lid of the case, place small firewood with sawdust in the firebox - they should smolder, but not burn. Smoking is carried out in a hot way.

Electric option

In addition to the standard set of materials and tools for the manufacture of such a smokehouse, you will need a heating element (heater), a cable (at least 2.5 sq. mm), a plug and a thermostat adjustable from 20 ° C to 90-120 ° C degrees.

You need to act according to the following algorithm:

  1. Install the barrel vertically.
  2. Step back from the bottom 5-10 cm and make several holes around the circumference of the barrel with a diameter of up to 1 cm.
  3. Attach a heating element inside the barrel, install it in the center of the bottom of the body.
  4. Connect the heating element and thermostat in series - install the sensor just below the upper edge of the barrel. Place a thermometer nearby.
  5. Make a container for wood chips (sawdust). Instead, you can use an old cast iron pot or pan.
  6. Approximately in the central part of the body, make fasteners for the pallet, where the fat will drain.
  7. Stepping back from the top of the barrel about a quarter of its length, make fasteners for the grate where the products will be placed.
  8. If the barrel does not have a lid, then make it out of sheet iron.
  9. Make a hole in the lid with a diameter of about 5 cm. Use a pipe or fitting to make a chimney.
  10. For mobility of the device, you can attach wheels to it.

Use electric smokehouse pretty simple:

  1. Place a container with wood chips on the heating element.
  2. Install the drip tray.
  3. Put a container of water in the same pan - it will not allow the products to dry out.
  4. Install the grate and lay out the prepared products.
  5. Close the smoker with a lid and plug it into an outlet. After 10-15 minutes, the heating element will warm up enough.

For cold smoking

Cold smoking allows you to save more nutrients in the product and increase its shelf life in finished form. A stationary smokehouse for cold smoking involves a separate arrangement of the firebox. It can be made from stone or brick. The hearth should be deepened by about 40 cm.

Smoke will enter the smokehouse through a pipe, which must be buried the same way as the firebox. The smokehouse is installed 2-3 m from the source of fire.

The device is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. Cut out the bottom of the barrel.
  2. Make a hole in the lower part of the body for connection with the pipe, it must be airtight. The end of the pipe should be bent up so that the smoke enters the smokehouse evenly.
  3. Deepen the barrel. You can overlay it with bricks to reduce heat loss.
  4. At the top of the barrel, make fasteners for the grate or hooks. It is possible to carry out stacking of products in several levels.
  5. The lid can be made of wood by making several holes in it. Instead, you can use a jute bag.

Products are laid out on a grate or hung on hooks, after which the smokehouse closes tightly. A fire is made in the furnace - smoke will flow into the smokehouse through the pipe. Such smoking takes several hours, since the temperature in the smokehouse is low - an important condition for cold smoking.

One of the common ways self-manufacturing smokehouse - the use of barrels and other improvised materials. By choosing one of the options, you can make devices for hot or cold smoking and even an electric unit.

We inherited the tradition of smoking prey from our distant ancestors. And although there is no urgent need to preserve food with the help of smoking, sometimes you want to treat yourself to smoked fish, lard or home-made meat. And this can help simple smokehouse made by hand from improvised materials. The simplest example of a smoking device is a smokehouse made from a metal or wooden barrel.

What is a smokehouse?

The smoke plant consists of several elements:

  • smoking chamber- it will contain products intended for processing;
  • stove or firebox where sawdust will smolder and smoke will form;
  • chimney, which connects the smoking chamber and the stove (if it is necessary as conceived by the author of the smokehouse). The length of the chimney depends on what type of smoking you plan to do. For hot smoking, 2 m is enough. If it is supposed cold way, then its length can be up to 5 meters.

Cold smoking products occurs at a temperature +18−220С. During hot smoking, the temperature of the gases reaches +350C and above. It is made on a big fire.

hot way most often smoked low-fat foods. For smoking fatty foods better fit cold way.

Features of a smokehouse from a barrel

The most, perhaps, the simplest version of the smokehouse is a smokehouse from a barrel. small 200 liter you can buy a barrel, or you can use a used one, only with chemically safe substances (after thoroughly washing and disinfecting it).

Using iron barrel, if you wish, you can not even make a special firebox and chimney. In this case, the barrel can be placed on bricks, shavings and sawdust can be laid on its bottom deciduous trees and, maintaining the fire under the barrel, thus smoke the necessary products.

How to start building a smokehouse?

There are several options for making a smokehouse from a barrel, but in all of them the choice and preparation of a barrel for a smoking chamber is almost the same. The barrel itself can be of any size, but the height of the smoking chamber must be 3 times its diameter. Regular 200 liter iron barrel perfectly suited to these conditions. However, it will have to be slightly modified.

If you plan to smoke products in a cold way (and it is much more useful and reliable for the quality of products and their safety), then you must also stock up iron pipe about 5 m long for the chimney.

Then you need to choose a place where the smokehouse will be located. It must be protected from the winds and desirable have a cover. Determine and mark on the surface of the earth the place where the smoking chamber and the hearth will be.

From the place where the smokehouse barrel will be located to the place where the hearth will be located, you need to mark place under the trench for the chimney. Then you need to dig a recess for an impromptu stove and a trench for the chimney. When performing these works, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in order to create good traction in the smokehouse, it is necessary to create such a slope of the pipe in the device that the bottom of the smoking chamber and the baking sheet of the stove with smoking sawdust located on it are at the same level (according to the law of communicating vessels).

Hearth stove can be made stone or brick. It is better to do it with a large chamber for laying firewood. A chamber is arranged on top of the combustion chamber, where sawdust will smolder. Such a stove is made as deep as possible to ensure sufficient smoke density and temperature. The junction of the chamber and the chimney is carefully covered with earth to increase traction, and the rest of the trench is covered with tin and also covered with earth.

Smokehouse construction technology

When all are done preparatory work, it will be possible to start improving the barrel. The main stages of work will look something like this:

Operation and care of a homemade smokehouse

Getting directly to the smoking process, you must first cook food. To do this, pre-salted and pickled products must be wrapped with gauze in order to protect them from possible ingress of soot and dirt. Then place the smaller pieces on a baking sheet, and hang the larger ones on hooks. Cover the top of the barrel tight lid and wrap it well with wet burlap, which prevents the smoke from quickly leaving the smoking chamber. The burlap should be kept moist all the time while the smoking process is in progress.

Caring for such a smokehouse will not be difficult. After each smoking wash the grate and rods, on which products were smoked, and clean the inside of the smoking chamber. Clean the sawdust residues from the stove.

Of course, smoking is not an easy task, but knowledge comes with experience. And if the design turns out to be successful, then tasty and pleasant hand-made products will be a good reward for work.

Video review of a homemade smokehouse from a barrel
