Smokehouse - equipment for cooking meat, lard, fish, sausages by processing hot or cold smoke. Usually, the process is delayed from 4 hours to several days (depending on the method) and it can be reduced only when choosing a unit powered by current. An electric smokehouse cooks semi-finished products 2-3 times faster, the products in it acquire an equal golden color and juiciness.

Device, purpose and use of an electric smokehouse

The device of the electric smoker for heat treatment of the product with smoke is a metal container with a hermetically sealed lid. A sliver is placed at the bottom, which, when heated, smolders and produces smoke. Inside the container, grates for semi-finished products are arranged, as well as a tray for collecting fat. Small models are produced for the apartment that do not take up much space on the work surface. kitchen table. They process few products. Also, a household smokehouse is made independently, using improvised means.

The purpose of smoking equipment is the rapid preparation of fish and meat products with the preservation of useful microelements and proteins, especially with the cold processing method.

Units are used at home and in production. The professional model has huge advantages, expressed in wide functionality and automatic process control.

Features and Benefits

For a smokehouse with a heating element, certain operating conditions are not created. A home electric container for processing a product with smoke is appreciated by culinary enthusiasts for its simplicity and ease of use on a balcony, loggia or plot. The main condition is free access to a 220 V outlet.

To the benefits electric smoker do it yourself:

  • Durability. household models made of stainless steel that resists corrosion;
  • Compact and light weight (up to 5 kg). Having built a small unit or bought it in a store, he can easily fit in a car and prepare fragrant delicacies at their summer cottage;
  • Safety. Using a ceramic electric heater and reliably isolating the wires, the unit is safe to operate;
  • Cooking low-calorie food. Since the products are prepared without adding fat and, on the contrary, they are freed from it when smoked, the food is low-calorie, healthy and tasty;
  • Possibility to be absent during the preparation of the product. Set up your device and go about your business!

By purchasing household appliances in the store, the lover of smoked meats gets more advantages, since they have automatic or semi-automatic control modes, as well as the option of temperature control. For those who can install the thermostat and thermometer on their own, do-it-yourself smokehouses are no worse than store-bought models.

Types of electric smokers and a brief description of cold and hot cooking devices

Electric smokehouses are divided into devices with an open heating element and a closed one.

Units with a closed heating element are multifunctional. The wide heating surface allows you to smoke semi-finished products using any raw material, while it is used in smaller quantities than with an open heating element. The price of such equipment is 1.5–2 times higher than its counterpart. Not only a professional, but also an ordinary layman with basic knowledge of electrics can independently make an electric smokehouse with their own hands.

According to the method of cooking smokehouses differ:

  • cold cooking;
  • hot.

The difference is the type of processing. A hot smoked electric smokehouse (45 to 120 ⁰С) cooks products thermally processed, when, with a cold method, food is dehydrated due to a long stay in the smoke at a temperature of 20–45 ⁰С. Do-it-yourself stationary or mobile cold-smoked installation increases the shelf life of delicacies up to 2 weeks.

The cooking time also differs: for the hot method - 2-4 hours, for the cold one - 1-2 days.

Some purchased models can combine 2 modes, and can also be used as an oven.

Do-it-yourself electric smokehouse - simple and fast

Almost anyone can build an electric smokehouse. For example, consider a device for cooking smoke and electric stoves:

Before operating an electric smokehouse, it is recommended that you first check it: determine the quality of the heating element, the concentration of smoke, the absence of ignition of sawdust and the location of the grates relative to the products.

The video below shows an electric smokehouse made from a gas cylinder

Features of cooking meat, fish and sausages

Any product is smoked in an electrical device, but before that, the product must be trained.

  • Fish. It is soaked gutted, in weak brine (for 4 kg of fish - 250 g of salt). Mackerel or horse mackerel is rubbed with salt each separately, wrapped in cling film, is pressed with a lid and aged for 1-2 days. Further, the fish is dried for 1–2 hours, cooled, laid out on grates and smoked for 1–3 hours (depending on the size of the fish).
  • Meat. Requires pre-salting. Large pieces are best boiled first, and then smoked. Do the same with homemade sausage. Simmering meat in an electric smoker takes 2-6 hours. You can reduce the time by rubbing pieces fresh meat salt.

The product must be kept until fully cooked, since re-smoking is unacceptable. Meat or fish are turned into inedible food.

There are 3 ways to salt products before smoking:

  • Dry;
  • Wet;
  • Mixed.

The first extends the shelf life of the delicacy up to 2 weeks, even with a hot heat treatment method. For lovers of tender and juicy meat, it is recommended to use the second or third method.

High-quality smoking is impossible without the use of special equipment. Today, the market presents entire lines with smokehouses that work according to different principles. In particular, models with smoke exposure, units with heat treatment, etc. are common. The family of each manufacturer also contains an electric smokehouse, which is easy to use and can be used at home. However, there are also universal devices, the mobility of which allows you to process products both outdoors and indoors.

Main selection criteria

To begin with, the direction of the unit and the products that are planned to be smoked are determined. Majority modern models effectively serve the fish, meat products, lard, sausage, etc. Next, the capacity of the products is determined. For example, an entry-level electric smokehouse can provide a one-time cooking of 2-3 kg. In more advanced versions, loading up to 10-15 kg is expected. But it is important to consider that volume is directly related to compactness and mobility. That is, a massive structure will be difficult to take on a picnic.

The next important characteristic is the smoking time, which is determined by the power. The most productive models from the home-oriented segment have a power potential of 500-600 watts. Again, depending on the load volume, such an electric smokehouse can perform its function in 2 minutes, and in 30 minutes - subject to maximum filling.

Hot or cold smoking?

Structural parameters are usually oriented either to one of the types of smoking, or to their combination. Hot processing involves thermal exposure to the product at a temperature of about 90 ° C, and cold smoking is performed at 20-25 ° C. In both cases, the cooking time can vary from a few hours to a week or more. However, an electric smokehouse allows you to speed up this process. This cooking technique is more difficult in technical embodiment, but the result justifies itself. This design assumes the possibility of connecting the chimney to the exhaust system in the kitchen, which allows the unit to be used directly in the apartment.

Still, most models provide only hot smoking. This applies to mobile devices with a classic design. The advantages that electric smoking has include high cooking speed and ease of use. Such installations do not require the installation of special smoke generators and give out the finished product in just a few minutes.

Functional Requirements

The latest models of such equipment are equipped with electronic control with temperature control sensors. In some respects, such devices resemble the work of ordinary stoves - the design also provides for a panel with buttons and controls, with which the user configures the equipment. The most complex device is possessed by devices for processing cold smoke. In this case, an electric smokehouse may provide for a separate operation of the chamber or smoke generator. This combination, for example, allows you to use the main camera as a conventional oven, and the generator - for direct smoking. There are other configurations that allow the equipment to operate in different modes.

Additional equipment

Since the organization of the smoking process is a lot of trouble, manufacturers complete the equipment with auxiliary devices. For example, basic sets include trays, bowls, and smoke briquettes. Separate accessory kits are provided for models with smoke generators. For example, a smokehouse for an apartment necessarily requires the connection of special equipment to remove smoke. For this, hoses, pipes and connecting fittings are used.

Manufacturers and prices

The entry level of household electric smokers is well represented in the Greentechs and Muurikka lines. These models are distinguished by their small size, decent functionality and optimal performance. These are neat devices costing about 4-5 thousand rubles, which are suitable for indoor use. If you need a multifunctional and productive electric smokehouse for your home, then you should contact Anuka products. In this case, we are talking about models with smoke generators, which cost within 10 thousand rubles. If you plan to regularly cook products by smoking in large volumes, then units from Kocateq and Landmann will come to the rescue. A feature of such products is the possibility of in-line work with large batches of meat, fish, sausages and sausages. We can say that these are commercial models, but there are no special restrictions for home use. Of course, if the user's home has room for a massive structure, and he is ready to put up with additional energy costs.


The smoking process can be performed different ways. The simplest include the use of conventional metal grills and barbecues, for which you can not do without making a fire. Approximately on the same principles, a smokehouse for an electrically powered apartment works, but it also has significant differences. Firstly, the absence of the need to perform complex manipulations with firewood and ignition makes it possible to endow such units with modest dimensions. Secondly, almost all owners of such equipment note a high smoking speed, which at the same time does not impair the gastronomic characteristics of the product. And the main advantage of electric smokehouses is the possibility of operation at home - not even on the balcony, but right in the kitchen.

We all know that smoked products are not dietary products, especially those sold in stores, because they contain a lot of harmful preservatives and additives. This is where a quite reasonable question arises, but how to reduce the potential harm of your favorite products, while maintaining their taste and aroma? There is a way out - home smoking. Delicious and, most importantly, absolutely safe for health products can be obtained even at home. And an electric smokehouse, assembled with your own hands, will help with this.

Today, there are many drugs that can replace natural wood smoke with synthetic liquids. At the same time, a do-it-yourself electric smokehouse allows you to get a delicious, fragrant smoked product prepared on the basis of natural smoke. Which type of wood for smoking to give preference to, this is already a matter of a personal nature.

Experienced experts assure that the most successful meat is obtained if you use oak, aspen for smoking, while it is better to smoke fish on branches. fruit trees: cherry, apple, pear, peach, etc. In turn, conifers are not suitable for smoking, since they contain resins that spoil the taste of the finished product.

When making an electric smokehouse with your own hands, it is better to give preference to the cold smoking method, and here's why. The hot method is characterized by temperature treatment in the range of 60-120 ° C, while the process itself does not take much time (2-3 hours). Of course, it is very convenient, and the taste of the product is excellent. In an electric cold-smoked smokehouse, you can get a product with a longer shelf life, because thanks to the maintained temperature of 20-25 ° C, the product is better preserved.

Let us consider in more detail how to make a cold smoked oil lamp with your own hands.

Smoker from a 200-liter barrel

To make a homemade cold smoked smokehouse with our own hands, we need metal barrel, well, if it is made of heat-resistant steel. As a rule, chemically harmful substances and liquids are stored in such barrels. If in your household there is no such item, then it can be easily purchased by hand by scrolling through ads either in the local newspaper or on Internet sites. The main condition is that the barrel must be with a lid, the functionality of which you will learn a little later.

In addition to the barrel itself, you will need the following items:

  • an electric stove, through which the air inside the oil lamp will warm up - even the most primitive "potbelly stove" or heating element will fit

  • 4 small wheels with which it will be possible to move the cold smoked electric smoker from place to place - they can be purchased both at a flea market and in any hardware store;
  • a thermostat with which it will be possible to regulate the temperature inside the device - it is better to give preference to devices with an adjustment field of 20-90 ° C;

  • thermometer;
  • a container for collecting fat that will be released from the products during smoking - it can be any round or rectangular dish;
  • drill for metal - Ø10 mm;
  • pallet for combustible materials;
  • mesh web, grating or hook system on which the product will be placed.

Unit assembly process

It is not difficult to assemble a cold-smoked smokehouse for fish or meat with your own hands, it is only important to follow the detailed instructions:

  1. If the barrel was previously used to store fuels and lubricants and other chemicals, it must be thoroughly rinsed. In most cases, baking soda with a stiff brush is used for these purposes, after which it is washed with detergent and rinsed abundantly. Through such manipulations, it is possible to avoid a possible hit harmful substances for smoked products.
  2. We put an electric stove at the bottom of the barrel so that it does not fall to one side. To do this, you can fix it with the help of metal plates.

  1. Next, you need to make ventilation, for which it is necessary to drill 5-8 holes Ø10 mm in the bottom of the apparatus. Now you need to fix the area on which the products will be placed - it can be either a lattice or a hook system.
  2. After all the above processes are completed, we take an armful of brushwood or firewood, put it inside the barrel and set it on fire. This will eliminate the remaining oil and contribute to the additional calcination of the walls of the apparatus.
  3. As soon as a trial attempt at smoking has been carried out, we remove carbon deposits from the walls of the barrel. To do this, you can use a metal brush. And then we carefully rinse the cold-smoked smokehouse, made by ourselves, using detergent. And do not forget to get rid of the detergent itself.
  4. We install the device on wheels, screwing them to the bottom of an almost finished smokehouse.

VIDEO: How to make a smokehouse from half a barrel

  1. Let's move on to electric stove, from which, by and large, we only need a heating element. And even if you have never encountered such devices, you can easily cope with this task. So, removing the heating element from the electric furnace, you just need to remove the heating disc and disconnect the wires of the heating element. And you can make it even easier, not “gut” the electric furnace, but buy a heating element on the market or in a specialized store.
  2. Using screws, we fasten the heating element in the center of the smoking installation and next to it we place a thermostat with a serial connection. It is advisable to use copper wire, with a cross section of at least 2.5. Now we place its sensor in the place where it will be convenient for you to look at it.
  3. The next stage in the assembly of the electric smokehouse will be the arrangement of the upper part. At the top, a small hole is drilled in the wall, through which it is necessary to fix the thermometer so that it is inside the apparatus. And in the lid you should make a hole Ø5 cm, which will act as a chimney.
  4. In the middle of the smokehouse we install a tray to collect fat. It can be an old baking sheet or any other container that is the most suitable size for this design. And a little higher we place the grate on which the products will be laid.

If you plan to use a hook system instead of a lattice, then you can also do it yourself. Taking rods Ø3-5 mm, twist them with a hook and attach them to a metal bar, in which holes of the corresponding diameter were previously made. This design is screwed to the walls of the barrel with screws.

The hole in the lid of the device is closed with a damper and must be closed at the beginning of the smoking process. Otherwise, the efficiency of the unit will be extremely low.

As a pallet for combustible materials, you can use a grid or a regular pan. As a rule, a five-liter pot of fuel is sufficient for the unit to operate for 8-10 hours at 20°C or three hours in accelerated mode.

It is advisable to carry out trial heating for a third of an hour in order to “warm up” the installation, after which you can safely put products for smoking into the device.

Here, in fact, are all the subtleties of assembling a smoking device. Of course, you can buy a cold smoked oil lamp in the store, but you will have to pay a lot of money for it. And the very fact that you make such an apparatus yourself will make the finished product even tastier.

VIDEO: Do-it-yourself smokehouse for cold and hot smoking

"Oh, to nature would be yes with kebabs!" - sometimes enthusiastic exclamations of surrounding people are heard. And then you yourself want to experience the happiness of a green lawn next to a lake or a river, so that ruddy meat smokes on the grill. Charm, and only. Therefore, usually on weekends, you can see how vacationing people make such trips to nearby forest plantations, taking barbecue, smokehouses and barbecues with them. Everyone wants to enjoy the magnificent delights of freshly smoked food. But what kind of yummy and smoking devices is better to take with you, let's talk about it.

What can be cooked in smokehouses?

When going on vacation, you need to prepare the ingredients in advance and, of course, the smoking apparatus itself. Where will you spend time - on the edge of the forest or on the veranda country house, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to have pickled foods and a fire or electric smokehouse near you. This completes the arrangement, and you can proceed to cooking. And smoking a delicacy to a brown crust and juicy pieces is no longer difficult.

Meat of any living creature, poultry and fish is suitable here. These are chickens and turkeys, veal and horse meat, pork and lamb, rabbits and geese, trout and carp, and even perch and crucian carp with any vegetables to taste. You can list indefinitely. But to make specific dishes out of them, so that “you will lick your fingers”, is already the highest skill.

What delicious treats can be cooked in home smokehouses? Let's list:

  • Grilled chickens.
  • Legs and breasts of poultry.
  • Turkey thighs and wings.
  • Pork shoulder and tenderloin in own juice.
  • Lamb carcass with vegetables.
  • Pork, lamb and beef skewers.
  • Any red and white meat.
  • Hot and cold smoked trout.
  • Any kind of red, river and varietal fish without a specific lake smell.
  • Cheese, sausage, semi-finished products.
  • Vegetables with mayonnaise - tomatoes, onions, cabbage, horseradish with garlic, eggplant and others to taste.
  • Fruits - apples, melons, bananas and next in preference.
  • Many other delicacies are sold in stores, running in paddocks and pastures, and growing in beds and trees.

We will not delve into the intricacies of the menu of restaurants and cuisines, but we will decide important question: "How and where to choose and buy, and possibly make your own smokehouse for home use?"

Types of electric smokers

As we figured out, there are two types of smokehouses. This:

  1. Campfires with "smoke" - the same brazier, fireplace and stone, brick and metal stoves. They are sometimes made hastily from iron buckets and barrels, boxes made of thick stainless steel and simple "chernukha" or laid out from improvised building material with built-in grate for placing and smoking game. You can also build such a miracle smokehouse from an ordinary piece of steel pipe.
  2. Electric smokers - ovens with versatile functions, connected to 220 or 380 volt sockets and cooking food at a certain temperature.

As for home-made and street smokers, everything is clear, but you need to get to know AC smokers better. After all, in order to eat beautifully and tasty, you need to be able to properly understand them. To do this, it is enough to study the functions of the electric furnace and choose the right one when buying. Consider the following brands of electric smokers:

  • RoyalSmoke - for both home and industrial use.
  • "Sikom" - barbecue with grill and electric rotating skewers.
  • Fansel - for home cooking dishes of any complexity of smoking.
  • Iterma - for both hot and cold processing of meat and fish in the apartment.
  • Istoma Big Smack - an oven for processing and smoking food from electricity in the apartment and in the office dining room.
  • Alto Shaam is a multi-section smokehouse for home use and catering kitchens.
  • Napoleon APOLLO is a grilling and smoking unit from a Canadian manufacturer.
  • Green Glade - for barbecues and grills in small spaces.

Also on the market are all kinds of ovens and cabinets, barbecues and stainless steel chests, blowers and grates, coal, oxygen and wood, multi-tiered and single-level, with and without fillers. A huge number of Russian and foreign electric smokehouses can be purchased in specialized online and offline stores.

Cooking in an electric cold smoked smokehouse

To subject the game to a quick or long smoking treatment, you need to know the rules and technology. And today we will discuss two ways of cooking. But first, hot and cold smoked electric smokehouses should already be installed and connected in the kitchen. With their help, you can develop an entire industry in the field of small business, cook meat and fish not only for yourself, but also for people.

The first, most time-consuming and responsible technique is cold smoking of products. It implies a long processing process for 7 days of chopped pieces of meat from 2 to 4 kilograms at a low temperature of up to 20 degrees Celsius. The carcasses in the electric box are dried slowly, freed from moisture and soaked with smoke substances, due to which the product is preserved.

The smoker itself needs proper supervision during operation. It is necessary to maintain and adjust the regimens so that they remain normal, and monitor the products. Thus, at the end of cooking, the food will be stored for a long time in the refrigerator or freezer and used for its intended purpose.

Cooking in an electric hot smoked smokehouse

Everything is much easier with hot processing. This is where the factor plays an important role. fast food and you don't have to wait long. Naturally, the temperature in the oven is set much higher than with cold smoking, and about 50 to 100 degrees heat.

Game, it should already be pickled, cleaned of hair, hard skin and rubbed with spices. After about 2-6 hours, depending on the meat, such food is pulled out of the oven and served immediately. If you fry poultry or fish, then the smoking process takes from 20 to 40 minutes. At home, with a quick method of hot cooking, you also need to monitor the products and every 10-15 minutes turn them over on tiered grates, sprinkle with water or wine (to taste). Accordingly, the parameters of the grill cabinet also need to be monitored.

Electric smokers at home

Electric smokers for home smoking are replete with many features, and they are easy to adapt to any feast. Some brands of such devices are suitable for installation not only in the kitchen, but also with the help of extension cords on balconies, verandas, country loggias and even outdoors, where you can smoke food.

The electric grill has an automatic start of the timer for a certain time, after which it turns off and signals the meal. Also, ovens and smokehouses from the mains have toggle switches for setting temperature conditions, in which marinated relish is prepared.

Production electric smokehouses

Industrial electric smokehouses are much more energy-resourceful than home ones and require large capacities. Food is loaded into them in large quantities, up to almost 200 kilograms at a time. But such cabinets exist in order to process a lot of meat, poultry and fish.

They are supervised by trained operators during operation. That's why technological process cold and hot smoking does not stop even for an hour, only perhaps in those minutes when it is necessary to load fresh carcasses in containers to continue the heat treatment.

More about factory and home electric smokehouses

And, of course, let's analyze in more detail how home and factory ovens for cooking smoked delicacies differ. In terms of direction and method of work, almost nothing. But their characteristics are very different.

  1. Firstly, production smokehouses are mostly stationary, that is, not mobile or portable, and take up much more space in specially equipped workshops. There are transportable models on wheels, if the farmer prepares with departure to the points of residence. And homemade electric smokehouses can be carried in your hands and rearranged from place to place. Also, home stoves huddle on small space, without blocking the passage, somewhere in the corner or on the kitchen table.
  2. Secondly, the service life of stationary boxes is regulated by tens of years and is designed for huge loads of fabricated products. And for budget home appliances, the guarantee lasts no more than a year, and here everything depends on the ability to handle them and on the responsibility of the owners.

What is a grill and how is it cooked?

With this approach, the edible is evenly heated from all sides, excess moisture and fat are rendered, and the meat becomes juicy and soft. A grill is also called food clamped on both sides by grates, which is close to the heat source and is processed almost simultaneously on all sides. Over the fire, a shmat pressed between metal grates is turned every 10 minutes, changing the top with the bottom. The barbecue is taken from here and repeats the full design of cooking according to the classics of the grill, only in smaller sizes. In nature, with this method, coal and firewood are used, and in kitchens, propane or electricity is used.

Where is it more comfortable - in nature or in the kitchen?

Well, here it is better to choose personally, based on convenience, the reception of guests and personal desire - to whom and in what place it pleases to hold delicious gatherings with fried meat. In nature, of course, there is romance and specific effects of smell and taste. In stone and iron smokehouses on wood or coal, they say, the food is much softer, juicier and tastier. Based on experience, one can agree with this statement, but on the other hand, the electric smokehouses that exist today are equipped with everything necessary to cook chicken legs or pork in French just as ruddy and appetizing.

What are the advantages of home electric smokehouses?

After reading reviews of electric smokehouses on the Internet, we can conclude that if you take good model in the middle price category and adapt it for constant cooking of meat and fish dishes, then it will not only be tasty, but also economical. There is no need to prepare coal with firewood, and immediately after connecting such a device to the AC mains, there will be a wonderful breakfast, lunch and dinner on the table.

What electric smokehouse to buy for the house?

It’s better to spend money once, but to buy a test item for the home - this rule applies specifically to home electric smokers for an apartment. The more expensive and significant the brand, the more likely that this device has passed a full and accurate test at the manufacturer and is able to smoke a day for you and night a variety of the most delicious food.

Smoked products have a bright and memorable taste. In almost every home there is some kind of smoked meat. It is good if it is prepared with your own hands, because not everyone is ready to entrust their health to the products offered in stores. Everyone knows that they are not dietary product, and those sold in stores contain a large amount of harmful preservatives and additives. The question arises: how to reduce the potential harm of your favorite products, while maintaining their taste and aroma? Way out - . An electric smoker will do the job perfectly. But how to make it yourself?

Video on how to smoke products in an electric smokehouse:

Electric smoker for the most delicious dishes

Having made electric, you can cook, and, moreover, also with your own hands.

The principle of its work

Smoking itself is the treatment of the product with hot smoke from smoldering sawdust of various tree species. Due to the peculiarities of cooking (product dehydration occurs), your dish will have more, and the smoke from sawdust will give a special flavor.

What is the difference between hot smoking and cold smoking?

Hot smoking differs from cold smoking in temperature and processing time of the product. In the first case, the temperature is +45-120 degrees and the procedure takes only a few hours, in the second - 20-25 degrees and several days. Most often, hot smoking is used, because the result is achieved much faster, but it is stored longer, not covered with mucus, like store-bought ones. But how long can such yummy be stored? No, I want to eat it as soon as possible!

Making a smokehouse is easy

Making an electric smokehouse with your own hands is not so difficult, the main thing is desire. If you figure it out, then for this you need a container with a tight-fitting lid. The case is preferably made of metal. A grate is attached to the upper part, on which products for smoking are laid out. It is important that they lie in one layer, not overlapping each other. Under the grate it is necessary to install a tray where the fat will drain. Sawdust or wood chips are poured into the bottom of the grate. When heated, the chips begin to smolder, releasing smoke, which processes the products lying on the grid. This is the basic principle of smoking. But how to make such an electric smokehouse?

Do-it-yourself electric smoker with a refrigerator

Video about the universal electric smokehouse:

There is a fairly simple way to achieve the desired goal, even without special skills and knowledge in electrics. For this you will need old refrigerator, preferably small size, and a conventional electric stove. Firstly, it is necessary to remove the cooling unit and insulating components, and secondly, to drill a small number of holes through which the steam will escape. The fat collection tray can be made from sheet metal. You can also use a regular heat-resistant baking sheet, the baking sheets that come with the old ones work especially well. gas stoves. The pallet with sawdust must be placed on an electric stove, and the less air will flow to the sawdust, the less likely it is to ignite. At the same time, such a smokehouse does not require constant duty, and it will take up little space.

Be sure to conduct a series of tests. Over time, you will achieve ideal results by balancing the height of the grate with food and the time of the cooking process.

It must be remembered that there is no such thing as a lot of smoke in smoking, and if it is not enough, add wood chips.
