Camellia is a shrub or tree, a member of the tea family. Some varieties grow up to 15 meters. The original leaves and large flowers of this plant were the reason for its adaptation to cultivation in room conditions. There are several varieties of shrubs - Chinese, mountain, Japanese camellia. Care and cultivation at home have their own subtleties. You will learn about them from this article.

Decorative views are really very good. These are tall plants, in autumn winter period covered with many large flowers of different colors. She is often called Chinese rose for the similarity of colors in appearance and smell. The camellia leaf is dense, with a glossy surface, so the decorative qualities of the plant are high not only during flowering.

In an apartment with good, attentive care, it grows up to 4 meters in height. There are many varieties, but not all of them are suitable for an apartment. The following types are considered the best varieties for growing at home:

  • Japanese. In nature, it is widely distributed in Japan, China, Korea. The highest variety, which is a full-fledged tree up to 15 meters high. Japanese camellia is interesting for its pointed glossy leaves, which are so smooth that they glare in the sun. Decorative varieties of Japanese camellia form a fairly compact bush or tree.

  • Mountain. No less beautiful shrub with upright or hanging shoots. The leaves are ovate with a slight pubescence on the underside. It blooms from early autumn to mid-winter, the flowers exude a delicate aroma.

  • Mesh. The flower of the camellia net in diameter reaches 20 cm. In some varieties, the flowers have multi-colored strokes and overflows. They are called chimeras.

  • Chinese. It is also called the tea bush. The leaves are elliptical with a serrated edge. There are many flowers - 2-3 pieces in the bosom.

Williams hybrids, bred by crossing two species - reticulated and Japanese, deserve special attention. Their distinguishing feature- resistance to negative factors.

Advice! If you do not want to pay too much attention to the plant, choose a mountain camellia. It is characterized by restrained growth and ease of shaping.

Features and rules of cultivation

Houseplant camellia, despite the beauty, is not too common. This is due to the difficulties of growing it at home. Inexperienced flower growers often face the death of a flowering and outwardly healthy plant some time after purchase. For the proper growth of the plant, you need to create the appropriate conditions for it:

  1. Lighting and location. This is a photophilous plant, but it must be protected from direct sun. It grows well on the windowsills of windows facing west, east or on the floor next to them. The tub or pot of camellia is periodically rotated to uniformly form the crown.
  2. Temperature. The main difficulties in growing arise from the need to maintain the optimum temperature. Without it, she will simply disappear. For each season, flower growers recommend adhering to a certain temperature regime. In summer, the optimum temperature is from +20 to +25°C, in spring from +13 to +17°C, in winter from +5 to +8°C, in autumn from +15 to +16°C. You can create such conditions only if there is a glazed balcony in the apartment.
  3. The soil. Soil for camellia is better to choose acidic soil with a pH value of 4.5-5. The recommended composition is one part of humus and peat and half as much fine sand. You can use ready-made soils for rhododendrons or directly camellias, consisting of peat, perlite, crushed bark and fine sand.
  4. Watering. Regular but moderate watering is recommended. Excess moisture is unacceptable. It is better to take soft water - snow, rain or settled for 1-3 days. In summer, during the period of laying buds, the frequency and intensity of irrigation is limited.
  5. Humidity. The flower responds gratefully to air humidification. It is recommended to systematically spray it from a spray bottle, using soft water for this. There is another way - the pot is placed on a pallet filled with expanded clay, decorative pebbles and a small amount of water. Flowering plants are sprayed carefully, avoiding water on the flowers. Purchasing a humidifier will simplify the task of maintaining high humidity.
  6. Top dressing. Feed the plant during the period of active growth, using mineral and organic fertilizers. Camellia responds well to watering with a solution of chicken manure of very low concentration. Top dressing is completely stopped during the formation of buds.
  7. Pruning and crown shaping. Shaping allows you to get more beautiful and neat bushes by thinning the crown or stimulating the growth of buds in the axils. Pruning is recommended towards the end of the flowering period.

Important! Proper Care behind the camellia is to create favorable temperature conditions. In winter, the plant needs cold, in the apartment it will quickly die. Therefore, in winter, the camellia should be kept on a glazed balcony at a temperature not higher than + 10 ... + 15 ° C.

Camellia transplant

Due to the developed root system, camellias need to be transplanted into a larger container once every 2-3 years. The soil for planting should be light and acidic. The use of heavy soil will lead to difficulty in breathing the root system, its decay as a result of high humidity. Lime and alkaline soils are unsuitable for growing camellias - the plant quickly dies in them.

In order not to damage the roots, the plant is transferred to a larger pot along with a clod of earth, filling up in free space fresh potting mix. The first days after transplanting, the camellia should be sprayed daily and monitor soil moisture. Adding a small amount of hydrogel to the soil will help maintain optimal moisture, avoiding root rot.

As for the timing of the transplant, the opinions of flower growers differ. Some believe that the optimal period is the end of flowering. Others prefer to transplant camellias during flowering. The second option has a drawback - the flowers will inevitably suffer. It is forbidden to transplant camellias during the period of active growth, which begins in April and ends in autumn.

Advice! It is best to grow camellias in oak tubs and unglazed ceramic pots. Be sure to choose a large container for the harmonious development of the root system.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction of camellia is usually carried out by cuttings. This is the easiest but effective method get a plant with unchanged characteristics of the variety. In addition to cuttings, planting with seeds and grafting are sometimes used.

  1. Reproduction by seeds. Camellia can only be grown from seeds that are sold in specialized stores. When the camellia is propagated by seeds that are independently collected from the plant, it will lose the original characteristics of the variety. Sowing seeds is carried out in boxes, laying them out on the surface of light moistened soil. From above, the seeds should be lightly sprinkled with soil mixture. To speed up germination, the boxes are covered with polyethylene or glass and placed in heat. Seedlings dive into separate pots when true leaves appear.
  2. Cuttings. Apical stiff cuttings are taken from adult plants in July or January. The length of the cutting is 6-8 cm with 3-5 leaves is considered optimal. The cuttings are briefly soaked in a solution of heteroauxin, after which they are planted in a moistened mixture of sand and peat. For fast rooting, a temperature of about 20-23°C is required. After about 2 months, they are planted in separate pots.

Diseases and pests

Camellia is a capricious plant, with inappropriate care, it gets sick and suffers from pests.

  • The appearance of brownish spots on flowers and black-gray spots on leaves indicates fungal disease. Fungicides are used to control it.
  • Worms and aphids can completely destroy the young shoots of the plant. To get rid of them, they are treated with insecticides.
  • Appearance brown spots on the leaves in the summer speaks of a sunburn.
  • Falling leaves indicate a lack or excess of moisture in the soil.

Camellia requires constant care, but the time spent is fully paid off by the very beautiful and long flowering of the plant.

It is no coincidence that a beautiful, but soulless flower - the camellia has earned a reputation as touchy with a cold heart. When in bloom, it is perfect, but has no fragrance, and its petals seem to be made of wax. Like a real sleeping beauty, she opens her buds, only falling into a state of rest, often demonstrates her character and not everyone allows herself to be tamed.

But, as in life, impregnable appearance can be deceiving. Understanding the physiological characteristics of the plant, creating right conditions Camellia is very easy to grow. And we will prove it by revealing the secrets of a capricious at first glance flower.

Subtropical plant that does not like the tropics

Warm ocean currents and wet monsoons determine Japan's climate. On most islands, it is warm and humid, turning south into subtropics and tropics. In winter, the temperature rarely drops below zero, snow here is a curiosity.

The flora of Japan is represented by a wide variety of evergreen trees and shrubs. Vast forests consist of cypresses and magnolias, tree ferns and scalloped oaks, and under their canopy are thickets of rhododendrons and beautiful camellias, which the Japanese adore and grow in special natural gardens, as you can see in the photo below.

In addition to Japan, the plant is common in the subtropical zone of China, Korea, and Vietnam. There are mountain species of shrubs that are more hardy and feel great in the open sun.

Camellia came to Europe about 200 years ago. It was brought by the Czech botanist Georg Kamel, who is engaged in missionary and medical activities in the Philippines. In his honor, the "Japanese rose" was named. He, unfortunately, did not find out about this, since the indicated event took place 30 years after his death.

What does it look like?

Camellia is a member of the Tea family. Yes, yes, one of the species of this plant is called the tea bush, and its leaves serve as raw materials for the preparation of one of the most popular drinks.

In nature, it is an evergreen shrub or a small tree 10–15 m high. Leaves on short petioles, alternate, elliptical in shape, serrated along the edge, like a rose. They are quite dense and so glossy that they reflect the sun's rays, letting out "bunnies". Due to the leathery dark green foliage, the bush looks very elegant even without flowers.

Flowers solitary, large, 12–15 cm in diameter. In nature, they are simple or semi-double, mostly red or white color. The cultural assortment is represented by a wide variety of terry forms and shades. Among them there are surprisingly graceful specimens, for example, the Middlebury pink camellia, the petals of which resemble neatly laid tiles.

Under natural conditions, camellia blooms from January to March, but in some modern hybrids this period is extended to six months - from November to May.

Another unusual feature of the Japanese rose is the gradual withering of the flower, which falls off in its entirety, while retaining its bright colors. The bush always looks neat - no withered, withered flowers with crumbling petals.

Loves, dislikes - natural preferences of camellia

Camellia is a plant intended for open ground in its natural environment, it is grown indoors because of our cold climate. And since the plant is subtropical, then they try to create greenhouse conditions for it. This is precisely the main mistake. To better understand the preferences of a flower, consider what kind of environment it is used to, and how this affected its physiology.

  1. The plant loves the weather warm, but not hot, humid, without sharp seasonal fluctuations. In its natural environment, an evergreen shrub hibernates in the temperature range of 7–10⁰ plus, if a cold snap occurs, then it is short-term and not strong.

    In our latitudes, the camellia painlessly endures summer, but there are problems with winter. On the street - it is unacceptable (the minimum temperature that it can withstand is 10⁰ frost), in a room at + 20–25⁰ C it is too hot.

  2. In nature, the shrub grows under the canopy of the forest, in the lacy shade of taller neighbors. Prefers diffused light, long daylight hours. In the room, the window sills of the eastern and northern windows are suitable for the flower.
  3. The monsoon climate of the homeland of the plant provides high humidity. Like orchids, garden camellia loves spraying, as well as having sources of moisture evaporation nearby.
  4. Growing in the undergrowth with a lot of coniferous trees determines the composition of the soil. It is light, airy, with an acidic reaction (pH 4.5–5.5). Pillow made of coniferous-deciduous litter gets wet well, but does not retain water.

To summarize, the main preferences of a houseplant are a lot of diffused light, low positive temperatures during flowering, acidic loose soil and good air humidity.

Accordingly, the open sun depresses the culture, keeping in winter in warm room, unsuitable planting substrate, lack of moisture.

Features of the annual development cycle

We love flowers outside of school hours. We “deceive” the bulbous ones by forcing them to bloom in winter, but there is a whole group of plants for which this is a natural stage of the annual cycle. Our heroine is one of them.

  • The growth period of the garden camellia begins with the general awakening of nature - in April-May. At this time, it increases the vegetative mass, strengthens the root system. Shoot growth continues until mid-summer.
  • Bookmarking starts around August flower buds.
  • In mid-autumn, buds appear, which will open only with the onset of a suitable temperature regime.
  • At the beginning of winter, the plant blooms, but at the same time all other organs (shoots, leaves, roots) stop growing.

In fact, camellia is a flower that blooms during sleep, which makes it more difficult to care for it at home.

camellia family

In European countries with mild winters, flowering shrubs and trees can be found right on the street. Moreover, American breeders have bred many frost-resistant crop varieties that can withstand a significant drop in temperature to minus. In gardens and greenhouses, the following types are most common.

camellia japonica

It is a vigorous spreading shrub with strong branches and glossy dark green leaves. In Japan, it is often grown in the form of a tree, and bonsai trees are formed in room culture. In nature, buds laid in autumn open in January-February. The flowers are large (ø 5–13 cm), with dense, waxy petals, odorless.

It was this type of camellia that served as the genetic basis for many varieties and hybrids of the plant:

  • varieties with simple red flowers - Ashya, Christmas;
  • red terry camellias - Adolphe Adyuson, Clifford Parks, Royal Velvet, Fred Sander, Cochetti;
  • hybrids with white double flowers - Nobilissima, Duchess de Bari, Alba Simplex;
  • pink varieties - Dr. Tinsley, Pink Perfection, Otoma Tsubaki.

The latest "peak of fashion" in the selection of camellias is the breeding of varieties with variegated petals.

In our country, this species is better known as the tea bush. evergreen shrub with a dense spreading crown grows to a height of 10 m. The leaves are slightly elongated, leathery, dark green on the front side, somewhat lighter on the reverse side. In mid-autumn, the bush is covered with simple white flowers with a yellow core, consisting of many anthers. Unlike the odorless camellia japonica shown in the photo above, this is a species with a slight tea aroma.

Sasankva (mountain view)

Sasankwa, growing on the mountainous wooded slopes of the Japanese Islands, is a lignified shrub with thin hanging branches, rarely exceeds 2.5–3 m in height. Its leaves are much smaller in comparison with other species, but in shape, the density of the leaf blade is the same - glossy and leathery. The flowers are large, simple, on a short petiole - it seems that they are literally stuck to the shoot.

Sasankva is distinguished by its endurance to sub-zero temperatures and light-loving, therefore, it was with her participation that varieties of frost-resistant camellia were bred (pictured below). Popular hybrids are Empress, Cleopatra, Chansonnier. Although bush camellia is intended for open ground, it also feels good in room culture.

Camellia reticulata (netted)

This type of camellia is often called tree-like, due to the fact that it grows as a tree and is able to rise up to 20 m. In addition, it has the largest flowers - up to 20 cm in diameter. Breeders are very fond of reticulum, creating with its participation unique large-flowered hybrids. Thus, when crossing K. japanese and reticulated, excellent new varieties were obtained, separated into a separate group of Williams hybrids.

Williams hybrid group

Varieties and hybrids of Williams are superior in many respects raw material taken for crossing. Their flowering period lasts longer than that of Japanese K., they are more hardy, do not shed their petals, the flower fades entirely on the bush. The assortment includes semi-double and double hybrids, red, pink, white, variegated camellias. Plants are tall, in our climate they are best grown in tubs or greenhouses, winter gardens.

The subtleties of growing and care at room conditions

Camellia garden in temperate latitudes is cultivated indoors, so we will consider the features of planting and caring for a plant in a city apartment or a private house.

The way home

Autumn-early winter is the peak of camellia sales. If you were given a flower, the first thing to do is carefully inspect it.

  • In a healthy plant, the foliage is clean, dark green, the buds do not dry out, the flowers have dense elastic petals.
  • The root neck is located flush with the soil.
  • The substrate should be wet, but at the same time crumble in the hands.

Even if something is wrong with the plant, do not rush to replant, let it adapt to a new place, get used to the microclimate of the room.

But the right conditions must be created from the first day.

For camellia japonica, namely its hybrids are sold more often than others, diffused light is needed. In the cold season, a window sill, a glazed balcony on the north or east side is suitable. With the onset of spring, the plant will be uncomfortable close to the glass, possible sunburn, so it is better to keep it at some distance from the window.

A common option for summer flower maintenance is in the garden. Pots with a plant are added dropwise in the lacy penumbra of trees, where there is a lot of diffused light. They are accustomed to the open air gradually, first taking them out for several hours. Return to the room with the onset of low, but positive! temperatures.

The second vital condition is the temperature regime. The main enemy of flowering camellia is city heating; so that she does not get sick, in winter she needs a temperature in the range of 10–12⁰ C. Therefore, feel free to get a delightful flower if you have a glazed loggia, a cool veranda or a winter garden.

In summer, the plant feels comfortable at a temperature of 20–25⁰ C, with a good supply of fresh air it will withstand hotter days. The temperature should be gradually lowered from about mid-autumn - this has a beneficial effect on the laying of flower buds.

The third condition is high humidity. The ideal mode (90%) can be created in the greenhouse, in the room this figure is slightly lower. Achieve it with the help of a special humidifier. If there is none, spraying is carried out, a vessel with water is placed next to the pot so that evaporation occurs.


Camellia is picky about watering - this is the element of care, the subtleties of which you need to know both at room conditions and when growing crops in the garden. Here are the basic rules.

  1. For irrigation, it is recommended to use warm and soft water (rain, melt, purified).
  2. Always water moderately, avoiding excessive drying and waterlogging of the coma. Marker - wet substrate crumbles.
  3. The plant requires more frequent watering during the period of vegetative growth (spring-summer), less - during the dormant period (flowering) - the end of autumn, winter.
  4. After watering, excess water is removed from the pan.

top dressing

Flowering exhausts the plant. With its end, feeding begins. It is best to use professional fertilizers for camellias, azaleas, rhododendrons, in which the complex of nutrients is already balanced for needs. The frequency of top dressing is 1 time in two weeks, all the time while the shoots are growing. From August, top dressing is stopped - this is a signal for laying generative buds and forcing buds

Transplantation, soil mixture selection

Camellia flower is usually transplanted every 2-3 years. The approach to choosing a planting container is the same as for other indoor plants - 1 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Plastic pots retain moisture well.

It is better to purchase a ready-made soil mixture, intended for camellias, azaleas. Its main property is an acidic reaction. Compound:

  • riding (sour) peat;
  • rotted coniferous litter;
  • leaf land;
  • perlite;
  • coarse river sand.

Before transplanting, the flower is freed from the old substrate, the roots are slightly “combed”, removing rotten parts. A shard is placed on the drainage hole, drainage is poured (expanded clay, stones), it is sprinkled with a layer of coarse-grained sand, and then the landing goes directly. The substrate is pre-moistened, after planting it is watered so that it better covers the roots.

The most suitable time for transplantation is the end of flowering.

Is pruning necessary?

If you are not cultivating a bonsai, the plant needs minimal pruning. What and when is cut?

  • Shoots that spoil the appearance of the crown.
  • Twigs that grow inward and interfere with others.
  • The tip of the shoot, if it is necessary to stimulate its branching.

Pruning is desirable to carry out before the start of vegetative growth, i.e. in the spring. You can not combine transplanting and pruning a flower, this will complicate its restoration.

Reproduction of camellia

Camellia is propagated by cuttings and grown from seeds.

Cuttings allow you to save the variety of culture. Cuttings are cut from green (non-lignified) apical shoots. You can do this at any time of the year, but better in summer. The length of the stalk is 6–8 cm with 3–5 leaves, which are cut in half to reduce the evaporation area.

For rooting, a wet mixture of coarse sand and peat is prepared (in half), the cut of the cutting is treated with a root or other stimulant, planted at an angle of 45⁰. The dishes with cuttings are covered with a transparent cap on top, under which they will be until the roots appear - and this is 3-4 months. The mini-parnichok is regularly ventilated, moistened, and maintained at a temperature of 20–25⁰ C.

The second option is to grow camellia from seeds at home. But we must remember that with this method, 80% of the signs of the mother plant are preserved.

Seeds are sown in the same mixture as for cuttings. Seeds are placed at a distance of 5–7 cm, sprinkled with a substrate, moistened and sent under a transparent cap for germination. Seedlings with two real leaves dive into small pots already with full-fledged soil.

Camellia seeds contain a lot of oils, so they germinate while fresh. It is better to sow them immediately after ripening, in the spring and summer months. If it becomes necessary to save the seeds, they are placed in peat, perlite, put in a refrigerator or lowered into the basement - the temperature is not higher than 10⁰ C.

Japanese rose in the garden

With the advent of frost-resistant varieties of bush camellia, it is tempting to grow it in the garden, in which case planting and care have their own nuances.

It is encouraging that individual hybrids can withstand up to 20⁰ frost. But don't forget that it's winter. flowering plant. Yes, the roots will withstand sub-zero temperatures, perhaps even some of the shoots will survive, but the shrub will not bloom in the cold. We are talking, firstly, about a short-term decrease in temperature, and secondly, in order for the bush to bloom, positive temperatures must be established by the end of January. So, whatever one may say, it is possible to grow camellia in our garden only in the south

Planting requirements are similar to indoor ones - partial shade, acidic soil, abundant watering. But since the plant remains to winter in the ground, it is recommended to insulate the root zone with mulching materials - foliage, sawdust, crushed bark. If during flowering there is a threat of frost, it is recommended to wrap the camellia crown with lutrasil at night.

We tried to outline all the nuances of growing a flower culture. If you remember and observe them, camellia will conquer you with refined grace, and will not be capricious at all.

Tips for growing camellia japonica:

Behind garden camellias, identification with roses has taken root, only those that bloom in winter, when all plants are sleeping. Although the similarity of these two colors lies only in their appearance: splendor and form. But the garden camellia in its agricultural technology differs from other ornamental shrubs, planting and caring for it are special.

Frost-resistant camellia varieties

To date, among the many cultivated varieties of camellias, there are also varieties that are adapted to the winter cold. They can be grown outdoors even in areas where winters are severe.

Just for success to be justified, you, as a gardener, will need to carefully select the growing conditions and ensure careful care for the camellia. And then the beauty of the blooming camellia will pay back all the efforts.

Camellia as a species combines a lot of varieties with a wide variety of forms: from small shrubs to huge trees.

But frost-resistant varieties of camellia have been bred for hundreds of years, and only in the 21st century seedlings of crops that can grow on open soil even in frosty winters began to massively spread. The following best frost-resistant varieties of camellia can be distinguished:

All of them begin to bloom in spring, and even in winter they retain their foliage.

Camellia varieties - seemingly fragile and delicate purple-pink ornamental shrub. The rounded flower petals vaguely resemble an orchid. The flower is 10 cm in diameter.

This variety is very slow-growing, forgiving of small missteps in care and suitable even for novice gardeners or those who have no experience growing camellias. The lush dark green crown only emphasizes the luxurious scattering of large bright flowers.

Camellia cultivar also has purplish- pink flowers, only more saturated colors. Unlike the previous variety, Debbie grows quickly, and her abundance of flowering does not suffer at all.

Her flowers are smaller and more double, and the petals are rounded, but in general, these two varieties are very similar. Debbie is not afraid of either precipitation or late snow, she does not require complex care and is very well suited for getting to know the world of camellias.

The Japanese camellia variety blooms with pearly pink buds with overflows. But flowers are actually chameleons. With further blooming, they turn white.

This is a slender ornamental shrub with elongated branches and a dense crown. Camellia grows slowly and mostly upwards, adding a little in crown diameter.

Camellia flowers are red in color with a slight coral overflow and a silky texture. This is a real work of art among plants, decorated with bright stamens.

The branching of Freedom Bell is very dense, straight growth and large beautiful glossy leaves. This variety tolerates pruning very well. In case of deformation and freezing of the shoots, they can be shortened without fear.

The Japanese camellia is strikingly different from the previous variety with its bright and variegated red flowers. White and scarlet spots stand out interestingly on them. White streaks on the petals increase as the buds open.

Did you know? To date, more than 10,000 species and varieties of camellias are known.

How to buy a young seedling in a store

It is better not to purchase camellia seedlings in advance, but to buy immediately before planting. Choose only those seedlings that are at least four years old. They should have powerful lignified shoots.

If you purchase a frost-resistant variety, check its properties in the store. The supplier must provide full information on the possibility of growing camellias in regions with snowy and frosty winters and on the range of tolerable temperatures.

The meaning of this is that the variety, although frost-resistant, but a certain batch of seedlings can be grown in milder climatic conditions. And this can turn into disastrous consequences for the camellia in the very first winter.

Confirm the cold hardiness of each plant you purchase by asking leading questions to the seller/supplier.

Planting a garden camellia

A gardener planting camellias must know where it is best to plant it, how to properly care for it, what soil should be, how much to water it and in what quantities to feed it. The full life of a shrub begins with its landing in open ground.

Planting dates in open ground

Camellia planting must be done in the period from the twentieth of April to the tenth of June.

How to choose a place to land

For camellias, moderate and humid conditions are most preferred. climatic conditions. For planting in other regions, the plant must undergo adaptation. Further cultivation camellias in the garden should begin with choosing a shady place where strong winds do not penetrate.

The east side and constant exposure to direct sunlight do not have a beneficial effect on camellia. The shrub will grow well in partial shade or in constant shade - just not in the dark.

For the emergence of buds, camellia needs cool air and a short daylight hours. Camellia flower buds are laid at a temperature of 17 to 20 ° C, and bloom - from 8 to 13 ° C.

How to prepare the soil for planting a seedling

The optimal soil can be prepared independently. It is enough to mix peat soil, sand, coniferous litter and ground bark. You can buy ready-made soil in the store, which is intended for growing azaleas and rhododendrons.

Often a purchased camellia is planted in the country. In this case, you need to opt for a flowering copy. During this period, the plant is in a state of rest, and with the accumulated forces of camellia, it will be easier to transfer adaptation to a new habitat.

The shrub must be carefully removed from the container, keeping the fragile roots intact. When planting a camellia, do not deeply deepen its root collar into the soil.

But do not leave the root system too close to the surface, because there is a high probability that the plant will die at the first onset of frost. After planting the camellia, water it abundantly and mulch it.

Did you know? One of the ancient legends says that beautiful maidens from Saturn were turned into camellias, who did not succumb to the spell of the god of love, Cupid. In memory of this, camellias are symbolized with coldness and insensibility.

Features of caring for camellia in the garden

Despite its unpretentiousness, garden camellia needs mandatory and proper regular care.

Watering and feeding plants

When watering the camellia during flowering, make sure that water does not fall on the buds or flowers. In summer, the plant needs regular moisture, which must be produced very generously. In winter, the intensity of watering should be significantly moderated.

But it also happens that the camellia sheds leaves, and sometimes buds, what to do in this case? Firstly, this is the very first sign that the soil is either not sufficiently moistened or poorly fertilized. The solution is obvious - the normalization of watering and improving the quality of top dressing.

Important! Camellia growing in the garden is demanding on the composition of water and its quality. Do not water the plant with water that contains lime. For this purpose, soft, well-settled water is best suited.

Camellia needs high-quality top dressing, especially in spring, during the formation of new shoots, when the active period of its growth begins. Feed until the end of summer twice a month.

Important! Don't overdo it with feeding. The root system of camellia does not require a large amount of food. Feed the plant only when the soil is well moistened.

You need to introduce top dressing only based on organic matter and mineral fertilizers. You can buy them at any store that specializes in gardening. When summer season is replaced by autumn and new buds are formed, feeding can be stopped.

Overfeeding the plant will cause it to grow at the right time to rest. In this case, an adult camellia can suffer greatly, and a young one can freeze completely.

Pruning and transplant

Camellia should be transplanted during its rest period, namely with the onset of winter. There are two active periods of plant growth:

  1. The first - from the beginning of April and for three weeks.
  2. The second - from the beginning of July until autumn.

Important! Transplanting a camellia in the growth phase is fraught with disastrous consequences: the plant can stop its growth or even die.

With proper care for a young plant, it should be transplanted annually. And during the flowering period, camellias need to be transplanted to a new place every two years.

For greater density and branching, camellia shoots need to be pinched during transplantation. To stimulate bud formation, you need to cut the camellia in mid-autumn.

Camellia is unpretentious regarding pruning, but it will only be useful if pruned at the end of the flowering period. If the bush has been cut too much, then it will need more thorough care. The affected shrub will need to be moistened more often.

Preparing the bush for winter

IN summer period camellia grows in the garden, for the winter it can be dug up and transferred to the wintering place indoors. It is quite difficult to save a shrub, since heating has a bad effect on the plant.

The best place for camellia, it is a warm balcony or any other room with conditions similar to a cold greenhouse.

In winter, the flowering of camellia is the most intense, but this is achieved only at a night temperature of 0 ... + 5 ° С. This is the main factor in which garden camellia blooms most intensively and for a long time.

Reproduction of camellias at home

Camellia can be propagated like most other plants: by seeds, layering, grafting and cuttings.

Garden camellias reproduce best with half-lignified cuttings, which are cut closer to August. The stalk should be with five leaves, about 8 cm long.

How to root camellia? Her stalk must be planted in sand or a mixture of sand and peat soil in a ratio of 1: 1. The end of the cutting is dipped in a phytohormone, which helps to better heat the soil.

Its temperature should be about 25 degrees. Under such conditions, the cutting will take root for two months.

Be sure to take only semi-lignified cuttings. Green young shoots are not suitable for propagation. Rooted cuttings are planted in separate pots.


The seed method of propagation of camellia is the most effective. When should you plant camellia seeds? They ripen by mid-autumn. Seeds must be sown immediately after harvest, otherwise their germination will quickly be lost due to the high oil content.

Sow seeds in a mixture of peat and sand in wooden boxes. Seedling growth accelerates at 20°C and lasts from several weeks to one year. Then, with the appearance of two leaves, the seedlings dive one by one into separate pots with a diameter of 7 cm.

Seed-grown camellias adapt much better to harsh conditions and grow faster.

Usually the plant blooms in the fifth or seventh year, but some varieties bloom already in the second or third.

Did you know? Camellias appeared in Europe in 1738 thanks to the Jesuit monk Joseph Kamel. In his honor, the plant began to be called "camellia".

Frequent growing problems, possible diseases and pests of camellias

Camellia diseases can be both treated and prevented, the main thing is to know the methods of control and prevention.

Yellow spotting. Individual leaves and shoots of the plant are covered yellow spots various shapes. The disease can manifest itself as a result of genetic abnormalities, and under the influence of viral diseases.

How to fight: mother liquors must be carefully selected. Plants with even the smallest signs of yellow spot should be removed.

Phyllostictiosis. The leaves are covered with brown spots of irregular shape. This disease is manifested as a result of high humidity and damage to the foliage.

How to fight: affected leaves must be removed. For the fastest drying of the plant, the humidity of the air must be reduced. Before the onset of winter, camellia should be treated with one of the preparations: Saporol, blue vitriol, Bordeaux mixture, Abiga Peak.

Weevil-mower. This pest can be identified by the leaves gnawed at the edges. The larvae of this insect are much more dangerous than the mother. They damage the root system. They look like white worms 1 cm long with a brown head.

How to fight: perfectly cope with pests Bazudin in granules, Iskra gold, Mukhoed and Medvetoks.

Shields and false shields. They damage still young shoots, and tubercles of golden or golden color are visible on the surface of the stems. Brown. Insects can be simply picked off with something thin.

How to fight: with a small lesion, you can get rid of pests with a toothbrush. After that, moisten a cotton swab in kerosene and wipe the stems. A dense film does not allow air to pass through, and insects die from asphyxia. If the lesions are more global, then the camellia should be treated with insecticides. Mineral oil works well.

The leaves of the plant throughout the mercy acquire an uneven yellow-white color. There are dark spots on the underside of the leaves. Thrips are tiny elongated yellow or brown insects that live on the underside of leaves. They appear with an increase in air temperature and an increase in humidity. Severely affected leaves dry and fall off.

How to fight: you need to hang blue sticky traps near the plants. To completely get rid of pests, camellias are sprayed with insecticides Aktara, Aktellik, Fufanon, Fitoverm, Tanrek, Iskra, etc. After five days, the treatment must be repeated, since the insects go through several stages of development.

The leaves are stained with yellow dots, which expand over time, discolor and dry out. The mites, only 0.5 mm in size, live among the cobwebs on the underside of the leaves. Ticks appear from high temperature and dry air.

How to fight: in the first stages, you can treat the camellia with soapy water or mineral oil. With a more extensive fitoverm, Akarin, Vertimek, Lightning and others will help.

The use of camellia plants in different areas

Camellias plant light cool rooms. Their flowers are great for decorating apartments and halls.

From the buds and leaves of camellias are made medications. It is young buds that are used to make drinks, as fermentation takes place in them.

Young buds and camellia leaves contain enzymes that increase the metabolic processes of the body and promote the removal of excess fat.

Phenolic compounds contained in the leaves have a calming effect and break down lipids. Thus, fewer calories enter the body. A decoction of camellia roots treats diarrhea.

All kinds of cosmetics are made on the basis of camellia seed oil. For example, lipsticks with camellia oil are applied in a thinner and lighter layer. A decoction of the leaves makes the hair more manageable and silky.

A healthy and fragrant tea is prepared from dried camellia leaves. It can also be prepared at home. Five-leaf shoots should be collected from May to September. They are laid out on a wooden board and withered for half a day.

Then they are twisted into tubes and laid out on a wet towel with a layer 7 cm thick and left for five hours. When the leaves begin to smell and take on a copper-red color, they should be dried in an oven at 50°C. Tea can be brewed.

In China, camellia leaves are used to treat dysentery, heal wounds, soothe stomach upsets, treat malaria, epilepsy, and anemia. Good for helping with fatigue.

Thanks to the tonic and astringent properties of camellia flowers, hemorrhoids are successfully and painlessly cured. A decoction of the flowers stops internal and external bleeding.

Important! Be sure to follow the dosages when taking camellia raw materials as a remedy.

And finally, I would like to understand one more question: what does the camellia flower symbolize?
For a long time, the camellia was the "flower of the samurai." Only representatives of this class could grow camellias and decorate their clothes with them. But in the 15th century, such a belief suddenly arose that a samurai who touched a camellia would inevitably be beheaded. It is explained simply.

A plucked camellia flower does not crumble when it hits the ground, and the associative fantasy of the Japanese added its own colors.

In ancient times, according to the Shinto tradition, the camellia was a symbol of the sun goddess Amaterasu, later of Jesus, with the advent of Christianity. Today, the camellia symbolizes resilience and longevity.

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183 times already

This shrub is often compared to a rose. But its beauty is special: delicate pink porcelain flowers look sophisticated and elegant. This plant in my flower garden grows a little to the side, because next to the camellia any flower fades, and it also performs the function of a hedge, since all year round covered with green and juicy foliage.

This plant is an evergreen ornamental shrubs loved and known all over the world. You can talk for hours about the aristocratic beauty of these flowers. Romantic beauties in ancient times pinned a camellia flower to their hair or dress, and this was the best decoration for woman.

  • China and Japan are considered to be the birthplace of the plant, where the camellia was grown not only because of its amazing flowers, but also its petals were added to tea, giving it an unusual taste and aroma. It is thanks to the taste that the flower gained wide popularity in antiquity.
  • The Philippines, Korea and southeast Asia are also familiar with this beautiful shrub. And he was brought to Europe for the first time and gave a description in the 18th century from the Philippines by monk George Joseph Kamelius. In honor of him, this plant bears such a name, given later by Carl Linnaeus.
  • In Germany, in a park in Dresden, there are camellia bushes that are more than 2 centuries old. And they continue to bloom and delight visitors.
  • The garden camellia also has a middle name - the Cold (Heartless) Beauty. And this name is given due to the unusual flowering period - from the second half of autumn to spring.
  • The height of the bush usually does not exceed a few meters and is increasingly used by gardeners and landscape designers as a hedge.
  • Previously, this plant could only be grown in the southern regions, since cold winters were a difficult test for the flower (-10 is the limit for camellia). But the work of breeders has borne fruit, and now it is possible to grow this amazing plant and in more northern regions, since - 25 degrees is already quite an acceptable temperature for new varieties.
  • The decorativeness of the bush is expressed not only by beautiful flowering, but also by emerald leathery and glossy leaves, which can be quite large - up to 16 - 18 cm in length. And the elongated shape gives the shrub showiness.
  • The flowers on the shrub are represented by the most different shades: white, pink, red, yellow and terry. New varieties may have variegated flowers. Depending on the variety of camellia, the size of the flowers varies from one centimeter to 12 cm.
  • Camellia blooms from autumn to spring and this is different from all plants.
  • breeds garden beauty two ways: seeds and cuttings.

Popular varieties

There are such types of camellia as oilseed, Chinese, mountain. But the best varieties and the hybrids known to us are derived from Camellia japonica.


Frost resistant variety. This shrub grows quite quickly and looks great. Against the background of dark green shiny leaves, wax bright raspberry-pink multi-petal flowers bloom. The plant is characterized by abundant and long flowering.


It differs from the previous variety in flowers larger in size and having a terry flower structure. Compared to other species and varieties, this camellia is quite unpretentious, it grows a little slower than the rest. Recommended for beginner gardeners.

Freedom Bell

The pointed, regular-shaped petals of this variety of camellia seem to be carved by a sculptor, and the scarlet color simply does not let you pass by such beauty. The bush itself has straight branches and dense, shiny, large-sized foliage of a rich green hue.


This camellia grows slowly, the shape of the bush is lush and dense, and the flowers, on the contrary, are graceful and have a pure shade of white with a yellowish core, the petals seem to be porcelain.

General Colletti

This variety is distinguished by simply unusual colors - red - white petals will bright accent and decoration of any corner of the garden or flower garden.

All these varieties remain green throughout the winter, and the flowering of each variety, although it differs in the structure of the petals and shades, no doubt confirms another camellia name - the Empress.

Preparing for landing

Before planting a camellia in open ground, you need to carefully prepare and think through everything to the smallest detail. Let's look at a few basic steps.

Choice of variety and planting material

  1. The best time to purchase seedlings and plant them in open ground is from late April to mid-July. In autumn, camellia can only be planted in the south.
  2. Seedlings should be four years old and have lignified bark on the shoots.
  3. It is recommended to purchase planting material in special nurseries and stores.
  4. Depending on the region (southern or more northern), choose the appropriate variety.
  5. Before making a purchase decision, you should inspect the bush well: the soil in the container must be clean and moist, and damage, dry or diseased shoots and leaves are unacceptable on the seedling.

Selecting a landing site

From where in your garden or flower garden you decide to settle this shrub, its further growth and flowering depends.

  • The best thing would be camellias on the western or eastern side of the site, where there is not only the sun, but also diffused light, and sometimes partial shade. On the north side, the sun is not enough to start the budding process, and too strong scorching sun rays can be aggressive.
  • There should be no cold winds and drafts at the intended location.
  • It will be most comfortable for shrubs on a small hill or hill, especially if the groundwater in your area flows close to the soil surface. And stagnant water and dampness are contraindicated for camellia and can cause rotting of the root system.
  • A small penumbra from large garden trees or bushes will only benefit camellias.

Soil composition

The shrub loves a neutral or acidic soil composition. The mixture for planting can be purchased at a special store or you can make it yourself. Usually, coarse-grained river sand is added to coniferous soil for the drainage layer (sometimes the bark of coniferous trees is added for acidification), peat, perlite and vermiculite.

Organic material and a small amount of gravel added to the drainage layer will provide better ventilation of the root system and a uniform supply of oxygen to it.

Planting camellias in open ground

  1. First, you should dig a hole several times larger than the root system of the seedling along with an earthen clod.
  2. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the hole.
  3. The prepared substrate is poured on top of the mound.
  4. A seedling is carefully laid out on it, and the root is straightened.
  5. The rest of the soil is poured on top, which is then slightly compacted.
  6. The bush is well watered, and a layer of pine needle mulch lies on top.

At first, the plant is especially protected from direct sunlight and drafts. You can come up with some kind of temporary shading until the camellia takes root.

Features of care

Caring for a shrub is not difficult, the main thing is not to forget the main points. Let's take a look at what camellia needs the most for adaptation after planting and good development.


For moistening, it is necessary to prepare water that has been settled for several days. The watering schedule is moderate, do not flood the plant, but do not allow dryness either.

Camellia must receive nutrients for growth and flowering.

Fertilizers and top dressings

The feeding procedure is carried out from late spring to mid-summer. Suitable for this are special fertilizers for camellias or half the dose of a nutrient mixture for rhododendrons, rich in iron, boron.

Potassium and magnesium should not be included in top dressing. The solution is poured under the root. Then you need to carefully water the plant.


In the spring, sanitary pruning is done - dry, diseased or broken branches are removed. Also, a formative one is needed, which consists in trimming and pinching the upper parts of the camellia shoots.

How to prepare for winter

If the winters are very cold, then it is necessary to wrap the Asian beauty securely and prepare for frost. To do this, a circle is made around the bush from a grid along the perimeter of the trunk, then foliage is poured between the trunk and the circle.

The soil near the trunk is mulched with peat. A non-woven material is placed on top of the bush. In such a shelter, the camellia bush will overwinter perfectly.


  • Camellia - a beautiful shrub perennial, originally from Japan. It is considered a rather capricious and demanding shrub, but beautiful flowers and green dense foliage make you forget about all the whims.
  • Previously could not winter in middle lane Russia because of the great frosts, but, thanks to the frost-resistant varieties bred, cultivation in open ground became possible.
  • Camellia is special because it blooms from late autumn to spring. There are varieties that stay green all winter.
  • The plant does not like stagnant water and dampness, cold winds and drafts, as well as the scorching sun.
  • A place with diffused light and moderately moist soil will be the most comfortable for a shrub.

Camellia (Camellia) is a genus of evergreen shrubs and trees of the Tea family (Theaceae). In nature, these plants are common in the tropics and subtropics. But knowing how to care for camellia, you can try to grow a marvelous flower at home. If everything is done correctly, it will be possible to admire it from year to year great view and luxuriant blooms. After all, camellia is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful and elegant plants.

Camellia flowers are very similar to roses, for which the plant received its second name - Japanese rose.

Camellia is native to Japan, Korea, the island of Java and the Philippine Islands, the Indochina peninsula, the center and southeast of Asia. The plant was brought to Europe in the 17th century by the naturalist monk Camellus (the plant is named after him). Now the Asian beauty can be found not only in Asia, but also in the south of the USA, the Caucasus, the Black Sea coast.

Camellia is bred in many greenhouses and winter gardens, used to decorate closed interiors, and in regions with a mild, humid climate, the plant has become an indispensable element of landscape design.

Most species are shrubs, but tall trees are also found. The dark green leaf plates of plants from 3 to 17 cm long are oval in shape, pointed or semicircular at the ends.

Large elegant flowers that complement rich greenery can be delicate white, cream, pink shade or bright red. Two-tone double or variegated camellia flowers look no less impressive. Delicate flower petals seem to be made of wax, which gives the buds a special appeal.


Camellia leaves are a raw material for obtaining essential oil, a decoction of flowers has an antiseptic and analgesic, tonic effect, and in Chinese medicine Japanese camellia used as an anticancer agent.

More than 200 species belong to the genus, the most famous of which are Chinese and mountain camellia. And in indoor floriculture, the Japanese variety is more often grown.

  • Chinese (otherwise bohei). It grows on mountain slopes and in wooded areas of China. Tall bush has elongated fleshy glossy leaves of rich green color. White axillary flowers on short peduncles are arranged singly or in 2-3 buds.
  • Mountain (otherwise miyagi, tegmentosis). Shrub with pubescent young shoots of a reddish hue and thin branches in nature reaches a height of 3-5 meters. At the same time, the dimensions of the dark green elongated leaves of the mountain camellia are quite modest: about 7 cm in length and up to 3 cm in width. In November, large (about 7 cm) flowers of white, pink or red color bloom on the shrub. Flowering lasts until January.
  • Japanese. The most popular variety among flower growers, which gave rise to many hybrids, including alba simplex, adolf adduson, tammia and others. All varieties have dense, oval, dark green leaves, and from December to April they delight with large single, simple or double, white, pink or red flowers.
  • Williams. The species is winter-hardy, the least demanding of environmental conditions. A distinctive feature of the variety is that the plant sheds the wilted buds, while in other species they remain on the stem.

Care by the rules

Camellia is a moody flower that can be considered one of the most demanding and difficult to grow. But if the camellia is cared for according to the rules, the plant will quickly develop and grow, bloom profusely.

Illumination and watering

The indoor camellia flower is light-loving, it develops well on windows from the east and west. When choosing a place for growing, you need to take into account the characteristics of a particular variety: Japanese camellia does not tolerate direct sun (it needs to be shaded), and mountain camellia feels great under scorching sunbeams. It is impossible to place a plant on the north side - there will be little light.

To achieve uniform crown formation, the flower pot needs to be rotated around the axis from time to time. But in the phase of laying buds, it is forbidden to disturb the flower, otherwise beautiful flowering fail to admire.

Moisten the plant evenly. The Japanese rose does not respond well to both excess moisture and drying out of the soil. In the summer, when flower buds are laid, the plant should be watered only when the top layer of the earth dries out. In winter, watering camellias should also be moderate - this will help to avoid root rot. Water for irrigation is taken settled, at room temperature.

Temperature and Humidity

The room in which camellia grows should be well ventilated. In summer, the temperature of the content should be within 18–20 ° C, in spring - from 13 to 17 ° C. In winter, it is better to take the flower to a glazed balcony or loggia, where the temperature is kept within 8–12 ° C. In rooms with working heating devices, the plant feels bad: withers, starts to hurt, does not bloom.

Indoor camellia does not respond well to drafts and temperature changes.

The air in the room where the plant is kept must be humid. In summer, the required humidity can be maintained by spraying the plant twice a day. In winter, additional moisture will be provided by placing a container of water next to the plant. You can also place a flower pot in a tray with wet small pebbles or expanded clay, moss.

The soil

Japanese rose grows best in acidic soil. Alkaline soil substrate can be acidified with a few drops lemon juice or special fertilizers.

The soil for camellia should be light, well-permeable to air and moisture, since the roots of the plant quickly rot in heavy soil.

Usually, indoor flower planted in ready-made purchased land intended for growing azaleas, camellias, rhododendrons. The composition of such soil in equal quantities includes:

  • crushed bark;
  • vermiculite;
  • perlite;
  • riding peat;
  • sand.

To ensure good drainage, a large layer of expanded clay is laid out at the bottom of a wide pot.

The soil mixture can be prepared independently. At the same time, it is important that the soil has an acid reaction of the environment, well passes moisture and air. Can be mixed:

  • sheet mixture (2 parts);
  • peat soil (2 parts);
  • turf (2 parts);
  • coniferous substrate (2 parts);
  • sand (1 part).

top dressing

Fertilizers begin to be applied in the spring, when the first young shoots appear. Frequent top dressing camellias are not required, it is enough to apply fertilizer once every 3-4 weeks. At the end of summer, when the formation of flower buds begins, top dressing is completely stopped.

Fertilize the flower with organic or complex mineral fertilizers for flowering plants containing nitrogen, potassium, sulfur and phosphorus, trace elements (copper and zinc, manganese, iron, boron and molybdenum). Do not use complexes containing calcium and magnesium. Their source is ordinary tap water, which is used for irrigation. And an excess of these elements can cause the death of the plant.

When diluting fertilizers, it is better to halve the concentration indicated in the instructions, since an excess nutrients comesllia is not good, but harmful. From organic fertilizers you can use chicken manure in a low concentration.

Planting, transplanting and pruning

Camellia at home is transplanted in February - immediately after the end of flowering, before the start of active growth. Transplantation of young camellias is carried out annually, and an adult indoor plant it is enough to transplant once every 3-4 years. It is better to take wide pots for transplanting. You can not plant a bush deep, and the root neck, located between the roots and the stem, is strictly forbidden to sprinkle with earth.

The plant must be transplanted very carefully, trying not to damage the roots.

Home care for camellia also includes regular pruning of shoots. The procedure is best carried out between the beginning of October and the end of November.

It is important to remember that camellia is poisonous, and all transplanting and pruning procedures must be carried out with gloves.


A characteristic feature of the camellia is that it blooms in the dormant phase - from mid-autumn to the end of winter. During this period, it is important to provide the plant with a temperature in the range of 12–15 ° C. In hotter conditions, the plant may drop buds. Flowering time - from 1 to 3 months. In spring, flowering ends, the plant wakes up, vegetative growth is activated.

Growing problems

When growing camellias, difficulties associated with care errors, pest attacks, or damage to a susceptible flower by one or another disease are not ruled out.

  • Fungal diseases. They appear as black-gray spots on the leaf plates, and brown on the petals. For treatment, fungicidal preparations are used.
  • Oidium. The leaves of the affected plant are covered with grayish spots. You can cure a flower with soapy water, sulfur, and other fungicides.
  • Cucumber mosaic virus. The disease is accompanied by yellowing of the leaf blades along the veins. Insecticides are used for treatment.
  • Aphids, worms, spider mites. To control pests, the plant is wiped with a cotton pad moistened with alcohol (if there are not many pests) or treated with insecticides (if necessary, the treatment is repeated several times).
  • Beaver solitary (kind of weevils). One of the most common camellia pests. Its larvae infect the roots, and adult insects infect the root collar. Insect control is carried out with insecticides.


To grow a houseplant, camellia is propagated:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • vaccinations.


Camellia grown from seeds blooms for 2-3 years.

As Camellia seeds are stored, their germination capacity decreases. Therefore, sowing is carried out immediately after the collection of planting material in a container with a previously prepared soil mixture of high-moor peat, perlite and a small amount of sand. Containers with crops are kept at a temperature of 18 to 22 ° C until germination. When 2 leaves appear on the shoots, they are planted in separate pots.


For propagation, semi-lignified cuttings about 8 cm long with well-developed growth buds are cut off in late spring or early summer. Cut points are treated with rooting agents and growth stimulants. Then the cuttings are placed in wet sand, vermiculite or a mixture of sand and peat (taken in equal amounts), covered with a film or glass jar, provide lower heating of the soil (temperature about 25 ° C). Under these conditions, the rooting process lasts about 2 months.

If the cuttings are simply placed in a glass of water, they will not root.


Grafting is the most time-consuming method of reproduction. However, when proper conduct procedures, the plant blooms next year.

Vaccination is carried out in August or January. Semi-lignified apical shoots about 10 cm long are used as cuttings. There must be 3-4 elongated swollen buds (future leaves) on the handle. The side shoots of the mother plant are cut off, and the places of the cut are sprinkled with powdered charcoal. Pruning of the central trunk is carried out horizontally at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground level. Vertical cuts are made on the cut of the trunk, grafting cuttings are inserted into them. The cuttings are pressed tightly against the trunk, fixed with electrical tape.

Only lignified cuttings are suitable for propagation, and young green shoots are not suitable for cuttings.

It takes about 2 months for the grafts to germinate if kept at 20°C. Young plants need to be regularly sprayed, watered, and protected from direct sun. In the second year, the plant can be transplanted into a pot.

As young plants develop, it is important to cut off the side shoots of the mother bush that form below the graft. This will ensure the flow of nutrients to the grafted cuttings.

Purchase Features

You can buy camellia in a specialized flower shop or greenhouse. And it is best to buy a flowering plant that is in a dormant phase. The cost of camellia is determined by its variety and size, is:

  • 450 rubles - Japanese camellia 15 cm high;
  • 1500 rubles - a bush 35 cm high;
  • 2600 rubles - a plant 55 cm high.

The main difficulty in growing camellias is to ensure a suitable temperature regime. In an apartment environment, this is quite difficult to do. If there is no glazed loggia or balcony, where you can maintain a low positive temperature in winter, it does not make sense to grow an Asian beauty - in a heated apartment, the plant will get sick and will not bloom. But if it is possible to create comfortable conditions and provide full-fledged care for the camellia, at home it will be possible to grow an unusually beautiful, exquisite, luxuriously flowering bush.
