New Year's magic: magic rituals for money, love and health

Throughout the year there are two important days when "heaven is open" and a person can ask Higher powers fulfillment of your most important, most secret desire.

One of these days is Christmas, the great sacrament of the birth of the soul of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The most important, from a magical point of view, the hours of Christmas are 3 nights and 12 days. At this time, you can ask for the fulfillment of any desires that do not harm other people. But before sending his petition, God needs to repent, cleanse his soul from sins, bad thoughts and deeds.

No less strong in terms of magic during the day is New Year. For many years now, on the night of the 31st to the 1st, people have been making their deepest desires come true. Someone wants to find love in the new year, someone wants to open their own business and become richer, give birth to a child, etc. The entire population of the Earth at this time believes in a miracle, lives in the hope of quick and favorable changes. Thanks to such a simultaneous concentration of thoughts and emotions, a special egregor of the New Year is created, which helps your desires come true. It is simply foolish not to use this powerful ocean of spiritual energy.

On New Year's Eve, you can make a love spell on your loved one so that he finally ignites passion for you, or return the husband who left you for his mistress. Such love magic will not only be strong and effective, but also safe enough for you and your chosen one.

Married people with the help of New Year's magic can strengthen family ties, and young lovers can create a new strong family. Effective conspiracies and rituals will help you build a career and get rid of enemies, bring happiness to your children, and you - new friends and patrons.

And, of course, health is necessary for true happiness. Effective rituals of white magic will help to find stability in this aspect of human life.

As in any other magic, the main thing in New Year's magic is faith and a passionate desire to make your dreams come true. One of the Indian gurus taught people how to desire correctly. To do this, he kept his students as long as possible under water. When a person was on land, he was asked what he wanted when he was under water. Naturally, the answer was "breathe." Then the teacher would say the standard phrase: "and I thought you wanted ... and called the innermost desire of the student." Make wishes, you need "like the last time", as if your very life depends on it. And then your request "there" will be surely heard.

And to further speed up the process of fulfilling desires, you can use my help. In my witch's arsenal there are unique conspiracies, ceremonies and rituals not replicated in popular literature, tested by several generations of my ancestors and by me personally. May all the most secret things come true in 2015. I wish you happiness, health and good luck, my dears!

For many years now I have been working on New Year and Christmas energies, finding ancient rituals that were held at this time of the year, and also developing new rituals and ceremonies that allow me to cleanse myself of annual sins and filth, to be filled with the energies of goodness, prosperity and abundance, and much, much more.
I have always been interested in how New Year's magic works, how it helps people, its methods and principles, and how many people these wonderful New Year's rituals have helped.

I want to say with confidence that the New Year's magic, oddly enough, works! Fortune-telling gives many true results, rituals allow you to cope with illnesses much more effectively, gain destiny, strengthen your financial situation, establish peace in families, find harmony in relationships with children, get rid of Christmas spoilage and improve your life paths.

The thing is that during the celebration of the New Year and Christmas, huge flows of positive, positive energy are released over the planet.
Yes, the energies of evil are also present at this time, but the streams of joy, bright hopes for a good future, making positive wishes, wishes of health, wealth and success to many people from person to person allow us to conclude that good is stronger than evil, and that the ancient New Year magic suppresses at least for some time the energies of envy, malice, pettiness, greed, harmfulness and callousness in the hearts.

In one case, a girl, having performed a magical ceremony at Christmas, met her future husband in the same year. In another case, a woman performed a New Year's ritual for prosperity, and two months later she had a dream in which a grandfather in a white shirt gave her a bag of gold coins. Just a week later, a woman won a large amount of money in the lottery.
On New Year's Eve, the old woman sincerely asked for the help of the twelve year old apostles to help her find her son, who had gone to work and disappeared without a trace. In the spring of the same year, the prodigal son appeared on the threshold of the house.
Another girl on New Year's days put notes with her desires under her pillow, and again in the same year she entered that educational institution where I sincerely wanted, although the competition for this institution was very big.

Therefore, having rolled up your sleeves, proceed to the magical techniques of the New Year. Dare! Remember that Luck in the New Year will await those who know how to be good-natured, who do not envy, who are able to enjoy the joys of life and at the same time are always ready for decisive steps, for positive changes in their destiny and for bold deeds.
Do not be afraid of insidious circumstances, the fate of fate and yourself! Hope for the best in the new year and do the right thing!

... Once, at the end of the day, on the top of a high mountain, the Old and New Years met. The old year climbed the peak, groaning and groaning. Behind him he carried a large green bag with old calendars. The old man leaned on a gnarled staff for a year, and it was clear that it was very difficult for him to walk. On the other side of the mountain, bouncing and singing a song, climbed a boy in a light coat and with a small bag over his shoulder. It was New Year's.

Finally, the two wanderers met on the top of this high mountain. After greeting each other, they sat down on a large rock to rest a little. “Yes, it’s hard for you, old year old, to climb this hill,” the boy said, chuckling, “the forces are already not the same, it’s time to give way to me!” “Of course, it’s easy for you to say, what a light handbag is behind your back, and you see what a big bag I have,” the old man grunted. “Try to carry that burden.” “Yes, I will never wear such luggage in my life. I will be forever young, always cheerful and joyful, and I will never grunt like that!” - exclaimed the New Year boy. “But I am wiser than you and I perceive this bag as a great Gift of fate,” the Old Year said proudly. “Well, a gift! I don’t need these for free, ”New Year chuckled.
With that they parted ways.

The old year, having gone this long way, went into a beautiful house and handed over the calendars to the old librarian in the archive, and then went to sleep in his cozy bedroom. And the New Year boy ran further along his path. Only now it was already a little more difficult for him to walk and run. What's the matter? It seemed to him that a burden was heavy on his shoulders. When the New Year opened the bag, there was already a whole pile of sheets of tear-off calendars ...

1. For prosperity and wealth in the new year, perform the following magical ceremony. Take a red envelope, put some spruce needles and coins in it. Brush needles and coins lightly with eucalyptus oil. Seal the envelope with your saliva and say three times:
“Needles and Christmas trees, fraternize with coins, fill up in my wallets, be born with big money, rattle money keys and big profits! I close it with a word, seal it with saliva, empower it. Secretly. Truly."
Place this magical envelope under your Christmas tree or branch. After the holidays, hide the envelope in a secluded place, and after a year open it, take out the coins, put it in your wallet, and burn everything else.

2. 2019 is the year of the yellow earth pig. yellow, gold and brown colors- a symbol of this holiday. The more golden and yellow toys on the Christmas tree this year, the better. Hang oranges, chocolate eggs with surprises, acorns, chocolate coins, nuts wrapped in gold foil on the Christmas tree.
The best gift for these new year holidays These are, of course, piggy bank pigs. Just do not forget to throw at least two coins into each of these piggy banks. They will ring - then the money will flow.

The New Year's table should be rich and plentiful, because the pig is a big gourmet. Also, this creature is very vindictive and vengeful. No fried pigs, no pork: no boiled pork, no ham, no black pudding. Don't insult the new mistress of the year. Give preference to poultry and fish dishes. Very handy will be vegetables in the form of salads and fruits, especially oranges.
There should be a lot of juices on the table. In order for wealth to pounce on you in the new year, put a mirror on the set New Year's table so that the table is reflected in it, light a lot of red and pink candles. Put the dish and cups with grain.
And do not forget to watch cartoons with the participation of the patroness of the year on New Year's Eve: "The Adventures of Funtik the Pig", " Winnie the Pooh”,“ Cat House ”,“ Wintering of Animals ”,“ Chunya ”,“ Three Little Pigs ”, as well as releases of“ The Muppet Show ”.

3. To reinforce their vitality and your financial situation, buy or make a big beautiful bag this year - a real one, like Santa Claus.
Put it somewhere in a conspicuous place in the house, put there gifts that you have to give to relatives and friends, as well as gifts given to you. Let them lie there for a while and attract positive energies of goodness and abundance to you.

4. To attract love on New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve, take a beautiful crystal vase, fill it with sweets, marmalade, marshmallow. Put there also a couple of honeycombs and say three times:
“How sweet the honey is, how delicious the candy is, so I will be sweet for guys, men. I will be sweeter to them than honey, sweeter than sweets and all the sweetness in the world. Stick to me guys, men for the whole coming year!”
Place the vase at your head until January 14th. After the holidays, slowly eat these sweets and expect new acquaintances to reach out to you.

5. Buy a beautiful red candle, mark it in 12 parts. Light the candle 12 times for 12 consecutive days starting January 1st. While igniting, say:
“I light a candle, I attract good luck to our house, to our shelter, to our doorstep. Good luck, fly in, cover us (names of family members) with your wing. So that we live richly, so that there is silver and gold, so that money is kept in the house, never transferred. So that everything works out for us, and you, luck, grow and increase!
Wait for the candle to decrease to the next marking, and then extinguish it and light it the next day - and do this for 12 days.

6. In order not to get sick in the new year, you can also perform the following magical ceremony. To do this, you will need a piece of oak bark, as well as Christmas tree or a branch. Go to the tree, rub a piece of bark between your palms, while saying:
“Oak-dubishche, strength-strength, bark-rhizome, give me in the new year health like an oak, strength like an oak, so that I am strong and healthy. So that no one steals my health, no one takes my strength, so that I can eat and be able to, and my health is not lost. Oak and spruce, fraternize, fill me with strength. Truly."
Put a piece of this oak bark near the spruce for a few days, and then hide it in a secluded place.

7. On the eve of the New Year, half an hour before its onset, you can turn to the annual archangel. To do this, you need to slightly open a window or window, light a beautiful candle or aromatic incense and quietly and clearly pronounce the following spell:
“The annual archangel, strength and nobility, I appeal to you, I appeal to you: protect me all 12 months, all 365 days and nights from fierce strength, from witchcraft, from enemies and misfortunes, from sorrows and illnesses, from misfortune on the way, from poisoning, from insult, from wind damage, from stealing sleep and stealing health. Bless me, (name), and my family members (names) for a long life, for open roads, for happy rapids, for happiness and good luck, and for wealth to boot. You are now flying above the earth, blessing people and animals, fulfilling good desires. Hear me too, good archangel, and in this wonderful hour direct us to receive right decisions, reject evil and wicked people from oneself, recharge oneself with the energies of good, do not grumble at God and accept everything in one's life as God's permission. Thank you, Great Annual Archangel, for all the good things in my life, for all the lessons of my life, I praise you forever and ever!”
Candle or incense stick must burn out on this magical New Year's Eve to the end.

8. Write your most cherished desire on a small piece of paper, twist this leaf into a tube and place it in a beautiful New Year's ball. Drop on paper and on the ball with a drop of any essential oil.
After the holidays, carefully remove the note from the ball and burn it on a candle flame, and use the ball itself when conducting New Year's rites next year.

9. So that there are no scandals and eternal showdowns in the family, put a container of water in the freezer. Wait for the water to freeze and say to this ice three times:
“Ice, ice, be my friend, help me with your ice power, water power. Freeze in our house all quarrels, all squabbles, all cunning sides, all disagreements, all chvars. So that we all in the house do not rage, do not fight, do not spit curses, do not bite and do not swear. All quarrels will become numb, stiff, they will not return to us, they will disappear forever, perish and leave. There will be peace and treasure in our house, a way of happiness.
Then the ice should melt, and you will need to pour this melt water into the drink of all the evil family members. This must be done between December 31st and January 14th.

10. To tell fortunes for the fulfillment of desires, go out into the street in the evening, go to the road and wait for the first three fixed-route taxis, trams, trolleybuses or buses. Memorize their numbers, add them together.
For example, you saw trolleybus number 3, minibus 210 and bus 17. Add these numbers: 3 + 210 + 17. It turns out 230. We add two and three, we get five - an odd number. So your wish will surely come true. If an even number comes up, then no. You can do this three times - on the night of December 31 to January 1, from January 6 to January 7 and from January 13 to 14.

I wish all my visitors, readers of my books and just good, kind people in the new year 2019, only positive - in thoughts, in souls, in deeds and wallets. Do not despair, be strong and successful, healthy and self-confident.
Go through life boldly and with love for the world around you and loved ones. Let the magic of the New Year last as long as possible - without illness and adversity, without financial problems. Be happy, loved and lucky! All the best to you!

The magical, unusual, unique magic of the New Year - everyone knows that something truly impossible can happen in solemn moments. You may not believe in the magic of New Year's Eve, but every time, on December 31, everyone ceases to doubt the existence of supernatural forces: New Year's magic begins!

From December 25 until the end public holidays, heavenly forces begin to treat people and their desires in a special way. Strong energy accumulates around us, as the thoughts of many people are directed in the same direction: everyone is preparing, inventing gifts, believing in a miracle.

Festive fuss causes a pleasant thrill in the chest. Do not ignore the opportunity to get what you have wanted for so long - turn to the Higher Forces.

Magic rituals before the New Year

  • paper
  • pen or marker
  • rye bread (a small piece is enough)
  • refined sugar
  • red rose (do not be lazy and buy it yourself)
  • thread (color choose either green or red)

On the night of Thursday to Friday (about a week before the holiday), describe your three cherished dreams. Of course, they should relate to love matters.

Remember that desires are about you and your destiny - you should not ask for someone. When the list is ready, end it with the phrase “So be it!”. Put everything you have prepared on the sheet. Gently lift the paper and quietly say: "All you wish will come true next year."

Roll up the paper sheet. All contents should be inside, as if in an envelope. Tie the bundle tightly with a thread and drip a little wax, thus sealing the message of the Universe.

It should be placed under the mattress of the bed. For two weeks, forget about the wish list. When the time is right, place the folded sheet on top of your own photo. For her, you pre-select a place inaccessible to other family members. The bundle should be kept away from prying eyes.

In the New Year, you need to take advantage of the amazing energy that reigns in the air. Those who listen to magical advice will be lucky:

  • If on a festive night the sky is full of bright and beautiful stars, admire them, count them. And next year you will have a rich harvest.
  • Do not overwork, otherwise employment and worries will accompany you for the next 365 days.
  • You should not immediately take up a rag and clean up the consequences of the feast on the very first day of the new year. By such actions, you will wash away your own wealth.
  • Sounds outside the window can say a lot. For example, a dog barking excitedly will bring you new friends, a bell ringing warns of something important, and if titmouses gather at the windows and chirp gently, they promise good changes in love.
  • To move only forward and develop, do not cook dishes that include crabs and crayfish.
  • A New Year's toy, broken into pieces, has a magical effect. Therefore, when you remove its pieces, think about something cherished.
  • The Christmas tree usually stands in our apartments and houses for quite a long time. Naturally, some needles crumble and fall to the floor. Don't throw them in the trash! Carefully collect and brew with boiling water. This infusion will become your lifesaver for colds and viral infections.
  • A beautiful talisman is the last decoration taken from the festive tree. Its energy will protect your home and will serve as a talisman for it for a whole year.
  • Within 24 hours, the place from which the Christmas tree was removed turns into a healing one. It is enough to sit in this place for twenty minutes and the diseases will recede, and the immune system will be strengthened.

How to make a wish for the New Year

Probably everyone at least once in his life tried to make a wish on a festive night. The most popular way: burn a dream written on paper and drink the rest of the ashes mixed in champagne in one gulp.

The main condition is to have time to drink the contents of the glass before the twelfth strike of the clock strikes. And the method really works. But many do everything necessary actions wrong, that dream does not come true.

Remember, the paper must burn without a single residue, and you must have time to perform the magic for twelve resounding strokes.

Simoron New Year's rituals

Below you will find 2 rituals from Simoron's game psychotechnics.

Ritual with cookies

This New Year's Simoron technique will appeal to all the sweet tooth. And not only them. In China, this ceremony has long become a tradition that is mandatory for New Year's Eve.

Prepare by following step by step recipe, delicious pastries. In the process of cooking in a cookie (do not skip a single one), put a thin piece of paper with a prediction for the future. When all the guests gather for a festive meal, offer to treat yourself to sweets. As everyone knows what the upcoming period will bring, the leaflet (with the help of an ordinary cracker) is released up - to heaven.

Ritual "New Job"

This New Year's simoron ritual great help for anyone who is tired of looking for a job.

Make two copies of the last page of the work book. Enter the desired position yourself in a copy of the document. Turn over a sheet of paper and describe how grateful you are to fate and the universe. Place the first copy along with Christmas decorations, and place the second in the northwest of your apartment. When you take apart the Christmas tree, put the first option in your purse as a talisman. Others should not see either this copy or the other - otherwise there will be no result.

Rite to attract love (video)

New Year's magic for good luck and money

There are several effective New Year's rites based on esoteric ones, the magic of which brings good luck and material well-being:

  • In America, on the first morning of the new year, everyone goes to the bathroom, wash their face and dry it. But not with a towel, as usual, but with a dollar bill.
  • On a festive night, you must have money in your pockets - both coins and paper bills. This will bring you money luck.
  • When you hear the first strike of the chimes, throw a coin into the glass. Drink all the champagne to the bottom. Make a material wish, and the coin will become your money talisman for the whole year.

Happy New Year to you!

Alena Golovina- white witch, psychic,site author


New Year's Eve is considered the most mystical and magical, as well as the long-awaited time of the year. Prayers, conspiracies, love spells and spells performed for the New Year are endowed with very powerful positive energy. The witchcraft of the festive night will be several times stronger than on other days of the year, no matter what it is directed at.

Even the most inveterate skeptics, having once tried to conduct a traditional ceremony, will soon feel its power.

The New Year is the time of the change of the annual cycle, in which not only the calendar numbers change, but also the renewal and rebirth of all life takes place. In addition, at this time, people can feel an energetic and emotional surge, at the subconscious level, each person is waiting for a big miracle.

Such a surge makes everyone more open and susceptible to magical effects, and it also creates tremendous energy that people who have even minimal witchcraft knowledge can safely use to implement their plans.

New Year's witchcraft refers more to the rituals of light magic than harmful black. If, for example, a girl wants a man she likes to fall in love with her or wants to return her departed spouse, then a New Year's love spell is an ideal means for realizing everything conceived.

Magic in this magical time is not only powerful and effective, but in most cases safe. A positive festive atmosphere of expectation of a great miracle forms a large accumulation of spiritual energy available to everyone in the New Year.

Ritual with a glass of champagne

New Year's rituals can be performed in various ways. One of the most popular and at the same time simple magical rites is a love spell performed with a glass of sparkling wine. To perform this ritual, in the first seconds of the chimes, you need to pick up a glass and say the conspiracy words:

New Year is coming, new day and new life brings. In a new life, I (my name) with my chosen one (his name) are always destined to be together, and together our joy and happiness are predetermined to share. We will never be parted from (the name of the beloved) either for a day, or for a year, or for our whole life. So it will always be. Amen".

After the end of the conspiracy words, you need to drink champagne in one gulp (it is advisable to have time to say and do all this while the chimes will beat). After a magical night, a woman who has performed a love spell needs to be near her lover as often as possible.

This rite, although it seems simple, but its magical influence is very effective. A woman must conduct a witchcraft rite with serious and strong feelings, otherwise the plan may not come true, and the loved one will move away.

Conspiracy for a cherished desire

On the night of the new year, you can also perform a simple ceremony that will help fulfill your most secret dreams and desires (there should be no more than 6 desires). To perform the ritual, you need to light 6 candles, preferably red, on December 31 of the current year at exactly 23.00 and read the conspiracy words 6 times in a row:

“On this New Year's and magical night, the angels descend to me, and they are going to fulfill all my desires. Angels, archangels, give me a miracle, but fulfill my cherished desires. Amen".

These words must be repeated over each desire and, after the next repetition, write down what was conceived on a small piece of paper, while indicating the timing of its implementation. Thus, no more than 6 leaves should be obtained. Then, exactly at midnight, with the first chimes, one should burn all the leaves one by one and let the ashes go to the wind with the words:

“All mine will return to me and for me it will turn into a bird of happiness.”

Make it a tradition to perform rituals for the new year. The spiral you have created will certainly bring the desired results.

These words must be pronounced 3 times in a row.

Attracting Wealth

For the ritual, rye and wheat should be purchased in advance. As soon as midnight comes, you need to throw up a small handful of rye and wheat with the words of a slander:

“Out of one, 10 will be born, out of 10 - 100, out of 100 - 1000, so let it be with me, slaves (your name), let the money be born, multiply every day and always remain in my house. Amen".

The next day, that is, on January 1, the scattered grains cannot be removed, but already on the 2nd they must be swept away, folded into a red cloth and put behind the icon.

With the onset of spring, these grains should be sown in the garden, and in the fall, harvest and use the grains for the next year's ritual. Thanks to this ritual, money will constantly be found in the house, and if it is repeated every year, then wealth will increase even more.

Execution of the plan

New Year's Eve is one of the most powerful nights when a person can wish for anything and get it. Preparing for the celebration, it is recommended to retire, accurately determine the cherished desire for the coming year and embody it in any drink or dish.

For example, if a person wants to buy a dacha on the Crimean coast in the New Year, then he needs to buy Crimean wine and open a bottle a few minutes before midnight and whisper his desire into the neck. And when the chimes start to beat instead of champagne, they drink conspiracy wine.

If the cherished desire concerns a country, then you can cook National dish that kitchen (during cooking, you should constantly visualize your plan, as if everything has already come true). As in the previous case, this dish should be eaten at midnight.

After the wish has been made and everything has been fulfilled, you should not immediately shout “Happy New Year!”, It is better to take a short pause (1-2 minutes), and then just start congratulating everyone. If you agree in advance with the whole company, then the energy of desire will increase several times, which will contribute to its speedy execution.

We must also remember that wishes come true if the performer is grateful for everything that he has at the moment, both good and bad. Therefore, before making wishes, it is necessary to thank the old year for everything that it brought.

Basic rules of witchcraft

Witchcraft has always inspired people with fear and awe. The ability of a person to cause material or physical damage to someone, to heal or exterminate someone, to communicate with spirits and representatives of the animal world has always been something beyond understanding for ordinary people.
During the Middle Ages, many people believed in witchcraft. They believed and feared any of its manifestations. Even the slightest suspicion that a person is associated with witchcraft practices was severely punished by the church, because it was believed that the sorcerers made a deal with evil spirits.

Witchcraft is balance. Any witchcraft actions and rituals create energy. Sometimes, especially at the beginning of training, our lives suddenly begin to swing like a pendulum, creating problems that we had no idea about before. When you cast witchcraft, you are telling the universe that you are ready to find balance in your life. But in order to find balance, your life and habits must change.

Often teenagers say that they no longer want to practice witchcraft, because something is happening to them that they did not want at all. They think that if they give up witchcraft, then life will return to normal. Nothing like this. Life will change anyway, and possibly for the worse.

Basic rules of witchcraft

Your life, from birth to death, is made up of cycles of change. If the situation does not change, then life turns into a stagnant swamp. Stagnation is tantamount to death. Change is a vital part of our being. Sorcerers learn to respect change and strive for balance.

Basic rules of witchcraft

  • Any witchcraft must be part of a spiritual plan.
  • Any witchcraft needs the participation of the spirit.
  • Turn to divination tools before embarking on any witchcraft actions.
  • Remember that every action you take creates consequences that affect your life and the lives of others.

witchcraft rules

  1. "Do whatever you want, but don't hurt anyone."
  2. "Everything you do comes back to you threefold."
  3. "Witchcraft should not be contrary to the free will of other people."
  4. "Watch your thoughts and words."
  5. "Always have a backup plan."
  6. "Everything that is created in the witch world manifests itself in the real world." While you are studying, perform all witchcraft operations in a magic circle or in a sacred space.
  7. "Stay away from alcohol and drugs."
  8. "Never threaten or frighten people with your sorcery."
  9. "Strive for balance and respect change."

Prejudice at all times was enough in any field of activity. Nevertheless, the facts remain facts: in modern times, spells and rituals help to find harmony in relationships, get rid of illness, attract good luck, and not just attack with the intent to harm. You need to know that the sorcerer does not just turn the flow in the right direction, you have to pay for everything. The fee can be different, depending on what forces the practitioner works with, what his personal energy costs are and how difficult the work is in its essence.

Unfortunately, despite the development of science and technology, as well as the development of mankind as a whole, dark influences on a person continue to exist, so a modern person needs to know the symptoms of damage and the evil eye and ways to protect against attacks with malicious intent. Such an impact can bring a lot of problems to you and your loved ones, in some cases even very skeptical people agree that it can be difficult to give a rational explanation for certain negative manifestations in personal life.

However, there must be a measure and conscious thinking everywhere. Do not immediately look suspiciously at people if you have a loss, illness, a breakup in a relationship, or trouble at work. No one promised us an easy and pleasant life, many situations are given to us for experience or for development, and in such cases it is simply useless to carry out cleansing procedures or try to correct the situation. In addition, you should know that our energy field resembles immune system and is capable of self-cleaning. With a mild negative impact, the resulting gaps in the field will be able to heal without special treatment.

In this article:

New Year is a time of magic and magic. Who among us in childhood did not dream of a miracle and the fulfillment of a wish? And then one day we woke up as adults and realized that we do not believe in miracles.

This belief remained in childhood. Or maybe she still warms in our hearts? If you answered yes to the last question, it is for you that we offer rituals for the New Year, the magical properties of which will help fulfill your cherished dream or desire, attract the attention of good luck that will accompany you throughout the next year.

Over the past 100 years, during which the New Year holiday has existed, it has acquired various traditions and rituals, which today are mixed with each other, reminiscent of Olivier salad, where there is something from Siberian witches, American Voodoo magicians, and a little more from the common people.

The traditions of the holiday reflect the customs of people different countries and eras, different classes. Yes, they were different. But there is something that unites them all - this is faith in the New Year's miracle.

This information will help not only streamline the holiday, do everything right, but also bring the expectation of beauty into it. After all, when a person learns something and then does it, he expects, if not praise, then a positive assessment of his actions in the form of a five. We will tell you how to pass the New Year's exam and get "excellent" next year in the form of fulfillment of desires, prosperity, health and good luck.

Chasing failure!

Do you want to start a new life? For this, like no other holiday, it is the New Year! Perform the following ritual. Light a fire in the yard, into which you send all the junk that you do not use. If there is none in your house, write on a note everything bad that you want to get rid of, and burn it in a fire.

Arrange a festive pandemonium around the fire with stomping, dancing, jumping and shouting. Thus, you will expel negativity from yourself, your body and soul, and at the same time from life. During the ritual you can not eat or drink!

Acquisition of wealth and money

  • To get rich next year, perform the following ritual, which is done with money. Retire, take three green candles and attach a coin to their ends, then light the candles. Now imagine as clearly as possible how money flies into your pockets, stuffing them to capacity. The brighter and more distinct the images, the richer you will become next year.
  • Americans have a different ritual in case they get rich. On the morning of the first of January, they do not wash their faces, but wipe their faces with a dollar.
  • You can’t celebrate the New Year with empty pockets, otherwise next year you will be in poverty! When the chimes begin to beat the treasured twelve times, a coin should be clamped in your right hand, and leave the left for a glass of champagne.
  • Another effective method get rich - write yourself a letter on December 31, put it in an envelope along with a postcard (do not forget to wish yourself all the very best) and a banknote. You will receive this letter next year, be sure to keep the treasured bill - it will become your talisman of wealth and good luck for the next year!
  • Under the chimes, take a coin and throw it into a glass of champagne, make a wish, then empty the glass to the last drop. The coin is saved and worn instead of a keychain by drilling a hole in it.

When the clock strikes twelve...

Have you ever wondered what to do under the chiming clock other than how to drink champagne? And many people came! And if you believe them, then as an option, you can perform the following steps:

  • Prepare paper and pencil in advance. When the clock starts its fight, quickly write your desire on paper, burn the paper, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it. Guaranteed fulfillment of desire 100% if you managed to complete all the steps from the first to the last strike of the chimes. Therefore, we recommend taking a small piece of paper so that it burns faster and expresses the desire more concisely in order to write it faster. Time is something that does not exist at the moment. Chance is what you can get.
  • Another sign says that in the first 5 minutes of the new year, you should open the doors of the house or apartment wide open and drive away all the negativity that has accumulated over the year. After that, do not forget to invite good luck and happiness into the house.
Thousands of people on New Year's Eve form a certain stream. The main thing is not to destroy it after the holidays.

On New Year's Eve you can't:

Eat and even put on the table dishes containing seafood such as crabs, crayfish, lobsters. Why? So as not to back away all next year, like they did back.

Clean up the house on January 1st! Do not take out the trash, do not sweep, do not wash the floors - all this promises losses and losses.

A lot of work on New Year's Eve, so that the next year is not spent in worries and work.

In the New Year you can:

Contemplate the heavens and stars, a large number of which indicates a large harvest of berries.

Listen to the sounds outside the window:
The ringing of a bell or bells is an important event or events in the family.
Dog howling - the appearance of a new friend, for a girl - a groom.
Cat meow - to a new neighbor.
The chirping of birds is good news, for a guy - to a bride.

New Year's signs

Whoever drinks the last glass from a bottle of wine will definitely make friends with luck.

New Year's Eve events will continue into the coming year.

If at the New Year's table one of those present sneezes, then good luck will be accompanied next year by all those present.

Successful trading awaits traders who, on the first business day, will sell the goods to the first buyer at a big discount.

Fun in the New Year is a must for the right mood for the coming months

New Year's rituals

If a toy falls from a Christmas tree and breaks, its fragments must be collected and thrown away, make an unusual wish.

Needles that have fallen from the tree should not be thrown away! They must be collected, and in case of a cold, pour a glass of needles with boiling water, leaving it to brew for three hours. This decoction is poured into the bathroom, which must then be taken and improved.

At night on the Old New Year, a note with a desire is written, placed under the New Year tree, and burned at lunchtime.

A stool is placed on the place where the Christmas tree stood, on which you need to sit for 15-20 minutes. If something hurts or you get sick, you should be cured. True, the place remains healing only for a day after the tree is taken out of the house.

The last decoration taken from the Christmas tree is a wonderful amulet that can be hung anywhere in your home, where it will work as an amulet and talisman of the year.

Rituals for love

Everyone wants to be loved and finally find their soul mate. Love rituals are most effective on New Year's Eve or the day before and are held once a year.

At night, from Thursday to Friday, a week before New Year's Eve, write three cherished wishes related to love and prosperity on an A4 sheet. Desires should concern only you and no one else! You cannot wish happiness and goodness to your relatives and friends, only to yourself. When you finish writing your wishes, add the phrase “so be it” at the bottom. After that, put a piece of black bread, a piece of sugar, a red rose (bought on your own) on the sheet. Raising the sheet with the contents, whisper to it:

"My wishes come true within a year."

Wrap the contents of the leaf into the leaf itself, tie it with a green or red thread, seal it with white candle wax (never yellow!). Place the bundle under the mattress of your bed, where it should lie for 14 days. After the specified time, put the bundle on your photo, which you first place in the highest open place in your home, with one more condition - no one should see either the bundle or the photo. The ritual will work for a whole year.

In this ritual, each component has a special meaning.

Simoron New Year's rituals

Cookies "Predictions". Bake Chinese recipe cookies with a "fortune" piece of paper in the middle of each one. Offer treats to guests on New Year's Eve. Each guest gets one cookie and one prediction. After everyone reads what fate has destined for him next year, he sticks his piece of paper on the Racket cracker and launches it into the sky.

"New Job". If in the new year you dream of new job. Do the following - photocopy your work book, preferably the last sheet. There should be two copies. In each of them, make an entry similar to the one that is made in the personnel department when applying for a job. Write a thank you letter on the back of the photocopy. One photocopy should be hung on the Christmas tree, and the second in the northwestern corner of your home. When the tree needs to be removed, remove the first copy from it, fold it and place it in your wallet or purse. Always carry a piece of paper with you and in no case show it to anyone!

Proper installation of the Christmas tree for good luck and prosperity next year

The Christmas tree is set on the cardinal points. If you want to spend the holidays fun and happy - put a Christmas tree in the west of the apartment. Strengthening relationships in the family or finding a soul mate contributes to the southwest. For students, the Christmas tree will help to easily memorize information in the northeast. The southeast is responsible for financial well-being. For good health, choose the east.

The best decoration for the Christmas tree is coins and banknotes. Of those and others, you can even make garlands.

Attracting positivity

Write on a clean mirror the phrase “I am happy” or “I am loved”, “I am rich”, “I am lucky”. As a writing material, you can use red lipstick, a marker, a felt-tip pen - at will and imagination. From now on, looking in the mirror, you will subconsciously program your brain to the recorded program.

Positive affirmations really work

Magic rosary

To make a rosary, take a cord on which you will knit knots, the strength of which was known even to our ancestors. Knot magic is simple but very effective. The main thing at the time of making the rosary is to focus on the positive, your dreams, hopes, aspirations. Each knot is a dream for the next year, for example, "love", "happiness", "prosperity", "luck", "talent", "recognition", "promotion", etc.

Knots can be imposed as many as you like, but we recommend making only 7, as this is a magic number. The number of knots affects the length of the cord, consider this fact in advance. The cord should be red, white or black - these are the main colors of the ancient cult of the goddess. The length of the cord should be about 30 cm. But this is all ideally, the length, color and number of knots can be chosen at your discretion. In a calm state, tie the same knots at an equal distance, presenting a series of associations to each desire and knot. Ready-made rosaries must be carried with you throughout the year and not shown to anyone.

New Year is a special holiday. It is full of secrets, desires and magic. But before you think of something, think about the consequences. As the classic said - "beware of your desires - they tend to come true!". Happy New Year!!!
