These plants are first mentioned in the description of Nicholas Monardes. That is why the name of the Spanish botanist is assigned to the plant. Monarda - varieties grown in open ground, planting, care, reproduction.

Description: varieties and varieties of monarda

Monara is an annual or perennial, essential oil, fairly tall plant cultivated in open ground. The height of the tetrahedral, pubescent stem reaches from 60 cm to 1 m. The erect stem reaches a height of 60 -90 cm.

Flowering monarda

Dense green leaves (often pubescent) serrated along the edge. The leaves emit a strong aroma: lemon, bergamot, mint. Monarda blooms in the second half of summer with small flowers of different colors, collected in inflorescences. Most often, monarda flowers have a characteristic red color, but varieties with pink, white, purple flowers are found.

The plant belongs to the famous Labiate family. The unpretentious monarda reaches splendor by the age of 5: then one bush is capable of forming over 100 peduncles. Monarda is a wonderful honey plant. Disease-resistant, an unusual plant is used to decorate garden plots, more and more often the culture is used in the design of park areas in landscape design... The plant endures harsh Russian winters - hibernates without shelter or with light shelter.

Monarda is one of the easiest plants to care for

Perennial monarda varieties cultivated for many years have become widespread:

  • M. fisty;
  • M. is double;
  • M. lemon.

For the manufacture of spicy-flavoring seasonings, varieties of dwarf monarda are grown.
Less commonly found in gardens are the varieties of Monarda fragrant, medium, soft, point, Bradbury, red, scattered, comb.

Breeders have bred many hybrid varieties of plants with the participation of monarda double. These cultivars are successfully grown in the open field without insulation in winter period... The variety of colors of the hybrid monarda flowers allows the plant to be used in landscape design to create compositions from tall plants.

Citrus monarda

Cultivated on the territory of our country as annuals:

  • M. citrus;
  • Monarda'Lambada "(hybrid);
  • Horse mint (point monarda).

Planting a plant

Landing the monarda will not cause much difficulty, subject to several conditions.

A tall plant often breaks down and loses its decorative effect in constant winds. It is required to choose a place protected from the wind for the culture, but with a sufficient amount of sunlight.

Monarda loves bright landing spots

Although the plant requires a bright, sunny location, planting the monarda in shady areas is also possible. At the same time, the appearance of the plant, the decorativeness of the inflorescences and the duration of the flowering period will not suffer, the color of the petals in this case will be even richer.

Monarda plants are capable of thriving outdoors on infertile soils, however, when fertilized, the plant reacts with lush growth and lush flowering.

Tip: When planting a monarda, you should choose an area with neutral or alkaline soil. Planting a plant in acidic soil, inhibits growth, reduces the decorative effect of flowering. If the soil at the planting site is acidic, it is necessary to first perform liming measures.

Preparing the soil for planting monarda: you need to deeply dig up the beds in the fall, add rotted manure, peat, potash and phosphorus fertilizers.

Correct care

Monarda is a resistant plant, caring for it is not difficult. On hot summer days, the bushes of the plant in the open field should be watered, but in moderation, without overflow. Do not allow the soil to dry out strongly: watering must be done regularly and in a timely manner. If these rules are not followed, the monard can be affected by fungal diseases, especially powdery mildew... Timely watering - guarantees crop growth and decorative flowering.

Do not forget to water the culture - otherwise it will not bloom

Tip: To prevent the soil from drying out, it is useful to mulch the crop with peat or humus soil. It is forbidden to use sawdust for mulching the soil, which, when decomposed, emit substances harmful to the roots.

To maintain the decorative properties of monarda plantings on the site, it is required to update the bushes at least once every 3-4 years, while their location on the territory must also be changed.

Fertilizer and feeding monarda

Top dressing of monarda is carried out during the growing season and flowering, as well as in autumn and spring, with the regrowth of new shoots and the transition of the plant to the dormant period.

Like many other plants, monarda responds well to soil mulching and feeding

Spring top dressing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizer by adding it directly to the soil under the plants. After 2 weeks, it is useful to repeat this procedure: the mineral fertilizer is applied at the rate of 40 g per 1 m 2.

Fertilization of monarda in the autumn period is reduced to feeding plants with potash and phosphorus formulations of prolonged action. Dry granules are lightly embedded in the soil, where the fertilizer slowly dissolves and flows with water to the roots of the plant. By the spring, the fertilizer accumulates in the plant and stimulates wild flowering.

Foliar dressing will have a good effect on flowering culture

Allowed during the growing season foliar dressing flower bushes (spraying over foliage) mineral fertilizers and trace elements. With a significant increase in temperature in summer periodto protect the plant from stress, the green mass is treated with an epin solution.
Monarda: planting and care in the open field, adherence to simple rules of agricultural technology for growing a plant is a guarantee of successful growth of flower bushes.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of a perennial is allowed in two ways: vegetative and seed. When vegetative reproduction monarda is made by dividing the bush and segments of rhizomes.
The bush is dug up, cut into several parts with the division of the root system. Sections are dusted with ash, sprinkled with charcoal. Delenki sit in pits prepared in advance with fertile soil. Reproduction of monarda by dividing the bush allows you to quickly get young plants that retain all the characteristics of the variety. Young plants bloom in a year.

Monarda root

Reproduction of flower culture seeds shown if pollination of plants was undertaken to obtain new hybrids. Seeds are sown in special containers, in the phase of 4 leaves a pick is made. The germination temperature is + 20 ° C. The slow growth of seedlings at first will more than pay off when the plants gain strength. Young plants planted in a permanent place need to be weeded and watered periodically. Seed propagation allows you to get new varieties with interesting petal colors. The disadvantage of this method is that the monard from seeds does not bloom in the 2nd year of development.

Diseases and pests

The main disease of the monarda stems from the unfavorable conditions in which the plant is forced to be: with arid content, excessive watering and inappropriate fertilizers, the monarda becomes ill with powdery mildew. Growing monarda requires compliance with the entire range of plant care measures.

Monarda infected with powdery mildew

In addition to powdery mildew, all aerial parts of the plant can be affected by fungal diseases. One of the causative agents of the disease is Puccinia rnenthae. For the treatment of this disease, copper-containing preparations are used. Diseases are prevented by observing the rules of plant agrotechnology.

Monarda: combination with other plants

Monarda bushes look great on flower beds in gardens and squares. Tall crops adorn the green spaces of cities. Unpretentious flower requires minimal maintenance. Monarda forms interesting combinations with decorative deciduous plants, conifers and annuals. Care must be taken when planting so that the tall, oversized plant does not obscure the undersized neighbors.

Monarda combined with lilies

Individual group plantings of monarda are very decorative, especially when choosing harmonious colors of petals. Choosing a combination of contrasting tones or soft tone transitions - it all depends on the architect's ideas when designing the territories of park zones.

Monarda in landscape design

The plant is perfect for growing in flower beds, ridges, lawns. When planting a perennial mixboder, the monarda is ideal for background decoration. Cereals perfectly complement the spreading bushes of monarda. In addition, next to the monarda are planted: rudbeckia, perennial phlox, bells, large chamomile.

Monarda in landscape design

Separately planted monarda bushes decorate lawns and ridges. A tall plant is perfect for decorating fences and hedges.

A photo different landings monards suggest new options for the use of this worthy and resistant plant, emphasizing the decorativeness of the planting territory.

How to care for a monard: video

Varieties of monarda: photo

Monarda - medicinal plant, in addition, it is an essential oil and ornamental perennial plant. How diverse the types and varieties of monarda are, can be judged by the bright varied color and unusual shape of its inflorescences, exuding a powerful citrus aroma.

Thanks to this aroma, similar to the aroma of the Seville (Bergamian) orange, Monarda received one of its additional names - bergamot.

Types of monarda

In floriculture, 3 types of monarda are most common, all of them are very decorative and unusually fragrant, due to the high content of essential oil in the roots, stems, leaves and flowers.

Double monard - the tallest and most widespread species with a bright color of inflorescences - red, purple, pink, white and lilac.

Monarda fistus, or tubular, is valued as an essential oil plant with a high thymol content, in this form in to a greater extent manifest, therefore it is used in the official and folk medicine, as well as in cosmetics and perfumery.

Particularly popular is the dwarf variety of the fisty monarda - a plant 10-35 cm high with dark green leaves and light lavender flowers.

Monarda lemon especially interesting for summer residents, since it is used not only as ornamental plant with beautiful blue flowers, but also as a spicy-flavored vegetable crop used in many recipes with monarda.

The leaves, stems and flowers of lemon monarda contain essential oil, which has the same components as basil, mint, lemon balm, caraway seeds, thyme, tarragon, dill, rosemary, hyssop, coriander, lemon and other spicy-flavoring plants ...

Monarda varieties

Mahoganyearly variety... Its dark red flowers in inflorescences are twisted at the ends, which gives the plant original view... It blooms until frost, effective in summer bouquets. Both leaves and flowers have a strong aroma.

Adam - has large red-scarlet inflorescences, a compact bush that grows well not only in the sun, but also in partial shade.

Croftway Punk - one of the most attractive varieties with a lilac-pink color of flowers. Blooms profusely in the shade. Many find it irresistible and suitable for cutting.

Snow White - a variety with pure white flowers. Effective both in single-varietal plantings and in combination with a variety of plants. The bush is tall and compact.

Panorama - a variety with a varied color of flowers: they are raspberry, pink, purple, white, red, lilac. To preserve the variety of colors, this Monarda variety is mainly propagated by seeds.

Other varieties of monarda are also popular:
Cambridge Scarlet - with bright red flowers,
Prairie Glow and Sunset - purple,
Snow Maidn - white,
Mrs Perry - pink-red,
Rose Queen - with pink flowers.

Monarda is an unusual name and a completely unusual flower. Having been brought to the continent from America back in the time of Christopher Columbus, the flower was forgotten for almost a century. Now it is successfully grown in our latitudes. In addition to the beauty, the monarda carries useful medicinal properties.

The flower got its name in honor of the botanist Nicolo Monardi, the man who discovered this species to the civilized world.

Monarda is a perennial shrub with extraordinary flowers and a pleasant citrus scent. It usually has four shades in the color spectrum: red, purple, lilac and violet. It grows up to 90 cm and has an inflorescence with a circumference of almost 8 cm.

An unusual, exotic, impressive-sized flower takes root well in the open field and does not require special care conditions.

In total, the monarda has about 15 species, but 4 of them are called the main ones:

  • fisty
  • double
  • lemon (lemon-scented)
  • hybrid

Planting and care in the open field

Monarda loves sunlight and moist soil. Wet, but not waterlogged. Also, if a planting site is chosen in the shade, it will not bloom actively.

It is important that the growing area is protected as much as possible from the effects of winds.

The soil for planting is prepared in the fall - they dig up, remove extraneous roots weeds, bring humus and peat, slaked lime and superphosphate.

Preferably the soil should be calcareous, light and well drained. Seedlings are placed in the soil at the end of April. The flower tolerates frosts down to -30, so even in case of frost, the seedlings will not suffer.

During planting, you need to add nitrogen fertilizers.

The distance between the seedlings should be at least half a meter, as the bush grows magnificently.

The main care of the plant consists of:

  • watering: in hot weather, the monarda is watered every day. When normal conditions - in one day.
  • weeding: weeding is necessary to provide air for the roots and to help the young plant fight weeds.
  • top dressing: from the moment of planting until autumn, the monarda is fed with mineral fertilizers every two weeks.

Despite its exotic origin, the flower tolerates cold well. Therefore, it does not need shelter for the winter. The stems that have dried up by winter are not cut off - this helps the rhizome not to freeze. They are harvested in the spring.

Main types

Monarda fistus

Blooms from July to September.

Monarda Pistus contains the most essential oils in comparison with other species of this plant. Even in ancient times, the Indians used the leaves of this flower to heal cuts and bruises - an alternative to our road leaf.

Young greens of a flower are used for food - as a seasoning for meat, as well as a flavoring agent for tea.

Double monard

The flowers are bright red. And also an alternative name - "red bergamot" or "bee bergamot". It appeared due to the intense smell that the twin monarda spreads. The smell of this type of monarda is very similar to the smell of bergamot.

Often landscape designers use a double monarda in the so-called "mixborders" - plantings along sidewalk paths, where the flowers, one by one, change color as they bloom.

Monarda lemon

It is an annual plant.

Lemon mint (the second name of lemon monarda) blooms during all summer months and has a pronounced lemon scent, due to its high saturation with essential oils. Different from other monards appearance - inflorescences are not single, but located 3-4 on one stem.

Monarda hybrid

Blooms in July and August. Has 3 colors - white, purple and red. Its leaves and shoots are quite edible and are often used by gourmets as an ingredient in salads.

The entire aerial part of the plant is used for the preparation of medicines.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

Used in medicinal purposes aboveground part of the shrub - stems and inflorescences at the beginning of flowering. It was during this period, because the monarda releases the largest amount of essential oils for which it is valued.

When collecting, it is important not to damage the stems so that the beneficial ether does not escape. The collected flowers are dried in a dark room (for example, an attic) and then used for the required purposes.

  • Monarda oil is suitable for helping with colds. It is added to inhalation or aromatherapy.
  • The oil also helps with the healing of minor wounds and cuts. To do this, you need to mix monarda oil with alcohol in a 5: 1 ratio and rinse the injured areas several times a day.
  • In addition, essential oil is a good tonic. To achieve the effect, it is enough to massage using ether.
  • Another cosmetic effect will help eliminate the excess shine of the face and will help in the fight against acne. To do this, add a couple of drops to the used face toner.

There are contraindications for young children and pregnant women. For these categories, it is best not to use monarda oil, or use it with care.

And you should not use oil in excessive quantities either - it can cause side reactions of the body.

Monarda in the kitchen

One of the options for using the harvested and dried monarda is to make homemade spices. To do this, dried stems and leaves are carefully ground and stored in a well-closing jar.

Also, monarda flowers can be brewed like herbal tea. Lemon monarda works well for this. Pour 2 tablespoons of the herb and let it brew for half an hour - that's the whole simple recipe.

Monarda - herbaceous plant the family of labiates has up to twenty species, most of which perennial plants... The plant got its name in honor of the doctor Nicholas Monardes, who described the monarda in his books.

The historical homeland of Monarda is North America and Mexico, where it grows like a weed in places. In Europe, and specifically in Spain, for the first time the monard was brought by Columbus. But, unfortunately, the monard was forgotten for a long time. And only after a whole century in Europe and Asia, the monarda began to be grown as spicy aromatic plant, because in almost all types of monarda, inflorescences, stems, and especially leaves, have a strong aroma. The aroma is very different monarda: both mint, and citrus, and bergamot... Therefore, she not only herself is little susceptible to pests, but also scares them away from neighboring plants.

The stem of the plant is straight, from 65 to 120 cm in height, the leaves are light green, oval, pointed at the ends, dentate along the edge, with rare pubescence, located opposite. The monarda has a long, horizontally growing rhizome. Tubular or capitate inflorescences of tubular-funnel-shaped fragrant flowers 6-7 cm in diameter, arranged one above the other along the peduncle. Depending on the type, the color of the flowers is white, pink, red, lilac or purple, and the varieties with red flowers are the shortest. Monarda blooms profusely, from July to late summer.

There are annuals and perennials in the culture. Perennial monarda species are unpretentious and winter-hardy, they are excellent honey plants... Monarda looks great in group garden plantings. Some growers do not like the monarda for the somewhat disheveled appearance of the flowers, but they have a special charm. And therefore, seeing the monarda in bloom, the gaze involuntarily stops at the bright spot that it forms.

Due to the high decorativenessmonarda is placed on along the path, in separate curtains near a reservoir or recreation area. Monarda is decorative in a flower garden for a long time - at first it blooms magnificently, and then peduncles with nuts fruits decorate it for a long time with their unusual appearance

It is recommended to grow the monarda in one place for no more than five years, because by this time the middle part of the bush dies off and the decorativeness of the plant as a whole decreases. Therefore, it is necessary at least 1 time in 4-5 years to divide and seat the monarda.

Place for landing.

Monarda must be placed in a place protected from the wind, otherwise its stems will bend. Depending on the species, the monarda prefers different places for its growth and sunny, open areas and penumbra... For instance, mdouble onard grows better in humid, semi-shady areas, and fistous monard likes drier areas, well lit by the sun. In the sun, the monarda blooms luxuriantly, but shorter than in partial shade.

The plant is not undemanding to soil, but grows better on light, calcareous. Does not tolerate strongly acidic and very damp places. Planted in such places in 1-2 years may die.

The landing site is prepared in advance. To do this, the soil is dug up, cleaned of weeds, compost is applied (2-3 kg per 1 m 2) and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (30-40 g per 1 m 2). Then do holes, where a handful of wood ash is added, mixed with fertile soil and watered abundantly with water. Plants are planted at the level of the root collar, without deepening, while carefully compacting the earth. Then the soil is watered again and slightly loosened. Water should be watered daily, but in moderation, until complete growth. Plants are placed at a distance of 40-60 cm from each other so that they have a sufficient feeding area.

Reproduction of monarda.

Propagated by the monarda seeds and dividing the bush. An overgrown monarda bush is recommended to be divided and transplanted in autumn or early spring. The bush is divided into parts containing 2-4 strong shoots, and planted in a previously prepared hole. With an autumn transplant, the cuttings will bloom in the next season. When dividing the monarda, you can choose the bush you like best and multiply it. At the same time, the beautiful color of the flowers will be preserved and the harvest can be obtained in the very first year after transplantation.

You can grow seedlings from seeds. Seeds are sown in mid-late March, not earlier than seedling did not outgrow. 2 weeks after the emergence of shoots, they dive. Plants grow very slowly at first. Plants are planted on the garden bed when stable warm weather sets in. When planting, be sure to watered. With seed reproduction, the monarda does not bloom in the first year after sowing.

Caring for the monard.

Caring for the monard is quite simple: loosening, timely feeding and weeding. Monarda responds well to fertilization - top dressing with mullein (1: 5) or mineral fertilizers (50-60 g per 10 l of water) contribute to the formation of a large number of stems with large leaves and inflorescences. Top dressing organic fertilizers must be alternated with mineral. When dry hot weather sets in, it is advisable to mulch the soil with peat or humus so that the root system does not overheat.

Although the monarda is quite winter-hardy, in the fall it is good to mulch the planting with compost with a layer of 2-3 cm thick.In the spring, gently loosen the plants and feed them with nitrogen fertilizer (10-15 g per 10 liters of water). Two weeks later, as soon as the plant starts to grow, it is necessary to add superphosphate (10-15 g per 1 m 2).

After cutting the greenery, the plants must be fed and watered abundantly, while be sure to loosen the soil. After that, the monard grows quickly and blooms again.

Using the monarda.

Currently, the monard is widely used in floriculture: in mixborders, group plantings, in the design of recreation areas. Great in bouquets - stays in water for more than 2 weeks. The long flowering of monarda and the aroma are liked not only by people, but also by many beneficial insects, primarily for bees and bumblebees, because it releases a lot of nectar. In winter, inflorescences with seeds are also decorative and beneficial for birds.

All parts of the monarda, except for the roots, have a pleasantly tart and rather persistent aroma due to the content essential oil, the individual components of which are found in mint, basil, savory, caraway seeds, hyssop and other spicy aromatic plants. Flowers and leaves of monarda are added to salads, okroshka, soups, meat dishes, casserole, porridge, jam, drinks, which gives them an original taste and unique aroma.

They can also be used for canning cucumbers and tomatoes. Monarda lemon is a part of Earl Gray tea, giving it the aroma of real bergamot.

The harvest is harvested in the second year after sowing, because the monarda does not bloom in the first year. The branches are cut at a height of 25 cm from the soil surface or the level of the branches. For salad and tea leaves, you can collect individual leaves throughout the season. For blanks branches are cut for the future during flowering and dried in the shade.

All types of monarda have a strong bactericidal effect. You can use its juice to heal wounds. In modern medicine, monarda is used to treat burns, insect bites, and is used to prevent oral cavity infections. Monarda lemon is used to treat bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis. For fractures and wounds, tea brewed from dry or fresh monarda is recommended (2 tablespoons of chopped leaves, flower stems pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, strain and add sugar to taste. Drink 1/4 cup 3 times in day). In addition, monarda improves digestion.

Because of the secreted essential oils, Monarda can be called the guardian and healer of the garden. She herself is practically not damaged by pests, but also scares them away from nearby growing plants.

Possible growing failures.

Monarda is susceptible to diseases such as powdery mildew and rust. Decay of the shoots is possible in plants planted in damp places. Therefore, in early spring, it is advisable to treat plantings with copper-containing preparations that increase resistance to diseases. But if the plant is grown for human consumption or as a raw material for treatment, then it is better to use folk remedies: process with infusions of onions, garlic, tansy, tomato tops.

The disadvantages of monarda include the early exposure of the stems from below, so it must be decorated with stunted plants.

The best partners in the flower garden.

The best partners for Monarda are phlox, veronica, catnip, aconite, various cereals, stethoscope, rudbeckia, goldenrod, heliopsis... With the participation of Monarda, you can successfully arrange a flower garden in rustic style... If possible, the monarda should be planted in the center of the flower bed.If the monarda is planted separately, then it is necessary to plant low-growing flowers around it so that the stems bare from below are not visible.

In conclusion, I would like to say that now many people know and use the monard. This plant is a godsend, it is also a vegetable, medicinal and ornamental plant... Some are used for decorative purposes, enjoying the aroma, others in cooking, still others for treatment, and still others as honey plants.

Plant a monarda in your garden and you will never regret it. And more - write about your acquaintance with this wonderful plant.

Monarda - a perennial ornamental plant loved by flower growers for its original bright flowering and mint-spicy aroma. This herb from the family Labiatae was brought from America, where it grows like a weed. The genus monarda has about twenty species of plants, mainly perennials: monarda fist, m double, m fragrant, m citrus or lemon, m red and others. Bred decorative varieties, which are called hybrid monarda, are popular.

In the gardens, monarda is used for planting perennial group flower beds, creating a natural natural corner in a rustic style, it is combined with echinacea, different types of yarrow, chamomiles, decorative leafy grasses, wormwood, sage.

Monarda has erect branching stems up to 120 cm high. Leaves are oval with a serrated edge located oppositely on the stems. Flowers are tubular, two-lipped, collected in inflorescences located in floors on the stem.

Leaves, stems and flowers contain a fragrant essential oil. Brewing monarda leaves with tea, they give the drink a pleasant scent of mint and citrus, which can be easily confused with the scent of the famous bergamot. Monarda is used not only as a fragrant addition to tea, but also as a seasoning for meat and dessert dishes, it stimulates the appetite and improves digestion.

Since ancient times, the monarda was valued by the Indians for healing properties... The juice of its leaves has a strong bactericidal effect in wound healing, and brewed tea with monarda soothes nervous system and improves sleep.

Another plus in favor of growing a monarda is the ease of care and unpretentiousness of this plant. It grows well on any soil, blooms especially magnificently on fertile fertilized lands, but does not tolerate strongly acidic damp places.

This light-loving plant prefers sunny place, but blooms well in partial shade. Under favorable conditions, the monarda grows strongly in breadth, so after 3-4 years the bush must be divided. To do this, in the spring, they simply cut off and dig out a part of the rhizome with a shovel. The dug out cuttings can be used for reproduction, by planting them in another place, they will quickly take to growth.

Also monarda multiply cuttings, root segments and seeds.

Monarda seeds can be sown immediately after harvest in July - August in open ground or in spring in March in seed boxes or in greenhouses in May. Crops are covered with covering material and watered regularly. Shoots will appear in two to three weeks. The monarda is planted in a permanent place after spring frosts... Young plants are mulched with humus or nutrient soil. Later, the sown monarda will bloom only in the second year. The older the monarda bush, the more flower stalks it gives.

Remove faded inflorescences to prolong flowering. In the fall, before frost, the aerial part is cut off. The underground part of the monarda is quite winter-hardy and does not require additional shelter.

Monarda is almost not exposed to diseases, but with a thickened planting it can be affected by powdery mildew, rust, rotten root. Thanks to its essential oils monarda repels many pests, but at the same time attracts many bees, being a honey plant, so it will also serve as a good helper in the garden, next to vegetable plants.
