Growing geese is a very profitable and uncomplicated occupation. At the same time, profitability directly depends on the conditions in which birds are kept. First of all, you need to take care of the habitat of the birds. Building a house for geese is actually not as difficult as it might seem at first. To do this, you just need to be patient, prepare everything necessary materials, tools and drawings.

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Primary requirements

It is recommended to turn the facade of the building to the south and it is on the same side that a place for a pen should be allocated, where in the summer the birds can spend all their time. In the future, it will only be necessary to take care of the canopy that protects the geese from the rain.

The dimensions of the bird dwelling directly depend on how many inhabitants it is planned to settle in it. One individual should account for at least a square meter. Based on this, it can be calculated that a goose for 10 geese should be at least ten square meters. With a closer landing, keeping the room clean will be very problematic. Contamination and gas contamination will lead to the fact that bacteria will begin to multiply in the goose house, and this will further affect the health of the entire livestock.

Be sure to monitor the humidity in the home for geese. Optimal values 60-70 percent are considered. At lower rates, the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory organs will dry out, and the plumage will become brittle. Excessive humidity will lead to the formation of mold in the barn. For this reason, birds will be more susceptible to serious diseases.

It is extremely important that the room maintains optimal temperature regime. The air should be warmed up to twenty-two, maximum twenty-five degrees. If the goose house is too hot, the birds will begin to absorb excessive amounts of liquid, begin to suffocate, and may even die. Also, lowering the temperature will affect the health of birds.

It is necessary that there is sufficient lighting in the house of geese. Excessive shading causes poor appetite and apathy in birds. If the light is too bright, the geese become overly excited and may even show aggression towards their fellows.

How to make a goose house with your own hands: construction stages

First of all, you need to purchase all the necessary materials and carefully work out all the design details in the drawing. Only after that it is already possible to start the construction itself.


Having carefully studied the drawing, you need to make markings on the ground and dig a trench. Then it is already necessary to put reinforcement in this recess to a depth of about fifty centimeters and pour it with concrete. The approximate height of the foundation above the ground is only twenty centimeters. After that, it is also isolated with bitumen or roofing material.

In order to protect birds from rodents, it is necessary to dig another trench along the entire foundation and fill it with a mixture of sand and concrete. It remains only to wait until the foundation has completely hardened, after which it is already possible to proceed with the rest of the construction work.

Floor and walls

The height of the walls in the bird dwelling should be about two meters, and their width should be at least twenty-five centimeters. You can build them from a wide variety of materials. Farmers often use wooden bars, which are then further insulated with sawdust or special material. From the inside, the dwelling of geese can be upholstered with boards.

In those cases when the walls are made of bricks or cinder blocks, there is no need to insulate them. From the inside of the wall, it will be enough just to plaster or upholster with plywood.

The floor is most often made of wood or concrete. At the same time, concrete flooring is durable, but many poultry farmers still prefer wood. Such a floor is much warmer than concrete.

Doors and windows

It is best to place the door and window on the south side and be sure to provide special manholes for geese; from the outside of the building, ladders must be attached to them. The number of windows directly depends on the area of ​​​​the room. It should be borne in mind that when fattening geese it is extremely important that they have the optimal amount of sunlight.

You also need to make sure that windows and doors are insulated on all sides. Additionally, you can also build a vestibule, in which it will be convenient to store all the necessary equipment.


After all the main work is completed, it remains only to make the roof. You can use for this purpose and slate, and roofing material, and tiles. It is possible to insulate the room both with the help of ordinary sawdust, and by constructing an attic, which will act as a place to store feed and hay.

Arrangement of the premises

After the completion of all construction work, it is necessary to start arranging the goose coop. It is necessary to equip it in such a way that in the future it would be as easy and simple as possible to disinfect and clean. In addition, you need to make sure that everything you need is in the room:

In addition, cages can also be placed in the goose. But this requirement is not mandatory. Most farmers do without them.

Before settling birds in a new building, it is necessary to disinfect the entire room. For this purpose, you can use a weak solution of soda. The feeders and nests themselves should be washed using lye ash. With the help of a tool such as a blowtorch, all parts made of metal are disinfected. Necessary at the end of all preparatory work warm the room to the optimum temperature and immediately populate it with residents.

Lighting and microclimate

Already on initial stage construction, it is necessary to take into account one of the most important requirements for a dwelling intended for keeping geese - a certain microclimate must always be maintained in it. The geese should not be allowed to be cold or hot in the house. Any deviation from the norm can lead to a decrease in egg production, slow weight gain, and in some cases even death of the livestock. That is why it is necessary in winter time the room is fully insulated, and in the summer to prevent overheating.

It is also worth taking care that the room has proper lighting. If possible, it is best to conduct electricity in this building. It should be borne in mind that in order to create optimal conditions, it is necessary to use lamps with a power of sixty watts. At the same time, one device will be able to illuminate exactly six square meters of the room.

Excessive number of lamps should not be used. Birds do not tolerate both too bright lighting and its obvious lack. To increase the egg production of geese and intensive weight gain, it is recommended to extend their daylight hours to fourteen hours.

It is also worth noting that the room in which the geese live must be ventilated daily.. At the same time, cleaning should be carried out there. An additional influx of fresh air will have a beneficial effect on the birds.

Any poultry farmer who is just about to start breeding geese is faced with the problem of building a goose coop. After all, it is extremely important to create the most comfortable conditions for the birds, because it directly depends on how profitable this undertaking will be.

The process of building this building is very simple. It is only necessary to correctly develop a drawing and take into account in the process of construction and arrangement all important points. At the same time, the building will be strong and reliable, and the birds in it will feel good.

In the spring, we had a serious need for housing for geese, because there were up to 100 of them. Despite the fact that the goose can be considered a fairly tenacious bird, small goslings are quite at risk of getting sick if they are not given proper conditions. Firstly, they are afraid of drafts and rain, as they do not yet have large fat feathers, like adults.

Secondly, if you keep a lot of goslings in a small area, they will die due to crush.

In addition to the house, goslings still need grass, a corral for healthy and active growth. So we decided to build a house with a paddock for them, and since there is a problem with materials, we collected them in abandoned houses in the neighborhood.

Materials and tools for construction:

- hacksaw (chainsaw or electric saw);
- drill;
- hammer;
- roulette;
- stapler.

- old gates (two of us went to the side walls and one more to a part of the back);
- roofing material (in our case, "rubber slate");
- steel wire;
- columns;
- old windows from the house;
- a few boards and bars;
- mesh netting (for corral);
- nails (70, 100...);
- old doors;
- ruberoid or the like.

House building process:

Step one. Layout and installation of columns
First you need to decide on the size of the house and make markings. Pegs were previously driven into the places where the posts were buried. The size is determined according to the quantity roofing material.

Well, then the shovel went into action. A total of 6 columns were buried. Then we stuffed bars on these posts. Since they were of different lengths, we connected them and thus lengthened them. For connection, a piece of bar was used, in which I drilled holes and then hammered nails.

Step two. Side walls of the house
Two gates were used to create the side walls. Their bottom was already rotten, so it was not a pity to cut them. With the help of a chainsaw, the gates were cut as needed, and then installed in their places. As a result, the walls were built quickly and reliably.

Step three. Roof sheathing
Probably the most interesting part in construction is the crate for the roof. We have it combined, since there was no required amount of materials.

First, the bars were stuffed wooden planks. They thought that was enough. However, when installing the "rubber" slate, it turned out that the pitch was too wide and the sheets sagged, and in the sun such a roof softened and completely failed.

There were no more boards, what to do? The solution was to use steel wire as a crate. This wire was once used to broadcast radio throughout the villages. We pulled it along the house, fixing it along the edges with nails.
Well, subsequently, the roofing material was nailed with nails.
On the sides of the roof, we nailed a steel sheet, which I cut in half with a grinder.

Step four. Construction of the front wall of the house
Doors should be located in front, as well as windows, so that the goslings do not sit in the dark. To build part of the front wall, we used two doors (these used to be placed inside houses).

Further, we nailed windows over the doors, the remaining openings were sewn up with boards. Well, now, finally, it remains to be done entrance doors. They were assembled from scratch from the remaining bars and boards.

Step five. Rear wall assembly
Old doors, a piece of a gate, boards were used to create the back wall ... Actually, on this the goose house is almost ready, you just need to fill in large cracks so that the wind does not come through and a predator like weasels, martens, rats, etc. does not climb in. However, the geese are quite angry Birds and are unlikely to let the enemy near their children.

Step six. The final stage of building a house. House sheathing

When I climbed into the built house, I found many cracks through which a draft blew quite strongly. This problem had to be solved. The way out was the use of pieces of roofing material and black film for floor covering. The back wall of the house was sheathed with these materials. For ease of work, a stapler was used for sheathing.

The finishing touch was the creation of a threshold under the door. It was made from bricks. Locks were also made from pieces of timber for doors.

Step seven. Construction of an aviary
The enclosure was built quite quickly, the greatest difficulty was digging holes for the posts, this process would greatly facilitate garden drill. So that the grid does not sag, there should be as many columns as possible. Our net was 10 m long, 3 posts were needed for each roll. In other words, at least every 5 meters you need to bury a column.

In addition, to install the chain-link, you definitely need a wire from below and from above. If it is not from below, then a fox will easily crawl under it, and by the way, goslings. If a fox climbs into such a pen, it can crush dozens of goslings at a time in a fit of instincts. If the wire is not at the top, then the mesh will sag.

For ease of installation, we first unfolded a roll of mesh on the ground and inserted wire into it. Well, then the net was raised, and I attached the wire to the posts with the help of nails.

When starting to build a house for geese, they decide exactly where it will be located. A suitable place for building a goose house with your own hands is a hill. It is desirable that next to the hill on which the poultry house is planned to be built, there should be a pond where the geese could swim.

Device and types of goose

  1. inside it was dry and warm, and there were no drafts, because in such conditions the birds get sick;
  2. ventilation and windows provided fresh air and daylight;
  3. there was enough space for the birds, because each goose needs at least 1 m² of free space;
  4. birds lived on a small hill, and the front side of the building was facing south.

Unlike other domestic birds, geese are very fond of freedom. Therefore, they need to create an extensive platform. The goose paddock is closed on all sides with a net at least one and a half meters high, and on top with a small canopy that will become a shelter in the rain.

Light should be brought into the goose house, which has a positive effect on the mass and egg production of birds. One incandescent lamp is enough for 6 m². The geese survive the cold season without problems, but this does not mean at all that it is not necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 10 degrees indoors.

Depending on the reliability and insulation, the goose is divided into two types:

  • summer room, constructed from conventional transport pallets;
  • a house for year-round keeping of birds, built from durable materials.

Preparing to build a house

Starting work on the construction of a goose house, one should not forget that the facade of the bird house is directed to the south. From the same side of the world, a walking area is also organized.

Drawings of an aviary for 10, 500 and 1000 heads

With the construction of a small goose house for 10 individuals, they can really cope if you use a well-developed drawing.

Caterpillars with a larger area are best built by specialists.

Material selection

It is preferable to make the base of the goose coop an ordinary tape one, using pieces of limestone on cement mortar or a mixture of sand and clay in equal proportions. So that the building does not deteriorate from dampness, the foundation must be raised 40 cm from the ground level.

The best material for building the walls of a goose coop is adobe based on clay soil or slab. It is customary to process finished fences both from the outside and from the back with a composition in which clay is mixed with straw. Such a tool acts as a composite material known since ancient times.

If desired and possible, instead of slab or adobe for the construction of walls, you can take sheets of asbestos cement or profiled steel. When using these materials, the fences of the house should be covered with composite only on the reverse side.

Anchoring and sealing the walls of the house is usually done with sloped beams and hardboard sheets. Between the supports of the partitions, heat-insulating material should be covered or hidden. As it is allowed to use crushed foam, which is packed household appliances. Clay and straw are also suitable for warming the goose house. These components are connected and used to fill the gaps between the beams.

Organic insulation is required to be soaked in a solution of lime and dried under the sun in the open air. This tricky trick will help protect materials from mice.

It is recommended to attach wave slate made of plastic or asbestos cement to the roof beams. One sheet of roofing material should overlap 2 cm of the canvas from the already laid row. And with neighboring segments, the slate should be in contact with one wave. If the overlap is less, then water will seep into the building during a heavy downpour.

The floor of the goose house can be adobe or concrete. The first option refers to the creation of a floor covering 15 cm thick from clay, and the second option is the construction of a 3 cm screed over gravel or crushed stone pressed to the bottom of the pit.

In addition to materials, when building a house, geese will need fasteners, that is, nails or screws. It is better to buy them in reserve, since each sheet of roofing or wall covering it is required to fix with three or four fasteners.

Calculation of the amount of building materials

How much mortar is needed to fill the goose coop foundation can be found by the formula: V \u003d 2ab × (c + d). A is the width of the tape, b is its height, c is the length of the outside, d is the inside. For example, it is planned to build a strip foundation measuring 6 × 9 meters. Height of this concrete base, according to the idea, should be 2 meters, and the width - 0.28 meters.

In this case, using the formula, it is easy to determine that liquid concrete 19.2 m³ will be required. The calculation is as follows: 9 × 0.28 × 2 + (6 - 0.28 × 2) × 0.28 × 3 = 5.04 + 4.56 = 9.6 m², 9.6 × 2 = 19, 2 m³.

To calculate how much slab is needed to build the walls of the house, you need to know the thickness, width and length of the material. Let us assume that a slab 40 mm thick, 150 mm wide and 6 m long was taken for construction work.

It turns out that the cubic capacity of one board is 0.036 m³ (0.04 * 0.15 * 6 \u003d 0.036 m³). After that, it is determined how much material will be needed for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone wall, which, for example, can be 12 m². To do this, the area is multiplied by the thickness of the slab, resulting in 0.48 m³. Then the following action is performed: the total cubic capacity is divided by the cubic capacity of one board (0.48 / 0.036) and the figure 13.333 is obtained. This means that 14 boards are required per wall.

To determine the amount of material that should go to the roof, the length of the roof is divided by the width of the sheet, after subtracting from it the width of the horizontal overlap (8 cm). For example, the length of the roof is 5.7 meters, and the width of the slate sheet is 113 cm. In this case, it turns out that 6 roofing sheets need to be purchased for the construction of the roof (5.7 m / (1.13 m - 0.08 m) = 5, 7).

Required Tools

Construction work on the construction of a goose house is not complete without the use of certain tools:

  • hammer;
  • shovels;
  • building level;
  • saws;
  • roulettes;
  • stairs.

Do-it-yourself instructions for building a goose house

After choosing a place to build a poultry house, perform the following tasks:

  1. The site is marked out and a trench is dug along the perimeter of the future building, the bottom of which is half a meter below ground level. Crushed stone and sand are poured into the pit, as a result of which a layer of 2 cm should form. A reinforcement grid is placed on top of it. A sand cushion with laid bars is poured with concrete. The concrete platform should be 20 cm above the ground. The created foundation, when it hardens, is covered with roofing material or other waterproofing material. After that, a small moat is created around the concrete platform. It is poured with clay mixed with small pieces of glass, thereby protecting the structure from penetration of rodents through the ground;
  2. After waiting for the concrete to dry completely, they begin to build walls about 2 meters high and 25–30 cm thick. Usually, the fences are made of wood, for which the backbone is assembled from beams. Being engaged in the construction of the frame, they create door and window openings and other openings. On the front side, the made skeleton is upholstered with boards, and on the inside, it is insulated with foam rubber or foam. A line of wooden elements is also nailed on top of the structure. If the walls of the goose house are built of brick, then you should not think about additional thermal insulation. It is enough to hide brick fences behind plastic from the outside of the building and cover with plaster from the inside;
  3. Having decided to make the floor concrete, you should cover the leveled layer of crushed stone 1 cm thick with a layer of liquid concrete 3 cm. It is desirable that crushed foam be added to the raw material for the floor screed. It will not be superfluous to strengthen the concrete floor metal mesh, which is laid before pouring a mixture of sand, cement and water. According to another technology, an adobe floor is created in the goose house. First, 1.5 cm of soil is removed inside the building, which is replaced with raw clay. After that, building materials, similar in consistency to plasticine, are trampled down and leveled, slightly lifting near the walls;
  4. Windows and vents in the goose house are located at a height of 50 cm. It is desirable that they have double glazing. Doors for the poultry house are knocked together from boards of great thickness and upholstered with tin so that mice do not gnaw through the wood. In the room, it is necessary to create manholes measuring 50x50 cm, providing convenient movement of geese;
  5. When constructing the roof of the goose house, they install ventilation pipes. The one that goes outside is installed below the ceiling level. And the inner pipe, necessarily made of metal, is placed slightly above the floor. To control the flow of air, the ventilation system is equipped with valves.

The nuances of ventilation in the poultry house

In order for ventilation to do its job well, it is better to make the pipe in the roof coaxial. This design consists of two segments, with one of them located inside the other. This pipe will not deprive the ventilated room of precious heat. As an internal segment of the structure, it is more reasonable to use a pipe made of aluminum or galvanized thin steel. A gap of 2 or 3 cm should be left between the outer and inner element.

The device of the room inside

The goose house needs to be equipped so that the feed is spent sparingly, cleaning does not become an impossible task, and disinfection of the premises brings results.

Based on the goals described above, the goose house must have:

  • clean and non-perforated feeders for dry food, attached to the wall at a height of 50 cm from the bedding, similar to boxes with a hole, and a trough for wet food;
  • drinkers, that is, high basins with water, the length of which is at least 2 meters;
  • nests located in a dark place on the south side of the house;
  • peat or sand bedding, which retains heat and allows you to clean the floor from litter not every day, and also prevents the growth of bacteria due to its acidic environment.

It is necessary to prepare the goose for settlement by birds within a week. The fact is that if you let the geese in right away, they will start to eat the litter and spoil their digestion. Sawdust, sand or peat is best poured onto the floor of the room with a thick layer of 12 cm. As necessary, the thickness of the litter must be increased. When completely replacing sawdust or other raw materials, it is necessary to treat the floor with burnt lime.

Geese are allowed into a special dwelling only after disinfection of the walls of the room with a solution of soda. Nests and feeders should be cleaned with ashes diluted with water. And metal objects in the goose must be disinfected with a blowtorch. By heating the air in the barn to the desired temperature, birds can be let in there.

Video: goose for the summer

Geese can be kept, getting eggs and fatty meat, all year round. The main thing is to settle them in a warm and comfortable room.

Perhaps, having built a house on your land plot, you will begin to engage in subsidiary farming. The most common types of this kind of occupation are poultry keeping and gardening.

Then your construction works not finished yet, because you will have to build a goose house to keep geese in it, and also build a greenhouse. With your own hands, it is quite easy to do!

How to build a goose house with your own hands?

So, we are building a goose house. If a seasonal construction is envisaged, for the temporary keeping of poultry, then various remnants of building materials are suitable for these purposes. Geese are not picky about heat, but it is important for them to be dry. On a dry litter, they can easily endure even frosty weather.

The main thing is that the room for their maintenance is dry and shelters them from wind and precipitation.

You can build a small room, such as a cage, where the bird could be placed at night. The main thing is that there are no drafts. You can see an example of a goose in the video clip:

Summer version of the goose

Such a house for geese or ducks is built from standard transport pallets. For this, it is better to use pallets four feet long or euro pallets five feet long. In our units, this will be 1016 and 1270 mm. Pallet width - 800, 900, 1100, 1400 mm. Euro pallets have dimensions of 1200 x 800 mm.

What materials will be needed?

You will need the following tools and materials:

  • pallets - 4 pcs.;
  • wooden bars 40 x 50 mm and 30 x 80;
  • edged boards, edged with a wane or even unedged, thickness from 20 to 30 mm, width 100 - 140 mm;
  • metal staples, thickness 1 - 1.5 mm, large and small, preferably hot or electrolytic galvanized, can be painted with exterior paint;
  • blued wood screws (black with a large thread pitch) or nails 80 - 120 mm;
  • hacksaw, drill (screwdriver), hammer.

Step 1

Start from the floor. Four pallets are laid narrow side to each other and knocked down with nails (or screws) with a board on both sides. At the joints of pallets and at the corners, vertical racks are nailed - bars 40 x 50 mm in length from 1 to 1.4 m.

Step 2

Strengthen their fastening with corners. The upper ends are tied with longitudinal and transverse bars 30 x 80 mm. Inside the formed frame, transverse bars are installed - 7 - 8 pcs. They are also fastened with corners, only small ones. On the far pallet, you need to install racks up to 1.8 - 2 m, since this pallet is used to store a supply of hay or straw and other needs.

Step 3

At a height of 500 - 600 mm, a second frame is installed with 14 - 15 transverse bars. On this frame, you can install a chain-link mesh with cells of 80 - 100 mm. In the second case, there will be as many transverse bars as on the upper frame.

Step 4

In the area of ​​​​the junction of pallets under the lower frame, support racks are installed. On these racks, on metal hinges, doors with glazed windows are hung. Doors for closing are equipped on the outside with latches, hooks or bolts. The back of the goose house is closed with pieces of OSB (oriented strand board), chipboard, plasterboard ( drywall sheets) and so on.

Step 5

Doors, racks and bars need to be soaked with drying oil and painted - the doors are light in color, and everything else is dark. Bales of hay or straw are laid on top of the goose. Geese from below nibble hay for food, and what they do not eat falls under their feet in the form of bedding. From the rain, the bales are covered with a tarpaulin or plastic wrap.

We build a goose house for the whole year

We make a plan for several years ahead:

  • goose house for 10 - 20 geese in two - three turns, i.e. from the beginning of spring to winter (raised - scored, ate or twisted into jars);
  • here all year round laying hens - 18 - 20 pcs. + 2 - 3 beautiful roosters, as a herd decoration;
  • on the undergrowth 10 - 12 goslings, in the spring in the goose house, in the summer in the corral near it;
  • preferably a separate room for 3 - 4 iron barrels with food.

Given the required density of "population" on the floor, you need at least 18 - 24 square meters. m floor.

What will we need to do?

It turns out a building 3 x 8 or 4 x 6 m. In it we do:

  • a door with a vestibule for barrels of food;
  • on a narrow wall - a door to the poultry yard;
  • on a wide wall - two doors at a level slightly above the foundation for access to two pens;
  • on a wide wall above the doors we make two glazed windows for lighting.

We supply electricity and water to the room, which can / should be turned off for the winter.

Let us now consider all this in more detail.

The choice of material for the construction of the goose coop

The foundation is the simplest tape of stone-buta on a cement or clay-sand mortar 1: 1. The height of the plinth above the ground to protect against rain is at least 300 - 400 mm. Lay the outer part of the plinth above the ground on a lime or cement mortar.

The walls can be made either from home-made adobe or from slabs, scraps, etc., then coated on both sides with clay with straw mixed into it - such as a composite material. Our ancestors used such a “composite” for several hundred or thousands of years. If possible, you can use flat slate or professional sheet. In this case, the coating is only from the inside.

Lay beams on the walls with a slope of at least 1: 10 on one side, line the bottom with sheets of fiberboard or OSB, etc. Pour or lay some kind of insulation on top between the beams. You can crumble the foam packs and mix them with clay and the same straw and fill in the gaps between the beams. Used organic heaters must be kept in lime mortar and dried in the summer in the air to protect against rodents.

Lay asbestos-cement or plastic wave slate on the beams. The overlap in rows is not less than 200 mm, in a row - for 1 wave. With a smaller overlap in the rain with the wind, water will flow. Attach the sheets to three (plastic) or four nails (screws). The roof should recede from the walls on all sides by at least 300 - 400 mm.

How can you make a goose floor?

Paul can be done:


Select 100 - 130 mm of soil from the goose house and replace it with a layer of clay of 150 - 200 mm. Pour the clay with water and trample with bare feet to the consistency of plasticine. Align the finished mixture, slightly raise it near the walls.


A screed of 20 - 30 mm per layer of 50 - 100 mm of compacted crushed stone or gravel. Instead of crushed stone, you can use stone, broken brick, fragments of slate, etc.

To “insulate” the floor, it is possible to replace finely crushed foam plastic from packages or from an old refrigerator into concrete. If a metal reinforcing mesh is laid on crushed stone, then such a floor will last several decades.

Pay attention to the protection of the floor from rodents

To protect against burrowing rodents, a clay (or rammed earthen) floor must be “reinforced” with a metal mesh with cells of no more than 15 mm. Bring the grid to the foundation, lift and fix it to the wall by 50 - 100 mm.

In what cases is it worth insulating a goose coop?

If the walls were made of adobe or covered with clay and straw in a thick enough layer and in winter the frosts are about minus 10 - 15, then with a normal roof and ceiling, doors and double blind windows inside, the temperature will not be lower than + 8 - 10 ° С.

If on the street or in the yard alone winter month constant minus 20 - 25, then insulation needs to be done.

But for the final decision, you need to measure the temperature difference under the ceiling and at floor level in severe frost. If it is more than 5 - 8 ° C - you need to insulate. But at the same time, if chickens should rush in your goose house in winter, then insulate, if there are only geese there, you can not insulate. Geese can spend the winter for a week or two in a little frost in a goose coop, as long as there are no drafts.

What is the best way to insulate the bush?

The windows are glass double, preferably deaf. Wooden doors and make small doors from thick boards and upholstered around the perimeter with 50 - 80 mm tin - protection against rodents.

Outside, in extreme cases, from the inside, if there are severe frosts in your area, insulate with an EPS sheet (extruded polystyrene foam), at least 50 - 80 mm thick.

Protect internal insulation from pecking by geese and chickens, for example, with a sheet of plastic or linoleum.

We do the installation of ventilation in the goose house

Install in the roof or top of the wall ventilation pipe. If you make it two-pipe - one into the other, that is, coaxial, then you can save on ventilated heat. To do this, we make the pipe higher and outer with low thermal conductivity, for example, plastic and insulated from the outside.

The inner pipe is made of metal, such as aluminum or galvanized thin steel. The gap between the pipes is at least 20 - 30 mm.

The outer pipe should be slightly lower than the ceiling, the inner pipe should reach almost to the floor. On the inner pipe, you need to put a gate or valve to control the degree of ventilation.

Another outbuilding is a greenhouse. For him, you need to choose a good place, preferably on a hill. The place should be well lit and sheltered from the wind. The greenhouse structure itself is a structure consisting of four pillars dug into the ground and reinforced with strapping, with glazed frames fixed to them.

Pay attention

Film greenhouse, much easier to manufacture.

It, in turn, consists of a frame, which can be assembled from improvised materials and fastened with a nylon cord, and a film reinforced on top.

Dimensions are made, depending on the needs of the application, but it is desirable, for the convenience of working with plants, to make it a height of human height.

So, you decided to start breeding geese at home, and first of all, you need to build a room that meets all the requirements for these birds to live. Let's take a closer look at how to build a goose house with your own hands.

Requirements for the goose house and the choice of materials for construction

The main requirements include:

  • Elimination of drafts;
  • Comfortable, warm temperature and dryness;
  • Good air circulation.

If these conditions are not observed inside the building, the following are observed: deterioration in egg production, fertility and meat qualities of geese. One important factor matters: it is desirable to maintain the ratio of the number of birds to the area they occupy in the proportion of 1 to 1. Allocate 1 m 2 to each goose, and you will avoid excessively rapid pollution of the building for birds and the surrounding air and prevent the spread of various diseases. It is irrational to allocate too much area for each individual - it is unlikely that a goose coop built by oneself is so large, and therefore it is best to maintain a given proportion.

The advantage when choosing a place to build a barn for geese will be the elevation, the proximity of water and pastures - this way you will significantly save on feed and make it easier for the geese to walk comfortably on a hot day, because the pond will cool them down perfectly and save them from overheating. The facade of the goose house should face south, and it is also desirable to place a paddock for walking in cold weather. In the summer, geese can be constantly outside, just provide them with shelter from the weather.

Building a barn for geese with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to choose suitable materials for you and your wallet and draw a floor plan. The poultry house can be built from wood, brick, cinder or foam blocks.

Goose house construction

After selecting materials and working out the drawing, you can proceed to the main construction work.


Having previously drawn up a drawing for the construction of a goose house with your own hands, mark the future barn. In a trench dug under the foundation to a depth of 0.5 meters, lay the reinforcement and fill it with concrete. The height of the foundation above the ground should be at least 0.2 m. To protect birds from attack by various rodents, dig a trench along the perimeter of the foundation and fill it with a mixture of concrete and sand.

If the ground under the future poultry house is damp, then the foundation is poured a little differently. The earth is covered with a layer of crushed stone, the height of which is 15-20 cm, then all this is poured with a mixture of clay and broken glass. Cement covered with hot bitumen is placed on all layers - this will make your building more durable and hygienic.

Walls and floor

The foundation will harden for some time, after which proceed to the construction of walls approximately 2 meters high and at least 25 cm thick - they can be built on the basis of a frame with sheathing or from chopped wood. Thick bars will be an excellent frame, which should be upholstered with boards.

Do not forget to insulate the house: sawdust or special material is perfect for this purpose. If the barn is made of wood, then board it from the inside with boards.

For a building made of cinder blocks or bricks, additional insulation is not required - you can use plaster or plywood for upholstery from the inside, and finish it with clapboard on the outside. Use wood or concrete as the flooring material.

Windows and doors

South side - perfect place to install a door and window, and be sure to provide bird holes. The number of windows as a percentage should be within at least 10% of the area occupied by the floor. Do not forget that enough sunlight is extremely important for fattening geese.

Windows and doors should be well insulated on all sides. Build a vestibule that will serve as a place to store various equipment and bedding.


After building the walls and floor, take care of the roof. Make it from slate, roofing material or tiles - the choice is up to you. To store hay and feed, if you wish, you can also build an attic, which, moreover, will play an important role in the construction - it will make it warmer.

Goose house arrangement

After building a goose house with your own hands, take care of it interior arrangement. In any case, carefully calculate everything, because the main criteria for the arrangement are the economical consumption of feed and the ease of cleaning and disinfection in the room, which you will divide into two parts. One is for juveniles and the other is for adults.

Pay special attention to the following points:

  • Feeders. They can be divided into three types: for dry, wet and mineral feed. A feeder intended for dry food should be large enough to accommodate the daily amount of food. For wet mash, any metal trough is fine, but remember that it is undesirable to put dairy feed in it. Feeder for mineral feed ( eggshell, bone meal and shells) should always be present in the house;
  • Drinkers. Make sure that the water is clean and does not leak from the containers. Every ten birds need a drinker at least 2 meters long;
  • Nests. Their number varies depending on the number of geese: one nest for two females will be enough. Install nests in dark areas of the poultry house on the south side;
  • Litter. It may consist of peat, sawdust, straw or coarse dry sand, and its height should initially be 5-7 cm. Make sure that the maximum thickness of the litter does not exceed 12 centimeters, since it must be refilled when moistened. In those places where feeders and drinkers are installed, it should be regularly removed, replacing it with a dry one. Cover the bedding made of sawdust with chopped straw, because goslings can peck at it. by the most the best option litter will become peat, it perfectly absorbs moisture.

Birds should not be allowed into the barn immediately after it has been built. It is necessary to treat the walls and ceiling with a solution of lime (dissolve lime in five liters of water - 1 kilogram and salt - 0.1 kilogram); 2% is also suitable for this purpose soda solution or 5% creolin, the dosage of which is determined as follows: approximately 200 grams are required per bucket.

Microclimate and lighting

When building a goose house, it is necessary to observe an important condition - maintaining a certain microclimate in the room. Control the temperature in the house, the most comfortable is between 22 and 30 degrees. A higher temperature value in the building will reduce the egg production and weight of individuals, and if its value reaches 40 degrees, then the entire livestock may die. The coldness in the room Negative influence on geese - they die from hypothermia.

The most optimal humidity is 60%. To maintain the required value, ridge ventilation must be carried out in the room. A constant supply of fresh air will ventilate the barn well, remove excess heat and various harmful gases. If the humidity is less than 50%, the mucous membrane of the eyes will begin to irritate the geese, feathers will begin to break, and if the value exceeds 70%, due to the appearance of mold on the walls and bedding, the birds will start to get sick. Excess moisture also has a negative effect on the purity of the plumage of geese and it does not retain heat well.

Lighting is a fairly necessary element in the building for geese. If possible, run electricity in the bird shed, the lamps should be 60 watts. Each light element is designed for 6 m 2 goose coop. Do not overdo it with the number of lamps: with an excess of them, cannibalism and other diseases can appear in birds, and a lack of light will lead to weight loss. Give the geese 14 hours of daylight for a good laying, but at normal times, 7 hours will be enough for them.

If you built a goose house with your own hands, properly arranged a room for breeding birds and provided them with proper conditions, the goslings will grow up healthy, strong, and quickly gain weight, which will certainly delight you and your loved ones.
