Flies are the most common and annoying insects that live side by side with humans. Getting rid of them sometimes becomes a real problem, while often you cannot do without special means, one of which is a fly trap. Of course, you can buy it, but it's easy to do it yourself.

Should you fight flies and why

These insects not only annoy with their buzzing - their neighborhood is much more dangerous than it might seem. Flies are carriers of pathogens of various diseases - intestinal infections, eye diseases, tuberculosis. Also, on their paws, they often carry eggs of worms onto the food they sit on. That is why the fight against them indoors is an important task for ensuring sanitation and maintaining human health.

The main types of traps, their effectiveness, advantages and disadvantages

One of the most versatile means of exterminating unwanted neighbors is a fly trap. With your own hand, you can make many options for its execution from scrap materials.

The simplest one is from a plastic bottle with a sweet bait (it also helps against wasps)

Plastic bottle trap

Ease of manufacture is its main advantage. This requires one empty plastic bottle volume of 1.5-2 liters.

In order to make a trap, you must:

The disadvantage of this flycatcher is that a small part of the insects can leave the trap; you also need to constantly change the bait with caught flies. Fermented bait can smell unpleasant.

Glass jar option

The principle of catching a flycatcher from glass jars the same as in the bottle version.

It is made as follows:

  1. Put fruit in a jar with a volume of 0.5 to 3 liters or pour a sugar-containing liquid.
  2. Insert the narrow end of the funnel for pouring the liquid into the neck of the jar and secure it with tape.
  3. Place a trap where you want to catch insects.

The effectiveness of this flycatcher is comparable to a bottle trap. It is periodically necessary to change the bait and remove the caught insects.

Analog from any container and cling film

For the manufacture of this flycatcher is used plastic container any shape - round or square. The trap is done as follows:

The principle of the trap is the same as in the previous ones. Some flies can escape the trap, and its effectiveness will depend on how attractive the bait is to the insects.

Homemade sticky tape

The advantage of this trap is that the flies do not need to get inside. closed space, which scares some insects, so its effectiveness is higher than that of the previous options presented. You can do it yourself as follows:

  1. Mix 2 parts pine resin with 1 part linseed oil and a little sugar syrup.
  2. Cut strips 3–4 cm wide from plastic wrap.
  3. Apply the prepared adhesive mixture with a brush to the tapes.
  4. Hang up traps in a room where you want to kill insects.

One of the disadvantages of adhesive tapes is their low aesthetics.

"Folk" insect repellents - plastic bags with water

A simple, albeit somewhat controversial, fly protection solution. In order to make such a repeller, you need the following:

The inventor claims that this device can be compared in efficiency with mosquito nets, but this is a rather controversial issue.

CD Velcro pendant

To make this trap, you need the following:

The disadvantage of this flycatcher is that it is periodically necessary to clean the disk from flies, lubricate it with an adhesive base and send it to the freezer.

How to make an electric fly trap

To make this category of traps, you need to have electrical skills. In addition, you need to have a list necessary materials, which will not be in every home.

Electric jump: instructions for making

The principle of operation of this electric trap is based on the belief that flies will fly towards the light of the lamp, however, even professional flycatchers using lamps to lure them are more effective against mosquitoes, while flies, according to users, often bypass the trap.

To make this flycatcher, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Pliers;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • Small electric motor from the turntable;
  • An ordinary light bulb with a socket;
  • Couple cans with different diameters;
  • Aluminum or tin strip 20x100 mm in size;
  • 2 plastic washers;
  • Epoxy resin with thickener;
  • Metal stripes;
  • Screws and bolts M4;
  • Round base made of wood;
  • Nylon stocking;
  • Rubber ring;
  • Power source - a pair of AA batteries.
As you can see, this device is not the latest invention, but also Soviet

You need to make a trap as follows:

The disadvantage of this trap is the complexity of its manufacture and low efficiency for catching flies in comparison with other traps.


To lure insects in this flycatcher, the light of a lamp is also used, which in practice is far from always effective against flies. To make it, you will need the following materials:

  • Housekeeper light;
  • Ordinary penlight battery or "Krona".
  • High voltage module.
  • Aluminum wire.

Electric shock is made as follows:

  1. Disassemble the housekeeper light and drill two holes opposite each other on the sides of the plastic base.
  2. Insert aluminum wire into each hole and wrap the body with it.
  3. Connect one of the wires that come out of the neon lamp with the end of the wire.
  4. Connect the remaining two contacts of the neon lamp to the high-voltage module.
  5. Connect the high-voltage module to the batteries via a push-button.
  6. Fix the module and batteries to the lamp housing with electrical tape.
  7. Switch on the device - insects attracted by the light when touched aluminum wire will be amazed electric shock.

The disadvantage of this trap is that it is also unsafe for humans in case of inadvertently touching a bare wire; it also has a low efficiency compared to traps in which sugar-containing substances or pheromones are used as bait.

Plants that eat for flies

Predatory plants are a rather exotic way of catching flies, but they can still help get rid of a few annoying insects. Most often in room conditions the following species are grown:

Industrial traps for rooms and gardens

There are also industrial versions of fly traps.

  • Aeroxon. Glue trap, the bait of which includes environmentally friendly ingredients.
  • DELUX AKL-31. A trap whose principle is based on attracting insects with ultraviolet light. Flies flying up to it are electrocuted. Although the manufacturer positions it as a universal device against mosquitoes, mosquitoes and flies, the latter rarely become trophies of this trap.
  • FC001. A mechanical trap, inside which it is necessary to insert a tablet with an attracting substance, which contains synthesized (Z) -9-Tricosin, a pheromone secreted by flies to attract individuals of the opposite sex during mating. The action of the tablet is very long - 2-3 tablets may be enough for one season.

Professional traps vary in cost and outperform homemade traps in convenience and efficiency.

The prettiest option is the Australian bollard trap

This trap can be used outdoors - for example, near a dining table under a canopy in the country, since its catching ability is quite high, and maintenance actions are extremely rare.

Outwardly, the flycatcher looks like a bedside table from timber frame with small legs, covered with a fine mesh on all sides, under the bottom of which a saucer with a sugar-containing liquid is placed. The secret of catching flies lies in the pyramidal shape of the mesh bottom of the trap, in which there is a hole. As a rule, when they are full, the flies fly up, not paying attention to the transparent mesh.... As a result, insects enter the flytrap through a hole in the bottom.

The following materials are required for manufacturing:

The flycatcher manufacturing process is as follows:

  1. Assemble the frame from wooden planks so that the whole structure stands on legs about 5 cm high, attach the upper part to the awnings and equip it with a hook.
  2. Cover all sides except the bottom with a metal mesh.
  3. Make a pyramidal bottom of the trap from the mesh by connecting the seams of the mesh with metal screws; you can also use staples for a furniture stapler for this.
  4. Cut a hole 2 cm in diameter at the top of the pyramidal bottom to allow flies to enter the trap through it.
  5. Coat all joints between the mesh and the wooden planks with sealant.
  6. Place the trap in the required place, after placing a saucer with a luring liquid - sugar syrup or jam - under it. Commercial fly attractants can also be used.

The advantages of this flycatcher are that it is rather rare maintenance, since sometimes it is only necessary to free the flies from the trap, and also to replace the luring liquid in the saucer.

Prevention of flies in the house

In order for the flies not to annoy, you must constantly adhere to preventive measures to prevent their appearance:

By taking these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the number of annoying insects. It is also recommended to set up traps even in areas where the number of insects is low.

With the arrival of August, the ripening time for most fruits, such unwanted insects as fruit flies appear in the house. Inconspicuous fruit flies begin to attack all fruits and vegetables as soon as they lie down for a while. How to get rid of them without harming yourself, you can find out by reading this article.

Where do fruit flies come from in the house?

These insects are the eternal companions of man, they feed on spoiled, rotten foods, which are in abundance in humans. Only with a massive harvest, a constant stay in the house of vegetables and fruits, fruit flies become a lot. They multiply intensively and lay eggs on food. Since the eggs and larvae are very small, humans cannot notice them on the fruit. Leaving the purchased watermelon or apples with pears, you can see fruit flies actively interfering with your usual way of life the next day.

How to get rid of

If you can't remove the reason for their appearance, as well as hide all the products, then you can use the following means:

1. Trap from the can. Place the bait on the bottom (a piece of fruit or juice, compote). Make a paper funnel with a small hole. Glue the joint with tape. Place with the pointed end of the funnel down. Leave it overnight. In the morning, cover and throw out the "harvest".

2. Trap from a plastic cup ... Take a glass and put the bait on the bottom. Cover the top cling film and make several holes with a thick needle. Place it near the fruit flies' habitat. After a few hours, discard the glass with the caught flies and make a new blank.

3. Batch trap. Put the bait in a new bag with high walls, leave for a while. When the insects fly inside, quickly close the bag and take it out of the house.

4. Duct tape. Coat the fly catching tape with wine or sour compote. Drosophila will fly to smell and stick.

5. Bottle with the mixture. Pour juice or compote into a small glass bottle with a narrow neck. Add soapy water. Leave in the place where the flies accumulate. They will fly inside, but cannot rise.

Here are some practical tips to help stop Drosophila infestations in your home:

  • When the fly has started up in pots with flowers, you need to stick several matches into the substrate with their heads down. The midges will disappear.
  • You can catch fruit flies with a vacuum cleaner if they get in the way and fly a lot.
  • If there are mosquito plates, then you can stick them on the window, from the sunny side. The smell will kill the flies.
  • To avoid the reappearance of these insects, you need to remove all the fruits in bags. Do not leave food leftovers on the table. And spoiled products should be disposed of immediately.

Drosophila appears in the house very easily, but getting rid of it is not easy. If you apply the proposed methods correctly, you can get rid of these insects in a few days. But the best thing is not to give Drosophila a reason to appear: do not leave food for a long time "unattended."

Various methods can be used to combat them, including traps, which have the following advantages:

However, there are some disadvantages to using traps, the main ones are:

  1. Low efficacy compared to using insecticides, which make it possible to virtually instantly destroy entire populations.
  2. Lack of protective effect. Only those individuals that fall into the set traps will be destroyed.
  3. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the fly will pay attention to the trap and fall into it, while some other methods allow you to immediately go to the destruction of pests.

Types of traps

The classification of such devices is carried out according to the principle of their operation today, in accordance with this criterion, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  1. Glue traps are one of the most well-known and common types, their popularity is due to their simplicity of design, which makes them easy to operate and low cost. You can use houses or adhesive tapes that stick to any surface. This type of device has a double effect, since it allows you to catch both flying and crawling insects. However, it is recommended to use hanging adhesive tapes directly to kill flies. Despite the fact that crawling insects cannot get caught in such traps, they will be one of the most effective means against flies.
  2. Devices containing baits poisoned with various types of insecticides. They are considered as traps only formally, since in fact they are not intended for catching flies, but to attract their attention with food bait in order to cause poisoning and subsequent death. They are usually used to kill cockroaches orant, fly control devices are not so widespread, since other options are much more effective.
  3. Mechanical traps with various baits designed to collect caught insects. Attachments of this type are used to catch virtually all types of insects and flies, in this case, are no exception. Exists various options, but they all function on a similar principle: flies get inside a special container, attracted by the bait, but they can no longer get out on their own.
  4. Electric traps are the most innovative way to combat, there are models designed to destroy different types insects. To attract mosquitoes and butterflies, special lamps are usually used, to the light of which they fly, but for flies, devices with a fragrant bait are suitable, which will attract them with its scent. After getting inside the trap, the insect will receive an electrical discharge that is fatal to insects, while it is not capable of causing any harm to humans or pets. Electric models are the most expensive, but they are also designed for long-term use, since the traps only need to be cleaned from time to time of dead insects, after which they will be ready for use again. Today, there are two types of electrical devices: those that function after being connected to a home electrical network, or that operate on replaceable batteries. The second option is usually used for catching flies outdoors.

Trap overview

Given the wide range of modern fly-catching devices, it can be difficult to choose the most suitable option.

In order to make this process as easy as possible, the following is an overview of the most effective tools:

Aeroxon's sticky backing tape is made in Germany and is the simplest fly trap. Its use does not require any additional costs, it contains only cellulose and ordinary glue, the device is environmentally friendly. Sold in sets, which include four skeins of tape at once, the price is 100 rubles.

The HELP trap also has a glue element in its design, designed to be placed on windows, so flies come across soon after entering the room. The main advantage is the almost complete invisibility of this device, which can be purchased you can for 80-100 rubles.

The Raptor trap can is especially effective for catching flies and other flying insects outside. It is enough to put the bait that comes with the kit inside the tank, and then close the roof. The jar can be placed on any surface or hung on tree branches, and insects that get inside will no longer be able to get out. The approximate cost is 300-350 rubles.

The FC001 is a mechanical fly trap. It starts working after a special tablet is inserted into it, after which the device generates heat and odors that attract insects. It is enough to have no more than 2-3 tablets in stock, this amount is quite enough for the entire warm season. The price is about 3500 rubles.

The Excalibur Aqua 80 IPX4 ZSP005 is a unique instrument and trap designed specifically for flies that has no analogues on the market today. The device is recommended for installation in public catering, large enterprises or logistics centers, although it can also be used in residential premises. The basic principle of action is to kill the trapped insects with deadly electrical discharges. The body is made of high-quality and high-strength polycarbonate, and the trap itself is provided with a moisture protection system, which makes it unpretentious to the surrounding conditions. The approximate cost is 50,000 rubles.

"SKAT 23" is a domestically produced trap that, in addition to flies, can also kill mosquitoes, which makes it a multifunctional device. The design includes lamps of a special type that do not emit heat, but attracts flying insects. As soon as they touch the protective grill, they receive a fatal shock. The device is environmentally friendly, quiet and does not emit any third-party odors, while it the price is only about 4000 rubles.

Flypod ZF050 is distinguished not only by its high operating efficiency, but also by attractive design, which allows the fixture to blend harmoniously into virtually any interior. The combination of this factor with its small size and functionality makes the trap look like a small one. decorative lamp... Best for public places, cafes or living rooms where you don't want to use tape-like gadgets that are not very attractive. Insects die when they get inside and come into contact with the adhesive insert, which can then be replaced with a new one. The approximate cost is 8500 rubles.

Fly Web Fly Trap is a trap that has not yet become widespread in the domestic market, but it can be ordered over the Internet. Has several effects, including light, which allows you to attract not only flies, but also a number of other flying insects. The device is an energy consumer, therefore it can only function after being connected to the mains. The only drawback is only the fact that it is extremely attractive to butterflies, moths and other harmless insects, which are very likely to also fall into it. The cost of such a trap, excluding delivery, is about 2,000 rubles.

The Sterling Rescue Outdoor Fly Catcher Trap is also currently a model that is only available to order online. Externally, it is a reservoir bag made of durable plastic. To start operating inside, you need to add a small amount of water, and then hang the device in the apartment or on the street. A special attractant is placed inside it, which is quite attractive to flies and attracts them to itself ... Trapped prisoners will no longer be able to get out, one trap is designed for 20,000 flies, after which it is disposed of. They must be used carefully so as not to damage the reservoir, and also place them in safe places, since over time larvae can begin to multiply inside. The approximate cost is 800 rubles excluding delivery, two devices are supplied in the kit at once.

A plant called the Venus flytrap is not a deterrent, but a real fly trap. In its natural environment, it grows mainly in swampy areas, where the soil is not fertile and does not actually contain nutrients... To compensate for them, this flycatcher eats insects, and flies form the basis of the diet. Such a plant can be planted on the territory garden plot or grow in a pot like indoor plant... It is recommended to keep it on the windows from the most sunny side and the Venus flytrap will become not only a decoration of the apartment, but also a real thunderstorm for flies that have flown into it.

DIY fly traps

Buying in-store accessories is not a prerequisite, since there are a number of ways to make traps yourself.

To implement this venture, you must use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a small glass jar into which you want to pour the juice. It should fill no more than a third of the container.
  2. Add a few drops of soap or dishwashing liquid to the liquid bait, which will exclude the likelihood of a possible escape of caught insects.
  3. Roll up a piece of paper this wayso that it takes the shape of a cone, the diameter of one of the holes of which should not be more than 5-8 mm.
  4. Paper cone inserted the narrow side inside the can.
  5. Flies will get inside homemade device through a small hole, after which they will either drown in the liquid, or remain sitting on the inner walls of the can.

To do this, you need to repeat the sequence of actions described below:

  1. Mix equal amounts of castor oil and rosin.
  2. Melt the resulting mixture and add a small amount of honey and jam to it, which will be the main bait.
  3. Cut stripes from paper sheets, the recommended width should be 5-8 cm.
  4. Process both sides of the cut strips prepared mixture.
  5. Hang up homemade trap in places, where a large number of flies usually live, after which they will begin to stick to its surface.

How to make an insect trap? This question is asked by all summer residents and residents of private houses. Wasps, flies, mosquitoes begin to precipitate a person on hot summer days, especially in July and August. At this time, young offspring appear, which need a lot of food. Therefore, males and females scurry in search of food. They fly for food, especially for sweets and meat. Mosquitoes annoy with painful bites.

Many people are allergic to wasp stings. Therefore, people have to apply many methods of insect control. The bites of these insects are very unpleasant, especially for children. Sometimes you have to call ambulanceto avoid suffocation due to allergic reaction. The easiest way to get rid of wasps. You can try to find the nest and destroy it. But wasps fly around the site. Mosquitoes can crawl into every crevice of the house, just like flies. Therefore, you need to know how to make a trap at home.

An effective trap for wasps and flies

There is a very effective device that has been tested by many site owners. To make it, you need a plastic bottle of 1.5 or 2 liters. The cover must be removed from it. The bottle must be cut into two pieces. In this case, the upper part should be half the size of the bottom. You will need to put liquid bait inside. So that it does not spill, you need to place the upper part in the lower part with the neck inward. At this point, the trap can be considered ready.

Any sweet liquid can be used as bait. But it is best to take fermented compote, as it has a sharper smell. This completes the instructions on how to make a trap. Insects will fly to the smell and get in, but they will not get out. Trying to crawl along the walls of the bottle, a wasp or fly ends up in a dead end, which is formed due to the upper neck. It is better to make several such baits. They should also be reinforced in case of strong winds.

What bait is better to take

Flies are different, therefore, certain baits should be used for them. House flies and similar species are most fond of sweets. Large species are practically not interested in sugar, so it is better for them to put fresh meat or fish in the bait. Fruit flies may only be interested in fruits, juice or compote. Wasps love sugary sweets most of all, such as honey. Unfortunately, such traps will not help against mosquitoes.

Such devices are very effective. But there is a certain species - fruit flies, which rarely fly into the can. The way to make a trap for them will be discussed below. The funnel trap is not suitable for household use. It's all about unpleasant odor, which begins to emanate from the bait after a few days. But if you change it more often, then the trap is quite suitable for rooms.

DIY fly tape

The most common way to get rid of flies is with Velcro tape. These are sold at every hardware store. Flies willingly sit on the tape, as it has glue applied to it, which contains bait. The insect cannot fly away from such a device. The tape works for a while, but then the glue dries up. The advantages of such a device are many. It is affordable, harmless to humans. The tape does not smell, does not emit toxic substances.

How to make this type of fly trap? Many people think that this is impossible. But in reality, you can make a tape quickly. To do this, you need to take linseed or castor oil, resin or rosin. You need to take glycerin, honey or sugar as bait. Melt all the ingredients in a water bath and apply them to paper tape. You will get an excellent analogue of a store device. This kind of tape is suitable for catching fruit flies, as they like to land on the surface.

Readers now know how to make a fly and wasp trap. Surely many are also interested in what goals the insect pursues. If bees live to make honey, then flies and wasps pursue completely different goals. They try to lay as many eggs as possible. One fly manages to reproduce up to 2000 larvae. Moreover, they live only a couple of months, and sometimes up to two weeks. The fly lays about 120 eggs per clutch.

A cesspool, compost heap, and even soil in a flower pot are best suited for this. The fly will appear in a couple of weeks. Moreover, the warmer the ambient temperature, the faster the larva matures. In winter, the flies sleep. An active life begins only when the total daily temperature is +20 degrees. There is one more interesting fact... Surely, many are interested not only in how to make a trap at home, but also in why flies are always sitting on the windows. They just have compound eyes, because they simply do not notice transparent objects.

Why flies are dangerous

Insects, in particular flies, are carriers of many diseases. Therefore, it is important to get rid of them in time. If wasps are dangerous due to bites, then flies can cause not only food poisoning, but also the most dangerous diseases. Some of them are typhoid, fever, cholera, dysentery, brucellosis, etc.

An unusual but simple way to get rid of flies and wasps

Not everyone knows how to make a trap with your own hands using a fly agaric. Surely no one thought about the origin of the name of this mushroom. It is necessary to collect fly agarics in August. A few hats will be enough. They should be crumbled in disposable tableware and cover with sweet water. A plate with mushrooms should be placed in the garden or in another place where insects gather. Wasps and flies will react immediately to the bait. You don't even have to chop up the fly agarics, but simply sprinkle the caps with sugar. A syrup is formed on the surface, to which insects will stick.

How to get rid of mosquitoes

For mosquito control, you can make a regular sippy trap, but there is also a better tool. It is worth trying to make an electromechanical device. To create it, you need several materials at hand. The main component of the trap is the electric motor. Thanks to him, the trap has a suction effect. It pulls mosquitoes into a special container from which they cannot get out.

How do you make this type of mosquito trap? Everything is very simple. The power supply is based on direct current. An ordinary cooler can become a fan for the device, only, preferably, large sizes... You can take a plastic bucket from mayonnaise as the basis of the case. In the bottom of the can, you need to make a hole equal in diameter to the dimensions of the cooler. The fan is usually sold with screws. They can screw the device to the bottom of the bucket. The cooler is attached outside, not inside.

Trap bait

A suitable bait will be a light bulb with a bayonet base, as well as a holder for it. The surrounding air will heat up and illuminate the space at the same time. Everyone knows that light is the main bait for insects. Instead of a light bulb, you can use LEDs. Moreover, it is more economical to buy them in the tape, and not separately. In addition to light, you will need another bait. Komarov will be interested in carbon dioxide, for which you need to dilute the same amount of sugar and 5 g of yeast in 0.5 cups of water. The bait should be added to the container to be attached to the trap body.

These are the easy but effective methods for dealing with flying insects. They are much safer than aerosols and others chemical substances... So it's better to spend some time on self-production traps than spending money on other insect control methods.

Everyone loves summer, but we are sure that no one likes the sudden increase in the number of creepy insects that breed at an alarming rate during the warmer months.

At the same time, no matter how clean you keep your house, there are flying aliens who stubbornly try to get into it and sometimes they succeed with varying degrees of difficulty.

And after that, the insects simply do not want to leave the comfortable home of a person. Therefore, people have to invent the most different waysto get rid of uninvited guests. And here the ability to think creatively very often comes to the rescue.

For example, Imgur user Donkey1521 came up with a simple fly trap made from a regular plastic bottle. Easy to make and non-toxic, it fights a wide variety of flies, from large dung flies to small fruit flies.

In order to get started, you only need a few things: the trap itself needs a plastic water bottle, and the bait requires a banana and granulated sugar.
Imgur / Donkey1521
First, you need to cut the bottle in two using scissors or a sharp knife. To do this, mark the cut at a distance of about two-thirds of the bottle's height from the bottom, and then go around the circle with the cutting tool. When you're done, you should have two pieces: a smaller one with a lid and a larger one that can sit on the table.

Imgur / Donkey1521
Pour about one tablespoon of granulated sugar into most of the bottle until the bottom is covered. Then, cut ripe or slightly overripe bananas into small pieces.

Imgur / Donkey1521
Place the sliced \u200b\u200bbanana on top of the sugar bottle; this sweet mix will help lure flies that feed on rotting products and decaying organic matter.

Imgur / Donkey1521
After you have the banana and sugar in the bottle, lightly mash them together to create a kind of puree. Add about 4 centimeters of warm water to the puree and stir the mixture gently. Warm water and sugar will make the banana rot faster, making it a more potent fly bait.

Imgur / Donkey1521
Now that most of the bottle is finished, you can move on to the smaller one. Unscrew plastic cover and turn the smaller piece upside down. Then place the smaller portion into the larger portion so that the hole is in or just above the banana mixture. Your trap is now ready for use.

Imgur / Donkey1521
This trap can be used for about a week. During this time, its lower part should be filled with flies. It may start to look a little unpleasant after a few days, but it's worth getting rid of any flies that have entered your home.

Imgur / Donkey1521
Here is a close-up view of how the fly trap works. The flies move down the neck of the bottle at the bottom to the banana bait. After that, they struggle to get out through the hole and drown inside the bottle. Cruel, but it fulfills its function!

Imgur / Donkey1521
