Radish (Latin Raphanus sativus) - annual or biennial plants belonging to the group Sowing radish of the genus Radish of the Cabbage family, or Cruciferous. The name of the vegetable is radish from the Latin word radix, which means root. This is an early ripening garden crop, the leader among fast growing vegetables, it is very much in demand in spring, because at this time only radish contains live vitamins that are so necessary for the body after winter.

Planting and caring for radishes

  • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - before winter or in spring, from late March to mid-April.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: loose, light soil of neutral or slightly alkaline reaction (5.5-7.0 pH).
  • Predecessors: undesirable - any cruciferous crops. The good ones are potatoes, cucumbers, legumes. After the radish, it is best to grow tomatoes on the site.
  • Watering: frequent and plentiful: in the usual spring with rains and thunderstorms - once a day, in the morning or after 17.00, but in abnormally hot and dry weather - both in the morning and in the evening. The soil on the site should be slightly moist at all times.
  • Top dressing: when grown on poor soils, fertilizing is applied twice, on rich ones - one. Complex mineral fertilizers are used.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: cruciferous fleas and bears.
  • Diseases: bacteriosis, keela, black leg.

Read more about growing radishes below

Vegetable radish - description

The radish plant is grown in many countries. It is a root vegetable with a diameter of 2.5 cm, covered with a thin skin of red, pink or white-pink color with a sharp taste due to the mustard oil contained in its pulp. The radish vegetable is a long-day plant; it needs 13 hours of daylight for normal development. But the growing season is short, so you can grow a radish root crop throughout the season, planting it literally every week.

Planting radishes in open ground

When to plant radishes in the ground

Radish seeds germinate at a temperature of 1-2 ºC, for normal development, the plant needs a temperature of 15-18 ºC, but no more, since too warm air with a lack of lighting (and at this time of the year the day is still short) only leads to the growth of tops, in while the root crop does not grow and coarsens. As soon as the soil thaws and warms up, the radish is planted in the ground. This usually occurs in mid-April, although in warm areas, early varieties of radishes are sown at the end of March.

Soil for radishes

Growing radish from seeds begins with soil preparation. The area where you plant radishes should be sunny at least the first half of the day and closed from the wind. The optimal soil for radishes is loose, light soil of neutral or slightly acidic reaction, the pH of which is in the range of 5.5-7.0 units. Too acidic soils must be limed before planting radishes.

It is good to sow radishes on a plot intended for the future for growing tomatoes: you can sow radishes on it every week until May 20, collect good harvest root crops and at the same time prepare the soil in the area for growing tomatoes. Heavy and cold soils or poor sandy loam, if you want to grow radishes in them, you will have to dig up with humus at the rate of 2-3 kg per m². The soil for radish is not fertilized with fresh manure.

You can plant radishes on an area where potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans were previously grown, but on an area where turnips, radishes, turnips, daikon, watercress, cabbage and horseradish grew you will not grow a good harvest of radishes. It is advisable to change the place for radishes every year, so that each time it has predecessors from a different family.

For spring sowing, the site is prepared in the fall: they dig up the soil to the depth of a shovel bayonet with compost or humus - then in the spring, just before sowing, the digging depth with the simultaneous application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers can be no more than 20 cm.

How to plant radishes in open ground

Radish seeds are sown densely into grooves previously shed with water to a depth of 2 cm, observing the distance between the rows of 15-20 cm.The grooves are covered with loose soil, then the surface is compacted, but not watered, but the area is covered with a layer of peat or humus 2 cm thick. after five o'clock in the evening and until the morning, the bed is covered with a film before the seeds germinate. The germination time depends on the weather. In good, dry and sunny weather, seeds can germinate as early as 3-4 days.

At the stage of development at the seedlings of the first leaf, they are thinned out, leaving a distance of 3-5 cm between the specimens.If you are a patient person, sow the seeds immediately at the specified distance so that you do not have to break through the seedlings later, because this procedure can damage the roots of the main seedlings, and they will develop worse, and as a result, their shooting may occur. When proper care growing radishes in the open field before harvesting takes 20-30 days.

Planting radishes before winter

We told you about the timing of spring sowing, and the planting of two-year-old winter radish is carried out at the end of autumn. Planting radishes in the fall is carried out after the start of frost - in mid or late November. Not all varieties of radish are suitable for winter sowing, but varieties such as Yubileiny, Spartak, Mercado, Mayak, Carmen are able to germinate even at low temperatures.

The preparation of the site for sowing is carried out at the end of summer: the soil is dug up and fertilized, adding half a bucket of humus or rotted compost to 1 m², 1 tablespoon of double superphosphate and potassium sulfate. After fertilization, the bed is covered with a film, pressing down its edges with stones or bricks so that the shelter is not blown away by the wind.

The order of the autumn sowing differs from the spring procedure in that in the fall the seeds are thrown into dry ground, and after the seeds are covered, the garden bed is necessarily mulched with dry earth or peat, the surface is compacted and the area is covered with snow if it has already fallen.

What is the advantage of winter sowing? The fact that the harvest of the radish sown in the fall, you will receive next year two weeks earlier than the harvest of the radish sown next spring.

Radish care

How to grow radishes

Outdoor care for radishes consists of watering, weeding and loosening the row spacing. If you put a layer of mulch on the garden bed after sowing, maintenance will not be tedious, but try to complete all maintenance procedures on time.

Watering radish

Radish is a moisture-loving culture, the optimum soil moisture for the normal development of its root crops should be about 80%, so you will have to water the site often, especially at first, otherwise the radish will be bitter. With insufficient watering, the plant shoots, and the roots do not develop. If watering is too frequent or too heavy, the roots will crack.

How to water a radish to achieve a good and quality harvest? If the spring is normal, with rains and thunderstorms, watering the radish is carried out every day in the morning or after 17.00, but if the spring turns out to be dry, then the soil on the site will have to be moistened daily both in the morning and in the evening. It is especially necessary to strictly monitor the condition of the soil after the first true leaf appears in the seedlings. Only on the condition that the soil in the radish beds is always in a slightly damp state, you can grow juicy, tasty root crops.

Fertilizing radish

On poor soils, you need to feed radishes twice during the growing season, for radishes growing on rich soils, one feeding is enough. Try not to overdo it with the nitrogen component, because in this case, the radish will spend all its vitality on growing tops, and the roots will be elongated and oversaturated with nitrates.

How to fertilize radishes, what fertilizers can be applied to the soil without the risk of nourishing root crops with substances hazardous to human health? Here is a recipe for a balanced mixture of fertilizers that will help radishes form a healthy and juicy root crop: compost and humus, in the amount necessary for your soil, 10 g of potassium fertilizer and superphosphate, 10-15 g of nitrate, one and a half liters of ash. It is enough to apply only mineral fertilizers to the fertile soil.

Radish pests and diseases

The main enemies of the radish are the cruciferous flea and the bear, other garden pests (aphids, wireworms, caterpillars) do not have time to greatly harm the radish due to its rapid growth. The cruciferous flea is dangerous for radishes at an early stage of its development, since it is capable of destroying barely hatched defenseless seedlings in the entire area in a few days. When the seedlings get stronger, they are no longer afraid of the flea.

How to process radishes so that the cruciferous flea does not annoy him? To scare away the insect from young green leaves, the tops are sprayed with a solution of wood ash: 2 glasses of fresh ash and 50 g of grated laundry soap are dissolved in 10 liters of water. You can just scatter the ash over the area. It must be said that both of these methods are ineffective, and the most reliable protection against fleas is the construction of a shelter: metal arcuate supports are installed along the length of the entire bed, on which spunbond is thrown. Under this shelter, the radish breathes normally, the tops do not burn under the scorching rays of the sun, and most importantly, the harmful insect cruciferous flea, which destroys the crops of radish, does not penetrate under the spunbond. After the tops have grown, the shelter can be removed.

Medvedka more often it harms early varieties of radish in the greenhouse, where it creeps up to warm in the spring. If you grow radishes in the open field, then this terrible enemy is unlikely to have time to do much damage to your crop. And it's very hard to fight the bear.

What is the problem with radishes? Of the diseases, bacteriosis is dangerous for radish, manifested by premature yellowing of leaves, mucus and decay of root crops, keel, which is also determined primarily by yellow leaves, as well as by outgrowths and swellings on root crops, and a black leg, which affects plants even in the seedling stage, which is why their leaves turn yellow and curl, and the stems turn black at the base.

To avoid these problems, choose varieties that are resistant to diseases for growing, and follow the conditions of agricultural technology, and most importantly, remove diseased plants from the site in time. Keel can be fought by treating the soil around the plants with milk of lime (2 glasses of fluffy lime per 10 liters of water), the consumption is 1 liter of milk per plant. Instances affected by a black leg are treated 2-3 times with an interval of a week with infusion of onion peel (pour 20 g of peel with a liter of water and leave for a day).

Radish processing

Readers often ask questions about how to treat radishes from pests or how to treat radishes from diseases. It is undesirable to use pesticides in the fight against diseases and pests of rapidly ripening root crops if you are concerned about your health and the health of those who will eat this radish, therefore the best protection is compliance with all rules of cultivation and care.

If the recommendations described by us did not give a result, and it is necessary to take urgent radical measures, then you will have to process the radish from the black leg with a solution copper sulfate (1 tablespoon of the drug, 50 g of shavings of laundry soap per 10 liters of water), and treat bacteriosis by treating plants with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.

But we repeat: everything that you process the radish with, you will then eat.

Harvesting and storage of radishes

Radish ripens not at the same time, therefore, when asked when to dig up radishes, we answer: you need to remove it selectively, as it ripens. Harvesting radishes is best done in the morning, overnight watering the garden plentifully. Having pulled out the roots, shake off the rest of the soil from them, cut the tops not under the root crop itself, but at a distance of 2-3 cm from it, and do not cut the roots at all. How much and how to store radishes?

From long-term storage even in the most better conditions radishes become bitter and flabby, so abandon plans to harvest this root vegetable, such as carrots or beets, especially since fresh juicy radishes can be grown at any time - not in the garden, but in a greenhouse. The radish harvest removed by the described method is stored in plastic bags in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for about a week.

Types and varieties of radish

Radish varieties for open ground are divided according to ripening periods into ultra-early, early-maturing, mid-maturing and late-maturing.

Ultra-early, or early ripening varieties of radish

ripen in 18-20 days. The most famous of them:

  • 18 days - the roots of this variety reach maturity during this period, they have a juicy, delicate pulp, cylindrical shape, deep pink color;
  • Firstborn - an ultra-early high-yielding hybrid that ripens in 16-18 days. Large, rounded dark red roots of this variety are resistant to shooting and cracking, their flesh is sweet and juicy.

Early maturing radish varieties

ripen in 20-30 days from the moment of germination, the best of which are:

  • Ilka - the yield of this variety is quite high, the roots are scarlet, round, weighing from 15 to 25 g, dense, juicy, the flesh is white and white-pink, the taste is medium-sharp, without bitterness. The variety is resistant to temperature drop, arrowing, porosity or woody pulp;
  • French Breakfast - also a popular fruitful variety with long cylindrical dark red fruits, resistant to shooting, weighing up to 45 g with a rounded white tip. The pulp is juicy, without bitterness. Disadvantage: shoots out in extreme heat;
  • Sachs - this variety ripens in 23-27 days, the shape of the root crop is round, the color is bright red, the flesh is white, juicy, with a slightly pungent taste. The average weight of a root crop is 22 g. The variety is resistant to flowering, retains freshness for a long time;
  • White Fang - conical roots of this variety, original for radishes white ripen in 33-40 days, reaching a length of 12 cm and gaining weight up to 60 g. The pulp is juicy, the taste is weak;
  • Heathigh yielding varietyripening in three weeks. Root crops are small, dark red, round, weighing up to 25 g. The flesh is white or white-pink, the taste is mild. The variety, despite the name, does not like heat, so when grown in hot weather, it should be covered with a canopy.

Mid-season radish

ripens in 30-35 days. The best varieties in this group are:

  • Vera - Stalk-resistant high-yield variety with bright red roots of almost the same size, resistant to cracking;
  • Helios - a variety with yellow round roots with a juicy pulp of a pleasant taste;
  • Quantum - a fruitful variety that ripens in 30 days with pinkish-raspberry roots of a delicate taste. Keeps elasticity for a long time during storage;
  • Zlata - ripens a maximum of 35 days after the emergence of seedlings. Yellow round root vegetable with dense, tender and juicy pulp reaches 18 g in weight;
  • Duro - one of the most popular and fruitful varieties with very large (up to 10 cm in diameter), round red roots weighing up to 40 g, which requires more spacious planting in rows: the distance between specimens should be at least 10 cm. The variety is resistant to stalking, lingering and cracking of fruits, well stored.

To late-ripening radish varieties

which take 36-45 days to ripen include:

  • Red giant - a productive variety with large cylindrical bright red fruits up to 14 cm long with a juicy white-pink flesh and a mild taste. It is resistant to the cruciferous flea beetle and the bear, it is perfectly stored: in a container with sand it can be kept fresh for up to 4 months;
  • Ice icicle - a variety almost identical to the Red Giant, but only with white roots;
  • Champion - this high-yielding variety matures in 40 days. Its roots are crimson-red, large, elongated-rounded, weighing up to 20 g, the pulp is juicy, tender, but dense, pinkish-white, the taste is good. Root crops do not form voids, do not become flabby and soft for a long time;
  • Dungan - the roots of this cold-resistant variety have an elongated shape up to 15 cm long, reaching a mass of 45 to 80 g. The pulp is juicy, white, excellent taste;
  • Wurzburg-59 - a variety with large rounded raspberry roots with dense juicy pulp that retain their elasticity for a long time;
  • Rampoush - the ripening period of this variety is 35-45 days. Its roots are elongated, fusiform, the rind, like the pulp, is white. The taste is medium-sharp, without bitterness. The variety is resistant to shooting.

Late-ripening varieties are usually sown in the first decade of August.

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Ideal outdoor radish harvest

One of the very first vegetable cropsthat is grown outdoors is radish. Its harvest can be harvested several times per season, since radishes are cultivated very quickly.

Radish varieties for planting in open ground

According to the ripening period, there are early ripening, medium early and late varieties of radish. The period from planting to harvesting is for the first 16-20 days, the second - 35-40, the third - 35-53 days, respectively.

The early maturing include:

  • French breakfast;
  • Early red;
  • Eighteen days;
  • Corundum.

Mid-early varieties:

  • Helios;
  • Watermelon radish;
  • Slavia;
  • Sachs;
  • Viola.

Late varieties:

  • Rumpoosh;
  • Red giant;
  • Würzburg.

Depending on the variety, the roots can have not only red, but also white (Tashkent white, virovsky white), yellow (helios), purple (viola). In addition to the traditional round, some varieties have an elongated shape, like a radish (for example, rampous)

When to sow radishes outdoors

Planting radishes in open ground can begin in April, when the soil warms up enough. For different regions of Russia, the timing of sowing radish in spring can be completely different, and depend on climatic conditions.

The optimum soil temperature for sowing radishes is from 15 degrees Celsius. In case of frost, a shelter for young shoots should be used.

Planting dates for radish:

  • Early ripe varieties: first decade of April
  • Early varieties: late May - early June.
  • Mid-season: early July
  • Late ripening: late August - early September.

How many times to plant radishes per season

The timing of planting radishes in summer can vary depending on the variety, the timing of its collection and ripening. This vegetable can be harvested four times per season, but radishes cannot be planted twice in the same bed.

  • The first sowing is performed in April, taking into account the favorable days of the month by lunar calendar;
  • Planting radishes in June, at the beginning of the month, is done in a seedling way. For the second sowing, medium-early varieties are used, sown 35 days before transplanting into the ground, that is, May 25-30.
  • Planting radishes in July, at the end of the month, is an opportunity for a summer resident to get a root crop for the third time. They also use the seedling method and choose medium early varieties for sowing seedlings at the end of June (25-30 numbers).
  • For the fourth time, the culture is sown in late August - early September. This is done already in closed greenhouses, and in the northern regions of the country - in heated ones.

Planting radishes in open ground

Sowing radish with seeds is a simple procedure, and usually does not cause difficulties. But first it is important to choose quality seeds and prepare the soil to get an excellent harvest.

Presowing preparation of radish seeds

You should buy seeds in specialized stores. First, they are sorted out by size. Usually, seeds with a length of 3 mm or more are selected for planting - this is a guarantee of good germination and development of large root crops.

Before planting, the seeds are kept for 24 hours in a damp cloth or water so that they germinate. Immediately before sowing, they are soaked in hot water for 20 minutes to prevent the development of dry rot.

It is recommended to soak the seeds for 5 minutes in 1% iodine solution, and then dump them in crushed chalk or lime. Such a "masquerade" is needed, since the radish seed is planted one grain at a time, and the white color is clearly visible on the black ground.

Preparing the soil for planting

Growing radish outdoors requires the right choice places and soil for planting. Radish takes root well on loose soils, the best site for him, loam is considered, which holds water well, and does not dry out instantly.

Sandy soils are also good for radishes, but the crop should be watered more often as the sand absorbs water faster. The plant loves the sun, therefore it is better to choose sunny areas for it.

Before planting seeds, fertilizers are applied to the ground. It is optimal if it is compost or ash at the rate of a bucket of fertilizing per square meter of land.

Crop rotation rules for radish

Radish should not be grown where cruciferous crops grew - cabbage, turnip, daikon, radish, turnip, horseradish. A cruciferous flea can settle in such an area, and with a high probability will destroy all crops.

Early potatoes, legumes, cucumbers, and tomatoes are considered good precursors for radish. It is ideal if the planting of radishes is protected from all sides by garlic, dill, onions - such plants have a specific aroma that will repel pests.

Sowing radish

For sowing, small grooves a centimeter deep are made in the allotted area, they are moistened and the radish is planted.

The seeds are planted one at a time, at a distance of 5-10 cm. If you sow the radish denser, the root crops will have little room for growth, and the seedlings will shade each other.

After sowing, the beds are lightly covered with earth, watered abundantly and fertilized with ash.

Growing radish and caring for it

Radish hatch within a few days after planting. After the emergence of seedlings, the culture is fed with potash fertilizers, following the instructions. Caring for radishes is simple: first of all, watering, loosening, thinning and feeding.

  • Water the radish 2-3 times a week, 20-25 liters of water per 10 square meters.
  • In case the land is not sufficiently prepared in advance (seedlings wither), when watering it is fed with ammonium nitrate (10-15 grams per 10 square meters).
  • It is better to mulch radishes with humus, you can use peat, compost, paper, dark film. Mulching helps to retain moisture, which radishes love very much.
  • Thinning is carried out 5 days after germination, removing the smallest ones. Water the culture as needed, carefully loosening the soil after each watering.

Problems with growing radishes

  • If the roots became slimy and the smell of rot began to emanate from them, it means that the radish was struck by bacteriosis. Treatment with 1% Bordeaux mixture will help to eliminate this problem.
  • With the formation of growths and swelling, yellowing and wilting of foliage, treatment should be started from fungal disease - keels. Lime milk, which is poured over the soil around the infected plants, will help. One plant will need a liter of such a product.
  • Symptoms of a black leg are yellowness and curling of the leaves, darkening of the stem at the root. Affected plants are treated with a solution of copper sulfate and laundry soap.

The main pests of radish and the fight against them

A lot of trouble for radish beds is caused by pests, especially the cruciferous flea that eats holes in the tops of the radish. If there is a lot of damage, the greens begin to wither, and the root crop itself does not gain the required mass and stops growing. The pest is especially dangerous for delicate radish shoots.

  • To protect the plants, they are treated with ash. For ten liters of water, add two glasses of fresh ash and fifty grams of laundry soap.
  • The second effective method is processing the leaves with tobacco dust (in the same proportions as with ash).
  • The most effective method of control is considered to be insecticide treatment, in particular Inta-Virom.

Belyanka is a dangerous pest of radish. The caterpillars of this butterfly eat the green tops of the crop. To protect the beds, they are treated with a solution of ground pepper, salt and mustard.

When growing radishes in summer, in hot weather, it is necessary to take protective measures against the bear. She does not often feed on radishes, but can get into the garden and damage the crop.

The root vegetable of the radish often damages the wireworm (large holes) and the nematode (rotted root base, small holes in the radish with signs of decay).

  • To protect against wireworms, the soil is fertilized with ammonium sulfate - two tablespoons of fertilizer per square meter. Such feeding will saturate the soil with nitrogen, and destroy the larvae of the pest.
  • Fitoverm is effective against nematode. This powder is safe for humans. It infects the larvae of rootworm nematodes, which soon die of starvation.
  • In the fight against the nematode, soil steaming is also used (watering with hot water from 60 degrees, a liter per square meter consumption), and its disinfection with chitosan-based preparations - Aldikabr, Vidata.


Growing radishes outdoors is possible throughout the summer cottage season. Even a novice gardener will cope with the simple rules of caring for this crop, if you sow radishes in the beds in time, and provide him with ideal conditions for growth.

Perhaps we associate radishes with spring as well as flowers. My husband and I, when we go to the dacha at the beginning of the season, along the road we see juicy bright bunches of crispy radish for sale. By the way, good business - sale of spring radishes for salad! Today we'll talk about growing this tasty, spicy root vegetable.

March crops

Traditionally, the first spring sowing of radish is carried out in a low greenhouse... This option is the warmest, the space in the greenhouse warms up well and keeps the required temperature, does not cool out like larger greenhouses.

You can sow seeds in the greenhouse already in early March... Thoroughly sprinkle the soil in the greenhouse with hot water, and then press the radish seeds to a depth of 2.5 cm (one phalanx of your finger) in 5 cm increments. Just sprinkle the soil over the hole.

What soil does radish like

Most the radish feels comfortable on a mixture of compost and peat - 1 to 1, on a mixture of peat and sod land - 1 to 1, a mixture of humus and sod land - 2 to 1. Here, in the Black Earth Region, you can simply plant in the ground and wait for the harvest.

Optimum temperatures

In a greenhouse with radishes, try to maintain air temperature within 15 - 18 degrees... If the day is warm, then open the greenhouse. At night, the greenhouse should be about 10 degrees Celsius.

If the temperatures are above normal, then your harvest will go to the leaves, and if lower, then to the arrows... Therefore, temperature control should be carried out not even visually, but by a thermometer. In this case, your radish will be appreciated by everyone who tastes it!

When to plant radishes in open ground

Approximate dates for planting radishes in open ground - from April 10... But even in this case, it is still recommended to cover the planting with a film or agrofibre at night. During the day, the shelter is removed, and if the day is cloudy, then you can leave it only by opening an impromptu shelter from the ends for ventilation.

Loosen the soil with plantings regularly, radishes are very fond of loosening, also do not let the soil dry out. However, it is not worth overfilling the plant either.

Sowing early maturing radish varieties

First spring planting radishes are usually made from early maturing varieties... The most advanced summer residents sow three to four varieties at once, with different ripening periods, in order to ensure the daily availability of fresh root crops on their table.

You can plant early-ripening radishes with an offset once a week. fractional batches. Next I will call the best varieties early maturing radish for Middle lane and the Moscow region.

Early radish variety French breakfast

French breakfast is a wonderful variety of wounded ripening radish... You can eat fresh crops within 20 days after planting. The color is bright red, the tips are white. The shape of the root crop is a cylinder. The flesh of the radish is juicy, crisp, and does not taste bitter when properly watered. Recommend!

Early ripe radish grade Heat

Heat - Very productive early maturing radish variety... It grows quickly, it is resistant to cold weather, which is important in our unstable spring. The color of the roots is dark red, the shape is classic round.

Ideal for outdoor cultivation, planted from April 10 does not need additional shelter... The taste of the pulp is pleasant, well suited for spring vitamin salads, tender and juicy.

Early ripening variety of radish Rubin

Ruby is a versatile radish variety... Early ripening, capable of growing on any type of soil, but if planted in ideal soil, then the return is simply beyond praise. This variety ripens very quickly, yields large and tasty. Resistant to flowers.

The color of the roots is dark red, the shape is close to round. The pulp is juicy and tender, ideal for salads and springs... Recommend!

Look, these three early-ripening varieties, planted at weekly intervals, will be enough for you to eat well. All varieties are very tasty, grow well, yield good yields. You will have fresh radishes for a whole month... Get a ton of vitamins!

From April 10 to mid-May you can sow a new batch of radishes every week. As soon as 2-3 adult leaves appear on the plants, you can start new plantings.

How to grow early maturing radishes in summer

Summer way of growing radishes differs from the spring. With an increase in daylight hours, the plant needs to be protected from excessive lighting with black agrofibre. Otherwise, the radish will bloom and yield no harvest.

You need to cover the boarding from 6 pm to 8 am... That is, to provide landings with 10 hours of daylight hours. This amount of light will be enough for the ripening of root crops.

note that for planting in the summer, I advise you to use all the same three early ripening varietiesso as not to stretch the process and get tasty yields in the shortest possible time. This is the trick of the dark agrofiber shelter method. The plant will be sure that spring is outside!

We sow late-ripening radish varieties in August

In mid-August, you can sow the final seasonal plantings of radishes... Now they are planting late-ripening varieties intended for consumption during the fall and early winter. Here are the top three varieties of radish to plant.

Late-ripening radish variety Red Giant

Red giant is a very productive late-ripening radish variety... The name speaks for itself, so no comment. Root weight up to 130 grams! Radish shape - cylindrical, dark red color.

The pulp is white, tasty. Wonderfully stored and lies... At the same time, it does not lose either firmness or tenderness of taste. Root crops are resistant to pests and diseases. provide you with vitamins during the winter season.

Late-ripening radish variety Red Giant variety

Radish variety Red Giant - also refers to late-ripening, well-stored and not flabby for a long time. The roots are round, dark red, the flesh is white, tender. The plant perfectly tolerates a lack of moisture, which is very important for August.

Radish variety Red Giant

Plantings of radish in August are somewhat different from those in spring, since the soil by this time is already somewhat depleted by previous crops. You can plant radishes after salads, onions on a feather, early ripe tomatoes, mustard leaves.

Before planting seeds organic and mineral fertilizing is applied to the soil... 3 kg of humus is applied to the garden bed, per sq. m. beds - a teaspoon of urea, a tablespoon of a spoonful of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

The soil is loosened, leveled, watered, seeds are sown in the furrows... Seeds are planted to a depth of 2.5 cm (one phalanx of a finger), the pitch between the seeds is 10-15 cm, the distance between the furrows is 20 cm.

I will not talk about the sowing of radishes in winter - this is a very troublesome business, and most of us canned summer cottages until spring, already in mid-autumn. Better to focus on early spring plantings., because it is much more pleasant - after a long winter to taste the first harvests from your piece of land. Good luck in growing radishes, dear summer residents!

So that the radish does not taste bitter

So that the radish is not bitter

The vegetable should be watered every day in the morning and evening. Better not in the heat, otherwise, the water will evaporate through the leaves.

Before planting radish varieties in the ground, add some salt to the dug groove, which will make the vegetable crispy and juicy.

The discussion is closed.

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  • Fertilizers

... As a rule, additional feeding is not done, since radishes tend to accumulate nitrates. However, if it grows slowly, then fertilizer can be applied, for example, Agricola-Forward. Adding 2 tablespoons of top dressing per 10 liters of water, we get the necessary fertilizer composition. It is necessary to feed the radish at the rate of three liters of water per square meter.

The fertilization of the soil depends on when the gardener is going to plant the radish in the open ground. One thing worth remembering important rule: the culture does not tolerate fresh manure. That is why the soil should be fertilized in advance, for example, in the fall! If we talk about volumes, then about one bucket of rotted manure is applied to one square meter of the allocated area for sowing radish.

How to choose a good plant nursery


Radish is perhaps the very first vegetable that ripens in orchards and vegetable gardens and planting radishes in spring is the most traditional activity for a gardener. Before planting your radishes, keep in mind that radishes ripen quickly. And if you allocate a separate bed for the radish, then after you harvest the radish, the bed will be empty. So when planning your garden beds and plantings, plan immediately what you plant after you harvest your radish.

  • From full germination to full maturity, it will also take about 30 days. The color of the root vegetable is dark red, the cultivar is attractive for its resistance to shooting. The pulp is tender, dense, white, very juicy. Good for soil and greenhouse conditions.
  • Radish belongs to the cruciferous family (like cabbage). The most common are its annual (European) varieties, which give root crops and seeds in the first year of planting.But there is also a two-year-old radish (Chinese varieties), in which the root crop appears in the first year after planting, and seeds in the second year. We will consider only the first, one-year option, as the most popular in our area.
  • Sowing scheme of radish seeds: 10x2 cm. In the phase of cotyledonous leaves, the seedlings are thinned, leaving a distance between plants of 5 cm. A delay in thinning will cause the plants to throw out peduncles, bypassing the stage of root formation.
  • The soil for planting radishes is prepared in the fall. For digging, half a bucket of organic fertilizers, 50 g of superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt per 1 m² are applied.
  • Harvesting is carried out as the root crop matures. With proper care, radishes will delight gardeners with the organic appearance of their fruits and great taste.
  • When choosing a place for sowing, you should pay attention to the illumination of the site. Radish is very fond of sunlight, so for its placement, you should choose a well-lit place, reliably protected from the winds.

Growing cucumbers in the open field. Practical advice from experienced gardeners.

How to plant radishes in spring with seeds in the open field.



Features of growing radishes and planting dates

On the vacant bed, after the radish, you can plant any greens or Peking cabbage. Anything that has a fast growing season (ripening). It is very wise to plant radishes between crops that take a long time to develop and yield late harvests. It's good to mix and plant radishes between:

Radish "French breakfast"

The root vegetables of such radishes can be round, flat-round or cylindrical. The color can be rich red, pink, white, purple and even yellow. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Planting dates for radish

Crops can be covered with agrofibre (lutrasil), because this will protect the seedlings well from earthen fleas.

After the emergence of radish shoots, you can fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers (20 g of nitrogen per 1 m²).

There are three ways to grow radishes outdoors:

Growing radish in a greenhouse

How to properly grow cucumbers in a greenhouse

Root crops are formed even at low temperatures of 12-14 ° C. And they are poured at 18-20 ° C. If the seedlings were sown before winter, they need to be covered with foil.

These seeds can be sown all summer long. It is worth planting radishes with seeds directly in a garden bed, in an open ground or in a greenhouse. It's much easier and faster. Before planting radishes, it is advisable to soak the seeds. Then the sprouts will appear earlier. This is done simply - pour the seeds into a cloth, wrap them tightly, wet them and put them on a saucer in a warm place. The very next day, the seeds will swell and begin to germinate.


The cylindrical shape of the fruit of this variety is loved by many gardeners. The color of the fruit is bright scarlet with a white tip. The pulp is tender, juicy, without a drop of pungency. This variety ripens somewhere in 23 days. The mass of the fruits themselves is about 20 g.

I confess that I am a lover of round heads and varieties with a minimum amount of bitterness. For the most part, I use radishes for salads and for eating fresh, sometimes I add slightly pubescent leaves to salad.

The first sowing is carried out traditionally - either before winter or in early spring.

Planting depth

You can carry out two liquid dressings of radishes: after the breakthrough and during the growth of root crops. To do this, dissolve 2 tbsp in 10 liters of water. tablespoons of urea or 3 tablespoons of ammonium nitrate, 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, and 3 tablespoons of potassium chloride.

Radish is a long day plant, i.e. for flowering and fruiting, daylight hours are required, lasting more than 13 hours. With a short daylight hours (less than 12 hours), an arrow with seeds is not formed. Radishes have a very short growing season, as a result they can be grown throughout the season. Radish does not tolerate fresh organic matter, thickened plantings and lack of moisture. Radish is an unpretentious plant to grow. (


Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

Premature flowering without the formation of root crops can be triggered by a long light period in May - June. The same problem can be caused by other reasons - shaded location, low soil moisture combined with increased temperature, thickened crops.

Dig up the bed, loosen it with a rake, remove all roots and debris. Draw grooves with a stick - 2 parallel grooves at a distance of 5 cm from each other. After 15 - 20 cm, 2 more are the same and so on, the easiest way is to make 3 rows. In the marked grooves, place the seeds in a checkerboard pattern. When planted in a checkerboard pattern, each sprout receives enough light. Such a planting scheme gives a good harvest, so it is better to plant radishes in a staggered row, with a distance of 5 cm between the seeds in the garden bed.Another plus that such a radish planting scheme gives, it will not be necessary to thin out the seedlings and it is convenient to remove weeds.

White cabbage,

Radish "Helios"

I sow radish seeds directly into the soil, I can do this all summer in order to get a young and tasty harvest. In early spring, radish is one of the first vegetables to come to our table. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Radish seeds are sealed to a depth of 2 cm.

Good predecessors

Discussion of the features of growing vegetables


On the benefits of running a home garden

After planting the radishes, cover the garden with mulch, it will retain moisture in the soil and cover with foil. Many gardeners prefer to plant radishes under plastic in order to get the fastest germination and harvest. After all, only in May it is most delicious and juicy. To make the radish grow juicy and dense, it needs to be watered frequently. In dry weather, you can even water it twice a day - morning and evening.


From germination to harvesting with this variety will take 30 days. The variety is yellow in color, the rounded root vegetable has a delicate taste and tender pulp. By the ripening period, it can be classified as medium early.

Give your radishes a sunny, wind-free location with light soils. My radish grows on sunny place, but on one side it seems to be covered by a garden. Therefore, a little more than half a day there is the sun on the radish area, and this has a good effect on it, the roots are juicy, with tender pulp. On the site where I grow radishes, I have slightly acidic soil, I have never had problems with growth. And radish will definitely grow well on neutral soils. This culture loves light, loose soils (sandy loam).


Good precursors for radishes

... With this method of growing radishes, the seeds are planted in early or mid November. If by this time the earth has already had time to freeze, then sowing begins with dry seeds. From above, the landing must be covered with humus. It is preferable to choose a place in the south or southeast of the site. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in the fall the radish planting site should not be flooded with melt water.


Planting an apple orchard

Features of planting radishes

Read also:

Radish is a cold-resistant crop. For growing radishes, you can not allocate a separate plot of land, but plant it in front of heat-loving crops. When the time comes for planting their seedlings, he already has time to ripen. In addition, it can be used as a lighthouse culture.

Radish care

Seedlings of cucumbers or tomatoes.

Viola radish

Radishes are responsive to organic fertilizers in the soil. I plant the radishes in a different place each year so that the predecessors of the radish are vegetables from a different family. It is not recommended to sow radishes after cabbage, horseradish, watercress and other cruciferous plants, as microorganisms accumulate in the soil that can cause diseases inherent in this family.


Growing radishes in the open field: planting and care - Onwomen.ru

The fourth term is either the end of August or the beginning of September. Sowing is carried out in greenhouses, which by this time have already been freed from peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. Daylight hours at this time of the year are already getting smaller and the need for a black film is no longer necessary. But the non-woven is useful - inside the greenhouse for warmth.

Soil for sowing radish

Diseases and pests of radish

Potatoes, beans, cucumbers, tomato

Methods for sowing radish in open ground

Growing spices Types of spices (with photos and names)It is better that the soil is slightly acidic, sandy loam. It should be borne in mind that it must be loose - otherwise the fruits will be cracked. Soils lacking enough nutrients and structureless will prevent root crops from forming.

By the time the cucumbers, tomatoes or cabbage have grown, the radish has already had time to harvest and you will harvest it.

Medium early, violet, round, juicy fruits. Preparing the soil for radishesIn the event that it is not possible to meet the deadlines, shading can be provided for the plantings. For example, by installing a wireframe.

: Scoops, wireworm, naked slugs, field bug, garden earwig. In the fight against pests, radishes help Bad predecessorsFor growing radishes, sunny areas are allocated, from which snow melts early in spring.

Basic rules for caring for radishes

Growing flowers for bouquets

Conditions for a good, large harvest

In the fall, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Add humus or decomposed compost. Add all mineral fertilizers - potassium salt and superphosphate. Then the area is leveled with a rake. In the spring, after the snow melts, they begin planting radishes. The seeds should be large and fresh.

A place for planting radishes.Watermelon radish

For autumn digging, add humus or compost. Usually I dig to a depth of about 30 cm. When spring comes and I dig the soil again to form small beds to a depth of about 20 cm, I definitely apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”


Soil for radishes | Grow a garden!

Folk remedies Turnips, radishes, turnips, daikon, watercress, cabbage, horseradish cannot be the predecessors of radish.Ph soil acidity

Winter Growing eggplants in a greenhouse
Growing cucumber seedlings Sowing is carried out for the first time traditionally - either before winter or in early spring.
In early spring, in March, when you first come to check the site, cover the radish bed with plastic wrap. Under it, the snow will melt faster, the earth will warm up and you can plant the radishes with seeds earlier. It is best to plant radishes in early spring, under plastic. It grows quickly and helps fight against spring deficiency. Suddenly, inside the greenish-white fruits, bright crimson pulp is found, it looks very unusual and beautiful. The radishes are large, 7-8 cm in diameter, the flesh is dense, not very juicy and crispy, sweeter inside than outside. The intensity of the flavor decreases as it matures.

Sowing radishes

... Many plants in joint plantings are able to take care of their neighbors and Planting time 5.5-7.0, radish prefers light loose soils, on heavy ones it shoots. Acidic soils need to be limed, otherwise the radish will be prone to keel disease. Sowing in the cold season is carried out by gardeners in order to get the first shoots of the crop two weeks earlier than with the usual spring planting. The beds for the culture must be prepared in the fall by cutting grooves of five centimeters. If the winter is snowy, then it is necessary to remove all precipitation from the beds, carefully spread the seeds, and then cover them with peat.
How to pinch grapes Planting and growing carrots

The second time is either at the end of May or at the beginning of June. You can sow after onions - turnips on a feather or after salad. It is desirable that the bed is well lit in the morning and evening. But the sun at noon is contraindicated. When placed in permanent shade, all growth will go into the tops. Immediately after planting the seeds, the bed must be covered with a black film. The next 10-12 days it should be opened in the morning at 8 or 9. And close at 18-19 hours. Then the seedlings will have a day of light lasting 10-12 hours, and thanks to this, not flowers, but roots will develop.

If you are planting radishes a second or third time in summer, planting the radishes is best in a shady area. Radishes need short daylight hours to ripen.

It is good to grow radishes in the area dedicated to tomatoes. If you sow it every week until the 20th of May, you can get an excellent harvest on empty land, and in addition, prepare the soil for planting the next crop. I always grow radishes outdoors in a seedless way, and even several times over the summer. I do the first sowing at the end of March, when the ground is still frozen. I plant the next batch at the end of April or in the first week of May. But I can plant it on the 20th of May. If I decide that I also want radish in the fall, then I sow it at the end of July. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” Care for radishes consists mainly of watering, loosening, thinning and feeding.
Protect Radish seeds germinate at a temperature of -1 ... -2 ° C.
Watering ​3.​

After cold winter the body of every person needs to replenish its reserves of vitamins, and the first spring vegetables are what you need! Juicy, with a piquant bitterness in taste, radish is one of the first to appear on our tables. What are the features of growing this crop in greenhouses and outdoors? What needs to be done to get a good harvest of radishes? This is exactly what we will tell the lovers of this root crop in our article.

Growing bell pepper

The third term is the beginning of July. The beds are fertilized with humus. You cannot use fresh manure. Dig up and watered. The crops are covered with a black film in the same way as in the second period.

Varieties of radish for open ground Radish is a very moisture-loving and light-loving plant. It is quite cold-resistant, its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of + 2-3 ° С, and the sprouts tolerate frosts up to -2-3 ° С. Adult plants can withstand short-term cold snaps up to 4-6 degrees below zero. But the optimum temperature for radishes is 16-18 ° C. Radishes can germinate at 5 ° C, but this will take an extremely long time. If the temperature rises to 15 ° C, then the seedlings will appear in a week, and at 23 ° C, the seedlings can please already on the 4th day. The optimum temperature for growth is 20 ° C. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Them. The optimum temperature for growing radishes is + 15- + 18 ° C. Too high temperatures and lack of illumination lead to growing tops to the detriment of the radish root crop, the root crop coarsens.

Radish is picky about regular watering, otherwise the fruits become coarse and become bitter.

Spring The timing of sowing radish by a specific period is not limited. The cultivation of this culture is possible from April to September. However, this plant has one feature - it is cold-resistant and perfectly prepares the soil for planting other crops. If you plan to grow cabbage, potatoes or eggplants in a specific section of the garden in the future, then radish is an excellent predecessor. Planting radishes in the spring allows you to harvest this crop before the timing of planting other crops approaches. Even if there is enough space in the garden, you can sow the seeds at intervals of 20 days, and there will always be a fresh portion of these roots on the table. The planting time for radishes in spring is from late March to early April, not earlier. Even if radish is planted by sowing seeds in a greenhouse, at an earlier time this photophilous plant will not have enough sunlight for full growth. As for the soil, it should not be waterlogged. Otherwise, small roots will crack, and the aboveground green part will grow lush and dense.
Growing green onions The fourth term is either the end of August or the beginning of September. Sowing is carried out in greenhouses, which by this time have already been freed from peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers. Daylight hours at this time of the year are already getting smaller and the need for a black film is no longer necessary. But non-woven will come in handy - inside the greenhouse for warmth.As always, radishes are represented by very many varieties and hybrids, the most interesting are medium-sized, non-shooting, the best varieties of radish are: Radishes can be sown in mid-April - as soon as the opportunity arises work in the garden. It is best to sow the seeds in rows to a depth of 1–2 cm. Sowing deeper is dangerous - the root crop may not start. The optimal distance between rows is 8 - 10 cm. For 10 square meters. m you need about 15 g of seeds. The weight of 1000 seeds is equal to 7 - 10 g. Germination is maintained for 5 - 6. I make grooves under the radishes with a distance of about 20 cm from each other. At first I sow radish thickly, but after germination I break it out so that the roots do not interfere with each other, at a distance of about 5 cm. I water the grooves when the ground is very dry and I plant the seeds to a depth of about 3 cm. If the soil is wet, I do not water it when planting. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ” The plantings are fed with nitrogen fertilizers.Care and cultivation
Seedlings can withstand frosts down to -4 ° C. Abundant watering of radishes after prolonged drought leads to cracking of root crops. After the winter colds recede, gardeners begin to think about planting seeds for germinating radishes in the open ground. When exactly this should be done depends on the climate of the region. As a rule, disembarkation takes place in late April - early May. It is desirable that a positive daytime temperature is established not lower than 15 degrees (at night not lower than +5 degrees). Before you start planting seeds, the beds must be dug up and grooves made, the distance between which should not be less than twenty centimeters. You can plant seeds in whole handfuls, since they are very small and quite often many of them do not germinate. Crops should be dug in and then moistened abundantly. If the gardener wants the seedlings to appear a couple of days earlier, you can cover the planting site with foil. As a rule, the first shoots will appear in five days.Before planting radishes, the soil should be fertilized with humus, peat, top dressing with a high content of potassium sulfate, ash. The seed should be carefully examined, as only large seeds are considered suitable. If you sow small ones, then the plant will begin to shoot before the root crop grows. Sowing radishes in open ground and in a greenhouse is carried out quite densely, and after the emergence of seedlings, they are thinned out. If the cotyledon leaves have already grown, then the seedlings can be transplanted to another place. The distance between them should not be less than 5 centimeters, so that the green ground parts do not create shadows for each other, provoking early shooting.
Growing onions In the event that it is not possible to meet the deadlines, shading can be provided for the plantings. For example, by installing a wireframe.

Planting radishes in open ground

In order for the seeds to sprout well, they must be sown in previously shed soil. When the first leaf appears in the germinated seedlings, they can be thinned, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between the plants.But experience shows that it is better to sow one seed at a time, since thinning slightly damages the root of the main plant, it grows worse and can form arrows.

I water the planted radish every day in a dry summer. If the weather is not very hot, I can reduce the amount of watering to 1 time in 2 days. Moisture is very important for radishes, but if it comes in unevenly, then the roots can crack. With an excess of moisture, radish becomes tasteless and has a watery pulp tissue structure. If there is not enough water, then bitterness, elongation, crust hardness cannot be avoided.

Planting dates for radish

To protect plants from pests, treat the beds with tobacco dust or ash.

Radish care is

Radish seeds are sown in early spring, as soon as the beds thaw to a depth of 4 cm.

The frequency of watering depends on the air temperature - in hot weather, radishes are watered daily.

Since a lot of seeds were planted in the ground, the first shoots will grow somewhat crowded. It is for this reason that they must be weeded out, selecting the strongest plants and leaving them about 2-3 every 5-7 centimeters. After about seven days, one of the most viable plants should be selected from the remaining 2-3 seedlings, the rest should be removed.

Growing radish in a greenhouse

We figured out how to plant radishes correctly. Now you should provide the seedlings with proper care. It consists in timely thinning and daily watering. On hot summer days, you should also sprinkle radish leaves. When the soil around the bushes dries up, it is gently loosened, and the plants themselves are spud. This culture does not need feeding. Within 30-35 days after planting, the first harvest of early-maturing spring varieties can be harvested. The most popular are Soffit, Zarya, Mark, Early Red, Variant, Corundum, Vera and Rhodes. After harvesting, you can immediately sow a new batch of seeds. And you will have juicy radishes on your table all summer long!

Agrotechnics of cauliflower

Radish care: feeding, thinning, watering radish

In this case, cultivation is complicated by a lack of sunlight. Planting dates for radishes are from February to April, as well as from August to November.


In principle, radish is not picky about the soil, but it grows especially well on loose soil rich in organic matter with a neutral and slightly acidic reaction. Heavy cold and poor light sandy loam soils are not suitable for growing this root crop, unless humus is added to them at the rate of 20-30 kg per 10 sq. m.

On poor soils for early varieties, you can carry out one mineral dressing, for later varieties, you can carry out two dressings, but no more. My first experience with feeding radishes was unsuccessful, because I fed my radishes with high doses of nitrogen fertilizers, this caused huge foliage growth and pulling of root crops. At the same time, they were born very small and collected a lot of nitrates. Don't repeat my mistakes.

Harvesting is carried out selectively. First, the already formed heads are collected. An autumn harvest can lie in a cold cellar for a long time.


To obtain a harvest of radish throughout the summer, sowing seeds is repeated every 2 weeks. When sowing radish in summer, remember that it ripens faster and the harvest can already be harvested 20 days after sowing. The sooner the fruit ripens, the faster it develops, the shorter the period of technical ripeness, many plants shoot at once. In addition, in summer crops, radish seedlings suffer from cruciferous fleas. Keeping the soil moist helps to reduce the number of these competitors. After the emergence of radish shoots, they need to be pollinated with wood ash and tobacco (1: 1) or sprayed

Preparing for landing

Radish loves moisture immensely. It is for this reason that on especially hot days it is necessary to water the culture daily. Optimum soil moisture should reach 80%. In the case of infrequent watering, the roots will become bitter. High humidity is also dangerous for radishes, as it can cause cracks in the fruit.

It is impossible to say in advance which variety of early maturing spring culture will give a good harvest on your site or in a greenhouse. It depends on many factors. That is why experienced summer residents prefer to plant several varieties of radish at once in order to determine their yield in specific conditions. Already the next year you will not be tormented by doubts about which of the many varieties of radish to give preference to.

Beet harvesting and storage

You need to use the main greenhouse soil. If the greenhouse is small, then the film is removed in the daytime, and set again at night. Both in the open field and in the heifer, the culture does not tolerate high temperatures. In order to get a good and high-quality harvest, the plantings need to provide intensive ventilation.

Planting radishes

White nights

Never add fresh manure to the soil, otherwise the radish will be hollow inside. You need to feed it only with rotted organic matter. With a lack of nitrogen, the plant poorly forms tops and root crops, and its leaves turn into yellow... Complex fertilizers with a high nitrogen content will help to solve this problem. If there is not enough potassium, the leaves look normal, but the root vegetable does not set. In this case, you need to add potash fertilizers.

Radish, like many vegetables, is divided into varieties that ripen early, medium and late. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

Root crops are formed even at low temperatures of 12-14 ° C. And they are poured at 18-20 ° C. If the seedlings were sown before winter, they need to be covered with foil.

, Thinning, loosening row spacings and regular watering. After the emergence of seedlings, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers can be carried out.


As you can see, growing this tasty and healthy root crop is not difficult. Observing the planting dates and the rules for caring for this crop, you will provide your diet with an excellent harvest of radish grown with your own hands.

Radish care

Miracle vegetable garden - how to grow plants in a greenhouse

Care for radishes consists mainly of watering, loosening, thinning and feeding.

Radish varieties

Red sun

On acidic soils, radish attacks the keel. This is a viral disease in which growths appear on the roots. It is better to destroy such fruits, and it is no longer worth planting radishes in this place in the near future. In late May - early June, plants can be damaged by cruciferous fleas or cabbage flies. "Ulcers" appear on the root crop. Pollination of leaves with tobacco dust or ash usually helps to avoid this.

Radish "Zarya"

Premature flowering without the formation of root crops can be triggered by a long light period in May - June. The same problem can be caused by other reasons - shaded location, low soil moisture combined with increased temperature, thickened crops.

Radish varieties

From pests that you can cook yourself, which is less desirable. You can keep radish seedlings under lutrasil.


The main "enemies" of the radish are garden slugs. These pests are very fond of eating root vegetable leaves. Granules "Thunder" and "Thunder-2" will help to cope with this misfortune. When the first signs of damage appear, the pest remedy must be scattered between the radish beds.

How you want to finally enjoy fresh and tasty vegetables from the garden after the long winter cold. Crunch radishes, enrich your body with vitamins. Fortunately, this cold-resistant crop allows it to be grown outdoors, and we can harvest the first crop in June.

When is it better to start planting vegetables in the garden

After 5-6 days after germination, thinning will need to be carried out. Watering the radish is necessary only when there is a lack of moisture. Loosening should be done after each watering.


Subsequent care is the most basic - watering, weeding, loosening. In dry weather, it is better to water the radish twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, then it will grow juicy and dense. When there is little moisture, the root crop either does not form at all, or it turns out to be rough and hollow, and the plant quickly starts up arrows. Radish is especially picky about moisture after the appearance of the first true leaf, when the root crop begins to form. In a drought, it is enough to keep the radish without moisture for three hours, and it will begin to develop incorrectly. And if the radish is tough and bitter, know: it was not watered well. And if it cracked, it was watered abundantly.

Secrets of planting and caring for radishes

This early variety is good for both open and protected ground. It will take 20-30 days from grown seedlings to harvest.

To avoid premature flowering, water the radish in small portions 2 or 3 times a week. This will help lower the soil temperature. Timely thinning is also important, thanks to which the leaves can take a horizontal position.

Radish varieties: Alba, Basis, Virovsky white, Vera, Heat, Zarya, Zlata, Zenith, Ice icicle, Politez, Early red, Rhodes, Ruby, Saksa, Firefly, Slava.

Radish shoots with a long light day. You can artificially shorten the length of the day by covering the radish garden with an opaque canopy from 7 pm to 7 am. In August, the duration of daylight hours decreases and the crops of radish do not shoot at all. Other reasons for radish shooting: sowing when high temperatures, insufficient watering, thickening of crops.

... They are calibrated and soaked before pecking.

Radish ripens in about 21-24 days after planting

Radish is quite "reverent" about the land in which it is grown. It is worth remembering that the soil must be loose. Otherwise, cracks will form on the radish fruits. Therefore, before starting to plant a crop in open ground, the land must be prepared: dig it up and apply the necessary fertilizers. Radish grows well in slightly acidic sandy loam soil... For the correct formation of root crops, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium salt).

Tillage to prepare for sowing


The plantings are fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

Radish very popular with summer residents, because it is the earliest root crop, which allows you to get up to four harvests during the spring and summer. The vegetable is rich in vitamins, minerals and is very useful for the body, especially during spring beriberi. You can plant radishes in spring and autumn, before winter, if there is a greenhouse - all year round.

Radish: vegetable description

Radish belongs to the cruciferous or cabbage family.

This family is called "tasty", a person uses many of its representatives for food:

  • cabbage;
  • radish;
  • turnips;
  • rutabagas;
  • mustard.

The plant can be annual or biennial. The ground part consists of leaves collected in a rosette. After the radish ripens, a stem forms in the center of the rosette, which can reach a height of one meter.

This popular vegetable is represented by a large number of varieties that produce root vegetables with different characteristics:

  • size in diameter from 1.5 to 10 cm;
  • weight from 5 to 35 g, there are varieties with giant fruits up to 100 g;
  • coloration white, yellow, red, pink, green, violet;
  • shape in the form of a cone, cylinder, round;
  • the taste may be pungent or non-bitter.

When to plant radishes?

In order for this tasty and healthy vegetable to be on the table for a long time, they begin to plant it in the spring, plant it at periodic intervals until June, continue working in the fall. Varieties with different early maturity are used.

When to plant radishes in spring?

Radish - frost-resistant vegetable, sudden spring frosts, replaced by thaws, he is not afraid. Depending on the region, radishes can be planted in the ground as early as March, but better cover the bed with foil or make a small greenhouseso that shoots appear faster.

In the northern regions, in Siberia, where spring is often late, it should be planted in the ground in late April - early May. A greenhouse is used to get an early harvest. You can start work when the soil will warm up to + 12 -15 degrees.

To get a fresh harvest all spring, they continue to sow radishes until the beginning of summer at intervals of up to seven days. In June, planting is stopped, since radishes need a normalized daylight hours to get tasty root crops. Late sunset in summer and high daytime temperatures lead to shooting, radishes become bitter, unsuitable for food.

When to plant radishes in the fall?

In autumn, mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties of radish are planted, which have a large root crop. Best timeto plant radishes - end of July - mid-August... If the forecast promises a warm autumn, you can plant even in early September.

Radish prefers an air temperature of 16 to 20 degrees; to grow the root crop, it needs a short daylight hours. Indian summer is great for growing a good harvest.

The autumn cultivation of radish has a number of features in comparison with the spring one:

  1. Sowing should be sparse so that each plant gets enough autumn sun.
  2. More abundant watering is required than in spring, when the soil is saturated with moisture from melted snow.
  3. The weather during planting should be wet and cool.

Sowing in autumn has advantages:

  • radish can not be removed immediately, left in the garden until the onset of cold weather, so that it retains its taste for longer;
  • less likely to be attacked by pests, especially cruciferous fleas;
  • daylight hours are short, radish does not go into the arrow.

When to plant according to the lunar calendar?

It is easier to get a good harvest of tasty juicy radishes if you follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Root crops that use the underground part of the plant for food, planted on the waning moon.

This is explained by the fact that during this period the juices of the plant are directed to the roots and root crops, they receive the maximum amount of nutrients necessary for the formation and development of nutrients.

In accordance with auspicious days according to the lunar calendar for 2018, radishes are planted:

Spring planting
February from 20 to 24
March from 20 to 25
April from 19 to 24
May from 18 to 21
Autumn planting
July from 18 to 21
August 15-16 and 19-21
Landing before winter
September 11, 12 and 15 to 17
October 12 -15

When to plant radishes in a greenhouse?

In areas with late spring, radishes are planted in a greenhouse in late March - early April.

There are varieties for open ground (Heat, Carmen, Rubin), which are undesirable to plant in a greenhouse, since they can go into the arrow, the root crop will be tasteless.

There are special varieties for the greenhouse:

  • Corsair;
  • Rover;
  • Rudolf;
  • Camelot.

When certain conditions are created, you can plant radishes in the greenhouse all year round:

  1. It is necessary to ensure the optimal daylight hours for this culture. - 12 hours. With a lack of natural light in winter, early spring and late autumn, additional lighting is installed.
  2. Radish is able to tolerate frosts that do not exceed -3 degrees. To grow radishes in winter, the greenhouse must be heated.
  3. You can plant radishes in an unheated greenhouse at the end of March.... Previously, the soil is spilled with hot water, fertilized.
  4. The greenhouse is regularly ventilated, maintain the optimum temperature.
  5. When growing radishes in the summer months, the length of daylight hours is artificially reduced. To do this, the greenhouse is covered with black film or tarpaulin at seven in the evening, and the shelter is removed in the morning.

Choosing a place for planting radishes

To grow radishes in early spring, choose areas where the snow melts earlier than others. Preference is given to beds located on the south or southeast side. The place should be sunny and protected from the wind, if these conditions are met, the seedlings will appear quickly and will be friendly.

When choosing a site, it is important to consider the predecessor plant:

  1. Radishes should not be planted in a garden that was formerly occupied by cultures from a related cruciferous family: cabbage, radish, daikon, watercress, etc.
  2. The area for radishes is changed annually, during the season you can sow again in the same place.
  3. The best precursors for radishes are potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and legumes.

Soil preparation

It is recommended to prepare the soil for growing radishes in the fall.

Ground requirements:

  • loose and light in structure;
  • neutral acidity;
  • the best soil is sandy loam or loamy.

Soil preparation consists of several steps:

  1. In autumn, the site is dug up with the introduction of compost, weed roots are removed.
  2. If there is an excess of clay, sand and peat are added.
  3. Acidic soil is lined with dolomite flour or lime at the rate of 300 g per square meter.
  4. In the spring, before sowing, the soil is dug up again, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers (about 10 g per square meter), decomposed compost or peat (from 0.5 to 1 bucket) are applied.
  5. So that the place for the radish thaws faster, it is covered with a film.
  6. After the earth has warmed up, nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the same quantities as potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Planting radishes in open ground

Features of planting radishes:

  • Landing is carried out by hand , while planting should not be thickened.
  • The spaces between the rows are necessary for loosening, the plants must be at a certain distance from each other.
  • Keeping the right distance is not easy, the radish has to be thinned out. This work requires patience, time and effort.

Unusual methods of planting radishes outdoors are suggested by experienced gardeners who like to experiment.

Landing in cassettes

To grow radishes, use egg cassettes:

After emergence, such plantings do not need to be weeded, loosened, mulched and thinned out. Care consists in regular watering. The cassettes protect the radish from weeds. In special plastic cassettes, radishes are grown on racks in winter time by hydroponics.

Planting aids

Experienced summer residents advise using egg cells when planting radishes, with the help of which they make depressions in the soil at an equal distance for seeds. The cells are reinforced on the board trim, laid on the garden bed and pressed.

A homemade marker will help plant radish seeds at an equal distance:

  • the base of the device is a piece of chipboard from old furniture;
  • a handle is attached on top;
  • on the other hand, corks from plastic bottles.

There are various options for homemade markers. Some gardeners advise making holes in the board and inserting pins into them. The principle of operation of the markers is the same: press against the ground so that the indentations remain at the same distance. Seeds are placed in the recesses.

How to plant radish seeds in spring?

Get good early harvest radishes will help seedbed preparation seeds:

In spring, it can be planted in open ground, under a film, in a greenhouse and in a greenhouse. The choice depends on the climatic conditions of the area.

The landing pattern is very simple:

  • radishes are planted in rows;
  • seeding depth is 2-3 cm;
  • planting is carried out using the "rule of three matches": depth, distance between rows and between seeds is equal to the length of the match.

How to plant radishes before winter?

Not all summer residents are at risk of planting radishes in late October - early November, just like carrots and beets.

You can destroy the seeds if you do not take into account all the subtleties of the technology of such planting:

A properly performed podzimny planting has many advantages, the efforts will pay off in spring with an excellent early harvest:

  1. Winter radishes reach the table 15-20 days earlier than planted in spring. The harvest can be accelerated by another seven days by using a film to cover the seedlings.
  2. Winter radishes produce healthy, quality roots, Since the seeds are hardened during the winter, the best survive.
  3. Snow, starting to melt in spring, provides seeds the required amount moisture, no additional watering is needed.
  4. Seedlings appear when there are no pests yet, they are resistant to disease.

For subwinter planting, frost-resistant varieties are selected that tolerate insufficient lighting well and are not susceptible to shooting. Early ripening varieties Zarya and Zhara with good yields and quick ripening are recommended.

Features of planting radishes in a polycarbonate greenhouse

In a polycarbonate greenhouse, radishes are grown throughout the year, since this material perfectly retains heat. In winter, in severe frosts, additional heating and an extension of the daylight hours are required. Preparation of soil, seeds and the planting process itself takes place in compliance with standard requirements.

Planting radishes in such a greenhouse has features that must be considered:

How to plant radishes at home?

Radish is grown not only in the country, but also at home, at any time of the year. A window sill or a glazed balcony is suitable for this.

To plant a radish at home, you need to prepare:

  • suitable soil;
  • containers (boxes, rectangular pots, etc.);
  • top dressing;
  • lamps for additional lighting in winter.

The seeds are planted in boxes to a depth of about 1 cm at room temperature, after the sprouts appear, the temperature is reduced to 7 degrees. Then the plant should be in a room with a temperature of 15-17 degrees. The radish should be fed with potash and phosphate fertilizers.

Radish care


Radish loves moisture, insufficient watering leads to shooters and inedible fruits. Excessive watering is also not needed, the roots begin to crack.

Optimal is daily morning or evening watering in spring conditions with sufficient rainfall.

In the absence of rain, water should be watered twice a day. The condition of the soil in the garden indicates the need for watering; it should always be moderately moist.

Top dressing

The frequency of top dressing depends on the fertility of the soil.

What kind of dressing does a radish need, you can tell by its appearance:

  1. A plant with small roots and an abundance of foliage needs potassium and phosphorus, nitrogen is not needed. In a bucket of water, 15 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate are diluted, you can take ash and tobacco dust.
  2. The lack of nitrogen is indicated by pale foliage and small fruits. Prepare a solution of urea (a teaspoon in a bucket of water). It is enough to make a one-time watering with this solution.

A mixture of compost and humus with the addition of ash will help to grow good radishes. Radish should not be fertilized with non-rotted manure.


Radish is less susceptible to disease than other crops. But with inaccuracies in care, adverse weather conditions, he can get sick.

Most often, radishes are affected by fungal diseases:

The main measures to combat fungal diseases are prevention:

  • seed treatment before planting;
  • regular weed control;
  • decrease in soil acidity;
  • correct crop rotation.

In addition to the above, diseases of radish include mosaic, vascular bacteriosis, damping.


Cruciferous flea

Radish is especially dangerous cruciferous flea. It is a gnawing pest that quickly moves between plants and feeds on leaves. A flea can destroy young radishes that have not yet gained enough strength.

In addition to processing with special chemicals, the use of folk remedies gives a good effect:

  • placing vessels with kerosene or plywood sheets smeared with glue between plants;
  • spraying with a solution of ash mixed with laundry soap (for a bucket of water 2 glasses of ash and 50 g of crushed soap);
  • dusting with tobacco dust with lime.

In addition to fleas, radishes are threatened by:

  • spring and summer cabbage flies;
  • whitefish (cabbage);
  • cabbage moth;
  • garden and cabbage scoops.

The main thing in the fight is prevention. In advanced cases, it is necessary to carry out processing with special means. Radish is transferred to drip irrigation to extend the duration of the drug.

Harvesting and storage

The ripe radish is pulled out of the soil and the leaves are cut off. The crop is thoroughly washed, dried and the place of its storage is determined. Radishes cannot be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. (about a month), in order to extend this period, the roots are not cut off.

Radish varieties for planting

Ultra early, or early ripening varieties

Ultra-early varieties ripen in the shortest possible time, the fruits of these varieties are small, frost-resistant:

  1. Variety 18 days popular among summer residents. Its name speaks of the ripening period. He is unpretentious and resistant to shooting.
  2. Children's grade is a hybrid, after 16 days they get a harvest, radish does not have a bitter taste, is used in baby food.
  3. Variety Pervenets gives a bountiful harvest, good for growing outdoors.
  4. Variety Mokhovsky has tasty root vegetables, and its tops can be eaten.

Radish 18 days

Radish for children

Radish Firstborn

Radish Mokhovsky

Early maturing varieties

It takes 25-30 days until the root crops ripen.

Popular varieties are as follows:

  • Sachs;
  • Celeste;
  • Cherry;
  • Heat;
  • Carmen;
  • Camelot.

Let's consider some varieties in more detail:

  1. Variety Heat it has a high yield, has fruits with a delicate taste. Despite the name, he does not like heat.
  2. Variety Early red grown in a greenhouse and in the open field. The disadvantage is the short shelf life.
  3. Sachs variety popular for growing in greenhouses. The taste is light spicy.
  4. Celeste variety has very tasty fruits. Good for implementation, since it retains its presentation for a long time.

Radish Heat
