Breeds of chickens, which today there are more than 100, were created for different purposes in the process of many years of painstaking selection work. More than eight thousand years ago, chickens were tamed by people, since then the breeds have evolved independently, and were selected by man for their best qualities. The modern catalog of breeds is replete with unusual names, but they are all different in their egg production, meat productivity, characteristics and appearance. To decide which breed to get, you need to get acquainted with its description and characteristics. Consider the most common breeds and their representatives.

Egg chickens, their description and growing features

The name itself speaks of their high productivity in terms of egg production. The catalog of egg hens consists of the following breeds:

  • Leghorn chickens;
  • chickens Orlovsky;
  • Ukrainian earflaps.

Leggorn and Russian White chickens are especially popular, so let's get to know them better.

Hens Leghorn

The description must begin with the fact that today it is the most common breed of chickens in the world. Color palette their plumage is quite large, it has more than 20 colors and their shades, the most common among them are white, but there are black, red, etc. They are beautiful, they have a proportional body and head, a leaf-shaped comb, red earrings, a long neck and flesh-colored skin.

Despite the fact that the breed was bred in the 19th century, they are still used as breeding material to create new egg breeds. They are resistant to adverse environmental conditions, easily adapt to a new environment and quickly gain weight. Chickens lay 200 days a year, so they are considered a good business solution.

They are not demanding on the conditions of detention, live in cages or in chicken coops, get along well with representatives of other breeds, as shown in the video below, but are prone to noise hysteria. In conditions of constant noise, the bird experiences stress, screams, beats, attacks can be repeated several times a day, which negatively affects its health and egg production.

Average weight of chicken, rooster: 1.5-2 kg - chicken, 2.3-2.5 kg - rooster.
Egg production per year: 300

Egg crosses created thanks to leggorns are distinguished by high egg production rates.

Russian white chickens

Russian white chickens have increased egg production and high rates of meat productivity. Differ in strong immunity and immunity to infectious diseases. Their name corresponds to their appearance, they white color, of a large constitution, they have red eyes, a medium head and long earrings. The rooster has a large, hanging comb, high legs and dense plumage. What chickens of this breed look like can be seen in the video below. Work on this breed was started back in 1929, and today chickens are distinguished by the rapid growth of young and early egg-laying.

Meat - egg chickens, their description and distinctive properties

The catalog of meat - egg breeds of chickens consists of:

  • Moscow blacks;
  • and other names of chickens.

Meat - egg chickens have high meat and egg productivity, let's consider some breeds in more detail.

Kuchinsky anniversary chickens

The homeland of chickens is Russia. Chickens of this breed are easy to identify by color, as shown in the photo, they are distinguished by black plumage with a golden mane. Chickens are very popular among poultry farmers because of their productivity and unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention (see video).

This breed is grown in industrial environment for meat and eggs. The eggs are medium in size, one hen lays two eggs in three days. Chickens are kept on the run, they have good immunity, the chickens are energetic, grow quickly and gain weight. You can see how the chickens look and behave in the video below. These are new chickens, selection work on their creation was started in the post-war years and completed in 1990.

Adler silver chickens

This domestic breed. Columbian plumage coloration (see video) makes it easy to distinguish chickens from their relatives. They have high productivity rates, so they are very popular among the population. Chickens are medium-sized, medium in size, they have good meatiness. Their cultivation, as shown in the video below, is simple. Chickens are active, they have a good appetite, strong immunity and immunity to infectious diseases. The bird is not cellular, adapts well to any conditions, does not require special conditions of detention. They begin to rush at the age of 5 months, the eggs are tasty, but not large.

New chickens have become widespread in Russia. They have good indicators of egg production and meat, therefore, they are grown in backyards and in farms. A typical representative meat - egg breed is considered (see video below). The homeland of chickens is Australia, but, due to its productivity, the breed is popular all over the world.

This breed of birds is universal, therefore it is indispensable in personal farms. Chickens differ from specialized breeds in endurance, low feed consumption and livestock safety.

Meat breeds of chickens, their description and brief characteristics

Meat poultry farming has been developed simultaneously with the growth of cities. The catalog of meat chickens recites several breeds:

  • breed Plymouthrock;

Plymouthrock and Cochinchin are the most widespread due to their rapid growth and low feed intake, so we will pay special attention to them.

Plymouthrock chickens

This breed of chickens was bred in America in the 19th century, and appeared in Russia in 1911. As shown in the photo, chickens have a distinctive coloration, thick plumage, red eyes and a small comb. Chickens are not large, but are used for meat and eggs. The body is proportional, as shown in the video below, they have bright red crest, light yellow paws and red eyes. Chickens have excellent immunity and adaptation to adverse weather conditions. They love free-range, have an affectionate and obedient character.

Hens Cochinchin

Chickens are from China. Appearing there in the middle of the 19th century, the breed quickly spread throughout the world. The body of the chicken is powerful, as seen in the photo, covered with thick plumage from head to toe. The bird may be kept in cages, may be free range. Despite the fact that the breed is meat, egg production in chickens is high. The bird comes in black, fawn, golden and other colors. As shown in the video below,

majestic appearance, serves as their distinctive external feature. Fawn cochinchin looks original: their thick plumage protects chickens even in the coldest winters.

You can listen to the story about the difference between the Cochinchin breed and its relatives by watching the video.

Fighting breeds of chickens

The catalog of chickens would be incomplete without representatives of fighting breeds (see photo): Malay, Moscow, English, etc. chickens are new to our country, since this type of competition, which appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, was immediately banned in Russia and Europe. You can get to know better fighters, for example, representatives of the Azil breed, in the video below. They have their own, special tactics, thanks to which they win more often than they lose. What position to take, how to calculate the height of the jump - they have no equal in this.

The breeds participating in “cockfights” are new to the Russian poultry industry, but exciting competitions that demonstrate the strength, temperament and assertiveness of chickens are becoming more and more popular.

Decorative breeds of chickens

The purpose of creating decorative breeds was to satisfy the aesthetic needs of wealthy people. Phoenix chickens were cult, lived in temples and palaces, were shown to guests as a curiosity, and were considered the pride of the state. Arriving in Russia from Japan and China, these beautiful birds were used to create brighter, more original and refined breeds.

Modern decorative chickens are new discoveries in poultry farming that followed the fighting breeds. As shown in the photo, they have a miniature appearance and exotic appearance. decorative, for example, such as in the video below, cannot but amaze with their beauty and grace. What breed of decorative chickens you would not start, their “hairstyles”, combs and tails are beyond praise and deserve the best compliments. , The Dutch white-crested is a new breed that appeared in our country not so long ago, but already has its fans in different parts of the globe. What kind of bird you get - decide for yourself, taking into account your taste preferences.

Are new breeds of chicken being bred now?

Of course. To do this, the best breeds of chickens are selected, and parent pairs are formed from them. New breeds are carriers of the desired properties, have greater productivity, resistance to diseases and excellent taste qualities of products.

First you need to think carefully about what you need chickens for, what products you want to get from them, and only then, look for the answer to the question: “What breed should I use for this?”.

Practical chicken breeding is of interest to many farmers and some summer residents who move to summer cottages for the summer. What could be better than a fresh egg for breakfast, laid by your own hen? However, entrepreneurs with a commercial streak do not bypass chicken breeding. From the point of view of organizing a small business, breeding chickens for eggs is most justified.

But is any chicken suitable for this? Of course not. According to their purpose, breeds of chickens are divided into egg-laying, meat-egg, meat, decorative and fighting. And if the egg production of the first ones per year can reach 300-350 eggs per layer, then the hens of the last three breeds are unlikely to produce more than 100 eggs per year, and the average egg weight will also differ several times. The largest eggs are in laying hens of egg-bearing and fighting breeds.

Why not breed ordinary outbred chickens, because their chickens will probably cost less? Of course, you can do this, but you should not expect good results with this approach. A dozen outbred chickens will still feed one family, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish the production of eggs for sale. Breeding work to improve and consolidate certain qualities of chickens is not in vain carried out by specialists for several generations of chickens. Breeding a new breed can take several decades, and all in order to achieve better performance.

General signs of egg-laying chickens

So, if the purpose of breeding chickens is to get eggs, it is worth stopping at representatives of egg-bearing breeds. Despite the diversity of representatives of the breeds of this direction, they all have common features:

  • medium-sized birds with a light skeleton, the average weight of birds rarely exceeds 2-2.5 kg;
  • wide wingspan and long tail plumage, especially in roosters;
  • large bright red comb and lobes of adult hens and roosters, indicating the maturity of birds;
  • absence or minimization of the incubation instinct;
  • even birds adapted to cage keeping are characterized by mobility, preferably aviary keeping;
  • early maturation and start of laying eggs at the age of 4.5-6 months;
  • good appetite, increased intake of minerals, especially calcium.

Characteristics for comparing the quality of the resulting products

What advantages do chickens of egg-bearing breeds have, what qualities have breeders improved in them for centuries? Of course:

  • egg production;
  • egg weight;
  • egg shell hardness;
  • disease resistance;
  • offspring survival;
  • lack of aggression;
  • unpretentiousness in the diet.

The efforts of poultry farmers have borne fruit: modern representatives of the breeds have collected these qualities as developed as possible.

Video - Choosing laying hens for breeding

Leggorn - the progenitor breed of all modern laying hens

The breed of leghorn chickens obtained in the 19th century is still unsurpassed. Almost all modern egg-bearing breeds are obtained by crossing leggorns with other chickens. Leghorn laying hens hold records maximum number eggs per year (371 eggs), maximum egg weight (454g) and the largest number of yolks in an egg (9 yolks).

Leghorns lay their first egg at the age of 17-20 weeks and continue to lay, under comfortable conditions, almost all year round. One laying hen produces from 250 to 300 eggs per year, and in terms of average, it is second only to the German Loman Browns and Highsexes. The average egg weight is 60-62 grams. White leghorns lay white eggs, variegated ones lay brown eggs. The average weight of a chicken is 1.5-1.7 kg, of a rooster - up to 2.5 kg. The hatchability of chickens in clutch is up to 92%.

Leggorns have one feature that often prevents them from being productively kept outside of factories. They can not stand extraneous noise and have a tendency to noise hysteria.

Under the influence of noise, birds can begin to beat against the wall of the chicken coop, rush to the wire fence, injure themselves and their neighbors.

During the experiment, it was proved that leghorns exposed to noise had reduced egg production, while hens listening to calm light music for 6-8 hours a day began to lay 10% better. In addition, these chickens have reduced immunity and are susceptible to many diseases.

Leghorn birds are distinguished by their proud posture. These are medium-sized, but tall chickens, with a triangular body, a bright red comb and earrings. The scallop in chickens hangs to one side, in cockerels it stands upright. In growing chickens, the scallop and catkins are light pink, when they enter the time of egg production, they become bright red. The elongated back is slightly concave in the middle, the chest is protruding forward. Very mobile, light birds.

The most common are white leghorns, which are characterized by rapid acclimatization. Sometimes there are also pieds that do not get used to new conditions so quickly, but they lay "yellow" eggs, which are most in demand among consumers. In total, more than 40 varieties of the color of chickens of this breed are registered.

White Russian - improved leghorn

Chickens of the White Russian breed are a hybrid of Leghorns and local Russian outbred chickens. Work to improve leghorns and breed the Russian breed lasted 24 years and ended in 1953.

Since then, the Russian White has been rightfully considered one of the best egg-bearing breeds. Egg production is slightly lower than that of leggorns - 230-240, in some cases up to 300 eggs per year. The mass of an average egg is 55-56 grams. The sizes of chickens are slightly larger than the leghorn progenitors - 1.6-1.7 kg for a chicken, 2-2.6 kg for a rooster. The crest is large, leaf-shaped with 5 teeth, bright red in adults.

The undoubted advantages of the breed include stress resistance, resistance to cold and many chicken diseases. Chickens of this breed are devoid of aggression towards fellow tribesmen, balanced, and mature faster.

As a result of breeding work, a subspecies of "Russian snow white" was obtained, some of the chickens of which are already covered with white, and not yellow fluff at the age of one day. In addition, the subspecies is focused on cold resistance and tolerates temperatures up to 10 degrees below normal.

Loman brown - the most egg-laying breed

Record holders for average egg production per chicken - 300-320 eggs per year - are German medium-sized brown hens of the Loman Brown breed. Breeding broken browns is very popular in Russia, they are perfectly acclimatized. Perhaps their popularity is also explained by the fact that even day-old chicks of this breed can be easily differentiated by gender: the down of the hens is fawn, and the down of the males is white.

The producing characteristics of chickens of this breed are very high. In addition to excellent egg production, they are distinguished by a high average egg weight - 63-64 grams. Adult hens weigh from 1.8 to 2 kg, males - up to 3 kg. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by a calm temperament, stress resistance, friendliness. They calmly tolerate cage content, although, of course, walking is more preferable.
They enter reproductive age at 5.5 months, after which they rush well for another 20 weeks.

Hisex - Endurance and Productivity

In the course of breeding work, scientists from Holland in 1970 brought out another extremely popular leggorn hybrid in Russia now - highsex. Because of the coloring, some of the chickens are classified as a Highsex Brown hybrid, and some are classified as a Highsex White hybrid. Officially, the Highsex is still considered not an independent breed, but a Leggorn hybrid, which does not prevent these chickens from being widely bred on farms and poultry farms around the world.

Hisex brown is more productive than the white hybrid, the egg production of hens of this breed reaches 310-350 eggs per year, and white hens of the same breed - 300 pieces. The weight of an egg in a white hybrid is on average 60 grams, in a brown one it can reach 70 g. The weight of white chickens is 1.7-1.8 kg, brown - 2.3-2.6 kg. Both hybrids are distinguished by good resistance to infectious, fungal and helminthic diseases, undemanding to feed and tolerance to very low temperatures.

In general, domestic chicken breeders prefer the Hysex Brown hybrid as the most prolific, egg-laying and tenacious.

Minorca - large eggs and aesthetic appearance

An original looking breed that farmers often breed for aesthetic reasons. Black plumage, bright red crest and large white catkins give hens and roosters an impressive appearance. Unfortunately, the breed is not suitable for industrial breeding, because. very demanding on the conditions of detention, and therefore continues to remain in the yards of small chicken breeders.

In addition to good (up to 200 eggs per year) egg production, Minorca can boast of a delicate taste of meat, very early maturation of young animals, and most importantly - simply gigantic by chicken standards (up to 80 g) eggs. This breed has one more advantage - hens rush almost regardless of the time of year. The breed was specially selected for carrying the largest possible eggs in a dense shell.
The minuses of the breed include its effeminacy: in frosts, scallops and legs are easily frostbite, minors do not tolerate high humidity, drafts, and cold.

Tetra SL is a modest laying hen

The Tetra SL cross, which is not so common in small farms, however, has good egg production rates - 300-310 eggs per year. Outwardly, Tetra chickens are most consistent with the stereotyped representation of the concept of "pied chicken".

Tetra SL - a breed of chickens

They rush, with appropriate feeding, almost every day all year round. For regular laying of eggs, it is necessary to provide sufficient amounts of calcium in food and light in places where birds are kept. They lay dark brown eggs weighing 64-65 grams. Often this hybrid is considered as meat-egg, because. the taste of the meat is good and the chickens quickly gain weight, but, like all egg breeds, not too big.

A big plus is the ability to sort chickens by gender already at the day old (by the color of the fluff). Chickens have a fawn or dark brown color, a neat small crest, a small head and a lean body shape, and a short tail. Male chicks are white, gray or black. Growing up, most of them are feathered in white or white with occasional black patches of roosters.

Summing up

Choosing the breed of chickens that you will breed should be based on the following considerations:

  • purpose of breeding: for family and friends, for the occasional sale of eggs, for the uninterrupted production of egg products;
  • the area allotted for breeding chickens;
  • keeping conditions: cage, aviary or mixed keeping of birds is supposed to be established;
  • the region, its climatic features, the degree of adaptation of the selected breed to these conditions;
  • the availability of chickens of the selected breed, both in terms of price and, if possible, to get them near your site.

Only after carefully considering all the nuances of future breeding and organizing premises for keeping chickens, after reading detailed literature on breeding the selected breed, it is worth buying young animals. Under these conditions, laying hens will delight you with large, beautiful and even eggs all year round.

Any person who is engaged in farming understands that it is quite difficult to choose a chicken for obtaining eggs. But if you navigate and understand this topic, you can cope with such a task. It is about the best laying hens that we will discuss in this article. Let's describe the characteristics and features of really worthy breeds that you can keep in your household. The article presents the breeds of laying hens with photos and names.

Chickens for eggs

At the moment, a large number of birds are known that are used specifically for collecting eggs. Many species lay large and high-quality eggs. It should be noted that individuals weigh a little. This figure does not exceed 2.5 kg.

Various directions are known. They vary in size. However, this is where the differences end. general characteristics a lot more. The meat qualities of the chicken are completely ignored, since such breeds were bred specifically for obtaining eggs.

It should be noted that these types of birds develop very quickly, in comparison with others. By day 140, individuals are considered adults. Twenty days before this, the chicken is already able to lay.

Moreover, the breeds that will be described below are similar to each other. They all have well developed plumage. The tail and wings stand out noticeably - they have large dimensions. The head may have a straight crest, which usually has seven teeth.

Distinctive features of laying hens

If we talk about breeding birds and getting eggs, then you need to understand which layers will give maximum results. The most suitable are those chickens that are bought in the same area where they will be bred. This factor plays an important role, excluding the purpose of obtaining offspring thoroughbred species. Next, learn more about good breeds laying hens. With photos and names, this information will be presented below.

External parameters

Any laying hens differ, as a rule, among themselves in terms of weight. Compared to those bred for meat, they are much lighter, and this, in turn, affects their ability to move. These chickens have good plumage and developed earrings. The comb is leaf-shaped. Special attention should be paid to it, as this is a sign that can tell a lot about a chicken. Ranking of the most best breeds presented in this article.

If laying hens that breed for three months have a bright comb, then there will be a lot of eggs. A pinkish hue indicates that the chicken is in poor conditions or is sick with something.

Features of eggs and birds

As a general rule, hens that are meant to lay eggs will lay eggs. large sizes. The shell is white. If the body weight of the bird begins to decrease, then the cost of eggs decreases. Weight - 1.9 kg, no more (according to the standard). If we are talking about mini-hens, then their weight should be within 1.4 kg.

The light weight of the bird does not affect the productivity of the chicken itself. Therefore, it is much more profitable to use small individuals - you can significantly save on the amount of feed used.

Early maturity is another characteristic of all breeds that are designed to lay eggs. What is it connected with? The first eggs appear as early as 4 months after the birth of the chicken. However, during this period, weight indicators have not yet reached their peak, as a rule, they are 10-15% less than those indicators that adult birds already differ in. You need to understand that such hens do not hatch eggs - this is a rarity. If you want to increase the number of individuals, then you should use an incubator.

Rating of the best breeds

In order to choose the right chickens for yourself without making a mistake, you must definitely pay attention not only to external data, but also to what indicators the chicken has regarding egg production. However, if this goal is not pursued, then this information is not so important.

The most popular breed of chicken is the Leghorn. She has all the wonderful qualities that can only be found in all known laying hens.

Worthy of attention are hens that give brown eggs - isa brown. The breed was bred by French breeders. This bird can lay up to 320 eggs per year.

The competition is made up of the following breeds: Russian White, Highsex, Kuchinsky Jubilee, High Line, Brown.


The name of the breed "Russian White Chicken" already immediately speaks of some of its features. The plumage is white, the body of newly born chickens is covered with yellow fluff. The beak is of the same shade, and the head has small dimensions. The body is quite long and wide. The wings are well developed, have a dense structure. The breed of chickens was bred in specific conditions, so the birds are able to withstand the cold and do not suffer from certain diseases.

The breed has a high level of egg production. In the first 12 months, a bird can lay about 200 eggs. The weight of one unit is 55 grams, and the color of the shell is white.


If the owner still has not been able to decide on the breed, you need to look at the characteristics of highsex chickens. In 12 months they can produce 300 eggs. For ten pieces, you will need to use about one kilogram of feed. The mass of the egg does not exceed 60 grams. This type of chicken is able to tolerate many diseases well: for example, those caused by infections, helminths and fungi. They are also famous for having good productivity. They do not require any special conditions of detention and excessive attention to themselves.

The breed was obtained experimentally in 1970 in the Netherlands. The selection had some features, so this breed is considered a Leghorn hybrid. There are two varieties: white and brown. The first received a light color, respectively, the second - dark. Productivity is highest in Highsex Brown chickens.

Hisex white

White is small and boned. Individuals of this species may resemble outward signs leghorns. Birds have a characteristic. This is a comb that hangs to the side. The thing is, it's too big. Because of this, he cannot stay in an even, raised state.

Plumage is another feature of these birds. It is silky and pleasant to the touch. Even though these chickens prefer an active lifestyle, they have a calm temperament.

Eggs typically weigh 65 grams. For 12 months, the bird blows up to 280 pieces. The hatchability of still young birds reaches 95%. The shell is white. Females often weigh about 1.8 kg. These birds never hatch their chicks, as this feeling is practically undeveloped in them. Chickens are resistant to infectious diseases. However, this only applies to those that have been bred at home.

This species needs more attention. He needs a good level of content. It is advisable to add some vitamins and minerals to the diet. If you violate any rule of keeping, then the productivity of the chicken will be reduced several times, especially if there are problems with feeding.


High-line chickens have a calm disposition. They can easily adapt to perfectly different conditions life. And productivity from it does not change. The eggs are large in size. They have a durable and reliable coating. After reaching eighty weeks of age, a laying hen will lay about 350 eggs each year.

Kuchinsky anniversary

Chickens of the Kuchinsky jubilee breed have their own characteristics. Despite the fact that this species ideal for laying eggs, it is also used as a source of meat. Many individuals reach a weight of two to three kilograms. The meat has good taste. The protein content in it is much higher than that of broilers. Chickens of the Kuchinsky jubilee breed begin to lay within six months after hatching. About 220 eggs are produced per year. The weight of one egg reaches about sixty grams.


You should pay attention to the breed, which received the name of the brown. This bird is well acclimatized. She can adapt to any conditions of life. This species was bred by breeders from France.

In one year, isa browns lay about 320 eggs. The shell is brown. One unit weighs 63 grams. The first eggs appear after 135 days. In order for the chicken to develop well, living in a cage, you should give her about 115 grams of combined feed per day.


The breed of leghorn chickens (description - below) is represented by small but productive birds. If you look closely at them, you can see that they have an excellent shape and build. The head is pushed forward and the chest is puffed out. During the movement, the chickens look very impressive.

Head of standard size. The comb is leaf-shaped. Earlobes are of normal type. They are of a light shade, the body is as light as possible. The paws are of medium length, and the chest is quite wide. At the same time, the weight of chickens does not exceed 2 kg, males - 2.6 kg. In a year, birds are capable of producing three hundred eggs. Leghorns calmly adapt to the climate and living conditions. They are hardy and active in laying eggs. A description of the leghorn chicken breed will allow the farmer to make a choice.

They start laying eggs at the age of five months. The first 360 days are considered the most productive. Most often, the eggs are large, and it is this breed that has a high level of fertility.

If a farmer needs really high-quality and worthy birds, then this breed should be considered first.

broken brown

This breed hens are capable of producing about 320 eggs per year. The active period can last up to 80 weeks. All eggs have a good shell density, they are large, brown. Loman brown is popular with farmers.


If we highlight the features of this breed of birds, then it must be said that they give eggs already at the 21st week of life. About 250 pieces are produced per year. These figures are quite high, so the breed is in demand.

The comb differs in that it has the shape of a leaf. The beak is strong and strong, and the tail is small. The legs are not particularly long, they are white or yellow. The body is of medium size.

Tetra SL

Description and characteristics have already been given, but many are interested in the SL subspecies. This chicken is not very common among ordinary household farmers, but its performance is impressive. For the year it is capable of producing 310 pieces. Outwardly, individuals look in the most ordinary way; the expression pied chicken is applicable to them like no other.

If you properly feed the bird, then it will rush all year every day. In order to ensure this, calcium should be added to the feed. It is as necessary as light. The latter should go to the places where birds are kept. Brown eggs. Weight - 65 g. Often these birds are also used as meat breeds. This is due to the fact that chickens gain weight quite quickly, although not too much.

A special plus of this breed is that you can sort the chicks immediately after hatching. This is done according to the color of the downy coating. The females are brown or fawn in color. They have a neat comb, a large tail and a tucked head. Roosters, after hatching, are white, black or even gray. After growing, they become either completely light or interspersed.

Minorca chickens

The name has nothing to do with the characteristics of the breed. The name of the bird was given in honor of the place where they were bred. Spanish scientists on the island of Minorca managed to deduce the new kind. A little later, he fell into the hands of the British and the breed was slightly modified. Egg laying in active mode begins already 5 months after the chicken hatches. For the year they show not too high productivity - only 160 pieces. One Minorca chicken egg weighs about fifty grams.

rhode island

The type, which will be discussed below, has features. Thanks to them, no farmer will be able to confuse these chickens with others. The bird has a pink straight crest, a medium-sized head, and a well-developed body. The chest is wide, as is the back. The last one is pretty strong. Paws are yellow.

The coloration of these birds is another feature of the breed. At the base, the feathers are red with brownish patches, and at the tips they are dark. If the edge of the feather is not light, then this bird is a purebred.

This breed carries the golden gene. What benefits does it provide? When breeding a bird, immediately on the day you can determine its gender and select the necessary individuals. Chickens have a spot on the back of their heads.

In one year of life, individuals are able to produce 200 pieces. The eggs are brown, their weight is 58 g. In addition to the fact that egg production is high, these chickens are also characterized by a well-developed incubation instinct.

new hampshire

This breed was derived from Rhode Island. It differs in that it has a specific color and physiological requirements. This species is designed to increase the number of healthy chicks and the volume of eggs produced. Moreover, the breeders completed this mission successfully. The hen starts laying eggs as early as 3 months after hatching. The total weight of one unit of the product is 65 g. The eggs are brown.

Besides the fact that chickens have an excellent egg production rate, they also tolerate climate changes well. Their fertility is at a high level - 80%. It will be very easy to keep this type of chickens, as they are calm and get along well in cages. The breed is large. Adults reach 3 kg, males - 4 kg.


It is difficult to choose which chickens are the best, but many make ratings based on the intensity of laying and the appearance of the bird. The Hamburg breed will look as elegant and beautiful as possible. The scallop is pink, you can see that one tooth is very pronounced. Beak small size, is blue. The bird itself has good dimensions, a long body, lush plumage.

The behavior of chickens is active, it is difficult to drive them into cages. The weight of the birds is small - only about 1.5 kg. This indicator is optimal. For the first year, the bird is able to give 180, in the second - 140 eggs. Weight - fifty-five grams. The shell is white.

Ukrainian earflaps

Further, the described breed has its own characteristic features. Birds have scarlet lobes. They are difficult to spot because of their dense plumage. It is still unknown how and under what conditions this breed was bred. We can only say for sure that this is a folk “creation”. These chickens easily and in the shortest possible time get used to the climatic features of the territory in which they live and living conditions. They can safely withstand low temperatures, rain or snow. Laying hens have a voluminous rounded chest, which has good plumage. The body is dense, strong. The back is noticeably straight and wide. Compared to other breeds, this one has an oversized head. A comb is visible at the top. The beak is small, strong. Roosters have a cute fluffy tail, which is decorated with bright feathers. Special conditions for laying hens are not required. Most often, roosters are black. Individuals with bright colors may also come across. For a year, the bird produces about two hundred eggs. The mass of one unit of the product is 60 g. The mass of a chicken is about two kg, and that of a rooster is three kg. The egg is light, the shell has a creamy milky tone. She is strong.


It is currently unknown where this breed originated. Birds are beautiful in appearance. They have a fluff of black, chintz shades. Fawn is found on the head and neck. These feathers hang down, so it can feel like the chicken has a beard. The head is small, the nape is wide. The beak, though short, is rounded.

Roosters have a small comb, it is covered with down. Paws are strong and massive. Laying hens are undemanding in care, they are hardy. Chickens can lay 150 eggs in one year. The weight of one piece is sixty grams. shell white or Pink colour. The weight of the chicken is three kg, the rooster is four kg.


These birds were bred in the Gorky region, in the village of Pavlovo. Cocks of the Peruvian type are crossed with shaggy-legged hens with smooth feathers.

The feather cover of this breed is golden or silvery, has black blotches. In one year, a laying hen is capable of producing 120 eggs. Each weighs about 60 g. A chicken can weigh up to 2 kg, a rooster - 2.5 kg. This breed is most often used on home farms.

Pushkin striped motley

This type is experimental. He was bred recently thanks to the crossing of Leghorn roosters and Australorps hens. Birds of this variety are used to produce eggs, but for laying hens their weight is too big. The plumage is striped-variegated, the swelling is white. Roosters have a large number of inclusions on the body. The head of the birds is elongated, the beak is curved, medium in size and has an ivory color. At the top of the head is a crest on which there is a spike. It goes to the back of the head. The top is flat. The comb itself is flat. The eyes of a chicken are expressive, the shell of the eye has Orange color. The lobes are colored in pink shade. The neck is long, and the feathers are in the form of a mane. The body has the shape of a trapezoid. At the same time, the chest of the chicken is wide, planted deep. The back tapers towards the tail. The latter is well developed and set straight. Metatarsus large, while long, have a white tint. The fingers are covered with tights, they are widely spaced. Down dense type. The wings are long, lowered to the ground.

This breed is calm and quiet. Birds quickly adapt to the conditions provided. Survivability is high. The chickens look spectacular. The limbs are long and strong. An adult will weigh 2 kg, a rooster - 2.6 kg. A bird can lay about 200 eggs per year. The weight of each is 60 g. The shell is white or cream-colored.

Shaverov cross

These hens are capable of laying eggs as early as 17 weeks of development. One bird can produce 320 pieces in a year. Already by the 25th week, the breeding efficiency becomes maximum, so the egg-laying period is quite active at this time.

There are no special content requirements. This breed is hardy and not afraid of people. Starting at 18 weeks, the bird should begin to be given a little more food than usual.


In order not to be mistaken with the choice of breed, you should study all the characteristics of certain species before buying. It will be useful to look at the photos of each breed that interests you. Then the owner will definitely be able to choose the most suitable option for himself.

It is necessary to adhere to certain rules. First you need to understand the purpose of buying a bird. For example, for family or friends, for a rare sale or for uninterrupted production. The article presents popular breeds of laying hens, with photos and names.

Do not forget that the premises where chickens are grown are not dimensionless, so when buying, you need to pay special attention to this. Small breeds will fit in a small room in moderation, while large breeds will have to be purchased much less.

The region, precipitation and general climatic features should also be considered. The bird must be adapted to all the nuances or be able to adapt to them.

The availability of breed chicks should also be considered. It should be calculated whether the owner will be able to return the money spent, transportation costs, and so on.

Only after considering all the nuances and features, you can acquire chickens for further egg production. It is worth familiarizing yourself with the literature that will allow you to understand all the intricacies of caring for birds. Should be purchased young. If you follow all the rules, you can get eggs every day throughout the year. All the breeds of laying hens described in the article with photographs and names are capable of such a “work” mode.

Roosters in all their diversity differ in the main features: exterior, size, temperament, productive and decorative qualities. Breeding work in this direction has been going on since the ancient egypt and today has stepped far ahead. The best achievements in the breeding of new breeds are the work of specialists from the countries of the East, the impetus for which was the emergence of the cult of cockfighting.

Description of fighting breeds of roosters

Fighting roosters are the most ancient among existing breeds. At different sizes(from 500 grams to 7 kg) the bird looks impressive and is characterized by:

  • muscular strong chest;
  • strong long legs;
  • powerful head on;
  • solid hard beak;
  • aggressive character, allowing you to quickly attack the enemy in the fight for your own life.

Types of roosters by fighting style

According to the style of conducting a duel, the breeds of fighting cocks are conventionally divided into 4 types:

Roosters different breeds can be fighters from birth and fight using all tactics. Sometimes it seems that these versatile warriors, depending on the style of the opponent, are considering which one to use in order to win.

A characteristic feature of the fighting breed of roosters is poor plumage, which causes poor retention of heat by the body. Therefore, it is recommended to keep such birds in a heated room. The key to caring for fighting cocks is a diet high in protein.

Description of popular fighting breeds

Popular breeds of roosters (photo and description):

  • Azil. Almost all purebred breeds of roosters intended for fighting were called this word.

    Imported to Germany in 1860, it is characterized by the following features: strong muscles, squat, bony, angular forms, short legs, hard plumage and a pronounced character of a real fighter. Such a bird is considered to be fully formed and sexually mature in the 2nd year of life.

  • Araucan. It is characterized by brown-red plumage with a black stripe along the feather shaft. The chest, lower legs and belly are black. A feature of the breed is taillessness - the dominant trait, inherited and due to the absence of tail vertebrae.

    Among experts, it is believed that the tail interferes with the fight. Araucan roosters are very pugnacious. In size reach 1.8 kg. A feature of the breed are the greenish-blue eggs that the hens lay.

  • Belgian fighting. A fairly old breed of roosters (photo), bred approximately in the 17th century specifically for fighting.

    The birthplace of such a large, courageous bird with an aggressive posture is Flanders. The back is horizontal, the tail is moderately developed. Weight from 4.5 to 5.6 kg, weight less than 4 kg is considered unacceptable.

  • Madagascar. They got their name from the island where they were bred by the natives. The bird is strong and hardy, widespread in Europe. Despite their formidable appearance, roosters are very friendly to representatives of other breeds and are even able to lead chickens instead of a hen. The mass of the rooster is 2-5.5 kg. characteristic feature The breed is bare neck and legs. Color black, red, white, brown.
  • Lutticher. A strong muscular bird with a broad-shouldered elongated body and coarse plumage. The head is powerful, with strongly arched eyebrows. The beak is curved, strong, the color of a dark horn. The chest is wide, somewhat convex. Wings adjacent, long. The legs are long, bony, straight set. The belly is barely covered by wings, tucked up. The tail is slightly open, with good braids. The live weight of a rooster is 4-5 kg. The lütticher bird has a very grumpy character and a gloomy expression on its face.
  • Old English fighting. Representatives of this breed of roosters are characterized by strong muscles, a dense body, broad shoulders, covered with neck plumage. The chest protrudes noticeably forward, rounded on the sides. The neck is long, strong, widening towards the back of the head. The legs are long, with muscular ankles. Set not very wide, well bent at the joints. The spurs are firm, deep-set, and the rear toe lies optimally on the ground. Males and females practically do not differ in appearance, except that the hens have more best decoration back and fan-shaped tail. Breed Old English fighting temperamental, mobile, cocky. Easily adapts to any conditions of existence. Roosters are friendly to their owners, have a negative attitude towards rivals.
  • Kulangi. The breed of roosters (photo) is widespread in the countries of Central Asia. Such a bird is characterized by an even vertical delivery of the body, a strong physique, a small, well-sharpened beak.

    The neck is long, sinewy, slightly arched forward. The head is small, strong, slightly flattened laterally. The scallop is small, ridge-like. The wings are small and close to the body. The color of the plumage is salmon, light brown and black tones. The legs are high, powerful, constantly in a widely separated position. Behind there are sharp and very strong spurs. The color of the paws is light yellow, often with fine black pigmentation. The live weight of roosters is 4-7 kg. Due to their natural characteristics, the roosters of this breed are very conflicted, they do not tolerate the neighborhood of other breeds. The bird is adapted to training and lends itself to the development of the necessary fighting qualities.

  • New England Fighting Modern. Bred in England in 1850. During the last century, after the cockfight was vetoed, it has been a decorative type of graceful structure. Roosters of the breed New England Fighting Modern are small. Weight - 2.0-3.5 kg. The body is wide, tapering towards the waist. The plumage is short, angular, well-defined and set back shoulders. strongly drooping, long neck. The wings are placed high, close to the body. The tail is narrow, small.

Fighters from the East

    Vietnamese combat. An extremely rare breed, numbering several hundred specimens. Distributed only in Vietnam. The bird is broad-bodied, rather compact (weighing 3-4 kg), with a small tail and short wings. A characteristic feature of the Vietnamese Fighting breed is a hypertrophied crest and unrealistically short legs with shortened fingers. The specific structure of the paws is due to the purpose of the bird, which was used not only for fighting, but also for the production of meat. Currently, the breed is bred as meat and ornamental.

    Tuso. An ancient Japanese breed, quite rare. Bred exclusively for cockfighting. Bettas are small, elegant, have a straight posture and a well-developed tail with poor plumage. Bettas have an average weight of 1.2 kg. Plumage color - black, with a green tint.

    Shamo. Translated from Japanese "fighter". One of the best representatives of the fighting breed of roosters, photos and descriptions of which are of considerable interest to fans of cockfights. It is divided into 3 types: dwarf, medium, large. Tall muscular breed with close-fitting scanty plumage, almost vertical posture, a small, splayed head at the back of the head and a predatory gloomy look. Chest with protruding bare bone, convex, wide. There is sparse plumage on a long broad back. The short wings are slightly raised in front, with clearly visible bare bones. The tail is not wide, with curved feathers of braids. Legs with sharp spurs, strong. The advantages of the breed are endurance, strength, muscularity. Shamo roosters are very aggressive, constantly rushing into battle, in which they act thoughtfully, persistently, stubbornly, fighting to the last. Never step back. Amenable to training, they need to be carried out.

  • Malay. This breed is very ancient, with more than 3000 years of history. There is a version that her ancestors are long-extinct wild giant chickens. Roosters are characterized by a rough, dense constitution, a vertically set body, a small, laterally flattened head, and well-developed superciliary ridges, which gives a stern look. The neck is long, the wings protrude at the shoulders. The crest is small, the wattles are almost undeveloped, the beak is thick, short, and curved. The back is long, wide, sloping towards the tail. The dense plumage is walnut brown and brown.

Domestic wrestlers

About representatives of the meat breed of roosters

Meat breed roosters, in relation to representatives of other areas of cultivation, are characterized by rather large sizes, a horizontally set, stocky body, thick short legs, loose plumage and a calm character.

Broilers - poultry for home rearing

  • Broiler. It is the result of crossing such a breed of roosters as a white Cornish (meat) and a white Plymouthrock (meat). Roosters are characterized by a wide chest, powerful strong legs and snow-white plumage. Above a strong massive beak is a bright red small crest. The earlobes are the same color. They have a high ability to quickly gain weight, at the age of 40 days the average weight is about 2.5 kg.
  • Foxy Chick(or red broiler). Roosters of this breed stand out unusual color plumage resembling fox fur (from reddish brown to fiery red). Outwardly, the bird is squat, dense in physique, undersized. The average weight of roosters reaches 6 kg, which is a fairly high figure. The meat is tender and juicy, with a minimum percentage of fat. The breed is undemanding in care and easily adapts to various conditions of detention.

About french cockerels

  • Faverolles. Attractive look with lush leg plumage and sideburns on the head, bred in France. The meat is very tasty. The average weight of roosters is 3.2-3.8 kg.
  • Barbezier. Breed of ancient French origin. Large roosters of the barbezie breed are characterized by black plumage with a greenish tint, gray legs, and a highly developed crest. Average weight from 4.5 kg.
  • Bress Gallic. Snow-white meat roosters with blue legs and a bright red comb are a national treasure of France and are considered the most delicious on the planet. The image of the Gallic rooster is even minted on the coins of this country, whose inhabitants are kind to a bird of this breed and grow it according to strictly defined rules. Bress Gallic roosters are subject to castration, after which they do not trample chickens, do not sing, have a good appetite, and therefore gain a lot of weight. At good care a white rooster (Bress Gallic breed) can grow up to 5 kg. An excellent replacement for well-known broilers, however, it is several times higher in cost.

About the Kuchin breed

black cochinkin

  • Cochinchin. Released in China. Meat-type poultry, currently grown for ornamental and display purposes. It is characterized by lush plumage, covering the entire body and limbs (including toes) with the formation of lush "panties" at the ends. The body shape is rounded, spherical. The color is white, blue, fawn, partridge, but the black rooster is the most popular. The Cochin Chinese breed is prone to obesity. Cold resistant. The live weight of males is from 4.5 to 5.5 kg.

Two types of chickens are considered the most popular: birds that lay eggs with white or colored (brown or pink) shells. Hens that lay white eggs were based on the Leghorn breed, and those with colored shells were created on the basis of the New Hampshire and Rhode Island breeds. However, the main difference between these poultry is not in the color of the shell, but in the direction of productivity.

Chickens with white eggs belong to egg breeds, and those with colored eggs belong to meat and egg breeds. However, there are also beef and sport breeds. Most often, chickens of the Orlov, Liven and Yurlov breeds, which were bred by amateur breeders, are bred in household plots. The main advantage of these breeds is high viability, although egg production is at an average level.

Recently, chickens of miniature breeds are beginning to enjoy popularity, which, with low feed intake and low body weight, are characterized by high egg production. However, these breeds are highly demanding on the conditions of detention.

Below are descriptions of the most common breeds of various types.

Breeds of laying hens with photos and descriptions

Chickens belonging to egg breeds are often characterized by high motor activity, they have light bones, dense plumage and low body weight. A characteristic feature of most egg hens is a developed leaf-shaped comb.

Egg production in chickens begins as early as four to five months after hatching, when the bird reaches the required body weight. In household plots, leghorn and Russian white egg breeds are most often bred, but other breeds are sometimes found, the characteristic features of which will be described below.

  • Russian white

Chickens of this breed were bred by Russian breeders, crossing leghorns with birds of local breeds. A characteristic feature of birds is high vitality, good weight and excellent taste of meat.

Rice. 1. Russian white chickens

Birds start laying eggs as early as five months of age, although the brooding instinct is weak. The live weight of the body can reach three kilograms in males, and two kilograms in females.

The appearance of Russian white chickens is similar to leghorn birds, but Russian white chickens have a slightly larger head (Fig. 1).

  • leghorn

The breed was bred in the Italian city of Livorno, from where it was transported to Russia. The color of birds can be very diverse: from white and black to fawn, but the most common are white birds (Fig. 2).

The weight of adult leghorn chickens can reach two kilograms, but at the same time they are distinguished by high egg production (an average of 200 eggs per year). Eggs have a white and strong shell. However, despite the high percentage of hatching of young animals, female Leghorn chickens do not have a developed incubation instinct, therefore it is more expedient to breed chickens of this breed in incubators.

Rice. 2. Leghorn chicken breed

Given the high egg-laying qualities of Leghorn chickens, it was these chickens that were taken as the basis for breeding other breeds. At good conditions Birds are distinguished not only by excellent egg production, but also by high live weight, and in birds of a brown color, the weight is higher, but egg production is lower with heavier eggs.

  • Poltava breed

Chickens of this breed can be clay or cuckoo color. A distinctive feature of birds is a bright leaf-shaped crest and the presence of red earrings and earlobes. Birds have yellow legs and beaks, but black-feathered hens have dark steel (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Poltava breed of chickens

Often chickens of the Poltava breed are bred by amateurs. The average weight of birds does not differ from other egg breeds (2 kg for females and 3 kg for males), egg production is satisfactory (up to 170 eggs per year), but in comparison with birds of other egg breeds, Poltava chickens have a well-developed incubation instinct.

  • Orlovskaya

Until now, the exact details of the breeding of this breed are not known. hallmark chickens of the Oryol breed is an athletic build and exterior, reminiscent of fighting birds (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Oryol egg breed

Oryol hens lay medium-sized eggs with a pale pink or white shell. Due to the original black or mahogany coloring, Oryol chickens are often used as show specimens.

In addition, the advantage of this breed is high vitality and adaptability to bad weather conditions, relatively good egg production (160 eggs per year) and body weight (up to 3 kilograms).

  • Pushkinskaya

Pushkin chickens have striped gray feathers (Fig. 5). Roosters are white with small gray spots. As a rule, chickens of this breed are bred to produce eggs, since the annual egg-laying is more than 200 pieces. However, poultry meat is also distinguished by high palatability.

The advantages of chickens of the Pushkin breed are high survival in a harsh climate, and undemanding to the conditions of keeping and feeding. Since the breed was bred artificially, chickens cannot fly and run poorly, so they are great for keeping in open aviaries.

  • araucana

Araucan chickens were brought to us from South America. Outwardly, they are very different from the domestic chickens we are used to (Fig. 5). Firstly, they are completely devoid of a tail, and secondly, the birds have a kind of feather collar on their heads. In addition, the egg shell has a pale green color, and although Araucan chickens are good laying hens, for our area they can be considered not only egg, but also decorative.

Rice. 5. Pushkin breed of chickens (1a and 1b) and Araucan (2a and 2b)

Despite the fact that chickens of this breed were bred in South America, they tolerate even low temperatures well, quickly adapt to climate changes and have high vitality. In addition, puberty in hens comes early, but they lack the instinct to incubate, so young animals can only be bred in incubators. In addition, Araucan roosters are very aggressive.

  • Loman Brown

The breed of chickens Loman Brown was bred as a result of selection work and crossing of several species, so the birds may differ in color. The most common are golden brown and white (Fig. 6).

Loman Brown is a breed that is very unpretentious to the conditions of keeping, therefore such birds are bred not only in household plots, but also in industrial enterprises. A distinctive feature is not only high egg production, but also precocity. However, the characteristics of the breed are completely lost when young animals are hatched in an incubator, therefore, to update the herd, eggs and young chickens will have to be purchased from special farms.

  • Dominant

Cross was bred in the Czech Republic, and thanks to breeding work hens of the Dominant breed are distinguished not only by high egg productivity and vitality, but also by their beautiful appearance (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Chickens of the Loman Brown breed (1a and 1b) and Dominant (2a and 2b)

The disadvantage of the breed is that it is almost impossible to breed birds in an incubator. Despite the high egg production, one egg can have two or three yolks, which negatively affects the hatching of young animals.

Description of meat and egg breeds of chickens

Similar breeds are also widespread among poultry farmers, since the birds are not only distinguished by high egg production, but also by good meat quality.

The precocity of chickens of meat and egg breeds is almost the same as that of birds of egg breeds. However, they have a calmer nature and they are less demanding on the conditions of detention. In particular, meat and egg chickens do not require the equipment of special high fences or fences on walking areas.

Most chickens of meat and egg breeds were bred by crossing. The most common breeds and their descriptions are given below.

  • rhode island

The breed was bred in the USA in the middle of the 19th century, but Rhode Island chickens were brought to Russia only at the beginning of the 20th.

The distinctive characteristics of the exterior of the Rhode Island kuro breed is a strong physique: a horizontal rectangular body with a convex chest, a long straight back, strong legs, small wings and a well-feathered tail (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Meat and egg chickens of the Rhode Island breed

The birds have yellow skin, brown-red feathers (part of the tail and flight feathers are black). Birds are distinguished by a yellow beak and bright red earlobes.

The average weight of Rhode Island roosters reaches 3.5 kilograms, and hens - three kilograms. Every year, birds bring about 170 eggs with a light brown shell.

  • new hampshire

This is the second most common meat and egg breed of chickens. It was also introduced to the USA in the 1930s. Rhode Island chickens became the basis for breeding the breed. However, New Hampshire hens have higher egg production, viability and hatchability.

Sexual maturity and egg production in chickens begins at the age of six months. The egg shell has Brown color, and the hatchability of chickens reaches 85 percent, although the instinct of incubation in New Hampshire chickens is less developed than in Rhode Islands.

Rice. 8 New Hampshire Chickens

Outwardly, New Hampshire chickens resemble Rhode Islands, but differ in lighter, chestnut plumage. The nature of the birds is very calm, so they are often kept in cages (Fig. 8).

All birds of the New Hampshire breed are divided into two types:

  1. Broiler has a pronounced meat productivity;
  2. Egg - chickens in this direction can carry up to 200 eggs per year.

The live weight of birds, regardless of the direction of productivity, reaches 4 kilograms for roosters and 3 kilograms for hens. Young hatch is 78 percent, but New Hampshire hens often have few brood hens.

  • Plymouth Rock

Plymouthrock chickens were bred in the United States more than a hundred years ago by crossing birds of several breeds at once. The most common are the white and striped varieties of chickens. White is considered more popular for farms with meat productivity.

Sexual maturity begins as early as six months of age, and the hens lay eggs with a light brown shell. The advantage of Plymouth Rock birds is the high hatchability of chickens (up to 80 percent) and a well-developed incubation instinct. Chickens also have a calm character (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Appearance of Plymouthrock chickens

A characteristic feature of chickens of this breed is fast development but slow plumage growth. Birds are distinguished by excellent meat qualities: chickens can be slaughtered already at the age of 56 days, when their weight exceeds one and a half kilograms. A one-year-old rooster weighs 3.6 kilograms, and the live weight of an adult male exceeds 4 kilograms.

  • jersey giant

Jersey giant chickens are one of the largest. Despite the high meat productivity, chickens are also distinguished by excellent egg production (up to 180 eggs per year). Since the chickens are quite large, they require special conditions of detention, in particular, an extensive range. In addition, laying hens often crush eggs in nests, so they need to be removed on time.

  • Orpington

Despite the fact that Orpington chickens belong to the meat and egg direction of productivity, they are valued precisely for their meat qualities (Fig. 10). The weight of an adult individual is up to 5 kg, while the annual egg production of laying hens is 160-180 eggs.

Rice. 10. Jersey giant chickens (1a, 1b) and Orpington (2a, 2b)

Chickens grow slowly and require quality feeding. At the same time, caring for chickens of this breed can be called simple, since the birds have a calm character and they are unpretentious to climatic conditions.

  • Legbar

Chickens of the Legbar breed are characterized by average weight (up to 3 kg) and egg production (up to 200 eggs per year). A distinctive feature is the light green or blue color of the shell. However, birds have high endurance and good health, which greatly facilitates their care.

  • Russian crested

Chickens of the Russian Crested breed can be safely called universal. They are distinguished by high egg production, which practically does not depend on the season, and the weight of an adult can reach 3-4 kg. In addition, Russian crested chickens are the most different colors, and the presence of a small tuft on the head gives them a decorative value (Fig. 11).

  • Foxy Chick

This is a fairly common breed in household plots, since Foxy Chick chickens do not require special conditions of detention, they are distinguished by good health and a high level of hatchability of young animals. At the same time, they have tasty and tender meat with almost no fat, and the annual number of eggs from one laying hen reaches 250 pieces.

Rice. 11. Breeds of meat and egg chickens: 1 - legbar, 2 - Russian crested, 3 - foxy chik

Other less common ,include(Fig. 12):

  1. Moscow: birds have a long body and a convex chest. The plumage is black, but on the neck (for hens) or on the neck and back (for roosters) there are interspersed yellow feathers. A distinctive feature of chickens is the high hatchability of chickens (about 90 percent).
  2. Wyandot- a breed of chickens with an average live weight (up to 3.5 kg for roosters and 3 kg for hens) and egg production (up to 180 eggs annually). The color of feathers in chickens of the Wyandot breed can be black, white, yellow or golden.
  3. Kuchinsky anniversary the breed is distinguished by good meat qualities and high vitality. The plumage of hens is often light red with a golden mane, while roosters, in addition to red plumage and a golden mane, have black plumage on the chest and tail. Egg productivity of hens of the Kuchinsky jubilee breed reaches 180 eggs per year.
  4. Yerevan breed of chickens was bred in Armenia by crossing local birds with hens of Rhode Island and New Hampshire breeds. Chickens have an average body weight (up to 3.5 kilograms) and egg production (160-180 eggs per year).
  5. Sussex- chickens silver gray with a fairly high egg production (up to 200 per year). Birds are also characterized by early puberty, but their incubation instinct is poorly developed.

Rice. 12. Common meat and egg breeds: 1 - Moscow black, 2 - Wyandot, 3 - Kuchinskaya, 4 - Yerevan, 5 - Sussex

Also at home, such chicken breeds for meat and eggs(Fig. 13):

  1. Zagorskaya salmon. It was bred in the middle of the last century in Russia. The color of the feathers is light brown. The advantages of birds are not only high egg production and meat quality, but also unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. Since the breed was bred specifically for climatic conditions In Russia, birds perfectly tolerate even the most severe frosts.
  2. Master Grey. Chickens of this breed grow quickly and gain weight, while maintaining high egg production (up to 300 eggs per year). Since the birds are large enough, they need to equip special roomy chicken coops and extensive ranges.
  3. Maran. Compared to other meat and egg breeds, Maran chickens are characterized by average egg production (up to 150 eggs), but the meat is characterized by high palatability. The main feature of the Maran breed chickens is mobility, so extensive walking is arranged for them.
  4. Bielefelder- productive meat and egg breed of chickens. The egg production of females practically does not decrease in winter time, and the weight of an adult chicken can exceed 4 kg. Bielefelder chickens are sensitive to drafts, so the house is insulated for the winter.
  5. Adler Silver. Laying hens of this breed bring large eggs and are highly productive. At the same time, they are also suitable for slaughtering for meat, as they quickly gain weight.
  6. Amrox. One of the most popular breeds of meat and egg productivity. Amrox chickens are characterized not only by high egg production (up to 200 eggs per year), but also by good meat quality and almost 100% hatching of young animals at home.

Rice. 13. Other popular meat and egg breeds of chickens: 1 - Zagorsk salmon, 2 - Master Gray, 3 - Maran, 4 - Bielefelder, 5 - Adler Silver, 6 - Amroks

It is worth noting that in different regions quite often they breed local breeds, which are distinguished not only by high quality meat, but also by good egg production. These breeds include Orpington, Yurlovskaya, Pervomaisky, Livenskaya breeds and Australorp, which have not been very common lately. A distinctive characteristic of these breeds is the rapid growth of young animals, whose weight at the age of ten days exceeds a kilogram. Learn more from the video useful information about the features of breeding and keeping chickens of meat and egg breeds on the example of the Amrox species.

A distinctive feature of chickens of meat breeds is their large size and more compact horizontal body (in comparison with chickens of egg breeds). Chickens have loose plumage, dense bones, short legs and a phlegmatic character.

Since the main direction of chickens is meat, their egg production is poorly developed, but the incubation instinct is well developed. Below are distinctive features the most common meat breeds of chickens, and in Figure 14 - the characteristic external features of birds of the meat direction of productivity.

  • Cornish

Birds of this breed are a cross between English fighting and Malay chickens. However, until the middle of the 20th century, Cornish chickens were not very common. This was due to the fact that birds have low egg production and a small mass of eggs, chickens hatch poorly and slowly fledge.

A selection was made which resulted in relatively high egg-laying hens with light brown shells.

Rice. 14. Meat breeds of chickens: 1 - Cornish, 2 - Brama, 3 - Cochinchin

Chickens are white in color, in addition, birds are distinguished by a large body weight (more than 4.5 kg for roosters, and about 3.5 kg for chickens).

It was the Cornish birds that were taken as the basis for many crosses intended for breeding broilers.

  • Brama

Chickens of the Brahma breed are outwardly different from others. They almost completely lack a crest, and have fluffy plumage on their legs. In addition, all roosters of this breed around the neck have a kind of collar made of feathers contrasting to the main color.

There are many subspecies of the breed, but their weight is approximately the same: up to 3.5 for hens and up to 4.5 for roosters.

  • Cochinchins

This is another fairly common meat breed of chickens. The live weight of birds reaches 5.5 kg in males and 4.5 kg in females. Chickens lay eggs with a light brown shell, and the color of feathers in Cochin chickens can be black, white, fawn, or even blue.

  • Faverolles

Birds of this breed gain weight very quickly and by the first year of life reach a mass of 3.5-4 kg. At the same time, their egg production is quite high for the meat direction: up to 160 eggs per year. The appearance of the Faverolles chickens can be seen in Figure 15.

Rice. 15. Faverolle chickens

Additionally, dwarf chickens of the Faverolle breed were bred, the weight of which does not exceed 1 kg, but the egg production is significantly higher and practically does not decrease in winter.

The video provides detailed information on the breeding and keeping of Brahma meat breed chickens.

Sports and decorative breeds of chickens

In addition to the breeds described above, some household plots also breed sports and ornamental birds.

The most famous sport breeds of chickens include(Fig. 16):

  • English fighting are the most common chickens. Birds have a very peculiar appearance: a head with a wide forehead and a small crest, a sheer neck, dense plumage, long and strong legs. In addition to a strong physique, the birds have a very aggressive character and legs devoid of feathers. Egg production is low (about 100 eggs per year), but English fighting chickens are very often used for crossing with meat breeds to improve body strength and greater development of the pectoral muscles.
  • Kulangi most common in Uzbekistan. The color of the feathers can be brown, black or red. The weight of roosters can exceed 4 kg, and hens - 3 kg.

Rice. 16. Sports and decorative breeds of chickens: 1 - English fighting, 2 - kulangi, 3 - bantams, 4 - shabo

Ornamental chickens in household plots are often bred for aesthetic purposes. Birds can be much smaller standard size, have a long tail (or no tail at all) or have unusual plumage.

The most famous decorative breeds of chickens are(Fig. 10):

  • bantams are the most common ornamental chickens, since this breed includes many subspecies of pygmy birds. The first group includes directly bentamok, and the second - dwarf copies of other breeds (langshans, cochinchins). Birds are characterized by low egg production (up to 100 eggs per year), and body weight does not exceed a kilogram.
  • Shabo- a dwarf breed of chickens, which is often bred for decorative purposes. Feathers can be white, yellow, porcelain or calico. The mass of adult roosters reaches only 600 grams, and hens - 500 grams.

One of the most famous decorative breeds of chickens is also considered Pavlovskaya (Fig. 17). Such birds are not bred for meat and eggs, since the weight of an adult rarely exceeds one and a half kilograms, and laying hens bring only about 80 eggs per year. Pavlovian chickens have a very beautiful unusual golden brown color and a large crest on the head. In terms of content, Pavlovsk chickens are very demanding: they cannot be kept in cages, and the range must be spacious.

Rice. 17. Chickens of Pavlovskaya breed

More useful information about chicken breeds is given in the video. You will learn how to properly care for birds and keep them for profit.
