Chickens are birds from a number of galliformes, the pheasant family. The domestic chicken we know probably comes from a wild Asian ancestor, the bank chicken. Experts called different periods domestication of chickens: approximately 2000 BC e., 3200 BC. e. and even 6000-8000 years BC. e. The original territory was also called various areas: India, Southeast Asia and China, etc.

It appears that chickens first made their way to the Middle East and Ancient Egypt. With the beginning of antiquity, chickens began to be bred in Greece. From there, the birds spread throughout Europe. Today it is one of the most common types of pets. Chickens are bred for meat and eggs, as well as feathers and down. Conventionally, breeds of chickens are divided into egg, meat and meat-and-egg. A chicken is capable of laying over 300 eggs a year, that is, an egg almost every day. This is a very high egg production, considering that wild bank junglefowl lay only about twenty eggs a year.

Today, there are a large number of different breeds of chickens in appearance and size, and some of them are on the verge of extinction. Here are unusual and rare breeds of chickens.


Silkies or silky chickens are known for their docile, calm and friendly temperament. This unique breed is named for its amazing plumage that feels like silk to the touch. In addition to their silky plumage, the breed has a few other strange properties such as dark blue skin and bones, as well as five toes on each foot, unlike most breeds which only have four. The exact origin of these strange chickens remains largely a mystery, but ancient China is the most likely point of origin.


The phoenix rooster has a super long tail from 3 to 11 meters. They can be of various colors: black with red, black with silver, black with gold and white. It is a very rare species that does not tolerate cold climates and is difficult to care for, primarily due to its very long tail.

Polish crested

The Polish Crested is a European breed, possibly originating in the Netherlands, where traces of it can be traced. This strange breed is easy to distinguish by a thin crest and a fluffy hat (tuft) of feathers. Polish chickens come in a variety of colors and are bred primarily as ornamental birds. Their tufts prevent them from seeing well, making them more susceptible to predators (such as foxes and hawks).


Crevecoeur is an elite and rare breed of chicken from France, named after the city of Crèvecoeur in Normandy. These odd chickens are one of the oldest French chicken breeds and are typically used in bird shows. They are medium in size and do not lay eggs very often. Most often kreveker is black, less often blue, white or pockmarked.


Araucan is a breed of chickens originating from Chile. The hen is unusual in that it lays colored eggs (turquoise, blue color), which are often called Easter. And the araucana does not have a tail, and in some standards they are specially cut off. This is a rare breed that is difficult to breed, many chickens die while still in the egg.


Sultanka is a rare Turkish breed, which is easily distinguished by a lush tuft and beard, as well as abundant leg plumage. Like the Silky, this is one of the few breeds that has five toes on each foot. Sultans come in three types, black, blue and white, the latter being the most popular. They are obedient, calm and friendly animals, although they require a little more care than ordinary breeds of chickens.


The Polverara is an ancient crested breed from the small town of Polverara in the province of Padua in northeastern Italy. They attract breeders not only delicious meat and a large number of eggs, but also an unusual crest structure and a small tuft. The breed almost disappeared in the early 1900s and again in 2000. Today there are two varieties, black and white.

Bare-necked chickens

The breed comes from Transylvania, therefore, another common name Transylvanian chickens. Sometimes, they are mistakenly considered a hybrid between a chicken and a turkey. The unusual appearance of the breed is controlled by a dominant gene. Despite the strange appearance, they are not bred for exhibitions. They are kept mainly for the eggs. The average egg production is 180 eggs in the first year and 150 in the second.

naked chickens

Also known as featherless chickens. This strange breed was created by a team of researchers led by Avigdor Kahener, a geneticist at the Rehovot Institute of Agronomy near Tel Aviv, Israel. The red-skinned chicken was created by crossing a natural breed of "naked" chicken with a conventional broiler. Due to the complete absence of feathers, these chickens grow faster with less food. In addition, they do not require feather plucking, a process that often pollutes the environment.

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The task of modern egg poultry farming is to satisfy the population's need for food, and specifically for eggs. Breeds of laying hens play a decisive role in this matter. The high productivity of poultry allows reaching new volumes in egg production. Breeders are working to ensure that new breeds of laying hens not only have high egg production, but also produce better quality eggs.

A bit of history

The lively temperament makes the bird be in constant motion in search of food, pebbles or insects. Early maturation, fast acclimatization, endurance - these qualities make leggorns attractive for breeding in private households. The highest egg production is observed in the first year, then it falls.

There are also brown leghorns that produce dark colored eggs. Recently, consumers prefer eggs with such a shell. Compared to white leghorns, brown ones acclimatize much worse. The bird is demanding on the conditions of keeping and feeding.

Leghorn chickens are used both in the industrial production of eggs and for home keeping. In private farms, they are famous for their improving qualities for local chickens.


Highsec laying hens are also not deprived of the attention of poultry farmers. Excellent adaptability to new conditions and resistance to many diseases, along with an excellent ratio of feed costs to the amount of production received, contributes to the wide distribution of this bird.

The breed was bred in Holland in 1970. If we take into account the parameters of official livestock breeding, then highsec is a leghorn hybrid.

Through the efforts of breeders, two varieties were created: highsec white and highsec brown laying hens. The first hybrid has white plumage, the second has brown. This is a "gift" from New Hampshire chickens that were used by breeders. Laying hens of the Highsec Brown breed have higher productivity.

Highsec white

chickens small size, with light bones. Outwardly, they are very similar to leghorn chickens. Distinctive feature of all birds is the presence of a chic crest. Its size does not allow it to maintain a vertical position, and it coquettishly hangs to one side.

Another one characteristic- silky, very pleasant to the touch plumage. Despite an active lifestyle, the character of the bird is quite balanced.

Highsec white laying hens have the following indicators:

  • egg production - up to 280 eggs per year;
  • egg weight - up to 65 grams (sometimes the value reaches 90 grams);
  • hatchability of chickens - up to 95%;
  • egg color - white;
  • features - endure infectious, helminthic and fungal diseases;
  • chicken weight - up to 1.8 kg;
  • cock weight - 2.0 kg;
  • temperament - calm;
  • productivity - egg.

Hens require good conditions content, they need mineral supplements. Any violation of zootechnical standards of maintenance immediately affects their productivity. Especially sharply they react to deterioration of feeding.

Hisek brown

For any breeder involved in the development of a new cross, productivity comes first. Highsec Brown has a narrower specialization than a white hybrid, respectively, better egg production. They have the same disease resistance as white highsec. The plumage color of the bird is brown, sometimes the tips of the feathers are painted white.

Laying hens of the Highsec Brown breed have the following indicators:

  • egg production - up to 315 eggs per year;
  • egg weight - up to 70 grams;
  • hatchability of chickens - up to 99%;
  • egg color - red;
  • features - hardy, sensitive to temperature changes (with an increase, feed consumption decreases, this does not affect productivity);
  • chicken weight - up to 2.0 kg;
  • cock weight - 2.6 kg;
  • incubation - the instinct is poorly expressed;
  • temperament - phlegmatic;

broken brown

Breeders in Germany set themselves the task of bringing out a cross that does not depend on the conditions of detention. The original breeds were Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island. Individuals of the first generation interbred with each other.

The paternal hybrids were carriers of the color gene. The offspring had a brown color interspersed with black feathers on the tips of the wings and tail. On the mother's side, the hens had white feathers. The plumage of the broken brown cross has a reddish-brown color.

Laying hens of the broken brown breed are characterized by the following indicators:

  • egg production - up to 320 eggs per year;
  • egg weight - up to 65 grams;
  • hatchability of chickens - up to 98%;
  • egg color - brown;
  • features - unpretentious content;
  • chicken weight - up to 2.0 kg;
  • cock weight - 3.5 kg;
  • incubation - the instinct is poorly expressed;
  • temperament - calm;
  • productivity - egg and meat.

Chickens start laying eggs at 21 weeks of age. Peak egg production occurs at 26-30 weeks. From one laying hen of the broken brown breed, up to 320 eggs of excellent quality are obtained. At the very beginning of laying, the eggs are smaller, then they reach their average size of 63-65 grams.

After 80 weeks, egg production drops sharply, therefore, further maintenance of the bird to obtain eggs is unprofitable. It is advisable to score it on the meat. From each individual, you can get a carcass weighing up to 2 kg, meat of excellent quality.

Unpretentiousness in content makes this breed very popular. Variety climatic conditions have no effect on bird performance. But any violation in nutrition (norm, frequency of feeding, volume, balance of feed) entails a sharp decline productivity. The nutrition of chickens and adult laying hens differs in composition and norm.

It will not work to get highly productive offspring from such chickens in a private household. The best qualities of the breed are reproduced only with selective breeding. It is recommended to purchase chickens of this breed at poultry farms. In a spontaneous market, a purchase can turn into a disappointment. It is very difficult to distinguish by eye a broken brown chicken from an ordinary laying hen, similar to it in plumage color.

Breeds for home breeding

Which breed of laying hens is better, each owner of the yard decides for himself. Of course, it is more profitable to keep chickens that can produce a lot of eggs. The second type of product is meat. It is desirable that the chicken carcass has a decent weight and good taste.

Depending on the purpose, a breed is chosen for breeding and maintenance. Selection criteria can be:

  • the availability of the breed;
  • specialization (meat, eggs);
  • productivity;
  • disease resistance;
  • ability to acclimatize;
  • the possibility of using local feed;
  • presence of a market.

For commercial egg production, the Leghorn is the best breed. In the first year, they give maximum egg production, later it begins to decline. At the age of one year, the bird is slaughtered and the herd is renewed. This allows you to maintain the production of eggs at a consistently high level, and meat provides additional profit.

Laying hens of the Leghorn breed tolerate cage content well, which is an additional plus when choosing a breed.

In addition, Leghorn roosters can be used to improve local chickens. The productivity of the first generation, due to the phenomenon of heterosis, will differ significantly from the parent breed in increased egg production.

Breeds of domestic laying hens of combined specialization are in especially high demand. Of the above, the Broken Brown breed is most suitable for keeping in a private household. With high egg production rates, the bird is able to produce a meat carcass of decent weight with excellent taste.

They perfectly adapt to the cellular content, but require strict adherence to the norms and diet of feeding. Another nuance is that in a private economy it is impossible to obtain high-quality offspring in a natural way. To update the livestock, you will have to contact the poultry farms.

Many amateur poultry farmers select breeds according to one more criterion - plumage color. They find it very aesthetic sight when snow-white laying hens walk around the yard. White breeds are numerous and varied. In addition to the representatives already listed, breeds can be noted:

  • Russian white: productivity - 255 eggs weighing up to 62 grams;
  • alstein (white): egg production - up to 200 pieces, egg weight - up to 64 grams.
  • tetra (white): egg production - 310 eggs, weight 67 grams;
  • shaver white: amazing productivity - 405 eggs weighing 62 grams (these are averages);
  • high-line, egg production reaches 350 eggs, weight up to 65 grams;
  • isobraun, egg production - up to 320 eggs, weight up to 63 grams

It has been noticed that the breeds of laying hens with white plumage differ from their comrades in terms of productivity, they have higher productivity and larger eggs. This is one of the main reasons why geneticists around the world treat the gene pool of these birds so carefully.

In private farms, such chickens will be invaluable material for obtaining highly productive poultry, regardless of whether they are bred "clean" or used as an improving breed.

Prospects for poultry farming

The growing need of the world's population for food remains the most powerful incentive to continue breeding work. Modern breeds of the egg direction are capable of producing more than 200 eggs in the first year of life. Such successes have been achieved since the twenties of the last century, when, in fact, the purposeful breeding of chickens for productive specialization began.

During this time, more than a hundred breeds of chickens for egg, meat, decorative or universal purposes have been bred. Today, geneticists are faced with the task of not only maintaining the high egg production of chickens, but also ensuring the quality of the product itself. Pay attention to:

  • shell strength;
  • egg composition;
  • egg weight.

New technologies for keeping poultry are being developed. Work is underway to optimize the composition of feed for laying hens. This will allow you to get eggs with the specified parameters for the qualitative and quantitative content of certain nutrients.

Despite the variety of breeds, breeders around the world continue to work on the development of new lines and crosses. Particular emphasis is placed on crosses. It has long been known that if we compare a purebred bird and a cross-breed, then the second is preferable.

Crosses are more resilient, enduring, easier to adapt to new conditions, resistant to diseases and have higher productivity. They are used in industrial poultry farming, regardless of the type of product obtained - eggs or meat.

A bird that has been close to humans since ancient times and has undergone a huge number of selection changes over the centuries. Chicken, without it it is impossible to imagine a modern farm. And no cuisine in the world can do without eggs and meat.

Selection directions

Over many years of work in breeding technology, three main directions have been developed:

  1. Meat. Mainly used for and . But there are also purely farm breeds.
  2. Egg-laying. The main breeds were bred for large poultry farms.
  3. The main bird of the farm.
    In addition, there is also the direction of decorative birds.

meat breeds

Most birds of the broiler breed and simply large ones are presented in the weight category of more than 4 kg for a rooster and 3 kg for a chicken. Although some species reach a weight of up to 10 kg. Let's take a look at some typical breeds.

The proud bird Brahma has an excellent posture, with a pronounced collar and furry paws. Calm and accommodating chicken. For meat - it has good egg production - up to 120 eggs. Distributed throughout the world and was the ancestor of many breeds and crosses.


Faverolle, one of the most decorative birds. It has a slightly elongated body, a dense neck and a raised tail. With a powerful beak, a raised fifth finger characteristic of the breed and a flattened head. Lush, greyish plumage. From meat it gets an excellent broth, which is difficult to confuse in taste with another breed.


The Cochin is an old stable breed. With good genetics, it is very resistant to climatic changes in temperature - it is able to rush even in winter. It looks like a massive squat bird with a wide chest and back. Short and strong legs. Abundant plumage.


The Belgian guest Mechelen cuckoo in plumage color really resembles its forest namesake. At the same time, he has a calm, balanced disposition. In terms of egg production, it may well compete with meat and egg breeds. But the taste of meat with her, few can compete. It is not for nothing that in Belgium it is the basis for Mechelen cuisine.

Mechelen cuckoo

The Jersey Giant really lives up to its name. Within 5 months, the cockerel reaches almost 6 kg of weight, and the hen 3.5 kg. The taste of the meat is just amazing. For more than 5 months, the bird can no longer be kept. Further growth does not justify the spent feed.

jersey giant

egg breeds

The chicken egg is one of the most popular food items and it is only natural that breeders pay special attention to these breeds. There is a constant struggle to increase egg production with minimal feed costs. Among the popular ones are chickens of the egg direction.

The most popular leghorn in the world is the personification of how a chicken should look. Originally from Italy, a snow-white bird with a wedge-shaped body, a thin long neck, a curved back, a convex chest and large wings, has become an adornment of many courtyards. Unpretentious in content. It is capable of laying up to 300 eggs, which is not uncommon for factories, but is a little more modest in households.


One of the most successful breeds in Russia, Moscow by registration and Orlovskaya by ancestors - Kuchinaskie, has been registered on Russian farms for more than 100 years. The bird is perfectly adapted to the climate middle lane Russia is painted in golden hues, with black frames on the tail. Today, it is mainly represented by a subspecies - the Kuchin Yubileinaya. The norm of egg production is 200-250 pieces of light brown eggs.


High-quality domestic allows you to get up to 300 eggs. The hen is able to rush already for 4 months, which is considered not a bad result for modern breeds. The productive age is 1.5 years, but with a special approach it can be extended for another year and a half. For medium-sized farms, a very cost-effective bird.


Hayes - the most common. Reviews from owners are the highest. Small, white or brown, hens have excellent health and, if properly maintained, will delight with abundant egg production for 2-3 years. In this case, the eggs are quite large - up to 65 grams. There is only one drawback, through without a repair flock, after several generations, the bird degenerates.


But the greatest success is achieved when creating crosses. This is the name of a bird obtained as a result of crossing various breeds, which has high productive qualities. Unfortunately, crosses do not pass on their characteristics to offspring. Currently, crosses of the egg direction are most widely used.

Breeders consider it a successful cross. Having appeared recently, she managed to win the hearts of many poultry farmers. A small hen with a pronounced muscle mass and downy plumage, capable of carrying up to 320 brown eggs. At the same time, he has excellent health.

Czech Dominant

Loman browns are distinguished by a strong physique. Calm, docile bird. Excellent for cage keeping in poultry farms, but it also takes root well in households. Subject to the conditions of keeping laying hens, 310-320 eggs are produced per year, weighing approximately 63-64 g. Small farms love them for their precocity - by day 180, it already produces the maximum number of eggs. Which is convenient for seasonal content.

broken brown

Universal breeds

If we talk about private courtyards and small farms, then of course the bird of a universal nature is more popular.

The Jersey Giant lives up to its name without any doubt. At exhibitions there are roosters weighing up to 10 kg. A real decoration of the household yard. The black hen is about 1.5 kg smaller, but has good egg-laying qualities. Gives up to 180 eggs. It remains an excellent mother and the breed can be bred without an incubator.

jersey giant

One of the best for home breeding. Good egg production from 160 to 180 eggs, excellent hatching instinct, phlegmatic character and many ornamental subspecies. Outwardly, it resembles a fluffy cube slowly walking around the yard.


The young domestic breed Hercules combines early maturity with good egg production and quality meat. A calm, good-natured bird suitable for walking on small farms. Unfortunately, at home breeding the bird needs a genetic update in 3-4 years.


It carries truly golden eggs, the mass reaches 85 grams. At exhibitions, eggs up to 100 g are presented, which is already hardly presented as chicken. Egg production is not the largest, but it is a large carcass, exquisite in taste. This chicken is a real decoration of the yard.


Adler silver, despite its southern origin, perfectly tolerates Russian winters. Not a whimsical bird in the yard, it can please for a long time with its ability to rush. Such a laying hen retains its qualities up to 4 years, and often longer. But if they are kept for fattening, then by the age of one year the cockerel will already reach 4 kg of weight, and the female carcass will be about 2.5 kg. The meat has good taste.

Adler silver

Amrox business German breed. Has very strong stable genetics. Independent distribution was not significant, but as the ancestor of many crosses it is very popular. Therefore, breeders carefully maintain this breed in the purity of lines.


Popular for its stability. According to all characteristics, it corresponds to modern signs of meat and egg. They tolerate content in the northern regions and are not demanding on nutritional conditions. The carcass has a good presentation.


Another calm, business-like German breed is the Bielefelder. The chicken will not fight even because of the feed, they eat busily in turn. At the same time, they have good commercial performance. They quickly gain weight, start laying early enough, and have a low incidence rate. A worthy bird for an idealistic farm.


Breeds of broiler chickens are well represented by the "fox chicken", which received such a name for its color. Sometimes Foxy Chick is also called Red Broiler. The speed of weight gain and ease of maintenance and almost 100% survival of chickens makes keeping these birds very cost-effective. In addition, she has a decent egg production - 260-300 eggs is quite an achievable result for her.

foxy chick

The Moscow black bird has gained popularity among farmers and summer residents of central Russia. Well adapted to the conditions of keeping the middle lane, unpretentious in maintenance, feed and with good genetics, the bird is a worthy option for small farms.

Moscow black

The American-born Plymouth Rock has all the good qualities. Egg production 160-190 eggs. Egg weight on average 58 g are laid from 6 months. The weight of a rooster carcass is about 4 kg, chicken is 1 kg less. The survival rate of chickens is 96%. The hatching instinct is good.


Interesting breed. Popular in Austria, Hungary and southern Russia. A characteristic feature is the absence of plumage on the neck. The meat tastes like a turkey, only more tender and juicier. Egg production is about 180 eggs. The survival rate of young animals is 94%. They are not whimsical in nutrition and maintenance.


Master gray can be attributed to cross universal birds. One of the most mysterious origin crosses. The selection belongs to the Hubbard company and its origin is not disclosed. At the same time, it has excellent egg-laying qualities - up to 300 pieces and at the same time has tender, tasty meat. Although it is impossible to breed it on its own, the breed is still very popular among domestic farmsteads. Especially for seasonal content. After all, she begins to rush for 4 months.

master gray

decorative bird

Naturally, bird lovers could not bypass the chicken with their attention and not bring out breeds of aesthetic interest.

The chicken comes from the ancient village of Pavlovo, Nizhny Novgorod province, as if made by ancient masters of jewelry. Golden-spotted and silver-spotted birds really have a very decorative look and can serve as a real decoration of the yard. Not large in size, only 1.4 kg, the hen lays fairly high-quality white eggs and are good hens. But it does not tolerate cellular content. Roosters, although small, are very pugnacious.

Pavlovskaya breed

The English legbar guest may not be classified as an ornamental breed in the full sense of the concept, but her eggs are really unusual. There are not many breeds capable of laying colored eggs. In this case, we have a pronounced blue color, sometimes light green. But she is very capricious to low temperatures, almost instantly stops rushing.


Another Englishwoman with blue eggs is the Araucan. Devoid of a tail, but with a beard and sideburns, the bird can please any yard with its appearance. The chicken is quite demanding in nutrition and they need to be given a large amount of minerals. It tolerates cellular content well.


Wyandot, an American by birth, is more often kept because of her decorative qualities. At the same time, it has not a bad egg production and not a bad carcass. And yet, decorative qualities prevail when choosing this breed - 28 plumage options for a dwarf breed and 15 for an ordinary one. Rich plumage on a strong body, a small head with an original crest and a prominent forehead. Not a big tail. It lives well in open-air cages, but it can spend the winter in a cage.

Ayam tsemani

It is impossible to provide a complete catalog of all breeds of chicken in the format of an article; this will require a multi-volume encyclopedia.

The beginning of chicken breeding came at a time ancient egypt and work continues to this day. The goal is to breed birds with certain decorative qualities or productive indicators. The difference between breeds of chickens from each other in a common origin, a set of certain traits that are inherited by offspring.

Description of bird breeds will allow you to choose the best species based on the purposes of breeding and the conditions of its maintenance. For example, egg breeds will be ideal for obtaining eggs. The maximum meat yield can be obtained if broilers are grown or. For personal consumption, when you need meat and an egg, you should choose a breed of meat and egg type.

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Meat breeds of chickens

Only meat breeds provide the maximum yield of chicken meat. Such birds have a low egg production rate, they are large. This species is balanced in character, behaves calmly, without showing aggression. Many chickens of meat breeds can hatch offspring.

They are often found not only in household plots, but also on poultry farms. Birds are characterized by calm behavior. The egg production of these chickens is 120-160 eggs. Cornish and his crosses go to masonry at 6 months. The Cornish rooster gains up to 5 kg, the chicken is less - 3.2-4 kg. Chickens of this breed are often used as a hen.


The breed has a long history, originally from China. Breeders used them to improve the characteristics of Russian outbred chickens. Langshans have become rare, as young animals are characterized by an average indicator of viability. The maximum weight that chickens increase is up to 3.5 kg, the rooster is half a kilo heavier. For a year, one adult chicken carries up to 120 eggs, each weighing 60 grams.


The breed is also known as Shanghai chickens. An adult chicken increases its mass by 3.5-4 kg, a rooster is 1 kg more. One hen produces hundreds of eggs per season.

They are distinguished by a high yield of marketable meat - up to 6 kg! These birds have high decorative qualities - their legs are in unusual plumage. By nature, Brahma is calm, quickly attached to people.

Chickens of meat and dairy breeds

It is customary to refer breeds of meat and egg chickens to universal ones. Laying hens give a lot of eggs and grow enough meat. Basically, such breeds are found in poultry farmers in the courtyard. Chickens start laying eggs from 6 months, each bird produces about 200 eggs per year. Meat-egg birds require more food than egg breeds, but they eat less compared to meat breeds.

Almost any feed mixture is suitable for them, they adapt to different conditions of detention. If the feed becomes scarce or insufficient, this affects egg production. The names of the breeds below are only a part of all existing ones.

They carry 280 - 300 eggs per year, each weighing 60 grams. This . The disadvantage of this breed is the short period of egg production: a maximum of 80 weeks, while hens of other breeds lay eggs for 140 days more. In the future, at the poultry farm, such a population is considered old and discarded.

The breed has good productivity, their appearance is decorative. The weight of chickens is up to 2.5 kg, the roosters “work up” up to 3.2 kg. A hen lays up to 180 eggs annually.

With their decorative effect, they are distinguished by productivity. The chicken is gaining weight about 1.8 kg, the roosters “work up” 2.7 kg of meat. A hen lays 150 eggs per year.

Completely unpretentious, rarely get sick. The hen lays 170-200 large eggs. The rooster grows up to 3.7 kg, the chicken gains up to 2.6 kg of weight. Due to weak maternal instinct These birds do not incubate offspring.

New Hampshire

california grays

They behave calmly in the poultry house. The weight of females is about 2.5 kg, and males are larger by a kilogram. The egg production rate is high - 200-240 eggs, each weighs approximately 58 grams.

They stand out for their variegated color, their behavior is measured. The offspring of the breed is very viable, does not require special conditions. A rooster weighs up to 4.3 kg, an adult chicken is 1.5 kg lighter. For a year, an adult lays about two hundred eggs.

Ideal for breeding in private backyards. The plumage of such chickens is red, fawn or white. Chickens are not large, about 2.7 kg, roosters grow larger - up to 3 kg. One adult hen lays 180 eggs per year.

Breed Rhode Island

Large with dark red plumage. Birds high performance meat output. Roosters grow up to 3.8 kg, and chickens are half a kilo smaller. The annual laying of this breed is 180-210 eggs. The first egg is laid by the hen at the age of six months.

Kuchinsky anniversary

Often found in the backyard of lovers. The rooster grows up to 4 kg, and the chicken weighs a kilogram less. The hen goes to laying at the age of 150 days, she lays 170-220 eggs per year. This is one of the best indicators of productivity among breeds belonging to the type of meat and egg.


They attract attention with their bright plumage, while the birds are shy and show caution. By adult age, a chicken “works up” up to 2.5 kg, the weight of roosters does not exceed 4.5 kg. One individual lays up to 220 eggs. Birds are ready for laying already at the age of six months.

If you need to get from a chicken, you need to choose the appropriate breed. They are selected for keeping in poultry farms, recommended for growing in the backyard.

Laying hens are active in movements, light, with dense plumage, due to which they can fly. 4-5-month-old chickens increase 75% of the mass of an adult, begin laying eggs.

The instinct of motherhood in this breed is poorly developed, due to long selection.

Egg breeds need more food, because the body requires regular feeding. Each hen incubates one egg every 25 hours.

The names of the breeds of egg chickens that have become the most popular: Russian White, different types Leggorny, Minorca, recommend Andalusian blue, Hamburg, Italian partridge has shown itself well.

Grown in poultry farms, on a personal farmstead. The chicken is not large, weighs 1.8-2 kg, the rooster is about 0.8-1 kg more. One laying hen lays 200-205 eggs per season (there were cases when a hen laid more than 300 eggs).

They are considered the most productive among egg birds. A representative of this breed set a kind of record - 365 pieces were demolished in a year. At the same time, a chicken of light weight, about 2 kg, is about a pound heavier than roosters. The hen lays her first egg at 18 weeks of age.


They are used as a genetic reserve, they are not bred in poultry farms. The reason is that these birds do not tolerate high humidity and cold, although they are not demanding. An adult chicken weighs up to 2.5 kg, a rooster is half a kilo heavier. For a year, one chicken Minorca lays 170-200 eggs, 60 grams each.

Outwardly similar to Minorcas, only more slender, higher egg production. The clutch per year for a bird is about 220 eggs, weighing 63 grams. But as hens, these hens are not suitable, since the offspring almost do not incubate. The weight of a chicken of this breed is about 3.5 kg, the rooster grows up to 4.5 kg.

They are often referred to as brown leghorn. The bird differs in average weight, about 1.5-2 kg, the rooster is 0.5-1 kg heavier. In the season, one chicken lays 180-240 eggs, sits on the masonry after 150 days.

Small, but have decorative qualities and good egg production. For a year, you can get up to 200-220 eggs from one individual. The Hamburg bird is not used as a mother hen. An adult chicken weighs 1.5-1.7 kg, and males are slightly larger.

Fighting breeds of chickens

Fighting breeds of chickens have the longest history. These birds have a strong physique, they are distinguished by endurance, strength. At the same time, the sizes of fighting species can be different - from dwarf to large (weight from 0.5 kg to 7 kg). Such birds are characterized by aggressive temperament, loose plumage. Birds need to be kept warm.


They are representatives of an ancient fighting breed. In Asian countries, kulangs were selected under harsh conditions, leaving aggressive, hardy roosters with a strong constitution for breeding.

Belgian fighting

Hardy, high fertility. On average, a chicken of this breed “works up” up to 4 kg of weight, as in other breeds, Belgian roosters are larger than chickens, about 4.5-5.5 kg.

The oldest breed and includes several subspecies. These are aggressive birds, roosters even attack their owners. An adult rooster gains 2-2.5 kg of weight, a chicken is 1 kg less.

Uzbek fighting

The breed is larger in size: a rooster weighs 2 times more than a chicken (7 kg versus 3.5 kg). A chicken lays 100-120 large eggs per year.

Moscow fighting breed

It also gives eggs - one adult chicken carries 100-120 eggs. Laying hens grow up to 3 kg, the weight of roosters is twice as much. Birds of the Moscow fighting breed are often exhibited at battles.

They have a good temperament. These are really small birds - roosters weigh about 0.6 kg, and chickens 0.5 kg. Despite the small weight, this breed is considered to be a fighting one, since aggressive birds show themselves well in battles.

Indian fighting

This breed has a sassy personality. They are large: 5 kg roosters and 3-3.5 kg hens. The same breed is bred for meat.

The previously named fighting chickens are only a small part of a large list of birds.

Decorative breeds of chickens

Birds classified as ornamental breeds have an extraordinary appearance, while the productivity indicator becomes secondary.


They are quite small, but very beautiful. These chickens are kept only for decorative purposes. The plumage differs in color - it can be walnut, black, chintz, etc. Birds are very active and energetic. In a year, bantams carry only 45-70 eggs, but they show themselves to be good hens. Bantams weigh 0.7-1.2 kg.

Seabright breed

The bird is small, with a rounded body, fan-shaped tail. Carries small eggs in small quantities - 60-90 pieces. The weight of the chicken is 0.4-0.45 kg, the rooster is 50 grams more.

Paduan breed

These birds appeared as a result of the selection work of English specialists. With high decorative qualities, paduan hens are characterized by a good indicator of productivity. An adult hen lays 120 eggs per year. Chicken weight 1.7-2 kg, rooster - 2-2.5 kg.

Attire with decorativeness, these birds are very productive. Basically, these chickens can be found in a personal compound, as they require special conditions of detention.

The exotic appearance of the bird makes it memorable. Her feathers are twisted into unusual curls. But the most beautiful chickens of this breed, they are funny and funny. Due to the curly feathers, these chickens are completely unable to fly.

Often found decorative breed, bred by Japanese breeders. Birds have white and yellow plumage, but can be striped, speckled and even with silver stripes. The appearance of these chickens makes them unusual.

The list of decorative breeds of chickens is longer, but some of them belong to meat or meat and egg breeds.

Rare breeds of chickens

With all the variety of chickens, some of them are rare, because their numbers are small. The limited number of such chickens is due to low productivity or the difficulties of keeping and feeding.


Chickens of this breed have ancient history. They are also classified as ornamental breeds, although they also have good egg production. The arakuana egg has a bluish tint to the shell. It is interesting that these birds are completely devoid of the instinct to hatch offspring.

Hens of Breda

This bird is the result of the work of Dutch breeders, it is extremely rare. Chickens are distinguished by different plumage colors - they are black, with white plumage, and even blue or silver.

Despite their rarity, gudans are of the meat type in terms of productivity. Chickens have an active temperament and they have a peculiar appearance. A crest rises on the head of a gudan round shape, the backbone of the bird is strong, the muscles are strong. A lush beard flaunts under the beak. Gudan meat is tender and tasty. The chicken grows up to 2.5 kg, the roosters are slightly heavier - up to 3 kg. One laying hen lays 130-160 eggs.

This breed appeared in Germany when it was bred in 1869. The bird has a calm temperament, but is demanding on the content. This has led to their rarity. An adult lays 80-100 eggs per year, grows up to 1-1.5 kg, while a rooster weighs a little more - up to 2 kg.

Good productivity is a distinctive characteristic of this breed. This bird is rare due to the hot and dry climate shown for it. The first egg of the Fayumi hen lays as early as 4 months of age. It is small in size: the weight of the female is 1.6 kg, a rooster is half a kilo heavier. Birds of this breed proved to be good hens.

Attention, only TODAY!


Ancestors of modern domestic chicken is an Asian banking tribe of wild chickens. Today decorative types chickens are popular at exhibitions all over the world. Rare breeds of chickens have long been an independent direction in poultry farming. This article describes the advantages and benefits of unique and rare individuals.

Ga Dong Tao

Ga Dong Tao

This rare and wonderful bird is also called "Elephant Chickens". The breed belongs to meat and decorative. The individual was bred as a fighting species. The bird strikes with its impressive gigantic size. The weight of a rooster reaches 6-7 kg, and for hens - 4.5-5.5 kg.

Individuals are characterized by such signs:

  • the body is large and rough;
  • the scallop has a nut-like shape;
  • short wings, lie tightly on the body;
  • feathers have a rigid structure and there are few of them;
  • the color of the pen is white, black, wheaten, etc.;
  • the tarsi are unusually massive, the toes are short and underdeveloped.

In fact, thick and painful-looking paws do not cause any problems for the bird at all.

Ayam Tsemani

Ayam tsemani

Chickens of this breed are characterized by a unique black color. In addition to feathers, the legs, comb and even the skin are painted black.

Main characteristics:

  • large comb;
  • black, small eyes;
  • wings are pressed tightly to the body;
  • in cockerels, the tail is lush and high;
  • legs are black and long.

The bird is a representative of the egg breed.


Males have oversized tail plumage from 3 to 11 meters. The individual is represented by the most different colors: black with red, with silver, with gold and white.

This species is very rare. The bird does not tolerate difficult and cold weather conditions. Also, representatives of the breed require careful care, especially because of the extraordinary tail. The individual represents the egg breed.

Chinese silk

Chinese silk

These chickens are of the egg type. Birds are characterized by:

  • lean, but strong, dense physique;
  • silky, long and soft feather covers, without a thick core and down;
  • the tail is relatively short;
  • a tuft shaped like a pompom;
  • skin, beak and scallop - dark shade;
  • eye color is usually black, dark brown;
  • the comb in hens is very small, in males it is nut-shaped.

In weight, a rooster can gain 2.5 kg, and a female - about 2.1 kg. Small eggs, about 35 gr., Quantity is 80-180 pcs. in year. The taste of meat and eggs are excellent. The carcass has lean meat with a thickened skin. Possible shades: black, blue, silver, red, yellow, etc.

Polish crested

Polish crested

This bird comes from the Netherlands, traces of these representatives are traced there. This amazing species can be recognized by the crest of a fine parameter and a lush feather crest. Females can be of different colors and keep them mainly as decorative birds. Individuals are representatives of the egg direction.

Dutch white-crested

dutch white-crested

These chickens are not very large - the live weight of a male individual reaches 2.5 kg, and chickens - no more than 2 kg. The main parameters of the individual:

  • compact, neat body;
  • there is no crest at all;
  • a lush tuft resembling a spherical cap;
  • red or red-brown eyes;
  • beak, legs of the same shade as the main plumage;
  • the male has a compressed and flat tail.

The bird has a white and "blue" feather cover. This species is an egg breed. Hens carry up to 140 eggs per year - weighing from 40 to 50 grams. The shell is white.

Westphalian Totleger

Westphalian Totleger

Features of cockerels:

  • dense physique with lush and bright feathers;
  • the wings are strongly pressed to the body;
  • beautiful tail plumage;
  • a small recumbent comb of red color;
  • small eyes, black or brown;
  • massive gray legs;

Chicken Characteristics:

  • the back is wide, located horizontally;
  • small tail;
  • small red comb.

The color of the bird is red or white. Individuals are characterized by bright pockmarked feathers. The average weight of males ranges from 1.5 to 2 kg. Layers in weight are up to 1.5 kg. Egg productivity - over 150 eggs per year. White shell, in weight reach up to 50 gr. Chickens are able to rush until death.



These chickens are distinguished by a rather high meat and egg productivity.

Characteristics of the individual:

  • tight body;
  • strongly pressed wings;
  • voluminous sternum;
  • upright, large comb;
  • eyes red or orange-red.

Representatives of the breed have black feathers around the neck and tail. Moreover, the rest of the body is white.


Mother hen Breda

Male features:

  • large, voluminous body, covered with long, thick feathers;
  • wings adjacent to the torso;
  • remarkably feathered tail;
  • wide sternum;
  • in place of the crest - a small tuft;
  • small and dark shades of eyes;
  • large and muscular legs.

Chicken Characteristics:

  • the back is wide, placed horizontally;
  • round chest;
  • the tail is erect with lush feathers.

Representatives of the species, in addition to good egg production, can also boast of excellent meat quality. The average weight of males varies from 2.5 to 3 kg. Females gain weight up to 2 kg. They bring up to 160 eggs per year. Shell white color, weight about 55-60 g. There is a certain similarity of this individual with chickens of the Moravian Black breed, originally from the Czech province of South Moravia.


Wyandot brown

These chickens smoothly migrate from the egg-meat look to the decorative one. They are divided into standard and dwarf species. Individuals tend to gain weight well, chickens rush well.

Representatives of the standard direction can gain weight from 3.0 to 3.8 kg, and dwarf ones - 0.9 and 1.2 kg. Birds of standard dimensions lay around 130-140 eggs weighing from 48 to 62 grams. Dwarf chickens carry up to 120 eggs per year weighing up to 52 grams.

Bird features:

  • the body is strong with chic feathers;
  • crest of the original type;
  • not very voluminous tail.

These individuals have over 15 types of plumage (in the dwarf breed - up to 28). There are also one-color chickens - black or white.

Bald Israeli

Bald Israeli chicken

female and male

This species of bird is relatively young, it was bred in 2011. The main feature of individuals is the skin is completely bald. The hens lay eggs well. Also, the individual is distinguished by a large and muscular body. The muscular mass of chickens is remarkably visible due to the absence of feathers.

These representatives of the meat direction with excellent performance should be bred only in regions with warm climatic conditions.



Individuals for meat and egg purposes. It is impossible not to highlight the unusually tasty meat of these chickens. They run great all year round. The young are growing rapidly. Eggs in weight reach 60-65 gr. The shell is chocolate brown. The weight of a live bird: for males - 3-3.5 kg, for hens - 2.5-2.8 kg.

Rooster features:

  • the body is voluminous and rounded;
  • massive sternum;
  • small dimensions and a simple comb;
  • eye color red-orange;
  • wings well pressed to the body;
  • high, fluffy tail.

Characteristics of chickens:

  • the body is low and full;
  • round and wide sternum;
  • wide open tail.

The bird has several colors of color - black, white, dark brown and with a double border. Double edging is characteristic only of barnevelders.


These are representatives of poultry. Individuals are characterized by the following features:

  • body of medium size;
  • feathers are fluffy and soft;
  • wings are almost invisible under the feather cover;
  • high but not long tail;
  • the sternum is wide;
  • large rose-shaped comb.

Chickens are distinguished by softer body shapes, large breasts, a voluminous belly and an upright, small tail. Able to lay eggs all year round. The total weight of males is 3.2 kg. Females are up to 2.3 kg of live weight. They are able to bring up to 180 eggs per year. The weight of the eggs is approximately 55 gr. The survival rate of an individual is 97%.

Icelandic Landrace

Icelandic Landrace

The bird has a small body volume. Characteristics of chickens:

  • high tail with dense feather cover;
  • the chest is wide;
  • the crest is straight and massive;
  • super thick feathers.

Hens perfectly rush even in special cold weather. The weight of the male is 3 kg. Females gain approximately 2.5 kg of live weight. They are able to bring up to 200 eggs per year. The hens continue to lay until old age. Egg weight - in the region of 55-60 gr. The survival rate of a bird in a harsh winter is 95-97%. The Kukhta breed of chickens has similar characteristics, in particular in terms of egg production.

Red-capped English


This bird belongs to the egg type of chickens. Notable advantages:

  • body of small size;
  • tightly lying wings;
  • high tail, with good plumage;
  • the sternum is wide;
  • comb of large size, pink in shape.

Hens are able to rush even in winter. The weight of the male varies from 2.5 to 3 kg. Females come in a weight of 2.5 kg. They lay 150 to 200 eggs per year. The eggs are quite large in size, their shells are white. Often their weight is over 60 grams. Chickens of a breed called Legrand are very similar to this species in terms of egg production and egg characteristics.

Appenzeller spitzhausen


In individuals of this breed, the original comb is pushed forward, like a cap on traditional robes in the Appenzellerland region. The individual belongs to the egg type of chickens.

Banking Jungle Chicken

Banking jungle hen: female and male

Cockerels are much more massive than females, they have a more diverse, variegated feather cover. Male characteristics:

  • a comb of large volumes, has the likeness of a red large growth.
  • voluminous earrings are placed below the beak;
  • "face" is completely naked.

The length of the cockerel is about 75 cm, and the females are no more than 46 cm. The male's head and body are crowned with red-orange feathers. The central part of the back and the brisket are purple-red. The feather processes of the tail and wings are black-green in color, in the light they have a green metallic overflow. In females, the color is not so bright, as a rule, one-color. Short feathers cover the body completely. They have almost invisible comb and earrings.

On a note

There are many varieties of chickens. And among them there are such rare representatives. Unfortunately, most of them are almost on the verge of complete extinction from the expanses of our planet. Which of these wonderful breeds to choose is up to you. Based on the information in the article, first decide what qualities of the bird you are interested in. Good luck choosing!

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